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0-15.4-5.7-15.4-14.4v-3.8h9.5v3.2c0 4.1 1.9 6.3 5.7 6.3 3.7 0 5.5-2.2 5.5-5.6 0-4.4-2.8-7.4-8.4-11.5-5.7-4.1-11.8-9.6-11.8-17.4 0-8 5.2-14.9 15.2-14.9 8.8 0 14.6 6 14.6 14.3v3.7h-9.4v-3.3c0-3.4-1.8-5.9-5.3-5.9-3 0-5 1.9-5 5 0 4.7 2.8 7.1 8.9 11.6 6.6 4.9 11.3 9.9 11.3 17.5-.1 8.8-6.2 15.2-15.4 15.2" fill="#fff"/><path d="m386.1 11.5v46.4h-10.4v-46.4h-10.3v-9.2h30.9v9.2z" fill="#fff"/><path d="m426.3 58.2c-4.1 0-5.7-3.3-5.7-8.2v-10.4c0-2.6-1.3-4.8-4.3-4.8h-5.3v23h-10.4v-55.5h17.1c7.6 0 12.7 4.3 12.7 12.1v7.8c0 4.2-1.9 7.3-6.3 8.6 4.3 1.2 6.4 4.8 6.4 8.4v10.2c0 2.6.8 4.3 2 5.7v3.1zm-6-43.4c0-2.5-1.1-4-3.7-4h-5.6v16.4h5.3c2.7 0 4.1-1.4 4.1-4.4v-8z" fill="#fff"/><path d="m438.7 2.3h10.3v55.6h-10.3z" fill="#fff"/><path d="m474.9 57.9h-17.5v-55.6h17.4c7.6 0 12.3 4.1 12.3 11.8v6c0 4.8-1.8 8.4-6.6 9.3 5 1.3 6.9 4.8 6.9 9.4v7.2c-.1 7.9-4.8 11.9-12.5 11.9m2.2-43.1c0-2.5-1.1-4-3.7-4h-5.6v15.3h5.2c2.7 0 4.1-1.4 4.1-4.4zm.2 23.3c0-2.9-1.4-4.4-4.1-4.4h-5.4v15.7h5.9c2.6 0 3.6-1.4 3.6-4z" fill="#fff"/><path d="m509.1 59.1c-9 0-15.7-5.8-15.7-14.1v-42.7h10.5v42.7c0 3.3 1.8 5.1 5.2 5.1s5.3-1.8 5.3-5.1v-42.7h10.1v42.7c0 8.4-6.4 14.1-15.4 14.1" fill="#fff"/><path d="m555 57.9-10.8-23.7-3.9-8.9v32.6h-9.5v-55.6h8.9l10.3 24.1 3.6 8.9v-33h9.4v55.6z" fill="#fff"/><path d="m570 57.9v-55.6h26.5v8.9h-16.2v13.8h11.2v8.2h-11.2v15.4h16.2v9.3z" fill="#fff"/><path d="m60.3 58.3h-43.6l-13 8.1v-64.7h56.6zm-33.7-35.7-14.8.7 11.6 9.3-3.9 14.3 12.4-8.2 12.4 8.2-3.9-14.3 11.6-9.3-14.8-.7-5.3-13.8z" fill="#ffc200"/><path d="m68.3 318.1v-55.9h-61.8c-2.4 0-4.3-1.9-4.3-4.3s1.9-4.3 4.3-4.3h70.4v46.9l60.8-46.9h460.2c2.4 0 4.3 1.9 4.3 4.3s-1.9 4.3-4.3 4.3h-457.3z" fill="#ffc200"/></svg></a> <div class="mast"> <p class="h2 accent u-half-bottom">Sept. 27-29, 2018</p> <p class="h2 u-half-top u-space-bottom--half">Downtown Austin</p> <a href="" class="c-button c-button--primary">Register Now</a> <p class="h5 accent u-space-top u-tight">#TribFest18</p> </div> </div> </header> <div class="c-section u-space-top--large u-space-bottom--large"> <div class="c-inner"> <p>The 2018 Texas Tribune Festival is upon us! Join us in downtown Austin for three days of unique perspectives, thoughtful conversation and networking — all in the shadow of the Texas Capitol. We are excited to announce more than 300 leading figures in politics, public policy and journalism who will join thousands of Texans to discuss big-picture solutions to the most pressing policy issues facing our state and our nation.</p> <p>We invite you to join us!</p> </div> </div> <div class="c-section c-section--alt u-center"> <div class="c-inner"> <h3>Introducing Open Congress at #TribFest18</h3> <p>Join thousands of Texans, your favorite media brands and community partners for Open Congress, a politics, news and community festival taking place between 8th and 11th streets along Austin’s iconic Congress Avenue on Saturday, Sept. 29. We invite you to three public tents of programming, lively conversations and big-thinking debates with speakers you’ll recognize from Texas and beyond. <strong><em>No Festival badge required! </em></strong></p> <a href="" class="c-button c-button--knockout">Check out the program</a> </div> </div> <div class="c-section u-space-top u-space-bottom"> <div class="c-inner"> <h3>Speaker Highlights</h3> <p>We invite you to listen and learn from leading figures in politics and public policy. <strong>Explore our incredible roster of <a href="">2018 speakers</a>.