x3dom-users Mailing List for x3dom
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rel="nofollow">(64)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Mar</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201303" rel="nofollow">(63)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Apr</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201304" rel="nofollow">(59)</a> </td> <td > <sub>May</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201305" rel="nofollow">(74)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Jun</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201306" rel="nofollow">(28)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Jul</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201307" rel="nofollow">(28)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Aug</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201308" rel="nofollow">(19)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Sep</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201309" rel="nofollow">(26)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Oct</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201310" rel="nofollow">(65)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Nov</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201311" rel="nofollow">(24)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Dec</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201312" rel="nofollow">(23)</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>2014</th> <td > <sub>Jan</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201401" rel="nofollow">(62)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Feb</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201402" rel="nofollow">(34)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Mar</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201403" rel="nofollow">(18)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Apr</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201404" rel="nofollow">(24)</a> </td> <td > <sub>May</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201405" rel="nofollow">(18)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Jun</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201406" rel="nofollow">(21)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Jul</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201407" rel="nofollow">(53)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Aug</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201408" rel="nofollow">(22)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Sep</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201409" rel="nofollow">(31)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Oct</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201410" rel="nofollow">(22)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Nov</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201411" rel="nofollow">(23)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Dec</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201412" rel="nofollow">(30)</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>2015</th> <td > <sub>Jan</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201501" rel="nofollow">(29)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Feb</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201502" rel="nofollow">(62)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Mar</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201503" rel="nofollow">(58)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Apr</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201504" rel="nofollow">(68)</a> </td> <td > <sub>May</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201505" rel="nofollow">(53)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Jun</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201506" rel="nofollow">(17)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Jul</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201507" rel="nofollow">(17)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Aug</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201508" rel="nofollow">(35)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Sep</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201509" rel="nofollow">(88)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Oct</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201510" rel="nofollow">(17)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Nov</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201511" rel="nofollow">(71)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Dec</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201512" rel="nofollow">(55)</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>2016</th> <td > <sub>Jan</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201601" rel="nofollow">(76)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Feb</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201602" rel="nofollow">(105)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Mar</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201603" rel="nofollow">(69)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Apr</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201604" rel="nofollow">(31)</a> </td> <td > <sub>May</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201605" rel="nofollow">(24)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Jun</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201606" rel="nofollow">(26)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Jul</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201607" rel="nofollow">(23)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Aug</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201608" rel="nofollow">(42)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Sep</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201609" rel="nofollow">(17)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Oct</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201610" rel="nofollow">(31)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Nov</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201611" rel="nofollow">(17)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Dec</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201612" rel="nofollow">(10)</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>2017</th> <td > <sub>Jan</sub> <br> <a 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rel="nofollow">(117)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Jun</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201806" rel="nofollow">(12)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Jul</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201807" rel="nofollow">(27)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Aug</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201808" rel="nofollow">(41)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Sep</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201809" rel="nofollow">(8)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Oct</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201810" rel="nofollow">(3)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Nov</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201811" rel="nofollow">(2)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Dec</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=201812" rel="nofollow">(1)</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>2019</th> <td > <sub>Jan</sub> <br> <a 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<sub>May</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=202005" rel="nofollow">(63)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Jun</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=202006" rel="nofollow">(22)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Jul</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=202007" rel="nofollow">(30)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Aug</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=202008" rel="nofollow">(8)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Sep</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=202009" rel="nofollow">(14)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Oct</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=202010" rel="nofollow">(28)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Nov</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=202011" rel="nofollow">(10)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Dec</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=202012" rel="nofollow">(17)</a> </td> </tr> <tr> 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<sub>Oct</sub> <br> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&viewmonth=202410" rel="nofollow">(4)</a> </td> <td > <sub>Nov</sub> <br> </td> <td > <sub>Dec</sub> <br> </td> </tr> </table> <div class="mail-archive-style-switcher flexify"> <div class="grid-8"> <form method="get"> <input type="hidden" name="style" value="flat"/> <p><strong>Showing <select class="results_per_page" name="limit"> <option selected="selected" value="25">25</option> <option value="50">50</option> <option value="100">100</option> <option value="250">250</option> </select> results of 3929 </strong></p> </form> </div> <div class="grid-8 thread-flat-switcher margin-top-10"> <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat" rel="nofollow"><strong>Flat</strong></a> | <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=threaded" rel="nofollow">Threaded</a> </div> <div class="grid-8"> <div> <div class="page_list"> 1 <a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/x3dom-users/?style=flat&page=1">2</a> <a 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The sphere sliders start to work with this jquery version, see below. This is all unrelated to x3dom. Cheers, -Andreas On Sat, Oct 19, 2024 at 7:45 PM John Carlson <yot...@gm...> wrote: > > I took some sliders from the X3DOM customer shaders page in this code: > > <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > > But now the sliders don’t show up. > > From here: > > <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > > > The iPhone interaction isn’t working, but I’m guessing the sliders work on the example. Did something change? > > Thanks! > > John > _______________________________________________ > X3dom-users mailing list > X3d...@li... > <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> -- Andreas Plesch Waltham, MA 02453 </pre></td> </tr> </table> <script> $('.show-to-public').each(function (el,index){ $(this).on('click', function(e){ $(this).parent('form').submit(); e.preventDefault(); }) }) </script> <table id="msg58830198"> <tr> <td class="email-header"> <div> <div><b><a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/message/58830198/">[x3dom-users] Sliders broken old example</a></b></div> <small>From: John C. <yot...@gm...> - 2024-10-19 23:45:39</small> <div class="attachments"> <small> </small> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="email-body"><pre>I took some sliders from the X3DOM customer shaders page in this code: <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> But now the sliders don’t show up. >From here: <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> The iPhone interaction isn’t working, but I’m guessing the sliders work on the example. Did something change? Thanks! John </pre></td> </tr> </table> <script> $('.show-to-public').each(function (el,index){ $(this).on('click', function(e){ $(this).parent('form').submit(); e.preventDefault(); }) }) </script> <table id="msg58829388"> <tr> <td class="email-header"> <div> <div><b><a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/message/58829388/">Re: [x3dom-users] observablehq notebooks</a></b></div> <small>From: Polys, N. <np...@vt...> - 2024-10-17 15:51:11</small> <div class="attachments"> <small> </small> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="email-body"><pre>This is a good convergence: <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> Get Outlook for Android<<a href=">" rel=nofollow>></a> ________________________________ From: John Carlson <yot...@gm...> Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2024 12:17:29 AM To: Andreas Plesch <and...@gm...> Cc: x3dom mlist <x3d...@li...>; X3D Graphics public mailing list <x3d...@we...> Subject: Re: [x3dom-users] observablehq notebooks I am now revisiting this since there seem to be vim motion extensions for Jupyter Lab. I don’t know how to enable them yet, so if someone knows best practices, speak up. Also note that There are Observable modules/packages for Deno 2.0 (Node.js spelled funny, by same author, Ryan Dahl) Jupyter. Plus you can do TypeScript in Deno natively. The only issue seems to be that the Deno extension is marked unstable in documentation, and requires —allow-all privileges. I’m done (get it? Another node anagram). On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 3:52 PM Andreas Plesch <and...@gm...<mailto:and...@gm...>> wrote: Anybody who uses D3 may be interested in Observable notebooks at <a href="" rel=nofollow></a><<a href=">." rel=nofollow>>.</a> These are live, reactive documents for data visualization, sort of like <a href="" rel=nofollow></a><<a href=">" rel=nofollow>></a> but dynamic. I noticed bl.ocks now links to that, and the D3 author is behind this effort. In addition it is easy to pull in libraries, use modern js and publish good looking pages with interactivity. Since D3 works great with x3dom, I thought I give it a swirl: <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> This is just a raw starting point but useful since it was not obvious how to pull in x3dom at first. Feel free to fork and play if inclined. x3dom has its own reactivity, eg. reacts to dom changes, so there is some overlap which can surely be resolved. It is just nice to have a way to package and publish a complete notebook, like Jupyter but for any JS. There is also convenient standard library included. -Andreas -- Andreas Plesch Waltham, MA 02453 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most engaging tech sites, <a href="" rel=nofollow></a>! _______________________________________________ X3dom-users mailing list X3d...@li...<mailto:X3d...@li...> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> </pre></td> </tr> </table> <script> $('.show-to-public').each(function (el,index){ $(this).on('click', function(e){ $(this).parent('form').submit(); e.preventDefault(); }) }) </script> <table id="msg58829116"> <tr> <td class="email-header"> <div> <div><b><a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/message/58829116/">Re: [x3dom-users] observablehq notebooks</a></b></div> <small>From: John C. <yot...@gm...> - 2024-10-17 04:17:53</small> <div class="attachments"> <small> </small> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="email-body"><pre>I am now revisiting this since there seem to be vim motion extensions for Jupyter Lab. I don’t know how to enable them yet, so if someone knows best practices, speak up. Also note that There are Observable modules/packages for Deno 2.0 (Node.js spelled funny, by same author, Ryan Dahl) Jupyter. Plus you can do TypeScript in Deno natively. The only issue seems to be that the Deno extension is marked unstable in documentation, and requires —allow-all privileges. I’m done (get it? Another node anagram). On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 3:52 PM Andreas Plesch <and...@gm...> wrote: > Anybody who uses D3 may be interested in Observable notebooks at > <a href="" rel=nofollow></a>. These are live, reactive documents for data > visualization, sort of like <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> but dynamic. I noticed bl.ocks > now links to that, and the D3 author is behind this effort. > > In addition it is easy to pull in libraries, use modern js and publish > good looking pages with interactivity. > > Since D3 works great with x3dom, I thought I give it a swirl: > > <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > > This is just a raw starting point but useful since it was not obvious > how to pull in x3dom at first. > > Feel free to fork and play if inclined. > > x3dom has its own reactivity, eg. reacts to dom changes, so there is > some overlap which can surely be resolved. It is just nice to have a > way to package and publish a complete notebook, like Jupyter but for > any JS. There is also convenient standard library included. > > -Andreas > > > > -- > Andreas Plesch > Waltham, MA 02453 > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most > engaging tech sites, <a href="" rel=nofollow></a>! > _______________________________________________ > X3dom-users mailing list > X3d...@li... > <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > </pre></td> </tr> </table> <script> $('.show-to-public').each(function (el,index){ $(this).on('click', function(e){ $(this).parent('form').submit(); e.preventDefault(); }) }) </script> <table id="msg58815220"> <tr> <td class="email-header"> <div> <div><b><a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/message/58815220/">[x3dom-users] X3DOM DIS</a></b></div> <small>From: John C. <yot...@gm...> - 2024-09-11 01:52:38</small> <div class="attachments"> <small> </small> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="email-body"><pre>I’m looking for documentation on how to set up an X3DOM DIS websocket server. The pull request is here: <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> John </pre></td> </tr> </table> <script> $('.show-to-public').each(function (el,index){ $(this).on('click', function(e){ $(this).parent('form').submit(); e.preventDefault(); }) }) </script> <table id="msg58813970"> <tr> <td class="email-header"> <div> <div><b><a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/message/58813970/">Re: [x3dom-users] WebXR Examples on Meta Quest 3</a></b></div> <small>From: David C. <dav...@ge...> - 2024-09-07 14:11:40</small> <div class="attachments"> <small> </small> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="email-body"><pre> Hi Tony, Thanks for chiming in. Can you elaborate a bit more on "cable in" and "purpose 3d browser" ? I've always just used the Quest standalone with its built-in Quest Browser, which is WebXR enabled. I have wondered about other browsers such as Wolvic but I'd like my stuff to work on stock browsers if possible.. Thanks again, Dave ---- On Fri, 06 Sep 2024 22:26:12 -0400 t....@g3... wrote ---- I can if I cable in on my quest 2. But haven't tried it only on quest. I wonder what the website examples. Using that purpose 3d browser Regards Tony On Sat, 7 Sept 2024, 9:11 am Polys, Nicholas, <np...@vt...> wrote: 1.8.3 full should just run out of the box And show you the goggle icon No special repos needed ... From: David Cooper via X3dom-users <x3d...@li...> Sent: Friday, September 6, 2024 6:51:16 PM To: x3dom-users <x3d...@li...> Cc: Dave Cooper <su...@ge...> Subject: [x3dom-users] WebXR Examples on Meta Quest 3 Hi, I'm trying to get some simple x3dom examples working with WebXR on my Meta Quest 3. I started with these samples: <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> which I found here: <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> When bringing up these samples in the Meta Quest browser, the goggles icon does appear in the lower-right, and when I click it, I see the immersive view for a split second, but then everything goes to black. Has anyone had any success rendering WebXR immersive scenes on the Quest 3? Thanks, Dave P.S. In my own scenes, is there anything special I have to specify in the code to get the WebXR goggles icon to show up? Looking at the page source for the above samples, I don't see anything special - unless Raghav has hacked his local x3dom library version... _______________________________________________ X3dom-users mailing list X3d...@li... <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> </pre></td> </tr> </table> <script> $('.show-to-public').each(function (el,index){ $(this).on('click', function(e){ $(this).parent('form').submit(); e.preventDefault(); }) }) </script> <table id="msg58813880"> <tr> <td class="email-header"> <div> <div><b><a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/message/58813880/">Re: [x3dom-users] WebXR Examples on Meta Quest 3</a></b></div> <small>From: Polys, N. <np...