Chamonix 2014: LHC Performance Workshop - CERN Document Server

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After a session dedicated to observations and lessons from the run 2011, strategies for the run 2012 have been discussed in order to optimize the machine performance and, in particular, the maximum and integrated luminosity provided to the main experiments. Two session were dedicated to the preparation of the first long shutdown LS1 followed by a session aiming at optimizing the perfromance to be expected after this first shutdown. The last two session of the workshop were dedicated to substantial upgrades of the injector complex and the LHC aiming at increasing the integrated luminosity to 250 inverse femtobarn per year after implementation in a second long shutdown. Improvements of the injector complex comprise increased injection energies in the PS Booster and the PS, an upgrade of the SPS vacuum chamber to alleviate limitations due to electron cloud build up and many more upgrades required for the generation of beams with higher brightness and smaller meittances than possible with the present machines. Plans for the LHC comprise an upgrade of the interaction regions to allow for a smaller beta*, crab cavities for luminosity levelling and, upgrades of the collimation and other systems. Draper, M" /> <meta name="keywords" content="CERN Document Server, WebSearch, CERN Document Server" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <!-- WebNews CSS library --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" /> <!-- WebNews JS library --> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <meta property="fb:app_id" content="137353533001720"/> <script type="text/x-mathjax-config"> MathJax.Hub.Config({ tex2jax: {inlineMath: [['$','$']], processEscapes: true}, showProcessingMessages: false, messageStyle: "none" }); </script> <script src="/MathJax/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS_CHTML" type="text/javascript"> </script> <!-- GoogleScholar --> <meta content="Chamonix 2014: LHC Performance Workshop : Chamonix, France 22 - 25 Sep 2014" name="citation_title" /> <meta content="CERN" name="citation_publisher" /> <meta content="10.5170/CERN-2015-002" name="citation_doi" /> <meta content="2015" name="citation_publication_date" /> <meta name="citation_online_date" content="2015/06/02"> <meta content="CERN-2015-002" name="citation_technical_report_number" /> <meta content="CERN-ATS-2015-002" name="citation_technical_report_number" /> <meta content="9789290834137" name="citation_isbn" /> <meta content="10.5170/CERN-2015-002" name="citation_doi" /> <meta name="citation_pdf_url" content="" /> <!-- OpenGraph --> <meta content="Chamonix 2014: LHC Performance Workshop" property="og:title" /> <meta content="Chamonix, France 22 - 25 Sep 2014" property="og:title" /> <meta content="Chamonix 2014" property="og:title" /> <meta content="website" property="og:type" /> <meta content="" property="og:url" /> <meta name="twitter:image" content=" cover.gif?subformat=icon" /> <meta property="og:image" content=" cover.gif?subformat=icon" /> <meta property="og:image:secure_url" content=" cover.gif?subformat=icon" /> <meta property="og:image" content=" cover.jpg" /> <meta property="og:image:secure_url" content=" cover.jpg" /> <meta property="og:image" content=" cover.jpg?subformat=icon-180" /> <meta property="og:image:secure_url" content=" cover.jpg?subformat=icon-180" /> <meta property="og:image" content=" cover.gif?subformat=icon" /> <meta property="og:image:secure_url" content=" cover.gif?subformat=icon" /> <meta property="og:image" content=" cover.jpg?subformat=icon-700" /> <meta property="og:image:secure_url" content=" cover.jpg?subformat=icon-700" /> <meta content="CERN Document Server" property="og:site_name" /> <meta content="During the Chamonix 2014 workshop on LHC performance, operation of the machine in 2012, activities during the first long shutdown LS1 aiming at peparing for operation at 7 TeV per beam and substantial long term upgrades of both the injector chain and the LHC have been discussed. After a session dedicated to observations and lessons from the run 2011, strategies for the run 2012 have been discussed in order to optimize the machine performance and, in particular, the maximum and integrated luminosity provided to the main experiments. Two session were dedicated to the preparation of the first long shutdown LS1 followed by a session aiming at optimizing the perfromance to be expected after this first shutdown. The last two session of the workshop were dedicated to substantial upgrades of the injector complex and the LHC aiming at increasing the integrated luminosity to 250 inverse femtobarn per year after implementation in a second long shutdown. Improvements of the injector complex comprise increased injection energies in the PS Booster and the PS, an upgrade of the SPS vacuum chamber to alleviate limitations due to electron cloud build up and many more upgrades required for the generation of beams with higher brightness and smaller meittances than possible with the present machines. Plans for the LHC comprise an upgrade of the interaction regions to allow for a smaller beta*, crab cavities for luminosity levelling and, upgrades of the collimation and other systems." property="og:description" /> <!