About -- Spatial Reference
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="./base.css"> <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="./favicon.ico"> <title>About -- Spatial Reference</title> <meta name="keywords" content="epsg, esri, iau, ignf, nkg, ogc, coordinate system, srs, crs" > <meta name="description" content="Spatial Reference catalog of coordinate reference systems" > </head> <body> <div id="header"> <div id="header_logo"> <a href="./"><img src="./sr_logo.jpg" alt="SR logo"></a> </div> <div id="header_title"> About spatial reference </div> </div> <div id="searchbox"> <form action="./ref/"> <input type="text" name="search" value=""> <input type="submit" value="Search"> </form> </div> <div id="navbar"> <div id="navlinks"> <a href="./">Home</a> | <a href="./ref/">List all references</a> | <a href="./explorer.html">Explorer</a> </div> </div> <div id="content"> <h3>Who</h3> <p> is a website redesigned in 2023 by <a href="">Javier Jimenez Shaw</a>, based on <a href=""></a> and now managed by the PROJ development team. It helps assists others in their understanding, discovery, and usage of spatial reference systems (SRS). This refreshed version is a continuation of prior work of <a href="">Howard Butler</a>, <a href="">Christopher Schmidt</a>, <a href="">Dane Springmeyer</a> and <a href="">Josh Livni</a> started in 2007. </p> <p>The source code of this website is available at <a href=""></a>.</p> <h3>What</h3> <p> There are currently several catalogs of SRS on this website: EPSG, ESRI, IAU:2015, IGNF, NKG and OGC. Its content is automatically refreshed from the PROJ' SRS database, at each PROJ release. </p> <p> Each SRS is available in different formats under the root URL <ul> <li>As <a href="">WKT1</a> / Well-known Text v1 / OGC 01-009: <ul> <li><span class="about_items">/wkt.html</span> as HTML content. <a href="./ref/epsg/4326/wkt.html">Example</a></li> <li><span class="about_items">/prettywkt.txt</span>: as text content, with indentation (for potential consumption by software). <a href="./ref/epsg/4326/prettywkt.txt">Example</a></li> <li><span class="about_items">/ogcwkt/</span>: as text content, single line (for potential consumption by software). <a href="./ref/epsg/4326/ogcwkt/">Example</a></li> </ul> </li> <li>As <a href="">WKT2:2019</a> / Well-known Text v2 / OGC 18-010r7: <ul> <li><span class="about_items">/wkt2.html</span>: as HTML content. <a href="./ref/epsg/4326/wkt2.html">Example</a></li> <li><span class="about_items">/prettywkt2.txt</span>: as text-content, with indentation (for potential consumption by software). <a href="./ref/epsg/4326/prettywkt2.txt">Example</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><span class="about_items">/esriwkt.txt</span>: WKT variant used by Esri software, typically for Shapefile .prj side-car file, as text content. <a href="./ref/epsg/4326/esriwkt.txt">Example</a></li> <li><span class="about_items">/#</span>: same as above, but downloads the result as a file with .prj content. Requires JavaScript</li> <li><span class="about_items">/projjson.json</span>: as JSON content, following the <a href="">PROJ JSON</a> encoding, which is equivalent to WKT2:2019. <a href="./ref/epsg/4326/projjson.json">Example</a></li> <li><span class="about_items">/proj4.txt</span>: as PROJ.4 CRS string. Note this encoding is considered as legacy, and is generally lossy, particularly regarding geodetic or vertical datums. <a href="./ref/epsg/4326/proj4.txt">Example</a></li> </ul> <p>Note that the previous version of this website allowed user-defined SRS to be submitted. This functionality has been removed, and the website now only presents objects that have been vetted by reference authorities. To get the old data, look for the file "sr-org.json" in the git repository. </p> <p>Spatialreference has a sibling project under the PROJ umbrella: <a href="">CRS Explorer</a>. It has a different approach displaying all the available CRSs and filtering them. To show them all just click on <a href=""></a> </p> <h3>Press</h3> <ul> <li><a href="">Un site pour les Syst猫mes de R茅f茅rences Spatials</a> -- Link back to</li> </ul> </div> <div id="footer"> <a href="./about.html">About</a> - Built on 2024-12-02 using <a href="">PROJ</a> 9.5.1 (See detailed <a href="./versions.html">versions here</a>) </div> </body> </html>