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id="tabs-1"><span data-block style="text-align: left;"><img style="float: none;" alt="" src="//"></span> <p>Recreo Hair is a hair growth device that uses low-level laser light therapy to promote gradual hair production and initiate a process of renewal.</p> <meta charset="utf-8"> <p class="p1"><span class="s1">The<span> Recreo Hair</span><sup>™</sup><span> </span>is an FDA Class II medical device.</span></p> <p><iframe height="360" width="640" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" webkitallowfullscreen=""></iframe> </p> <p><a href="">Recreo</a> Hair from <a href="">Zero Gravity</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="" src="//"></a></p> <p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Click here to download your Recreo user guide.</a></strong></p> </div><div id="tabs-2"> <span data-block class="hypervisual_search_summary" style="display: none;"> Recreo Hair by Zerogravity The Recreo Hair is a revolutionary low frequencylaser light therapy device which is an effective alternative tomedication-based treatment 2-Year Warranty About Recreo Hair Recreo Hair by Zero Gravity is a home-use device for treatment of excessive hair loss, thinning and balding conditions. Recreo Hair is suitable for men and women and is effective for encouraging hair regrowth. Recreo Hair lets anyone overcome their problem. Recreo Hair therapy stimulates hair growth by utilizing low-energy laser light to treat the principle cause of baldness.The treatment is localized and direct, gives quick results and has no side effects. 20% INCREASE IN THE VOLUME AND THE THICKNESS OF YOUR HAIR WITHIN JUST THREE MONTHS! The combination of thicker and increased volume of existing hair results in a significant improvement in the way your hair looks and feels. There are no side effects low level laser therapy, and it is an easy, convenient and completely safe hair regrowth solution with guaranteed results. After the first three months of treatment, you will benefit from an accumulated improvement of 20% in two parameters: New hair growth and thickness of existing hair. Using low level laser therapy regularly ensures that your hair will continue to improve and regenerate well past the first four months of use. Recreo Hair Advantages Self Treatment AnywhereTake Recreo Hair anywhere and use it at anytime Rapid ResultsYour hair will look better after a few short months of useTechnological BreakthroughThe most advanced, patent-protected technology Amazing ResultsNot only will it promote hair growth, your hair will look and feel revived No Side EffectsTreatment with Recreo Hair is external and local Can Be Used Worldwide Just need a local plug UnisexPromote hair growth in both men and women 12 Low Level LaserHelp increase blood circulation in the scalp Healthier hair starts today Low Level Laser Therapy Results According to research, 90% of men and 45% of women suffer from loss in the volume and density of hair during their lives. In men, the process can lead to complete baldness and in women, to different levels of hair thinning on different parts of the scalp. During the hair thinning and balding process, the blood vessels supplying the hair follicles shrink; the skin becomes thinner and there is a significant shortage of nutrients and oxygen required for the growth of healthy, luxuriant hair. Slowly but surely, the follicles atrophy and what remains is thin hair, similar to a plume and lacking pigment. Finally, hair growth stops entirely due to follicle dysfunction. The development of Recero Hair is based on medical research in the field of dermatology. Research has shown the principal cause of hair loss in both men and women to be follicle sensitivity to the hormone Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Recreo Hair treats the principal causes of baldness and helps promote hair growth. The treatment is localized and direct, creating a rapid reaction with no side effects. Science acknowledges LLLT (Low Level Laser Therapy) as a non-chemical, non-invasive and effective method for treating and regenerating hair growth. Recreo Hair emits laser energy from a short range, directly, while the teeth part the hair that blocks the laser beam from reaching the scalp. Control hair loss and thinning hairPromotes scalp healthRepairs damaged hairNo side effects, no painBoost hair growth20% increase in hair growth with just 90 days Who Can Benefit From Using Recreo Hair? Recreo is highly recommended in the following cases: Excessive Hair Loss Increased hair loss can appear at any age and for a variety of reasons, such as: stress, imbalanced eating habits, and a serious illness or hospitalization. If you notice that you are losing large amounts of hair, using Recreo on a regular basis as part of your hair care regimen will improve blood flow to the scalp, revitalizing the hair follicles so that the hair grows healthier and stronger. Hair Becomes Thinner The first sign of future hair loss may be when hair becomes thinner and more brittle. As a result, the hair does not seem as full as before. This can sometimes be missed or ignored due to shorter hair styles (among other factors). Recreo Hair has great results in treating thinning hair, as it removes toxins and improves the living environment of the hair, enriches the hair follicles and helps them grow stronger, healthier and thicker than before. Family History of Hair Loss Hair loss is a genetic trait, effecting 90% of men, If you have a history of hair loss and balding in your family, you are at greater risk – the older you get, the higher the likelihood that you will notice some level of hair loss. Recreo Hair’s unique technology stimulates the hair follicles to produce thicker hair and awakens and encourages dormant follicles to resume a healthy, normal hair growth cycle. Different Phases of Hair loss Each person experiences hair loss differently. For men, usually the first sign is a slowly receding hair line on the forehead and temple areas and the crown area is the next to be affected. Recreo can help promote hair growth when used on a regular basis, bringing the hair back to its full potential. Hair Lacks Vitality Hair is often an extension and integral part of our personal style. Therefore, when your hair loses its shine, lacks vitality and does not look as good as you would like, it can have a great emotional effect, causing a loss in self-confidence. Recreo Hair works to enrich the hair follicles, helping them grow stronger, healthier and thicker than before, and bringing the hair back to its pride and glory. Increased Hair Loss & Thinning Hair Hair loss may increase at many periods in life, resulting in thinner hair. Chemical imbalances in the body can cause the hair follicles to become weak and fall out in increasing numbers. Recreo Hair helps by accelerating the body’s natural cycle of regeneration and by combating external factors that may affect the hair follicles. These actions aid in both the long and in the short term. Hair Does Not Grow Long There are many periods in life when hair loss can increase and hair can become thinner. In these cases, in generaa, chemical imbalance in the body causes the hair follicles to become weaker and fall out at heightened levels. Recreo Hair helps both in the short and long terms, speeding up the body’s natural regeneration cycle, and combating any external effects that may affect the hair follicles. Widening of the Part For women, hair loss can be evidenced by a growing gap between the different hair partings. While at first it may not be noticeable to others, but only to you if, as it develops it will become more and more visible. Recreo was uniquely designed to help you out, by working directly at the part lines. It allows for direct treatment of the most critical areasm stopping the process and reversing it in order to bring the hair back to what it used to be. This device is for cosmetic use. This device does not change the structure or function of the body.The device is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease or illness. </span></div> <div id="tabs-s1"><div id="shopify-stamped-reviews" data-id="1479664468034"><!