@vt...> - 2024-09-06 23:11:46</small> <div class="attachments"> <small> </small> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="email-body"><pre>1.8.3 full should just run out of the box And show you the goggle icon No special repos needed ... ________________________________ From: David Cooper via X3dom-users <x3d...@li...> Sent: Friday, September 6, 2024 6:51:16 PM To: x3dom-users <x3d...@li...> Cc: Dave Cooper <su...@ge...> Subject: [x3dom-users] WebXR Examples on Meta Quest 3 Hi, I'm trying to get some simple x3dom examples working with WebXR on my Meta Quest 3. I started with these samples: <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> which I found here: <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> When bringing up these samples in the Meta Quest browser, the goggles icon does appear in the lower-right, and when I click it, I see the immersive view for a split second, but then everything goes to black. Has anyone had any success rendering WebXR immersive scenes on the Quest 3? Thanks, Dave P.S. In my own scenes, is there anything special I have to specify in the code to get the WebXR goggles icon to show up? Looking at the page source for the above samples, I don't see anything special - unless Raghav has hacked his local x3dom library version... </pre></td> </tr> </table> <script> $('.show-to-public').each(function (el,index){ $(this).on('click', function(e){ $(this).parent('form').submit(); e.preventDefault(); }) }) </script> <table id="msg58813879"> <tr> <td class="email-header"> <div> <div><b><a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/message/58813879/">[x3dom-users] WebXR Examples on Meta Quest 3</a></b></div> <small>From: David C. <dav...@ge...> - 2024-09-06 23:06:45</small> <div class="attachments"> <small> </small> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="email-body"><pre>Hi, I'm trying to get some simple x3dom examples working with WebXR on my Meta Quest 3. I started with these samples: <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> which I found here: <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> When bringing up these samples in the Meta Quest browser, the goggles icon does appear in the lower-right, and when I click it, I see the immersive view for a split second, but then everything goes to black. Has anyone had any success rendering WebXR immersive scenes on the Quest 3? Thanks, Dave P.S. In my own scenes, is there anything special I have to specify in the code to get the WebXR goggles icon to show up? Looking at the page source for the above samples, I don't see anything special - unless Raghav has hacked his local x3dom library version... </pre></td> </tr> </table> <script> $('.show-to-public').each(function (el,index){ $(this).on('click', function(e){ $(this).parent('form').submit(); e.preventDefault(); }) }) </script> <table id="msg58812134"> <tr> <td class="email-header"> <div> <div><b><a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/message/58812134/">[x3dom-users] Question about Billiard Ball Collision</a></b></div> <small>From: Rubox X <rub...@gm...> - 2024-09-01 14:58:21</small> <div class="attachments"> <small> </small> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="email-body"><pre>Good morning everyone, I'm back to the X3D world after a long time. Combining business with pleasure, I was developing a simple animation about 3D billiard ball collisions. Everything works, but I managed all the management of the impacts with the walls of the sphere container, and the collisions between the spheres in javascript (they are just some simple physics formulas). The javascript version works well, even with hundreds of spheres, but when the spheres have high speeds I detect some anomalous behaviors (the spheres instead of colliding and bouncing as they should... pass through each other, a sort of quantum tunnel effect :) ) I was wondering, and I ask you: is it possible to manage everything with X3D tags? Can I use the Collision, CollidableShape, CollisionSensor nodes in some way? Where can I find some examples? I searched online and found some examples, but only on the detection of the collision between the navigation avatar and the geometry. Thank you very much for your suggestions. Rubox </pre></td> </tr> </table> <script> $('.show-to-public').each(function (el,index){ $(this).on('click', function(e){ $(this).parent('form').submit(); e.preventDefault(); }) }) </script> <table id="msg58802574"> <tr> <td class="email-header"> <div> <div><b><a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/message/58802574/">Re: [x3dom-users] Tony’s video</a></b></div> <small>From: N P. <nic...@gm...> - 2024-08-04 14:36:17</small> <div class="attachments"> <small> </small> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="email-body"><pre>Fyi There is a nice lib here : <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> On Sat, Aug 3, 2024, 12:27 PM Andreas Plesch <and...@gm...> wrote: > Hi Tony, > > Other than x3dom-users and x3d-public, you may join github and follow > x3dom development there. It is also a good way to share non-code > content such as documentation, tutorials and share app development > experiences. > > Andreas > > > On Fri, Aug 2, 2024 at 8:38 PM Tony Nolan <t....@g3...> wrote: > > > > Hi > > > > What lists should I be a member of, if I want to use and possibly > contribute to X3zdom? > > > > I also have a police friend, who reported to me at State Police HQ, he > is a super wiz at programming in the main languages like C C++ Python, SQL, > and servers. > > > > He would like to help out too > > > > Regards > > Tony > > > > On Fri, 2 Aug 2024, 1:37 am John Carlson, <yot...@gm...> wrote: > >> > >> Below > >> > >> On Thu, Aug 1, 2024 at 9:25 AM John Carlson <yot...@gm...> wrote: > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> On Thu, Aug 1, 2024 at 8:59 AM Andreas Plesch <and...@gm...> > wrote: > >>>> > >>>> Hi Tony, > >>>> > >>>> let me share this with the list since it may be interesting to a > larger group. > >>>> > >>>> See below. > >>>> > >>>> On Thu, Aug 1, 2024 at 8:18 AM Tony Nolan <t....@g3...> wrote: > >>>> > > >>>> > Thank you both for your inputs. Please don't take my delay in > replying as disinterest, it's just a super difficult / busy time for the > next week. > >>>> > > >>>> > After that, I'm hoping to start modelling for real, rather than > demo. > >>>> > > >>>> > Yes, I have some things I could never figure out. > >>>> > > >>>> > 1. What is the absolute minimum of code I need for an object. The > 3rd party application I use has a lot of extra options. > >>>> > >>>> For a graphical object, this would mean a Shape node: > >>>> <Shape> > >>>> <Appearance> > >>>> <Material/> > >>>> </Appearance> > >>>> <Box/> > >>>> </Shape> > >>> > >>> > >>> Ah, I was not aware that Appearance and Material are required. I > assumed they could be defaulted. I do think an X3D and Scene elements are > also required to put the graphical object in a scene and make it viewable, > but I’m not aware of the latest tech. It’s been a while! > >>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > > >>>> > 2. I was never able to get a hyperlink within X3Dom code file to > switch to a different X3Dom file. > >>>> > >>>> The Anchor node may be what you are looking > >>>> for: > <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > >>>> > >>>> > 3. I have 6 sections that print. In D3 and C3, I can show/ hide > entire objects, but never been able get it to work in X3Dom. > >>>> > >>>> Most objects have a visible attribute to show/hide objects. > >>> > >>> > >>> Thanks, Andreas, I have not used that. > >> > >> Hint: > >> I am seeing the visible attribute on Shape, not Sphere, if you’re > confused as I was. > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > 4. I can never get the mouse to work right into the speed of > zooming in and out. > >>>> > >>>> The '+' and '-' keys can change the speed. The default speed can be > >>>> set with the NavigationInfo node: > >>>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > >>> > >>> > >>> Cool, I’ll have to try that. > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > 5. I would love to contribute and be a member of discussion groups, > and application development. I really love X3Dom, but as I'm not a > programmer, so I feel very unworthy to reach out to even ask questions. > >>>> > >>>> Thanks for giving it a try ! > >>>> > >>>> > I'm happy to share when I get things started, and I'm about to get > a international award for my life time achievements for my contributions to > maths and fuzzy logic in 3d. > >>>> > >>>> No worries. -Andreas > >>>> > >>>> > Thanks for responding... > >>>> > > >>>> > Regards > >>>> > Tony > >>>> > > >>>> > On Wed, 31 July 2024, 3:34 pm John Carlson, <yot...@gm...> > wrote: > >>>> >> > >>>> >> Tony, > >>>> >> > >>>> >> It also looks like you've nailed a Fuzzy OmniCraft. See my effort > for a metamodel for Fuzzy MineCraft: > >>>> >> > >>>> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> dating from January 2016 > >>>> >> > >>>> >> (not a mine that I know of, just a txt file). > >>>> >> > >>>> >> My web hosting company has a virus scanning service I employ, but > it should pop-up in your browser, no scripts involved. > >>>> >> > >>>> >> John > >>>> >> > >>>> >> On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 11:56 PM John Carlson <yot...@gm...> > wrote: > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> Andreas, thanks for sharing. > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> Hi Tony, > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> Have you seen Ted Nelson videos describing Xanadu? > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> I too followed the D3.js route in X3DOM, etc., culminating in > this schema viewer (I tried WebVOWL, too slow): > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> (Not my code, I prepared the data) > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> It looks like you found the D3 orbit software as I did: > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> (Not my code either, I prepared the data) > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> I have more code for getting X3D JSON code (in general terms) > into a viewable state with D3.js > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> We do have ways to view X3D using (sometimes known as > X3DPSAIL), especially in Jupyter, which you are probably familiar with. So > you can write python code and display with X3DOM in Jupyter (but Jupyter > may have changed to disable that). > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> So we could experiment with that if you like. Resources are me, > Andreas, and possibly we can bring in others. Search the x3d-public > archives. Probably Jupyter, mybinder and aono would be search terms. > >>>> >>> Having another Jupyter person could ensure the quality of > for that purpose. > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> So does your model include a self-enveloping universe? You do > bring up fractals in the video. I’ve heard the latest is fractal Big Bangs > or some such. > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> If you want to help X3D, consider volunteering to enhance Blender > X3D import/export in python. It will test your knowledge of 3D and if you > read Python code, great! I need a lift to get past a few animation > difficulties. Plus could use modifications to ensure the export of > good models from Blender—DEF/USE ordering on output. > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> But your work looks more important that Blender. Do you render > X3D semantics yet? > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> Please check out StarcellOS (not mine): > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> John > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> > >>>> >>> On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 10:40 PM Andreas Plesch < > and...@gm...> wrote: > >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> Hi Tony, > >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> Thank you for your interest in x3dom and declarative 3d > graphics. It > >>>> >>>> was a bit hard to tell from your exuberant message how > successful you > >>>> >>>> were with representing an abstraction of a large knowledge > system in > >>>> >>>> 3d but I did find your youtube video which does show what > appears to > >>>> >>>> be x3dom in action here: <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> It is great that you found a way to construct a x3d based > description > >>>> >>>> of the 3d representation of the envisioned knowledge structure. > Thanks > >>>> >>>> for sharing that process. Let me add that visualizing abstract > trees > >>>> >>>> and graphs is actually not a very uncommon use case for x3d. > >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> Please feel free to use the mailing list if you have any x3dom > >>>> >>>> related, more technical questions or when you can share a nice 3d > >>>> >>>> model. > >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> Good luck with the model demonstration at the conference and > please go > >>>> >>>> ahead and do share your positive experience with x3dom there, > >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> Andreas > >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 3:53 PM Tony Nolan <t....@g3...> > wrote: > >>>> >>>> > > >>>> >>>> > > >>>> >>>> > G'day. > >>>> >>>> > > >>>> >>>> > I love the idea of making the gitlab, if it opens it up for > other users, or different types of users to have access to this wonderful > software as a gateway into the 3d world. > >>>> >>>> > > >>>> >>>> > But as an observation, it's instructions and supporting > documents can be way too complex for simple programmers like me to easily > find answers. > >>>> >>>> > > >>>> >>>> > This was my experience. I use x3dom to demonstrate my Reality > of Everything model. I'm demonstrating it at an International Congress in > late September, which will go out to Scientists, Leading Academics, > Industry Leaders, of the advantages of using 3d perspectives to solve the > world's problems. In my keynote address I will be referencing X3Dom as the > software of choice to represent the data in 3d. > >>>> >>>> > > >>>> >>>> > To achieve this, I had to discover D3, and then learn about > X3Dom and how to insert it and make it talk to D3. Then using a translater > program make my designs / basic components into Logo, and use the publish > command to build the X3Dom code. They learning and striping away what you > don't need to make the very basics, use a word document to hold the syntax, > and Excel and Access to hold the variables values. I then mail merge this > to get my code to put into my x3dom scripts. > >>>> >>>> > > >>>> >>>> > Then I have to resize / scale that section of objects, to get > the final products. > >>>> >>>> > > >>>> >>>> > So my end result looks like a massive galaxy with solar > systems, planets, moons, etc. Where the position of everything represents > the cause and effects and the interconnectedness of everything on > everything. Where you can rotate, pull up points of view, recenter nodes of > interest. Each object of rings, tables, interconnecting lines, has metadata > attached and is displayed into the D3 containers. > >>>> >>>> > > >>>> >>>> > There are things I can't do like easily have lines that are > selectable, so I have to distord objects to mimic rings. A ring is in > effect a radar graph, a line from x,y,z to x1,y1,z1 where I have to make it > a box and find a midpoint and adjust offsets and scales, etc. > >>>> >>>> > > >>>> >>>> > But in the end I have a model with upto 1 million zones of > galaxies with planets, to up to 4 levels of quasi fractal radar plots, etc. > >>>> >>>> > > >>>> >>>> > The end result is using a knowledge classification scheme, > fuzzy logic, and cause and effect representation I can model how the > universe interconnects. > >>>> >>>> > > >>>> >>>> > This is what I am demonstrating at the end of September. One > day I hope to get it into my oculus quest, and be able to fly between my > data nodes, and visually explore my dataverse. > >>>> >>>> > > >>>> >>>> > But what I do and how I got to this point is not your standard > pathway or traditional usage of X3Dom. But for data scientists and > intelligence officers like me, where R and Python are the norm, X3Dom > offers so much more freedom in 3d data representation than what those > software applications can offer. > >>>> >>>> > > >>>> >>>> > Hence I love the idea of making X3Dom more available, but in > this for dumb non programmers like me, where our industry / research lies > in other disciplines can there be a sub stream for dummies like me to have > simple basics and cross overs to other applications and disciplines. > >>>> >>>> > > >>>> >>>> > Regards > >>>> >>>> > Tony > >>>> >>>> > > >>>> >>>> > On Tue, 30 July 2024, 1:27 pm Andreas Plesch, < > and...@gm...> wrote: > >>>> >>>> >> > >>>> >>>> >> I would like to get input and feedback on creating a > x3d-related group > >>>> >>>> >> under a personal gitlab account (perhaps mine). > >>>> >>>> >> > >>>> >>>> >> The background is that I am contemplating using gitlab for > static site > >>>> >>>> >> hosting, for x3dom related material such as development > releases, > >>>> >>>> >> documentation, an x3d viewer/in browser editor or a gltf > viewer. These > >>>> >>>> >> materials are currently hosted under my personal github > account at > >>>> >>>> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> but I would like to move away from > using that. > >>>> >>>> >> Unfortunately, github only allows one account per user or > organization > >>>> >>>> >> so I cannot in good faith just create another github account > (say > >>>> >>>> >> x3dom-unoffiicial). > >>>> >>>> >> > >>>> >>>> >> Gitlab is similar to github but has more powerful project > management > >>>> >>>> >> features even for the free tier. Gitlab also only allows one > user per > >>>> >>>> >> account (I believe) but each account can have multiple roots > or > >>>> >>>> >> "groups" which themselves then can contain multiple repos. For > >>>> >>>> >> example, I may create an x3dom-unofficial group under my > account. If > >>>> >>>> >> used for static website hosting, a corresponding url would be > >>>> >>>> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> from which then x3dom related > materials > >>>> >>>> >> could be served. "x3dom-resources" could become another > group. Gitlab > >>>> >>>> >> groups are collaborative with assigned owner, maintainer, > developer, > >>>> >>>> >> user and other roles for invited collaborators. > >>>> >>>> >> > >>>> >>>> >> It is therefore natural to expand on this idea and think > about a > >>>> >>>> >> larger "x3d-resources" or similar gitlab group, used as an > option for > >>>> >>>> >> hosting of any x3d related resource. The main benefit would > perhaps be > >>>> >>>> >> to have the option to share a common url for diverse > resources. I > >>>> >>>> >> think this could be seen as complementary to web3d hosted > material, so > >>>> >>>> >> maybe a "web3d-aux" group may be more appropriate. A > >>>> >>>> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> site could then host x3dom related > materials > >>>> >>>> >> under <a href="," rel=nofollow>,</a> for example. Other > materials > >>>> >>>> >> could be served from similar urls. gitlab also supports > forwarding > >>>> >>>> >> from a gitlab url to any other url. All gitlab repos can be > automated > >>>> >>>> >> using ci runners (on gitlab servers). This is crucial since > all > >>>> >>>> >> maintenance would need to be largely automatic. > >>>> >>>> >> > >>>> >>>> >> What are your thoughts on "x3d-*" groups on gitlab ? A > potential > >>>> >>>> >> headache due to a potential for x3d confusion or a valuable > option to > >>>> >>>> >> perhaps allow for larger participation ? > >>>> >>>> >> > >>>> >>>> >> Thanks for reading and apologies for the longer than > anticipated message. > >>>> >>>> >> > >>>> >>>> >> -Andreas > >>>> >>>> >> > >>>> >>>> >> -- > >>>> >>>> >> Andreas Plesch > >>>> >>>> >> Waltham, MA 02453 > >>>> >>>> >> > >>>> >>>> >> > >>>> >>>> >> _______________________________________________ > >>>> >>>> >> X3dom-users mailing list > >>>> >>>> >> X3d...