ROR API query parameter
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class="Sidebar-link-text_label1gCT_uPnx7Gu">About the ROR REST API</span></span></a></li><li class="Sidebar-item23D-2Kd61_k3"><a class="Sidebar-link2Dsha-r-GKh2 childless text-wrap rm-Sidebar-link" target="_self" href="/docs/api-single"><span class="Sidebar-link-textLuTE1ySm4Kqn"><span class="Sidebar-link-text_label1gCT_uPnx7Gu">Retrieve a single record</span></span></a></li><li class="Sidebar-item23D-2Kd61_k3"><a class="Sidebar-link2Dsha-r-GKh2 childless text-wrap rm-Sidebar-link" target="_self" href="/docs/api-list"><span class="Sidebar-link-textLuTE1ySm4Kqn"><span class="Sidebar-link-text_label1gCT_uPnx7Gu">Retrieve a list of records</span></span></a></li><li class="Sidebar-item23D-2Kd61_k3"><a class="Sidebar-link2Dsha-r-GKh2 childless text-wrap rm-Sidebar-link" target="_self" href="/docs/api-filtering"><span class="Sidebar-link-textLuTE1ySm4Kqn"><span class="Sidebar-link-text_label1gCT_uPnx7Gu">Filtering</span></span></a></li><li class="Sidebar-item23D-2Kd61_k3"><a 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class="Sidebar-link-textLuTE1ySm4Kqn"><span class="Sidebar-link-text_label1gCT_uPnx7Gu">Affiliation parameter</span></span></a></li><li class="Sidebar-item23D-2Kd61_k3"><a class="Sidebar-link2Dsha-r-GKh2 childless text-wrap rm-Sidebar-link" target="_self" href="/docs/api-versions"><span class="Sidebar-link-textLuTE1ySm4Kqn"><span class="Sidebar-link-text_label1gCT_uPnx7Gu">API versions</span></span></a></li></ul></section><section class="Sidebar-listWrapper6Q9_yUrG906C rm-Sidebar-section"><h2 class="Sidebar-headingTRQyOa2pk0gh rm-Sidebar-heading">ROR Tools & Services</h2><ul class="Sidebar-list3cZWQLaBf9k8 rm-Sidebar-list"><li class="Sidebar-item23D-2Kd61_k3"><a class="Sidebar-link2Dsha-r-GKh2 childless text-wrap rm-Sidebar-link" target="_self" href="/docs/data-dump"><span class="Sidebar-link-textLuTE1ySm4Kqn"><span class="Sidebar-link-text_label1gCT_uPnx7Gu">Data dump</span></span></a></li><li class="Sidebar-item23D-2Kd61_k3"><a class="Sidebar-link2Dsha-r-GKh2 childless text-wrap rm-Sidebar-link" target="_self" href="/docs/web-search"><span class="Sidebar-link-textLuTE1ySm4Kqn"><span class="Sidebar-link-text_label1gCT_uPnx7Gu">Web search</span></span></a></li><li class="Sidebar-item23D-2Kd61_k3"><a class="Sidebar-link2Dsha-r-GKh2 childless text-wrap rm-Sidebar-link" target="_self" href="/docs/openrefine-reconciler"><span class="Sidebar-link-textLuTE1ySm4Kqn"><span class="Sidebar-link-text_label1gCT_uPnx7Gu">OpenRefine reconciler</span></span></a></li></ul></section><section class="Sidebar-listWrapper6Q9_yUrG906C rm-Sidebar-section"><h2 class="Sidebar-headingTRQyOa2pk0gh rm-Sidebar-heading">Collecting ROR IDs</h2><ul class="Sidebar-list3cZWQLaBf9k8 rm-Sidebar-list"><li class="Sidebar-item23D-2Kd61_k3"><a class="Sidebar-link2Dsha-r-GKh2 childless text-wrap rm-Sidebar-link" target="_self" href="/docs/forms"><span class="Sidebar-link-textLuTE1ySm4Kqn"><span class="Sidebar-link-text_label1gCT_uPnx7Gu">Create ROR-powered forms</span></span></a></li><li class="Sidebar-item23D-2Kd61_k3"><a class="Sidebar-link2Dsha-r-GKh2 childless text-wrap rm-Sidebar-link" target="_self" href="/docs/matching"><span class="Sidebar-link-textLuTE1ySm4Kqn"><span class="Sidebar-link-text_label1gCT_uPnx7Gu">Match organization names to ROR IDs</span></span></a></li><li class="Sidebar-item23D-2Kd61_k3"><a class="Sidebar-link2Dsha-r-GKh2 childless text-wrap rm-Sidebar-link" target="_self" href="/docs/mapping"><span class="Sidebar-link-textLuTE1ySm4Kqn"><span class="Sidebar-link-text_label1gCT_uPnx7Gu">Map other organization IDs to ROR IDs</span></span></a></li><li class="Sidebar-item23D-2Kd61_k3"><a class="Sidebar-link2Dsha-r-GKh2 childless text-wrap rm-Sidebar-link" target="_self" href="/docs/grid"><span class="Sidebar-link-textLuTE1ySm4Kqn"><span class="Sidebar-link-text_label1gCT_uPnx7Gu">Transition from GRID to ROR</span></span></a></li><li class="Sidebar-item23D-2Kd61_k3"><a class="Sidebar-link2Dsha-r-GKh2 childless text-wrap rm-Sidebar-link" target="_self" href="/docs/funder-registry"><span class="Sidebar-link-textLuTE1ySm4Kqn"><span class="Sidebar-link-text_label1gCT_uPnx7Gu">Transition from Open Funder Registry to ROR</span></span></a></li></ul></section><section class="Sidebar-listWrapper6Q9_yUrG906C rm-Sidebar-section"><h2 class="Sidebar-headingTRQyOa2pk0gh rm-Sidebar-heading">Sending ROR IDs</h2><ul class="Sidebar-list3cZWQLaBf9k8 rm-Sidebar-list"><li class="Sidebar-item23D-2Kd61_k3"><a class="Sidebar-link2Dsha-r-GKh2 childless text-wrap rm-Sidebar-link" target="_self" href="/docs/crossref"><span class="Sidebar-link-textLuTE1ySm4Kqn"><span class="Sidebar-link-text_label1gCT_uPnx7Gu">Add ROR IDs to Crossref DOIs</span></span></a></li><li class="Sidebar-item23D-2Kd61_k3"><a class="Sidebar-link2Dsha-r-GKh2 childless text-wrap rm-Sidebar-link" target="_self" href="/docs/datacite"><span class="Sidebar-link-textLuTE1ySm4Kqn"><span class="Sidebar-link-text_label1gCT_uPnx7Gu">Add ROR IDs to DataCite 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class="suggestEdits" rel="nofollow" href="/edit/api-query"><i aria-hidden="true" class="icon icon-edit"></i> Suggest Edits</a></div></div></header><div class="grid-container-fluid" id="content-container"><section class="content-body grid-75"><div dehydrated="<blockquote class="callout callout_default" theme="1️⃣"><h2 class="callout-heading"><span class="callout-icon">1️⃣</span><p>ROR REST API v1</p></h2><p>This page documents v1 of the ROR REST API. For v2 documentation of the ROR REST API, see <a href="" target="" title=""></a>. You can also read more about ROR <a href="/docs/api-versions" target="" title="" class="doc-link" data-sidebar="api-versions">API versions</a> and a summary of what&#x27;s new in <a href="/docs/schema-v2" target="" title="" class="doc-link" data-sidebar="schema-v2">Schema 2.0</a> and <a href="/docs/schema-2-1" target="" title="" class="doc-link" data-sidebar="schema-2-1">Schema 2.1</a>.</p></blockquote> <h1 class="heading heading-1 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="about-the-query-parameter"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-about-the-query-parameter" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>About the query parameter</div><a aria-label="Skip link to About the query parameter" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#about-the-query-parameter"></a></h1> <p>The query parameter is a &quot;quick search&quot; of a limited number of fields in ROR records:<button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">name</code>, <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">aliases</code>, <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">labels</code>, <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">acronyms</code>, and <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">external_ids</code>. The query parameter works best for the following purposes:</p> <ul> <li>Keyword-based searching for organization names </li> <li>Form field auto-suggests / typeaheads</li> <li>Searching for exact matches of an organization name </li> <li>Searching for external identifiers </li> </ul> <p>We recommend using the query parameter to build <a href="/docs/forms" target="" title="" class="doc-link" data-sidebar="forms">ROR-powered typeaheads in forms</a> that suggest organization names to users. The ROR <a href="/docs/web-search" target="" title="" class="doc-link" data-sidebar="web-search">Web search interface</a> at <a href="" target="" title=""></a> also uses the query parameter. </p> <blockquote class="callout callout_info" theme="📘"><h2 class="callout-heading"><span class="callout-icon">📘</span><p>Query parameter format</p></h2><p><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">[value]</code></p></blockquote> <h1 class="heading heading-1 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="formatting-searches"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-formatting-searches" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Formatting searches</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Formatting searches" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#formatting-searches"></a></h1> <p>All request strings must be <a href="" target="" title="">URL-encoded</a>. </p> <h2 class="heading heading-2 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="special-characters"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-special-characters" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Special characters</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Special characters" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#special-characters"></a></h2> <p>Some organization names contain characters like &amp;, (), : and /, which have special meaning in URI syntax, Elasticsearch syntax or both. To avoid error responses or bad results:</p> <ul> <li>Be sure to <a href="" target="" title="">URL-encode</a> all query parameter values. </li> <li>Escape any <a href="" target="" title="">Elasticsearch reserved characters</a> in the organization name with a URL-encoded backslash \ character. Reserved characters include <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">+ - = &amp;&amp; || &gt; &lt; ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ &quot; ~ * ? : \ /</code></li> </ul> <h2 class="heading heading-2 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="spaces-and-quotation-marks"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-spaces-and-quotation-marks" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Spaces and quotation marks</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Spaces and quotation marks" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#spaces-and-quotation-marks"></a></h2> <p><a href="" target="" title="">Elasticsearch query string syntax</a> will treat words separated by a space as separate parts of a query. It is therefore advisable to surround multi-word search terms of the ROR API with URL-encoded quotation marks. </p> <h1 class="heading heading-1 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="keyword-searching"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-keyword-searching" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Keyword searching</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Keyword searching" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#keyword-searching"></a></h1> <p>The query parameter can be used to search for relatively unique keywords in organization names. </p> <h2 class="heading heading-2 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="example"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-example" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Example</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Example" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#example"></a></h2> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">cURL</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light" data-lang="curl" name="" tabindex="0">curl &#x27;; | json_pp </code></pre></div></div> <p>As with <a href="/docs/api-list" target="" title="" class="doc-link" data-sidebar="api-list">retrieving a list of ROR records</a>, the response is a JSON object containing full records for the first 20 search results, but this search produces only 17 results, so only 17 items are returned.</p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">JSON</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-json theme-light" data-lang="json" name="" tabindex="0">{ &quot;items&quot; : [ { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 2656173, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 2003, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.432411.1&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.432411.1&quot; } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bath Labs&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Facility&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 2656173, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 1892, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.468747.e&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.468747.e&quot; }, &quot;ISNI&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;0000 0004 6437 268X&quot; 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: &quot;grid.486748.1&quot; }, &quot;ISNI&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;0000 0004 0449 0078&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Designability&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Nonprofit&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;; }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [ &quot;BBSP&quot; ], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bristol&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bristol&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 2654675, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 51.45523, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : -2.59665, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 2011, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.498158.9&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.498158.9&quot; } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bristol and Bath Science Park&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Education&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;; }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [ &quot;BSDR&quot; ], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 2656173, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 2016, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.499705.6&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.499705.6&quot; } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bath Social and Development Research&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Nonprofit&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [ &quot;BRLSI&quot; ], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 2656173, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [ &quot;Bath Literary and Scientific Institution&quot; ], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 1824, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.493239.6&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.493239.6&quot; }, &quot;ISNI&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;0000 0004 5895 4392&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;0000 0004 5895 4392&quot; } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Other&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;; }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 2656173, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 1996, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.450510.5&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.450510.5&quot; }, &quot;ISNI&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;0000 0004 0374 2966&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null }, &quot;Wikidata&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;Q16966588&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bath and North East Somerset Council&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Government&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;; }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 2656173, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [ &quot;Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Foundation Trust&quot; ], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 1864, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.413029.d&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.413029.d&quot; }, &quot;ISNI&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;0000 0004 0374 2907&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null }, &quot;Wikidata&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;Q18162105&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [ { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Paulton Hospital&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Royal United Hospital&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; } ], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Healthcare&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;; }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [ &quot;BaNES CCG&quot; ], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 2656173, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : null, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.476920.e&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.476920.e&quot; } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bath and North East Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Healthcare&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null } ], &quot;meta&quot; : { &quot;countries&quot; : [ { &quot;count&quot; : 13, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;gb&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 3, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;us&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;United States&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 1, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;ca&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Canada&quot; } ], &quot;statuses&quot; : [ { &quot;count&quot; : 17, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;active&quot; } ], &quot;types&quot; : [ { &quot;count&quot; : 4, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;education&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Education&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 4, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;healthcare&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Healthcare&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 3, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;nonprofit&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Nonprofit&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 2, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;company&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Company&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 2, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;funder&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Funder&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 1, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;archive&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Archive&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 1, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;facility&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Facility&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 1, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;government&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Government&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 1, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;other&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Other&quot; } ] }, &quot;number_of_results&quot; : 17, &quot;time_taken&quot; : 4 } </code></pre></div></div> <blockquote class="callout callout_warn" theme="🚧"><h2 class="callout-heading"><span class="callout-icon">🚧</span><p>Remember that the query parameter does not search all fields</p></h2><p>The query parameter searches only the four name-related fields (<button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">name</code>, <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">acronyms</code>, <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">aliases</code>, and <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">labels</code>) and the <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">external_ids</code> field. Results from keyword searches using the query parameter <strong>do not include</strong> values from location fields such as <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">country</code> and <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">addresses</code>, for instance. To find location information or other additional data, use <a href="/docs/api-filtering" target="" title="" class="doc-link" data-sidebar="api-filtering">Filtering</a> or the <a href="/docs/api-advanced-query" target="" title="" class="doc-link" data-sidebar="api-advanced-query">Advanced query parameter</a>.</p></blockquote> <h1 class="heading heading-1 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="exact-string-searching"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-exact-string-searching" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Exact string searching</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Exact string searching" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#exact-string-searching"></a></h1> <p>Keyword searches can produce hundreds or thousands of results, especially when the string contains common terms in research organization names such as &quot;University,&quot; &quot;Health,&quot; or &quot;Ministry.&quot; Surrounding a string with quotation marks will reduce the number of results in the response, limiting the results to records with exact matches to that string. Quotation marks must be <a href="" target="" title="">URL-encoded</a>. </p> <h2 class="heading heading-2 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="example-1"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-example" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Example</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Example" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#example-1"></a></h2> <p>Compare the following searches to see the difference quotation marks make for multiple-term search strings with spaces. The first example shows a search for Bath College. </p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">cURL</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light" data-lang="curl" name="" tabindex="0">curl &#x27;; | json_pp </code></pre></div></div> <p>This search looks for <strong>both</strong> the term &quot;Bath&quot; <strong>and</strong> the term &quot;College&quot; and returns 4885 results because the term &quot;College&quot; appears in many organization names. A search on the single term &quot;Bath&quot; produces only 17 results, because it is a much less common term in organization names. The organization record for Bath College is the first of the 4885 results, but many factors can affect the order of results, so we strongly recommend against automatically selecting the first item in any list of search results. </p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">JSON</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-json theme-light" data-lang="json" name="" tabindex="0"> { &quot;items&quot; : [ { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 2656173, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 1892, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.468747.e&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.468747.e&quot; }, &quot;ISNI&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;0000 0004 6437 268X&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null }, &quot;Wikidata&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;Q5123579&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bath College&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Education&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;; }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 2656173, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [ &quot;Bath College of Higher Education&quot;, &quot;Bath Spa University College&quot; ], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 2005, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;FundRef&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;100010331&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null }, &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.252874.e&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.252874.e&quot; }, &quot;ISNI&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;0000 0001 2034 9451&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null }, &quot;Wikidata&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;Q3091754&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bath Spa University&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Education&quot;, &quot;Funder&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;; }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 2656173, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 2003, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.432411.1&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.432411.1&quot; } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bath Labs&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Facility&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 2656173, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [ &quot;BMI Bath Clinic&quot; ], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 1983, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;ISNI&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;0000 0004 0578 2443&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;0000 0004 0578 2443&quot; } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bath Clinic&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Healthcare&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Montreal&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Montreal&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;CA.QC&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Quebec&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 6077243, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 45.50884, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : -73.58781, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;CA&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;Canada&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 1969, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.474071.1&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.474071.1&quot; } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;MAAX Bath (Canada)&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Company&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;US.ME&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Maine&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 4957570, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 43.91064, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : -69.8206, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [ &quot;Bath Marine Museum&quot; ], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;US&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United States&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 1962, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.447036.2&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.447036.2&quot; }, &quot;ISNI&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;0000 0001 2226 6326&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Maine Maritime Museum&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Archive&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;; }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 2656173, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 1966, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;FundRef&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;501100000835&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null }, &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.7340.0&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.7340.0&quot; }, &quot;ISNI&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;0000 0001 2162 1699&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null }, &quot;Wikidata&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;Q1422458&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;University of Bath&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [ { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Royal United Hospital&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Related&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;GW4 Facility for High-Resolution Electron Cryo-Microscopy&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Related&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;GW4&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Related&quot; } ], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Education&quot;, &quot;Funder&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;; }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Columbus&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Columbus&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;US.OH&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Ohio&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 4509177, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 39.96118, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : -82.99879, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [ &quot;Bath and Body Works&quot; ], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;US&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United States&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : null, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;Wikidata&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;Q810773&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;Q810773&quot; } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [ { &quot;iso639&quot; : &quot;en&quot;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Bath &amp; Body Works&quot; } ], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bath &amp; Body Works (United States)&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Company&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;; }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath Beach&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath Beach&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;US.NY&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;New York&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 5108111, &quot;license&quot; 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: &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 34.66667, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : 135.58333, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [ &quot;Higashiosaka Junior College&quot; ], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;JP&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;Japan&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 1965, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.443664.7&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.443664.7&quot; }, &quot;ISNI&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;0000 0004 0642 2167&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null }, &quot;Wikidata&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;Q11526509&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [ { &quot;iso639&quot; : &quot;ja&quot;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;東大阪大学・東大阪大学短期大学部&quot; } ], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Higashiosaka College &amp; Higashiosaka Junior College&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Education&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;; }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [ &quot;FMP&quot; ], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Fuzhou&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Fuzhou&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;CN.FJ&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Fujian&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 1810821, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 26.06139, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : 119.30611, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [ &quot;Minjiang College IEN International College&quot;, &quot;闽江学院爱恩国际学院&quot; ], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;CN&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;China&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : null, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;ISNI&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;0000 0005 1471 2065&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;0000 0005 1471 2065&quot; } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [ { &quot;iso639&quot; : &quot;zh&quot;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;福州墨尔本理工职业学院&quot; } ], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Fuzhou Melbourne Polytechnic&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [ { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Minjiang University&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Parent&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Melbourne Polytechnic&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Parent&quot; } ], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Education&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Washington&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Washington&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;US.DC&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;District of Columbia&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 4140963, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 38.89511, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : -77.03637, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;US&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United States&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 1996, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.479285.5&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.479285.5&quot; } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;College Summit&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Nonprofit&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;; } ], &quot;meta&quot; : { &quot;countries&quot; : [ { &quot;count&quot; : 2100, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;us&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;United States&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 417, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;in&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;India&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 361, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;jp&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Japan&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 337, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;gb&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 307, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;cn&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;China&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 165, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;ca&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Canada&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 117, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;ph&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Philippines&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 78, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;gh&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Ghana&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 64, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;kr&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;South Korea&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 53, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;au&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Australia&quot; } ], &quot;statuses&quot; : [ { &quot;count&quot; : 4885, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;active&quot; } ], &quot;types&quot; : [ { &quot;count&quot; : 4564, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;education&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Education&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 475, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;funder&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Funder&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 182, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;healthcare&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Healthcare&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 65, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;nonprofit&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Nonprofit&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 46, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;other&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Other&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 17, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;facility&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Facility&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 4, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;company&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Company&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 4, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;government&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Government&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 3, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;archive&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Archive&quot; } ] }, &quot;number_of_results&quot; : 4885, &quot;time_taken&quot; : 10 } </code></pre></div></div> <blockquote class="callout callout_warn" theme="🚧"><h2 class="callout-heading"><span class="callout-icon">🚧</span><p>Don&#x27;t automatically choose the first result in a list</p></h2><p>The first item is often but not always the best match or desired result for a given search of the ROR API. We advise against building tools that automatically select the first result in a list of records.