--Stamped - Begin Main Widget --> <div id="stamped-main-widget" data-product-id="1479664468034" data-name="Recreo Hair" data-url="" data-image-url="//" data-description="Recreo Hair by Zero Gravity" data-product-sku="recreo" data-product-type=""> </div> <!-- Stamped - End Main Widget --></div></div> <div id="tabs-s2"><div id="last-tab"><ul><li>Only Zero Gravity devices that were directly purchased from our online store can be returned.</li><li>Please note that each authorized retailer his or her own return policy. Zero Gravity has no control on products that were not purchased from our online store.</li><li>Zero Gravity devices can only be returned within 30 business days from the date they were received.</li><li>Abused products cannot be returned in any way.</li><li>A 15% restocking fee will be applied for each returned item.</li><li>Each returned product must be repackaged with all original elements received in the box.</li></ul></div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> $('.add-to-cart .button.disabled').val('COMING SOON'); </script> <script type="application/json" data-product-settings-1479664468034> { "addToCartText": "Add to cart", "enableHistory": true, "imageZoom": false, "linkedOptions": true, "processingText": "Processing...", "setQuantityText": "Please enter a value for quantity.", "soldOutText": "Out of Stock", "successMessage": "** product ** has been successfully added to your \u003ca href=\"\/cart\"\u003ecart\u003c\/a\u003e. Feel free to \u003ca href=\"\/collections\/all\"\u003econtinue shopping\u003c\/a\u003e or \u003ca href=\"\/checkout\"\u003echeck out\u003c\/a\u003e.", "unavailableText": "Unavailable" } </script> <script type="application/json" data-product-json-1479664468034>{"id":1479664468034,"title":"Recreo Hair","handle":"recreo","description":"\u003cdiv style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003e\u003cimg style=\"float: none;\" alt=\"\" src=\"\/\/\/s\/files\/1\/0027\/9871\/4946\/files\/recreo-new-patent.png?v=1588079371\"\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eRecreo Hair is a hair growth device that uses low-level laser light therapy to promote gradual hair production and initiate a process of renewal.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cmeta charset=\"utf-8\"\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"p1\"\u003e\u003cspan class=\"s1\"\u003eThe\u003cspan\u003e Recreo Hair\u003c\/span\u003e\u003csup\u003e™\u003c\/sup\u003e\u003cspan\u003e \u003c\/span\u003eis an FDA Class II medical device.\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ciframe height=\"360\" width=\"640\" src=\"https:\/\/\/video\/284314057\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"\" mozallowfullscreen=\"\" webkitallowfullscreen=\"\"\u003e\u003c\/iframe\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"https:\/\/\/284314057\"\u003eRecreo\u003c\/a\u003e Hair from \u003ca href=\"https:\/\/\/zerogravityskin\"\u003eZero Gravity\u003c\/a\u003e on \u003ca href=\"https:\/\/\"\u003eVimeo\u003c\/a\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/recreo-warranty\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e\u003cimg alt=\"\" src=\"\/\/\/s\/files\/1\/0027\/9871\/4946\/files\/Screen_Shot_2018-07-30_at_12.21.19_AM_large.png?v=1532890310\"\u003e\u003c\/a\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003e\u003ca href=\"https:\/\/\/s\/files\/1\/0027\/9871\/4946\/files\/RecreoShortInstruction.pdf?1993009876006604615\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eClick here to download your Recreo user guide.\u003c\/a\u003e\u003c\/strong\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch5\u003eSKU: RECREO200\u003c\/h5\u003e\n\u003cdiv class=\"hypervisual_search_summary\" style=\"display: none;\"\u003e Recreo Hair by Zerogravity The Recreo Hair is a revolutionary low frequencylaser light therapy device which is an effective alternative tomedication-based treatment 2-Year Warranty About Recreo Hair Recreo Hair by Zero Gravity is a home-use device for treatment of excessive hair loss, thinning and balding conditions. Recreo Hair is suitable for men and women and is effective for encouraging hair regrowth. Recreo Hair lets anyone overcome their problem. Recreo Hair therapy stimulates hair growth by utilizing low-energy laser light to treat the principle cause of baldness.The treatment is localized and direct, gives quick results and has no side effects. 20% INCREASE IN THE VOLUME AND THE THICKNESS OF YOUR HAIR WITHIN JUST THREE MONTHS! The combination of thicker and increased volume of existing hair results in a significant improvement in the way your hair looks and feels. There are no side effects low level laser therapy, and it is an easy, convenient and completely safe hair regrowth solution with guaranteed results. After the first three months of treatment, you will benefit from an accumulated improvement of 20% in two parameters: New hair growth and thickness of existing hair. Using low level laser therapy regularly ensures that your hair will continue to improve and regenerate well past the first four months of use. Recreo Hair Advantages Self Treatment AnywhereTake Recreo Hair anywhere and use it at anytime Rapid ResultsYour hair will look better after a few short months of useTechnological BreakthroughThe most advanced, patent-protected technology Amazing ResultsNot only will it promote hair growth, your hair will look and feel revived No Side EffectsTreatment with Recreo Hair is external and local Can Be Used Worldwide Just need a local plug UnisexPromote hair growth in both men and women 12 Low Level LaserHelp increase blood circulation in the scalp Healthier hair starts today Low Level Laser Therapy Results According to research, 90% of men and 45% of women suffer from loss in the volume and density of hair during their lives. In men, the process can lead to complete baldness and in women, to different levels of hair thinning on different parts of the scalp. During the hair thinning and balding process, the blood vessels supplying the hair follicles shrink; the skin becomes thinner and there is a significant shortage of nutrients and oxygen required for the growth of healthy, luxuriant hair. Slowly but surely, the follicles atrophy and what remains is thin hair, similar to a plume and lacking pigment. Finally, hair growth stops entirely due to follicle dysfunction. The development of Recero Hair is based on medical research in the field of dermatology. Research has shown the principal cause of hair loss in both men and women to be follicle sensitivity to the hormone Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Recreo Hair treats the principal causes of baldness and helps promote hair