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But how are these winners getting ahead?&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" pwcbtnfile="HideSize">Our research</a>&nbsp;found leading companies do three things:</p> <ul> <li>Seek the value upside&nbsp;in business ecosystems by using new business models.</li> <li>Upgrade their operating models&nbsp;through managed services partnerships and technology.</li> <li>Keep transforming&nbsp;by investing in opportunities and threats as they emerge.</li> </ul> <p>Joining the winners requires top-to-bottom, end-to-end transformation of your business, operating, and technology models to unleash innovation, agility and faster speed to market.</p> </div> <script src="/etc.clientlibs/pwc/components/modernized/content/richtext/clientlibs-button.min.05014ed24e6422289f02e026aef427f0.js"></script> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="section container responsivegrid"> <section id="content-free-1-6545" class="cmp-container page-section page-section--col-white videobghost " 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Explore our key...&#34;,&#34;closedCaptionLink&#34;:&#34;&#34;,&#34;videoDuration&#34;:&#34;&#34;,&#34;videoItemWidth&#34;:&#34;&#34;,&#34;href&#34;:&#34;;,&#34;videoItemUrl&#34;:&#34;&#34;}],&#34;filters&#34;:[]}" filter2="{&#34;displayDescription&#34;:true,&#34;componentId&#34;:&#34;-content-pwc-gx-en-issues-transformation-accelerating-performance-jcr-content-root-container-content-free-container-section-930685884-co-collections-v3&#34;,&#34;resultslink&#34;:&#34;&#34;,&#34;displayResultCount&#34;:true,&#34;isDeepLinkSearch&#34;:false,&#34;listFrom&#34;:&#34;static&#34;,&#34;displayBrandKeyline&#34;:false,&#34;pageSize&#34;:5,&#34;orderBy&#34;:&#34;none&#34;,&#34;facetedTitle&#34;:&#34;&#34;,&#34;deepLinkId&#34;:&#34;7454&#34;,&#34;variation&#34;:&#34;legacy&#34;,&#34;isVideoChecked&#34;:false,&#34;displayThumbnail&#34;:true,&#34;dateFormatString&#34;:&#34;medium&#34;,&#34;displayDownload&#34;:false,&#34;displayDate&#34;:true,&#34;limit&#34;:20,&#34;menuType&#34;:&#34;none&#34;,&#34;isFixedHeight&#34;:true,&#34;linkItems&#34;:false}" filter3="{&#34;loadMoreLabel&#34;:&#34;Load more&#34;,&#34;openModalLabel&#34;:&#34;Filter by&#34;,&#34;cancelSearchLabel&#34;:&#34;Faceted_Navigation_CancelSearch&#34;,&#34;closeFilterLabel&#34;:&#34;Close&#34;,&#34;applyFiltersLabel&#34;:&#34;Apply filters&#34;,&#34;resultSingularLabel&#34;:&#34;result&#34;,&#34;filterByLabel&#34;:&#34;Filter by&#34;,&#34;mostPopularLabel&#34;:&#34;Most Popular&#34;,&#34;publishDateLabel&#34;:&#34;Publish date&#34;,&#34;searchLabel&#34;:&#34;Search&#34;,&#34;loadingLabel&#34;:&#34;Loading...&#34;,&#34;videoErrorLabel&#34;:&#34;Playback of this video is not currently available&#34;,&#34;downloadPdfLabel&#34;:&#34;Download PDF&#34;,&#34;viewAllLabel&#34;:&#34;View all&#34;,&#34;viewTranscriptLabel&#34;:&#34;View transcript&#34;,&#34;sortByLabel&#34;:&#34;Sort by&#34;,&#34;resultsLabel&#34;:&#34;result(s)&#34;,&#34;resultPluralLabel&#34;:&#34;results&#34;,&#34;resetFiltersLabel&#34;:&#34;Reset filters&#34;}"> </collection-v3> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="section container responsivegrid"> <section id="content-free-1-7b31" class="cmp-container page-section page-section--col-light-grey hide videobghost " data-wcmmode="false" data-parallax="true" data-videoParallax="false" data-videoId="videoelementb96102b6-e71e-02fe-db24-6e7dc36b49e7" data-videoAutoplay="false" data-videoLoop="false" style="height:; background-size:cover; background-position:center top; background-image:; background-color:; "> <div class="parsys sectionpar"> <div class="columnControl"> <div class="parsys_column pwccol2-longform col-flipping--enable"> <div class="parsys_column pwccol2-longform-c0"> <div id="container-c42dac4a7d" class="cmp-container"> <div class="text parbase section"><div></div> <div class="text-component"> <h2>Accelerating performance&nbsp;</h2> <p>Discover more about our research in this dedicated <em>strategy</em>+<em>business</em> digital issue, which delves into the secrets behind accelerating performance.&nbsp;</p> <p><a pwcbtnfile="HideSize" href="" class="undefined btn btn--secondary btn--transparent">More about the research</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="parsys_column pwccol2-longform-c1"> <div id="container-b815344845" class="cmp-container"> <div class="image"> <div class="asset-sharing-component image-asset "> <a href="" onclick="CQ_Analytics.record({event: 'imageClick', values: { imageLink: 'https:\/\/\/accelerating\u002Dperformance\/p\/1', imageAsset: '\/content\/dam\/pwc\/fr\/fr\/website\/pwcmaroc_pwc_fr\/images\/2023\/03\/fr\u002Dmaroc\u002D670x377\u002Ddamil\u002Dgettyimages\u002D667669311\u002D670.jpg', imageTitle: '' }, collect: false, options: { obj: this }, componentPath: ''})"> <img class="js-lazy-loading mod__image_p image-component_background " data-image="" alt="New S+B issue" data-emptytext="Image" style="height:auto; padding-top:; max-height:;"/> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="section container responsivegrid"> <section id="content-free-1-9640" class="cmp-container page-section page-section--col-white fullwidth videobghost " data-wcmmode="false" data-parallax="true" data-videoParallax="false" data-videoId="videoelement50c77129-6171-284c-77aa-6374455a8054" data-videoAutoplay="false" data-videoLoop="false" style="height:; background-size:cover; background-position:center top; background-image:; background-color:; "> <div class="parsys sectionpar"> <div class="html parbase"> <div data-custom-code="JS"> <div><script> ! function(n) { var c = {}; function l(t) { if (c[t]) return c[t].exports; var e = c[t] = { i: t, l: !1, exports: {} }; return n[t].call(e.exports, e, e.exports, l), e.l = !0, e.exports } l.m = n, l.c = c, l.d = function(t, e, n) { l.o(t, e) || Object.defineProperty(t, e, { enumerable: !0, get: n }) }, l.r = function(t) { "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(t, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }), Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) }, l.t = function(e, t) { if (1 & t && (e = l(e)), 8 & t) return e; if (4 & t && "object" == typeof e && e && e.__esModule) return e; var n = Object.create(null); if (l.r(n), Object.defineProperty(n, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: e }), 2 & t && "string" != typeof e) for (var c in e) l.d(n, c, function(t) { return e[t] }.bind(null, c)); return n }, l.n = function(t) { var e = t && t.__esModule ? function() { return t.default } : function() { return t }; return l.d(e, "a", e), e }, l.o = function(t, e) { return, e) }, l.p = "", l(l.s = 33) }({ 0: function(D, t, e) { "use strict"; function p() {} e.d(t, "a", function() { return Rt }), e.d(t, "b", function() { return vt }), e.d(t, "c", function() { return k }), e.d(t, "d", function() { return dt }), e.d(t, "e", function() { return jt }), e.d(t, "f", function() { return V }), e.d(t, "g", function() { return l }), e.d(t, "h", function() { return ot }), e.d(t, "i", function() { return Ht }), e.d(t, "j", function() { return $ }), e.d(t, "k", function() { return $t }), e.d(t, "l", function() { return B }), e.d(t, "m", function() { return pt }), e.d(t, "n", function() { return ut }), e.d(t, "o", function() { return Ct }), e.d(t, "p", function() { return Pt }), e.d(t, "q", function() { return N }), e.d(t, "r", function() { return kt }), e.d(t, "s", function() { return It }), e.d(t, "t", function() { return Z }), e.d(t, "u", function() { return Y }), e.d(t, "v", function() { return Q }), e.d(t, "w", function() { return nt }), e.d(t, "x", function() { return St }), e.d(t, "y", function() { return ft }), e.d(t, "z", function() { return ht }), e.d(t, "A", function() { return J }), e.d(t, "B", function() { return U }), e.d(t, "C", function() { return At }), e.d(t, "D", function() { return Lt }), e.d(t, "E", function() { return _t }), e.d(t, "F", function() { return h }), e.d(t, "G", function() { return Mt }), e.d(t, "H", function() { return K }), e.d(t, "I", function() { return m }), e.d(t, "J", function() { return ct }), e.d(t, "K", function() { return Dt }), e.d(t, "L", function() { return p }), e.d(t, "M", function() { return Ot }), e.d(t, "N", function() { return Et }), e.d(t, "O", function() { return j }), e.d(t, "P", function() { return I }), e.d(t, "Q", function() { return lt }), e.d(t, "R", function() { return it }), e.d(t, "S", function() { return rt }), e.d(t, "T", function() { return et }), e.d(t, "U", function() { return M }), e.d(t, "V", function() { return c }), e.d(t, "W", function() { return tt }), e.d(t, "X", function() { return b }), e.d(t, "Y", function() { return yt }), e.d(t, "Z", function() { return at }), e.d(t, "ab", function() { return P }), e.d(t, "bb", function() { return Tt }), e.d(t, "cb", function() { return Ft }), e.d(t, "db", function() { return G }); const h = t => t; function l(t, e) { for (const n in e) t[n] = e[n]; return t } function a(t) { return t() } function u() { return Object.create(null) } function j(t) { t.forEach(a) } function m(t) { return "function" == typeof t } function I(t, e) { return t != t ? e == e : t !== e || t && "object" == typeof t || "function" == typeof t } let n; function M(t, e) { return (n = n || document.createElement("a")).href = e, t === n.href } function R(t) { return 0 === Object.keys(t).length } function c(t, ...e) { if (null == t) return p; const n = t.subscribe(...e); return n.unsubscribe ? () => n.unsubscribe() : n } function B(t, e, n) { t.$$.on_destroy.push(c(e, n)) } function N(t, e, n, c) { if (t) return e = i(t, e, n, c), t[0](e) } function i(t, e, n, c) { return t[1] && c ? l(n.ctx.slice(), t[1](c(e))) : n.ctx } function U(e, n, c, t) { if (e[2] && t) { var l = e[2](t(c)); if (void 0 === n.dirty) return l; if ("object" != typeof l) return n.dirty | l; { const e = [], c = Math.max(n.dirty.length, l.length); for (let t = 0; t < c; t += 1) e[t] = n.dirty[t] | l[t]; return e } } return n.dirty } function G(t, e, n, c, l, o) { l && (e = i(e, n, c, o), t.p(e, l)) } function J(t) { if (32 < t.ctx.length) { const e = [], n = t.ctx.length / 32; for (let t = 0; t < n; t++) e[t] = -1; return e } return -1 } e = "undefined" != typeof window; let g = e ? () => : () =>, o = e ? t => requestAnimationFrame(t) : p; const r = new Set; function s(e) { r.forEach(t => { t.c(e) || (r.delete(t), t.f()) }), 0 !== r.size && o(s) } function X(e) { let n; 0 === r.size && o(s), new Promise(t => { r.add(n = { c: e, f: t }) }) } let z = !1; function V(t, e) { t.appendChild(e) } function q(t) { if (!t) return document; var e = t.getRootNode ? t.getRootNode() : t.ownerDocument; return e && ? e : t.ownerDocument } function W(t) { var e = Q("style"); return V((t = q(t)).head || t, e), e.sheet } function K(t, e, n) { t.insertBefore(e, n || null) } function Y(t) { t.parentNode.removeChild(t) } function Z(e, n) { for (let t = 0; t < e.length; t += 1) e[t] && e[t].d(n) } function Q(t) { return document.createElement(t) } function tt(t) { return document.createElementNS("", t) } function b(t) { return document.createTextNode(t) } function et() { return b(" ") } function nt() { return b("") } function ct(t, e, n, c) { return t.addEventListener(e, n, c), () => t.removeEventListener(e, n, c) } function lt(e) { return function(t) { === this &&, t) } } function ot(t, e, n) { null == n ? t.removeAttribute(e) : t.getAttribute(e) !== n && t.setAttribute(e, n) } function it(t, e) { t.wholeText !== (e = "" + e) && ( = e) } function rt(t, e, n, c) { null === n ? :, n, c ? "important" : "") } function at(t, e, n) { t.classList[n ? "add" : "remove"](e) } function st(t, e, { bubbles: n = !1, cancelable: c = !1 } = {}) { const l = document.createEvent("CustomEvent"); return l.initCustomEvent(t, n, c, e), l } const y = new Map; let f, v = 0; function w(t, e, n, c, l, o, i, r = 0) { var a, s = 16.666 / c; let b = "{\n"; for (let t = 0; t <= 1; t += s) { const c = e + (n - e) * o(t); b += 100 * t + `%{${i(c,1-c)}} ` } const u = b + `100% {${i(n,1-n)}} }`, f = `__svelte_${function(t){let e=5381,n=t.length;for(;n--;)e=(e<<5)-e^t.charCodeAt(n);return e>>>0}(u)}_` + r, d = q(t), { stylesheet: O, rules: j } = y.get(d) || (r = d, a = { stylesheet: W(t), rules: {} }, y.set(r, a), a); j[f] || (j[f] = !0, O.insertRule(`@keyframes ${f} ` + u, O.cssRules.length)); r = || ""; return = (r ? r + ", " : "") + f + ` ${c}ms linear ${l}ms 1 both`, v += 1, f } function bt(t, e) { const n = ( || "").split(", "), c = n.filter(e ? t => t.indexOf(e) < 0 : t => -1 === t.indexOf("__svelte")), l = n.length - c.length; l && ( = c.join(", "), (v -= l) || o(() => { v || (y.forEach(t => { const e = t["stylesheet"]; let n = e.cssRules.length; for (; n--;) e.deleteRule(n); t.rules = {} }), y.clear()) })) } function ut(t, e, n, c) { if (!e) return p; var l = t.getBoundingClientRect(); if (e.left === l.left && e.right === l.right && === && e.bottom === l.bottom) return p; const { delay: o = 0, duration: i = 300, easing: r = h, start: a = g() + o, end: s = a + i, tick: b = p, css: u } = n(t, { from: e, to: l }, c); let f, d = !0, O = !1; function j() { u && bt(t, f), d = !1 } return X(t => { return (O = !O && t >= a ? !0 : O) && t >= s && (b(1, 0), j()), !!d && (O && (t = +r((t - a) / i) + 0, b(t, 1 - t)), !0) }), u && (f = w(t, 0, 1, i, o, r, u)), o || (O = !0), b(0, 1), j } function ft(t) { var e, n, c = getComputedStyle(t); "absolute" !== c.position && "fixed" !== c.position && ({ width: c, height: e } = c, n = t.getBoundingClientRect(), = "absolute", = c, = e, dt(t, n)) } function dt(t, e) { var n, c = t.getBoundingClientRect(); e.left === c.left && === || (n = "none" === (n = getComputedStyle(t)).transform ? "" : n.transform, = `${n} translate(${e.left-c.left}px, ${}px)`) } function d(t) { f = t } function O() { if (f) return f; throw new Error("Function called outside component initialization") } function Ot(t) { O().$$.on_mount.push(t) } function jt(t) { O().$$.after_update.push(t) } function pt() { const o = O(); return (t, e, { cancelable: n = !1 } = {}) => { const c = o.$$.callbacks[t]; if (c) { const l = st(t, e, { cancelable: n }); return c.slice().forEach(t => {, l) }), !l.defaultPrevented } return !0 } } function ht(t) { return O().$$.context.get(t) } const _ = [], $ = [], T = [], x = [], mt = Promise.resolve(); let C = !1; function gt() { C || (C = !0, mt.then(wt)) } function yt() { return gt(), mt } function k(t) { T.push(t) } function vt(t) { x.push(t) } const E = new Set; let S, F = 0; function wt() { const t = f; do { for (; F < _.length;) { const t = _[F]; F++, d(t), e = n = void 0; var e, n = t.$$; null !== n.fragment && (n.update(), j(n.before_update), e = n.dirty, n.dirty = [-1], n.fragment && n.fragment.p(n.ctx, e), n.after_update.forEach(k)) } for (d(null), _.length = 0, F = 0; $.length;) $.pop()(); for (let t = 0; t < T.length; t += 1) { const c = T[t]; E.has(c) || (E.add(c), c()) } } while (T.length = 0, _.length); for (; x.length;) x.pop()(); C = !1, E.clear(), d(t) } function L(t, e, n) { t.dispatchEvent(st((e ? "intro" : "outro") + n)) } const A = new Set; let H; function _t() { H = { r: 0, c: [], p: H } } function $t() { H.r || j(H.c), H = H.p } function P(t, e) { t && t.i && (A.delete(t), t.i(e)) } function Tt(t, e, n, c) { t && t.o ? A.has(t) || (A.add(t), H.c.push(() => { A.delete(t), c && (n && t.d(1), c()) }), t.o(e)) : c && c() } const xt = { duration: 0 }; function Ct(r, t, e, n) { let a = t(r, e), s = n ? 0 : 1, b = null, u = null, f = null; function d() { f && bt(r, f) } function O(t, e) { var n = t.b - s; return e *= Math.abs(n), { a: s, b: t.b, d: n, duration: e, start: t.start, end: t.start + e, group: } } function c(t) { const { delay: e = 0, duration: n = 300, easing: c = h, tick: l = p, css: o } = a || xt, i = { start: g() + e, b: t }; t || (( = H).r += 1), b || u ? u = i : (o && (d(), f = w(r, s, t, n, e, c, o)), t && l(0, 1), b = O(i, n), k(() => L(r, t, "start")), X(t => { if (u && t > u.start && (b = O(u, n), u = null, L(r, b.b, "start"), o && (d(), f = w(r, s, b.b, b.duration, 0, c, a.css))), b) if (t >= b.end) l(s = b.b, 1 - s), L(r, b.b, "end"), u || (b.b ? d() : || j(, b = null; else if (t >= b.start) { const r = t - b.start; s = b.a + b.d * c(r / b.duration), l(s, 1 - s) } return !