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Yes, you read it..." /><meta property="og:url" content="" /><meta property="og:title" content="MORTIFICATION Announces New Drummer" /><meta property="og:image" content="" /><meta property="og:description" content="Steve Rowe of the Australian Christian metallers MORTIFICATION has issued the following update: &quot;The &#039;Live Humanitarian&#039; DVD is now finally finished in edit. It sounds and looks massive! The official release date for the DVD is September 26th through Nuclear Blast Records, Germany. Yes, you read it..." /><meta property="article:published_time" content="2008-07-09T21:36:39+00:00" /><meta property="article:modified_time" content="2008-07-09T21:36:39+00:00" /><meta property="article:author" content="Blabbermouth" /><meta property="article:section" content="News" /><meta property="og:site_name" content="BLABBERMOUTH.NET" /><meta property="og:type" content="article" /><meta property="og:locale" content="en_US" /><meta property="fb:pages" content="233748106643860" /><meta property="fb:app_id" content="135550159971166" /><meta property="fb:admins" content="100001730153757" /><meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" /><meta name="twitter:title" content="MORTIFICATION Announces New Drummer" /><meta name="twitter:site" content="@BLABBERMOUTHNET" /><meta name="ir-site-verification-token" value="1880075921" /><script defer src=""></script><script type="text/javascript"> window._taboola = window._taboola || []; _taboola.push({article:'auto'}); !function (e, f, u, i){if (!document.getElementById(i)){e.async = 1; 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It sounds and looks massive! The official release date for the DVD is September 26th through <b>Nuclear Blast Records</b>, Germany. Yes, you read it correctly, the biggest and best <b>MORT</b> live release will be solely released by the world's biggest and best heavy metal label. The DVD will be in Region 0 and thus playable worldwide. </p><p>"I was speaking with <b>Nuclear Blast</b> owner <b>Markus Steiger</b> about the DVD last November when we were on tour in Europe and had dinner with him and production manager <b>Michael</b>. <b>Michael</b> and <b>Markus</b> have been a huge support for me since they had to let us go in late 2001. It has been a dream to work with <b>Nuclear Blast</b> once again. The release of <b>'Live Humanitarian'</b> is a foot back in the door with the world's best metal label. My main connection with <b>Markus</b> and <b>Michael</b> since 2002 has been one of friendship. There has always remained a strong bond between <b>MORTIFICATION</b> and <b>Nuclear Blast</b>. <b>Markus</b> and <b>Michael</b> have helped tremendously over the past six years with tour merchandise and support, even as an unsigned artist. They are truly just the best! </p><p>"We are confirmed to play main-stage at this year's <b>Black Stump Festival</b>. We will hit stage at 8pm on Saturday, October 4th. This main-stage appearance will be the official Australian launch for the <b>'Live Humanitarian'</b> DVD. The DVD will be a double digipak release! Deluxe supremo! </p><p>"In more huge <b>MORT</b> news, <b>Dave Kilgallon</b> has officially joined the band on drums. Firstly and most importantly, <b>Mick</b> and myself would like to thank <b>Damien Percy</b> for his amazing three year commitment to the band. <b>Damien</b> being involved with us for <b>'Erasing The Goblin'</b> and <b>'Live Humanitarian'</b>, plus the related tours, was another great chapter in the <b>MORTIFICATION</b> history. <b>Damien</b>, your dedication and input to <b>MORT</b> has been truly tremendous. You have blessed many people with your skill and ideas. It is great to have a growing family of <b>MORTIFICATION</b> members and friends. </p><p>"I recognized <b>Dave Kilgallon</b>'s drumming prowess two years ago when hearing his band <b>SCOURGED FLESH</b>. <b>Dave</b>, along with <b>Vaughan Gregory</b> (<b>GRAVE FORSAKEN</b>),were a big part of the <b>'Live Humanitarian'</b> DVD concert even happening. <b>Damien</b> was playing <b>Dave</b>'s kit on the night in Perth, Western Australia, when the DVD was filmed. Since the recording of <b>'Live Humanitarian'</b>, I have been involved in personally supporting both <b>SCOURGED FLESH</b> and <b>GRAVE FORSAKEN</b> releases. <b>Dave</b> will remain living in Perth and continue his drumming commitments with <b>SCOURGED FLESH</b> and <b>GRAVE FORSAKEN</b>. <b>Dave Kilgallon</b> is an awesome young talent. </p><p>"<b>Dave</b> was over here in Melbourne recently for an extensive time of rehearsing both the new set list and songs for next year's new studio album. <b>Dave</b> will return in September as we prepare for the <b>Black Stump</b> show and once again work on new material. The new songs are sounding massive! </p><p>"...and so begins