Portal:Western Australia - Wikipedia
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It is bounded by the Indian Ocean to the north and west, the <a href="/wiki/Southern_Ocean" title="Southern Ocean">Southern Ocean</a> to the south, the <a href="/wiki/Northern_Territory" title="Northern Territory">Northern Territory</a> to the north-east, and <a href="/wiki/South_Australia" title="South Australia">South Australia</a> to the south-east. Western Australia is Australia's largest state, with a land area of 2,527,013 square kilometres (975,685 sq mi), and is also the <a href="/wiki/List_of_country_subdivisions_by_area" class="mw-redirect" title="List of country subdivisions by area">second-largest subdivision</a> of any country on Earth. </p><p>Western Australia has a diverse range of climates, including tropical conditions in the <a href="/wiki/Kimberley_(Western_Australia)" title="Kimberley (Western Australia)">Kimberley</a>, deserts in the interior (including the <a href="/wiki/Great_Sandy_Desert" title="Great Sandy Desert">Great Sandy Desert</a>, <a href="/wiki/Little_Sandy_Desert" title="Little Sandy Desert">Little Sandy Desert</a>, <a href="/wiki/Gibson_Desert" title="Gibson Desert">Gibson Desert</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Great_Victoria_Desert" title="Great Victoria Desert">Great Victoria Desert</a>) and a <a href="/wiki/Mediterranean_climate" title="Mediterranean climate">Mediterranean climate</a> on the south-west and southern coastal areas. As of June 2024,<sup class="plainlinks noexcerpt noprint asof-tag update" style="display:none;"><a class="external text" href="">[update]</a></sup> the state has 2.965 million inhabitants—10.9 percent of the national total. Over 90 percent of the state's population live in the <a href="/wiki/South-West_Land_Division" class="mw-redirect" title="South-West Land Division">south-west corner</a> and around 80 percent live in the state capital <a href="/wiki/Perth" title="Perth">Perth</a>, leaving the remainder of the state sparsely populated. The <a href="/wiki/Trans-Australian_Railway" title="Trans-Australian Railway">Trans-Australian Railway</a> and the <a href="/wiki/Eyre_Highway" title="Eyre Highway">Eyre Highway</a> traverse the <a href="/wiki/Nullarbor_Plain" title="Nullarbor Plain">Nullarbor Plain</a> in the state's south-east, providing the principal connection between Western Australia and the population centres in the <a href="/wiki/Eastern_states_of_Australia" title="Eastern states of Australia">eastern states</a>. (<b><a href="/wiki/Western_Australia" title="Western Australia">Full article...</a></b>) </p> <div style="clear:both;" class=""></div></div> <div style="text-align:center; margin:0.25em auto 0.75em"><span class="noprint plainlinks purgelink"><a class="external text" href=""><span title="Purge this page"><b>Refresh with new selections below (purge)</b></span></a></span></div> <style data-mw-deduplicate="TemplateStyles:r996214246">.mw-parser-output .flex-columns-container{clear:both;width:100%;display:flex;flex-wrap:wrap}.mw-parser-output .flex-columns-container>.flex-columns-column{float:left;width:50%;min-width:360px;padding:0 0.5em;box-sizing:border-box;flex:1;display:flex;flex-direction:column}@media screen and (max-width:393px){.mw-parser-output .flex-columns-container>.flex-columns-column{min-width:0}}.mw-parser-output .flex-columns-container>.flex-columns-column:first-child{padding-left:0}.mw-parser-output .flex-columns-container>.flex-columns-column:last-child{padding-right:0}@media screen and (max-width:720px){.mw-parser-output .flex-columns-container>.flex-columns-column{padding:0;width:100%}.mw-parser-output .flex-columns-container{display:block}}.mw-parser-output .flex-columns-container>.flex-columns-column>div{flex:1 0 auto}.mw-parser-output .flex-columns-container>.flex-columns-column>div.flex-columns-noflex{flex:0}</style><div class="flex-columns-container"><div class="flex-columns-column"><div class="box-header-title-container flex-columns-noflex" style="clear:both;color:white;margin-bottom:0px;border:solid #508150;box-sizing:border-box;text-align:center;font-size:100%;background:#508150;font-family:sans-serif;padding:.1em;border-width:1px 1px 0;padding-top:.1em;padding-left:.1em;padding-right:.1em;padding-bottom:.1em;moz-border-radius:0;webkit-border-radius:0;border-radius:0"><div class="plainlinks noprint" style="float:right;margin-bottom:.1em;color:white;font-size:80%"></div><h2 id="Featured_articles_-_load_new_batch" style="font-weight:bold;padding:0;margin:0;color:white;font-family:sans-serif;border:none;font-size:100%;padding-bottom:.1em;letter-spacing:2px; 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margin:-4em auto;"><div class="nomobile"></div><ul class="gallery mw-gallery-slideshow switcher-container"> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 1 B. sessilis var. cordata Banksia sessilis, commonly known as parrot bush, is a species of shrub or tree in the plant genus Banksia of the family Proteaceae. It had been known as Dryandra sessilis until 2007, when the genus Dryandra was sunk into Banksia. The Noongar peoples know the plant as budjan or butyak. Widespread throughout southwest Western Australia, it is found on sandy soils over laterite or limestone, often as an understorey plant in open forest, woodland or shrubland. Encountered as a shrub or small tree up to 6 m (20 ft) in height, it has prickly dark green leaves and dome-shaped cream-yellow flowerheads. Flowering from winter through to late spring, it provides a key source of food—both the nectar and the insects it attracts—for honeyeaters in the cooler months, and species diversity is reduced in areas where there is little or no parrot bush occurring. Several species of honeyeater, some species of native bee, and the European honey bee seek out and consume the nectar, while the long-billed black cockatoo and Australian ringneck eat the seed. The life cycle of Banksia sessilis is adapted to regular bushfires. Killed by fire and regenerating by seed afterwards, each shrub generally produces many flowerheads and a massive amount of seed. It can recolonise disturbed areas, and may grow in thickets. Banksia sessilis has a somewhat complicated taxonomic history. It was collected from King George Sound in 1801 and described by Robert Brown in 1810 as Dryandra floribunda, a name by which it was known for many years. However, Joseph Knight had published the name Josephia sessilis in 1809, which had precedence due to its earlier date, and the specific name was formalised in 1924. Four varieties are recognised. It is a prickly plant with little apparent horticultural potential; none of the varieties are commonly seen in cultivation. A profuse producer of nectar, B. sessilis is valuable to the beekeeping industry. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 1 B. sessilis var. cordata Banksia sessilis, commonly known as parrot bush, is a species of shrub or tree in the plant genus Banksia of the family Proteaceae. It had been known as Dryandra sessilis until 2007, when the genus Dryandra was sunk into Banksia. The Noongar peoples know the plant as budjan or butyak. Widespread throughout southwest Western Australia, it is found on sandy soils over laterite or limestone, often as an understorey plant in open forest, woodland or shrubland. Encountered as a shrub or small tree up to 6 m (20 ft) in height, it has prickly dark green leaves and dome-shaped cream-yellow flowerheads. Flowering from winter through to late spring, it provides a key source of food—both the nectar and the insects it attracts—for honeyeaters in the cooler months, and species diversity is reduced in areas where there is little or no parrot bush occurring. Several species of honeyeater, some species of native bee, and the European honey bee seek out and consume the nectar, while the long-billed black cockatoo and Australian ringneck eat the seed. The life cycle of Banksia sessilis is adapted to regular bushfires. Killed by fire and regenerating by seed afterwards, each shrub generally produces many flowerheads and a massive amount of seed. It can recolonise disturbed areas, and may grow in thickets. Banksia sessilis has a somewhat complicated taxonomic history. It was collected from King George Sound in 1801 and described by Robert Brown in 1810 as Dryandra floribunda, a name by which it was known for many years. However, Joseph Knight had published the name Josephia sessilis in 1809, which had precedence due to its earlier date, and the specific name was formalised in 1924. Four varieties are recognised. It is a prickly plant with little apparent horticultural potential; none of the varieties are commonly seen in cultivation. A profuse producer of nectar, B. sessilis is valuable to the beekeeping industry. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 1</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><div class="thumb tleft" style="overflow:hidden;width:auto;max-width:308px"><div class="thumbinner"><div class="noresize" style="width:auto;overflow:auto;"><div style="white-space:normal"><br /><figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-none" typeof="mw:File/Frameless"><a href="/wiki/File:Dryandra_sessilis_2_cape_Naturaliste_email.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="209" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="483" data-file-height="459" /></a><figcaption></figcaption></figure></div></div><div class="thumbcaption"><div class="center"><a href="/wiki/Banksia_sessilis_var._cordata" title="Banksia sessilis var. cordata"><i>B. sessilis</i> var. <i>cordata</i></a></div></div></div></div><br /><i><b><a href="/wiki/Banksia_sessilis" title="Banksia sessilis">Banksia sessilis</a></b></i>, commonly known as <b>parrot bush</b>, is a <a href="/wiki/Species" title="Species">species</a> of <a href="/wiki/Shrub" title="Shrub">shrub</a> or <a href="/wiki/Tree" title="Tree">tree</a> in the <a href="/wiki/Plant" title="Plant">plant</a> <a href="/wiki/Genus" title="Genus">genus</a> <i><a href="/wiki/Banksia" title="Banksia">Banksia</a></i> of the family <a href="/wiki/Proteaceae" title="Proteaceae">Proteaceae</a>. It had been known as <i><b>Dryandra sessilis</b></i> until 2007, when the genus <i><a href="/wiki/Dryandra" class="mw-redirect" title="Dryandra">Dryandra</a></i> was sunk into <i>Banksia</i>. The <a href="/wiki/Noongar" title="Noongar">Noongar</a> peoples know the plant as <b>budjan</b> or <b>butyak</b>. Widespread throughout <a href="/wiki/Southwest_Australia" title="Southwest Australia">southwest</a> <a href="/wiki/Western_Australia" title="Western Australia">Western Australia</a>, it is found on sandy soils over <a href="/wiki/Laterite" title="Laterite">laterite</a> or <a href="/wiki/Limestone" title="Limestone">limestone</a>, often as an <a href="/wiki/Understory" title="Understory">understorey</a> plant in open forest, woodland or shrubland. Encountered as a shrub or small tree up to 6 m (20 ft) in height, it has prickly dark green leaves and dome-shaped cream-yellow <a href="/wiki/Head_(botany)" class="mw-redirect" title="Head (botany)">flowerheads</a>. Flowering from winter through to late spring, it provides a key source of food—both the nectar and the insects it attracts—for <a href="/wiki/Honeyeater" title="Honeyeater">honeyeaters</a> in the cooler months, and <a href="/wiki/Biodiversity" title="Biodiversity">species diversity</a> is reduced in areas where there is little or no parrot bush occurring. Several species of honeyeater, some species of native bee, and the <a href="/wiki/European_honey_bee" class="mw-redirect" title="European honey bee">European honey bee</a> seek out and consume the nectar, while the <a href="/wiki/Long-billed_black_cockatoo" class="mw-redirect" title="Long-billed black cockatoo">long-billed black cockatoo</a> and <a href="/wiki/Australian_ringneck" title="Australian ringneck">Australian ringneck</a> eat the seed. The life cycle of <i>Banksia sessilis</i> is adapted to regular bushfires. Killed by fire and regenerating by seed afterwards, each shrub generally produces many flowerheads and a massive amount of seed. It can recolonise disturbed areas, and may grow in thickets.<br /><br /><i>Banksia sessilis</i> has a somewhat complicated <a href="/wiki/Taxonomy_(biology)" title="Taxonomy (biology)">taxonomic</a> history. It was collected from <a href="/wiki/King_George_Sound" class="mw-redirect" title="King George Sound">King George Sound</a> in 1801 and described by <a href="/wiki/Robert_Brown_(botanist,_born_1773)" title="Robert Brown (botanist, born 1773)">Robert Brown</a> in 1810 as <i>Dryandra floribunda</i>, a name by which it was known for many years. However, <a href="/wiki/Joseph_Knight_(gardener)" class="mw-redirect" title="Joseph Knight (gardener)">Joseph Knight</a> had published the name <i>Josephia sessilis</i> in 1809, which had precedence due to its earlier date, and the specific name was formalised in 1924. Four <a href="/wiki/Variety_(botany)" title="Variety (botany)">varieties</a> are recognised. It is a prickly plant with little apparent <a href="/wiki/Horticulture" title="Horticulture">horticultural</a> potential; none of the varieties are commonly seen in cultivation. A profuse producer of nectar, <i>B. sessilis</i> is valuable to the <a href="/wiki/Beekeeping" title="Beekeeping">beekeeping</a> industry. (<b><a href="/wiki/Banksia_sessilis" title="Banksia sessilis">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 2 Group Captain Val Hancock, 1942 Air Marshal Sir Valston Eldridge Hancock, KBE, CB, DFC (31 May 1907 – 29 September 1998) was a senior commander in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF). He served as Chief of the Air Staff from 1961 to 1965. A graduate of the Royal Military College, Duntroon, Hancock transferred from the Army to the RAAF in 1929 and qualified as a pilot. His administrative training at Duntroon saw him mainly occupy staff posts, including Deputy Director of Operations and Intelligence at RAAF Headquarters from 1931 to 1935, and Director of Works and Buildings from 1937 to 1939. During the early years of World War II, he commanded No. 1 Bombing and Gunnery School, and held senior planning and administrative positions. He eventually saw combat in the Aitape–Wewak campaign of the Pacific War during 1945. Flying Bristol Beaufort light bombers, he led first No. 100 Squadron, and later No. 71 Wing. His actions earned him the Distinguished Flying Cross. After the war, Hancock became the inaugural commandant of RAAF College. His subsequent positions included Deputy Chief of the Air Staff from 1951 to 1953, Air Member for Personnel from 1953 to 1955, and Air Officer Commanding (AOC) No. 224 Group RAF in Malaya, responsible for all Commonwealth air forces in the region, from 1957 to 1959. Appointed a Companion of the Order of the Bath in 1958, he served as AOC RAAF Operational Command from 1959 to 1961, before being promoted to air marshal and commencing his term as Chief of the Air Staff. He was knighted in 1962. In his role as the Air Force's senior officer, Hancock initiated redevelopment of RAAF Base Learmonth in north Western Australia, as part of a chain of forward airfields for the defence of the continent. He also evaluated potential replacements for the RAAF's English Electric Canberra bomber, finding the American "TFX" (later the General Dynamics F-111) to be the most suitable for Australia's needs, though he did not recommend its immediate purchase due to its early stage of development. After retiring from the military in May 1965, Hancock co-founded the Australia Defence Association. He died in 1998, aged 91. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 2 Group Captain Val Hancock, 1942 Air Marshal Sir Valston Eldridge Hancock, KBE, CB, DFC (31 May 1907 – 29 September 1998) was a senior commander in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF). He served as Chief of the Air Staff from 1961 to 1965. A graduate of the Royal Military College, Duntroon, Hancock transferred from the Army to the RAAF in 1929 and qualified as a pilot. His administrative training at Duntroon saw him mainly occupy staff posts, including Deputy Director of Operations and Intelligence at RAAF Headquarters from 1931 to 1935, and Director of Works and Buildings from 1937 to 1939. During the early years of World War II, he commanded No. 1 Bombing and Gunnery School, and held senior planning and administrative positions. He eventually saw combat in the Aitape–Wewak campaign of the Pacific War during 1945. Flying Bristol Beaufort light bombers, he led first No. 100 Squadron, and later No. 71 Wing. His actions earned him the Distinguished Flying Cross. After the war, Hancock became the inaugural commandant of RAAF College. His subsequent positions included Deputy Chief of the Air Staff from 1951 to 1953, Air Member for Personnel from 1953 to 1955, and Air Officer Commanding (AOC) No. 224 Group RAF in Malaya, responsible for all Commonwealth air forces in the region, from 1957 to 1959. Appointed a Companion of the Order of the Bath in 1958, he served as AOC RAAF Operational Command from 1959 to 1961, before being promoted to air marshal and commencing his term as Chief of the Air Staff. He was knighted in 1962. In his role as the Air Force's senior officer, Hancock initiated redevelopment of RAAF Base Learmonth in north Western Australia, as part of a chain of forward airfields for the defence of the continent. He also evaluated potential replacements for the RAAF's English Electric Canberra bomber, finding the American "TFX" (later the General Dynamics F-111) to be the most suitable for Australia's needs, though he did not recommend its immediate purchase due to its early stage of development. After retiring from the military in May 1965, Hancock co-founded the Australia Defence Association. He died in 1998, aged 91. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 2</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><div class="thumb tleft" style="overflow:hidden;width:auto;max-width:308px"><div class="thumbinner"><div class="noresize" style="width:auto;overflow:auto;"><div style="white-space:normal"><br /><figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-none" typeof="mw:File/Frameless"><a href="/wiki/File:012252Hancock.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="297" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x" data-file-width="300" data-file-height="405" /></a><figcaption></figcaption></figure></div></div><div class="thumbcaption"><div class="center">Group Captain Val Hancock, 1942</div></div></div></div><br /><a href="/wiki/Air_marshal_(Australia)" title="Air marshal (Australia)">Air Marshal</a> <b><a href="/wiki/Valston_Hancock" title="Valston Hancock">Sir Valston Eldridge Hancock</a></b>, <span class="nobold noexcerpt nowraplinks" style="font-size:;"><span style="font-size: 100%;"><a href="/wiki/Knight_Commander_of_the_Order_of_the_British_Empire" class="mw-redirect" title="Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire">KBE</a></span>, <span style="font-size: 100%;"><a href="/wiki/Companion_of_the_Order_of_the_Bath" class="mw-redirect" title="Companion of the Order of the Bath">CB</a></span>, <span style="font-size: 100%;"><a href="/wiki/Distinguished_Flying_Cross_(United_Kingdom)" title="Distinguished Flying Cross (United Kingdom)">DFC</a></span></span> (31 May 1907 – 29 September 1998) was a senior commander in the <a href="/wiki/Royal_Australian_Air_Force" title="Royal Australian Air Force">Royal Australian Air Force</a> (RAAF). He served as <a href="/wiki/Chief_of_Air_Force_(Australia)" title="Chief of Air Force (Australia)">Chief of the Air Staff</a> from 1961 to 1965. A graduate of the <a href="/wiki/Royal_Military_College,_Duntroon" title="Royal Military College, Duntroon">Royal Military College, Duntroon</a>, Hancock transferred from the Army to the RAAF in 1929 and qualified as a pilot. His administrative training at Duntroon saw him mainly occupy <a href="/wiki/Staff_(military)" title="Staff (military)">staff posts</a>, including Deputy Director of Operations and Intelligence at RAAF Headquarters from 1931 to 1935, and Director of Works and Buildings from 1937 to 1939. During the early years of World War<span class="nowrap"> </span>II, he commanded No.<span class="nowrap"> </span>1 Bombing and Gunnery School, and held senior planning and administrative positions. He eventually saw combat in the <a href="/wiki/Aitape%E2%80%93Wewak_campaign" title="Aitape–Wewak campaign">Aitape–Wewak campaign</a> of the <a href="/wiki/Pacific_War" title="Pacific War">Pacific War</a> during 1945. Flying <a href="/wiki/Bristol_Beaufort" title="Bristol Beaufort">Bristol Beaufort</a> light bombers, he led first <a href="/wiki/No._100_Squadron_RAAF" title="No. 100 Squadron RAAF">No.<span class="nowrap"> </span>100 Squadron</a>, and later <a href="/wiki/No._71_Wing_RAAF" title="No. 71 Wing RAAF">No.<span class="nowrap"> </span>71 Wing</a>. His actions earned him the <a href="/wiki/Distinguished_Flying_Cross_(United_Kingdom)" title="Distinguished Flying Cross (United Kingdom)">Distinguished Flying Cross</a>.<br /><br />After the war, Hancock became the inaugural commandant of <a href="/wiki/RAAF_College" title="RAAF College">RAAF College</a>. His subsequent positions included <a href="/wiki/Deputy_Chief_of_Air_Force_(Australia)" title="Deputy Chief of Air Force (Australia)">Deputy Chief of the Air Staff</a> from 1951 to 1953, Air Member for Personnel from 1953 to 1955, and <a href="/wiki/Air_Officer_Commanding" class="mw-redirect" title="Air Officer Commanding">Air Officer Commanding</a> (AOC) <a href="/wiki/No._224_Group_RAF" title="No. 224 Group RAF">No. 224 Group RAF</a> in <a href="/wiki/Federation_of_Malaya" title="Federation of Malaya">Malaya</a>, responsible for all <a href="/wiki/Commonwealth_of_Nations" title="Commonwealth of Nations">Commonwealth</a> air forces in the region, from 1957 to 1959. Appointed a <a href="/wiki/Companion_of_the_Order_of_the_Bath" class="mw-redirect" title="Companion of the Order of the Bath">Companion of the Order of the Bath</a> in 1958, he served as AOC <a href="/wiki/RAAF_Air_Command" title="RAAF Air Command">RAAF Operational Command</a> from 1959 to 1961, before being promoted to air marshal and commencing his term as Chief of the Air Staff. He was <a href="/wiki/Knight_Commander_of_the_Order_of_the_British_Empire" class="mw-redirect" title="Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire">knighted</a> in 1962. In his role as the Air Force's senior officer, Hancock initiated redevelopment of <a href="/wiki/RAAF_Base_Learmonth" title="RAAF Base Learmonth">RAAF Base Learmonth</a> in north <a href="/wiki/Western_Australia" title="Western Australia">Western Australia</a>, as part of a chain of <a href="/wiki/RAAF_Bare_Bases" class="mw-redirect" title="RAAF Bare Bases">forward airfields</a> for the defence of the continent. He also evaluated potential replacements for the RAAF's <a href="/wiki/English_Electric_Canberra" title="English Electric Canberra">English Electric Canberra</a> bomber, finding the American "TFX" (later the <a href="/wiki/General_Dynamics_F-111C" title="General Dynamics F-111C">General Dynamics F-111</a>) to be the most suitable for Australia's needs, though he did not recommend its immediate purchase due to its early stage of development. After retiring from the military in May 1965, Hancock co-founded the Australia Defence Association. He died in 1998, aged 91. (<b><a href="/wiki/Valston_Hancock" title="Valston Hancock">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 3 Banksia aculeata, commonly known as prickly banksia, is a species of plant of the family Proteaceae native to the Stirling Range in the southwest of Western Australia. A shrub up to 2 m (7 ft) tall, it has dense foliage and leaves with very prickly serrated margins. Its unusual pinkish, pendent (hanging) flower spikes, known as inflorescences, are generally hidden in the foliage and appear during the early summer. Although it was collected by the naturalist James Drummond in the 1840s, Banksia aculeata was not formally described until 1981, by Alex George in his monograph of the genus. A rare plant, Banksia aculeata is found in gravelly soils in elevated areas. Native to a habitat burnt by periodic bushfires, it is killed by fire and regenerates from seed afterwards. In contrast to other Western Australian banksias, it appears to have some resistance to the soil-borne water mould Phytophthora cinnamomi. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 3 Banksia aculeata, commonly known as prickly banksia, is a species of plant of the family Proteaceae native to the Stirling Range in the southwest of Western Australia. A shrub up to 2 m (7 ft) tall, it has dense foliage and leaves with very prickly serrated margins. Its unusual pinkish, pendent (hanging) flower spikes, known as inflorescences, are generally hidden in the foliage and appear during the early summer. Although it was collected by the naturalist James Drummond in the 1840s, Banksia aculeata was not formally described until 1981, by Alex George in his monograph of the genus. A rare plant, Banksia aculeata is found in gravelly soils in elevated areas. Native to a habitat burnt by periodic bushfires, it is killed by fire and regenerates from seed afterwards. In contrast to other Western Australian banksias, it appears to have some resistance to the soil-borne water mould Phytophthora cinnamomi. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 3</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-left" typeof="mw:File/Thumb"><a href="/wiki/File:Banksia_aculeata.JPG" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="330" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="683" data-file-height="1024" /></a><figcaption></figcaption></figure><br /><i><b><a href="/wiki/Banksia_aculeata" title="Banksia aculeata">Banksia aculeata</a></b></i>, commonly known as <b>prickly banksia</b>, is a <a href="/wiki/Species" title="Species">species</a> of plant of the family <a href="/wiki/Proteaceae" title="Proteaceae">Proteaceae</a> native to the <a href="/wiki/Stirling_Range" title="Stirling Range">Stirling Range</a> in the <a href="/wiki/Southwest_Australia" title="Southwest Australia">southwest</a> of <a href="/wiki/Western_Australia" title="Western Australia">Western Australia</a>. A shrub up to 2 m (7 ft) tall, it has dense foliage and leaves with very prickly <a href="/wiki/Serration" title="Serration">serrated</a> margins. Its unusual pinkish, <a href="/wiki/Pendent" title="Pendent">pendent</a> (hanging) flower spikes, known as <a href="/wiki/Inflorescence" title="Inflorescence">inflorescences</a>, are generally hidden in the foliage and appear during the early summer. Although it was collected by the naturalist <a href="/wiki/James_Drummond_(botanist)" title="James Drummond (botanist)">James Drummond</a> in the 1840s, <i>Banksia aculeata</i> was not <a href="/wiki/Species_description" title="Species description">formally described</a> until 1981, by <a href="/wiki/Alex_George_(botanist)" title="Alex George (botanist)">Alex George</a> in his monograph of the genus.<br /><br />A rare plant, <i>Banksia aculeata</i> is found in gravelly soils in elevated areas. Native to a habitat burnt by periodic <a href="/wiki/Bushfires_in_Australia" title="Bushfires in Australia">bushfires</a>, it is killed by fire and regenerates from seed afterwards. In contrast to other Western Australian banksias, it appears to have some resistance to the soil-borne <a href="/wiki/Water_mould" class="mw-redirect" title="Water mould">water mould</a> <i><a href="/wiki/Phytophthora_cinnamomi" title="Phytophthora cinnamomi">Phytophthora cinnamomi</a></i>. (<b><a href="/wiki/Banksia_aculeata" title="Banksia aculeata">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 4 Adenanthos cuneatus, also known as coastal jugflower, flame bush, bridle bush and sweat bush, is a shrub of the family Proteaceae, native to the south coast of Western Australia. The French naturalist Jacques Labillardière originally described it in 1805. Within the genus Adenanthos, it lies in the section Adenanthos and is most closely related to A. stictus. A. cuneatus has hybridized with four other species of Adenanthos. Growing to 2 m (6 ft 7 in) high and wide, it is erect to prostrate in habit, with wedge-shaped lobed leaves covered in fine silvery hair. The single red flowers are insignificant, and appear all year, though especially in late spring. The reddish new growth occurs over the summer. It is sensitive to Phytophthora cinnamomi dieback, hence requiring a sandy soil and good drainage to grow in cultivation, its natural habitat of sandy soils in heathland being an example. Its pollinators include bees, honey possum, silvereye and honeyeaters, particularly the western spinebill. A. cuneatus is grown in gardens in Australia and the western United States, and dwarf and prostrate forms are commercially available. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 4 Adenanthos cuneatus, also known as coastal jugflower, flame bush, bridle bush and sweat bush, is a shrub of the family Proteaceae, native to the south coast of Western Australia. The French naturalist Jacques Labillardière originally described it in 1805. Within the genus Adenanthos, it lies in the section Adenanthos and is most closely related to A. stictus. A. cuneatus has hybridized with four other species of Adenanthos. Growing to 2 m (6 ft 7 in) high and wide, it is erect to prostrate in habit, with wedge-shaped lobed leaves covered in fine silvery hair. The single red flowers are insignificant, and appear all year, though especially in late spring. The reddish new growth occurs over the summer. It is sensitive to Phytophthora cinnamomi dieback, hence requiring a sandy soil and good drainage to grow in cultivation, its natural habitat of sandy soils in heathland being an example. Its pollinators include bees, honey possum, silvereye and honeyeaters, particularly the western spinebill. A. cuneatus is grown in gardens in Australia and the western United States, and dwarf and prostrate forms are commercially available. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 4</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-left" typeof="mw:File/Thumb"><a href="/wiki/File:Adenanthos_cuneatus_prostrate_form.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="265" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="1000" data-file-height="1203" /></a><figcaption></figcaption></figure><br /><i><b><a href="/wiki/Adenanthos_cuneatus" title="Adenanthos cuneatus">Adenanthos cuneatus</a></b></i>, also known as <b>coastal jugflower</b>, <b>flame bush</b>, <b>bridle bush</b> and <b>sweat bush</b>, is a shrub of the family <a href="/wiki/Proteaceae" title="Proteaceae">Proteaceae</a>, native to the <a href="/wiki/South_coast_of_Western_Australia" title="South coast of Western Australia">south coast of Western Australia</a>. The French naturalist <a href="/wiki/Jacques_Labillardi%C3%A8re" title="Jacques Labillardière">Jacques Labillardière</a> originally described it in 1805. Within the genus <i><a href="/wiki/Adenanthos" title="Adenanthos">Adenanthos</a></i>, it lies in the <a href="/wiki/Section_(botany)" title="Section (botany)">section</a> <i><a href="/wiki/Adenanthos_sect._Adenanthos" title="Adenanthos sect. Adenanthos">Adenanthos</a></i> and is most closely related to <i><a href="/wiki/Adenanthos_stictus" title="Adenanthos stictus">A. stictus</a></i>. <i>A. cuneatus</i> has hybridized with four other species of <i>Adenanthos</i>. Growing to 2 m (6 ft 7 in) high and wide, it is erect to prostrate in <a href="/wiki/Habit_(biology)" title="Habit (biology)">habit</a>, with wedge-shaped lobed leaves covered in fine silvery hair. The single red flowers are insignificant, and appear all year, though especially in late spring. The reddish new growth occurs over the summer.<br /><br />It is sensitive to <i><a href="/wiki/Phytophthora_cinnamomi" title="Phytophthora cinnamomi">Phytophthora cinnamomi</a></i> <a href="/wiki/Root_rot" title="Root rot">dieback</a>, hence requiring a sandy soil and good drainage to grow in cultivation, its natural habitat of sandy soils in <a href="/wiki/Heath" title="Heath">heathland</a> being an example. Its pollinators include bees, <a href="/wiki/Honey_possum" title="Honey possum">honey possum</a>, <a href="/wiki/Silvereye" title="Silvereye">silvereye</a> and <a href="/wiki/Honeyeater" title="Honeyeater">honeyeaters</a>, particularly the <a href="/wiki/Western_spinebill" title="Western spinebill">western spinebill</a>. <i>A. cuneatus</i> is grown in gardens in Australia and the western United States, and dwarf and prostrate forms are commercially available. (<b><a href="/wiki/Adenanthos_cuneatus" title="Adenanthos cuneatus">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 5 The rainbow pitta (Pitta iris) is a small passerine bird in the pitta family, Pittidae, endemic to northern Australia, most closely related to the superb pitta of Manus Island. It has a velvet black head with chestnut stripes above the eyes, olive green upper parts, black underparts, a bright red belly and an olive green tail. An Australian endemic, it lives in the monsoon forests and in some drier eucalypt forests. Like other pittas, the rainbow pitta is a secretive and shy bird. Its diet is mainly insects, arthropods and small vertebrates. Pairs defend territories and breed during the rainy season, as that time of year provides the most food for nestlings. The female lays three to five blotched eggs inside its large domed nest. Both parents defend the nest, incubate the eggs and feed the chicks. Although the species has a small global range, it is locally common and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has assessed it as being of least concern. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 5 The rainbow pitta (Pitta iris) is a small passerine bird in the pitta family, Pittidae, endemic to northern Australia, most closely related to the superb pitta of Manus Island. It has a velvet black head with chestnut stripes above the eyes, olive green upper parts, black underparts, a bright red belly and an olive green tail. An Australian endemic, it lives in the monsoon forests and in some drier eucalypt forests. Like other pittas, the rainbow pitta is a secretive and shy bird. Its diet is mainly insects, arthropods and small vertebrates. Pairs defend territories and breed during the rainy season, as that time of year provides the most food for nestlings. The female lays three to five blotched eggs inside its large domed nest. Both parents defend the nest, incubate the eggs and feed the chicks. Although the species has a small global range, it is locally common and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has assessed it as being of least concern. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 5</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-left" typeof="mw:File/Thumb"><a href="/wiki/File:Rainbow_Pitta_-_Lee_Point_Reserve.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="220" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="3711" data-file-height="3711" /></a><figcaption></figcaption></figure><br />The <b><a href="/wiki/Rainbow_pitta" title="Rainbow pitta">rainbow pitta</a></b> (<i><b>Pitta iris</b></i>) is a small <a href="/wiki/Passerine" title="Passerine">passerine</a> bird in the <a href="/wiki/Pitta_(genus)" title="Pitta (genus)">pitta</a> <a href="/wiki/Family_(biology)" title="Family (biology)">family</a>, <a href="/wiki/Pitta" title="Pitta">Pittidae</a>, <a href="/wiki/Endemism" title="Endemism">endemic</a> to northern Australia, most closely related to the <a href="/wiki/Superb_pitta" title="Superb pitta">superb pitta</a> of <a href="/wiki/Manus_Island" title="Manus Island">Manus Island</a>. It has a velvet black head with chestnut stripes above the eyes, olive green upper parts, black underparts, a bright red belly and an olive green tail. An Australian <a href="/wiki/Endemism_in_birds" class="mw-redirect" title="Endemism in birds">endemic</a>, it lives in the <a href="/wiki/Seasonal_tropical_forest" title="Seasonal tropical forest">monsoon forests</a> and in some drier <a href="/wiki/Eucalypt" title="Eucalypt">eucalypt</a> forests.<br /><br />Like other pittas, the rainbow pitta is a secretive and shy bird. Its diet is mainly insects, <a href="/wiki/Arthropods" class="mw-redirect" title="Arthropods">arthropods</a> and small vertebrates. Pairs defend territories and breed during the rainy season, as that time of year provides the most food for nestlings. The female lays three to five blotched eggs inside its large domed nest. Both parents defend the nest, incubate the eggs and feed the chicks. Although the species has a small global range, it is locally common and the <a href="/wiki/International_Union_for_Conservation_of_Nature" title="International Union for Conservation of Nature">International Union for Conservation of Nature</a> (IUCN) has assessed it as being of <a href="/wiki/Least-concern_species" title="Least-concern species">least concern</a>. (<b><a href="/wiki/Rainbow_pitta" title="Rainbow pitta">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 6 Inflorescence Banksia speciosa, commonly known as the showy banksia, is a species of large shrub or small tree in the family Proteaceae. It is found on the south coast of Western Australia between Hopetoun (34° S 120° E) and Point Culver (33° S 124° E), growing on white or grey sand in shrubland. Reaching up to 8 m (26 ft) in height, it is a single-stemmed plant that has thin leaves with prominent triangular 'teeth' along each margin, which are 20–45 cm (7.9–17.7 in) long and 2–4 cm (0.8–1.6 in) wide. The prominent cream-yellow flower spikes known as inflorescences appear throughout the year. As they age they develop up to 20 follicles each that store seeds until opened by fire. Though widely occurring, the species is highly sensitive to dieback and large populations of plants have succumbed to the disease. Collected and described by Robert Brown in the early 19th century, B. speciosa is classified in the series Banksia within the genus. Its closest relative is B. baxteri. B. speciosa plants are killed by bushfire, and regenerate from seed. The flowers attract nectar- and insect-feeding birds, particularly honeyeaters, and a variety of insects. In cultivation, B. speciosa grows well in a sunny location on well-drained soil in areas with dry summers. It cannot be grown in areas with humid summers, though it has been grafted onto Banksia serrata or B. integrifolia. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 6 Inflorescence Banksia speciosa, commonly known as the showy banksia, is a species of large shrub or small tree in the family Proteaceae. It is found on the south coast of Western Australia between Hopetoun (34° S 120° E) and Point Culver (33° S 124° E), growing on white or grey sand in shrubland. Reaching up to 8 m (26 ft) in height, it is a single-stemmed plant that has thin leaves with prominent triangular 'teeth' along each margin, which are 20–45 cm (7.9–17.7 in) long and 2–4 cm (0.8–1.6 in) wide. The prominent cream-yellow flower spikes known as inflorescences appear throughout the year. As they age they develop up to 20 follicles each that store seeds until opened by fire. Though widely occurring, the species is highly sensitive to dieback and large populations of plants have succumbed to the disease. Collected and described by Robert Brown in the early 19th century, B. speciosa is classified in the series Banksia within the genus. Its closest relative is B. baxteri. B. speciosa plants are killed by bushfire, and regenerate from seed. The flowers attract nectar- and insect-feeding birds, particularly honeyeaters, and a variety of insects. In cultivation, B. speciosa grows well in a sunny location on well-drained soil in areas with dry summers. It cannot be grown in areas with humid summers, though it has been grafted onto Banksia serrata or B. integrifolia. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 6</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><div class="thumb tleft" style="overflow:hidden;width:auto;max-width:308px"><div class="thumbinner"><div class="noresize" style="width:auto;overflow:auto;"><div style="white-space:normal"><br /><figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-none" typeof="mw:File/Frameless"><a href="/wiki/File:Banksia_speciosa_-_San_Francisco_Botanical_Garden.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="147" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="2610" data-file-height="1740" /></a><figcaption></figcaption></figure></div></div><div class="thumbcaption"><div class="center">Inflorescence</div></div></div></div><br /><i><b><a href="/wiki/Banksia_speciosa" title="Banksia speciosa">Banksia speciosa</a></b></i>, commonly known as the <b>showy banksia</b>, is a species of large shrub or small tree in the <a href="/wiki/Family_(biology)" title="Family (biology)">family</a> <a href="/wiki/Proteaceae" title="Proteaceae">Proteaceae</a>. It is found on the south coast of <a href="/wiki/Western_Australia" title="Western Australia">Western Australia</a> between <a href="/wiki/Hopetoun,_Western_Australia" title="Hopetoun, Western Australia">Hopetoun</a> (34° S 120° E) and <a href="/wiki/Point_Culver" title="Point Culver">Point Culver</a> (33° S 124° E), growing on white or grey sand in <a href="/wiki/Shrubland" title="Shrubland">shrubland</a>. Reaching up to 8 m (26 ft) in height, it is a single-stemmed plant that has thin leaves with prominent triangular 'teeth' along each margin, which are 20–45 cm (7.9–17.7 in) long and 2–4 cm (0.8–1.6 in) wide. The prominent cream-yellow flower spikes known as <a href="/wiki/Inflorescence" title="Inflorescence">inflorescences</a> appear throughout the year. As they age they develop up to 20 <a href="/wiki/Follicle_(fruit)" title="Follicle (fruit)">follicles</a> each that store seeds until opened by fire. Though widely occurring, the species is highly sensitive to <a href="/wiki/Phytophthora_cinnamomi" title="Phytophthora cinnamomi">dieback</a> and large populations of plants have succumbed to the disease.<br /><br />Collected and described by <a href="/wiki/Robert_Brown_(botanist,_born_1773)" title="Robert Brown (botanist, born 1773)">Robert Brown</a> in the early 19th century, <i>B. speciosa</i> is classified in the <a href="/wiki/Series_(botany)" title="Series (botany)">series</a> <i><a href="/wiki/Banksia_ser._Banksia" title="Banksia ser. Banksia">Banksia</a></i> within the genus. Its closest relative is <i><a href="/wiki/Banksia_baxteri" title="Banksia baxteri">B. baxteri</a></i>. <i>B. speciosa</i> plants are killed by <a href="/wiki/Bushfires_in_Australia" title="Bushfires in Australia">bushfire</a>, and regenerate from seed. The flowers attract nectar- and insect-feeding birds, particularly <a href="/wiki/Honeyeater" title="Honeyeater">honeyeaters</a>, and a variety of insects. In cultivation, <i>B. speciosa</i> grows well in a sunny location on well-drained soil in areas with dry summers. It cannot be grown in areas with humid summers, though it has been <a href="/wiki/Grafting" title="Grafting">grafted</a> onto <i><a href="/wiki/Banksia_serrata" title="Banksia serrata">Banksia serrata</a></i> or <i><a href="/wiki/Banksia_integrifolia" title="Banksia integrifolia">B. integrifolia</a></i>. (<b><a href="/wiki/Banksia_speciosa" title="Banksia speciosa">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 7 Map of Forrest Highway, highlighted in red, and surrounding road network between Perth and Bunbury Forrest Highway is a 95-kilometre-long (59 mi) highway in Western Australia's Peel and South West regions, extending Perth's Kwinana Freeway from east of Mandurah down to Bunbury. Old Coast Road was the original Mandurah–Bunbury route, dating back to the 1840s. Part of that road, and the Australind Bypass around Australind and Eaton, were subsumed by Forrest Highway. The highway begins at Kwinana Freeway's southern terminus in Ravenswood, continues around the Peel Inlet to Lake Clifton, and heads south to finish at Bunbury's Eelup Roundabout. There are a number of at-grade intersections with minor roads in the shires of Murray, Waroona, and Harvey including Greenlands Road and Old Bunbury Road, both of which connect to South Western Highway near Pinjarra. The settlement of Australind by the Western Australian Land Company in 1840–41 prompted the first real need for a good quality road to Perth. A coastal Australind–Mandurah route was completed by 2 November 1842. Though the road was rebuilt by convicts in the 1850s, its importance was already declining. With a new road via Pinjarra at the foothills of the Darling Scarp completed in 1876, and the opening of the Perth−Bunbury railway in 1893, few people travelled up the old coastal road. In the late 1930s there was a proposal to re-establish the road as a tourist route, which could also reduce traffic on the main road along the foothills, but it was put on hold due to World War II. Improvements to Old Coast Road started in the early 1950s, but with little progress made until 1954 when the Main Roads Department approved £1000 worth of works. The name "Old Coast Road" was formally adopted on 27 January 1959, and a sealed road was completed in September 1969. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 7 Map of Forrest Highway, highlighted in red, and surrounding road network between Perth and Bunbury Forrest Highway is a 95-kilometre-long (59 mi) highway in Western Australia's Peel and South West regions, extending Perth's Kwinana Freeway from east of Mandurah down to Bunbury. Old Coast Road was the original Mandurah–Bunbury route, dating back to the 1840s. Part of that road, and the Australind Bypass around Australind and Eaton, were subsumed by Forrest Highway. The highway begins at Kwinana Freeway's southern terminus in Ravenswood, continues around the Peel Inlet to Lake Clifton, and heads south to finish at Bunbury's Eelup Roundabout. There are a number of at-grade intersections with minor roads in the shires of Murray, Waroona, and Harvey including Greenlands Road and Old Bunbury Road, both of which connect to South Western Highway near Pinjarra. The settlement of Australind by the Western Australian Land Company in 1840–41 prompted the first real need for a good quality road to Perth. A coastal Australind–Mandurah route was completed by 2 November 1842. Though the road was rebuilt by convicts in the 1850s, its importance was already declining. With a new road via Pinjarra at the foothills of the Darling Scarp completed in 1876, and the opening of the Perth−Bunbury railway in 1893, few people travelled up the old coastal road. In the late 1930s there was a proposal to re-establish the road as a tourist route, which could also reduce traffic on the main road along the foothills, but it was put on hold due to World War II. Improvements to Old Coast Road started in the early 1950s, but with little progress made until 1954 when the Main Roads Department approved £1000 worth of works. The name "Old Coast Road" was formally adopted on 27 January 1959, and a sealed road was completed in September 1969. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 7</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><div class="thumb tleft" style="overflow:hidden;width:auto;max-width:308px"><div class="thumbinner"><div class="noresize" style="width:auto;overflow:auto;"><div style="white-space:normal"><br /><figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-none" typeof="mw:File/Frameless"><a href="/wiki/File:Forrest_Highway_route_map.png" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="165" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="800" data-file-height="600" /></a><figcaption></figcaption></figure></div></div><div class="thumbcaption"><div class="center">Map of Forrest Highway, highlighted in red, and surrounding road network between Perth and Bunbury</div></div></div></div><br /><b><a href="/wiki/Forrest_Highway" title="Forrest Highway">Forrest Highway</a></b> is a 95-kilometre-long (59 mi) <a href="/wiki/Highway" title="Highway">highway</a> in <a href="/wiki/Western_Australia" title="Western Australia">Western Australia</a>'s <a href="/wiki/Peel_(Western_Australia)" title="Peel (Western Australia)">Peel</a> and <a href="/wiki/South_West_(Western_Australia)" title="South West (Western Australia)">South West</a> regions, extending <a href="/wiki/Perth" title="Perth">Perth</a>'s <a href="/wiki/Kwinana_Freeway" title="Kwinana Freeway">Kwinana Freeway</a> from east of <a href="/wiki/Mandurah" title="Mandurah">Mandurah</a> down to <a href="/wiki/Bunbury,_Western_Australia" title="Bunbury, Western Australia">Bunbury</a>. <b>Old Coast Road</b> was the original Mandurah–Bunbury route, dating back to the 1840s. Part of that road, and the <b>Australind Bypass</b> around <a href="/wiki/Australind,_Western_Australia" title="Australind, Western Australia">Australind</a> and <a href="/wiki/Eaton,_Western_Australia" title="Eaton, Western Australia">Eaton</a>, were subsumed by Forrest Highway. The highway begins at Kwinana Freeway's southern terminus in <a href="/wiki/Ravenswood,_Western_Australia" title="Ravenswood, Western Australia">Ravenswood</a>, continues around the Peel Inlet to <a href="/wiki/Lake_Clifton,_Western_Australia" title="Lake Clifton, Western Australia">Lake Clifton</a>, and heads south to finish at Bunbury's Eelup Roundabout. There are a number of <a href="/wiki/At-grade_intersection" class="mw-redirect" title="At-grade intersection">at-grade intersections</a> with minor roads in the shires of <a href="/wiki/Shire_of_Murray" title="Shire of Murray">Murray</a>, <a href="/wiki/Shire_of_Waroona" title="Shire of Waroona">Waroona</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Shire_of_Harvey" title="Shire of Harvey">Harvey</a> including Greenlands Road and Old Bunbury Road, both of which connect to <a href="/wiki/South_Western_Highway" title="South Western Highway">South Western Highway</a> near <a href="/wiki/Pinjarra,_Western_Australia" title="Pinjarra, Western Australia">Pinjarra</a>.