(!b && !u) })) } return { run(t) { m(a) ? (S || (S = Promise.resolve()).then(() => { S = null }), S.then(() => { a = a(), c(t) })) : c(t) }, end() { d(), b = u = null } } } function kt(t, e) { t.d(1), e.delete(t.key) } function Et(t, e) { Tt(t, 1, 1, () => { e.delete(t.key) }) } function St(t, e) { t.f(), Et(t, e) } function Ft(e, n, c, l, o, i, r, a, t, s, b, u) { let f = e.length, d = i.length, O = f; const j = {}; for (; O--;) j[e[O].key] = O; const p = [], h = new Map, m = new Map; for (O = d; O--;) { const e = u(o, i, O), a = c(e); let t = r.get(a); t ? l && t.p(e, n) : (t = s(a, e)).c(), h.set(a, p[O] = t), a in j && m.set(a, Math.abs(O - j[a])) } const g = new Set, y = new Set; function v(t) { P(t, 1), t.m(a, b), r.set(t.key, t), b = t.first, d-- } for (; f && d;) { const n = p[d - 1], c = e[f - 1], l = n.key, o = c.key; n === c ? (b = n.first, f--, d--) : h.has(o) ? !r.has(l) || g.has(l) ? v(n) : y.has(o) ? f-- : m.get(l) > m.get(o) ? (y.add(l), v(n)) : (g.add(o), f--) : (t(c, r), f--) } for (; f--;) { const n = e[f]; h.has(n.key) || t(n, r) } for (; d;) v(p[d - 1]); return p } function Lt(t, e) { const n = {}, c = {}, l = { $$scope: 1 }; let o = t.length; for (; o--;) { var i = t[o], r = e[o]; if (r) { for (const t in i) t in r || (c[t] = 1); for (const t in r) l[t] || (n[t] = r[t], l[t] = 1); t[o] = r } else for (const t in i) l[t] = 1 } for (const t in c) t in n || (n[t] = void 0); return n } function At(t) { return "object" == typeof t && null !== t ? t : {} } function Ht(t, e, n) { e = t.$$.props[e]; void 0 !== e && (t.$$.bound[e] = n)(t.$$.ctx[e]) } function Pt(t) { t && t.c() } function Dt(e, t, n, c) { const { fragment: l, on_mount: o, on_destroy: i, after_update: r } = e.$$; l && l.m(t, n), c || k(() => { var t =; i ? i.push(...t) : j(t), e.$$.on_mount = [] }), r.forEach(k) } function It(t, e) { const n = t.$$; null !== n.fragment && (j(n.on_destroy), n.fragment && n.fragment.d(e), n.on_destroy = n.fragment = null, n.ctx = []) } function Mt(c, t, e, n, l, o, i, r = [-1]) { var a = f; d(c); const s = c.$$ = { fragment: null, ctx: null, props: o, update: p, not_equal: l, bound: u(), on_mount: [], on_destroy: [], on_disconnect: [], before_update: [], after_update: [], context: new Map(t.context || (a ? a.$$.context : [])), callbacks: u(), dirty: r, skip_bound: !1, root: || a.$$.root }; i && i(s.root); let b = !1; if (s.ctx = e ? e(c, t.props || {}, (t, e, ...n) => { var n = n.length ? n[0] : e; return s.ctx && l(s.ctx[t], s.ctx[t] = n) && (!s.skip_bound && s.bound[t] && s.bound[t](n), b && (n = t, -1 === (t = c).$$.dirty[0] && (_.push(t), gt(), t.$$.dirty.fill(0)), t.$$.dirty[n / 31 | 0] |= 1 << n % 31)), e }) : [], s.update(), b = !0, j(s.before_update), s.fragment = !!n && n(s.ctx), { if (t.hydrate) { z = !0; o =; const c = Array.from(o.childNodes); s.fragment && s.fragment.l(c), c.forEach(Y) } else s.fragment && s.fragment.c(); t.intro && P(c.$$.fragment), Dt(c,, t.anchor, t.customElement), z = !1, wt() } d(a) } "undefined" == typeof window && "undefined" == typeof globalThis && global, new Set(["allowfullscreen", "allowpaymentrequest", "async", "autofocus", "autoplay", "checked", "controls", "default", "defer", "disabled", "formnovalidate", "hidden", "ismap", "loop", "multiple", "muted", "nomodule", "novalidate", "open", "playsinline", "readonly", "required", "reversed", "selected"]), "function" == typeof HTMLElement && class extends HTMLElement {}; class Rt { $destroy() { It(this, 1), this.$destroy = p } $on(t, e) { const n = this.$$.callbacks[t] || (this.$$.callbacks[t] = []); return n.push(e), () => { var t = n.indexOf(e); - 1 !== t && n.splice(t, 1) } } $set(t) { this.$$set && !R(t) && (this.$$.skip_bound = !0, this.$$set(t), this.$$.skip_bound = !1) } } }, 1: function(t, e, n) { "use strict"; n.d(e, "c", function() { return a }), n.d(e, "f", function() { return o }), n.d(e, "b", function() { return i }), n.d(e, "e", function() { return s }), n.d(e, "d", function() { return b }), n.d(e, "a", function() { return u }), n.d(e, "g", function() { return f }); var c = { "pwc-gx:tla/templates": { "insight-experience-light": { title: "Insight" }, "insight-experience": { title: "Insight" }, blog: { title: "Blog" }, article: { title: "Article" }, report: { title: "Report" }, asset: { title: "Asset" }, "case-study": { title: "Case study" }, "press-release": { title: "Press release" }, "data": { title: "Data" }, "concept": { title: "Concept" } }, "pwc-gx:tla/asset-type": { infographic: { title: "Infographic (old)" }, data: { title: "Data" }, podcast: { title: "Podcast" }, video: { title: "Video" }, image: { title: "Image" }, concept: { title: "Concept" }, diagnostic: { title: "Diagnostic" } }, "pwc-gx:tla/theme": { trust: { title: "Trust" }, risk: { title: "Risk" }, transformation: { title: "Transformation" }, "value-creation": { title: "Value creation" }, esg: { title: "ESG" }, "technology-and-cyber": { title: "Technology & cyber" }, workforce: { title: "Workforce" }, "green-infrastructure": { title: "Green infrastructure" }, "sustainable-transportation": { title: "Sustainable transportation" }, "sustainable-cities": { title: "Sustainable cities" }, "green-minerals-and-manufacturing": { title: "Green minerals and manufacturing" }, "energy-intersections": { title: "Energy intersections" }, "overview": { title: "Overview" }, "ecosystems": { title: "Ecosystems" } } }, l = n(3); const r = () => { var t; const e = null == (t = null == (t = window.digitalData) ? void 0 : ? void 0 : t.additionalTags; return void 0 !== e ? e.split("|") : (l.a.warn("Could not find page tags"), []) }, a = (t, e, n = !1) => { if (t) { t = parseInt(t.split("/").pop()); if (t) return t + " " + (n ? "min." : { "pwc-gx/campaign/tla/asset/podcast": "minute listen", "pwc-gx/campaign/tla/asset/video": "minute watch" }[e] || "minute read") } }, o = ({ contentLengthTag: t, assetTypeTag: e }) => { const n = r(), c = t || "pwc-gx/ntf/content-length", l = e || "pwc-gx/ntf/asset-type", o = n.filter(t => t.startsWith(c)).pop(), i = n.filter(t => t.startsWith(l)).pop(); return a(o, i) }, i = () => { const t = document.querySelector('meta[name="pwcReleaseDate"]'), e = new Date(t.content); return `${["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"][e.getMonth()]} ${e.getDate()}, ` + e.getFullYear() }, s = ({ assetTypeTag: t }) => { if (t) { const e = r(), n = t || "pwc-gx/ntf/asset-type", c = e.filter(t => t.startsWith(n)).pop(); if (c) return c.split("/").pop() } }, b = (t, e) => { let n; return "asset" == t && e ? n = c["pwc-gx:tla/asset-type"][e].title : t ? n = c["pwc-gx:tla/templates"][t].title : "Missing template and asset info" }, u = (t, e) => { let n; return (n = e ? => { return '<span class="tla-collection-card__title-value">' + (null == (t = c["pwc-gx:tla/theme"][t]) ? void 0 : t.title) + "</span>" }) : => { return null == (t = c["pwc-gx:tla/theme"][t]) ? void 0 : t.title })).join('<span class="tla-collection-card__title-sep">|</span>') }, f = (t, e, n = " ") => t.length <= e ? t : t.substr(0, t.lastIndexOf(n, e)) + "..." }, 17: function(t, e, n) { "use strict"; e.a = [{ name: "Theme", value: "theme", selectedOptionValue: null, selectedOptionLabel: null, items: [{ name: "Trust", nameShort: "Trust", value: "trust", selected: !1 }, { name: "Risk", nameShort: "Risk", value: "risk", selected: !1 }, { name: "Transformation", nameShort: "Transformation", value: "transformation", selected: !1 }, { name: "Value creation", nameShort: "Value creation", value: "value-creation", selected: !1 }, { name: "ESG", nameShort: "ESG", value: "esg", selected: !1 }, { name: "Technology & cyber", nameShort: "Technology & cyber", value: "technology-and-cyber", selected: !1 }, { name: "Workforce", nameShort: "Workforce", value: "workforce", selected: !1 }], optionSize: "small" }, { name: "Role", value: "role", selectedOptionValue: null, selectedOptionLabel: null, items: [{ name: "Chief Executive officer (CEO)", nameShort: "Chief Executive Officer (CEO)", value: "chief-executive-officer", selected: !1 }, { name: "Chief Technology Officer (CTO)", nameShort: "Chief Technology Officer (CTO)", value: "chief-technology-officer", selected: !1 }, { name: "Chief Operating Officer (COO)", nameShort: "Chief Operating Officer (COO)", value: "chief-operating-officer", selected: !1 }, { name: "Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO)", nameShort: "Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO)", value: "chief-sustainability-officer", selected: !1 }, { name: "Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)", nameShort: "Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)", value: "chief-information-security-officer", selected: !1 }, { name: "Chief Risk Officer (CRO)", nameShort: "Chief Risk Officer (CRO)", value: "chief-risk-officer", selected: !1 }, { name: "Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)", nameShort: "Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)", value: "chief-marketing-officer", selected: !1 }, { name: "Chief Human Rescources Officer (CHRO)", nameShort: "Chief Human Rescources Officer (CHRO)", value: "chief-human-rescources-officer", selected: !1 }, { name: "Chief Financial Officer (CFO)", nameShort: "Chief Financial Officer (CFO)", value: "chief-financial-officer", selected: !1 }], optionSize: "large" }] }, 2: function(t, e, n) { "use strict"; var c = n(0); n.d(e, "a", function() { return c.e }), n.d(e, "b", function() { return c.m }), n.d(e, "c", function() { return c.z }), n.d(e, "d", function() { return c.M }), n.d(e, "e", function() { return c.Y }) }, 3: function(t, e, n) { "use strict"; var c = n(6), n = n.n(c); e.a = n.a }, 33: function(t, e, n) { t.exports = n(88) }, 6: function(t, e, n) { var c; function u(t) { return (u = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(t) { return typeof t } : function(t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) }! function() { "use strict"; void 0 !== (c = "function" == typeof(c = function() { var l = function() {}, c = "undefined" !== ("undefined" == typeof window ? "undefined" : u(window)) && "undefined" !== u(window.navigator) && /Trident\/|MSIE /.test(window.navigator.userAgent), r = ["trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error"]; function o(t, e) { var n = t[e]; if ("function" == typeof n.bind) return n.bind(t); try { return, t) } catch (e) { return function() { return Function.prototype.apply.apply(n, [t, arguments]) } } } function i() { console.log && (console.log.apply ? console.log.apply(console, arguments) : Function.prototype.apply.apply(console.log, [console, arguments])), console.trace && console.trace() } function a(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < r.length; n++) { var c = r[n]; this[c] = n < t ? l : this.methodFactory(c, t, e) } this.log = this.debug } function s(t, e, n) { return "debug" === (t = t) && (t = "log"), "undefined" !== ("undefined" == typeof console ? "undefined" : u(console)) && ("trace" === t && c ? i : void 0 !== console[t] ? o(console, t) : void 0 !== console.log ? o(console, "log") : l) || function(t, e, n) { return function() { "undefined" !== ("undefined" == typeof console ? "undefined" : u(console)) && (, e, n), this[t].apply(this, arguments)) } }.apply(this, arguments) } function e(n, e, t) { var c, l = this, o = (e = null == e ? "WARN" : e, "loglevel"); function i() { var t; if ("undefined" !== ("undefined" == typeof window ? "undefined" : u(window)) && o) { try { t = window.localStorage[o] } catch (t) {} if ("undefined" === u(t)) try { var e = window.document.cookie, n = e.indexOf(encodeURIComponent(o) + "="); - 1 !== n && (t = /^([^;]+)/.exec(e.slice(n))[1]) } catch (t) {} return t = void 0 === l.levels[t] ? void 0 : t } } "string" == typeof n ? o += ":" + n : "symbol" === u(n) && (o = void 0), = n, l.levels = { TRACE: 0, DEBUG: 1, INFO: 2, WARN: 3, ERROR: 4, SILENT: 5 }, l.methodFactory = t || s, l.getLevel = function() { return c }, l.setLevel = function(e, t) { if (!("number" == typeof(e = "string" == typeof e && void 0 !== l.levels[e.toUpperCase()] ? l.levels[e.toUpperCase()] : e) && 0 <= e && e <= l.levels.SILENT)) throw "log.setLevel() called with invalid level: " + e; if (c = e, !1 !== t && function() { var t = (r[e] || "silent").toUpperCase(); if ("undefined" !== ("undefined" == typeof window ? "undefined" : u(window)) && o) { try { return window.localStorage[o] = t } catch (t) {} try { window.document.cookie = encodeURIComponent(o) + "=" + t + ";" } catch (t) {} } }(),, e, n), "undefined" === ("undefined" == typeof console ? "undefined" : u(console)) && e < l.levels.SILENT) return "No console available for logging" }, l.setDefaultLevel = function(t) { e = t, i() || l.setLevel(t, !1) }, l.resetLevel = function() { if (l.setLevel(e, !1), "undefined" !== ("undefined" == typeof window ? "undefined" : u(window)) && o) { try { return void window.localStorage.removeItem(o) } catch (t) {} try { window.document.cookie = encodeURIComponent(o) + "=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC" } catch (t) {} } }, l.enableAll = function(t) { l.setLevel(l.levels.TRACE, t) }, l.disableAll = function(t) { l.setLevel(l.levels.SILENT, t) }; t = i(); null == t && (t = e), l.setLevel(t, !1) } var n = new e, b = {}, t = (n.getLogger = function(t) { if ("symbol" !== u(t) && "string" != typeof t || "" === t) throw new TypeError("You must supply a name when creating a logger."); return b[t] || (b[t] = new e(t, n.getLevel(), n.methodFactory)) }, "undefined" !== ("undefined" == typeof window ? "undefined" : u(window)) ? window.log : void 0); return n.noConflict = function() { return "undefined" !== ("undefined" == typeof window ? "undefined" : u(window)) && window.log === n && (window.log = t), n }, n.getLoggers = function() { return b }, n.default = n }) ?, n, e, t) : c) && (t.exports = c) }() }, 7: function(S, F, t) { "use strict"; var N = t(0); function d(t) { t -= 1; return t * t * t + 1 } function U(t, { delay: e = 0, duration: n = 400, easing: c = N.F } = {}) { const l = +getComputedStyle(t).opacity; return { delay: e, duration: n, easing: c, css: t => "opacity: " + t * l } } function s(t, { delay: e = 0, duration: n = 400, easing: c = d } = {}) { const l = getComputedStyle(t), o = +l.opacity, i = parseFloat(l.height), r = parseFloat(l.paddingTop), a = parseFloat(l.paddingBottom), s = parseFloat(l.marginTop), b = parseFloat(l.marginBottom), u = parseFloat(l.borderTopWidth), f = parseFloat(l.borderBottomWidth); return { delay: e, duration: n, easing: c, css: t => `overflow: hidden;opacity: ${Math.min(20*t,1)*o};height: ${t*i}px;padding-top: ${t*r}px;padding-bottom: ${t*a}px;margin-top: ${t*s}px;margin-bottom: ${t*b}px;border-top-width: ${t*u}px;border-bottom-width: ${t*f}px;` } } var H = t(2); const e = []; function n(c, l = N.L) { let o; const i = new Set; function r(t) { if (Object(N.P)(c, t) && (c = t, o)) { const t = !e.length; for (const t of i) t[1](), e.push(t, c); if (t) { for (let t = 0; t < e.length; t += 2) e[t][0](e[t + 1]); e.length = 0 } } } return { set: r, update: function(t) { r(t(c)) }, subscribe: function(t, e = N.L) { const n = [t, e]; return i.add(n), 1 === i.size && (o = l(r) || N.L), t(c), () => { i.delete(n), 0 === i.size && (o(), o = null) } } } } var M = t(3); function r(t) { return (r = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(t) { return typeof t } : function(t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } var c, l, a = "undefined" != typeof globalThis && globalThis || "undefined" != typeof self && self || void 0 !== a && a, o = "URLSearchParams" in a, i = "Symbol" in a && "iterator" in Symbol, b = "FileReader" in a && "Blob" in a && function() { try { return new Blob, !0 } catch (t) { return !1 } }(), u = "FormData" in a, f = "ArrayBuffer" in a; function O(t) { if ("string" != typeof t && (t = String(t)), /[^a-z0-9\-#$%&'*+.^_`|~!]