@li... > >>>> >>>> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> -- > >>>> >>>> Andreas Plesch > >>>> >>>> Waltham, MA 02453 > >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> _______________________________________________ > >>>> >>>> X3dom-users mailing list > >>>> >>>> X3d...@li... > >>>> >>>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > >>>> -- > >>>> Andreas Plesch > >>>> Waltham, MA 02453 > > > > -- > Andreas Plesch > Waltham, MA 02453 > > > _______________________________________________ > X3dom-users mailing list > X3d...@li... > <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > </pre></td> </tr> </table> <script> $('.show-to-public').each(function (el,index){ $(this).on('click', function(e){ $(this).parent('form').submit(); e.preventDefault(); }) }) </script> <table id="msg58802392"> <tr> <td class="email-header"> <div> <div><b><a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/message/58802392/">Re: [x3dom-users] Tony’s video</a></b></div> <small>From: Andreas P. <and...@gm...> - 2024-08-03 16:26:08</small> <div class="attachments"> <small> </small> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="email-body"><pre>Hi Tony, Other than x3dom-users and x3d-public, you may join github and follow x3dom development there. It is also a good way to share non-code content such as documentation, tutorials and share app development experiences. Andreas On Fri, Aug 2, 2024 at 8:38 PM Tony Nolan <t....@g3...> wrote: > > Hi > > What lists should I be a member of, if I want to use and possibly contribute to X3zdom? > > I also have a police friend, who reported to me at State Police HQ, he is a super wiz at programming in the main languages like C C++ Python, SQL, and servers. > > He would like to help out too > > Regards > Tony > > On Fri, 2 Aug 2024, 1:37 am John Carlson, <yot...@gm...> wrote: >> >> Below >> >> On Thu, Aug 1, 2024 at 9:25 AM John Carlson <yot...@gm...> wrote: >>> >>> >>> >>> On Thu, Aug 1, 2024 at 8:59 AM Andreas Plesch <and...@gm...> wrote: >>>> >>>> Hi Tony, >>>> >>>> let me share this with the list since it may be interesting to a larger group. >>>> >>>> See below. >>>> >>>> On Thu, Aug 1, 2024 at 8:18 AM Tony Nolan <t....@g3...> wrote: >>>> > >>>> > Thank you both for your inputs. Please don't take my delay in replying as disinterest, it's just a super difficult / busy time for the next week. >>>> > >>>> > After that, I'm hoping to start modelling for real, rather than demo. >>>> > >>>> > Yes, I have some things I could never figure out. >>>> > >>>> > 1. What is the absolute minimum of code I need for an object. The 3rd party application I use has a lot of extra options. >>>> >>>> For a graphical object, this would mean a Shape node: >>>> <Shape> >>>> <Appearance> >>>> <Material/> >>>> </Appearance> >>>> <Box/> >>>> </Shape> >>> >>> >>> Ah, I was not aware that Appearance and Material are required. I assumed they could be defaulted. I do think an X3D and Scene elements are also required to put the graphical object in a scene and make it viewable, but I’m not aware of the latest tech. It’s been a while! >>> >>>> >>>> >>>> > >>>> > 2. I was never able to get a hyperlink within X3Dom code file to switch to a different X3Dom file. >>>> >>>> The Anchor node may be what you are looking >>>> for:<a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>>> >>>> > 3. I have 6 sections that print. In D3 and C3, I can show/ hide entire objects, but never been able get it to work in X3Dom. >>>> >>>> Most objects have a visible attribute to show/hide objects. >>> >>> >>> Thanks, Andreas, I have not used that. >> >> Hint: >> I am seeing the visible attribute on Shape, not Sphere, if you’re confused as I was. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> > 4. I can never get the mouse to work right into the speed of zooming in and out. >>>> >>>> The '+' and '-' keys can change the speed. The default speed can be >>>> set with the NavigationInfo node: >>>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>> >>> >>> Cool, I’ll have to try that. >>>> >>>> >>>> > 5. I would love to contribute and be a member of discussion groups, and application development. I really love X3Dom, but as I'm not a programmer, so I feel very unworthy to reach out to even ask questions. >>>> >>>> Thanks for giving it a try ! >>>> >>>> > I'm happy to share when I get things started, and I'm about to get a international award for my life time achievements for my contributions to maths and fuzzy logic in 3d. >>>> >>>> No worries. -Andreas >>>> >>>> > Thanks for responding... >>>> > >>>> > Regards >>>> > Tony >>>> > >>>> > On Wed, 31 July 2024, 3:34 pm John Carlson, <yot...@gm...> wrote: >>>> >> >>>> >> Tony, >>>> >> >>>> >> It also looks like you've nailed a Fuzzy OmniCraft. See my effort for a metamodel for Fuzzy MineCraft: >>>> >> >>>> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> dating from January 2016 >>>> >> >>>> >> (not a mine that I know of, just a txt file). >>>> >> >>>> >> My web hosting company has a virus scanning service I employ, but it should pop-up in your browser, no scripts involved. >>>> >> >>>> >> John >>>> >> >>>> >> On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 11:56 PM John Carlson <yot...@gm...> wrote: >>>> >>> >>>> >>> Andreas, thanks for sharing. >>>> >>> >>>> >>> Hi Tony, >>>> >>> >>>> >>> Have you seen Ted Nelson videos describing Xanadu? >>>> >>> >>>> >>> I too followed the D3.js route in X3DOM, etc., culminating in this schema viewer (I tried WebVOWL, too slow): >>>> >>> >>>> >>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> (Not my code, I prepared the data) >>>> >>> >>>> >>> It looks like you found the D3 orbit software as I did: >>>> >>> >>>> >>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> (Not my code either, I prepared the data) >>>> >>> >>>> >>> I have more code for getting X3D JSON code (in general terms) into a viewable state with D3.js >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> We do have ways to view X3D using (sometimes known as X3DPSAIL), especially in Jupyter, which you are probably familiar with. So you can write python code and display with X3DOM in Jupyter (but Jupyter may have changed to disable that). >>>> >>> >>>> >>> So we could experiment with that if you like. Resources are me, Andreas, and possibly we can bring in others. Search the x3d-public archives. Probably Jupyter, mybinder and aono would be search terms. >>>> >>> Having another Jupyter person could ensure the quality of for that purpose. >>>> >>> >>>> >>> So does your model include a self-enveloping universe? You do bring up fractals in the video. I’ve heard the latest is fractal Big Bangs or some such. >>>> >>> >>>> >>> If you want to help X3D, consider volunteering to enhance Blender X3D import/export in python. It will test your knowledge of 3D and if you read Python code, great! I need a lift to get past a few animation difficulties. Plus could use modifications to ensure the export of good models from Blender—DEF/USE ordering on output. >>>> >>> >>>> >>> But your work looks more important that Blender. Do you render X3D semantics yet? >>>> >>> >>>> >>> Please check out StarcellOS (not mine): >>>> >>> >>>> >>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> John >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 10:40 PM Andreas Plesch <and...@gm...> wrote: >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Hi Tony, >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Thank you for your interest in x3dom and declarative 3d graphics. It >>>> >>>> was a bit hard to tell from your exuberant message how successful you >>>> >>>> were with representing an abstraction of a large knowledge system in >>>> >>>> 3d but I did find your youtube video which does show what appears to >>>> >>>> be x3dom in action here: <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> It is great that you found a way to construct a x3d based description >>>> >>>> of the 3d representation of the envisioned knowledge structure. Thanks >>>> >>>> for sharing that process. Let me add that visualizing abstract trees >>>> >>>> and graphs is actually not a very uncommon use case for x3d. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Please feel free to use the mailing list if you have any x3dom >>>> >>>> related, more technical questions or when you can share a nice 3d >>>> >>>> model. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Good luck with the model demonstration at the conference and please go >>>> >>>> ahead and do share your positive experience with x3dom there, >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Andreas >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 3:53 PM Tony Nolan <t....@g3...> wrote: >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > G'day. >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > I love the idea of making the gitlab, if it opens it up for other users, or different types of users to have access to this wonderful software as a gateway into the 3d world. >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > But as an observation, it's instructions and supporting documents can be way too complex for simple programmers like me to easily find answers. >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > This was my experience. I use x3dom to demonstrate my Reality of Everything model. I'm demonstrating it at an International Congress in late September, which will go out to Scientists, Leading Academics, Industry Leaders, of the advantages of using 3d perspectives to solve the world's problems. In my keynote address I will be referencing X3Dom as the software of choice to represent the data in 3d. >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > To achieve this, I had to discover D3, and then learn about X3Dom and how to insert it and make it talk to D3. Then using a translater program make my designs / basic components into Logo, and use the publish command to build the X3Dom code. They learning and striping away what you don't need to make the very basics, use a word document to hold the syntax, and Excel and Access to hold the variables values. I then mail merge this to get my code to put into my x3dom scripts. >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > Then I have to resize / scale that section of objects, to get the final products. >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > So my end result looks like a massive galaxy with solar systems, planets, moons, etc. Where the position of everything represents the cause and effects and the interconnectedness of everything on everything. Where you can rotate, pull up points of view, recenter nodes of interest. Each object of rings, tables, interconnecting lines, has metadata attached and is displayed into the D3 containers. >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > There are things I can't do like easily have lines that are selectable, so I have to distord objects to mimic rings. A ring is in effect a radar graph, a line from x,y,z to x1,y1,z1 where I have to make it a box and find a midpoint and adjust offsets and scales, etc. >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > But in the end I have a model with upto 1 million zones of galaxies with planets, to up to 4 levels of quasi fractal radar plots, etc. >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > The end result is using a knowledge classification scheme, fuzzy logic, and cause and effect representation I can model how the universe interconnects. >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > This is what I am demonstrating at the end of September. One day I hope to get it into my oculus quest, and be able to fly between my data nodes, and visually explore my dataverse. >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > But what I do and how I got to this point is not your standard pathway or traditional usage of X3Dom. But for data scientists and intelligence officers like me, where R and Python are the norm, X3Dom offers so much more freedom in 3d data representation than what those software applications can offer. >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > Hence I love the idea of making X3Dom more available, but in this for dumb non programmers like me, where our industry / research lies in other disciplines can there be a sub stream for dummies like me to have simple basics and cross overs to other applications and disciplines. >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > Regards >>>> >>>> > Tony >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > On Tue, 30 July 2024, 1:27 pm Andreas Plesch, <and...@gm...> wrote: >>>> >>>> >> >>>> >>>> >> I would like to get input and feedback on creating a x3d-related group >>>> >>>> >> under a personal gitlab account (perhaps mine). >>>> >>>> >> >>>> >>>> >> The background is that I am contemplating using gitlab for static site >>>> >>>> >> hosting, for x3dom related material such as development releases, >>>> >>>> >> documentation, an x3d viewer/in browser editor or a gltf viewer. These >>>> >>>> >> materials are currently hosted under my personal github account at >>>> >>>> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> but I would like to move away from using that. >>>> >>>> >> Unfortunately, github only allows one account per user or organization >>>> >>>> >> so I cannot in good faith just create another github account (say >>>> >>>> >> x3dom-unoffiicial). >>>> >>>> >> >>>> >>>> >> Gitlab is similar to github but has more powerful project management >>>> >>>> >> features even for the free tier. Gitlab also only allows one user per >>>> >>>> >> account (I believe) but each account can have multiple roots or >>>> >>>> >> "groups" which themselves then can contain multiple repos. For >>>> >>>> >> example, I may create an x3dom-unofficial group under my account. If >>>> >>>> >> used for static website hosting, a corresponding url would be >>>> >>>> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> from which then x3dom related materials >>>> >>>> >> could be served. "x3dom-resources" could become another group. Gitlab >>>> >>>> >> groups are collaborative with assigned owner, maintainer, developer, >>>> >>>> >> user and other roles for invited collaborators. >>>> >>>> >> >>>> >>>> >> It is therefore natural to expand on this idea and think about a >>>> >>>> >> larger "x3d-resources" or similar gitlab group, used as an option for >>>> >>>> >> hosting of any x3d related resource. The main benefit would perhaps be >>>> >>>> >> to have the option to share a common url for diverse resources. I >>>> >>>> >> think this could be seen as complementary to web3d hosted material, so >>>> >>>> >> maybe a "web3d-aux" group may be more appropriate. A >>>> >>>> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> site could then host x3dom related materials >>>> >>>> >> under <a href="," rel=nofollow>,</a> for example. Other materials >>>> >>>> >> could be served from similar urls. gitlab also supports forwarding >>>> >>>> >> from a gitlab url to any other url. All gitlab repos can be automated >>>> >>>> >> using ci runners (on gitlab servers). This is crucial since all >>>> >>>> >> maintenance would need to be largely automatic. >>>> >>>> >> >>>> >>>> >> What are your thoughts on "x3d-*" groups on gitlab ? A potential >>>> >>>> >> headache due to a potential for x3d confusion or a valuable option to >>>> >>>> >> perhaps allow for larger participation ? >>>> >>>> >> >>>> >>>> >> Thanks for reading and apologies for the longer than anticipated message. >>>> >>>> >> >>>> >>>> >> -Andreas >>>> >>>> >> >>>> >>>> >> -- >>>> >>>> >> Andreas Plesch >>>> >>>> >> Waltham, MA 02453 >>>> >>>> >> >>>> >>>> >> >>>> >>>> >> _______________________________________________ >>>> >>>> >> X3dom-users mailing list >>>> >>>> >> X3d...@li... >>>> >>>> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> -- >>>> >>>> Andreas Plesch >>>> >>>> Waltham, MA 02453 >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> _______________________________________________ >>>> >>>> X3dom-users mailing list >>>> >>>> X3d...@li... >>>> >>>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> -- >>>> Andreas Plesch >>>> Waltham, MA 02453 -- Andreas Plesch Waltham, MA 02453 </pre></td> </tr> </table> <script> $('.show-to-public').each(function (el,index){ $(this).on('click', function(e){ $(this).parent('form').submit(); e.preventDefault(); }) }) </script> <table id="msg58801815"> <tr> <td class="email-header"> <div> <div><b><a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/message/58801815/">Re: [x3dom-users] Tony’s video</a></b></div> <small>From: Andreas P. <and...@gm...> - 2024-08-01 16:46:50</small> <div class="attachments"> <small> </small> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="email-body"><pre>I checked by looking at this example: <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> This has Shapes without Appearance elements, eg. the Appearance field is NULL and the Shapes are rendered white without shading (unlit). This is rarely useful but strictly speaking an Appearance element is not required, in x3d and x3dom. -Andreas On Thu, Aug 1, 2024 at 11:57 AM John Carlson <yot...@gm...> wrote: > > FYI, it appears like X3DOM requires a Shape.appearance node, > > <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > > X3D does not, default is NULL. > > <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > > But I’m not savvy on X3DOM docs. > > > On Thu, Aug 1, 2024 at 10:37 AM John Carlson <yot...@gm...> wrote: >> >> Below >> >> On Thu, Aug 1, 2024 at 9:25 AM John Carlson <yot...@gm...> wrote: >>> >>> >>> >>> On Thu, Aug 1, 2024 at 8:59 AM Andreas Plesch <and...@gm...> wrote: >>>> >>>> Hi Tony, >>>> >>>> let me share this with the list since it may be interesting to a larger group. >>>> >>>> See below. >>>> >>>> On Thu, Aug 1, 2024 at 8:18 AM Tony Nolan <t....@g3...> wrote: >>>> > >>>> > Thank you both for your inputs. Please don't take my delay in replying as disinterest, it's just a super difficult / busy time for the next week. >>>> > >>>> > After that, I'm hoping to start modelling for real, rather than demo. >>>> > >>>> > Yes, I have some things I could never figure out. >>>> > >>>> > 1. What is the absolute minimum of code I need for an object. The 3rd party application I use has a lot of extra options. >>>> >>>> For a graphical object, this would mean a Shape node: >>>> <Shape> >>>> <Appearance> >>>> <Material/> >>>> </Appearance> >>>> <Box/> >>>> </Shape> >>> >>> >>> Ah, I was not aware that Appearance and Material are required. I assumed they could be defaulted. I do think an X3D and Scene elements are also required to put the graphical object in a scene and make it viewable, but I’m not aware of the latest tech. It’s been a while! >>> >>>> >>>> >>>> > >>>> > 2. I was never able to get a hyperlink within X3Dom code file to switch to a different X3Dom file. >>>> >>>> The Anchor node may be what you are looking >>>> for:<a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>>> >>>> > 3. I have 6 sections that print. In D3 and C3, I can show/ hide entire objects, but never been able get it to work in X3Dom. >>>> >>>> Most objects have a visible attribute to show/hide objects. >>> >>> >>> Thanks, Andreas, I have not used that. >> >> Hint: >> I am seeing the visible attribute on Shape, not Sphere, if you’re confused as I was. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> > 4. I can never get the mouse to work right into the speed of zooming in and out. >>>> >>>> The '+' and '-' keys can change the speed. The default speed can be >>>> set with the NavigationInfo node: >>>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>> >>> >>> Cool, I’ll have to try that. >>>> >>>> >>>> > 5. I would love to contribute and be a member of discussion groups, and application development. I really love X3Dom, but as I'm not a programmer, so I feel very unworthy to reach out to even ask questions. >>>> >>>> Thanks for giving it a try ! >>>> >>>> > I'm happy to share when I get things started, and I'm about to get a international award for my life time achievements for my contributions to maths and fuzzy logic in 3d. >>>> >>>> No worries. -Andreas >>>> >>>> > Thanks for responding... >>>> > >>>> > Regards >>>> > Tony >>>> > >>>> > On Wed, 31 July 2024, 3:34 pm John Carlson, <yot...