<strong>Paper Title</strong><br> Analysis of Multi Panel Simulation for Each Mono-Si and Poly-Si under different Shaded Areas with Various Irradiance Levels using PSCAD/EMTDC<br> <br> <strong>Abstract</strong><br> In this paper, different types of shading areas such as0% no shaded, 20% shaded, 40 % shaded, 60 % shaded, 80 % shaded and 100 % shaded areas are considered for solar plant size for each Mono-si and Poly-siwhich is connected in series-parallel configurations. The aim of this research is to provide photovoltaic (PV) module selection with better performance under various shading conditions in different irradiance levels. The shading effect for PV array configurations are carried out at with the different irradiance values. In non-shaded conditions, all modules of PV array will receive the equal irradiance values of at the standard temperature condition . In shaded conditions, the shaded modules receive the unequal amount of irradiance values such as , , at . The performance simulation results are carried out by using PSACD/EMTDC simulation. This study shows that the performance of multi panel simulation for Mono-si is better than Poly-Si under various shading pattern. Keyword - Various shaded areas, Mono-si, Poly-si, PV module selection, PSCAD/EMTDC.