growth. The treatment is localized and direct, creating a rapid reaction with no side effects. Science acknowledges LLLT (Low Level Laser Therapy) as a non-chemical, non-invasive and effective method for treating and regenerating hair growth. Recreo Hair emits laser energy from a short range, directly, while the teeth part the hair that blocks the laser beam from reaching the scalp. Control hair loss and thinning hairPromotes scalp healthRepairs damaged hairNo side effects, no painBoost hair growth20% increase in hair growth with just 90 days Who Can Benefit From Using Recreo Hair? Recreo is highly recommended in the following cases: Excessive Hair Loss Increased hair loss can appear at any age and for a variety of reasons, such as: stress, imbalanced eating habits, and a serious illness or hospitalization. If you notice that you are losing large amounts of hair, using Recreo on a regular basis as part of your hair care regimen will improve blood flow to the scalp, revitalizing the hair follicles so that the hair grows healthier and stronger. Hair Becomes Thinner The first sign of future hair loss may be when hair becomes thinner and more brittle. As a result, the hair does not seem as full as before. This can sometimes be missed or ignored due to shorter hair styles (among other factors). Recreo Hair has great results in treating thinning hair, as it removes toxins and improves the living environment of the hair, enriches the hair follicles and helps them grow stronger, healthier and thicker than before. Family History of Hair Loss Hair loss is a genetic trait, effecting 90% of men, If you have a history of hair loss and balding in your family, you are at greater risk – the older you get, the higher the likelihood that you will notice some level of hair loss. Recreo Hair’s unique technology stimulates the hair follicles to produce thicker hair and awakens and encourages dormant follicles to resume a healthy, normal hair growth cycle. Different Phases of Hair loss Each person experiences hair loss differently. For men, usually the first sign is a slowly receding hair line on the forehead and temple areas and the crown area is the next to be affected. Recreo can help promote hair growth when used on a regular basis, bringing the hair back to its full potential. Hair Lacks Vitality Hair is often an extension and integral part of our personal style. Therefore, when your hair loses its shine, lacks vitality and does not look as good as you would like, it can have a great emotional effect, causing a loss in self-confidence. Recreo Hair works to enrich the hair follicles, helping them grow stronger, healthier and thicker than before, and bringing the hair back to its pride and glory. Increased Hair Loss \u0026amp; Thinning Hair Hair loss may increase at many periods in life, resulting in thinner hair. Chemical imbalances in the body can cause the hair follicles to become weak and fall out in increasing numbers. Recreo Hair helps by accelerating the body’s natural cycle of regeneration and by combating external factors that may affect the hair follicles. These actions aid in both the long and in the short term. Hair Does Not Grow Long There are many periods in life when hair loss can increase and hair can become thinner. In these cases, in generaa, chemical imbalance in the body causes the hair follicles to become weaker and fall out at heightened levels. Recreo Hair helps both in the short and long terms, speeding up the body’s natural regeneration cycle, and combating any external effects that may affect the hair follicles. Widening of the Part For women, hair loss can be evidenced by a growing gap between the different hair partings. While at first it may not be noticeable to others, but only to you if, as it develops it will become more and more visible. Recreo was uniquely designed to help you out, by working directly at the part lines. It allows for direct treatment of the most critical areasm stopping the process and reversing it in order to bring the hair back to what it used to be. This device is for cosmetic use. This device does not change the structure or function of the body.The device is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease or illness. \u003c\/div\u003e","published_at":"2018-07-29T14:45:20-04:00","created_at":"2018-07-29T14:48:22-04:00","vendor":"ZERO GRAVITY SKIN","type":"","tags":[],"price":399500,"price_min":399500,"price_max":399500,"available":true,"price_varies":false,"compare_at_price":null,"compare_at_price_min":0,"compare_at_price_max":0,"compare_at_price_varies":false,"variants":[{"id":12850181210178,"title":"Default Title","option1":"Default Title","option2":null,"option3":null,"sku":"","requires_shipping":true,"taxable":true,"featured_image":null,"available":true,"name":"Recreo Hair","public_title":null,"options":["Default Title"],"price":399500,"weight":0,"compare_at_price":null,"inventory_management":null,"barcode":"","requires_selling_plan":false,"selling_plan_allocations":[]}],"images":["\/\/\/cdn\/shop\/products\/Asset_7.png?v=1532890107","\/\/\/cdn\/shop\/products\/Asset_10.png?v=1532890109"],"featured_image":"\/\/\/cdn\/shop\/products\/Asset_7.png?v=1532890107","options":["Title"],"media":[{"alt":null,"id":1214744068162,"position":1,"preview_image":{"aspect_ratio":0.34,"height":597,"width":203,"src":"\/\/\/cdn\/shop\/products\/Asset_7.png?v=1532890107"},"aspect_ratio":0.34,"height":597,"media_type":"image","src":"\/\/\/cdn\/shop\/products\/Asset_7.png?v=1532890107","width":203},{"alt":null,"id":1214744100930,"position":2,"preview_image":{"aspect_ratio":0.339,"height":681,"width":231,"src":"\/\/\/cdn\/shop\/products\/Asset_10.png?v=1532890109"},"aspect_ratio":0.339,"height":681,"media_type":"image","src":"\/\/\/cdn\/shop\/products\/Asset_10.png?v=1532890109","width":231}],"requires_selling_plan":false,"selling_plan_groups":[],"content":"\u003cdiv style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003e\u003cimg style=\"float: none;\" alt=\"\" src=\"\/\/\/s\/files\/1\/0027\/9871\/4946\/files\/recreo-new-patent.png?v=1588079371\"\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e\n\u003cp\u003eRecreo Hair is a hair growth device that uses low-level laser light therapy to promote gradual hair production and initiate a process of renewal.\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cmeta charset=\"utf-8\"\u003e\n\u003cp class=\"p1\"\u003e\u003cspan class=\"s1\"\u003eThe\u003cspan\u003e Recreo Hair\u003c\/span\u003e\u003csup\u003e™\u003c\/sup\u003e\u003cspan\u003e \u003c\/span\u003eis an FDA Class II medical device.\u003c\/span\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ciframe height=\"360\" width=\"640\" src=\"https:\/\/\/video\/284314057\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"\" mozallowfullscreen=\"\" webkitallowfullscreen=\"\"\u003e\u003c\/iframe\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"https:\/\/\/284314057\"\u003eRecreo\u003c\/a\u003e Hair from \u003ca href=\"https:\/\/\/zerogravityskin\"\u003eZero Gravity\u003c\/a\u003e on \u003ca href=\"https:\/\/\"\u003eVimeo\u003c\/a\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003ca href=\"https:\/\/\/pages\/recreo-warranty\" target=\"_blank\"\u003e\u003cimg alt=\"\" src=\"\/\/\/s\/files\/1\/0027\/9871\/4946\/files\/Screen_Shot_2018-07-30_at_12.21.19_AM_large.png?v=1532890310\"\u003e\u003c\/a\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003e\u003ca href=\"https:\/\/\/s\/files\/1\/0027\/9871\/4946\/files\/RecreoShortInstruction.pdf?1993009876006604615\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eClick here to download your Recreo user guide.