<br /><br />The settlement of Australind by the <a href="/wiki/Western_Australian_Land_Company" class="mw-redirect" title="Western Australian Land Company">Western Australian Land Company</a> in 1840–41 prompted the first real need for a good quality road to Perth. A coastal Australind–Mandurah route was completed by 2 November 1842. Though the road was rebuilt by convicts in the 1850s, its importance was already declining. With a new road via Pinjarra at the foothills of the <a href="/wiki/Darling_Scarp" title="Darling Scarp">Darling Scarp</a> completed in 1876, and the opening of the Perth−Bunbury railway in 1893, few people travelled up the old coastal road. In the late 1930s there was a proposal to re-establish the road as a tourist route, which could also reduce traffic on the main road along the foothills, but it was put on hold due to World War II. Improvements to Old Coast Road started in the early 1950s, but with little progress made until 1954 when the <a href="/wiki/Main_Roads_Western_Australia" title="Main Roads Western Australia">Main Roads Department</a> approved <a href="/wiki/Australian_pound" title="Australian pound">£</a>1000 worth of works. The name "Old Coast Road" was formally adopted on 27 January 1959, and a <a href="/wiki/Sealed_road" title="Sealed road">sealed road</a> was completed in September 1969. (<b><a href="/wiki/Forrest_Highway" title="Forrest Highway">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 8 Tree habit, Jandakot Botanical Gardens Banksia menziesii, commonly known as firewood banksia, is a species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae. It is a gnarled tree up to 10 m (33 ft) tall, or a lower spreading 1–3 m (3.3–9.8 ft) shrub in the more northern parts of its range. The serrated leaves are dull green with new growth a paler grey green. The prominent autumn and winter inflorescences are often two-coloured red or pink and yellow, and their colour has given rise to more unusual common names such as port wine banksia and strawberry banksia. Yellow blooms are rarely seen. First described by the botanist Robert Brown in the early 19th century, no separate varieties of Banksia menziesii are recognised. It is found in Western Australia, from the Perth (32° S) region north to the Murchison River (27° S), and generally grows on sandy soils, in scrubland or low woodland. Banksia menziesii provides food for a wide array of invertebrate and vertebrate animals; birds and in particular honeyeaters are prominent visitors. A relatively hardy plant, Banksia menziesii is commonly seen in gardens, nature strips and parks in Australian urban areas with Mediterranean climates, but its sensitivity to dieback from the soil-borne water mould Phytophthora cinnamomi makes it short-lived in places with humid summers, such as Sydney. Banksia menziesii is widely used in the cut flower industry both in Australia and overseas. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 8 Tree habit, Jandakot Botanical Gardens Banksia menziesii, commonly known as firewood banksia, is a species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae. It is a gnarled tree up to 10 m (33 ft) tall, or a lower spreading 1–3 m (3.3–9.8 ft) shrub in the more northern parts of its range. The serrated leaves are dull green with new growth a paler grey green. The prominent autumn and winter inflorescences are often two-coloured red or pink and yellow, and their colour has given rise to more unusual common names such as port wine banksia and strawberry banksia. Yellow blooms are rarely seen. First described by the botanist Robert Brown in the early 19th century, no separate varieties of Banksia menziesii are recognised. It is found in Western Australia, from the Perth (32° S) region north to the Murchison River (27° S), and generally grows on sandy soils, in scrubland or low woodland. Banksia menziesii provides food for a wide array of invertebrate and vertebrate animals; birds and in particular honeyeaters are prominent visitors. A relatively hardy plant, Banksia menziesii is commonly seen in gardens, nature strips and parks in Australian urban areas with Mediterranean climates, but its sensitivity to dieback from the soil-borne water mould Phytophthora cinnamomi makes it short-lived in places with humid summers, such as Sydney. Banksia menziesii is widely used in the cut flower industry both in Australia and overseas. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 8</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><div class="thumb tleft" style="overflow:hidden;width:auto;max-width:308px"><div class="thumbinner"><div class="noresize" style="width:auto;overflow:auto;"><div style="white-space:normal"><br /><figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-none" typeof="mw:File/Frameless"><a href="/wiki/File:B_menziesii_gnangarra_19.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="165" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="2576" data-file-height="1932" /></a><figcaption></figcaption></figure></div></div><div class="thumbcaption"><div class="center">Tree habit, <a href="/wiki/Jandakot,_Western_Australia" title="Jandakot, Western Australia">Jandakot</a> Botanical Gardens</div></div></div></div><br /><i><b><a href="/wiki/Banksia_menziesii" title="Banksia menziesii">Banksia menziesii</a></b></i>, commonly known as <b>firewood banksia</b>, is a <a href="/wiki/Species" title="Species">species</a> of flowering plant in the family <a href="/wiki/Proteaceae" title="Proteaceae">Proteaceae</a>. It is a gnarled tree up to 10 m (33 ft) tall, or a lower spreading 1–3 m (3.3–9.8 ft) shrub in the more northern parts of its range. The serrated leaves are dull green with new growth a paler grey green. The prominent autumn and winter <a href="/wiki/Inflorescence" title="Inflorescence">inflorescences</a> are often two-coloured red or pink and yellow, and their colour has given rise to more unusual <a href="/wiki/Common_name" title="Common name">common names</a> such as <b>port wine banksia</b> and <b>strawberry banksia</b>. Yellow blooms are rarely seen.<br /><br />First described by the botanist <a href="/wiki/Robert_Brown_(botanist,_born_1773)" title="Robert Brown (botanist, born 1773)">Robert Brown</a> in the early 19th century, no separate <a href="/wiki/Variety_(botany)" title="Variety (botany)">varieties</a> of <i>Banksia menziesii</i> are recognised. It is found in Western Australia, from the <a href="/wiki/Perth" title="Perth">Perth</a> (32° S) region north to the <a href="/wiki/Murchison_River_(Western_Australia)" title="Murchison River (Western Australia)">Murchison River</a> (27° S), and generally grows on sandy soils, in <a href="/wiki/Scrubland" class="mw-redirect" title="Scrubland">scrubland</a> or low <a href="/wiki/Woodland" title="Woodland">woodland</a>. <i>Banksia menziesii</i> provides food for a wide array of <a href="/wiki/Invertebrate" title="Invertebrate">invertebrate</a> and <a href="/wiki/Vertebrate" title="Vertebrate">vertebrate</a> animals; birds and in particular <a href="/wiki/Honeyeater" title="Honeyeater">honeyeaters</a> are prominent visitors. A relatively hardy plant, <i>Banksia menziesii</i> is commonly seen in gardens, <a href="/wiki/Tree_lawn" class="mw-redirect" title="Tree lawn">nature strips</a> and parks in Australian urban areas with <a href="/wiki/Mediterranean_climate" title="Mediterranean climate">Mediterranean climates</a>, but its sensitivity to dieback from the soil-borne water mould <i><a href="/wiki/Phytophthora_cinnamomi" title="Phytophthora cinnamomi">Phytophthora cinnamomi</a></i> makes it short-lived in places with humid summers, such as Sydney. <i>Banksia menziesii</i> is widely used in the <a href="/wiki/Floriculture" title="Floriculture">cut flower industry</a> both in Australia and overseas. (<b><a href="/wiki/Banksia_menziesii" title="Banksia menziesii">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 9 Banksia sceptrum, commonly known as the sceptre banksia, is a plant that grows in Western Australia near the central west coast from Geraldton north through Kalbarri to Hamelin Pool. It extends inland almost to Mullewa. First collected and grown by early settler James Drummond in Western Australia, it was described by Swiss botanist Carl Meissner in 1855. In nature, B. sceptrum grows in deep yellow or pale red sand in tall shrubland, commonly on dunes, being found as a shrub to 5 metres (16 ft) high, though often smaller in exposed areas. It is killed by fire and regenerates by seed, the woody follicles opening with fire. B. sceptrum is one of the most striking yellow-flowered banksias of all. Its tall bright yellow spikes, known as inflorescences, are terminal and well displayed. Flowering is in summer, mainly December and January, though flowers are occasionally seen at other times. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 9 Banksia sceptrum, commonly known as the sceptre banksia, is a plant that grows in Western Australia near the central west coast from Geraldton north through Kalbarri to Hamelin Pool. It extends inland almost to Mullewa. First collected and grown by early settler James Drummond in Western Australia, it was described by Swiss botanist Carl Meissner in 1855. In nature, B. sceptrum grows in deep yellow or pale red sand in tall shrubland, commonly on dunes, being found as a shrub to 5 metres (16 ft) high, though often smaller in exposed areas. It is killed by fire and regenerates by seed, the woody follicles opening with fire. B. sceptrum is one of the most striking yellow-flowered banksias of all. Its tall bright yellow spikes, known as inflorescences, are terminal and well displayed. Flowering is in summer, mainly December and January, though flowers are occasionally seen at other times. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 9</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-left" typeof="mw:File/Thumb"><a href="/wiki/File:Banksia_sceptrum_chris_email.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="255" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="517" data-file-height="600" /></a><figcaption></figcaption></figure><br /><i><b><a href="/wiki/Banksia_sceptrum" title="Banksia sceptrum">Banksia sceptrum</a></b></i>, commonly known as the <b>sceptre banksia</b>, is a plant that grows in <a href="/wiki/Western_Australia" title="Western Australia">Western Australia</a> near the central west coast from <a href="/wiki/Geraldton,_Western_Australia" class="mw-redirect" title="Geraldton, Western Australia">Geraldton</a> north through <a href="/wiki/Kalbarri,_Western_Australia" title="Kalbarri, Western Australia">Kalbarri</a> to <a href="/wiki/Hamelin_Pool" class="mw-redirect" title="Hamelin Pool">Hamelin Pool</a>. It extends inland almost to <a href="/wiki/Mullewa,_Western_Australia" title="Mullewa, Western Australia">Mullewa</a>. First collected and grown by early settler <a href="/wiki/James_Drummond_(botanist)" title="James Drummond (botanist)">James Drummond</a> in Western Australia, it was described by Swiss botanist <a href="/wiki/Carl_Meissner" title="Carl Meissner">Carl Meissner</a> in 1855.<br /><br />In nature, <i>B. sceptrum</i> grows in deep yellow or pale red sand in tall <a href="/wiki/Shrubland" title="Shrubland">shrubland</a>, commonly on <a href="/wiki/Sand_dune" class="mw-redirect" title="Sand dune">dunes</a>, being found as a shrub to 5 metres (16 ft) high, though often smaller in exposed areas. It is killed by <a href="/wiki/Bushfires_in_Australia" title="Bushfires in Australia">fire</a> and regenerates by <a href="/wiki/Seed" title="Seed">seed</a>, the woody <a href="/wiki/Follicle_(fruit)" title="Follicle (fruit)">follicles</a> opening with fire. <i>B. sceptrum</i> is one of the most striking yellow-flowered <a href="/wiki/Banksia" title="Banksia">banksias</a> of all. Its tall bright yellow spikes, known as <a href="/wiki/Inflorescence" title="Inflorescence">inflorescences</a>, are terminal and well displayed. Flowering is in summer, mainly December and January, though flowers are occasionally seen at other times. (<b><a href="/wiki/Banksia_sceptrum" title="Banksia sceptrum">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 10 Inflorescence of Banksia violacea Banksia violacea, commonly known as violet banksia, is a species of shrub or tree in the plant genus Banksia (family Proteaceae). It generally grows as a small shrub to 1.5 m (5 ft) high with fine narrow leaves, and is best known for its unusually coloured dark purple-violet inflorescences. The colour of the inflorescences, short leaves, and flattened follicles which are sticky when young, help identify this species from others in the field. It is found in low shrubland in southern regions of Western Australia from Esperance in the east to Narrogin in the west, growing exclusively in sandy soils. First described in 1927 by the West Australian botanist Charles Gardner, the species was at one stage considered a variety of B. sphaerocarpa. Although there are no recognised subspecies or varieties, both lignotuberous and nonlignotuberous forms exist for Banksia violacea. Wasps, ants and flies have been recorded visiting flower spikes. Banksia violacea is classified as Not Threatened under the Wildlife Conservation Act of Western Australia. Regarded as of little value to floriculture, it is rarely cultivated. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 10 Inflorescence of Banksia violacea Banksia violacea, commonly known as violet banksia, is a species of shrub or tree in the plant genus Banksia (family Proteaceae). It generally grows as a small shrub to 1.5 m (5 ft) high with fine narrow leaves, and is best known for its unusually coloured dark purple-violet inflorescences. The colour of the inflorescences, short leaves, and flattened follicles which are sticky when young, help identify this species from others in the field. It is found in low shrubland in southern regions of Western Australia from Esperance in the east to Narrogin in the west, growing exclusively in sandy soils. First described in 1927 by the West Australian botanist Charles Gardner, the species was at one stage considered a variety of B. sphaerocarpa. Although there are no recognised subspecies or varieties, both lignotuberous and nonlignotuberous forms exist for Banksia violacea. Wasps, ants and flies have been recorded visiting flower spikes. Banksia violacea is classified as Not Threatened under the Wildlife Conservation Act of Western Australia. Regarded as of little value to floriculture, it is rarely cultivated. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 10</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><div class="thumb tleft" style="overflow:hidden;width:auto;max-width:308px"><div class="thumbinner"><div class="noresize" style="width:auto;overflow:auto;"><div style="white-space:normal"><br /><figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-none" typeof="mw:File/Frameless"><a href="/wiki/File:Banksia_violacea_3_email.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="193" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="604" data-file-height="531" /></a><figcaption></figcaption></figure></div></div><div class="thumbcaption"><div class="center"><a href="/wiki/Inflorescence" title="Inflorescence">Inflorescence</a> of <i>Banksia violacea</i></div></div></div></div><br /><i><b><a href="/wiki/Banksia_violacea" title="Banksia violacea">Banksia violacea</a></b></i>, commonly known as <b>violet banksia</b>, is a species of <a href="/wiki/Shrub" title="Shrub">shrub</a> or tree in the plant genus <i><a href="/wiki/Banksia" title="Banksia">Banksia</a></i> (family <a href="/wiki/Proteaceae" title="Proteaceae">Proteaceae</a>). It generally grows as a small shrub to 1.5 m (5 ft) high with fine narrow leaves, and is best known for its unusually coloured dark purple-violet <a href="/wiki/Inflorescence" title="Inflorescence">inflorescences</a>. The colour of the inflorescences, short leaves, and flattened follicles which are sticky when young, help identify this species from others in the field. It is found in low <a href="/wiki/Shrubland" title="Shrubland">shrubland</a> in southern regions of <a href="/wiki/Western_Australia" title="Western Australia">Western Australia</a> from <a href="/wiki/Esperance,_Western_Australia" title="Esperance, Western Australia">Esperance</a> in the east to <a href="/wiki/Narrogin,_Western_Australia" class="mw-redirect" title="Narrogin, Western Australia">Narrogin</a> in the west, growing exclusively in sandy soils.<br /><br />First described in 1927 by the West Australian botanist <a href="/wiki/Charles_Gardner_(botanist)" title="Charles Gardner (botanist)">Charles Gardner</a>, the species was at one stage considered a <a href="/wiki/Variety_(botany)" title="Variety (botany)">variety</a> of <i><a href="/wiki/Banksia_sphaerocarpa" title="Banksia sphaerocarpa">B. sphaerocarpa</a></i>. Although there are no recognised subspecies or varieties, both <a href="/wiki/Lignotuber" title="Lignotuber">lignotuberous</a> and nonlignotuberous forms exist for <i>Banksia violacea</i>. Wasps, ants and flies have been recorded visiting flower spikes. <i>Banksia violacea</i> is classified as Not Threatened under the <a href="/wiki/Wildlife_Conservation_Act_1950" title="Wildlife Conservation Act 1950">Wildlife Conservation Act of Western Australia</a>. Regarded as of little value to <a href="/wiki/Floriculture" title="Floriculture">floriculture</a>, it is rarely cultivated. (<b><a href="/wiki/Banksia_violacea" title="Banksia violacea">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 11 Banksia telmatiaea, commonly known as swamp fox banksia or rarely marsh banksia, is a shrub that grows in marshes and swamps along the lower west coast of Australia. It grows as an upright bush up to 2 metres (6 feet 7 inches) tall, with narrow leaves and a pale brown flower spike, which can produce profuse quantities of nectar. First collected in the 1840s, it was not published as a separate species until 1981; as with several other similar species it was previously included in B. sphaerocarpa (fox banksia). The shrub grows amongst scrubland in seasonally wet lowland areas of the coastal sandplain between Badgingarra and Serpentine in Western Australia. A little studied species, not much is known of its ecology or conservation biology. Reports suggest that a variety of birds and small mammals pollinate it. Like many members of the series Abietinae, it has not been considered to have much horticultural potential and is rarely cultivated. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 11 Banksia telmatiaea, commonly known as swamp fox banksia or rarely marsh banksia, is a shrub that grows in marshes and swamps along the lower west coast of Australia. It grows as an upright bush up to 2 metres (6 feet 7 inches) tall, with narrow leaves and a pale brown flower spike, which can produce profuse quantities of nectar. First collected in the 1840s, it was not published as a separate species until 1981; as with several other similar species it was previously included in B. sphaerocarpa (fox banksia). The shrub grows amongst scrubland in seasonally wet lowland areas of the coastal sandplain between Badgingarra and Serpentine in Western Australia. A little studied species, not much is known of its ecology or conservation biology. Reports suggest that a variety of birds and small mammals pollinate it. Like many members of the series Abietinae, it has not been considered to have much horticultural potential and is rarely cultivated. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 11</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-left" typeof="mw:File/Thumb"><a href="/wiki/File:B_telmatiaea_13_gnangarra_cropped_brightened.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="194" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="2100" data-file-height="1850" /></a><figcaption></figcaption></figure><br /><i><b><a href="/wiki/Banksia_telmatiaea" title="Banksia telmatiaea">Banksia telmatiaea</a></b></i>, commonly known as <b>swamp fox <a href="/wiki/Banksia" title="Banksia">banksia</a></b> or rarely <b>marsh banksia</b>, is a shrub that grows in marshes and swamps along the lower west coast of Australia. It grows as an upright bush up to 2 metres (6 feet 7 inches) tall, with narrow leaves and a pale brown flower spike, which can produce profuse quantities of nectar. First collected in the 1840s, it was not published as a separate species until 1981; as with several other similar species it was previously included in <i><a href="/wiki/Banksia_sphaerocarpa" title="Banksia sphaerocarpa">B. sphaerocarpa</a></i> (fox banksia).<br /><br />The shrub grows amongst <a href="/wiki/Scrubland" class="mw-redirect" title="Scrubland">scrubland</a> in seasonally wet lowland areas of the coastal sandplain between <a href="/wiki/Badgingarra,_Western_Australia" title="Badgingarra, Western Australia">Badgingarra</a> and <a href="/wiki/Serpentine,_Western_Australia" title="Serpentine, Western Australia">Serpentine</a> in <a href="/wiki/Western_Australia" title="Western Australia">Western Australia</a>. A little studied species, not much is known of its <a href="/wiki/Ecology" title="Ecology">ecology</a> or <a href="/wiki/Conservation_biology" title="Conservation biology">conservation biology</a>. Reports suggest that a variety of birds and small mammals pollinate it. Like many members of the series <i><a href="/wiki/Banksia_ser._Abietinae" title="Banksia ser. Abietinae"><i>Abietinae</i></a></i>, it has not been considered to have much horticultural potential and is rarely cultivated. (<b><a href="/wiki/Banksia_telmatiaea" title="Banksia telmatiaea">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 12 Adenanthos obovatus, commonly known as basket flower (which usually refers to Centaurea, though), or, jugflower, is a shrub of the plant family Proteaceae endemic to Southwest Australia. Described by French naturalist Jacques Labillardière in 1805, it had first been collected by Archibald Menzies in 1791. Within the genus Adenanthos, it lies in the section Eurylaema and is most closely related to A. barbiger. A. obovatus has hybridized with A. detmoldii to produce the hybrid A. × pamela. Several common names allude to the prominent red flowers of the species. It grows as a many-stemmed spreading bush up to 1 m (3.3 ft) high, and about 1.5 m (4.9 ft) across, with fine bright green foliage. Made up of single red flowers, the inflorescences appear from April to December, and peak in spring (August to October). The shrub grows on sandy soils in seasonally wet lowland areas as well as hills and dunes. It regenerates after bushfire by resprouting from its underground lignotuber. Pollinators include honeyeaters, particularly the western spinebill, which can access the nectar with its long curved bill, and the silvereye, which punctures the flower tube. The most commonly cultivated Adenanthos species in Australia, it has a long flowering period and attracts honeyeaters to the garden. It is harvested for the cut flower industry. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 12 Adenanthos obovatus, commonly known as basket flower (which usually refers to Centaurea, though), or, jugflower, is a shrub of the plant family Proteaceae endemic to Southwest Australia. Described by French naturalist Jacques Labillardière in 1805, it had first been collected by Archibald Menzies in 1791. Within the genus Adenanthos, it lies in the section Eurylaema and is most closely related to A. barbiger. A. obovatus has hybridized with A. detmoldii to produce the hybrid A. × pamela. Several common names allude to the prominent red flowers of the species. It grows as a many-stemmed spreading bush up to 1 m (3.3 ft) high, and about 1.5 m (4.9 ft) across, with fine bright green foliage. Made up of single red flowers, the inflorescences appear from April to December, and peak in spring (August to October). The shrub grows on sandy soils in seasonally wet lowland areas as well as hills and dunes. It regenerates after bushfire by resprouting from its underground lignotuber. Pollinators include honeyeaters, particularly the western spinebill, which can access the nectar with its long curved bill, and the silvereye, which punctures the flower tube. The most commonly cultivated Adenanthos species in Australia, it has a long flowering period and attracts honeyeaters to the garden. It is harvested for the cut flower industry. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 12</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-left" typeof="mw:File/Thumb"><a href="/wiki/File:Adenanthos_obovatus_-_Flickr_-_Kevin_Thiele_(1).jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="116" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="2950" data-file-height="1561" /></a><figcaption></figcaption></figure><br /><i><b><a href="/wiki/Adenanthos_obovatus" title="Adenanthos obovatus">Adenanthos obovatus</a></b></i>, commonly known as <b>basket flower</b> (which usually refers to <i><a href="/wiki/Centaurea" title="Centaurea">Centaurea</a></i>, though), or, <b>jugflower</b>, is a shrub of the <a href="/wiki/Plant" title="Plant">plant</a> <a href="/wiki/Family_(biology)" title="Family (biology)">family</a> <a href="/wiki/Proteaceae" title="Proteaceae">Proteaceae</a> <a href="/wiki/Endemism" title="Endemism">endemic</a> to <a href="/wiki/Southwest_Australia" title="Southwest Australia">Southwest Australia</a>. Described by French naturalist <a href="/wiki/Jacques_Labillardi%C3%A8re" title="Jacques Labillardière">Jacques Labillardière</a> in 1805, it had first been collected by <a href="/wiki/Archibald_Menzies" title="Archibald Menzies">Archibald Menzies</a> in 1791. Within the genus <i><a href="/wiki/Adenanthos" title="Adenanthos">Adenanthos</a></i>, it lies in the <a href="/wiki/Section_(botany)" title="Section (botany)">section</a> <i><a href="/wiki/Adenanthos_sect._Eurylaema" title="Adenanthos sect. Eurylaema">Eurylaema</a></i> and is most closely related to <i><a href="/wiki/Adenanthos_barbiger" title="Adenanthos barbiger">A. barbiger</a></i>. <i>A. obovatus</i> has hybridized with <i><a href="/wiki/Adenanthos_detmoldii" title="Adenanthos detmoldii">A. detmoldii</a></i> to produce the hybrid <i><a href="/wiki/Adenanthos_%C3%97_pamela" title="Adenanthos × pamela">A. × pamela</a></i>. Several common names allude to the prominent red flowers of the species. It grows as a many-stemmed spreading bush up to 1 m (3.3 ft) high, and about 1.5 m (4.9 ft) across, with fine bright green foliage. Made up of single red flowers, the <a href="/wiki/Inflorescence" title="Inflorescence">inflorescences</a> appear from April to December, and peak in spring (August to October).