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15 3 31 6 26 37s-21 28-37 26c-116-21-250 32-369 121-121 92-244 223-366 361 184 26 366-26 542-85 91-30 183-135 239-152 19-24 38-46 57-67 33-37 67-71 102-100 12-10 24-20 45 4s8 34-4 45c-33 28-65 60-96 94-32 35-62 73-92 113-6 8-13 17-24 16-60 70-151 162-172 240-57 210-25 370-122 576 71-38 128-81 175-134 53-60 94-135 128-230 37-104 95-195 167-270 75-77 165-136 261-172 15-5 30-11 41 19s-4 35-19 41c-87 32-169 86-238 157-66 68-119 151-153 247-37 102-81 183-141 250-44 50-95 91-156 127 52-3 78-10 121-7 79-6 211-66 279-119 66-51 116-120 154-206 6-15 13-29 42-16s23 27 16 42c-42 96-99 174-173 231-56 43-121 75-196 93 161-5 311-42 467-100 65-24 87-168 127-208 32-58 66-112 105-158 47-56 101-101 164-127 15-6 29-12 41 18 12 29-3 35-17 41-52 21-98 60-139 108-36 42-68 93-98 147 10 73-51 228-53 305-7 205-2 409 53 612 53-71 107-134 162-192 0-5 0-10 1-15 18-106 33-219 40-332 7-112 7-223-6-329-2-16-4-32 27-35 32-4 34 12 35 28 14 111 14 226 7 340-6 90-16 180-30 269 54-51 53-51 77-103 37-80 59-159 67-237 9-80 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48 12 101 6 152-16 8-6 17-13 25-19 6-4 13-12 27-20 105-77 211-143 317-192 123-58 246-95 370-109 75-40 144-80 204-121s111-81 149-121c13-13 26-27 53-1s14 39 0 53c-43 44-97 88-161 131-57 38-122 77-194 116-2 61-8 119-22 174-16 63-44 121-88 170l1-2c-35 44-85 85-150 124-63 38-141 75-237 112l-1 1c-43 15-85 32-127 51-43 19-85 40-128 62-18 9-43 0-51-18-45-100-23-208 6-308-55 18-111 20-164 7-64-15-122-53-165-113-55-76-84-160-97-246-13-85-12-169-7-249-1-104 13-196 39-279 26-84 65-158 114-223 11-15 22-30 52-7 30 22 19 37 7 52zm940 715c-105 15-209 49-314 98-104 49-207 113-311 190-4 13-6 21-8 29-27 88-56 184-37 267 31-15 62-30 93-44 44-20 87-38 133-54l-1 1c91-35 165-70 225-106 58-34 100-70 131-107l1-1c35-39 57-86 71-138 11-42 16-87 19-135z"/><path d="M203459 50602c-119 0-216 97-216 216s97 217 216 217 216-97 216-217c0-119-97-216-216-216zm0 69c-81 0-147 66-147 147s66 147 147 147 147-66 147-147-66-147-147-147zm0 60c-48 0-87 39-87 87s39 87 87 87 87-39 87-87-39-87-87-87zm-1697-124c119 0 217 97 217 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1.25 7.5v1.87" transform="matrix(-.12338 0 0 .12229 111.37 19.25)" stroke-width="1.88" fill="none"/><path d="M541.26 799.23v.63c0-1.7.04-.83-.63 2.5-1.17 1.46-3.94 1.86-6.25 1.25-2.02-1.67-1.96-2.94-5.62-3.75-3.54.25-4.9 1.27-6.88 2.5-2.35 1.17-3.43 1.77-5 4.37-.77 2.12-1.2 3.56 1.25 4.38a15.17 15.17 0 006.88 2.5c2.89 0 4.97-.34 6.25 1.25 1.98 2.05 1.88 3.27 1.88 6.87.66 1.11.8 4.4 1.25 5.63a10.6 10.6 0 005.62 1.25c.67-1.94 1.42-5.42 1.88-7.5.48-2.25.64-5.38 1.87-6.88a16.58 16.58 0 014.38-4.38c.76-1.07 2.22-1.96 3.75-2.5-2.46 1.26-2.8 2.6-3.13 5.63 2.15 1.08 2.73 1.83 6.25 1.88 3.46-.3 4.3-1.17 5.63-3.13.24 3.14 1.24 4.19 1.87 6.88 1.29 1.89 1.83 3.82 3.13 6.25-.56 3-1.74 3.16-1.88 6.87-.81 2.44-.72 4.78-2.5 6.25-.8.97-1.38 1.16-3.13 1.25 3.62 0 5.73-.39 8.13-1.87 1.85-1.15 3.25-2.57 5-3.75a23.85 23.85 0 017.5-3.76c2.89 0 4.97-.33 6.25 1.25 1.77 1.27 2.96 3.45 3.75 6.26.58 3.24.8 5.4-.62 7.5-1.06 2.4-1.3 3.34 0 6.25 1.45 2.03 3.61 2.27 6.87 3.12 2.38-.13 4.67-.67 6.25-1.25" stroke-width="1.23" fill="none" transform="matrix(-.19848 0 0 .17744 145.25 -13.45)"/><g fill-rule="evenodd" stroke-width="1.31" transform="matrix(-.19848 0 0 .17744 145.25 -13.45)"><path d="M531.5 359.64c0-165.27 7.94-299.41 17.72-299.41 9.78 0 17.71 134.13 17.71 299.41H531.5z" transform="matrix(1.4216 -.73423 .46161 .89375 -716.84 541.07)" fill="#fff"/><path d="M531.5 359.64c0-165.27 7.94-299.41 17.72-299.41 9.78 0 17.71 134.13 17.71 299.41" transform="matrix(1.1373 -.58739 .44532 .86221 -554.83 471.77)" fill="#fff"/><path d="M563.39 301.18c.19 18.9 0 40.19 0 60.24h-28.35c0-20.05-.19-41.33 0-60.24h28.35z" transform="matrix(1.4216 -.73423 .45889 .88849 -716.67 541.39)" fill="#fff"/><path d="M559.84 304.72c.19 18.9 0 33.1 0 53.15h-21.26c0-20.05-.19-34.24 0-53.15h21.26z" transform="matrix(1.4216 -.73423 .45889 .88849 -716.67 541.39)" fill="#fff"/><path transform="matrix(1.4216 -.73423 .45889 .88849 -716.67 541.39)" fill="#fff" d="M542.13 311.81h14.17v38.98h-14.17zm0 0l14.17 38.98m-14.17 0l14.17-38.98m-14.17-198.42h14.17"/><circle fill="#ef0000" transform="matrix(1.6046 .45375 -.36215 1.5787 -734.9 -170.85)" cx="545.67" cy="92.13" r="3.54"/></g><path d="M538.58 531.5c1.72 166.56 24.8 201.97 3.54 201.97s-31.89-92.07-31.89-205.51 14.18-205.51 35.44-205.51-8.92 31.9-7.09 209.06z" fill-rule="evenodd" transform="matrix(.32136 -.12684 .20158 .20221 -181.51 60.76)" stroke-width="1.31" fill="#fff"/><path d="M545.67 779.53l-60.24 17.72c56.7 60.23 120.47 85.03 138.2 74.4 17.71-10.62-31.9-35.43-77.96-92.12z" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke-width="1.23" fill="#fff" transform="matrix(.19848 0 0 .17744 19.13 -14.07)"/><path d="M547.27 786.9l-50.93 14.74c56.7 60.24 112.77 77.39 127.28 70.02 14.6-7.37-30.28-28.07-76.35-84.76z" fill-rule="evenodd" transform="matrix(.19334 0 0 .17062 21.63 -8.75)" stroke-width="1.27" fill="#fff"/><path d="M353.13 634.23c.19 1.27.75 7.07 1.25 9.38 0 3.18.29 5.63.63 8.12.8 2.18.66 4.2 3.12 5 1.7 2.63 2.76 3.31 5 4.38a27.73 27.73 0 006.25 3.75 11.57 11.57 0 007.5.62c2.19-1.53 3.8-3.1 5.63-4.37.42-1.98.82-4.9 1.25-6.88a32.56 32.56 0 00-1.25 8.13c.24 3.12 1.26 4.48 2.5 6.87" transform="matrix(.13978 0 0 .12414 41.35 19.73)" stroke-width="1.75" fill="none"/><path d="M389.38 681.73l.63-.63c-1.49 1.49-.88.78 2.5-1.25 2.42-1.24 5.01-1.9 8.12-2.5h8.75c3.4 0 5.7.52 8.13 1.25 1.76 1.77 4.39 2.77 6.25 4.38 1.9 1.3 2.72 2.83 3.75 5 1.7 1.7 2.8 4.33 4.37 5.63.7 2.87 2.14 2.77 3.13 5-2.95.22-5.32.63-6.88 2.5-2.6 1.34 2.18-1.32 3.13-2.5 2.04-.62 2.57-1.25 5.62-1.25 2.85-.9 4.58.73 7.5 1.25 1.7.98 2.18 1.25 4.38 1.25" transform="matrix(.13978 0 0 .12414 39.51 19.04)" stroke-width="1.75" fill="none"/><path d="M438.13 724.86c1.27.07 7.08 1.15 9.38 0 2.55-.7 4.06-2.04 5.62-4.38.77-1.68 0 3 0 5 .28 3.68 1.37 3.72 3.13 6.25 1.81 1.17 3.72 2.8 5.62 3.75 1.58 1.37 3.51 2.28 5.63 3.13 1.9.9 4.1 1.81 5.62 3.13 2.1 1.49 1.89 3.27 3.13 5.62-.24 3.06-.74 4.79-2.5 6.25-.74 2.11-2.4 4.2-3.75 5.63-1.55 2.87-3.26 4.22.62 5 2.13.9 3.33.2 5.63 0" transform="matrix(.13978 0 0 .12414 37.42 17.56)" stroke-width="1.75" fill="none"/><path d="M480.63 771.73c1.54-.4 6.98-2.21 9.38-3.13h8.75c3.39.27 4.03 1.26 6.87 2.5 1.83 1.88 3.09 3.17 5.63 4.38 1.34 1.73 3.95 4.68 5 6.88a25.48 25.48 0 011.25 8.12c-.05 3.65-1 4.27-1.25 7.5a19.3 19.3 0 01-3.75 7.5c-.27.8-.46.99-1.25 1.25" transform="matrix(.13978 0 0 .12414 36.98 17.17)" stroke-width="1.75" fill="none"/><path d="M538.13 817.98c.37 0 1.2 2.02 2.5 3.75 2.83 2.9 3.2 3.13 7.5 3.13 3.88-.15 3.52-1.54 6.25-2.5 1.29-2.01 2.9-3.6 4.38-6.25 1-1.64 1.89-4.13 3.12-5.63 1.14-1.85 2.56-3.25 3.75-5 1.17-.5 1.62-.98 3.13-1.25-3.6.58-3.92 1.87-6.26 3.75a58.87 58.87 0 00-3.12 5.63c-.36 2.67-1.21 4.77-1.25 8.12 0 3.46.02 5.87 1.25 8.75 1.47 1.54 2.56 3.14 4.38 4.38a36.72 36.72 0 014.37 5c1.96 1.2 3.39 2.18 5.63 3.75 1.88 1.1 3.91 2.23 6.87 2.5 3.67-.27 4.76-1.3 7.5-2.5 2.33-1.72 4.16-2.84 6.25-4.38 1.63-1.14 3.29-3.4 4.38-5 3.38-.85 5.52-.5 7.5 1.25a16.54 16.54 0 014.37 4.38c1.02.5 2.73 1.99 3.75 2.5" transform="matrix(.09924 0 0 .09799 54.92 38.18)" stroke-width="2.34" fill="none"/><path d="M503.76 836.11c-.8.33-3.72 2.37-5 3.13-.8 2.63-2.08 4.06-2.5 6.87-.68 2.7-.63 5.7-.63 8.75.69 3.2 2.02 5.56 3.13 8.13 1.97 1.34 2.97 2.33 5.63 3.75 2.49.33 4.94.62 8.12.62 1.9.64 5.62.94 7.5 0 2.78-.38 4.85-1.5 6.88-2.5 2.3-1.3 3.72-2.54 6.25-3.75 1.22-1.8 3.13-3.46 5-5.63 1.55-2.1 2.7-3.28 3.75-5.62-.93 2.67-2.33 5-3.13 7.5-1.42 2.66-2.25 3.6-2.5 6.88-.87 2.6-.62 5.76-.62 8.75.27 2.03.41 5.83 1.25 7.5v1.87" transform="matrix(.12338 0 0 .12229 53 18.62)" stroke-width="1.88" fill="none"/><path d="M541.26 799.23v.63c0-1.7.04-.83-.63 2.5-1.17 1.46-3.94 1.86-6.25 1.25-2.02-1.67-1.96-2.94-5.62-3.75-3.54.25-4.9 1.27-6.88 2.5-2.35 1.17-3.43 1.77-5 4.37-.77 2.12-1.2 3.56 1.25 4.38a15.17 15.17 0 006.88 2.5c2.89 0 4.97-.34 6.25 1.25 1.98 2.05 1.88 3.27 1.88 6.87.66 1.11.8 4.4 1.25 5.63a10.6 10.6 0 005.62 1.25c.67-1.94 1.42-5.42 1.88-7.5.48-2.25.64-5.38 1.87-6.88a16.58 16.58 0 014.38-4.38c.76-1.07 2.22-1.96 3.75-2.5-2.46 1.26-2.8 2.6-3.13 5.63 2.15 1.08 2.73 1.83 6.25 1.88 3.46-.3 4.3-1.17 5.63-3.13.24 3.14 1.24 4.19 1.87 6.88 1.29 1.89 1.83 3.82 3.13 6.25-.56 3-1.74 3.16-1.88 6.87-.81 2.44-.72 4.78-2.5 6.25-.8.97-1.38 1.16-3.13 1.25 3.62 0 5.73-.39 8.13-1.87 1.85-1.15 3.25-2.57 5-3.75a23.85 23.85 0 017.5-3.76c2.89 0 4.97-.33 6.25 1.25 1.77 1.27 2.96 3.45 3.75 6.26.58 3.24.8 5.4-.62 7.5-1.06 2.4-1.3 3.34 0 6.25 1.45 2.03 3.61 2.27 6.87 3.12 2.38-.13 4.67-.67 6.25-1.25" stroke-width="1.23" fill="none" transform="matrix(.19848 0 0 .17744 19.13 -14.07)"/><g stroke-width="1.31" fill-rule="evenodd" transform="matrix(.19848 0 0 .17744 19.13 -14.07)"><path d="M531.5 359.64c0-165.27 7.94-299.41 17.72-299.41 9.78 0 17.71 134.13 17.71 299.41H531.5z" transform="matrix(1.4216 -.73423 .46161 .89375 -716.84 541.07)" fill="#fff"/><path d="M531.5 359.64c0-165.27 7.94-299.41 17.72-299.41 9.78 0 17.71 134.13 17.71 299.41" transform="matrix(1.1373 -.58739 .44532 .86221 -554.83 471.77)" fill="#fff"/><path d="M563.39 301.18c.19 18.9 0 40.19 0 60.24h-28.35c0-20.05-.19-41.33 0-60.24h28.35z" transform="matrix(1.4216 -.73423 .45889 .88849 -716.67 541.39)" fill="#fff"/><path d="M559.84 304.72c.19 18.9 0 33.1 0 53.15h-21.26c0-20.05-.19-34.24 0-53.15h21.26z" transform="matrix(1.4216 -.73423 .45889 .88849 -716.67 541.39)" fill="#fff"/><path transform="matrix(1.4216 -.73423 .45889 .88849 -716.67 541.39)" fill="#fff" d="M542.13 311.81h14.17v38.98h-14.17zm0 0l14.17 38.98m-14.17 0l14.17-38.98m-14.17-198.42h14.17"/><circle fill="#ef0000" transform="matrix(1.6046 .45375 -.36215 1.5787 -734.9 -170.85)" cx="545.67" cy="92.13" r="3.54"/></g><g fill-rule="evenodd" fill="#fff" transform="matrix(.19848 0 0 .17744 19.13 -14.07)"><path d="M305.61 396.85c0 124.02.5 170.76-5.62 177.17-5.79 6.86-167.12 0-167.12 35.43s132.87 70.87 172.74 70.87c53.15 0 79.72-35.43 79.72-106.3V396.85h-79.72z" transform="matrix(1.3333 0 0 1 -141.74 0)" stroke-width="1.31"/><path d="M265.75 396.85v17.72a321.1 321.1 0 00106.3 0v-17.72a321.1 321.1 0 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106.3m116.93-95.67l-109.84 99.21m109.84-88.58l-99.21 88.58m95.66-74.41l-77.95 70.87m74.41-56.69l-63.78 56.7m56.69-38.99l-31.89 28.35m-60.23-159.45l102.76 92.13m-102.76-81.49l102.76 92.12m-102.76-81.49l99.21 88.58m-99.21-77.95l99.21 88.58m-99.21-77.96l95.67 85.04M262.2 556.3l95.67 85.04m-95.67-74.41l88.59 77.96m-92.13-70.88l88.59 77.96m-92.14-70.87l85.04 74.41m-85.04-63.78l81.5 70.86m-81.5-60.23l70.87 63.78" stroke-width="1.31"/><path d="M265.75 396.85v17.72a321.1 321.1 0 00106.3 0v-17.72a321.1 321.1 0 01-106.3 0z" transform="matrix(1 0 0 .99999 0 70.87)" stroke-width="1.31"/><path d="M255.11 612.99l63.78 56.7m-63.78-46.07l56.7 49.6m-56.7-38.97l49.6 42.52m-49.6-31.89l35.44 31.89m-35.44-21.26l28.35 24.8m-28.35-14.17l17.72 14.17" stroke-width="1.31"/><ellipse transform="matrix(.54545 0 0 .14383 130.46 447.47)" cx="256.89" rx="8.86" cy="210.83" ry="26.57" stroke-width="4.39"/><ellipse transform="matrix(.54545 0 0 .14383 130.46 444.28)" cx="292.32" rx="8.86" cy="246.26" ry="26.57" 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3v1h-1l-.3-.2h-.2l-.3-.2-.2-.2h-.2v-.2h-.2l-.2-.2v-.2h-.2v-.2l-.2-.2V99h-.2v-.2h-.2v-1l-.2-.2h1v.4l.2.2v.2l.2.3v.2h.2v.2h.2l.2.2v.2h.2l.3.2h.2v.2h1.1zm3.2-3v1l.5-.5v.7h-.2v.5l-.2.3v.4h-.2v.3h-.2v.2h-.2v.2h-.3v.2l-.3.2h-.3l-.2.2h-.3l-.2.2h-.8v-1h.9v-.2h.2v-.2h.2l.2-.2.2-.2V99h.2v-.2l.2-.2v-.2l.2-.2v-.6l.6-.6zm-.5.5V97h.5l-.5.5zm3-3h1v.9l-.2.3v.2h-.2v.6h-.2l-.2.2v.2h-.2v.2h-.3v.2h-.2v.2h-.3l-.3.2h-.2l-.3.2h-.7v-1h.8V97h.2v-.2h.2l.2-.2.2-.2h.2V96l.2-.3v-.2h.2v-.7l.2-.3zm-3-3.2h1l-.5-.6h.7l.2.2h.4l. 3v-1l-.6.5v-.9l.2-.2V90l.2-.3.2-.3.2-.3h.2v-.2l.2-.2h.2v-.2h.2l.2-.2h.3l.2-.2h.3l.2-.2h1v1h-1l-.3.2h-.2v.2h-.2l-.2.2v.2l-.2.2-.2.2v.2l-.2.2v.7l-.7.6zm.5-.5v.5h-.6l.6-.5zm-6-.5h5.5v1h-5.5l-.5-.5.5-.5zm0 1h-.5v-.5l.5.5zm.5-7v6.5h-1V85l.4-.6.6.5zm-1 0v-.4h.4l-.4.5zm.5 0v-.4.5zm-.5 0v-.4h.4l-.4.5z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M499.8 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9l-.4-.8-.2.7v-.3l-.2-.5v-.3l-.2-.3v-3.5l.2-.3v-.3l.2-.4.2-.3v-.3l.2-.3.2-.3v-.3l.3-.2v-.3l.3-.2.2-.3v-.2l.3-.3.2-.2v-.3l.3-.2.2-.2.8.7-.2.2-.2.2v.2h-.3v.3l-.3.3-.2.2v.3l-.3.3v.3l-.2.2-.2.3v.7l-.2.2v.2l-.2.3v.6l-.2.4v2.7l. 1.8l1-.3-.2-. 1-.6.2-.7.4-.6.4-.7.2-.6.3-.7.2-.6.2-.6.2-.7.2-.6.2h-.6l-.7.3h-.7l-.6.2h-.7l-.7.2h-5l-.7-.2h-.7l-.6-.3h-.7l-.7-.3-.6-.3-.7-.3-.6-.2-.8-.3-.3-.4zm.4.3l-.2-.2v-.2l.2.3zm-5.6-5.8l.6-1 . .3-.2-.2v-.3h-.2v-.3l-.2-.3-.2-.2v-.2l-.2-.2-.2-.2v-.2l-.3-.2-.2-.2-.3-.3-.2-.2-.3-.3h-.2l-.2-.3v-.2l-.3-.2h-.2v-.3h-.3l-.2-.2h-.2l-.2-.2h-.2l-.2-.3h-.2l-.2-.2h-.2zm-2-1.7l.8-.3h.2v.2h.2l.2.2h.2v.2h.4v.2h.2l.2.2h.2l-.6 1-.2-.2h-.2v-.2h-.4v-.2h-.2l-.2-.2h-.2v-.2h-.2v-.2h-.2v-.2h-.2v-.2zm-10.2-31.7l1-.3.2 1 .3 1 .2.8.3 1 .3 1 .3.8.4 1 .3 1 .3 1 .3 1 .3 1 .3.8.2 1 .4 1 .3 1 .2 1 .3 1 .3 1 .4 1 .3 1 .3 1 .3 1 .5 1 .3 1 .3 1 .5 1 .3 1 .3 1 .4 1.2.4 1 .3 1 .4 1.2-1 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1-.3-.2-.4-.2-.2-.2-.4-.2-.3-.2-.2-.3-.3-.3-.2-.2-.3-.3-.3-.2-.2-.3-.2-.3-.2-.3-.3-.4-.2-.3-.2-.3-.2-.3v-.4l-.2-.3v-.3l-.3-.3v-.3l-.3-.2v-.3l-.2-.4v-.2l-.2-.3-.2-.3v-.3l-.2-.4v-.3zm1.4-8.4v1l-.6.2-.7.2h-.6l-.5.3h-.4l-.4.3h-.3v.3l-.2.2v.2h-.2v.2l. .3v-.4l-.3-.5-.2-.4-.2-.3-.3-.3-.2-.3v-.2l-.4-.3-.2-.3-.3-.3v-.4l-.3-.2-.3-.3-.3-.4v-.2l-.2-.3-.2-.4v-.6l.3-.3v-.2l.3-.3h.3l.4-.3.4-.3.5-.2h.4l.7-.3.8-.2.7-.2zm0 0zm0 1v-1 1zm0-1z"/><path fill="#edb92e" d="M357 212.5c3.5 1.2 4-.7 6-.6-.8 5-1.7 7.7-7 5-3-1.6-6.7.7-7.4 2.3-.3.6-2-.6-2.6-2-2.6-5.8 6.7-6.4 11-4.8z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M363.6 212l-1-.2.5.6H362v.2h-.3l-.2.2h-.2l-.3.2h-.3v.2h-.7l-.2.2h-2l-.4-.2h-.3l-.3-.2.3-1h.3l.3.2h.4l.2.2h1.3l.2-.2h.2l.2-.2h.5l.2-.2h.2l.3-.2h.5l.2-.2h.4l.6.6zm-.5-.6h.7v.6l-.6-.6zm-7.2 6l.4-1 . 1 .2v.5l-.2.5v.8l-.2.5v.4l-.2.4v.4l-.3.4v.3l-.2.4-.2.4v.2l-.3.3-.2.3-.2.2-.3.2-.2.2h-.2l-.3.2h-.3l-.3.2h-1.6l-.4-.2-.4-.2h-.4l-.4-.3-.5-.3-.5-.3zm-6.8 2l-1-.3h.2v-.3h.3v-.3l.3-.2v-.2l.3-.2h.3l.2-.3.2-.2h.3l.2-.3h.3l.2-.3h.3l.3-.2h.3l.2-.2h.3l.4-.2h2.3l.3.2h.3l.3.2h.2l-.4 1h-.3l-.2-.2h-.5l-.3-.2h-1.8l-.3.2h-.3l-.3.2h-.3l-.2.3h-.2l-.3.2h-.2l-.2.2h-.2v.2l-.2.2h-.2v.3h-.2v.2h-.2v.2h-.2zm-3.5-2l1-.3v.4h.2v.4h.2v.2l.2.2h.2v.2l.2.2h.2v.2h.4v.2l.8.5v.2l-.3.2h-1v-.2h-.2l-.3-.2h-.2v-.2l-.2-.2-.2-.2h-.2v-.3h-.2v-.2h-.2v-.3h-.2v-.4h-.2v-.3zm11.8-5.4l-.3 1-.4-.2h-.5l-.3-.2h-.5l-.5-.2h-5l-.5.2-.4.2h-.4l-.4.3-.4.3-.3.2v.2l-.4.2-.2.2v.3l-.3.2v1.6l. .5-.2-.5-.2-.6V215l.2-.6.2-.4.2-.4.3-.3.2-.4.3-.3.4-.3.4-.2.4-.2.5-.2h.5l.5-.3h1.1l.5-.2h3.3l.6.2h.5l. .5v-.5.5z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M458.8 124.5c3.4 0 6.2 2.7 6.2 6 0 3.5-2.8 6.3-6.2 6.3s-6-2.8-6-6.2a6 6 0 016-6z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M465.5 130.6h-1c0-2-1.3-4.2-3.3-5a5.5 5.5 0 00-2.4-.6v-1a7 7 0 015.7 3 6.7 6.7 0 011 3.6zm-6.7 6.7v-1c2 0 4-1.2 5-3a5.6 5.6 0 00.6-2.7h1c0 2.3-1 4.5-3 5.7a6.6 6.6 0 01-3.6 1zm-6.6-6.7h1c0 2 1.3 4.2 3.2 5a5.5 5.5 0 002.4.7v1a6.6 6.6 0 01-5.6-3.2 6.7 6.7 0 01-1-3.4zm6.6-6.6v1c-2 0-4 1.2-5 3a5.6 5.6 0 00-.6 2.6h-1c0-2.2 1.2-4.4 3.2-5.6a6.6 6.6 0 013.4-1z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M446.3 124.5a6 6 0 016 6c0 3.5-2.6 6.3-6 6.3s-6-2.8-6-6.2c0-3.4 2.6-6 6-6z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M453 130.6h-1c0-2-1.3-4-3.2-5a5.5 5.5 0 00-2.5-.6v-1c2.3 0 4.5 1.2 5.6 3a6.7 6.7 0 011 3.6zm-6.7 6.7v-1c2 0 4-1.3 5-3a7 7 0 00.6-2.7h1c0 2.3-1.3 4.5-3.2 5.7a6.6 6.6 0 01-3.5 1zm-6.6-6.7h1c0 2 1.2 4.2 3 5a5.5 5.5 0 002.6.7v1a6.5 6.5 0 01-5.6-3.2 6.7 6.7 0 01-1-3.4zm6.6-6.6v1c-2 0-4 1.2-5 3a5.6 5.6 0 00-.6 2.6h-1a7 7 0 013-5.6 6.6 6.6 0 013.6-1z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M433.8 125.5a6 6 0 016 6c0 3.5-2.6 6.3-6 6.3s-6-2.8-6-6.2 2.6-6 6-6z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M440.4 131.6h-1c0-2-1.2-4-3-5a5.5 5.5 0 00-2.6-.6v-1a7 7 0 015.6 3 6.7 6.7 0 011 3.6zm-6.6 6.7v-1c2 0 4-1.3 5-3a5.7 5.7 0 00.6-2.7h1a7 7 0 01-3 5.7 6.6 6.6 0 01-3.6 1zm-6.6-6.7h1c0 2.2 1.3 4.3 3.2 5.2a5.5 5.5 0 002.4.5v1a6.4 6.4 0 01-5.6-3.2 6.7 6.7 0 01-1-3.4zm6.6-6.6v1c-2 0-4 1.2-5 3a5.7 5.7 0 00-.6 2.6h-1c0-2.3 1.3-4.6 3.3-5.7a6.6 6.6 0 013.3-1z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M422.3 127.7c3.3 0 6 2.8 6 6.2 0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6s-6.2-2.7-6.2-6 3-6.3 6.3-6.3z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M429 134h-1a6 6 0 00-3.3-5.2 5.5 5.5 0 00-2.4-.6v-1c2.2 0 4.4 1.2 5.6 3.2a6.7 6.7 0 011 3.5zm-6.7 6.5v-1c2 0 4-1.2 5-3 .4-1 .6-1.8.6-2.6h1c0 2-1.3 4.3-3.3 5.5a6.6 6.6 0 01-3.4 1zm-6.7-6.6h1c0 2 1.2 3.8 3 4.8a5 5 0 002.7.7v1a7 7 0 01-5.7-3 6.7 6.7 0 01-1-3.6zm6.7-6.8v1c-2 0-4.2 1.3-5 3.2a5.7 5.7 0 00-.7 2.5h-1c0-2.5 1.3-4.7 3.3-6a6.6 6.6 0 013.3-.8z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M346.3 159.4a6 6 0 016 6.2c0 3.4-2.6 6.2-6 6.2s-6-2.8-6-6.2a6 6 0 016-6.2z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M353 165.6h-1c0-2-1.3-4-3.2-5a5.6 5.6 0 00-2.5-.7v-1c2.2 0 4.5 1 5.6 3a6.7 6.7 0 011 3.6zm-6.7 6.7v-1c2 0 4-1.2 5-3a7 7 0 00.6-2.7h1c0 2.3-1.3 4.5-3.2 5.7a6.6 6.6 0 01-3.5 1zm-6.7-6.7h1c0 2 1.3 4.2 3.2 5a5.6 5.6 0 002.5.7v1a7 7 0 01-5.6-3 6.7 6.7 0 01-1-3.7zm6.7-6.7v1c-2 0-4 1.2-5 3a5.7 5.7 0 00-.6 2.6h-1a7 7 0 013-5.7 6.6 6.6 0 013.6-1z"/><path 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1h.5l-.4.2-.4.3-.4.4-.2.5-.2.4-.2.7-.2.8v1.5l-.2.8v2.8l.3.8v1l.2.8.2 1 .2 1 .3.7v1l.5 1 . 1-.6-.3-.5-.3-.5-.3-.5-.5-.4-.6-.6-.6-.4-.7-.4-.7-.4-.7-.4-1-.3-.8-.3-1-.3-.8-.4-1-.2-.8-.2-1-.2-1v-.8l-.3-1v-5.2l.3-.8.2-.7.3-.6.3-.6.4-.5.4-.5.5-.4h.6zm-.5 0h.6-.5zm.4.4l.2-.4-.2.5zm-.3-.4h.6-.5z"/><path fill="#0c4076" d="M382.8 274.3c5.7-.6 10.5 2 11 5.8.3 3.8-4 7.4-9.6 8-3.6.3-6-3-6.3-6.3-.5-3.4 1-7 4.8-7.4z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M394.2 280h-1v-.5l-.2-.3v-.3l-.2-.4-.2-.3-.2-.2-.2-.2-.2-.3-.2-.2-.3-.3-.2-.2-.3-.2-.3-.2-.4-.2-.3-.2-.4-.2-.3-.2h-.4l-.5-.3h-.4l-.4-.2h-.8l-.5-.2h-3.6l-.2-1h3.8l.4.2h.5l. 8.4v-1h1l.5-.2h.4l.6-.2.5-.2h.5l.4-.3.4-.2h.4l.4-.3.3-.3.4-.2.2-.2.4-.3.3-.2.2-.3.3-.2.2-.3.3-.3.2-.3.2-.2.2-.3v-.4l.3-.3v-.8l.2-.4v-1h1v1.6l-.2.3v.3l-.2.4-.2.3-.2.4-.2.3-.2.4-.3.4-.2.3-.3.3-.3.3-.5.3-.3.3h-.4l-.4.4-.4.2-.4.3h-.4l-.4.3-.5.2h-.5l-.4.3-.5.2h-.6l-.5.2h-.7l-.5.2h-.5zm-6.8-6.7h1v.7l.2.3v.3l.2.4v.3l.2.2v.2l."/><path fill="#fff" d="M457.5 280.4c1.7 0 3.2 1.5 3.2 3.2 0 1.8-1.5 3.3-3.2 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3.7v-1h1v-.2h.2l.2-.2h.2v-.2h.2v-.2h.2v-.2l.2-.2v-.3h.2v-.5l.2-.2v-.4h1v.8l-.2.2v.3l-.2.2v.3h-.2v.3h-.2l-.2.3h-.2v.2h-.3l-.2.2h-.2v.2h-.3v.2h-.5l-.2.2h-.8zm-3.7-3.6h1v.8h.2v.5h.2v.2h.2v.2h.2v.2h.2l.2.2h.2v.2h.5v.2h.7v1h-1.2v-.2h-.3v-.2h-.2l-.2-.2-.2-.2h-.2v-.2h-.2v-.3h-.3v-.3h-.2v-.3l-.2-.2v-.2l-.2-.3v-.8zm3.7-3.8v1h-.7v.2h-.5v.2h-.2l-.2.2v.2h-.2l-.2.2v.2l-.2.2v.2h-.2v.7l-.2.3v.4h-1v-1l.2-.2v-.3l.2-.3.2-.3v-.3h.3v-.3h.2l.2-.2.2-.2h.2v-.2h.6l.3-.2h.5l.3-.2h.2z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M407 268.3c1.8 0 3.2 1.4 3.2 3.2 0 1.8-1.4 3.2-3.2 3.2a3.2 3.2 0 01-3.2-3.2c0-1.8 1.4-3.2 3.2-3.2z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M410.7 271.5h-1v-.7l-.2-.2v-.3l-.2-.2h-.2v-.4h-.2v-.2h-.2l-.2-.2h-.2l-.2-.2h-.5v-.2h-.4v-1h.8v.2h.3l.3.2h.2l.3.2h.2v.2l. 3.7v-1h1v-.2h.2l.2-.2h.2v-.2h.2v-.2h.2v-.2l.2-.2.2-.2v-.4h.2v-1h1v1.2l-.2.2-.2.3v.3h-.2l-.2.3h-.2v.3h-.3v.2h-.2v.2h-.2l-.2.2h-.5l-.3.2h-.7zm-3.7-3.7h1v.8l.2.2v.4h.2v.2l.2.2v.2h.2v.2h.2v.2h.2l.2.2h.5l.2.2h.5v1h-.9l-.3-.2h-.2l-.3-.2-.3-.2h-.2l-.2-.2-.2-.3h-.3v-.3l-.2-.3v-.3h-.2v-.4l-.2-.2v-.8zm3.7-3.7v1h-.8v.2h-.5l-.2.2h-.2v.2h-.2v.2h-.2v.2h-.2v.2l-.2.2v.3l-.2.2v.7h-1v-1.2h.2v-.6h.2v-.3h.2v-.3h.3l.2-.2v-.2h.3v-.2h.3l.2-.2h.4v-.2h.5l.2-.2h.7z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M457.3 266.2c1.8 0 3.2 1.4 3.2 3.2 0 1.8-1.4 3.2-3.2 3.2a3.2 3.2 0 01-3.2-3.2c0-1.8 1.6-3.2 3.3-3.2z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M461 269.4h-1v-.8h-.2v-.3l-.2-.2v-.2h-.2v-.2h-.2v-.2l-.2-.2h-.2l-.2-.2h-.2l-.3-.2h-.7v-1h1.1l.2.2h.3l. 3.7v-1h1.2v-.2h.2l.2-.2.2-.2v-.2h.2v-.2h.2v-.2l.2-.2v-.5h.2v-.8h1v1.1l-.2.2v.2l-.2.2-.2.3-.2.3-.2.2-.2.2-.2.2h-.2v.2h-.3v.2h-.4l-.2.2h-1zm-3.7-3.6h1v.5l.2.2v.3l.2.2v.2h.2l.2.2v.2h.2v.2h.2l.3.2h.2l.2.2h.7v1h-1l-.3-.2h-.3l-.3-.2-.3-.2v-.2l-.3-.2-.2-.2v-.2h-.2v-.3h-.2v-.6l-.2-.2v-.7l-.2-.2v-.2zm3.7-3.7v1h-.7v.2h-.4l-.2.2h-.2v.2h-.2v.2l-.2.2-.2.2v.4h-.2v.8h-1.2v-.5l.2-.3v-.4l.2-.2v-.2h.2v-.3h.2v-.3h.2v-.2h.3v-.3l.3-.2.3-.2h.3l.2-.2h1z"/><path fill="#edb92e" d="M371 237.4c2.3-.8 6 4.6 7 4.5 1.2-3-1.2-10.5-5.5-16.3-3-1-3.2-3-3.8-7.3-.2-1.3-2.7-.4-2.7 2 0 2.3-.3 3.6.3 0 1.6-.8 2.3 4.5 1.8 5.6 4 5.4 9z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M377.6 241.8l1 .3-.5.4h-.4l-.3-.2-.2-.2-.3-.3-.2-.2-.2-.2-.2-.2-.3-.3-.3-.2-.2-.2-.2-.3-.3-.2-.2-.2-.3-.2-.2-.3h-.3l-.3-.3h-.2l-.3-.3-.3-.2h-.2l-.3-.2h-.4l-.2-.2h-.4l-.4-1h1.3l.3.2h.3l. .3l-.2.4h-.3l.5-.3zm-6.3-15.8l.4-1 . 1h-.2l-.2-.2-.3-.2h-.2l-.2-.2h-.2l-.2-.3-.2-.2h-.2v-.2l-.3-.2-.2-.2-.2-.2v-.2l-.2-.2v-.2l-.2-.3v-.2l-.2-.2v-.3l-.2-.2v-.9l-.2-.3v-.6l-.2-.3V219l-.2-.5zm-1.7 1.8h-1v-1l.2-.2.2-.2v-.4h.2l.2-.3h.2l.2-.2.3-.2h.2l.2-.2h1.2v.2h.2v.3l.2.2v.2h-1.6v.2h-.2v.2h-.2v.2h-.2v.3l-.2.2v.8zm.3 5.6l-1 .2v-.6l-.2-.2V224h-.2v-3.6h1v4.2l.2.2v.7l.2.2zm-1 2l-.5.8v-1l.2-.2v-.2h.2v-.4h.2v-.4l-.2-.2v-.2l1-.3v1.8h-.2v.4h-.2v.2h-.2v.2l-.2.2h-.2v-.7zm-.5.8l-.8-.3.7-.6v.8zm5 8.6h1-1v-.5l.2-.5v-2l-.2-.3v-.7l-.2-.3v-.6l-.2-.3v-.2l-.2-.3-.2-.3v-.2l-.3-.3v-.2l-.3-.2-.2-.2-.3-.2-.2-.2-.3-.2h-.3l-.3-.3-.2-.2-.3-.2-.4-.2h-.3l-.4-.2.4-1 . 0h-1l.5-.5.6.4zm-1 0v-.4h.5l-.4.4z"/><path fill="#edb92e" d="M368.8 218.5c-.4 1-.6 1.8-.7 3.4 0 1 .5 2 1.2 3 .8 1 1.8 2 3 1.6 1.7 2.3 3 .7 1.4 1.2 3 1.2 4 0 3.5.8 6.7 2.4 7.3 1.2.3 1.6.2 2.4 0-.2-.6 0-1.5-.7-2.4a8 8 0 01-1.4-3.7c0-1-.5-1.6-.2-3.3.4-1.2 1-1.6 1-2.7-.3-2-2-6-4.3-6s-3.4-.3-4.6-3.4c-.3-1-1-1.6-1.2-2z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M368.6 222l-1-.2v-1.2l.2-.2v-1h.2v-.7h.2v-.4l1 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1h-.3l-.2.2-.2.2-.2.2-.2.2-.2.2v.2h-.2v.7l-.2.2v1.1l.2.2v.3l-1 .3v-.7l-.2-.3v-1.5l.2-.2v-.3l.2-.2.2-.3.2-.3v-.2l.3-.2v-.2h.3l.2-.2.3-.2h.2l.2-.2zm.2.5l-.2-.5.2.5z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M400 179.7c3.6 0 6.4 2.8 6.4 6.4 0 3.6-2.8 6.5-6.3 6.5s-6.3-3-6.3-6.4 3-6.3 6.4-6.3z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M407 186h-1c0-2-1.4-4.3-3.3-5.2a5.8 5.8 0 00-2.6-.6v-1c2.4 0 4.7 1.2 6 3.2a7 7 0 011 3.7zm-7 7v-1a6 6 0 005.3-3.3 6 6 0 00.6-2.6h1c0 2.4-1.3 4.7-3.3 6a6.8 6.8 0 01-3.6 1zm-6.8-7h1a6 6 0 003.3 5.4 5.8 5.8 0 002.6.6v1a6.8 6.8 0 01-5.7-3.3 7 7 0 01-1-3.6zm7-7v1.2a5.9 5.9 0 00-5.3 3.2 6 6 0 00-.8 2.7h-1a7 7 0 013.3-5.8 6.8 6.8 0 013.6-1z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M395.4 169c3.5 0 6.4 3 6.4 6.4 0 3.6-3 6.4-6.4 6.4s-6.3-2.8-6.3-6.4c0-3.5 3-6.4 6.4-6.4z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M402.3 175.4h-1c0-2.2-1.3-4.3-3.2-5.3a5.8 5.8 0 00-2.6-.5v-1c2.4 0 4.6 1.3 6 3.2a7 7 0 011 3.7zm-7 7v-1c2.3 0 4.4-1.4 5.4-3.3a6 6 0 00.6-2.6h1c0 2.4-1.2 4.7-3.2 6a6.8 6.8 0 01-3.6 1zm-6.7-7h1a6 6 0 003.2 5.3c.8.4 1.7.6 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1-.7-.4v-.2l-.2-.2v-.3l-.2-.2v-.3l-.2-.3-.3-.3-.2-.3-.3-.2-.3-.3v-.2h-.3v-.2h-.3v-.2l-.3-.2h-.2v-.3h-.3l-.2-.2h-.3l-.2-.2-.2-.2h-.2l.6-1 .2.2h.2l. 1h-.5l-.2-.4.7.3zm1.4-1.2l-.3 1h-1l-.4-.8h.2l.2-.2h1.4zm3.3.5h-1l.7-.4.2.2v.8l-.2.2h-.2v.2h-1.8l-.2-.2h-.3l-.2-.2h-.5l.3-1h.7l.2.2h1v.2h.7v.4l.7-.4zm-1 0v-1l.7.6-.8.4zm0 0h1l-1 .3v-.3z"/><path fill="#edb92e" d="M458.4 214.6c1.6-1 2-.8 2.4-1.4.6-.8.6-2.2.4-3.5-.8-5.3 2.4-4.6 6-2.2 1.7 1 3.5 4 5 5.3s2.8 1.5 3.2 2v9.2c-.4.6-1.7.7-3.2 2-1.5 1.5-3.3 4.2-5 5.4-3.6 2.3-6.8 3-6-2.2.2-1.3.2-2.7-.4-3.5-.5-.7-.8-.4-2.4-1.4a7 7 0 01-2.3-2.2c-.4-.8 0-1.7 0-2.6 0-1-.4-1.8 0-2.6.6-.8 1.4-1.6 2.4-2.2z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M460.4 213l.8.5-.2.2-.2.2h-.4v.2h-.4l-.2.2h-.2l-.2.2h-.2v.2h-.5v.2l-.7-1h.6v-.2h.2l.2-.2h.2l.2-.2h.4v-.2h.4v-.2h.2zm.3-3.2l1-.2v2.9l-.2.3v.2h-.2v.2l-1-.5v-.2h.2v-.4h.2v-2.6zm6.7-2.8l-.6 1-.3-.3-.3-.2-.3-.2-.4-.2h-.3l-.3-.2h-.3l-.3-.2h-.3v-.2h-.4l-.2-.2h-1.1v.2h-.2v.2l-.2.2v.6l-.2.3v2l-1 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1.7l1-.2-.7-.4h.7v-.2h.4l.2-.2h.2l.2-.2h.2v-.2h.4v-.2h.2l.2-.2.2-.2h.2v-.2h.2v-.2l.8.8h-.2v.2h-.2v.2h-.2l-.2.2-.2.2h-.2l-.2.2h-.2v.2h-.4v.2h-.4v.2h-.5v.2h-.2l-.2.2h-.2l-.7-.3zm.7.4l-.6.3v-.6l.6.4zm-.7-3l1 .3v2l-1 .3v-2.4zm-.3-3l.8-.6v.2h.2v.4h.2v.6l.2.2v2.4l-1-.2v-2.4h-.2v-.4h-.2v-.2zm-2.3-1.3l.7-.8h.2l.2.2h.2l.2.2h.2l.2.2h.4v.2h.2l. 0l-.3-.2.4.2zm-2.3-2.4l.8-.5.2.2v.2h.2v.4h.2v.2h.2v.2h.2v.2h.2l.2.2h.2v.2h.2v.2h.2l-.5 1v-.2h-.2l-.2-.2-.2-.2h-.2v-.2h-.2v-.2h-.2v-.2h-.2v-.2h-.2v-.2h-.2v-.2l-.2-.2-.2-.2v-.2zm0 0l.3.5-.3-.5zm-.3-3h1v2.4l-.7.5v-.2h-.2v-.4l-.2-.2v-2.2zm.3-2.8l.8.6v.4l-.2.2v1.8h-1V217h.2v-.4h.2zm2.4-2.4l.7 1h-.2v.2h-.2l-.2.2-.2.2-.2.2-.2.2-.2.2-.2.2v.2h-.2v.2h-.2v.2l-1-.5h.2v-.2l.2-.2.2-.2v-.2h.2l.2-.2v-.2h.2v-.2h.2l.2-.2h.2v-.2h.2v-.2h.2v-.2h.2zm2.4-1l.8.5-.2.2-.2.2h-.4v.2h-.4l-.2.2h-.2l-.2.2h-.2v.2h-.5v.2l-.7-1h.6v-.2h.2l.2-.2h.2l.2-.2h.4v-.2h.4v-.2h.2zm.3-3.2l1-.2v2.9l-.2.2v.2h-.2v.2l-1-.5v-.2h.2v-.4h.2V210zm.5-2v-1l.5.6v2.1l-1 .2V207l.5.6zm0-1h.6v.6l-.6-.6zm0 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7.2l-1-.4.2-.2v-1.3l-.2-.2v-.4l-.2-.2v-.2l-.2-.2-.2-.2v-.2l-.2-.2-.2-.2v-.2l-.3-.2-.2-.3v-.3l-.3-.2-.2-.2-.2-.3-.2-.2-.2-.2-.2-.2-.3-.3h-.2l.7-. 