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CD4 count. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Absolute Neutrophil Count </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Measures number of neutrophils (used to asses neutropenia or neutrophilia). </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Absolute Reticulocyte Count </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Measures reticulocytes (used to assess anemia). </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) Toxicity Assessment (Original, 1975) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculator to guide management following a single acetaminophen (paracetamol) ingestion, based on time since ingestion and blood acetaminophen level, using the original 1975 Rumack and Matthew calculation. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) Toxicity Assessment (Revised 2023) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculator to guide management following a single acetaminophen (paracetamol) ingestion, based on time since ingestion and blood acetaminophen level, using the 2023 revision of the Rumack and Matthew calculation. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> ACR/EULAR Rheumatoid Arthritis Diagnostic Criteria (2010) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Diagnostic criteria for rheumatoid arthritis. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Acute Heart Failure Prediction Based on NT-proBNP and Clinical Features </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates risk of acute heart failure. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Alcohol Consumption Screening AUDIT Questionnaire </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Screening tool to identify alcohol use disorders. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Aminoglycoside Clearance Estimate </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates rate of aminoglycoside clearance. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Anion Gap </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Aids in identifying causes of metabolic acidosis. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Anion Gap Delta Delta Gradient Multicalc </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Aids in identifying acid-base disorders. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Anion Gap Delta Delta Ratio Multicalc </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Aids in identifying acid-base disorders. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Anion Gap in Hypoalbumin States </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculation of anion gap (to identify acid-base disorders) taking hypoalbuminemia into account. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> APACHE II scoring system </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates ICU mortality. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Apgar score </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assesses neonates 1 and 5 minutes after birth. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Arterial Blood Gas Interpretation TreeCalc </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Analysis of arterial blood gas results. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Atrial fibrillation CHADS(2) score for stroke risk </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates risk of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation. </span></li></ol><h2 class="atoz_heading">B</h2><ol class="atoz_list"><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> BAP-65 prediction of in-hospital mortality and need for mechanical ventilation in COPD </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Predicts risk of mortality and need for mechanical ventilation in acute exacerbations of COPD. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Base Excess Determination </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Aids in identifying acid-base disorders. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Bayesian Statistics I MultiCalc </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates statistics from prevalence, sensitivity, and specificity. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Bayesian Statistics II MultiCalc </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates statistics from true and false positives and negatives. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Bedside Index of Severity in Acute Pancreatitis (BISAP) Score </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Predicts risk of mortality in acute pancreatitis. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Benefit Increase / Number Needed to Treat Multicalc </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates absolute and relative benefit and number needed to treat. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Bicarbonate Deficit </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates total bicarbonate deficit. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Blatchford score for gastrointestinal bleeding </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Stratifies patients with upper GI bleed, identifying those who can be safely treated as outpatients. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Bleeding Risk (any bleeding complication) on Warfarin Therapy </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates risk of any bleeding complications for patients on warfarin. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Bleeding Risk (major complication) on Warfarin Therapy </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates risk of major bleeding complications for patients on warfarin. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Bleeding Risk Index for Warfarin Therapy </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates risk of bleeding for patients on warfarin. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Blood Ethanol Concentration Estimation </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates blood ethanol concentration. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> BODE Index for COPD Survival Prediction </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates prognosis in patients with COPD based on body mass index, airflow obstruction, dyspnea, and exercise. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Body Mass Index (BMI) (Quetelet&#39;s index) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assesses whether patient is at a weight appropriate for their height. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Body Mass Index (BMI) percentiles for boys (2 to 20 years) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assesses whether patient is at a weight appropriate for their height, age, and gender. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Body Mass Index (BMI) percentiles for girls (2 to 20 years) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assesses whether patient is at a weight appropriate for their height, age, and gender. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Body Surface Area (Du Bois Method) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculation of body surface area. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Body Surface Area (Gehan &amp; George Method) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculation of body surface area. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Body Surface Area (Mosteller, square root method) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculation of body surface area. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Body Surface Area Based Dosing </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates drug dose based on body surface area. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Breast Cancer Recurrence Risk After Mastectomy (simple) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assesses risk of breast cancer recurrence after mastectomy based on tumor grade and lymphatic involvement. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Breast cancer risk assessment by Gail Model (2018) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Screening tool which allows health professionals to estimate a woman&#39;s risk of developing invasive breast cancer over the next five years and up to age 90 (lifetime risk). </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Burn Injury Fluid Resuscitation (Brooke estimate) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates fluid requirements following burn injury. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Burn Injury Fluid Resuscitation (Demling dextran estimate) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates colloid fluid requirements following burn injury. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Burn Injury Fluid Resuscitation (Evans estimate) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates fluid requirements following burn injury. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Burn Injury Fluid Resuscitation (Modified Brooke crystalloid estimate) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates fluid requirements following burn injury. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Burn Injury Fluid Resuscitation (Slater estimate) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates fluid requirements following burn injury. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Burn Injury Fluid Resuscitation, Adult (Parkland crystalloid estimate) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Often used to estimate fluid requirements in adults following major burn injury. </span></li></ol><h2 class="atoz_heading">C</h2><ol class="atoz_list"><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Calcium Correction in Hypoalbuminemia </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates corrected calcium level for patients with hypoalbuminemia. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Calcium Correction in Hypoalbuminemia (SI units) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates corrected calcium level for patients with hypoalbuminemia. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Canadian Head CT Rule for Minor Head Injury </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assesses which patients with minor head injury need CT scan. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Cardiac output </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates cardiac output. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Cardiac Risk Index for Non-AAA Vascular Surgery (Lee) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates risk of cardiac complications following vascular surgery (non-abdominal aortic aneurysm). </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Cardiac Risk Index for Orthopedic Surgery (Lee) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates risk of cardiac complications following orthopedic surgery. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Cardiac Risk Index in Noncardiac Surgery (Detsky et. al.) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates risk of cardiac complications following noncardiac surgery. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Cardiac Risk Index in Noncardiac Surgery (Goldman, et. al.) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates risk of cardiac complications following noncardiac surgery. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Cardiovascular Risk Assessment (10-year, ACC/AHA 2013) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates 10-year risk of cardiovascular disease based on key risk factors. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Cardiovascular risk assessment (10-year, MESA 2015, with or without CAC score) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Ten-year cardiovascular risk assessment with or without coronary artery calcification score. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Cardiovascular Risk Assessment (10-year, PROCAM Score, Munster Heart Study SI units) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Ten-year cardiovascular risk score based on Munster study with cholesterol levels in SI units. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Cardiovascular Risk Assessment (10-year, PROCAM Score, Munster Heart Study) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Ten-year cardiovascular risk score based on Munster study with cholesterol levels in mg/dL. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in Men (10-year, patient information, Framingham 2008) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Cardiovascular risk score that includes patient information for men. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in Men (10-year, Reynolds Risk Score 2008) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Ten-year cardiovascular risk score that includes C-reactive protein as well as other criteria. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in Type I Diabetes (5-year) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates 5-year risk of cardiovascular disease in patients with type I diabetes. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in Women (10-year, patient information, Framingham 2008) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Cardiovascular risk score that includes patient information for women. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> CDC height for age percentiles for boys (2 to 20 years) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assesses whether patient is at appropriate height for their age. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> CDC height for age percentiles for girls (2 to 20 years) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assesses whether patient is at appropriate height for their age. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> CDC/NCHS Infant Head Circumference for Age Percentiles (&lt;36 months) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assesses whether patient has appropriate head circumference for their age. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> CHADS-VASc Score for Stroke Risk in Arial Fibrillation (CHA[2]S[2]-VASc) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Score for stroke risk in atrial fibrillation. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Child Pugh classification for severity of liver disease </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assesses severity of liver disease. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Child Pugh classification for severity of liver disease (SI units) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assesses severity of liver disease. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Cirrhosis probability in hepatitis C (FIB-4) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates FIB-4 index which is a non-invasive method of screening for clinically significant hepatic fibrosis secondary to metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> CIWA-Ar Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol scale </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Measures severity of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Clinical Grading to Predict Malignant Hyperthermia </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Historical, clinical and laboratory features to assess malignant hyperthermia. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score (CPIS) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Aids in early diagnosis and treatment of ventilator-associated pneumonia. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Cognitive Impairment Screening with 6 Questions </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Screening tool for cognitive impairment in adults. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Community-acquired pneumonia severity index (PSI) for adults </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates risk of mortality in patients with community-acquired pneumonia. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Conventional unit to SI unit conversions: Chemistry tests </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Unit conversions for chemistries. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Conventional unit to SI unit conversions: Immunology test values </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Unit conversions for immunology tests. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Creatinine clearance (measured) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Measures creatinine clearance. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Creatinine clearance estimate by Cockcroft-Gault equation </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates creatinine clearance according to the Cockcroft-Gault equation. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Creatinine clearance estimate by Cockcroft-Gault equation (SI units) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates creatinine clearance according to the Cockcroft-Gault equation. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Crohn&#39;s Disease Activity Index (CDAI) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assesses severity of Crohn disease. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> CURB-65 pneumonia severity score </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Predicts risk of mortality in community-acquired pneumonia. </span></li></ol><h2 class="atoz_heading">D</h2><ol class="atoz_list"><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Depression (any) Screening by a Two Item PHQ-2 </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Scores for likelihood of any depression. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Depression (major) Screening by a Two Item PHQ-2 </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Scores for likelihood of major depression. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Dynamic International Prognostic Scoring System-Plus (DIPSS-Plus) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assesses risk and prognosis in primary myelofibrosis. </span></li></ol><h2 class="atoz_heading">E</h2><ol class="atoz_list"><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Screening tool to identify women who may have postnatal depression. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Endocarditis Diagnostic Criteria -- Duke Criteria </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Pathological and major/minor clinical criteria for endocarditis. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Endocarditis Diagnostic Criteria -- Modified Duke Criteria </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Updated clinicopathological criteria for endocarditis. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Measures daytime sleepiness. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Estimated Date of Delivery (EDD) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates gestational age and estimated date of delivery. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Estimated date of delivery (EDD) (Patient education) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates gestational age and estimated date of delivery. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> EuroSCORE for Cardiac Surgery Risk Assessment (additive version) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates risk of mortality in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> EUTOS long-term survival (ELTS) score </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates risk of chronic myeloid leukaemia-related death </span></li></ol><h2 class="atoz_heading">F</h2><ol class="atoz_list"><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Fall Risk in Elderly Hospitalized Patients </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates risk of fall in elderly patients. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Fractional Excretion of Magnesium </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates fractional excretion of magnesium (used to assess hypomagnesemia). </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Fractional Excretion of Magnesium (SI units) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates fractional excretion of magnesium (used to assess hypomagnesemia). </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Fractional Excretion of Sodium </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates fractional excretion of sodium, helping to assess acute kidney injury. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Fractional Excretion of Sodium (SI units) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates fractional excretion of sodium, helping to assess acute kidney injury. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Fracture Index WITH known Bone Mineral Density (BMD) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates risk of fracture based on factors including bone mineral density. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Fracture Index WITHOUT known Bone Mineral Density (BMD) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates risk of fracture based on factors not including bone mineral density. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Friedewald Equation for Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL-C) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates concentration of LDL-C in plasma. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Friedewald Equation for Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL-C, SI units) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates concentration of LDL-C in plasma. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Functional Residual Capacity </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates functional residual capacity from sum of expiratory reserve and residual volume. </span></li></ol><h2 class="atoz_heading">G</h2><ol class="atoz_list"><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Screening tool to identify people who may have generalised anxiety disorder (GAD). </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Genetically Inspired International Prognostic Scoring System (GIPSS) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assesses risk and prognosis in myelofibrosis (includes genetic mutations). </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Geriatric Depression 1 Item Screener </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assesses likelihood of depression in elderly patients, based on 1 question. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Geriatric Depression 4 Item Scale </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assesses likelihood of depression in elderly patients, based on 4 questions. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Geriatric Depression Scale </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assesses likelihood of depression in elderly patients. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Geriatric Depression Scale (30-item GDS) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Screening tool designed to identify symptoms of depression in older adults. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Geriatric-Sensitive Perioperative Cardiac Risk Index (GSCRI) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> This calculator estimates the rate of perioperative myocardial infarction or cardiac arrest (MICA) in patients ≥65 years old. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Gestational Age from Estimated Date of Delivery (EDD) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates gestational age based on estimated date of delivery. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Glasgow Alcoholic Hepatitis Score </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates mortality risk in patients with alcoholic hepatitis. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Glasgow Blatchford Score for Gastrointestinal Bleeding </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Stratifies patients with upper GI bleed, identifying those who can be safely treated as outpatients. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Glasgow Coma Scale </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assessment of conscious level based on eye, verbal, and motor responses to stimuli. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimate by CKD-EPI Equation </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine and patient characteristics. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimate by Quadratic Equation </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine and patient characteristics. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimate by Schwartz Formula </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates glomerular filtration rate in children based on creatinine and patient&#39;s height. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimate by the Abbreviated MDRD Study Equation </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine and patient characteristics. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimate by the Abbreviated MDRD Study Equation (SI units) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine and patient characteristics. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimate by the IDMS-Traceable MDRD Study Equation </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine and patient characteristics. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimate by the MDRD Equation </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine and patient characteristics. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimate by the MDRD Equation (SI units) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine and patient characteristics. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimate by Updated Schwartz Formula </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates glomerular filtration rate in children based on creatinine and patient&#39;s height. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimate in African Americans by AASK Equation </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine and patient&#39;s age and gender. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimation (eGFR) by Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) Equation with Creatinine, without Race (2021) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine and patient characteristics without a race variable. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimation (eGFR) by CKD-EPI Equation with Creatinine and Cystatin C, without Race (2021) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine, cystatin C and patient characteristics without a race variable. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimation (eGFR) by CKD-EPI Equation with Cystatin C, without Race (2012) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates glomerular filtration rate based on cystatin C and patient characteristics without a race variable. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Glomerular filtration rate estimation (eGFR) by CKiD U25 equations with creatinine and/or cystatin C in children and adults ≤25 years old </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine, cystatin C and patient characteristics in children and adults ages ≤25 years. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> GRACE Score for Acute Coronary Syndrome Prognosis </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates mortality risk for patients with acute coronary syndrome. </span></li></ol><h2 class="atoz_heading">H</h2><ol class="atoz_list"><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Harvey-Bradshaw Index of Crohn&#39;s Disease Activity </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assessment of Crohn&#39;s disease activity including extraintestinal features. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> HAS-BLED Bleeding Risk Score </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates risk of major bleeding for patients with atrial fibrillation on oral anticoagulation. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Heart Failure Diagnosis </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Clinical criteria for diagnosis of heart failure. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> HEART Score </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Incorporates elements of the patient&#39;s history, ECG, age, risk factors, and troponin and is used for patients in the accident and emergency department setting to assess risk of acute MI, PCI, CABG, and death within 6 weeks of initial presentation </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Hepatitis C Outcome TreeCalc </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assesses risk of death, hepatocellular carcinoma, or liver transplantation in patients with hepatitis C. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Hepatitis Discriminant Function for Corticosteroid Therapy in Alcoholic Hepatitis </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Score parameters including prothrombin time and bilirubin level. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> HOMA Formula: Homeostasis Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates severity of insulin resistance. </span></li></ol><h2 class="atoz_heading">I</h2><ol class="atoz_list"><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> In-Flight PaO2 Estimation </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Predicts patient&#39;s PaO2 during flight. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> In-Flight PaO2 Estimation (using PFT&#39;s) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Predicts patient&#39;s PaO2 during flight. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Injury Severity Score (ISS) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assesses severity of traumatic injury. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> International Prognostic Index for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Prognostic score including age and stage. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> International Prognostic Score in Hodgkin Lymphoma </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates freedom from progression and overall survival in patients with Hodgkin lymphoma. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> International Prognostic Score in Hodgkin Lymphoma (2012 update) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Prognostic score including stage and laboratory features. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Intracranial Bleeding Risk from Thrombolytic Therapy of MI </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates risk of cerebral bleeding in patients treated with thrombolytic therapy for mycocardial infarction. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diagnostic Criteria (Manning Criteria) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Diagnostic criteria for irritable bowel syndrome. </span></li></ol><h2 class="atoz_heading">J</h2><ol class="atoz_list"><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Jones Criteria for Diagnosis of Rheumatic Fever </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Diagnostic criteria for rheumatic fever. </span></li></ol><h2 class="atoz_heading">K</h2><ol class="atoz_list"><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Karnofsky Performance Status Score </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assesses patient for functional impairment. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Kawasaki Disease Diagnostic Criteria </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Diagnostic criteria for Kawasaki disease. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Kidney Failure Risk (KFRE) (8 variable) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates risk of kidney failure incorporating coefficients representative of the North American cohort in Tangri et al (2016). Urine albumin to creatinine ratio expressed in mg/g. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Kt/V Dialysis Dose Daugirdas Formula </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Quantifies adequacy of dialysis treatment. </span></li></ol><h2 class="atoz_heading">L</h2><ol class="atoz_list"><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> LACE Score Predicting Readmission or Post Hospitalization Death </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Predicts 30-day readmission or death. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Likelihood Ratio MultiCalc </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates how much a test result will change the odds of having a disease. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Low anterior resection syndrome (LARS) score </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Symptom-based scoring system for bowel dysfunction after low anterior resection (LAR) for rectal cancer. </span></li></ol><h2 class="atoz_heading">M</h2><ol class="atoz_list"><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Maintenance Fluid Calculation for Children </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates maintenance fluid requirements by weight. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Mangled Extremity Severity Score (MESS score) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates viability of an extremity after trauma. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Mantle Cell Lymphoma International Prognostic Index (MIPI) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates prognosis in mantle cell lymphoma. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Mayo score for assessing ulcerative colitis activity </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assesses severity of ulcerative colitis. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> MDACC Myelodysplastic Syndrome Prognostic Model </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> A prognostic scoring system for myelodysplastic syndrome. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> MELD Score for End-Stage Liver Disease (NOT appropriate for patients under the age of 12) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Quantifies end-stage liver disease for transplant planning. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> MELD Score for End-Stage Liver Disease (NOT appropriate for patients under the age of 12) (SI units) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Quantifies end-stage liver disease for transplant planning. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> MELDNa Score (2008) for End-Stage Liver Disease (NOT appropriate for patients under the age of 12) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Adds sodium to the MELD model for liver cirrhosis. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> MELDNa Score (2008) for End-Stage Liver Disease (NOT appropriate for patients under the age of 12) (SI units) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Adds sodium to the MELD model for liver cirrhosis. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> MELDNa Score (2016) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Quantifies end-stage liver disease. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> MELDNa Score (2016) (SI units) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Quantifies end-stage liver disease. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Metabolic Syndrome Criteria (AACE 2003) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists calculator for metabolic syndrome. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Metabolic Syndrome Criteria (AHA/NHLBI 2005) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> American Heart Association/National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute calculator for metabolic syndrome. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Metabolic Syndrome Criteria (EGIR) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> European Group for the Study of Insulin Resistance calculator for metabolic syndrome. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Metabolic Syndrome Criteria (IDF 2005) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> International Diabetes Federation calculator for metabolic syndrome. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Migraine Screener </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Scores likelihood of migraine. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Migraine With Aura Diagnostic Criteria </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Criteria for migraine with aura. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Migraine Without Aura Diagnostic Criteria </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Criteria for migraine without aura. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Modified Maddrey&#39;s Discriminant Function </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Suggests which patients with alcoholic hepatitis may benefit from corticosteroids. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Modified Wells score for deep vein thrombosis (DVT) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates risk of DVT. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> MODS Score: Multiple Organ Dysfunction </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Predicts hospital/ICU mortality and ICU length of stay based on measures of multiple organ dysfunction. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) risk index for patients with neutropenic fever </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Risk index for people with neutropenic fever. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Mutation and Karyotype-Enhanced International Prognostic Scoring System for Primary Myelofibrosis in adults 70 and younger (MIPSS70+ version 2.0) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assesses risk and prognosis in primary myelofibrosis (includes genetic mutations). </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Myelodysplastic Syndrome International Prognostic Scoring System </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Prognostic assessment for myelodysplastic syndrome. </span></li></ol><h2 class="atoz_heading">N</h2><ol class="atoz_list"><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> NAFLD Fibrosis Score </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Utilises age, hyperglycaemia, BMI, platelet count, albumin, and AST:ALT ratio (AAR) to predict patients with advanced liver fibrosis </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Nasal Canula Oxygen Fractional Inspired O2 (FIO2) Estimate </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates fraction of inspired oxygen using oxygen flow rate and percent. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Negative Predictive Value of a Test </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Probability with a negative screening test of not having the disease. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> New Orleans Head CT Criteria </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Criteria for head CT after head trauma. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Newborn Hyperbilirubinemia Assessment </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assessment including infant age, bilirubin level, and clinical risk group. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> NIH Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assesses symptom severity in men with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> NIH Stroke Score </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Quantifies stroke severity based on multiple neurologic factors. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Norton Scale to Stratify Risk of Pressure Sores </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assessment scale for risk of pressure ulcers. </span></li></ol><h2 class="atoz_heading">O</h2><ol class="atoz_list"><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Odds Ratio and Relative Risk </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates odds ratio and relative risk. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> ORBIT Bleeding Risk Score </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Scoring system for assessing the risk of bleeding in people with atrial fibrillation being considered for oral anticoagulation, or for the review of people with atrial fibrillation already taking anticoagulation. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Osmolal Gap Calculator </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates osmolal gap to detect unmeasured compounds in serum. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Osmolal Gap Calculator (SI units) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates osmolal gap to detect unmeasured compounds in serum (SI units). </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Osmolality Estimator (serum) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates serum osmolality with sodium, glucose, and BUN. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Osmolar Clearance </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates renal osmolar clearance using urine/serum Osm and urine volume per day. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Osteoporosis Risk Assessment by Composite Linear Estimate (ORACLE score) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Osteoporosis risk assessment score (age, BMI, hormone replacement, fracture history, ultrasound bone profile index). </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Osteoporosis Risk Assessment Index (ORAI) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Osteoporosis risk assessment index (age, body weight). </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Osteoporosis Risk SCORE (Simple Calculated Osteoporosis Risk Estimation) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Osteoporosis risk assessment score (ancestry, rheumatoid arthritis, fracture history, age, hormone replacement, weight). </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Oswestry Disability Index Version 1 </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Disability index for low back pain based on questions in 10 areas of function. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Oswestry Disability Index Version 2 </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Disability index for low back pain based on questions in 10 areas of function. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Ottawa Ankle Rule for the Use of X-Ray in Ankle Injury </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Describes criteria for ankle trauma patients to determine need for imaging. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Ottawa Foot Rule for the Use of X-Ray in Foot Injury </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Describes criteria for foot trauma patients to determine need for imaging. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Ottawa Knee Rule for use of X Ray in Knee Injury </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Describes criteria for knee trauma patients to determine need for imaging. </span></li></ol><h2 class="atoz_heading">P</h2><ol class="atoz_list"><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Padua Score for Assessing Venous Thromboembolism Risk in Hospitalized Patients </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Determines need for VTE prophylaxis in hospitalized patients. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Palliative Prognostic Score in Terminal Illness </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> 30-day probability of survival in terminal illness. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Pancreatitis Prognosis Criteria </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Mortality scale for acute pancreatitis, based on criteria from admission to day 2 of hospitalization. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Pancreatitis Prognosis Criteria When Disease Due To Gallstones </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Mortality scale for gallstone-related acute pancreatitis, based on criteria from admission to day 2 of hospitalization. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Panic Disorder Screener </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Likelihood of panic disorder based on features over last 6 months. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> PASI Psoriasis Area and Severity Index </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Severity index for psoriasis based on surface area, erythema, induration, desquamation. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Peak Expiratory Flow Prediction </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Predicts peak expiratory flow based on height and age. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> PELD Score for End-Stage Liver Disease (patients less than 12 years old) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates the pediatric version of the MELD score for liver cirrhosis severity and transplant planning. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> PERC Rule for the Assessment of Possible Pulmonary Embolism </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Rules out PE if no criteria are present and pre-test probability is less than or equal to 15%. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Pneumothorax Degree of Collapse </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates pneumothorax volume (%) using lung and hemithorax diameters. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Polycythemia Vera Diagnostic Criteria </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Criteria for polycythemia vera including splenomegaly and laboratory features. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Positive Predictive Value of a Test </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Probability with a positive screening test of having the disease. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Post Test Probability from Pre Test Probability, Sensitivity and Specificity </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Post-test probability calculator for having a disease. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Post-Test Probability from Likelihood Ratios and Multiple Test Results </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Post-test probability calculator for having a disease. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Predicted postoperative FEV1 following lung resection surgery (anatomic method) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Predicted postoperative FEV1 after lung resection using lung anatomy. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Predicted postoperative FEV1 following lung resection surgery (perfusion method) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Predicted postoperative FEV1 after lung resection using perfusion scan. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Pretest Probability of Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia (4-T&#39;s score) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assesses the risk for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Pulmonary Embolism Risk by Pisa Study (with chest x-ray) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Risk score for pulmonary embolism (age, gender, risk factors) including chest x-ray. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Pulmonary Embolism Risk by Pisa Study (without chest x-ray) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Risk score for pulmonary embolism (age, gender, risk factors) excluding chest x-ray. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Stratifies severity of pulmonary embolism from very low to very high risk. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Pulmonary Embolism Wells Score </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates probability of pulmonary embolism. </span></li></ol><h2 class="atoz_heading">Q</h2><ol class="atoz_list"><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> QT Interval Correction (EKG) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Corrects QT interval for heart rate. </span></li></ol><h2 class="atoz_heading">R</h2><ol class="atoz_list"><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Residual Renal Function in Hemodialysis Patients (Kru) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Residual kidney function for people receiving hemodialysis. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Revised Geneva Score for Estimation of the Clinical Probability of Pulmonary Embolism in Adults </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates probability of pulmonary embolism based solely on clinical variables and independent from subjective judgement. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Rheumatoid arthritis Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Disease activity scoring system for rheumatoid arthritis. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Rheumatoid arthritis Disease Activity Score with C-reactive protein (DAS28-CRP) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Determines severity of rheumatoid arthritis using clinical data and CRP. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Rheumatoid arthritis Disease Activity Score with Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (DAS28-ESR) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Determines severity of rheumatoid arthritis using clinical data and ESR. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Rheumatoid arthritis Simplified Disease Activity Index (SDAI) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Determines severity of rheumatoid arthritis using clinical and laboratory data. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Right to Left Shunt Fraction Qs/Qt </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Right to left shunt fraction (Qs/Qt) calculator using temperature, altitude, paCO2, and paO2. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Risk Reduction / Number Needed to Treat Multicalc </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates risk reduction/number needed to treat. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Rockall Score for Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Determines severity of GI bleeding. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Roland-Morris Disability Score </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Scoring for physical disability caused by low back pain. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> ROSE score: risk stratification of syncope in the emergency department </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assesses 1-month risk of serious outcomes or death in syncope patients in the emergency department. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Rotator Cuff Tear Diagnosis </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Probability of rotator cuff tear based on physical findings. </span></li></ol><h2 class="atoz_heading">S</h2><ol class="atoz_list"><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> San Francisco Syncope Rule TreeCalc </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Assesses 7-day risk of serious outcomes in patients with syncope or near-syncope. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (Quick): qSOFA Score </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Bedside clinical assessment to detect risk of deterioration due to sepsis. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Sequential Organ Failure Assessment: SOFA Score </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Predicts ICU mortality using clinical and laboratory data. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> SI unit to conventional unit conversions: Chemistry and endocrine tests </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> SI unit conversions for chemistries and endocrine tests. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> SI unit to conventional unit conversions: Immunology test values </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Unit conversions for immunology tests. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Simplified Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (sPESI) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Risk stratifies patients with PE and can help identify those suitable for outpatient management. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Sodium Correction in Hyperglycemia (Hillier 1999) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Determines if true hyponatremia is present in a patient with hyperglycemia. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Sokal score for chronic myeloid leukemia </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates survival in patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Sore Throat (Pharyngitis) Evaluation and Treatment Criteria (McIsaac) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Scoring system for sore throat including clinical features such as age, fever, lymphadenopathy or exudate. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Standard Drink Equivalents </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Alcohol drink equivalents. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Stool Osmolal Gap </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Determines if chronic diarrhea is osmotic or secretory. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Stroke Risk in Diabetes Type 2 UKPDS 60 </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Models chance of a first stroke in type 2 diabetes using risk factors. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Stroke Risk in Female Patients 55-84 Years Old (Framingham data) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Stroke risk for women. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Stroke Risk in Male Patients 55-84 Years Old (Framingham data) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Stroke risk for men. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Systemic Vascular Resistance </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Calculates systemic vascular resistance using cardiologic parameters. </span></li></ol><h2 class="atoz_heading">T</h2><ol class="atoz_list"><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Temperature Unit Conversions </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Temperature converter: Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) Score for ST Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates mortality in patients with STEMI. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) Score for Unstable Angina Non ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Estimates mortality in patients with unstable angina or NSTEMI. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> TIA Prognosis: Risk of Stroke by 90 Days After Presentation </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Approximate 90-day risk of stroke following TIA. </span></li></ol><h2 class="atoz_heading">U</h2><ol class="atoz_list"><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Urine anion gap </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Aids in identifying causes of metabolic acidosis where there is no serum anion gap. </span></li></ol><h2 class="atoz_heading">V</h2><ol class="atoz_list"><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Venous Leg Ulcer Healing Prediction </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> Score for venous leg ulcer healing in 24 weeks based on duration and area. </span></li></ol><h2 class="atoz_heading">W</h2><ol class="atoz_list"><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> Weight Unit Conversions </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> International weight conversions. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> WHO Assessment of Malnutrition in Boys 2 to 5 years Old </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> WHO score for malnutrition based on age, height and weight. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> WHO Assessment of Malnutrition in Girls 2 to 5 years Old </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> WHO score for malnutrition based on age, height and weight. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> WHO infant head circumference for age percentiles (&lt;24 months) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> WHO head circumference percentiles birth to 24 months. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> WHO Infant Length for Age Percentiles (&lt;24 months) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> WHO growth chart: length for age percentiles birth to 24 months. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> WHO Infant Weight for Age Percentiles (&lt;24 months) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> WHO growth chart: weight for age percentiles birth to 24 months. </span></li><li><span class="atoz_list_text"> WHO infant weight for length percentiles (&lt;24 months) </span><span class="atoz_list_description"> WHO growth chart: weight for length percentiles birth to 24 months. </span></li></ol><div class="no-result--suggest"><p>Suggestions to help with your search:</p><ul><li>Make sure all words are spelled correctly</li><li>Try different keywords</li><li>Try more general keywords</li></ul></div></bp-content-filter><script type="module" src="/gzip_ac9a73e641b9a1da07ff091eb4fb338a/js/dist/bp-content-filter.js" ></script> </div><div id="bySpecialty" class="card-block tab-pane" role="tabpanel" aria-multiselectable="true"><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading1"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse1" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse1">Anaesthesia</a></h5></div><div id="collapse1" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading1"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cardiac output</span> Calculates cardiac output. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cardiac Risk Index for Non-AAA Vascular Surgery (Lee)</span> Estimates risk of cardiac complications following vascular surgery (non-abdominal aortic aneurysm). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cardiac Risk Index for Orthopedic Surgery (Lee)</span> Estimates risk of cardiac complications following orthopedic surgery. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cardiac Risk Index in Noncardiac Surgery (Detsky et. al.)</span> Estimates risk of cardiac complications following noncardiac surgery. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cardiac Risk Index in Noncardiac Surgery (Goldman, et. al.)</span> Estimates risk of cardiac complications following noncardiac surgery. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">EuroSCORE for Cardiac Surgery Risk Assessment (additive version)</span> Calculates risk of mortality in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Right to Left Shunt Fraction Qs/Qt</span> Right to left shunt fraction (Qs/Qt) calculator using temperature, altitude, paCO2, and paO2. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading2"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse2" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse2">Anthropometrics</a></h5></div><div id="collapse2" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading2"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Mass Index (BMI) (Quetelet&#39;s index)</span> Assesses whether patient is at a weight appropriate for their height. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Mass Index (BMI) percentiles for boys (2 to 20 years)</span> Assesses whether patient is at a weight appropriate for their height, age, and gender. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Mass Index (BMI) percentiles for girls (2 to 20 years)</span> Assesses whether patient is at a weight appropriate for their height, age, and gender. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Surface Area (Du Bois Method)</span> Calculation of body surface area. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Surface Area (Gehan &amp; George Method)</span> Calculation of body surface area. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Surface Area (Mosteller, square root method)</span> Calculation of body surface area. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Surface Area Based Dosing</span> Calculates drug dose based on body surface area. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">CDC height for age percentiles for boys (2 to 20 years)</span> Assesses whether patient is at appropriate height for their age. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">CDC height for age percentiles for girls (2 to 20 years)</span> Assesses whether patient is at appropriate height for their age. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">CDC/NCHS Infant Head Circumference for Age Percentiles (&lt;36 months)</span> Assesses whether patient has appropriate head circumference for their age. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO Assessment of Malnutrition in Boys 2 to 5 years Old</span> WHO score for malnutrition based on age, height and weight. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO Assessment of Malnutrition in Girls 2 to 5 years Old</span> WHO score for malnutrition based on age, height and weight. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO infant head circumference for age percentiles (&lt;24 months)</span> WHO head circumference percentiles birth to 24 months. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO Infant Length for Age Percentiles (&lt;24 months)</span> WHO growth chart: length for age percentiles birth to 24 months. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO Infant Weight for Age Percentiles (&lt;24 months)</span> WHO growth chart: weight for age percentiles birth to 24 months. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO infant weight for length percentiles (&lt;24 months)</span> WHO growth chart: weight for length percentiles birth to 24 months. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading3"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse3" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse3">Cardiology</a></h5></div><div id="collapse3" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading3"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Acute Heart Failure Prediction Based on NT-proBNP and Clinical Features</span> Estimates risk of acute heart failure. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Atrial fibrillation CHADS(2) score for stroke risk</span> Estimates risk of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cardiac Risk Index for Non-AAA Vascular Surgery (Lee)</span> Estimates risk of cardiac complications following vascular surgery (non-abdominal aortic aneurysm). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cardiac Risk Index for Orthopedic Surgery (Lee)</span> Estimates risk of cardiac complications following orthopedic surgery. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cardiac Risk Index in Noncardiac Surgery (Detsky et. al.)</span> Estimates risk of cardiac complications following noncardiac surgery. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cardiac Risk Index in Noncardiac Surgery (Goldman, et. al.)</span> Estimates risk of cardiac complications following noncardiac surgery. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cardiovascular Risk Assessment (10-year, ACC/AHA 2013)</span> Estimates 10-year risk of cardiovascular disease based on key risk factors. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cardiovascular risk assessment (10-year, MESA 2015, with or without CAC score)</span> Ten-year cardiovascular risk assessment with or without coronary artery calcification score. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cardiovascular Risk Assessment (10-year, PROCAM Score, Munster Heart Study SI units)</span> Ten-year cardiovascular risk score based on Munster study with cholesterol levels in SI units. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cardiovascular Risk Assessment (10-year, PROCAM Score, Munster Heart Study)</span> Ten-year cardiovascular risk score based on Munster study with cholesterol levels in mg/dL. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in Men (10-year, patient information, Framingham 2008)</span> Cardiovascular risk score that includes patient information for men. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in Men (10-year, Reynolds Risk Score 2008)</span> Ten-year cardiovascular risk score that includes C-reactive protein as well as other criteria. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in Type I Diabetes (5-year)</span> Estimates 5-year risk of cardiovascular disease in patients with type I diabetes. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in Women (10-year, patient information, Framingham 2008)</span> Cardiovascular risk score that includes patient information for women. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Endocarditis Diagnostic Criteria -- Duke Criteria</span> Pathological and major/minor clinical criteria for endocarditis. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Endocarditis Diagnostic Criteria -- Modified Duke Criteria</span> Updated clinicopathological criteria for endocarditis. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">EuroSCORE for Cardiac Surgery Risk Assessment (additive version)</span> Calculates risk of mortality in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Friedewald Equation for Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL-C)</span> Estimates concentration of LDL-C in plasma. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Friedewald Equation for Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL-C, SI units)</span> Estimates concentration of LDL-C in plasma. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">GRACE Score for Acute Coronary Syndrome Prognosis</span> Estimates mortality risk for patients with acute coronary syndrome. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">HAS-BLED Bleeding Risk Score</span> Estimates risk of major bleeding for patients with atrial fibrillation on oral anticoagulation. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Heart Failure Diagnosis</span> Clinical criteria for diagnosis of heart failure. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Intracranial Bleeding Risk from Thrombolytic Therapy of MI</span> Estimates risk of cerebral bleeding in patients treated with thrombolytic therapy for mycocardial infarction. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Jones Criteria for Diagnosis of Rheumatic Fever</span> Diagnostic criteria for rheumatic fever. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Kawasaki Disease Diagnostic Criteria</span> Diagnostic criteria for Kawasaki disease. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Metabolic Syndrome Criteria (AACE 2003)</span> American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists calculator for metabolic syndrome. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Metabolic Syndrome Criteria (AHA/NHLBI 2005)</span> American Heart Association/National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute calculator for metabolic syndrome. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Metabolic Syndrome Criteria (EGIR)</span> European Group for the Study of Insulin Resistance calculator for metabolic syndrome. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Metabolic Syndrome Criteria (IDF 2005)</span> International Diabetes Federation calculator for metabolic syndrome. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">ORBIT Bleeding Risk Score</span> Scoring system for assessing the risk of bleeding in people with atrial fibrillation being considered for oral anticoagulation, or for the review of people with atrial fibrillation already taking anticoagulation. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Padua Score for Assessing Venous Thromboembolism Risk in Hospitalized Patients</span> Determines need for VTE prophylaxis in hospitalized patients. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Panic Disorder Screener</span> Likelihood of panic disorder based on features over last 6 months. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">QT Interval Correction (EKG)</span> Corrects QT interval for heart rate. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Right to Left Shunt Fraction Qs/Qt</span> Right to left shunt fraction (Qs/Qt) calculator using temperature, altitude, paCO2, and paO2. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">ROSE score: risk stratification of syncope in the emergency department</span> Assesses 1-month risk of serious outcomes or death in syncope patients in the emergency department. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">San Francisco Syncope Rule TreeCalc</span> Assesses 7-day risk of serious outcomes in patients with syncope or near-syncope. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Sequential Organ Failure Assessment: SOFA Score</span> Predicts ICU mortality using clinical and laboratory data. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Simplified Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (sPESI)</span> Risk stratifies patients with PE and can help identify those suitable for outpatient management. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Systemic Vascular Resistance</span> Calculates systemic vascular resistance using cardiologic parameters. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) Score for ST Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction</span> Estimates mortality in patients with STEMI. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) Score for Unstable Angina Non ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction</span> Estimates mortality in patients with unstable angina or NSTEMI. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading4"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse4" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse4">Critical Care</a></h5></div><div id="collapse4" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading4"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">A-a Gradient</span> Calculates difference between alveolar and arterial oxygen concentration. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">APACHE II scoring system</span> Estimates ICU mortality. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">BAP-65 prediction of in-hospital mortality and need for mechanical ventilation in COPD</span> Predicts risk of mortality and need for mechanical ventilation in acute exacerbations of COPD. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Base Excess Determination</span> Aids in identifying acid-base disorders. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Bedside Index of Severity in Acute Pancreatitis (BISAP) Score</span> Predicts risk of mortality in acute pancreatitis. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Blatchford score for gastrointestinal bleeding</span> Stratifies patients with upper GI bleed, identifying those who can be safely treated as outpatients. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Blood Ethanol Concentration Estimation</span> Estimates blood ethanol concentration. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">BODE Index for COPD Survival Prediction</span> Estimates prognosis in patients with COPD based on body mass index, airflow obstruction, dyspnea, and exercise. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cardiac output</span> Calculates cardiac output. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Clinical Grading to Predict Malignant Hyperthermia</span> Historical, clinical and laboratory features to assess malignant hyperthermia. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score (CPIS)</span> Aids in early diagnosis and treatment of ventilator-associated pneumonia. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">CURB-65 pneumonia severity score</span> Predicts risk of mortality in community-acquired pneumonia. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">EuroSCORE for Cardiac Surgery Risk Assessment (additive version)</span> Calculates risk of mortality in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glasgow Alcoholic Hepatitis Score</span> Estimates mortality risk in patients with alcoholic hepatitis. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glasgow Blatchford Score for Gastrointestinal Bleeding</span> Stratifies patients with upper GI bleed, identifying those who can be safely treated as outpatients. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">GRACE Score for Acute Coronary Syndrome Prognosis</span> Estimates mortality risk for patients with acute coronary syndrome. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">HAS-BLED Bleeding Risk Score</span> Estimates risk of major bleeding for patients with atrial fibrillation on oral anticoagulation. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Heart Failure Diagnosis</span> Clinical criteria for diagnosis of heart failure. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Injury Severity Score (ISS)</span> Assesses severity of traumatic injury. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Intracranial Bleeding Risk from Thrombolytic Therapy of MI</span> Estimates risk of cerebral bleeding in patients treated with thrombolytic therapy for mycocardial infarction. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Maintenance Fluid Calculation for Children</span> Calculates maintenance fluid requirements by weight. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Mangled Extremity Severity Score (MESS score)</span> Estimates viability of an extremity after trauma. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MELD Score for End-Stage Liver Disease (NOT appropriate for patients under the age of 12)</span> Quantifies end-stage liver disease for transplant planning. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MELD Score for End-Stage Liver Disease (NOT appropriate for patients under the age of 12) (SI units)</span> Quantifies end-stage liver disease for transplant planning. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MELDNa Score (2008) for End-Stage Liver Disease (NOT appropriate for patients under the age of 12)</span> Adds sodium to the MELD model for liver cirrhosis. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MELDNa Score (2008) for End-Stage Liver Disease (NOT appropriate for patients under the age of 12) (SI units)</span> Adds sodium to the MELD model for liver cirrhosis. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MELDNa Score (2016)</span> Quantifies end-stage liver disease. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MELDNa Score (2016) (SI units)</span> Quantifies end-stage liver disease. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MODS Score: Multiple Organ Dysfunction</span> Predicts hospital/ICU mortality and ICU length of stay based on measures of multiple organ dysfunction. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">NIH Stroke Score</span> Quantifies stroke severity based on multiple neurologic factors. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">ORBIT Bleeding Risk Score</span> Scoring system for assessing the risk of bleeding in people with atrial fibrillation being considered for oral anticoagulation, or for the review of people with atrial fibrillation already taking anticoagulation. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Osmolality Estimator (serum)</span> Estimates serum osmolality with sodium, glucose, and BUN. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Palliative Prognostic Score in Terminal Illness</span> 30-day probability of survival in terminal illness. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Pancreatitis Prognosis Criteria</span> Mortality scale for acute pancreatitis, based on criteria from admission to day 2 of hospitalization. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Pancreatitis Prognosis Criteria When Disease Due To Gallstones</span> Mortality scale for gallstone-related acute pancreatitis, based on criteria from admission to day 2 of hospitalization. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">PELD Score for End-Stage Liver Disease (patients less than 12 years old)</span> Calculates the pediatric version of the MELD score for liver cirrhosis severity and transplant planning. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Pneumothorax Degree of Collapse</span> Calculates pneumothorax volume (%) using lung and hemithorax diameters. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Pulmonary Embolism Risk by Pisa Study (with chest x-ray)</span> Risk score for pulmonary embolism (age, gender, risk factors) including chest x-ray. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Pulmonary Embolism Risk by Pisa Study (without chest x-ray)</span> Risk score for pulmonary embolism (age, gender, risk factors) excluding chest x-ray. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI)</span> Stratifies severity of pulmonary embolism from very low to very high risk. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Pulmonary Embolism Wells Score</span> Calculates probability of pulmonary embolism. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Right to Left Shunt Fraction Qs/Qt</span> Right to left shunt fraction (Qs/Qt) calculator using temperature, altitude, paCO2, and paO2. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Rockall Score for Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding</span> Determines severity of GI bleeding. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (Quick): qSOFA Score</span> Bedside clinical assessment to detect risk of deterioration due to sepsis. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Sequential Organ Failure Assessment: SOFA Score</span> Predicts ICU mortality using clinical and laboratory data. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Simplified Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (sPESI)</span> Risk stratifies patients with PE and can help identify those suitable for outpatient management. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Sodium Correction in Hyperglycemia (Hillier 1999)</span> Determines if true hyponatremia is present in a patient with hyperglycemia. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) Score for ST Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction</span> Estimates mortality in patients with STEMI. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) Score for Unstable Angina Non ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction</span> Estimates mortality in patients with unstable angina or NSTEMI. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading5"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse5" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse5">Dermatology</a></h5></div><div id="collapse5" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading5"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Kawasaki Disease Diagnostic Criteria</span> Diagnostic criteria for Kawasaki disease. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Norton Scale to Stratify Risk of Pressure Sores</span> Assessment scale for risk of pressure ulcers. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">PASI Psoriasis Area and Severity Index</span> Severity index for psoriasis based on surface area, erythema, induration, desquamation. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading6"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse6" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse6">Emergency medicine</a></h5></div><div id="collapse6" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading6"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">ABCD2 Score to Predict Stroke Risk after TIA</span> Estimates the risk of stroke following transient ischemic attack. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) Toxicity Assessment (Original, 1975)</span> Calculator to guide management following a single acetaminophen (paracetamol) ingestion, based on time since ingestion and blood acetaminophen level, using the original 1975 Rumack and Matthew calculation. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) Toxicity Assessment (Revised 2023)</span> Calculator to guide management following a single acetaminophen (paracetamol) ingestion, based on time since ingestion and blood acetaminophen level, using the 2023 revision of the Rumack and Matthew calculation. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Acute Heart Failure Prediction Based on NT-proBNP and Clinical Features</span> Estimates risk of acute heart failure. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Anion Gap</span> Aids in identifying causes of metabolic acidosis. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Anion Gap Delta Delta Gradient Multicalc</span> Aids in identifying acid-base disorders. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Anion Gap Delta Delta Ratio Multicalc</span> Aids in identifying acid-base disorders. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">BAP-65 prediction of in-hospital mortality and need for mechanical ventilation in COPD</span> Predicts risk of mortality and need for mechanical ventilation in acute exacerbations of COPD. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Blood Ethanol Concentration Estimation</span> Estimates blood ethanol concentration. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Burn Injury Fluid Resuscitation (Brooke estimate)</span> Estimates fluid requirements following burn injury. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Burn Injury Fluid Resuscitation (Demling dextran estimate)</span> Estimates colloid fluid requirements following burn injury. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Burn Injury Fluid Resuscitation (Evans estimate)</span> Estimates fluid requirements following burn injury. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Burn Injury Fluid Resuscitation (Modified Brooke crystalloid estimate)</span> Estimates fluid requirements following burn injury. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Burn Injury Fluid Resuscitation (Slater estimate)</span> Estimates fluid requirements following burn injury. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Burn Injury Fluid Resuscitation, Adult (Parkland crystalloid estimate)</span> Often used to estimate fluid requirements in adults following major burn injury. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Canadian Head CT Rule for Minor Head Injury</span> Assesses which patients with minor head injury need CT scan. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">CIWA-Ar Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol scale</span> Measures severity of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Clinical Grading to Predict Malignant Hyperthermia</span> Historical, clinical and laboratory features to assess malignant hyperthermia. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Community-acquired pneumonia severity index (PSI) for adults</span> Estimates risk of mortality in patients with community-acquired pneumonia. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">CURB-65 pneumonia severity score</span> Predicts risk of mortality in community-acquired pneumonia. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glasgow Blatchford Score for Gastrointestinal Bleeding</span> Stratifies patients with upper GI bleed, identifying those who can be safely treated as outpatients. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">HAS-BLED Bleeding Risk Score</span> Estimates risk of major bleeding for patients with atrial fibrillation on oral anticoagulation. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Heart Failure Diagnosis</span> Clinical criteria for diagnosis of heart failure. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Intracranial Bleeding Risk from Thrombolytic Therapy of MI</span> Estimates risk of cerebral bleeding in patients treated with thrombolytic therapy for mycocardial infarction. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Migraine Screener</span> Scores likelihood of migraine. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Migraine With Aura Diagnostic Criteria</span> Criteria for migraine with aura. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Migraine Without Aura Diagnostic Criteria</span> Criteria for migraine without aura. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">New Orleans Head CT Criteria</span> Criteria for head CT after head trauma. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">ORBIT Bleeding Risk Score</span> Scoring system for assessing the risk of bleeding in people with atrial fibrillation being considered for oral anticoagulation, or for the review of people with atrial fibrillation already taking anticoagulation. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Ottawa Ankle Rule for the Use of X-Ray in Ankle Injury</span> Describes criteria for ankle trauma patients to determine need for imaging. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Ottawa Foot Rule for the Use of X-Ray in Foot Injury</span> Describes criteria for foot trauma patients to determine need for imaging. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Panic Disorder Screener</span> Likelihood of panic disorder based on features over last 6 months. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">PERC Rule for the Assessment of Possible Pulmonary Embolism</span> Rules out PE if no criteria are present and pre-test probability is less than or equal to 15%. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Pneumothorax Degree of Collapse</span> Calculates pneumothorax volume (%) using lung and hemithorax diameters. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI)</span> Stratifies severity of pulmonary embolism from very low to very high risk. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Pulmonary Embolism Wells Score</span> Calculates probability of pulmonary embolism. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">QT Interval Correction (EKG)</span> Corrects QT interval for heart rate. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Revised Geneva Score for Estimation of the Clinical Probability of Pulmonary Embolism in Adults</span> Calculates probability of pulmonary embolism based solely on clinical variables and independent from subjective judgement. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Sequential Organ Failure Assessment: SOFA Score</span> Predicts ICU mortality using clinical and laboratory data. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Simplified Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (sPESI)</span> Risk stratifies patients with PE and can help identify those suitable for outpatient management. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Sodium Correction in Hyperglycemia (Hillier 1999)</span> Determines if true hyponatremia is present in a patient with hyperglycemia. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">TIA Prognosis: Risk of Stroke by 90 Days After Presentation</span> Approximate 90-day risk of stroke following TIA. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Urine anion gap</span> Aids in identifying causes of metabolic acidosis where there is no serum anion gap. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading7"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse7" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse7">Endocrinology</a></h5></div><div id="collapse7" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading7"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Calcium Correction in Hypoalbuminemia</span> Calculates corrected calcium level for patients with hypoalbuminemia. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Calcium Correction in Hypoalbuminemia (SI units)</span> Calculates corrected calcium level for patients with hypoalbuminemia. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cirrhosis probability in hepatitis C (FIB-4)</span> Calculates FIB-4 index which is a non-invasive method of screening for clinically significant hepatic fibrosis secondary to metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Friedewald Equation for Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL-C)</span> Estimates concentration of LDL-C in plasma. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Friedewald Equation for Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL-C, SI units)</span> Estimates concentration of LDL-C in plasma. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimation (eGFR) by Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) Equation with Creatinine, without Race (2021)</span> Estimates glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine and patient characteristics without a race variable. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">HOMA Formula: Homeostasis Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance</span> Estimates severity of insulin resistance. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">NAFLD Fibrosis Score</span> Utilises age, hyperglycaemia, BMI, platelet count, albumin, and AST:ALT ratio (AAR) to predict patients with advanced liver fibrosis </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Sodium Correction in Hyperglycemia (Hillier 1999)</span> Determines if true hyponatremia is present in a patient with hyperglycemia. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Stroke Risk in Diabetes Type 2 UKPDS 60</span> Models chance of a first stroke in type 2 diabetes using risk factors. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading8"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse8" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse8">Epidemiology</a></h5></div><div id="collapse8" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading8"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Bayesian Statistics I MultiCalc</span> Calculates statistics from prevalence, sensitivity, and specificity. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Bayesian Statistics II MultiCalc</span> Calculates statistics from true and false positives and negatives. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Mass Index (BMI) percentiles for boys (2 to 20 years)</span> Assesses whether patient is at a weight appropriate for their height, age, and gender. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Mass Index (BMI) percentiles for girls (2 to 20 years)</span> Assesses whether patient is at a weight appropriate for their height, age, and gender. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cardiovascular Risk Assessment (10-year, ACC/AHA 2013)</span> Estimates 10-year risk of cardiovascular disease based on key risk factors. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">CDC height for age percentiles for boys (2 to 20 years)</span> Assesses whether patient is at appropriate height for their age. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">CDC height for age percentiles for girls (2 to 20 years)</span> Assesses whether patient is at appropriate height for their age. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">CDC/NCHS Infant Head Circumference for Age Percentiles (&lt;36 months)</span> Assesses whether patient has appropriate head circumference for their age. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimate in African Americans by AASK Equation</span> Estimates glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine and patient&#39;s age and gender. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Kidney Failure Risk (KFRE) (8 variable)</span> Estimates risk of kidney failure incorporating coefficients representative of the North American cohort in Tangri et al (2016). Urine albumin to creatinine ratio expressed in mg/g. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Likelihood Ratio MultiCalc</span> Estimates how much a test result will change the odds of having a disease. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Negative Predictive Value of a Test</span> Probability with a negative screening test of not having the disease. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Odds Ratio and Relative Risk</span> Calculates odds ratio and relative risk. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Positive Predictive Value of a Test</span> Probability with a positive screening test of having the disease. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Post Test Probability from Pre Test Probability, Sensitivity and Specificity</span> Post-test probability calculator for having a disease. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Post-Test Probability from Likelihood Ratios and Multiple Test Results</span> Post-test probability calculator for having a disease. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO Assessment of Malnutrition in Boys 2 to 5 years Old</span> WHO score for malnutrition based on age, height and weight. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO Assessment of Malnutrition in Girls 2 to 5 years Old</span> WHO score for malnutrition based on age, height and weight. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO infant head circumference for age percentiles (&lt;24 months)</span> WHO head circumference percentiles birth to 24 months. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO Infant Length for Age Percentiles (&lt;24 months)</span> WHO growth chart: length for age percentiles birth to 24 months. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO Infant Weight for Age Percentiles (&lt;24 months)</span> WHO growth chart: weight for age percentiles birth to 24 months. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO infant weight for length percentiles (&lt;24 months)</span> WHO growth chart: weight for length percentiles birth to 24 months. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading9"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse9" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse9">Gastroenterology</a></h5></div><div id="collapse9" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading9"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Bedside Index of Severity in Acute Pancreatitis (BISAP) Score</span> Predicts risk of mortality in acute pancreatitis. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Blatchford score for gastrointestinal bleeding</span> Stratifies patients with upper GI bleed, identifying those who can be safely treated as outpatients. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Child Pugh classification for severity of liver disease</span> Assesses severity of liver disease. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Child Pugh classification for severity of liver disease (SI units)</span> Assesses severity of liver disease. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cirrhosis probability in hepatitis C (FIB-4)</span> Calculates FIB-4 index which is a non-invasive method of screening for clinically significant hepatic fibrosis secondary to metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Crohn&#39;s Disease Activity Index (CDAI)</span> Assesses severity of Crohn disease. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glasgow Alcoholic Hepatitis Score</span> Estimates mortality risk in patients with alcoholic hepatitis. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glasgow Blatchford Score for Gastrointestinal Bleeding</span> Stratifies patients with upper GI bleed, identifying those who can be safely treated as outpatients. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Harvey-Bradshaw Index of Crohn&#39;s Disease Activity</span> Assessment of Crohn&#39;s disease activity including extraintestinal features. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diagnostic Criteria (Manning Criteria)</span> Diagnostic criteria for irritable bowel syndrome. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Mayo score for assessing ulcerative colitis activity</span> Assesses severity of ulcerative colitis. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MELD Score for End-Stage Liver Disease (NOT appropriate for patients under the age of 12)</span> Quantifies end-stage liver disease for transplant planning. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MELD Score for End-Stage Liver Disease (NOT appropriate for patients under the age of 12) (SI units)</span> Quantifies end-stage liver disease for transplant planning. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MELDNa Score (2008) for End-Stage Liver Disease (NOT appropriate for patients under the age of 12)</span> Adds sodium to the MELD model for liver cirrhosis. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MELDNa Score (2008) for End-Stage Liver Disease (NOT appropriate for patients under the age of 12) (SI units)</span> Adds sodium to the MELD model for liver cirrhosis. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MELDNa Score (2016)</span> Quantifies end-stage liver disease. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MELDNa Score (2016) (SI units)</span> Quantifies end-stage liver disease. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">NAFLD Fibrosis Score</span> Utilises age, hyperglycaemia, BMI, platelet count, albumin, and AST:ALT ratio (AAR) to predict patients with advanced liver fibrosis </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Osmolal Gap Calculator</span> Calculates osmolal gap to detect unmeasured compounds in serum. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Pancreatitis Prognosis Criteria</span> Mortality scale for acute pancreatitis, based on criteria from admission to day 2 of hospitalization. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Pancreatitis Prognosis Criteria When Disease Due To Gallstones</span> Mortality scale for gallstone-related acute pancreatitis, based on criteria from admission to day 2 of hospitalization. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">PELD Score for End-Stage Liver Disease (patients less than 12 years old)</span> Calculates the pediatric version of the MELD score for liver cirrhosis severity and transplant planning. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Rockall Score for Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding</span> Determines severity of GI bleeding. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Stool Osmolal Gap</span> Determines if chronic diarrhea is osmotic or secretory. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading10"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse10" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse10">Geriatric</a></h5></div><div id="collapse10" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading10"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">APACHE II scoring system</span> Estimates ICU mortality. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Mass Index (BMI) (Quetelet&#39;s index)</span> Assesses whether patient is at a weight appropriate for their height. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Surface Area (Du Bois Method)</span> Calculation of body surface area. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Surface Area (Gehan &amp; George Method)</span> Calculation of body surface area. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Surface Area (Mosteller, square root method)</span> Calculation of body surface area. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Surface Area Based Dosing</span> Calculates drug dose based on body surface area. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Breast Cancer Recurrence Risk After Mastectomy (simple)</span> Assesses risk of breast cancer recurrence after mastectomy based on tumor grade and lymphatic involvement. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cardiac Risk Index in Noncardiac Surgery (Detsky et. al.)</span> Estimates risk of cardiac complications following noncardiac surgery. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cardiac Risk Index in Noncardiac Surgery (Goldman, et. al.)</span> Estimates risk of cardiac complications following noncardiac surgery. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">CHADS-VASc Score for Stroke Risk in Arial Fibrillation (CHA[2]S[2]-VASc)</span> Score for stroke risk in atrial fibrillation. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cognitive Impairment Screening with 6 Questions</span> Screening tool for cognitive impairment in adults. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Community-acquired pneumonia severity index (PSI) for adults</span> Estimates risk of mortality in patients with community-acquired pneumonia. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Creatinine clearance estimate by Cockcroft-Gault equation</span> Calculates creatinine clearance according to the Cockcroft-Gault equation. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Creatinine clearance estimate by Cockcroft-Gault equation (SI units)</span> Calculates creatinine clearance according to the Cockcroft-Gault equation. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">CURB-65 pneumonia severity score</span> Predicts risk of mortality in community-acquired pneumonia. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Depression (any) Screening by a Two Item PHQ-2</span> Scores for likelihood of any depression. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Depression (major) Screening by a Two Item PHQ-2</span> Scores for likelihood of major depression. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Fall Risk in Elderly Hospitalized Patients</span> Estimates risk of fall in elderly patients. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Fracture Index WITH known Bone Mineral Density (BMD)</span> Calculates risk of fracture based on factors including bone mineral density. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Fracture Index WITHOUT known Bone Mineral Density (BMD)</span> Calculates risk of fracture based on factors not including bone mineral density. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Geriatric Depression 1 Item Screener</span> Assesses likelihood of depression in elderly patients, based on 1 question. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Geriatric Depression 4 Item Scale</span> Assesses likelihood of depression in elderly patients, based on 4 questions. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Geriatric Depression Scale</span> Assesses likelihood of depression in elderly patients. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Geriatric-Sensitive Perioperative Cardiac Risk Index (GSCRI)</span> This calculator estimates the rate of perioperative myocardial infarction or cardiac arrest (MICA) in patients ≥65 years old. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glasgow Coma Scale</span> Assessment of conscious level based on eye, verbal, and motor responses to stimuli. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">HAS-BLED Bleeding Risk Score</span> Estimates risk of major bleeding for patients with atrial fibrillation on oral anticoagulation. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Intracranial Bleeding Risk from Thrombolytic Therapy of MI</span> Estimates risk of cerebral bleeding in patients treated with thrombolytic therapy for mycocardial infarction. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MODS Score: Multiple Organ Dysfunction</span> Predicts hospital/ICU mortality and ICU length of stay based on measures of multiple organ dysfunction. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Norton Scale to Stratify Risk of Pressure Sores</span> Assessment scale for risk of pressure ulcers. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">ORBIT Bleeding Risk Score</span> Scoring system for assessing the risk of bleeding in people with atrial fibrillation being considered for oral anticoagulation, or for the review of people with atrial fibrillation already taking anticoagulation. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Osteoporosis Risk Assessment by Composite Linear Estimate (ORACLE score)</span> Osteoporosis risk assessment score (age, BMI, hormone replacement, fracture history, ultrasound bone profile index). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Osteoporosis Risk Assessment Index (ORAI)</span> Osteoporosis risk assessment index (age, body weight). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Osteoporosis Risk SCORE (Simple Calculated Osteoporosis Risk Estimation)</span> Osteoporosis risk assessment score (ancestry, rheumatoid arthritis, fracture history, age, hormone replacement, weight). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Palliative Prognostic Score in Terminal Illness</span> 30-day probability of survival in terminal illness. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading11"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse11" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse11">Hematology</a></h5></div><div id="collapse11" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading11"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Absolute Eosinophil Count</span> Assesses number of eosinophils (e.g., in people with allergic or autoimmune conditions, or parasite infections). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Absolute Lymphocyte Count</span> Estimates number of lymphocytes and predicts CD4 count. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Absolute Neutrophil Count</span> Measures number of neutrophils (used to asses neutropenia or neutrophilia). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">APACHE II scoring system</span> Estimates ICU mortality. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Atrial fibrillation CHADS(2) score for stroke risk</span> Estimates risk of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Bleeding Risk (any bleeding complication) on Warfarin Therapy</span> Estimates risk of any bleeding complications for patients on warfarin. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Bleeding Risk (major complication) on Warfarin Therapy</span> Estimates risk of major bleeding complications for patients on warfarin. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Bleeding Risk Index for Warfarin Therapy</span> Estimates risk of bleeding for patients on warfarin. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Mass Index (BMI) (Quetelet&#39;s index)</span> Assesses whether patient is at a weight appropriate for their height. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Conventional unit to SI unit conversions: Chemistry tests</span> Unit conversions for chemistries. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Conventional unit to SI unit conversions: Immunology test values</span> Unit conversions for immunology tests. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Dynamic International Prognostic Scoring System-Plus (DIPSS-Plus)</span> Assesses risk and prognosis in primary myelofibrosis. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">EUTOS long-term survival (ELTS) score</span> Estimates risk of chronic myeloid leukaemia-related death </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Genetically Inspired International Prognostic Scoring System (GIPSS)</span> Assesses risk and prognosis in myelofibrosis (includes genetic mutations). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">HAS-BLED Bleeding Risk Score</span> Estimates risk of major bleeding for patients with atrial fibrillation on oral anticoagulation. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">International Prognostic Score in Hodgkin Lymphoma</span> Estimates freedom from progression and overall survival in patients with Hodgkin lymphoma. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MODS Score: Multiple Organ Dysfunction</span> Predicts hospital/ICU mortality and ICU length of stay based on measures of multiple organ dysfunction. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Mutation and Karyotype-Enhanced International Prognostic Scoring System for Primary Myelofibrosis in adults 70 and younger (MIPSS70+ version 2.0)</span> Assesses risk and prognosis in primary myelofibrosis (includes genetic mutations). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">ORBIT Bleeding Risk Score</span> Scoring system for assessing the risk of bleeding in people with atrial fibrillation being considered for oral anticoagulation, or for the review of people with atrial fibrillation already taking anticoagulation. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Padua Score for Assessing Venous Thromboembolism Risk in Hospitalized Patients</span> Determines need for VTE prophylaxis in hospitalized patients. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">PASI Psoriasis Area and Severity Index</span> Severity index for psoriasis based on surface area, erythema, induration, desquamation. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Polycythemia Vera Diagnostic Criteria</span> Criteria for polycythemia vera including splenomegaly and laboratory features. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Pretest Probability of Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia (4-T&#39;s score)</span> Assesses the risk for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Pulmonary Embolism Risk by Pisa Study (with chest x-ray)</span> Risk score for pulmonary embolism (age, gender, risk factors) including chest x-ray. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Pulmonary Embolism Risk by Pisa Study (without chest x-ray)</span> Risk score for pulmonary embolism (age, gender, risk factors) excluding chest x-ray. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Pulmonary Embolism Wells Score</span> Calculates probability of pulmonary embolism. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">SI unit to conventional unit conversions: Chemistry and endocrine tests</span> SI unit conversions for chemistries and endocrine tests. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">SI unit to conventional unit conversions: Immunology test values</span> Unit conversions for immunology tests. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Simplified Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (sPESI)</span> Risk stratifies patients with PE and can help identify those suitable for outpatient management. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Sokal score for chronic myeloid leukemia</span> Estimates survival in patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading12"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse12" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse12">Infectious Disease</a></h5></div><div id="collapse12" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading12"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Aminoglycoside Clearance Estimate</span> Estimates rate of aminoglycoside clearance. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Surface Area Based Dosing</span> Calculates drug dose based on body surface area. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score (CPIS)</span> Aids in early diagnosis and treatment of ventilator-associated pneumonia. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Community-acquired pneumonia severity index (PSI) for adults</span> Estimates risk of mortality in patients with community-acquired pneumonia. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">CURB-65 pneumonia severity score</span> Predicts risk of mortality in community-acquired pneumonia. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Hepatitis Discriminant Function for Corticosteroid Therapy in Alcoholic Hepatitis</span> Score parameters including prothrombin time and bilirubin level. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Jones Criteria for Diagnosis of Rheumatic Fever</span> Diagnostic criteria for rheumatic fever. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Kawasaki Disease Diagnostic Criteria</span> Diagnostic criteria for Kawasaki disease. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">PELD Score for End-Stage Liver Disease (patients less than 12 years old)</span> Calculates the pediatric version of the MELD score for liver cirrhosis severity and transplant planning. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Sore Throat (Pharyngitis) Evaluation and Treatment Criteria (McIsaac)</span> Scoring system for sore throat including clinical features such as age, fever, lymphadenopathy or exudate. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Temperature Unit Conversions</span> Temperature converter: Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading13"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse13" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse13">International health</a></h5></div><div id="collapse13" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading13"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Alcohol Consumption Screening AUDIT Questionnaire</span> Screening tool to identify alcohol use disorders. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Canadian Head CT Rule for Minor Head Injury</span> Assesses which patients with minor head injury need CT scan. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Conventional unit to SI unit conversions: Chemistry tests</span> Unit conversions for chemistries. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Conventional unit to SI unit conversions: Immunology test values</span> Unit conversions for immunology tests. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">EuroSCORE for Cardiac Surgery Risk Assessment (additive version)</span> Calculates risk of mortality in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Friedewald Equation for Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL-C, SI units)</span> Estimates concentration of LDL-C in plasma. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glasgow Coma Scale</span> Assessment of conscious level based on eye, verbal, and motor responses to stimuli. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">In-Flight PaO2 Estimation</span> Predicts patient&#39;s PaO2 during flight. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">In-Flight PaO2 Estimation (using PFT&#39;s)</span> Predicts patient&#39;s PaO2 during flight. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">International Prognostic Score in Hodgkin Lymphoma</span> Estimates freedom from progression and overall survival in patients with Hodgkin lymphoma. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Kawasaki Disease Diagnostic Criteria</span> Diagnostic criteria for Kawasaki disease. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Metabolic Syndrome Criteria (EGIR)</span> European Group for the Study of Insulin Resistance calculator for metabolic syndrome. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Metabolic Syndrome Criteria (IDF 2005)</span> International Diabetes Federation calculator for metabolic syndrome. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Ottawa Ankle Rule for the Use of X-Ray in Ankle Injury</span> Describes criteria for ankle trauma patients to determine need for imaging. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Ottawa Foot Rule for the Use of X-Ray in Foot Injury</span> Describes criteria for foot trauma patients to determine need for imaging. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Ottawa Knee Rule for use of X Ray in Knee Injury</span> Describes criteria for knee trauma patients to determine need for imaging. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">SI unit to conventional unit conversions: Chemistry and endocrine tests</span> SI unit conversions for chemistries and endocrine tests. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">SI unit to conventional unit conversions: Immunology test values</span> Unit conversions for immunology tests. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO Assessment of Malnutrition in Boys 2 to 5 years Old</span> WHO score for malnutrition based on age, height and weight. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO Assessment of Malnutrition in Girls 2 to 5 years Old</span> WHO score for malnutrition based on age, height and weight. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO Infant Length for Age Percentiles (&lt;24 months)</span> WHO growth chart: length for age percentiles birth to 24 months. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO Infant Weight for Age Percentiles (&lt;24 months)</span> WHO growth chart: weight for age percentiles birth to 24 months. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading14"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse14" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse14">Medical Statistics</a></h5></div><div id="collapse14" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading14"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Bayesian Statistics I MultiCalc</span> Calculates statistics from prevalence, sensitivity, and specificity. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Bayesian Statistics II MultiCalc</span> Calculates statistics from true and false positives and negatives. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Benefit Increase / Number Needed to Treat Multicalc</span> Calculates absolute and relative benefit and number needed to treat. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Likelihood Ratio MultiCalc</span> Estimates how much a test result will change the odds of having a disease. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Negative Predictive Value of a Test</span> Probability with a negative screening test of not having the disease. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Odds Ratio and Relative Risk</span> Calculates odds ratio and relative risk. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Positive Predictive Value of a Test</span> Probability with a positive screening test of having the disease. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Post Test Probability from Pre Test Probability, Sensitivity and Specificity</span> Post-test probability calculator for having a disease. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Post-Test Probability from Likelihood Ratios and Multiple Test Results</span> Post-test probability calculator for having a disease. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Risk Reduction / Number Needed to Treat Multicalc</span> Calculates risk reduction/number needed to treat. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading15"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse15" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse15">Nephrology</a></h5></div><div id="collapse15" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading15"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Aminoglycoside Clearance Estimate</span> Estimates rate of aminoglycoside clearance. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Anion Gap</span> Aids in identifying causes of metabolic acidosis. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Anion Gap Delta Delta Gradient Multicalc</span> Aids in identifying acid-base disorders. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Anion Gap Delta Delta Ratio Multicalc</span> Aids in identifying acid-base disorders. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Anion Gap in Hypoalbumin States</span> Calculation of anion gap (to identify acid-base disorders) taking hypoalbuminemia into account. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">APACHE II scoring system</span> Estimates ICU mortality. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Base Excess Determination</span> Aids in identifying acid-base disorders. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Bicarbonate Deficit</span> Calculates total bicarbonate deficit. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Burn Injury Fluid Resuscitation (Brooke estimate)</span> Estimates fluid requirements following burn injury. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Burn Injury Fluid Resuscitation (Demling dextran estimate)</span> Estimates colloid fluid requirements following burn injury. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Burn Injury Fluid Resuscitation (Evans estimate)</span> Estimates fluid requirements following burn injury. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Burn Injury Fluid Resuscitation (Modified Brooke crystalloid estimate)</span> Estimates fluid requirements following burn injury. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Burn Injury Fluid Resuscitation (Slater estimate)</span> Estimates fluid requirements following burn injury. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Burn Injury Fluid Resuscitation, Adult (Parkland crystalloid estimate)</span> Often used to estimate fluid requirements in adults following major burn injury. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Conventional unit to SI unit conversions: Chemistry tests</span> Unit conversions for chemistries. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Conventional unit to SI unit conversions: Immunology test values</span> Unit conversions for immunology tests. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Creatinine clearance (measured)</span> Measures creatinine clearance. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Creatinine clearance estimate by Cockcroft-Gault equation</span> Calculates creatinine clearance according to the Cockcroft-Gault equation. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Creatinine clearance estimate by Cockcroft-Gault equation (SI units)</span> Calculates creatinine clearance according to the Cockcroft-Gault equation. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Fractional Excretion of Magnesium</span> Calculates fractional excretion of magnesium (used to assess hypomagnesemia). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Fractional Excretion of Magnesium (SI units)</span> Calculates fractional excretion of magnesium (used to assess hypomagnesemia). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Fractional Excretion of Sodium</span> Calculates fractional excretion of sodium, helping to assess acute kidney injury. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Fractional Excretion of Sodium (SI units)</span> Calculates fractional excretion of sodium, helping to assess acute kidney injury. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimate by CKD-EPI Equation</span> Estimates glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine and patient characteristics. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimate by Quadratic Equation</span> Estimates glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine and patient characteristics. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimate by Schwartz Formula</span> Estimates glomerular filtration rate in children based on creatinine and patient&#39;s height. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimate by the Abbreviated MDRD Study Equation</span> Estimates glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine and patient characteristics. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimate by the Abbreviated MDRD Study Equation (SI units)</span> Estimates glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine and patient characteristics. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimate by the IDMS-Traceable MDRD Study Equation</span> Estimates glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine and patient characteristics. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimate by the MDRD Equation</span> Estimates glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine and patient characteristics. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimate by the MDRD Equation (SI units)</span> Estimates glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine and patient characteristics. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimate by Updated Schwartz Formula</span> Estimates glomerular filtration rate in children based on creatinine and patient&#39;s height. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimate in African Americans by AASK Equation</span> Estimates glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine and patient&#39;s age and gender. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimation (eGFR) by Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) Equation with Creatinine, without Race (2021)</span> Estimates glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine and patient characteristics without a race variable. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimation (eGFR) by CKD-EPI Equation with Creatinine and Cystatin C, without Race (2021)</span> Estimates glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine, cystatin C and patient characteristics without a race variable. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimation (eGFR) by CKD-EPI Equation with Cystatin C, without Race (2012)</span> Estimates glomerular filtration rate based on cystatin C and patient characteristics without a race variable. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glomerular filtration rate estimation (eGFR) by CKiD U25 equations with creatinine and/or cystatin C in children and adults ≤25 years old</span> Estimates glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine, cystatin C and patient characteristics in children and adults ages ≤25 years. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Kidney Failure Risk (KFRE) (8 variable)</span> Estimates risk of kidney failure incorporating coefficients representative of the North American cohort in Tangri et al (2016). Urine albumin to creatinine ratio expressed in mg/g. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Kt/V Dialysis Dose Daugirdas Formula</span> Quantifies adequacy of dialysis treatment. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Maintenance Fluid Calculation for Children</span> Calculates maintenance fluid requirements by weight. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MODS Score: Multiple Organ Dysfunction</span> Predicts hospital/ICU mortality and ICU length of stay based on measures of multiple organ dysfunction. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Osmolal Gap Calculator</span> Calculates osmolal gap to detect unmeasured compounds in serum. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Osmolal Gap Calculator (SI units)</span> Calculates osmolal gap to detect unmeasured compounds in serum (SI units). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Osmolality Estimator (serum)</span> Estimates serum osmolality with sodium, glucose, and BUN. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Osmolar Clearance</span> Calculates renal osmolar clearance using urine/serum Osm and urine volume per day. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Residual Renal Function in Hemodialysis Patients (Kru)</span> Residual kidney function for people receiving hemodialysis. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Sequential Organ Failure Assessment: SOFA Score</span> Predicts ICU mortality using clinical and laboratory data. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">SI unit to conventional unit conversions: Chemistry and endocrine tests</span> SI unit conversions for chemistries and endocrine tests. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">SI unit to conventional unit conversions: Immunology test values</span> Unit conversions for immunology tests. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Sodium Correction in Hyperglycemia (Hillier 1999)</span> Determines if true hyponatremia is present in a patient with hyperglycemia. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Urine anion gap</span> Aids in identifying causes of metabolic acidosis where there is no serum anion gap. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading16"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse16" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse16">Neurology</a></h5></div><div id="collapse16" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading16"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">ABCD2 Score to Predict Stroke Risk after TIA</span> Estimates the risk of stroke following transient ischemic attack. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Apgar score</span> Assesses neonates 1 and 5 minutes after birth. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Atrial fibrillation CHADS(2) score for stroke risk</span> Estimates risk of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Bleeding Risk (any bleeding complication) on Warfarin Therapy</span> Estimates risk of any bleeding complications for patients on warfarin. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Bleeding Risk (major complication) on Warfarin Therapy</span> Estimates risk of major bleeding complications for patients on warfarin. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Bleeding Risk Index for Warfarin Therapy</span> Estimates risk of bleeding for patients on warfarin. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Blood Ethanol Concentration Estimation</span> Estimates blood ethanol concentration. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Canadian Head CT Rule for Minor Head Injury</span> Assesses which patients with minor head injury need CT scan. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">CDC/NCHS Infant Head Circumference for Age Percentiles (&lt;36 months)</span> Assesses whether patient has appropriate head circumference for their age. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cognitive Impairment Screening with 6 Questions</span> Screening tool for cognitive impairment in adults. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Depression (any) Screening by a Two Item PHQ-2</span> Scores for likelihood of any depression. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Depression (major) Screening by a Two Item PHQ-2</span> Scores for likelihood of major depression. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS)</span> Measures daytime sleepiness. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Fall Risk in Elderly Hospitalized Patients</span> Estimates risk of fall in elderly patients. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Geriatric Depression 1 Item Screener</span> Assesses likelihood of depression in elderly patients, based on 1 question. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Geriatric Depression 4 Item Scale</span> Assesses likelihood of depression in elderly patients, based on 4 questions. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Geriatric Depression Scale</span> Assesses likelihood of depression in elderly patients. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glasgow Coma Scale</span> Assessment of conscious level based on eye, verbal, and motor responses to stimuli. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Intracranial Bleeding Risk from Thrombolytic Therapy of MI</span> Estimates risk of cerebral bleeding in patients treated with thrombolytic therapy for mycocardial infarction. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Migraine Screener</span> Scores likelihood of migraine. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Migraine With Aura Diagnostic Criteria</span> Criteria for migraine with aura. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Migraine Without Aura Diagnostic Criteria</span> Criteria for migraine without aura. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">New Orleans Head CT Criteria</span> Criteria for head CT after head trauma. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">NIH Stroke Score</span> Quantifies stroke severity based on multiple neurologic factors. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Oswestry Disability Index Version 1</span> Disability index for low back pain based on questions in 10 areas of function. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Oswestry Disability Index Version 2</span> Disability index for low back pain based on questions in 10 areas of function. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Panic Disorder Screener</span> Likelihood of panic disorder based on features over last 6 months. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Stroke Risk in Diabetes Type 2 UKPDS 60</span> Models chance of a first stroke in type 2 diabetes using risk factors. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Stroke Risk in Female Patients 55-84 Years Old (Framingham data)</span> Stroke risk for women. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Stroke Risk in Male Patients 55-84 Years Old (Framingham data)</span> Stroke risk for men. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">TIA Prognosis: Risk of Stroke by 90 Days After Presentation</span> Approximate 90-day risk of stroke following TIA. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading17"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse17" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse17">Nursing</a></h5></div><div id="collapse17" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading17"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Apgar score</span> Assesses neonates 1 and 5 minutes after birth. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Mass Index (BMI) (Quetelet&#39;s index)</span> Assesses whether patient is at a weight appropriate for their height. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Mass Index (BMI) percentiles for boys (2 to 20 years)</span> Assesses whether patient is at a weight appropriate for their height, age, and gender. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Mass Index (BMI) percentiles for girls (2 to 20 years)</span> Assesses whether patient is at a weight appropriate for their height, age, and gender. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Surface Area (Du Bois Method)</span> Calculation of body surface area. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Surface Area (Gehan &amp; George Method)</span> Calculation of body surface area. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Surface Area (Mosteller, square root method)</span> Calculation of body surface area. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Surface Area Based Dosing</span> Calculates drug dose based on body surface area. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Breast Cancer Recurrence Risk After Mastectomy (simple)</span> Assesses risk of breast cancer recurrence after mastectomy based on tumor grade and lymphatic involvement. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Burn Injury Fluid Resuscitation, Adult (Parkland crystalloid estimate)</span> Often used to estimate fluid requirements in adults following major burn injury. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">CDC height for age percentiles for boys (2 to 20 years)</span> Assesses whether patient is at appropriate height for their age. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">CDC height for age percentiles for girls (2 to 20 years)</span> Assesses whether patient is at appropriate height for their age. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">CDC/NCHS Infant Head Circumference for Age Percentiles (&lt;36 months)</span> Assesses whether patient has appropriate head circumference for their age. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cognitive Impairment Screening with 6 Questions</span> Screening tool for cognitive impairment in adults. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Conventional unit to SI unit conversions: Chemistry tests</span> Unit conversions for chemistries. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Conventional unit to SI unit conversions: Immunology test values</span> Unit conversions for immunology tests. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Depression (any) Screening by a Two Item PHQ-2</span> Scores for likelihood of any depression. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Depression (major) Screening by a Two Item PHQ-2</span> Scores for likelihood of major depression. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Geriatric Depression 1 Item Screener</span> Assesses likelihood of depression in elderly patients, based on 1 question. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Geriatric Depression 4 Item Scale</span> Assesses likelihood of depression in elderly patients, based on 4 questions. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Geriatric Depression Scale</span> Assesses likelihood of depression in elderly patients. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Gestational Age from Estimated Date of Delivery (EDD)</span> Calculates gestational age based on estimated date of delivery. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glasgow Coma Scale</span> Assessment of conscious level based on eye, verbal, and motor responses to stimuli. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diagnostic Criteria (Manning Criteria)</span> Diagnostic criteria for irritable bowel syndrome. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Kt/V Dialysis Dose Daugirdas Formula</span> Quantifies adequacy of dialysis treatment. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Maintenance Fluid Calculation for Children</span> Calculates maintenance fluid requirements by weight. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Migraine Screener</span> Scores likelihood of migraine. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Migraine With Aura Diagnostic Criteria</span> Criteria for migraine with aura. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Migraine Without Aura Diagnostic Criteria</span> Criteria for migraine without aura. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Nasal Canula Oxygen Fractional Inspired O2 (FIO2) Estimate</span> Estimates fraction of inspired oxygen using oxygen flow rate and percent. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">NIH Stroke Score</span> Quantifies stroke severity based on multiple neurologic factors. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Norton Scale to Stratify Risk of Pressure Sores</span> Assessment scale for risk of pressure ulcers. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Osteoporosis Risk Assessment by Composite Linear Estimate (ORACLE score)</span> Osteoporosis risk assessment score (age, BMI, hormone replacement, fracture history, ultrasound bone profile index). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Osteoporosis Risk Assessment Index (ORAI)</span> Osteoporosis risk assessment index (age, body weight). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Osteoporosis Risk SCORE (Simple Calculated Osteoporosis Risk Estimation)</span> Osteoporosis risk assessment score (ancestry, rheumatoid arthritis, fracture history, age, hormone replacement, weight). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Palliative Prognostic Score in Terminal Illness</span> 30-day probability of survival in terminal illness. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Panic Disorder Screener</span> Likelihood of panic disorder based on features over last 6 months. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Pulmonary Embolism Wells Score</span> Calculates probability of pulmonary embolism. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Roland-Morris Disability Score</span> Scoring for physical disability caused by low back pain. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">SI unit to conventional unit conversions: Chemistry and endocrine tests</span> SI unit conversions for chemistries and endocrine tests. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">SI unit to conventional unit conversions: Immunology test values</span> Unit conversions for immunology tests. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Temperature Unit Conversions</span> Temperature converter: Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Venous Leg Ulcer Healing Prediction</span> Score for venous leg ulcer healing in 24 weeks based on duration and area. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Weight Unit Conversions</span> International weight conversions. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO infant head circumference for age percentiles (&lt;24 months)</span> WHO head circumference percentiles birth to 24 months. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO Infant Weight for Age Percentiles (&lt;24 months)</span> WHO growth chart: weight for age percentiles birth to 24 months. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO infant weight for length percentiles (&lt;24 months)</span> WHO growth chart: weight for length percentiles birth to 24 months. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading18"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse18" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse18">Nutrition</a></h5></div><div id="collapse18" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading18"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Alcohol Consumption Screening AUDIT Questionnaire</span> Screening tool to identify alcohol use disorders. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Anion Gap in Hypoalbumin States</span> Calculation of anion gap (to identify acid-base disorders) taking hypoalbuminemia into account. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Mass Index (BMI) (Quetelet&#39;s index)</span> Assesses whether patient is at a weight appropriate for their height. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Surface Area (Du Bois Method)</span> Calculation of body surface area. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Surface Area (Gehan &amp; George Method)</span> Calculation of body surface area. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Surface Area (Mosteller, square root method)</span> Calculation of body surface area. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Surface Area Based Dosing</span> Calculates drug dose based on body surface area. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Calcium Correction in Hypoalbuminemia</span> Calculates corrected calcium level for patients with hypoalbuminemia. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Calcium Correction in Hypoalbuminemia (SI units)</span> Calculates corrected calcium level for patients with hypoalbuminemia. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">CDC/NCHS Infant Head Circumference for Age Percentiles (&lt;36 months)</span> Assesses whether patient has appropriate head circumference for their age. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Friedewald Equation for Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL-C)</span> Estimates concentration of LDL-C in plasma. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Friedewald Equation for Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL-C, SI units)</span> Estimates concentration of LDL-C in plasma. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Metabolic Syndrome Criteria (AACE 2003)</span> American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists calculator for metabolic syndrome. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Metabolic Syndrome Criteria (AHA/NHLBI 2005)</span> American Heart Association/National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute calculator for metabolic syndrome. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Metabolic Syndrome Criteria (EGIR)</span> European Group for the Study of Insulin Resistance calculator for metabolic syndrome. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Metabolic Syndrome Criteria (IDF 2005)</span> International Diabetes Federation calculator for metabolic syndrome. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO Assessment of Malnutrition in Boys 2 to 5 years Old</span> WHO score for malnutrition based on age, height and weight. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO Assessment of Malnutrition in Girls 2 to 5 years Old</span> WHO score for malnutrition based on age, height and weight. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO Infant Length for Age Percentiles (&lt;24 months)</span> WHO growth chart: length for age percentiles birth to 24 months. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO Infant Weight for Age Percentiles (&lt;24 months)</span> WHO growth chart: weight for age percentiles birth to 24 months. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading19"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse19" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse19">Oncology</a></h5></div><div id="collapse19" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading19"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Absolute Lymphocyte Count</span> Estimates number of lymphocytes and predicts CD4 count. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Absolute Neutrophil Count</span> Measures number of neutrophils (used to asses neutropenia or neutrophilia). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Breast Cancer Recurrence Risk After Mastectomy (simple)</span> Assesses risk of breast cancer recurrence after mastectomy based on tumor grade and lymphatic involvement. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Breast cancer risk assessment by Gail Model (2018)</span> Screening tool which allows health professionals to estimate a woman&#39;s risk of developing invasive breast cancer over the next five years and up to age 90 (lifetime risk). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">International Prognostic Score in Hodgkin Lymphoma</span> Estimates freedom from progression and overall survival in patients with Hodgkin lymphoma. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Mantle Cell Lymphoma International Prognostic Index (MIPI)</span> Estimates prognosis in mantle cell lymphoma. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) risk index for patients with neutropenic fever</span> Risk index for people with neutropenic fever. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading20"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse20" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse20">Orthopaedics</a></h5></div><div id="collapse20" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading20"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cardiac Risk Index for Orthopedic Surgery (Lee)</span> Estimates risk of cardiac complications following orthopedic surgery. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Fall Risk in Elderly Hospitalized Patients</span> Estimates risk of fall in elderly patients. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Fracture Index WITH known Bone Mineral Density (BMD)</span> Calculates risk of fracture based on factors including bone mineral density. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Fracture Index WITHOUT known Bone Mineral Density (BMD)</span> Calculates risk of fracture based on factors not including bone mineral density. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">International Prognostic Index for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma</span> Prognostic score including age and stage. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">International Prognostic Score in Hodgkin Lymphoma (2012 update)</span> Prognostic score including stage and laboratory features. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Myelodysplastic Syndrome International Prognostic Scoring System</span> Prognostic assessment for myelodysplastic syndrome. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Osteoporosis Risk Assessment by Composite Linear Estimate (ORACLE score)</span> Osteoporosis risk assessment score (age, BMI, hormone replacement, fracture history, ultrasound bone profile index). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Osteoporosis Risk Assessment Index (ORAI)</span> Osteoporosis risk assessment index (age, body weight). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Osteoporosis Risk SCORE (Simple Calculated Osteoporosis Risk Estimation)</span> Osteoporosis risk assessment score (ancestry, rheumatoid arthritis, fracture history, age, hormone replacement, weight). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Oswestry Disability Index Version 1</span> Disability index for low back pain based on questions in 10 areas of function. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Oswestry Disability Index Version 2</span> Disability index for low back pain based on questions in 10 areas of function. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Ottawa Ankle Rule for the Use of X-Ray in Ankle Injury</span> Describes criteria for ankle trauma patients to determine need for imaging. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Ottawa Foot Rule for the Use of X-Ray in Foot Injury</span> Describes criteria for foot trauma patients to determine need for imaging. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Ottawa Knee Rule for use of X Ray in Knee Injury</span> Describes criteria for knee trauma patients to determine need for imaging. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Polycythemia Vera Diagnostic Criteria</span> Criteria for polycythemia vera including splenomegaly and laboratory features. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Roland-Morris Disability Score</span> Scoring for physical disability caused by low back pain. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Rotator Cuff Tear Diagnosis</span> Probability of rotator cuff tear based on physical findings. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading21"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse21" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse21">Pain Management</a></h5></div><div id="collapse21" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading21"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Migraine Screener</span> Scores likelihood of migraine. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Migraine With Aura Diagnostic Criteria</span> Criteria for migraine with aura. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Migraine Without Aura Diagnostic Criteria</span> Criteria for migraine without aura. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Oswestry Disability Index Version 1</span> Disability index for low back pain based on questions in 10 areas of function. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Oswestry Disability Index Version 2</span> Disability index for low back pain based on questions in 10 areas of function. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Ottawa Ankle Rule for the Use of X-Ray in Ankle Injury</span> Describes criteria for ankle trauma patients to determine need for imaging. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Ottawa Foot Rule for the Use of X-Ray in Foot Injury</span> Describes criteria for foot trauma patients to determine need for imaging. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Roland-Morris Disability Score</span> Scoring for physical disability caused by low back pain. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading22"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse22" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse22">Patient Use</a></h5></div><div id="collapse22" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading22"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Mass Index (BMI) (Quetelet&#39;s index)</span> Assesses whether patient is at a weight appropriate for their height. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Mass Index (BMI) percentiles for boys (2 to 20 years)</span> Assesses whether patient is at a weight appropriate for their height, age, and gender. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Mass Index (BMI) percentiles for girls (2 to 20 years)</span> Assesses whether patient is at a weight appropriate for their height, age, and gender. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">CDC height for age percentiles for boys (2 to 20 years)</span> Assesses whether patient is at appropriate height for their age. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">CDC height for age percentiles for girls (2 to 20 years)</span> Assesses whether patient is at appropriate height for their age. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Gestational Age from Estimated Date of Delivery (EDD)</span> Calculates gestational age based on estimated date of delivery. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diagnostic Criteria (Manning Criteria)</span> Diagnostic criteria for irritable bowel syndrome. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MELD Score for End-Stage Liver Disease (NOT appropriate for patients under the age of 12)</span> Quantifies end-stage liver disease for transplant planning. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MELD Score for End-Stage Liver Disease (NOT appropriate for patients under the age of 12) (SI units)</span> Quantifies end-stage liver disease for transplant planning. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MELDNa Score (2008) for End-Stage Liver Disease (NOT appropriate for patients under the age of 12)</span> Adds sodium to the MELD model for liver cirrhosis. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MELDNa Score (2008) for End-Stage Liver Disease (NOT appropriate for patients under the age of 12) (SI units)</span> Adds sodium to the MELD model for liver cirrhosis. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MELDNa Score (2016)</span> Quantifies end-stage liver disease. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MELDNa Score (2016) (SI units)</span> Quantifies end-stage liver disease. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">PELD Score for End-Stage Liver Disease (patients less than 12 years old)</span> Calculates the pediatric version of the MELD score for liver cirrhosis severity and transplant planning. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Standard Drink Equivalents</span> Alcohol drink equivalents. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Temperature Unit Conversions</span> Temperature converter: Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Weight Unit Conversions</span> International weight conversions. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading23"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse23" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse23">Pediatrics</a></h5></div><div id="collapse23" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading23"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">A-a Gradient</span> Calculates difference between alveolar and arterial oxygen concentration. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Apgar score</span> Assesses neonates 1 and 5 minutes after birth. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Mass Index (BMI) percentiles for boys (2 to 20 years)</span> Assesses whether patient is at a weight appropriate for their height, age, and gender. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Mass Index (BMI) percentiles for girls (2 to 20 years)</span> Assesses whether patient is at a weight appropriate for their height, age, and gender. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Surface Area Based Dosing</span> Calculates drug dose based on body surface area. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">CDC height for age percentiles for boys (2 to 20 years)</span> Assesses whether patient is at appropriate height for their age. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">CDC height for age percentiles for girls (2 to 20 years)</span> Assesses whether patient is at appropriate height for their age. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">CDC/NCHS Infant Head Circumference for Age Percentiles (&lt;36 months)</span> Assesses whether patient has appropriate head circumference for their age. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Gestational Age from Estimated Date of Delivery (EDD)</span> Calculates gestational age based on estimated date of delivery. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimate by Schwartz Formula</span> Estimates glomerular filtration rate in children based on creatinine and patient&#39;s height. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimate by Updated Schwartz Formula</span> Estimates glomerular filtration rate in children based on creatinine and patient&#39;s height. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Jones Criteria for Diagnosis of Rheumatic Fever</span> Diagnostic criteria for rheumatic fever. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Kawasaki Disease Diagnostic Criteria</span> Diagnostic criteria for Kawasaki disease. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Maintenance Fluid Calculation for Children</span> Calculates maintenance fluid requirements by weight. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MELD Score for End-Stage Liver Disease (NOT appropriate for patients under the age of 12)</span> Quantifies end-stage liver disease for transplant planning. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MELD Score for End-Stage Liver Disease (NOT appropriate for patients under the age of 12) (SI units)</span> Quantifies end-stage liver disease for transplant planning. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MELDNa Score (2008) for End-Stage Liver Disease (NOT appropriate for patients under the age of 12)</span> Adds sodium to the MELD model for liver cirrhosis. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MELDNa Score (2008) for End-Stage Liver Disease (NOT appropriate for patients under the age of 12) (SI units)</span> Adds sodium to the MELD model for liver cirrhosis. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MELDNa Score (2016)</span> Quantifies end-stage liver disease. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MELDNa Score (2016) (SI units)</span> Quantifies end-stage liver disease. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Newborn Hyperbilirubinemia Assessment</span> Assessment including infant age, bilirubin level, and clinical risk group. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">PELD Score for End-Stage Liver Disease (patients less than 12 years old)</span> Calculates the pediatric version of the MELD score for liver cirrhosis severity and transplant planning. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Temperature Unit Conversions</span> Temperature converter: Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Weight Unit Conversions</span> International weight conversions. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO Assessment of Malnutrition in Boys 2 to 5 years Old</span> WHO score for malnutrition based on age, height and weight. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO Assessment of Malnutrition in Girls 2 to 5 years Old</span> WHO score for malnutrition based on age, height and weight. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO infant head circumference for age percentiles (&lt;24 months)</span> WHO head circumference percentiles birth to 24 months. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO Infant Length for Age Percentiles (&lt;24 months)</span> WHO growth chart: length for age percentiles birth to 24 months. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO Infant Weight for Age Percentiles (&lt;24 months)</span> WHO growth chart: weight for age percentiles birth to 24 months. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO infant weight for length percentiles (&lt;24 months)</span> WHO growth chart: weight for length percentiles birth to 24 months. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading24"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse24" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse24">Pharmacology</a></h5></div><div id="collapse24" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading24"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Aminoglycoside Clearance Estimate</span> Estimates rate of aminoglycoside clearance. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Surface Area Based Dosing</span> Calculates drug dose based on body surface area. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Conventional unit to SI unit conversions: Chemistry tests</span> Unit conversions for chemistries. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Conventional unit to SI unit conversions: Immunology test values</span> Unit conversions for immunology tests. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">SI unit to conventional unit conversions: Chemistry and endocrine tests</span> SI unit conversions for chemistries and endocrine tests. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">SI unit to conventional unit conversions: Immunology test values</span> Unit conversions for immunology tests. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Standard Drink Equivalents</span> Alcohol drink equivalents. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading25"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse25" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse25">Physical medicine &amp; Rehabilitation</a></h5></div><div id="collapse25" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading25"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Mass Index (BMI) (Quetelet&#39;s index)</span> Assesses whether patient is at a weight appropriate for their height. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Mass Index (BMI) percentiles for boys (2 to 20 years)</span> Assesses whether patient is at a weight appropriate for their height, age, and gender. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Mass Index (BMI) percentiles for girls (2 to 20 years)</span> Assesses whether patient is at a weight appropriate for their height, age, and gender. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Surface Area (Du Bois Method)</span> Calculation of body surface area. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Surface Area (Gehan &amp; George Method)</span> Calculation of body surface area. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Surface Area (Mosteller, square root method)</span> Calculation of body surface area. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">CDC height for age percentiles for boys (2 to 20 years)</span> Assesses whether patient is at appropriate height for their age. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">CDC height for age percentiles for girls (2 to 20 years)</span> Assesses whether patient is at appropriate height for their age. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS)</span> Measures daytime sleepiness. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Fracture Index WITH known Bone Mineral Density (BMD)</span> Calculates risk of fracture based on factors including bone mineral density. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Fracture Index WITHOUT known Bone Mineral Density (BMD)</span> Calculates risk of fracture based on factors not including bone mineral density. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Norton Scale to Stratify Risk of Pressure Sores</span> Assessment scale for risk of pressure ulcers. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Osteoporosis Risk Assessment by Composite Linear Estimate (ORACLE score)</span> Osteoporosis risk assessment score (age, BMI, hormone replacement, fracture history, ultrasound bone profile index). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Osteoporosis Risk Assessment Index (ORAI)</span> Osteoporosis risk assessment index (age, body weight). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Osteoporosis Risk SCORE (Simple Calculated Osteoporosis Risk Estimation)</span> Osteoporosis risk assessment score (ancestry, rheumatoid arthritis, fracture history, age, hormone replacement, weight). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Oswestry Disability Index Version 1</span> Disability index for low back pain based on questions in 10 areas of function. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Oswestry Disability Index Version 2</span> Disability index for low back pain based on questions in 10 areas of function. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Rheumatoid arthritis Disease Activity Score with Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (DAS28-ESR)</span> Determines severity of rheumatoid arthritis using clinical data and ESR. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Roland-Morris Disability Score</span> Scoring for physical disability caused by low back pain. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Rotator Cuff Tear Diagnosis</span> Probability of rotator cuff tear based on physical findings. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Temperature Unit Conversions</span> Temperature converter: Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Weight Unit Conversions</span> International weight conversions. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO Assessment of Malnutrition in Boys 2 to 5 years Old</span> WHO score for malnutrition based on age, height and weight. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">WHO Assessment of Malnutrition in Girls 2 to 5 years Old</span> WHO score for malnutrition based on age, height and weight. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading26"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse26" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse26">Psychiatry</a></h5></div><div id="collapse26" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading26"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Alcohol Consumption Screening AUDIT Questionnaire</span> Screening tool to identify alcohol use disorders. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cognitive Impairment Screening with 6 Questions</span> Screening tool for cognitive impairment in adults. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Depression (any) Screening by a Two Item PHQ-2</span> Scores for likelihood of any depression. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Depression (major) Screening by a Two Item PHQ-2</span> Scores for likelihood of major depression. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS)</span> Screening tool to identify women who may have postnatal depression. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS)</span> Measures daytime sleepiness. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale</span> Screening tool to identify people who may have generalised anxiety disorder (GAD). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Geriatric Depression 1 Item Screener</span> Assesses likelihood of depression in elderly patients, based on 1 question. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Geriatric Depression 4 Item Scale</span> Assesses likelihood of depression in elderly patients, based on 4 questions. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Geriatric Depression Scale</span> Assesses likelihood of depression in elderly patients. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Geriatric Depression Scale (30-item GDS)</span> Screening tool designed to identify symptoms of depression in older adults. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Panic Disorder Screener</span> Likelihood of panic disorder based on features over last 6 months. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading27"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse27" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse27">Pulmonology</a></h5></div><div id="collapse27" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading27"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">A-a Gradient</span> Calculates difference between alveolar and arterial oxygen concentration. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">APACHE II scoring system</span> Estimates ICU mortality. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">BAP-65 prediction of in-hospital mortality and need for mechanical ventilation in COPD</span> Predicts risk of mortality and need for mechanical ventilation in acute exacerbations of COPD. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Base Excess Determination</span> Aids in identifying acid-base disorders. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Bleeding Risk (any bleeding complication) on Warfarin Therapy</span> Estimates risk of any bleeding complications for patients on warfarin. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Bleeding Risk (major complication) on Warfarin Therapy</span> Estimates risk of major bleeding complications for patients on warfarin. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">BODE Index for COPD Survival Prediction</span> Estimates prognosis in patients with COPD based on body mass index, airflow obstruction, dyspnea, and exercise. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score (CPIS)</span> Aids in early diagnosis and treatment of ventilator-associated pneumonia. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Community-acquired pneumonia severity index (PSI) for adults</span> Estimates risk of mortality in patients with community-acquired pneumonia. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">CURB-65 pneumonia severity score</span> Predicts risk of mortality in community-acquired pneumonia. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS)</span> Measures daytime sleepiness. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Functional Residual Capacity</span> Calculates functional residual capacity from sum of expiratory reserve and residual volume. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">In-Flight PaO2 Estimation</span> Predicts patient&#39;s PaO2 during flight. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">In-Flight PaO2 Estimation (using PFT&#39;s)</span> Predicts patient&#39;s PaO2 during flight. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MODS Score: Multiple Organ Dysfunction</span> Predicts hospital/ICU mortality and ICU length of stay based on measures of multiple organ dysfunction. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Nasal Canula Oxygen Fractional Inspired O2 (FIO2) Estimate</span> Estimates fraction of inspired oxygen using oxygen flow rate and percent. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Padua Score for Assessing Venous Thromboembolism Risk in Hospitalized Patients</span> Determines need for VTE prophylaxis in hospitalized patients. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Peak Expiratory Flow Prediction</span> Predicts peak expiratory flow based on height and age. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Pneumothorax Degree of Collapse</span> Calculates pneumothorax volume (%) using lung and hemithorax diameters. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Predicted postoperative FEV1 following lung resection surgery (anatomic method)</span> Predicted postoperative FEV1 after lung resection using lung anatomy. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Predicted postoperative FEV1 following lung resection surgery (perfusion method)</span> Predicted postoperative FEV1 after lung resection using perfusion scan. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Pulmonary Embolism Risk by Pisa Study (with chest x-ray)</span> Risk score for pulmonary embolism (age, gender, risk factors) including chest x-ray. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Pulmonary Embolism Risk by Pisa Study (without chest x-ray)</span> Risk score for pulmonary embolism (age, gender, risk factors) excluding chest x-ray. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI)</span> Stratifies severity of pulmonary embolism from very low to very high risk. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Pulmonary Embolism Wells Score</span> Calculates probability of pulmonary embolism. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Right to Left Shunt Fraction Qs/Qt</span> Right to left shunt fraction (Qs/Qt) calculator using temperature, altitude, paCO2, and paO2. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Simplified Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (sPESI)</span> Risk stratifies patients with PE and can help identify those suitable for outpatient management. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Systemic Vascular Resistance</span> Calculates systemic vascular resistance using cardiologic parameters. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading28"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse28" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse28">Rheumatology</a></h5></div><div id="collapse28" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading28"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Surface Area (Du Bois Method)</span> Calculation of body surface area. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Surface Area (Gehan &amp; George Method)</span> Calculation of body surface area. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Surface Area (Mosteller, square root method)</span> Calculation of body surface area. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Surface Area Based Dosing</span> Calculates drug dose based on body surface area. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Jones Criteria for Diagnosis of Rheumatic Fever</span> Diagnostic criteria for rheumatic fever. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Osteoporosis Risk Assessment by Composite Linear Estimate (ORACLE score)</span> Osteoporosis risk assessment score (age, BMI, hormone replacement, fracture history, ultrasound bone profile index). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Osteoporosis Risk SCORE (Simple Calculated Osteoporosis Risk Estimation)</span> Osteoporosis risk assessment score (ancestry, rheumatoid arthritis, fracture history, age, hormone replacement, weight). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Rheumatoid arthritis Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI)</span> Disease activity scoring system for rheumatoid arthritis. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Rheumatoid arthritis Disease Activity Score with C-reactive protein (DAS28-CRP)</span> Determines severity of rheumatoid arthritis using clinical data and CRP. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Rheumatoid arthritis Disease Activity Score with Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (DAS28-ESR)</span> Determines severity of rheumatoid arthritis using clinical data and ESR. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading29"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse29" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse29">SI Units Friendly</a></h5></div><div id="collapse29" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading29"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Calcium Correction in Hypoalbuminemia (SI units)</span> Calculates corrected calcium level for patients with hypoalbuminemia. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Child Pugh classification for severity of liver disease (SI units)</span> Assesses severity of liver disease. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Conventional unit to SI unit conversions: Chemistry tests</span> Unit conversions for chemistries. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Conventional unit to SI unit conversions: Immunology test values</span> Unit conversions for immunology tests. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Creatinine clearance (measured)</span> Measures creatinine clearance. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Creatinine clearance estimate by Cockcroft-Gault equation (SI units)</span> Calculates creatinine clearance according to the Cockcroft-Gault equation. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">CURB-65 pneumonia severity score</span> Predicts risk of mortality in community-acquired pneumonia. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Fractional Excretion of Magnesium (SI units)</span> Calculates fractional excretion of magnesium (used to assess hypomagnesemia). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Fractional Excretion of Sodium (SI units)</span> Calculates fractional excretion of sodium, helping to assess acute kidney injury. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Friedewald Equation for Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL-C, SI units)</span> Estimates concentration of LDL-C in plasma. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimate by the Abbreviated MDRD Study Equation (SI units)</span> Estimates glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine and patient characteristics. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimate by the MDRD Equation (SI units)</span> Estimates glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine and patient characteristics. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MELD Score for End-Stage Liver Disease (NOT appropriate for patients under the age of 12) (SI units)</span> Quantifies end-stage liver disease for transplant planning. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MELDNa Score (2008) for End-Stage Liver Disease (NOT appropriate for patients under the age of 12) (SI units)</span> Adds sodium to the MELD model for liver cirrhosis. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">MELDNa Score (2016) (SI units)</span> Quantifies end-stage liver disease. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Osmolal Gap Calculator (SI units)</span> Calculates osmolal gap to detect unmeasured compounds in serum (SI units). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">SI unit to conventional unit conversions: Chemistry and endocrine tests</span> SI unit conversions for chemistries and endocrine tests. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">SI unit to conventional unit conversions: Immunology test values</span> Unit conversions for immunology tests. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading30"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse30" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse30">Smoking cessation</a></h5></div><div id="collapse30" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading30"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Fracture Index WITH known Bone Mineral Density (BMD)</span> Calculates risk of fracture based on factors including bone mineral density. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Fracture Index WITHOUT known Bone Mineral Density (BMD)</span> Calculates risk of fracture based on factors not including bone mineral density. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Stroke Risk in Diabetes Type 2 UKPDS 60</span> Models chance of a first stroke in type 2 diabetes using risk factors. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading31"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse31" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse31">Surgery</a></h5></div><div id="collapse31" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading31"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Burn Injury Fluid Resuscitation (Brooke estimate)</span> Estimates fluid requirements following burn injury. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Burn Injury Fluid Resuscitation (Demling dextran estimate)</span> Estimates colloid fluid requirements following burn injury. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Burn Injury Fluid Resuscitation (Evans estimate)</span> Estimates fluid requirements following burn injury. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Burn Injury Fluid Resuscitation (Modified Brooke crystalloid estimate)</span> Estimates fluid requirements following burn injury. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Burn Injury Fluid Resuscitation (Slater estimate)</span> Estimates fluid requirements following burn injury. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Burn Injury Fluid Resuscitation, Adult (Parkland crystalloid estimate)</span> Often used to estimate fluid requirements in adults following major burn injury. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cardiac Risk Index for Non-AAA Vascular Surgery (Lee)</span> Estimates risk of cardiac complications following vascular surgery (non-abdominal aortic aneurysm). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cardiac Risk Index for Orthopedic Surgery (Lee)</span> Estimates risk of cardiac complications following orthopedic surgery. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cardiac Risk Index in Noncardiac Surgery (Detsky et. al.)</span> Estimates risk of cardiac complications following noncardiac surgery. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Cardiac Risk Index in Noncardiac Surgery (Goldman, et. al.)</span> Estimates risk of cardiac complications following noncardiac surgery. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Conventional unit to SI unit conversions: Chemistry tests</span> Unit conversions for chemistries. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Conventional unit to SI unit conversions: Immunology test values</span> Unit conversions for immunology tests. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">EuroSCORE for Cardiac Surgery Risk Assessment (additive version)</span> Calculates risk of mortality in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Gestational Age from Estimated Date of Delivery (EDD)</span> Calculates gestational age based on estimated date of delivery. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Glasgow Blatchford Score for Gastrointestinal Bleeding</span> Stratifies patients with upper GI bleed, identifying those who can be safely treated as outpatients. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Injury Severity Score (ISS)</span> Assesses severity of traumatic injury. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Mangled Extremity Severity Score (MESS score)</span> Estimates viability of an extremity after trauma. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">New Orleans Head CT Criteria</span> Criteria for head CT after head trauma. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">NIH Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index</span> Assesses symptom severity in men with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Norton Scale to Stratify Risk of Pressure Sores</span> Assessment scale for risk of pressure ulcers. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Pancreatitis Prognosis Criteria</span> Mortality scale for acute pancreatitis, based on criteria from admission to day 2 of hospitalization. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Pancreatitis Prognosis Criteria When Disease Due To Gallstones</span> Mortality scale for gallstone-related acute pancreatitis, based on criteria from admission to day 2 of hospitalization. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Predicted postoperative FEV1 following lung resection surgery (anatomic method)</span> Predicted postoperative FEV1 after lung resection using lung anatomy. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Predicted postoperative FEV1 following lung resection surgery (perfusion method)</span> Predicted postoperative FEV1 after lung resection using perfusion scan. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">SI unit to conventional unit conversions: Chemistry and endocrine tests</span> SI unit conversions for chemistries and endocrine tests. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">SI unit to conventional unit conversions: Immunology test values</span> Unit conversions for immunology tests. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Venous Leg Ulcer Healing Prediction</span> Score for venous leg ulcer healing in 24 weeks based on duration and area. </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading32"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse32" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse32">Women&#39;s Health</a></h5></div><div id="collapse32" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading32"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Apgar score</span> Assesses neonates 1 and 5 minutes after birth. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Body Mass Index (BMI) percentiles for girls (2 to 20 years)</span> Assesses whether patient is at a weight appropriate for their height, age, and gender. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Breast Cancer Recurrence Risk After Mastectomy (simple)</span> Assesses risk of breast cancer recurrence after mastectomy based on tumor grade and lymphatic involvement. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Fracture Index WITH known Bone Mineral Density (BMD)</span> Calculates risk of fracture based on factors including bone mineral density. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Fracture Index WITHOUT known Bone Mineral Density (BMD)</span> Calculates risk of fracture based on factors not including bone mineral density. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Gestational Age from Estimated Date of Delivery (EDD)</span> Calculates gestational age based on estimated date of delivery. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diagnostic Criteria (Manning Criteria)</span> Diagnostic criteria for irritable bowel syndrome. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Osteoporosis Risk Assessment by Composite Linear Estimate (ORACLE score)</span> Osteoporosis risk assessment score (age, BMI, hormone replacement, fracture history, ultrasound bone profile index). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Osteoporosis Risk Assessment Index (ORAI)</span> Osteoporosis risk assessment index (age, body weight). </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Osteoporosis Risk SCORE (Simple Calculated Osteoporosis Risk Estimation)</span> Osteoporosis risk assessment score (ancestry, rheumatoid arthritis, fracture history, age, hormone replacement, weight). </p></div></div><div class="card-header" role="tab" id="heading33"><h5 class="card-header--small mb-0"><a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#bySpecialty" href="#collapse33" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse33">Worker&#39;s Compensation</a></h5></div><div id="collapse33" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading33"><div class="card-body"><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Migraine With Aura Diagnostic Criteria</span> Criteria for migraine with aura. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Migraine Without Aura Diagnostic Criteria</span> Criteria for migraine without aura. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Oswestry Disability Index Version 1</span> Disability index for low back pain based on questions in 10 areas of function. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Oswestry Disability Index Version 2</span> Disability index for low back pain based on questions in 10 areas of function. </p><p class="mt-0"><span class="calcSpec-title">Roland-Morris Disability Score</span> Scoring for physical disability caused by low back pain. </p></div></div></div></div></div></main><!-- Soft Paywall Banner: spbanner --><div class="spbanner fixed-bottom bg-light-4 border-top border-gray"><div class="spbanner-options d-none d-sm-block"><div class="container d-flex py-4 justify-content-center align-items-center"><h3 class="font-weight-bold mb-0 mr-4">Log in or subscribe to access all of BMJ Best Practice</h3><button class="text-uppercase x-btn x-btn-lg x-btn-secondary small" role="button" data-element="paywall-footer-expand-btn" aria-label="Log in or subscribe to access all of BMJ Best Practice , See all options">See all options</button></div></div><div class="spbanner-login shadow-radius text-center pb-4 position-relative"><button type="button" class="d-none d-sm-flex close justify-content-center 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