Press Item | Salem Hospital | Mass General Brigham
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The annual event, held virtually this year, recognized Dr. Sheaumei Tsai with the Outstanding New Physician Award, Dr. Larissa Lucas and Dr. Patrick Gordon with the Physician of Excellence Award and longtime Salem Hospital Board of Trustees member Terry McGinnis with the E. Augustus Holyoke, M.D., Award.</p><hr><h3>Outstanding New Physician Award</h3><p>The Salem Hospital New Physician Award is presented to a physician or physicians early in their medical careers who exemplify a commitment to clinical excellence and collegiality and have made a significant impact in the clinical setting.</p><br><div><img src="/cmslibrary/nsmc/pressroom/images/tsai.png" border="0" alt="2021 Outstanding New Physicians Award Recipient Dr. Sheaumei Tsai"><div><p><strong>2021 Outstanding New Physicians Award Recipient Dr. Sheaumei Tsai</strong></p><p>Dr. Sheaumei Tsai joined the Salem Hospital medical staff in 2019 and immediately distinguished herself as a skilled and pioneering urologist and surgeon. Board certified in urology, Dr. Tsai is celebrated as a champion of Salem Hospital's state-of-the-art robotic surgery program, advancing the use of minimally invasive technology in prostate and urology care.</p></div></div><hr><h3>Physician of Excellence Award</h3><p>The Physician of Excellence Award is the highest honor presented by the Salem Hospital Medical Staff and recognizes physicians who have made outstanding contributions to the organization, the medical profession and the community.<br></p><div><img src="/cmslibrary/nsmc/pressroom/images/lucas.png" border="0" alt="2021 Physician of Excellence Award Recipient Dr. Larissa Lucas"><div><p><strong>2021 Physician of Excellence Award Recipient Dr. Larissa Lucas</strong></p></div></div><p>Dr. Larissa Lucas serves as medical director of the multi-disciplinary Extended Care Team at North Shore Physicians Group (NSPG), caring for long-term and post-acute care patients at multiple skilled nursing facilities throughout the North Shore and providing home-based care support to NSPG's primary care practices. Dr. Lucas is recognized for her exceptional leadership and advocacy in support of one of the North Shore's most fragile populations during the COVID-19 crisis. In recognition of her leadership skills, Dr. Lucas was named medical director of Boston Hope, the 1,000-bed hospital at the Boston Convention Center that served COVID-19 patients. The effort, led largely by Mass General Brigham, involved partnerships among Boston Health Care for the Homeless, the office of Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker and the office of Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh.</p><br><div><img src="/cmslibrary/nsmc/pressroom/images/gordan.png" border="0" alt="2021 Physician of Excellence Award Recipient Dr. Patrick L. Gordan"><div><p><strong>2021 Physician of Excellence Award Recipient Dr. Patrick L. Gordan</strong></p></div></div><p>Dr. Patrick L. Gordan, is a gifted leader, clinician and mentor who joined Salem Hospital in April 2019 to serve as Chief of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine as well as Medical Director of the Intensive Care Unit. He was the critical care physician lead during the COVID-19 pandemic and was recently named Interim Chair of the Department of Medicine. During the first surge of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Salem Hospital care for more COVID patients than any community hospital in Massachusetts and dramatically expanded its critical care capacity. Dr. Gordon's steady hand, clinical acumen and calm demeanor proved essential to patients, families and colleagues at Salem Hospital and Mass General Brigham.</p><hr><h3>E. Augustus Holyoke, M.D., Award</h3><p>The Holyoke Award for professional excellence and service to the health care needs of our community celebrates the legacy of Dr. Edward Augustus Holyoke for whom the award is named. Dr Holyoke was born in Marblehead, entered college at the age of 14 and was awarded the first medical degree from Harvard Medical School. During his career, he organized the Mass Medical Society and was a pioneer for several causes, including the treatment and eradication of smallpox. In addition, it is estimated that he made 250,000 house calls to patients in and around Salem. The Holyoke Award is given during Salem Hospital's annual Excellence Awards event to honor members of the Salem Hospital family who, like Dr. Holyoke, remind us of the importance of community service.</p><div><img src="/cmslibrary/nsmc/pressroom/images/mcginnis.png" border="0" alt="2021 E. Augustus Holyoke, M.D., Award Recipient Terry McGinnis"><div><p><strong>2021 E. Augustus Holyoke, M.D., Award Recipient Terry McGinnis</strong></p><p>A longtime friend to the Salem Hospital family and community, Terry McGinnis has served in countless leadership and advocacy roles that enhance human services and wellbeing on the North Shore. Currently, he chairs the Salem Hospital Community Affairs and Health Access Committee and the North Shore Physicians Group Board of Trustees. He served as a member of the North Shore Medical Center (now Salem Hospital) Board of Trustees from 1997 until 2021, including four years as chair. He is the former chair of the Atlanticare/Union Hospital Board of Trustees, guiding the institution through its merger with Salem Hospital, North Shore Medical Center and Partners HealthCare (now Mass General Brigham) in 1997. Raised in Lynn, where he continues to live today, McGinnis is celebrated as a champion for Massachusetts' most vulnerable populations helping to bridge gaps in healthcare, legal services, and education.</p></div></div><p> </p><p><strong>About Salem Hospital</strong><br>Salem Hospital is a member of Mass General Brigham, an academic healthcare system founded by Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women's Hospital that is uniting great minds to make life-changing impact for patients in local communities and around the world. Serving the North Shore community for more than 100 years, Salem Hospital provides innovative medical, surgical and psychiatric care through an array of inpatient, outpatient and virtual settings including Salem Hospital, the Epstein Center for Behavioral Health, North Shore Physicians Group and a medical staff of nearly 700 physicians practicing in a wide range of specialties. For more information, please visit For information about Mass General Brigham, visit </p><p><strong>About Mass General Brigham</strong><br>Mass General Brigham is an integrated academic health care system, uniting great minds to solve the hardest problems in medicine for our communities and the world. Mass General Brigham connects a full continuum of care across a system of academic medical centers, community and specialty hospitals, a health insurance plan, physician networks, community health centers, home care, and long-term care services. Mass General Brigham is a non-profit organization that is committed to patient care, research, teaching, and service to the community. In addition, Mass General Brigham is one of the nation's leading biomedical research organizations and a principal teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School.</p><p style="text-align: center">###</p></div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('.press-item-category').text(function(i, oldText) { return oldText === 'NSMC News Releases' ? 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