</p></blockquote> <p>Searching for the exact term &quot;Bath College&quot; retrieves only records that contain that precise phrase in one of the four name-related fields searched by the query parameter: <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">name</code>, <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">acronyms</code>, <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">aliases</code>, and <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">labels</code>. </p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">cURL</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light" data-lang="curl" name="" tabindex="0">curl &#x27;; | json_pp </code></pre></div></div> <p>The response returns 2 records: the record for Bath College and the record for Bath Spa University, which is also known as Bath College of Higher Education.</p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">JSON</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-json theme-light" data-lang="json" name="" tabindex="0">{ &quot;items&quot; : [ { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 2656173, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 1892, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.468747.e&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.468747.e&quot; }, &quot;ISNI&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;0000 0004 6437 268X&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null }, &quot;Wikidata&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;Q5123579&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bath College&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Education&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;; }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 2656173, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [ &quot;Bath College of Higher Education&quot;, &quot;Bath Spa University College&quot; ], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 2005, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;FundRef&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;100010331&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null }, &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.252874.e&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.252874.e&quot; }, &quot;ISNI&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;0000 0001 2034 9451&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null }, &quot;Wikidata&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;Q3091754&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bath Spa University&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Education&quot;, &quot;Funder&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;; } ], &quot;meta&quot; : { &quot;countries&quot; : [ { &quot;count&quot; : 2, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;gb&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot; } ], &quot;statuses&quot; : [ { &quot;count&quot; : 2, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;active&quot; } ], &quot;types&quot; : [ { &quot;count&quot; : 2, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;education&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Education&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 1, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;funder&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Funder&quot; } ] }, &quot;number_of_results&quot; : 2, &quot;time_taken&quot; : 5 } </code></pre></div></div> <h2 class="heading heading-2 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="example-2"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-example" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Example</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Example" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#example-2"></a></h2> <p>Remember to URL-encode and if necessary escape special characters in multi-term search strings, as when searching for &quot;Franklin &amp; Marshall College&quot;. The single &amp; character is not reserved in Elasticsearch and therefore is not escaped. </p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">cURL</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light" data-lang="curl" name="" tabindex="0">curl &#x27;; | json_pp </code></pre></div></div> <p>When the &amp; is URL-encoded, the response returns the single record for Franklin &amp; Marshall College. When the &amp; is not URL-encoded, the response is an error. </p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">JSON</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-json theme-light" data-lang="json" name="" tabindex="0">{ &quot;items&quot; : [ { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [ &quot;F&amp;M&quot; ], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Lancaster&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Lancaster&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;US.PA&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Pennsylvania&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 5197079, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 40.03788, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : -76.30551, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;US&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United States&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 1787, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;FundRef&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;100012632&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;100012632&quot; }, &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.256069.e&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.256069.e&quot; }, &quot;ISNI&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;0000 0001 2162 8305&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;0000 0001 2162 8305&quot; }, &quot;Wikidata&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;Q664881&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Franklin &amp; Marshall College&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Education&quot;, &quot;Funder&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;; } ], &quot;meta&quot; : { &quot;countries&quot; : [ { &quot;count&quot; : 1, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;us&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;United States&quot; } ], &quot;statuses&quot; : [ { &quot;count&quot; : 1, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;active&quot; } ], &quot;types&quot; : [ { &quot;count&quot; : 1, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;education&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Education&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 1, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;funder&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Funder&quot; } ] }, &quot;number_of_results&quot; : 1, &quot;time_taken&quot; : 4 } </code></pre></div></div> <h1 class="heading heading-1 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="searching-for-identifiers"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-searching-for-identifiers" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Searching for identifiers</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Searching for identifiers" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#searching-for-identifiers"></a></h1> <p>The query parameter searches the <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">external_ids</code> field and so can be used to search for ROR records that match an external unique identifier. Use URL-encoded quotation marks before and after the identifier search string for best results. This search will work for all identifier schemes supported in the <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">external_ids</code> field, including FundRef (aka the Crossref Funder Registry), GRID, ISNI, and Wikidata. </p> <h2 class="heading heading-2 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="example-3"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-example" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Example</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Example" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#example-3"></a></h2> <p>Search for a ROR record corresponding to the GRID ID for the U.S. Department of Energy. </p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">cURL</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light" data-lang="curl" name="" tabindex="0">curl &#x27;; | json_pp </code></pre></div></div> <p>The response returns a single record for the U.S. Department of Energy that contains the searched-for identifier in <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">external_ids</code>. </p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">JSON</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-json theme-light" data-lang="json" name="" tabindex="0">{ &quot;items&quot; : [ { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [ &quot;DOE&quot; ], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Washington&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Washington&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;US.DC&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;District of Columbia&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 4140963, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 38.89511, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : -77.03637, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [ &quot;U.S. Department of Energy&quot; ], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;US&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United States&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 1977, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;FundRef&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;100000015&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;100000015&quot; }, &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.85084.31&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.85084.31&quot; }, &quot;ISNI&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;0000 0001 2342 3717&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null }, &quot;Wikidata&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;Q217810&quot;, &quot;Q6422983&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;Q217810&quot; } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [ { &quot;iso639&quot; : &quot;es&quot;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Departamento de Energía de los Estados Unidos&quot; }, { &quot;iso639&quot; : &quot;fr&quot;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Département de l&#x27;Énergie des États-unis&quot; } ], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;United States Department of Energy&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [ { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Consortium for the Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;International Partnership for the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell in the Economy&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Joint BioEnergy Institute&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;National Nuclear Security Administration&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Nevada National Security Site&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Economic Impact and Diversity&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Environmental Management&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Environmental Protection, Sustainability Support and Corporate Safety Analysis&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Fossil Energy&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Inspector General&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of International Affairs&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Legacy Management&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Management&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Nuclear Energy&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Science&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Space and Defense Power Systems&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Under Secretary of Energy for Science&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of the General Counsel&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Savannah River Operations Office&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;U.S. Energy Information Administration&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Vera C. Rubin Observatory&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Kansas City National Security Campus&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Environmental System Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of the Chief Information Officer&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Under Secretary for Science and Innovation&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Technology Transitions&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Secretary of Energy&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Public Affairs&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Policy&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Enterprise Assessments&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of State and Community Energy Programs&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Federal Energy Management Programs&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Grid Deployment Office&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Electricity&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Artificial Intelligence &amp; Technology Office&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Government of the United States of America&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Parent&quot; } ], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Government&quot;, &quot;Funder&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;; } ], &quot;meta&quot; : { &quot;countries&quot; : [ { &quot;count&quot; : 1, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;us&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;United States&quot; } ], &quot;statuses&quot; : [ { &quot;count&quot; : 1, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;active&quot; } ], &quot;types&quot; : [ { &quot;count&quot; : 1, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;funder&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Funder&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 1, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;government&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Government&quot; } ] }, &quot;number_of_results&quot; : 1, &quot;time_taken&quot; : 8 } </code></pre></div></div> <h1 class="heading heading-1 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="paging-and-filtering"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-paging-and-filtering" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Paging and filtering</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Paging and filtering" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#paging-and-filtering"></a></h1> <p>Search results from the query parameter can be <a href="/docs/api-paging" target="" title="" class="doc-link" data-sidebar="api-paging">paged</a> and <a href="/docs/api-filtering" target="" title="" class="doc-link" data-sidebar="api-filtering">filtered</a>. The <a href="/docs/api-list#retrieve-a-list-of-records-with-all-statuses" target="" title="" class="doc-link" data-sidebar="api-list#retrieve-a-list-of-records-with-all-statuses">all_status</a> parameter can also be appended to query parameter searches in order to retrieve <em>inactive</em> and <em>withdrawn</em> records as well as <em>active</em> records. </p> <h2 class="heading heading-2 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="example-4"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-example" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Example</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Example" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#example-4"></a></h2> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">cURL</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light" data-lang="curl" name="" tabindex="0">curl &#x27;;page=2&amp;all_status&#x27; | json_pp </code></pre></div></div> <p>The response returns the second page of results of a keyword search for &quot;Harvard&quot; that includes records of all status types. </p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">JSON</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-json theme-light" data-lang="json" name="" tabindex="0">{ &quot;items&quot; : [ { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [ &quot;HCA&quot; ], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Sydney&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Sydney&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;AU.NSW&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;New South Wales&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 2147714, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : -33.86785, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : 151.20732, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;AU&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;Australia&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : null, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;FundRef&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;501100001206&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null }, &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.467421.2&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.467421.2&quot; }, &quot;ISNI&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;0000 0004 5900 2457&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;0000 0004 5900 2457&quot; } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Harvard Club of Australia&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Other&quot;, &quot;Funder&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [ &quot;HAEMR&quot; ], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Boston&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Boston&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;US.MA&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Massachusetts&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 4930956, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 42.35843, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : -71.05977, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;US&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United States&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : null, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.418411.9&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.418411.9&quot; } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;;display=overview&quot; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Harvard Affiliated Emergency Medicine Residency&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [ { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Brigham and Women&#x27;s Hospital&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Parent&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Massachusetts General Hospital&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Parent&quot; } ], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Other&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [ &quot;DF/HCC&quot; ], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Boston&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Boston&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;US.MA&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Massachusetts&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 4930956, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 42.35843, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : -71.05977, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;US&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United States&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 1973, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;FundRef&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;100008126&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;100008126&quot; }, &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.477947.e&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.477947.e&quot; }, &quot;ISNI&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;0000 0004 5902 1762&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null }, &quot;Wikidata&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;Q30270475&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;Q30270475&quot; } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [ { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Harvard University&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Parent&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Dana-Farber Cancer Institute&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Parent&quot; } ], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Healthcare&quot;, &quot;Funder&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Boston&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Boston&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;US.MA&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Massachusetts&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 4930956, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; 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: null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Jena&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;DE.TH&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Thuringia&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 2895044, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 50.92878, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : 11.5899, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;DE&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;Germany&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 2017, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.511416.6&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.511416.6&quot; }, &quot;Wikidata&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;Q41498028&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Max Planck - Harvard Research Center for the Archaeoscience of the Ancient Mediterranean&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Facility&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;; } ], &quot;meta&quot; : { &quot;countries&quot; : [ { &quot;count&quot; : 27, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;us&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;United States&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 2, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;de&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Germany&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 1, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;au&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Australia&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 1, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;bw&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Botswana&quot; } ], &quot;statuses&quot; : [ { &quot;count&quot; : 29, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;active&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 1, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;inactive&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;inactive&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 1, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;withdrawn&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;withdrawn&quot; } ], &quot;types&quot; : [ { &quot;count&quot; : 15, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;funder&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Funder&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 6, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;education&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Education&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 6, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;facility&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Facility&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 6, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;other&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Other&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 5, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;healthcare&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Healthcare&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 5, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;nonprofit&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Nonprofit&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 2, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;company&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Company&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 1, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;archive&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Archive&quot; } ] }, &quot;number_of_results&quot; : 31, &quot;time_taken&quot; : 3 } </code></pre></div></div> <h2 class="heading heading-2 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="example-5"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-example" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Example</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Example" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#example-5"></a></h2> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">cURL</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light" data-lang="curl" name="" tabindex="0">curl &#x27;;filter=country.country_name:Jordan&#x27; | json_pp </code></pre></div></div> <p>The response returns a list of research organizations in the country of Jordan whose names include the keyword &quot;Technology.&quot; </p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">JSON</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-json theme-light" data-lang="json" name="" tabindex="0">{ &quot;items&quot; : [ { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [ &quot;PSUT&quot; ], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Amman&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Amman&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;JO.AM&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Amman&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 250441, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 31.95522, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : 35.94503, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;JO&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;Jordan&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 1991, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.29251.3d&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.29251.3d&quot; }, &quot;ISNI&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;0000 0004 0404 9637&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null }, &quot;Wikidata&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;Q3551722&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [ { &quot;iso639&quot; : &quot;ar&quot;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;جامعة الأميرة سمية للتكنولوجيا&quot; } ], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Princess Sumaya University for Technology&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Education&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;; }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [ &quot;JUST&quot; ], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Irbid&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Irbid&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;JO.IR&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Irbid&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 248946, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 32.55556, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : 35.85, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;JO&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;Jordan&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 1986, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;FundRef&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;501100004035&quot;, &quot;501100019004&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null }, &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.37553.37&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.37553.37&quot; }, &quot;ISNI&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;0000 0001 0097 5797&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null }, &quot;Wikidata&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;Q2919325&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [ { &quot;iso639&quot; : &quot;ar&quot;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا الأردنية&quot; } ], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Jordan University of Science and Technology&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [ { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Jordan Research and Training Reactor&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;King Abdullah University Hospital&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Related&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Specialty Hospital, Jordan&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Related&quot; } ], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Education&quot;, &quot;Funder&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;; }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [ &quot;HCST&quot; ], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Al Jubayhah&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Al Jubayhah&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;JO.AM&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Amman&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 250637, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 32.01071, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : 35.89802, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;JO&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;Jordan&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 1987, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;FundRef&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;501100010300&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;501100010300&quot; }, &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.438384.0&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.438384.0&quot; } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Higher Council for Science and Technology&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [ { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;National Center for Research and Development&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot; } ], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Other&quot;, &quot;Funder&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null } ], &quot;meta&quot; : { &quot;countries&quot; : [ { &quot;count&quot; : 3, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;jo&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Jordan&quot; } ], &quot;statuses&quot; : [ { &quot;count&quot; : 3, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;active&quot; } ], &quot;types&quot; : [ { &quot;count&quot; : 2, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;education&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Education&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 2, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;funder&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Funder&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 1, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;other&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Other&quot; } ] }, &quot;number_of_results&quot; : 3, &quot;time_taken&quot; : 3 } </code></pre></div></div> <h2 class="heading heading-2 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="example-6"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-example" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Example</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Example" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#example-6"></a></h2> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">cURL</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light" data-lang="curl" name="" tabindex="0">curl &#x27;;filter=types:Facility,country.country_code:GB&#x27; | json_pp </code></pre></div></div> <p>The response returns a single research facility in Great Britain whose name contains the keyword &quot;Bath&quot;. </p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">JSON</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-json theme-light" data-lang="json" name="" tabindex="0">{ &quot;items&quot; : [ { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 2656173, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 2003, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.432411.1&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.432411.1&quot; } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bath Labs&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Facility&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null } ], &quot;meta&quot; : { &quot;countries&quot; : [ { &quot;count&quot; : 1, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;gb&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot; } ], &quot;statuses&quot; : [ { &quot;count&quot; : 1, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;active&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;active&quot; } ], &quot;types&quot; : [ { &quot;count&quot; : 1, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;facility&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Facility&quot; } ] }, &quot;number_of_results&quot; : 1, &quot;time_taken&quot; : 3 } </code></pre></div></div> <h2 class="heading heading-2 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="example-7"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-example" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Example</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Example" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#example-7"></a></h2> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">cURL</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light" data-lang="curl" name="" tabindex="0">curl &#x27;;filter=status:inactive,country.country_name:Japan&#x27; | json_pp </code></pre></div></div> <p>The response returns a list of inactive research organizations in Japan whose names contain the keyword &quot;Osaka&quot;. </p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">JSON</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-json theme-light" data-lang="json" name="" tabindex="0">{ &quot;items&quot; : [ { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [ &quot;OCU&quot; ], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Osaka&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Osaka&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;JP.27&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Osaka&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 