1.8l1-.4-.8-.2.2-.2h.2v-.2h.2v-.2h.2v-.2l.2-.2v-.2l.2-.2v-.2l1 .4v.2l-.2.2v.2l-.2.2v.2h-.2v.2h-.2v.2h-.2v.2h-.2v.2h-.2l-.2.2-.8-.2zm.8.2l-.5.3-.3-.5.8.2zm-2-2.5l1-.3v.4h.2v.4h.2v.2h.2v.2l.2.2v.2h.2v.4l-.8.4v-.2h-.2v-.2l-.2-.2v-.2h-.2v-.2h-.2v-.4l-.2-.2v-.2l-.2-.2v-.3zm-1.5-3.3l.8-.7v.2h.2v.2l.2.2v.2l.2.2v.2h.2v.5h.2v.4l.2.2v.4l.2.3v.7l-.8.2v-.4h-.2v-.5l-.2-.2v-.5h-.2v-.2l-.2-.2v-.2l-.2-.2v-.2h-.2v-.2l-.2-.2zm0 0zm-2-2.2l.4-1 . 1v-.2h-.4l-.2-.2h-.9v-.2h-.4l-.2-.2h-.2l-.2-.2-.2-.2-.2-.2zm-1.2-7.8l.7.7v.3h-.2v.3h-.2v2.2l.2.3v.5l.2.2v.2l.2.3v.2l.2.2v.2l.2.2v.2l.3.2v.2h.2v.3l.2.2-.7.7-.2-.3-.2-.3v-.2l-.2-.2v-.2h-.3v-.3l-.2-.3-.2-.4v-.2l-.2-.3v-.2l-.2-.2v-.6l-.2-.3v-2.1l.2-.3v-.2h.2l.2-.3.2-.3zm.7-5l1-.5v.5l.2.2v.3l.2.2v.7h.2v1.7l-.2.2v.2l-.2.2v.2h-.2v.3h-.2v.2l-.2.2-.3.3h-.2l-.2.3-.8-.6.2-.3h.2l.2-.3.2-.3.2-.2v-.3l.2-.2v-.2l.2-.3v-.7l-.2-.2v-.5l-.2-.2-.2-.4v-.2zm0-3v1l.4-.7v1.4h.2v1.1h.2l-1 .6v-.9h-.2v-.7l-.2-.2v-1l.4-.7zm-.6.5l-.3-.7h.7l-.5.6zm.4.3v-1 1zm0-1z"/><path fill="#edb92e" d="M434 226.2c-1.2 1-1.5 1-2 1.6-.3.8 0 2 .3 3.3 1.5 5-1.4 4.4-5 2.6-1.6-1-3.6-3.2-5.2-4.4-1.5-1-2.6-1-3-1.6a118.7 118.7 0 01-1-4.3c0-.7-.5-2.4-1-4.4.4-.7 1.4-1 2.5-2.5 1-1.7 2.2-4.7 3.6-6 3-3.2 6-4.5 6 1.3 0 1.4.3 3 1 1 .3 2.5 1 1 .6 2 1.3 2.6 2 .7 1 .5 2 .7 2.8 0 1 .5 1.7.2 2.6-.5 1-1 1.7-2 2.4z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M432.6 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.5-.2.2-.2.2-.2.3-.2.2-.2.2h-.2v.2h-.2l-.2.2h-.2v.2h-.2v.2h-.2v.2h-.2l-1-.3h.2v-.4h.2v-.2h.4v-.2h.2l.2-.2.2-.2.2-.2h.2v-.2l.2-.2.2-.2v-.2h.2v-.2zm3.7-6.2l.8.7h-.2v.3h-.2v.3l-.3.3v.2l-.2.2v.2h-.2v.3l-.2.3v.4l-.3.2v.2l-.2.2v.2l-.2.2v.2l-.2.2v.3l-.2.3v.2l-.2.2v.2h-.2v.2l-.2.2-.2.2-1-.4.2-.2.2-.3v-.2h.2v-.3l.2-.2v-.2l.2-.2v-.2l.2-.2v-.2l.2-.2v-.3l.2-.2v-.2h.2l.2-.3v-.2l.2-.2v-.3l.2-.2v-.2l.3-.2v-.2l.2-.2.2-.3v-.2l.2-.2h.2v-.3zm6.8 1.8h-1v-1.4l-.2-.4v-.6l-.2-.2v-.4l-.2-.2h-.3v-.2h-1.2l-.3.2-.3.2h-.2l-.3.3-.2.3-.3.2-.2.2-.3.2-.2.2-.3.2-.2.3-.8-.7.3-.3.3-.3.3-.2.2-.3.3-.3.4-.2.3-.2.2-.2h.2l.3-.3h.2l.3-.2h.3l.2-.2h1.2l. 3.3l-.8.8-.2-.2v-.2h-.2v-.2l-.2-.2v-.6l-.2-.2v-.7l-.2-.2V212h1v2h.2v.3l.2.2v.2h.2v.2l.2.2zm0 0zm2.2 1l-.4 1-.3-.2h-.2l-.3-.2h-.4v-.2h-.9v-.2h-.4v-.2h-.2v-.2l.6-.7v.2h.4v.2h.8l.2.2h.4l.2.2h.2l.2.2zm2.8 2.2l-.8.6h-.2v-.2l-.2-.2h-.2v-.4h-.2l-.2-.2h-.2v-.2h-.2v-.2h-.4v-.2h-.2l-.2-.2.3-1 .3.2h.2l. 2.3l-1 .2V220l-.2-.2v-.8h-.2v-.4l.7-.6v.2l.2.2v.2l.2.2v2.2h.2v.2zm0 3l-.8-.4v-2.1l-.2-.2v-.4h1v1l.2.2v1.8zm-1.8 2.6l-.7-.8h.2v-.2l.2-.2v-.2h.2v-.2h.2v-.2h.2v-.2l.2-.2v-.2l.2-.2v-.2h.2v-.2l1 .4-.2.2v.2l-.2.2v.2h-.2v.4h-.2v.2h-.2v.2l-.2.2-.2.2v.2h-.2l-.2.2-.2.2zm-.7-.8z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M418 222.6l-.2-1a14 14 0 007.8-5.3c-1.2 3-4.3 5.3-7.7 6.3zm.2 1.5c0 . 1 3.4 0 6.4 1 9.2 3-2-2.3-5.8-3.8-9.5-4z"/><path fill="#edb92e" d="M432.7 233.3a11 11 0 01-3.4-1.5c-1.6-1.3-1.2-3.8.3-6.4.4-.8.5-2.2.2-3.5a6.3 6.3 0 00-1.4-3.5c-2.4-2.3-3.8-4.8-2.6-6.6.8-1.3 2-2 2.8- 1.5.4 2.5 0 1.4.3 3 1 1 .3 2.5 1 1 .7 2 1.3 2.6 2 .7 1 .6 2 .7 2.8 0 1 .5 1.7.2 2.6-.5 1-1 1.7-2 2.4-1.2 1-1.5 1-2 1.6-.3.8 0 2 .3 3.3.3 1 .4 1.7.4 2.3z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M429 232.2l.6-.8h.2v.2h.2l.2.2h.2l.2.2h.2l.2.2h.4v.2h.4l.2.2h.4l.2.2h.2l-.3 1h-.4v-.2h-.4l-.2-.2h-.3v-.2h-.4l-.2-.2h-.2l-.2-.2h-.2v-.2h-.2l-.3-.2h-.2v-.2zm0-7l1 .5v.2h-.2l-.2.4v.2l-.2.2v.2l-.2.3v.4l-.2.2v.5l-.2.2v1.5l.2.3v.2h.2v.3l. 0zm-2.7-7.2l1 .6h-.2v.7l-.2.2v.7l.2.2v.4l.2.2v.2l.2.2v.2l.2.2v.2l.3.2v.2l. 0l.5-.5v.6h-.6zm1 2.8h-1v-2.1h-.2v-.4l1-.3v1h.2v2zm1 3.3l-.7.8-.2-.2v-.2h-.2v-.2l-.2-.2v-.7l-.2-.2v-.7l-.2-.2V212h1v1.7h.2v.6l.2.2v.2h.2v.2l.2.2zm2.3 1l-.4 1-.3-.2h-.2l-.3-.2h-.4v-.2h-.9v-.2h-.4v-.2h-.2v-.2l.6-.7v.2h.4v.2h.8l.2.2h.4l.2.2h.2l.2.2zm2.8 2.2l-.8.6h-.2v-.2l-.2-.2h-.2v-.4h-.2l-.2-.2h-.2v-.2h-.2v-.2h-.4v-.2h-.2l-.2-.2.3-1 .3.2h.2l. 2.3l-1 .2V220h-.2v-.8h-.2v-.4l.7-.6v.2l.2.2v.2l.2.2v2h.2v.2zm0 3l-.8-.4v-2.2l-.2-.2v-.4h1v1l.2.2v1.8zm-1.8 2.6l-.7-.8h.2v-.2l.2-.2v-.2h.2v-.2h.2v-.2h.2v-.2l.2-.2v-.2h.2v-.4h.2v-.2l1 .4-.2.2v.2l-.2.2v.2l-.2.2v.2h-.2v.2h-.2v.2l-.2.2-.2.2v.2h-.2l-.2.2-.2.2zm-.7-.8zm-1 2.2l-1-.5v-.2h.2v-.2h.2v-.2h.4v-.2h.2l.2-.2h.2v-.2h.2v-.2h.2v-.2l.8.8-.2.2h-.2v.2h-.2l-.2.2-.2.2h-.2l-.2.2h-.2v.2h-.2v.2zm-1-.5zm1 3.4l-1 .3v-.7h-.2v-3h.2l1 .4h-.2v2.6h.2v.2zm-1 .3zm.8 2.5l.3-1-.6.5v-1h-.2v-.9l-.2-.2 1-.5v.9h.2v1h.2v.7l-.7.5zm.7-.5v.7l-.7-.2.7-.5zm-.5 0l-.2.5.2-.5zm.5 0v.7l-.7-.2.7-.5z"/><path fill="#edb92e" d="M410.6 216.4c4 0 8 3.4 8.4 7.7.6 4.4-2.2 7.7-6 7.8-4 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6.3v-1h1.1l.2-.2h.4l.2-.2h.2v-.2l.3-.2h.3v-.2l.3-.2v-.2h.2l.2-.3v-.2l.2-.2.2-.3v-.7l.2-.2v-1.6h1v2.2l-.2.3v.2l-.2.3v.2l-.3.3-.2.2v.3l-.3.2-.2.2-.2.2-.3.2-.2.2-.2.2h-.2l-.2.2h-.2l-.3.2h-.2l-.2.2h-1.5zm0-1zm-6.5-4.8h1l. 0zm4-6.4v1h-.6l-.2.2h-.5l-.2.2h-.2l-.2.2-.2.2h-.2l-.2.3v.2l-.3.2-.2.3v.2h-.2v.3l-.2.2v.2l-.2.2v.7l-.2.2v1.7h-1V222h.2v-.4l.2-.3v-.2l.2-.2v-.2l.3-.3v-.2h.2l.2-.3.2-.2.2-.2.2-.2h.2l.2-.2h.3l.2-.3h.2l.2-.2h.6l.3-.2h.6z"/><path fill="#0c4076" d="M411.2 220.7c2 0 3.6 1.5 4 3.5.2 2-1 3.6-3 3.6a4 4 0 01-3.7-3.4c-.3-2 1-3.6 2.7-3.7z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M415.6 224l-1 .3v-.4l-.2-.2v-.4h-.2v-.3l-.2-.2-.2-.3-.2-.2-.2-.2h-.2l-.2-.2-.2-.2h-.2l-.2-.2h-.6v-.2h-.6v-1h1l.2.2h.2l.3.2h.3v.2h.3l.2.3v.2h.3l. 4.3v-1h.7l.2-.2h.4v-.2h.2v-.2h.2v-.2h.2v-.2l.2-.2v-.5l.2-.2v-1.1l1-.3v2h-.2v.3l-.2.3-.2.3-.2.2h-.2v.2l-.2.2h-.2v.2h-.3l-.2.2h-.4v.2h-1zm-4.3-3.8l1-.2v.5l.2.3v.4h.2v.2l. .3v-1.8h.2v-.5h.2v-.3h.2v-.3h.3v-.3h.3v-.2h.3v-.2h.3v-.2h1l.2-.2h.4l-.5.5zm1 0v.5h-.5l.5-.5zm0 0h-1l.5-.5.5.5zm-1 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1-.2-.2H470l-.2-1h2.4zm3-.5l.7.8-.2.2h-.2l-.2.2h-.4l-.2.2h-2.8v-1h2.3l.2-.2h.4v-.2h.2zm.7.8l-.5.4.5-.4zm.6-3l.7.5v.3l-.2.2v.2h-.2v.4h-.2v.8h-.2v.2h-.2v.2l-.2.2-.8-.7h.2v-.4h.2v-.4h.2v-.2l.2-.2v-.4h.2v-.3h.2v-.3zm2.3-2.5l.5.8-.2.2h-.2v.2h-.2v.2h-.2l-.2.2-.2.2-.2.2v.2h-.2v.2l-.2.2-.2.2v.2l-1-.6.2-.2.2-.2v-.2h.2v-.2l.2-.2h.2v-.2l.2-.2.2-.2h.2v-.2l.2-.2h.2v-.2h.2l.2-.2zm2.8-.3v1h-2.3l-.5-.7h.2v-.2h.4l.2-.2h2zm3 .3l-.5.8h-.4v-.2H482v-1h2.5l.2.2h.2l.2.2zm0 0l.3.2-.3-.2zm2.4 2.4l-.8.6-.2-.2v-.2h-.2v-.2l-.2-.2-.2-.2-.2-.2v-.2h-.2v-.2h-.2v-.2h-.4v-.2h-.2v-.2l.4-.8h.2l. 2.3l-.7.8-.2-.2h-.2v-.4h-.2v-.4h-.2v-.4l-.2-.2v-.2l-.2-.2-.2-.3v-.2l.8-.6v.2h.2v.3l.2.2v.2h.2v.4h.2v.4h.2v.4h.2zm-.7.8l-.3-.3.3.3zm3.8-.4v1h-2.4l-.2-.2h-.2l-.2-.2h-.4v-.2h-.2l.7-1v.2h.2v.2h.8l.2.2h1.9zm3 .5l-1-.4.3.8H492l-.2-1h2.4l.5.7zm-.5-.7h.6l-.3.7-.4-.7zm0 .5l.4.2-.5-.2zm0-.5h.6l-.3.7-.4-.7z"/><path fill="#edb92e" d="M482 211.7c4.4 0 8 3.4 8 7.7s-3.6 7.8-8 7.8-7.6-3.5-7.6-7.8 3.5-7.8 7.7-7.8z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M483 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6.3v-1h1.1l.2-.2h.3l.2-.2h.2l.2-.2h.4l.2-.2.2-.2h.2l.2-.3.2-.2h.2v-.2l.3-.2v-.2l.3-.3.2-.3v-.2l.2-.3v-.2l.2-.3v-1.3h1v2l-.2.3-.2.3-.2.4-.2.3v.2l-.3.2v.2l-.3.2-.2.3h-.2l-.2.3h-.2l-.2.3-.3.2h-.2l-.2.3-.3.2h-.2l-.3.2h-.3l-.3.2h-1.4zm-6-6.3h1v1.3l.2.3v.2l.2.3v.2l."/><path fill="#0c4076" d="M482 215.8c2 0 3.7 1.6 3.7 3.6S484 223 482 223c-1.8 0-3.4-1.6-3.4-3.6s1.6-3.6 3.5-3.6z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M486.2 219.4h-1v-.8h-.2v-.3l-.2-.2v-.2l-.2-.2-.2-.2-.2-.3h-.2l-.3-.2h-.2l-.2-.2h-.2v-.2H482v-1h1.4v.2h.5v.2h.3v.2h.3v.3h.3v.2l. 4.2v-1h.6v-.2h.5l.3-.2h.2l.2-.2v-.2h.2v-.2h.2v-.2h.2v-.2l.2-.2v-.2l.2-.2v-.4h.2v-1h1v1l-.2.2v.2l-.2.2v.2l-.2.2-.2.3-.2.2-.2.2-.3.2-.3.3h-.3l-.3.2-.3.2h-1l-.3.2zm-4-4.2h1v1.3l.2.2v.2l."/></g><path fill="#c6363c" d="M314.6 301.2v271.3c0 48.5 18.8 92.6 49.2 124.6A162.9 162.9 0 00482 749a163 163 0 00118.5-51.7c30.4-32 49.2-76 49.2-124.5V301.2h-335z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M313.4 300v277l.2 4.6.3 4.5.3 4.6.5 4.4.5 4.5.7 4.3.8 4.4 1 4.3 1 4.2 1 4.3 1.2 4.2 1.3 4 1.4 4.2 1.4 4 1.7 4 1.6 4 1.8 4 2 3.8 1.8 3.8 2 3.7 2 3.7 2.2 3.6 2.2 3.6 2.4 3.5 2.4 3.6 2.4 3.4 2.6 3.3 2.6 3.2 2.7 3.2 2.8 3 3 3.2 1.6-1.7-2.8-3-2.7-3-2.6-3.3-2.5-3.2-2.7-3.3-2.4-3.3-2.5-3.4-2.2-3.5-2.3-3.5-2-3.6-2-3.6-2-3.7-2-4-1.8-3.7-1.7-3.8-1.6-4-1.7-4-1.4-4-1.5-4-1.2-4-1.2-4.2-1-4-1-4.3-.8-4.3-.8-4.3-.7-4.3-.6-4.2-.4-4.5-.4-4.4-.2-4.5-.2-4.5V302.5h332.7V577l-.2 4.5-.3 4.4-.3 4.3-.5 4.5-.6 4.3-.7 4.4-1 4.3-.8 4.3-1 4.2-1 4-1.2 4.3-1.3 4-1.3 4-1.4 4-1.6 4-1.6 4-1.7 3.8-1.7 3.8-2 4-2 3.6-2 3.6-2 3.6-2.3 3.5-2.3 3.5-2.3 3.4-2.5 3.3-2.6 3.3-2.6 3.2-2.6 3.2-2.7 3-2.8 3-3 3-2.8 3-3 2.7-3 2.6-3.3 2.6-3 2.6-3.4 2.4-3.3 2.5-3.3 2.3-3.4 2.2-3.5 2.2-3.5 2-3.5 2-3.6 2-3.7 1.7-3.7 1.8-3.8 1.7-3.8 1.5-3.8 1.4-4 1.3-3.8 1.3-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4.2.6-4 .6-4.3.5-4 .4-4.3.4-4.3.2H482v2.4h4.5l4.3-.2 4.3-.3 4.4-.4 4.2-.4 4.2-.6 4.2-.8 4-.8 4.2-1 4-1 4-1.2 4-1.2 4-1.4 4-1.4 3.8-1.6 3.7-1.6 3.8-1.7 3.7-2 3.7-1.8 3.5-2 3.5-2 3.6-2.3 3.4-2.2 3.4-2.4 3.3-2.5 3.3-2.4 3.2-2.6 3.2-2.7 3-2.7 3-2.8 3-3 3-3 2.8-3 2.8-3 2.7-3.3 2.6-3.2 2.5-3.3 2.5-3.4 2.4-3.5 2.3-3.4 2.3-3.6 2-3.6 2.2-3.7 2-3.7 2-3.8 1.7-4 1.8-3.8 1.6-4 1.6-4 1.4-4 1.4-4 1.3-4.2 1.2-4.2 1-4.3 1-4.2 1-4.3.7-4.4.7-4.3.5-4.5.5-4.4.4-4.5.3-4.4V577l.2-4.5V300z"/><g fill="#fff" stroke="#21231e"><path d="M483.7 734.8c1.4-.2 4 0 5.7-1.4 2.5-2 1.5-9.8 1.3-14.8-1-25.3-2.2-68-3.5-128-2-.2-3.6 0-5 .2a12 12 0 00-5 0c-1.4 59.8-2.5 102.5-3.6 127.8-.2 5-1.2 13 1.3 14.8 1.7 1.5 4.2 1 5.6 1.4h3z"/><path d="M499.6 734c-1.5 0-4 .5-6-.8-2.6-1.7-2.8-9.7-3-14.7a6148 6148 0 00-7.6-127.6c2-.6 3.6-.6 5-.5.3 0 .5 0 .7-.2 9.6 59.2 13.2 101.2 19.7 126.5 1 3.5 2.8 12.2-.2 15-1.7 1.7-4.2 1.6-5.6 2l-3 .3z"/><path d="M518.2 731.4c-1.5 0-3.8.8-6-.3-2.7-1.4-2.6-9.4-3.8-14.2-6.6-25.3-10.2-67.3-19.7-126.5 2-.7 3.6-.8 5-1h.2c15 57.6 19.6 98.2 31.4 123.2 1 3.5 4 12.7 1.2 16-1.5 1.7-4 1.8-5.4 2.3l-3 .6z"/><path d="M537 726c-1.5.3-4 1.6-6 .7-3-1.2-3.5-9.7-5.6-14.2-11.8-25-16.3-66-31.7-124 2-.8 3.5-1 5-1.3 1.3-.6 1-1 3-1.2 18 57.3 23.7 97 40.5 121.8 2.7 4 4.7 12 3 14.5-1.5 2-4 2.3-5.3 3l-3 .8zm-72.2 8c1.4 0 3.8.5 5.8-.8 2.7-1.7 3-9.7 3-14.7a7227 7227 0 017.7-127.6c-2-.6-3.6-.6-5-.5a25.4 25.4 0 00-.7-.2c-9.6 59.2-13.2 101.2-19.7 126.5-1 3.5-3 12.2 0 15 1.8 1.7 4.3 1.6 5.7 2l3 .3z"/><path d="M446 731.4c1.6 0 4 .8 6-.3 2.8-1.4 2.7-9.4 4-14.2 6.4-25.3 10-67.3 19.6-126.5-2-.7-3.6-.8-5-1h-.3c-15 57.6-19.6 98.2-31.4 123.2-1.2 3.5-4.2 12.7-1.3 16 1.5 1.7 4 1.8 5.4 2.3l3 .6z"/><path d="M427.3 726c1.5.3 4 1.6 6 .7 3-1.2 3.5-9.7 5.6-14.2 11.7-25 16.2-66 31.6-124-2-.8-3.5-1-5-1.3-1.3-.6-1-1-3-1.2-18 57.3-23.7 97-40.5 121.8-2.6 4-4.6 12-2.8 14.5 1.4 2 4 2.3 5.2 3l3 .8zm99.7-43c-1.3 0-3.3 1-5.4 0-2.8-1.4-4.6-9-6-14-12-23.5-23-65.3-40.8-123.4 1.8-.7 3-1 4.5-1 1-.5 2.4-1 4.3-1.2 19.3 57.5 28 99 46.7 122 3 3.8 5.4 12 4 14.4-1.2 1.8-3.4 2-4.6 2.6l-2.7.6z"/><path d="M512 685.8c-1.5 0-3.6.6-5.6-.5-2.6-1.6-3.5-9.4-4.5-14.3-5-25-13.7-67-26.3-126 1.8-.7 3.2-.8 4.5-.8 1.2-.4 2.6-.8 4.5-.8 15 58.7 18.3 102.6 32.4 125 2.6 4.2 4 12.5 2.3 14.8-1.3 1.7-3.5 1.7-4.8 2.2l-2.7.4z"/><path d="M496.4 687.6c-1.4-.2-3.5.3-5.4-1-2.4-1.7-2.4-9.6-2.8-14.6-2-25.3-6-68-11.6-127.6 2-.5 3.3-.4 4.6-.3 1.2-.2 2.6-.5 4.5-.4 8 59.6 12.8 102.8 18 127.2 1 5 2.4 12.6.4 14.8-1.4 1.5-3.6 1.4-5 1.8l-2.6.2z"/><path d="M437.2 682.8c1.4 0 3.4 1 5.5 0 2.8-1.4 4.6-9 6-14 12-23.5 23-65.3 40.8-123.4-1.8-.7-3-1-4.5-1-1-.5-2.4-1-4.3-1.2-19.3 57.5-28 99-46.7 122-3 3.8-5.4 12-4 14.4 1.2 1.8 3.4 2 4.6 2.6l2.6.6z"/><path d="M452.4 685.8c1.4 0 3.5.6 5.5-.5 2.5-1.6 3.4-9.4 4.4-14.3 4.8-25 13.6-67 26.2-126-1.8-.7-3.2-.8-4.5-.8a12 12 0 00-4.4-.8c-15 58.7-18.3 102.6-32.4 125-2.5 4.2-4 12.5-2.2 14.8 1.3 1.7 3.5 1.7 4.7 2.2l2.7.4z"/><path d="M468 687.6c1.3-.2 3.4.3 5.3-1 2.4-1.7 2.4-9.6 2.8-14.6 2-25.3 6-68 11.7-127.6-2-.5-3.3-.4-4.6-.3-1-.2-2.5-.5-4.4-.4-8 59.6-12.8 102.8-18 127.2-1 5-2.4 12.6-.4 14.8 1.5 1.5 3.7 1.4 5 1.8l2.7.2z"/><path d="M483.5 688c1.3 0 3.5.2 5.2-1.3 2.3-2 1.4-9.8 1.2-14.8-1.2-25.4-2-68-3.3-128a14 14 0 00-4.6 0c-1.2-.2-2.5-.3-4.4 0-1.2 60-2 102.6-3.2 128-.2 5-1 12.8 1.2 14.7 1.6 1.5 4 1 5.2 1.4h2.7z"/><path d="M516.5 648c-1 0-2.5 1-4 0-2.3-1.5-3.7-9.2-4.8-14-9.2-23.5-17.5-65.4-31.2-123.5 1.4-.7 2.4-1 3.4-1 .8-.5 1.8-1 3.3-1 14.7 57.4 21.3 99 35.7 121.8 2.4 3.8 4 12 3 14.5-.8 1.8-2.5 2-3.4 2.5l-2 .7z"/><path d="M505 651c-1 0-2.7.6-4.3-.6-2-1.5-2.7-9.4-3.4-14.3-3.7-25-10.5-67-20-126 1.3-.6 2.3-.7 3.4-.7 1-.4 2-.7 3.4-.8 11.5 58.7 14 102.6 25 125.2 2 4 3 12.4 1.6 14.6-1 1.7-2.7 1.8-3.6 2.2l-2 .5z"/><path d="M493 652.7c-1 0-2.6.4-4-1-2-1.7-2-9.6-2.2-14.5-1.5-25.4-4.5-68-9-127.7 1.5-.4 2.6-.4 3.6-.3 1-.3 2-.6 3.5-.4 6 59.6 9.7 102.7 13.6 127 .7 5 2 12.8.4 15-1.2 1.5-3 1.4-4 1.7l-2 .2z"/><path d="M447.8 648c1 0 2.5 1 4 0 2.3-1.5 3.7-9.2 4.8-14 9.2-23.5 17.5-65.4 31-123.5-1.2-.7-2.2-1-3.2-1-1-.5-2-1-3.4-1-14.7 57.4-21.3 99-35.7 121.8-2.4 3.8-4.2 12-3 14.5.8 1.8 2.5 2 3.4 2.5l2 .7z"/><path d="M459.4 651c1 0 2.6.6 4-.6 2.2-1.5 3-9.4 3.6-14.3 3.7-25 10.5-67 20-126a7.7 7.7 0 00-3.4-.7c-1-.4-2-.7-3.4-.8-11.4 58.7-14 102.6-24.8 125.2-2 4-3 12.4-1.7 14.6 1 1.7 2.7 1.8 3.6 2.2l2 .5z"/><path d="M471.3 652.7c1 0 2.6.4 4-1 2-1.7 2-9.6 2.2-14.5 1.5-25.4 4.5-68 9-127.7a9.5 9.5 0 00-3.6-.3c-1-.3-2-.6-3.6-.4-6.2 59.6-9.8 102.7-13.7 127-.7 5-2 12.8-.4 15 1.2 1.5 3 1.4 4 1.7l2 .2z"/><path d="M483.2 653.2c1-.2 2.7 0 4-1.4 1.7-2 1-9.7 1-14.7-1-25.3-1.6-68-2.5-128-1.5-.2-2.6 0-3.6.2-.8-.2-2-.4-3.4 0-1 59.8-1.6 102.5-2.4 128 0 5-.8 12.7 1 14.6 1.2 1.5 3 1.2 4 1.4h2z"/><path d="M475 559c-.2 4.4-.3 9-.3 14l-10.6 2.3c0 4.8 12 55.4 18 55.4 6.3 0 18.2-50.6 18.2-55.5l-10.6-2v-.2c0-5 0-9.6-.2-14-2.2 2-4.7 5.2-7.3 8-2.4-2.8-5-6-7-8z"/></g><g id="ce-svg-sprite-d"><path fill="#edb92e" stroke="#21231e" d="M412 584.5c-3 .2-7 2-18.5 12-5 10.2-10 20.5-17 29.4-2.4 1.4-4.2 2.5-6 3.2a84 84 0 01-17-.5c-4.4-4-11.3-1.2-9 3.2-1.8 1.6 2.2 7.8 5.3 5.2 3-2.4 13-.2 16.4-1.4-1.3 3-10.4 5-16.8 5.5-5.8.2-5.4 6-3 10.5 2.7 1.8.5-.4 1.4.8 2.6 4 8.2 3.4 8.4-.4.2-4 13.8-9 15.8-12-2.5 6-8.2 11.5-11 17.3-3 3-5 3.7-1 10 4.4-.6 4.6-1.7 7.3.8 6-.6 7-2.4 6-7.2-1-5 3.2-14 4.6-16.6 1.2-2.4 1.5-4.8 2.8-6.3 2.2-2.5 12.6-7.7 15.2-6.3 5 2.7 8.7 1 9.3-3.7-1.6-1.2-.4-8-3.8-8.2-2.8-.3-4.4.6-7 2.7-4 3.2-6 5-7.4 4.6-3-.7 5.8-5 13.8-15.6 11-14.5 11.8-22 11.3-27z"/><use width="1350" height="900" transform="matrix(-1 0 0 1 801.6 0)" xlink:href="#ce-svg-sprite-c"/><path fill="#edb92e" stroke="#21231e" d="M345.2 634.5c-4-2.3-6.3-2.2-8-.5-.7 1-1.8.5-1.2-1 2.7-6.3 7-7 10.7-4.2l2.8 2.7c-.6 1-3.8 2.3-4.3 3zm57.4-5.6c4.3-3 8.3-3.6 10.5-2 1.3 1 2.5.3 1.4-1.2-4.4-6.2-9.6-6.5-13.5-3-1.2 1-2 2-2.8 3 1.3 1.6 4.3 3.2 4.4 3zM369 664.4c.2-.2-1-5.4-2.6-7-1.4 1-3 2-4.3 3.5-4.2 4.5-4 11 2.5 16.7 1.6 1.5 2.4 0 1.7-1.7-1-2.7.3-6.3 3-11.5zM352.6 651c-4 1.6-5.4 3.7-5.2 6.4 0 1.5-1 2-1.5.3-4.8-11.2.2-13.3 7.5-13 .4 2-.7 6.2-.8 6.2z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M384 621.3l1 .6h-.2v1.8h.2v.4h.2v.2h.2l. 1h-.2l-.3-.2h-.2l-.2-.2-.2-.2-.3-.3-.3-.3v-.2h-.2v-.3l-.2-.2v-.2h-.2v-.2l-.2-.2V622l.2-.3v-.2zm6.5.8l-.8 1-.2-.2-.3-.2-.2-.2-.2-.2h-.3l-.2-.3-.2-.3-.3-.2-.2-.2-.3-.2h-.7l-.2-.2h-.7v.2h-.2l-.2.2v.2h-.2v.3l-.2.2-1-.7v-.3l.2-.2.2-.2.2-.2.3-.3h.3l.2-.2h.4v-.2h.8l.2.2h.4l.2.2h.2l.2.2h.2l.2.3h.2l.2.3h.2l."/><path fill="#21231e" d="M387.3 617.6l1 .6v.4h-.2v.8l.2.2v.2l.2.2v.2l. 1h-.2l-.3-.2-.3-.3h-.2l-.2-.2-.2-.2-.2-.3v-.2h-.2l-.2-.2v-.2h-.2v-.5h-.2V618h.2v-.3zm6.5.8l-.7 1-.2-.3h-.2l-.2-.3-.3-.2-.3-.3h-.2l-.2-.3-.2-.2-.3-.2-.3-.2h-.3v-.2h-.8l-.2.2-.2.2-.2.2v.2l-.3.2-1-.6.2-.3v-.2h.3v-.3h.3l.3-.3h.2l.2-.2h.2v-.2h1.4l.2.2h.2v.2h.3l.3.3h.2l.2.2h.2l.2.3h.2l.3.3v.2l."/><path fill="#21231e" d="M391 612.8l1 .6-.2.2v.6h-.2v1l.2.3v.3h.2v.4h.2l.2.3v.2h.2l. 1-.3-.2-.2-.2-.2-.2-.3-.2-.2-.2v-.2l-.3-.2v-.2l-.3-.2v-.2l-.3-.2v-.4l-.2-.3v-.2h-.2v-.7h-.2v-1l.2-.3v-.4l.2-.3v-.2zm7 1l-.8 1-.3-.3-.3-.2-.3-.3-.3-.2v-.2l-.3-.2-.3-.2-.2-.2-.2-.2-.2-.2h-.2l-.2-.2-.3-.2h-.2l-.2-.2h-.7l-.2.2-.2.2-.3.3v.2h-.2v.4l-1-.6v-.3l.2-.2.2-.3v-.2l.3-.2.2-.2v-.2h.3l.2-.2h.3l.2-.2h1.2l.2.2h.2l."/><path fill="#21231e" d="M394.8 607.7l1 .5v.5l-.2.3v1.7l.2.2v.3l.2.2v.2l. 1.3l-1 .8-.2-.3-.3-.3-.3-.2-.3-.3-.3-.3v-.2l-.4-.2-.2-.2-.2-.2-.2-.2-.2-.2h-.2l-.2-.2h-.2l-.2-.2h-.3v-.2h-.7v.2l-.3.2-.2.3-.2.2v.2l-.3.2v.2l-1.2-.5.2-.3.2-.3v-.2l.3-.3.2-.2.2-.2.3-.2.3-.2h.5l.3-.2h.8l.3.2h.2l.3.2h.2l."/><path fill="#21231e" d="M399 602.6l1.2.6v.2l-.2.2-.2.3v2.1l.2.2v.2l. 1-.3-.3-.2-.3-.3-.2-.3-.3-.2-.2-.3-.2-.2-.3v-.2l-.3-.2-.2-.2v-.2l-.3-.2v-.3h-.2v-.4l-.2-.2v-.2l-.2-.3v-2.6l.2-.2v-.2l.2-.2v-.2zm7.7 1.4l-1 .8-.2-.3-.3-.3-.2-.3-.3-.3-.3-.3-.2-.2-.2-.3-.3-.3-.2-.2h-.2l-.2-.3-.2-.2h-.2v-.2h-1.3l-.3.2v.2h-.2v.3l-.3.2-.2.3v.2l-1.2-.6.3-.3.2-.3.2-.2.2-.3v-.2l.4-.2h.2l.2-.2h.2l.2-.2h1.7l."/><path fill="#fff" stroke="#21231e" d="M462.6 580.6l-9.5-5.4c-4 3-6.8 13.5 0 22.2 8.5 11 12 18.7 14 27.5 6.2-8 8.3-16.3 4.4-24.5-5.3-11-8.7-17-8.8-20z"/><path fill="#fff" stroke="#21231e" d="M470.4 573l-9.5-5.4c-4 3-12.5 13.2-5.6 22 8.5 10.8 17.3 19 19.4 27.7 6.2-8 8.8-16.2 5-24.4-5.4-11-9.4-17.2-9.4-20z"/><path fill="#fff" stroke="#21231e" d="M449.4 569.2l-9.5-5.4c-4 3-7 13.5-.2 22.2a65 65 0 0114 27.5c6.2-8 8.4-16.3 4.4-24.4-5.3-11-8.7-17-8.8-19.8z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M405.5 469c.2 8.7-1.4 66.5-1.8 74.7-.5 8.2-4 13.7-8 17-3.5-5-5.6-11.5-6-19.3-.4-4 .4-58.7.7-70 6.4-17 11.2-17.8 15-2.4z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M404 543.8h-1l.2-1v-2.6l.2-1.7v-4l.2-2.3v-5l.2-2.7v-2.8l.2-3v-3l.2-3v-6.2l.2-3v-6.2l.2-3v-5.8l.2-2.7v-7.4l.2-2V469h1v11.7l-.2 2.5v8.3l-.2 2.8v6l-.2 3.2v3l-.2 3.2v6l-.2 3v3l-.2 2.8v5.3l-.2 2.5v2.3l-.2 2v3.6l-.2 1.5v2zm-8.7 17l.8-.5h-.6l.3-.4.4-.4.4-.3.4-.3.3-.4.5-.4.3-.3.3-.5.4-.4.4-.4.3-.4.4-.5.3-.4.2-.5.2-.5.3-.5.3-.5.2-.6.2-.5.3-.6.2-.5.2-.5v-.7l.3-.6v-.6l.3-.7v-.7l.2-.7v-.7l.2-.8v-1.5h1v2.3l-.2.7v.8l-.3.6v.8l-.3.7-.2.6-.2.8-.2.6-.2.6-.2.6-.3.6-.4.5-.2.6-.3.5-.2.5-.3.5-.3.5-.3.5-.4.4-.4.5-.3.4-.5.5-.3.4-.4.3-.3.4-.4.3-.2.4-.4.3-.4.3h-.7zm.7.2l-.4.3-.3-.4h.7zm-7-19.5h1v.6l.2.8v1.4l.2.7v.6l.2.7v.6l.3.6v1.5l.3.5v.7l. 2.3V492l-.2 2.7v11.6l-.2 3v19l-.2 2.2v11h-1v-20.9l.2-2.7v-14.6l.2-2.8V489l.2-2.6v-8.9l.2-2v-4.2zm0 0zm16-2.3h-1l-.4-1.3-.3-1.3-.4-1-.5-1.2-.4-1-.2-1-.4-.7-.4-.8-.4-.6-.4-.4-.4-.4-.4-.3-.3-.3h-.3l-.4-.2h-.7l-.4.3-.4.3-.5.5-.5.4-.5.5-.5.7-.5.7-.5.8-.5 1-.6 1-.5 1.2-.6 1.3-.6 1.3-.6 1.5-.6 1.6-1-.3.7-1.6.6-1.5.7-1.3.6-1.4.5-1.2.6-1 .5-1 .5-1 .5-.8.6-.7.5-.7.6-.6.6-.4.5-.4.6-.3.5-.2h1.1l. 1 .5 1 .3 1 .4 1.4.4 1.3.4 1.4zm0 0z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M368 454.8l-2.6 79.6c-.8 7 8.4 49 13.5 57.4 12.3-5.3 15-33.8 12.6-61.6-2.4-27.8.4-51.8 2.3-56.8 0-6.3-1-12.8-1-19.3-8 .5-17.2.4-25 .8z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M365 534.4l2.4-79.6h1l-2.5 79.6h-1zm1 0zm12.7 57l.3.8-.6-.2-.5-1-.6-1-.5-1.2-.7-1.4-.5-1.6-.6-1.6-.6-1.8-.6-2-.5-2-.6-2-.7-2.2-.6-2.2-.6-2.3-.4-2.3-.6-2.3-.5-2.3-.6-2.3-.6-2.3-.4-2.2-.5-2.2-.4-2.2-.3-2-.4-2.2-.3-2-.3-1.8-.3-1.7-.2-1.6v-1.4l-.3-1.3v-2.8h1v4.1l.2 1.5.2 1.6.3 1.7.3 1.8.3 2 .4 2 .4 2.2.5 2.2.4 2.2.4 2.3.5 2.2.4 2.3.6 2.3.5 2.4.6 2.3.7 2.2.5 2.2.6 2 .6 2.2.6 2 .6 2 .5 1.7.7 1.5.6 1.5.5 1.4.5 1.2.5 1 .5 1-.6-.3zm.3.8l-.4.2-.2-.4.6.2zm12-62h1l.3 2.5v2.7l.3 2.6v2.6l.2 2.6v12.5l-.3 2.4-.2 2.5-.2 2.3v2.3l-.4 2.3-.4 2.2-.3 2-.6 2-.4 2-.6 2-.5 1.7-.8 1.7-.6 1.5-.7 1.5-1 1.5-.7 1.3-1 1.2-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 .6-1.3.6-.3-1 1-.4 1-.7 1-.7 1-1 1-1 .7-1 .8-1.3.8-1.4.7-1.5.6-1.5.6-1.6.5-2 .5-1.7.5-2 .4-2 .3-2 .3-2 .3-2.3v-2.3l.4-2.3V558l.3-2.3V538l-.2-2.6-.2-2.6-.2-2.6zm2.4-56.8h1v.2l-.2.5-.2.7-.2.7-.2 1-.2.8-.2 1-.2 1.2v1.2l-.3 1.3-.2 1.3-.2 1.4v1.6l-.3 1.6v1.7l-.3 1.7v2l-.2 1.8v2l-.2 2V520l.2 2.5.2 2.5.2 2.6v2.5l-1 .2v-2.6l-.3-2.5-.2-2.5V520l-.2-2.5v-20.1l.2-2v-2l.3-2v-1.7l.2-1.7.2-1.8.2-1.6v-1.4l.3-1.5.2-1.3v-1.2l.3-1V477l.3-1 .2-.8.2-.7.2-.7.2-.5zm1 0v.2-.2zm-1.5-18.8v-1l.4.4v3.7l.2.6v2.5l.2.6v1.8l.2.6v2.4l.2.6v3.6l.2.6v2.4h-1V468l-.2-.5V465l-.2-.5v-1.9l-.2-.6v-1.7l-.2-.6v-3l-.2-.6V454l.5.6zm0-1h.4v.4l-.5-.4zm-24.6 1.2h-1l.4-.5h3.9l.8-.2h12.8l.8-.2h4.7l.8-.2h1.7v1h-4.1l-.7.2h-8l-.8.2h-7.1l-.8.2h-3.9l.4-.4zm-1 0v-.4h.4l-.4.4zm.5 0h.4-.5zm-.6 0v-.4h.4l-.4.4z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M353 468l1.8 79.5c-.4 7 11 48.5 16.4 56.5 12.6-9.8 10-49.8 8.2-62-4-24-3.2-52-2-56.5 0-6.3-.2-13.8-.6-20.4-8 1-15.8 2-23.7 2.8z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M354.3 547.5l-1.7-79.6 1-.2 1.7 79.6h-1zm1 0zm15.6 56l.5 1-.7-.2-.5-1-.6-1-.6-1.2-.5-1.2-.7-1.6-.6-1.6-.7-1.8-.7-1.8-.7-2-.5-2-.7-2.2-.7-2.2-.6-2.2-.7-2.3-.7-2.2-.7-2.3-.6-2.3-.6-2.3-.5-2.3-.6-2.2-.6-2.2-.5-2-.6-2-.4-2-.4-2-.4-1.6-.3-1.6-.3-1.3-.2-1.3v-1.2l-.2-1v-.8h1v1.8l.2 1 .2 1.3.2 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.7.4 2 .4 1.8.4 2 .5 2 .6 2.2.4 2.2.6 2.3.7 2.3.6 2.3.7 2.2.6 2.3.7 2.3.7 2.3.7 2.2.7 2 .7 2.2.8 2 .7 1.8.6 1.7.8 1.7.6 1.4.6 1.3.6 1.2.5 1 .6.7h-.7zm.5 1l-.4.2-.2-.4h.7zM379 542l1-.2v1.2l.2 1.4.2 1.5.2 1.8.2 1.7v2l.3 2 .2 2v2l.2 2.3v12l-.2 2.4v2.3l-.3 2.4-.4 2.4-.3 2.4-.3 2.2-.4 2.2-.5 2.2-.4 2-.6 2-.7 2-.8 1.6-.8 1.7-1 1.5-1 1.3-1 1.4-1.2 1-.6-.8 1-1 1-1 1-1.4.8-1.4.8-1.6.8-1.7.6-1.8.6-2 .5-2 .6-2 .4-2.2.4-2.3.3-2.3.2-2.4v-2.3l.3-2.4V569l.2-2.2V560l-.2-2.3v-2.2l-.2-2v-2l-.2-2-.2-1.6-.2-1.8-.2-1.5v-1.3l-.3-1.2zm-2-56.7h1v.6l-.2.7-.2.7v1l-.2.8v2.4l-.2 1.3v2.8l-.2 1.6v15.2l.2 2v2.3l.3 2v2.4l.3 2.3v2.2l.3 2.2.4 2.3.2 2.4.3 2.2.2 2.3.3 2.2.4 2.3-1 .2-.5-2.3-.3-2.4-.3-2.3-.4-2.3-.2-2.4-.2-2.3-.2-2.3-.2-2.3-.2-2.2v-2.3l-.3-2.2V512l-.2-2v-16l.2-1.4v-1.3l.2-1.2v-2l.3-1v-.8l.2-.6v-.7.2zm1 0zm-1.2-20v-1l.5.6v3.4l.2.7v3.8l.2.6v6l.2.6v5.3h-1V480l-.2-.7v-5.7l-.2-.6v-4.5l-.2-.7v-2.4l.4.4zm0-1h.4v.6l-.5-.4zm-23.7 4v-1l.8-.2h.8l.7-.2h2.2l.7-.2h.8l.7-.2h.8l.7-.2h1.4l.7-.2h.8l.7-.2h.6l.8-.2h1.7l.6-.2h.7l.8-.2h.8l.7-.2h1.5l.8-.2h.7l.7-.2h.8l.7-.2v1h-.6l-.6.2h-.8l-.7.2h-1.6l-.7.2h-.8l-.8.2h-.8l-.7.2h-1.5l-.7.2h-.8l-.7.2h-.7l-.8.2H362l-.7.2h-.7l-.8.2h-.7l-.6.2H357l-1 .2h-.6l-.7.2h-.8l-.8.2zm.2 0zm0-1v1l-.6-.6.5-.6zm-.6.4v-.6h.5l-.4.5z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M342.2 486.7l21-.5c-2 8.6-.5 35.6 3.2 56.2 3.3 19.3 8 69.3-12 81.3-12.5-26.4-3-52-9.2-75-5-24.3-6-44.6-3-62z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M363 486.7l-20.8.5v-1l21-.5.4.6-.5.4zm0-1h.7v.6l-.6-.6zm3.8 56.6l-1 .2-.3-2-.3-2-.3-2-.4-2-.3-2-.2-2-.2-2.2-.2-2-.2-2.2-.2-2-.2-2-.2-2-.2-2.2v-2l-.3-2v-2l-.2-2V499l-.2-1.7v-4.5l.2-1.4v-1.2l.2-1.2v-1l.3-1v-1l1 .3v.8l-.2 1v1l-.2 1.3v5.4l-.2 1.6v4.9l.2 1.8v4l.2 1.8v2l.3 2v2l.3 2 .2 2v2l.3 2.2.3 2 .2 2.2.3 2 .3 2 .3 2 .3 2.2.2 2 .3 2 .3 2zM354 624l.8-.6-.7-.2 2-1.2 1.5-1.4 1.5-1.6 1.4-1.8 1.3-2 1-2 1-2.3 1-2.6 1-2.5.6-2.8.6-2.7.4-2.8.4-3 .4-3 .3-3 .2-3v-3l.2-3v-6.2l-.2-3-.2-3v-3l-.4-3-.2-2.7-.3-2.7-.2-2.5-.4-2.5-.2-2.4-.3-2.2-.3-2-.3-2h.8l.4 1.8.3 2 .3 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.5.3 2.7.3 2.7.2 2.8.2 3 .2 2.8.2 3v15.5l-.3 3-.3 3.2-.4 3-.4 2.8-.5 3-.8 2.7-.7 2.7-.8 2.6-1 2.4-1 2.4-1.2 2.2-1.3 2-1.4 2-1.6 1.5-1.7 1.5-1.8 1.3h-.7zm.7 0l-.5.4-.3-.5h.7zm-10-75.2l1-.2.5 2.2.4 2.2.4 2.2.3 2.2.3 2.2.2 2.3v2l.2 2.4v25.4l.2 2.4v2.4l.3 2.4.3 2.4.3 2.4.5 2.4.4 2.4.5 2.4.7 2.5.7 2.4.8 2.5 1 2.5 1 2.4-.8.5-1.2-2.6-1-2.5-.8-2.6-.8-2.5-.7-2.5-.5-2.5-.5-2.4-.4-2.5-.2-2.3-.3-2.5-.2-2.4V594l-.2-2.4V564l-.2-2.3-.2-2.3-.2-2.2-.4-2.2-.3-2-.5-2.3-.5-2v-.2zm0 0zm-2.5-62.6v1l.5-.4-.3 1.6-.2 1.7-.2 1.7-.2 1.7-.2 1.7v1.8l-.3 1.8v3.5l-.2 2v7.3l.2 2v1.8l.2 2v2l.2 2 .2 2 .2 2 .2 2 .3 2 .2 2 .3 2.3.3 2 .3 2.2.4 2.2.4 2.2.4 2 .4 2.4.4 2.2-1 .2-.4-2.2-.4-2.3-.4-2.2-.4-2-.3-2.3-.4-2.2-.3-2-.3-2.2-.2-2-.3-2.2-.2-2-.2-2-.2-2v-2l-.2-2v-2l-.2-1.8v-13l.2-1.8v-1.8l.2-1.7.2-1.7.2-1.7.2-1.7.2-1.7.3-1.7.5-.4zm-.5.4v-.4h.5l-.5.4zm.5 0v-.4.5zm-.5 0v-.4h.5l-.5.4z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M422 454.4c0 8.7-3.2 66.5-4 74.6-.7 8-4.5 13.6-8.4 16.6-3.4-5-5.3-11.5-5.5-19.3 0-4 2.3-58.7 3-70 7-17 11.8-17.4 15-2z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M418.5 529h-1v-1l.2-1v-1.5l.2-1.7v-2l.2-2v-2.3l.3-2.4v-2.5l.3-2.7.2-2.8v-3l.3-3 .2-3 .2-3v-3l.3-3.2.2-3 .2-3.2v-3l.3-3V474l.3-3v-2.5l.2-2.4V464l.2-2v-2l.2-1.8v-3.7h1v5.6l-.2 2v2l-.2 2.3v2.6l-.3 2.6-.2 2.7v2.8l-.3 3-.2 3v3l-.3 3-.2 3v3.2l-.3 3-.2 3.2-.2 3v3l-.2 2.7-.2 2.6v2.6l-.3 2.4v2.3l-.3 2v2l-.2 1.5v1.5l-.2 1.2v1zm-9.3 17l.8-.6-.7-.2.4-.2.3-.3.4-.4.3-.3.4-.3.4-.4.4-.3.3-.4.4-.4.4-.4.3-.5.4-.4.3-.6.3-.4.3-.5.3-.5.3-.5v-.5l.4-.6.2-.5.3-.7v-.6l.3-.6.2-.5.2-.7.2-.6V532l.3-.8v-.8l.2-.7v-.7h1v1.6l-.2.7-.2.7v.7l-.2.7-.2.7-.2.8-.2.6-.2.6-.2.6-.3.6-.2.6-.3.6-.3.5-.2.5-.3.5-.3.5-.5.5-.3.5-.3.4-.4.4-.4.4-.3.4-.5.4-.4.4-.2.4-.4.3-.4.4-.3.4-.4.3-.4.3h-.8zm.7 0l-.5.4-.3-.5h.7zm-6.4-19.7h1v2.8l.2.8v.7l.2.7v1.2l.3.6v.8l. 2.6l-.2 1.6v2l-.2 2v2l-.2 2.4v2.5l-.2 2.6v2.8l-.3 2.8v2.8l-.2 3v2.8l-.2 3v3l-.2 2.8v3l-.3 2.7v2.7l-.2 2.7v7.3l-.2 2v3.8l-.2 1.6v3.3h-1v-6.8l.2-2V513l.2-2.4V508l.2-2.6.2-2.8v-2.8l.2-3V494l.2-3 .2-2.8v-3l.2-2.8v-3l.3-2.7V474l.2-2.5V469l.2-2.4v-4.2l.2-1.8V459l.2-1.5v-1.2zm-.2 0zm16.2-2h-1v.2l-.3-1.4-.3-1.2-.3-1.2-.4-1-.3-1-.4-1-.3-1-.4-.6-.5-.6-.4-.5-.2-.5-.4-.4h-.4l-.3-.2h-1.1l-.4.2-.5.2-.4.4-.5.5-.5.6-.6.7-.5.7-.5 1-.6.8-.5 1-.6 1.2-.7 1.2-.6 1.4-.6 1.4-.6 1.6-1-.4.7-1.6.8-1.4.6-1.4.6-1.2.6-1.2.6-1 .6-1 .6-1 .6-.7.5-.7.6-.6.6-.6.6-.4.5-.3h.6l.5-.3h1.2l. 1 .4.8.3 1.2.3 1 .4 1.3.3 1.4.3 1.3zm0 0zm-.5 0h.6-.5zm.6 0z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M385 407.2c-.6 18.7-1 59-.8 62.6a51 51 0 006.7 22.6c4-3 7.7-8.5 8.4-16.6.6-6.7.8-39.5 1-56-4.3-2.6-8.7-6-12.2-9.7l-3.2-2.8z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M384.7 469.8h-1v-23.4l.2-2.4v-19.6l.2-2.4v-9l.2-2v-3.8h1v7.8l-.2 2.4v9.4l-.2 2.5v12.5l-.2 2.4v25.4zm6 22.2l.5.8h-.7l-.3-.6-.3-.5-.4-.6-.4-.4-.3-.6-.4-.6-.3-.7-.3-.6-.2-.6-.3-.7-.3-.7-.3-.7-.3-.7-.3-.8-.2-.7-.3-.7-.3-.8-.2-.8-.2-.7-.2-.8v-.8l-.3-.8v-.8l-.3-.8v-.8l-.2-.8v-.8l-.2-.8v-.7l-.2-.7v-1.5h1v2.5l.2.8v.8l.3.7v.8l. 2.2v14.6l-.2 2v8.9l-.2 1.5v4.3l-.2 1v2.6h-1V471l.2-1.5v-6.3l.2-1.8v-12l.2-2v-20.8l.2-1.7v-5.1l.2.3zm.6-.8h.2v.4l-.2-.5zm-12.4-9.8v1l.4-1 . 