\u003c\/a\u003e\u003c\/strong\u003e\u003c\/p\u003e\n\u003ch5\u003eSKU: RECREO200\u003c\/h5\u003e\n\u003cdiv class=\"hypervisual_search_summary\" style=\"display: none;\"\u003e Recreo Hair by Zerogravity The Recreo Hair is a revolutionary low frequencylaser light therapy device which is an effective alternative tomedication-based treatment 2-Year Warranty About Recreo Hair Recreo Hair by Zero Gravity is a home-use device for treatment of excessive hair loss, thinning and balding conditions. Recreo Hair is suitable for men and women and is effective for encouraging hair regrowth. Recreo Hair lets anyone overcome their problem. Recreo Hair therapy stimulates hair growth by utilizing low-energy laser light to treat the principle cause of baldness.The treatment is localized and direct, gives quick results and has no side effects. 20% INCREASE IN THE VOLUME AND THE THICKNESS OF YOUR HAIR WITHIN JUST THREE MONTHS! The combination of thicker and increased volume of existing hair results in a significant improvement in the way your hair looks and feels. There are no side effects low level laser therapy, and it is an easy, convenient and completely safe hair regrowth solution with guaranteed results. After the first three months of treatment, you will benefit from an accumulated improvement of 20% in two parameters: New hair growth and thickness of existing hair. Using low level laser therapy regularly ensures that your hair will continue to improve and regenerate well past the first four months of use. Recreo Hair Advantages Self Treatment AnywhereTake Recreo Hair anywhere and use it at anytime Rapid ResultsYour hair will look better after a few short months of useTechnological BreakthroughThe most advanced, patent-protected technology Amazing ResultsNot only will it promote hair growth, your hair will look and feel revived No Side EffectsTreatment with Recreo Hair is external and local Can Be Used Worldwide Just need a local plug UnisexPromote hair growth in both men and women 12 Low Level LaserHelp increase blood circulation in the scalp Healthier hair starts today Low Level Laser Therapy Results According to research, 90% of men and 45% of women suffer from loss in the volume and density of hair during their lives. In men, the process can lead to complete baldness and in women, to different levels of hair thinning on different parts of the scalp. During the hair thinning and balding process, the blood vessels supplying the hair follicles shrink; the skin becomes thinner and there is a significant shortage of nutrients and oxygen required for the growth of healthy, luxuriant hair. Slowly but surely, the follicles atrophy and what remains is thin hair, similar to a plume and lacking pigment. Finally, hair growth stops entirely due to follicle dysfunction. The development of Recero Hair is based on medical research in the field of dermatology. Research has shown the principal cause of hair loss in both men and women to be follicle sensitivity to the hormone Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Recreo Hair treats the principal causes of baldness and helps promote hair growth. The treatment is localized and direct, creating a rapid reaction with no side effects. Science acknowledges LLLT (Low Level Laser Therapy) as a non-chemical, non-invasive and effective method for treating and regenerating hair growth. Recreo Hair emits laser energy from a short range, directly, while the teeth part the hair that blocks the laser beam from reaching the scalp. Control hair loss and thinning hairPromotes scalp healthRepairs damaged hairNo side effects, no painBoost hair growth20% increase in hair growth with just 90 days Who Can Benefit From Using Recreo Hair? Recreo is highly recommended in the following cases: Excessive Hair Loss Increased hair loss can appear at any age and for a variety of reasons, such as: stress, imbalanced eating habits, and a serious illness or hospitalization. If you notice that you are losing large amounts of hair, using Recreo on a regular basis as part of your hair care regimen will improve blood flow to the scalp, revitalizing the hair follicles so that the hair grows healthier and stronger. Hair Becomes Thinner The first sign of future hair loss may be when hair becomes thinner and more brittle. As a result, the hair does not seem as full as before. This can sometimes be missed or ignored due to shorter hair styles (among other factors). Recreo Hair has great results in treating thinning hair, as it removes toxins and improves the living environment of the hair, enriches the hair follicles and helps them grow stronger, healthier and thicker than before. Family History of Hair Loss Hair loss is a genetic trait, effecting 90% of men, If you have a history of hair loss and balding in your family, you are at greater risk – the older you get, the higher the likelihood that you will notice some level of hair loss. Recreo Hair’s unique technology stimulates the hair follicles to produce thicker hair and awakens and encourages dormant follicles to resume a healthy, normal hair growth cycle. Different Phases of Hair loss Each person experiences hair loss differently. For men, usually the first sign is a slowly receding hair line on the forehead and temple areas and the crown area is the next to be affected. Recreo can help promote hair growth when used on a regular basis, bringing the hair back to its full potential. Hair Lacks Vitality Hair is often an extension and integral part of our personal style. Therefore, when your hair loses its shine, lacks vitality and does not look as good as you would like, it can have a great emotional effect, causing a loss in self-confidence. Recreo Hair works to enrich the hair follicles, helping them grow stronger, healthier and thicker than before, and bringing the hair back to its pride and glory. Increased Hair Loss \u0026amp; Thinning Hair Hair loss may increase at many periods in life, resulting in thinner hair. Chemical imbalances in the body can cause the hair follicles to become weak and fall out in increasing numbers. Recreo Hair helps by accelerating the body’s natural cycle of regeneration and by combating external factors that may affect the hair follicles. These actions aid in both the long and in the short term. Hair Does Not Grow Long There are many periods in life when hair loss can increase and hair can become thinner. In these cases, in generaa, chemical imbalance in the body causes the hair follicles to become weaker and fall out at heightened levels. Recreo Hair helps both in the short and long terms, speeding up the body’s natural regeneration cycle, and combating any external effects that may affect the hair follicles. Widening of the Part For women, hair loss can be evidenced by a growing gap between the different hair partings. While at first it may not be noticeable to others, but only to you if, as it develops it will become more and more visible. Recreo was uniquely designed to help you out, by working directly at the part lines. It allows for direct treatment of the most critical areasm stopping the process and reversing it in order to bring the hair back to what it used to be. This device is for cosmetic use. This device does not change the structure or function of the body.The device is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease or illness. \u003c\/div\u003e"}</script> <style> #shopify-section-template-product {display: none !important;} </style></div> MetafieldCollectionDropProductDrop <div class="hypervisual__root_50"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" /> <!