@gm...> wrote: >>>> >> >>>> >> Tony, >>>> >> >>>> >> It also looks like you've nailed a Fuzzy OmniCraft. See my effort for a metamodel for Fuzzy MineCraft: >>>> >> >>>> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> dating from January 2016 >>>> >> >>>> >> (not a mine that I know of, just a txt file). >>>> >> >>>> >> My web hosting company has a virus scanning service I employ, but it should pop-up in your browser, no scripts involved. >>>> >> >>>> >> John >>>> >> >>>> >> On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 11:56 PM John Carlson <yot...@gm...> wrote: >>>> >>> >>>> >>> Andreas, thanks for sharing. >>>> >>> >>>> >>> Hi Tony, >>>> >>> >>>> >>> Have you seen Ted Nelson videos describing Xanadu? >>>> >>> >>>> >>> I too followed the D3.js route in X3DOM, etc., culminating in this schema viewer (I tried WebVOWL, too slow): >>>> >>> >>>> >>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> (Not my code, I prepared the data) >>>> >>> >>>> >>> It looks like you found the D3 orbit software as I did: >>>> >>> >>>> >>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> (Not my code either, I prepared the data) >>>> >>> >>>> >>> I have more code for getting X3D JSON code (in general terms) into a viewable state with D3.js >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> We do have ways to view X3D using (sometimes known as X3DPSAIL), especially in Jupyter, which you are probably familiar with. So you can write python code and display with X3DOM in Jupyter (but Jupyter may have changed to disable that). >>>> >>> >>>> >>> So we could experiment with that if you like. Resources are me, Andreas, and possibly we can bring in others. Search the x3d-public archives. Probably Jupyter, mybinder and aono would be search terms. >>>> >>> Having another Jupyter person could ensure the quality of for that purpose. >>>> >>> >>>> >>> So does your model include a self-enveloping universe? You do bring up fractals in the video. I’ve heard the latest is fractal Big Bangs or some such. >>>> >>> >>>> >>> If you want to help X3D, consider volunteering to enhance Blender X3D import/export in python. It will test your knowledge of 3D and if you read Python code, great! I need a lift to get past a few animation difficulties. Plus could use modifications to ensure the export of good models from Blender—DEF/USE ordering on output. >>>> >>> >>>> >>> But your work looks more important that Blender. Do you render X3D semantics yet? >>>> >>> >>>> >>> Please check out StarcellOS (not mine): >>>> >>> >>>> >>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> John >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 10:40 PM Andreas Plesch <and...@gm...> wrote: >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Hi Tony, >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Thank you for your interest in x3dom and declarative 3d graphics. It >>>> >>>> was a bit hard to tell from your exuberant message how successful you >>>> >>>> were with representing an abstraction of a large knowledge system in >>>> >>>> 3d but I did find your youtube video which does show what appears to >>>> >>>> be x3dom in action here: <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> It is great that you found a way to construct a x3d based description >>>> >>>> of the 3d representation of the envisioned knowledge structure. Thanks >>>> >>>> for sharing that process. Let me add that visualizing abstract trees >>>> >>>> and graphs is actually not a very uncommon use case for x3d. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Please feel free to use the mailing list if you have any x3dom >>>> >>>> related, more technical questions or when you can share a nice 3d >>>> >>>> model. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Good luck with the model demonstration at the conference and please go >>>> >>>> ahead and do share your positive experience with x3dom there, >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Andreas >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 3:53 PM Tony Nolan <t....@g3...> wrote: >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > G'day. >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > I love the idea of making the gitlab, if it opens it up for other users, or different types of users to have access to this wonderful software as a gateway into the 3d world. >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > But as an observation, it's instructions and supporting documents can be way too complex for simple programmers like me to easily find answers. >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > This was my experience. I use x3dom to demonstrate my Reality of Everything model. I'm demonstrating it at an International Congress in late September, which will go out to Scientists, Leading Academics, Industry Leaders, of the advantages of using 3d perspectives to solve the world's problems. In my keynote address I will be referencing X3Dom as the software of choice to represent the data in 3d. >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > To achieve this, I had to discover D3, and then learn about X3Dom and how to insert it and make it talk to D3. Then using a translater program make my designs / basic components into Logo, and use the publish command to build the X3Dom code. They learning and striping away what you don't need to make the very basics, use a word document to hold the syntax, and Excel and Access to hold the variables values. I then mail merge this to get my code to put into my x3dom scripts. >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > Then I have to resize / scale that section of objects, to get the final products. >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > So my end result looks like a massive galaxy with solar systems, planets, moons, etc. Where the position of everything represents the cause and effects and the interconnectedness of everything on everything. Where you can rotate, pull up points of view, recenter nodes of interest. Each object of rings, tables, interconnecting lines, has metadata attached and is displayed into the D3 containers. >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > There are things I can't do like easily have lines that are selectable, so I have to distord objects to mimic rings. A ring is in effect a radar graph, a line from x,y,z to x1,y1,z1 where I have to make it a box and find a midpoint and adjust offsets and scales, etc. >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > But in the end I have a model with upto 1 million zones of galaxies with planets, to up to 4 levels of quasi fractal radar plots, etc. >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > The end result is using a knowledge classification scheme, fuzzy logic, and cause and effect representation I can model how the universe interconnects. >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > This is what I am demonstrating at the end of September. One day I hope to get it into my oculus quest, and be able to fly between my data nodes, and visually explore my dataverse. >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > But what I do and how I got to this point is not your standard pathway or traditional usage of X3Dom. But for data scientists and intelligence officers like me, where R and Python are the norm, X3Dom offers so much more freedom in 3d data representation than what those software applications can offer. >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > Hence I love the idea of making X3Dom more available, but in this for dumb non programmers like me, where our industry / research lies in other disciplines can there be a sub stream for dummies like me to have simple basics and cross overs to other applications and disciplines. >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > Regards >>>> >>>> > Tony >>>> >>>> > >>>> >>>> > On Tue, 30 July 2024, 1:27 pm Andreas Plesch, <and...@gm...> wrote: >>>> >>>> >> >>>> >>>> >> I would like to get input and feedback on creating a x3d-related group >>>> >>>> >> under a personal gitlab account (perhaps mine). >>>> >>>> >> >>>> >>>> >> The background is that I am contemplating using gitlab for static site >>>> >>>> >> hosting, for x3dom related material such as development releases, >>>> >>>> >> documentation, an x3d viewer/in browser editor or a gltf viewer. These >>>> >>>> >> materials are currently hosted under my personal github account at >>>> >>>> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> but I would like to move away from using that. >>>> >>>> >> Unfortunately, github only allows one account per user or organization >>>> >>>> >> so I cannot in good faith just create another github account (say >>>> >>>> >> x3dom-unoffiicial). >>>> >>>> >> >>>> >>>> >> Gitlab is similar to github but has more powerful project management >>>> >>>> >> features even for the free tier. Gitlab also only allows one user per >>>> >>>> >> account (I believe) but each account can have multiple roots or >>>> >>>> >> "groups" which themselves then can contain multiple repos. For >>>> >>>> >> example, I may create an x3dom-unofficial group under my account. If >>>> >>>> >> used for static website hosting, a corresponding url would be >>>> >>>> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> from which then x3dom related materials >>>> >>>> >> could be served. "x3dom-resources" could become another group. Gitlab >>>> >>>> >> groups are collaborative with assigned owner, maintainer, developer, >>>> >>>> >> user and other roles for invited collaborators. >>>> >>>> >> >>>> >>>> >> It is therefore natural to expand on this idea and think about a >>>> >>>> >> larger "x3d-resources" or similar gitlab group, used as an option for >>>> >>>> >> hosting of any x3d related resource. The main benefit would perhaps be >>>> >>>> >> to have the option to share a common url for diverse resources. I >>>> >>>> >> think this could be seen as complementary to web3d hosted material, so >>>> >>>> >> maybe a "web3d-aux" group may be more appropriate. A >>>> >>>> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> site could then host x3dom related materials >>>> >>>> >> under <a href="," rel=nofollow>,</a> for example. Other materials >>>> >>>> >> could be served from similar urls. gitlab also supports forwarding >>>> >>>> >> from a gitlab url to any other url. All gitlab repos can be automated >>>> >>>> >> using ci runners (on gitlab servers). This is crucial since all >>>> >>>> >> maintenance would need to be largely automatic. >>>> >>>> >> >>>> >>>> >> What are your thoughts on "x3d-*" groups on gitlab ? A potential >>>> >>>> >> headache due to a potential for x3d confusion or a valuable option to >>>> >>>> >> perhaps allow for larger participation ? >>>> >>>> >> >>>> >>>> >> Thanks for reading and apologies for the longer than anticipated message. >>>> >>>> >> >>>> >>>> >> -Andreas >>>> >>>> >> >>>> >>>> >> -- >>>> >>>> >> Andreas Plesch >>>> >>>> >> Waltham, MA 02453 >>>> >>>> >> >>>> >>>> >> >>>> >>>> >> _______________________________________________ >>>> >>>> >> X3dom-users mailing list >>>> >>>> >> X3d...@li... >>>> >>>> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> -- >>>> >>>> Andreas Plesch >>>> >>>> Waltham, MA 02453 >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> _______________________________________________ >>>> >>>> X3dom-users mailing list >>>> >>>> X3d...@li... >>>> >>>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> -- >>>> Andreas Plesch >>>> Waltham, MA 02453 -- Andreas Plesch Waltham, MA 02453 </pre></td> </tr> </table> <script> $('.show-to-public').each(function (el,index){ $(this).on('click', function(e){ $(this).parent('form').submit(); e.preventDefault(); }) }) </script> <table id="msg58801797"> <tr> <td class="email-header"> <div> <div><b><a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/message/58801797/">Re: [x3dom-users] Tony’s video</a></b></div> <small>From: John C. <yot...@gm...> - 2024-08-01 15:57:55</small> <div class="attachments"> <small> </small> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="email-body"><pre>FYI, it appears like X3DOM requires a Shape.appearance node, <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> X3D does not, default is NULL. <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> But I’m not savvy on X3DOM docs. On Thu, Aug 1, 2024 at 10:37 AM John Carlson <yot...@gm...> wrote: > Below > > On Thu, Aug 1, 2024 at 9:25 AM John Carlson <yot...@gm...> wrote: > >> >> >> On Thu, Aug 1, 2024 at 8:59 AM Andreas Plesch <and...@gm...> >> wrote: >> >>> Hi Tony, >>> >>> let me share this with the list since it may be interesting to a larger >>> group. >>> >>> See below. >>> >>> On Thu, Aug 1, 2024 at 8:18 AM Tony Nolan <t....@g3...> wrote: >>> > >>> > Thank you both for your inputs. Please don't take my delay in replying >>> as disinterest, it's just a super difficult / busy time for the next week. >>> > >>> > After that, I'm hoping to start modelling for real, rather than demo. >>> > >>> > Yes, I have some things I could never figure out. >>> > >>> > 1. What is the absolute minimum of code I need for an object. The 3rd >>> party application I use has a lot of extra options. >>> >>> For a graphical object, this would mean a Shape node: >>> <Shape> >>> <Appearance> >>> <Material/> >>> </Appearance> >>> <Box/> >>> </Shape> >> >> >> Ah, I was not aware that Appearance and Material are required. I assumed >> they could be defaulted. I do think an X3D and Scene elements are also >> required to put the graphical object in a scene and make it viewable, but >> I’m not aware of the latest tech. It’s been a while! >> >> >>> >>> > >>> > 2. I was never able to get a hyperlink within X3Dom code file to >>> switch to a different X3Dom file. >>> >>> The Anchor node may be what you are looking >>> for: >>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>> >>> > 3. I have 6 sections that print. In D3 and C3, I can show/ hide >>> entire objects, but never been able get it to work in X3Dom. >>> >>> Most objects have a visible attribute to show/hide objects. >> >> >> Thanks, Andreas, I have not used that. >> > Hint: > I am seeing the visible attribute on Shape, not Sphere, if you’re confused > as I was. > >> >>> >>> > 4. I can never get the mouse to work right into the speed of zooming >>> in and out. >>> >>> The '+' and '-' keys can change the speed. The default speed can be >>> set with the NavigationInfo node: >>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>> >> >> Cool, I’ll have to try that. >> >>> >>> > 5. I would love to contribute and be a member of discussion groups, >>> and application development. I really love X3Dom, but as I'm not a >>> programmer, so I feel very unworthy to reach out to even ask questions. >>> >>> Thanks for giving it a try ! >>> >>> > I'm happy to share when I get things started, and I'm about to get a >>> international award for my life time achievements for my contributions to >>> maths and fuzzy logic in 3d. >>> >>> No worries. -Andreas >>> >>> > Thanks for responding... >>> > >>> > Regards >>> > Tony >>> > >>> > On Wed, 31 July 2024, 3:34 pm John Carlson, <yot...@gm...> >>> wrote: >>> >> >>> >> Tony, >>> >> >>> >> It also looks like you've nailed a Fuzzy OmniCraft. See my effort >>> for a metamodel for Fuzzy MineCraft: >>> >> >>> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> dating from January 2016 >>> >> >>> >> (not a mine that I know of, just a txt file). >>> >> >>> >> My web hosting company has a virus scanning service I employ, but it >>> should pop-up in your browser, no scripts involved. >>> >> >>> >> John >>> >> >>> >> On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 11:56 PM John Carlson <yot...@gm...> >>> wrote: >>> >>> >>> >>> Andreas, thanks for sharing. >>> >>> >>> >>> Hi Tony, >>> >>> >>> >>> Have you seen Ted Nelson videos describing Xanadu? >>> >>> >>> >>> I too followed the D3.js route in X3DOM, etc., culminating in this >>> schema viewer (I tried WebVOWL, too slow): >>> >>> >>> >>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>> >>> >>> >>> (Not my code, I prepared the data) >>> >>> >>> >>> It looks like you found the D3 orbit software as I did: >>> >>> >>> >>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>> >>> >>> >>> (Not my code either, I prepared the data) >>> >>> >>> >>> I have more code for getting X3D JSON code (in general terms) into a >>> viewable state with D3.js >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> We do have ways to view X3D using (sometimes known as >>> X3DPSAIL), especially in Jupyter, which you are probably familiar with. So >>> you can write python code and display with X3DOM in Jupyter (but Jupyter >>> may have changed to disable that). >>> >>> >>> >>> So we could experiment with that if you like. Resources are me, >>> Andreas, and possibly we can bring in others. Search the x3d-public >>> archives. Probably Jupyter, mybinder and aono would be search terms. >>> >>> Having another Jupyter person could ensure the quality of for >>> that purpose. >>> >>> >>> >>> So does your model include a self-enveloping universe? You do bring >>> up fractals in the video. I’ve heard the latest is fractal Big Bangs or >>> some such. >>> >>> >>> >>> If you want to help X3D, consider volunteering to enhance Blender >>> X3D import/export in python. It will test your knowledge of 3D and if you >>> read Python code, great! I need a lift to get past a few animation >>> difficulties. Plus could use modifications to ensure the export of >>> good models from Blender—DEF/USE ordering on output. >>> >>> >>> >>> But your work looks more important that Blender. Do you render X3D >>> semantics yet? >>> >>> >>> >>> Please check out StarcellOS (not mine): >>> >>> >>> >>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>> >>> >>> >>> John >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 10:40 PM Andreas Plesch < >>> and...@gm...> wrote: >>> >>>> >>> >>>> Hi Tony, >>> >>>> >>> >>>> Thank you for your interest in x3dom and declarative 3d graphics. It >>> >>>> was a bit hard to tell from your exuberant message how successful >>> you >>> >>>> were with representing an abstraction of a large knowledge system in >>> >>>> 3d but I did find your youtube video which does show what appears to >>> >>>> be x3dom in action here: <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> It is great that you found a way to construct a x3d based >>> description >>> >>>> of the 3d representation of the envisioned knowledge structure. >>> Thanks >>> >>>> for sharing that process. Let me add that visualizing abstract trees >>> >>>> and graphs is actually not a very uncommon use case for x3d. >>> >>>> >>> >>>> Please feel free to use the mailing list if you have any x3dom >>> >>>> related, more technical questions or when you can share a nice 3d >>> >>>> model. >>> >>>> >>> >>>> Good luck with the model demonstration at the conference and please >>> go >>> >>>> ahead and do share your positive experience with x3dom there, >>> >>>> >>> >>>> Andreas >>> >>>> >>> >>>> On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 3:53 PM Tony Nolan <t....@g3...