1h-.2v-.2h-.2v-.2h-.2v-.2h-.2l-.2-.2v-.2h-.2l-.2-.2-.3-.3h-.3v-.3h-.3v-.2l-.2-.2h-.2v-.2h-.2v-.2h-.2v-.2h-.2l1-.4zm-1 0v-1.4l1 1-1 .4z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M400 419.3c-.4 20-.2 51.7 0 54.3a34 34 0 005.4 19.3c4-3.2 8-8.8 8.8-17 .5-5 2-26.4 2-42.8-5.3-1.7-12-10.4-16.3-14z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M400.4 473.5h-1v-12.9l-.2-1.7v-33.7l.2-2v-4h1v14.5l-.2 2v37.1l.2.5v.3zm4.7 19l.7.8h-.7l-.3-.6-.3-.5-.3-.5-.2-.5-.3-.5-.3-.5-.2-.6-.3-.5-.2-.5-.3-.5-.2-.6-.2-.6-.2-.6-.2-.6-.2-.6-.2-.6-.2-.6v-.6l-.3-.7v-.6l-.3-.8v-.6l-.2-.7v-.8l-.2-.6v-.7l-.2-.8v-1.5l-.2-.7v-1.4h1v2.8l.2.7v.7l.2.7v.7l.2.7v.7l.2.6v.7l.3.6v.6l.3.5v.6l. .3.5v7.9l-.2 1.6v5.1l-.2 1.6v1.7l-.2 1.7v4.6l-.2 1.6v2.9l-.2 1.3v1.4l-.2 1.3v2.5l-.2 1v2.2l-.2 1v1.6l-.2.7v1.1h-1v-2l.2-.8v-1.8l.2-1v-2.2l.2-1.2v-2.7l.2-1.3v-1.5l.2-1.4V457l.2-1.6v-1.6l.2-1.6V449l.2-1.6V443l.2-1.6V433l.5.5zm.4-1h.3v.5l-.3-.5zm-16-13.4h-1l.8-. 1-.5-.2-.5-.3-.5-.2-.6-.3-.6-.4-.6-.3-.5-.4-.6-.4-.5-.4-.6-.5-.5-.5-.5-.5-.5-.5-.6-.5-.5-.5-.7-.5-.5-.6-.5-.5-.6-.5-.5-.6-.5-.4-.5-.5-.5-.5-.5-.5-.5-.5-.5-.4-.4-.4-.5-.4-.4-.5-.6-.4-.4-.3-.4-.4.8-.3zm-1 0v-1l.8.6-.8.2z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M387 405.6L373 385c-2.8 10.2-6.3 82.8-2.2 88.8a36 36 0 006.4 19.3c4-3 9.8-8.5 8-16.7-1.6-8.2.4-62.3 2-70.7z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M373.3 384.7l14.2 20.6-.8.5-14.3-20.5v-.4l1-.3zm-1 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.4-2.8.5-3 .6-3.2.5-3.2.6-3.3.6-3.5.6-3.5.6-3.5 1 .2-.6 3.5-.6 3.5-.6 3.4-.5 3.3-.4 3.3-.5 3-.4 3-.4 3-.4 3-.4 2.7-.3 2.7-.3 2.7-.3 2.5-.2 2.4-.3 2.4-.3 2.3v2.2l-.3 2v2l-.2 2v9.8l.2 1.4v1.2l.3 1 .2 1.2v1l.4 1-1-.3zm.8.6l-.5.6-.3-.8.8.2zm0 0l-.7-.7 1 .3-.3.3zm-.7-.7l1-1v1.3l-1-.4z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M343.6 471.8l4 14.7c.2 7.7 5 14 8.3 19 4-3 7.5-8 6.5-16-5.8-46.5-3.8-77.3 6-115-22 15-32.3 46.6-25 97.3z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M347 486.6l-3.8-14.7 1-.3 3.8 14.6-1 .3zm1-.3zm7.6 19l.6.7h-.7l-.3-.6-.3-.5-.4-.5-.4-.5-.3-.5-.5-.6-.3-.6-.4-.5-.3-.7-.4-.5-.2-.6-.4-.5-.3-.6-.2-.5-.4-.6-.3-.7-.2-.6-.3-.6-.3-.5-.3-.7-.3-.6-.3-.7-.2-.7-.2-.6-.2-.7-.2-.7-.2-.7v-.6l-.2-.7v-.8l-.2-.8v-.7h1v1.4l.2.7v.7l. .8.7-1 3.5-.8 3.5-.8 3.4-.7 3.4-.7 3.4-.7 3.3-.6 3.5-.6 3.4-.4 3.2-.5 3.3-.3 3.4-.4 3.2-.4 3.4-.4 3.3-.2 3.3-.2 3.4-.2 3.4v3.6l-.2 3.5v14.7l.3 3.7.3 4 .2 3.8.3 4 .4 3.8.3 4 .5 4.2.4 4.3.6 4.4h-1l-.6-4.2-.4-4.3-.5-4.2-.3-4-.4-4-.3-4-.2-3.8-.2-3.8v-3.7l-.2-3.7v-14.3l.2-3.4.2-3.4.2-3.4.2-3.4.3-3.3.3-3.4.4-3.3.4-3.3.6-3.4.5-3.3.7-3.4.6-3.3.7-3.4.7-3.4.8-3.5.8-3.4.8-3.5 1- 1.3-.8-.6zm-24 98h-1l-.7-4.6-.5-4.6-.5-4.5-.3-4.3-.3-4.2-.2-4.2v-8l.2-3.8.2-3.7.3-3.7.4-3.4.5-3.4.6-3.3.8-3.3.7-3 1-3 1-3 1-2.8 1-2.8 1.2-2.5 1.3-2.5 1.4-2.4 1.5-2.3 1.4-2 1.6-2.2 1.7-2 1.7-2 2-1.6 1.8-1.7 2-1.6 2- 1.4-2 1.6-1.8 1.6-1.8 1.7-1.8 2-1.6 2-1.6 2-1.5 2-1.4 2.3-1.4 2.4-1.4 2.4-1.2 2.6-1 2.7-1 2.7-1 3-1 3-.7 3-.7 3-.6 3.4-.5 3.3-.5 3.5-.3 3.6-.3 3.7-.2 3.8v12l.4 4.4.3 4.3.5 4.5.5 4.6.6 4.7zm-1 0zm.4 0h.5-.4zm-.4 0z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M344.8 486.2l-20.3-6.7c-2.5 20.2 1.4 45.6 7 79 4.6 29 2 51.6-1.5 66.2 21.6-3 30.7-30.7 20-83-3-13.7-5.8-31.3-5.2-55.5z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M324.7 479l20.2 6.7-.4 1-20.2-6.7-.3-.6.7-.4zm-.6.4v-.6l.7.2-.6.4zm8 79l-1 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1.2-2 1-2 1-2.2.7-2.3.6-2.4.7-2.7.5-3 .4-2.8.4-3 .2-3.3v-3.5l.2-3.5v-3.7l-.3-3.8-.3-4-.3-4-.4-4.3-.7-4.4-.8-4.5-.8-4.7-1-5zm-4.8-55l.3-1 .3.5V503l.2 2 .2 1.8v2l.2 1.8v1.8l.2 1.8.2 1.7.2 1.8.2 1.7.2 1.7.2 1.6.2 1.6.2 1.6.2 1.5.3 1.5.3 1.5.3 1.5.2 1.4.3 1.4.3 1.4.3 1.4.3 1.3v1.3l.4 1.2-1 .2-.2-1.3-.3-1.3-.4-1.2-.2-1.4-.3-1.4-.2-1.4-.2-1.4-.3-1.5-.2-1.5v-1.5l-.4-1.6-.2-1.5-.2-1.6-.2-1.7-.2-1.7-.2-1.7-.2-1.8-.2-1.8v-1.7l-.3-2-.2-1.7v-2l-.3-1.8v-4l-.2-2v-13l.3.5zm.3-1l.3.2v.2l-.4-.5z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M343.6 584h1v.7h-.8v-.2h-.2v-.4zm-4.3-40l1-.4.4 1.2.2 1.2v1l.4 1.3.2 1.3.2 1.2.2 1.2.2 1.2.2 1.3.2 1.3.2 1.2.2 1.3.2 1.3.2 1.2.2 1.3v1.4l.3 1.3v2.6l.3 1.3v1.3l.2 1.2v2.6l.2 1.3v9.1h-1v-7.6l-.2-1.2v-2.7l-.2-1.3V570l-.2-1.3v-1.3l-.2-1.3v-1l-.3-1.4v-1.3l-.3-1.3-.2-1.3v-1.2l-.3-1.3-.2-1.3-.2-1.3-.2-1.3v-1.2l-.4-1.2-.2-1.2-.2-1.2-.2-1.2-.3-1.2-.2-1.2-.2-1.2zm-5.5-50.4h1.2v6.4l.2 1.5v3.3l.2 1.5v1.6l.2 1.5v1.6l.3 1.5v3.1l.3 1.5.2 1.7v1.5l.3 1.6.2 1.5.2 1.6.2 1.4.2 1.6.3 1.5v1.6l.4 1.6.2 1.6.3 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1v.7l-.3.8v.8h-1v-.8l.2-1v-1.5l.2-.8v-1l.2-.8v-1l.2-.7v-1l.2-.7v-1l.2-.7v-1.6l.2-1v-.7l.2-1V410l.2-.8v-1.8l.2-.8v-1.8l.2-1v-1.5l.2-1v-.8l.2-1 .3.6zm.4-1l.4.3v.3l-.4-.5zm0 .6l-.3.4.2-.4zm0-.5l.4.3v.3l-.4-.5z"/><path id="ce-svg-sprite-c" fill="#edb92e" stroke="#21231e" d="M387.8 701.2c8 6.3 15.2-8.3 8-27.6-5-14.2-30.6-8.7-16.4 10.5.7 1 1.6.6 1.5-.4-1-4 1.6-6.3 5.5-5.5 10.5 2 11 22-.6 17.6-2.2-.2-.4 4 1.7 5.6z"/><path fill="#edb92e" stroke="#21231e" d="M400 639.2c-1 3.4-5 7.6-8 10.8-4.5 4.8-3.4 12.2-.2 16 3.5 4.4 5 9.2 5.8 13 .5 2.3 1.5 7.4.8 15.5-.4 4-2.7 6-5 7.7-1 1 .5 3 4.3 6 .4.2 1.5 1 2 3 .2.4 2 .4 2.2 0 .4-2 1.6-2.8 2-3 3.7-3 5.4-5 4.2-6-2.2-1.7-4.6-3.8-5-7.7-.6-8 .3-13.2.8-15.5.8-3.8 2.3-8.6 6-13 3-3.8 4.2-11.2-.5-16-3-3.2-7-7.4-8-10.7 0-.8-.3-1-.7-1-.3 0-.7.2-.7 1z"/><path fill="#edb92e" d="M395 685.5h11.6c2 0 3.6 1.6 3.6 3.5 0 2-1.6 3.5-3.6 3.5H395c-2 0-3.5-1.5-3.5-3.5s1.6-3.5 3.6-3.5z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M406.6 686H395v-1h11.6v1zm4 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1-.4-.3h-.5l-.5-.2h-.5l-.5-.2h-3l-.7.2h-.6l-.7.3-.7.2-.7.2-.7.2-.8.3-.7.3-.7.4-.7.4-.5.5-.7.5-.7.6-.5.6-.6.6-.7.7-.6.6-.5.7-.6.8-.5 1-.3.7-.5 1zM380 603l-.2 1-.2-.8.6-.6.6-.5.7-.5.6-.6.7-.6.6-.6.5-.6.6-.6.6-.7.6-.7.5-.6.7-.7.5-.7.6-.7.5-.7.6-.8.4-.8.5-.7.5-.8.5-1 .5-.8.6-.8.6-1 .5-.8.6-1 .6-1 .5-1 .5-1 .5-1 .6-1 .5-1.2.5-1.2 1 .4-.6 1.2-.5 1-.6 1.2-.5 1-.4 1-.6 1-.5 1-.5 1-.6 1-.5 1-.6.8-.6.8-.5.8-.5.8-.6.8-.5.8-.6.7-.4.7-.6.8-.6.6-.5.7-.7.7-.6.6-.6.7-.4.6-.6.5-.6.6-.7.7-.6.5-.5.6-.6.6-.8.5-.2-1zm-.2 1h-1l.8-.8.2.8zm23.4-8l.8.5-.6.7-.5.6-.7.6-.6.6-.6.6-.5.5-.6.6-.7.5-.7.5-.7.4-.8.3-.7.4-.7.3-.7.3-.7.2-.7.3-.8.2-.8.2h-.8l-.8.2h-.8l-1 .2h-6.1l-1-.2-.8-.2-1-.2.2-1 1 .2.8.2h1l.8.2h6.6l.8-.3h.8l.7-.3.8-.2.7-.2.7-.3.7-.2.7-.2.8-.4.6-.3.7-.3.7-.4.6-.5.6-.5.5-.5.5-.5.6-.5.5-.6.7-.6.5-.7zm13.4-16.8h1l-.2.4-.2.2h-.2l-.3.3-.2.3-.3.2-.2.3-.3.3-.3.4-.3.3-.2.4-.4.5-.3.4-.3.3-.4.5-.3.5-.4.5-.5.6-.3.5-.4.5-.5.7-.5.6-.5.7-.5.7-.5.7-.5.6-.6.8-.6.8-.5.8-.6 1-.7.7-.7 1-.6.8-.8-.6.6-1 .7-1 .6-.7.7-1 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1h-.5v-.4l.5.4zm13.5-12.4l1 .5-.5.6-.3.6-.4.6-.3.6-.4.6-.4.5-.5.6-.5.6-.4.5-.4.6-.5.4-.4.5-.5.4-.5.3-.4.4-.6.4-.5.4-.5.4-.5.3-.5.4-.5.3-.4.2-.5.2-.4.2-.5.2-.4.3h-.4l-.5.2-.5.2h-.5l-.4.3h-.5l-.2-1h.9l.4-.3h.4l.4-.3h.5l.4-.3.5-.2.4-.2.5-.2.5-.2.5-.3.5-.3.4-.3.4-.4.4-.3.5-.4.4-.4.4-.4.6-.4.4-.5.4-.4.5-.6.3-.4.4-.5.4-.6.5-.6.4-.5.2-.7.4-.6.4-.6.3-.6zM425 581l.3-.8.3.6-.3.7-.3.8-.3.7-.3.7-.3.8-.2.7-.3.7-.2.7-.3.7-.3.8-.3.7-.2.6-.3.8-.4.7-.3 1-.2.6-.2.7-.3.8-.3.8-.2.7-.3.7-.3.8-.3.7-.2.7-.3.7-.3.8-.3.7-.5.7-.3.7-.3.6-.5.6-.3.7-1-.6.5-.6.3-.7.3-.6.3-.6.4-.7.3-.6.3-.7.3-.7.2-.7.3-.7.2-.7.3-1 .3-.6.3-.7.3-.7v-.8l.4-.7.3-.7.3-.8.2-.7.3-.7.3-.8.3-.7.3-.7.3-.7.3-.7.2-1 .3-.6.3-.8.3-.7.4-.8.3-.8.3.7zm.3-.8l.5.2-.2.4-.3-.6z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M428.6 580.6l-12.7-2c-2.4 10.8-4 18-4.4 22-1 7.5 0 14 2.7 19.4 4.3-2.3 8.8-7 10.7-14.7 2-7.8 2.2-16.3 3.6-24.7z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M416 578.2l12.6 2v1l-12.8-2-.4-.6.6-.4zm-.6.4v-.5l.6.2-.6.4zm-3.3 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.2-.2.7-.2.8v.7l-.3.7-.3.7-.2.5-.3.6-.4.7-.3.6-.3.6-.3.4-.3.6-.4.5-.3.5-.4.5-.4.5-.4.4-.4.5-.4.3-.4.4-.4.4-.4.5-.4.3-.4.4-.4.3-.4.3-.4.3-.4.4-.5.3-.4.3-.4.2-.5.2-.5-.8.4-.2.4-.3h.4l.4-.4.4-.3.4-.3.4-.3.4-.3.4-.3.4-.3.3-.3.4-.4.4-.4.5-.4.3-.4.4-.5.3-.4.4-.6.2-.5.3-.6.3-.5.3-.6.4-.6.3-.5.3-.6.2-.6.3-.5.2-.6.3-.8.2-.7.2-.6.2-.8zm4-25v1l.5-.5v.8l-.2.8v.7l-.2.8v.8l-.2.8v.8l-.2.8v.7l-.2.8v.8l-.2.8v1.7l-.2.7v.8l-.2.8v.8l-.2.8v.7l-.2.8v1l-.2.6v.8l-.2.8-.2.7v.7l-.2.7-.2.8v.7l-.3.7-.2.7-1-.2.2-.8.2-.7v-.7l.2-.8v-.7l.3-.7v-.8l.2-.8v-.7l.2-.8v-1.5l.2-.8v-.7l.2-.8v-1l.2-.7v-.7l.2-.8v-1.6l.2-.8v-.8l.2-.7v-1l.2-.7v-.8l.2-.8v-.8l.2-1v-.7l.3-.8.5-.4zm-.4.3v-.4h.5l-.4.5zm.5.6v-1 1z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M430.4 563.4h7.6c4.4 2 9 12.2 3.7 22a65.8 65.8 0 00-9.5 29.2c-7.4-6.8-10.8-14.7-8.2-23.3 3.4-11.7 6.8-25.2 6.4-28z"/><path fill="#21231e" d="M438 564h-7.6v-1h7.8l-.2 1zm0-1h.2-.2zm4 22.5l-.8-.5.5-1 .4-.8.4-.8.3-1 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stillApp.mediaCenter.videos = [ { "uid": "5ybdWc4pVpYWfya9YWPRC2", "title": "STILL - It´s intralogistics with an attitude: Think smart. Act orange.", "description": "Intralogistics with an attitude<br>The future belongs to those who meet the challenges of our time not with sheer size, but with intelligence, creativity and skill. We at STILL want to make intralogistics smarter, more efficient and more sustainable – together with our customers. We call what we do, how we think and what drives us smart. It is more than intralogistics. It´s intralogistics with an attitude:<br>Think smart. Act orange!", "keywords": " brand, branding, campaign, Trailer, Image, Imagefilm, brandvideo, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 110560, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.02.2025" } , { "uid": "DZwyXfUYAJxw12tHWmjCqC", "title": "EXV iGo: Automated high lift pallet truck", "description": "Automated high lift pallet trucks are efficient, safe and powerful, and – combined with other driverless transport systems – pave the way for highly efficient, safe and flexible logistics processes. The EXV iGo is the perfect truck for setting new standards, particularly in production logistics and the pre-storage zone.<br><br>We make automation smart. From flexible plug & play solutions (STILL iGo easy) to highly customised system solutions (STILL iGo systems), scalable STILL iGo covers the entire spectrum of automation. Precisely tailored to your needs.", "keywords": " automation, Automatisierung, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 72280, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "03.02.2025" } , { "uid": "5EnBp4x8beGnACCkch3oBt", "title": "STILL Press Conference Antwerp - Everyone can automate - with STILL", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 81800, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "31.01.2025" } , { "uid": "7XZUBi5pdKSt-zVbHPpzjB", "title": "iGo easy: Plug & Play automation", "description": "Our smart plug & play solution STILL iGo easy is the perfect choice for anyone who wants to automate individual logistic transport processes with small fleets. iGo easy is particularly easy and quick to implement thanks to its intuitive user interface and flexibility. And as your needs grow or your processes become more complex, you can always upgrade to iGo systems. ", "keywords": " automation, Automatisierung, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 51480, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "16.01.2025" } , { "uid": "-hR2v7hwenwYHJ_rYk3xBT", "title": "Flexible automation for the Polish snack producer ", "description": "How can a food company optimise its warehouse automation? Lajkonik Sp. z o.o. has comprehensively expanded and modernised its production site in Poland by implementing an automation system for storage and intralogistics based on STILL technology. ", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 247920, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "09.01.2025" } , { "uid": "CrYQkxu5baGLeTU34dzzWD", "title": "Low Lift Pallet Truck EXH 14–20 - Unique to operate", "description": "Horizontal transportation anytime, anywhere – a piece of cake with the EXH 14–20 Plus low lift pallet truck, the nimble warehouse helper that makes everything a lot easier. Starting with the unique tiller ergonomics: a lot of thought has gone into the positioning of the control elements. They enable intuitive one-handed operation for all operators, no matter the size of the hand and whether it is the right or left. Meanwhile the LED or touch display on the tiller head allows the operator to keep an eye on all relevant truck information. Want to be able to manoeuvre the truck easily and safely at all times? No problem with OptiSpeed. The smart feature automatically adjusts the vehicle speed to the tiller angle. This means that you are just as safe handling loads at full speed during horizontal transportation as you are when carefully driving and braking in narrow aisles or on packed sales floors. The truck also really comes into its own here thanks to its compact dimensions. Whether working in narrow aisles or manoeuvring in HGVs, it takes it all in its stride. With features like these, the EXH 14–20 Plus is perfect not just for horizontal transport applications in supermarkets, production and logistics, but also for use in HGVs. In short: wherever the low lift pallet truck is used, it makes life easier.", "keywords": " Trailer, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 46840, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "08.01.2025" } , { "uid": "7uN2B8tQ316vFo8XvcSL9o", "title": "Double Stacker Truck EXD 18C-20C - Does double duty!", "description": "Are you looking for a flexible double stacker truck that can effortlessly handle loads up to 2,000 kg? That gives you efficient and powerful support when loading and unloading lorries, and allows maximum handling in the smallest of spaces? Then the new EXD 18C-20C is the perfect solution for you. With its slim vehicle contour and impressively small turning circle, the double stacker is perfect for tight warehouse environments and all other applications where saving space is an important success factor. But it not only saves space, it also saves time. Where others simply stack, the EXD 18C-20C does double duty. It can carry loads of up to 1,000 kg on its wheel arms and a further 800 to 1,000 kg on its forks. At the same time, the IFOY award-winning STILL tiller can be operated intuitively and ergonomically with just one hand - left or right. The large display in the tiller head summarises all relevant information in a transparent and language-neutral manner. With its slim mono mast, the EXD 18C also provides a clear view of the forks and load - for maximum efficiency, optimum ergonomics and reliable safety for operator, truck and goods.", "keywords": " Trailer, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 42520, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "08.01.2025" } , { "uid": "Db7bVyhJnjB3YXbdwZRika", "title": "Double Stacker Truck EXD 18C-20C - Efficient, compact, ergonomic and safe", "description": "Are you looking for a flexible double stacker truck that can effortlessly handle loads up to 2,000 kg? That gives you efficient and powerful support when loading and unloading lorries, and allows maximum handling in the smallest of spaces? Then the new EXD 18C-20C is the perfect solution for you. With its slim vehicle contour and impressively small turning circle, the double stacker is perfect for tight warehouse environments and all other applications where saving space is an important success factor. But it not only saves space, it also saves time. Where others simply stack, the EXD 18C-20C does double duty. It can carry loads of up to 1,000 kg on its wheel arms and a further 800 to 1,000 kg on its forks. At the same time, the IFOY award-winning STILL tiller can be operated intuitively and ergonomically with just one hand - left or right. The large display in the tiller head summarises all relevant information in a transparent and language-neutral manner. With its slim mono mast, the EXD 18C also provides a clear view of the forks and load - for maximum efficiency, optimum ergonomics and reliable safety for operator, truck and goods.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 85400, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "08.01.2025" } , { "uid": "9aGAJhAVpw1c2DSuQysJ_Z", "title": "Low Lift Pallet Truck EXH-L 16/20 - Smart two-in-one design", "description": "The EXH-L 16-20 is the all-rounder among low lift pallet trucks and a powerful partner for loading and unloading lorries as well as for order picking in narrow work areas and warehouse aisles. This manoeuvrable and agile warehouse helper moves goods weighing up to 2,000 kg quickly and easily from A to B and lifts them ergonomically and safely to a working height of up to 761 mm - if desired, even more conveniently with the auto-lift function, which automatically raises the load to the individual optimum working height. Particularly practical: a sensor detects the top edge of the loaded goods and raises or lowers the picking lift as soon as goods are unloaded or added. This ensures a back-friendly posture and ergonomic operation. And the STILL drawbar of the EXH-L 16-20 is a real multi-talent as well. It not only ensures high goods handling and efficient work, but also maximum working comfort, safety and operator health. The smart OptiSpeed system automatically adjusts the travel speed to the tiller's angle of inclination, ensuring speed-optimised horizontal transport and manoeuvring in the tightest of spaces. In addition, the tiller can be operated intuitively with just one hand and all driving, lifting and steering operations can be controlled simultaneously. All this makes the EXH-L 16-20 the perfect warehouse helper for anyone looking for flexibility and space efficiency as well as performance and availability.", "keywords": " Trailer, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 38560, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "08.01.2025" } , { "uid": "4TEgysaQHopj8Vt-5p_x-p", "title": "Low Lift Pallet Truck EXH-L 16/20 - Flexible, ergonomic and safe", "description": "The EXH-L 16-20 is the all-rounder among low lift pallet trucks and a powerful partner for loading and unloading lorries as well as for order picking in narrow work areas and warehouse aisles. This manoeuvrable and agile warehouse helper moves goods weighing up to 2,000 kg quickly and easily from A to B and lifts them ergonomically and safely to a working height of up to 761 mm - if desired, even more conveniently with the auto-lift function, which automatically raises the load to the individual optimum working height. Particularly practical: a sensor detects the top edge of the loaded goods and raises or lowers the picking lift as soon as goods are unloaded or added. This ensures a back-friendly posture and ergonomic operation. And the STILL drawbar of the EXH-L 16-20 is a real multi-talent as well. It not only ensures high goods handling and efficient work, but also maximum working comfort, safety and operator health. The smart OptiSpeed system automatically adjusts the travel speed to the tiller's angle of inclination, ensuring speed-optimised horizontal transport and manoeuvring in the tightest of spaces. In addition, the tiller can be operated intuitively with just one hand and all driving, lifting and steering operations can be controlled simultaneously. All this makes the EXH-L 16-20 the perfect warehouse helper for anyone looking for flexibility and space efficiency as well as performance and availability.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 84360, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "08.01.2025" } , { "uid": "28KR5epArBHkqEL4wQb5Tw", "title": "Always on the safe side in narrow aisles - with the STILL mobile pedestrian protection system (PPS)", "description": "With the mobile pedestrian protection system from STILL you are on the safe side when it comes to pedestrian protection in narrow aisles. Sensitive safety scanners on the drive and load sides of the narrow-aisle truck monitor the route and reliably detect people on the way. The system distinguishes between two warning fields and one safety field and initiates appropriate vehicle responses. For example, if a person is detected in the warning field, the vehicle speed is automatically reduced to creep speed (maximum 2.5 km/h), depending on the setting.