/i.test(t) || "" === t) throw new TypeError('Invalid character in header field name: "' + t + '"'); return t.toLowerCase() } function j(t) { return t = "string" != typeof t ? String(t) : t } function p(e) { var t = { next: function() { var t = e.shift(); return { done: void 0 === t, value: t } } }; return i && (t[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return t }), t } function h(e) { = {}, e instanceof h ? e.forEach(function(t, e) { this.append(e, t) }, this) : Array.isArray(e) ? e.forEach(function(t) { this.append(t[0], t[1]) }, this) : e && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).forEach(function(t) { this.append(t, e[t]) }, this) } function m(t) { if (t.bodyUsed) return Promise.reject(new TypeError("Already read")); t.bodyUsed = !0 } function g(n) { return new Promise(function(t, e) { n.onload = function() { t(n.result) }, n.onerror = function() { e(n.error) } }) } function L(t) { var e = new FileReader, n = g(e); return e.readAsArrayBuffer(t), n } function y(t) { if (t.slice) return t.slice(0); var e = new Uint8Array(t.byteLength); return e.set(new Uint8Array(t)), e.buffer } function v() { return this.bodyUsed = !1, this._initBody = function(t) { var e; this.bodyUsed = this.bodyUsed, (this._bodyInit = t) ? "string" == typeof t ? this._bodyText = t : b && Blob.prototype.isPrototypeOf(t) ? this._bodyBlob = t : u && FormData.prototype.isPrototypeOf(t) ? this._bodyFormData = t : o && URLSearchParams.prototype.isPrototypeOf(t) ? this._bodyText = t.toString() : f && b && (e = t) && DataView.prototype.isPrototypeOf(e) ? (this._bodyArrayBuffer = y(t.buffer), this._bodyInit = new Blob([this._bodyArrayBuffer])) : f && (ArrayBuffer.prototype.isPrototypeOf(t) || l(t)) ? this._bodyArrayBuffer = y(t) : this._bodyText = t = : this._bodyText = "", this.headers.get("content-type") || ("string" == typeof t ? this.headers.set("content-type", "text/plain;charset=UTF-8") : this._bodyBlob && this._bodyBlob.type ? this.headers.set("content-type", this._bodyBlob.type) : o && URLSearchParams.prototype.isPrototypeOf(t) && this.headers.set("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8")) }, b && (this.blob = function() { var t = m(this); if (t) return t; if (this._bodyBlob) return Promise.resolve(this._bodyBlob); if (this._bodyArrayBuffer) return Promise.resolve(new Blob([this._bodyArrayBuffer])); if (this._bodyFormData) throw new Error("could not read FormData body as blob"); return Promise.resolve(new Blob([this._bodyText])) }, this.arrayBuffer = function() { return this._bodyArrayBuffer ? m(this) || (ArrayBuffer.isView(this._bodyArrayBuffer) ? Promise.resolve(this._bodyArrayBuffer.buffer.slice(this._bodyArrayBuffer.byteOffset, this._bodyArrayBuffer.byteOffset + this._bodyArrayBuffer.byteLength)) : Promise.resolve(this._bodyArrayBuffer)) : this.blob().then(L) }), this.text = function() { var t, e, n = m(this); if (n) return n; if (this._bodyBlob) return n = this._bodyBlob, e = g(t = new FileReader), t.readAsText(n), e; if (this._bodyArrayBuffer) return Promise.resolve(function(t) { for (var e = new Uint8Array(t), n = new Array(e.length), c = 0; c < e.length; c++) n[c] = String.fromCharCode(e[c]); return n.join("") }(this._bodyArrayBuffer)); if (this._bodyFormData) throw new Error("could not read FormData body as text"); return Promise.resolve(this._bodyText) }, u && (this.formData = function() { return this.text().then(R) }), this.json = function() { return this.text().then(JSON.parse) }, this } f && (c = ["[object Int8Array]", "[object Uint8Array]", "[object Uint8ClampedArray]", "[object Int16Array]", "[object Uint16Array]", "[object Int32Array]", "[object Uint32Array]", "[object Float32Array]", "[object Float64Array]"], l = ArrayBuffer.isView || function(t) { return t && -1 < c.indexOf( }), h.prototype.append = function(t, e) { t = O(t), e = j(e); var n =[t];[t] = n ? n + ", " + e : e }, h.prototype.delete = function(t) { delete[O(t)] }, h.prototype.get = function(t) { return t = O(t), this.has(t) ?[t] : null }, h.prototype.has = function(t) { return }, h.prototype.set = function(t, e) {[O(t)] = j(e) }, h.prototype.forEach = function(t, e) { for (var n in &&,[n], n, this) }, h.prototype.keys = function() { var n = []; return this.forEach(function(t, e) { n.push(e) }), p(n) }, h.prototype.values = function() { var e = []; return this.forEach(function(t) { e.push(t) }), p(e) }, h.prototype.entries = function() { var n = []; return this.forEach(function(t, e) { n.push([e, t]) }), p(n) }, i && (h.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = h.prototype.entries); var A = ["DELETE", "GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "POST", "PUT"]; function w(t, e) { if (!(this instanceof w)) throw new TypeError('Please use the "new" operator, this DOM object constructor cannot be called as a function.'); var n, c = (e = e || {}).body; if (t instanceof w) { if (t.bodyUsed) throw new TypeError("Already read"); this.url = t.url, this.credentials = t.credentials, e.headers || (this.headers = new h(t.headers)), this.method = t.method, this.mode = t.mode, this.signal = t.signal, c || null == t._bodyInit || (c = t._bodyInit, t.bodyUsed = !0) } else this.url = String(t); if (this.credentials = e.credentials || this.credentials || "same-origin", !e.headers && this.headers || (this.headers = new h(e.headers)), this.method = (n = (t = e.method || this.method || "GET").toUpperCase(), -1 < A.indexOf(n) ? n : t), this.mode = e.mode || this.mode || null, this.signal = e.signal || this.signal, this.referrer = null, ("GET" === this.method || "HEAD" === this.method) && c) throw new TypeError("Body not allowed for GET or HEAD requests"); this._initBody(c), "GET" !== this.method && "HEAD" !== this.method || "no-store" !== e.cache && "no-cache" !== e.cache || ((n = /([?&])_=[^&]*/).test(this.url) ? this.url = this.url.replace(n, "$1_=" + (new Date).getTime()) : this.url += (/\?/.test(this.url) ? "&" : "?") + "_=" + (new Date).getTime()) } function R(t) { var n = new FormData; return t.trim().split("&").forEach(function(t) { var e; t && (e = (t = t.split("=")).shift().replace(/\+/g, " "), t = t.join("=").replace(/\+/g, " "), n.append(decodeURIComponent(e), decodeURIComponent(t))) }), n } function _(t, e) { if (!(this instanceof _)) throw new TypeError('Please use the "new" operator, this DOM object constructor cannot be called as a function.'); e = e || {}, this.type = "default", this.status = void 0 === e.status ? 200 : e.status, this.ok = 200 <= this.status && this.status < 300, this.statusText = void 0 === e.statusText ? "" : "" + e.statusText, this.headers = new h(e.headers), this.url = e.url || "", this._initBody(t) } w.prototype.clone = function() { return new w(this, { body: this._bodyInit }) },,, _.prototype.clone = function() { return new _(this._bodyInit, { status: this.status, statusText: this.statusText, headers: new h(this.headers), url: this.url }) }, _.error = function() { var t = new _(null, { status: 0, statusText: "" }); return t.type = "error", t }; var B = [301, 302, 303, 307, 308]; _.redirect = function(t, e) { if (-1 === B.indexOf(e)) throw new RangeError("Invalid status code"); return new _(null, { status: e, headers: { location: t } }) }; var $, T = a.DOMException; try { new T } catch (S) { (T = function(t, e) { this.message = t, = e; e = Error(t); this.stack = e.stack }).prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype), T.prototype.constructor = T } function x(c, i) { return new Promise(function(l, t) { var e = new w(c, i); if (e.signal && e.signal.aborted) return t(new T("Aborted", "AbortError")); var o = new XMLHttpRequest; function n() { o.abort() } o.onload = function() { var t, n, e = { status: o.status, statusText: o.statusText, headers: (t = o.getAllResponseHeaders() || "", n = new h, t.replace(/\r?\n[\t ]+/g, " ").split("\r").map(function(t) { return 0 === t.indexOf("\n") ? t.substr(1, t.length) : t }).forEach(function(t) { var t = t.split(":"), e = t.shift().trim(); e && (t = t.join(":").trim(), n.append(e, t)) }), n) }, c = (e.url = "responseURL" in o ? o.responseURL : e.headers.get("X-Request-URL"), "response" in o ? o.response : o.responseText); setTimeout(function() { l(new _(c, e)) }, 0) }, o.onerror = function() { setTimeout(function() { t(new TypeError("Network request failed")) }, 0) }, o.ontimeout = function() { setTimeout(function() { t(new TypeError("Network request failed")) }, 0) }, o.onabort = function() { setTimeout(function() { t(new T("Aborted", "AbortError")) }, 0) },, function(e) { try { return "" === e && a.location.href ? a.location.href : e } catch (t) { return e } }(e.url), !0), "include" === e.credentials ? o.withCredentials = !0 : "omit" === e.credentials && (o.withCredentials = !1), "responseType" in o && (b ? o.responseType = "blob" : f && e.headers.get("Content-Type") && -1 !== e.headers.get("Content-Type").indexOf("application/octet-stream") && (o.responseType = "arraybuffer")), !i || "object" !== r(i.headers) || i.headers instanceof h ? e.headers.forEach(function(t, e) { o.setRequestHeader(e, t) }) : Object.getOwnPropertyNames(i.headers).forEach(function(t) { o.setRequestHeader(t, j(i.headers[t])) }), e.signal && (e.signal.addEventListener("abort", n), o.onreadystatechange = function() { 4 === o.readyState && e.signal.removeEventListener("abort", n) }), o.send(void 0 === e._bodyInit ? null : e._bodyInit) }) } x.polyfill = !0, a.fetch || (a.fetch = x, a.Headers = h, a.Request = w, a.Response = _); const P = n(void 0), D = n("INITIAL"), I = n(!1), G = (n(void 0), (null == ($ = null == ($ = window.TLAConfig) ? void 0 : $.API) ? void 0 : $.jsonApiUrl) || "/content/pwc/script/gx/en/tla/live/data/tla-collection-service.json"); function C(t) { let n, c, l; return { c() { n = Object(N.v)("br"), c = Object(N.T)(), l = Object(N.X)(t[1]) }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e), Object(N.H)(t, c, e), Object(N.H)(t, l, e) }, p(t, e) { 2 & e && Object(N.R)(l, t[1]) }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n), t && Object(N.u)(c), t && Object(N.u)(l) } } } function k(t) { let n, c, l; return { c() { n = Object(N.v)("p"), c = Object(N.v)("a"), l = Object(N.X)(t[2]), Object(N.h)(c, "href", t[3]), Object(N.h)(c, "class", "btn btn--secondary btn--transparent ") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e), Object(N.f)(n, c), Object(N.f)(c, l) }, p(t, e) { 4 & e && Object(N.R)(l, t[2]), 8 & e && Object(N.h)(c, "href", t[3]) }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n) } } } function J(t) { let n, c, l, o, i, r, a, s, b = t[1] && C(t), u = t[2] && t[3] && k(t); return { c() { n = Object(N.v)("div"), c = Object(N.v)("div"), l = Object(N.v)("div"), o = Object(N.v)("h2"), i = Object(N.v)("strong"), r = Object(N.X)(t[0]), a = Object(N.T)(), b && b.c(), s = Object(N.T)(), u && u.c(), Object(N.h)(o, "class", "tla-collection-cta__title"), Object(N.h)(l, "class", "tla-collection-cta__text"), Object(N.h)(c, "class", "tla-collection-cta__inner"), Object(N.h)(n, "class", "tla-collection-cta"), Object(N.h)(n, "id", t[4]), Object(N.Z)(n, "tla-collection-cta--bottom", t[5]) }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e), Object(N.f)(n, c), Object(N.f)(c, l), Object(N.f)(l, o), Object(N.f)(o, i), Object(N.f)(i, r), Object(N.f)(o, a), b && b.m(o, null), Object(N.f)(l, s), u && u.m(l, null) }, p(t, [e]) { 1 & e && Object(N.R)(r, t[0]), t[1] ? b ? b.p(t, e) : ((b = C(t)).c(), b.m(o, null)) : b && (b.d(1), b = null), t[2] && t[3] ? u ? u.p(t, e) : ((u = k(t)).c(), u.m(l, null)) : u && (u.d(1), u = null), 16 & e && Object(N.h)(n, "id", t[4]), 32 & e && Object(N.Z)(n, "tla-collection-cta--bottom", t[5]) }, i: N.L, o: N.L, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n), b && b.d(), u && u.d() } } } function X(t, e, n) { let c = e["headingLine1"], l = e["headingLine2"], o = e["ctaText"], i = e["ctaUrl"], r = e["inCollectionCtaId"], { filtersActive: a = !1 } = e; return t.$$set = t => { "headingLine1" in t && n(0, c = t.headingLine1), "headingLine2" in t && n(1, l = t.headingLine2), "ctaText" in t && n(2, o = t.ctaText), "ctaUrl" in t && n(3, i = t.ctaUrl), "inCollectionCtaId" in t && n(4, r = t.inCollectionCtaId), "filtersActive" in t && n(5, a = t.filtersActive) }, [c, l, o, i, r, a] } t(8); class z extends N.a { constructor(t) { super(), Object(N.G)(this, t, X, J, N.P, { headingLine1: 0, headingLine2: 1, ctaText: 2, ctaUrl: 3, inCollectionCtaId: 4, filtersActive: 5 }) } } var V = z; function q(t, { from: o, to: i }, e = {}) { const n = getComputedStyle(t), r = "none" === n.transform ? "" : n.transform, [c, l] = n.transformOrigin.split(" ").map(parseFloat), a = o.left + o.width * c / i.width - (i.left + c), s = + o.height * l / i.height - ( + l), { delay: b = 0, duration: u = t => 120 * Math.sqrt(t), easing: f = d } = e; return { delay: b, duration: Object(N.I)(u) ? u(Math.sqrt(a * a + s * s)) : u, easing: f, css: (t, e) => { var n = e * a, c = e * s, l = t + e * o.width / i.width, t = t + e * o.height / i.height; return `transform: ${r} translate(${n}px, ${c}px) scale(${l}, ${t});` } } } function W(t, e, n) { const c = t.slice(); return c[43] = e[n], c[44] = e, c[45] = n, c } function K(t, e, n) { const c = t.slice(); return c[43] = e[n], c[46] = e, c[47] = n, c } function Y(t, e, n) { const c = t.slice(); return c[51] = e[n].name, c[52] = e[n].selected, c[53] = e[n].count, c[54] = e[n].value, c[55] = e, c[50] = n, c } function Z(t, e, n) { const c = t.slice(); return c[56] = e[n], c } function Q(t, e, n) { const c = t.slice(); return c[51] = e[n].name, c[52] = e[n].selected, c[53] = e[n].count, c[54] = e[n].value, c[59] = e, c[50] = n, c } function tt(t, e, n) { const c = t.slice(); return c[48] = e[n], c[50] = n, c } function et(e) { let c, n, l, o, i, r, a = e[0], s = []; for (let t = 0; t < a.length; t += 1) s[t] = it(Z(e, a, t)); let b = e[3] && rt(e); return { c() { c = Object(N.v)("div"), (n = Object(N.v)("h3")).textContent = "Filter by:", l = Object(N.T)(), o = Object(N.v)("ul"); for (let t = 0; t < s.length; t += 1) s[t].c(); i = Object(N.T)(), b && b.c(), Object(N.h)(n, "class", "tla-filter__popup-title tla-filter__wrapper-title"), Object(N.h)(o, "class", "tla-filter__dropdowns"), Object(N.h)(c, "class", "tla-filter__wrapper") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, c, e), Object(N.f)(c, n), Object(N.f)(c, l), Object(N.f)(c, o); for (let t = 0; t < s.length; t += 1) s[t].m(o, null); Object(N.f)(c, i), b && b.m(c, null), r = !0 }, p(e, n) { if (6681 & n[0]) { let t; for (a = e[0], t = 0; t < a.length; t += 1) { const N = Z(e, a, t); s[t] ? s[t].p(N, n) : (s[t] = it(N), s[t].c(), s[t].m(o, null)) } for (; t < s.length; t += 1) s[t].d(1); s.length = a.length } e[3] ? b ? (b.p(e, n), 8 & n[0] && Object(N.ab)(b, 1)) : ((b = rt(e)).c(), Object(N.ab)(b, 1), b.m(c, null)) : b && (Object(N.E)(), Object(, 1, 1, () => { b = null }), Object(N.k)()) }, i(t) { r || (Object(N.ab)(b), r = !0) }, o(t) { Object(, r = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(c), Object(N.t)(s, t), b && b.d() } } } function nt(t) { let n, c, l, e, o, i = t[0] && t[4] && st(t); return { c() { n = Object(N.v)("div"), c = Object(N.v)("div"), l = Object(N.v)("div"), i && i.c(), Object(N.h)(l, "class", "tla-filter__tabs-menu-listing"), Object(N.h)(c, "class", "tla-filter__tabs-menu-container"), Object(N.h)(n, "class", "tla-filter__tabs-menu tla-filter__tabs-menu--desktop") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e), Object(N.f)(n, c), Object(N.f)(c, l), i && i.m(l, null), o = !0 }, p(t, e) { t[0] && t[4] ? i ? i.p(t, e) : ((i = st(t)).c(), i.m(l, null)) : i && (i.d(1), i = null) }, i(t) { o || (Object(N.c)(() => { (e = e || Object(N.o)(n, s, { duration: 200 }, !0)).run(1) }), o = !0) }, o(t) { (e = e || Object(N.o)(n, s, { duration: 200 }, !1)).run(0), o = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n), i && i.d(), t && e && e.end() } } } function ct(t) { let n, c = t[3] == t[56] && lt(t); return { c() { c && c.c(), n = Object(N.w)() }, m(t, e) { c && c.m(t, e), Object(N.H)(t, n, e) }, p(t, e) { t[3] == t[56] ? c ? c.p(t, e) : ((c = lt(t)).c(), c.m(n.parentNode, n)) : c && (c.d(1), c = null) }, d(t) { c && c.d(t), t && Object(N.u)(n) } } } function lt(e) { let n, l, o = e[4], i = []; for (let t = 0; t < o.length; t += 1) i[t] = ot(Q(e, o, t)); return { c() { n = Object(N.v)("div"), l = Object(N.v)("div"); for (let t = 0; t < i.length; t += 1) i[t].c(); Object(N.h)(l, "class", "tla-filter__dropdown-menu-listing"), Object(N.h)(n, "class", "tla-filter__dropdown-menu tla-filter__dropdown-menu--mobile") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e), Object(N.f)(n, l); for (let t = 0; t < i.length; t += 1) i[t].m(l, null) }, p(e, n) { if (6161 & n[0]) { let t; for (o = e[4], t = 0; t < o.length; t += 1) { var c = Q(e, o, t); i[t] ? i[t].p(c, n) : (i[t] = ot(c), i[t].c(), i[t].m(l, null)) } for (; t < i.length; t += 1) i[t].d(1); i.length = o.length } }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n), Object(N.t)(i, t) } } } function ot(n) { let c, l, t, o, i, r, a, e, s, b, u, f = n[51] + ""; function d() { n[25].call(l, n[59], n[50]) } function O(...t) { return n[27](n[54], ...t) } return { c() { c = Object(N.v)("div"), l = Object(N.v)("input"), o = Object(N.T)(), i = Object(N.v)("label"), r = Object(N.v)("span"), a = Object(N.X)(f), s = Object(N.T)(), Object(N.h)(l, "id", t = "filter-checkbox-" + n[50]), Object(N.h)(l, "type", "checkbox"), Object(N.h)(r, "class", "tla-filter__dropdown-menu-item-text tla-filter__dropdown-menu-item-text--desktop"), Object(N.h)(i, "class", "checkbox"), Object(N.h)(i, "for", e = "filter-checkbox-" + n[50]), Object(N.h)(i, "role", "button"), Object(N.h)(i, "tabindex", "0"), Object(N.h)(c, "class", "tla-filter__dropdown-menu-item") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, c, e), Object(N.f)(c, l), l.checked = n[52], Object(N.f)(c, o), Object(N.f)(c, i), Object(N.f)(i, r), Object(N.f)(r, a), Object(N.f)(c, s), b || (u = [Object(N.J)(l, "change", d), Object(N.J)(l, "change", n[26]), Object(N.J)(l, "keyup", Object(N.Q)(O))], b = !0) }, p(t, e) { n = t, 16 & e[0] && (l.checked = n[52]), 16 & e[0] && f !