-- Twitter Card --> <meta content="summary" name="twitter:card" /> <style></style> </head> <body class="CERN32Document32Server search" lang="en"> <!-- toolbar starts --> <div id="cern-toolbar"> <h1><a href="" title="CERN">CERN <span>Accelerating science</span></a></h1> <ul> <li class="cern-accountlinks"><a class="cern-account" href=";referer=https%3A//" title="Sign in to your CERN account">Sign in</a></li> <li><a class="cern-directory" href="" title="Search CERN resources and browse the directory">Directory</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- toolbar ends --> <!-- Nav header starts--> <div role="banner" class="clearfix" id="header"> <div class="header-inner inner"> <hgroup class="clearfix"> <h2 id="site-name"> <a rel="home" title="Home" href="/"><span>CERN Document Server</span></a> </h2> <h3 id="site-slogan">Access articles, reports and multimedia content in HEP</h3> </hgroup><!-- /#name-and-slogan --> <div role="navigation" id="main-navigation" class="cdsmenu"> <h2 class="element-invisible">Main menu</h2><ul class="links inline clearfix"> <li class="menu-386 first active-trail"><a class="active-trail" href="">Search</a></li> <li class="menu-444 "><a class="" title="" href="">Submit</a></li> <li class="menu-426 "><a class="" href="">Help</a></li> <li class="leaf hassubcdsmenu"> <a hreflang="en" class="header" href="">Personalize</a> <ul class="subsubcdsmenu"><li><a href="">Your alerts</a></li><li><a href="">Your baskets</a></li><li><a href="">Your comments</a></li><li><a href="">Your searches</a></li></ul></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Nav header ends--> <table class="navtrailbox"> <tr> <td class="navtrailboxbody"> <a href="/?ln=en" class="navtrail">Home</a> &gt; Chamonix 2014: LHC Performance Workshop </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="pagebody"><div class="pagebodystripemiddle"> <div class="detailedrecordbox"> <div class="detailedrecordtabs"> <div> <ul class="detailedrecordtabs"><li class="on first"><a href="/record/2020930/?ln=en">Information </a></li><li class=""><a href="/record/2020930/files?ln=en">Files </a></li><li class=""><a href="/record/2020930/holdings?ln=en">Holdings </a></li></ul> <div id="tabsSpacer" style="clear:both;height:0px">&nbsp;</div></div> </div> <div class="detailedrecordboxcontent"> <div class="top-left-folded"></div> <div class="top-right-folded"></div> <div class="inside"> <!--<div style="height:0.1em;">&nbsp;</div> <p class="notopgap">&nbsp;</p>--> <abbr class="unapi-id" title="2020930"></abbr> <style type="text/css"> <!-- ul.detailedrecordtabs li.on a{background-color:#4D94CC;color:#fff !important;border-bottom:1px solid #4D94CC!important;} div.detailedrecordboxcontent {padding-top:0px !important;} --> </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/pdf-previewer-append-to-table.js"></script> <table class="formatRecordTableFullWidth" > <tr> <td class="formatRecordHeader" style="background-image: url('');" colspan="2"> <!--YTD: record may have more than one 690C.a tag--> Report </td> </tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> Report number </td><td style="padding-left:5px;">CERN-2015-002 ; CERN-ATS-2015-002</td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> Conference title </td><td style="padding-left:5px;"><b>Chamonix 2014: LHC Performance Workshop</b></td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"></td><td style="padding-left:5px;"> <style> .yr_cover { position: absolute; display: none; z-index: 9999; margin-left: 2px; -moz-box-shadow: 2px 2px 6px gray; -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 6px gray; -o-box-shadow: 2px 2px 6px gray; box-shadow: 2px 2px 6px gray; } </style> <script> $(window).bind("load", function() { $("#yr_cover_2020930_target").mouseover(function() { $("body").append("<div id='yr_cover_2020930' class='yr_cover'><img style='max-height: 640px; max-width: 480px;' src=' cover.jpg' /></div>"); $("#yr_cover_2020930").css('top', $("#yr_cover_2020930_target").offset().top + 'px'); $("#yr_cover_2020930").css('left', ($("#yr_cover_2020930_target").offset().left + $("#yr_cover_2020930_target").outerWidth()) + 'px'); $("#yr_cover_2020930").fadeIn("fast"); }); $("#yr_cover_2020930_target").mouseout(function() { $("#yr_cover_2020930").fadeOut("fast"); }); }); </script> <img id="yr_cover_2020930_target" src=" cover.jpg?subformat=icon-180" alt="CERN Yellow Report Front Cover" /> </td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> Related conference <span style="white-space:nowrap;">title(s)</span> </td><td