<br>If a person is detected in the safety field, the truck immediately brakes to a standstill and optionally triggers an alarm signal. Thanks to state-of-the-art scanner technology, the STILL PPS meets all legal requirements for occupational health and safety and workplace regulations - in a lean and efficient way. Optionally, the warning field can be used as an assistance system outside the narrow aisle. Apart from the safety scanner, no external components are required.", "keywords": "PSA, STILL PSA, STILL PPS, pedestrian protection system, safety, VNA, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 60560, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "17.12.2024" } , { "uid": "FPiWd7q6E_wdkc98LR3b1k", "title": "Assistance system for VNA application: STILL PBS - Predictive Braking System ", "description": "Very narrow aisles often make it difficult to reliably detect obstacles on <br>the route in good time and to react appropriately. With the predictive <br>braking system from STILL, you no longer have to worry about <br>unexpected objects on your (narrow aisle) route and can concentrate <br>fully on your work. The intelligent system uses sensitive laser scanners <br>on the load and drive side to detect static objects within defined <br>warning fields at a distance of up to 8 metres and triggers the truck <br>to react accordingly. Depending on the warning zone and individual <br>configuration, this can be an acoustic signal, a speed reduction or <br>even stopping the vehicle. The system can be easily integrated into <br>existing or new forklift truck solutions and flexibly configured according <br>to individual customer requirements - effectively reducing collisions <br>and impact damage inside* and outside the narrow aisle. <br>*not in accordance with DIN 15185-2<br>", "keywords": "PBS, assistance system, VNA, safety, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 59720, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "17.12.2024" } , { "uid": "4a92ubesNC7RFiynksnAXK", "title": "The RX-Family - Electrifying", "description": "Be electrified! Acceleration, ergonomics and safety in perfect synergy with intelligent assistance systems - that is the RX family by STILL. The most efficient and cleanest way to solve transport tasks in in-plant logistics. Regardless of whether you want to move one tonne or eight tonnes: With our fleet of electric forklift trucks, you are guaranteed to find the right vehicle for any challenge.<br><br>From 24 to 80 volts, with lead-acid or modern lithium-ion technology, with a wide range of control options and smart assistance systems - customise your personal RX experience to suit your individual needs. The models come as standard with a comfortable driver's workplace, an intuitive operating concept and the intelligent STILL Easy Control on-board computer. This is how smart efficiency works!", "keywords": " RX, RX 20, RX 60, RX 60 80, RX 60 25, RX 60-60/80, Elektrogabelstapler, Elektrostapler, Lass dich elektrisieren, electric counterbalance truck, Electric Forklift Trucks , electric forklift, rx-family, Family , campaign, Kampagne, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 88440, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "07.12.2024" } , { "uid": "9_ziguoeqWTeKeMSPR4fvE", "title": "Just what you need - The Classic Line from STILL", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 65400, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "07.12.2024" } , { "uid": "6eGPSKaPjP_E_sL889mDGx", "title": "Low Lift Pallet Truck EXH 14–20 - safety", "description": "Horizontal transportation anytime, anywhere – a piece of cake with the EXH 14–20 Plus low lift pallet truck, the nimble warehouse helper that makes everything a lot easier. Starting with the unique tiller ergonomics: a lot of thought has gone into the positioning of the control elements. They enable intuitive one-handed operation for all operators, no matter the size of the hand and whether it is the right or left. Meanwhile the LED or touch display on the tiller head allows the operator to keep an eye on all relevant truck information. Want to be able to manoeuvre the truck easily and safely at all times? No problem with OptiSpeed. The smart feature automatically adjusts the vehicle speed to the tiller angle. This means that you are just as safe handling loads at full speed during horizontal transportation as you are when carefully driving and braking in narrow aisles or on packed sales floors. The truck also really comes into its own here thanks to its compact dimensions. Whether working in narrow aisles or manoeuvring in HGVs, it takes it all in its stride. With features like these, the EXH 14–20 Plus is perfect not just for horizontal transport applications in supermarkets, production and logistics, but also for use in HGVs. In short: wherever the low lift pallet truck is used, it makes life easier.", "keywords": " Sicherheit, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 54960, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "04.12.2024" } , { "uid": "4nQzoasw4pPvR1sxpnVPRu", "title": "Low Lift Pallet Truck EXH 14–20 - Efficiency & Energy", "description": "Horizontal transportation anytime, anywhere – a piece of cake with the EXH 14–20 Plus low lift pallet truck, the nimble warehouse helper that makes everything a lot easier. Starting with the unique tiller ergonomics: a lot of thought has gone into the positioning of the control elements. They enable intuitive one-handed operation for all operators, no matter the size of the hand and whether it is the right or left. Meanwhile the LED or touch display on the tiller head allows the operator to keep an eye on all relevant truck information. Want to be able to manoeuvre the truck easily and safely at all times? No problem with OptiSpeed. The smart feature automatically adjusts the vehicle speed to the tiller angle. This means that you are just as safe handling loads at full speed during horizontal transportation as you are when carefully driving and braking in narrow aisles or on packed sales floors. The truck also really comes into its own here thanks to its compact dimensions. Whether working in narrow aisles or manoeuvring in HGVs, it takes it all in its stride. With features like these, the EXH 14–20 Plus is perfect not just for horizontal transport applications in supermarkets, production and logistics, but also for use in HGVs. In short: wherever the low lift pallet truck is used, it makes life easier.", "keywords": "Umschlag , Energieffizienz, Effizienz, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 43960, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "04.12.2024" } , { "uid": "-PEQ65fvDbogT9yKjJSddk", "title": "Low Lift Pallet Truck EXH 14–20 - Ergonomics and handling", "description": "Horizontal transportation anytime, anywhere – a piece of cake with the EXH 14–20 Plus low lift pallet truck, the nimble warehouse helper that makes everything a lot easier. Starting with the unique tiller ergonomics: a lot of thought has gone into the positioning of the control elements. They enable intuitive one-handed operation for all operators, no matter the size of the hand and whether it is the right or left. Meanwhile the LED or touch display on the tiller head allows the operator to keep an eye on all relevant truck information. Want to be able to manoeuvre the truck easily and safely at all times? No problem with OptiSpeed. The smart feature automatically adjusts the vehicle speed to the tiller angle. This means that you are just as safe handling loads at full speed during horizontal transportation as you are when carefully driving and braking in narrow aisles or on packed sales floors. The truck also really comes into its own here thanks to its compact dimensions. Whether working in narrow aisles or manoeuvring in HGVs, it takes it all in its stride. With features like these, the EXH 14–20 Plus is perfect not just for horizontal transport applications in supermarkets, production and logistics, but also for use in HGVs. In short: wherever the low lift pallet truck is used, it makes life easier.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 41200, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "04.12.2024" } , { "uid": "B8uyFbGEUtrz_FdwJFS6_L", "title": "Electric Forklift Truck RCE 15-20 - Simply ergonomic", "description": "The RCE 15-20 is extremely easy to work with. The compact three and four-wheel electric forklift truck tackles occasional transport and stacking tasks in no time. It impresses with its robust design, efficiency and impressive manoeuvrability. Even the buying process is simple: available at short notice, guaranteed with the usual STILL quality and reliable STILL service – at an attractive price. It simply fits. ", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 41600, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "19.11.2024" } , { "uid": "EKMxNLWhqPiL7Rwf5Nq52y", "title": "Electric Forklift Truck RCE 15-20 - Simply fits. ", "description": "The RCE 15-20 is extremely easy to work with. The compact three and four-wheel electric forklift truck tackles occasional transport and stacking tasks in no time. It impresses with its robust design, efficiency and impressive manoeuvrability. Even the buying process is simple: available at short notice, guaranteed with the usual STILL quality and reliable STILL service – at an attractive price. It simply fits. ", "keywords": " Trailer, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 54280, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "19.11.2024" } , { "uid": "Cge8g9-quav4dAHuwCipwd", "title": "LiftRunner® tugger train system with PE-Frame - You know the load. We supply the frame.", "description": "In modern and lean production logistics, it is impossible to imagine an efficient flow of materials without tugger trains. They supply the places of demand, such as assembly stations, with materials in various load carriers and small batch sizes as required. This not only reduces costly logistics space in production, but can also reduce inventories and energy consumption and reduce the risk of accidents by reducing the volume of traffic. With the LiftRunner tugger trains, STILL offers a complete tugger train system that can be optimally adapted to individual operating conditions.<br><br>Our LiftRunner meet the highest demands for functionality and quality. The patented trolley removal system provides unique ease of use and the lowest rolling resistance in the industry. The different variants of frames and trolleys offer an optimal solution for your individual application - even a demand-specific construction of frames and trolleys is possible. We will be happy to advise you.<br>", "keywords": " electric, Routenzug, tugger train, frame, PE-Frame, PE-Rahmen, Rahmen , ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 64120, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.11.2024" } , { "uid": "14iYXLSCMLDrLnw7hkuWDU", "title": "LiftRunner® tugger train system with PH-Frame - You know the load. We supply the frame.", "description": "In modern and lean production logistics, it is impossible to imagine an efficient flow of materials without tugger trains. They supply the places of demand, such as assembly stations, with materials in various load carriers and small batch sizes as required. This not only reduces costly logistics space in production, but can also reduce inventories and energy consumption and reduce the risk of accidents by reducing the volume of traffic. With the LiftRunner tugger trains, STILL offers a complete tugger train system that can be optimally adapted to individual operating conditions.<br><br>Our LiftRunner meet the highest demands for functionality and quality. The patented trolley removal system provides unique ease of use and the lowest rolling resistance in the industry. The different variants of frames and trolleys offer an optimal solution for your individual application - even a demand-specific construction of frames and trolleys is possible. We will be happy to advise you.", "keywords": " hydraulic, frame, tugger, PH , Routenzug, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 59200, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.11.2024" } , { "uid": "-9RDHQ-DxM8hgUXvagZFTx", "title": "Electric Forklift Truck RCE 15-20 - Simply safe, compact and efficient. ", "description": "The RCE 15-20 is extremely easy to work with. The compact three and four-wheel electric forklift truck tackles occasional transport and stacking tasks in no time. It impresses with its robust design, efficiency and impressive manoeuvrability. Even the buying process is simple: available at short notice, guaranteed with the usual STILL quality and reliable STILL service – at an attractive price. It simply fits. ", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 81640, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "22.10.2024" } , { "uid": "--95dvALhbUbuYtC8peEF8", "title": "Diesel and LPG Forklift Trucks RCD/RCG 25-35 Plus - The access to success", "description": "The RCD/RCG Plus is sure to put you on the road to success. A truck that has been developed for all those who are looking for a robust counterbalanced truck in the low-cost segment, ready for immediate use - without having to forgo the proven STILL quality. Available in a diesel or LPG version and with a lifting capacity of 2.5 to 3.5 tonnes, the RCD/RCG is a versatile allrounder that offers an unmatched price-performance ratio - and an extra 'plus' in terms of efficiency, user-friendliness and ergonomics. In addition to its powerful engine, the redesigned steering wheel and the most comfortable seat of this vehicle class add to this, as do the modern display with optimised user interface and the optional multi-lever control with clamp release. Whether you are handling containers, trailers or pallets, on ramps or on the flat, you can count on this counterbalanced forklift truck to safely transport your goods to their destination. The suspension system for the operator’s cab absorbs any jolts and vibrations caused by uneven floors; the hydraulic system is also very easy to control; and the operator enjoys excellent visibility on all sides. Furthermore, you can choose from a wide range of equipment options to suit your particular logistics planning requirements. It might be an entry-level truck, but with all these benefits, the RCD/RCG more than lives up to STILL’s exceptional quality standards.<br>", "keywords": " IC truck, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 70240, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "17.10.2024" } , { "uid": "3yjRT-CRjnJL34jexHwbkK", "title": "Michelin Polska invests in new lithium-ion forklift trucks", "description": "To implement its strategy for sustainable development, Michelin has equipped its new production hall for butyl rubber compounds in Poland with lithium-ion forklift trucks from STILL.", "keywords": " RX 20, Li-Ion, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 185440, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "19.08.2024" } , { "uid": "2WCfPeNKxk-aeXfiHq5rih", "title": "iGo easy: Simple commissioning of the EXV 14-20 iGo automated high lift pallet truck ", "description": "Our smart plug & play solution STILL iGo easy is the perfect choice for anyone who wants to automate individual logistic transport processes with small fleets. iGo easy is particularly easy and quick to implement thanks to its intuitive user interface and flexibility. Experience how quick, easy and intuitive it is to configure and commission an AGV in iGo easy using the EXV 14-20 iGo automated pallet truck as an example. And as your needs grow or your processes become more complex, you can always upgrade to iGo systems.", "keywords": "exv igo, iGo, Easy, igo easy, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 175320, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "19.08.2024" } , { "uid": "2A2PYxTNucXQNZ3NBpURC4", "title": "The new heavyweight from STILL: Peak performance for heavy loads", "description": "The new RCD diesel forklift truck from STILL boasts impressive power thanks to its two common rail turbo engines. The precise hydraulic steering is both intuitive and responsive, so the truck can easily handle heavy and bulky loads of up to 18 tonnes. It also offers unparalleled all-round visibility thanks to its sloped counterweight, large cab window and armoured panoramic roof window.<br>The new heavyweight from STILL also ticked all the boxes for PTS Logistics GmbH, a Bremen-based specialist in seaworthy export packaging. Following a comprehensive test phase, the company recently purchased an RCD 160/1200 for its location in the Port of Hamburg. With a load-bearing capacity of 16 tonnes and a load centre distance (i.e. the distance between the fork backs and the load’s centre of gravity) of 1200 mm, this agile RCD is ideal for manoeuvring and transporting particularly heavy and bulky machine components.", "keywords": "PTS Logistik, RCD, Anwenderbericht, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 106800, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "06.08.2024" } , { "uid": "D4JdPWtx6WaFFKW_D6_5kB", "title": "EXV iGo - Industrial Production", "description": "", "keywords": "exv igo, iGo, Easy, igo easy, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 182360, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.07.2024" } , { "uid": "DyxBBLzBWhKHhguMk6L5Do", "title": "Diesel and LPG Forklift Trucks RCD/RCG 15-50 - The access to success", "description": "The RCD/RCG is sure to put you on the road to success. Looking for a robust entry-level counterbalanced forklift truck that is always ready to go? Don’t want to compromise on STILL’s exceptional quality standards? Then this is the truck for you. Available in a diesel or LPG version and with a lifting capacity of 1.5–2 tonnes, the RCD/RCG is a versatile all-rounder that offers unbeatable value for money. Whether you’re handling containers, trailers or pallets, on ramps or on the flat, you can count on this counterbalanced forklift truck to safely transport your goods to their destination.<br><br>The suspension system for the operator’s cab absorbs any jolts and vibrations caused by uneven floors; the hydraulic system is also very easy to control; and the operator enjoys excellent visibility on all sides. What’s more, you can choose from a wide range of equipment options to suit your particular logistics planning requirements. It might be an entry-level truck, but with all these benefits, the RCD/RCG more than lives up to STILL’s exceptional quality standards.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 68760, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "16.07.2024" } , { "uid": "-J7r9Aq8VEABXcbTPUSFVr", "title": "STILL Smart Fleet Solutions", "description": "Smart Fleet Solutions. The flexible fleet solution for your business.<br>With STILL Smart Fleet Solutions, you get an All-in-one platform. It covers all your requirements in a transparent and userfriendly way, enabling the long-term optimization of your resource planning and overall costs.", "keywords": "smart fleet solutions, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 176000, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "09.07.2024" } , { "uid": "2qUuffAUtM-scbSk7ikBvj", "title": "LiftRunner® tugger train system with BX-Frame - You know the load. We supply the frame.", "description": "The LiftRunner BX-Frame provides flexible, fast, safe and economical transport of trolleys up to 1,000 kg. The asymmetric design of the frame and the foldable drawbar system provide particularly high directional stability and high handling capacity, as the foldable drawbar increases the capacity of the tugger train by up to 50 % at equal length. <br>Loading and unloading on both sides and redundant load securing ensure maximum flexibility and safety. BX-Frames are therefore ideal for dynamic route planning and can flexibly deliver different load carriers to different transfer points, even in small batch sizes. And all this with the best operator ergonomics, because the initial swing of the unloading system allows the trolleys to be unloaded with very little effort and back strain.", "keywords": " Routenzug, tugger train, frames, Liftrunner, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 65120, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "21.06.2024" } , { "uid": "CaJM81tmQZPqAsLWKaWfLw", "title": "Smart tiller for low lift and high lift pallet trucks ", "description": "", "keywords": "Deichsel, Ergonomie, Tiller head, Bedienelemente, Bedienung, Ergonomics, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 75840, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "19.06.2024" } , { "uid": "-LFzfQ84BLdX5vwYVqvQpZ", "title": "Fabory central warehouse optimisation: Automation increases efficiency, safety and flexibility", "description": "European fastener specialist Fabory has automated its large warehouse in Tilburg. The new warehouse increases efficiency while providing greater safety and flexibility during peak periods. And the success speaks for itself: Fabory is already planning further automation projects in cooperation with the STILL specialists.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 295240, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "10.06.2024" } , { "uid": "5ca6dC4QhddzkmqkiGN2uX", "title": "More safety in the warehouse - camera system with AI technology", "description": "", "keywords": " Fahrerassistenzsysteme, Arbeitssicherheit, KI , safety, assistance system, assistancesystem, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 35440, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "29.05.2024" } , { "uid": "5Xe4nWYiQPqWi2_s1rkvW5", "title": "Safety Solution: Wireless collision avoidance - STILL Smart Assist Zoning", "description": "", "keywords": " safety, assistance system, Assistenzsystem, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 120720, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.05.2024" } , { "uid": "B_BMCRJjURoXzFbtPrzUSN", "title": "Dynamic material handling in the TROTEC carbon-free distribution centre", "description": "To meet the ever-growing demand, TROTEC, a specialist for climate control, dehumidification and heating, uses state-of-the-art warehouse logistics to ship its products from Heinsberg to destinations all over the world. The solar panels on the five-hectare roof area of the newly built distribution and production centre provide energy not only for use on site, but also for 1,500 four-person households. STILL installed one of the largest racking systems – with storage capacity for 49,000 Euro pallets – in the three hall bays with five fire sections. With up to 15,000 orders per day being processed during peak season, electric forklifts and warehouse trucks from STILL ensure punctual delivery along with dynamic goods handling, all at maximum power and flexibility.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "*~hmac=a174b48a79027767d08b1f5be4c2f2c2614d118bf4c0c7e3db1", "duration": 156720, "downloadable": false, "creationDate": "03.05.2024" } , { "uid": "4-zqs9oWmE-P8AkvurzpXw", "title": "MAHLE opts for Lithium-ion technology from STILL", "description": "The automotive supplier MAHLE is a top global development partner and supplier to the automotive industry with customers in both the passenger car and commercial vehicle sectors. Today, every second vehicle worldwide is equipped with MAHLE components. The company supplies the market with spare parts throughout the entire life cycle. MAHLE Aftermarket, the spare parts and services division of the automotive supplier, responded to a steadily growing turnover of goods with a powerful lithium-ion truck fleet from STILL at its central delivery warehouse in Schorndorf. Doing away with maintenance and battery changing equates to massive time savings, thanks to the faster charging processes! Furthermore, the handling of acids is eliminated and valuable warehouse space has been gained due to the space-saving charging infrastructure.