1853909, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 34.69379, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : 135.50107, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [ &quot;Ōsaka shiritsu daigaku&quot; ], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;JP&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;Japan&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 1880, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;FundRef&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;100015062&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;100015062&quot; }, &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.261445.0&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.261445.0&quot; }, &quot;ISNI&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;0000 0001 1009 6411&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null }, &quot;Wikidata&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;Q1143396&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [ { &quot;iso639&quot; : &quot;ja&quot;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;大阪市立大学&quot; } ], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Osaka City University&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [ { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Osaka City University Hospital&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Related&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Osaka Metropolitan University&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Successor&quot; } ], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;inactive&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Education&quot;, &quot;Funder&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;; }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [ &quot;OPU&quot; ], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Sakai&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Sakai&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;JP.27&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Osaka&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 1853195, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 34.58216, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : 135.46653, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [ &quot;Ōsaka furitsu daigaku&quot; ], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;JP&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;Japan&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 1883, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.261455.1&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.261455.1&quot; }, &quot;ISNI&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;0000 0001 0676 0594&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null }, &quot;Wikidata&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;Q290456&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [ { &quot;iso639&quot; : &quot;ja&quot;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;大阪府立大学&quot; } ], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Osaka Prefecture University&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [ { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Osaka Prefectural Medical Center&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Related&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Osaka Metropolitan University&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Successor&quot; } ], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;inactive&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Education&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;; }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Osaka&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Osaka&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;JP.27&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Osaka&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 1853909, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 34.69379, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : 135.50107, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [ &quot;Osakameijojoshitankidaigaku&quot; ], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;JP&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;Japan&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 1985, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.471885.7&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.471885.7&quot; }, &quot;ISNI&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;0000 0000 9356 4825&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [ { &quot;iso639&quot; : &quot;ja&quot;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;大阪明浄女子短期大学&quot; } ], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Osaka Meijo Women&#x27;s College&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;inactive&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Education&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Osaka&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Osaka&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;JP.27&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Osaka&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 1853909, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 34.69379, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : 135.50107, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [ &quot;Ōsaka joshi tanki daigaku&quot; ], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;JP&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;Japan&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 1955, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.471938.0&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.471938.0&quot; }, &quot;ISNI&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;0000 0004 0643 0001&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null }, &quot;Wikidata&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;Q7105627&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [ { &quot;iso639&quot; : &quot;ja&quot;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;大阪女子短期大学&quot; } ], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Osaka Women&#x27;s Junior College&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;inactive&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Education&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;; }, { &quot;acronyms&quot; : [], &quot;addresses&quot; : [ { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Izumi&quot;, &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null, &quot;geonames_city&quot; : { &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Izumi&quot;, &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : &quot;JP.27&quot;, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Osaka&quot; }, &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : { &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null, &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;id&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;id&quot; : 1861107, &quot;license&quot; : { &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;, &quot;license&quot; : &quot;; }, &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null }, &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : { &quot;code&quot; : null, &quot;name&quot; : null } }, &quot;lat&quot; : 34.48333, &quot;line&quot; : null, &quot;lng&quot; : 135.43333, &quot;postcode&quot; : null, &quot;primary&quot; : false, &quot;state&quot; : null, &quot;state_code&quot; : null } ], &quot;aliases&quot; : [ &quot;Osaka Prefectural Industrial Technology Research Institute&quot; ], &quot;country&quot; : { &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;JP&quot;, &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;Japan&quot; }, &quot;email_address&quot; : null, &quot;established&quot; : 1929, &quot;external_ids&quot; : { &quot;GRID&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.471622.4&quot;, &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.471622.4&quot; }, &quot;ISNI&quot; : { &quot;all&quot; : [ &quot;0000 0001 0198 5794&quot; ], &quot;preferred&quot; : null } }, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [], &quot;labels&quot; : [ { &quot;iso639&quot; : &quot;ja&quot;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;大阪府立産業技術総合研究所&quot; } ], &quot;links&quot; : [ &quot;; ], &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Technology Research Institute of Osaka Prefecture&quot;, &quot;relationships&quot; : [ { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;, &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Osaka Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology&quot;, &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Successor&quot; } ], &quot;status&quot; : &quot;inactive&quot;, &quot;types&quot; : [ &quot;Facility&quot; ], &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null } ], &quot;meta&quot; : { &quot;countries&quot; : [ { &quot;count&quot; : 5, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;jp&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Japan&quot; } ], &quot;statuses&quot; : [ { &quot;count&quot; : 5, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;inactive&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;inactive&quot; } ], &quot;types&quot; : [ { &quot;count&quot; : 4, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;education&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Education&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 1, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;facility&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Facility&quot; }, { &quot;count&quot; : 1, &quot;id&quot; : &quot;funder&quot;, &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Funder&quot; } ] }, &quot;number_of_results&quot; : 5, &quot;time_taken&quot; : 3 } </code></pre></div></div> <h1 class="heading heading-1 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="technical-details"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-technical-details" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Technical details</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Technical details" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#technical-details"></a></h1> <p>The query parameter searches abbreviated Elasticsearch documents (called <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">names_ids</code>) that combine all the values from each ROR record&#x27;s <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">name</code>, <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">aliases</code>, <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">labels</code>, <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">acronyms</code>, <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">id</code>, and <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">external_ids</code> fields. For <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">labels</code> and <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">external_ids</code>, only the values (not the language code or type) are included. Field names are removed, and each value is simply categorized as a &quot;name&quot; or an &quot;id&quot;. </p> <h2 class="heading heading-2 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="example-8"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-example" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Example</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Example" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#example-8"></a></h2> <p>Here is a truncated example of a <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">names_ids</code> document searched by the query parameter. </p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">JSON</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-json theme-light" data-lang="json" name="" tabindex="0">&quot;names_ids&quot; : [ { &quot;name&quot; : &quot;University of Wisconsin–Madison&quot; }, { &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Université du Wisconsin à Madison&quot; }, { &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison&quot; }, { &quot;name&quot; : &quot;UW–Madison&quot; }, { &quot;name&quot; : &quot;UW&quot; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;; }, { &quot;id&quot; : &quot;01y2jtd41&quot; }, ... </code></pre></div></div>" style="margin-left:31px" class="rm-Markdown markdown-body rm-Markdown markdown-body ng-non-bindable" data-testid="RDMD"><blockquote class="callout callout_default" theme="1️⃣"><h2 class="callout-heading"><span class="callout-icon">1️⃣</span><p>ROR REST API v1</p></h2><p>This page documents v1 of the ROR REST API. For v2 documentation of the ROR REST API, see <a target="_self" href="/v2/docs/api-query"></a>. You can also read more about ROR <a target="_self" href="/docs/api-versions">API versions</a> and a summary of what's new in <a target="_self" href="/docs/schema-v2">Schema 2.0</a> and <a target="_self" href="/docs/schema-2-1">Schema 2.1</a>.</p></blockquote> <h1 class="heading heading-1 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="about-the-query-parameter"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-about-the-query-parameter" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>About the query parameter</div><a aria-label="Skip link to About the query parameter" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#about-the-query-parameter"></a></h1> <p>The query parameter is a "quick search" of a limited number of fields in ROR records:<button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">name</code>, <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">aliases</code>, <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">labels</code>, <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">acronyms</code>, and <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">external_ids</code>. The query parameter works best for the following purposes:</p> <ul> <li>Keyword-based searching for organization names </li> <li>Form field auto-suggests / typeaheads</li> <li>Searching for exact matches of an organization name </li> <li>Searching for external identifiers </li> </ul> <p>We recommend using the query parameter to build <a target="_self" href="/docs/forms">ROR-powered typeaheads in forms</a> that suggest organization names to users. The ROR <a target="_self" href="/docs/web-search">Web search interface</a> at <a target="_self" href=""></a> also uses the query parameter. </p> <blockquote class="callout callout_info" theme="📘"><h2 class="callout-heading"><span class="callout-icon">📘</span><p>Query parameter format</p></h2><p><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">[value]</code></p></blockquote> <h1 class="heading heading-1 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="formatting-searches"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-formatting-searches" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Formatting searches</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Formatting searches" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#formatting-searches"></a></h1> <p>All request strings must be <a target="_self" href="">URL-encoded</a>. </p> <h2 class="heading heading-2 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="special-characters"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-special-characters" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Special characters</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Special characters" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#special-characters"></a></h2> <p>Some organization names contain characters like &, (), : and /, which have special meaning in URI syntax, Elasticsearch syntax or both. To avoid error responses or bad results:</p> <ul> <li>Be sure to <a target="_self" href="">URL-encode</a> all query parameter values. </li> <li>Escape any <a target="_self" href="">Elasticsearch reserved characters</a> in the organization name with a URL-encoded backslash \ character. Reserved characters include <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">+ - = && || > < ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \ /</code></li> </ul> <h2 class="heading heading-2 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="spaces-and-quotation-marks"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-spaces-and-quotation-marks" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Spaces and quotation marks</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Spaces and quotation marks" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#spaces-and-quotation-marks"></a></h2> <p><a target="_self" href="">Elasticsearch query string syntax</a> will treat words separated by a space as separate parts of a query. It is therefore advisable to surround multi-word search terms of the ROR API with URL-encoded quotation marks. </p> <h1 class="heading heading-1 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="keyword-searching"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-keyword-searching" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Keyword searching</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Keyword searching" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#keyword-searching"></a></h1> <p>The query parameter can be used to search for relatively unique keywords in organization names. </p> <h2 class="heading heading-2 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="example"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-example" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Example</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Example" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#example"></a></h2> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">cURL</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light" data-lang="curl" name="" tabindex="0">curl '' | json_pp </code></pre></div></div> <p>As with <a target="_self" href="/docs/api-list">retrieving a list of ROR records</a>, the response is a JSON object containing full records for the first 20 search results, but this search produces only 17 results, so only 17 items are returned.</p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">JSON</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-json theme-light" data-lang="json" name="" tabindex="0">{ "items" : [ { "acronyms" : [], "addresses" : [ { "city" : "Bath", "country_geonames_id" : null, "geonames_city" : { "city" : "Bath", "geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "GB.ENG", "id" : null, "name" : "England" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 2656173, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : 51.3751, "line" : null, "lng" : -2.36172, "postcode" : null, "primary" : false, "state" : null, "state_code" : null } ], "aliases" : [], "country" : { "country_code" : "GB", "country_name" : "United Kingdom" }, "email_address" : null, "established" : 2003, "external_ids" : { "GRID" : { "all" : "grid.432411.1", "preferred" : "grid.432411.1" } }, "id" : "", "ip_addresses" : [], 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"GRID" : { "all" : "grid.468747.e", "preferred" : "grid.468747.e" }, "ISNI" : { "all" : [ "0000 0004 6437 268X" ], "preferred" : null }, "Wikidata" : { "all" : [ "Q5123579" ], "preferred" : null } }, "id" : "", "ip_addresses" : [], "labels" : [], "links" : [ "" ], "name" : "Bath College", "relationships" : [], "status" : "active", "types" : [ "Education" ], "wikipedia_url" : "" }, { "acronyms" : [], "addresses" : [ { "city" : "Bath", "country_geonames_id" : null, "geonames_city" : { "city" : "Bath", "geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "GB.ENG", "id" : null, "name" : "England" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 2656173, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : 51.3751, "line" : null, "lng" : -2.36172, 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Hospital", "type" : "Child" } ], "status" : "active", "types" : [ "Healthcare" ], "wikipedia_url" : "" }, { "acronyms" : [ "BaNES CCG" ], "addresses" : [ { "city" : "Bath", "country_geonames_id" : null, "geonames_city" : { "city" : "Bath", "geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "GB.ENG", "id" : null, "name" : "England" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 2656173, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : 51.3751, "line" : null, "lng" : -2.36172, "postcode" : null, "primary" : false, "state" : null, "state_code" : null } ], "aliases" : [], "country" : { "country_code" : "GB", "country_name" : "United Kingdom" }, "email_address" : null, "established" : null, "external_ids" : { "GRID" : { "all" : "grid.476920.e", "preferred" : "grid.476920.e" } }, "id" : "", "ip_addresses" : [], "labels" : [], "links" : [ "" ], "name" : "Bath and North East Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group", "relationships" : [], "status" : "active", "types" : [ "Healthcare" ], "wikipedia_url" : null } ], "meta" : { "countries" : [ { "count" : 13, "id" : "gb", "title" : "United Kingdom" }, { "count" : 3, "id" : "us", "title" : "United States" }, { "count" : 1, "id" : "ca", "title" : "Canada" } ], "statuses" : [ { "count" : 17, "id" : "active", "title" : "active" } ], "types" : [ { "count" : 4, "id" : "education", "title" : "Education" }, { "count" : 4, "id" : "healthcare", "title" : "Healthcare" }, { "count" : 3, "id" : "nonprofit", "title" : "Nonprofit" }, { "count" : 2, "id" : "company", "title" : "Company" }, { "count" : 2, "id" : "funder", "title" : "Funder" }, { "count" : 1, "id" : "archive", "title" : "Archive" }, { "count" : 1, "id" : "facility", "title" : "Facility" }, { "count" : 1, "id" : "government", "title" : "Government" }, { "count" : 1, "id" : "other", "title" : "Other" } ] }, "number_of_results" : 17, "time_taken" : 4 } </code></pre></div></div> <blockquote class="callout callout_warn" theme="🚧"><h2 class="callout-heading"><span class="callout-icon">🚧</span><p>Remember that the query parameter does not search all fields</p></h2><p>The query parameter searches only the four name-related fields (<button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">name</code>, <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">acronyms</code>, <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">aliases</code>, and <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">labels</code>) and the <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">external_ids</code> field. Results from keyword searches using the query parameter <strong>do not include</strong> values from location fields such as <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">country</code> and <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">addresses</code>, for instance. To find location information or other additional data, use <a target="_self" href="/docs/api-filtering">Filtering</a> or the <a target="_self" href="/docs/api-advanced-query">Advanced query parameter</a>.</p></blockquote> <h1 class="heading heading-1 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="exact-string-searching"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-exact-string-searching" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Exact string searching</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Exact string searching" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#exact-string-searching"></a></h1> <p>Keyword searches can produce hundreds or thousands of results, especially when the string contains common terms in research organization names such as "University," "Health," or "Ministry." Surrounding a string with quotation marks will reduce the number of results in the response, limiting the results to records with exact matches to that string. Quotation marks must be <a target="_self" href="">URL-encoded</a>. </p> <h2 class="heading heading-2 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="example-1"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-example" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Example</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Example" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#example-1"></a></h2> <p>Compare the following searches to see the difference quotation marks make for multiple-term search strings with spaces. The first example shows a search for Bath College. </p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">cURL</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light" data-lang="curl" name="" tabindex="0">curl '' | json_pp </code></pre></div></div> <p>This search looks for <strong>both</strong> the term "Bath" <strong>and</strong> the term "College" and returns 4885 results because the term "College" appears in many organization names. A search on the single term "Bath" produces only 17 results, because it is a much less common term in organization names. The organization record for Bath College is the first of the 4885 results, but many factors can affect the order of results, so we strongly recommend against automatically selecting the first item in any list of search results. </p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">JSON</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-json theme-light" data-lang="json" name="" tabindex="0"> { "items" : [ { "acronyms" : [], "addresses" : [ { "city" : "Bath", "country_geonames_id" : null, "geonames_city" : { "city" : "Bath", "geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "GB.ENG", "id" : null, "name" : "England" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 2656173, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : 51.3751, "line" : null, "lng" : -2.36172, "postcode" : null, "primary" : false, "state" : null, "state_code" : null } ], "aliases" : [], "country" : { "country_code" : "GB", "country_name" : "United Kingdom" }, "email_address" : null, "established" : 1892, "external_ids" : { "GRID" : { "all" : "grid.468747.e", "preferred" : "grid.468747.e" }, "ISNI" : { "all" : [ "0000 0004 6437 268X" ], "preferred" : null }, "Wikidata" : { "all" : [ "Q5123579" ], "preferred" : null } }, "id" : "", "ip_addresses" : [], "labels" : [], "links" : [ "" ], "name" : "Bath College", "relationships" : [], "status" : "active", "types" : [ "Education" ], "wikipedia_url" : "" }, { "acronyms" : [], "addresses" : [ { "city" : "Bath", "country_geonames_id" : null, "geonames_city" : { "city" : "Bath", "geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "GB.ENG", "id" : null, "name" : "England" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 2656173, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : 51.3751, "line" : null, "lng" : -2.36172, "postcode" : null, "primary" : false, "state" : null, "state_code" : null } ], "aliases" : [ "Bath College of Higher Education", "Bath Spa University College" ], "country" : { "country_code" : "GB", "country_name" : "United Kingdom" }, "email_address" : null, "established" : 2005, "external_ids" : { "FundRef" : { "all" : [ "100010331" ], "preferred" : null }, "GRID" : { "all" : "grid.252874.e", "preferred" : "grid.252874.e" }, "ISNI" : { "all" : [ "0000 0001 2034 9451" ], "preferred" : null }, "Wikidata" : { "all" : [ "Q3091754" ], "preferred" : null } }, "id" : "", "ip_addresses" : [], "labels" : [], "links" : [ "" ], "name" : "Bath Spa University", "relationships" : [], "status" : "active", "types" : [ "Education", "Funder" ], "wikipedia_url" : "" }, { "acronyms" : [], "addresses" : [ { "city" : "Bath", "country_geonames_id" : null, "geonames_city" : { "city" : "Bath", "geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "GB.ENG", "id" : null, "name" : "England" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 2656173, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : 51.3751, "line" : null, "lng" : -2.36172, "postcode" : null, "primary" : false, "state" : null, "state_code" : null } ], "aliases" : [], "country" : { "country_code" : "GB", 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"geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "GB.ENG", "id" : null, "name" : "England" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 2656173, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : 51.3751, "line" : null, "lng" : -2.36172, "postcode" : null, "primary" : false, "state" : null, "state_code" : null } ], "aliases" : [], "country" : { "country_code" : "GB", "country_name" : "United Kingdom" }, "email_address" : null, "established" : 1975, "external_ids" : { "GRID" : { "all" : "grid.418231.d", "preferred" : "grid.418231.d" }, "ISNI" : { "all" : [ "0000 0004 0641 831X" ], "preferred" : null }, "Wikidata" : { "all" : [ "Q30281630" ], "preferred" : null } }, "id" : "", "ip_addresses" : [], "labels" : [], "links" : [ "" ], "name" : 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"ascii_name" : null, "code" : "JP.27", "id" : null, "name" : "Osaka" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 1862752, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : 34.66667, "line" : null, "lng" : 135.58333, "postcode" : null, "primary" : false, "state" : null, "state_code" : null } ], "aliases" : [ "Higashiosaka Junior College" ], "country" : { "country_code" : "JP", "country_name" : "Japan" }, "email_address" : null, "established" : 1965, "external_ids" : { "GRID" : { "all" : "grid.443664.7", "preferred" : "grid.443664.7" }, "ISNI" : { "all" : [ "0000 0004 0642 2167" ], "preferred" : null }, "Wikidata" : { "all" : [ "Q11526509" ], "preferred" : null } }, "id" : "", "ip_addresses" : [], "labels" : [ { "iso639" : "ja", "label" : 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"cn", "title" : "China" }, { "count" : 165, "id" : "ca", "title" : "Canada" }, { "count" : 117, "id" : "ph", "title" : "Philippines" }, { "count" : 78, "id" : "gh", "title" : "Ghana" }, { "count" : 64, "id" : "kr", "title" : "South Korea" }, { "count" : 53, "id" : "au", "title" : "Australia" } ], "statuses" : [ { "count" : 4885, "id" : "active", "title" : "active" } ], "types" : [ { "count" : 4564, "id" : "education", "title" : "Education" }, { "count" : 475, "id" : "funder", "title" : "Funder" }, { "count" : 182, "id" : "healthcare", "title" : "Healthcare" }, { "count" : 65, "id" : "nonprofit", "title" : "Nonprofit" }, { "count" : 46, "id" : "other", "title" : "Other" }, { "count" : 17, "id" : "facility", "title" : "Facility" }, { "count" : 4, "id" : "company", "title" : "Company" }, { "count" : 4, "id" : "government", "title" : "Government" }, { "count" : 3, "id" : "archive", "title" : "Archive" } ] }, "number_of_results" : 4885, "time_taken" : 10 } </code></pre></div></div> <blockquote class="callout callout_warn" theme="🚧"><h2 class="callout-heading"><span class="callout-icon">🚧</span><p>Don't automatically choose the first result in a list</p></h2><p>The first item is often but not always the best match or desired result for a given search of the ROR API. We advise against building tools that automatically select the first result in a list of records.</p></blockquote> <p>Searching for the exact term "Bath College" retrieves only records that contain that precise phrase in one of the four name-related fields searched by the query parameter: <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">name</code>, <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">acronyms</code>, <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">aliases</code>, and <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">labels</code>. </p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">cURL</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light" data-lang="curl" name="" tabindex="0">curl '' | json_pp </code></pre></div></div> <p>The response returns 2 records: the record for Bath College and the record for Bath Spa University, which is also known as Bath College of Higher Education.