== (f = n[51] + "") && Object(N.R)(a, f) }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(c), b = !1, Object(N.O)(u) } } } function it(n) { let c, l, o, i, r, a, s, b, u = n[56].name + ""; function f(...t) { return n[24](n[56], ...t) } let d = n[3] && ct(n); return { c() { c = Object(N.v)("li"), l = Object(N.v)("button"), o = Object(N.v)("span"), i = Object(N.X)(u), r = Object(N.T)(), d && d.c(), a = Object(N.T)(), Object(N.h)(c, "class", "tla-filter__dropdowns-item"), Object(N.Z)(c, "selected", n[56] == n[3]) }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, c, e), Object(N.f)(c, l), Object(N.f)(l, o), Object(N.f)(o, i), Object(N.f)(c, r), d && d.m(c, null), Object(N.f)(c, a), s || (b = Object(N.J)(l, "click", f), s = !0) }, p(t, e) { n = t, 1 & e[0] && u !== (u = n[56].name + "") && Object(N.R)(i, u), n[3] ? d ? d.p(n, e) : ((d = ct(n)).c(), d.m(c, a)) : d && (d.d(1), d = null), 9 & e[0] && Object(N.Z)(c, "selected", n[56] == n[3]) }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(c), d && d.d(), s = !1, b() } } } function rt(e) { let c, n, l, t, o, i, r = e[4], a = []; for (let t = 0; t < r.length; t += 1) a[t] = at(Y(e, r, t)); return { c() { c = Object(N.v)("div"), n = Object(N.v)("div"), l = Object(N.v)("div"); for (let t = 0; t < a.length; t += 1) a[t].c(); Object(N.h)(l, "class", "tla-filter__dropdown-menu-listing"), Object(N.h)(n, "class", "tla-filter__dropdown-menu-container"), Object(N.h)(c, "class", t = "tla-filter__dropdown-menu tla-filter__dropdown-menu--desktop " + (e[3].optionSize ? "tla-filter__dropdown-menu--options-" + e[3].optionSize : "")) }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, c, e), Object(N.f)(c, n), Object(N.f)(n, l); for (let t = 0; t < a.length; t += 1) a[t].m(l, null); i = !0 }, p(e, n) { if (4112 & n[0]) { let t; for (r = e[4], t = 0; t < r.length; t += 1) { const N = Y(e, r, t); a[t] ? a[t].p(N, n) : (a[t] = at(N), a[t].c(), a[t].m(l, null)) } for (; t < a.length; t += 1) a[t].d(1); a.length = r.length }(!i || 8 & n[0] && t !== (t = "tla-filter__dropdown-menu tla-filter__dropdown-menu--desktop " + (e[3].optionSize ? "tla-filter__dropdown-menu--options-" + e[3].optionSize : ""))) && Object(N.h)(c, "class", t) }, i(t) { i || (Object(N.c)(() => { (o = o || Object(N.o)(c, s, { duration: 200 }, !0)).run(1) }), i = !0) }, o(t) { (o = o || Object(N.o)(c, s, { duration: 200 }, !1)).run(0), i = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(c), Object(N.t)(a, t), t && o && o.end() } } } function at(n) { let c, l, t, o, i, r, a, e, s, b, u, f = n[51] + ""; function d() { n[28].call(l, n[55], n[50]) } function O(...t) { return n[29](n[54], ...t) } function j(...t) { return n[30](n[54], ...t) } return { c() { c = Object(N.v)("div"), l = Object(N.v)("input"), o = Object(N.T)(), i = Object(N.v)("label"), r = Object(N.v)("span"), a = Object(N.X)(f), s = Object(N.T)(), Object(N.h)(l, "id", t = "filter-checkbox-" + n[50]), Object(N.h)(l, "type", "checkbox"), Object(N.h)(l, "tabindex", "0"), Object(N.h)(i, "class", "checkbox"), Object(N.h)(i, "for", e = "filter-checkbox-" + n[50]), Object(N.h)(i, "role", "button"), Object(N.h)(c, "class", "tla-filter__dropdown-menu-item") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, c, e), Object(N.f)(c, l), l.checked = n[52], Object(N.f)(c, o), Object(N.f)(c, i), Object(N.f)(i, r), Object(N.f)(r, a), Object(N.f)(c, s), b || (u = [Object(N.J)(l, "change", d), Object(N.J)(l, "change", O), Object(N.J)(l, "keyup", Object(N.Q)(j))], b = !0) }, p(t, e) { n = t, 16 & e[0] && (l.checked = n[52]), 16 & e[0] && f !== (f = n[51] + "") && Object(N.R)(a, f) }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(c), b = !1, Object(N.O)(u) } } } function st(c) { let l, o, i, r, t, a, s, b, u, f, d, O, j = c[4], p = []; for (let t = 0; t < j.length; t += 1) p[t] = bt(tt(c, j, t)); return { c() { (l = Object(N.v)("h3")).textContent = "Filter by:", o = Object(N.T)(), i = Object(N.v)("div"), r = Object(N.v)("input"), s = Object(N.T)(), (b = Object(N.v)("label")).textContent = "All content", u = Object(N.T)(); for (let t = 0; t < p.length; t += 1) p[t].c(); f = Object(N.w)(), Object(N.h)(l, "class", "tla-filter__popup-title tla-filter__tabs-menu-listing-title"), Object(N.h)(r, "id", "filter-radio-all"), Object(N.h)(r, "name", t = c[0][0].value), Object(N.h)(r, "type", "radio"), r.__value = "all-content", r.value = r.__value, r.checked = a = "all-content" == c[0][0].selectedOptionValue, Object(N.h)(r, "tabindex", "0"), c[18][0].push(r), Object(N.h)(b, "class", "tla-filter__tabs-menu-item-label"), Object(N.h)(b, "for", "filter-radio-all"), Object(N.h)(b, "role", "button"), Object(N.h)(i, "class", "tla-filter__tabs-menu-item tla-filter__tabs-menu-item--all-content") }, m(e, n) { Object(N.H)(e, l, n), Object(N.H)(e, o, n), Object(N.H)(e, i, n), Object(N.f)(i, r), r.checked = r.__value === c[0][0].selectedOptionValue, Object(N.f)(i, s), Object(N.f)(i, b), Object(N.H)(e, u, n); for (let t = 0; t < p.length; t += 1) p[t].m(e, n); Object(N.H)(e, f, n), d || (O = [Object(N.J)(r, "change", c[17]), Object(N.J)(r, "change", c[19]), Object(N.J)(b, "mouseout", c[20]), Object(N.J)(b, "blur", mt)], d = !0) }, p(e, n) { if (1 & n[0] && t !== (t = e[0][0].value) && Object(N.h)(r, "name", t), 1 & n[0] && a !== (a = "all-content" == e[0][0].selectedOptionValue) && (r.checked = a), 1 & n[0] && (r.checked = r.__value === e[0][0].selectedOptionValue), 8209 & n[0]) { let t; for (j = e[4], t = 0; t < j.length; t += 1) { const N = tt(e, j, t); p[t] ? p[t].p(N, n) : (p[t] = bt(N), p[t].c(), p[t].m(f.parentNode, f)) } for (; t < p.length; t += 1) p[t].d(1); p.length = j.length } }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(l), t && Object(N.u)(o), t && Object(N.u)(i), c[18][0].splice(c[18][0].indexOf(r), 1), t && Object(N.u)(u), Object(N.t)(p, t), t && Object(N.u)(f), d = !1, Object(N.O)(O) } } } function bt(n) { let c, l, t, o, i, r, a, s, b, e, u, f, d, O = n[48].name + ""; function j(...t) { return n[22](n[48], ...t) } return { c() { c = Object(N.v)("div"), l = Object(N.v)("input"), a = Object(N.T)(), s = Object(N.v)("label"), b = Object(N.X)(O), u = Object(N.T)(), Object(N.h)(l, "id", t = "filter-radio-" + n[50]), Object(N.h)(l, "name", o = n[0][0].value), Object(N.h)(l, "type", "radio"), l.__value = i = n[48].value, l.value = l.__value, l.checked = r = !0 === n[48].selected, Object(N.h)(l, "tabindex", "0"), n[18][0].push(l), Object(N.h)(s, "class", "tla-filter__tabs-menu-item-label"), Object(N.h)(s, "for", e = "filter-radio-" + n[50]), Object(N.h)(s, "role", "button"), Object(N.h)(c, "class", "tla-filter__tabs-menu-item") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, c, e), Object(N.f)(c, l), l.checked = l.__value === n[0][0].selectedOptionValue, Object(N.f)(c, a), Object(N.f)(c, s), Object(N.f)(s, b), Object(N.f)(c, u), f || (d = [Object(N.J)(l, "change", n[21]), Object(N.J)(l, "change", j), Object(N.J)(s, "mouseout", n[23]), Object(N.J)(s, "blur", mt)], f = !0) }, p(t, e) { n = t, 1 & e[0] && o !== (o = n[0][0].value) && Object(N.h)(l, "name", o), 16 & e[0] && i !== (i = n[48].value) && (l.__value = i, l.value = l.__value), 16 & e[0] && r !== (r = !0 === n[48].selected) && (l.checked = r), 1 & e[0] && (l.checked = l.__value === n[0][0].selectedOptionValue), 16 & e[0] && O !== (O = n[48].name + "") && Object(N.R)(b, O) }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(c), n[18][0].splice(n[18][0].indexOf(l), 1), f = !1, Object(N.O)(d) } } } function ut(n) { let c, l, o, i, r, a, s, b = [], u = new Map, f = n[6]; const d = t => (t[43].name, t[43].nameShort); for (let t = 0; t < f.length; t += 1) { var e = K(n, f, t), O = d(e); u.set(O, b[t] = ft(O, e)) } return { c() { c = Object(N.v)("div"); for (let t = 0; t < b.length; t += 1) b[t].c(); l = Object(N.T)(), (o = Object(N.v)("button")).textContent = "Clear filters", Object(N.h)(o, "class", "tla-filter-pill tla-filter__selected-pill tla-filter__selected-pill--transparent"), Object(N.h)(c, "class", i = "tla-filter__selected-list tla-filter--$" + n[1] + "__selected-list") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, c, e); for (let t = 0; t < b.length; t += 1) b[t].m(c, null); Object(N.f)(c, l), Object(N.f)(c, o), r = !0, a || (s = Object(N.J)(o, "click", n[10]), a = !0) }, p(t, e) { if (2129 & e[0]) { f = t[6], Object(N.E)(); for (let t = 0; t < b.length; t += 1) b[t].r(); b = Object(N.cb)(b, e, d, 1, t, f, u, c, N.x, ft, l, K); for (let t = 0; t < b.length; t += 1) b[t].a(); Object(N.k)() }(!r || 2 & e[0] && i !== (i = "tla-filter__selected-list tla-filter--$" + t[1] + "__selected-list")) && Object(N.h)(c, "class", i) }, i(t) { if (!r) { for (let t = 0; t < f.length; t += 1) Object(N.ab)(b[t]); r = !0 } }, o(t) { for (let t = 0; t < b.length; t += 1) Object([t]); r = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(c); for (let t = 0; t < b.length; t += 1) b[t].d(); a = !1, s() } } } function ft(t, n) { let c, l, o, i, r, a, e, s, b, u, f, d = n[43].name + "", O = n[43].nameShort + "", j = N.L; function p(...t) { return n[31](n[43], n[46], n[47], ...t) } return { key: t, first: null, c() { c = Object(N.v)("button"), l = Object(N.v)("span"), o = Object(N.X)(d), i = Object(N.T)(), r = Object(N.v)("span"), a = Object(N.X)(O), Object(N.h)(l, "class", "tla-filter-pill-text tla-filter-pill-text--desktop"), Object(N.h)(r, "class", "tla-filter-pill-text tla-filter-pill-text--mobile"), Object(N.h)(c, "class", "tla-filter-pill tla-filter__selected-pill"), this.first = c }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, c, e), Object(N.f)(c, l), Object(N.f)(l, o), Object(N.f)(c, i), Object(N.f)(c, r), Object(N.f)(r, a), b = !0, u || (f = Object(N.J)(c, "click", p), u = !0) }, p(t, e) { n = t, (!b || 64 & e[0]) && d !== (d = n[43].name + "") && Object(N.R)(o, d), (!b || 64 & e[0]) && O !== (O = n[43].nameShort + "") && Object(N.R)(a, O) }, r() { s = c.getBoundingClientRect() }, f() { Object(N.y)(c), j(), Object(N.d)(c, s) }, a() { j(), j = Object(N.n)(c, s, q, { duration: 200 }) }, i(t) { b || (Object(N.c)(() => { (e = e || Object(N.o)(c, U, { duration: 200 }, !0)).run(1) }), b = !0) }, o(t) { (e = e || Object(N.o)(c, U, { duration: 200 }, !1)).run(0), b = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(c), t && e && e.end(), u = !1, f() } } } function dt(n) { let c, l, o, e, i, r, a, s = n[0][0].selectedOptionLabel + ""; return { c() { c = Object(N.v)("div"), l = Object(N.v)("button"), o = Object(N.X)(s), Object(N.h)(l, "class", "tla-filter-pill tla-filter-nav__results-pill"), Object(N.h)(c, "class", "tla-filter-nav__results-current-facets tla-filter-nav__results-current-facets--tabs") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, c, e), Object(N.f)(c, l), Object(N.f)(l, o), i = !0, r || (a = Object(N.J)(l, "click", n[33]), r = !0) }, p(t, e) { (!i || 1 & e[0]) && s !== (s = t[0][0].selectedOptionLabel + "") && Object(N.R)(o, s) }, i(t) { i || (Object(N.c)(() => { (e = e || Object(N.o)(l, U, { duration: 200 }, !0)).run(1) }), i = !0) }, o(t) { (e = e || Object(N.o)(l, U, { duration: 200 }, !1)).run(0), i = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(c), t && e && e.end(), r = !1, a() } } } function Ot(e) { let n, c, l = [], o = new Map, i = e[6]; const r = t => t[43].name; for (let t = 0; t < i.length; t += 1) { var a = W(e, i, t), s = r(a); o.set(s, l[t] = jt(s, a)) } return { c() { n = Object(N.v)("div"); for (let t = 0; t < l.length; t += 1) l[t].c(); Object(N.h)(n, "class", "tla-filter-nav__results-current-facets tla-filter-nav__results-current-facets--dropdowns") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e); for (let t = 0; t < l.length; t += 1) l[t].m(n, null); c = !0 }, p(t, e) { 2129 & e[0] && (i = t[6], Object(N.E)(), l = Object(N.cb)(l, e, r, 1, t, i, o, n, N.N, jt, null, W), Object(N.k)()) }, i(t) { if (!c) { for (let t = 0; t < i.length; t += 1) Object(N.ab)(l[t]); c = !0 } }, o(t) { for (let t = 0; t < l.length; t += 1) Object([t]); c = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n); for (let t = 0; t < l.length; t += 1) l[t].d() } } } function jt(t, n) { let c, l, o, i, r, a, s, e, b, u, f, d = n[43].name + "", O = n[43].nameShort + ""; function j(...t) { return n[34](n[43], n[44], n[45], ...t) } return { key: t, first: null, c() { c = Object(N.v)("button"), l = Object(N.v)("span"), o = Object(N.X)(d), i = Object(N.T)(), r = Object(N.v)("span"), a = Object(N.X)(O), s = Object(N.T)(), Object(N.h)(l, "class", "tla-filter-pill-text tla-filter-pill-text--desktop"), Object(N.h)(r, "class", "tla-filter-pill-text tla-filter-pill-text--mobile"), Object(N.h)(c, "class", "tla-filter-pill tla-filter-nav__results-pill"), this.first = c }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, c, e), Object(N.f)(c, l), Object(N.f)(l, o), Object(N.f)(c, i), Object(N.f)(c, r), Object(N.f)(r, a), Object(N.f)(c, s), b = !0, u || (f = Object(N.J)(c, "click", j), u = !0) }, p(t, e) { n = t, (!b || 64 & e[0]) && d !== (d = n[43].name + "") && Object(N.R)(o, d), (!b || 64 & e[0]) && O !== (O = n[43].nameShort + "") && Object(N.R)(a, O) }, i(t) { b || (Object(N.c)(() => { (e = e || Object(N.o)(c, U, { duration: 200 }, !0)).run(1) }), b = !0) }, o(t) { (e = e || Object(N.o)(c, U, { duration: 200 }, !1)).run(0), b = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(c), t && e && e.end(), u = !1, f() } } } function pt(n) { let c, l, o, i, r, a, s, b, u, f, d, O, j, p, h, m, e, g, y, v, w, _, I, $, T, x, C, k, E, S, F, L, M; const R = [nt, et], A = []; function B(t) { return "tabs" == t[1] ? 0 : 1 } u = B(n), f = A[u] = R[u](n); let H = "dropdowns" == n[1] && 0 < n[6].length && ut(n), P = "tabs" == n[1] && 0 < n[6].length && n[0][0].selectedOptionLabel && dt(n), D = "dropdowns" == n[1] && 0 < n[6].length && Ot(n); return { c() { c = Object(N.v)("nav"), l = Object(N.v)("button"), o = Object(N.X)("Filter by"), r = Object(N.T)(), a = Object(N.v)("div"), s = Object(N.v)("button"), b = Object(N.T)(), f.c(), d = Object(N.T)(), O = Object(N.v)("div"), H && H.c(), j = Object(N.T)(), p = Object(N.v)("div"), h = Object(N.v)("p"), m = Object(N.X)(n[5]), g = Object(N.T)(), y = Object(N.v)("button"), v = Object(N.X)("Show results"), I = Object(N.T)(), $ = Object(N.v)("div"), P && P.c(), T = Object(N.T)(), D && D.c(), x = Object(N.T)(), C = Object(N.v)("p"), k = Object(N.X)(n[5]), Object(N.h)(l, "class", i = `tla-filter__button ${n[2]?"tla-filter__button--yellow":"tla-filter__button--primary"} tla-filter__nav-toggle`), Object(N.h)(s, "class", "tla-filter__close-icon"), Object(N.h)(h, "class", "tla-filter__selected-count"), Object(N.h)(y, "class", w = `tla-filter__button ${n[2]?"tla-filter__button--yellow":"tla-filter__button--primary"} tla-filter__button--show-results`), Object(N.h)(p, "class", "tla-filter__selected-footer"), Object(N.h)(O, "class", "tla-filter__selected"), Object(N.h)(a, "class", _ = "tla-filter tla-filter--" + n[1]), Object(N.Z)(a, "tla-filter--show", n[7]), Object(N.h)(C, "class", "tla-filter-nav__results-count"), Object(N.h)($, "class", "tla-filter-nav__results"), Object(N.h)(c, "role", "navigation"), Object(N.h)(c, "class", S = "tla-filter-nav tla-filter-nav--" + n[1]) }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, c, e), Object(N.f)(c, l), Object(N.f)(l, o), Object(N.f)(c, r), Object(N.f)(c, a), Object(N.f)(a, s), Object(N.f)(a, b), A[u].m(a, null), Object(N.f)(a, d), Object(N.f)(a, O), H && H.m(O, null), Object(N.f)(O, j), Object(N.f)(O, p), Object(N.f)(p, h), Object(N.f)(h, m), Object(N.f)(p, g), Object(N.f)(p, y), Object(N.f)(y, v), Object(N.f)(c, I), Object(N.f)(c, $), P && P.m($, null), Object(N.f)($, T), D && D.m($, null), Object(N.f)($, x), Object(N.f)($, C), Object(N.f)(C, k), F = !0, L || (M = [Object(N.J)(l, "click", n[8]), Object(N.J)(s, "click", n[16]), Object(N.J)(y, "click", n[32])], L = !0) }, p(t, e) { (!F || 4 & e[0] && i !