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 162960, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.04.2024" } , { "uid": "6f8w21XbJyhtzZeYaorjU5", "title": "High-lift truck EXV 10C-16C - Efficiency & safety ", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 56480, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "09.04.2024" } , { "uid": "6ptMUZ-aQmcGYRYKde9C_o", "title": "High-lift truck EXV 10C-16C - Ergonomics & handling", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 51880, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "09.04.2024" } , { "uid": "39rZ9wmCmRqbSF9A19NL9Z", "title": "High-lift truck EXV 10C-16C - Elevate stacking with ease", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 31720, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "09.04.2024" } , { "uid": "4-abWL-KN4wZ9GFKeXmBky", "title": "LAPP relies on step-by-step automation with STILL", "description": "U. I. LAPP GmbH recently opened its new logistics centre in Hanover. Since then, industrial trucks from STILL have been increasing the level of automation with their smart assistance systems – and thus also increasing safety and efficiency. Now the company is taking the next step in this direction. The company is testing an implementation of the STILL AXH autonomous mobile robot in the intralogistics processes of the new distribution centre, the medium-term goal being the gradual automation of the company’s intralogistics.", "keywords": " automation, Automatisierung, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 166160, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "03.04.2024" } , { "uid": "CC7UxJTAAizGU9Nu_MU9fX", "title": "Sustainability at STILL – we take on responsibility", "description": "We don't just talk about sustainability, we live it. And we have been doing so for more than 100 years. What does that mean and how do we live sustainability at STILL? We invite you to see it for yourself<br><br><br><br>Because sustainability is more than just facts and figures, the STILL sustainability report also contains interesting stories and practical examples from the STILL world that clearly and comprehensibly show how sustainability is implemented at STILL - both then and now, in a solution-oriented, appropriate and tailor-made way. Click here to go directly to the STILL sustainability report<br><br><br>", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 95440, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "27.03.2024" } , { "uid": "1HKw96A4KwJr6MDW3GRKvt", "title": "Autonomous mobile robot (AMR) AXH 10 - Smart efficiency increase", "description": "Autonomous mobile robots such as STILL’s AXH and ACH series are small, manoeuvrable and intelligent underride vehicles that operate flexibly and proactively in complex warehouse structures. These can be used as a stand-alone solution or integrated into existing warehouse management and control systems to suit the customer’s requirements. Compared to classic automated warehouse solutions, AMRs can be integrated cost-effectively into existing environments and systems. Operating and maintenance costs are also comparatively low. To decide on the vehicle concept that best suits your specific needs, it is important to evaluate various criteria. These include, for example, the infrastructure, environment and volume of traffic in the warehouse, the need for buffer storage and the type of load, not to mention the cost implications. STILL’s experienced automation experts will support you in analysing your processes, evaluating the relevant criteria, selecting the right system as well as planning and implementing it. Our perfectly coordinated service concept, a comprehensive service network and the expert knowledge of specially trained service technicians ensure the availability of your system.", "keywords": " automation, Automatisierung, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 62480, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "13.03.2024" } , { "uid": "EpsrB3w4By9kawc83Dy2Q3", "title": "Service – Repairs are Environmental Protection in Action", "description": "", "keywords": " service, Service technician, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ 85129 ], "thumbnailUrl": "*~hmac=8a13e429cc68168d45b3a7f749cb5d8afac567ada64c425c90a", "duration": 109800, "downloadable": false, "creationDate": "27.02.2024" } , { "uid": "41h8wG3AuRbgiVzLFYKFjZ", "title": "Fabory optimises bulk storage with STILL", "description": "Fabory, the European specialist in fasteners, has automated its bulk storage in Tilburg. The new warehouse increases efficiency, safety and flexibility at peak times. The success smacks of further mechanisation within intralogistics", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 295240, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "22.02.2024" } , { "uid": "DZcDR_bSefqN1GQS39zJ8h", "title": "Groundbreaking, resilient and flexible: automated warehouse made to measure from STILL for VETTER", "description": "Vetter Pharma-Fertigung GmbH & Co. KG has now put its new automated materials warehouse for pharmaceutical packaging into operation. Renowned intralogistics provider STILL was entrusted with analysing, advising on and planning the logistics processes as well as with implementing the warehouse project. Going forward, the use of automation will ensure increased warehouse capacity, safety and flexibility in the company's internal logistics processes.", "keywords": "Pharma, automation, Anwenderbericht, use case, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 176800, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "21.02.2024" } , { "uid": "8wco1bi9bKwU-6RfDMNUKn", "title": "ZKW Krušovce: One of the first fully automated warehouses in Slovakia.", "description": "In Slovakia, fully automated warehouses are still something of a rarity compared with many Western European countries. Many experts put this down to the associated high investment costs, despite the fact that automation within intralogistics often represents a good, worthwhile investment in the future that pays off, not least due to a reduction in energy or labour costs. At ZKW Krušovce in Slovakia, one of the largest automation projects in Central Europe is now under way. The partners of choice were the automation experts at STILL Slovakia – cooperating with the sister company Dematic. ", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 201800, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "21.02.2024" } , { "uid": "FJB3yF8FiWetgdJCqSysKY", "title": "Every kilowatt hour matters - STILL Smart Energy Solutions", "description": "Energy efficiency is more important than ever - especially in intralogistics. When scaling your operations, cost optimisation and efficient use of resources are among the key levers. At STILL, we understand these challenges. But we also know that conditions vary. Therefore, we believe there is no “one size fits all” solution. With all our expertise, we help you find the best solution for your requirements - and support you with a whole package of intelligent products and services that enable you to intelligently reduce and control the consumption and operating costs of your intralogistics. From a wide range of advanced and efficient energy systems, through hardware and software solutions for smart energy management, to comprehensive energy consultancy. So you make the most of every kilowatt hour.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 82240, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "08.12.2023" } , { "uid": "9aN6d61v_DFV3QRe7kMDHG", "title": "Electric forklift truck RCE 25-35 - The uncomplicated one. Forklift is that simple.", "description": "RCE 25-35 - The uncomplicated one.<br>Forklift is that simple.<br><br>Whenever you need to get a job done, the new RCE electric forklift truck is there when you need it. Occasional transport and stacking tasks either indoors or outdoors are just its thing. This forklift truck has everything that makes a solid helper: power, robustness, efficiency. With its high-performance AC motor, any task is completed swiftly. Good all-round visibility allows you to transport your goods easily and safely – and, if you wish, with automatically adjusted cornering speed, which further increases safety during operation. The RCE lithium-ion version also features a quick-charge access, which enables fast and flexible charging and interim charging anywhere, at any time. Even purchasing it is easy for you: The RCE is available at short notice, can be ordered online and is available with three pre-configured equipment packages. All of this at an attractive price with the quality and service from STILL.<br>So, get your hands on it.", "keywords": " forklift truck, electric counterbalance truck, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 169000, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "22.11.2023" } , { "uid": "9KkphCXDHr7m1EEVA4CyGn", "title": "saturn petcare performs better with lithium-ion forklifts from STILL", "description": "saturn petcare, a pet food manufacturer based in the Dutch town of Hattem, has recently upgraded its intralogistics fleet. The new STILL trucks are all equipped with lithium-ion batteries, representing another crucial step for the company in its efforts to reduce CO2 emissions and improve sustainability. The fact that STILL trucks are maintenance-free and clean to operate are highly welcome additional benefits. ", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 158120, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "21.11.2023" } , { "uid": "1x6Fj4mrgz-q5DibA6oTVE", "title": "Holz-Denzel focuses on sustainability with economical electric forklift trucks from STILL", "description": "At its premises in the Bavarian town of Wertingen, timber merchant Alois Denzel KG is gradually replacing its existing internal combustion (IC) trucks with electric forklift trucks from STILL. The electricity for the replaceable batteries is generated using cost-effective and environmentally friendly methods thanks to the company’s own hydroelectric power plant and a photovoltaic system. This has significantly reduced harmful exhaust emissions in the warehouse, as well as making a noticeable difference to the level of noise in the driver’s cabs. And soot on the delicate wood-based materials is a thing of the past too.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 249400, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "20.11.2023" } , { "uid": "37mZmzEgj21AMcweSVkw8p", "title": "STILL Racking Solutions", "description": "A great setup for every requirement<br><br>Do you want to store different types of goods on pallets in your warehouse? Why not take a look at the STILL’s racking solutions. With direct access to each individual pallet and the high safety standards, STILL pallet racks are the best possible solution for all your warehouse requirements. Thanks to great flexibility, this type of rack can be customised to your individual needs.<br>As a full range supplier, STILL offers a broad range of industrial racking systems including static installations such as pallet, drive-in or cantilever racks and dynamic systems, e.g., drive-through and moving racks as well as moving platforms.<br><br>", "keywords": " Racking System, racks, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 125680, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "14.11.2023" } , { "uid": "9Zvcz1fQ2JsXMUfLqLUcKh", "title": "Driver assistance system - Proximity Detection", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 29560, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "09.10.2023" } , { "uid": "-e6GKEjh3dYUGsoUryRhek", "title": "Our new EVP Finance Karoline Jung-Senssfelder", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 230520, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "18.09.2023" } , { "uid": "D-iNxdhAEt74Zzf6PNDnD4", "title": "Low Lift Pallet Trucks with Driver’s Stand-on Platform EXH-SF 16-20C - Ergonomics and handling", "description": "Manoeuvrability and intuitive operation taken to a new dimension – the EXH-SF 16C/20C low lift pallet truck with folding stand-on platform is the smart assistant for light to medium duty horizontal transport operations. With its impressively slim dimensions, the pallet truck is very easy to manoeuvre when loading and unloading HGVs and can be operated with precision thanks to the electric steering and the innovative STILL tiller. The innovative STILL LED or touch display integrated in the tiller head provides even more working ergonomics and an excellent overview of all relevant truck data.<br><br>For maximum safety and increased handling performance at the same time, the EXH-SF 16C/20C features the STILL Curve Speed Control driver assistance system as standard, which automatically adjusts the speed when cornering. Sturdy side bars and a generously dimensioned sprung stand-on platform ensure safety and comfort during operation. <br><br>The innovative STILL lithium-ion technology enables fast charging and interim charging of the battery during breaks, which ensures maximum availability of the smart warehouse assistant. In addition, different battery sizes are available to suit your individual requirements.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 62080, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "09.08.2023" } , { "uid": "2Y6nRT_bb1-P7gyQqpCM6Z", "title": "Low Lift Pallet Trucks with Driver’s Stand-on Platform EXH-SF 16-20C - Efficiency & Safety", "description": "Manoeuvrability and intuitive operation taken to a new dimension – the EXH-SF 16C/20C low lift pallet truck with folding stand-on platform is the smart assistant for light to medium duty horizontal transport operations. With its impressively slim dimensions, the pallet truck is very easy to manoeuvre when loading and unloading HGVs and can be operated with precision thanks to the electric steering and the innovative STILL tiller. The innovative STILL LED or touch display integrated in the tiller head provides even more working ergonomics and an excellent overview of all relevant truck data.<br><br>For maximum safety and increased handling performance at the same time, the EXH-SF 16C/20C features the STILL Curve Speed Control driver assistance system as standard, which automatically adjusts the speed when cornering. Sturdy side bars and a generously dimensioned sprung stand-on platform ensure safety and comfort during operation. <br><br>The innovative STILL lithium-ion technology enables fast charging and interim charging of the battery during breaks, which ensures maximum availability of the smart warehouse assistant. In addition, different battery sizes are available to suit your individual requirements.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 62120, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "08.08.2023" } , { "uid": "25bpjFHW52jXN316qwT169", "title": "Vertical Order Picker PXV - The new dimension in order picking", "description": "It is the king of order picking and impresses with its exceptional goods handling and maximum reach heights, as well as offering a whole new level of safety and ergonomics. Whether put to use in wide or narrow-aisle warehouses, no other order picker uses space and time as cleverly as the PXV vertical order picker. With an order picking height of 14.5 metres, the ‘large’ variant – which has a load capacity of 1,200 kg – can reach even the highest shelves. Its little brother meanwhile can work at reach heights of up to 7.8 metres with a load capacity of 1,000 kg. In both versions, smooth mast transition journeys not only ensure comfortable working but also impressive goods handling. The PXV sets new standards when it comes to user friendliness and ergonomics, too. The operator is supported by intelligent assistance systems, such as the STILL OptiSpeed system which ensures the highest possible speed without jeopardising driving safety. It also offers an excellent field of vision in the load and drive direction, plus a spacious, shock-absorbing operator's cab with tilting barriers for easy access to goods. Additional assistance systems for even greater safety and efficiency plus numerous equipment variants can also be selected individually and make the PXV the perfect, tailor-made companion for every warehouse. It's the new dimension in order picking.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 109200, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "11.07.2023" } , { "uid": "EnhFawG-kQ_pYszWP2MDRq", "title": "Low Lift Pallet Trucks with Driver’s Stand-on Platform EXH-SF 16-20C - Lightens the load", "description": "Manoeuvrability and intuitive operation taken to a new dimension – the EXH-SF 16C/20C low lift pallet truck with folding stand-on platform is the smart assistant for light to medium duty horizontal transport operations. With its impressively slim dimensions, the pallet truck is very easy to manoeuvre when loading and unloading HGVs and can be operated with precision thanks to the electric steering and the innovative STILL tiller. The innovative STILL LED or touch display integrated in the tiller head provides even more working ergonomics and an excellent overview of all relevant truck data.<br><br>For maximum safety and increased handling performance at the same time, the EXH-SF 16C/20C features the STILL Curve Speed Control driver assistance system as standard, which automatically adjusts the speed when cornering. Sturdy side bars and a generously dimensioned sprung stand-on platform ensure safety and comfort during operation. <br><br>The innovative STILL lithium-ion technology enables fast charging and interim charging of the battery during breaks, which ensures maximum availability of the smart warehouse assistant. In addition, different battery sizes are available to suit your individual requirements.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 52360, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "10.07.2023" } , { "uid": "CF6oQ8nFTAH8PvVu5ahhim", "title": "STILL Li-Ion Technology - Reality is now", "description": "Li-Ion Technology: Full performance during several shifts thanks to effective interim charging.<br>Virtually all of us make use of this technology every day, without really being aware of it. We are talking about Lithium Ion batteries (Li-Ion). No modern cell phone can do without it. Now this technology is conquering new fields of application and it is moving into the field of industrial trucks. What exactly makes this new type of accumulator so attractive.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 105040, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "17.05.2023" } , { "uid": "EzAXNf-ZNPGejo2huUfTsy", "title": "SMART ENERGY MANAGEMENT - The comprehensive charging solution for electric industrial trucks.", "description": "SMART ENERGY MANAGEMENT.<br>The comprehensive charging solution for electric industrial trucks.<br><br>Smart fleet management is a fundamental prerequisite for remaining competitive in the dynamic world of intralogistics in the future. STILL SMART ENERGY MANAGEMENT ensures availability, flexibility, energy efficiency and transparent cost control", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 144040, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "17.05.2023" } , { "uid": "8cxDygMTnvzoAKB-Cc8-P5", "title": " A HISTORY OF THE FUTURE – 100 YEARS OF STILL (EN)", "description": "For 100 years, our customer's success has been the core of our activities. Understanding their individual requirements and fulfilling them with versatile ideas and innovative power is our drive. As passionate pioneer thinkers, we develop and implement customised intralogistics solutions with an additional value that goes beyond the sum of their parts. We invent the future for you!<br><br> <br>", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 81000, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.05.2023" } , { "uid": "ByA6rQH8FSoa1QgoCW2dxi", "title": "STILL Service technician - 5 good reasons", "description": "As a service technician at STILL an exciting field of activity awaits you, in which you will develop further every day.<br>This also includes attractive benefits and conditions: Competitive salary, 5% bonus potential, Door to door pay<br>Paid overtime, Company pension scheme, 25 days annual leave, Company van with fuel card for optional private use", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 93440, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "08.05.2023" } , { "uid": "14nkJuaHUCV417caZXDMu2", "title": "OPX iGo neo - Video Tutorial - Part 3", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "*~hmac=62896ac19306e64e77ed7c1895f29dfa60eb446831c1bbe5794", "duration": 553200, "downloadable": false, "creationDate": "08.05.2023" } , { "uid": "8Dw8YXGSvitCQV3xkuTLNu", "title": "Electric Forklift Truck RCE 25-35 - Does its job. Period. ", "description": "Whenever you need to get a job done, the new RCE electric forklift truck is there when you need it. Occasional transport and stacking tasks either indoors or outdoors are just its thing. This forklift truck has everything that makes a solid helper: power, robustness, efficiency. With its high-performance AC motor, any task is completed swiftly. Good all-round visibility allows you to transport your goods easily and safely – and, if you wish, with automatically adjusted cornering speed, which further increases safety during operation. Even purchasing it is easy for you: The RCE is available at short notice, can be ordered online and is available with three pre-configured equipment packages. All of this at an attractive price with the quality and service from STILL.<br>So, get your hands on it.", "keywords": " Trailer, C-Line, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 57800, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "02.05.2023" } , { "uid": "9Z4R3VWthZZsZGNYGdK1jQ", "title": "Electric Forklift Truck RCE 25-35 - Safe and efficient. ", "description": "Whenever you need to get a job done, the new RCE electric forklift truck is there when you need it. Occasional transport and stacking tasks either indoors or outdoors are just its thing. This forklift truck has everything that makes a solid helper: power, robustness, efficiency. With its high-performance AC motor, any task is completed swiftly. Good all-round visibility allows you to transport your goods easily and safely – and, if you wish, with automatically adjusted cornering speed, which further increases safety during operation. Even purchasing it is easy for you: The RCE is available at short notice, can be ordered online and is available with three pre-configured equipment packages. All of this at an attractive price with the quality and service from STILL.<br>So, get your hands on it.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 33560, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "02.05.2023" } , { "uid": "4oeWLeiiib9dHBtKH4PXLH", "title": "Electric Forklift Truck RCE 25-35 - Ergonomic workplace. ", "description": "Whenever you need to get a job done, the new RCE electric forklift truck is there when you need it. Occasional transport and stacking tasks either indoors or outdoors are just its thing. This forklift truck has everything that makes a solid helper: power, robustness, efficiency. With its high-performance AC motor, any task is completed swiftly. Good all-round visibility allows you to transport your goods easily and safely – and, if you wish, with automatically adjusted cornering speed, which further increases safety during operation. Even purchasing it is easy for you: The RCE is available at short notice, can be ordered online and is available with three pre-configured equipment packages. All of this at an attractive price with the quality and service from STILL.