> >>> wrote: >>> >>>> > >>> >>>> > >>> >>>> > G'day. >>> >>>> > >>> >>>> > I love the idea of making the gitlab, if it opens it up for other >>> users, or different types of users to have access to this wonderful >>> software as a gateway into the 3d world. >>> >>>> > >>> >>>> > But as an observation, it's instructions and supporting documents >>> can be way too complex for simple programmers like me to easily find >>> answers. >>> >>>> > >>> >>>> > This was my experience. I use x3dom to demonstrate my Reality of >>> Everything model. I'm demonstrating it at an International Congress in late >>> September, which will go out to Scientists, Leading Academics, Industry >>> Leaders, of the advantages of using 3d perspectives to solve the world's >>> problems. In my keynote address I will be referencing X3Dom as the >>> software of choice to represent the data in 3d. >>> >>>> > >>> >>>> > To achieve this, I had to discover D3, and then learn about X3Dom >>> and how to insert it and make it talk to D3. Then using a translater >>> program make my designs / basic components into Logo, and use the publish >>> command to build the X3Dom code. They learning and striping away what you >>> don't need to make the very basics, use a word document to hold the syntax, >>> and Excel and Access to hold the variables values. I then mail merge this >>> to get my code to put into my x3dom scripts. >>> >>>> > >>> >>>> > Then I have to resize / scale that section of objects, to get the >>> final products. >>> >>>> > >>> >>>> > So my end result looks like a massive galaxy with solar systems, >>> planets, moons, etc. Where the position of everything represents the cause >>> and effects and the interconnectedness of everything on everything. Where >>> you can rotate, pull up points of view, recenter nodes of interest. Each >>> object of rings, tables, interconnecting lines, has metadata attached and >>> is displayed into the D3 containers. >>> >>>> > >>> >>>> > There are things I can't do like easily have lines that are >>> selectable, so I have to distord objects to mimic rings. A ring is in >>> effect a radar graph, a line from x,y,z to x1,y1,z1 where I have to make it >>> a box and find a midpoint and adjust offsets and scales, etc. >>> >>>> > >>> >>>> > But in the end I have a model with upto 1 million zones of >>> galaxies with planets, to up to 4 levels of quasi fractal radar plots, etc. >>> >>>> > >>> >>>> > The end result is using a knowledge classification scheme, fuzzy >>> logic, and cause and effect representation I can model how the universe >>> interconnects. >>> >>>> > >>> >>>> > This is what I am demonstrating at the end of September. One day >>> I hope to get it into my oculus quest, and be able to fly between my data >>> nodes, and visually explore my dataverse. >>> >>>> > >>> >>>> > But what I do and how I got to this point is not your standard >>> pathway or traditional usage of X3Dom. But for data scientists and >>> intelligence officers like me, where R and Python are the norm, X3Dom >>> offers so much more freedom in 3d data representation than what those >>> software applications can offer. >>> >>>> > >>> >>>> > Hence I love the idea of making X3Dom more available, but in this >>> for dumb non programmers like me, where our industry / research lies in >>> other disciplines can there be a sub stream for dummies like me to have >>> simple basics and cross overs to other applications and disciplines. >>> >>>> > >>> >>>> > Regards >>> >>>> > Tony >>> >>>> > >>> >>>> > On Tue, 30 July 2024, 1:27 pm Andreas Plesch, < >>> and...@gm...> wrote: >>> >>>> >> >>> >>>> >> I would like to get input and feedback on creating a x3d-related >>> group >>> >>>> >> under a personal gitlab account (perhaps mine). >>> >>>> >> >>> >>>> >> The background is that I am contemplating using gitlab for >>> static site >>> >>>> >> hosting, for x3dom related material such as development releases, >>> >>>> >> documentation, an x3d viewer/in browser editor or a gltf viewer. >>> These >>> >>>> >> materials are currently hosted under my personal github account >>> at >>> >>>> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> but I would like to move away from >>> using that. >>> >>>> >> Unfortunately, github only allows one account per user or >>> organization >>> >>>> >> so I cannot in good faith just create another github account (say >>> >>>> >> x3dom-unoffiicial). >>> >>>> >> >>> >>>> >> Gitlab is similar to github but has more powerful project >>> management >>> >>>> >> features even for the free tier. Gitlab also only allows one >>> user per >>> >>>> >> account (I believe) but each account can have multiple roots or >>> >>>> >> "groups" which themselves then can contain multiple repos. For >>> >>>> >> example, I may create an x3dom-unofficial group under my >>> account. If >>> >>>> >> used for static website hosting, a corresponding url would be >>> >>>> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> from which then x3dom related >>> materials >>> >>>> >> could be served. "x3dom-resources" could become another group. >>> Gitlab >>> >>>> >> groups are collaborative with assigned owner, maintainer, >>> developer, >>> >>>> >> user and other roles for invited collaborators. >>> >>>> >> >>> >>>> >> It is therefore natural to expand on this idea and think about a >>> >>>> >> larger "x3d-resources" or similar gitlab group, used as an >>> option for >>> >>>> >> hosting of any x3d related resource. The main benefit would >>> perhaps be >>> >>>> >> to have the option to share a common url for diverse resources. I >>> >>>> >> think this could be seen as complementary to web3d hosted >>> material, so >>> >>>> >> maybe a "web3d-aux" group may be more appropriate. A >>> >>>> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> site could then host x3dom related >>> materials >>> >>>> >> under <a href="," rel=nofollow>,</a> for example. Other >>> materials >>> >>>> >> could be served from similar urls. gitlab also supports >>> forwarding >>> >>>> >> from a gitlab url to any other url. All gitlab repos can be >>> automated >>> >>>> >> using ci runners (on gitlab servers). This is crucial since all >>> >>>> >> maintenance would need to be largely automatic. >>> >>>> >> >>> >>>> >> What are your thoughts on "x3d-*" groups on gitlab ? A potential >>> >>>> >> headache due to a potential for x3d confusion or a valuable >>> option to >>> >>>> >> perhaps allow for larger participation ? >>> >>>> >> >>> >>>> >> Thanks for reading and apologies for the longer than anticipated >>> message. >>> >>>> >> >>> >>>> >> -Andreas >>> >>>> >> >>> >>>> >> -- >>> >>>> >> Andreas Plesch >>> >>>> >> Waltham, MA 02453 >>> >>>> >> >>> >>>> >> >>> >>>> >> _______________________________________________ >>> >>>> >> X3dom-users mailing list >>> >>>> >> X3d...@li... >>> >>>> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> -- >>> >>>> Andreas Plesch >>> >>>> Waltham, MA 02453 >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>> >>>> _______________________________________________ >>> >>>> X3dom-users mailing list >>> >>>> X3d...@li... >>> >>>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>> >>> >>> >>> -- >>> Andreas Plesch >>> Waltham, MA 02453 >>> >> </pre></td> </tr> </table> <script> $('.show-to-public').each(function (el,index){ $(this).on('click', function(e){ $(this).parent('form').submit(); e.preventDefault(); }) }) </script> <table id="msg58801775"> <tr> <td class="email-header"> <div> <div><b><a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/message/58801775/">Re: [x3dom-users] Tony’s video</a></b></div> <small>From: John C. <yot...@gm...> - 2024-08-01 15:37:36</small> <div class="attachments"> <small> </small> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="email-body"><pre>Below On Thu, Aug 1, 2024 at 9:25 AM John Carlson <yot...@gm...> wrote: > > > On Thu, Aug 1, 2024 at 8:59 AM Andreas Plesch <and...@gm...> > wrote: > >> Hi Tony, >> >> let me share this with the list since it may be interesting to a larger >> group. >> >> See below. >> >> On Thu, Aug 1, 2024 at 8:18 AM Tony Nolan <t....@g3...> wrote: >> > >> > Thank you both for your inputs. Please don't take my delay in replying >> as disinterest, it's just a super difficult / busy time for the next week. >> > >> > After that, I'm hoping to start modelling for real, rather than demo. >> > >> > Yes, I have some things I could never figure out. >> > >> > 1. What is the absolute minimum of code I need for an object. The 3rd >> party application I use has a lot of extra options. >> >> For a graphical object, this would mean a Shape node: >> <Shape> >> <Appearance> >> <Material/> >> </Appearance> >> <Box/> >> </Shape> > > > Ah, I was not aware that Appearance and Material are required. I assumed > they could be defaulted. I do think an X3D and Scene elements are also > required to put the graphical object in a scene and make it viewable, but > I’m not aware of the latest tech. It’s been a while! > > >> >> > >> > 2. I was never able to get a hyperlink within X3Dom code file to switch >> to a different X3Dom file. >> >> The Anchor node may be what you are looking >> for: >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >> >> > 3. I have 6 sections that print. In D3 and C3, I can show/ hide entire >> objects, but never been able get it to work in X3Dom. >> >> Most objects have a visible attribute to show/hide objects. > > > Thanks, Andreas, I have not used that. > Hint: I am seeing the visible attribute on Shape, not Sphere, if you’re confused as I was. > >> >> > 4. I can never get the mouse to work right into the speed of zooming in >> and out. >> >> The '+' and '-' keys can change the speed. The default speed can be >> set with the NavigationInfo node: >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >> > > Cool, I’ll have to try that. > >> >> > 5. I would love to contribute and be a member of discussion groups, and >> application development. I really love X3Dom, but as I'm not a programmer, >> so I feel very unworthy to reach out to even ask questions. >> >> Thanks for giving it a try ! >> >> > I'm happy to share when I get things started, and I'm about to get a >> international award for my life time achievements for my contributions to >> maths and fuzzy logic in 3d. >> >> No worries. -Andreas >> >> > Thanks for responding... >> > >> > Regards >> > Tony >> > >> > On Wed, 31 July 2024, 3:34 pm John Carlson, <yot...@gm...> wrote: >> >> >> >> Tony, >> >> >> >> It also looks like you've nailed a Fuzzy OmniCraft. See my effort for >> a metamodel for Fuzzy MineCraft: >> >> >> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> dating from January 2016 >> >> >> >> (not a mine that I know of, just a txt file). >> >> >> >> My web hosting company has a virus scanning service I employ, but it >> should pop-up in your browser, no scripts involved. >> >> >> >> John >> >> >> >> On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 11:56 PM John Carlson <yot...@gm...> >> wrote: >> >>> >> >>> Andreas, thanks for sharing. >> >>> >> >>> Hi Tony, >> >>> >> >>> Have you seen Ted Nelson videos describing Xanadu? >> >>> >> >>> I too followed the D3.js route in X3DOM, etc., culminating in this >> schema viewer (I tried WebVOWL, too slow): >> >>> >> >>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >> >>> >> >>> (Not my code, I prepared the data) >> >>> >> >>> It looks like you found the D3 orbit software as I did: >> >>> >> >>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >> >>> >> >>> (Not my code either, I prepared the data) >> >>> >> >>> I have more code for getting X3D JSON code (in general terms) into a >> viewable state with D3.js >> >>> >> >>> >> >>> We do have ways to view X3D using (sometimes known as >> X3DPSAIL), especially in Jupyter, which you are probably familiar with. So >> you can write python code and display with X3DOM in Jupyter (but Jupyter >> may have changed to disable that). >> >>> >> >>> So we could experiment with that if you like. Resources are me, >> Andreas, and possibly we can bring in others. Search the x3d-public >> archives. Probably Jupyter, mybinder and aono would be search terms. >> >>> Having another Jupyter person could ensure the quality of for >> that purpose. >> >>> >> >>> So does your model include a self-enveloping universe? You do bring >> up fractals in the video. I’ve heard the latest is fractal Big Bangs or >> some such. >> >>> >> >>> If you want to help X3D, consider volunteering to enhance Blender X3D >> import/export in python. It will test your knowledge of 3D and if you read >> Python code, great! I need a lift to get past a few animation >> difficulties. Plus could use modifications to ensure the export of >> good models from Blender—DEF/USE ordering on output. >> >>> >> >>> But your work looks more important that Blender. Do you render X3D >> semantics yet? >> >>> >> >>> Please check out StarcellOS (not mine): >> >>> >> >>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >> >>> >> >>> John >> >>> >> >>> >> >>> On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 10:40 PM Andreas Plesch < >> and...@gm...> wrote: >> >>>> >> >>>> Hi Tony, >> >>>> >> >>>> Thank you for your interest in x3dom and declarative 3d graphics. It >> >>>> was a bit hard to tell from your exuberant message how successful you >> >>>> were with representing an abstraction of a large knowledge system in >> >>>> 3d but I did find your youtube video which does show what appears to >> >>>> be x3dom in action here: <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >> >>>> >> >>>> It is great that you found a way to construct a x3d based description >> >>>> of the 3d representation of the envisioned knowledge structure. >> Thanks >> >>>> for sharing that process. Let me add that visualizing abstract trees >> >>>> and graphs is actually not a very uncommon use case for x3d. >> >>>> >> >>>> Please feel free to use the mailing list if you have any x3dom >> >>>> related, more technical questions or when you can share a nice 3d >> >>>> model. >> >>>> >> >>>> Good luck with the model demonstration at the conference and please >> go >> >>>> ahead and do share your positive experience with x3dom there, >> >>>> >> >>>> Andreas >> >>>> >> >>>> On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 3:53 PM Tony Nolan <t....@g3...> >> wrote: >> >>>> > >> >>>> > >> >>>> > G'day. >> >>>> > >> >>>> > I love the idea of making the gitlab, if it opens it up for other >> users, or different types of users to have access to this wonderful >> software as a gateway into the 3d world. >> >>>> > >> >>>> > But as an observation, it's instructions and supporting documents >> can be way too complex for simple programmers like me to easily find >> answers. >> >>>> > >> >>>> > This was my experience. I use x3dom to demonstrate my Reality of >> Everything model. I'm demonstrating it at an International Congress in late >> September, which will go out to Scientists, Leading Academics, Industry >> Leaders, of the advantages of using 3d perspectives to solve the world's >> problems. In my keynote address I will be referencing X3Dom as the >> software of choice to represent the data in 3d. >> >>>> > >> >>>> > To achieve this, I had to discover D3, and then learn about X3Dom >> and how to insert it and make it talk to D3. Then using a translater >> program make my designs / basic components into Logo, and use the publish >> command to build the X3Dom code. They learning and striping away what you >> don't need to make the very basics, use a word document to hold the syntax, >> and Excel and Access to hold the variables values. I then mail merge this >> to get my code to put into my x3dom scripts. >> >>>> > >> >>>> > Then I have to resize / scale that section of objects, to get the >> final products. >> >>>> > >> >>>> > So my end result looks like a massive galaxy with solar systems, >> planets, moons, etc. Where the position of everything represents the cause >> and effects and the interconnectedness of everything on everything. Where >> you can rotate, pull up points of view, recenter nodes of interest. Each >> object of rings, tables, interconnecting lines, has metadata attached and >> is displayed into the D3 containers. >> >>>> > >> >>>> > There are things I can't do like easily have lines that are >> selectable, so I have to distord objects to mimic rings. A ring is in >> effect a radar graph, a line from x,y,z to x1,y1,z1 where I have to make it >> a box and find a midpoint and adjust offsets and scales, etc. >> >>>> > >> >>>> > But in the end I have a model with upto 1 million zones of >> galaxies with planets, to up to 4 levels of quasi fractal radar plots, etc. >> >>>> > >> >>>> > The end result is using a knowledge classification scheme, fuzzy >> logic, and cause and effect representation I can model how the universe >> interconnects. >> >>>> > >> >>>> > This is what I am demonstrating at the end of September. One day I >> hope to get it into my oculus quest, and be able to fly between my data >> nodes, and visually explore my dataverse. >> >>>> > >> >>>> > But what I do and how I got to this point is not your standard >> pathway or traditional usage of X3Dom. But for data scientists and >> intelligence officers like me, where R and Python are the norm, X3Dom >> offers so much more freedom in 3d data representation than what those >> software applications can offer. >> >>>> > >> >>>> > Hence I love the idea of making X3Dom more available, but in this >> for dumb non programmers like me, where our industry / research lies in >> other disciplines can there be a sub stream for dummies like me to have >> simple basics and cross overs to other applications and disciplines. >> >>>> > >> >>>> > Regards >> >>>> > Tony >> >>>> > >> >>>> > On Tue, 30 July 2024, 1:27 pm Andreas Plesch, < >> and...@gm...> wrote: >> >>>> >> >> >>>> >> I would like to get input and feedback on creating a x3d-related >> group >> >>>> >> under a personal gitlab account (perhaps mine). >> >>>> >> >> >>>> >> The background is that I am contemplating using gitlab for static >> site >> >>>> >> hosting, for x3dom related material such as development releases, >> >>>> >> documentation, an x3d viewer/in browser editor or a gltf viewer. >> These >> >>>> >> materials are currently hosted under my personal github account at >> >>>> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> but I would like to move away from using >> that. >> >>>> >> Unfortunately, github only allows one account per user or >> organization >> >>>> >> so I cannot in good faith just create another github account (say >> >>>> >> x3dom-unoffiicial). >> >>>> >> >> >>>> >> Gitlab is similar to github but has more powerful project >> management >> >>>> >> features even for the free tier. Gitlab also only allows one user >> per >> >>>> >> account (I believe) but each account can have multiple roots or >> >>>> >> "groups" which themselves then can contain multiple repos. For >> >>>> >> example, I may create an x3dom-unofficial group under my account. >> If >> >>>> >> used for static website hosting, a corresponding url would be >> >>>> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> from which then x3dom related >> materials >> >>>> >> could be served. "x3dom-resources" could become another group. >> Gitlab >> >>>> >> groups are collaborative with assigned owner, maintainer, >> developer, >> >>>> >> user and other roles for invited collaborators. >> >>>> >> >> >>>> >> It is therefore natural to expand on this idea and think about a >> >>>> >> larger "x3d-resources" or similar gitlab group, used as an option >> for >> >>>> >> hosting of any x3d related resource. The main benefit would >> perhaps be >> >>>> >> to have the option to share a common url for diverse resources. I >> >>>> >> think this could be seen as complementary to web3d hosted >> material, so >> >>>> >> maybe a "web3d-aux" group may be more appropriate. A >> >>>> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> site could then host x3dom related >> materials >> >>>> >> under <a href="," rel=nofollow>,</a> for example. Other materials >> >>>> >> could be served from similar urls. gitlab also supports forwarding >> >>>> >> from a gitlab url to any other url. All gitlab repos can be >> automated >> >>>> >> using ci runners (on gitlab servers). This is crucial since all >> >>>> >> maintenance would need to be largely automatic. >> >>>> >> >> >>>> >> What are your thoughts on "x3d-*" groups on gitlab ? A potential >> >>>> >> headache due to a potential for x3d confusion or a valuable >> option to >> >>>> >> perhaps allow for larger participation ? >> >>>> >> >> >>>> >> Thanks for reading and apologies for the longer than anticipated >> message. >> >>>> >> >> >>>> >> -Andreas >> >>>> >> >> >>>> >> -- >> >>>> >> Andreas Plesch >> >>>> >> Waltham, MA 02453 >> >>>> >> >> >>>> >> >> >>>> >> _______________________________________________ >> >>>> >> X3dom-users mailing list >> >>>> >> X3d...@li... >> >>>> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >> >>>> >> >>>> >> >>>> >> >>>> -- >> >>>> Andreas Plesch >> >>>> Waltham, MA 02453 >> >>>> >> >>>> >> >>>> _______________________________________________ >> >>>> X3dom-users mailing list >> >>>> X3d...