Reviews - Anime Characters Database

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mini-games, quotes, cosplay and more! Claim an anime girl as your waifu." style="position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; text-align: left; margin: 0 0; background: #59f; color: white; padding: 0 10px;"> <tr> <td style="margin-top: 0; padding-top: 0; border-spacing: 0 0; font-size: 1em;">Reviews</td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <DIV id="mainframe1" class=outframe> <a name="frame1content"></a> <DIV id=ulmenu> <UL> <LI><A href="reviews.php?latest">Latest Reviews</A> <LI><A href="reviews.php?mine">Your Reviews</A> <LI><A href="reviews.php">Browse</A> <LI><A href="reviews.php?random">Random</A> </UL> </DIV> <DIV id=besttable> <TABLE> <TR> <TH style="text-align: left;"><A href="reviews.php">Series</A></TH> <TH><A href="reviews.php?latest">Date Updated</A></TH> <TH>Length</TH> <TH>Comments</TH> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=139"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Adachi and Shimamura</A> <img alt="10 Star" src=""> (10) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=73507">shimamurahougetsu</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Aug 23, 2021</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Short</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=141"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Aishiteruze baby</A> <img alt="1 Star" src=""> (1) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=73582">DameonFree95</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Dec 12, 2021</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Average</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=10"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Angel Tales</A> <img alt="2 Star" src=""> (2) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=9180">Mitsugu</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Apr 8, 2014</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Average</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=99"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Assassins Pride</A> <img alt="5 Star" src=""> (5) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=1">Rei</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Aug 5, 2020</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Short</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=50"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Attack on Titan (Series)</A> <img alt="8 Star" src=""> (8) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=25875">nosgothian</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">May 27, 2014</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Average</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=57"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Attack on Titan (Series)</A> <img alt="10 Star" src=""> (10) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=26253">mochizuki</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Jun 30, 2014</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Long</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=93"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Attack on Titan S2</A> <img alt="9 Star" src=""> (9) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=43296">FireHawk</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Nov 6, 2017</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Average</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=109"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Attack on Titan S3 Part 2</A> <img alt="10 Star" src=""> (10) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=71453">opossum</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Dec 27, 2020</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Very short</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=21"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Ayakashi: Samurai Horror Tales</A> <img alt="2 Star" src=""> (2) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=9180">Mitsugu</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Apr 8, 2014</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Short</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=23"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Ayakashi: Samurai Horror Tales</A> <img alt="1 Star" src=""> (1) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=9180">Mitsugu</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Apr 8, 2014</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Average</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;">5</TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=22"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Ayakashi: Samurai Horror Tales</A> <img alt="4 Star" src=""> (4) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=9180">Mitsugu</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">May 8, 2014</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Average</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=24"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Azumanga Daioh</A> <img alt="4 Star" src=""> (4) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=9180">Mitsugu</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Apr 8, 2014</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Average</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=52"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Bamboo Blade</A> <img alt="4 Star" src=""> (4) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=9180">Mitsugu</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Jun 15, 2014</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Long</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=110"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Banana Fish</A> <img alt="9 Star" src=""> (9) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=71453">opossum</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Dec 27, 2020</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Very short</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=111"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Barakamon</A> <img alt="8 Star" src=""> (8) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=71453">opossum</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Dec 27, 2020</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Very short</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=54"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Beet the Vandel Buster Excellion</A> <img alt="7 Star" src=""> (7) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=1">Rei</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Jun 19, 2014</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Average</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=27"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Beyblade: Metal Fusion</A> <img alt="7 Star" src=""> (7) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=20006">Misty_Dreams</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Mar 12, 2014</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Average</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=112"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Black Bullet</A> <img alt="4 Star" src=""> (4) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=71453">opossum</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Dec 27, 2020</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Very short</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=42"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Black Lagoon</A> <img alt="7 Star" src=""> (7) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=9180">Mitsugu</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">May 8, 2014</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Long</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=41"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage</A> <img alt="7 Star" src=""> (7) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=9180">Mitsugu</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">May 8, 2014</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Long</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=113"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Blast of Tempest</A> <img alt="9 Star" src=""> (9) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=71453">opossum</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Dec 27, 2020</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Short</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=70"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Bleach</A> <img alt="8 Star" src=""> (8) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=8744">Agronic</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Oct 9, 