<br>So, get your hands on it.", "keywords": " Ergonmischer Arbeitsplatz, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 40760, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "01.05.2023" } , { "uid": "5sYJ2xKMTdkZmvTZNptz7o", "title": "STILL Partnership LMC and Gestamp", "description": "", "keywords": " STILL, lmc, gestamp, use case, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 260519, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "19.04.2023" } , { "uid": "DGH1DEPKS43sxHu7ifsQ57", "title": "Automation for home improvement retailer: Leroy Merlin opts for AGVs from STILL!", "description": "Leroy Merlin is a French retailer and chain of home improvement stores. Its Réau site in the Seine-et-Marne department covers an area of over 72,000 m2, half of which has now been automated. STILL has been Leroy Merlin’s intralogistics partner for over 15 years and has contributed a total of 27 AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicles) to one of its recent projects in order to improve the quality of picking, reduce errors and shorten lead times.hat Kontextmenü", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 157720, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "13.04.2023" } , { "uid": "6qCm93fWxkTryuB-nALtA7", "title": "STILL Automated interaction with high lift pallet truck, electric tractor and E-frame ", "description": "STILL Automated interaction with high lift pallet truck, electric tractor and E-frame ", "keywords": " automation, electric truck, high lift pallet truck, e-frame, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 109920, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "11.04.2023" } , { "uid": "3F1W5SHahBKxKux-n5HXmk", "title": "OPX iGo neo - Video Tutorial - Part 4", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "*~hmac=818aa2eed822cbcdcf1054fdd977ba7f496b4d03a7de2d6ec71", "duration": 988280, "downloadable": false, "creationDate": "05.04.2023" } , { "uid": "7AAmm17_oESL_nRBY1kKXV", "title": "OPX iGo neo - Video Tutorial - Part 5", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "*~hmac=819a077e7b510c2b7e33369a3b24bd7c9ce7aa4a210ebfa3843", "duration": 245280, "downloadable": false, "creationDate": "05.04.2023" } , { "uid": "2MV4fpegLizNbYc27t3XmF", "title": "OPX iGo neo - Video Tutorial - Part 2", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "*~hmac=785561c6a16258c7159023edb39d042dea1761660588e74f011", "duration": 623160, "downloadable": false, "creationDate": "05.04.2023" } , { "uid": "4Xnik2TKaSimcL-oj8mgts", "title": "OPX iGo neo - Video Tutorial - Part 1", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "*~hmac=67209e51b60967b6f5d919fabcc15fed1199ce4d84d7f72dd60", "duration": 689960, "downloadable": false, "creationDate": "05.04.2023" } , { "uid": "-6E9MVcMSxke4X_YGpCpqq", "title": "Smart Intralogistics including radio-based safety system and driver assistance system at U.I. Lapp GmbH", "description": "U.I. Lapp GmbH has opened its new distribution centre in Hanover as a response to the constantly increasing revenue in the cable industry. The facilities, including a racking system along with industrial trucks, was planned, installed and put into operation by the renowned intralogistics systems experts at STILL. Completing this facility is the radio-based safety system which works with STILL’s other driver assistance systems for collision avoidance, such as the Active Floor Compensation (AFC) to compensate for uneven ground or the warning zone light for industrial trucks as a visual warning for pedestrians. ", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 176800, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "30.03.2023" } , { "uid": "7-UjpmGVHDkvCYx8ZDjHkf", "title": "Low level order picker OPX - Thrillingly Dynamic", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ 85259 ], "thumbnailUrl": "*~hmac=6440530eccc8bf450f6b356ee96d1a379b98013435d596be551", "duration": 93240, "downloadable": false, "creationDate": "23.03.2023" } , { "uid": "1-mvX5o_oAFvhuh5Dj_48R", "title": "Electric forklift truck RXE 10-16C - Great in the smallest of spaces", "description": "Turn it any way you want, the RXE 10-16C simply fits. Always. The youngest and smallest member of the electrifying STILL electric forklift truck family is one of the greatest in terms of performance: compact as it is, it shines with a perfect balance of driving comfort, manoeuvrability and safety – even when things get really tight. Be it in HGVs, containers or narrow aisles, the RXE 10-16C is incomparably efficient and agile in the smallest of spaces thanks to its compact dimensions and sensitive steering. And that is precisely why it is so versatile.", "keywords": "RXE, STILL, electric counterbalance truck, electric forklift truck, electric truck, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 80160, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "16.03.2023" } , { "uid": "5EmYRZkcJGBoeNpykcecAg", "title": "Low Lift Pallet Truck ECH 15 - Ready to go", "description": "The ECH 15 low lift pallet truck by STILL is an innovative, compact power package for diverse applications. The small and nimble assistant transports loads weighing up to 1,500 kg – while only weighing 200 kg itself. It is therefore ideal for many different applications, be it on mezzanines or in goods lifts as well as for transportation by lorry, especially when loading and unloading by lifting platform. Thanks to the standard support wheels the ECH 15 is stable in operation and guarantees safe goods handling. The centrally arranged drive wheel and additional support wheels provide for great stability. The compact and deep-drawn chassis makes the ECH 15 resilient, durable and safe to operate. Thanks to its powerful, maintenance-free 48 V Li-ion battery and additional built-in charger, the ECH 15 is reliable and easy to use. The display also keeps the operator informed at all times about the current battery charge status and operating hours.", "keywords": "ECH15, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 43160, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "16.03.2023" } , { "uid": "5sZjMABaen4Ta8Q16q3pdd", "title": "Electric-Tractor and Platform Truck LXT 120-350 and LXW 20-30 - Efficiency in action", "description": "f", "keywords": " trailer, tow tractor, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 46120, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.03.2023" } , { "uid": "1Ub4PVnPufa6CGSVCunm7w", "title": "Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) ACH 06-15 - Smart Efficiency Increase", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 124480, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.03.2023" } , { "uid": "4vEgoaVLxENpyVtxBRJ8Cy", "title": "Migros Verteilbetrieb AG prepares for the future with autonomous OPX iGo neo horizontal order pickers from STILL", "description": "Due to ongoing growth in Swiss retailer Migros’ online business, the company’s logistics were in urgent need of development and reorganisation. In light of this, Migros Verteilbetrieb AG (MVB) automated the entire non-food area of the manual logistics operation in an extension. An optimised storage concept was devised for the entire distribution centre based on the omni-channel management of the store business and e-commerce. Items that cannot be automated are picked ergonomically, quickly and economically using efficient pick-by-voice storage systems and autonomous OPX iGo neo trucks from STILL.<br>", "keywords": " user case, user story, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 216120, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.03.2023" } , { "uid": "CG796ugEpUBKPMX8FVmuQX", "title": "Electric forklift truck RXE 10-16C - Great in the smallest of spaces", "description": "Turn it any way you want, the RXE 10-16C simply fits. Always. The youngest and smallest member of the electrifying STILL electric forklift truck family is one of the greatest in terms of performance: compact as it is, it shines with a perfect balance of driving comfort, manoeuvrability and safety – even when things get really tight. Be it in HGVs, containers or narrow aisles, the RXE 10-16C is incomparably efficient and agile in the smallest of spaces thanks to its compact dimensions and sensitive steering. And that is precisely why it is so versatile.<br><br>Whether it is in the food industry, at logistics service providers, in production supply or in joint warehouses of large retailers, the compact three-wheel counterbalanced forklift truck inspires as an efficient helper for loading and unloading HGVs or containers as well as for transporting pallets in the warehouse. With a top speed of 12.5 km/h, it gets a lot done very quickly. And to ensure that not a single moment of its electrifying dynamics is lost for safety reasons, it is equipped with the proven Curve Speed Control as standard. This keeps you safely on track at all times – even in the tightest of curves. So when it comes to moving 1.0 to 1.6 tonnes in a space-saving way, the RXE 10-16C is the perfect choice! With its wide range of equipment options and assistance systems, it is also an attractive upgrade from the high lift stackers, with increased comfort and added safety. All this makes it the perfect successor to the legendary STILL RX 50, one of the best-selling electric forklift trucks in its class ever. Proof that the RXE 10-16C fits the bill. Always.<br>", "keywords": " electric forklift, Electric Forklift Trucks , RXE, Trailer, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 47440, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.03.2023" } , { "uid": "9wj8AELS7azU6LHin7xhYP", "title": "Diesel and LPG Forklift Trucks RCD/RCG 15-50 - Product Presentation", "description": "The RCD/RCG is sure to put you on the road to success. Looking for a robust entry-level counterbalanced forklift truck that is always ready to go? Don’t want to compromise on STILL’s exceptional quality standards? Then this is the truck for you. Available in a diesel or LPG version and with a lifting capacity of 1.5–2 tonnes, the RCD/RCG is a versatile all-rounder that offers unbeatable value for money. Whether you’re handling containers, trailers or pallets, on ramps or on the flat, you can count on this counterbalanced forklift truck to safely transport your goods to their destination.<br><br>The suspension system for the operator’s cab absorbs any jolts and vibrations caused by uneven floors; the hydraulic system is also very easy to control; and the operator enjoys excellent visibility on all sides. What’s more, you can choose from a wide range of equipment options to suit your particular logistics planning requirements. It might be an entry-level truck, but with all these benefits, the RCD/RCG more than lives up to STILL’s exceptional quality standards.", "keywords": "RCD RCG, diesel, diesel und lpg, Gegengewichtstapler, onlineshop, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 173480, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.03.2023" } , { "uid": "8RCj7SpeeAkAinbv2xPH-a", "title": "iGo - Automation at STILL - We drive automated vehicles", "description": "For the automation of forklift trucks, STILL offers a uniquely comprehensive range of standardised and scalable solutions. This means that automation projects can be implemented easily at any time. In this way, any company, regardless of its size, can reap the benefits of automated transport processes.<br>", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 89800, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.03.2023" } , { "uid": "8-NwMHkADtJZJLD1N8A6Tj", "title": "Assistance function - Fork Wear Protection", "description": "", "keywords": "Gabelverschleissschutz, hubhöhensensor, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 41920, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.03.2023" } , { "uid": "8u4BkenREaYx-U-xj_SLpi", "title": "ECV 10, ECV 10 C und ECV 10 i C - Product Presentation", "description": "We are presenting our three high lift pallet trucks <br>featuring high handling performance, flexibility and above all safety: The ECV 10, ECV 10 C and ECV 10 i C.<br>All three are single-hand operated electric pallet trucks of our classic line for vertical transports with loads up to one tonne.", "keywords": "ECV 10 C, Hochhubwagen, onlineshop, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 352560, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.03.2023" } , { "uid": "ER2rCJmW31kkLgvnF_QT7o", "title": " Low Lift Pallet Truck ECH 12C / 15C - Product Presentation", "description": "The ECH 12C/ECH 15C is the ideal alternative to the hand pallet trucks.<br>Its compact dimensions and low service weight of just 115 kilos make<br>it the perfect partner for horizontal freight transport over short, level<br>routes and in confined spaces. Whether in goods lifts, on sales floors<br>or in racking aisles, the ECH 12C/15C is light, agile and safe, and,<br>thanks to the creep speed switch, extremely manoeuvrable even with<br>the tiller in an upright position. All this ensures its high efficiency and<br>flexibility even in areas with little space for manoeuvring. In addition,<br>the lithium-ion battery provides maximum availability, as the battery<br>can be charged and interim charged at any time at a power socket<br>via the external charger. The ECH 12C/15C also offers a high level<br>of user convenience. Thanks to the electric drive and the ergonomic<br>tiller, loads up to 1,200/1,500 kg can be moved without fatiguing the<br>operator, while conserving power in the process.", "keywords": " Low lift pallet truck, ECH 12C / 15C, Niederhubwagen, Deichsel-Niederhubwagen, onlineshop, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 208440, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.03.2023" } , { "uid": "4NS_1RGfBo-PtPR3Sa4eBt", "title": "Autonomous low level order picker OPX iGo neo - The smart way", "description": "With the iGo neo technology STILL is the first company to turn series-produced trucks into independently acting assistants to their operators. This enables an order picking truck like the OPX iGo neo to follow its operator at every turn.<br>", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 51600, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.03.2023" } , { "uid": "9cQt-5Qyp4JH8tASXzv15C", "title": "STILL neXXt: service Navigator", "description": "With STILL neXXt Service Navigator platform, service technicians have a powerful tool at their side that enables them to find all service documents quickly and easily using a comprehensive search function. This saves a long time searching and gives the option of saving favourites and opening recently opened documents. ", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 49400, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.03.2023" } , { "uid": "9uQugJk_KuFcndH2ZHKxGe", "title": "STILL Li-Ion Technology - Reality is now", "description": "Li-Ion Technology: Full performance during several shifts thanks to effective interim charging.<br>Virtually all of us make use of this technology every day, without really being aware of it. We are talking about Lithium Ion batteries (Li-Ion). No modern cell phone can do without it. Now this technology is conquering new fields of application and it is moving into the field of industrial trucks. What exactly makes this new type of accumulator so attractive", "keywords": " Li-Ion, STILL, E-truck, electric, truck, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 224160, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.03.2023" } , { "uid": "2rnHAxy8Q6z6zXsJusCnLd", "title": "On the safe side: digitally guided Pre-Shift Check before starting work", "description": "With the Pre-Shift Check in the on-board computer STILL Easy Control STILL achieves a new level of safety for the driver and the truck: before the start of each shift, or at user-defined intervals, the driver must confirm the operational capability of the truck via the on-board computer before he can put the truck into operation with all its functions. The customer is free to choose the criteria of the safety check. In addition to the standard query, several individual queries can be stored in the display of the on-board computer. And if an answer is negative? Here too, the customer has all options. For example, he can define in the system that the performance of the vehicle is automatically limited if a query shows a negative test result. ", "keywords": "preshift, preshiftcheck, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 56960, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.03.2023" } , { "uid": "7EqE978fttupc9AS4U27Gn", "title": " Low Lift Pallet Truck ECH 15 - Product Presentation", "description": "", "keywords": "ECH15, Niederhubwagen, onlineshop, Productpresentation, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 173000, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.03.2023" } , { "uid": "EeV7ugJYVcFdykU4BdNK8P", "title": "STILL Webinar Process automation with automated serial trucks (AGV´s)", "description": "When, if not now?!<br>Systematically optimising logistics, thanks to automated processes. <br><br>How will I stay successful and competitive in the future? The more complex economic requirements and the more cost pressure and global competition grow, the more corporate strategies will need to focus on optimised logistics processes. In the future logistics will be digital, connected and most of all: automated. Now is the right time to lay the tracks that take you into that future.<br><br>The webinar will give entrepreneurs and logistics managers a comprehensive overview of the range of possibilities automation provides for logistics. ", "keywords": "webinar, automation, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ 97079 , 94269 ], "thumbnailUrl": "*~hmac=2ba8c92964aba07118c2b63d1c0b71e4ebbf20cb9cbad70f8a715", "duration": 2412440, "downloadable": false, "creationDate": "15.03.2023" } , { "uid": "DpGJQjj9uKioDzgJpJ44c1", "title": "Low Lift and Double Stacker Trucks EXH-S and EXD-S - The Enforcers", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 27360, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.03.2023" } , { "uid": "-_BFvH23GaiQP_APqqgkAw", "title": "Low Lift and Double Stacker Trucks EXH-S and EXD-S - The plus in safety", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 37440, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.03.2023" } , { "uid": "6vCQufiyxaCUzYvoUfJH7R", "title": "Electric forklift truck RX 60-35/50 - Maximum availability", "description": "", "keywords": " RX60, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 41840, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.03.2023" } , { "uid": "5kDUiJ82LzYaxT7U4dgBNU", "title": "Hase Safety Group – STILL takes warehouse automation to a new level", "description": "Automated industrial trucks come into their own wherever recurring transport tasks with standardised transfer stations and homogeneous load carriers are required. A high degree of flexibility is ensured by scaling with additional trucks, different automation levels and adjustable routes. One excellent example of this is the expansion of Hase Safety Group’s automated warehouse, which uses high-performance automated trucks from STILL. Route optimisations and automation of incoming goods checks are also used to help improve performance. With the market for work safety clothing rapidly expanding, there is also a need for more warehouse capacity. Hase Safety has made its warehouse fit for the future by expanding the capacity to 10,000 pallet locations and introducing automation technology from STILL.<br>", "keywords": " Anwenderbericht, MX-X, EXV, iGo systems, automation, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 147120, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "14.03.2023" } , { "uid": "9EUjmEwkf6do_VSbJavAR-", "title": "Diesel Forklift Truck RCD 10-18 t - Make light work of heavy loads", "description": "Loads weighing up to 18 tonnes? Bulky goods? Tough operating conditions? The STILL RCD 100-180 heavy-duty forklift truck does the job for you! Its efficient and powerful common-rail turbo engines provide enough power to satisfy even the greatest handling appetite quickly and effectively. How much fuel does your new heavyweight champion consume in the process? Less! The results of the tested comparative work cycles show that the RCD 100-180 consumes less than all other torque converters. You don’t have to worry about the EU emission standard either: The STILL RCD 100-180 is well below the currently required limit values.<br><br>It boasts impressive handling power and extremely intuitive and sensitive controls: Thanks to the precise hydraulics and excellent visibility, your employees can get the best possible performance out of the truck in any situation. And in the event that the view to the front is blocked by large loads, the entire driver’s workspace, including the control elements, can be rotated by 180 degrees. Regardless of the load you have to move, the wide range of fork carriages and attachments of the RCD 100-180 will take the weight off your shoulders.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 91360, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "14.03.2023" } , { "uid": "Bt8S-rFU5mDRea7jkk4hNT", "title": "Diesel and LPG forklift truck RX 70 20-35 - Best performance", "description": "Full speed ahead: the industrial engine with over 20 percent more<br>power means that the RX 70-20/35 can move more goods to their<br>destination even faster – and yet it remains impressively efficient!<br>This is made possible by the STILL Performance System: perfectly<br>coordinated components combine a powerful and efficient drive with<br>precise and sensitive control. Every RX 70-20/35 is built to impress<br>for years: durable material and compact design meet unmatched<br>performance dynamics. The top performer has a multitude of strengths<br>that are effectively adapted to every situation thanks to the intuitive<br>operating elements. What’s more, every detail of the comfortable<br>driver’s cab has been carefully considered, from the large footwell<br>through to the thermoformed dashboard for maximum visibility. The<br>STILL Easy Control is the cockpit’s smart centrepiece. The smart<br>on-board computer provides direct access to performance functions<br>and displays relevant truck information at a glance. Reversing in tight<br>spaces, frequent driving up and down ramps, changing operating<br>conditions – the RX 70-20/35 ensures that you are always in control<br>when handling loads, even in tough and challenging situations.