@li... >> >>>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >> >> >> >> -- >> Andreas Plesch >> Waltham, MA 02453 >> > </pre></td> </tr> </table> <script> $('.show-to-public').each(function (el,index){ $(this).on('click', function(e){ $(this).parent('form').submit(); e.preventDefault(); }) }) </script> <table id="msg58801730"> <tr> <td class="email-header"> <div> <div><b><a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/message/58801730/">Re: [x3dom-users] Tony’s video</a></b></div> <small>From: Andreas P. <and...@gm...> - 2024-08-01 14:00:00</small> <div class="attachments"> <small> </small> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="email-body"><pre>Hi Tony, let me share this with the list since it may be interesting to a larger group. See below. On Thu, Aug 1, 2024 at 8:18 AM Tony Nolan <t....@g3...> wrote: > > Thank you both for your inputs. Please don't take my delay in replying as disinterest, it's just a super difficult / busy time for the next week. > > After that, I'm hoping to start modelling for real, rather than demo. > > Yes, I have some things I could never figure out. > > 1. What is the absolute minimum of code I need for an object. The 3rd party application I use has a lot of extra options. For a graphical object, this would mean a Shape node: <Shape> <Appearance> <Material/> </Appearance> <Box/> </Shape> > > 2. I was never able to get a hyperlink within X3Dom code file to switch to a different X3Dom file. The Anchor node may be what you are looking for:<a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > 3. I have 6 sections that print. In D3 and C3, I can show/ hide entire objects, but never been able get it to work in X3Dom. Most objects have a visible attribute to show/hide objects. > 4. I can never get the mouse to work right into the speed of zooming in and out. The '+' and '-' keys can change the speed. The default speed can be set with the NavigationInfo node: <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > 5. I would love to contribute and be a member of discussion groups, and application development. I really love X3Dom, but as I'm not a programmer, so I feel very unworthy to reach out to even ask questions. Thanks for giving it a try ! > I'm happy to share when I get things started, and I'm about to get a international award for my life time achievements for my contributions to maths and fuzzy logic in 3d. No worries. -Andreas > Thanks for responding... > > Regards > Tony > > On Wed, 31 July 2024, 3:34 pm John Carlson, <yot...@gm...> wrote: >> >> Tony, >> >> It also looks like you've nailed a Fuzzy OmniCraft. See my effort for a metamodel for Fuzzy MineCraft: >> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> dating from January 2016 >> >> (not a mine that I know of, just a txt file). >> >> My web hosting company has a virus scanning service I employ, but it should pop-up in your browser, no scripts involved. >> >> John >> >> On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 11:56 PM John Carlson <yot...@gm...> wrote: >>> >>> Andreas, thanks for sharing. >>> >>> Hi Tony, >>> >>> Have you seen Ted Nelson videos describing Xanadu? >>> >>> I too followed the D3.js route in X3DOM, etc., culminating in this schema viewer (I tried WebVOWL, too slow): >>> >>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>> >>> (Not my code, I prepared the data) >>> >>> It looks like you found the D3 orbit software as I did: >>> >>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>> >>> (Not my code either, I prepared the data) >>> >>> I have more code for getting X3D JSON code (in general terms) into a viewable state with D3.js >>> >>> >>> We do have ways to view X3D using (sometimes known as X3DPSAIL), especially in Jupyter, which you are probably familiar with. So you can write python code and display with X3DOM in Jupyter (but Jupyter may have changed to disable that). >>> >>> So we could experiment with that if you like. Resources are me, Andreas, and possibly we can bring in others. Search the x3d-public archives. Probably Jupyter, mybinder and aono would be search terms. >>> Having another Jupyter person could ensure the quality of for that purpose. >>> >>> So does your model include a self-enveloping universe? You do bring up fractals in the video. I’ve heard the latest is fractal Big Bangs or some such. >>> >>> If you want to help X3D, consider volunteering to enhance Blender X3D import/export in python. It will test your knowledge of 3D and if you read Python code, great! I need a lift to get past a few animation difficulties. Plus could use modifications to ensure the export of good models from Blender—DEF/USE ordering on output. >>> >>> But your work looks more important that Blender. Do you render X3D semantics yet? >>> >>> Please check out StarcellOS (not mine): >>> >>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>> >>> John >>> >>> >>> On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 10:40 PM Andreas Plesch <and...@gm...> wrote: >>>> >>>> Hi Tony, >>>> >>>> Thank you for your interest in x3dom and declarative 3d graphics. It >>>> was a bit hard to tell from your exuberant message how successful you >>>> were with representing an abstraction of a large knowledge system in >>>> 3d but I did find your youtube video which does show what appears to >>>> be x3dom in action here: <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>>> >>>> It is great that you found a way to construct a x3d based description >>>> of the 3d representation of the envisioned knowledge structure. Thanks >>>> for sharing that process. Let me add that visualizing abstract trees >>>> and graphs is actually not a very uncommon use case for x3d. >>>> >>>> Please feel free to use the mailing list if you have any x3dom >>>> related, more technical questions or when you can share a nice 3d >>>> model. >>>> >>>> Good luck with the model demonstration at the conference and please go >>>> ahead and do share your positive experience with x3dom there, >>>> >>>> Andreas >>>> >>>> On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 3:53 PM Tony Nolan <t....@g3...> wrote: >>>> > >>>> > >>>> > G'day. >>>> > >>>> > I love the idea of making the gitlab, if it opens it up for other users, or different types of users to have access to this wonderful software as a gateway into the 3d world. >>>> > >>>> > But as an observation, it's instructions and supporting documents can be way too complex for simple programmers like me to easily find answers. >>>> > >>>> > This was my experience. I use x3dom to demonstrate my Reality of Everything model. I'm demonstrating it at an International Congress in late September, which will go out to Scientists, Leading Academics, Industry Leaders, of the advantages of using 3d perspectives to solve the world's problems. In my keynote address I will be referencing X3Dom as the software of choice to represent the data in 3d. >>>> > >>>> > To achieve this, I had to discover D3, and then learn about X3Dom and how to insert it and make it talk to D3. Then using a translater program make my designs / basic components into Logo, and use the publish command to build the X3Dom code. They learning and striping away what you don't need to make the very basics, use a word document to hold the syntax, and Excel and Access to hold the variables values. I then mail merge this to get my code to put into my x3dom scripts. >>>> > >>>> > Then I have to resize / scale that section of objects, to get the final products. >>>> > >>>> > So my end result looks like a massive galaxy with solar systems, planets, moons, etc. Where the position of everything represents the cause and effects and the interconnectedness of everything on everything. Where you can rotate, pull up points of view, recenter nodes of interest. Each object of rings, tables, interconnecting lines, has metadata attached and is displayed into the D3 containers. >>>> > >>>> > There are things I can't do like easily have lines that are selectable, so I have to distord objects to mimic rings. A ring is in effect a radar graph, a line from x,y,z to x1,y1,z1 where I have to make it a box and find a midpoint and adjust offsets and scales, etc. >>>> > >>>> > But in the end I have a model with upto 1 million zones of galaxies with planets, to up to 4 levels of quasi fractal radar plots, etc. >>>> > >>>> > The end result is using a knowledge classification scheme, fuzzy logic, and cause and effect representation I can model how the universe interconnects. >>>> > >>>> > This is what I am demonstrating at the end of September. One day I hope to get it into my oculus quest, and be able to fly between my data nodes, and visually explore my dataverse. >>>> > >>>> > But what I do and how I got to this point is not your standard pathway or traditional usage of X3Dom. But for data scientists and intelligence officers like me, where R and Python are the norm, X3Dom offers so much more freedom in 3d data representation than what those software applications can offer. >>>> > >>>> > Hence I love the idea of making X3Dom more available, but in this for dumb non programmers like me, where our industry / research lies in other disciplines can there be a sub stream for dummies like me to have simple basics and cross overs to other applications and disciplines. >>>> > >>>> > Regards >>>> > Tony >>>> > >>>> > On Tue, 30 July 2024, 1:27 pm Andreas Plesch, <and...@gm...> wrote: >>>> >> >>>> >> I would like to get input and feedback on creating a x3d-related group >>>> >> under a personal gitlab account (perhaps mine). >>>> >> >>>> >> The background is that I am contemplating using gitlab for static site >>>> >> hosting, for x3dom related material such as development releases, >>>> >> documentation, an x3d viewer/in browser editor or a gltf viewer. These >>>> >> materials are currently hosted under my personal github account at >>>> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> but I would like to move away from using that. >>>> >> Unfortunately, github only allows one account per user or organization >>>> >> so I cannot in good faith just create another github account (say >>>> >> x3dom-unoffiicial). >>>> >> >>>> >> Gitlab is similar to github but has more powerful project management >>>> >> features even for the free tier. Gitlab also only allows one user per >>>> >> account (I believe) but each account can have multiple roots or >>>> >> "groups" which themselves then can contain multiple repos. For >>>> >> example, I may create an x3dom-unofficial group under my account. If >>>> >> used for static website hosting, a corresponding url would be >>>> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> from which then x3dom related materials >>>> >> could be served. "x3dom-resources" could become another group. Gitlab >>>> >> groups are collaborative with assigned owner, maintainer, developer, >>>> >> user and other roles for invited collaborators. >>>> >> >>>> >> It is therefore natural to expand on this idea and think about a >>>> >> larger "x3d-resources" or similar gitlab group, used as an option for >>>> >> hosting of any x3d related resource. The main benefit would perhaps be >>>> >> to have the option to share a common url for diverse resources. I >>>> >> think this could be seen as complementary to web3d hosted material, so >>>> >> maybe a "web3d-aux" group may be more appropriate. A >>>> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> site could then host x3dom related materials >>>> >> under <a href="," rel=nofollow>,</a> for example. Other materials >>>> >> could be served from similar urls. gitlab also supports forwarding >>>> >> from a gitlab url to any other url. All gitlab repos can be automated >>>> >> using ci runners (on gitlab servers). This is crucial since all >>>> >> maintenance would need to be largely automatic. >>>> >> >>>> >> What are your thoughts on "x3d-*" groups on gitlab ? A potential >>>> >> headache due to a potential for x3d confusion or a valuable option to >>>> >> perhaps allow for larger participation ? >>>> >> >>>> >> Thanks for reading and apologies for the longer than anticipated message. >>>> >> >>>> >> -Andreas >>>> >> >>>> >> -- >>>> >> Andreas Plesch >>>> >> Waltham, MA 02453 >>>> >> >>>> >> >>>> >> _______________________________________________ >>>> >> X3dom-users mailing list >>>> >> X3d...@li... >>>> >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> -- >>>> Andreas Plesch >>>> Waltham, MA 02453 >>>> >>>> >>>> _______________________________________________ >>>> X3dom-users mailing list >>>> X3d...@li... >>>> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> -- Andreas Plesch Waltham, MA 02453 </pre></td> </tr> </table> <script> $('.show-to-public').each(function (el,index){ $(this).on('click', function(e){ $(this).parent('form').submit(); e.preventDefault(); }) }) </script> <table id="msg58801160"> <tr> <td class="email-header"> <div> <div><b><a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/message/58801160/">Re: [x3dom-users] [x3d-public] gitlab x3d resources group</a></b></div> <small>From: Andreas P. <and...@gm...> - 2024-07-31 04:41:47</small> <div class="attachments"> <small> </small> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="email-body"><pre>Hi Michalis, group, I took the opportunity to learn more about organizations in github and completely agree that github organizations offer very similar features as gitlab groups. As a consequence I will probably create an x3dom-org or x3dom-net or x3dom-community organization on github and see if I can transfer my x3dom github repos to this organization. This will enable static hosting on <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> or so urls which is what I was after. I noticed that when creating a new organization github asks if the owner is a private user or a business/institution. Does anybody know what kind of consequences this choice implies? I could not find much in the github documentation. As for creating a shared x3d space for collaboration and ecosystem purposes, both gitlab groups and github organizations are options. If github organizations work out, I would probably slightly prefer those to keep things perhaps a little simpler. I saw that github has a 1GB limit for www published Pages whereas gitlab seems to have 10GB and probably (?) more generous bandwidth limits as well. -Andreas On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 11:24 AM Michalis Kamburelis <mic...@gm...> wrote: > > I'm cool with creating a shared space for collaboration, whether for > X3DOM or X3D in general. > > On GitLab or GitHub, wherever you find it best :) > > ( I'm not clear what is missing from GitHub in your case -- one > account on GitHub can create multiple organizations, with multiple > repositories, and invite others to it. But it doesn't matter for me > much -- in terms of features, both GitHub and GitLab rock and I use > them both and I would be happy to collaborate within any of them. ) > > Regards, > Michalis > > wt., 30 lip 2024 o 11:46 Brutzman, Donald (Don) (CIV) via x3d-public > <x3d...@we...> napisał(a): > > > > Thanks for sharing such great thinking below, Andreas. Gitlab is super for DevSecOps. > > > > <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > > > > > > NPS has a gitlab server at <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> that we have used to good effect. Agreed that it appears to have numerous features, we have only used a few but with excellent results. > > > > The Savage model library is both public, maintained in gitlab for version control, and published separately on a different server. Essentially it is an active archive for a bunch of models produced by NPS students and partners over the years. It is separate, but maintained identically, as all of the Web3D Consortiums model libraries found in X3D Examples Archives on SourceForge. All of the X3D QA validation and production tests are comprehensively applied for offline regression checking. > > > > Savage X3D Examples Archive > > The NPS Scenario Authoring and Visualization for Advanced Graphical Environments (SAVAGE) Research Group maintains a large archive of dynamic 3D military models and authoring tools, all open source and built using Extensible 3D (X3D) graphics. > > <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > > <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > > <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > > > > > > X3D Resources: Examples: Scene Archives for X3D > > <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > > <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > > > > > > Suggested important functionality for addition to gitlab: ability to render .x3d/.x3dv/.wrl models directly when inspecting them on the server. Such capability already exists for .stl files, for example > > > > <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > > > > > > Here at NPS, our team will be happy to match and second-check and test whatever rendering or CI/CD or other functionality you might want to pursue. We will configure our <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> server accordingly, for Savage models archive, as such best practices emerge. > > > > Regarding long-term activity, what you describe below seems appropriate and likely interesting for Web3D Consortium to support. Nicholas and Anita are working hard at SIGGRAPH this week and doubtless will be available for further discussion. Engaging Casey Gomez and the new X3D Ecosystem group is also important. Each are copied in this message. > > > > X3D Ecosystem > > The X3D Ecosystem Special Interest Group (SIG) brings together industry and 3D graphics expertise to improve the deployment X3D in real-time interactive 3D worlds. > > <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > > > > > > When planning a new project, it is always worthwhile to consider "assume success, then what?" Will X3D integration with gitlab scale up? Hmmm. > > > > Looking forward to continued progress for everyone together. Have fun with X3D! 🙂 > > > > > > all the best, Don > > > > -- > > > > Don Brutzman Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br bru...@np... > > > > Watkins 270, MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA +1.831.656.2149 > > > > X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > > > > > > > > > > ________________________________ > > From: Andreas Plesch <and...@gm...> > > Sent: Monday, July 29, 2024 8:26 PM > > To: X3D Graphics public mailing list <x3d...@we...> > > Cc: x3dom mlist <x3d...@li...> > > Subject: [x3dom-users] gitlab x3d resources group > > > > I would like to get input and feedback on creating a x3d-related group > > under a personal gitlab account (perhaps mine). > > > > The background is that I am contemplating using gitlab for static site > > hosting, for x3dom related material such as development releases, > > documentation, an x3d viewer/in browser editor or a gltf viewer. These > > materials are currently hosted under my personal github account at > > <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> but I would like to move away from using that. > > Unfortunately, github only allows one account per user or organization > > so I cannot in good faith just create another github account (say > > x3dom-unoffiicial). > > > > Gitlab is similar to github but has more powerful project management > > features even for the free tier. Gitlab also only allows one user per > > account (I believe) but each account can have multiple roots or > > "groups" which themselves then can contain multiple repos. For > > example, I may create an x3dom-unofficial group under my account. If > > used for static website hosting, a corresponding url would be > > <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> from which then x3dom related materials > > could be served. "x3dom-resources" could become another group. Gitlab > > groups are collaborative with assigned owner, maintainer, developer, > > user and other roles for invited collaborators. > > > > It is therefore natural to expand on this idea and think about a > > larger "x3d-resources" or similar gitlab group, used as an option for > > hosting of any x3d related resource. The main benefit would perhaps be > > to have the option to share a common url for diverse resources. I > > think this could be seen as complementary to web3d hosted material, so > > maybe a "web3d-aux" group may be more appropriate. A > > <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> site could then host x3dom related materials > > under <a href="," rel=nofollow>,</a> for example. Other materials > > could be served from similar urls. gitlab also supports forwarding > > from a gitlab url to any other url. All gitlab repos can be automated > > using ci runners (on gitlab servers). This is crucial since all > > maintenance would need to be largely automatic. > > > > What are your thoughts on "x3d-*" groups on gitlab ? A potential > > headache due to a potential for x3d confusion or a valuable option to > > perhaps allow for larger participation ? > > > > Thanks for reading and apologies for the longer than anticipated message. > > > > -Andreas > > > > -- > > Andreas Plesch > > Waltham, MA 02453 > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > > X3dom-users mailing list > > X3d...