</strong></p> </div> </div> <style> .c-speaker-item--meta { background: none !important; display: flex !important; flex-wrap: wrap !important; align-items: flex-end !important; padding: 0 0 .5em .5em !important; } .c-speaker-item--title { display: none !important; } .c-speaker-grid .c-speaker-item--meta p { flex: 0 1 100% !important; font-size: .9em !important; text-shadow: 1px 1px 5px #000 !important; } </style> <div class="c-speaker-grid c-photo-grid"> <div class="c-speaker-item"> <b> <img src="//" alt=""/> <div class="c-speaker-item--meta"> <p class="c-speaker-item--name">John Kerry</p> <p class="c-speaker-item--title">Former U.S. Secretary of State</p> </div> </b> </div> <div class="c-speaker-item"> <b> <img src="//" alt=""/> <div class="c-speaker-item--meta"> <p class="c-speaker-item--name">Yamiche Alcindor</p> <p class="c-speaker-item--title">PBS NewsHour</p> </div> </b> </div> <div class="c-speaker-item c-speaker-item--lg"> <b> <img src="//" alt=""/> <div class="c-speaker-item--meta"> <p class="c-speaker-item--name">Nancy Pelosi</p> <p class="c-speaker-item--title">U.S. House Democratic Leader</p> </div> </b> </div> <div class="c-speaker-item"> <b> <img src="//" alt=""/> <div class="c-speaker-item--meta"> <p class="c-speaker-item--name">Will Hurd</p> <p class="c-speaker-item--title">U.S. Representative, R-Helotes</p> </div> </b> </div> <div class="c-speaker-item"> <b> <img src="//" alt=""/> <div class="c-speaker-item--meta"> <p class="c-speaker-item--name">Alex Wagner</p> <p class="c-speaker-item--title">Showtime's "The Circus"</p> </div> </b> </div> <div class="c-speaker-item"> <b> <img src="//" alt=""/> <div class="c-speaker-item--meta"> <p class="c-speaker-item--name">Beto O'Rourke</p> <p class="c-speaker-item--title">Democratic Candidate for U.S. Senate</p> </div> </b> </div> <div class="c-speaker-item"> <b> <img src="//" alt=""/> <div class="c-speaker-item--meta"> <p class="c-speaker-item--name">Mike Morath</p> <p class="c-speaker-item--title">Texas Education Commissioner</p> </div> </b> </div> <div class="c-speaker-item c-speaker-item--lg"> <b> <img src="//" alt=""/> <div class="c-speaker-item--meta"> <p class="c-speaker-item--name">Jeff Flake</p> <p class="c-speaker-item--title">U.S. Senator, R-Arizona</p> </div> </b> </div> <div class="c-speaker-item"> <b> <img src="//" alt=""/> <div class="c-speaker-item--meta"> <p class="c-speaker-item--name">Eva Guzman</p> <p class="c-speaker-item--title">Texas Supreme Court Justice</p> </div> </b> </div> <div class="c-speaker-item"> <b> <img src="//" alt=""/> <div class="c-speaker-item--meta"> <p class="c-speaker-item--name">DeRay McKesson</p> <p class="c-speaker-item--title">Civil Rights Activist</p> </div> </b> </div> </div> <div class="c-inner center ad-space"> <div id="photo-banner"></div> </div> <div class="c-section c-section--light"> <div class="c-inner"> <h2>Getting to the Festival</h2> <p>Parking options in downtown Austin are limited and expensive. We suggest using alternate forms of transportation when possible. </p> <div class="u-two-col"> <div class="u-card"> <h3 class="h6 heading--middle">Parking & Transit</h3> <p>Our friends at the <strong>Downtown Austin Alliance</strong> have a helpful interactive map to help you