<br>Experience the pinnacle of intelligent performance!", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 52640, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "14.03.2023" } , { "uid": "C4T-u_c1SgYi9WUpT5mgUG", "title": " Low Lift Pallet Truck ECH 12 - Product Presentation", "description": "", "keywords": "ECH12, onlineshop, Niederhubwagen, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 165520, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "14.03.2023" } , { "uid": "5NPQF9MLfDRdwK-QPpEfn4", "title": "Automation with added value - STILL automates logistics processes at Tarkett", "description": "In 2020, Tarkett, the international market leader for innovative flooring solutions, acquired a new distribution centre in Waalwijk, Netherlands. The logistics processes in the new building have been fully automated to the greatest possible extent with help from STILL iGo systems. “Our operations are safer, more reliable and more efficient,” stresses Supply Chain Manager Michiel van Trijen. <br>", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 188080, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "14.03.2023" } , { "uid": "5oLxQ5oe_5Loj9ZcbosSNY", "title": "STILL neXXt: service diagnosis", "description": "There is a noticeable change from pure information transmission to data transmission. With STILL neXXt Service diagnosis, our specialists have the possibility to access the device directly via Bluetooth and to perform a wireless diagnosis. Simple instructions and AI based solutions are suggested. In addition, the platform offers the possibility of a cooperative diagnosis, which makes it possible to access the truck together with an expert. By using Service Diagnosis and Cooperative Diagnosis, efficiency can be increased up to eightfold.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 66600, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "14.03.2023" } , { "uid": "ACZqQZeGTmS6Jhx9Xi7qM5", "title": "STILL neXXt: Service cooperative diagnosis", "description": "There is a noticeable change from pure information transmission to data transmission. With STILL neXXt Service diagnosis, our specialists have the possibility to access the device directly via Bluetooth and to perform a wireless diagnosis. Simple instructions and AI based solutions are suggested. In addition, the platform offers the possibility of a cooperative diagnosis, which makes it possible to access the truck together with an expert. By using Service Diagnosis and Cooperative Diagnosis, efficiency can be increased up to eightfold.", "keywords": "nexxtf , nexxtfleet, neXXt fleet, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 44760, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "14.03.2023" } , { "uid": "3JgiESWA7VbqZRu6qpRHdV", "title": "Driver assistance system - Warning Zone Light Plus", "description": "", "keywords": "Warnzonenlicht Plus, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 32960, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "14.03.2023" } , { "uid": "64k-mVMS1BGe-FWySuzU1E", "title": "STILL Diesel and LPG forklift truck RX 70 20-35 - Performance meets efficiency ", "description": "Full speed ahead: the industrial engine with over 20 percent more<br>power means that the RX 70-20/35 can move more goods to their<br>destination even faster – and yet it remains impressively efficient!<br>This is made possible by the STILL Performance System: perfectly<br>coordinated components combine a powerful and efficient drive with<br>precise and sensitive control. Every RX 70-20/35 is built to impress<br>for years: durable material and compact design meet unmatched<br>performance dynamics. The top performer has a multitude of strengths<br>that are effectively adapted to every situation thanks to the intuitive<br>operating elements. What’s more, every detail of the comfortable<br>driver’s cab has been carefully considered, from the large footwell<br>through to the thermoformed dashboard for maximum visibility. The<br>STILL Easy Control is the cockpit’s smart centrepiece. The smart<br>on-board computer provides direct access to performance functions<br>and displays relevant truck information at a glance. Reversing in tight<br>spaces, frequent driving up and down ramps, changing operating<br>conditions – the RX 70-20/35 ensures that you are always in control<br>when handling loads, even in tough and challenging situations.<br>Experience the pinnacle of intelligent performance!", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 31560, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "14.03.2023" } , { "uid": "4bw8ukNTFV2cECuQXZWTLt", "title": "STILL Webinar - Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) in Production Logistics ", "description": "Automating production logistics? Of course, but how? <br><br>Automating production logistics raises profitability! <br><br>With constant recurring processes, production supply and disposal is more suitable for automation than almost any other logistics process.<br>A range of different transport solutions is available for this purpose.<br> <br>Based on a specific application example, the webinar will show the benefits and drawbacks of the different solutions available on the market. <br>Be it automated forklifts, lift deck trucks or tugger trains: our experts will provide you with clear guidelines to choose the best way to automate your production logistics.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ 97080 , 94269 ], "thumbnailUrl": "*~hmac=e0dd50a5793a716c30b8f450bff82485b91ef65cc30b807cdbc01", "duration": 3180160, "downloadable": false, "creationDate": "14.03.2023" } , { "uid": "AjY8rhxfDqmYD9LsPLv4g4", "title": "More power for Danfoss: AI-assisted automatic warehouse", "description": "For the new Danfoss Power Electronics A/S production warehouse in the Danish town of Tinglev, STILL delivered a perfectly conceived combination of three automated industrial trucks from series production (MX-X and EXV), which included installing all the system components.<br>Systems were optimised via the cloud using the smart tool iGo insights and thanks to the ELOshield safety system, pedestrians are optimally protected from oncoming trucks. ", "keywords": " automation, iGo systems, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 49440, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "14.03.2023" } , { "uid": "-Ef2gMk7dp7fr4y6twhS8i", "title": "Automated material flow according to demand: Effective interaction of manual, semi-automatic and fully automatic industrial trucks (AGVs)", "description": "", "keywords": " IFOY, scenario, Szenario, AGV, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 864040, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "14.03.2023" } , { "uid": "Cr_SkzqwLnTYGkNjN3SjZm", "title": "Assistance function - Silent Lift ", "description": "", "keywords": "Silent Lift, hubhöhensensor, Fahrerassistenzfunktion, Fahrerassistenzsystem, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 32720, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "14.03.2023" } , { "uid": "DQpJaQxFPvBoxNitSJ22DJ", "title": "Electric forklift truck RX 60-35/50 - Exceptional interaction", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 56200, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "14.03.2023" } , { "uid": "-xBKGptudfpE7Q7LUYdYbk", "title": "The NEW Electric forklift truck RX 60-35/50 - Everything. Except emissions.", "description": "", "keywords": " RX60, campaign, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 72080, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "14.03.2023" } , { "uid": "1K3NtsCBfKU-2uiAGX34Tv", "title": "STILL Webinar – Energy systems for cost-effective and sustainable intralogistics", "description": "In intralogistics, energy use and consumption are a key factor in calculating investment and operating costs. In order to work in a cost-effective and efficient manner, it is therefore crucial to identify the right energy system for the particular transport processes.<br>Find out why the tried-and-tested lead-acid battery may still have a role to play in future, why lithium-ion technology offers lots of potential savings and why the fuel cell opens up new horizons in terms of sustainability and cost-effectiveness.<br>", "keywords": "STILL Webinar, digital event, digital academy, energy, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 3865520, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "14.03.2023" } , { "uid": "1GWpXgbAdyMa6w7D4_EYGF", "title": "Electric forklift truck RXE 10-16C - Safety", "description": "Turn it any way you want, the RXE 10-16C simply fits. Always. The youngest and smallest member of the electrifying STILL electric forklift truck family is one of the greatest in terms of performance: compact as it is, it shines with a perfect balance of driving comfort, manoeuvrability and safety – even when things get really tight. Be it in HGVs, containers or narrow aisles, the RXE 10-16C is incomparably efficient and agile in the smallest of spaces thanks to its compact dimensions and sensitive steering. And that is precisely why it is so versatile.<br><br>Whether it is in the food industry, at logistics service providers, in production supply or in joint warehouses of large retailers, the compact three-wheel counterbalanced forklift truck inspires as an efficient helper for loading and unloading HGVs or containers as well as for transporting pallets in the warehouse. With a top speed of 12.5 km/h, it gets a lot done very quickly. And to ensure that not a single moment of its electrifying dynamics is lost for safety reasons, it is equipped with the proven Curve Speed Control as standard. This keeps you safely on track at all times – even in the tightest of curves. So when it comes to moving 1.0 to 1.6 tonnes in a space-saving way, the RXE 10-16C is the perfect choice! With its wide range of equipment options and assistance systems, it is also an attractive upgrade from the high lift stackers, with increased comfort and added safety. All this makes it the perfect successor to the legendary STILL RX 50, one of the best-selling electric forklift trucks in its class ever. Proof that the RXE 10-16C fits the bill. Always.<br>", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 63760, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "13.03.2023" } , { "uid": "5KPiGEahf__VD-uTLm_ChE", "title": "Electric forklift truck RXE 10-16C - driver's workplace", "description": "Turn it any way you want, the RXE 10-16C simply fits. Always. The youngest and smallest member of the electrifying STILL electric forklift truck family is one of the greatest in terms of performance: compact as it is, it shines with a perfect balance of driving comfort, manoeuvrability and safety – even when things get really tight. Be it in HGVs, containers or narrow aisles, the RXE 10-16C is incomparably efficient and agile in the smallest of spaces thanks to its compact dimensions and sensitive steering. And that is precisely why it is so versatile.<br><br>Whether it is in the food industry, at logistics service providers, in production supply or in joint warehouses of large retailers, the compact three-wheel counterbalanced forklift truck inspires as an efficient helper for loading and unloading HGVs or containers as well as for transporting pallets in the warehouse. With a top speed of 12.5 km/h, it gets a lot done very quickly. And to ensure that not a single moment of its electrifying dynamics is lost for safety reasons, it is equipped with the proven Curve Speed Control as standard. This keeps you safely on track at all times – even in the tightest of curves. So when it comes to moving 1.0 to 1.6 tonnes in a space-saving way, the RXE 10-16C is the perfect choice! With its wide range of equipment options and assistance systems, it is also an attractive upgrade from the high lift stackers, with increased comfort and added safety. All this makes it the perfect successor to the legendary STILL RX 50, one of the best-selling electric forklift trucks in its class ever. Proof that the RXE 10-16C fits the bill. Always.<br>", "keywords": " Arbeitsplatz, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 49120, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "13.03.2023" } , { "uid": "1GE45U2CTf4fSyQcHrD51h", "title": "STILL Repair Service - Just a minimum of time is all it takes for your vehicle to move again.", "description": "Accidents, general wear and tear or upgrading for new requirements – regardless of the situation, we take care of every industrial truck in your fleet. With the STILL repair service, our number-one priority is to have your truck operational again as quickly as possible. With their absolute dedication, vast experience and technical expertise, our highly trained STILL service technicians guarantee just that. In addition, the STILL training undertaken at our production locations ensures that our service technicians are always up-to-date with the latest technology and requirements and have extensive knowledge of every truck. We have designed digitally-led, time-saving repair procedures for every truck, which are implemented by our skilled STILL service technicians to a standard you can count on. In addition, we ensure that all repairs are carried out in coordination with your production processes.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 79760, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.03.2023" } , { "uid": "3_5kEoDF99fSCBBkaDX5Bj", "title": "STILL Driver Training - Knowledge provides safety.", "description": "Forklift trucks are complex vehicles and their operation must be learnt properly. STILL has therefore developed a special training concept for drivers. Beyond the ability to drive, these training courses convey knowledge of how to save operational and energy costs, reduce wear, and increase the service life of batteries and chargers by efficient driving. Our highly motivated trainers will be happy to conduct these training courses at your premises, either as group or individual training.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 50240, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.03.2023" } , { "uid": "FCjWz9iwDvxjyaYkpodCdZ", "title": "STILL Service Packages - For carefree mobility. ", "description": "Save your resources and simply leave it to us to keep your intralogistics ready for operation around the clock with STILL service agreements: precisely tailored to your needs and boasting maximum reliability at calculable costs, from simple repair work to regular maintenance measures, right up to the complete supervision of your fleet. The STILL full-service contract takes care of everything for you: the planning, implementing and monitoring of all necessary service, maintenance, testing and repair jobs, including all the required spare parts – for a guaranteed fixed monthly rate. <br>We therefore bear full responsibility for the availability of your vehicles. <br><br>You have complete transparency and access to all the documentation about services, inspections and service costs via STILL neXXt fleet.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 53360, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.03.2023" } , { "uid": "6u8NQvDwyWEvxEueMFUY55", "title": "STILL neXXt fleet: Setting a standard in fleet management", "description": "STILL neXXt fleet is the most innovative and most powerful web portal to optimize fleets of industrial trucks.<br>The system sets new standards in terms of accessibility, availability, transparency, user friendliness and means of visualisation.<br>STILL neXXt fleet bundles all the relevant information for the user in a single tool. This is the end of individually combining different kinds of data. neXXt fleet joins up all data for fast analysis and optimisation action.<br>", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 122440, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.03.2023" } , { "uid": "DM41chc5Zc6Hj1XB9SiX3E", "title": "Electric forklift truck RXE 10-16C - compact and maneuverable", "description": "Turn it any way you want, the RXE 10-16C simply fits. Always. The youngest and smallest member of the electrifying STILL electric forklift truck family is one of the greatest in terms of performance: compact as it is, it shines with a perfect balance of driving comfort, manoeuvrability and safety – even when things get really tight. Be it in HGVs, containers or narrow aisles, the RXE 10-16C is incomparably efficient and agile in the smallest of spaces thanks to its compact dimensions and sensitive steering. And that is precisely why it is so versatile.<br><br>Whether it is in the food industry, at logistics service providers, in production supply or in joint warehouses of large retailers, the compact three-wheel counterbalanced forklift truck inspires as an efficient helper for loading and unloading HGVs or containers as well as for transporting pallets in the warehouse. With a top speed of 12.5 km/h, it gets a lot done very quickly. And to ensure that not a single moment of its electrifying dynamics is lost for safety reasons, it is equipped with the proven Curve Speed Control as standard. This keeps you safely on track at all times – even in the tightest of curves. So when it comes to moving 1.0 to 1.6 tonnes in a space-saving way, the RXE 10-16C is the perfect choice! With its wide range of equipment options and assistance systems, it is also an attractive upgrade from the high lift stackers, with increased comfort and added safety. All this makes it the perfect successor to the legendary STILL RX 50, one of the best-selling electric forklift trucks in its class ever. Proof that the RXE 10-16C fits the bill. Always.<br>", "keywords": " Kompakt, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 57960, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "11.03.2023" } , { "uid": "B9qDmBXBdA69MxCbhHjFv9", "title": "LXT 120-350 and LXW 20-30 - Descent Speed Regulation (DSR)", "description": "", "keywords": " assistance, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 67720, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "11.03.2023" } , { "uid": "-RZYxj9u1ffEczUoXbQi-u", "title": "LXT 120-350 and LXW 20-30 - Powerful and safe ", "description": "", "keywords": " safety, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 69200, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "11.03.2023" } , { "uid": "4Zy2jepe8GjNkqXUzWHCyg", "title": "OPX iGo neo - Comparison to Traditional Order Picking ", "description": "", "keywords": " Vergleichsfahrt, Vergleich, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 84040, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "11.03.2023" } , { "uid": "3mM8ePLf3hw6yPJiJZ5drN", "title": "Low Lift and Double Stacker Trucks EXH-S and EXD-S - Ergonomic handling concept", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 36960, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "11.03.2023" } , { "uid": "63R3GNFJJDR46ooq9pDS5d", "title": "Electric forklift truck - lateral battery change ", "description": "", "keywords": " Batteriewechsel, Batterie, Gabelstaplerbatterie, Elektrogabelstapler, Gabelstapler, forklift truck, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 49520, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "11.03.2023" } , { "uid": "1qAfPwdqTQD1zMcWUrGBvi", "title": "LXT 120-350 and LXW 20-30 - Working comfort ", "description": "", "keywords": " Ergonomics, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 63200, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "10.03.2023" } , { "uid": "9zpj9SFKwmDCq_kpcCRom5", "title": "FM-4W 4-Way Reach Truck - Fully functional in all directions", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 102520, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "10.03.2023" } , { "uid": "9Veas61WFTMWSk8yiLhZPx", "title": "STILL Intralogistics Consultancy - Successful partnership with Siemens and implementation with cube storage system from AutoStore®", "description": "", "keywords": " Anwenderbericht, user story, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 246120, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "10.03.2023" } , { "uid": "4i9DwAVFrFEFdwoejdiEjF", "title": "Electric forklift truck RX 60-35/50 - Everything. Except emissions.", "description": "Make the most of the smart performance of an exceptional accelerator.Right from the start the RX 60-35/600 to RX 60-50/600 will winover any operator with its perfect balance of power, ergonomics, manoeuvrability and energy consumption. The 20 km/h intralogistics powerhouse is a true wonder in this segment in terms of the range perbattery charge. At the same time, the RX 60-35/600 to RX 60-50/600impresses with a handling performance at the highest level in the weight class of up to 5.0 tonnes. Moreover, choose our STILL lithiumion technology and you can even handle three-shift operations without the need for a replacement battery.<br><br>Whatever your needs, the RX 60 can be operated intuitively and precisely in any situation. And thanks to the quick-start mode, this nimble truck is ready to start work as soon as you sit down in the spacious driver’s cab. Here, you will also find yet another outstanding feature – the STILL Easy Control on-board computer. This tool gives you direct access to key performance functions and provides a constant overview of all the relevant vehicle information. Go electric with aforklift truck that delivers the very best performance every second and in every application.<br>", "keywords": " RX60, Trailer, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 39480, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "10.03.2023" } , { "uid": "Crce3qX_AfBJarJQbPirnB", "title": "Autonomous low level order picker OPX iGo neo - hybrid tracking system", "description": "With the iGo neo technology STILL is the first company to turn series-produced trucks into independently acting assistants to their operators. This enables an order picking truck like the OPX iGo neo to follow its operator at every turn.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 32960, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "10.03.2023" } , { "uid": "9RvVnEt5wcrYvZC9BkgMSU", "title": "Driver assistance system - Reversing Warning Plus", "description": "", "keywords": "Rückfahrwarner Plus, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 42720, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "10.03.2023" } , { "uid": "E3yAzbcNug6fjQRxEdtzaJ", "title": "Unifer looks to a sustainable future with STILL", "description": "Unifer, an industry leader in the production of steel for reinforced concrete, has chosen to link up with STILL's Emilia Ovest branch for the operations of its handling facility in Villanova sull’Arda, Italy. STILL experts were faced with the challenge of identifying the most suitable trucks for handling the extremely unwieldy and heavy loads that Unifer processes.<br>", "keywords": " Li-Ion, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 149400, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "09.03.2023" } , { "uid": "6ab-fEssNFP-j1nJWdHC6X", "title": "The upgrade for your warehouse - Storage and order picking in restricted spaces", "description": "We recommend the very narrow aisle (VNA) warehouse for small areas with a high turnover of goods. The aisles are very narrow, the racks even higher: up to 18 m are possible. <br>Efficiency is a top priority in VNA warehouses: The system combines a high degree of space utilisation with a high turnover capacity. It offers direct access to all storage locations and enables highly flexible warehousing.", "keywords": " VNA, MX-X, EKX, MXX, EK-X, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 52480, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "09.03.2023" } , { "uid": "2Qg_id1PFfCmW1ush9Gsv4", "title": "Assistance function - Dynamic Load Control (DLC)", "description": "", "keywords": " hubhöhensensor, Fahrerassistenzfunktion, Fahrerassistenzsystem, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 29600, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "08.03.2023" } , { "uid": "8zzQfp-jCV3_QzbYEzE5QP", "title": "Assistance function - Lift height display", "description": "", "keywords": "Hubhoehenanzeige, Fahrerassistenzfunktion, Fahrerassistenzsystem, hubhöhensensor, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 26640, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "08.03.2023" } , { "uid": "6E4qppqu1HX9gXuEbcd4qo", "title": "3.2 M large household appliances and 140 STILL industrial trucks ", "description": "At BSH Hausgeräte Service Nauen GmbH, an innovative fleet management system helps ensure a yearly goods turnover of over three million large appliances for households and kitchens. In the distribution centre, there are over 140 industrial trucks in use; these are gradually being fitted with STILL’s neXXt fleet and FleetManager 4.x fleet management software in a transparent<br>and flexible manner. Whether it’s energy consumption, operating hours or information on the suitability of specific types of truck for certain applications, the STILL neXXt fleet online portal provides valuable data for analysing trucks on an ongoing basis. When it comes to availability, user-friendliness and visualisation, this progressive fleet optimiser is setting new standards.