--<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />--> <link rel="stylesheet" media="(max-width: 767px)" href="" type="text/css" /> <style type='text/css'> <!-- .hypervisual__embed_product-button, a.hypervisual__embed_product-button { background-color: #00a3f0; color: #FFFFFF; } .hypervisual__embed_product-button, .hypervisual__button, .hypervisual__content-block .hypervisual__button, a.hypervisual__embed_product-button, a.hypervisual__button, .hypervisual__content-block a.hypervisual__button, input.hypervisual__email-opt-in-input { border-radius: 4px; } button.hypervisual__button.hypervisual__email-opt-in-button, .hypervisual__content-block button.hypervisual__button.hypervisual__email-opt-in-button { border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0; 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" class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--video hypervisual__primary_font hypervisual__column hypervisual__column_width_50 hypervisual__column2-block " id=""> <div class="hypervisual__content-wrapper" style=""> <div class="hypervisual__util-video-wrapper"> <iframe src="//" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> </div> </div> </div> <div style="color: #1d1d1b; background-color: transparent; text-align: left;" class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--text hypervisual__column hypervisual__column_width_50 hypervisual__column1-block hypervisual__text-middle hypervisual__text-align-left " id=""> <!----> <div class="hypervisual__text-wrapper" style=" padding-top: 30px; padding-bottom: 30px;"> <!----><!----><h3 class="hypervisual__text_line_one hypervisual__text-large" style="color: #a29559;"> <div>Recreo Hair by Zerogravity</div> </h3><!----><!----><!----> <!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><div class="hypervisual__text_line_two hypervisual__text-small" style="color: #1d1d1b;"> <div>The Recreo Hair is a revolutionary low frequency<br>laser light therapy device which is an <br>effective alternative to<br>medication-based treatment <br><br>2-Year Warranty</div> </div> <!----> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--spacer " style="background-color: transparent; height: 30px;" id=""></div> <div class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--columns hypervisual__content-block--column-two-up hypervisual__column_stacking_normal " style="background-color: #eff0ee;" id=""> <div class="hypervisual__columns-wrapper" style=""> <div style="background-color: #eff0ee;" class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--image hypervisual__column hypervisual__column_width_50 hypervisual__column1-block hypervisual__image-valign-middle hypervisual__image-align-right " id=""> <img loading="lazy" src="" width="1011" height="702" alt="" title="" style="" data-action=""> </div> <div style="color: #231f20; background-color: #eff0ee; text-align: left;" class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--text hypervisual__column hypervisual__column_width_50 hypervisual__column2-block hypervisual__text-middle hypervisual__text-align-left " id=""> <!----> <div class="hypervisual__text-wrapper" style=" padding-top: 40px; padding-bottom: 40px;"> <!----><!----><h3 class="hypervisual__text_line_one hypervisual__text-large" style="color: #a29559;"> <div>About Recreo Hair</div> </h3><!----><!----><!----> <!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><div class="hypervisual__text_line_two hypervisual__text-small" style="color: #231f20;"> <div>Recreo Hair by Zero Gravity is a home-use device for treatment of excessive hair loss, thinning and balding conditions. Recreo Hair is suitable for men and women and is effective for encouraging hair regrowth. Recreo Hair lets anyone overcome their problem. Recreo Hair therapy stimulates hair growth by utilizing low-energy laser light to treat the principle cause of baldness.The treatment is localized and direct, gives quick results and has no side effects. </div> </div> <!----> </div> </div> <!----> </div> </div> <div class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--spacer " style="background-color: transparent; height: 30px;" id=""></div> <div class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--columns hypervisual__content-block--column-two-up hypervisual__column_stacking_reverse " style="background-color: #ffffff;" id=""> <div class="hypervisual__columns-wrapper" style=""> <!----> <div style="background-color: #ffffff;" class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--image hypervisual__column hypervisual__column_width_50 hypervisual__column2-block hypervisual__image-valign-middle hypervisual__image-align-left " id=""> <img loading="lazy" src="" width="1200" height="757" alt="" title="" style="" data-action=""> </div> <div style="color: #231f20; background-color: transparent; text-align: left;" class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--text hypervisual__column hypervisual__column_width_50 hypervisual__column1-block hypervisual__text-middle hypervisual__text-align-left " id=""> <!----> <div class="hypervisual__text-wrapper" style=" padding-top: 50px; padding-bottom: 50px;"> <!----><!----><h3 class="hypervisual__text_line_one hypervisual__text-large" style="color: #a29559;"> <div><strong>20% INCREASE</strong> IN THE VOLUME AND THE THICKNESS OF YOUR HAIR WITHIN JUST THREE MONTHS!</div> </h3><!----><!----><!----> <!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><div class="hypervisual__text_line_two hypervisual__text-small" style="color: #231f20;"> <div>The combination of thicker and increased volume of existing hair results in a significant improvement in the way your hair looks and feels. There are no side effects low level laser therapy, and it is an easy, convenient and completely safe hair regrowth solution with guaranteed results. After the first three months of treatment, you will benefit from an accumulated improvement of 20% in two parameters: New hair growth and thickness of existing hair. Using low level laser therapy regularly ensures that your hair will continue to improve and regenerate well past the first four months of use.</div> </div> <!----> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--spacer " style="background-color: transparent; height: 30px;" id=""></div> <div style="color: #333333; background-color: transparent; text-align: center;" class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--text hypervisual__text-middle hypervisual__text-align-center " id=""> <!----> <div class="hypervisual__text-wrapper" style=" padding-top: 30px; padding-bottom: 30px;"> <!----><!----><h3 class="hypervisual__text_line_one hypervisual__text-xlarge" style="color: #a29559;"> <div>Recreo Hair Advantages</div> </h3><!----><!----><!----> <!----><!----> </div> </div> <div class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--library-multi-column-image-text hypervisual__text-align-center hypervisual__library-multi-column-image-text-3up hypervisual__multi-column-image-format-padded recreo-advt" style="color: #231f20; background-color: transparent; text-align: center;" id=""> <!