<br /><br />The shrub grows on sandy soils in seasonally wet lowland areas as well as hills and dunes. It regenerates after bushfire by resprouting from its underground <a href="/wiki/Lignotuber" title="Lignotuber">lignotuber</a>. Pollinators include <a href="/wiki/Honeyeater" title="Honeyeater">honeyeaters</a>, particularly the <a href="/wiki/Western_spinebill" title="Western spinebill">western spinebill</a>, which can access the nectar with its long curved bill, and the <a href="/wiki/Silvereye" title="Silvereye">silvereye</a>, which punctures the flower tube. The most commonly cultivated <i>Adenanthos</i> species in Australia, it has a long flowering period and attracts honeyeaters to the garden. It is harvested for the <a href="/wiki/Cut_flowers" title="Cut flowers">cut flower industry</a>. (<b><a href="/wiki/Adenanthos_obovatus" title="Adenanthos obovatus">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 13 Main Cell Block Fremantle Prison, sometimes referred to as Fremantle Gaol or Fremantle Jail, is a former Australian prison and World Heritage Site in Fremantle, Western Australia. The site includes the prison cellblocks, gatehouse, perimeter walls, cottages, and tunnels. It was initially used for convicts transported from Britain, but was transferred to the colonial government in 1886 for use for locally-sentenced prisoners. Royal Commissions were held in 1898 and 1911, and instigated some reform to the prison system, but significant changes did not begin until the 1960s. The government department in charge of the prison underwent several reorganisations in the 1970s and 1980s, but the culture of Fremantle Prison was resistant to change. Growing prisoner discontent culminated in a 1988 riot with guards taken hostage, and a fire that caused $1.8 million worth of damage. The prison closed in 1991, replaced by the new maximum-security Casuarina Prison. The prison was administered by a comptroller general, sheriff, or director, responsible for the entire convict or prison system in Western Australia, and a superintendent in charge of the prison itself. Prison officers, known as warders in the 19th century, worked under stringent conditions until they achieved representation through the Western Australian Prison Officers' Union. Convicts were initially of good character as potential future colonists, but less desirable convicts were eventually sent. As a locally-run prison, Fremantle's population was generally short-sentenced white prisoners in the 1890s, with very few Aboriginal prisoners. By the late 20th century, most prisoners were serving longer sentences, a higher proportion of them were violent, and Aboriginal people were present in large numbers. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 13 Main Cell Block Fremantle Prison, sometimes referred to as Fremantle Gaol or Fremantle Jail, is a former Australian prison and World Heritage Site in Fremantle, Western Australia. The site includes the prison cellblocks, gatehouse, perimeter walls, cottages, and tunnels. It was initially used for convicts transported from Britain, but was transferred to the colonial government in 1886 for use for locally-sentenced prisoners. Royal Commissions were held in 1898 and 1911, and instigated some reform to the prison system, but significant changes did not begin until the 1960s. The government department in charge of the prison underwent several reorganisations in the 1970s and 1980s, but the culture of Fremantle Prison was resistant to change. Growing prisoner discontent culminated in a 1988 riot with guards taken hostage, and a fire that caused $1.8 million worth of damage. The prison closed in 1991, replaced by the new maximum-security Casuarina Prison. The prison was administered by a comptroller general, sheriff, or director, responsible for the entire convict or prison system in Western Australia, and a superintendent in charge of the prison itself. Prison officers, known as warders in the 19th century, worked under stringent conditions until they achieved representation through the Western Australian Prison Officers' Union. Convicts were initially of good character as potential future colonists, but less desirable convicts were eventually sent. As a locally-run prison, Fremantle's population was generally short-sentenced white prisoners in the 1890s, with very few Aboriginal prisoners. By the late 20th century, most prisoners were serving longer sentences, a higher proportion of them were violent, and Aboriginal people were present in large numbers. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 13</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><div class="thumb tleft" style="overflow:hidden;width:auto;max-width:308px"><div class="thumbinner"><div class="noresize" style="width:auto;overflow:auto;"><div style="white-space:normal"><br /><figure class="mw-halign-none" typeof="mw:File/Frameless"><a href="/wiki/File:Freo_prison_WMAU_gnangarra-131.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="250" height="166" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="4928" data-file-height="3264" /></a><figcaption></figcaption></figure></div></div><div class="thumbcaption"><div class="center">Main Cell Block</div></div></div></div><br /><br /><b><a href="/wiki/Fremantle_Prison" title="Fremantle Prison">Fremantle Prison</a></b>, sometimes referred to as <b>Fremantle Gaol</b> or <b>Fremantle Jail</b>, is a former <a href="/wiki/List_of_Australian_prisons" class="mw-redirect" title="List of Australian prisons">Australian prison</a> and <a href="/wiki/World_Heritage_Site" title="World Heritage Site">World Heritage Site</a> in <a href="/wiki/Fremantle" title="Fremantle">Fremantle</a>, Western Australia. The site includes the prison cellblocks, gatehouse, perimeter walls, cottages, and tunnels. It was initially used for <a href="/wiki/Convict_era_of_Western_Australia" title="Convict era of Western Australia">convicts transported from Britain</a>, but was transferred to the colonial government in 1886 for use for locally-sentenced prisoners. <a href="/wiki/Royal_Commission" class="mw-redirect" title="Royal Commission">Royal Commissions</a> were held in 1898 and 1911, and instigated some reform to the prison system, but significant changes did not begin until the 1960s. The government department in charge of the prison underwent several reorganisations in the 1970s and 1980s, but the culture of Fremantle Prison was resistant to change. Growing prisoner discontent culminated in <a href="/wiki/Fremantle_Prison_riot" title="Fremantle Prison riot">a 1988 riot</a> with guards taken hostage, and a fire that caused $1.8 million worth of damage. The prison closed in 1991, replaced by the new maximum-security <a href="/wiki/Casuarina_Prison" title="Casuarina Prison">Casuarina Prison</a>.<br /><br />The prison was administered by a <a href="/wiki/Comptroller_General_of_Convicts_(Western_Australia)" title="Comptroller General of Convicts (Western Australia)">comptroller general</a>, sheriff, or director, responsible for the entire convict or prison system in Western Australia, and a superintendent in charge of the prison itself. Prison officers, known as warders in the 19th century, worked under stringent conditions until they achieved representation through the <a href="/wiki/Western_Australian_Prison_Officers%27_Union" title="Western Australian Prison Officers' Union">Western Australian Prison Officers' Union</a>. Convicts were initially of good character as potential future colonists, but less desirable convicts were eventually sent. As a locally-run prison, Fremantle's population was generally short-sentenced white prisoners in the 1890s, with very few Aboriginal prisoners. By the late 20th century, most prisoners were serving longer sentences, a higher proportion of them were violent, and Aboriginal people were present in large numbers. (<b><a href="/wiki/Fremantle_Prison" title="Fremantle Prison">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 14 Julieka Ivanna Dhu (commonly referred to as Ms Dhu) was a 22-year-old Aboriginal Australian woman who died in police custody in South Hedland, Western Australia, in 2014. On 2 August that year, police responded to a report that Dhu's partner had violated an apprehended violence order. Upon arriving at their address, the officers arrested both Dhu and her partner after realising there was also an outstanding arrest warrant for unpaid fines against Dhu. She was detained in police custody in South Hedland and was ordered to serve four days in custody in default of her debt. While in custody, Dhu complained of pain and was twice taken to the Hedland Health Campus hospital. Medical staff judged that her complaints were exaggerated and associated with drug withdrawal. On 4 August, Dhu complained that she could no longer stand. Police officers, who accused her of faking her condition, handcuffed her, carried her to the back of their van and returned her to the hospital; she was pronounced dead shortly after arrival. The official cause of death was an infection due to her partner's breaking of her ribs three months earlier. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 14 Julieka Ivanna Dhu (commonly referred to as Ms Dhu) was a 22-year-old Aboriginal Australian woman who died in police custody in South Hedland, Western Australia, in 2014. On 2 August that year, police responded to a report that Dhu's partner had violated an apprehended violence order. Upon arriving at their address, the officers arrested both Dhu and her partner after realising there was also an outstanding arrest warrant for unpaid fines against Dhu. She was detained in police custody in South Hedland and was ordered to serve four days in custody in default of her debt. While in custody, Dhu complained of pain and was twice taken to the Hedland Health Campus hospital. Medical staff judged that her complaints were exaggerated and associated with drug withdrawal. On 4 August, Dhu complained that she could no longer stand. Police officers, who accused her of faking her condition, handcuffed her, carried her to the back of their van and returned her to the hospital; she was pronounced dead shortly after arrival. The official cause of death was an infection due to her partner's breaking of her ribs three months earlier. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 14</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><b><a href="/wiki/Death_of_Ms_Dhu" title="Death of Ms Dhu">Julieka Ivanna Dhu</a></b> (commonly referred to as <b>Ms Dhu</b>) was a 22-year-old <a href="/wiki/Aboriginal_Australians" title="Aboriginal Australians">Aboriginal Australian</a> woman who died in police custody in <a href="/wiki/South_Hedland" class="mw-redirect" title="South Hedland">South Hedland</a>, <a href="/wiki/Western_Australia" title="Western Australia">Western Australia</a>, in 2014. On 2 August that year, police responded to a report that Dhu's partner had violated an <a href="/wiki/Injunction#Australian_apprehended_violence_orders" title="Injunction">apprehended violence order</a>. Upon arriving at their address, the officers arrested both Dhu and her partner after realising there was also an outstanding arrest warrant for unpaid fines against Dhu. She was detained in <a href="/wiki/Arrest" title="Arrest">police custody</a> in South Hedland and was ordered to serve four days in custody in default of her debt.<br /><br />While in custody, Dhu complained of pain and was twice taken to the Hedland Health Campus hospital. Medical staff judged that her complaints were exaggerated and associated with drug withdrawal. On 4 August, Dhu complained that she could no longer stand. Police officers, who accused her of faking her condition, handcuffed her, carried her to the back of their van and returned her to the hospital; she was pronounced dead shortly after arrival. The official cause of death was an infection due to her partner's breaking of her ribs three months earlier. (<b><a href="/wiki/Death_of_Ms_Dhu" title="Death of Ms Dhu">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 15 Banksia lemanniana, the yellow lantern banksia or Lemann's banksia, is a species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae, native to Western Australia. It generally grows as an open woody shrub or small tree to 5 m (16 ft) high, with stiff serrated leaves and unusual hanging inflorescences. Flowering occurs over summer, the greenish buds developing into oval flower spikes before turning grey and developing the characteristic large woody follicles. It occurs within and just east of the Fitzgerald River National Park on the southern coast of the state. B. lemanniana is killed by bushfire and regenerates from seed. Described by Swiss botanist Carl Meissner in 1856, Banksia lemanniana was named in honour of English botanist Charles Morgan Lemann. It is one of three or four related species all with pendent inflorescences, which is an unusual feature of banksias. No subspecies are recognised. Banksia lemanniana is classified as Not Threatened under the Wildlife Conservation Act of Western Australia. Unlike many Western Australian banksias, it appears to have some resistance to dieback from the soil-borne water mould Phytophthora cinnamomi, and is one of the easier Western Australian species to grow in cultivation. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 15 Banksia lemanniana, the yellow lantern banksia or Lemann's banksia, is a species of flowering plant in the family Proteaceae, native to Western Australia. It generally grows as an open woody shrub or small tree to 5 m (16 ft) high, with stiff serrated leaves and unusual hanging inflorescences. Flowering occurs over summer, the greenish buds developing into oval flower spikes before turning grey and developing the characteristic large woody follicles. It occurs within and just east of the Fitzgerald River National Park on the southern coast of the state. B. lemanniana is killed by bushfire and regenerates from seed. Described by Swiss botanist Carl Meissner in 1856, Banksia lemanniana was named in honour of English botanist Charles Morgan Lemann. It is one of three or four related species all with pendent inflorescences, which is an unusual feature of banksias. No subspecies are recognised. Banksia lemanniana is classified as Not Threatened under the Wildlife Conservation Act of Western Australia. Unlike many Western Australian banksias, it appears to have some resistance to dieback from the soil-borne water mould Phytophthora cinnamomi, and is one of the easier Western Australian species to grow in cultivation. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 15</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-left" typeof="mw:File/Thumb"><a href="/wiki/File:BlemannianabudWaite.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="391" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="2322" data-file-height="4128" /></a><figcaption></figcaption></figure><br /><i><b><a href="/wiki/Banksia_lemanniana" title="Banksia lemanniana">Banksia lemanniana</a></b></i>, the <b>yellow lantern banksia</b> or <b>Lemann's banksia</b>, is a <a href="/wiki/Species" title="Species">species</a> of <a href="/wiki/Flowering_plant" title="Flowering plant">flowering plant</a> in the <a href="/wiki/Family_(botany)" class="mw-redirect" title="Family (botany)">family</a> <a href="/wiki/Proteaceae" title="Proteaceae">Proteaceae</a>, native to <a href="/wiki/Western_Australia" title="Western Australia">Western Australia</a>. It generally grows as an open woody shrub or small tree to 5 m (16 ft) high, with stiff serrated leaves and unusual hanging <a href="/wiki/Inflorescence" title="Inflorescence">inflorescences</a>. Flowering occurs over summer, the greenish buds developing into oval flower spikes before turning grey and developing the characteristic large woody <a href="/wiki/Follicle_(fruit)" title="Follicle (fruit)">follicles</a>. It occurs within and just east of the <a href="/wiki/Fitzgerald_River_National_Park" title="Fitzgerald River National Park">Fitzgerald River National Park</a> on the southern coast of the state. <i>B. lemanniana</i> is killed by bushfire and regenerates from seed.<br /><br />Described by Swiss botanist <a href="/wiki/Carl_Meissner" title="Carl Meissner">Carl Meissner</a> in 1856, <i>Banksia lemanniana</i> was named in honour of English botanist <a href="/wiki/Charles_Morgan_Lemann" title="Charles Morgan Lemann">Charles Morgan Lemann</a>. It is one of three or four related species all with <a href="/wiki/Pendent" title="Pendent">pendent</a> inflorescences, which is an unusual feature of <a href="/wiki/Banksia" title="Banksia">banksias</a>. No subspecies are recognised. <i>Banksia lemanniana</i> is classified as Not Threatened under the <a href="/wiki/Wildlife_Conservation_Act_1950" title="Wildlife Conservation Act 1950">Wildlife Conservation Act of Western Australia</a>. Unlike many Western Australian banksias, it appears to have some resistance to dieback from the soil-borne <a href="/wiki/Water_mould" class="mw-redirect" title="Water mould">water mould</a> <i><a href="/wiki/Phytophthora_cinnamomi" title="Phytophthora cinnamomi">Phytophthora cinnamomi</a></i>, and is one of the easier Western Australian species to grow in cultivation. (<b><a href="/wiki/Banksia_lemanniana" title="Banksia lemanniana">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> </ul></div></div> <div class="noprint" style="margin:0.3em 0.2em 0.2em 0.3em; padding:0.3em 0.2em 0.2em 0.3em; text-align:right;"><b><a href="/wiki/Portal:Western_Australia/FA-class_articles" title="Portal:Western Australia/FA-class articles">More featured articles</a></b></div><div style="clear:both;" class=""></div></div> <div class="box-header-title-container flex-columns-noflex" style="clear:both;color:white;margin-bottom:0px;border:solid #508150;box-sizing:border-box;text-align:center;font-size:100%;background:#508150;font-family:sans-serif;padding:.1em;border-width:1px 1px 0;padding-top:.1em;padding-left:.1em;padding-right:.1em;padding-bottom:.1em;moz-border-radius:0;webkit-border-radius:0;border-radius:0"><div class="plainlinks noprint" style="float:right;margin-bottom:.1em;color:white;font-size:80%"><a class="external text" href=""><span style="color:white">edit</span></a> </div><h2 id="Selected_picture" style="font-weight:bold;padding:0;margin:0;color:white;font-family:sans-serif;border:none;font-size:100%;padding-bottom:.1em;letter-spacing:2px; word-spacing:3px; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px">Selected picture</h2></div><div style="color:black;opacity:1;border:1px solid #508150;box-sizing:border-box;text-align:left;padding:1em;background:white;margin:0 0 10px;vertical-align:top;border-top-width:1px;padding-top:.3em;border-radius:0"> <figure class="mw-halign-center" typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:East_perth_cemeteries_11_gnangarra.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="350" height="233" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="3008" data-file-height="2000" /></a><figcaption></figcaption></figure> <div class="center"> <p><small>Photo credit: <a href="/wiki/User:Gnangarra" title="User:Gnangarra">Gnangarra</a></small><br /> <b>St Barthelomew's Church</b> in the remaining area of <a href="/wiki/East_Perth_Cemeteries" title="East Perth Cemeteries">East Perth Cemeteries</a>, originally built as mortuary chapel in 1848. In 1870 it was converted into a church by <a href="/wiki/Richard_Roach_Jewell" title="Richard Roach Jewell">Richard Roach Jewell</a> and extended in 1900 to include a nave and sanctuary. </p> </div> <div class="noprint" style="margin:0.3em 0.2em 0.2em 0.3em; padding:0.3em 0.2em 0.2em 0.3em; text-align:right;"><b><a href="/wiki/Portal:Western_Australia/Selected_picture" title="Portal:Western Australia/Selected picture">More pictures...</a></b></div><div style="clear:both;" class=""></div></div> <div class="box-header-title-container flex-columns-noflex" style="clear:both;color:white;margin-bottom:0px;border:solid #508150;box-sizing:border-box;text-align:center;font-size:100%;background:#508150;font-family:sans-serif;padding:.1em;border-width:1px 1px 0;padding-top:.1em;padding-left:.1em;padding-right:.1em;padding-bottom:.1em;moz-border-radius:0;webkit-border-radius:0;border-radius:0"><div class="plainlinks noprint" style="float:right;margin-bottom:.1em;color:white;font-size:80%"><a class="external text" href=""><span style="color:white">edit</span></a> </div><h2 id="Recognized_content" style="font-weight:bold;padding:0;margin:0;color:white;font-family:sans-serif;border:none;font-size:100%;padding-bottom:.1em;letter-spacing:2px; word-spacing:3px; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px">Recognized content</h2></div><div style="color:black;opacity:1;border:1px solid #508150;box-sizing:border-box;text-align:left;padding:1em;background:white;margin:0 0 10px;vertical-align:top;border-top-width:1px;padding-top:.3em;border-radius:0"> <ul><li>See <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProject_Western_Australia#Recognised_content" title="Wikipedia:WikiProject Western Australia">Wikipedia:WikiProject Western Australia § Recognised content</a> for a list of recognized content.