</p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">JSON</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-json theme-light" data-lang="json" name="" tabindex="0">{ "items" : [ { "acronyms" : [], "addresses" : [ { "city" : "Bath", "country_geonames_id" : null, "geonames_city" : { "city" : "Bath", "geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "GB.ENG", "id" : null, "name" : "England" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 2656173, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : 51.3751, "line" : null, "lng" : -2.36172, "postcode" : null, "primary" : false, "state" : null, "state_code" : null } ], "aliases" : [], "country" : { "country_code" : "GB", "country_name" : "United Kingdom" }, "email_address" : null, "established" : 1892, "external_ids" : { "GRID" : { "all" : "grid.468747.e", "preferred" : "grid.468747.e" }, "ISNI" : { "all" : [ "0000 0004 6437 268X" ], "preferred" : null }, "Wikidata" : { "all" : [ "Q5123579" ], "preferred" : null } }, "id" : "", "ip_addresses" : [], "labels" : [], "links" : [ "" ], "name" : "Bath College", "relationships" : [], "status" : "active", "types" : [ "Education" ], "wikipedia_url" : "" }, { "acronyms" : [], "addresses" : [ { "city" : "Bath", "country_geonames_id" : null, "geonames_city" : { "city" : "Bath", "geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "GB.ENG", "id" : null, "name" : "England" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 2656173, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : 51.3751, "line" : null, "lng" : -2.36172, "postcode" : null, "primary" : false, "state" : null, "state_code" : null } ], "aliases" : [ "Bath College of Higher Education", "Bath Spa University College" ], "country" : { "country_code" : "GB", "country_name" : "United Kingdom" }, "email_address" : null, "established" : 2005, "external_ids" : { "FundRef" : { "all" : [ "100010331" ], "preferred" : null }, "GRID" : { "all" : "grid.252874.e", "preferred" : "grid.252874.e" }, "ISNI" : { "all" : [ "0000 0001 2034 9451" ], "preferred" : null }, "Wikidata" : { "all" : [ "Q3091754" ], "preferred" : null } }, "id" : "", "ip_addresses" : [], "labels" : [], "links" : [ "" ], "name" : "Bath Spa University", "relationships" : [], "status" : "active", "types" : [ "Education", "Funder" ], "wikipedia_url" : "" } ], "meta" : { "countries" : [ { "count" : 2, "id" : "gb", "title" : "United Kingdom" } ], "statuses" : [ { "count" : 2, "id" : "active", "title" : "active" } ], "types" : [ { "count" : 2, "id" : "education", "title" : "Education" }, { "count" : 1, "id" : "funder", "title" : "Funder" } ] }, "number_of_results" : 2, "time_taken" : 5 } </code></pre></div></div> <h2 class="heading heading-2 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="example-2"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-example" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Example</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Example" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#example-2"></a></h2> <p>Remember to URL-encode and if necessary escape special characters in multi-term search strings, as when searching for "Franklin & Marshall College". The single & character is not reserved in Elasticsearch and therefore is not escaped. </p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">cURL</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light" data-lang="curl" name="" tabindex="0">curl '' | json_pp </code></pre></div></div> <p>When the & is URL-encoded, the response returns the single record for Franklin & Marshall College. When the & is not URL-encoded, the response is an error. </p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">JSON</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-json theme-light" data-lang="json" name="" tabindex="0">{ "items" : [ { "acronyms" : [ "F&M" ], "addresses" : [ { "city" : "Lancaster", "country_geonames_id" : null, "geonames_city" : { "city" : "Lancaster", "geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "US.PA", "id" : null, "name" : "Pennsylvania" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 5197079, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : 40.03788, "line" : null, "lng" : -76.30551, "postcode" : null, "primary" : false, "state" : null, "state_code" : null } ], "aliases" : [], "country" : { "country_code" : "US", "country_name" : "United States" }, "email_address" : null, "established" : 1787, "external_ids" : { "FundRef" : { "all" : [ "100012632" ], "preferred" : "100012632" }, "GRID" : { "all" : "grid.256069.e", "preferred" : "grid.256069.e" }, "ISNI" : { "all" : [ "0000 0001 2162 8305" ], "preferred" : "0000 0001 2162 8305" }, "Wikidata" : { "all" : [ "Q664881" ], "preferred" : null } }, "id" : "", "ip_addresses" : [], "labels" : [], "links" : [ "" ], "name" : "Franklin & Marshall College", "relationships" : [], "status" : "active", "types" : [ "Education", "Funder" ], "wikipedia_url" : "" } ], "meta" : { "countries" : [ { "count" : 1, "id" : "us", "title" : "United States" } ], "statuses" : [ { "count" : 1, "id" : "active", "title" : "active" } ], "types" : [ { "count" : 1, "id" : "education", "title" : "Education" }, { "count" : 1, "id" : "funder", "title" : "Funder" } ] }, "number_of_results" : 1, "time_taken" : 4 } </code></pre></div></div> <h1 class="heading heading-1 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="searching-for-identifiers"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-searching-for-identifiers" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Searching for identifiers</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Searching for identifiers" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#searching-for-identifiers"></a></h1> <p>The query parameter searches the <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">external_ids</code> field and so can be used to search for ROR records that match an external unique identifier. Use URL-encoded quotation marks before and after the identifier search string for best results. This search will work for all identifier schemes supported in the <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">external_ids</code> field, including FundRef (aka the Crossref Funder Registry), GRID, ISNI, and Wikidata. </p> <h2 class="heading heading-2 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="example-3"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-example" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Example</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Example" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#example-3"></a></h2> <p>Search for a ROR record corresponding to the GRID ID for the U.S. Department of Energy. </p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">cURL</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light" data-lang="curl" name="" tabindex="0">curl '' | json_pp </code></pre></div></div> <p>The response returns a single record for the U.S. Department of Energy that contains the searched-for identifier in <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">external_ids</code>. </p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">JSON</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-json theme-light" data-lang="json" name="" tabindex="0">{ "items" : [ { "acronyms" : [ "DOE" ], "addresses" : [ { "city" : "Washington", "country_geonames_id" : null, "geonames_city" : { "city" : "Washington", "geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "US.DC", "id" : null, "name" : "District of Columbia" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 4140963, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : 38.89511, "line" : null, "lng" : -77.03637, "postcode" : null, "primary" : false, "state" : null, "state_code" : null } ], "aliases" : [ "U.S. Department of Energy" ], "country" : { "country_code" : "US", "country_name" : "United States" }, "email_address" : null, "established" : 1977, "external_ids" : { "FundRef" : { "all" : [ "100000015" ], "preferred" : "100000015" }, "GRID" : { "all" : "grid.85084.31", "preferred" : "grid.85084.31" }, "ISNI" : { "all" : [ "0000 0001 2342 3717" ], "preferred" : null }, "Wikidata" : { "all" : [ "Q217810", "Q6422983" ], "preferred" : "Q217810" } }, "id" : "", "ip_addresses" : [], "labels" : [ { "iso639" : "es", "label" : "Departamento de Energía de los Estados Unidos" }, { "iso639" : "fr", "label" : "Département de l'Énergie des États-unis" } ], "links" : [ "" ], "name" : "United States Department of Energy", "relationships" : [ { "id" : "", "label" : "Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Consortium for the Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "International Partnership for the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell in the Economy", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Joint BioEnergy Institute", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "National Nuclear Security Administration", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Nevada National Security Site", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of Economic Impact and Diversity", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of Environmental Management", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of Environmental Protection, Sustainability Support and Corporate Safety Analysis", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of Fossil Energy", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of Inspector General", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of International Affairs", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of Legacy Management", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of Management", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of Nuclear Energy", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of Science", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of Space and Defense Power Systems", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of Under Secretary of Energy for Science", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of the General Counsel", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Savannah River Operations Office", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "U.S. Energy Information Administration", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Vera C. Rubin Observatory", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Kansas City National Security Campus", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Environmental System Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of the Chief Information Officer", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of Under Secretary for Science and Innovation", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of Technology Transitions", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of Secretary of Energy", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of Public Affairs", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of Policy", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of Enterprise Assessments", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of State and Community Energy Programs", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of Federal Energy Management Programs", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Grid Deployment Office", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of Electricity", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Artificial Intelligence & Technology Office", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Government of the United States of America", "type" : "Parent" } ], "status" : "active", "types" : [ "Government", "Funder" ], "wikipedia_url" : "" } ], "meta" : { "countries" : [ { "count" : 1, "id" : "us", "title" : "United States" } ], "statuses" : [ { "count" : 1, "id" : "active", "title" : "active" } ], "types" : [ { "count" : 1, "id" : "funder", "title" : "Funder" }, { "count" : 1, "id" : "government", "title" : "Government" } ] }, "number_of_results" : 1, "time_taken" : 8 } </code></pre></div></div> <h1 class="heading heading-1 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="paging-and-filtering"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-paging-and-filtering" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Paging and filtering</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Paging and filtering" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#paging-and-filtering"></a></h1> <p>Search results from the query parameter can be <a target="_self" href="/docs/api-paging">paged</a> and <a target="_self" href="/docs/api-filtering">filtered</a>. The <a target="_self" href="/docs/api-list#retrieve-a-list-of-records-with-all-statuses">all_status</a> parameter can also be appended to query parameter searches in order to retrieve <em>inactive</em> and <em>withdrawn</em> records as well as <em>active</em> records. </p> <h2 class="heading heading-2 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="example-4"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-example" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Example</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Example" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#example-4"></a></h2> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">cURL</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light" data-lang="curl" name="" tabindex="0">curl '' | json_pp </code></pre></div></div> <p>The response returns the second page of results of a keyword search for "Harvard" that includes records of all status types. </p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">JSON</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-json theme-light" data-lang="json" name="" tabindex="0">{ "items" : [ { "acronyms" : [ "HCA" ], "addresses" : [ { "city" : "Sydney", "country_geonames_id" : null, "geonames_city" : { "city" : "Sydney", "geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "AU.NSW", "id" : null, "name" : "New South Wales" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 2147714, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : -33.86785, "line" : null, "lng" : 151.20732, "postcode" : null, "primary" : false, "state" : null, "state_code" : null } ], "aliases" : [], "country" : { "country_code" : "AU", "country_name" : "Australia" }, "email_address" : null, "established" : null, "external_ids" : { "FundRef" : { "all" : [ "501100001206" ], "preferred" : null }, "GRID" : { "all" : "grid.467421.2", "preferred" : "grid.467421.2" }, "ISNI" : { "all" : [ "0000 0004 5900 2457" ], "preferred" : "0000 0004 5900 2457" } }, "id" : "", "ip_addresses" : [], "labels" : [], "links" : [ "" ], "name" : "Harvard Club of Australia", "relationships" : [], "status" : "active", "types" : [ "Other", "Funder" ], "wikipedia_url" : null }, { "acronyms" : [ "HAEMR" ], "addresses" : [ { "city" : "Boston", "country_geonames_id" : null, "geonames_city" : { "city" : "Boston", "geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "US.MA", "id" : null, "name" : "Massachusetts" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 4930956, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : 42.35843, "line" : null, "lng" : -71.05977, "postcode" : null, "primary" : false, "state" : null, "state_code" : null } ], "aliases" : [], "country" : { "country_code" : "US", "country_name" : "United States" }, "email_address" : null, "established" : null, "external_ids" : { "GRID" : { "all" : "grid.418411.9", "preferred" : "grid.418411.9" } }, "id" : "", "ip_addresses" : [], "labels" : [], "links" : [ "" ], "name" : "Harvard Affiliated Emergency Medicine Residency", "relationships" : [ { "id" : "", "label" : "Brigham and Women's Hospital", "type" : "Parent" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Massachusetts General Hospital", "type" : "Parent" } ], "status" : "active", "types" : [ "Other" ], "wikipedia_url" : null }, { "acronyms" : [ "DF/HCC" ], "addresses" : [ { "city" : "Boston", "country_geonames_id" : null, "geonames_city" : { "city" : "Boston", "geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "US.MA", "id" : null, "name" : "Massachusetts" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 4930956, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : 42.35843, "line" : null, "lng" : -71.05977, "postcode" : null, "primary" : false, "state" : null, "state_code" : null } ], "aliases" : [], "country" : { "country_code" : "US", "country_name" : "United States" }, "email_address" : null, "established" : 1973, "external_ids" : { "FundRef" : { "all" : [ "100008126" ], "preferred" : "100008126" }, "GRID" : { "all" : "grid.477947.e", "preferred" : "grid.477947.e" }, "ISNI" : { "all" : [ "0000 0004 5902 1762" ], "preferred" : null }, "Wikidata" : { "all" : [ "Q30270475" ], "preferred" : "Q30270475" } }, "id" : "", "ip_addresses" : [], "labels" : [], "links" : [ "" ], "name" : "Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center", "relationships" : [ { "id" : "", "label" : "Harvard University", "type" : "Parent" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Dana-Farber Cancer Institute", "type" : "Parent" } ], "status" : "active", "types" : [ "Healthcare", "Funder" ], "wikipedia_url" : null }, { "acronyms" : [], "addresses" : [ { "city" : "Boston", "country_geonames_id" : null, "geonames_city" : { "city" : "Boston", "geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "US.MA", "id" : null, "name" : "Massachusetts" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 4930956, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : 42.35843, "line" : null, "lng" : -71.05977, "postcode" : null, "primary" : false, "state" : null, "state_code" : null } ], "aliases" : [ "Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University" ], "country" : { "country_code" : "US", "country_name" : "United States" }, "email_address" : null, "established" : 1872, "external_ids" : { "FundRef" : { "all" : [ "100009403" ], "preferred" : "100009403" }, "ISNI" : { "all" : [ "0000 0001 2293 3096" ], "preferred" : "0000 0001 2293 3096" }, "Wikidata" : { "all" : [ "Q568666" ], "preferred" : "Q568666" } }, "id" : "", "ip_addresses" : [], "labels" : [], "links" : [ "" ], "name" : "Arnold Arboretum", "relationships" : [ { "id" : "", "label" : "Harvard University", "type" : "Parent" } ], "status" : "active", "types" : [ "Archive", "Funder" ], "wikipedia_url" : "" }, { "acronyms" : [ "CfA" ], "addresses" : [ { "city" : "Cambridge", "country_geonames_id" : null, "geonames_city" : { "city" : "Cambridge", "geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "US.MA", "id" : null, "name" : "Massachusetts" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 4931972, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : 42.3751, "line" : null, "lng" : -71.10561, "postcode" : null, "primary" : false, "state" : null, "state_code" : null } ], "aliases" : [ "Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics" ], "country" : { "country_code" : "US", "country_name" : "United States" }, "email_address" : null, "established" : 1973, "external_ids" : { "GRID" : { "all" : "grid.455754.2", "preferred" : "grid.455754.2" }, "Wikidata" : { "all" : [ "Q1133697" ], "preferred" : null } }, "id" : "", "ip_addresses" : [], "labels" : [], "links" : [ "" ], "name" : "Center for Astrophysics Harvard & Smithsonian", "relationships" : [ { "id" : "", "label" : "Harvard College Observatory", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Harvard University", "type" : "Parent" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Smithsonian Institution", "type" : "Parent" } ], "status" : "active", "types" : [ "Education" ], "wikipedia_url" : "" }, { "acronyms" : [ "BHP" ], "addresses" : [ { "city" : "Gaborone", "country_geonames_id" : null, "geonames_city" : { "city" : "Gaborone", "geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "BW.GA", "id" : null, "name" : "Gaborone" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 933773, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : -24.65451, "line" : null, "lng" : 25.90859, "postcode" : null, "primary" : false, "state" : null, "state_code" : null } ], "aliases" : [], "country" : { "country_code" : "BW", "country_name" : "Botswana" }, "email_address" : null, "established" : 1996, "external_ids" : { "GRID" : { "all" : "grid.462829.3", "preferred" : "grid.462829.3" } }, "id" : "", "ip_addresses" : [], "labels" : [], "links" : [ "" ], "name" : "Botswana Harvard AIDS Institute Partnership", "relationships" : [ { "id" : "", "label" : "Harvard University", "type" : "Related" } ], "status" : "active", "types" : [ "Other" ], "wikipedia_url" : null }, { "acronyms" : [], "addresses" : [ { "city" : "Cambridge", "country_geonames_id" : null, "geonames_city" : { "city" : "Cambridge", "geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "US.MA", "id" : null, "name" : "Massachusetts" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 4931972, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : 42.3751, "line" : null, "lng" : -71.10561, "postcode" : null, "primary" : false, "state" : null, "state_code" : null } ], "aliases" : [ "Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard", "Eli and Edythe L. 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"acronyms" : [ "HST" ], "addresses" : [ { "city" : "Cambridge", "country_geonames_id" : null, "geonames_city" : { "city" : "Cambridge", "geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "US.MA", "id" : null, "name" : "Massachusetts" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 4931972, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : 42.3751, "line" : null, "lng" : -71.10561, "postcode" : null, "primary" : false, "state" : null, "state_code" : null } ], "aliases" : [], "country" : { "country_code" : "US", "country_name" : "United States" }, "email_address" : null, "established" : 1970, "external_ids" : { "GRID" : { "all" : "grid.413735.7", "preferred" : "grid.413735.7" }, "ISNI" : { "all" : [ "0000 0004 0475 2760" ], "preferred" : null }, "Wikidata" : { "all" : [ "Q5676651" ], "preferred" : null } }, "id" : "", "ip_addresses" : [], "labels" : [], "links" : [ "" ], "name" : "Harvard–MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology", "relationships" : [ { "id" : "", "label" : "Harvard University", "type" : "Related" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Massachusetts Institute of Technology", "type" : "Related" } ], "status" : "active", "types" : [ "Education" ], "wikipedia_url" : "" }, { "acronyms" : [ "MHAAM" ], "addresses" : [ { "city" : "Jena", "country_geonames_id" : null, "geonames_city" : { "city" : "Jena", "geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "DE.TH", "id" : null, "name" : "Thuringia" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 2895044, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : 50.92878, "line" : null, "lng" : 11.5899, "postcode" : null, "primary" : false, "state" : null, "state_code" : null } ], "aliases" : [], "country" : { "country_code" : "DE", "country_name" : "Germany" }, "email_address" : null, "established" : 2017, "external_ids" : { "GRID" : { "all" : "grid.511416.6", "preferred" : "grid.511416.6" }, "Wikidata" : { "all" : [ "Q41498028" ], "preferred" : null } }, "id" : "", "ip_addresses" : [], "labels" : [], "links" : [ "" ], "name" : "Max Planck - Harvard Research Center for the Archaeoscience of the Ancient Mediterranean", "relationships" : [], "status" : "active", "types" : [ "Facility" ], "wikipedia_url" : "" } ], "meta" : { "countries" : [ { "count" : 27, "id" : "us", "title" : "United States" }, { "count" : 2, "id" : "de", "title" : "Germany" }, { "count" : 1, "id" : "au", "title" : "Australia" }, { "count" : 1, "id" : "bw", "title" : "Botswana" } ], "statuses" : [ { "count" : 29, "id" : "active", "title" : "active" }, { "count" : 1, "id" : "inactive", "title" : "inactive" }, { "count" : 1, "id" : "withdrawn", "title" : "withdrawn" } ], "types" : [ { "count" : 15, "id" : "funder", "title" : "Funder" }, { "count" : 6, "id" : "education", "title" : "Education" }, { "count" : 6, "id" : "facility", "title" : "Facility" }, { "count" : 6, "id" : "other", "title" : "Other" }, { "count" : 5, "id" : "healthcare", "title" : "Healthcare" }, { "count" : 5, "id" : "nonprofit", "title" : "Nonprofit" }, { "count" : 2, "id" : "company", "title" : "Company" }, { "count" : 1, "id" : "archive", "title" : "Archive" } ] }, "number_of_results" : 31, "time_taken" : 3 } </code></pre></div></div> <h2 class="heading heading-2 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="example-5"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-example" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Example</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Example" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#example-5"></a></h2> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">cURL</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light" data-lang="curl" name="" tabindex="0">curl '' | json_pp </code></pre></div></div> <p>The response returns a list of research organizations in the country of Jordan whose names include the keyword "Technology." </p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">JSON</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-json theme-light" data-lang="json" name="" tabindex="0">{ "items" : [ { "acronyms" : [ "PSUT" ], "addresses" : [ { "city" : "Amman", "country_geonames_id" : null, "geonames_city" : { "city" : "Amman", "geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "JO.AM", "id" : null, "name" : "Amman" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 250441, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : 31.95522, "line" : null, "lng" : 35.94503, "postcode" : null, "primary" : false, "state" : null, "state_code" : null } ], "aliases" : [], "country" : { "country_code" : "JO", "country_name" : "Jordan" }, "email_address" : null, "established" : 1991, "external_ids" : { "GRID" : { "all" : "grid.29251.3d", "preferred" : "grid.29251.3d" }, "ISNI" : { "all" : [ "0000 0004 0404 9637" ], "preferred" : null }, "Wikidata" : { "all" : [ "Q3551722" ], "preferred" : null } }, "id" : "", "ip_addresses" : [], "labels" : [ { "iso639" : "ar", "label" : "جامعة الأميرة سمية للتكنولوجيا" } ], "links" : [ "" ], "name" : "Princess Sumaya University for Technology", "relationships" : [], "status" : "active", "types" : [ "Education" ], "wikipedia_url" : "" }, { "acronyms" : [ "JUST" ], "addresses" : [ { "city" : "Irbid", "country_geonames_id" : null, "geonames_city" : { "city" : "Irbid", "geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "JO.IR", "id" : null, "name" : "Irbid" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 248946, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : 32.55556, "line" : null, "lng" : 35.85, "postcode" : null, "primary" : false, "state" : null, "state_code" : null } ], "aliases" : [], "country" : { "country_code" : "JO", "country_name" : "Jordan" }, "email_address" : null, "established" : 1986, "external_ids" : { "FundRef" : { "all" : [ "501100004035", "501100019004" ], "preferred" : null }, "GRID" : { "all" : "grid.37553.37", "preferred" : "grid.37553.37" }, "ISNI" : { "all" : [ "0000 0001 0097 5797" ], "preferred" : null }, "Wikidata" : { "all" : [ "Q2919325" ], "preferred" : null } }, "id" : "", "ip_addresses" : [], "labels" : [ { "iso639" : "ar", "label" : "جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا الأردنية" } ], "links" : [ "" ], "name" : "Jordan University of Science and Technology", "relationships" : [ { "id" : "", "label" : "Jordan Research and Training Reactor", "type" : "Child" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "King Abdullah University Hospital", "type" : "Related" }, { "id" : "", "label" : "Specialty Hospital, Jordan", "type" : "Related" } ], "status" : "active", "types" : [ "Education", "Funder" ], "wikipedia_url" : "" }, { "acronyms" : [ "HCST" ], "addresses" : [ { "city" : "Al Jubayhah", "country_geonames_id" : null, "geonames_city" : { "city" : "Al Jubayhah", "geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "JO.AM", "id" : null, "name" : "Amman" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 250637, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : 32.01071, "line" : null, "lng" : 35.89802, "postcode" : null, "primary" : false, "state" : null, "state_code" : null } ], "aliases" : [], "country" : { "country_code" : "JO", "country_name" : "Jordan" }, "email_address" : null, "established" : 1987, "external_ids" : { "FundRef" : { "all" : [ "501100010300" ], "preferred" : "501100010300" }, "GRID" : { "all" : "grid.438384.0", "preferred" : "grid.438384.0" } }, "id" : "", "ip_addresses" : [], "labels" : [], "links" : [ "" ], "name" : "Higher Council for Science and Technology", "relationships" : [ { "id" : "", "label" : "National Center for Research and Development", "type" : "Child" } ], "status" : "active", "types" : [ "Other", "Funder" ], "wikipedia_url" : null } ], "meta" : { "countries" : [ { "count" : 3, "id" : "jo", "title" : "Jordan" } ], "statuses" : [ { "count" : 3, "id" : "active", "title" : "active" } ], "types" : [ { "count" : 2, "id" : "education", "title" : "Education" }, { "count" : 2, "id" : "funder", "title" : "Funder" }, { "count" : 1, "id" : "other", "title" : "Other" } ] }, "number_of_results" : 3, "time_taken" : 3 } </code></pre></div></div> <h2 class="heading heading-2 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="example-6"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-example" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Example</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Example" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#example-6"></a></h2> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">cURL</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light" data-lang="curl" name="" tabindex="0">curl ',country.country_code:GB' | json_pp </code></pre></div></div> <p>The response returns a single research facility in Great Britain whose name contains the keyword "Bath". </p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">JSON</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-json theme-light" data-lang="json" name="" tabindex="0">{ "items" : [ { "acronyms" : [], "addresses" : [ { "city" : "Bath", "country_geonames_id" : null, "geonames_city" : { "city" : "Bath", "geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "GB.ENG", "id" : null, "name" : "England" }, "geonames_admin2" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : null, "id" : null, "name" : null }, "id" : 2656173, "license" : { "attribution" : "Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license", "license" : "" }, "nuts_level1" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level2" : { "code" : null, "name" : null }, "nuts_level3" : { "code" : null, "name" : null } }, "lat" : 51.3751, "line" : null, "lng" : -2.36172, "postcode" : null, "primary" : false, "state" : null, "state_code" : null } ], "aliases" : [], "country" : { "country_code" : "GB", "country_name" : "United Kingdom" }, "email_address" : null, "established" : 2003, "external_ids" : { "GRID" : { "all" : "grid.432411.1", "preferred" : "grid.432411.1" } }, "id" : "", "ip_addresses" : [], "labels" : [], "links" : [ "" ], "name" : "Bath Labs", "relationships" : [], "status" : "active", "types" : [ "Facility" ], "wikipedia_url" : null } ], "meta" : { "countries" : [ { "count" : 1, "id" : "gb", "title" : "United Kingdom" } ], "statuses" : [ { "count" : 1, "id" : "active", "title" : "active" } ], "types" : [ { "count" : 1, "id" : "facility", "title" : "Facility" } ] }, "number_of_results" : 1, "time_taken" : 3 } </code></pre></div></div> <h2 class="heading heading-2 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="example-7"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-example" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Example</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Example" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#example-7"></a></h2> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">cURL</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light" data-lang="curl" name="" tabindex="0">curl ',country.country_name:Japan' | json_pp </code></pre></div></div> <p>The response returns a list of inactive research organizations in Japan whose names contain the keyword "Osaka". </p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">JSON</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-json theme-light" data-lang="json" name="" tabindex="0">{ "items" : [ { "acronyms" : [ "OCU" ], "addresses" : [ { "city" : "Osaka", "country_geonames_id" : null, "geonames_city" : { "city" : "Osaka", "geonames_admin1" : { "ascii_name" : null, "code" : "JP.27", "id" : null, 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lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">name</code>, <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">aliases</code>, <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">labels</code>, <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">acronyms</code>, <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">id</code>, and <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">external_ids</code> fields. For <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">labels</code> and <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">external_ids</code>, only the values (not the language code or type) are included. Field names are removed, and each value is simply categorized as a "name" or an "id". </p> <h2 class="heading heading-2 header-scroll" align=""><div class="heading-anchor anchor waypoint" id="example-8"></div><div class="heading-text"><div id="section-example" class="heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility"></div>Example</div><a aria-label="Skip link to Example" class="heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor" href="#example-8"></a></h2> <p>Here is a truncated example of a <button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang="" name="" tabindex="0">names_ids</code> document searched by the query parameter. </p> <div class="CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light"><div class="CodeTabs-toolbar" role="tablist"><button aria-selected="true" class="CodeTabs_active" role="tab" type="button">JSON</button></div><div class="CodeTabs-inner" role="tabpanel"><pre><button aria-label="Copy Code" class="rdmd-code-copy fa"></button><code class="rdmd-code lang-json theme-light" data-lang="json" name="" tabindex="0">"names_ids" : [ { "name" : "University of Wisconsin–Madison" }, { "name" : "Université du Wisconsin à Madison" }, { "name" : "Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison" }, { "name" : "UW–Madison" }, { "name" : "UW" }, { "id" : "" }, { "id" : "" }, { "id" : "01y2jtd41" }, ... </code></pre></div></div></div><div class="UpdatedAt"><p class="DateLine "><i class="icon icon-watch"></i>Updated<!-- --> <!-- -->3 months ago<!-- --> </p></div><hr class="NextStepsDivider"/><nav aria-label="Pagination Controls" class="PaginationControlsjDYuqu8pBMUy rm-Pagination"></nav></section><section class="content-toc grid-25"><nav><ul class="toc-list"><li><a class="tocHeader" href="#"><i class="icon icon-text-align-left"></i>Table of Contents</a></li><li class="toc-children"><ul> <li> <a href="#about-the-query-parameter">About the query parameter</a> </li> <li> <a href="#formatting-searches">Formatting searches</a> <ul> <li><a href="#special-characters">Special characters</a></li> <li><a href="#spaces-and-quotation-marks">Spaces and quotation marks</a></li> </ul> </li> <li> <a href="#keyword-searching">Keyword searching</a> <ul> <li><a href="#example">Example</a></li> </ul> </li> <li> <a href="#exact-string-searching">Exact string searching</a> <ul> <li><a href="#example-1">Example</a></li> <li><a href="#example-2">Example</a></li> </ul> </li> <li> <a href="#searching-for-identifiers">Searching for identifiers</a> <ul> <li><a href="#example-3">Example</a></li> </ul> </li> <li> <a href="#paging-and-filtering">Paging and filtering</a> <ul> <li><a href="#example-4">Example</a></li> <li><a href="#example-5">Example</a></li> <li><a href="#example-6">Example</a></li> <li><a href="#example-7">Example</a></li> </ul> </li> <li> <a href="#technical-details">Technical details</a> <ul> <li><a href="#example-8">Example</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul></li></ul></nav></section></div><div class="ModalWrapper" 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For v2 documentation of the ROR REST API, see <>. You can also read more about ROR [API versions](doc:api-versions) and a summary of what's new in [Schema 2.0](doc:schema-v2) and [Schema 2.1](doc:schema-2-1).\n\n# About the query parameter\n\nThe query parameter is a \"quick search\" of a limited number of fields in ROR records:`name`, `aliases`, `labels`, `acronyms`, and `external_ids`. The query parameter works best for the following purposes:\n\n- Keyword-based searching for organization names \n- Form field auto-suggests / typeaheads\n- Searching for exact matches of an organization name \n- Searching for external identifiers \n\nWe recommend using the query parameter to build [ROR-powered typeaheads in forms](doc:forms) that suggest organization names to users. The ROR [Web search interface](doc:web-search) at <> also uses the query parameter. \n\n> 📘 Query parameter format\n> \n> `[value]`\n\n# Formatting searches\n\nAll request strings must be [URL-encoded]( \n\n## Special characters\n\nSome organization names contain characters like &, (), : and /, which have special meaning in URI syntax, Elasticsearch syntax or both. To avoid error responses or bad results:\n\n- Be sure to [URL-encode]( all query parameter values. \n- Escape any [Elasticsearch reserved characters]( in the organization name with a URL-encoded backslash \\\\ character. Reserved characters include `+ - = && || > < ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ \" ~ * ? : \\ /`\n\n## Spaces and quotation marks\n\n[Elasticsearch query string syntax]( will treat words separated by a space as separate parts of a query. It is therefore advisable to surround multi-word search terms of the ROR API with URL-encoded quotation marks. \n\n# Keyword searching\n\nThe query parameter can be used to search for relatively unique keywords in organization names. \n\n## Example\n\n```curl\ncurl '' | json_pp\n```\n\nAs with [retrieving a list of ROR records](doc:api-list), the response is a JSON object containing full records for the first 20 search results, but this search produces only 17 results, so only 17 items are returned.\n\n```json\n{\n \"items\" : [\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Bath\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Bath\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"GB.ENG\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"England\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 2656173,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a 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\"count\" : 2,\n \"id\" : \"company\",\n \"title\" : \"Company\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 2,\n \"id\" : \"funder\",\n \"title\" : \"Funder\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 1,\n \"id\" : \"archive\",\n \"title\" : \"Archive\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 1,\n \"id\" : \"facility\",\n \"title\" : \"Facility\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 1,\n \"id\" : \"government\",\n \"title\" : \"Government\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 1,\n \"id\" : \"other\",\n \"title\" : \"Other\"\n }\n ]\n },\n \"number_of_results\" : 17,\n \"time_taken\" : 4\n}\n```\n\n> 🚧 Remember that the query parameter does not search all fields\n> \n> The query parameter searches only the four name-related fields (`name`, `acronyms`, `aliases`, and `labels`) and the `external_ids` field. Results from keyword searches using the query parameter **do not include** values from location fields such as `country` and `addresses`, for instance. To find location information or other additional data, use [Filtering](doc:api-filtering) or the [Advanced query parameter](doc:api-advanced-query).\n\n# Exact string searching\n\nKeyword searches can produce hundreds or thousands of results, especially when the string contains common terms in research organization names such as \"University,\" \"Health,\" or \"Ministry.