----> <div class="hypervisual__content-wrapper" style="padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px;"> <div class="hypervisual__library-multi-column-image-text-column hypervisual__library-multi-column-image-text-column-3up"> <div class="hypervisual__library-multi-column-image-text-column-image"> <!----> </div> <div class="hypervisual__library-multi-column-image-text-column-text"> <!----> <!----> <!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><div class="hypervisual__library-multi-column-image-text-details hypervisual__text-small"><div><strong>Self Treatment Anywhere</strong></div><div>Take Recreo Hair anywhere and use it at anytime<br><br> </div><div><strong>Rapid Results</strong></div><div>Your hair will look better after a few short months of use<br><br><br><strong>Technological Breakthrough</strong></div><div>The most advanced, patent-protected technology<br> <br><br></div><div><strong>Amazing Results</strong></div><div>Not only will it promote hair growth, your hair will look <br>and feel revived</div></div> <!----> </div> </div> <div class="hypervisual__library-multi-column-image-text-column hypervisual__library-multi-column-image-text-column-3up"> <div class="hypervisual__library-multi-column-image-text-column-image"> <div class="hypervisual__image-holder"> <img loading="lazy" src="" alt="" width="231" height="600" title="" style="max-width: 170px;" data-action=""> <!----> </div> </div> <!----> </div> <!----> <div class="hypervisual__library-multi-column-image-text-column hypervisual__library-multi-column-image-text-column-3up"> <div class="hypervisual__library-multi-column-image-text-column-image"> <!----> </div> <div class="hypervisual__library-multi-column-image-text-column-text"> <!----> <!----> <!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><div class="hypervisual__library-multi-column-image-text-details hypervisual__text-small"><div><strong>No Side Effects</strong></div><div>Treatment with Recreo Hair is external and local<br><br> </div><div><strong>Can Be Used Worldwide</strong></div><div> Just need a local plug<br> <br><br></div><div><strong>Unisex</strong></div><div>Promote hair growth in both men and women<br> <br><br></div><div><strong>12 Low Level Laser</strong></div><div>Help increase blood circulation in the scalp</div></div> <!----> </div> </div> <!----> <div class="hypervisual__clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="hypervisual__clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--spacer " style="background-color: transparent; height: 30px;" id=""></div> <div style="color: #333333; background-color: transparent;" class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--html hypervisual__text-middle hypervisual__text-align-center recreo-science-benefits" id=""> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="cols-1"> <img alt="science behind product" src=""> <h5>Healthier hair starts today</h5> </div> <div class="cols-2"> <div class="inner-wrapper"> <h2>Low Level Laser Therapy Results</h2> </div> <div class="inner-wrapper"> <div class="cols-2a"> <p><strong>According</strong> to research, 90% of men and 45% of women suffer from loss in the volume and density of hair during their lives. In men, the process can lead to complete baldness and in women, to different levels of hair thinning on different parts of the scalp.<br><br> <strong>During</strong> the hair thinning and balding process, the blood vessels supplying the hair follicles shrink; the skin becomes thinner and there is a significant shortage of nutrients and oxygen required for the growth of healthy, luxuriant hair. Slowly but surely, the follicles atrophy and what remains is thin hair, similar to a plume and lacking pigment. Finally, hair growth stops entirely due to follicle dysfunction.<br><br> <strong>The development</strong> of Recero Hair is based on medical research in the field of dermatology. Research has shown the principal cause of hair loss in both men and women to be follicle sensitivity to the hormone Dihydrotestosterone (DHT).</p> </div> <div class="cols-2b"> <p><strong>Recreo Hair</strong> treats the principal causes of baldness and helps promote hair growth. The treatment is localized and direct, creating a rapid reaction with no side effects.<br><br> <br> <strong>Science</strong> acknowledges LLLT (Low Level Laser Therapy) as a non-chemical, non-invasive and effective method for treating and regenerating hair growth. Recreo Hair emits laser energy from a short range, directly, while the teeth part the hair that blocks the laser beam from reaching the scalp.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cols-3"> <img alt="modal man" src=""> </div> </div> </div> <div class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--spacer " style="background-color: transparent; height: 30px;" id=""></div> <div class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--columns hypervisual__content-block--column-two-up hypervisual__column_stacking_reverse " style="" id=""> <div class="hypervisual__columns-wrapper" style=""> <!----> <div style="color: #333333; background-color: transparent; text-align: center;" class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--text hypervisual__content-block--vertical-image-text hypervisual__column hypervisual__column_width_40 hypervisual__column2-block hypervisual__text-middle hypervisual__text-align-center " id=""> <!----> <div class="hypervisual__image-text-wrapper" style="padding-top: 30px; padding-bottom: 30px;"> <div class="hypervisual__library-vertical-image-text-image"> <div class="hypervisual__image-holder"> <img loading="lazy" src="" alt="" width="593" height="191" title="" style="max-width: 425px;" data-action=""> <!----> </div> </div> <div class="hypervisual__text-wrapper" style=""> <!----> <div style="color: #333333;" class="hypervisual__text_line_two hypervisual__text-small"><div>Control hair loss and thinning hair<br><br></div><div>Promotes scalp health<br><br></div><div>Repairs damaged hair<br><br></div><div>No side effects, no pain<br><br></div><div>Boost hair growth<br><br></div><div>20% increase in hair growth with just 90 days</div></div> <!----> </div> </div> </div> <div style="background-color: transparent;" class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--image hypervisual__column hypervisual__column_width_60 hypervisual__column1-block hypervisual__image-valign-middle hypervisual__image-align-center " id=""> <img loading="lazy" src="" width="1200" height="715" alt="" title="" style="" data-action=""> </div> </div> </div> <div class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--spacer " style="background-color: transparent; height: 30px;" id=""></div> <div style="color: #1d1d1b; background-color: transparent;" class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--html hypervisual__text-middle hypervisual__text-align-center recreo-benefits" id=""> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="cols-1"> <img alt="modal lady" src=""> </div> <div class="cols-2"> <div class="inner-wrapper"> <h2>Who Can Benefit From Using Recreo Hair?</h2> <h5>Recreo is highly recommended in the following cases:</h5> </div> <div class="inner-wrapper"> <div class="cols-2a"> <p><strong>Excessive Hair Loss</strong><br> Increased hair loss can appear at any age and for a variety of reasons, such as: stress, imbalanced eating habits, and a serious illness or hospitalization. If you notice that you are losing large amounts of hair, using Recreo on a regular basis as part of your hair care regimen will improve blood flow to the scalp, revitalizing the hair follicles so that the hair grows healthier and stronger.