@li... > > <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > > _______________________________________________ > > x3d-public mailing list > > x3d...@we... > > <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> -- Andreas Plesch Waltham, MA 02453 </pre></td> </tr> </table> <script> $('.show-to-public').each(function (el,index){ $(this).on('click', function(e){ $(this).parent('form').submit(); e.preventDefault(); }) }) </script> <table id="msg58801146"> <tr> <td class="email-header"> <div> <div><b><a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/message/58801146/">Re: [x3dom-users] gitlab x3d resources group</a></b></div> <small>From: Andreas P. <and...@gm...> - 2024-07-31 03:39:42</small> <div class="attachments"> <small> </small> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="email-body"><pre>Hi Tony, Thank you for your interest in x3dom and declarative 3d graphics. It was a bit hard to tell from your exuberant message how successful you were with representing an abstraction of a large knowledge system in 3d but I did find your youtube video which does show what appears to be x3dom in action here: <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> It is great that you found a way to construct a x3d based description of the 3d representation of the envisioned knowledge structure. Thanks for sharing that process. Let me add that visualizing abstract trees and graphs is actually not a very uncommon use case for x3d. Please feel free to use the mailing list if you have any x3dom related, more technical questions or when you can share a nice 3d model. Good luck with the model demonstration at the conference and please go ahead and do share your positive experience with x3dom there, Andreas On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 3:53 PM Tony Nolan <t....@g3...> wrote: > > > G'day. > > I love the idea of making the gitlab, if it opens it up for other users, or different types of users to have access to this wonderful software as a gateway into the 3d world. > > But as an observation, it's instructions and supporting documents can be way too complex for simple programmers like me to easily find answers. > > This was my experience. I use x3dom to demonstrate my Reality of Everything model. I'm demonstrating it at an International Congress in late September, which will go out to Scientists, Leading Academics, Industry Leaders, of the advantages of using 3d perspectives to solve the world's problems. In my keynote address I will be referencing X3Dom as the software of choice to represent the data in 3d. > > To achieve this, I had to discover D3, and then learn about X3Dom and how to insert it and make it talk to D3. Then using a translater program make my designs / basic components into Logo, and use the publish command to build the X3Dom code. They learning and striping away what you don't need to make the very basics, use a word document to hold the syntax, and Excel and Access to hold the variables values. I then mail merge this to get my code to put into my x3dom scripts. > > Then I have to resize / scale that section of objects, to get the final products. > > So my end result looks like a massive galaxy with solar systems, planets, moons, etc. Where the position of everything represents the cause and effects and the interconnectedness of everything on everything. Where you can rotate, pull up points of view, recenter nodes of interest. Each object of rings, tables, interconnecting lines, has metadata attached and is displayed into the D3 containers. > > There are things I can't do like easily have lines that are selectable, so I have to distord objects to mimic rings. A ring is in effect a radar graph, a line from x,y,z to x1,y1,z1 where I have to make it a box and find a midpoint and adjust offsets and scales, etc. > > But in the end I have a model with upto 1 million zones of galaxies with planets, to up to 4 levels of quasi fractal radar plots, etc. > > The end result is using a knowledge classification scheme, fuzzy logic, and cause and effect representation I can model how the universe interconnects. > > This is what I am demonstrating at the end of September. One day I hope to get it into my oculus quest, and be able to fly between my data nodes, and visually explore my dataverse. > > But what I do and how I got to this point is not your standard pathway or traditional usage of X3Dom. But for data scientists and intelligence officers like me, where R and Python are the norm, X3Dom offers so much more freedom in 3d data representation than what those software applications can offer. > > Hence I love the idea of making X3Dom more available, but in this for dumb non programmers like me, where our industry / research lies in other disciplines can there be a sub stream for dummies like me to have simple basics and cross overs to other applications and disciplines. > > Regards > Tony > > On Tue, 30 July 2024, 1:27 pm Andreas Plesch, <and...@gm...> wrote: >> >> I would like to get input and feedback on creating a x3d-related group >> under a personal gitlab account (perhaps mine). >> >> The background is that I am contemplating using gitlab for static site >> hosting, for x3dom related material such as development releases, >> documentation, an x3d viewer/in browser editor or a gltf viewer. These >> materials are currently hosted under my personal github account at >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> but I would like to move away from using that. >> Unfortunately, github only allows one account per user or organization >> so I cannot in good faith just create another github account (say >> x3dom-unoffiicial). >> >> Gitlab is similar to github but has more powerful project management >> features even for the free tier. Gitlab also only allows one user per >> account (I believe) but each account can have multiple roots or >> "groups" which themselves then can contain multiple repos. For >> example, I may create an x3dom-unofficial group under my account. If >> used for static website hosting, a corresponding url would be >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> from which then x3dom related materials >> could be served. "x3dom-resources" could become another group. Gitlab >> groups are collaborative with assigned owner, maintainer, developer, >> user and other roles for invited collaborators. >> >> It is therefore natural to expand on this idea and think about a >> larger "x3d-resources" or similar gitlab group, used as an option for >> hosting of any x3d related resource. The main benefit would perhaps be >> to have the option to share a common url for diverse resources. I >> think this could be seen as complementary to web3d hosted material, so >> maybe a "web3d-aux" group may be more appropriate. A >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> site could then host x3dom related materials >> under <a href="," rel=nofollow>,</a> for example. Other materials >> could be served from similar urls. gitlab also supports forwarding >> from a gitlab url to any other url. All gitlab repos can be automated >> using ci runners (on gitlab servers). This is crucial since all >> maintenance would need to be largely automatic. >> >> What are your thoughts on "x3d-*" groups on gitlab ? A potential >> headache due to a potential for x3d confusion or a valuable option to >> perhaps allow for larger participation ? >> >> Thanks for reading and apologies for the longer than anticipated message. >> >> -Andreas >> >> -- >> Andreas Plesch >> Waltham, MA 02453 >> >> >> _______________________________________________ >> X3dom-users mailing list >> X3d...@li... >> <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> -- Andreas Plesch Waltham, MA 02453 </pre></td> </tr> </table> <script> $('.show-to-public').each(function (el,index){ $(this).on('click', function(e){ $(this).parent('form').submit(); e.preventDefault(); }) }) </script> <table id="msg58800846"> <tr> <td class="email-header"> <div> <div><b><a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/message/58800846/">Re: [x3dom-users] gitlab x3d resources group</a></b></div> <small>From: Brutzman, D. (D. (CIV) <bru...@np...> - 2024-07-30 12:21:26</small> <div class="attachments"> <small> </small> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="email-body"><pre>Thanks for sharing such great thinking below, Andreas. Gitlab is super for DevSecOps. * <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> NPS has a gitlab server at <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> that we have used to good effect. Agreed that it appears to have numerous features, we have only used a few but with excellent results. The Savage model library is both public, maintained in gitlab for version control, and published separately on a different server. Essentially it is an active archive for a bunch of models produced by NPS students and partners over the years. It is separate, but maintained identically, as all of the Web3D Consortiums model libraries found in X3D Examples Archives on SourceForge. All of the X3D QA validation and production tests are comprehensively applied for offline regression checking. * Savage X3D Examples Archive * The NPS Scenario Authoring and Visualization for Advanced Graphical Environments (SAVAGE) Research Group maintains a large archive of dynamic 3D military models and authoring tools, all open source and built using Extensible 3D (X3D) graphics. * <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> * <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> * <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> * X3D Resources: Examples: Scene Archives for X3D * <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> * <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> Suggested important functionality for addition to gitlab: ability to render .x3d/.x3dv/.wrl models directly when inspecting them on the server. Such capability already exists for .stl files, for example * <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> Here at NPS, our team will be happy to match and second-check and test whatever rendering or CI/CD or other functionality you might want to pursue. We will configure our <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> server accordingly, for Savage models archive, as such best practices emerge. Regarding long-term activity, what you describe below seems appropriate and likely interesting for Web3D Consortium to support. Nicholas and Anita are working hard at SIGGRAPH this week and doubtless will be available for further discussion. Engaging Casey Gomez and the new X3D Ecosystem group is also important. Each are copied in this message. * X3D Ecosystem * The X3D Ecosystem Special Interest Group (SIG) brings together industry and 3D graphics expertise to improve the deployment X3D in real-time interactive 3D worlds. * <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> When planning a new project, it is always worthwhile to consider "assume success, then what?" Will X3D integration with gitlab scale up? Hmmm. Looking forward to continued progress for everyone together. Have fun with X3D! 🙂 all the best, Don -- Don Brutzman Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br bru...@np... Watkins 270, MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA +1.831.656.2149 X3D graphics, virtual worlds, navy robotics <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> ________________________________ From: Andreas Plesch <and...@gm...> Sent: Monday, July 29, 2024 8:26 PM To: X3D Graphics public mailing list <x3d...@we...> Cc: x3dom mlist <x3d...@li...> Subject: [x3dom-users] gitlab x3d resources group I would like to get input and feedback on creating a x3d-related group under a personal gitlab account (perhaps mine). The background is that I am contemplating using gitlab for static site hosting, for x3dom related material such as development releases, documentation, an x3d viewer/in browser editor or a gltf viewer. These materials are currently hosted under my personal github account at <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> but I would like to move away from using that. Unfortunately, github only allows one account per user or organization so I cannot in good faith just create another github account (say x3dom-unoffiicial). Gitlab is similar to github but has more powerful project management features even for the free tier. Gitlab also only allows one user per account (I believe) but each account can have multiple roots or "groups" which themselves then can contain multiple repos. For example, I may create an x3dom-unofficial group under my account. If used for static website hosting, a corresponding url would be <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> from which then x3dom related materials could be served. "x3dom-resources" could become another group. Gitlab groups are collaborative with assigned owner, maintainer, developer, user and other roles for invited collaborators. It is therefore natural to expand on this idea and think about a larger "x3d-resources" or similar gitlab group, used as an option for hosting of any x3d related resource. The main benefit would perhaps be to have the option to share a common url for diverse resources. I think this could be seen as complementary to web3d hosted material, so maybe a "web3d-aux" group may be more appropriate. A <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> site could then host x3dom related materials under <a href="," rel=nofollow>,</a> for example. Other materials could be served from similar urls. gitlab also supports forwarding from a gitlab url to any other url. All gitlab repos can be automated using ci runners (on gitlab servers). This is crucial since all maintenance would need to be largely automatic. What are your thoughts on "x3d-*" groups on gitlab ? A potential headache due to a potential for x3d confusion or a valuable option to perhaps allow for larger participation ? Thanks for reading and apologies for the longer than anticipated message. -Andreas -- Andreas Plesch Waltham, MA 02453 _______________________________________________ X3dom-users mailing list X3d...@li... <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> </pre></td> </tr> </table> <script> $('.show-to-public').each(function (el,index){ $(this).on('click', function(e){ $(this).parent('form').submit(); e.preventDefault(); }) }) </script> <table id="msg58800728"> <tr> <td class="email-header"> <div> <div><b><a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/message/58800728/">[x3dom-users] gitlab x3d resources group</a></b></div> <small>From: Andreas P. <and...@gm...> - 2024-07-30 03:27:37</small> <div class="attachments"> <small> </small> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="email-body"><pre>I would like to get input and feedback on creating a x3d-related group under a personal gitlab account (perhaps mine). The background is that I am contemplating using gitlab for static site hosting, for x3dom related material such as development releases, documentation, an x3d viewer/in browser editor or a gltf viewer. These materials are currently hosted under my personal github account at <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> but I would like to move away from using that. Unfortunately, github only allows one account per user or organization so I cannot in good faith just create another github account (say x3dom-unoffiicial). Gitlab is similar to github but has more powerful project management features even for the free tier. Gitlab also only allows one user per account (I believe) but each account can have multiple roots or "groups" which themselves then can contain multiple repos. For example, I may create an x3dom-unofficial group under my account. If used for static website hosting, a corresponding url would be <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> from which then x3dom related materials could be served. "x3dom-resources" could become another group. Gitlab groups are collaborative with assigned owner, maintainer, developer, user and other roles for invited collaborators. It is therefore natural to expand on this idea and think about a larger "x3d-resources" or similar gitlab group, used as an option for hosting of any x3d related resource. The main benefit would perhaps be to have the option to share a common url for diverse resources. I think this could be seen as complementary to web3d hosted material, so maybe a "web3d-aux" group may be more appropriate. A <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> site could then host x3dom related materials under <a href="," rel=nofollow>,</a> for example. Other materials could be served from similar urls. gitlab also supports forwarding from a gitlab url to any other url. All gitlab repos can be automated using ci runners (on gitlab servers). This is crucial since all maintenance would need to be largely automatic. What are your thoughts on "x3d-*" groups on gitlab ? A potential headache due to a potential for x3d confusion or a valuable option to perhaps allow for larger participation ? Thanks for reading and apologies for the longer than anticipated message. -Andreas -- Andreas Plesch Waltham, MA 02453 </pre></td> </tr> </table> <script> $('.show-to-public').each(function (el,index){ $(this).on('click', function(e){ $(this).parent('form').submit(); e.preventDefault(); }) }) </script> <table id="msg58798660"> <tr> <td class="email-header"> <div> <div><b><a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/message/58798660/">[x3dom-users] Web3D and World Wide Webiverse - Join us as we advance 3D Web technology at SIGGRAPH 2024</a></b></div> <small>From: Web3D C. <ann...@we...> - 2024-07-23 19:46:12</small> <div class="attachments"> <small> </small> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="email-body"><pre>The Webiverse and its focus on Interoperable & immersive experiences. World Wide Webiverse Join the Web3D Consortium <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a>) at SIGGRAPH 2024 <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> in Denver, Colorado. On Tuesday July 30, Web3D will host World Wide Webiverse <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> presented by a community of innovators who have mapped the future of interactive, real-time 3D Graphics for the Webiverse. The Webiverse is emerging as the new 3D Web ecosystem, focused on Interoperability for immersive and connected experiences including, HTML, glTF, Web Audio, MIDI and 3D content with X3D. The latest Web3D Consortium member innovations and developments will be included. All presentations and demos will involve interactive attendee feedback and discussions. Discussion Topics: Web3D Ecosystem, Web Architecture & current standards, 3D Assets Interoperability, Member Use Cases and Domains, Paths to Interoperability, SDO engagement and Industry support. Word Wide Webiverse BOF <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> Tuesday 30 July. 2:30 - 4:00 PM MDT, Room 710 Our members will also be presenting at: Standards Forum: The Road to an Open Metaverse BOF <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> Discussing the evolving landscape of real-time, interactive content creation. Tuesday, July 30, 1:00 - 2:30 PM MDT, Room 710 Cartographic Visualization (Carto) BOF <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> Highlighting the future of digital mapping. Monday, July 29, 12:00 - 1:30 PM MDT, Room 710 Take this opportunity to learn from the best in the industry and engage with a passionate community of like-minded enthusiasts. Let's come together to advance the exciting world of 3D on the Web! If you would like more information about Web3D Standards and Use Cases please visit us at <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> Web3D News and Events <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> See you in Denver! Learn More <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> ============================================================ ** Facebook <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a>) ** Twitter <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> ** YouTube <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> ** Website <a href="http://(" rel=nofollow>(</a>) ** Email (mailto:we...