</li></ul> <div style="clear:both;" class=""></div></div> <div class="box-header-title-container flex-columns-noflex" style="clear:both;color:white;margin-bottom:0px;border:solid #508150;box-sizing:border-box;text-align:center;font-size:100%;background:#508150;font-family:sans-serif;padding:.1em;border-width:1px 1px 0;padding-top:.1em;padding-left:.1em;padding-right:.1em;padding-bottom:.1em;moz-border-radius:0;webkit-border-radius:0;border-radius:0"><div class="plainlinks noprint" style="float:right;margin-bottom:.1em;color:white;font-size:80%"><a class="external text" href=""><span style="color:white">edit</span></a> </div><h2 id="Topics" style="font-weight:bold;padding:0;margin:0;color:white;font-family:sans-serif;border:none;font-size:100%;padding-bottom:.1em;letter-spacing:2px; word-spacing:3px; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px">Topics</h2></div><div style="color:black;opacity:1;border:1px solid #508150;box-sizing:border-box;text-align:left;padding:1em;background:white;margin:0 0 10px;vertical-align:top;border-top-width:1px;padding-top:.3em;border-radius:0"> <div style="font-size: 85%; text-align:center"> <div class="mw-heading mw-heading4"><h4 id="Western_Australia"> <a href="/wiki/Category:Western_Australia" title="Category:Western Australia">Western Australia</a></h4></div> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r1129693374"><div class="hlist"> <ul><li><a href="/wiki/Category:Buildings_and_structures_in_Western_Australia" title="Category:Buildings and structures in Western Australia">Buildings and structures</a></li> <li><a href="/w/index.php?title=Category:Conservation_in_Western_Australia&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="Category:Conservation in Western Australia (page does not exist)">Conservation</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Category:Crime_in_Western_Australia" title="Category:Crime in Western Australia">Crime</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Category:Culture_of_Western_Australia" title="Category:Culture of Western Australia">Culture</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Category:Education_in_Western_Australia" title="Category:Education in Western Australia">Education</a></li> <li><a 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title="List of Western Australian courts and tribunals">Courts and tribunals</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_cyclones_in_Western_Australia" class="mw-redirect" title="List of cyclones in Western Australia">Cyclones</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_Western_Australian_government_agencies" title="List of Western Australian government agencies">Government agencies</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Governors_of_Western_Australia" class="mw-redirect" title="Governors of Western Australia">Governors</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_highways_in_Western_Australia" title="List of highways in Western Australia">Highways</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_hospitals_in_Western_Australia" title="List of hospitals in Western Australia">Hospitals</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_islands_of_Western_Australia" title="List of islands of Western Australia">Islands</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_lakes_in_Western_Australia" class="mw-redirect" title="List of lakes in Western Australia">Lakes</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_mammals_of_Western_Australia" title="List of mammals of Western Australia">Mammals</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_pastoral_leases_in_Western_Australia" title="List of pastoral leases in Western Australia">Pastoral leases</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_active_power_stations_in_Western_Australia" class="mw-redirect" title="List of active power stations in Western Australia">Power stations</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Premiers_of_Western_Australia" class="mw-redirect" title="Premiers of Western Australia">Premiers</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/Protected_areas_of_Western_Australia" class="mw-redirect" title="Protected areas of Western Australia">Protected areas</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_road_routes_in_rural_and_remote_Western_Australia" class="mw-redirect" title="List of road routes in rural and remote Western Australia">Remote roads</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_reptiles_of_Western_Australia" title="List of reptiles of Western Australia">Reptiles</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_rocks_in_Western_Australia" class="mw-redirect" title="List of rocks in Western Australia">Rocks</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_schools_in_Western_Australia" class="mw-redirect" title="List of schools in Western Australia">Schools</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_statues_in_Western_Australia" class="mw-redirect" title="List of statues in Western Australia">Statues</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_Western_Australian_towns" class="mw-redirect" title="List of Western Australian towns">Towns</a></li> <li><a href="/wiki/List_of_watercourses_in_Western_Australia" title="List of watercourses in Western Australia">Watercourses</a></li></ul> </div> </div> <div style="clear:both;" class=""></div></div> <div class="box-header-title-container flex-columns-noflex" style="clear:both;color:white;margin-bottom:0px;border:solid #508150;box-sizing:border-box;text-align:center;font-size:100%;background:#508150;font-family:sans-serif;padding:.1em;border-width:1px 1px 0;padding-top:.1em;padding-left:.1em;padding-right:.1em;padding-bottom:.1em;moz-border-radius:0;webkit-border-radius:0;border-radius:0"><div class="plainlinks noprint" style="float:right;margin-bottom:.1em;color:white;font-size:80%"><a class="external text" href=""><span style="color:white">edit</span></a> </div><h2 id="Related_portals" style="font-weight:bold;padding:0;margin:0;color:white;font-family:sans-serif;border:none;font-size:100%;padding-bottom:.1em;letter-spacing:2px; word-spacing:3px; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px">Related portals</h2></div><div style="color:black;opacity:1;border:1px solid #508150;box-sizing:border-box;text-align:left;padding:1em;background:white;margin:0 0 10px;vertical-align:top;border-top-width:1px;padding-top:.3em;border-radius:0"> <table style="width: 100%; margin-bottom: 5px;"><tbody><tr><td width="11%"></td> <td width="11%"></td> <td width="11%"></td> <td width="11%"></td> <td><div role="img" class="noresize" style="width: 250px; line-height: 1; text-align: center; background-color: #ffffff; position: relative;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Australia_locator-MJC_coloured.png" class="mw-file-description"><img alt="" src="//" decoding="async" width="250" height="226" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="497" data-file-height="450" /></a></span> <div style="position:absolute; font-size:85%; left:156.5px; top:84px"><span style="font-size:120%; text-align:center;"><a href="/wiki/Portal:Queensland" title="Portal:Queensland">Queensland</a></span></div> <div style="position:absolute; font-size:85%; left:98.5px; top:51.5px"><span style="font-size:120%; text-align:center;"><i>(Northern<br />Territory)</i></span></div> <div style="position:absolute; font-size:85%; left:31px; top:93.5px"><span style="font-size:120%; text-align:center;"><a class="mw-selflink 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style="clear:both;color:white;margin-bottom:0px;border:solid #508150;box-sizing:border-box;text-align:center;font-size:100%;background:#508150;font-family:sans-serif;padding:.1em;border-width:1px 1px 0;padding-top:.1em;padding-left:.1em;padding-right:.1em;padding-bottom:.1em;moz-border-radius:0;webkit-border-radius:0;border-radius:0"><div class="plainlinks noprint" style="float:right;margin-bottom:.1em;color:white;font-size:80%"></div><h2 id="Good_articles_-_load_new_batch" style="font-weight:bold;padding:0;margin:0;color:white;font-family:sans-serif;border:none;font-size:100%;padding-bottom:.1em;letter-spacing:2px; word-spacing:3px; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Symbol_support_vote.svg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="19" height="20" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="180" data-file-height="185" /></a></span> Good articles - <span class="noprint plainlinks purgelink"><a class="external text" href=""><span title="Purge this page"><small><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r1239334494"><span class="tmp-color" style="color:darkblue"><i>load new batch</i></span></small></span></a></span></h2></div><div style="color:black;opacity:1;border:1px solid #508150;box-sizing:border-box;text-align:left;padding:1em;background:white;margin:0 0 10px;vertical-align:top;border-top-width:1px;padding-top:.3em;border-radius:0"> <div style="text-align: center;"><i><small>These are <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:GA" class="mw-redirect" title="Wikipedia:GA">Good articles</a>, which meet a core set of high editorial standards.</small></i></div> <hr /> <div style="font-size:105%;"> <link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r987512734"><link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r1021884966"><div class="randomSlideshow-container excerptSlideshow-container" style="max-width:100%; margin:-4em auto;"><div class="nomobile"></div><ul class="gallery mw-gallery-slideshow switcher-container"> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 1 John Biase D'Orazio (5 September 1955 – 11 April 2011) was an Australian politician who served as the member for Ballajura in the Western Australian Legislative Assembly from 10 February 2001 to 6 September 2008. He was a minister in the governments of Geoff Gallop and Alan Carpenter, and a member of the Labor Party until 29 August 2006, when he resigned following several controversies. Born to Italian immigrants, D'Orazio grew up on a market garden in the Perth suburb of Bayswater. He studied pharmacy at the Western Australian Institute of Technology, later opening his own pharmacy business. In 1981, he was elected to the City of Bayswater council, and in 1984, he became the mayor of Bayswater, in which position he served until 2001. At the 2001 Western Australian state election, D'Orazio was elected to the seat of Ballajura, beating the Liberal incumbent Rhonda Parker. Following the 2005 state election, he was promoted to cabinet by Premier Geoff Gallop, becoming the minister for justice and minister for small business. In February 2006, after Alan Carpenter became premier, D'Orazio was appointed as the minister for police and emergency services, minister for justice, and minister for community safety. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 1 John Biase D'Orazio (5 September 1955 – 11 April 2011) was an Australian politician who served as the member for Ballajura in the Western Australian Legislative Assembly from 10 February 2001 to 6 September 2008. He was a minister in the governments of Geoff Gallop and Alan Carpenter, and a member of the Labor Party until 29 August 2006, when he resigned following several controversies. Born to Italian immigrants, D'Orazio grew up on a market garden in the Perth suburb of Bayswater. He studied pharmacy at the Western Australian Institute of Technology, later opening his own pharmacy business. In 1981, he was elected to the City of Bayswater council, and in 1984, he became the mayor of Bayswater, in which position he served until 2001. At the 2001 Western Australian state election, D'Orazio was elected to the seat of Ballajura, beating the Liberal incumbent Rhonda Parker. Following the 2005 state election, he was promoted to cabinet by Premier Geoff Gallop, becoming the minister for justice and minister for small business. In February 2006, after Alan Carpenter became premier, D'Orazio was appointed as the minister for police and emergency services, minister for justice, and minister for community safety. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 1</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><b><a href="/wiki/John_D%27Orazio" title="John D'Orazio">John Biase D'Orazio</a></b> (5 September 1955 – 11 April 2011) was an Australian politician who served as the member for <a href="/wiki/Electoral_district_of_Ballajura" title="Electoral district of Ballajura">Ballajura</a> in the <a href="/wiki/Western_Australian_Legislative_Assembly" title="Western Australian Legislative Assembly">Western Australian Legislative Assembly</a> from 10 February 2001 to 6 September 2008. He was a minister in the governments of <a href="/wiki/Geoff_Gallop" title="Geoff Gallop">Geoff Gallop</a> and <a href="/wiki/Alan_Carpenter" title="Alan Carpenter">Alan Carpenter</a>, and a member of the <a href="/wiki/Western_Australian_Labor_Party" title="Western Australian Labor Party">Labor Party</a> until 29 August 2006, when he resigned following several controversies. Born to Italian immigrants, D'Orazio grew up on a market garden in the <a href="/wiki/Perth" title="Perth">Perth</a> suburb of <a href="/wiki/Bayswater,_Western_Australia" title="Bayswater, Western Australia">Bayswater</a>. He studied pharmacy at the <a href="/wiki/Western_Australian_Institute_of_Technology" class="mw-redirect" title="Western Australian Institute of Technology">Western Australian Institute of Technology</a>, later opening his own pharmacy business. In 1981, he was elected to the <a href="/wiki/City_of_Bayswater" title="City of Bayswater">City of Bayswater</a> council, and in 1984, he became the <a href="/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Bayswater" title="List of mayors of Bayswater">mayor of Bayswater</a>, in which position he served until 2001.<br /><br />At the <a href="/wiki/2001_Western_Australian_state_election" title="2001 Western Australian state election">2001 Western Australian state election</a>, D'Orazio was elected to the seat of Ballajura, beating the <a href="/wiki/Western_Australian_Liberal_Party" title="Western Australian Liberal Party">Liberal</a> incumbent <a href="/wiki/Rhonda_Parker" title="Rhonda Parker">Rhonda Parker</a>. Following the <a href="/wiki/2005_Western_Australian_state_election" title="2005 Western Australian state election">2005 state election</a>, he was promoted to cabinet by Premier Geoff Gallop, becoming the <a href="/wiki/Minister_for_Justice_(Western_Australia)" class="mw-redirect" title="Minister for Justice (Western Australia)">minister for justice</a> and <a href="/wiki/Minister_for_Small_Business_(Western_Australia)" title="Minister for Small Business (Western Australia)">minister for small business</a>. In February 2006, after Alan Carpenter became premier, D'Orazio was appointed as the <a href="/wiki/Minister_for_Police_(Western_Australia)" title="Minister for Police (Western Australia)">minister for police and emergency services</a>, minister for justice, and <a href="/wiki/Minister_for_Community_Safety_(Western_Australia)" class="mw-redirect" title="Minister for Community Safety (Western Australia)">minister for community safety</a>. (<b><a href="/wiki/John_D%27Orazio" title="John D'Orazio">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 2 Council House Council House is a 13-storey office building on St Georges Terrace in Perth, Western Australia. Located beside Stirling Gardens and Government House in the city's central business district, the 49.8-metre (163 ft) building was designed by Howlett and Bailey Architects and opened by Queen Elizabeth II in 1963, after Perth hosted the 1962 British Empire and Commonwealth Games. For most of its history, it has served as the headquarters for the City of Perth. Built in a modernist style, the building has been the subject of vigorous public debate about its heritage value. Some parties, such as the Royal Australian Institute of Architects, consider the building to be an important example of modernist architecture in the city, whilst others consider it ugly. These conflicting views led to animosity in the 1990s, when the State Government refused to heritage list the property, and instead recommended its demolition. Despite this, the City of Perth opted to renovate the tower and keep it as its headquarters. Following this, the building was admitted to the State's Heritage Register. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 2 Council House Council House is a 13-storey office building on St Georges Terrace in Perth, Western Australia. Located beside Stirling Gardens and Government House in the city's central business district, the 49.8-metre (163 ft) building was designed by Howlett and Bailey Architects and opened by Queen Elizabeth II in 1963, after Perth hosted the 1962 British Empire and Commonwealth Games. For most of its history, it has served as the headquarters for the City of Perth. Built in a modernist style, the building has been the subject of vigorous public debate about its heritage value. Some parties, such as the Royal Australian Institute of Architects, consider the building to be an important example of modernist architecture in the city, whilst others consider it ugly. These conflicting views led to animosity in the 1990s, when the State Government refused to heritage list the property, and instead recommended its demolition. Despite this, the City of Perth opted to renovate the tower and keep it as its headquarters. Following this, the building was admitted to the State's Heritage Register. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 2</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><div class="thumb tright" style="overflow:hidden;width:auto;max-width:308px"><div class="thumbinner"><div class="noresize" style="width:auto;overflow:auto;"><div style="white-space:normal"><br /><figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-none" typeof="mw:File/Frameless"><a href="/wiki/File:Perth_Council_House,_illuminated,_August_2012.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="165" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="1632" data-file-height="1224" /></a><figcaption></figcaption></figure></div></div><div class="thumbcaption"><div class="center">Council House</div></div></div></div><br /><b><a href="/wiki/Council_House,_Perth" title="Council House, Perth">Council House</a></b> is a 13-storey <a href="/wiki/Office_building" class="mw-redirect" title="Office building">office building</a> on <a href="/wiki/St_Georges_Terrace,_Perth" class="mw-redirect" title="St Georges Terrace, Perth">St Georges Terrace</a> in <a href="/wiki/Perth" title="Perth">Perth</a>, Western Australia. Located beside <a href="/wiki/Stirling_Gardens" title="Stirling Gardens">Stirling Gardens</a> and <a href="/wiki/Government_House,_Perth" title="Government House, Perth">Government House</a> in the city's <a href="/wiki/Perth_central_business_district" class="mw-redirect" title="Perth central business district">central business district</a>, the 49.8-metre (163 ft) building was designed by <a href="/wiki/Howlett_and_Bailey_Architects" title="Howlett and Bailey Architects">Howlett and Bailey Architects</a> and opened by <a href="/wiki/Queen_Elizabeth_II" class="mw-redirect" title="Queen Elizabeth II">Queen Elizabeth II</a> in 1963, after Perth hosted the <a href="/wiki/1962_British_Empire_and_Commonwealth_Games" title="1962 British Empire and Commonwealth Games">1962 British Empire and Commonwealth Games</a>. For most of its history, it has served as the headquarters for the <a href="/wiki/City_of_Perth" title="City of Perth">City of Perth</a>.<br /><br />Built in a <a href="/wiki/Modern_architecture" title="Modern architecture">modernist</a> style, the building has been the subject of vigorous public debate about its heritage value. Some parties, such as the <a href="/wiki/Royal_Australian_Institute_of_Architects" class="mw-redirect" title="Royal Australian Institute of Architects">Royal Australian Institute of Architects</a>, consider the building to be an important example of modernist architecture in the city, whilst others consider it ugly. These conflicting views led to animosity in the 1990s, when the <a href="/wiki/Government_of_Western_Australia" title="Government of Western Australia">State Government</a> refused to <a href="/wiki/Western_Australian_Register_of_Heritage_Places" class="mw-redirect" title="Western Australian Register of Heritage Places">heritage list</a> the property, and instead recommended its demolition. Despite this, the City of Perth opted to renovate the tower and keep it as its headquarters. Following this, the building was admitted to the State's Heritage Register. (<b><a href="/wiki/Council_House,_Perth" title="Council House, Perth">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 3 Southbound view from Platform 2, showing station shelter, August 2022 Challis railway station (officially Challis Station) is a suburban railway station in Kelmscott, a suburb of Perth, Western Australia. It is on the Armadale line which is part of the Transperth network, and is 27.3 kilometres (17.0 mi) southwest of Perth station and 3.1 kilometres (1.9 mi) north of Armadale station. The station opened on 29 October 1973, as did the adjacent Sherwood station, filling the large gap between Armadale station and Kelmscott station. It consists of two side platforms with a pedestrian level crossing. It is not fully accessible due to steep ramps and wide gaps at the pedestrian level crossing. Services are operated by Transperth Train Operations, a division of the state government's Public Transport Authority. Peak services reach seven trains per hour in each direction, whilst off-peak services are four trains per hour. The station is one of the least used ones on the Transperth network, with just 259 boardings per day in October 2017. The City of Armadale rezoned nearby land in the 2010s with the goal of increasing patronage. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 3 Southbound view from Platform 2, showing station shelter, August 2022 Challis railway station (officially Challis Station) is a suburban railway station in Kelmscott, a suburb of Perth, Western Australia. It is on the Armadale line which is part of the Transperth network, and is 27.3 kilometres (17.0 mi) southwest of Perth station and 3.1 kilometres (1.9 mi) north of Armadale station. The station opened on 29 October 1973, as did the adjacent Sherwood station, filling the large gap between Armadale station and Kelmscott station. It consists of two side platforms with a pedestrian level crossing. It is not fully accessible due to steep ramps and wide gaps at the pedestrian level crossing. Services are operated by Transperth Train Operations, a division of the state government's Public Transport Authority. Peak services reach seven trains per hour in each direction, whilst off-peak services are four trains per hour. The station is one of the least used ones on the Transperth network, with just 259 boardings per day in October 2017. The City of Armadale rezoned nearby land in the 2010s with the goal of increasing patronage. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 3</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><div class="thumb tright" style="overflow:hidden;width:auto;max-width:308px"><div class="thumbinner"><div class="noresize" style="width:auto;overflow:auto;"><div style="white-space:normal"><br /><figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-none" typeof="mw:File/Frameless"><a href="/wiki/File:Challis_Station,_Kelmscott,_Western_Australia,_August_2022_03.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="165" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="4032" data-file-height="3024" /></a><figcaption></figcaption></figure></div></div><div class="thumbcaption"><div class="center">Southbound view from Platform 2, showing station shelter, August 2022</div></div></div></div><br /><b><a href="/wiki/Challis_railway_station" title="Challis railway station">Challis railway station</a></b> (officially <b>Challis Station</b>) is a suburban railway station in <a href="/wiki/Kelmscott,_Western_Australia" title="Kelmscott, Western Australia">Kelmscott</a>, a <a href="/wiki/Suburbs_and_localities_(Australia)" title="Suburbs and localities (Australia)">suburb</a> of <a href="/wiki/Perth" title="Perth">Perth</a>, Western Australia. It is on the <a href="/wiki/Armadale_line" title="Armadale line">Armadale line</a> which is part of the <a href="/wiki/Transperth" title="Transperth">Transperth</a> network, and is 27.3 kilometres (17.0 mi) southwest of <a href="/wiki/Perth_railway_station" title="Perth railway station">Perth station</a> and 3.1 kilometres (1.9 mi) north of <a href="/wiki/Armadale_railway_station,_Perth" title="Armadale railway station, Perth">Armadale station</a>. The station opened on 29 October 1973, as did the adjacent <a href="/wiki/Sherwood_railway_station,_Perth" title="Sherwood railway station, Perth">Sherwood station</a>, filling the large gap between Armadale station and <a href="/wiki/Kelmscott_railway_station" title="Kelmscott railway station">Kelmscott station</a>. It consists of two <a href="/wiki/Side_platform" title="Side platform">side platforms</a> with a pedestrian level crossing. It is not fully <a href="/wiki/Accessible" class="mw-redirect" title="Accessible">accessible</a> due to steep ramps and wide gaps at the pedestrian level crossing.<br /><br />Services are operated by <a href="/wiki/Transperth_Train_Operations" class="mw-redirect" title="Transperth Train Operations">Transperth Train Operations</a>, a division of the state government's <a href="/wiki/Public_Transport_Authority_(Western_Australia)" title="Public Transport Authority (Western Australia)">Public Transport Authority</a>. Peak services reach seven trains per hour in each direction, whilst off-peak services are four trains per hour. The station is one of the least used ones on the Transperth network, with just 259 boardings per day in October 2017. The <a href="/wiki/City_of_Armadale" title="City of Armadale">City of Armadale</a> rezoned nearby land in the 2010s with the goal of increasing patronage. (<b><a href="/wiki/Challis_railway_station" title="Challis railway station">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 4 Thornlie line at Thornlie station viewed from the Spencer Road bridge, January 2021 The Thornlie line is a temporarily closed suburban railway line and service in Perth, Western Australia, operated by the Public Transport Authority as part of the Transperth system. The Thornlie line is a branch of the Armadale line which opened on 7 August 2005 and runs for 2.9 kilometres (1.8 mi) parallel to the Kwinana freight railway between the Armadale line at Kenwick and Thornlie station. Thornlie line services continued north of Kenwick along the Armadale line to Perth station, stopping at most stations, in contrast to Armadale line services, which skipped most stations along that section. The Thornlie line has been suspended since 20 November 2023 due to construction work; it is planned to reopen in mid-2025. The Thornlie line originated from initial plans for the Mandurah line, which was to branch off the Armadale line and run along the Kwinana freight railway. The Mandurah line's planned route changed in 2001, but not before tunnels were built for the line to exit the Armadale line at Kenwick and enter the Kwinana Freeway. It was decided to build the Thornlie line instead as a one-station branch of the Armadale line. The main construction contract was awarded to Barclay Mowlem in 2004 and the Thornlie line opened on 7 August 2005. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 4 Thornlie line at Thornlie station viewed from the Spencer Road bridge, January 2021 The Thornlie line is a temporarily closed suburban railway line and service in Perth, Western Australia, operated by the Public Transport Authority as part of the Transperth system. The Thornlie line is a branch of the Armadale line which opened on 7 August 2005 and runs for 2.9 kilometres (1.8 mi) parallel to the Kwinana freight railway between the Armadale line at Kenwick and Thornlie station. Thornlie line services continued north of Kenwick along the Armadale line to Perth station, stopping at most stations, in contrast to Armadale line services, which skipped most stations along that section. The Thornlie line has been suspended since 20 November 2023 due to construction work; it is planned to reopen in mid-2025. The Thornlie line originated from initial plans for the Mandurah line, which was to branch off the Armadale line and run along the Kwinana freight railway. The Mandurah line's planned route changed in 2001, but not before tunnels were built for the line to exit the Armadale line at Kenwick and enter the Kwinana Freeway. It was decided to build the Thornlie line instead as a one-station branch of the Armadale line. The main construction contract was awarded to Barclay Mowlem in 2004 and the Thornlie line opened on 7 August 2005. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 4</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><div class="thumb tright" style="overflow:hidden;width:auto;max-width:308px"><div class="thumbinner"><div class="noresize" style="width:auto;overflow:auto;"><div style="white-space:normal"><br /><figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-none" typeof="mw:File/Frameless"><a href="/wiki/File:Thornlie_stn_looking_NE.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="165" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="2880" data-file-height="2160" /></a><figcaption></figcaption></figure></div></div><div class="thumbcaption"><div class="center">Thornlie line at Thornlie station viewed from the Spencer Road bridge, January 2021</div></div></div></div><br />The <b><a href="/wiki/Thornlie_line" title="Thornlie line">Thornlie line</a></b> is a temporarily closed <a href="/wiki/Suburban_rail" class="mw-redirect" title="Suburban rail">suburban railway</a> line and service in <a href="/wiki/Perth" title="Perth">Perth</a>, Western Australia, operated by the <a href="/wiki/Public_Transport_Authority_(Western_Australia)" title="Public Transport Authority (Western Australia)">Public Transport Authority</a> as part of the <a href="/wiki/Transperth" title="Transperth">Transperth</a> system. The Thornlie line is a branch of the <a href="/wiki/Armadale_line" title="Armadale line">Armadale line</a> which opened on 7 August 2005 and runs for 2.9 kilometres (1.8 mi) parallel to the <a href="/wiki/Kwinana_freight_railway" title="Kwinana freight railway">Kwinana freight railway</a> between the Armadale line at <a href="/wiki/Kenwick,_Western_Australia" title="Kenwick, Western Australia">Kenwick</a> and <a href="/wiki/Thornlie_railway_station" title="Thornlie railway station">Thornlie station</a>. Thornlie line services continued north of Kenwick along the Armadale line to <a href="/wiki/Perth_railway_station" title="Perth railway station">Perth station</a>, stopping at most stations, in contrast to Armadale line services, which skipped most stations along that section. The Thornlie line has been suspended since 20 November 2023 due to construction work; it is planned to reopen in mid-2025.<br />The Thornlie line originated from initial plans for the <a href="/wiki/Mandurah_line" title="Mandurah line">Mandurah line</a>, which was to branch off the Armadale line and run along the Kwinana freight railway. The Mandurah line's planned route changed in 2001, but not before tunnels were built for the line to exit the Armadale line at Kenwick and enter the <a href="/wiki/Kwinana_Freeway" title="Kwinana Freeway">Kwinana Freeway</a>. It was decided to build the Thornlie line instead as a one-station branch of the Armadale line. The main construction contract was awarded to <a href="/wiki/Barclay_Mowlem" title="Barclay Mowlem">Barclay Mowlem</a> in 2004 and the Thornlie line opened on 7 August 2005. (<b><a href="/wiki/Thornlie_line" title="Thornlie line">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 5 Myrmecia inquilina is a species of ant endemic to Australia in the subfamily Myrmeciinae, first discovered in 1955 and described by Athol Douglas and William Brown Jr. in 1959. These ants are large, measuring 21.4 millimetres (0.84 in). During the time of its discovery, Douglas and Brown announced M. inquilina as the first social parasite among the primitive subfamilies, and today it is one of the two known Myrmecia species to have no worker caste. Two host species are known, Myrmecia nigriceps and Myrmecia vindex. Aggression between M. inquilina and its host species does not occur, and colonies may only produce M. inquilina brood months after the inquiline queens begin to lay their eggs. Queens eat the colony brood or trophic eggs, and other Myrmecia species may kill M. inquilina queens if they reject them. Due to its restricted distribution and threats to its habitat, the ant is "vulnerable" according to the IUCN Red List. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 5 Myrmecia inquilina is a species of ant endemic to Australia in the subfamily Myrmeciinae, first discovered in 1955 and described by Athol Douglas and William Brown Jr. in 1959. These ants are large, measuring 21.4 millimetres (0.84 in). During the time of its discovery, Douglas and Brown announced M. inquilina as the first social parasite among the primitive subfamilies, and today it is one of the two known Myrmecia species to have no worker caste. Two host species are known, Myrmecia nigriceps and Myrmecia vindex. Aggression between M. inquilina and its host species does not occur, and colonies may only produce M. inquilina brood months after the inquiline queens begin to lay their eggs. Queens eat the colony brood or trophic eggs, and other Myrmecia species may kill M. inquilina queens if they reject them. Due to its restricted distribution and threats to its habitat, the ant is "vulnerable" according to the IUCN Red List. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 5</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><i><b><a href="/wiki/Myrmecia_inquilina" title="Myrmecia inquilina">Myrmecia inquilina</a></b></i> is a species of ant <a href="/wiki/Endemism" title="Endemism">endemic</a> to <a href="/wiki/Australia" title="Australia">Australia</a> in the subfamily <a href="/wiki/Myrmeciinae" title="Myrmeciinae">Myrmeciinae</a>, first discovered in 1955 and described by Athol Douglas and William Brown Jr. in 1959. These ants are large, measuring 21.4 <a href="/wiki/Millimetre" title="Millimetre">millimetres</a> (0.84 <a href="/wiki/Inch" title="Inch">in</a>). During the time of its discovery, Douglas and Brown announced <i>M. inquilina</i> as the first <a href="/wiki/Parasitism" title="Parasitism">social parasite</a> among the primitive subfamilies, and today it is one of the two known <i>Myrmecia</i> species to have no worker caste. Two host species are known, <i><a href="/wiki/Myrmecia_nigriceps" title="Myrmecia nigriceps">Myrmecia nigriceps</a></i> and <i><a href="/wiki/Myrmecia_vindex" title="Myrmecia vindex">Myrmecia vindex</a></i>. Aggression between <i>M. inquilina</i> and its host species does not occur, and colonies may only produce <i>M. inquilina</i> brood months after the inquiline queens begin to lay their eggs. Queens eat the colony brood or <a href="/wiki/Trophic_egg" title="Trophic egg">trophic eggs</a>, and other <i>Myrmecia</i> species may kill <i>M. inquilina</i> queens if they reject them. Due to its restricted distribution and threats to its habitat, the ant is "<a href="/wiki/Vulnerable_species" title="Vulnerable species">vulnerable</a>" according to the <a href="/wiki/IUCN" class="mw-redirect" title="IUCN">IUCN</a> Red List. (<b><a href="/wiki/Myrmecia_inquilina" title="Myrmecia inquilina">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 6 Banksia oligantha, commonly known as Wagin banksia, is an endangered species in the plant family Proteaceae endemic to south west Western Australia. It belongs to Banksia subg. Isostylis, a subgenus of three closely related Banksia species with dome-shaped heads as inflorescences, rather than characteristic Banksia flower spikes. A shrub or small tree up to 4 m (13 ft) high, it has prickly foliage and pink and cream flowerheads which appear in late Spring (October to December). First collected in 1984 near the wheatbelt town of Wagin, Banksia oligantha was officially described in 1987 by Australian botanist Alex George. Several scattered populations survive in fragments of remnant bushland in a region which has been mostly cleared for agriculture. It has been listed as Declared Rare Flora by the Western Australian Government. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 6 Banksia oligantha, commonly known as Wagin banksia, is an endangered species in the plant family Proteaceae endemic to south west Western Australia. It belongs to Banksia subg. Isostylis, a subgenus of three closely related Banksia species with dome-shaped heads as inflorescences, rather than characteristic Banksia flower spikes. A shrub or small tree up to 4 m (13 ft) high, it has prickly foliage and pink and cream flowerheads which appear in late Spring (October to December). First collected in 1984 near the wheatbelt town of Wagin, Banksia oligantha was officially described in 1987 by Australian botanist Alex George. Several scattered populations survive in fragments of remnant bushland in a region which has been mostly cleared for agriculture. It has been listed as Declared Rare Flora by the Western Australian Government. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 6</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><i><b><a href="/wiki/Banksia_oligantha" title="Banksia oligantha">Banksia oligantha</a></b></i>, commonly known as <b>Wagin banksia</b>, is an <a href="/wiki/Endangered_species" title="Endangered species">endangered species</a> in the <a href="/wiki/Plant" title="Plant">plant</a> <a href="/wiki/Family_(biology)" title="Family (biology)">family</a> <a href="/wiki/Proteaceae" title="Proteaceae">Proteaceae</a> endemic to <a href="/wiki/South_West,_Western_Australia" title="South West, Western Australia">south west Western Australia</a>. It belongs to <a href="/wiki/Banksia_subg._Isostylis" title="Banksia subg. Isostylis"><i>Banksia</i> subg. <i>Isostylis</i></a>, a subgenus of three closely related <i><a href="/wiki/Banksia" title="Banksia">Banksia</a></i> species with dome-shaped heads as <a href="/wiki/Inflorescence" title="Inflorescence">inflorescences</a>, rather than characteristic <i>Banksia</i> flower spikes. A shrub or small tree up to 4 m (13 ft) high, it has prickly foliage and pink and cream <a href="/wiki/Head_(botany)" class="mw-redirect" title="Head (botany)">flowerheads</a> which appear in late Spring (October to December).<br /><br />First collected in 1984 near the <a href="/wiki/Wheatbelt_(Western_Australia)" title="Wheatbelt (Western Australia)">wheatbelt</a> town of <a href="/wiki/Wagin,_Western_Australia" title="Wagin, Western Australia">Wagin</a>, <i>Banksia oligantha</i> was officially described in 1987 by Australian botanist <a href="/wiki/Alex_George_(botanist)" title="Alex George (botanist)">Alex George</a>. Several scattered populations survive in fragments of remnant bushland in a region which has been mostly cleared for agriculture. It has been listed as Declared Rare Flora by the Western Australian Government. (<b><a href="/wiki/Banksia_oligantha" title="Banksia oligantha">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 7 Aerial view of Fremantle Prison (1935) The architecture of Fremantle Prison includes the six-hectare (15-acre) site of the former prison on The Terrace, Fremantle, in Western Australia. Limestone was quarried on-site during construction, and the south-western corner (the South Knoll) and eastern portion of the site are at a considerably higher ground level. The Fremantle Prison site includes the prison cell blocks, gatehouse, perimeter walls, cottages, tunnels, and related infrastructure. The Main Cell Block is the longest and tallest cell range in Australia, and a dominating feature of the prison. New Division, constructed between 1904 and 1907, continues the façade alignment of the main block. Service buildings were converted into the separate Women's Prison. Fremantle Prison is surrounded by limestone perimeter walls, while a two-storey limestone gatehouse, with a central clock, presents an imposing entrance. North and south of the gatehouse, on The Terrace, are several cottages and houses – three of which are built in Victorian style in contrast to the Georgian style of the others. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 7 Aerial view of Fremantle Prison (1935) The architecture of Fremantle Prison includes the six-hectare (15-acre) site of the former prison on The Terrace, Fremantle, in Western Australia. Limestone was quarried on-site during construction, and the south-western corner (the South Knoll) and eastern portion of the site are at a considerably higher ground level. The Fremantle Prison site includes the prison cell blocks, gatehouse, perimeter walls, cottages, tunnels, and related infrastructure. The Main Cell Block is the longest and tallest cell range in Australia, and a dominating feature of the prison. New Division, constructed between 1904 and 1907, continues the façade alignment of the main block. Service buildings were converted into the separate Women's Prison. Fremantle Prison is surrounded by limestone perimeter walls, while a two-storey limestone gatehouse, with a central clock, presents an imposing entrance. North and south of the gatehouse, on The Terrace, are several cottages and houses – three of which are built in Victorian style in contrast to the Georgian style of the others. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 7</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-right" typeof="mw:File/Thumb"><a href="/wiki/File:Fremantle_Prison_(aerial_photograph,_1935)_(cropped).png" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="310" height="222" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="4701" data-file-height="3371" /></a><figcaption>Aerial view of Fremantle Prison (1935)</figcaption></figure><br />The <b><a href="/wiki/Architecture_of_Fremantle_Prison" title="Architecture of Fremantle Prison">architecture of Fremantle Prison</a></b> includes the six-hectare (15-acre) site of the former prison on The Terrace, <a href="/wiki/Fremantle,_Western_Australia" class="mw-redirect" title="Fremantle, Western Australia">Fremantle</a>, in <a href="/wiki/Western_Australia" title="Western Australia">Western Australia</a>. Limestone was quarried on-site during construction, and the south-western corner (the South Knoll) and eastern portion of the site are at a considerably higher ground level. The <a href="/wiki/Fremantle_Prison" title="Fremantle Prison">Fremantle Prison</a> site includes the prison cell blocks, gatehouse, perimeter walls, cottages, tunnels, and related infrastructure.<br /><br />The Main Cell Block is the longest and tallest cell range in Australia, and a dominating feature of the prison. New Division, constructed between 1904 and 1907, continues the façade alignment of the main block. Service buildings were converted into the separate Women's Prison. Fremantle Prison is surrounded by limestone perimeter walls, while a two-storey limestone gatehouse, with a central clock, presents an imposing entrance. North and south of the gatehouse, on The Terrace, are several cottages and houses – three of which are built in Victorian style in contrast to the Georgian style of the others. (<b><a href="/wiki/Architecture_of_Fremantle_Prison" title="Architecture of Fremantle Prison">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 8 Main concourse level of the station, June 2012 Perth Underground railway station is a railway station within the Perth central business district in Western Australia. It is adjacent to the above-ground Perth railway station and is sometimes considered part of that station. Perth Underground station is served by Yanchep line services heading north and Mandurah line services heading south. It was built as part of the construction for the Mandurah line and was known as William Street station during construction due to its location on William Street. Perth Underground station consists of an island platform and a concourse below ground. There are five entrances to the station: from Murray Street Mall, Raine Square, 140 William Street, underneath the Horseshoe Bridge, and from Perth station. The contract for Package F of the Mandurah line, which included the construction of Perth Underground station, Elizabeth Quay station (known as Esplanade station prior to 2016), 700 metres (2,300 ft) of bored tunnels and 600 metres (2,000 ft) of cut-and-cover tunnels, was awarded to Leighton Contractors and Kumagai Gumi in February 2004 at a cost of A$324.5 million. Demolition of buildings on the Perth Underground site occurred between April and August 2004. From September 2004 to January 2005, the station's diaphragm walls were constructed. By the end of 2005, the station box had been excavated to its lowest level, and in February 2006, the tunnel boring machine (TBM) reached the station, having tunnelled from Esplanade station. From there, the TBM tunnelled north. The TBM reached the station again in August 2006 while digging the second tunnel, and it again tunnelled north to surface west of Perth station. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 8 Main concourse level of the station, June 2012 Perth Underground railway station is a railway station within the Perth central business district in Western Australia. It is adjacent to the above-ground Perth railway station and is sometimes considered part of that station. Perth Underground station is served by Yanchep line services heading north and Mandurah line services heading south. It was built as part of the construction for the Mandurah line and was known as William Street station during construction due to its location on William Street. Perth Underground station consists of an island platform and a concourse below ground. There are five entrances to the station: from Murray Street Mall, Raine Square, 140 William Street, underneath the Horseshoe Bridge, and from Perth station. The contract for Package F of the Mandurah line, which included the construction of Perth Underground station, Elizabeth Quay station (known as Esplanade station prior to 2016), 700 metres (2,300 ft) of bored tunnels and 600 metres (2,000 ft) of cut-and-cover tunnels, was awarded to Leighton Contractors and Kumagai Gumi in February 2004 at a cost of A$324.5 million. Demolition of buildings on the Perth Underground site occurred between April and August 2004. From September 2004 to January 2005, the station's diaphragm walls were constructed. By the end of 2005, the station box had been excavated to its lowest level, and in February 2006, the tunnel boring machine (TBM) reached the station, having tunnelled from Esplanade station. From there, the TBM tunnelled north. The TBM reached the station again in August 2006 while digging the second tunnel, and it again tunnelled north to surface west of Perth station. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 8</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><div class="thumb tright" style="overflow:hidden;width:auto;max-width:308px"><div class="thumbinner"><div class="noresize" style="width:auto;overflow:auto;"><div style="white-space:normal"><br /><figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-none" typeof="mw:File/Frameless"><a href="/wiki/File:Perth_Underground_station_interior.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="165" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="1600" data-file-height="1200" /></a><figcaption></figcaption></figure></div></div><div class="thumbcaption"><div class="center">Main concourse level of the station, June 2012</div></div></div></div><br /><b><a href="/wiki/Perth_Underground_railway_station" title="Perth Underground railway station">Perth Underground railway station</a></b> is a railway station within the <a href="/wiki/Perth" title="Perth">Perth</a> central business district in <a href="/wiki/Western_Australia" title="Western Australia">Western Australia</a>. It is adjacent to the above-ground <a href="/wiki/Perth_railway_station" title="Perth railway station">Perth railway station</a> and is sometimes considered part of that station. Perth Underground station is served by <a href="/wiki/Yanchep_line" title="Yanchep line">Yanchep line</a> services heading north and <a href="/wiki/Mandurah_line" title="Mandurah line">Mandurah line</a> services heading south. It was built as part of the construction for the Mandurah line and was known as <b>William Street station</b> during construction due to its location on <a href="/wiki/William_Street,_Perth" title="William Street, Perth">William Street</a>. Perth Underground station consists of an <a href="/wiki/Island_platform" title="Island platform">island platform</a> and a concourse below ground. There are five entrances to the station: from <a href="/wiki/Murray_Street_Mall" class="mw-redirect" title="Murray Street Mall">Murray Street Mall</a>, <a href="/wiki/Raine_Square" title="Raine Square">Raine Square</a>, <a href="/wiki/140_William_Street,_Perth" title="140 William Street, Perth">140 William Street</a>, underneath the <a href="/wiki/Horseshoe_Bridge" title="Horseshoe Bridge">Horseshoe Bridge</a>, and from Perth station.<br /><br />The contract for Package F of the Mandurah line, which included the construction of Perth Underground station, <a href="/wiki/Elizabeth_Quay_railway_station" title="Elizabeth Quay railway station">Elizabeth Quay station</a> (known as Esplanade station prior to 2016), 700 metres (2,300 ft) of bored tunnels and 600 metres (2,000 ft) of <a href="/wiki/Cut-and-cover" class="mw-redirect" title="Cut-and-cover">cut-and-cover</a> tunnels, was awarded to <a href="/wiki/Leighton_Contractors" class="mw-redirect" title="Leighton Contractors">Leighton Contractors</a> and <a href="/wiki/Kumagai_Gumi" title="Kumagai Gumi">Kumagai Gumi</a> in February 2004 at a cost of <a href="/wiki/A$" class="mw-redirect" title="A$">A$</a>324.5<span class="nowrap"> </span>million. Demolition of buildings on the Perth Underground site occurred between April and August 2004. From September 2004 to January 2005, the station's <a href="/wiki/Diaphragm_wall" class="mw-redirect" title="Diaphragm wall">diaphragm walls</a> were constructed. By the end of 2005, the station box had been excavated to its lowest level, and in February 2006, the <a href="/wiki/Tunnel_boring_machine" title="Tunnel boring machine">tunnel boring machine</a> (TBM) reached the station, having tunnelled from Esplanade station. From there, the TBM tunnelled north. The TBM reached the station again in August 2006 while digging the second tunnel, and it again tunnelled north to surface west of Perth station. (<b><a href="/wiki/Perth_Underground_railway_station" title="Perth Underground railway station">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 9 William Dunn OAM (born 1911) was an Indigenous Australian pastoralist and elder from the Pilbara region of Western Australia (WA). Dunn was the first Aboriginal person to be granted a cattle station lease in WA. His experience has been drawn upon by historians as an account of Aboriginal Australian experience in the 20th century, especially around the Pilbara. In his later years, he was an elder of the Jigalong community. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 9 William Dunn OAM (born 1911) was an Indigenous Australian pastoralist and elder from the Pilbara region of Western Australia (WA). Dunn was the first Aboriginal person to be granted a cattle station lease in WA. His experience has been drawn upon by historians as an account of Aboriginal Australian experience in the 20th century, especially around the Pilbara. In his later years, he was an elder of the Jigalong community. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 9</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><b><a href="/wiki/Bill_Dunn_(Pilbara_elder)" title="Bill Dunn (Pilbara elder)">William Dunn</a></b> <span class="nobold noexcerpt nowraplinks" style="font-size:;"><span style="font-size: 85%;"><a href="/wiki/Medal_of_the_Order_of_Australia" class="mw-redirect" title="Medal of the Order of Australia">OAM</a></span></span> (born 1911) was an <a href="/wiki/Indigenous_Australian" class="mw-redirect" title="Indigenous Australian">Indigenous Australian</a> <a href="/wiki/Pastoralism" title="Pastoralism">pastoralist</a> and elder from the <a href="/wiki/Pilbara" title="Pilbara">Pilbara</a> region of <a href="/wiki/Western_Australia" title="Western Australia">Western Australia</a> (WA).<br /><br />Dunn was the first Aboriginal person to be granted a cattle station lease in WA. His experience has been drawn upon by historians as an account of Aboriginal Australian experience in the 20th century, especially around the Pilbara. In his later years, he was an elder of the <a href="/wiki/Jigalong_Community,_Western_Australia" title="Jigalong Community, Western Australia">Jigalong community</a>. (<b><a href="/wiki/Bill_Dunn_(Pilbara_elder)" title="Bill Dunn (Pilbara elder)">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 10 Aubin Grove bus station entrance in April 2017 Aubin Grove railway station is a suburban railway station serving Atwell, Aubin Grove, Hammond Park and Success, which are suburbs of Perth, Western Australia. It is on the Mandurah line, which is part of the Transperth network, and is located immediately north of Russell Road in the median of the Kwinana Freeway. It has two platform faces on a singular island platform, which is linked to either side of the freeway by a pedestrian overpass. Services run every 10 minutes during peak and every 15 minutes between peak. The journey to Perth station is 23.8 kilometres (14.8 mi) and takes 21 minutes. The station has a bus interchange with four bus stands and seven regular bus routes. Construction of the station was promised by both major political parties ahead of the 2013 Western Australian state election. A tender was released for the station's construction in July 2014, with a projected cost of A$80 million for the whole project, including the purchase of two Transperth B-series trains. The design contract was awarded in February 2015 to a joint venture between Coniglio Ainsworth Architects and M. P. S. Architects. The scope of the project was broadened in April 2015 to include the widening of the Russell Road bridge over the freeway, which increased the project budget to $105 million. Construction on the station began in March 2016, and it was opened on 23 April 2017, with the final cost being $125 million. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 10 Aubin Grove bus station entrance in April 2017 Aubin Grove railway station is a suburban railway station serving Atwell, Aubin Grove, Hammond Park and Success, which are suburbs of Perth, Western Australia. It is on the Mandurah line, which is part of the Transperth network, and is located immediately north of Russell Road in the median of the Kwinana Freeway. It has two platform faces on a singular island platform, which is linked to either side of the freeway by a pedestrian overpass. Services run every 10 minutes during peak and every 15 minutes between peak. The journey to Perth station is 23.8 kilometres (14.8 mi) and takes 21 minutes. The station has a bus interchange with four bus stands and seven regular bus routes. Construction of the station was promised by both major political parties ahead of the 2013 Western Australian state election. A tender was released for the station's construction in July 2014, with a projected cost of A$80 million for the whole project, including the purchase of two Transperth B-series trains. The design contract was awarded in February 2015 to a joint venture between Coniglio Ainsworth Architects and M. P. S. Architects. The scope of the project was broadened in April 2015 to include the widening of the Russell Road bridge over the freeway, which increased the project budget to $105 million. Construction on the station began in March 2016, and it was opened on 23 April 2017, with the final cost being $125 million. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 10</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><div class="thumb tright" style="overflow:hidden;width:auto;max-width:308px"><div class="thumbinner"><div class="noresize" style="width:auto;overflow:auto;"><div style="white-space:normal"><br /><figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-none" typeof="mw:File/Frameless"><a href="/wiki/File:Transperth_Aubin_Grove_Station_outer_entrance_bus_station_end.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="165" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="4032" data-file-height="3024" /></a><figcaption></figcaption></figure></div></div><div class="thumbcaption"><div class="center">Aubin Grove bus station entrance in April 2017</div></div></div></div><br /><b><a href="/wiki/Aubin_Grove_railway_station" title="Aubin Grove railway station">Aubin Grove railway station</a></b> is a <a href="/wiki/Suburban_rail" class="mw-redirect" title="Suburban rail">suburban railway</a> station serving <a href="/wiki/Atwell,_Western_Australia" title="Atwell, Western Australia">Atwell</a>, <a href="/wiki/Aubin_Grove,_Western_Australia" title="Aubin Grove, Western Australia">Aubin Grove</a>, <a href="/wiki/Hammond_Park,_Western_Australia" title="Hammond Park, Western Australia">Hammond Park</a> and <a href="/wiki/Success,_Western_Australia" title="Success, Western Australia">Success</a>, which are suburbs of <a href="/wiki/Perth" title="Perth">Perth</a>, Western Australia. It is on the <a href="/wiki/Mandurah_line" title="Mandurah line">Mandurah line</a>, which is part of the <a href="/wiki/Transperth" title="Transperth">Transperth</a> network, and is located immediately north of Russell Road in the median of the <a href="/wiki/Kwinana_Freeway" title="Kwinana Freeway">Kwinana Freeway</a>. It has two platform faces on a singular <a href="/wiki/Island_platform" title="Island platform">island platform</a>, which is linked to either side of the freeway by a pedestrian overpass. Services run every 10 minutes during peak and every 15 minutes between peak. The journey to <a href="/wiki/Perth_railway_station" title="Perth railway station">Perth station</a> is 23.8 kilometres (14.8 mi) and takes 21 minutes. The station has a bus interchange with four bus stands and seven regular bus routes.<br /><br />Construction of the station was promised by both major political parties ahead of the <a href="/wiki/2013_Western_Australian_state_election" title="2013 Western Australian state election">2013 Western Australian state election</a>. A tender was released for the station's construction in July 2014, with a projected cost of <a href="/wiki/A$" class="mw-redirect" title="A$">A$</a>80 million for the whole project, including the purchase of two <a href="/wiki/Transperth_B-series_train" title="Transperth B-series train">Transperth B-series trains</a>. The design contract was awarded in February 2015 to a joint venture between Coniglio Ainsworth Architects and M. P. S. Architects. The scope of the project was broadened in April 2015 to include the widening of the Russell Road bridge over the freeway, which increased the project budget to $105 million. Construction on the station began in March 2016, and it was opened on 23 April 2017, with the final cost being $125 million. (<b><a href="/wiki/Aubin_Grove_railway_station" title="Aubin Grove railway station">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 11 Viaduct beams in place at the Carlisle station site in March 2024 Carlisle railway station is a temporarily-closed suburban railway station on the Transperth network in Western Australia. It is in the Perth suburbs of Carlisle and East Victoria Park, and was predominantly served by Thornlie line services prior to its closure in November 2023. The station first opened in July 1912. It was known as Mint Street station at first, but it was renamed Victoria Park East station in October 1912 and to its present name in May 1919. It gained a station master in 1922, which lasted until 1971. Carlisle station had minor upgrades from 2002 to 2003 in preparation for the opening of the Thornlie line, which happened in 2005. Since 20 November 2023, the station has been closed to undergo a complete rebuild as an elevated station as part of the Victoria Park-Canning Level Crossing Removal Project to remove a nearby level crossing. The station and line are planned to reopen in mid-2025. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 11 Viaduct beams in place at the Carlisle station site in March 2024 Carlisle railway station is a temporarily-closed suburban railway station on the Transperth network in Western Australia. It is in the Perth suburbs of Carlisle and East Victoria Park, and was predominantly served by Thornlie line services prior to its closure in November 2023. The station first opened in July 1912. It was known as Mint Street station at first, but it was renamed Victoria Park East station in October 1912 and to its present name in May 1919. It gained a station master in 1922, which lasted until 1971. Carlisle station had minor upgrades from 2002 to 2003 in preparation for the opening of the Thornlie line, which happened in 2005. Since 20 November 2023, the station has been closed to undergo a complete rebuild as an elevated station as part of the Victoria Park-Canning Level Crossing Removal Project to remove a nearby level crossing. The station and line are planned to reopen in mid-2025. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 11</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><div class="thumb tright" style="overflow:hidden;width:auto;max-width:308px"><div class="thumbinner"><div class="noresize" style="width:auto;overflow:auto;"><div style="white-space:normal"><br /><figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-none" typeof="mw:File/Frameless"><a href="/wiki/File:Victoria_Park-Canning_Level_Crossing_Removal_Project_construction,_March_2024_32.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="169" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="3452" data-file-height="2645" /></a><figcaption></figcaption></figure></div></div><div class="thumbcaption"><div class="center">Viaduct beams in place at the Carlisle station site in March 2024</div></div></div></div><br /><b><a href="/wiki/Carlisle_railway_station,_Perth" title="Carlisle railway station, Perth">Carlisle railway station</a></b> is a temporarily-closed suburban railway station on the <a href="/wiki/Transperth" title="Transperth">Transperth</a> network in <a href="/wiki/Western_Australia" title="Western Australia">Western Australia</a>. It is in the <a href="/wiki/Perth" title="Perth">Perth</a> suburbs of <a href="/wiki/Carlisle,_Western_Australia" title="Carlisle, Western Australia">Carlisle</a> and <a href="/wiki/East_Victoria_Park,_Western_Australia" title="East Victoria Park, Western Australia">East Victoria Park</a>, and was predominantly served by <a href="/wiki/Thornlie_line" title="Thornlie line">Thornlie line</a> services prior to its closure in November 2023.<br /><br />The station first opened in July 1912. It was known as Mint Street station at first, but it was renamed Victoria Park East station in October 1912 and to its present name in May 1919. It gained a station master in 1922, which lasted until 1971. Carlisle station had minor upgrades from 2002 to 2003 in preparation for the opening of the Thornlie line, which happened in 2005. Since 20 November 2023, the station has been closed to undergo a complete rebuild as an elevated station as part of the <a href="/wiki/Victoria_Park-Canning_Level_Crossing_Removal_Project" title="Victoria Park-Canning Level Crossing Removal Project">Victoria Park-Canning Level Crossing Removal Project</a> to remove a nearby <a href="/wiki/Level_crossing" title="Level crossing">level crossing</a>. The station and line are planned to reopen in mid-2025. (<b><a href="/wiki/Carlisle_railway_station,_Perth" title="Carlisle railway station, Perth">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 12 Gabriel Thomas Dadour AM (19 April 1925 – 17 March 2011) was an Australian politician and doctor. He was a member of the Western Australian Legislative Assembly for Subiaco from February 1971 to February 1986, representing the Liberal Party until 1983, when he resigned from the party and became an independent. He was also a Subiaco City Councillor from 1966 to 1978. He was known for often voting against his own party in Parliament and speaking out against his party and its leader. Born and raised in Sydney, Dadour served in the Royal Australian Naval Reserve from April 1945 to November 1946. He then completed a medical degree at the University of Sydney before moving to Perth to start his career as a general practitioner. He became involved with the Subiaco Football Club as a sports doctor. Dadour was elected to Parliament at the 1971 state election. He worked to have the state's Local Government Act amended to require a referendum for local government boundary changes. He was outspoken in his opposition to the 1979 closure of the Perth–Fremantle railway line by his own party, and in his support for a ban on tobacco advertising. He introduced a private member's bill to ban tobacco advertising, which passed the Legislative Assembly but was narrowly defeated in the Legislative Council. After announcing his retirement from politics at the 1986 state election, Dadour endorsed the Labor Party. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 12 Gabriel Thomas Dadour AM (19 April 1925 – 17 March 2011) was an Australian politician and doctor. He was a member of the Western Australian Legislative Assembly for Subiaco from February 1971 to February 1986, representing the Liberal Party until 1983, when he resigned from the party and became an independent. He was also a Subiaco City Councillor from 1966 to 1978. He was known for often voting against his own party in Parliament and speaking out against his party and its leader. Born and raised in Sydney, Dadour served in the Royal Australian Naval Reserve from April 1945 to November 1946. He then completed a medical degree at the University of Sydney before moving to Perth to start his career as a general practitioner. He became involved with the Subiaco Football Club as a sports doctor. Dadour was elected to Parliament at the 1971 state election. He worked to have the state's Local Government Act amended to require a referendum for local government boundary changes. He was outspoken in his opposition to the 1979 closure of the Perth–Fremantle railway line by his own party, and in his support for a ban on tobacco advertising. He introduced a private member's bill to ban tobacco advertising, which passed the Legislative Assembly but was narrowly defeated in the Legislative Council. After announcing his retirement from politics at the 1986 state election, Dadour endorsed the Labor Party. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 12</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><b><a href="/wiki/Tom_Dadour" title="Tom Dadour">Gabriel Thomas Dadour</a></b> <span class="nobold noexcerpt nowraplinks" style="font-size:;"><span style="font-size: 85%;"><a href="/wiki/Member_of_the_Order_of_Australia" class="mw-redirect" title="Member of the Order of Australia">AM</a></span></span> (19 April 1925 – 17 March 2011) was an Australian politician and doctor. He was a member of the <a href="/wiki/Western_Australian_Legislative_Assembly" title="Western Australian Legislative Assembly">Western Australian Legislative Assembly</a> for <a href="/wiki/Electoral_district_of_Subiaco" title="Electoral district of Subiaco">Subiaco</a> from February 1971 to February 1986, representing the <a href="/wiki/Western_Australian_Liberal_Party" title="Western Australian Liberal Party">Liberal Party</a> until 1983, when he resigned from the party and became an <a href="/wiki/Independent_politician" title="Independent politician">independent</a>. He was also a <a href="/wiki/City_of_Subiaco" title="City of Subiaco">Subiaco City Councillor</a> from 1966 to 1978. He was known for often voting against his own party in <a href="/wiki/Parliament_of_Western_Australia" title="Parliament of Western Australia">Parliament</a> and speaking out against his party and its leader.<br /><br />Born and raised in <a href="/wiki/Sydney" title="Sydney">Sydney</a>, Dadour served in the <a href="/wiki/Royal_Australian_Naval_Reserve" title="Royal Australian Naval Reserve">Royal Australian Naval Reserve</a> from April 1945 to November 1946. He then completed a medical degree at the <a href="/wiki/University_of_Sydney" title="University of Sydney">University of Sydney</a> before moving to <a href="/wiki/Perth" title="Perth">Perth</a> to start his career as a <a href="/wiki/General_practitioner" title="General practitioner">general practitioner</a>. He became involved with the <a href="/wiki/Subiaco_Football_Club" title="Subiaco Football Club">Subiaco Football Club</a> as a sports doctor. Dadour was elected to Parliament at the <a href="/wiki/1971_Western_Australian_state_election" title="1971 Western Australian state election">1971 state election</a>. He worked to have the state's Local Government Act amended to require a referendum for local government boundary changes. He was outspoken in his opposition to the <a href="/wiki/1979%E2%80%931983_Fremantle_railway_line_closure" title="1979–1983 Fremantle railway line closure">1979 closure</a> of the <a href="/wiki/Fremantle_line" title="Fremantle line">Perth–Fremantle railway line</a> by his own party, and in his support for a ban on <a href="/wiki/Tobacco_advertising" class="mw-redirect" title="Tobacco advertising">tobacco advertising</a>. He introduced a <a href="/wiki/Private_member%27s_bill" title="Private member's bill">private member's bill</a> to ban tobacco advertising, which passed the Legislative Assembly but was narrowly defeated in the <a href="/wiki/Western_Australian_Legislative_Council" title="Western Australian Legislative Council">Legislative Council</a>. After announcing his retirement from politics at the <a href="/wiki/1986_Western_Australian_state_election" title="1986 Western Australian state election">1986 state election</a>, Dadour endorsed the <a href="/wiki/Western_Australian_Labor_Party" title="Western Australian Labor Party">Labor Party</a>. (<b><a href="/wiki/Tom_Dadour" title="Tom Dadour">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 13 Henry Daglish (18 November 1866 – 16 August 1920) was an Australian politician who was the sixth premier of Western Australia and the first from the Labor Party, serving from 10 August 1904 to 25 August 1905. Daglish was born in Ballarat, Victoria, and studied at the University of Melbourne. In 1882, he worked as a mechanical engineer but soon switched to working in the Victorian public service. He first stood for election in 1896 but failed to win the Victorian Legislative Assembly seat of Melbourne South. He then moved to Subiaco, Western Australia, where he found work as a chief clerk in the Western Australian Police Department. In 1900, Daglish was elected to the Subiaco Municipal Council and in April the following year, he was elected to the Western Australian Legislative Assembly as the member for the newly created seat of Subiaco, becoming one of six Labor members in the Western Australian Legislative Assembly. The party elected him as its whip, and he resigned from the Subiaco council on 1 May 1901. On 1 December 1902, Daglish was sworn in as mayor of Subiaco, having been elected the previous month. In the 1904 state election, Labor won 22 of the Legislative Assembly's 50 seats, making it the party with the most seats. On 8 July 1904, the Labor Party caucus elected Daglish as the party's leader, and on 10 August, he successfully moved a motion of no confidence in the government of Walter James, who resigned as premier. Governor Frederick Bedford then swore in Daglish as premier of Western Australia, colonial treasurer and minister for education. His keynote speech on 23 August was poorly received; militant Labor supporters saw him as giving up on Labor policies. In parliament, Daglish struggled to achieve anything due to a hostile Legislative Council; his one major success was the passing of a new Public Service Act. In June 1905, a cabinet reshuffle decreased Daglish's popularity within the Labor Party but he defeated a motion of no confidence at a caucus meeting later that month. Daglish resigned as premier on 22 August 1905 when his plan to buy the Midland Railway Company for £1.5 million (equivalent to AU$253,000,000 in 2022) failed to pass through parliament. Hector Rason succeeded him as premier on 25 August. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 13 Henry Daglish (18 November 1866 – 16 August 1920) was an Australian politician who was the sixth premier of Western Australia and the first from the Labor Party, serving from 10 August 1904 to 25 August 1905. Daglish was born in Ballarat, Victoria, and studied at the University of Melbourne. In 1882, he worked as a mechanical engineer but soon switched to working in the Victorian public service. He first stood for election in 1896 but failed to win the Victorian Legislative Assembly seat of Melbourne South. He then moved to Subiaco, Western Australia, where he found work as a chief clerk in the Western Australian Police Department. In 1900, Daglish was elected to the Subiaco Municipal Council and in April the following year, he was elected to the Western Australian Legislative Assembly as the member for the newly created seat of Subiaco, becoming one of six Labor members in the Western Australian Legislative Assembly. The party elected him as its whip, and he resigned from the Subiaco council on 1 May 1901. On 1 December 1902, Daglish was sworn in as mayor of Subiaco, having been elected the previous month. In the 1904 state election, Labor won 22 of the Legislative Assembly's 50 seats, making it the party with the most seats. On 8 July 1904, the Labor Party caucus elected Daglish as the party's leader, and on 10 August, he successfully moved a motion of no confidence in the government of Walter James, who resigned as premier. Governor Frederick Bedford then swore in Daglish as premier of Western Australia, colonial treasurer and minister for education. His keynote speech on 23 August was poorly received; militant Labor supporters saw him as giving up on Labor policies. In parliament, Daglish struggled to achieve anything due to a hostile Legislative Council; his one major success was the passing of a new Public Service Act. In June 1905, a cabinet reshuffle decreased Daglish's popularity within the Labor Party but he defeated a motion of no confidence at a caucus meeting later that month. Daglish resigned as premier on 22 August 1905 when his plan to buy the Midland Railway Company for £1.5 million (equivalent to AU$253,000,000 in 2022) failed to pass through parliament. Hector Rason succeeded him as premier on 25 August. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 13</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-right" typeof="mw:File/Thumb"><a href="/wiki/File:HenryDaglish.jpeg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="332" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x" data-file-width="272" data-file-height="411" /></a><figcaption></figcaption></figure><br /><b><a href="/wiki/Henry_Daglish" title="Henry Daglish">Henry Daglish</a></b> (18 November 1866 – 16 August 1920) was an Australian politician who was the sixth <a href="/wiki/Premier_of_Western_Australia" title="Premier of Western Australia">premier of Western Australia</a> and the first from the <a href="/wiki/Australian_Labor_Party_(Western_Australian_Branch)" class="mw-redirect" title="Australian Labor Party (Western Australian Branch)">Labor Party</a>, serving from 10 August 1904 to 25 August 1905. Daglish was born in <a href="/wiki/Ballarat" title="Ballarat">Ballarat</a>, Victoria, and studied at the <a href="/wiki/University_of_Melbourne" title="University of Melbourne">University of Melbourne</a>. In 1882, he worked as a mechanical engineer but soon switched to working in the Victorian public service. He first stood for election in 1896 but failed to win the <a href="/wiki/Victorian_Legislative_Assembly" title="Victorian Legislative Assembly">Victorian Legislative Assembly</a> seat of <a href="/wiki/Electoral_district_of_Melbourne_South" title="Electoral district of Melbourne South">Melbourne South</a>. He then moved to <a href="/wiki/Subiaco,_Western_Australia" title="Subiaco, Western Australia">Subiaco, Western Australia</a>, where he found work as a chief clerk in the Western Australian Police Department. In 1900, Daglish was elected to the <a href="/wiki/Municipality_of_Subiaco" class="mw-redirect" title="Municipality of Subiaco">Subiaco Municipal Council</a> and in April the following year, he was elected to the <a href="/wiki/Western_Australian_Legislative_Assembly" title="Western Australian Legislative Assembly">Western Australian Legislative Assembly</a> as the member for the newly created <a href="/wiki/Electoral_district_of_Subiaco" title="Electoral district of Subiaco">seat of Subiaco</a>, becoming one of six Labor members in the <a href="/wiki/Western_Australian_Legislative_Assembly" title="Western Australian Legislative Assembly">Western Australian Legislative Assembly</a>. The party elected him as its <a href="/wiki/Whip_(politics)" title="Whip (politics)">whip</a>, and he resigned from the Subiaco council on 1 May 1901. On 1 December 1902, Daglish was sworn in as <a href="/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Subiaco" title="List of mayors of Subiaco">mayor of Subiaco</a>, having been elected the previous month.