</p> <p><strong class="txt-white">Hair Becomes Thinner</strong><br> The first sign of future hair loss may be when hair becomes thinner and more brittle. As a result, the hair does not seem as full as before. This can sometimes be missed or ignored due to shorter hair styles (among other factors). Recreo Hair has great results in treating thinning hair, as it removes toxins and improves the living environment of the hair, enriches the hair follicles and helps them grow stronger, healthier and thicker than before.</p> <p><strong>Family History of Hair Loss</strong><br> Hair loss is a genetic trait, effecting 90% of men, If you have a history of hair loss and balding in your family, you are at greater risk – the older you get, the higher the likelihood that you will notice some level of hair loss. Recreo Hair’s unique technology stimulates the hair follicles to produce thicker hair and awakens and encourages dormant follicles to resume a healthy, normal hair growth cycle.</p> <p><strong class="txt-white">Different Phases of Hair loss</strong><br> Each person experiences hair loss differently. For men, usually the first sign is a slowly receding hair line on the forehead and temple areas and the crown area is the next to be affected. Recreo can help promote hair growth when used on a regular basis, bringing the hair back to its full potential.</p> </div> <div class="cols-2b"> <p><strong class="txt-white">Hair Lacks Vitality</strong><br> Hair is often an extension and integral part of our personal style. Therefore, when your hair loses its shine, lacks vitality and does not look as good as you would like, it can have a great emotional effect, causing a loss in self-confidence. Recreo Hair works to enrich the hair follicles, helping them grow stronger, healthier and thicker than before, and bringing the hair back to its pride and glory.</p> <p><strong>Increased Hair Loss & Thinning Hair</strong><br> Hair loss may increase at many periods in life, resulting in thinner hair. Chemical imbalances in the body can cause the hair follicles to become weak and fall out in increasing numbers. Recreo Hair helps by accelerating the body’s natural cycle of regeneration and by combating external factors that may affect the hair follicles. These actions aid in both the long and in the short term.</p> <p><strong class="txt-white">Hair Does Not Grow Long</strong><br> There are many periods in life when hair loss can increase and hair can become thinner. In these cases, in generaa, chemical imbalance in the body causes the hair follicles to become weaker and fall out at heightened levels. Recreo Hair helps both in the short and long terms, speeding up the body’s natural regeneration cycle, and combating any external effects that may affect the hair follicles.</p> <p><strong>Widening of the Part</strong><br> For women, hair loss can be evidenced by a growing gap between the different hair partings. While at first it may not be noticeable to others, but only to you if, as it develops it will become more and more visible. Recreo was uniquely designed to help you out, by working directly at the part lines. It allows for direct treatment of the most critical areasm stopping the process and reversing it in order to bring the hair back to what it used to be.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--spacer " style="background-color: transparent; height: 30px;" id=""></div> <div class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--spacer " style="background-color: transparent; height: 30px;" id=""></div> <div style="background-color: transparent;" class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--image hypervisual__image-valign-top hypervisual__image-align-center " id=""> <img loading="lazy" src="" width="1200" height="401" alt="" title="" style="" data-action=""> </div> <div class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--spacer " style="background-color: transparent; height: 30px;" id=""></div> <div class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--spacer " style="background-color: transparent; height: 30px;" id=""></div> <div style="color: #333333; background-color: transparent; text-align: center;" class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--text hypervisual__text-middle hypervisual__text-align-center " id=""> <!----> <div class="hypervisual__text-wrapper" style=" padding-top: 30px; padding-bottom: 30px;"> <!----><!----><!----><!----><!----><div class="hypervisual__text_line_one hypervisual__text-small" style="color: #333333;"> <div>This device is for cosmetic use. This device does not change the structure or function of the body.<br>The device is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease or illness.</div> </div> <!----><!----> </div> </div> <div class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--columns hypervisual__content-block--column-two-up hypervisual__column_stacking_normal " style="" id=""> <div class="hypervisual__columns-wrapper" style=""> <div class="hypervisual__column hypervisual__column1-block"></div> <div class="hypervisual__column hypervisual__column2-block"></div> <!----> </div> </div> <div style="color: #333333; background-color: transparent;" class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--html hypervisual__text-middle hypervisual__text-align-center " id=""> <!----> </div> <div style="color: #333333; background-color: transparent;" class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--html hypervisual__text-middle hypervisual__text-align-center " id=""> <!----> </div> <div style="color: #333333; background-color: transparent;" class="hypervisual__content-block hypervisual__content-block--html hypervisual__text-middle hypervisual__text-align-center " id=""> <!----> </div> </div> <!----> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <span></span><span></span> </div> <div class="hypervisual__preview_container" style="display: none;"> <span></span><span></span><span></span> </div> <div class="hypervisual__cf"></div> </div> <div id="shopify-section-carousel" class="shopify-section"><style> .carousel-slider img, .carousel-slider video, .carousel-slider iframe { max-width: 100%; width: 100%; } .carousel-slider { padding: 3vh; text-align: center; position: relative; } .carousel-slider .slick-dots button { display: none !important; } .carousel-slider .slick-dots li { display: inline-block; width: 15px; height: 15px; margin: 3px 6px; border: 1px solid #a49755; border-radius: 50%; } .carousel-slider .slick-dots li.slick-active { background-color: #e6d4c9; } .carousel-slider .slick-slide { width: 100%; 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Recreo Hair is suitable for men and women and is effective for encouraging hair regrowth. Recreo Hair lets anyone overcome their problem. Recreo Hair therapy stimulates hair growth by utilizing low-energy laser light to treat the principle cause of baldness.The treatment is localized and direct, gives quick results and has no side effects. 