== (i = `tla-filter__button ${t[2]?"tla-filter__button--yellow":"tla-filter__button--primary"} tla-filter__nav-toggle`)) && Object(N.h)(l, "class", i); let n = u; (u = B(t)) === n ? A[u].p(t, e) : (Object(N.E)(), Object([n], 1, 1, () => { A[n] = null }), Object(N.k)(), (f = A[u]) ? f.p(t, e) : (f = A[u] = R[u](t)).c(), Object(N.ab)(f, 1), f.m(a, d)), "dropdowns" == t[1] && 0 < t[6].length ? H ? (H.p(t, e), 66 & e[0] && Object(N.ab)(H, 1)) : ((H = ut(t)).c(), Object(N.ab)(H, 1), H.m(O, j)) : H && (Object(N.E)(), Object(, 1, 1, () => { H = null }), Object(N.k)()), (!F || 32 & e[0]) && Object(N.R)(m, t[5]), (!F || 4 & e[0] && w !== (w = `tla-filter__button ${t[2]?"tla-filter__button--yellow":"tla-filter__button--primary"} tla-filter__button--show-results`)) && Object(N.h)(y, "class", w), (!F || 2 & e[0] && _ !== (_ = "tla-filter tla-filter--" + t[1])) && Object(N.h)(a, "class", _), 130 & e[0] && Object(N.Z)(a, "tla-filter--show", t[7]), "tabs" == t[1] && 0 < t[6].length && t[0][0].selectedOptionLabel ? P ? (P.p(t, e), 67 & e[0] && Object(N.ab)(P, 1)) : ((P = dt(t)).c(), Object(N.ab)(P, 1), P.m($, T)) : P && (Object(N.E)(), Object(, 1, 1, () => { P = null }), Object(N.k)()), "dropdowns" == t[1] && 0 < t[6].length ? D ? (D.p(t, e), 66 & e[0] && Object(N.ab)(D, 1)) : ((D = Ot(t)).c(), Object(N.ab)(D, 1), D.m($, x)) : D && (Object(N.E)(), Object(, 1, 1, () => { D = null }), Object(N.k)()), (!F || 32 & e[0]) && Object(N.R)(k, t[5]), (!F || 2 & e[0] && S !== (S = "tla-filter-nav tla-filter-nav--" + t[1])) && Object(N.h)(c, "class", S) }, i(t) { F || (Object(N.ab)(f), Object(N.ab)(H), Object(N.c)(() => { (e = e || Object(N.o)(h, U, { duration: 200 }, !0)).run(1) }), Object(N.ab)(P), Object(N.ab)(D), Object(N.c)(() => { (E = E || Object(N.o)(C, U, { duration: 200 }, !0)).run(1) }), F = !0) }, o(t) { Object(, Object(, (e = e || Object(N.o)(h, U, { duration: 200 }, !1)).run(0), Object(, Object(, (E = E || Object(N.o)(C, U, { duration: 200 }, !1)).run(0), F = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(c), A[u].d(), H && H.d(), t && e && e.end(), P && P.d(), D && D.d(), t && E && E.end(), L = !1, Object(N.O)(M) } } } function ht(t) { let e = document.getElementById("for")); e && e.blur() } function mt() {} function gt(t, e, l) { let o, i, n, c, r, a, s, b = e["menu"], { menuType: u = "dropdowns" } = e, { resultsCount: f = 0 } = e, { preFilterByFacet: d = null } = e, O = e["filtersMobileToggleYellow"]; function j(t) { (n ? function() { const t = document.body; = "", = "", window.scrollTo(0, parseInt(s)), l(7, n = !1) } : function() { const t = document.body; s = window.scrollY + "px", l(7, n = !0), = "fixed", = "-" + s })() } function p(t) { l(3, a = a == t ? null : t) } Object(H.d)(() => { var t; "tabs" == u && (t = b[0], l(3, a = t), d && (t = null == (t = window.TLAConfig) ? void 0 : t.filterBy, v((c[0] = t).value))) }); const h = Object(H.b)(); let m; function g() { clearTimeout(m), m = setTimeout(() => { => t.value).join(), h("save", b) }, 300) } function y(e) { b.forEach(t => t.items.forEach(t => { t.value === e && (t.selected ? t.selected = !1 : t.selected = !0) })), l(4, o), l(3, a), l(0, b), g() } function v(e) { b.length && (b[0].items.forEach(t => { "all-content" !== e && t.value === e ? (t.selected = !0, l(0, b[0].selectedOptionLabel =, b), l(0, b[0].selectedOptionValue = t.value, b)) : t.selected = !1 }), "all-content" === e && (l(0, b[0].selectedOptionLabel = null, b), l(0, b[0].selectedOptionValue = "all-content", b))), g() } return t.$$set = t => { "menu" in t && l(0, b =, "menuType" in t && l(1, u = t.menuType), "resultsCount" in t && l(14, f = t.resultsCount), "preFilterByFacet" in t && l(15, d = t.preFilterByFacet), "filtersMobileToggleYellow" in t && l(2, O = t.filtersMobileToggleYellow) }, t.$$.update = () => { 8 & t.$$.dirty[0] && l(4, o = a ? null == a ? void 0 : a.items : []), 1 & t.$$.dirty[0] && l(6, i = [].concat( => t.items)).filter(t => t.selected)), 16384 & t.$$.dirty[0] && l(5, r = f + " " + (1 == f ? "result" : "results")) }, l(7, n = !1), c = [], [b, u, O, a, o, r, i, n, j, p, function() { b.forEach(t => t.items.forEach(t => t.selected = !1)), l(4, o), l(3, a), l(0, b), g() }, g, y, v, f, d, () => j(), function() { b[0].selectedOptionValue = this.__value, l(0, b) }, [ [] ], t => { v("all-content") }, t => { ht(t) }, function() { b[0].selectedOptionValue = this.__value, l(0, b) }, (t, e) => { v(t.value) }, t => { ht(t) }, (t, e) => p(t), function(t, e) { t[e].selected = this.checked, l(4, o), l(3, a) }, t => { l(0, b), g() }, (t, e) => { "Enter" === e.key && y(t) }, function(t, e) { t[e].selected = this.checked, l(4, o), l(3, a) }, (t, e) => { y(t) }, (t, e) => { "Enter" === e.key && y(t) }, (t, e, n, c) => { l(6, e[n].selected = !1, i), l(4, o), l(3, a), l(0, b), g() }, () => j(), t => { v("all-content") }, (t, e, n, c) => { l(6, e[n].selected = !1, i), l(4, o), l(3, a), l(0, b), g() } ] } class yt extends N.a { constructor(t) { super(), Object(N.G)(this, t, gt, pt, N.P, { menu: 0, menuType: 1, resultsCount: 14, preFilterByFacet: 15, filtersMobileToggleYellow: 2 }, null, [-1, -1]) } } var vt = yt; function wt(t) { let n; return { c() { n = Object(N.v)("div"), Object(N.h)(n, "class", "te-spinner-circle"), Object(N.S)(n, "--size", t[0] + t[2]), Object(N.S)(n, "--color", t[1]), Object(N.S)(n, "--duration", t[3]), Object(N.S)(n, "margin", "0 auto") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e) }, p(t, [e]) { 5 & e && Object(N.S)(n, "--size", t[0] + t[2]), 2 & e && Object(N.S)(n, "--color", t[1]), 8 & e && Object(N.S)(n, "--duration", t[3]) }, i: N.L, o: N.L, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n) } } } function _t(t, e, n) { let { size: c = 25 } = e, { color: l = "#FF3E00" } = e, { unit: o = "px" } = e, { duration: i = "0.75s" } = e; return t.$$set = t => { "size" in t && n(0, c = t.size), "color" in t && n(1, l = t.color), "unit" in t && n(2, o = t.unit), "duration" in t && n(3, i = t.duration) }, [c, l, o, i] } class $t extends N.a { constructor(t) { super(), Object(N.G)(this, t, _t, wt, N.P, { size: 0, color: 1, unit: 2, duration: 3 }) } } var Tt = $t, E = t(1); function xt(t, e, n) { const c = t.slice(); return c[1] = e[n], c[3] = n, c } function Ct(t) { let n, c = Object(E.a)(t[1].displayedTags.theme, !0) + ""; return { c() { n = Object(N.v)("span"), Object(N.h)(n, "class", "tla-most-popular__item-pretitle") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e), n.innerHTML = c }, p(t, e) { 1 & e && c !== (c = Object(E.a)(t[1].displayedTags.theme, !0) + "") && (n.innerHTML = c) }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n) } } } function kt(t, n) { let c, l, o, i, r, a, s, b, u, f, d, O, j, p = Object(E.g)(n[1].title, St) + "", h = n[1].displayedTags && n[1].displayedTags.theme && Ct(n); return { key: t, first: null, c() { c = Object(N.v)("a"), l = Object(N.v)("div"), o = Object(N.v)("div"), h && h.c(), i = Object(N.T)(), r = Object(N.v)("h4"), a = Object(N.X)(p), s = Object(N.T)(), b = Object(N.v)("div"), u = Object(N.v)("img"), O = Object(N.T)(), Object(N.h)(r, "class", "tla-most-popular__item-content__title"), Object(N.h)(o, "class", "tla-most-popular__item-content"), Object(N.U)(u.src, f = n[1].image) || Object(N.h)(u, "src", f), Object(N.h)(u, "alt", d = n[1].title), Object(N.h)(b, "class", "tla-most-popular__item-image"), Object(N.h)(l, "class", "tla-most-popular__item-wrapper"), Object(N.h)(c, "href", j = n[1].url), Object(N.h)(c, "class", "tla-most-popular__item"), this.first = c }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, c, e), Object(N.f)(c, l), Object(N.f)(l, o), h && h.m(o, null), Object(N.f)(o, i), Object(N.f)(o, r), Object(N.f)(r, a), Object(N.f)(l, s), Object(N.f)(l, b), Object(N.f)(b, u), Object(N.f)(c, O) }, p(t, e) { (n = t)[1].displayedTags && n[1].displayedTags.theme ? h ? h.p(n, e) : ((h = Ct(n)).c(), h.m(o, i)) : h && (h.d(1), h = null), 1 & e && p !== (p = Object(E.g)(n[1].title, St) + "") && Object(N.R)(a, p), 1 & e && !Object(N.U)(u.src, f = n[1].image) && Object(N.h)(u, "src", f), 1 & e && d !== (d = n[1].title) && Object(N.h)(u, "alt", d), 1 & e && j !== (j = n[1].url) && Object(N.h)(c, "href", j) }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(c), h && h.d() } } } function Et(e) { let n, c, l, o = [], i = new Map, r = e[0].elements; const a = t => t[1].url; for (let t = 0; t < r.length; t += 1) { var s = xt(e, r, t), b = a(s); i.set(b, o[t] = kt(b, s)) } return { c() { n = Object(N.v)("li"), (c = Object(N.v)("h3")).textContent = "Most popular", l = Object(N.T)(); for (let t = 0; t < o.length; t += 1) o[t].c(); Object(N.h)(c, "class", "tla-most-popular__title"), Object(N.h)(n, "class", "tla-card-listing__item tla-card-listing__item--most-popular tla-most-popular") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e), Object(N.f)(n, c), Object(N.f)(n, l); for (let t = 0; t < o.length; t += 1) o[t].m(n, null) }, p(t, [e]) { 1 & e && (r = t[0].elements, o = Object(N.cb)(o, e, a, 1, t, r, i, n, N.r, kt, null, xt)) }, i: N.L, o: N.L, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n); for (let t = 0; t < o.length; t += 1) o[t].d() } } } let St = 60; function Ft(t, e, n) { let c = e["mostPopularData"]; return t.$$set = t => { "mostPopularData" in t && n(0, c = t.mostPopularData) }, [c] } class Lt extends N.a { constructor(t) { super(), Object(N.G)(this, t, Ft, Et, N.P, { mostPopularData: 0 }) } } var At = Lt; const Ht = t => ({ intersecting: 1 & t, entry: 2 & t, observer: 4 & t }), Pt = t => ({ intersecting: t[0], entry: t[1], observer: t[2] }); function Dt(t) { let n; const c = t[9].default, l = Object(N.q)(c, t, t[8], Pt); return { c() { l && l.c() }, m(t, e) { l && l.m(t, e), n = !0 }, p(t, [e]) { l && l.p && (!n || 263 & e) && Object(N.db)(l, c, t, t[8], n ? Object(N.B)(c, t[8], e, Ht) : Object(N.A)(t[8]), Pt) }, i(t) { n || (Object(N.ab)(l, t), n = !0) }, o(t) { Object(, t), n = !1 }, d(t) { l && l.d(t) } } } function It(t, e, n) { let { $$slots: c = {}, $$scope: l } = e, { element: o = null } = e, { once: i = !1 } = e, { intersecting: r = !1 } = e, { root: a = null } = e, { rootMargin: s = "0px" } = e, { threshold: b = 0 } = e, { entry: u = null } = e, { observer: f = null } = e; const d = Object(H.b)(); let O = null, j = null; const p = () => { n(2, f = new IntersectionObserver(t => { t.forEach(t => { n(1, u = t), n(0, r = t.isIntersecting) }) }, { root: a, rootMargin: s, threshold: b })) }; return Object(H.d)(() => (p(), () => { f && (f.disconnect(), n(2, f = null)) })), Object(H.a)(async() => { null !== u && (d("observe", u), u.isIntersecting && (d("intersect", u), i && f.unobserve(o))), await Object(H.e)(), null !== o && o !== j && (f.observe(o), null !== j && f.unobserve(j), j = o), O && s !== O && (f.disconnect(), j = null, p()), O = s }), t.$$set = t => { "element" in t && n(3, o = t.element), "once" in t && n(4, i = t.once), "intersecting" in t && n(0, r = t.intersecting), "root" in t && n(5, a = t.root), "rootMargin" in t && n(6, s = t.rootMargin), "threshold" in t && n(7, b = t.threshold), "entry" in t && n(1, u = t.entry), "observer" in t && n(2, f =, "$$scope" in t && n(8, l = t.$$scope) }, [r, u, f, o, i, a, s, b, l, c] } class Mt extends N.a { constructor(t) { super(), Object(N.G)(this, t, It, Dt, N.P, { element: 3, once: 4, intersecting: 0, root: 5, rootMargin: 6, threshold: 7, entry: 1, observer: 2 }) } } var Rt = Mt; function Bt(n) { let c, l, o, i, r, a, s; const b = n[5].default, u = Object(N.q)(b, n, n[9], null); return { c() { c = Object(N.v)("article"), l = Object(N.v)("a"), u && u.c(), Object(N.h)(l, "href", n[0]), Object(N.h)(l, "target", o = n[2] ? "_blank" : ""), Object(N.h)(l, "class", "tla-collection-card-wrap__link show-card"), Object(N.h)(c, "class", i = "tla-collection-card-wrap " + (n[1] ? "tla-collection-card-wrap--" + n[1] : "")), Object(N.Z)(c, "tla-collection-card--external-link", n[2]) }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, c, e), Object(N.f)(c, l), u && u.m(l, null), n[8](c), r = !0, a || (s = Object(N.J)(l, "click", Jt), a = !0) }, p(t, e) { u && u.p && (!r || 512 & e) && Object(N.db)(u, b, t, t[9], r ? Object(N.B)(b, t[9], e, null) : Object(N.A)(t[9]), null), (!r || 1 & e) && Object(N.h)(l, "href", t[0]), (!r || 4 & e && o !== (o = t[2] ? "_blank" : "")) && Object(N.h)(l, "target", o), (!r || 2 & e && i !== (i = "tla-collection-card-wrap " + (t[1] ? "tla-collection-card-wrap--" + t[1] : ""))) && Object(N.h)(c, "class", i), 6 & e && Object(N.Z)(c, "tla-collection-card--external-link", t[2]) }, i(t) { r || (Object(N.ab)(u, t), r = !0) }, o(t) { Object(, t), r = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(c), u && u.d(t), n[8](null), a = !1, s() } } } function Nt(e) { let c, l, n; function t(t) { e[7](t) } let o = { once: !0, element: e[3], $$slots: { default: [Ut] }, $$scope: { ctx: e } }; return void 0 !== e[4] && (o.intersecting = e[4]), c = new Rt({ props: o }), N.j.push(() => Object(N.i)(c, "intersecting", t)), { c() { Object(N.p)(c.$$.fragment) }, m(t, e) { Object(N.K)(c, t, e), n = !0 }, p(t, e) { const n = {}; 8 & e && (n.element = t[3]), 543 & e && (n.$$scope = { dirty: e, ctx: t }), !l && 16 & e && (l = !0, n.intersecting = t[4], Object(N.b)(() => l = !1)), c.$set(n) }, i(t) { n || (Object(N.ab)(c.$$.fragment, t), n = !0) }, o(t) { Object($$.fragment, t), n = !1 }, d(t) { Object(N.s)(c, t) } } } function Ut(n) { let c, l, o, i, r, a, s; const b = n[5].default, u = Object(N.q)(b, n, n[9], null); return { c() { c = Object(N.v)("article"), l = Object(N.v)("a"), u && u.c(), Object(N.h)(l, "href", n[0]), Object(N.h)(l, "target", o = n[2] ? "_blank" : ""), Object(N.h)(l, "class", "tla-collection-card-wrap__link"), Object(N.Z)(l, "show-card", n[4]), Object(N.h)(c, "class", i = "tla-collection-card-wrap " + (n[1] ? "tla-collection-card-wrap--" + n[1] : "")), Object(N.Z)(c, "tla-collection-card--external-link", n[2]) }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, c, e), Object(N.f)(c, l), u && u.m(l, null), n[6](c), r = !0, a || (s = Object(N.J)(l, "click", Jt), a = !0) }, p(t, e) { u && u.p && (!r || 512 & e) && Object(N.db)(u, b, t, t[9], r ? Object(N.B)(b, t[9], e, null) : Object(N.A)(t[9]), null), (!r || 1 & e) && Object(N.h)(l, "href", t[0]), (!r || 4 & e && o !== (o = t[2] ? "_blank" : "")) && Object(N.h)(l, "target", o), 16 & e && Object(N.Z)(l, "show-card", t[4]), (!r || 2 & e && i !== (i = "tla-collection-card-wrap " + (t[1] ? "tla-collection-card-wrap--" + t[1] : ""))) && Object(N.h)(c, "class", i), 6 & e && Object(N.Z)(c, "tla-collection-card--external-link", t[2]) }, i(t) { r || (Object(N.ab)(u, t), r = !0) }, o(t) { Object(, t), r = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(c), u && u.d(t), n[6](null), a = !1, s() } } } function Gt(t) { let n, c, l, o; const e = [Nt, Bt], i = []; return n = "IntersectionObserver" in window && "IntersectionObserverEntry" in window && "intersectionRatio" in window.IntersectionObserverEntry.prototype ? 0 : 1, c = i[n] = e[n](t), { c() { c.c(), l = Object(N.w)() }, m(t, e) { i[n].m(t, e), Object(N.H)(t, l, e), o = !0 }, p(t, [e]) { c.p(t, e) }, i(t) { o || (Object(N.ab)(c), o = !0) }, o(t) { Object(, o = !1 }, d(t) { i[n].d(t), t && Object(N.u)(l) } } } function Jt() {} function Xt(t, e, n) { let c, l, { $$slots: o = {}, $$scope: i } = e, r = e["url"], a = e["color"], s = e["isGhost"]; return t.