a new chapter in <b>MORT</b> history. I am planning a 'warm-up' show in Melbourne for October 1st. <b>Dave</b> will be back here once again in February as we prepare to spend the entire month of March next year recording the 14th <b>MORTIFICATION</b> opus. </p><p>"Last, but absolutely not least, a huge 'Thank You' to all who responded to last month's update with financial support for my ongoing medical expenses and the <b>MORTIFICATION</b> mission. With cuts in government funding, under our newly elected Labor Party, for vital health products and equipment, my medical debt continues to rise. Plus, doctors have asked that I use more expensive, highly sterile medical products which, of course, are much more costly. I am continuing with my essential alternative health products due to the help from you, our most generous supporters. </p><p>"Band expenses are high and sales much lower due to people stealing our music from the internet. In the '90s <b>MORTIFICATION</b> sold one quarter of a million units. Sales in this decade, from four studio albums and many CD and DVD re-issues, are around 10% of that. Like all metal bands big and small, by the end of this decade we will hopefully be at about 20% of last decade's sales. Considering that the <b>'Live Planetarium'</b> DVD re-issue has sold under 2000 copies worldwide and that over 140,000 people have watched the <b>YouTube</b> clip of <b>'Scrolls Of The Megilloth'</b> — you do the math. The <b>'Scrolls...'</b> clip was a classic addition to the '93 <b>'Live Planetarium'</b> video package. </p><p>"I love <b>YouTube</b> and how it has exposed all of our clips to a new generation of metal fans, creating some strong discussion about Christianity and metal music. <b>YouTube</b> is not stealing. But with the viewers of our clips all giving 4.5 to 5 star ratings, imagine the stealing of our music that is going on. Return to math 1! Of course, I was never involved with putting our clips on <b>YouTube</b> — it was done by fans without my permission. I am not angry about this. However, I will personally place 1 or 2 clips on YouTube from the new <b>'Live Humanitarian'</b> release. Fans will be stopped very quickly if this DVD ends up on <b>YouTube</b>! I will also <b>YouTube</b> myself later in the year in an ad directing people to where they can purchase the high quality DVDs. </p><p>"<b>MORTIFICATION</b> is NOT surviving financially and I wear the brunt of this. I will always continue in this mission because it is my calling to do so, but if the stealing does not stop — this mission may have to. I know how much <b>MORT</b> means to thousands of people. The emails that you, our great supporters, send me are the fuel that keeps us going. If you wish to continue in keeping <b>MORTIFICATION</b> and myself alive you can do so by sending a donation via <b>PayPal</b> to <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="2940474f46695b465e4c595b464d5c4a5d4046475a074a4644">[email&#160;protected]</a>. </p><p>"I have received many emails in the past month, some of financial support and many of prayer support and encouragement. All of these have been awesome! If you wish for me to respond personally to you email, please keep it down to a maximum of 1 or 2 short sentences. I love hearing your life stories but cannot attend to huge emails. My need to keep fit and active in sport and to attend countless medical appointments makes time very precious. You know I love you all but I just ask that you keep the emails short and simple. You are the reason <b>MORT</b> continues and for your support, in every way, I am very grateful."</p><div align=center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></div align=center></div></div><div class="news-relative-items"><div> Find more on <a href=""></a></div><div><ul class="socials"><li><a target="_blank" id="share_facebook" title="Share On Facebook" href=""><img src="" alt="facebook"></a></li><li><a target="_blank" id="share_twitter" title="Share On Twitter" href=""><img src="" alt="twitter"></a></li><li><a target="_blank" id="share_reddit" title="Share On Reddit" href=""><img src="" alt="reddit"></a></li><li><a id="share_email" href="" title="Copy To Clipboard"><img src="" alt="email"></a></li></ul></div></div><div><div class="pagination"><a class="pagination-btn " href=""><img class="margin__right-default" src="" alt="previous"> Prev </a><a class="btn" href="">More News</a><a class="pagination-btn " href=" "> Next <img class="margin__left-default" src="" alt="next"></a></div><div id="taboola-below-article-thumbnails" class="taboola-below-article-thumbnails"></div><script data-cfasync="false" src="/cdn-cgi/scripts/5c5dd728/cloudflare-static/email-decode.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript"> window._taboola = window._taboola || []; 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