style="padding-left:5px;">Chamonix 2014</td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel">Date(s), location</td><td style="padding-left:5px;"> 22 - 25 Sep 2014, Chamonix, France </td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> Editor(s) </td><td style="padding-left:5px;"><a href=";p=Draper%2C%20M&amp;ln=en">Draper, M</a> (ed.) (CERN)</td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> Imprint </td><td style="padding-left:5px;">Geneva : CERN, 2015 - 293 p. </td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> Series </td><td style="padding-left:5px;">(<a href="/search?f=490__a&amp;p=CERN%20Yellow%20Reports%3A%20Conference%20Proceedings">CERN Yellow Reports: Conference Proceedings</a>)</td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> Note </td><td style="padding-left:5px;">Organiser: Frédérick Bordry, Frank Zimmermann</td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> ISBN </td><td style="padding-left:5px;">9789290834137 (print version, paperback)<br/></td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> DOI </td><td style="padding-left:5px;">e-proceedings: <a href="" title="DOI" target="_blank">10.5170/CERN-2015-002</a> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> Subject category </td><td style="padding-left:5px;">Accelerators and Storage Rings</td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> Accelerator/Facility, Experiment </td><td style="padding-left:5px;"><a href=";f=693__a">CERN LHC</a></td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> Abstract </td><td style="padding-left:5px;">During the Chamonix 2014 workshop on LHC performance, operation of the machine in 2012, activities during the first long shutdown LS1 aiming at peparing for operation at 7 TeV per beam and substantial long term upgrades of both the injector chain and the LHC have been discussed. After a session dedicated to observations and lessons from the run 2011, strategies for the run 2012 have been discussed in order to optimize the machine performance and, in particular, the maximum and integrated luminosity provided to the main experiments. Two session were dedicated to the preparation of the first long shutdown LS1 followed by a session aiming at optimizing the perfromance to be expected after this first shutdown. The last two session of the workshop were dedicated to substantial upgrades of the injector complex and the LHC aiming at increasing the integrated luminosity to 250 inverse femtobarn per year after implementation in a second long shutdown. Improvements of the injector complex comprise increased injection energies in the PS Booster and the PS, an upgrade of the SPS vacuum chamber to alleviate limitations due to electron cloud build up and many more upgrades required for the generation of beams with higher brightness and smaller meittances than possible with the present machines. Plans for the LHC comprise an upgrade of the interaction regions to allow for a smaller beta*, crab cavities for luminosity levelling and, upgrades of the collimation and other systems.</td></tr> <tr><td class="formatRecordLabel"> Copyright/License </td><td style="padding-left:5px;">publication: &copy; 2015-2024 CERN (License: <a href="">CC-BY-4.0</a>)</td></tr> </table> <br/>Corresponding record in: <a href="">Inspire</a> <br/>Contributions in Inspire: <a href=" or publication_info.cnum:C14%2F09%2F22.6">C14-09-22.6</a> <div style="box-sizing: inherit;position: relative;min-height: 1em;margin: 1em 10px;background: #f8f8f9;padding: 1em 1.5em;line-height: 1.4285em;transition: opacity .1s ease,color .1s ease,background .1s ease,box-shadow .1s ease,-webkit-box-shadow .1s ease;border-radius: .28571429rem;font-size: 1.1em;background-color: #f8ffff;color: #276f86;box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #a9d5de inset,0 0 0 0 transparent;"> <i class="fa fa-info"></i><span style="padding-left: 9px;"> To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the <a style="font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;" href=>CERN Library Catalogue</a> website. </span> </div> <br /><div><small class="detailedRecordActions">Fulltext:</small> <br /><a href="/record/2020930/files/CERN-2015-002.pdf"><img style="border:none" src="/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="Download fulltext"/>PDF</a><br /><small>(<a href="/record/2020930/files/">additional files</a>)</small><br /></div><small class="detailedRecordActions">External link:</small><br /><small><a href=""><img style="border:none" src="/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="Download fulltext"/>Conference home page</a></small> <p class="formatRecordLabel"> <b>Contributions to this conference in CDS</b></p><table cellspacing="2" width="100%"><tr><td><a href="">Chamonix 2014 Conclusions: Main Points and Actions </a>(p. 1)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Bordry, F</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Summary