$$set = t => { "url" in t && n(0, r = t.url), "color" in t && n(1, a = t.color), "isGhost" in t && n(2, s = t.isGhost), "$$scope" in t && n(9, i = t.$$scope) }, [r, a, s, c, void 0, o, function(t) { N.j[t ? "unshift" : "push"](() => { c = t, n(3, c) }) }, function(t) { l = t, n(4, l) }, function(t) { N.j[t ? "unshift" : "push"](() => { c = t, n(3, c) }) }, i] } class zt extends N.a { constructor(t) { super(), Object(N.G)(this, t, Xt, Gt, N.P, { url: 0, color: 1, isGhost: 2 }) } } var Vt = zt; function qt(t) { let n, c; return { c() { n = Object(N.v)("span"), c = Object(N.X)(t[1]), Object(N.h)(n, "class", "tla-collection-card__meta-type") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e), Object(N.f)(n, c) }, p(t, e) { 2 & e && Object(N.R)(c, t[1]) }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n) } } } function Wt(t) { let n, c, l, o, i = Object(E.c)(t[0], "", !0) + ""; return { c() { (n = Object(N.v)("span")).textContent = "|", c = Object(N.T)(), l = Object(N.v)("span"), o = Object(N.X)(i), Object(N.h)(n, "class", "tla-collection-card__meta-sep") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e), Object(N.H)(t, c, e), Object(N.H)(t, l, e), Object(N.f)(l, o) }, p(t, e) { 1 & e && i !== (i = Object(E.c)(t[0], "", !0) + "") && Object(N.R)(o, i) }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n), t && Object(N.u)(c), t && Object(N.u)(l) } } } function Kt(t) { let n, c, l, o, i = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-GB", { year: "numeric", month: "long", day: "numeric" }).format(new Date(t[2])) + ""; return { c() { (n = Object(N.v)("span")).textContent = "|", c = Object(N.T)(), l = Object(N.v)("span"), o = Object(N.X)(i), Object(N.h)(n, "class", "tla-collection-card__meta-sep") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e), Object(N.H)(t, c, e), Object(N.H)(t, l, e), Object(N.f)(l, o) }, p(t, e) { 4 & e && i !== (i = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-GB", { year: "numeric", month: "long", day: "numeric" }).format(new Date(t[2])) + "") && Object(N.R)(o, i) }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n), t && Object(N.u)(c), t && Object(N.u)(l) } } } function Yt(t) { let n, c, l, o = t[1] && qt(t), i = t[1] && t[0] && Wt(t), r = t[1] && t[0] && t[2] && Kt(t); return { c() { n = Object(N.v)("div"), o && o.c(), c = Object(N.T)(), i && i.c(), l = Object(N.T)(), r && r.c(), Object(N.h)(n, "class", "tla-collection-card__meta") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e), o && o.m(n, null), Object(N.f)(n, c), i && i.m(n, null), Object(N.f)(n, l), r && r.m(n, null) }, p(t, [e]) { t[1] ? o ? o.p(t, e) : ((o = qt(t)).c(), o.m(n, c)) : o && (o.d(1), o = null), t[1] && t[0] ? i ? i.p(t, e) : ((i = Wt(t)).c(), i.m(n, l)) : i && (i.d(1), i = null), t[1] && t[0] && t[2] ? r ? r.p(t, e) : ((r = Kt(t)).c(), r.m(n, null)) : r && (r.d(1), r = null) }, i: N.L, o: N.L, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n), o && o.d(), i && i.d(), r && r.d() } } } function Zt(t, e, n) { let c = e["readingTime"], l = e["type"], o = e["published"]; return t.$$set = t => { "readingTime" in t && n(0, c = t.readingTime), "type" in t && n(1, l = t.type), "published" in t && n(2, o = t.published) }, [c, l, o] } class Qt extends N.a { constructor(t) { super(), Object(N.G)(this, t, Zt, Yt, N.P, { readingTime: 0, type: 1, published: 2 }) } } var te = Qt; function ee() { let n; return { c() { (n = Object(N.v)("span")).textContent = "NEW", Object(N.h)(n, "class", "tla-collection-card__meta-new") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e) }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n) } } } function ne(t) { let n, c = t[0] && ee(); return { c() { c && c.c(), n = Object(N.w)() }, m(t, e) { c && c.m(t, e), Object(N.H)(t, n, e) }, p(t, []) { t[0] ? c || ((c = ee()).c(), c.m(n.parentNode, n)) : c && (c.d(1), c = null) }, i: N.L, o: N.L, d(t) { c && c.d(t), t && Object(N.u)(n) } } } function ce(t, e, n) { let c, l = e["published"], o = e["newFlagComparisonDays"]; return Object(H.d)(() => { n(0, c = (() => { const t = new Date(l); var e; return o ? (e = (new Date).getTime() - t.getTime(), Math.ceil(e / 864e5) <= o) : (e = new Date(t.setMonth(t.getMonth() + 1)), new Date <= e) })()) }), t.$$set = t => { "published" in t && n(1, l = t.published), "newFlagComparisonDays" in t && n(2, o = t.newFlagComparisonDays) }, [c, l, o] } class le extends N.a { constructor(t) { super(), Object(N.G)(this, t, ce, ne, N.P, { published: 1, newFlagComparisonDays: 2 }) } } var oe = le; function ie(t) { let c, n; return c = new oe({ props: { published: t[6], newFlagComparisonDays: t[10] } }), { c() { Object(N.p)(c.$$.fragment) }, m(t, e) { Object(N.K)(c, t, e), n = !0 }, p(t, e) { const n = {}; 64 & e && (n.published = t[6]), 1024 & e && (n.newFlagComparisonDays = t[10]), c.$set(n) }, i(t) { n || (Object(N.ab)(c.$$.fragment, t), n = !0) }, o(t) { Object($$.fragment, t), n = !1 }, d(t) { Object(N.s)(c, t) } } } function re(t) { let n; return { c() { n = Object(N.v)("span"), Object(N.h)(n, "class", "tla-collection-card__lazy-placeholder") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e) }, p: N.L, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n) } } } function ae(t) { let n, c, e; return { c() { n = Object(N.v)("div"), c = Object(N.v)("img"), Object(N.h)(c, "class", "tla-collection-card__image"), Object(N.U)(c.src, e = t[12]()) || Object(N.h)(c, "src", e), Object(N.h)(c, "alt", ""), Object(N.h)(n, "class", "tla-collection-card__image-wrap") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e), Object(N.f)(n, c) }, p: N.L, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n) } } } function se(t) { let n, c = Object(E.a)(t[4].theme, !0) + ""; return { c() { n = Object(N.v)("span"), Object(N.h)(n, "class", "tla-collection-card__pretitle") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e), n.innerHTML = c }, p(t, e) { 16 & e && c !== (c = Object(E.a)(t[4].theme, !0) + "") && (n.innerHTML = c) }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n) } } } function be(t) { let n, c, l = Object(E.g)(t[2], t[3]) + ""; return { c() { n = Object(N.v)("p"), c = Object(N.X)(l), Object(N.h)(n, "class", "tla-collection-card__description") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e), Object(N.f)(n, c) }, p(t, e) { 12 & e && l !== (l = Object(E.g)(t[2], t[3]) + "") && Object(N.R)(c, l) }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n) } } } function ue(t) { let c, l, o, i, r, n, a, s, b, u, f, d, O, j = Object(E.g)(t[0], t[1]) + "", p = t[9] && ie(t); function h(t) { return t[5] ? ae : re } let m = h(t), g = m(t), y = t[4] && t[4].theme && se(t), v = t[2] && be(t); return f = new te({ props: { readingTime: t[7], type: t[11], published: t[6] } }), { c() { c = Object(N.v)("div"), p && p.c(), l = Object(N.T)(), g.c(), o = Object(N.T)(), i = Object(N.v)("div"), y && y.c(), r = Object(N.T)(), n = Object(N.v)("h3"), a = Object(N.v)("span"), s = Object(N.X)(j), b = Object(N.T)(), v && v.c(), u = Object(N.T)(), Object(N.p)(f.$$.fragment), Object(N.h)(a, "class", "tla-collection-card__title-text"), Object(N.h)(n, "class", "tla-collection-card__title"), Object(N.h)(i, "class", "tla-collection-card__text"), Object(N.h)(c, "class", d = "tla-collection-card " + (t[8] ? "tla-collection-card--featured" : "tla-collection-card--std")) }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, c, e), p && p.m(c, null), Object(N.f)(c, l), g.m(c, null), Object(N.f)(c, o), Object(N.f)(c, i), y && y.m(i, null), Object(N.f)(i, r), Object(N.f)(i, n), Object(N.f)(n, a), Object(N.f)(a, s), Object(N.f)(i, b), v && v.m(i, null), Object(N.f)(i, u), Object(N.K)(f, i, null), O = !0 }, p(t, [e]) { t[9] ? p ? (p.p(t, e), 512 & e && Object(N.ab)(p, 1)) : ((p = ie(t)).c(), Object(N.ab)(p, 1), p.m(c, l)) : p && (Object(N.E)(), Object(, 1, 1, () => { p = null }), Object(N.k)()), m === (m = h(t)) && g ? g.p(t, e) : (g.d(1), (g = m(t)) && (g.c(), g.m(c, o))), t[4] && t[4].theme ? y ? y.p(t, e) : ((y = se(t)).c(), y.m(i, r)) : y && (y.d(1), y = null), (!O || 3 & e) && j !== (j = Object(E.g)(t[0], t[1]) + "") && Object(N.R)(s, j), t[2] ? v ? v.p(t, e) : ((v = be(t)).c(), v.m(i, u)) : v && (v.d(1), v = null); const n = {}; 128 & e && (n.readingTime = t[7]), 2048 & e && (n.type = t[11]), 64 & e && (n.published = t[6]), f.$set(n), (!O || 256 & e && d !== (d = "tla-collection-card " + (t[8] ? "tla-collection-card--featured" : "tla-collection-card--std"))) && Object(N.h)(c, "class", d) }, i(t) { O || (Object(N.ab)(p), Object(N.ab)(f.$$.fragment, t), O = !0) }, o(t) { Object(, Object($$.fragment, t), O = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(c), p && p.d(), g.d(), y && y.d(), v && v.d(), Object(N.s)(f) } } } function fe(t, e, n) { let c, l = e["id"], o = e["title"], { titleCharCount: i = 90 } = e, r = e["description"], { descriptionCharCount: a = 185 } = e, s = e["facets"], b = e["displayedTags"], u = e["image"], f = e["imageLarge"], d = e["imageSmall"], O = e["published"], j = e["readingTime"], p = e["assetType"], h = e["template"], { isFeatured: m = !1 } = e, g = e["index"], y = e["enableNewFlag"], v = e["newFlagComparisonDays"]; return c = Object(E.d)(h, p), t.$$set = t => { "id" in t && n(13, l =, "title" in t && n(0, o = t.title), "titleCharCount" in t && n(1, i = t.titleCharCount), "description" in t && n(2, r = t.description), "descriptionCharCount" in t && n(3, a = t.descriptionCharCount), "facets" in t && n(14, s = t.facets), "displayedTags" in t && n(4, b = t.displayedTags), "image" in t && n(5, u = t.image), "imageLarge" in t && n(15, f = t.imageLarge), "imageSmall" in t && n(16, d = t.imageSmall), "published" in t && n(6, O = t.published), "readingTime" in t && n(7, j = t.readingTime), "assetType" in t && n(17, p = t.assetType), "template" in t && n(18, h = t.template), "isFeatured" in t && n(8, m = t.isFeatured), "index" in t && n(19, g = t.index), "enableNewFlag" in t && n(9, y = t.enableNewFlag), "newFlagComparisonDays" in t && n(10, v = t.newFlagComparisonDays) }, [o, i, r, a, b, u, O, j, m, y, v, c, function() { let t = u; return 0 === g && f && (t = f), t = 0 < g && d ? d : t }, l, s, f, d, p, h, g] } class de extends N.a { constructor(t) { super(), Object(N.G)(this, t, fe, ue, N.P, { id: 13, title: 0, titleCharCount: 1, description: 2, descriptionCharCount: 3, facets: 14, displayedTags: 4, image: 5, imageLarge: 15, imageSmall: 16, published: 6, readingTime: 7, assetType: 17, template: 18, isFeatured: 8, index: 19, enableNewFlag: 9, newFlagComparisonDays: 10 }) } } var Oe = de; function je(t, e, n) { const c = t.slice(); return c[41] = e[n], c[43] = n, c } function pe(t, e, n) { const c = t.slice(); return c[41] = e[n], c[43] = n, c } function he(t) { let n, c, l, o, i = t[2] && me(t), r = ("LOADING" === t[25] || !t[24]) && ge(), a = t[20] && ye(t); return { c() { n = Object(N.v)("div"), i && i.c(), c = Object(N.T)(), r && r.c(), l = Object(N.T)(), a && a.c(), Object(N.h)(n, "class", "tla-featured-content") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e), i && i.m(n, null), Object(N.f)(n, c), r && r.m(n, null), Object(N.f)(n, l), a && a.m(n, null), o = !0 }, p(t, e) { t[2] ? i ? i.p(t, e) : ((i = me(t)).c(), i.m(n, c)) : i && (i.d(1), i = null), "LOADING" !== t[25] && t[24] ? r && (Object(N.E)(), Object(, 1, 1, () => { r = null }), Object(N.k)()) : r ? 50331648 & e[0] && Object(N.ab)(r, 1) : ((r = ge()).c(), Object(N.ab)(r, 1), r.m(n, l)), t[20] ? a ? (a.p(t, e), 1048576 & e[0] && Object(N.ab)(a, 1)) : ((a = ye(t)).c(), Object(N.ab)(a, 1), a.m(n, null)) : a && (Object(N.E)(), Object(, 1, 1, () => { a = null }), Object(N.k)()) }, i(t) { o || (Object(N.ab)(r), Object(N.ab)(a), o = !0) }, o(t) { Object(, Object(, o = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n), i && i.d(), r && r.d(), a && a.d() } } } function me(t) { let n, c, l, o; return { c() { n = Object(N.v)("header"), c = Object(N.v)("div"), l = Object(N.v)("h2"), o = Object(N.X)(t[2]), Object(N.h)(l, "class", "tla-featured-content__title"), Object(N.h)(c, "class", "container tla-featured-content__header-container"), Object(N.h)(n, "class", "tla-featured-content__header") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e), Object(N.f)(n, c), Object(N.f)(c, l), Object(N.f)(l, o) }, p(t, e) { 4 & e[0] && Object(N.R)(o, t[2]) }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n) } } } function ge() { let n, c, l, o, i, r, a; return o = new Tt({}), { c() { n = Object(N.v)("div"), c = Object(N.v)("p"), l = Object(N.v)("span"), Object(N.p)(o.$$.fragment), i = Object(N.T)(), (r = Object(N.v)("span")).textContent = "Loading", Object(N.h)(l, "class", "tla-loading-ui-icon"), Object(N.h)(r, "class", "tla-loading-ui-label"), Object(N.h)(c, "class", "tla-loading-ui"), Object(N.h)(n, "class", "tla-featured-content__loading") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e), Object(N.f)(n, c), Object(N.f)(c, l), Object(N.K)(o, l, null), Object(N.f)(c, i), Object(N.f)(c, r), a = !0 }, i(t) { a || (Object(N.ab)(o.$$.fragment, t), a = !0) }, o(t) { Object($$.fragment, t), a = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n), Object(N.s)(o) } } } function ye(t) { let n, c, l = t[20].elements, o = _e(t); return { c() { n = Object(N.v)("div"), o.c(), Object(N.h)(n, "class", "tla-featured-content__listing tla-card-listing") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e), o.m(n, null), c = !0 }, p(t, e) { 1048576 & e[0] && Object(N.P)(l, l = t[20].elements) ? (Object(N.E)(), Object(, 1, 1, N.L), Object(N.k)(), (o = _e(t)).c(), Object(N.ab)(o, 1), o.m(n, null)) : o.p(t, e) }, i(t) { c || (Object(N.ab)(o), c = !0) }, o(t) { Object(, c = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n), o.d(t) } } } function ve(t) { let n, c, l; const o = [t[41], { isFeatured: !0 }, { index: t[43] }, { enableNewFlag: t[6] }, { newFlagComparisonDays: t[7] }]; var i = t[27](t[41].template); function r() { let e = {}; for (let t = 0; t < o.length; t += 1) e = Object(N.g)(e, o[t]); return { props: e } } return i && (n = new i(r())), { c() { n && Object(N.p)(n.$$.fragment), c = Object(N.w)() }, m(t, e) { n && Object(N.K)(n, t, e), Object(N.H)(t, c, e), l = !0 }, p(t, e) { e = 1048768 & e[0] ? Object(N.D)(o, [1048576 & e[0] && Object(N.C)(t[41]), o[1], 1048576 & e[0] && { index: t[43] }, 64 & e[0] && { enableNewFlag: t[6] }, 128 & e[0] && { newFlagComparisonDays: t[7] }]) : {}; if (i !== (i = t[27](t[41].template))) { if (n) { Object(N.E)(); const t = n; Object($$.fragment, 1, 0, () => { Object(N.s)(t, 1) }), Object(N.k)() } i ? (n = new i(r()), Object(N.p)(n.$$.fragment), Object(N.ab)(n.$$.fragment, 1), Object(N.K)(n, c.parentNode, c)) : n = null } else i && n.$set(e) }, i(t) { l || (n && Object(N.ab)(n.$$.fragment, t), l = !0) }, o(t) { n && Object($$.fragment, t), l = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(c), n && Object(N.s)(n, t) } } } function we(t, c) { let n, l, o, e, i; const r = [c[41]]; let a = { $$slots: { default: [ve] }, $$scope: { ctx: c } }; for (let t = 0; t < r.length; t += 1) a = Object(N.g)(a, r[t]); return l = new Vt({ props: a }), { key: t, first: null, c() { n = Object(N.v)("li"), Object(N.p)(l.$$.fragment), o = Object(N.T)(), Object(N.h)(n, "class", "tla-card-listing__item"), this.first = n }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e), Object(N.K)(l, n, null), Object(N.f)(n, o), i = !0 }, p(t, e) { c = t; const n = 1048576 & e[0] ? Object(N.D)(r, [Object(N.C)(c[41])]) : {}; 1048768 & e[0] | 16384 & e[1] && (n.$$scope = { dirty: e, ctx: c }), l.$set(n) }, i(t) { i || (Object(N.ab)(l.