{"title":"Mechanism of Changing a Product Concept","authors":"Kiyohiro Yamazaki","volume":99,"journal":"International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering","pagesStart":754,"pagesEnd":761,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/10000688","abstract":"<p>The purpose of this paper is to examine the hypothesis<br \/>\r\nexplaining the mechanism in the case, where the product is deleted or<br \/>\r\nreduced the fundamental function of the product through the product<br \/>\r\nconcept changes in the digital camera industry. This paper points out<br \/>\r\nnot owning the fundamental technology might cause the change of the<br \/>\r\nproduct concept. Casio could create new competitive factor so that this<br \/>\r\npaper discusses a possibility of the mechanism of changing the product<br \/>\r\nconcept.<\/p>\r\n","references":"[1] Abernathy, W. J. (1978) The Productivity Dilemma: Roadback to\r\nInnovation in the Automobile Industry, John Hopkins University Press..\r\n[2] Kusunoki, K. and S. Akutsu. (2006) \"Category Innovation: A Logic of\r\nDe-commoditization\" Organizational Science, 39, 3, pp.4-18. in Japanese\r\n[3] Christensen, C M., (1997) The Innovator\u2019s Dilemma, Harvard Business\r\nSchool Press\r\n[4] Christensen, C M., (1997) The Innovator\u2019s Dilemma, Harvard Business\r\nSchool Press.\r\n[5] Yuyama, M. (2002) \"Usugata dejitaru kamera EXILIM no kaihatsu\"\r\nMicromechatronics, 46, 4, pp.9-15. in Japanese.\r\n[6] Kagono, T. (1988) Soshiki Ninisikiron, Chikusa Shobo. in Japanese\r\n[7] Numagami, T., S. Asaba, J. Shintaku, and H. Amikura (1992)\r\n\"Competition As A Dialogue\" Organizational Science, 26, 2, pp.64-79. in\r\nJapanese.\r\n[8] Christensen, C. M. and M. E. Raynor (2003) The Innovator\u2019s Solution:\r\nCreating and sustaining Successful Growth, Harvard Business School\r\nPress..\r\n[9] Kim, W. C. and R. Mauborgne (2005) Blue Ocean Strategy, Harvard\r\nBusiness School Press.\r\n[10] Hamel, G. (2000) Leading the Revolution, Harvard Business School\r\nPress.\r\n[11] Pine, B. J. and J. H. Gilmore (1999)The Experience Economy, Harvard\r\nBusiness School Press.\r\n[12] Prahalad, C K. and G. Hamel (1990)\u201dThe Core Competence of the\r\nCorporation,\u201d Harvard Business Review, 68, 3, 79-91.\r\n[13] Leonard-Barton, D. (1995) Wellsprings of knowledge: Building and\r\nSustaining the Sources of Innovation, Harvard Business School Press.","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 99, 2015"}