\" Surrounding a string with quotation marks will reduce the number of results in the response, limiting the results to records with exact matches to that string. Quotation marks must be [URL-encoded]( \n\n## Example\n\nCompare the following searches to see the difference quotation marks make for multiple-term search strings with spaces. The first example shows a search for Bath College. \n\n```curl\ncurl '' | json_pp\n```\n\nThis search looks for **both** the term \"Bath\" **and** the term \"College\" and returns 4885 results because the term \"College\" appears in many organization names. A search on the single term \"Bath\" produces only 17 results, because it is a much less common term in organization names. The organization record for Bath College is the first of the 4885 results, but many factors can affect the order of results, so we strongly recommend against automatically selecting the first item in any list of search results. \n\n```json\n\n{\n \"items\" : [\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Bath\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Bath\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"GB.ENG\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"England\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 2656173,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level2\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level3\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n }\n },\n \"lat\" : 51.3751,\n \"line\" 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\"countries\" : [\n {\n \"count\" : 2100,\n \"id\" : \"us\",\n \"title\" : \"United States\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 417,\n \"id\" : \"in\",\n \"title\" : \"India\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 361,\n \"id\" : \"jp\",\n \"title\" : \"Japan\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 337,\n \"id\" : \"gb\",\n \"title\" : \"United Kingdom\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 307,\n \"id\" : \"cn\",\n \"title\" : \"China\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 165,\n \"id\" : \"ca\",\n \"title\" : \"Canada\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 117,\n \"id\" : \"ph\",\n \"title\" : \"Philippines\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 78,\n \"id\" : \"gh\",\n \"title\" : \"Ghana\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 64,\n \"id\" : \"kr\",\n \"title\" : \"South Korea\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 53,\n \"id\" : \"au\",\n \"title\" : \"Australia\"\n }\n ],\n \"statuses\" : [\n {\n \"count\" : 4885,\n \"id\" : \"active\",\n \"title\" : \"active\"\n }\n ],\n \"types\" : [\n {\n \"count\" : 4564,\n \"id\" : \"education\",\n \"title\" : \"Education\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 475,\n \"id\" : \"funder\",\n \"title\" : \"Funder\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 182,\n \"id\" : \"healthcare\",\n \"title\" : \"Healthcare\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 65,\n \"id\" : \"nonprofit\",\n \"title\" : \"Nonprofit\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 46,\n \"id\" : \"other\",\n \"title\" : \"Other\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 17,\n \"id\" : \"facility\",\n \"title\" : \"Facility\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 4,\n \"id\" : \"company\",\n \"title\" : \"Company\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 4,\n \"id\" : \"government\",\n \"title\" : \"Government\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 3,\n \"id\" : \"archive\",\n \"title\" : \"Archive\"\n }\n ]\n },\n \"number_of_results\" : 4885,\n \"time_taken\" : 10\n}\n\n```\n\n> 🚧 Don't automatically choose the first result in a list\n> \n> The first item is often but not always the best match or desired result for a given search of the ROR API. We advise against building tools that automatically select the first result in a list of records.\n\nSearching for the exact term \"Bath College\" retrieves only records that contain that precise phrase in one of the four name-related fields searched by the query parameter: `name`, `acronyms`, `aliases`, and `labels`. \n\n```curl\ncurl '' | json_pp\n```\n\nThe response returns 2 records: the record for Bath College and the record for Bath Spa University, which is also known as Bath College of Higher Education.\n\n```json\n{\n \"items\" : [\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Bath\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Bath\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"GB.ENG\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"England\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 2656173,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level2\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level3\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n }\n },\n \"lat\" : 51.3751,\n \"line\" : null,\n \"lng\" : -2.36172,\n \"postcode\" : null,\n \"primary\" : false,\n \"state\" : null,\n \"state_code\" : null\n }\n ],\n \"aliases\" : [],\n \"country\" : {\n \"country_code\" : \"GB\",\n \"country_name\" : \"United Kingdom\"\n },\n \"email_address\" : null,\n \"established\" : 1892,\n \"external_ids\" : {\n \"GRID\" : {\n \"all\" : \"grid.468747.e\",\n \"preferred\" : \"grid.468747.e\"\n },\n \"ISNI\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"0000 0004 6437 268X\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n },\n \"Wikidata\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"Q5123579\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n }\n },\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"ip_addresses\" : [],\n \"labels\" : [],\n \"links\" : [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"name\" : \"Bath College\",\n \"relationships\" : [],\n \"status\" : \"active\",\n \"types\" : [\n \"Education\"\n ],\n \"wikipedia_url\" : \"\"\n },\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Bath\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Bath\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"GB.ENG\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"England\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 2656173,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level2\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level3\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n }\n },\n \"lat\" : 51.3751,\n \"line\" : null,\n \"lng\" : -2.36172,\n \"postcode\" : null,\n \"primary\" : false,\n \"state\" : null,\n \"state_code\" : null\n }\n ],\n \"aliases\" : [\n \"Bath College of Higher Education\",\n \"Bath Spa University College\"\n ],\n \"country\" : {\n \"country_code\" : \"GB\",\n \"country_name\" : \"United Kingdom\"\n },\n \"email_address\" : null,\n \"established\" : 2005,\n \"external_ids\" : {\n \"FundRef\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"100010331\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n },\n \"GRID\" : {\n \"all\" : \"grid.252874.e\",\n \"preferred\" : \"grid.252874.e\"\n },\n \"ISNI\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"0000 0001 2034 9451\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n },\n \"Wikidata\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"Q3091754\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n }\n },\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"ip_addresses\" : [],\n \"labels\" : [],\n \"links\" : [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"name\" : \"Bath Spa University\",\n \"relationships\" : [],\n \"status\" : \"active\",\n \"types\" : [\n \"Education\",\n \"Funder\"\n ],\n \"wikipedia_url\" : \"\"\n }\n ],\n \"meta\" : {\n \"countries\" : [\n {\n \"count\" : 2,\n \"id\" : \"gb\",\n \"title\" : \"United Kingdom\"\n }\n ],\n \"statuses\" : [\n {\n \"count\" : 2,\n \"id\" : \"active\",\n \"title\" : \"active\"\n }\n ],\n \"types\" : [\n {\n \"count\" : 2,\n \"id\" : \"education\",\n \"title\" : \"Education\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 1,\n \"id\" : \"funder\",\n \"title\" : \"Funder\"\n }\n ]\n },\n \"number_of_results\" : 2,\n \"time_taken\" : 5\n}\n\n```\n\n## Example\n\nRemember to URL-encode and if necessary escape special characters in multi-term search strings, as when searching for \"Franklin & Marshall College\". The single & character is not reserved in Elasticsearch and therefore is not escaped. \n\n```curl\ncurl '' | json_pp\n```\n\nWhen the & is URL-encoded, the response returns the single record for Franklin & Marshall College. When the & is not URL-encoded, the response is an error. \n\n```json\n{\n \"items\" : [\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [\n \"F&M\"\n ],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Lancaster\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Lancaster\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"US.PA\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"Pennsylvania\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 5197079,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level2\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level3\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n }\n },\n \"lat\" : 40.03788,\n \"line\" : null,\n \"lng\" : -76.30551,\n \"postcode\" : null,\n \"primary\" : false,\n \"state\" : null,\n \"state_code\" : null\n }\n ],\n \"aliases\" : [],\n \"country\" : {\n \"country_code\" : \"US\",\n \"country_name\" : \"United States\"\n },\n \"email_address\" : null,\n \"established\" : 1787,\n \"external_ids\" : {\n \"FundRef\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"100012632\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : \"100012632\"\n },\n \"GRID\" : {\n \"all\" : \"grid.256069.e\",\n \"preferred\" : \"grid.256069.e\"\n },\n \"ISNI\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"0000 0001 2162 8305\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : \"0000 0001 2162 8305\"\n },\n \"Wikidata\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"Q664881\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n }\n },\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"ip_addresses\" : [],\n \"labels\" : [],\n \"links\" : [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"name\" : \"Franklin & Marshall College\",\n \"relationships\" : [],\n \"status\" : \"active\",\n \"types\" : [\n \"Education\",\n \"Funder\"\n ],\n \"wikipedia_url\" : \"\"\n }\n ],\n \"meta\" : {\n \"countries\" : [\n {\n \"count\" : 1,\n \"id\" : \"us\",\n \"title\" : \"United States\"\n }\n ],\n \"statuses\" : [\n {\n \"count\" : 1,\n \"id\" : \"active\",\n \"title\" : \"active\"\n }\n ],\n \"types\" : [\n {\n \"count\" : 1,\n \"id\" : \"education\",\n \"title\" : \"Education\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 1,\n \"id\" : \"funder\",\n \"title\" : \"Funder\"\n }\n ]\n },\n \"number_of_results\" : 1,\n \"time_taken\" : 4\n}\n```\n\n# Searching for identifiers\n\nThe query parameter searches the `external_ids` field and so can be used to search for ROR records that match an external unique identifier. Use URL-encoded quotation marks before and after the identifier search string for best results. This search will work for all identifier schemes supported in the `external_ids` field, including FundRef (aka the Crossref Funder Registry), GRID, ISNI, and Wikidata. \n\n## Example\n\nSearch for a ROR record corresponding to the GRID ID for the U.S. Department of Energy. \n\n```curl\ncurl '' | json_pp\n```\n\nThe response returns a single record for the U.S. Department of Energy that contains the searched-for identifier in `external_ids`. \n\n```json\n{\n \"items\" : [\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [\n \"DOE\"\n ],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Washington\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Washington\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"US.DC\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"District of Columbia\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 4140963,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level2\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level3\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n }\n },\n \"lat\" : 38.89511,\n \"line\" : null,\n \"lng\" : -77.03637,\n \"postcode\" : null,\n \"primary\" : false,\n \"state\" : null,\n \"state_code\" : null\n }\n ],\n \"aliases\" : [\n \"U.S. Department of Energy\"\n ],\n \"country\" : {\n \"country_code\" : \"US\",\n \"country_name\" : \"United States\"\n },\n \"email_address\" : null,\n \"established\" : 1977,\n \"external_ids\" : {\n \"FundRef\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"100000015\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : \"100000015\"\n },\n \"GRID\" : {\n \"all\" : \"grid.85084.31\",\n \"preferred\" : \"grid.85084.31\"\n },\n \"ISNI\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"0000 0001 2342 3717\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n },\n \"Wikidata\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"Q217810\",\n \"Q6422983\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : \"Q217810\"\n }\n },\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"ip_addresses\" : [],\n \"labels\" : [\n {\n \"iso639\" : \"es\",\n \"label\" : \"Departamento de Energía de los Estados Unidos\"\n },\n {\n \"iso639\" : \"fr\",\n \"label\" : \"Département de l'Énergie des États-unis\"\n }\n ],\n \"links\" : [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"name\" : \"United States Department of Energy\",\n \"relationships\" : [\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Consortium for the Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"International Partnership for the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell in the Economy\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Joint BioEnergy Institute\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"National Nuclear Security Administration\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Nevada National Security Site\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Economic Impact and Diversity\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Environmental Management\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Environmental Protection, Sustainability Support and Corporate Safety Analysis\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Fossil Energy\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Inspector General\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of International Affairs\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Legacy Management\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Management\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Nuclear Energy\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Science\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Space and Defense Power Systems\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Under Secretary of Energy for Science\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of the General Counsel\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Savannah River Operations Office\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"U.S. Energy Information Administration\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Vera C. Rubin Observatory\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Kansas City National Security Campus\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Environmental System Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of the Chief Information Officer\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Under Secretary for Science and Innovation\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Technology Transitions\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Secretary of Energy\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Public Affairs\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Policy\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Enterprise Assessments\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of State and Community Energy Programs\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Federal Energy Management Programs\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Grid Deployment Office\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Electricity\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Artificial Intelligence & Technology Office\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Government of the United States of America\",\n \"type\" : \"Parent\"\n }\n ],\n \"status\" : \"active\",\n \"types\" : [\n \"Government\",\n \"Funder\"\n ],\n \"wikipedia_url\" : \"\"\n }\n ],\n \"meta\" : {\n \"countries\" : [\n {\n \"count\" : 1,\n \"id\" : \"us\",\n \"title\" : \"United States\"\n }\n ],\n \"statuses\" : [\n {\n \"count\" : 1,\n \"id\" : \"active\",\n \"title\" : \"active\"\n }\n ],\n \"types\" : [\n {\n \"count\" : 1,\n \"id\" : \"funder\",\n \"title\" : \"Funder\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 1,\n \"id\" : \"government\",\n \"title\" : \"Government\"\n }\n ]\n },\n \"number_of_results\" : 1,\n \"time_taken\" : 8\n}\n```\n\n# Paging and filtering\n\nSearch results from the query parameter can be [paged](doc:api-paging) and [filtered](doc:api-filtering). The [all_status](doc:api-list#retrieve-a-list-of-records-with-all-statuses) parameter can also be appended to query parameter searches in order to retrieve _inactive_ and _withdrawn_ records as well as _active_ records. \n\n## Example\n\n```curl\ncurl '' | json_pp\n```\n\nThe response returns the second page of results of a keyword search for \"Harvard\" that includes records of all status types. \n\n```json\n{\n \"items\" : [\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [\n \"HCA\"\n ],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Sydney\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Sydney\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"AU.NSW\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"New South Wales\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 2147714,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level2\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level3\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n }\n },\n \"lat\" : -33.86785,\n \"line\" : null,\n \"lng\" : 151.20732,\n \"postcode\" : null,\n \"primary\" : false,\n \"state\" : null,\n \"state_code\" : null\n }\n ],\n \"aliases\" : [],\n \"country\" : {\n \"country_code\" : \"AU\",\n \"country_name\" : \"Australia\"\n },\n \"email_address\" : null,\n \"established\" : null,\n \"external_ids\" : {\n \"FundRef\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"501100001206\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n },\n \"GRID\" : {\n \"all\" : \"grid.467421.2\",\n \"preferred\" : \"grid.467421.2\"\n },\n \"ISNI\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"0000 0004 5900 2457\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : \"0000 0004 5900 2457\"\n }\n },\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"ip_addresses\" : [],\n \"labels\" : [],\n \"links\" : [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"name\" : \"Harvard Club of Australia\",\n \"relationships\" : [],\n \"status\" : \"active\",\n \"types\" : [\n 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0004 0643 0001\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n },\n \"Wikidata\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"Q7105627\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n }\n },\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"ip_addresses\" : [],\n \"labels\" : [\n {\n \"iso639\" : \"ja\",\n \"label\" : \"大阪女子短期大学\"\n }\n ],\n \"links\" : [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"name\" : \"Osaka Women's Junior College\",\n \"relationships\" : [],\n \"status\" : \"inactive\",\n \"types\" : [\n \"Education\"\n ],\n \"wikipedia_url\" : \"\"\n },\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Izumi\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Izumi\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"JP.27\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"Osaka\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 1861107,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level2\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level3\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n }\n },\n \"lat\" : 34.48333,\n \"line\" : null,\n \"lng\" : 135.43333,\n \"postcode\" : null,\n \"primary\" : false,\n \"state\" : null,\n \"state_code\" : null\n }\n ],\n \"aliases\" : [\n \"Osaka Prefectural Industrial Technology Research Institute\"\n ],\n \"country\" : {\n \"country_code\" : \"JP\",\n \"country_name\" : \"Japan\"\n },\n \"email_address\" : null,\n \"established\" : 1929,\n \"external_ids\" : {\n \"GRID\" : {\n \"all\" : \"grid.471622.4\",\n \"preferred\" : \"grid.471622.4\"\n },\n \"ISNI\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"0000 0001 0198 5794\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n }\n },\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"ip_addresses\" : [],\n \"labels\" : [\n {\n \"iso639\" : \"ja\",\n \"label\" : \"大阪府立産業技術総合研究所\"\n }\n ],\n \"links\" : [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"name\" : \"Technology Research Institute of Osaka Prefecture\",\n \"relationships\" : [\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Osaka Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology\",\n \"type\" : \"Successor\"\n }\n ],\n \"status\" : \"inactive\",\n \"types\" : [\n \"Facility\"\n ],\n \"wikipedia_url\" : null\n }\n ],\n \"meta\" : {\n \"countries\" : [\n {\n \"count\" : 5,\n \"id\" : \"jp\",\n \"title\" : \"Japan\"\n }\n ],\n \"statuses\" : [\n {\n \"count\" : 5,\n \"id\" : \"inactive\",\n \"title\" : \"inactive\"\n }\n ],\n \"types\" : [\n {\n \"count\" : 4,\n \"id\" : \"education\",\n \"title\" : \"Education\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 1,\n \"id\" : \"facility\",\n \"title\" : \"Facility\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 1,\n \"id\" : \"funder\",\n \"title\" : \"Funder\"\n }\n ]\n },\n \"number_of_results\" : 5,\n \"time_taken\" : 3\n}\n```\n\n# Technical details\n\nThe query parameter searches abbreviated Elasticsearch documents (called `names_ids`) that combine all the values from each ROR record's `name`, `aliases`, `labels`, `acronyms`, `id`, and `external_ids` fields. For `labels` and `external_ids`, only the values (not the language code or type) are included. Field names are removed, and each value is simply categorized as a \"name\" or an \"id\". \n\n## Example\n\nHere is a truncated example of a `names_ids` document searched by the query parameter. \n\n```json\n\"names_ids\" : [\n {\n \"name\" : \"University of Wisconsin–Madison\"\n },\n {\n \"name\" : \"Université du Wisconsin à Madison\"\n },\n {\n \"name\" : \"Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison\"\n },\n {\n \"name\" : \"UW–Madison\"\n },\n {\n \"name\" : \"UW\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"01y2jtd41\"\n },\n...\n```","dehydrated":{"toc":"<nav><ul class=\"toc-list\"><li><a class=\"tocHeader\" href=\"#\"><i class=\"icon icon-text-align-left\"></i>Table of Contents</a></li><li class=\"toc-children\"><ul>\n<li>\n<a href=\"#about-the-query-parameter\">About the query parameter</a>\n</li>\n<li>\n<a href=\"#formatting-searches\">Formatting searches</a>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"#special-characters\">Special characters</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"#spaces-and-quotation-marks\">Spaces and quotation marks</a></li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n<li>\n<a href=\"#keyword-searching\">Keyword searching</a>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"#example\">Example</a></li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n<li>\n<a href=\"#exact-string-searching\">Exact string searching</a>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"#example-1\">Example</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"#example-2\">Example</a></li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n<li>\n<a href=\"#searching-for-identifiers\">Searching for identifiers</a>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"#example-3\">Example</a></li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n<li>\n<a href=\"#paging-and-filtering\">Paging and filtering</a>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"#example-4\">Example</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"#example-5\">Example</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"#example-6\">Example</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"#example-7\">Example</a></li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n<li>\n<a href=\"#technical-details\">Technical details</a>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"#example-8\">Example</a></li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n</ul></li></ul></nav>","body":"<blockquote class=\"callout callout_default\" theme=\"1️⃣\"><h2 class=\"callout-heading\"><span class=\"callout-icon\">1️⃣</span><p>ROR REST API v1</p></h2><p>This page documents v1 of the ROR REST API. For v2 documentation of the ROR REST API, see <a href=\"\" target=\"\" title=\"\"></a>. You can also read more about ROR <a href=\"/docs/api-versions\" target=\"\" title=\"\" class=\"doc-link\" data-sidebar=\"api-versions\">API versions</a> and a summary of what&#x27;s new in <a href=\"/docs/schema-v2\" target=\"\" title=\"\" class=\"doc-link\" data-sidebar=\"schema-v2\">Schema 2.0</a> and <a href=\"/docs/schema-2-1\" target=\"\" title=\"\" class=\"doc-link\" data-sidebar=\"schema-2-1\">Schema 2.1</a>.</p></blockquote>\n<h1 class=\"heading heading-1 header-scroll\" align=\"\"><div class=\"heading-anchor anchor waypoint\" id=\"about-the-query-parameter\"></div><div class=\"heading-text\"><div id=\"section-about-the-query-parameter\" class=\"heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility\"></div>About the query parameter</div><a aria-label=\"Skip link to About the query parameter\" class=\"heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor\" href=\"#about-the-query-parameter\"></a></h1>\n<p>The query parameter is a &quot;quick search&quot; of a limited number of fields in ROR records:<button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">name</code>, <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">aliases</code>, <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">labels</code>, <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">acronyms</code>, and <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">external_ids</code>. The query parameter works best for the following purposes:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Keyword-based searching for organization names </li>\n<li>Form field auto-suggests / typeaheads</li>\n<li>Searching for exact matches of an organization name </li>\n<li>Searching for external identifiers </li>\n</ul>\n<p>We recommend using the query parameter to build <a href=\"/docs/forms\" target=\"\" title=\"\" class=\"doc-link\" data-sidebar=\"forms\">ROR-powered typeaheads in forms</a> that suggest organization names to users. The ROR <a href=\"/docs/web-search\" target=\"\" title=\"\" class=\"doc-link\" data-sidebar=\"web-search\">Web search interface</a> at <a href=\"\" target=\"\" title=\"\"></a> also uses the query parameter. </p>\n<blockquote class=\"callout callout_info\" theme=\"📘\"><h2 class=\"callout-heading\"><span class=\"callout-icon\">📘</span><p>Query parameter format</p></h2><p><button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">[value]</code></p></blockquote>\n<h1 class=\"heading heading-1 header-scroll\" align=\"\"><div class=\"heading-anchor anchor waypoint\" id=\"formatting-searches\"></div><div class=\"heading-text\"><div id=\"section-formatting-searches\" class=\"heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility\"></div>Formatting searches</div><a aria-label=\"Skip link to Formatting searches\" class=\"heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor\" href=\"#formatting-searches\"></a></h1>\n<p>All request strings must be <a href=\"\" target=\"\" title=\"\">URL-encoded</a>. </p>\n<h2 class=\"heading heading-2 header-scroll\" align=\"\"><div class=\"heading-anchor anchor waypoint\" id=\"special-characters\"></div><div class=\"heading-text\"><div id=\"section-special-characters\" class=\"heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility\"></div>Special characters</div><a aria-label=\"Skip link to Special characters\" class=\"heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor\" href=\"#special-characters\"></a></h2>\n<p>Some organization names contain characters like &amp;, (), : and /, which have special meaning in URI syntax, Elasticsearch syntax or both. To avoid error responses or bad results:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Be sure to <a href=\"\" target=\"\" title=\"\">URL-encode</a> all query parameter values. </li>\n<li>Escape any <a href=\"\" target=\"\" title=\"\">Elasticsearch reserved characters</a> in the organization name with a URL-encoded backslash \\ character. Reserved characters include <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">+ - = &amp;&amp; || &gt; &lt; ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ &quot; ~ * ? : \\ /</code></li>\n</ul>\n<h2 class=\"heading heading-2 header-scroll\" align=\"\"><div class=\"heading-anchor anchor waypoint\" id=\"spaces-and-quotation-marks\"></div><div class=\"heading-text\"><div id=\"section-spaces-and-quotation-marks\" class=\"heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility\"></div>Spaces and quotation marks</div><a aria-label=\"Skip link to Spaces and quotation marks\" class=\"heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor\" href=\"#spaces-and-quotation-marks\"></a></h2>\n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"\" title=\"\">Elasticsearch query string syntax</a> will treat words separated by a space as separate parts of a query. It is therefore advisable to surround multi-word search terms of the ROR API with URL-encoded quotation marks. </p>\n<h1 class=\"heading heading-1 header-scroll\" align=\"\"><div class=\"heading-anchor anchor waypoint\" id=\"keyword-searching\"></div><div class=\"heading-text\"><div id=\"section-keyword-searching\" class=\"heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility\"></div>Keyword searching</div><a aria-label=\"Skip link to Keyword searching\" class=\"heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor\" href=\"#keyword-searching\"></a></h1>\n<p>The query parameter can be used to search for relatively unique keywords in organization names. </p>\n<h2 class=\"heading heading-2 header-scroll\" align=\"\"><div class=\"heading-anchor anchor waypoint\" id=\"example\"></div><div class=\"heading-text\"><div id=\"section-example\" class=\"heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility\"></div>Example</div><a aria-label=\"Skip link to Example\" class=\"heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor\" href=\"#example\"></a></h2>\n<div class=\"CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light\"><div class=\"CodeTabs-toolbar\" role=\"tablist\"><button aria-selected=\"true\" class=\"CodeTabs_active\" role=\"tab\" type=\"button\">cURL</button></div><div class=\"CodeTabs-inner\" role=\"tabpanel\"><pre><button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light\" data-lang=\"curl\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">curl &#x27;; | json_pp\n</code></pre></div></div>\n<p>As with <a href=\"/docs/api-list\" target=\"\" title=\"\" class=\"doc-link\" data-sidebar=\"api-list\">retrieving a list of ROR records</a>, the response is a JSON object containing full records for the first 20 search results, but this search produces only 17 results, so only 17 items are returned.</p>\n<div class=\"CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light\"><div class=\"CodeTabs-toolbar\" role=\"tablist\"><button aria-selected=\"true\" class=\"CodeTabs_active\" role=\"tab\" type=\"button\">JSON</button></div><div class=\"CodeTabs-inner\" role=\"tabpanel\"><pre><button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang-json theme-light\" data-lang=\"json\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">{\n &quot;items&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 2656173,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 2003,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.432411.1&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.432411.1&quot;\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bath Labs&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Facility&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 2656173,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1892,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.468747.e&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.468747.e&quot;\n },\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0004 6437 268X&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;Wikidata&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;Q5123579&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bath College&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Education&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 2656173,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [\n &quot;BMI Bath Clinic&quot;\n ],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1983,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0004 0578 2443&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;0000 0004 0578 2443&quot;\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bath Clinic&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Healthcare&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; 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: [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bristol and Bath Science Park&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Education&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [\n &quot;BSDR&quot;\n ],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 2656173,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 2016,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.499705.6&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.499705.6&quot;\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bath Social and Development Research&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Nonprofit&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [\n &quot;BRLSI&quot;\n ],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 2656173,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [\n &quot;Bath Literary and Scientific Institution&quot;\n ],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1824,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.493239.6&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.493239.6&quot;\n },\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0004 5895 4392&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;0000 0004 5895 4392&quot;\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Other&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 2656173,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1996,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.450510.5&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.450510.5&quot;\n },\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0004 0374 2966&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;Wikidata&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;Q16966588&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bath and North East Somerset Council&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Government&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 2656173,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [\n &quot;Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Foundation Trust&quot;\n ],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1864,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.413029.d&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.413029.d&quot;\n },\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0004 0374 2907&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;Wikidata&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;Q18162105&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Paulton Hospital&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Royal United Hospital&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Healthcare&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [\n &quot;BaNES CCG&quot;\n ],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 2656173,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : null,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.476920.e&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.476920.e&quot;\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bath and North East Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Healthcare&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;meta&quot; : {\n &quot;countries&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 13,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;gb&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 3,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;us&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;United States&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 1,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;ca&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Canada&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;statuses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 17,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;active&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 4,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;education&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Education&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 4,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;healthcare&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Healthcare&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 3,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;nonprofit&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Nonprofit&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 2,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;company&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Company&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 2,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;funder&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Funder&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 1,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;archive&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Archive&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 1,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;facility&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Facility&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 1,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;government&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Government&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 1,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;other&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Other&quot;\n }\n ]\n },\n &quot;number_of_results&quot; : 17,\n &quot;time_taken&quot; : 4\n}\n</code></pre></div></div>\n<blockquote class=\"callout callout_warn\" theme=\"🚧\"><h2 class=\"callout-heading\"><span class=\"callout-icon\">🚧</span><p>Remember that the query parameter does not search all fields</p></h2><p>The query parameter searches only the four name-related fields (<button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">name</code>, <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">acronyms</code>, <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">aliases</code>, and <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">labels</code>) and the <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">external_ids</code> field. Results from keyword searches using the query parameter <strong>do not include</strong> values from location fields such as <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">country</code> and <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">addresses</code>, for instance. To find location information or other additional data, use <a href=\"/docs/api-filtering\" target=\"\" title=\"\" class=\"doc-link\" data-sidebar=\"api-filtering\">Filtering</a> or the <a href=\"/docs/api-advanced-query\" target=\"\" title=\"\" class=\"doc-link\" data-sidebar=\"api-advanced-query\">Advanced query parameter</a>.