$$.fragment, t), Object(N.c)(() => { (e = e || Object(N.o)(n, U, { duration: 300 }, !0)).run(1) }), i = !0) }, o(t) { Object($$.fragment, t), (e = e || Object(N.o)(n, U, { duration: 300 }, !1)).run(0), i = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n), Object(N.s)(l), t && e && e.end() } } } function _e(e) { let n, c, l = [], o = new Map, i = e[20].elements; const r = t => t[41].url; for (let t = 0; t < i.length; t += 1) { var a = pe(e, i, t), s = r(a); o.set(s, l[t] = we(s, a)) } return { c() { n = Object(N.v)("ul"); for (let t = 0; t < l.length; t += 1) l[t].c(); Object(N.h)(n, "class", "tla-card-grid tla-card-listing__items") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e); for (let t = 0; t < l.length; t += 1) l[t].m(n, null); c = !0 }, p(t, e) { 135266496 & e[0] && (i = t[20].elements, Object(N.E)(), l = Object(N.cb)(l, e, r, 1, t, i, o, n, N.N, we, null, pe), Object(N.k)()) }, i(t) { if (!c) { for (let t = 0; t < i.length; t += 1) Object(N.ab)(l[t]); c = !0 } }, o(t) { for (let t = 0; t < l.length; t += 1) Object([t]); c = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n); for (let t = 0; t < l.length; t += 1) l[t].d() } } } function $e(t) { let n, c, l, o, i, r, a = t[1] && Te(t), s = t[10] && xe(t), b = ("LOADING" === t[25] || !t[24]) && ke(), u = t[22] && Ee(t); return { c() { n = Object(N.v)("div"), a && a.c(), c = Object(N.T)(), s && s.c(), l = Object(N.T)(), b && b.c(), o = Object(N.T)(), u && u.c(), Object(N.h)(n, "class", i = `tla-collection ${t[9]?"tla-collection--expanded":""} ${t[10]?"tla-collection--has-filters":"tla-collection--no-filters"} ${t[18].filtersActive?"tla-collection--filtered":"tla-collection--all-results"} ` + (t[16] ? "tla-collection--remove-top-spacing" : "")) }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e), a && a.m(n, null), Object(N.f)(n, c), s && s.m(n, null), Object(N.f)(n, l), b && b.m(n, null), Object(N.f)(n, o), u && u.m(n, null), r = !0 }, p(t, e) { t[1] ? a ? a.p(t, e) : ((a = Te(t)).c(), a.m(n, c)) : a && (a.d(1), a = null), t[10] ? s ? (s.p(t, e), 1024 & e[0] && Object(N.ab)(s, 1)) : ((s = xe(t)).c(), Object(N.ab)(s, 1), s.m(n, l)) : s && (Object(N.E)(), Object(, 1, 1, () => { s = null }), Object(N.k)()), "LOADING" !== t[25] && t[24] ? b && (Object(N.E)(), Object(, 1, 1, () => { b = null }), Object(N.k)()) : b ? 50331648 & e[0] && Object(N.ab)(b, 1) : ((b = ke()).c(), Object(N.ab)(b, 1), b.m(n, o)), t[22] ? u ? (u.p(t, e), 4194304 & e[0] && Object(N.ab)(u, 1)) : ((u = Ee(t)).c(), Object(N.ab)(u, 1), u.m(n, null)) : u && (Object(N.E)(), Object(, 1, 1, () => { u = null }), Object(N.k)()), (!r || 329216 & e[0] && i !== (i = `tla-collection ${t[9]?"tla-collection--expanded":""} ${t[10]?"tla-collection--has-filters":"tla-collection--no-filters"} ${t[18].filtersActive?"tla-collection--filtered":"tla-collection--all-results"} ` + (t[16] ? "tla-collection--remove-top-spacing" : ""))) && Object(N.h)(n, "class", i) }, i(t) { r || (Object(N.ab)(s), Object(N.ab)(b), Object(N.ab)(u), r = !0) }, o(t) { Object(, Object(, Object(, r = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n), a && a.d(), s && s.d(), b && b.d(), u && u.d() } } } function Te(t) { let n, c, l, o; return { c() { n = Object(N.v)("header"), c = Object(N.v)("div"), l = Object(N.v)("h2"), o = Object(N.X)(t[1]), Object(N.h)(l, "class", "tla-collection__title"), Object(N.h)(c, "class", "container tla-collection__header-container"), Object(N.h)(n, "class", "tla-collection__header") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e), Object(N.f)(n, c), Object(N.f)(c, l), Object(N.f)(l, o) }, p(t, e) { 2 & e[0] && Object(N.R)(o, t[1]) }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n) } } } function xe(t) { let n, c, l, o = t[3] && Ce(t); return { c() { n = Object(N.v)("div"), o && o.c(), Object(N.h)(n, "class", c = "tla-collection__ctrls tla-collection__ctrls--" + t[12]) }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e), o && o.m(n, null), l = !0 }, p(t, e) { t[3] ? o ? (o.p(t, e), 8 & e[0] && Object(N.ab)(o, 1)) : ((o = Ce(t)).c(), Object(N.ab)(o, 1), o.m(n, null)) : o && (Object(N.E)(), Object(, 1, 1, () => { o = null }), Object(N.k)()), (!l || 4096 & e[0] && c !== (c = "tla-collection__ctrls tla-collection__ctrls--" + t[12])) && Object(N.h)(n, "class", c) }, i(t) { l || (Object(N.ab)(o), l = !0) }, o(t) { Object(, l = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n), o && o.d() } } } function Ce(t) { let c, n; return (c = new vt({ props: { menu: t[0], menuType: t[11], resultsCount: t[22].elements.length, preFilterByFacet: t[23], filtersMobileToggleYellow: t[13] } })).$on("save", t[26]), { c() { Object(N.p)(c.$$.fragment) }, m(t, e) { Object(N.K)(c, t, e), n = !0 }, p(t, e) { const n = {}; 1 & e[0] && ( = t[0]), 2048 & e[0] && (n.menuType = t[11]), 4194304 & e[0] && (n.resultsCount = t[22].elements.length), 8388608 & e[0] && (n.preFilterByFacet = t[23]), 8192 & e[0] && (n.filtersMobileToggleYellow = t[13]), c.$set(n) }, i(t) { n || (Object(N.ab)(c.$$.fragment, t), n = !0) }, o(t) { Object($$.fragment, t), n = !1 }, d(t) { Object(N.s)(c, t) } } } function ke() { let n, c, l, o, i, r, a; return o = new Tt({}), { c() { n = Object(N.v)("div"), c = Object(N.v)("p"), l = Object(N.v)("span"), Object(N.p)(o.$$.fragment), i = Object(N.T)(), (r = Object(N.v)("span")).textContent = "Loading", Object(N.h)(l, "class", "tla-loading-ui-icon"), Object(N.h)(r, "class", "tla-loading-ui-label"), Object(N.h)(c, "class", "tla-loading-ui"), Object(N.h)(n, "class", "tla-collection__loading") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e), Object(N.f)(n, c), Object(N.f)(c, l), Object(N.K)(o, l, null), Object(N.f)(c, i), Object(N.f)(c, r), a = !0 }, i(t) { a || (Object(N.ab)(o.$$.fragment, t), a = !0) }, o(t) { Object($$.fragment, t), a = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n), Object(N.s)(o) } } } function Ee(t) { let n, c, l, o, i, r = t[22].elements, a = Ie(t), s = t[17] && t[19] < t[22].elements.length && Me(t); return { c() { n = Object(N.v)("div"), a.c(), l = Object(N.T)(), s && s.c(), o = Object(N.w)(), Object(N.h)(n, "class", c = `${t[9]?"tla-collection--expanded__listing":"tla-collection__listing"} tla-card-listing ` + (t[18].filtersActive ? "tla-card-listing--filtered" : "")) }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e), a.m(n, null), Object(N.H)(t, l, e), s && s.m(t, e), Object(N.H)(t, o, e), i = !0 }, p(t, e) { 4194304 & e[0] && Object(N.P)(r, r = t[22].elements) ? (Object(N.E)(), Object(, 1, 1, N.L), Object(N.k)(), (a = Ie(t)).c(), Object(N.ab)(a, 1), a.m(n, null)) : a.p(t, e), (!i || 262656 & e[0] && c !== (c = `${t[9]?"tla-collection--expanded__listing":"tla-collection__listing"} tla-card-listing ` + (t[18].filtersActive ? "tla-card-listing--filtered" : ""))) && Object(N.h)(n, "class", c), t[17] && t[19] < t[22].elements.length ? s ? s.p(t, e) : ((s = Me(t)).c(), s.m(o.parentNode, o)) : s && (s.d(1), s = null) }, i(t) { i || (Object(N.ab)(a), i = !0) }, o(t) { Object(, i = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n), a.d(t), t && Object(N.u)(l), s && s.d(t), t && Object(N.u)(o) } } } function Se(t) { let n, e, c; return { c() { (n = Object(N.v)("li")).innerHTML = "<p>No results. Please choose different options to filter by</p>", Object(N.h)(n, "class", "tla-card-listing__item tla-card-listing__item--no-results") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e), c = !0 }, p: N.L, i(t) { c || (Object(N.c)(() => { (e = e || Object(N.o)(n, U, { duration: 300 }, !0)).run(1) }), c = !0) }, o(t) { (e = e || Object(N.o)(n, U, { duration: 300 }, !1)).run(0), c = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n), t && e && e.end() } } } function Fe(e) { let c, l, o = [], n = new Map, i = e[22].elements.slice(0, e[19]); const r = t => t[41].url; for (let t = 0; t < i.length; t += 1) { var a = je(e, i, t), s = r(a); n.set(s, o[t] = Ae(s, a)) } return { c() { for (let t = 0; t < o.length; t += 1) o[t].c(); c = Object(N.w)() }, m(e, n) { for (let t = 0; t < o.length; t += 1) o[t].m(e, n); Object(N.H)(e, c, n), l = !0 }, p(t, e) { 138936512 & e[0] && (i = t[22].elements.slice(0, t[19]), Object(N.E)(), o = Object(N.cb)(o, e, r, 1, t, i, n, c.parentNode, N.N, Ae, c, je), Object(N.k)()) }, i(t) { if (!l) { for (let t = 0; t < i.length; t += 1) Object(N.ab)(o[t]); l = !0 } }, o(t) { for (let t = 0; t < o.length; t += 1) Object([t]); l = !1 }, d(e) { for (let t = 0; t < o.length; t += 1) o[t].d(e); e && Object(N.u)(c) } } } function Le(t) { let n, c, l; const o = [t[41], { isFeatured: Be(t[41]) }, { index: t[43] }, { enableNewFlag: t[6] }, { newFlagComparisonDays: t[7] }]; var i = t[27](t[41].template); function r() { let e = {}; for (let t = 0; t < o.length; t += 1) e = Object(N.g)(e, o[t]); return { props: e } } return i && (n = new i(r())), { c() { n && Object(N.p)(n.$$.fragment), c = Object(N.w)() }, m(t, e) { n && Object(N.K)(n, t, e), Object(N.H)(t, c, e), l = !0 }, p(t, e) { e = 4718784 & e[0] ? Object(N.D)(o, [4718592 & e[0] && Object(N.C)(t[41]), 4718592 & e[0] && { isFeatured: Be(t[41]) }, 4718592 & e[0] && { index: t[43] }, 64 & e[0] && { enableNewFlag: t[6] }, 128 & e[0] && { newFlagComparisonDays: t[7] }]) : {}; if (i !== (i = t[27](t[41].template))) { if (n) { Object(N.E)(); const t = n; Object($$.fragment, 1, 0, () => { Object(N.s)(t, 1) }), Object(N.k)() } i ? (n = new i(r()), Object(N.p)(n.$$.fragment), Object(N.ab)(n.$$.fragment, 1), Object(N.K)(n, c.parentNode, c)) : n = null } else i && n.$set(e) }, i(t) { l || (n && Object(N.ab)(n.$$.fragment, t), l = !0) }, o(t) { n && Object($$.fragment, t), l = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(c), n && Object(N.s)(n, t) } } } function Ae(t, c) { let l, o, n, i, e, r; const a = [c[41]]; let s = { $$slots: { default: [Le] }, $$scope: { ctx: c } }; for (let t = 0; t < a.length; t += 1) s = Object(N.g)(s, a[t]); return o = new Vt({ props: s }), { key: t, first: null, c() { l = Object(N.v)("li"), Object(N.p)(o.$$.fragment), n = Object(N.T)(), Object(N.h)(l, "class", "tla-card-listing__item"), Object(N.h)(l, "id", i = c[41].id), this.first = l }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, l, e), Object(N.K)(o, l, null), Object(N.f)(l, n), r = !0 }, p(t, e) { c = t; const n = 4718592 & e[0] ? Object(N.D)(a, [Object(N.C)(c[41])]) : {}; 4718784 & e[0] | 16384 & e[1] && (n.$$scope = { dirty: e, ctx: c }), o.$set(n), (!r || 4718592 & e[0] && i !== (i = c[41].id)) && Object(N.h)(l, "id", i) }, i(t) { r || (Object(N.ab)(o.$$.fragment, t), Object(N.c)(() => { (e = e || Object(N.o)(l, U, { duration: 300 }, !0)).run(1) }), r = !0) }, o(t) { Object($$.fragment, t), (e = e || Object(N.o)(l, U, { duration: 300 }, !1)).run(0), r = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(l), Object(N.s)(o), t && e && e.end() } } } function He(t) { let n, c, l; return c = new V({ props: { headingLine1: "Get ready for what comes next.", headingLine2: "Subscribe to receive the latest technology insights delivered to your inbox.", ctaText: "Subscribe today", ctaUrl: "", inCollectionCtaId: t[15], filtersActive: t[18].filtersActive } }), { c() { n = Object(N.v)("li"), Object(N.p)(c.$$.fragment), Object(N.h)(n, "class", "tla-card-listing__item tla-card-listing__item--cta-wrap") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, n, e), Object(N.K)(c, n, null), l = !0 }, p(t, e) { const n = {}; 32768 & e[0] && (n.inCollectionCtaId = t[15]), 262144 & e[0] && (n.filtersActive = t[18].filtersActive), c.$set(n) }, i(t) { l || (Object(N.ab)(c.$$.fragment, t), l = !0) }, o(t) { Object($$.fragment, t), l = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n), Object(N.s)(c) } } } function Pe(t) { let n, c, l = t[21].elements, o = De(t); return { c() { o.c(), n = Object(N.w)() }, m(t, e) { o.m(t, e), Object(N.H)(t, n, e), c = !0 }, p(t, e) { 2097152 & e[0] && Object(N.P)(l, l = t[21].elements) ? (Object(N.E)(), Object(, 1, 1, N.L), Object(N.k)(), (o = De(t)).c(), Object(N.ab)(o, 1), o.m(n.parentNode, n)) : o.p(t, e) }, i(t) { c || (Object(N.ab)(o), c = !0) }, o(t) { Object(, c = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(n), o.d(t) } } } function De(t) { let c, n; return c = new At({ props: { mostPopularData: t[21] } }), { c() { Object(N.p)(c.$$.fragment) }, m(t, e) { Object(N.K)(c, t, e), n = !0 }, p(t, e) { const n = {}; 2097152 & e[0] && (n.mostPopularData = t[21]), c.$set(n) }, i(t) { n || (Object(N.ab)(c.$$.fragment, t), n = !0) }, o(t) { Object($$.fragment, t), n = !1 }, d(t) { Object(N.s)(c, t) } } } function Ie(t) { let c, l, o, i, r, n; const a = [Fe, Se], s = []; function b(t) { return t[22].elements.length ? 0 : t[18].filtersActive ? 1 : -1 }~(l = b(t)) && (o = s[l] = a[l](t)); let u = t[14] && !("LOADING" === t[25] || !t[24]) && He(t), f = t[8] && t[21].elements.length && Pe(t); return { c() { c = Object(N.v)("ul"), o && o.c(), i = Object(N.T)(), u && u.c(), r = Object(N.T)(), f && f.c(), Object(N.h)(c, "class", "tla-card-grid tla-card-listing__items") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, c, e), ~l && s[l].m(c, null), Object(N.f)(c, i), u && u.m(c, null), Object(N.f)(c, r), f && f.m(c, null), n = !0 }, p(t, e) { let n = l; (l = b(t)) === n ? ~l && s[l].p(t, e) : (o && (Object(N.E)(), Object([n], 1, 1, () => { s[n] = null }), Object(N.k)()), ~l ? ((o = s[l]) ? o.p(t, e) : (o = s[l] = a[l](t)).c(), Object(N.ab)(o, 1), o.m(c, i)) : o = null), t[14] && "LOADING" !== t[25] && t[24] ? u ? (u.p(t, e), 50348032 & e[0] && Object(N.ab)(u, 1)) : ((u = He(t)).c(), Object(N.ab)(u, 1), u.m(c, r)) : u && (Object(N.E)(), Object(, 1, 1, () => { u = null }), Object(N.k)()), t[8] && t[21].elements.length ? f ? (f.p(t, e), 2097408 & e[0] && Object(N.ab)(f, 1)) : ((f = Pe(t)).c(), Object(N.ab)(f, 1), f.m(c, null)) : f && (Object(N.E)(), Object(, 1, 1, () => { f = null }), Object(N.k)()) }, i(t) { n || (Object(N.ab)(o), Object(N.ab)(u), Object(N.ab)(f), n = !0) }, o(t) { Object(, Object(, Object(, n = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(c), ~l && s[l].d(), u && u.d(), f && f.d() } } } function Me(n) { let c, l, o; return { c() { (c = Object(N.v)("button")).textContent = "Load more", Object(N.h)(c, "class", "tla-load-button") }, m(t, e) { Object(N.H)(t, c, e), l || (o = Object(N.J)(c, "click", n[28]), l = !0) }, p: N.L, d(t) { t && Object(N.u)(c), l = !1, o() } } } function Re(t) { let n, c, l, o = t[5] && he(t), i = t[4] && $e(t); return { c() { o && o.c(), n = Object(N.T)(), i && i.c(), c = Object(N.w)() }, m(t, e) { o && o.m(t, e), Object(N.H)(t, n, e), i && i.m(t, e), Object(N.H)(t, c, e), l = !0 }, p(t, e) { t[5] ? o ? (o.p(t, e), 32 & e[0] && Object(N.ab)(o, 1)) : ((o = he(t)).c(), Object(N.ab)(o, 1), o.m(n.parentNode, n)) : o && (Object(N.E)(), Object(, 1, 1, () => { o = null }), Object(N.k)()), t[4] ? i ? (i.p(t, e), 16 & e[0] && Object(N.ab)(i, 1)) : ((i = $e(t)).c(), Object(N.ab)(i, 1), i.m(c.parentNode, c)) : i && (Object(N.E)(), Object(, 1, 1, () => { i = null }), Object(N.k)()) }, i(t) { l || (Object(N.ab)(o), Object(N.ab)(i), l = !0) }, o(t) { Object(, Object(, l = !1 }, d(t) { o && o.d(t), t && Object(N.u)(n), i && i.d(t), t && Object(N.u)(c) } } } function Be(t) { return t.featured && !0 === t.featured } function Ne(t, e, n) { let c, l; Object(N.l)(t, P, t => n(24, c = t)), Object(N.l)(t, D, t => n(25, l = t)); let o = e["facetedFilterData"], { menuState: i = "" } = e, { menuOptions: r = o } = e, a = e["collectionTitle"], s = e["featuredContentTitle"], { displayFacetMenu: b = !0 } = e, { enableCollectionListing: u = !0 } = e, { enableFeaturedContent: f = !1 } = e, { enableNewFlag: d = !1 } = e, O = e["newFlagComparisonDays"], { enableMostPopular: j = !1 } = e, { enableExpandedCollectionListing: p = !1 } = e, { enableFilters: h = !0 } = e, { filtersUiStyle: m = "dropdowns" } = e, { filtersColourScheme: g = "ffffff" } = e, { filtersMobileToggleYellow: y = !1 } = e, { enableInCollectionCta: v = !0 } = e, { inCollectionCtaId: w = "collection-cta" } = e, { removeCollectionTopSpacing: _ = !1 } = e, { paginateEvery: $ = 30 } = e, { showPaginateButton: T = !0 } = e, x = $, C = void Object(H.c)("currentUrl"), k = { elements: [] }, E = { elements: [] }, S = { elements: [] }, F = { filtersActive: !1, facets: [] }, L = null; function A() { if (null != c && { let t = [], l = (t =, []), o = [], i = []; F.filtersActive ? (F.facets[0] && F.facets[0].selectedOptions.length && t.forEach(t => { let e = !1; (e = t.facets[F.facets[0].id] ? t.facets[F.facets[0].id].some(t => F.facets[0].selectedOptions.includes(t)) : e) && l.push( }), F.facets[1] && F.facets[1].selectedOptions.length && t.forEach(t => { let e = !1; (e = t.facets[F.facets[1].id] ? t.facets[F.facets[1].id].some(t => F.facets[1].selectedOptions.includes(t)) : e) && o.push( }), F.facets[2] && F.facets[2].selectedOptions.length && t.forEach(t => { let e = !1; (e = t.facets[F.facets[2].id] ? t.facets[F.facets[2].id].some(t => F.facets[2].selectedOptions.includes(t)) : e) && i.push( }), n(22, S.elements = t.filter(e => { let t = !1, n = !1, c = !1; return F.facets[0] && F.facets[0].selectedOptions.length && !l.find(t => t == || (t = !0), F.facets[1] && F.facets[1].selectedOptions.length && !o.find(t => t == || (n = !0), F.facets[2] && F.facets[2].selectedOptions.length && !i.find(t => t == || (c = !0), t && n && c }), S)) : n(22, S.elements = t, S) } } return null != (e = window.TLAConfig) && e.filterBy && (L = null == (e = window.TLAConfig) ? void 0 : e.filterBy), Object(H.d)(() => { Object.values(o).forEach((t, e) => { t = { id: t.value, selectedOptions: [] }; n(18, F.facets[e] = t, F) }), D.set("LOADING"), async function() { try { const t = await fetch(G, { method: "GET" }); return I.set(!0), t.json() } catch (t) { M.a.error("Error fetching data from API", t) } }().then(t => (P.set(t), D.set("DONE"), t)), P.subscribe(() => { f && null != c && && n(20, k.elements =, k), j && null != c && && n(21, E.elements =, E), u && A() }), C = null !