@we...) Copyright © 2024 Web3D Consortium, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website. Our mailing address is: Web3D Consortium 133 Lorimer St Salinas, CA 93901-2021 USA Want to change how you receive these emails? You can ** update your preferences <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> or ** unsubscribe from this list <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> . Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp <a href="" rel=nofollow></a></pre></td> </tr> </table> <script> $('.show-to-public').each(function (el,index){ $(this).on('click', function(e){ $(this).parent('form').submit(); e.preventDefault(); }) }) </script> <table id="msg58797930"> <tr> <td class="email-header"> <div> <div><b><a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/message/58797930/">[x3dom-users] Web3D 2024: Early Bird Alert | Aug 10, 2024 | Register now and save</a></b></div> <small>From: Web3D C. <ann...@we...> - 2024-07-22 12:56:20</small> <div class="attachments"> <small> </small> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="email-body"><pre>Early registration ends 10th August 2024. Immersive 3D innovation at its best! Web3D 2024: Bringing together experts from around the world to discuss the latest research, development, and practices related to 3D technologies. Web3D 2024 Conference <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> , 25 - 27 September 2024, in Guimarães, Portugal. Sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> and hosted by the CCG/ZGDV Institute in Guimarães <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> . Early Registration <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> ends August 10th, 2024. Learn from the best in the 3D industry. Engage with a passionate community of like-minded enthusiasts. Join us to advance the exciting world of 3D on the Web! The purpose of the Conference is to study and share the principles of the latest advancements in interactive 3D technologies, including the Metaverse. The conference will bring together experts from around the world to discuss the latest research, development, and practices related to these technologies. Preliminary Program <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> and Keynote Speakers <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> * Full or short papers presentations – Presenting original work in 3D Web research and applications. * Posters presentations – Results of ongoing or recently completed work in 3D web research and application. * Tutorials – Presenting introductory and advanced applications of 3D Web technologies to students and to experienced practitioners. List of planned tutorials + 3D Reconstruction Tutorial: Data Processing, Surface Reconstruction, and Texture Mapping + Displaying Interactive 3D Models Without Javascript + Humanoid Animation ( HAnim) standards development strategies * Workshops – Forum for researchers and practitioners from both the Web and 3D multimedia communities to discuss and exchange positions on current and emergent 3D Web topics. List of planned workshops + Digital twins for the Bio-environments + Towards Next Generation eXtended Reality: Data Compilation and Evaluation Strategies + Humanoid Animation ( HAnim) standards development strategies * Demonstrations – Artists, content designers, and developers share their innovative 3D work at the conference. * Industrial Use Cases – practitioners to demonstrate how 3D Web technologies may be used in industrial applications. List of planned Industrial Use Cases + Using Signed Distance Fields to Animate 2d Radar and 3d Turbulence Data with WebGL + Emerging Platforms in 3D for Art and Cultural Heritage: Applications and Advancements in 3D Imaging for Conservation, Research and Engagement + Convergence of IoT, 3D & XR: Creating the Industrial Metaverse Through Live Factory Visualization + Meeting the Apparel/ Footwear Industries challenges with interoperability, animation chaining and Blender imports + Interactive 3D Geospatial Visualization of the Port of Gulfport using X3D + Advances in AI for 3D world and object creation 2024 * Standards Session – Provide a meeting for researchers and practitioners from both the Web and 3D multimedia communities to discuss and exchange standardization issues on current and emergent 3D Web topics. * Panel Session – Leaders from Industry, Standards development organizations and Research Institutes, will debate and discuss the challenges on 3D standards and interoperability? * Competition – HAnim (Humanoid Animation) 3D Animated Music Video Competition supported by KSA: “Korean Standards Association” and Web3D Consortium. Questions about the program and conference should be emailed to pro...@we... (mailto:pro...@we...) . Share your best work! Submissions <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> are still open! If you would like more information about the conference, please visit our conference website <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> . Web3D News and Events <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> See you in Guimarães, Portugal! Learn More <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> ============================================================ ** Facebook <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a>) ** Twitter <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> ** YouTube <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> ** Website <a href="http://(" rel=nofollow>(</a>) ** Email (mailto:we...@we...) Copyright © 2024 Web3D Consortium, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website. Our mailing address is: Web3D Consortium 133 Lorimer St Salinas, CA 93901-2021 USA Want to change how you receive these emails? 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AP </pre></td> </tr> </table> <script> $('.show-to-public').each(function (el,index){ $(this).on('click', function(e){ $(this).parent('form').submit(); e.preventDefault(); }) }) </script> <table id="msg58789134"> <tr> <td class="email-header"> <div> <div><b><a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/message/58789134/">[x3dom-users] network nodes visualization, was Anchor description</a></b></div> <small>From: Andreas P. <and...@gm...> - 2024-06-26 13:50:40</small> <div class="attachments"> <small> </small> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="email-body"><pre>Dear Vlado, Congratulations on getting your article on network analysis published. Let me share your github repo since it has many examples of the generated X3D visualizations and the R generation code: <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> like this one: <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> Thanks for considering x3d, Andreas On Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 7:40 PM Batagelj, Vladimir <vla...@fm...> wrote: > > Dear Andreas, > > Once again, thank you very much for your help. > <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > > best regards, Vlado > > Vladimir Batagelj > > > ________________________________ > From: Andreas Plesch <and...@gm...> > Sent: Monday, January 16, 2023 12:49 AM > To: Batagelj, Vladimir <vla...@fm...> > Cc: x3d...@li... <x3d...@li...> > Subject: Re: [x3dom-developers] Anchor description > > Hi Vlado, > > Super. Please feel free to share any interesting results, perhaps of > networks, on x3dom-developers, x3dom-users or the x3d-public mailing > lists. > > I added the description field value to the log output in the latest > dev version, and fixed Anchor behaviour for empty urls as it is > explicitly specified. > > You may be interested in the x3d python package > <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> which helps with generating conforming > x3d output. > > Best regards, Andreas > > On Sun, Jan 15, 2023 at 6:04 PM Batagelj, Vladimir > <vla...@fm...> wrote: > > > > Dear Andreas, > > > > thank you very much for your help. Your solution is what I was searching for. > > Yes, it is a good idea to add the description to the log message. > > > > best regards, Vlado > > > > Vladimir Batagelj > > > > > > ________________________________ > > From: Andreas Plesch <and...@gm...> > > Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2023 5:51 AM > > To: Batagelj, Vladimir <vla...@fm...> > > Cc: x3d...@li... <x3d...@li...> > > Subject: Re: [x3dom-developers] Anchor description > > > > Hi Vladimir, > > > > <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > > has the standard specification of the Anchor node. It is mostly used > > with an URL to load other content. > > > > How the description field is used varies from browser to browser. > > x3dom shows a message in the debug log ("d" key) but it does not > > currently include the description. It is probably a good idea to add > > the description to the log message in an update. > > > > If you want to stay with an X3D only solution, you could use a > > TouchSensor and route the description field to a Text node, in some > > way. > > > > But it sounds like you are considering a javascript/HTML solution. You > > would need to know a little bit about HTML/DOM and javascript. > > > > Ok, I put together a codepen which shows one way to listen to a click > > event on an Anchor and then use the description on the web page: > > > > <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > > > > It follows more or less the example you found but without jquery and a > > bit simpler. Take a look, > > > > Cheers, Andreas > > > > On Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 8:55 PM Batagelj, Vladimir > > <vla...@fm...> wrote: > > > > > > In my X3D files, I am using node <Anchor> with the attribute description. See the attached X3D file. This enables me in some X3D viewers to identify a node by pointing to it. In the viewer view3dscene (see the attached PNG) I pointed to the red node and obtained in the report window the corresponding description info "1: Fire". > > > > > > How can I achieve this in X3DOM ? > > > The documentation <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> says > > > > > > The description field in the Anchor node specifies a textual description of the Anchor node. This may be used by browser-specific user interfaces that wish to present users with more detailed information about the Anchor. > > > > > > I found an example, see <a href="," rel=nofollow>,</a> which is very close to the solution of my problem. I tried to adapt it without success. > > > > > > Can somebody help me to adapt this example or suggest some other approach? > > > > > > best, > > > > > > Vladimir Batagelj > > > > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > > > x3dom-developers mailing list > > > x3d...@li... > > > <a href="" rel=nofollow></a> > > > > > > > > -- > > Andreas Plesch > > Waltham, MA 02453 > > > > -- > Andreas Plesch > Waltham, MA 02453 -- Andreas Plesch Waltham, MA 02453 </pre></td> </tr> </table> <script> $('.show-to-public').each(function (el,index){ $(this).on('click', function(e){ $(this).parent('form').submit(); e.preventDefault(); }) }) </script> <table id="msg58778302"> <tr> <td class="email-header"> <div> <div><b><a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/message/58778302/">[x3dom-users] Web3D 2024 Paper Submission Deadline Extended to 16 June 2024</a></b></div> <small>From: Web3D A. <ann...@we...> - 2024-05-31 20:51:26</small> <div class="attachments"> <small> </small> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="email-body"><pre>29th Web3D Conference in Guimarães, Portugal, 25-27 Sept 2024. Topics related to immersive 3D, 3D publishing, 3D tools and more. Considering the high level of interest and numerous requests we have received, we have extended the papersubmission <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> deadline to Sunday 16 June 2024 at 10:00pm PDT (GMT-0700). We understand that this extension will provide you with additional time to finalize your research and prepare your paper for submission. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to ensure the quality and completeness of your work. Should you have any questions please contact us at pro...@we... <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> . Thank you for your continued support and interest in the Web3D Conference. We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions and seeing you in Portugal. * Submission Guidelines <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> * Submit here <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> * Important Dates <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> Web3D 2024 <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> (25-27 Sept, 2024 in Guimarães, Portugal). We welcome all topics related to Web/mobile 3D content creation, immersive realities, 3D compression, publishing technology, tools, and related studies. A partiallist of topics <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> is available. * Preliminary Program <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> * Registration <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> ** We Welcome Submissions in the Following Categories: ------------------------------------------------------------ * Academic Papers and Posters * Tutorials * Workshops * Industrial Use Cases * Competition Entries ** Why Submit Your Work? ------------------------------------------------------------ * Visibility: Gain exposure to an international audience passionate about 3D Graphics. * Networking: Engage with leading minds in your industry. * Influence: Drive the conversation and inspire the next generation of creators and innovators. * Publication Possibility: Open the doors to new opportunities with your published work. Accepted papers and poster summaries will be published in the Web3D 2023 ACM Conference Proceedings, available in the ACM Digital Library <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> . Works selected for the Best Paper awards will be invited to submit extended versions to the Computers & Graphics journal <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> . ** Ready to make an impact? ------------------------------------------------------------ * Submission Guidelines <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> * Submit here <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> * Important Dates <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> * Questions: pro...@we... <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> ** Web3D News and Events <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> ------------------------------------------------------------ Learn More <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> ============================================================ ** Facebook <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a>) ** Twitter <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> ** Website <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> Copyright © 2024 Web3D Consortium, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website. Our mailing address is: Web3D Consortium 133 Lorimer St Salinas, CA 93901-2021 USA Want to change how you receive these emails? You can ** update your preferences <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> or ** unsubscribe from this list <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> . Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp <a href="" rel=nofollow></a></pre></td> </tr> </table> <script> $('.show-to-public').each(function (el,index){ $(this).on('click', function(e){ $(this).parent('form').submit(); e.preventDefault(); }) }) </script> <table id="msg58773131"> <tr> <td class="email-header"> <div> <div><b><a href="/p/x3dom/mailman/message/58773131/">[x3dom-users] Web3D 2024 Paper Submission Deadline Extended to 31 May 2024</a></b></div> <small>From: Web3D A. <ann...@we...> - 2024-05-17 11:32:31</small> <div class="attachments"> <small> </small> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="email-body"><pre>29th Web3D Conference in Guimarães, Portugal, 25-27 Sept 2024. Topics related to immersive 3D, 3D publishing, 3D tools and more. There is still time to submit your work! Paper submission <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> deadline has been extended to Friday, 31st May 2024 at 10:00pm PDT (GMT-0700). Web3D 2024 <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> (25-27 Sept, 2024 in Guimarães, Portugal). We welcome all topics related to Web/mobile 3D content creation, immersive realities, 3D compression, publishing technology, tools, and related studies. A partial list of topics <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> is available. * Preliminary Program <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> * Registration <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> * Submission Guidelines <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> * Submit here <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> * Important Dates <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> * Questions: pro...@we... <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> ** We Welcome Submissions in the Following Categories: ------------------------------------------------------------ * Academic Papers and Posters * Tutorials * Workshops * Industrial Use Cases * Competition Entries ** Why Submit your Work? ------------------------------------------------------------ * Visibility: Gain exposure to an international audience passionate about 3D Graphics. * Networking: Engage with leading minds in your industry. * Influence: Drive the conversation and inspire the next generation of creators and innovators. * Publication Possibility: Open the doors to new opportunities with your published work. Accepted papers and poster summaries will be published in the Web3D 2023 ACM Conference Proceedings, available in the ACM Digital Library <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> . Works selected for the Best Paper awards will be invited to submit extended versions to the Computers & Graphics journal <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> . ** Ready to make an impact? ------------------------------------------------------------ * Submission Guidelines <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> * Submit here <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> * Important Dates <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> * Questions: pro...@we... <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> ** Web3D News and Events <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> ------------------------------------------------------------ Learn More <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> ============================================================ ** Facebook <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a>) ** Twitter <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> ** Website <a href="(" rel=nofollow>(</a> Copyright © 2024 Web3D Consortium, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website. 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