</p></blockquote>\n<h1 class=\"heading heading-1 header-scroll\" align=\"\"><div class=\"heading-anchor anchor waypoint\" id=\"exact-string-searching\"></div><div class=\"heading-text\"><div id=\"section-exact-string-searching\" class=\"heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility\"></div>Exact string searching</div><a aria-label=\"Skip link to Exact string searching\" class=\"heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor\" href=\"#exact-string-searching\"></a></h1>\n<p>Keyword searches can produce hundreds or thousands of results, especially when the string contains common terms in research organization names such as &quot;University,&quot; &quot;Health,&quot; or &quot;Ministry.&quot; Surrounding a string with quotation marks will reduce the number of results in the response, limiting the results to records with exact matches to that string. Quotation marks must be <a href=\"\" target=\"\" title=\"\">URL-encoded</a>. </p>\n<h2 class=\"heading heading-2 header-scroll\" align=\"\"><div class=\"heading-anchor anchor waypoint\" id=\"example-1\"></div><div class=\"heading-text\"><div id=\"section-example\" class=\"heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility\"></div>Example</div><a aria-label=\"Skip link to Example\" class=\"heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor\" href=\"#example-1\"></a></h2>\n<p>Compare the following searches to see the difference quotation marks make for multiple-term search strings with spaces. The first example shows a search for Bath College. </p>\n<div class=\"CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light\"><div class=\"CodeTabs-toolbar\" role=\"tablist\"><button aria-selected=\"true\" class=\"CodeTabs_active\" role=\"tab\" type=\"button\">cURL</button></div><div class=\"CodeTabs-inner\" role=\"tabpanel\"><pre><button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light\" data-lang=\"curl\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">curl &#x27;; | json_pp\n</code></pre></div></div>\n<p>This search looks for <strong>both</strong> the term &quot;Bath&quot; <strong>and</strong> the term &quot;College&quot; and returns 4885 results because the term &quot;College&quot; appears in many organization names. A search on the single term &quot;Bath&quot; produces only 17 results, because it is a much less common term in organization names. The organization record for Bath College is the first of the 4885 results, but many factors can affect the order of results, so we strongly recommend against automatically selecting the first item in any list of search results. </p>\n<div class=\"CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light\"><div class=\"CodeTabs-toolbar\" role=\"tablist\"><button aria-selected=\"true\" class=\"CodeTabs_active\" role=\"tab\" type=\"button\">JSON</button></div><div class=\"CodeTabs-inner\" role=\"tabpanel\"><pre><button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang-json theme-light\" data-lang=\"json\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">\n{\n &quot;items&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 2656173,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1892,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.468747.e&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.468747.e&quot;\n },\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0004 6437 268X&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;Wikidata&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;Q5123579&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bath College&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Education&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 2656173,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [\n &quot;Bath College of Higher Education&quot;,\n &quot;Bath Spa University College&quot;\n ],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 2005,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;FundRef&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;100010331&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.252874.e&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.252874.e&quot;\n },\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0001 2034 9451&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;Wikidata&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;Q3091754&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bath Spa University&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Education&quot;,\n &quot;Funder&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 2656173,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 2003,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.432411.1&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.432411.1&quot;\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bath Labs&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Facility&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 2656173,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [\n &quot;BMI Bath Clinic&quot;\n ],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1983,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0004 0578 2443&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;0000 0004 0578 2443&quot;\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bath Clinic&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Healthcare&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Montreal&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Montreal&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;CA.QC&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Quebec&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 6077243,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 45.50884,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : -73.58781,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;CA&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;Canada&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1969,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.474071.1&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.474071.1&quot;\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;MAAX Bath (Canada)&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Company&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;US.ME&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Maine&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 4957570,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 43.91064,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : -69.8206,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [\n &quot;Bath Marine Museum&quot;\n ],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;US&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United States&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1962,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.447036.2&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.447036.2&quot;\n },\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0001 2226 6326&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Maine Maritime Museum&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Archive&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 2656173,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1966,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;FundRef&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;501100000835&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.7340.0&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.7340.0&quot;\n },\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0001 2162 1699&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;Wikidata&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;Q1422458&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;University of Bath&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Royal United Hospital&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Related&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;GW4 Facility for High-Resolution Electron Cryo-Microscopy&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Related&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;GW4&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Related&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Education&quot;,\n &quot;Funder&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Columbus&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Columbus&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;US.OH&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Ohio&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; 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: [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 2656173,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : null,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.476920.e&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.476920.e&quot;\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bath and North East Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Healthcare&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Higashiosaka&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Higashiosaka&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;JP.27&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Osaka&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 1862752,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 34.66667,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : 135.58333,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [\n &quot;Higashiosaka Junior College&quot;\n ],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;JP&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;Japan&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1965,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.443664.7&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.443664.7&quot;\n },\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0004 0642 2167&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;Wikidata&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;Q11526509&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;iso639&quot; : &quot;ja&quot;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;東大阪大学・東大阪大学短期大学部&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Higashiosaka College &amp; Higashiosaka Junior College&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Education&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [\n &quot;FMP&quot;\n ],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Fuzhou&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Fuzhou&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;CN.FJ&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Fujian&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 1810821,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 26.06139,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : 119.30611,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [\n &quot;Minjiang College IEN International College&quot;,\n &quot;闽江学院爱恩国际学院&quot;\n ],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;CN&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;China&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : null,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0005 1471 2065&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;0000 0005 1471 2065&quot;\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;iso639&quot; : &quot;zh&quot;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;福州墨尔本理工职业学院&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Fuzhou Melbourne Polytechnic&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Minjiang University&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Parent&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Melbourne Polytechnic&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Parent&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Education&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Washington&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Washington&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;US.DC&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;District of Columbia&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 4140963,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 38.89511,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : -77.03637,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;US&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United States&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1996,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.479285.5&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.479285.5&quot;\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;College Summit&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Nonprofit&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;;\n }\n ],\n &quot;meta&quot; : {\n &quot;countries&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 2100,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;us&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;United States&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 417,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;in&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;India&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 361,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;jp&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Japan&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 337,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;gb&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 307,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;cn&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;China&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 165,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;ca&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Canada&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 117,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;ph&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Philippines&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 78,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;gh&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Ghana&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 64,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;kr&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;South Korea&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 53,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;au&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Australia&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;statuses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 4885,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;active&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 4564,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;education&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Education&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 475,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;funder&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Funder&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 182,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;healthcare&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Healthcare&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 65,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;nonprofit&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Nonprofit&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 46,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;other&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Other&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 17,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;facility&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Facility&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 4,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;company&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Company&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 4,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;government&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Government&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 3,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;archive&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Archive&quot;\n }\n ]\n },\n &quot;number_of_results&quot; : 4885,\n &quot;time_taken&quot; : 10\n}\n\n</code></pre></div></div>\n<blockquote class=\"callout callout_warn\" theme=\"🚧\"><h2 class=\"callout-heading\"><span class=\"callout-icon\">🚧</span><p>Don&#x27;t automatically choose the first result in a list</p></h2><p>The first item is often but not always the best match or desired result for a given search of the ROR API. We advise against building tools that automatically select the first result in a list of records.</p></blockquote>\n<p>Searching for the exact term &quot;Bath College&quot; retrieves only records that contain that precise phrase in one of the four name-related fields searched by the query parameter: <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">name</code>, <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">acronyms</code>, <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">aliases</code>, and <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">labels</code>. </p>\n<div class=\"CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light\"><div class=\"CodeTabs-toolbar\" role=\"tablist\"><button aria-selected=\"true\" class=\"CodeTabs_active\" role=\"tab\" type=\"button\">cURL</button></div><div class=\"CodeTabs-inner\" role=\"tabpanel\"><pre><button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light\" data-lang=\"curl\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">curl &#x27;; | json_pp\n</code></pre></div></div>\n<p>The response returns 2 records: the record for Bath College and the record for Bath Spa University, which is also known as Bath College of Higher Education.</p>\n<div class=\"CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light\"><div class=\"CodeTabs-toolbar\" role=\"tablist\"><button aria-selected=\"true\" class=\"CodeTabs_active\" role=\"tab\" type=\"button\">JSON</button></div><div class=\"CodeTabs-inner\" role=\"tabpanel\"><pre><button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang-json theme-light\" data-lang=\"json\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">{\n &quot;items&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 2656173,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1892,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.468747.e&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.468747.e&quot;\n },\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0004 6437 268X&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;Wikidata&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;Q5123579&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bath College&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Education&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 2656173,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [\n &quot;Bath College of Higher Education&quot;,\n &quot;Bath Spa University College&quot;\n ],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 2005,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;FundRef&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;100010331&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.252874.e&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.252874.e&quot;\n },\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0001 2034 9451&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;Wikidata&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;Q3091754&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bath Spa University&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Education&quot;,\n &quot;Funder&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;;\n }\n ],\n &quot;meta&quot; : {\n &quot;countries&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 2,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;gb&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;statuses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 2,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;active&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 2,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;education&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Education&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 1,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;funder&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Funder&quot;\n }\n ]\n },\n &quot;number_of_results&quot; : 2,\n &quot;time_taken&quot; : 5\n}\n\n</code></pre></div></div>\n<h2 class=\"heading heading-2 header-scroll\" align=\"\"><div class=\"heading-anchor anchor waypoint\" id=\"example-2\"></div><div class=\"heading-text\"><div id=\"section-example\" class=\"heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility\"></div>Example</div><a aria-label=\"Skip link to Example\" class=\"heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor\" href=\"#example-2\"></a></h2>\n<p>Remember to URL-encode and if necessary escape special characters in multi-term search strings, as when searching for &quot;Franklin &amp; Marshall College&quot;. The single &amp; character is not reserved in Elasticsearch and therefore is not escaped. </p>\n<div class=\"CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light\"><div class=\"CodeTabs-toolbar\" role=\"tablist\"><button aria-selected=\"true\" class=\"CodeTabs_active\" role=\"tab\" type=\"button\">cURL</button></div><div class=\"CodeTabs-inner\" role=\"tabpanel\"><pre><button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light\" data-lang=\"curl\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">curl &#x27;; | json_pp\n</code></pre></div></div>\n<p>When the &amp; is URL-encoded, the response returns the single record for Franklin &amp; Marshall College. When the &amp; is not URL-encoded, the response is an error. </p>\n<div class=\"CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light\"><div class=\"CodeTabs-toolbar\" role=\"tablist\"><button aria-selected=\"true\" class=\"CodeTabs_active\" role=\"tab\" type=\"button\">JSON</button></div><div class=\"CodeTabs-inner\" role=\"tabpanel\"><pre><button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang-json theme-light\" data-lang=\"json\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">{\n &quot;items&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [\n &quot;F&amp;M&quot;\n ],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Lancaster&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Lancaster&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;US.PA&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Pennsylvania&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 5197079,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 40.03788,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : -76.30551,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;US&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United States&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1787,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;FundRef&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;100012632&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;100012632&quot;\n },\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.256069.e&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.256069.e&quot;\n },\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0001 2162 8305&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;0000 0001 2162 8305&quot;\n },\n &quot;Wikidata&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;Q664881&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Franklin &amp; Marshall College&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Education&quot;,\n &quot;Funder&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;;\n }\n ],\n &quot;meta&quot; : {\n &quot;countries&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 1,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;us&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;United States&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;statuses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 1,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;active&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 1,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;education&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Education&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 1,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;funder&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Funder&quot;\n }\n ]\n },\n &quot;number_of_results&quot; : 1,\n &quot;time_taken&quot; : 4\n}\n</code></pre></div></div>\n<h1 class=\"heading heading-1 header-scroll\" align=\"\"><div class=\"heading-anchor anchor waypoint\" id=\"searching-for-identifiers\"></div><div class=\"heading-text\"><div id=\"section-searching-for-identifiers\" class=\"heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility\"></div>Searching for identifiers</div><a aria-label=\"Skip link to Searching for identifiers\" class=\"heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor\" href=\"#searching-for-identifiers\"></a></h1>\n<p>The query parameter searches the <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">external_ids</code> field and so can be used to search for ROR records that match an external unique identifier. Use URL-encoded quotation marks before and after the identifier search string for best results. This search will work for all identifier schemes supported in the <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">external_ids</code> field, including FundRef (aka the Crossref Funder Registry), GRID, ISNI, and Wikidata. </p>\n<h2 class=\"heading heading-2 header-scroll\" align=\"\"><div class=\"heading-anchor anchor waypoint\" id=\"example-3\"></div><div class=\"heading-text\"><div id=\"section-example\" class=\"heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility\"></div>Example</div><a aria-label=\"Skip link to Example\" class=\"heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor\" href=\"#example-3\"></a></h2>\n<p>Search for a ROR record corresponding to the GRID ID for the U.S. Department of Energy. </p>\n<div class=\"CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light\"><div class=\"CodeTabs-toolbar\" role=\"tablist\"><button aria-selected=\"true\" class=\"CodeTabs_active\" role=\"tab\" type=\"button\">cURL</button></div><div class=\"CodeTabs-inner\" role=\"tabpanel\"><pre><button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light\" data-lang=\"curl\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">curl &#x27;; | json_pp\n</code></pre></div></div>\n<p>The response returns a single record for the U.S. Department of Energy that contains the searched-for identifier in <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">external_ids</code>. </p>\n<div class=\"CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light\"><div class=\"CodeTabs-toolbar\" role=\"tablist\"><button aria-selected=\"true\" class=\"CodeTabs_active\" role=\"tab\" type=\"button\">JSON</button></div><div class=\"CodeTabs-inner\" role=\"tabpanel\"><pre><button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang-json theme-light\" data-lang=\"json\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">{\n &quot;items&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [\n &quot;DOE&quot;\n ],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Washington&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Washington&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;US.DC&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;District of Columbia&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 4140963,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 38.89511,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : -77.03637,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [\n &quot;U.S. Department of Energy&quot;\n ],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;US&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United States&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1977,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;FundRef&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;100000015&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;100000015&quot;\n },\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.85084.31&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.85084.31&quot;\n },\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0001 2342 3717&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;Wikidata&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;Q217810&quot;,\n &quot;Q6422983&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;Q217810&quot;\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;iso639&quot; : &quot;es&quot;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Departamento de Energía de los Estados Unidos&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;iso639&quot; : &quot;fr&quot;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Département de l&#x27;Énergie des États-unis&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;United States Department of Energy&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Consortium for the Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;International Partnership for the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell in the Economy&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Joint BioEnergy Institute&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;National Nuclear Security Administration&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Nevada National Security Site&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Economic Impact and Diversity&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Environmental Management&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Environmental Protection, Sustainability Support and Corporate Safety Analysis&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Fossil Energy&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Inspector General&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of International Affairs&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Legacy Management&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Management&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Nuclear Energy&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Science&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Space and Defense Power Systems&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Under Secretary of Energy for Science&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of the General Counsel&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Savannah River Operations Office&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;U.S. Energy Information Administration&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Vera C. Rubin Observatory&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Kansas City National Security Campus&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Environmental System Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of the Chief Information Officer&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Under Secretary for Science and Innovation&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Technology Transitions&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Secretary of Energy&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Public Affairs&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Policy&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Enterprise Assessments&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of State and Community Energy Programs&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Federal Energy Management Programs&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Grid Deployment Office&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Electricity&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Artificial Intelligence &amp; Technology Office&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Government of the United States of America&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Parent&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Government&quot;,\n &quot;Funder&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;;\n }\n ],\n &quot;meta&quot; : {\n &quot;countries&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 1,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;us&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;United States&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;statuses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 1,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;active&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 1,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;funder&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Funder&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 1,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;government&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Government&quot;\n }\n ]\n },\n &quot;number_of_results&quot; : 1,\n &quot;time_taken&quot; : 8\n}\n</code></pre></div></div>\n<h1 class=\"heading heading-1 header-scroll\" align=\"\"><div class=\"heading-anchor anchor waypoint\" id=\"paging-and-filtering\"></div><div class=\"heading-text\"><div id=\"section-paging-and-filtering\" class=\"heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility\"></div>Paging and filtering</div><a aria-label=\"Skip link to Paging and filtering\" class=\"heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor\" href=\"#paging-and-filtering\"></a></h1>\n<p>Search results from the query parameter can be <a href=\"/docs/api-paging\" target=\"\" title=\"\" class=\"doc-link\" data-sidebar=\"api-paging\">paged</a> and <a href=\"/docs/api-filtering\" target=\"\" title=\"\" class=\"doc-link\" data-sidebar=\"api-filtering\">filtered</a>. The <a href=\"/docs/api-list#retrieve-a-list-of-records-with-all-statuses\" target=\"\" title=\"\" class=\"doc-link\" data-sidebar=\"api-list#retrieve-a-list-of-records-with-all-statuses\">all_status</a> parameter can also be appended to query parameter searches in order to retrieve <em>inactive</em> and <em>withdrawn</em> records as well as <em>active</em> records. </p>\n<h2 class=\"heading heading-2 header-scroll\" align=\"\"><div class=\"heading-anchor anchor waypoint\" id=\"example-4\"></div><div class=\"heading-text\"><div id=\"section-example\" class=\"heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility\"></div>Example</div><a aria-label=\"Skip link to Example\" class=\"heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor\" href=\"#example-4\"></a></h2>\n<div class=\"CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light\"><div class=\"CodeTabs-toolbar\" role=\"tablist\"><button aria-selected=\"true\" class=\"CodeTabs_active\" role=\"tab\" type=\"button\">cURL</button></div><div class=\"CodeTabs-inner\" role=\"tabpanel\"><pre><button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light\" data-lang=\"curl\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">curl &#x27;;page=2&amp;all_status&#x27; | json_pp\n</code></pre></div></div>\n<p>The response returns the second page of results of a keyword search for &quot;Harvard&quot; that includes records of all status types. </p>\n<div class=\"CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light\"><div class=\"CodeTabs-toolbar\" role=\"tablist\"><button aria-selected=\"true\" class=\"CodeTabs_active\" role=\"tab\" type=\"button\">JSON</button></div><div class=\"CodeTabs-inner\" role=\"tabpanel\"><pre><button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang-json theme-light\" data-lang=\"json\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">{\n &quot;items&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [\n &quot;HCA&quot;\n ],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Sydney&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Sydney&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;AU.NSW&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;New South Wales&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 2147714,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : -33.86785,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : 151.20732,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;AU&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;Australia&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : null,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;FundRef&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;501100001206&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.467421.2&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.467421.2&quot;\n },\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0004 5900 2457&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;0000 0004 5900 2457&quot;\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Harvard Club of Australia&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Other&quot;,\n &quot;Funder&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [\n &quot;HAEMR&quot;\n ],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Boston&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Boston&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;US.MA&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Massachusetts&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 4930956,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 42.35843,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : -71.05977,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;US&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United States&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : null,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.418411.9&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.418411.9&quot;\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;display=overview&quot;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Harvard Affiliated Emergency Medicine Residency&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Brigham and Women&#x27;s Hospital&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Parent&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Massachusetts General Hospital&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Parent&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Other&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [\n &quot;DF/HCC&quot;\n ],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Boston&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Boston&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;US.MA&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Massachusetts&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 4930956,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 42.35843,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : -71.05977,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;US&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United States&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1973,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;FundRef&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;100008126&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;100008126&quot;\n },\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.477947.e&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.477947.e&quot;\n },\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0004 5902 1762&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;Wikidata&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;Q30270475&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;Q30270475&quot;\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Harvard University&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Parent&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Dana-Farber Cancer Institute&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Parent&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Healthcare&quot;,\n &quot;Funder&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Boston&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Boston&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;US.MA&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Massachusetts&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 4930956,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 42.35843,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : -71.05977,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [\n &quot;Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University&quot;\n ],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;US&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United States&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1872,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;FundRef&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;100009403&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;100009403&quot;\n },\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0001 2293 3096&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;0000 0001 2293 3096&quot;\n },\n &quot;Wikidata&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;Q568666&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;Q568666&quot;\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Arnold Arboretum&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Harvard University&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Parent&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; 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: &quot;inactive&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 1,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;withdrawn&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;withdrawn&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 15,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;funder&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Funder&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 6,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;education&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Education&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 6,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;facility&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Facility&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 6,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;other&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Other&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 5,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;healthcare&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Healthcare&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 5,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;nonprofit&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Nonprofit&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 2,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;company&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Company&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 1,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;archive&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Archive&quot;\n }\n ]\n },\n &quot;number_of_results&quot; : 31,\n &quot;time_taken&quot; : 3\n}\n</code></pre></div></div>\n<h2 class=\"heading heading-2 header-scroll\" align=\"\"><div class=\"heading-anchor anchor waypoint\" id=\"example-5\"></div><div class=\"heading-text\"><div id=\"section-example\" class=\"heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility\"></div>Example</div><a aria-label=\"Skip link to Example\" class=\"heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor\" href=\"#example-5\"></a></h2>\n<div class=\"CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light\"><div class=\"CodeTabs-toolbar\" role=\"tablist\"><button aria-selected=\"true\" class=\"CodeTabs_active\" role=\"tab\" type=\"button\">cURL</button></div><div class=\"CodeTabs-inner\" role=\"tabpanel\"><pre><button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light\" data-lang=\"curl\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">curl &#x27;;filter=country.country_name:Jordan&#x27; | json_pp\n</code></pre></div></div>\n<p>The response returns a list of research organizations in the country of Jordan whose names include the keyword &quot;Technology.&quot; </p>\n<div class=\"CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light\"><div class=\"CodeTabs-toolbar\" role=\"tablist\"><button aria-selected=\"true\" class=\"CodeTabs_active\" role=\"tab\" type=\"button\">JSON</button></div><div class=\"CodeTabs-inner\" role=\"tabpanel\"><pre><button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang-json theme-light\" data-lang=\"json\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">{\n &quot;items&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [\n &quot;PSUT&quot;\n ],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Amman&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Amman&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;JO.AM&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Amman&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 250441,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 31.95522,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : 35.94503,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;JO&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;Jordan&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1991,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.29251.3d&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.29251.3d&quot;\n },\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0004 0404 9637&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;Wikidata&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;Q3551722&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;iso639&quot; : &quot;ar&quot;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;جامعة الأميرة سمية للتكنولوجيا&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Princess Sumaya University for Technology&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Education&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [\n &quot;JUST&quot;\n ],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Irbid&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Irbid&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;JO.IR&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Irbid&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 248946,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 32.55556,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : 35.85,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;JO&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;Jordan&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1986,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;FundRef&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;501100004035&quot;,\n &quot;501100019004&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.37553.37&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.37553.37&quot;\n },\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0001 0097 5797&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;Wikidata&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;Q2919325&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;iso639&quot; : &quot;ar&quot;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا الأردنية&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Jordan University of Science and Technology&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Jordan Research and Training Reactor&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;King Abdullah University Hospital&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Related&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Specialty Hospital, Jordan&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Related&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Education&quot;,\n &quot;Funder&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [\n &quot;HCST&quot;\n ],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Al Jubayhah&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Al Jubayhah&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;JO.AM&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Amman&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 250637,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 32.01071,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : 35.89802,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;JO&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;Jordan&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1987,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;FundRef&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;501100010300&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;501100010300&quot;\n },\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.438384.0&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.438384.0&quot;\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Higher Council for Science and Technology&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;National Center for Research and Development&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Child&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Other&quot;,\n &quot;Funder&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;meta&quot; : {\n &quot;countries&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 3,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;jo&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Jordan&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;statuses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 3,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;active&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 2,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;education&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Education&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 2,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;funder&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Funder&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 1,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;other&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Other&quot;\n }\n ]\n },\n &quot;number_of_results&quot; : 3,\n &quot;time_taken&quot; : 3\n}\n</code></pre></div></div>\n<h2 class=\"heading heading-2 header-scroll\" align=\"\"><div class=\"heading-anchor anchor waypoint\" id=\"example-6\"></div><div class=\"heading-text\"><div id=\"section-example\" class=\"heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility\"></div>Example</div><a aria-label=\"Skip link to Example\" class=\"heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor\" href=\"#example-6\"></a></h2>\n<div class=\"CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light\"><div class=\"CodeTabs-toolbar\" role=\"tablist\"><button aria-selected=\"true\" class=\"CodeTabs_active\" role=\"tab\" type=\"button\">cURL</button></div><div class=\"CodeTabs-inner\" role=\"tabpanel\"><pre><button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light\" data-lang=\"curl\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">curl &#x27;;filter=types:Facility,country.country_code:GB&#x27; | json_pp\n</code></pre></div></div>\n<p>The response returns a single research facility in Great Britain whose name contains the keyword &quot;Bath&quot;. </p>\n<div class=\"CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light\"><div class=\"CodeTabs-toolbar\" role=\"tablist\"><button aria-selected=\"true\" class=\"CodeTabs_active\" role=\"tab\" type=\"button\">JSON</button></div><div class=\"CodeTabs-inner\" role=\"tabpanel\"><pre><button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang-json theme-light\" data-lang=\"json\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">{\n &quot;items&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Bath&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;GB.ENG&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;England&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 2656173,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 51.3751,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : -2.36172,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;GB&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 2003,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.432411.1&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.432411.1&quot;\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Bath Labs&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Facility&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;meta&quot; : {\n &quot;countries&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 1,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;gb&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;United Kingdom&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;statuses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 1,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;active&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;active&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 1,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;facility&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Facility&quot;\n }\n ]\n },\n &quot;number_of_results&quot; : 1,\n &quot;time_taken&quot; : 3\n}\n</code></pre></div></div>\n<h2 class=\"heading heading-2 header-scroll\" align=\"\"><div class=\"heading-anchor anchor waypoint\" id=\"example-7\"></div><div class=\"heading-text\"><div id=\"section-example\" class=\"heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility\"></div>Example</div><a aria-label=\"Skip link to Example\" class=\"heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor\" href=\"#example-7\"></a></h2>\n<div class=\"CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light\"><div class=\"CodeTabs-toolbar\" role=\"tablist\"><button aria-selected=\"true\" class=\"CodeTabs_active\" role=\"tab\" type=\"button\">cURL</button></div><div class=\"CodeTabs-inner\" role=\"tabpanel\"><pre><button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang-curl theme-light\" data-lang=\"curl\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">curl &#x27;;filter=status:inactive,country.country_name:Japan&#x27; | json_pp\n</code></pre></div></div>\n<p>The response returns a list of inactive research organizations in Japan whose names contain the keyword &quot;Osaka&quot;. </p>\n<div class=\"CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light\"><div class=\"CodeTabs-toolbar\" role=\"tablist\"><button aria-selected=\"true\" class=\"CodeTabs_active\" role=\"tab\" type=\"button\">JSON</button></div><div class=\"CodeTabs-inner\" role=\"tabpanel\"><pre><button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang-json theme-light\" data-lang=\"json\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">{\n &quot;items&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [\n &quot;OCU&quot;\n ],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Osaka&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Osaka&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;JP.27&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Osaka&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 1853909,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 34.69379,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : 135.50107,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [\n &quot;Ōsaka shiritsu daigaku&quot;\n ],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;JP&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;Japan&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1880,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;FundRef&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;100015062&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;100015062&quot;\n },\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.261445.0&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.261445.0&quot;\n },\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0001 1009 6411&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;Wikidata&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;Q1143396&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;iso639&quot; : &quot;ja&quot;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;大阪市立大学&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Osaka City University&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Osaka City University Hospital&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Related&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Osaka Metropolitan University&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Successor&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;inactive&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Education&quot;,\n &quot;Funder&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [\n &quot;OPU&quot;\n ],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Sakai&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Sakai&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;JP.27&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Osaka&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 1853195,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 34.58216,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : 135.46653,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [\n &quot;Ōsaka furitsu daigaku&quot;\n ],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;JP&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;Japan&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1883,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.261455.1&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.261455.1&quot;\n },\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0001 0676 0594&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;Wikidata&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;Q290456&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;iso639&quot; : &quot;ja&quot;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;大阪府立大学&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Osaka Prefecture University&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Osaka Prefectural Medical Center&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Related&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Osaka Metropolitan University&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Successor&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;inactive&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Education&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Osaka&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Osaka&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;JP.27&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Osaka&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 1853909,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 34.69379,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : 135.50107,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [\n &quot;Osakameijojoshitankidaigaku&quot;\n ],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;JP&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;Japan&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1985,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.471885.7&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.471885.7&quot;\n },\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0000 9356 4825&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;iso639&quot; : &quot;ja&quot;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;大阪明浄女子短期大学&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Osaka Meijo Women&#x27;s College&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;inactive&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Education&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Osaka&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Osaka&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;JP.27&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Osaka&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 1853909,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 34.69379,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : 135.50107,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [\n &quot;Ōsaka joshi tanki daigaku&quot;\n ],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;JP&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;Japan&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1955,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.471938.0&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.471938.0&quot;\n },\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0004 0643 0001&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;Wikidata&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;Q7105627&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;iso639&quot; : &quot;ja&quot;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;大阪女子短期大学&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Osaka Women&#x27;s Junior College&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;inactive&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Education&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n {\n &quot;acronyms&quot; : [],\n &quot;addresses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Izumi&quot;,\n &quot;country_geonames_id&quot; : null,\n &quot;geonames_city&quot; : {\n &quot;city&quot; : &quot;Izumi&quot;,\n &quot;geonames_admin1&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : &quot;JP.27&quot;,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Osaka&quot;\n },\n &quot;geonames_admin2&quot; : {\n &quot;ascii_name&quot; : null,\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;id&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : 1861107,\n &quot;license&quot; : {\n &quot;attribution&quot; : &quot;Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license&quot;,\n &quot;license&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n &quot;nuts_level1&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level2&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n },\n &quot;nuts_level3&quot; : {\n &quot;code&quot; : null,\n &quot;name&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;lat&quot; : 34.48333,\n &quot;line&quot; : null,\n &quot;lng&quot; : 135.43333,\n &quot;postcode&quot; : null,\n &quot;primary&quot; : false,\n &quot;state&quot; : null,\n &quot;state_code&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;aliases&quot; : [\n &quot;Osaka Prefectural Industrial Technology Research Institute&quot;\n ],\n &quot;country&quot; : {\n &quot;country_code&quot; : &quot;JP&quot;,\n &quot;country_name&quot; : &quot;Japan&quot;\n },\n &quot;email_address&quot; : null,\n &quot;established&quot; : 1929,\n &quot;external_ids&quot; : {\n &quot;GRID&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : &quot;grid.471622.4&quot;,\n &quot;preferred&quot; : &quot;grid.471622.4&quot;\n },\n &quot;ISNI&quot; : {\n &quot;all&quot; : [\n &quot;0000 0001 0198 5794&quot;\n ],\n &quot;preferred&quot; : null\n }\n },\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;ip_addresses&quot; : [],\n &quot;labels&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;iso639&quot; : &quot;ja&quot;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;大阪府立産業技術総合研究所&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;links&quot; : [\n &quot;;\n ],\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Technology Research Institute of Osaka Prefecture&quot;,\n &quot;relationships&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;,\n &quot;label&quot; : &quot;Osaka Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology&quot;,\n &quot;type&quot; : &quot;Successor&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;status&quot; : &quot;inactive&quot;,\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n &quot;Facility&quot;\n ],\n &quot;wikipedia_url&quot; : null\n }\n ],\n &quot;meta&quot; : {\n &quot;countries&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 5,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;jp&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Japan&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;statuses&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 5,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;inactive&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;inactive&quot;\n }\n ],\n &quot;types&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 4,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;education&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Education&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 1,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;facility&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Facility&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;count&quot; : 1,\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;funder&quot;,\n &quot;title&quot; : &quot;Funder&quot;\n }\n ]\n },\n &quot;number_of_results&quot; : 5,\n &quot;time_taken&quot; : 3\n}\n</code></pre></div></div>\n<h1 class=\"heading heading-1 header-scroll\" align=\"\"><div class=\"heading-anchor anchor waypoint\" id=\"technical-details\"></div><div class=\"heading-text\"><div id=\"section-technical-details\" class=\"heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility\"></div>Technical details</div><a aria-label=\"Skip link to Technical details\" class=\"heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor\" href=\"#technical-details\"></a></h1>\n<p>The query parameter searches abbreviated Elasticsearch documents (called <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">names_ids</code>) that combine all the values from each ROR record&#x27;s <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">name</code>, <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">aliases</code>, <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">labels</code>, <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">acronyms</code>, <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">id</code>, and <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">external_ids</code> fields. For <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">labels</code> and <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">external_ids</code>, only the values (not the language code or type) are included. Field names are removed, and each value is simply categorized as a &quot;name&quot; or an &quot;id&quot;. </p>\n<h2 class=\"heading heading-2 header-scroll\" align=\"\"><div class=\"heading-anchor anchor waypoint\" id=\"example-8\"></div><div class=\"heading-text\"><div id=\"section-example\" class=\"heading-anchor_backwardsCompatibility\"></div>Example</div><a aria-label=\"Skip link to Example\" class=\"heading-anchor-icon fa fa-anchor\" href=\"#example-8\"></a></h2>\n<p>Here is a truncated example of a <button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang- theme-light\" data-lang=\"\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">names_ids</code> document searched by the query parameter. </p>\n<div class=\"CodeTabs CodeTabs_initial theme-light\"><div class=\"CodeTabs-toolbar\" role=\"tablist\"><button aria-selected=\"true\" class=\"CodeTabs_active\" role=\"tab\" type=\"button\">JSON</button></div><div class=\"CodeTabs-inner\" role=\"tabpanel\"><pre><button aria-label=\"Copy Code\" class=\"rdmd-code-copy fa\"></button><code class=\"rdmd-code lang-json theme-light\" data-lang=\"json\" name=\"\" tabindex=\"0\">&quot;names_ids&quot; : [\n {\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;University of Wisconsin–Madison&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Université du Wisconsin à Madison&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;UW–Madison&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;name&quot; : &quot;UW&quot;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;;\n },\n {\n &quot;id&quot; : &quot;01y2jtd41&quot;\n },\n...\n</code></pre></div></div>"},"opts":{"alwaysThrow":false,"compatibilityMode":false,"copyButtons":true,"correctnewlines":false,"markdownOptions":{"fences":true,"commonmark":true,"gfm":true,"ruleSpaces":false,"listItemIndent":"1","spacedTable":true,"paddedTable":true},"normalize":true,"lazyImages":true,"reusableContent":{"tags":{}},"safeMode":false,"settings":{"position":true},"theme":"light","customBlocks":{},"resourceID":"63d1a47566e590002a7fc9d2","resourceType":"page","baseUrl":"/","terms":[{"_id":"6058e47681775f002de04833","term":"parliament","definition":"Owls are generally solitary, but when seen together the group is called a 'parliament'!"}],"variables":{"user":{},"defaults":[]}},"terms":[{"_id":"6058e47681775f002de04833","term":"parliament","definition":"Owls are generally solitary, but when seen together the group is called a 'parliament'!"}],"variables":{"user":{},"defaults":[]},"mdx":false},"doc":{"metadata":{"image":[],"title":"ROR API query parameter","description":"Instructions for using the query parameter of the ROR API.","keywords":"","robots":"index"},"mdx":{"altBody":"","status":"rdmd"},"api":{"method":"get","url":"","auth":"required","results":{"codes":[{"name":"","code":"{}","language":"json","status":200},{"name":"","code":"{}","language":"json","status":400}]},"params":[],"examples":{"codes":[]}},"next":{"description":"","pages":[]},"algolia":{"recordCount":19,"publishPending":false,"translationFailure":false,"updatedAt":"2024-12-14T01:58:36.943Z"},"title":"Query parameter","icon":"","updates":[],"type":"basic","slug":"api-query","excerpt":"","body":"> 1️⃣ ROR REST API v1\n> \n> This page documents v1 of the ROR REST API. For v2 documentation of the ROR REST API, see <>. You can also read more about ROR [API versions](doc:api-versions) and a summary of what's new in [Schema 2.0](doc:schema-v2) and [Schema 2.1](doc:schema-2-1).