== window.navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE|Trident/) }), t.$$set = t => { "facetedFilterData" in t && n(30, o = t.facetedFilterData), "menuState" in t && n(29, i = t.menuState), "menuOptions" in t && n(0, r = t.menuOptions), "collectionTitle" in t && n(1, a = t.collectionTitle), "featuredContentTitle" in t && n(2, s = t.featuredContentTitle), "displayFacetMenu" in t && n(3, b = t.displayFacetMenu), "enableCollectionListing" in t && n(4, u = t.enableCollectionListing), "enableFeaturedContent" in t && n(5, f = t.enableFeaturedContent), "enableNewFlag" in t && n(6, d = t.enableNewFlag), "newFlagComparisonDays" in t && n(7, O = t.newFlagComparisonDays), "enableMostPopular" in t && n(8, j = t.enableMostPopular), "enableExpandedCollectionListing" in t && n(9, p = t.enableExpandedCollectionListing), "enableFilters" in t && n(10, h = t.enableFilters), "filtersUiStyle" in t && n(11, m = t.filtersUiStyle), "filtersColourScheme" in t && n(12, g = t.filtersColourScheme), "filtersMobileToggleYellow" in t && n(13, y = t.filtersMobileToggleYellow), "enableInCollectionCta" in t && n(14, v = t.enableInCollectionCta), "inCollectionCtaId" in t && n(15, w = t.inCollectionCtaId), "removeCollectionTopSpacing" in t && n(16, _ = t.removeCollectionTopSpacing), "paginateEvery" in t && n(31, $ = t.paginateEvery), "showPaginateButton" in t && n(17, T = t.showPaginateButton) }, t.$$.update = () => { t.$$.dirty[0] }, [r, a, s, b, u, f, d, O, j, p, h, m, g, y, v, w, _, T, F, x, k, E, S, L, c, l, function(t) { if (n(29, i = t.detail), I) { if (0 < i.length) { let t = i[0].items.filter(t => !0 === t.selected); n(18, F.facets[0].selectedOptions = => t.value), F) } if (1 < i.length) { let t = i[1].items.filter(t => !0 === t.selected); n(18, F.facets[1].selectedOptions = => t.value), F) } if (2 < i.length) { let t = i[2].items.filter(t => !0 === t.selected); n(18, F.facets[2].selectedOptions = => t.value), F) } F.facets[0] && F.facets[0].selectedOptions.length || F.facets[1] && F.facets[1].selectedOptions.length || F.facets[2] && F.facets[2].selectedOptions.length ? n(18, F.filtersActive = !0, F) : n(18, F.filtersActive = !1, F), A() } }, function(t) { return Oe }, function() { n(19, x += $) }, i, o, $] } class Ue extends N.a { constructor(t) { super(), Object(N.G)(this, t, Ne, Re, N.P, { facetedFilterData: 30, menuState: 29, menuOptions: 0, collectionTitle: 1, featuredContentTitle: 2, displayFacetMenu: 3, enableCollectionListing: 4, enableFeaturedContent: 5, enableNewFlag: 6, newFlagComparisonDays: 7, enableMostPopular: 8, enableExpandedCollectionListing: 9, enableFilters: 10, filtersUiStyle: 11, filtersColourScheme: 12, filtersMobileToggleYellow: 13, enableInCollectionCta: 14, inCollectionCtaId: 15, removeCollectionTopSpacing: 16, paginateEvery: 31, showPaginateButton: 17 }, null, [-1, -1]) } } F.a = Ue }, 8: function(t, e, n) { "use strict"; n.d(e, "a", function() { return l }); var c = n(3); const l = (t, e) => { const n = "object" == typeof window.s ? window.s : void 0; n && (t = `TE | ${t}: ` + e, n.linkTrackVars = "prop42", n.prop42 = t,!0, "o", t),"trackEvent", t)) } }, 88: function(t, e, n) { "use strict"; n.r(e), n.d(e, "default", function() { return v }); var c = n(17), l = n(7), $ = n(0), s = n(8); function u(t, e, n) { const c = t.slice(); return c[8] = e[n], c } function T(e) { let n, l, c, o, i, r = e[0].content.image && f(e), a = e[0].content.text, s = []; for (let t = 0; t < a.length; t += 1) s[t] = d(u(e, a, t)); let b = e[0] && O(e); return { c() { n = Object($.v)("div"), l = Object($.v)("div"), r && r.c(), c = Object($.T)(), o = Object($.v)("div"); for (let t = 0; t < s.length; t += 1) s[t].c(); i = Object($.T)(), b && b.c(), Object($.h)(l, "class", "accordion-content__image"), Object($.h)(o, "class", "accordion-content__text"), Object($.h)(n, "class", "accordion-item__content") }, m(t, e) { Object($.H)(t, n, e), Object($.f)(n, l), r && r.m(l, null), Object($.f)(n, c), Object($.f)(n, o); for (let t = 0; t < s.length; t += 1) s[t].m(o, null); Object($.f)(o, i), b && b.m(o, null) }, p(e, n) { if (e[0].content.image ? r ? r.p(e, n) : ((r = f(e)).c(), r.m(l, null)) : r && (r.d(1), r = null), 1 & n) { let t; for (a = e[0].content.text, t = 0; t < a.length; t += 1) { var c = u(e, a, t); s[t] ? s[t].p(c, n) : (s[t] = d(c), s[t].c(), s[t].m(o, i)) } for (; t < s.length; t += 1) s[t].d(1); s.length = a.length } e[0] ? b ? b.p(e, n) : ((b = O(e)).c(), b.m(o, null)) : b && (b.d(1), b = null) }, d(t) { t && Object($.u)(n), r && r.d(), Object($.t)(s, t), b && b.d() } } } function f(t) { let n, c; return { c() { n = Object($.v)("img"), Object($.h)(n, "alt", "Accordion content"), Object($.U)(n.src, c = t[0].content.image) || Object($.h)(n, "src", c) }, m(t, e) { Object($.H)(t, n, e) }, p(t, e) { 1 & e && !Object($.U)(n.src, c = t[0].content.image) && Object($.h)(n, "src", c) }, d(t) { t && Object($.u)(n) } } } function d(t) { let n, c = t[8] + ""; return { c() { n = Object($.v)("p") }, m(t, e) { Object($.H)(t, n, e), n.innerHTML = c }, p(t, e) { 1 & e && c !== (c = t[8] + "") && (n.innerHTML = c) }, d(t) { t && Object($.u)(n) } } } function O(n) { let c, l, o, i, r, a = n[0] + ""; return { c() { c = Object($.v)("a"), l = Object($.X)(a), Object($.h)(c, "class", "btn btn--secondary btn--transparent "), Object($.h)(c, "href", o = n[0] }, m(t, e) { Object($.H)(t, c, e), Object($.f)(c, l), i || (r = Object($.J)(c, "click", n[7]), i = !0) }, p(t, e) { 1 & e && a !== (a = t[0] + "") && Object($.R)(l, a), 1 & e && o !== (o = t[0] && Object($.h)(c, "href", o) }, d(t) { t && Object($.u)(c), i = !1, r() } } } function o(n) { let c, l, o, i, r, a, s, b, u, f, d, O, j, p, h, m, g, y = n[0].date + "", v = n[0].title + "", w = n[0].location + "", _ = n[3] && T(n); return { c() { c = Object($.v)("div"), l = Object($.v)("button"), o = Object($.v)("div"), i = Object($.v)("p"), r = Object($.T)(), a = Object($.v)("div"), s = Object($.v)("h2"), b = Object($.T)(), u = Object($.v)("p"), f = Object($.W)("svg"), d = Object($.W)("path"), O = Object($.T)(), j = Object($.X)(w), p = Object($.T)(), _ && _.c(), Object($.h)(o, "class", "accordion-item__date"), Object($.h)(d, "d", "M12 10c-1.104 0-2-.896-2-2s.896-2 2-2 2 .896 2 2-.896 2-2 2m0-5c-1.657 0-3 1.343-3 3s1.343 3 3 3 3-1.343 3-3-1.343-3-3-3m-7 2.602c0-3.517 3.271-6.602 7-6.602s7 3.085 7 6.602c0 3.455-2.563 7.543-7 14.527-4.489-7.073-7-11.072-7-14.527m7-7.602c-4.198 0-8 3.403-8 7.602 0 4.198 3.469 9.21 8 16.398 4.531-7.188 8-12.2 8-16.398 0-4.199-3.801-7.602-8-7.602"), Object($.h)(f, "width", "24"), Object($.h)(f, "height", "24"), Object($.h)(f, "xmlns", ""), Object($.h)(f, "fill-rule", "evenodd"), Object($.h)(f, "clip-rule", "evenodd"), Object($.h)(a, "class", "accordion-item__title"), Object($.h)(l, "class", "accordion-item__button"), Object($.h)(c, "class", h = "accordion-item " + (n[3] ? "open" : "closed")) }, m(t, e) { Object($.H)(t, c, e), Object($.f)(c, l), Object($.f)(l, o), Object($.f)(o, i), i.innerHTML = y, Object($.f)(l, r), Object($.f)(l, a), Object($.f)(a, s), s.innerHTML = v, Object($.f)(a, b), Object($.f)(a, u), Object($.f)(u, f), Object($.f)(f, d), Object($.f)(u, O), Object($.f)(u, j), Object($.f)(c, p), _ && _.m(c, null), m || (g = Object($.J)(l, "click", n[6]), m = !0) }, p(t, [e]) { 1 & e && y !== (y = t[0].date + "") && (i.innerHTML = y), 1 & e && v !== (v = t[0].title + "") && (s.innerHTML = v), 1 & e && w !== (w = t[0].location + "") && Object($.R)(j, w), t[3] ? _ ? _.p(t, e) : ((_ = T(t)).c(), _.m(c, null)) : _ && (_.d(1), _ = null), 8 & e && h !== (h = "accordion-item " + (t[3] ? "open" : "closed")) && Object($.h)(c, "class", h) }, i: $.L, o: $.L, d(t) { t && Object($.u)(c), _ && _.d(), m = !1, g() } } } function i(t, e, n) { let c = e["analyticsPageName"], l = e["accordionItem"], o = e["index"], i = e["handleToggle"], r = e["accordionOpen"]; function a(t) { console.log("logClick()", c, "Events accordion", t), Object(s.a)(c, "Events accordion | Content button clicked - URL: " + t) } return t.$$set = t => { "analyticsPageName" in t && n(5, c = t.analyticsPageName), "accordionItem" in t && n(0, l = t.accordionItem), "index" in t && n(1, o = t.index), "handleToggle" in t && n(2, i = t.handleToggle), "accordionOpen" in t && n(3, r = t.accordionOpen) }, [l, o, i, r, a, c, t => i(t, o), t => a(] } class r extends $.a { constructor(t) { super(), Object($.G)(this, t, i, o, $.P, { analyticsPageName: 5, accordionItem: 0, index: 1, handleToggle: 2, accordionOpen: 3 }) } } var a = r; function b(t, e, n) { const c = t.slice(); return c[5] = e[n], c[7] = n, c } function j(t) { let c, n; return c = new a({ props: { analyticsPageName: t[0], accordionItem: t[5], index: t[7], handleToggle: t[4], accordionOpen: t[3] === t[7] } }), { c() { Object($.p)(c.$$.fragment) }, m(t, e) { Object($.K)(c, t, e), n = !0 }, p(t, e) { const n = {}; 1 & e && (n.analyticsPageName = t[0]), 2 & e && (n.accordionItem = t[5]), 8 & e && (n.accordionOpen = t[3] === t[7]), c.$set(n) }, i(t) { n || (Object($.ab)(c.$$.fragment, t), n = !0) }, o(t) { Object($.bb)(c.$$.fragment, t), n = !1 }, d(t) { Object($.s)(c, t) } } } function p(e) { let l, n, o, c, i, r = e[1], a = []; for (let t = 0; t < r.length; t += 1) a[t] = j(b(e, r, t)); return { c() { l = Object($.v)("div"), n = Object($.v)("h2"), o = Object($.X)(e[2]), c = Object($.T)(); for (let t = 0; t < a.length; t += 1) a[t].c(); Object($.h)(n, "class", "accordion-title"), Object($.h)(l, "class", "accordion") }, m(t, e) { Object($.H)(t, l, e), Object($.f)(l, n), Object($.f)(n, o), Object($.f)(l, c); for (let t = 0; t < a.length; t += 1) a[t].m(l, null); i = !0 }, p(e, [n]) { if ((!i || 4 & n) && Object($.R)(o, e[2]), 27 & n) { let t; for (r = e[1], t = 0; t < r.length; t += 1) { var c = b(e, r, t); a[t] ? (a[t].p(c, n), Object($.ab)(a[t], 1)) : (a[t] = j(c), a[t].c(), Object($.ab)(a[t], 1), a[t].m(l, null)) } for (Object($.E)(), t = r.length; t < a.length; t += 1)(t => Object($.bb)(a[t], 1, 1, () => { a[t] = null }))(t); Object($.k)() } }, i(t) { if (!i) { for (let t = 0; t < r.length; t += 1) Object($.ab)(a[t]); i = !0 } }, o(t) { a = a.filter(Boolean); for (let t = 0; t < a.length; t += 1) Object($.bb)(a[t]); i = !1 }, d(t) { t && Object($.u)(l), Object($.t)(a, t) } } } function h(t, e, n) { let c, l = e["analyticsPageName"], o = e["data"], i = e["title"]; return t.$$set = t => { "analyticsPageName" in t && n(0, l = t.analyticsPageName), "data" in t && n(1, o =, "title" in t && n(2, i = t.title) }, [l, o, i, c, function(e, t) { t !== c ? 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It was a lively discussion moderated by the Climate Editor of the FT, Emiliya Masaychuk with experts from the worlds of finance, energy and technology debating how companies are building resilience while accelerating their race to net zero."], image: "", link: { href: "", text: "Watch the on-demand webcast now" } } }, { title: "Ecosperity Week 2023", location: "Singapore", date: "6-8 June, 2023", content: { text: ["Temasek's annual flagship sustainability event, Ecosperity, themed 'Breakthroughs for Net Zero'. This is PwC’s 3rd year as headline sponsor. As well as hosting a PwC booth in the main hall we will be hosting an invitation-only roundtable. We look forward to seeing you there."] } }, { title: "World Economic Forum: A crucial year <br/>to focus on climate adaptation ", location: "Davos, Switzerland", date: "January 16-20, 2023", content: { text: ["Adaptation costs in developing countries could reach $300 billion a year by 2030 to provide resilient infrastructure, nature-based solutions and improve agriculture and water systems for communities most exposed to the consequences of climate change. How can the climate COPs in Africa and the Middle East unlock scaled-up multi-stakeholder partnerships for adaptation, with a particular focus on emerging and frontier markets?"], image: "", link: { href: "", text: "Find out more" } } }]; function v() { var t; "true" != (null == (t = null == (t = document.getElementById("title")) ? void 0 : t.dataset) ? void 0 : t.wcmmode) && ((t = document.getElementById("tlaHubCollection")) && new l.a({ target: t, props: { enableCollectionListing: !0, enableInCollectionCta: !1, inCollectionCtaId: "subscribe", enableFilters: !1, facetedFilterData: c.a, filtersUiStyle: "dropdowns", filtersColourScheme: "000000", enableFeaturedContent: !1, enableExpandedCollectionListing: !0, collectionTitle: "Explore the research", enableNewFlag: !1, newFlagComparisonDays: 14, enableMostPopular: !1 } })) } v() } }); </script></div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="section container responsivegrid"> <section id="content-free-1-c445" class="cmp-container page-section page-section--col-light-grey videobghost " data-wcmmode="false" data-parallax="true" data-videoParallax="false" data-videoId="videoelementbe7e59fd-4dcc-07bb-8c0c-0122c8df30b6" data-videoAutoplay="false" data-videoLoop="false" style="height:; background-size:cover; background-position:center top; background-image:; background-color:; "> <div class="parsys sectionpar"> <div class="VUEJS-APP collection-v3 section"><!-- SDI include (path: /content/pwc/gx/en/issues/transformation/accelerating-performance/_jcr_content/root/container/content-free-container/section_755186429/collections_v3.dynamic.html, resourceType: pwc/components/modernized/content/collections-v3) --> <collection-v3 filter1="{&#34;numberHits&#34;:4,&#34;listItemCollection&#34;:[{&#34;template&#34;:&#34;/conf/pwc/settings/wcm/templates/longform-campaign-one-pager&#34;,&#34;date&#34;:&#34;Tue Jun 13 00:00:00 UTC 2023&#34;,&#34;videoTranscriptLink&#34;:&#34;&#34;,&#34;videoItemHeight&#34;:&#34;&#34;,&#34;imagePath&#34;:&#34;/content/dam/pwc/ca/en/services/consulting/technology/p1802829-managed-services-thumbnail.jpg&#34;,&#34;videoType&#34;:&#34;&#34;,&#34;publishDate&#34;:&#34;13/06/23&#34;,&#34;isVideo&#34;:false,&#34;description&#34;:&#34;PwC\u2019s managed services solutions expands across a network of 58,000 industry experts that are trusted to manage and accelerate outcomes.&#34;,&#34;pageTagList&#34;:[],&#34;title&#34;:&#34;Managed Services | PwC&#34;,&#34;damSize&#34;:&#34;&#34;,&#34;url&#34;:&#34;;,&#34;collectionTitle&#34;:&#34;Managed Services&#34;,&#34;thumbnailText&#34;:&#34;PwC\u2019s managed services solutions expands across a network of 58,000 industry experts that are trusted to manage and accelerate outcomes.&#34;,&#34;videoDuration&#34;:&#34;&#34;,&#34;closedCaptionLink&#34;:&#34;&#34;,&#34;videoItemWidth&#34;:&#34;&#34;,&#34;href&#34;:&#34;;,&#34;videoItemUrl&#34;:&#34;&#34;},{&#34;template&#34;:&#34;/conf/pwc/settings/wcm/templates/ghost-template&#34;,&#34;date&#34;:&#34;Tue Jun 13 00:00:00 UTC 2023&#34;,&#34;videoTranscriptLink&#34;:&#34;&#34;,&#34;videoItemHeight&#34;:&#34;&#34;,&#34;imagePath&#34;:&#34;/content/dam/pwc/us/en/services/consulting/business-transformation/library/assets/outcomes-page-properties_v2.jpg&#34;,&#34;videoType&#34;:&#34;&#34;,&#34;publishDate&#34;:&#34;13/06/23&#34;,&#34;isVideo&#34;:false,&#34;description&#34;:&#34;How do you measure the success of business transformation? 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