2014</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Average</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=115"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Blood Lad</A> <img alt="4 Star" src=""> (4) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=71453">opossum</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Dec 27, 2020</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Very short</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=114"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Blood-C</A> <img alt="6 Star" src=""> (6) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=71453">opossum</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Dec 27, 2020</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Very short</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=12"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Blue Gender</A> <img alt="3 Star" src=""> (3) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=9180">Mitsugu</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Apr 8, 2014</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Long</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=56"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Bodacious Space Pirates</A> <img alt="4 Star" src=""> (4) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=9180">Mitsugu</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Jun 28, 2014</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Long</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=104"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> BOFURI: I Don’t Want to Get Hurt, so I’ll Max Out My Defense</A> <img alt="10 Star" src=""> (10) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=1">Rei</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Aug 5, 2020</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Short</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=9"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Burst Angel</A> <img alt="4 Star" src=""> (4) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=9180">Mitsugu</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Jul 26, 2014</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Average</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=116"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Cardcaptor Sakura</A> <img alt="7 Star" src=""> (7) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=71453">opossum</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Dec 27, 2020</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Very short</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=43"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Chobits</A> <img alt="3 Star" src=""> (3) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=9180">Mitsugu</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">May 8, 2014</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Long</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;">1</TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=63"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion</A> <img alt="6 Star" src=""> (6) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=9180">Mitsugu</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Jul 31, 2014</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Long</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=62"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2</A> <img alt="7 Star" src=""> (7) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=9180">Mitsugu</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Jul 31, 2014</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Long</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=61"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Code Geass: Nunnally in Wonderland</A> <img alt="3 Star" src=""> (3) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=9180">Mitsugu</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Aug 25, 2014</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Average</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=74"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Code:Breaker</A> <img alt="8 Star" src=""> (8) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=18613">Coteming</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Oct 11, 2014</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Average</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=25"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> DearS</A> <img alt="3 Star" src=""> (3) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=9180">Mitsugu</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">May 8, 2014</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Average</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=117"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Death Note</A> <img alt="5 Star" src=""> (5) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=71453">opossum</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Dec 27, 2020</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Very short</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;">1</TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=15"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Demon Lord Dante</A> <img alt="2 Star" src=""> (2) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=9180">Mitsugu</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Apr 8, 2014</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Average</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=16"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Devil Lady</A> <img alt="3 Star" src=""> (3) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=9180">Mitsugu</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Apr 22, 2014</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Long</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=119"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Diabolik Lovers ~Haunted Dark Bridal~</A> <img alt="3 Star" src=""> (3) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=71453">opossum</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">Dec 27, 2020</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Short</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=49"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Dog Days</A> <img alt="9 Star" src=""> (9) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=25875">nosgothian</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">May 24, 2014</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Average</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=84"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> DRAMAtical Murder</A> <img alt="7 Star" src=""> (7) by <A href="reviews.php?uid=8148">Hetalia_Italy</A></TD> <TD style="text-align: center;">May 21, 2015</TD> <TH style="text-align: center;">Long</TH> <TD style="text-align: center;"></TD> <TR> <TD><A href="reviews.php?review_id=69"><IMG src="" style="width: 50px;"> Final Fantasy VII Advent Children</A> <img alt="10 Star" src=""> (10) by <A 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Takemitchy does everything for his friends, especially his girlfriend Hina~ I absolutely love that cool guy Takemitchy :) </span></q> - <cite style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px; text-indent: 5px;">NatsumiSawada</cite> </p> </div> </div> <div class=flexcontainer> <div class="classflexitem" style="max-width: 300px; word-wrap: break-word; word-break: break-word; hyphens: auto;"> <a href="characters.php?id=126865"> <img src="" class="thumb100"></a> </div> <div classflexitem> <h3><A href="quotesbycharacter.php?random">Quotes</a></h3> <p style="font-size: 1em; text-align: left; margin-left: 45px;"> <q><A style="text-decoration: none; color: black; font-style: italic;" href="quotesbycharacter.php?cid=126865&amp;line_id=356579">Even Esil is feeling it.</A></q> - <cite style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px; text-indent: 5px;"><A href="characters.php?id=126865">Jinwoo Sung</a></cite> </p> </div> </div> <div class=flexcontainer> <div class="classflexitem" style="max-width: 300px; word-wrap: break-word; word-break: break-word; hyphens: auto;"> <a href="characters.php?id=126865"> <img src="" class="thumb100"></a> </div> <div classflexitem> <h3><A href="quotesbycharacter.php?random">Quotes</a></h3> <p style="font-size: 1em; text-align: left; margin-left: 45px;"> <q><A style="text-decoration: none; color: black; font-style: italic;" href="quotesbycharacter.php?cid=126865&amp;line_id=356580">Well, I&#039;m in for real trouble <br>if he gets airborne.</A></q> - <cite style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px; text-indent: 5px;"><A href="characters.php?id=126865">Jinwoo Sung</a></cite> </p> </div> </div> <div id="darkbgzone" class="pad left b4"> <div> Increase your fun by becoming a member today! 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