of Session 1: LS1, HW Commissioning, Powering Tests - Coming out of LS1 </a>(p. 7)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Pojer, M</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Summary of Session 2: Injector Status and Beams for LHC, Dry Runs, Sector Tests with Beam </a>(p. 10)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Steerenberg, R</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Summary of Session 3: 2015 Commissioning with Beam </a>(p. 13)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Lamont, M</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Summary of Session 4: LHC: Challenges and Strategy for Run 2 </a>(p. 16)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Salvachua, B</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Summary of Session 5: LIU </a>(p. 21)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Meddahi, M</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Summary of Session 6: HL-LHC </a>(p. 27)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Brüning, O S</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Summary of Session 7: Accelerator and non-LHC Experimental Areas Consolidation up to LS3 </a>(p. 31)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Benedikt, M</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Summary of Session 8: Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation </a>(p. 33)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Jimenez, J</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Non-conformities (solved and pending) on the Superconducting Circuits </a>(p. 39)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Verweij, A</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Re-commissioning of the Superconducting Circuits </a>(p. 44)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Solfaroli Camillocci, M</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Other Non-solved Non-conformities across the LHC Ring and Potential Impact on Performance </a>(p. 47)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Baglin, V</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Expected Impact of Hardware Changes on Impedance and Beam-induced Heating during Run 2 </a>(p. 53)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Salvant, B</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">ADT and RF after LS1 </a>(p. 60)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Butterworth, A</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">LBDS and Kickers after LS1 </a>(p. 65)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Bartmann, W</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">LHC Injectors Complex Status </a>(p. 71)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Hanke, K</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">SPS Scrubbing Run in 2014 </a>(p. 76)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Bartosik, H</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Operational Beams for the LHC </a>(p. 80)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Papaphilippou, Y</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">LHC Dry-Runs and Machine Check-out </a>(p. 85)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Jacquet, D</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">LHC Transfer Line and Sector Tests </a>(p. 89)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Kain, V</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">2015 Commissioning with Beam - Introduction </a>(p. 93)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Lamont, M</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Experiments’ Expectations for 2015 </a>(p. 96)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Gorini, B</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Baseline LHC machine parameters and configuration of the 2015 proton run </a>(p. 100)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Bruce, R.</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Optics Options for the 2015 LHC Run </a>(p. 107)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Giovannozzi, M</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Nominal Cycle and Options </a>(p. 111)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Solfaroli Camillocci, M</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Scrubbing: Expectations and Strategy, Long Range Perspective </a>(p. 114)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Iadarola, G</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Strategy for First Two Months of LHC Beam Commissioning (Commissioning to First Stable Beams) </a>(p. 125)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Redaelli, S</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Overall Strategy for Run 2 </a>(p. 129)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Wenninger, J</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Machine