\n\n# About the query parameter\n\nThe query parameter is a \"quick search\" of a limited number of fields in ROR records:`name`, `aliases`, `labels`, `acronyms`, and `external_ids`. The query parameter works best for the following purposes:\n\n- Keyword-based searching for organization names \n- Form field auto-suggests / typeaheads\n- Searching for exact matches of an organization name \n- Searching for external identifiers \n\nWe recommend using the query parameter to build [ROR-powered typeaheads in forms](doc:forms) that suggest organization names to users. The ROR [Web search interface](doc:web-search) at <> also uses the query parameter. \n\n> 📘 Query parameter format\n> \n> `[value]`\n\n# Formatting searches\n\nAll request strings must be [URL-encoded]( \n\n## Special characters\n\nSome organization names contain characters like &, (), : and /, which have special meaning in URI syntax, Elasticsearch syntax or both. To avoid error responses or bad results:\n\n- Be sure to [URL-encode]( all query parameter values. \n- Escape any [Elasticsearch reserved characters]( in the organization name with a URL-encoded backslash \\\\ character. Reserved characters include `+ - = && || > < ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ \" ~ * ? : \\ /`\n\n## Spaces and quotation marks\n\n[Elasticsearch query string syntax]( will treat words separated by a space as separate parts of a query. It is therefore advisable to surround multi-word search terms of the ROR API with URL-encoded quotation marks. \n\n# Keyword searching\n\nThe query parameter can be used to search for relatively unique keywords in organization names. \n\n## Example\n\n```curl\ncurl '' | json_pp\n```\n\nAs with [retrieving a list of ROR records](doc:api-list), the response is a JSON object containing full records for the first 20 search results, but this search produces only 17 results, so only 17 items are returned.\n\n```json\n{\n \"items\" : [\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Bath\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Bath\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"GB.ENG\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"England\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 2656173,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level2\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level3\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n }\n },\n \"lat\" : 51.3751,\n \"line\" : null,\n \"lng\" : -2.36172,\n \"postcode\" : null,\n \"primary\" : false,\n \"state\" : null,\n \"state_code\" : null\n }\n ],\n \"aliases\" : [],\n \"country\" : {\n \"country_code\" : \"GB\",\n \"country_name\" : \"United Kingdom\"\n },\n \"email_address\" : null,\n \"established\" : 2003,\n \"external_ids\" : {\n \"GRID\" : {\n \"all\" : \"grid.432411.1\",\n \"preferred\" : \"grid.432411.1\"\n }\n },\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"ip_addresses\" : [],\n \"labels\" : [],\n \"links\" : [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"name\" : \"Bath Labs\",\n \"relationships\" : [],\n \"status\" : \"active\",\n \"types\" : [\n \"Facility\"\n ],\n \"wikipedia_url\" : null\n },\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Bath\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Bath\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"GB.ENG\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"England\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 2656173,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level2\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level3\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n }\n },\n \"lat\" : 51.3751,\n \"line\" : null,\n \"lng\" : -2.36172,\n \"postcode\" : null,\n \"primary\" : false,\n \"state\" : null,\n \"state_code\" : null\n }\n ],\n \"aliases\" : [],\n \"country\" : {\n \"country_code\" : \"GB\",\n \"country_name\" : \"United Kingdom\"\n },\n \"email_address\" : null,\n \"established\" : 1892,\n \"external_ids\" : {\n \"GRID\" : {\n \"all\" : \"grid.468747.e\",\n \"preferred\" : \"grid.468747.e\"\n },\n \"ISNI\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"0000 0004 6437 268X\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n },\n \"Wikidata\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"Q5123579\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n }\n },\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"ip_addresses\" : [],\n \"labels\" : [],\n \"links\" : [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"name\" : \"Bath College\",\n \"relationships\" : [],\n \"status\" : \"active\",\n \"types\" : [\n \"Education\"\n ],\n \"wikipedia_url\" : \"\"\n },\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Bath\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Bath\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"GB.ENG\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"England\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 2656173,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level2\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level3\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n }\n },\n \"lat\" : 51.3751,\n \"line\" : null,\n \"lng\" : -2.36172,\n \"postcode\" : null,\n \"primary\" : false,\n \"state\" : null,\n \"state_code\" : null\n }\n ],\n \"aliases\" : [\n \"BMI Bath Clinic\"\n ],\n \"country\" : {\n \"country_code\" : \"GB\",\n \"country_name\" : \"United Kingdom\"\n },\n \"email_address\" : null,\n \"established\" : 1983,\n \"external_ids\" : {\n \"ISNI\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"0000 0004 0578 2443\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : \"0000 0004 0578 2443\"\n }\n },\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"ip_addresses\" : [],\n \"labels\" : [],\n \"links\" : [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"name\" : \"Bath Clinic\",\n \"relationships\" : [],\n \"status\" : \"active\",\n \"types\" : [\n \"Healthcare\"\n ],\n \"wikipedia_url\" : null\n },\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Bath\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Bath\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"US.ME\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"Maine\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 4957570,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level2\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level3\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n }\n },\n \"lat\" : 43.91064,\n \"line\" : null,\n \"lng\" : -69.8206,\n \"postcode\" : null,\n \"primary\" : false,\n \"state\" : null,\n \"state_code\" : null\n }\n ],\n \"aliases\" : [\n \"Bath Marine Museum\"\n ],\n \"country\" : {\n \"country_code\" : \"US\",\n \"country_name\" : \"United States\"\n },\n \"email_address\" : null,\n \"established\" : 1962,\n \"external_ids\" : {\n \"GRID\" : {\n \"all\" : \"grid.447036.2\",\n \"preferred\" : \"grid.447036.2\"\n },\n \"ISNI\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"0000 0001 2226 6326\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n }\n },\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"ip_addresses\" : [],\n \"labels\" : [],\n \"links\" : [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"name\" : \"Maine Maritime Museum\",\n \"relationships\" : [],\n \"status\" : \"active\",\n \"types\" : [\n \"Archive\"\n ],\n \"wikipedia_url\" : \"\"\n },\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Montreal\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Montreal\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"CA.QC\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"Quebec\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 6077243,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level2\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level3\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n }\n },\n \"lat\" : 45.50884,\n \"line\" : null,\n \"lng\" : -73.58781,\n \"postcode\" : null,\n \"primary\" : false,\n \"state\" : null,\n \"state_code\" : null\n }\n ],\n \"aliases\" : [],\n \"country\" : {\n \"country_code\" : \"CA\",\n \"country_name\" : \"Canada\"\n },\n \"email_address\" : null,\n \"established\" : 1969,\n \"external_ids\" : {\n \"GRID\" : {\n \"all\" : \"grid.474071.1\",\n \"preferred\" : \"grid.474071.1\"\n }\n },\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"ip_addresses\" : [],\n \"labels\" : [],\n \"links\" : [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"name\" : \"MAAX Bath (Canada)\",\n \"relationships\" : [],\n \"status\" : \"active\",\n \"types\" : [\n \"Company\"\n ],\n \"wikipedia_url\" : null\n },\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Columbus\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Columbus\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"US.OH\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"Ohio\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 4509177,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level2\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level3\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n }\n },\n \"lat\" : 39.96118,\n \"line\" : null,\n \"lng\" : -82.99879,\n \"postcode\" : null,\n \"primary\" : false,\n \"state\" : null,\n \"state_code\" : null\n }\n ],\n \"aliases\" : [\n \"Bath and Body Works\"\n ],\n \"country\" : {\n \"country_code\" : \"US\",\n \"country_name\" : \"United States\"\n },\n \"email_address\" : null,\n \"established\" : null,\n \"external_ids\" : {\n \"Wikidata\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"Q810773\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : \"Q810773\"\n }\n },\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"ip_addresses\" : [],\n \"labels\" : [\n {\n \"iso639\" : \"en\",\n \"label\" : \"Bath & Body Works\"\n }\n ],\n \"links\" : [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"name\" : \"Bath & Body Works (United States)\",\n \"relationships\" : [],\n \"status\" : \"active\",\n \"types\" : [\n \"Company\"\n ],\n \"wikipedia_url\" : \"\"\n },\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Bath\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Bath\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"GB.ENG\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"England\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 2656173,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level2\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level3\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n }\n },\n \"lat\" : 51.3751,\n \"line\" : null,\n \"lng\" : -2.36172,\n \"postcode\" : null,\n \"primary\" : false,\n \"state\" : null,\n \"state_code\" : null\n }\n ],\n \"aliases\" : [],\n \"country\" : {\n \"country_code\" : \"GB\",\n \"country_name\" : \"United Kingdom\"\n },\n \"email_address\" : null,\n \"established\" : 1966,\n \"external_ids\" : {\n \"FundRef\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"501100000835\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n },\n \"GRID\" : {\n \"all\" : \"grid.7340.0\",\n \"preferred\" : \"grid.7340.0\"\n },\n \"ISNI\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"0000 0001 2162 1699\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n },\n \"Wikidata\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"Q1422458\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n }\n },\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"ip_addresses\" : [],\n \"labels\" : [],\n \"links\" : [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"name\" : \"University of Bath\",\n \"relationships\" : [\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Royal United Hospital\",\n \"type\" : \"Related\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"GW4 Facility for High-Resolution Electron Cryo-Microscopy\",\n \"type\" : \"Related\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"GW4\",\n \"type\" : \"Related\"\n }\n ],\n \"status\" : \"active\",\n \"types\" : [\n \"Education\",\n \"Funder\"\n ],\n \"wikipedia_url\" : \"\"\n },\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Bath\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Bath\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"GB.ENG\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"England\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 2656173,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level2\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level3\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n }\n },\n \"lat\" : 51.3751,\n \"line\" : null,\n \"lng\" : -2.36172,\n \"postcode\" : null,\n \"primary\" : false,\n \"state\" : null,\n \"state_code\" : null\n }\n ],\n \"aliases\" : [\n \"Bath College of Higher Education\",\n \"Bath Spa University College\"\n ],\n \"country\" : {\n \"country_code\" : \"GB\",\n \"country_name\" : \"United Kingdom\"\n },\n \"email_address\" : null,\n \"established\" : 2005,\n \"external_ids\" : {\n \"FundRef\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"100010331\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n },\n \"GRID\" : {\n \"all\" : \"grid.252874.e\",\n \"preferred\" : \"grid.252874.e\"\n },\n \"ISNI\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"0000 0001 2034 9451\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n },\n \"Wikidata\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"Q3091754\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n }\n },\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"ip_addresses\" : [],\n \"labels\" : [],\n \"links\" : [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"name\" : \"Bath Spa University\",\n \"relationships\" : [],\n \"status\" : \"active\",\n \"types\" : [\n \"Education\",\n \"Funder\"\n ],\n \"wikipedia_url\" : \"\"\n },\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Bath Beach\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Bath Beach\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"US.NY\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"New York\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 5108111,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level2\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level3\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n }\n },\n \"lat\" : 40.60455,\n \"line\" : null,\n \"lng\" : -74.00431,\n \"postcode\" : null,\n \"primary\" : false,\n \"state\" : null,\n \"state_code\" : null\n }\n ],\n \"aliases\" : [],\n \"country\" : {\n \"country_code\" : \"US\",\n \"country_name\" : \"United States\"\n },\n \"email_address\" : null,\n \"established\" : 1878,\n \"external_ids\" : {\n \"GRID\" : {\n \"all\" : \"grid.509313.d\",\n \"preferred\" : \"grid.509313.d\"\n },\n \"ISNI\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"0000 0004 0420 1096\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n },\n \"Wikidata\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"Q4868960\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n }\n },\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"ip_addresses\" : [],\n \"labels\" : [],\n \"links\" : [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"name\" : \"Bath VA Medical Center\",\n \"relationships\" : [\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"VA Finger Lakes Healthcare System\",\n \"type\" : \"Parent\"\n }\n ],\n \"status\" : \"active\",\n \"types\" : [\n \"Healthcare\"\n ],\n \"wikipedia_url\" : \"\"\n },\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [\n \"BIRD\"\n ],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Bath\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Bath\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : 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Results from keyword searches using the query parameter **do not include** values from location fields such as `country` and `addresses`, for instance. To find location information or other additional data, use [Filtering](doc:api-filtering) or the [Advanced query parameter](doc:api-advanced-query).\n\n# Exact string searching\n\nKeyword searches can produce hundreds or thousands of results, especially when the string contains common terms in research organization names such as \"University,\" \"Health,\" or \"Ministry.\" Surrounding a string with quotation marks will reduce the number of results in the response, limiting the results to records with exact matches to that string. Quotation marks must be [URL-encoded]( \n\n## Example\n\nCompare the following searches to see the difference quotation marks make for multiple-term search strings with spaces. The first example shows a search for Bath College. \n\n```curl\ncurl '' | json_pp\n```\n\nThis search looks for **both** the term \"Bath\" **and** the term \"College\" and returns 4885 results because the term \"College\" appears in many organization names. A search on the single term \"Bath\" produces only 17 results, because it is a much less common term in organization names. The organization record for Bath College is the first of the 4885 results, but many factors can affect the order of results, so we strongly recommend against automatically selecting the first item in any list of search results. \n\n```json\n\n{\n \"items\" : [\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Bath\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Bath\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"GB.ENG\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"England\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 2656173,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level2\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level3\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n }\n },\n \"lat\" : 51.3751,\n \"line\" 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We advise against building tools that automatically select the first result in a list of records.\n\nSearching for the exact term \"Bath College\" retrieves only records that contain that precise phrase in one of the four name-related fields searched by the query parameter: `name`, `acronyms`, `aliases`, and `labels`. \n\n```curl\ncurl '' | json_pp\n```\n\nThe response returns 2 records: the record for Bath College and the record for Bath Spa University, which is also known as Bath College of Higher Education.\n\n```json\n{\n \"items\" : [\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Bath\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Bath\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"GB.ENG\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"England\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 2656173,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level2\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level3\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n }\n },\n \"lat\" : 51.3751,\n \"line\" : null,\n \"lng\" : -2.36172,\n \"postcode\" : null,\n \"primary\" : false,\n \"state\" : null,\n \"state_code\" : null\n }\n ],\n \"aliases\" : [],\n \"country\" : {\n \"country_code\" : \"GB\",\n \"country_name\" : \"United Kingdom\"\n },\n \"email_address\" : null,\n \"established\" : 1892,\n \"external_ids\" : {\n \"GRID\" : {\n \"all\" : \"grid.468747.e\",\n \"preferred\" : \"grid.468747.e\"\n },\n \"ISNI\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"0000 0004 6437 268X\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n },\n \"Wikidata\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"Q5123579\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n }\n },\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"ip_addresses\" : [],\n \"labels\" : [],\n \"links\" : [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"name\" : \"Bath College\",\n \"relationships\" : [],\n \"status\" : \"active\",\n \"types\" : [\n \"Education\"\n ],\n \"wikipedia_url\" : \"\"\n },\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Bath\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Bath\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"GB.ENG\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"England\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 2656173,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level2\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level3\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n }\n },\n \"lat\" : 51.3751,\n \"line\" : null,\n \"lng\" : -2.36172,\n \"postcode\" : null,\n \"primary\" : false,\n \"state\" : null,\n \"state_code\" : null\n }\n ],\n \"aliases\" : [\n \"Bath College of Higher Education\",\n \"Bath Spa University College\"\n ],\n \"country\" : {\n \"country_code\" : \"GB\",\n \"country_name\" : \"United Kingdom\"\n },\n \"email_address\" : null,\n \"established\" : 2005,\n \"external_ids\" : {\n \"FundRef\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"100010331\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n },\n \"GRID\" : {\n \"all\" : \"grid.252874.e\",\n \"preferred\" : \"grid.252874.e\"\n },\n \"ISNI\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"0000 0001 2034 9451\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n },\n \"Wikidata\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"Q3091754\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n }\n },\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"ip_addresses\" : [],\n \"labels\" : [],\n \"links\" : [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"name\" : \"Bath Spa University\",\n \"relationships\" : [],\n \"status\" : \"active\",\n \"types\" : [\n \"Education\",\n \"Funder\"\n ],\n \"wikipedia_url\" : \"\"\n }\n ],\n \"meta\" : {\n \"countries\" : [\n {\n \"count\" : 2,\n \"id\" : \"gb\",\n \"title\" : \"United Kingdom\"\n }\n ],\n \"statuses\" : [\n {\n \"count\" : 2,\n \"id\" : \"active\",\n \"title\" : \"active\"\n }\n ],\n \"types\" : [\n {\n \"count\" : 2,\n \"id\" : \"education\",\n \"title\" : \"Education\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 1,\n \"id\" : \"funder\",\n \"title\" : \"Funder\"\n }\n ]\n },\n \"number_of_results\" : 2,\n \"time_taken\" : 5\n}\n\n```\n\n## Example\n\nRemember to URL-encode and if necessary escape special characters in multi-term search strings, as when searching for \"Franklin & Marshall College\". The single & character is not reserved in Elasticsearch and therefore is not escaped. \n\n```curl\ncurl '' | json_pp\n```\n\nWhen the & is URL-encoded, the response returns the single record for Franklin & Marshall College. When the & is not URL-encoded, the response is an error. \n\n```json\n{\n \"items\" : [\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [\n \"F&M\"\n ],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Lancaster\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Lancaster\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"US.PA\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"Pennsylvania\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 5197079,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level2\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level3\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n }\n },\n \"lat\" : 40.03788,\n \"line\" : null,\n \"lng\" : -76.30551,\n \"postcode\" : null,\n \"primary\" : false,\n \"state\" : null,\n \"state_code\" : null\n }\n ],\n \"aliases\" : [],\n \"country\" : {\n \"country_code\" : \"US\",\n \"country_name\" : \"United States\"\n },\n \"email_address\" : null,\n \"established\" : 1787,\n \"external_ids\" : {\n \"FundRef\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"100012632\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : \"100012632\"\n },\n \"GRID\" : {\n \"all\" : \"grid.256069.e\",\n \"preferred\" : \"grid.256069.e\"\n },\n \"ISNI\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"0000 0001 2162 8305\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : \"0000 0001 2162 8305\"\n },\n \"Wikidata\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"Q664881\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n }\n },\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"ip_addresses\" : [],\n \"labels\" : [],\n \"links\" : [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"name\" : \"Franklin & Marshall College\",\n \"relationships\" : [],\n \"status\" : \"active\",\n \"types\" : [\n \"Education\",\n \"Funder\"\n ],\n \"wikipedia_url\" : \"\"\n }\n ],\n \"meta\" : {\n \"countries\" : [\n {\n \"count\" : 1,\n \"id\" : \"us\",\n \"title\" : \"United States\"\n }\n ],\n \"statuses\" : [\n {\n \"count\" : 1,\n \"id\" : \"active\",\n \"title\" : \"active\"\n }\n ],\n \"types\" : [\n {\n \"count\" : 1,\n \"id\" : \"education\",\n \"title\" : \"Education\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 1,\n \"id\" : \"funder\",\n \"title\" : \"Funder\"\n }\n ]\n },\n \"number_of_results\" : 1,\n \"time_taken\" : 4\n}\n```\n\n# Searching for identifiers\n\nThe query parameter searches the `external_ids` field and so can be used to search for ROR records that match an external unique identifier. Use URL-encoded quotation marks before and after the identifier search string for best results. This search will work for all identifier schemes supported in the `external_ids` field, including FundRef (aka the Crossref Funder Registry), GRID, ISNI, and Wikidata. \n\n## Example\n\nSearch for a ROR record corresponding to the GRID ID for the U.S. Department of Energy. \n\n```curl\ncurl '' | json_pp\n```\n\nThe response returns a single record for the U.S. Department of Energy that contains the searched-for identifier in `external_ids`. \n\n```json\n{\n \"items\" : [\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [\n \"DOE\"\n ],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Washington\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Washington\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"US.DC\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"District of Columbia\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 4140963,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level2\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level3\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n }\n },\n \"lat\" : 38.89511,\n \"line\" : null,\n \"lng\" : -77.03637,\n \"postcode\" : null,\n \"primary\" : false,\n \"state\" : null,\n \"state_code\" : null\n }\n ],\n \"aliases\" : [\n \"U.S. Department of Energy\"\n ],\n \"country\" : {\n \"country_code\" : \"US\",\n \"country_name\" : \"United States\"\n },\n \"email_address\" : null,\n \"established\" : 1977,\n \"external_ids\" : {\n \"FundRef\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"100000015\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : \"100000015\"\n },\n \"GRID\" : {\n \"all\" : \"grid.85084.31\",\n \"preferred\" : \"grid.85084.31\"\n },\n \"ISNI\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"0000 0001 2342 3717\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n },\n \"Wikidata\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"Q217810\",\n \"Q6422983\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : \"Q217810\"\n }\n },\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"ip_addresses\" : [],\n \"labels\" : [\n {\n \"iso639\" : \"es\",\n \"label\" : \"Departamento de Energía de los Estados Unidos\"\n },\n {\n \"iso639\" : \"fr\",\n \"label\" : \"Département de l'Énergie des États-unis\"\n }\n ],\n \"links\" : [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"name\" : \"United States Department of Energy\",\n \"relationships\" : [\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Consortium for the Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"International Partnership for the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell in the Economy\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Joint BioEnergy Institute\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"National Nuclear Security Administration\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Nevada National Security Site\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Economic Impact and Diversity\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Environmental Management\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Environmental Protection, Sustainability Support and Corporate Safety Analysis\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Fossil Energy\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Inspector General\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of International Affairs\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Legacy Management\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Management\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Nuclear Energy\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Science\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Space and Defense Power Systems\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Under Secretary of Energy for Science\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of the General Counsel\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Savannah River Operations Office\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"U.S. Energy Information Administration\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Vera C. Rubin Observatory\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Kansas City National Security Campus\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Environmental System Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of the Chief Information Officer\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Under Secretary for Science and Innovation\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Technology Transitions\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Secretary of Energy\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Public Affairs\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Policy\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Enterprise Assessments\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of State and Community Energy Programs\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Federal Energy Management Programs\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Grid Deployment Office\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Electricity\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Artificial Intelligence & Technology Office\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations\",\n \"type\" : \"Child\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Government of the United States of America\",\n \"type\" : \"Parent\"\n }\n ],\n \"status\" : \"active\",\n \"types\" : [\n \"Government\",\n \"Funder\"\n ],\n \"wikipedia_url\" : \"\"\n }\n ],\n \"meta\" : {\n \"countries\" : [\n {\n \"count\" : 1,\n \"id\" : \"us\",\n \"title\" : \"United States\"\n }\n ],\n \"statuses\" : [\n {\n \"count\" : 1,\n \"id\" : \"active\",\n \"title\" : \"active\"\n }\n ],\n \"types\" : [\n {\n \"count\" : 1,\n \"id\" : \"funder\",\n \"title\" : \"Funder\"\n },\n {\n \"count\" : 1,\n \"id\" : \"government\",\n \"title\" : \"Government\"\n }\n ]\n },\n \"number_of_results\" : 1,\n \"time_taken\" : 8\n}\n```\n\n# Paging and filtering\n\nSearch results from the query parameter can be [paged](doc:api-paging) and [filtered](doc:api-filtering). The [all_status](doc:api-list#retrieve-a-list-of-records-with-all-statuses) parameter can also be appended to query parameter searches in order to retrieve _inactive_ and _withdrawn_ records as well as _active_ records. \n\n## Example\n\n```curl\ncurl '' | json_pp\n```\n\nThe response returns the second page of results of a keyword search for \"Harvard\" that includes records of all status types. \n\n```json\n{\n \"items\" : [\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [\n \"HCA\"\n ],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Sydney\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Sydney\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"AU.NSW\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"New South Wales\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 2147714,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level2\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level3\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n }\n },\n \"lat\" : -33.86785,\n \"line\" : null,\n \"lng\" : 151.20732,\n \"postcode\" : null,\n \"primary\" : false,\n \"state\" : null,\n \"state_code\" : null\n }\n ],\n \"aliases\" : [],\n \"country\" : {\n \"country_code\" : \"AU\",\n \"country_name\" : \"Australia\"\n },\n \"email_address\" : null,\n \"established\" : null,\n \"external_ids\" : {\n \"FundRef\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"501100001206\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : null\n },\n \"GRID\" : {\n \"all\" : \"grid.467421.2\",\n \"preferred\" : \"grid.467421.2\"\n },\n \"ISNI\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"0000 0004 5900 2457\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : \"0000 0004 5900 2457\"\n }\n },\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"ip_addresses\" : [],\n \"labels\" : [],\n \"links\" : [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"name\" : \"Harvard Club of Australia\",\n \"relationships\" : [],\n \"status\" : \"active\",\n \"types\" : [\n \"Other\",\n \"Funder\"\n ],\n \"wikipedia_url\" : null\n },\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [\n \"HAEMR\"\n ],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Boston\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Boston\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"US.MA\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"Massachusetts\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 4930956,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level2\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level3\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n }\n },\n \"lat\" : 42.35843,\n \"line\" : null,\n \"lng\" : -71.05977,\n \"postcode\" : null,\n \"primary\" : false,\n \"state\" : null,\n \"state_code\" : null\n }\n ],\n \"aliases\" : [],\n \"country\" : {\n \"country_code\" : \"US\",\n \"country_name\" : \"United States\"\n },\n \"email_address\" : null,\n \"established\" : null,\n \"external_ids\" : {\n \"GRID\" : {\n \"all\" : \"grid.418411.9\",\n \"preferred\" : \"grid.418411.9\"\n }\n },\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"ip_addresses\" : [],\n \"labels\" : [],\n \"links\" : [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"name\" : \"Harvard Affiliated Emergency Medicine Residency\",\n \"relationships\" : [\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Brigham and Women's Hospital\",\n \"type\" : \"Parent\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\",\n \"label\" : \"Massachusetts General Hospital\",\n \"type\" : \"Parent\"\n }\n ],\n \"status\" : \"active\",\n \"types\" : [\n \"Other\"\n ],\n \"wikipedia_url\" : null\n },\n {\n \"acronyms\" : [\n \"DF/HCC\"\n ],\n \"addresses\" : [\n {\n \"city\" : \"Boston\",\n \"country_geonames_id\" : null,\n \"geonames_city\" : {\n \"city\" : \"Boston\",\n \"geonames_admin1\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : \"US.MA\",\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : \"Massachusetts\"\n },\n \"geonames_admin2\" : {\n \"ascii_name\" : null,\n \"code\" : null,\n \"id\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"id\" : 4930956,\n \"license\" : {\n \"attribution\" : \"Data from under a CC-BY 3.0 license\",\n \"license\" : \"\"\n },\n \"nuts_level1\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level2\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n },\n \"nuts_level3\" : {\n \"code\" : null,\n \"name\" : null\n }\n },\n \"lat\" : 42.35843,\n \"line\" : null,\n \"lng\" : -71.05977,\n \"postcode\" : null,\n \"primary\" : false,\n \"state\" : null,\n \"state_code\" : null\n }\n ],\n \"aliases\" : [],\n \"country\" : {\n \"country_code\" : \"US\",\n \"country_name\" : \"United States\"\n },\n \"email_address\" : null,\n \"established\" : 1973,\n \"external_ids\" : {\n \"FundRef\" : {\n \"all\" : [\n \"100008126\"\n ],\n \"preferred\" : \"100008126\"\n },\n \"GRID\" : {\n \"all\" : \"grid.477947.e\",\n \"preferred\" : \"grid.477947.e\"\n },\n \"ISNI\" : {\n 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For `labels` and `external_ids`, only the values (not the language code or type) are included. Field names are removed, and each value is simply categorized as a \"name\" or an \"id\". \n\n## Example\n\nHere is a truncated example of a `names_ids` document searched by the query parameter. \n\n```json\n\"names_ids\" : [\n {\n \"name\" : \"University of Wisconsin–Madison\"\n },\n {\n \"name\" : \"Université du Wisconsin à Madison\"\n },\n {\n \"name\" : \"Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison\"\n },\n {\n \"name\" : \"UW–Madison\"\n },\n {\n \"name\" : \"UW\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"\"\n },\n {\n \"id\" : \"01y2jtd41\"\n },\n...\n```","order":5,"isReference":false,"deprecated":false,"hidden":false,"sync_unique":"","link_url":"","link_external":false,"reusableContent":[],"previousSlug":"query-parameter","slugUpdatedAt":"2024-03-09T19:15:49.453Z","revision":199,"_id":"63d1a47566e590002a7fc9d2","user":"62a72c1fbac94d016a0d28fe","project":"6058e47681775f002de04832","category":{"title":"ROR REST 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