locate public parking and transit options on Thursday and Friday of the Festival. As those are working days, expect parking to be at a premium and possibly difficult to find. We suggest rideshare, bus or biking options if possible. </p> <a href="" class="c-button c-button--secondary">Interactive Map</a> </div> <div class="u-card"> <h3 class="h6 heading--middle">Official Rideshare Partner</h3> <img class="u-inline-image" src="//" alt="Lyft Ttf18 Logo 01"/> <p>Lyft will be providing a discount code to use during the Festival. Download the app in advance at <a href=""></a>.</p> <a href="" class="c-button c-button--secondary">Download the app</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-section c-section--alt u-center"> <div class="c-inner"> <h3>Volunteer Shifts Still Available</h3> <p>The Festival relies on volunteers eager to assist with registration, panels, parties and more. Sign up for a short shift and earn a Festival day pass and credit toward your Texas Tribune membership.</p> <a href="" class="c-button c-button--knockout">Sign Up Now</a> </div> </div> <div class="c-section u-space--large c-intro"> <div class="c-inner u-two-col"> <img class="u-two-col--second" src="//" alt="Festival Crowd"> <div class="u-two-col--first"> <p>The <a href="">full program</a> is now available. Download the #TribFest18 app and start making your schedule.</p> <a href="" class="c-button c-button--alt">Check out the schedule</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-inner center ad-space"> <div id="banner"></div> <div id="cube"></div> </div> <div class="c-section c-section--alt"> <div class="c-signup-form u-two-col"> <h2 class="h4">Want to keep up to date with festival news?</h2> <form action="" method="post" target="_blank" name="mc-embedded-subscribe-form"> <input type="email" name="EMAIL" placeholder="Email address" required/> <input type="submit" class="c-button" value="Sign Up"/> <div style="position: absolute; left: -5000px;" aria-hidden="true"><input type="text" name="b_3d0ce87edeeb6df90043897db_d5047d67c1" tabindex="-1" value=""></div> </form> </div></div> <footer role="contentinfo"> <svg class="logo" xmlns="" viewbox="0 0 561 384.5"><style>.st0{fill:#ffc200}.st1{fill:#fff}</style><path class="st0" d="M6.7 203V90.5c0-3.2 2.3-5.7 5.5-5.7h69.5c2.8 0 4.3 1.3 4.3 3.8v.9c0 2.6-1.5 3.8-4.3 3.8H15.9V144h49c2.8 0 4.3 1.3 4.3 4v.6c0 2.6-1.5 3.8-4.3 3.8h-49V203c0 3-1.3 4.3-3.9 4.3h-1.3c-2.7.1-4-1.3-4-4.3M128.7 200.8c18.7 0 27.3-9.2 31.8-18.1.6-.4 5.3.9 5.3 5.3 0 1.9-1.7 5.7-5.6 9.6-5.5 5.5-16.6 11.1-31.5 11.1-27.3 0-45.6-19.4-45.6-46.2 0-26.6 18.8-46.7 44.5-46.7 24.5 0 40.9 17.5 40.9 43.5v.9c0 2.6-1.1 3.2-4 3.2H92c.4 21.9 15.4 37.4 36.7 37.4m30.4-45.1c-.8-19-13.2-32-31.5-32-18.5 0-32.4 13.4-35 32h66.5zM183.8 198.3c-3.2-3.2-4.3-5.5-4.3-7.4 0-3.8 4.5-5.1 4.9-4.9 5.5 8.5 15.5 15.1 31.5 15.1 16.2 0 25.6-7.3 25.6-17.3 0-12.1-11.1-14.5-27.7-18.1-14.5-3-31.7-6.6-31.7-24.1 0-15.3 13.4-25.8 33.4-25.8 13.9 0 23.5 4.5 28.8 9.8 2.1 2.1 3.4 4.7 3.4 6.6 0 3.6-4.5 5.3-4.9 4.7-4.5-7.7-14.7-13.6-27.3-13.6-15.5 0-24.7 7.2-24.7 17 0 11.3 10.5 13.9 26.8 17.5 15.3 3.2 32.8 7 32.8 24.7 0 15.5-13.4 26.2-34.9 26.2-15.8 0-26.2-4.9-31.7-10.4M273.9 181v-55.2H263c-3.4 0-4.3-1.3-4.3-3.6v-.9c0-2.3 1-3.6 4.3-3.6h10.9v-17.3c0-3.4 1.7-4.5 4-4.5h1.1c2.3 0 3.8 1.1 3.8 4.5v17.3h25.8c3.4 0 4.5 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