Protection Strategy for LHC Commissioning and Outlook for Future Challenges </a>(p. 134)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Salvachua, B</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Machine Development Priorities </a>(p. 138)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Uythoven, J</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">BLM Threshold Strategy (UFOs and Quenches) </a>(p. 143)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Auchmann, B</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">R2E and Availability </a>(p. 149)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Brugger, M</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Linac4: Progress on Hardware and Beam Commissioning </a>(p. 161)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Lombardi, A M</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Protons: Baseline and Alternatives, Studies Plan </a>(p. 166)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Rumolo, G</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Concerns with Low Emittance Beam Operation </a>(p. 176)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Kain, V</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Other Means to increase the SPS 25ns Performance - Transverse Plane </a>(p. 180)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Bartosik, H</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Other Means to Increase the SPS 25ns Performance - Longitudinal Plane </a>(p. 185)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Argyropoulos, T</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Ions: Baseline, Studies Plan and Strategy for Pending Options </a>(p. 192)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Bodendorfer, M</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">HL-LHC Parameter and Layout Baseline </a>(p. 198)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Fessia, P</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">HL-LHC Magnet Roadmap </a>(p. 202)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Todesco, E</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">HL-LHC RF Roadmap </a>(p. 209)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Calaga, R</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">HL-LHC Alternative Scenarios </a>(p. 217)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Tomás, R</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Collimation Upgrades for HL-LHC </a>(p. 225)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Redaelli, S</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Down Selection Criteria and MDs Prior to LS3 </a>(p. 232)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Arduini, G</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Linacs Consolidation </a>(p. 239)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Scrivens, R</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">PSB and PS Consolidation For LS2 and Beyond </a>(p. 243)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Gilardoni, S</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">SPS Consolidation for LS2 and Beyond </a>(p. 249)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Ridewood, J</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">AD and LEIR Consolidation </a>(p. 257)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Eriksson, T</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">North Area and East Area Consolidation </a>(p. 261)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Efthymiopoulos, I</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Isolde and n_Tof Consolidation </a>(p. 265)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Catherall, R</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Scope of the Long Shutdown 2 (optimisation of the period 2015-2018) </a>(p. 270)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Jimenez, J M</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">What has been Learnt from LS1 </a>(p. 272)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Foraz, K</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Radiation Protection Aspects </a>(p. 276)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Forkel-Wirth, D</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">LIU Planned Activities </a>(p. 281)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Chapochnikova, E</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">HL-LHC Planned Activities during LS2 - Accelerator </a>(p. 284)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Béjar Alonso, I</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">LHC Experiments Upgrade and Maintenance </a>(p. 288)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Riegler, W</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Long Shutdown 2 @ LHC </a>(p. 290)</td></tr><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%">by