<br /><br />In the <a href="/wiki/1904_Western_Australian_state_election" title="1904 Western Australian state election">1904 state election</a>, Labor won 22 of the Legislative Assembly's 50 seats, making it the party with the most seats. On 8 July 1904, the Labor Party caucus elected Daglish as the party's leader, and on 10 August, he successfully moved a <a href="/wiki/Motion_of_no_confidence" title="Motion of no confidence">motion of no confidence</a> in the government of <a href="/wiki/Walter_James_(Australian_politician)" title="Walter James (Australian politician)">Walter James</a>, who resigned as premier. <a href="/wiki/Governor_of_Western_Australia" title="Governor of Western Australia">Governor</a> <a href="/wiki/Frederick_Bedford" title="Frederick Bedford">Frederick Bedford</a> then swore in Daglish as premier of Western Australia, <a href="/wiki/Treasurer_of_Western_Australia" title="Treasurer of Western Australia">colonial treasurer</a> and <a href="/wiki/Minister_for_Education_(Western_Australia)" title="Minister for Education (Western Australia)">minister for education</a>. His keynote speech on 23 August was poorly received; militant Labor supporters saw him as giving up on Labor policies. In parliament, Daglish struggled to achieve anything due to a hostile <a href="/wiki/Western_Australian_Legislative_Council" title="Western Australian Legislative Council">Legislative Council</a>; his one major success was the passing of a new Public Service Act. In June 1905, a cabinet reshuffle decreased Daglish's popularity within the Labor Party but he defeated a motion of no confidence at a caucus meeting later that month. Daglish resigned as premier on 22 August 1905 when his plan to buy the <a href="/wiki/Midland_Railway_of_Western_Australia" title="Midland Railway of Western Australia">Midland Railway Company</a> for <a href="/wiki/Pound_sterling" title="Pound sterling">£</a>1.5 million (equivalent to <a href="/wiki/Australian_dollar" title="Australian dollar">AU$</a>253,000,000 in 2022) failed to pass through parliament. <a href="/wiki/Hector_Rason" title="Hector Rason">Hector Rason</a> succeeded him as premier on 25 August. (<b><a href="/wiki/Henry_Daglish" title="Henry Daglish">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 14 Carlin in Montreal in 1948 Frederick Benjamin Carlin (27 July 1912 – 7 March 1981) was an Australian adventurer who was the first person to circumnavigate the world in an amphibious vehicle. Born in Northam, Western Australia, Carlin attended Guildford Grammar School in Perth, and later studied mining engineering at the Kalgoorlie School of Mines. After qualifying as an engineer, he worked on the Goldfields before emigrating to China in 1939 to work in a British coal mine. In World War II, Carlin was posted to the Indian Army Corps of Engineers, serving in India, Italy, and throughout the Middle East. After his discharge from service in 1946, he emigrated to the United States with his American wife, Elinore (née Arone). Sparked by an idea he had whilst in the military, Carlin proposed that the couple honeymoon by crossing the Atlantic Ocean in a modified Ford GPA (an amphibious version of the Ford GPW Jeep), which they named the Half-Safe. Beginning their trip in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, the Carlins finally completed the transatlantic crossing in 1951 after unsuccessful attempts. From there, they travelled to Europe, temporarily settling in Birmingham to raise more money. They resumed their journey in 1954, travelling overland through the Middle East before arriving in Calcutta. After a short fundraising trip to Australia, Carlin's wife left to return to the United States. He resumed the journey with new partners, travelling through South-East Asia and the Far East to the northern tip of Japan, and then to Alaska. After an extended tour through the United States and Canada, he and Half-Safe returned to Montreal, having travelled over 17,000 kilometres (11,000 mi) by sea and 62,000 kilometres (39,000 mi) by land during the ten-year journey. Following Carlin's death in 1981, Half-Safe was acquired by Guildford Grammar, his old school, where it remains on display. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 14 Carlin in Montreal in 1948 Frederick Benjamin Carlin (27 July 1912 – 7 March 1981) was an Australian adventurer who was the first person to circumnavigate the world in an amphibious vehicle. Born in Northam, Western Australia, Carlin attended Guildford Grammar School in Perth, and later studied mining engineering at the Kalgoorlie School of Mines. After qualifying as an engineer, he worked on the Goldfields before emigrating to China in 1939 to work in a British coal mine. In World War II, Carlin was posted to the Indian Army Corps of Engineers, serving in India, Italy, and throughout the Middle East. After his discharge from service in 1946, he emigrated to the United States with his American wife, Elinore (née Arone). Sparked by an idea he had whilst in the military, Carlin proposed that the couple honeymoon by crossing the Atlantic Ocean in a modified Ford GPA (an amphibious version of the Ford GPW Jeep), which they named the Half-Safe. Beginning their trip in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, the Carlins finally completed the transatlantic crossing in 1951 after unsuccessful attempts. From there, they travelled to Europe, temporarily settling in Birmingham to raise more money. They resumed their journey in 1954, travelling overland through the Middle East before arriving in Calcutta. After a short fundraising trip to Australia, Carlin's wife left to return to the United States. He resumed the journey with new partners, travelling through South-East Asia and the Far East to the northern tip of Japan, and then to Alaska. After an extended tour through the United States and Canada, he and Half-Safe returned to Montreal, having travelled over 17,000 kilometres (11,000 mi) by sea and 62,000 kilometres (39,000 mi) by land during the ten-year journey. Following Carlin's death in 1981, Half-Safe was acquired by Guildford Grammar, his old school, where it remains on display. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 14</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><div class="thumb tright" style="overflow:hidden;width:auto;max-width:308px"><div class="thumbinner"><div class="noresize" style="width:auto;overflow:auto;"><div style="white-space:normal"><br /><figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-none" typeof="mw:File/Frameless"><a href="/wiki/File:BenCarlin01.jpg" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="258" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="409" data-file-height="479" /></a><figcaption></figcaption></figure></div></div><div class="thumbcaption"><div class="center">Carlin in <a href="/wiki/Montreal" title="Montreal">Montreal</a> in 1948</div></div></div></div><br /><b><a href="/wiki/Ben_Carlin" title="Ben Carlin">Frederick Benjamin Carlin</a></b> (27 July 1912 – 7 March 1981) was an Australian adventurer who was the first person to <a href="/wiki/Circumnavigation" title="Circumnavigation">circumnavigate</a> the world in an <a href="/wiki/Amphibious_vehicle" title="Amphibious vehicle">amphibious vehicle</a>. Born in <a href="/wiki/Northam,_Western_Australia" title="Northam, Western Australia">Northam, Western Australia</a>, Carlin attended <a href="/wiki/Guildford_Grammar_School" title="Guildford Grammar School">Guildford Grammar School</a> in <a href="/wiki/Perth" title="Perth">Perth</a>, and later studied <a href="/wiki/Mining_engineering" title="Mining engineering">mining engineering</a> at the <a href="/wiki/Western_Australian_School_of_Mines" title="Western Australian School of Mines">Kalgoorlie School of Mines</a>. After qualifying as an engineer, he worked on the <a href="/wiki/Western_Australian_Goldfields" title="Western Australian Goldfields">Goldfields</a> before emigrating to China in 1939 to work in a British coal mine. In <a href="/wiki/World_War_II" title="World War II">World War II</a>, Carlin was posted to the <a href="/wiki/Indian_Army_Corps_of_Engineers" title="Indian Army Corps of Engineers">Indian Army Corps of Engineers</a>, serving in India, Italy, and throughout the Middle East. After his discharge from service in 1946, he emigrated to the United States with his American wife, Elinore (née Arone).<br /><br />Sparked by an idea he had whilst in the military, Carlin proposed that the couple honeymoon by crossing the <a href="/wiki/Atlantic_Ocean" title="Atlantic Ocean">Atlantic Ocean</a> in a modified <a href="/wiki/Ford_GPA" title="Ford GPA">Ford GPA</a> (an amphibious version of the <a href="/wiki/Ford_GPW" class="mw-redirect" title="Ford GPW">Ford GPW</a> Jeep), which they named the <i>Half-Safe</i>. Beginning their trip in <a href="/wiki/Montreal" title="Montreal">Montreal</a>, Quebec, Canada, the Carlins finally completed the <a href="/wiki/Transatlantic_crossing" title="Transatlantic crossing">transatlantic crossing</a> in 1951 after unsuccessful attempts. From there, they travelled to Europe, temporarily settling in <a href="/wiki/Birmingham" title="Birmingham">Birmingham</a> to raise more money. They resumed their journey in 1954, travelling overland through the Middle East before arriving in <a href="/wiki/Kolkata" title="Kolkata">Calcutta</a>. After a short fundraising trip to Australia, Carlin's wife left to return to the United States. He resumed the journey with new partners, travelling through <a href="/wiki/South-East_Asia" class="mw-redirect" title="South-East Asia">South-East Asia</a> and the <a href="/wiki/Far_East" title="Far East">Far East</a> to the northern tip of Japan, and then to <a href="/wiki/Alaska" title="Alaska">Alaska</a>. After an extended tour through the United States and Canada, he and <i>Half-Safe</i> returned to Montreal, having travelled over 17,000 kilometres (11,000 mi) by sea and 62,000 kilometres (39,000 mi) by land during the ten-year journey. Following Carlin's death in 1981, <i>Half-Safe</i> was acquired by Guildford Grammar, his old school, where it remains on display. (<b><a href="/wiki/Ben_Carlin" title="Ben Carlin">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> <li class="gallerybox" style="width: 155px"> <div class="thumb" style="width: 150px;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Blank.png" class="mw-file-description" title="Image 15 Eastbound view from Platform 1, looking into Platform 2, March 2010 Greenwood railway station is a park and ride suburban railway station in Perth, Western Australia, within the suburbs of Duncraig and Greenwood. The station is on the Yanchep line and is part of the Transperth network. Located within the median strip of the Mitchell Freeway at an interchange with Hepburn Avenue, Greenwood station consists of two side platforms connected to a car park east of the freeway by a footbridge. The station was included in early plans for the Joondalup line (now called the Yanchep line) in the 1980s, but the final plan for the Joondalup line, which opened in December 1992, did not include the construction of Greenwood station. After several promises by the state government during the 1990s to build the station, a A$6.8 million contract was awarded to John Holland Group in February 2004 to construct the station. Construction began in March 2004, and the station opened on 29 January 2005, relieving pressure on the car parks at Warwick and Whitfords stations. (Full article...)"><img alt="Image 15 Eastbound view from Platform 1, looking into Platform 2, March 2010 Greenwood railway station is a park and ride suburban railway station in Perth, Western Australia, within the suburbs of Duncraig and Greenwood. The station is on the Yanchep line and is part of the Transperth network. Located within the median strip of the Mitchell Freeway at an interchange with Hepburn Avenue, Greenwood station consists of two side platforms connected to a car park east of the freeway by a footbridge. The station was included in early plans for the Joondalup line (now called the Yanchep line) in the 1980s, but the final plan for the Joondalup line, which opened in December 1992, did not include the construction of Greenwood station. After several promises by the state government during the 1990s to build the station, a A$6.8 million contract was awarded to John Holland Group in February 2004 to construct the station. Construction began in March 2004, and the station opened on 29 January 2005, relieving pressure on the car parks at Warwick and Whitfords stations. (Full article...)" src="//" decoding="async" width="120" height="80" class="mw-file-element" data-file-width="3" data-file-height="2" /></a></span></div> <div class="gallerytext"><span class="switcher-label" style="display:none"><span class="randomSlideshow-sr-only">Image 15</span></span><div style="text-align:left;"><div class="thumb tright" style="overflow:hidden;width:auto;max-width:308px"><div class="thumbinner"><div class="noresize" style="width:auto;overflow:auto;"><div style="white-space:normal"><br /><figure class="mw-default-size mw-halign-none" typeof="mw:File/Frameless"><a href="/wiki/File:GreenwoodDSC_0024.JPG" class="mw-file-description"><img src="//" decoding="async" width="220" height="147" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="3872" data-file-height="2592" /></a><figcaption></figcaption></figure></div></div><div class="thumbcaption"><div class="center">Eastbound view from Platform 1, looking into Platform 2, March 2010</div></div></div></div><br /><b><a href="/wiki/Greenwood_railway_station" title="Greenwood railway station">Greenwood railway station</a></b> is a <a href="/wiki/Park_and_ride" title="Park and ride">park and ride</a> <a href="/wiki/Suburban_rail" class="mw-redirect" title="Suburban rail">suburban railway</a> station in <a href="/wiki/Perth" title="Perth">Perth</a>, Western Australia, within the suburbs of <a href="/wiki/Duncraig,_Western_Australia" title="Duncraig, Western Australia">Duncraig</a> and <a href="/wiki/Greenwood,_Western_Australia" title="Greenwood, Western Australia">Greenwood</a>. The station is on the <a href="/wiki/Yanchep_line" title="Yanchep line">Yanchep line</a> and is part of the <a href="/wiki/Transperth" title="Transperth">Transperth</a> network. Located within the <a href="/wiki/Median_strip" title="Median strip">median strip</a> of the <a href="/wiki/Mitchell_Freeway" title="Mitchell Freeway">Mitchell Freeway</a> at an interchange with <a href="/wiki/Hepburn_Avenue" title="Hepburn Avenue">Hepburn Avenue</a>, Greenwood station consists of two <a href="/wiki/Side_platform" title="Side platform">side platforms</a> connected to a car park east of the freeway by a footbridge.<br /><br />The station was included in early plans for the Joondalup line (now called the Yanchep line) in the 1980s, but the final plan for the Joondalup line, which opened in December 1992, did not include the construction of Greenwood station. After several promises by the state government during the 1990s to build the station, a <a href="/wiki/A$" class="mw-redirect" title="A$">A$</a>6.8<span class="nowrap"> </span>million contract was awarded to <a href="/wiki/John_Holland_Group" title="John Holland Group">John Holland Group</a> in February 2004 to construct the station. Construction began in March 2004, and the station opened on 29 January 2005, relieving pressure on the car parks at <a href="/wiki/Warwick_railway_station,_Perth" title="Warwick railway station, Perth">Warwick</a> and <a href="/wiki/Whitfords_railway_station" title="Whitfords railway station">Whitfords</a> stations. (<b><a href="/wiki/Greenwood_railway_station" title="Greenwood railway station">Full article...</a></b>)</div></div> </li> </ul></div></div> <div class="noprint" style="margin:0.3em 0.2em 0.2em 0.3em; padding:0.3em 0.2em 0.2em 0.3em; text-align:right;"><b><a href="/wiki/Portal:Western_Australia/GA-class_articles" title="Portal:Western Australia/GA-class articles">More good articles</a></b></div><div style="clear:both;" class=""></div></div> <div class="box-header-title-container flex-columns-noflex" style="clear:both;color:white;margin-bottom:0px;border:solid #508150;box-sizing:border-box;text-align:center;font-size:100%;background:#508150;font-family:sans-serif;padding:.1em;border-width:1px 1px 0;padding-top:.1em;padding-left:.1em;padding-right:.1em;padding-bottom:.1em;moz-border-radius:0;webkit-border-radius:0;border-radius:0"><div class="plainlinks noprint" style="float:right;margin-bottom:.1em;color:white;font-size:80%"></div><h2 id="Did_you_know_(auto-generated)" 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title="Indigenous Australians">Indigenous Australian</a> pastoralist approaching retirement, sold his station at half-price to the <a href="/wiki/Jigalong_Community,_Western_Australia" title="Jigalong Community, Western Australia">Jigalong</a> community despite receiving full-price offers from non-Indigenous people?</li> <li>... that politician <b><a href="/wiki/John_D%27Orazio" title="John D'Orazio">John D'Orazio</a></b> helped to secure a three-year trial of <a href="/wiki/Daylight_saving_time_in_Australia" title="Daylight saving time in Australia">daylight saving time in Western Australia</a>?</li> <li>... that <b><a href="/wiki/Western_Australian_radioactive_capsule_incident" title="Western Australian radioactive capsule incident">the search for a lost radioactive capsule</a></b> along a 1,400-kilometre (870 mi) stretch of road in <a href="/wiki/Western_Australia" title="Western Australia">Western Australia</a> was likened to looking for a needle in a haystack?</li> <li>... that <b><a href="/wiki/Nick_Goiran" title="Nick Goiran">Nick Goiran</a></b>, a member of the <a href="/wiki/Western_Australian_Legislative_Council" title="Western Australian Legislative Council">Western Australian Legislative Council</a>, proposed 357 amendments to a <a href="/wiki/Voluntary_assisted_dying_in_Western_Australia" title="Voluntary assisted dying in Western Australia">voluntary assisted dying bill</a>?</li></ul> <div style="clear:both;" class=""></div></div> <div class="box-header-title-container flex-columns-noflex" style="clear:both;color:white;margin-bottom:0px;border:solid #508150;box-sizing:border-box;text-align:center;font-size:100%;background:#508150;font-family:sans-serif;padding:.1em;border-width:1px 1px 0;padding-top:.1em;padding-left:.1em;padding-right:.1em;padding-bottom:.1em;moz-border-radius:0;webkit-border-radius:0;border-radius:0"><div class="plainlinks noprint" style="float:right;margin-bottom:.1em;color:white;font-size:80%"><a class="external text" 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data-mw-deduplicate="TemplateStyles:r1184024115">.mw-parser-output .div-col{margin-top:0.3em;column-width:30em}.mw-parser-output .div-col-small{font-size:90%}.mw-parser-output .div-col-rules{column-rule:1px solid #aaa}.mw-parser-output .div-col dl,.mw-parser-output .div-col ol,.mw-parser-output .div-col ul{margin-top:0}.mw-parser-output .div-col li,.mw-parser-output .div-col dd{page-break-inside:avoid;break-inside:avoid-column}</style><div class="div-col" style="column-width: 25em;"> <div class="CategoryTreeTag" data-ct-options="{"mode":0,"hideprefix":20,"showcount":false,"namespaces":false,"notranslations":false}"><div class="CategoryTreeSection"><div class="CategoryTreeItem"><span class="CategoryTreeBullet"><a class="CategoryTreeToggle" data-ct-title="Western_Australia" data-ct-loaded="1" aria-expanded="true"></a> </span> <bdi dir="ltr"><a href="/wiki/Category:Western_Australia" title="Category:Western Australia">Western Australia</a></bdi></div><div class="CategoryTreeChildren"><div 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aria-expanded="false"></a> </span> <bdi dir="ltr"><a href="/wiki/Category:Geography_of_Western_Australia" title="Category:Geography of Western Australia">Geography of Western Australia</a></bdi></div><div class="CategoryTreeChildren" style="display:none"></div></div><div class="CategoryTreeSection"><div class="CategoryTreeItem"><span class="CategoryTreeBullet"><a class="CategoryTreeToggle" data-ct-title="Health_in_Western_Australia" aria-expanded="false"></a> </span> <bdi dir="ltr"><a href="/wiki/Category:Health_in_Western_Australia" title="Category:Health in Western Australia">Health in Western Australia</a></bdi></div><div class="CategoryTreeChildren" style="display:none"></div></div><div class="CategoryTreeSection"><div class="CategoryTreeItem"><span class="CategoryTreeBullet"><a class="CategoryTreeToggle" data-ct-title="History_of_Western_Australia" aria-expanded="false"></a> </span> <bdi dir="ltr"><a href="/wiki/Category:History_of_Western_Australia" title="Category:History of 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0;padding-top:.1em;padding-left:.1em;padding-right:.1em;padding-bottom:.1em;moz-border-radius:0;webkit-border-radius:0;border-radius:0"><div class="plainlinks noprint" style="float:right;margin-bottom:.1em;color:white;font-size:80%"><a class="external text" href=""><span style="color:white">edit</span></a> </div><h2 id="More_did_you_know..." style="font-weight:bold;padding:0;margin:0;color:white;font-family:sans-serif;border:none;font-size:100%;padding-bottom:.1em;letter-spacing:2px; word-spacing:3px; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px">More did you know...</h2></div><div style="color:black;opacity:1;border:1px solid #508150;box-sizing:border-box;text-align:left;padding:1em;background:white;margin:0 0 10px;vertical-align:top;border-top-width:1px;padding-top:.3em;border-radius:0"> <div style="float:right;margin-left:0.5em;"><span typeof="mw:File"><a href="/wiki/File:Aerial_view_of_Fremantle.JPG" class="mw-file-description" title="Fremantle Harbour"><img alt="Fremantle Harbour" src="//" decoding="async" width="100" height="75" class="mw-file-element" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="1024" data-file-height="768" /></a></span></div> <ul><li>...that when the <b><a href="/wiki/1987_America%27s_Cup" title="1987 America's Cup">1987 America's Cup</a></b> was raced off <a href="/wiki/Fremantle,_Western_Australia" class="mw-redirect" title="Fremantle, Western Australia">Fremantle, Western Australia</a> it was the first time for 132 years that the regatta had not been hosted by the <a href="/wiki/New_York_Yacht_Club" title="New York Yacht Club">New York Yacht Club</a>?</li> <li>...that the original <b><a href="/wiki/Victoria_Dam_(Western_Australia)" title="Victoria Dam (Western Australia)">Victoria Dam</a></b>, constructed in 1891, was the first <a href="/wiki/Dam" title="Dam">dam</a> in <a href="/wiki/Western_Australia" title="Western Australia">Western Australia</a>, and it stood for almost 100 years before being replaced with the current dam?</li> <li>...that <a href="/wiki/Anglican_Communion" title="Anglican Communion">Anglican</a> <a href="/wiki/Bishop" title="Bishop">bishop</a> <b><a href="/wiki/Kay_Goldsworthy" title="Kay Goldsworthy">Kay Goldsworthy</a></b> was consecrated as the first woman bishop of any Australian church on 22 May 2008?</li></ul> <div class="noprint" style="margin:0.3em 0.2em 0.2em 0.3em; padding:0.3em 0.2em 0.2em 0.3em; text-align:right;"><b><a href="/wiki/Portal:Western_Australia/Did_you_know/Archive" title="Portal:Western Australia/Did you know/Archive">More did you know facts</a></b></div><div style="clear:both;" class=""></div></div> <div class="box-header-title-container flex-columns-noflex" style="clear:both;color:white;margin-bottom:0px;border:solid #508150;box-sizing:border-box;text-align:center;font-size:100%;background:#508150;font-family:sans-serif;padding:.1em;border-width:1px 1px 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0;padding-top:.1em;padding-left:.1em;padding-right:.1em;padding-bottom:.1em;moz-border-radius:0;webkit-border-radius:0;border-radius:0"><div class="plainlinks noprint" style="float:right;margin-bottom:.1em;color:white;font-size:80%"><a class="external text" href=""><span style="color:white">edit</span></a> </div><h2 id="Things_you_can_do" style="font-weight:bold;padding:0;margin:0;color:white;font-family:sans-serif;border:none;font-size:100%;padding-bottom:.1em;letter-spacing:2px; word-spacing:3px; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px">Things you can do</h2></div><div style="color:black;opacity:1;border:1px solid #508150;box-sizing:border-box;text-align:left;padding:1em;background:white;margin:0 0 10px;vertical-align:top;border-top-width:1px;padding-top:.3em;border-radius:0"> <p>Here are some <a href="/wiki/Template:Opentask" class="mw-redirect" title="Template:Opentask">tasks</a> <i><b>you can do</b></i> to help with <b><a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProject_Western_Australia" 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style="vertical-align:top;"><b>Expansion needed:</b> </td> <td style="vertical-align:top;"><a href="/wiki/David_Parker_(Western_Australian_politician)" class="mw-redirect" title="David Parker (Western Australian politician)">David Parker</a> •  <a href="/wiki/Economy_of_Western_Australia" title="Economy of Western Australia">Economy of Western Australia</a> • <a href="/wiki/Bill_Hassell" title="Bill Hassell">Bill Hassell</a> • <a href="/wiki/May_Holman" title="May Holman">May Holman</a> •  <a href="/wiki/Barry_MacKinnon" title="Barry MacKinnon">Barry MacKinnon</a> •  <a href="/wiki/Pastoralists_and_Graziers_Association_of_Western_Australia" title="Pastoralists and Graziers Association of Western Australia">PGA</a> •  <a href="/wiki/Pilbara_historical_timeline" title="Pilbara historical timeline">Pilbara historical timeline</a> • <a href="/wiki/List_of_waterfalls_of_Australia#Western_Australia" class="mw-redirect" title="List of waterfalls of Australia">List of WA waterfalls</a> •  tourism sections needed in <a href="/wiki/Western_Australia" title="Western Australia">Western Australia</a> •  <a href="/wiki/Thomas_Hughes_(Australian_politician)" title="Thomas Hughes (Australian politician)">Thomas Hughes (Australian politician)</a> - needs expansion from cultural sources </td> <td> </td></tr> <tr> <td style="vertical-align:top;"><b>Requested images:</b> </td> <td><a href="/wiki/Category:Wikipedia_requested_photographs_in_Western_Australia" title="Category:Wikipedia requested photographs in Western Australia">Requested photographs in Western Australia</a> •  <a href="/wiki/Category:Wikipedia_requested_photographs_in_Perth,_Western_Australia" title="Category:Wikipedia requested photographs in Perth, Western Australia">Requested photographs in Perth</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td><b>Article cleanup:</b> </td> <td>See <a class="external text" href="">Cleanup listing</a> </td></tr> <tr> <td style="vertical-align:top;"><b>Popular pages:</b> </td> <td 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