20% INCREASE IN THE VOLUME AND THE THICKNESS OF YOUR HAIR WITHIN JUST THREE MONTHS! The combination of thicker and increased volume of existing hair results in a significant improvement in the way your hair looks and feels. There are no side effects low level laser therapy, and it is an easy, convenient and completely safe hair regrowth solution with guaranteed results. After the first three months of treatment, you will benefit from an accumulated improvement of 20% in two parameters: New hair growth and thickness of existing hair. Using low level laser therapy regularly ensures that your hair will continue to improve and regenerate well past the first four months of use. Recreo Hair Advantages Self Treatment AnywhereTake Recreo Hair anywhere and use it at anytime Rapid ResultsYour hair will look better after a few short months of useTechnological BreakthroughThe most advanced, patent-protected technology Amazing ResultsNot only will it promote hair growth, your hair will look and feel revived No Side EffectsTreatment with Recreo Hair is external and local Can Be Used Worldwide Just need a local plug UnisexPromote hair growth in both men and women 12 Low Level LaserHelp increase blood circulation in the scalp Healthier hair starts today Low Level Laser Therapy Results According to research, 90% of men and 45% of women suffer from loss in the volume and density of hair during their lives. In men, the process can lead to complete baldness and in women, to different levels of hair thinning on different parts of the scalp. During the hair thinning and balding process, the blood vessels supplying the hair follicles shrink; the skin becomes thinner and there is a significant shortage of nutrients and oxygen required for the growth of healthy, luxuriant hair. Slowly but surely, the follicles atrophy and what remains is thin hair, similar to a plume and lacking pigment. Finally, hair growth stops entirely due to follicle dysfunction. The development of Recero Hair is based on medical research in the field of dermatology. Research has shown the principal cause of hair loss in both men and women to be follicle sensitivity to the hormone Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Recreo Hair treats the principal causes of baldness and helps promote hair growth. The treatment is localized and direct, creating a rapid reaction with no side effects. Science acknowledges LLLT (Low Level Laser Therapy) as a non-chemical, non-invasive and effective method for treating and regenerating hair growth. Recreo Hair emits laser energy from a short range, directly, while the teeth part the hair that blocks the laser beam from reaching the scalp. Control hair loss and thinning hairPromotes scalp healthRepairs damaged hairNo side effects, no painBoost hair growth20% increase in hair growth with just 90 days Who Can Benefit From Using Recreo Hair? Recreo is highly recommended in the following cases: Excessive Hair Loss Increased hair loss can appear at any age and for a variety of reasons, such as: stress, imbalanced eating habits, and a serious illness or hospitalization. If you notice that you are losing large amounts of hair, using Recreo on a regular basis as part of your hair care regimen will improve blood flow to the scalp, revitalizing the hair follicles so that the hair grows healthier and stronger. Hair Becomes Thinner The first sign of future hair loss may be when hair becomes thinner and more brittle. As a result, the hair does not seem as full as before. This can sometimes be missed or ignored due to shorter hair styles (among other factors). Recreo Hair has great results in treating thinning hair, as it removes toxins and improves the living environment of the hair, enriches the hair follicles and helps them grow stronger, healthier and thicker than before. Family History of Hair Loss Hair loss is a genetic trait, effecting 90% of men, If you have a history of hair loss and balding in your family, you are at greater risk – the older you get, the higher the likelihood that you will notice some level of hair loss. Recreo Hair’s unique technology stimulates the hair follicles to produce thicker hair and awakens and encourages dormant follicles to resume a healthy, normal hair growth cycle. Different Phases of Hair loss Each person experiences hair loss differently. For men, usually the first sign is a slowly receding hair line on the forehead and temple areas and the crown area is the next to be affected. Recreo can help promote hair growth when used on a regular basis, bringing the hair back to its full potential. Hair Lacks Vitality Hair is often an extension and integral part of our personal style. Therefore, when your hair loses its shine, lacks vitality and does not look as good as you would like, it can have a great emotional effect, causing a loss in self-confidence. Recreo Hair works to enrich the hair follicles, helping them grow stronger, healthier and thicker than before, and bringing the hair back to its pride and glory. Increased Hair Loss \u0026amp; Thinning Hair Hair loss may increase at many periods in life, resulting in thinner hair. Chemical imbalances in the body can cause the hair follicles to become weak and fall out in increasing numbers. Recreo Hair helps by accelerating the body’s natural cycle of regeneration and by combating external factors that may affect the hair follicles. These actions aid in both the long and in the short term. Hair Does Not Grow Long There are many periods in life when hair loss can increase and hair can become thinner. In these cases, in generaa, chemical imbalance in the body causes the hair follicles to become weaker and fall out at heightened levels. Recreo Hair helps both in the short and long terms, speeding up the body’s natural regeneration cycle, and combating any external effects that may affect the hair follicles. Widening of the Part For women, hair loss can be evidenced by a growing gap between the different hair partings. While at first it may not be noticeable to others, but only to you if, as it develops it will become more and more visible. Recreo was uniquely designed to help you out, by working directly at the part lines. It allows for direct treatment of the most critical areasm stopping the process and reversing it in order to bring the hair back to what it used to be. This device is for cosmetic use. This device does not change the structure or function of the body.The device is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease or illness. \u003c\/div\u003e", "brand": { "@type": "Thing", "name": "ZERO GRAVITY SKIN" }, "offers": { "@type": "Offer", "priceCurrency": "USD", "price": 3995.0, "availability": "", "seller": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Zero Gravity Skin " } } } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "WebSite", "name": "Zero Gravity Skin ", "url": "" } </script> <!--Gem_Page_Footer_Script--> <!-- "snippets/gem-app-footer-scripts.liquid" was not rendered, the associated app was uninstalled --> <!--End_Gem_Page_Footer_Script--> <meta id="easyvideo_featured_product_image" content="//" /> <meta id="easyvideo_featured_main_image" content="//" /> <meta id="easyvideo_enabled" content="1" /> <meta id="easyvideo_images" content="//" /> <meta id="easyvideo_selector" content=".product-big-image .product-gallery-image-img" /> <meta id="easyvideo_youtube_parameters" content="?rel=0&modestbranding=1" /> <meta id="easyvideo_vimeo_parameters" content="?title=0&byline=0" /> <meta id="easyvideo_alt" content="Recreo Hair:@:Recreo Hair" /> <meta id="easyvideo_overlay_icon" content="1" /> <script type="text/javascript"> if (typeof jQuery != "undefined") { jQuery(function() { jQuery("img[alt*=\'//\']").css("opacity", "0"); 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