Bernardini, M</td></tr></table><br/><small><a href=";f=962__n">Show contributions in CDS</a></small><br/> <br/> <br/><br/><div align="right"><div style="padding-bottom:2px;padding-top:30px;"><span class="moreinfo" style="margin-right:10px;"> <a href="" class="moreinfo">Back to search</a> </span></div></div> <div class="bottom-left-folded"><div class="recordlastmodifiedbox" style="position:relative;margin-left:1px">&nbsp;Record created 2015-06-02, last modified 2021-07-30</div></div> <div class="bottom-right-folded" style="text-align:right;padding-bottom:2px;"> <span class="moreinfo" style="margin-right:10px;"><a href="/search?ln=en&amp;p=recid%3A2020930&amp;rm=wrd" class="moreinfo">Similar records</a></span></div> </div> </div> </div> <br/> <br /> <div class="detailedrecordminipanel"> <div class="top-left"></div><div class="top-right"></div> <div class="inside"> <div id="detailedrecordminipanelfile" style="width:33%;float:left;text-align:center;margin-top:0"> <div><small class="detailedRecordActions">Fulltext:</small> <br /><a href="/record/2020930/files/CERN-2015-002.pdf"><img style="border:none" src="/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="Download fulltext"/>PDF</a><br /><small>(<a href="/record/2020930/files/">additional files</a>)</small><br /></div><small class="detailedRecordActions">External link:</small><br /><small><a href=""><img style="border:none" src="/img/file-icon-text-12x16.gif" alt="Download fulltext"/>Conference home page</a></small> </div> <div id="detailedrecordminipanelreview" style="width:30%;float:left;text-align:center"> </div> <div id="detailedrecordminipanelactions" style="width:36%;float:right;text-align:right;"> <ul class="detailedrecordactions"> <li><a href="/yourbaskets/add?ln=en&amp;recid=2020930">Add to personal basket</a></li> <li>Export as <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2020930/export/hx?ln=en">BibTeX</a>, <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2020930/export/hm?ln=en">MARC</a>, <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2020930/export/xm?ln=en">MARCXML</a>, <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2020930/export/xd?ln=en">DC</a>, <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2020930/export/xe?ln=en">EndNote</a>, <!-- <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2020930/export/xe8x?ln=en">EndNote (8-X)</a>,--> <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2020930/export/xn?ln=en">NLM</a>, <a style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" href="/record/2020930/export/xw?ln=en">RefWorks</a> </li> </ul> <div style='padding-left: 13px;'> <!-- JQuery Bookmark Button BEGIN --> <div id="bookmark"></div> <div id="bookmark_sciencewise"></div> <style type="text/css"> #bookmark_sciencewise, #bookmark {float: left;} #bookmark_sciencewise li {padding: 2px; 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After a session dedicated to observations and lessons from the run 2011, strategies for the run 2012 have been discussed in order to optimize the machine performance and, in particular, the maximum and integrated luminosity provided to the main experiments. Two session were dedicated to the preparation of the first long shutdown LS1 followed by a session aiming at optimizing the perfromance to be expected after this first shutdown. The last two session of the workshop were dedicated to substantial upgrades of the injector complex and the LHC aiming at increasing the integrated luminosity to 250 inverse femtobarn per year after implementation in a second long shutdown. Improvements of the injector complex comprise increased injection energies in the PS Booster and the PS, an upgrade of the SPS vacuum chamber to alleviate limitations due to electron cloud build up and many more upgrades required for the generation of beams with higher brightness and smaller meittances than possible with the present machines. Plans for the LHC comprise an upgrade of the interaction regions to allow for a smaller beta*, crab cavities for luminosity levelling and, upgrades of the collimation and other systems." }); // ]]> </script> <!-- JQuery Bookmark Button END --> </div> </div> <div style="clear:both;margin-bottom: 0;"></div> </div> <div class="bottom-left"></div><div class="bottom-right"></div> </div> </div></div> <footer id="footer" class="pagefooter clearfix"> <!-- replaced page footer --> <div class="pagefooterstripeleft"> CERN Document Server&nbsp;::&nbsp;<a class="footer" href="">Search</a>&nbsp;::&nbsp;<a class="footer" href="">Submit</a>&nbsp;::&nbsp;<a class="footer" href="">Personalize</a>&nbsp;::&nbsp;<a class="footer" href="">Help</a>&nbsp;::&nbsp;<a class="footer" href="" target="_blank">Privacy Notice</a> <br /> Powered by <a class="footer" href="">Invenio</a> <br /> Maintained by <a class="footer" href="">CDS Service</a> - Need help? 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