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} </script><div class="main-content-container"> <div class="container-limit"> <section class="detail-content"> <h2 id="ws-title">Realizing Architecture Through Structure | Matt Streid | Structural Engineering Seminar Series</h2> <dl> <dt>Event Type</dt> <dd><a href="/search/2677?searchEventType=Seminar/Symposium">Seminar/Symposium</a></dd> <dt>Sponsor</dt> <dd>CEE</dd> <dt>Location</dt> <dd>1310 Yeh Student Center</dd> <dt>Date </dt> <dd>Dec 2, 2024 &nbsp; 4:00 pm &nbsp; </dd> <dt>Speaker</dt> <dd>Matt Streid | Structural Engineer | Magnusson Klemencic Associates</dd> <div class="ws-cal-clear"></div> <dt>Views</dt> <dd>11</dd> <dt>Originating Calendar</dt> <dd><a href="/list/5578">CEE Seminars and Conferences</a></dd> <dd class="ws-description"><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 18px;"><strong>Realizing Architecture Through Structure</strong></span></p><p id="isPasted"><strong>Abstract:</strong></p><p>Whether it is concealed within or a celebrated expression, the structural framework of our built environment can help create memorable experiences. &nbsp;A structural engineer鈥檚 role needs not be limited to resolving the forces of gravity, wind and seismic in our buildings, but can be expanded to explore opportunities to construct unique spaces and forms. &nbsp;As structural engineers, we strive to provide architects with the right tools to realize their vision without compromise. &nbsp;Instead of feeling constrained by the structure, architects can embrace the structure to inform the solution of their vision in a responsible, efficient, and creative way.</p><p><strong>Bio:</strong></p><p>Matt Streid is a structural engineer at Magnusson Klemencic Associates. &nbsp;He is a principal at the firm and a leader in the firm's Office and Life Science Specialist Groups. &nbsp;Matt is a graduate of the Illinois School of Architecture, receiving his bachelor鈥檚 degree in 2005 and his master鈥檚 degree in 2007 with a concentration in structures. &nbsp;His design experience ranges from low-rise, multi-building office campuses to complex high-rise office and mixed-use projects throughout the United States. &nbsp;Matt has worked on projects with many notable alumni firms of the program, including Studio Gang, Pelli Clarke &amp; Partners, Pickard Chilton, and Miller Hull. &nbsp;In addition to being the project manager on the recently opened Salesforce Tower Chicago, he has applied his expertise to the designs of many signature structures, such as Seattle's Amazon Block 20, Boston's Back Bay Station, and numerous heavy timber office buildings.&nbsp;</p></dd> </dl> </section> </div> </div> </div> <meta content="initial-scale=1.0" name="viewport"><script type="text/javascript"> var contentMinWidthToMobile=480; var mobileMaxWidthToDesktop=480; var mode='firstTime'; var deviceSize = screen.width; function jsUpdateSize() { var isResponsive; if (typeof(added_by_webtools_is_responsive) != 'undefined' && added_by_webtools_is_responsive != null) { isResponsive = true; } else { isResponsive = false; } deviceSize = document.body.offsetWidth; var contDiv= document.getElementById("contDiv"); var contentWidth = contDiv.clientWidth; if(mode==='firstTime') { if((deviceSize < contentMinWidthToMobile+1) || (contentWidth < (contentMinWidthToMobile+1))) { mode='mobile'; 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