<br><br>Powerful fleet management system helps ensure up to<br>20,000 large appliances are delivered on time each day<br>At the BSH supply centre in Nauen, large appliances such as dishwashers, freezers<br>and refrigerators from other BSH production facilities are brought together with<br>other washing units that are produced at the Nauen plant and distributed to more<br>than 20 transfer points across Germany. Lothar Kusche, Head of Technical Services<br>and Transport: “In the last ten years, the number of industrial trucks has continued<br>to rise due to the huge increase in goods turnover. Almost 25 years ago, we started<br>with ten STILL forklift trucks. Now we operate a fleet with over 140 industrial trucks,<br>which we use to load up to 20,000 large appliances a day.”<br><br>Fleet optimiser STILL neXXt fleet sets new standards<br>The relevant information for fleet management is clearly displayed in the STILL<br>neXXt fleet online portal. This consists of a variety of web applications, web apps for<br>short, which can be accessed easily and conveniently from anywhere. In neXXt fleet,<br>commercial and technical data from STILL’s SAP host system is combined with the<br>truck’s operating data in one database, enabling the trucks to be analysed quickly<br>and their usage to be optimised. Lothar Kusche adds: “neXXt fleet allows us to effectively<br>monitor expenses for repairs and truck damage as well as service and maintenance.<br>Data is transferred quickly and error-free and all data for each truck can<br>be clearly displayed straight away. Automatic notifications on certain cost values or<br>appointments, such as FEM checks, are clearly displayed together with test reports.”<br><br>In this way, the necessary data for a truck is immediately compiled and individually<br>selected for the respective application of the appropriate truck.<br>In the web portal, there is also the option of dividing up the trucks into groups, such<br>as incoming and outgoing goods. This results in optimal utilisation and improved<br>control of the trucks, summarises Kusche. Phillipp Schmidt, Head of Product Management<br>Applications & Services at STILL, adds: “Our fleet optimiser neXXt fleet<br>provides everything required for the intelligent capture of operating data, as well as<br>analysing and preparing them. This makes it easier to implement processes in logistics<br>in an easier, faster and more cost-efficient manner.”<br><br>STILL neXXt: Web portal for all services<br>STILL’s product portfolio has included software solutions for many years. The online<br>portal neXXt fleet is an application of the company’s internal digital ecosystem STILL<br>neXXt. The portal enables users to control a variety of applications with just one<br>login for the first time, even from mobile devices.<br><br>Reduction in accidental damage<br>Thanks to the access authorisation for the trucks, all operating data is recorded<br>transparently in FleetManager 4.x and transferred to neXXt fleet for evaluation. As<br>a result of this high level of transparency in fleet management, a reduction in the<br>number of accidents was recorded in the BSH logistics centre. This is because heavy<br>impacts on the truck are reliably detected using a shock sensor.<br><br>Summary<br>At the BSH supply centre in Nauen, the fleet optimiser STILL neXXt fleet provides<br>all relevant data relating to the trucks, stores it transparently in a central database,<br>and enables precise analysis in order to optimise fleet management. This provides<br>a greater overview and improved monitoring of the investment, maintenance and<br>repair costs.", "keywords": " neXXt fleet, Anwenderbericht, RX 20, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 151200, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "08.03.2023" } , { "uid": "-CTDCt1KyQn6i5firZrq1p", "title": "Driver assistance system - Reversing Warning", "description": "", "keywords": "Rückfahrwarner , ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 19040, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "08.03.2023" } , { "uid": "2HjXmEtYjNrsrgiudv76w9", "title": "Extreme applications: truck fleet keeps the cast flowing", "description": "In order to be able to survive the intense competition in automotive casting in the future, the Still forklift experts updated the truck fleet at FONDIUM's production plant in Singen. The Still FleetManager shows all information at a glance. The update, reducing the number of trucks from 136 to 119, had made the fleet significantly more operational. This reduction efficiently cut costs for maintenance and servicing. Dedicated charging points placed 23 maintenance-free lithium-ion warehouse trucks directly in the departments. Long distances to the old central charging stations and additional spare batteries are no longer necessary.<br>", "keywords": "Fondium, RX 70, RX70, Li-Ion, CustomerOptions, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 147720, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "08.03.2023" } , { "uid": "BHGafmdwm4bDxwUDKNexGK", "title": "The new OPX iGo neo in use at METRO Logistics GmbH in Marl", "description": "With the iGo neo technology STILL is the first company to<br>turn series-produced trucks into independently acting assistants<br>to their operators. This enables an order picking truck<br>like the OPX iGo neo to follow its operator at every turn.", "keywords": " Anwenderbericht, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 118920, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "06.03.2023" } , { "uid": "9vQ6NfhZvS-cUwsQSFogfD", "title": "Insight into vaccine logistics (PFIZER / BIONTECH)", "description": "At the turn of the year, the first deliveries of the COVID-19 Corona vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech arrived in Germany, Italy and France. They were loaded using STILL electric forklift trucks. <br><br>Immediately after approval by the European Commission, shipments began. The transport logistics of shipping the first doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine went smoothly. <br><br>Shortly after Christmas, the deliveries arrived in Germany, Italy and France. They were dispatched from Pfizer's vaccine factory in Puurs, Belgium (near Antwerp) and transported to secret national warehouses. <br><br>After being stored at the factory in ultra-low temperature refrigerated units the carefully packed vaccine vials were transferred to insulated transport boxes, which were filled with dry ice. STILL electric forklift trucks then quickly loaded the frozen boxes into special refrigerated trucks. The video below provides a visual insight into the logistics behind the vaccine shipment. ", "keywords": "covid, Corona, covid19, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 117880, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "04.03.2023" } , { "uid": "DaCbde6s_noeo3iZrBuN7Z", "title": "Assistance function - Lowered driving speed with lifted forks", "description": "", "keywords": " hubhöhensensor, angehobenen Gabeln, Geschwindigkeitsreduzierung, Fahrerassistenzfunktion, Fahrerassistenzsystem, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 19480, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "03.03.2023" } , { "uid": "2PBuyL63--1CJKB45t4R5E", "title": "STILL Maintenance Service - For permanent availability. ", "description": "Regular care and servicing are essential for keeping your trucks operational and performing well over the long term. With STILL Service, servicing intervals, service agreements and safety checks are all tailored to your specific needs. We prevent repairs before they arise. Costs can be planned in advance and you are free to focus on your core business.<br><br>We also have prepared maintenance packages available for every vehicle type. You have complete transparency and access to all the documentation about services, inspections and service costs via STILL neXXt fleet.<br>", "keywords": "Wartung, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 133480, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "28.02.2023" } , { "uid": "CRZ81MpqzZs1EHNStcQ87k", "title": "STILL Accessories and Retrofitting - Always well equipped. ", "description": "STILL offers you numerous options for optimally adapting your vehicle to changing logistics requirements. Retrofitting with various safety features and appropriate accessories makes your vehicle fit for new tasks in no time. To ensure fast results, we keep many of these accessory parts permanently available for immediate delivery. We also produce custom accessory equipment for specific jobs.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 52400, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "28.02.2023" } , { "uid": "8yazoq7fERfJ2uG42p47d3", "title": "STILL Webinar - Warehouse Safety ", "description": "Safe operation of industrial trucks in the warehouse - Smart solutions to prevent accidents and damage<br><br>The productivity of a warehouse strongly depends on the safety and the reliability of its logistics processes. In this context, industrial safety is of particular importance.<br><br>Wherever people and machines meet, dangerous situations can arise and people can be harmed or goods damaged. In order to identify and minimise these risks for employees and to prevent damage from industrial trucks, equipment and goods, a whole range of safety solutions is available.<br><br>Our experts in industrial truck safety will explain what these solutions are and what they are for.<br><br>We are looking forward to you! Stay safe!<br><br>Benefit from:<br>a structured overview showing risks and hazards in the warehouse when working with industrial trucks.<br>a clear overview of solutions that help to prevent accidents and avoid harm to people and infrastructure in safety-sensitive areas.<br>from the professional exchange with experts from a practical background.", "keywords": " safety, webinar, Arbeitssicherheit, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ 97081 , 94269 ], "thumbnailUrl": "*~hmac=07bda0e43d40065c00f689d7016da787af00954b35a5db0dd69", "duration": 2766000, "downloadable": false, "creationDate": "28.02.2023" } , { "uid": "-uqt-XkW_wwBgfNUbxvWMg", "title": "Autonomous low level order picker OPX iGo neo - autonomous side change for Z-order picking", "description": "With the iGo neo technology STILL is the first company to turn series-produced trucks into independently acting assistants to their operators. This enables an order picking truck like the OPX iGo neo to follow its operator at every turn.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 23120, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "25.02.2023" } , { "uid": "6PB_S8pis8CiUD1Uj977ue", "title": "Autonomous low level order picker OPX iGo neo - obstacles", "description": "With the iGo neo technology STILL is the first company to turn series-produced trucks into independently acting assistants to their operators. This enables an order picking truck like the OPX iGo neo to follow its operator at every turn.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 23160, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "25.02.2023" } , { "uid": "9zZG3VM3j3X8biJMw6H2Hy", "title": "Low Lift Stacker Truck EXH-S 20-25 - Test by Theo Egberts ", "description": "With the new pallet truck series EXH-S 20-25 STILL is breaking new ground. For the first time, the pallet truck is no longer equipped with tiller steering, but with the EasyDrive steering wheel that STILL previously presented on the order pickers. Partly thanks to the ease of operation and the higher travel speeds, the EXH-S notes top scores in our test.<br>", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 172760, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "23.02.2023" } , { "uid": "EUwb5EYrKQQfPZZjaVXZ9e", "title": "Low Lift and Double Stacker Trucks EXH-S and EXD-S - Handling performance", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 67360, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "23.02.2023" } , { "uid": "7AjS-S1aojc6o3L3gKna8g", "title": "PXV vertical order picker in use at Liebherr ", "description": "It is the king of order picking and impresses with its exceptional goods handling and maximum reach heights, as well as offering a whole new level of safety and ergonomics. Whether put to use in wide or narrow-aisle warehouses, no other order picker uses space and time as cleverly as the PXV vertical order picker. With an order picking height of 14.5 metres, the ‘large’ variant – which has a load capacity of 1,200 kg – can reach even the highest shelves. Its little brother meanwhile can work at reach heights of up to 7.8 metres with a load capacity of 1,000 kg. In both versions, smooth mast transition journeys not only ensure comfortable working but also impressive goods handling. The PXV sets new standards when it comes to user friendliness and ergonomics, too. The operator is supported by intelligent assistance systems, such as the STILL OptiSpeed system which ensures the highest possible speed without jeopardising driving safety. It also offers an excellent field of vision in the load and drive direction, plus a spacious, shock-absorbing operator's cab with tilting barriers for easy access to goods. Additional assistance systems for even greater safety and efficiency plus numerous equipment variants can also be selected individually and make the PXV the perfect, tailor-made companion for every warehouse. It's the new dimension in order picking.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 99440, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "22.02.2023" } , { "uid": "8aTwEHnmMhfNSFB3atV8t2", "title": "Assistance function - Lift switch-off and Lift cut-out", "description": "", "keywords": "Hubabschaltung, Fahrerassistenzfunktion, Fahrerassistenzsystem, hubhöhensensor, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 26640, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "22.02.2023" } , { "uid": "6g8pMBS3xBShqFqVM4QxLv", "title": "Meet the Experts - The safe solution: Effective assistance systems for collision avoidance", "description": "Every accident avoided is a success! For safe warehouse logistics and effective accident prevention, we offer you a wide range of reliable safety components as well as intelligent assistance systems and functions. So that you can optimally protect yourself and others, your surroundings as well as the environment, and at the same time achieve maximum performance. These include, for example, the STILL warning zone light, the STILL SafetyLight and radio-based collision avoidance.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ 94269 , 97829 ], "thumbnailUrl": "*~hmac=7277a0c0bd155924314aa791a9a896fcf20d463a6597e09d815", "duration": 1206760, "downloadable": false, "creationDate": "18.02.2023" } , { "uid": "B_WU-7v6-zfMQyUZr8TrrZ", "title": "Meet the experts - STILL Nexxt fleet (EN)", "description": "Digital fleet management - STILL neXXt fleet<br>Our experts present the following use cases:<br><br>• Overview of the service costs of my fleet<br>• Overview of the most expensive trucks in my fleet<br>• Coordination of service rule appointments<br>• Coordination of FEM inspections<br>", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 2932440, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "17.02.2023" } , { "uid": "DLCGvgf14GESNf3PneP5ZS", "title": "Autonomous low level order picker OPX iGo neo - safety in cross aisles", "description": "With the iGo neo technology STILL is the first company to turn series-produced trucks into independently acting assistants to their operators. This enables an order picking truck like the OPX iGo neo to follow its operator at every turn.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 23240, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "16.02.2023" } , { "uid": "3XQcGjqxSGJs5vm2FKsPP8", "title": "Freudenberg chooses STILL for Monselice plant ", "description": "The German multinational Freudenberg has chosen STILL for the handling operations at its Monselice (PD) plant. STILL's Veneto branch has delivered to Freudenberg a fleet of 38 trucks, equipped with the most advanced safety systems.<br>", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 195720, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.02.2023" } , { "uid": "E5mxN565TsKzJmXQdL77CA", "title": "Assistance function - Mast Tilt assistant and display of the tilt angle", "description": "", "keywords": " hubhöhensensor, Senkrechtstellung, Fahrerassistenzfunktion, Fahrerassistenzsystem, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 26640, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.02.2023" } , { "uid": "5peVnshucETxDfKcBhezLa", "title": "STILL neXXt: realtime service", "description": "STILL neXXt Realtime Service enables customers to report problems directly via an app, contact customer service, request help and track service status in real time. In addition, the platform enables easier planning by the regional service managers and together with the service technicians.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 70040, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "09.02.2023" } , { "uid": "3TViSsvhKFKVYWNNT2i2K6", "title": "Driver assistance system - Reversing Warning Light", "description": "", "keywords": "Rückfahrwarnlicht, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 23200, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "08.02.2023" } , { "uid": "2_upGvmZ2QyCBHefwopmkC", "title": "Low Lift and Double Stacker Trucks EXH-S and EXD-S - Flexible for every application", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 23720, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "07.02.2023" } , { "uid": "92Mu4K_Y1DMe8HWL8tnayC", "title": "Westerwald-Brewery Hachenburger is now only using electric forklift trucks", "description": "From now on, Westerwald-Brauerei in Hachenburg will only be using electric forklift trucks. Along with environmental responsibility, speed, safety, ergonomics and efficiency were the main factors in opting for STILL’s new electric forklift trucks, which are replacing the old LPG trucks.<br>", "keywords": " RX 60, user story, Anwenderbericht, Getränkeindustrie, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 86720, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "07.02.2023" } , { "uid": "46r9HCoXq7VkKCHdpC9FRz", "title": "Autonomous low level order picker OPX iGo neo - high safety for pedestrians", "description": "With the iGo neo technology STILL is the first company to turn series-produced trucks into independently acting assistants to their operators. This enables an order picking truck like the OPX iGo neo to follow its operator at every turn.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 33040, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "04.02.2023" } , { "uid": "DZBp18JnvxSEpopWnCJxn4", "title": "Driver assistance system - Ceiling sensor", "description": "", "keywords": "Deckensensor, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 13280, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "26.01.2023" } , { "uid": "26FAmpQ86BUp9Mm1TwkeJG", "title": "Meet the Experts - The smart enforcers: Pallet trucks with that extra bit of safety and convenience", "description": "Low lift pallet trucks and double stacker trucks are truly classic vehicles in intralogistics. Known as the ''enforcers'', these warehouse assistants are efficient, compact and impress with their high load capacity and precise manoeuvrability. Get to know the versatile portfolio of electric STILL low lift pallet trucks and double stacker trucks and let yourself be inspired by the innovative EXH-S and EXD-S series. Their fixed stand-on platform and stable truck frames ensure a particularly high level of comfort and the best possible working safety. Thanks to the compact vehicle dimensions and the STILL Easy Drive steering wheel, there is room to accommodate the entire body within the vehicle contours, even when manoeuvring — a further plus in terms of safety at work.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ 94269 , 97829 ], "thumbnailUrl": "*~hmac=276bbf1cba5674b0d9354f16cfc669821bbddecbb95eea91070", "duration": 1064400, "downloadable": false, "creationDate": "17.01.2023" } , { "uid": "422cKZSNRUZQMtu3XLn5mY", "title": "Tutorial EASY Basics - EN", "description": "Welcome to the EASY App! Your digital sales support tool.<br>This short tutorial shows you the basic functions and areas of the EASY app.<br>The following contents await you:<br>- User area<br> - Update content<br> - Send feedback<br> - Contact hotline<br>- QR-Code-Scanner<br>- Help on current screen<br> - PartnerPlan<br> - Productselector<br> - STILL News<br> - This is STILL - Company presentation<br> - open documents<br> - play videos<br> - Products overview<br> - STILL Glossary", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 209840, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "13.01.2023" } , { "uid": "8f-1qmfLgvZCWuyb8SBsrc", "title": "Meet the Experts - Electrifying! The STILL e-trucks including the latest model RXE", "description": "Electrifying! That is the STILL e-fleet. Our electric forklift trucks are the most efficient and cleanest way to solve transport tasks in in-plant logistics. Because they combine the optimum synergy of acceleration, ergonomics and safety. The STILL experts presented a compact overview of the highlights of the emission-free RX 20 and RX 60 series and will also introduced the youngest and smallest member of the RX family: The RXE. It features sensationally slim dimensions, sensitive steering and maximum maneuverability. In good \"family tradition\", it has inherited the ergonomically comfortable driver's workplace, the innovative operating concept and the smart Easy Control on-board computer from its successful big brothers.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ 94269 , 97829 ], "thumbnailUrl": "*~hmac=6a7e925f879eef1a2d407fab6ef086b36179de4496ead2e58fe", "duration": 1138880, "downloadable": false, "creationDate": "10.01.2023" } , { "uid": "5ar2zP8bnih45WTb1WdVp3", "title": "Meet the Experts - David meets Goliath: Automated logistics processes on a new level", "description": "David against Goliath was yesterday. Today, both work hand in hand - in automated warehouse logistics on a new level. We show you innovative solutions for your efficient, safe and future-proof material flow. Watch the premiere of our ACH series, the first autonomous mobile robots by STILL, in a presentation. Whether stand-alone or embedded in an automated warehouse logistics solution - the small, manoeuvrable underride robots are a smart addition to hybrid and fully automated industrial trucks. In a realistic application scenario, our experts show you first-hand how ACH can optimise your material flow, for example in combination with the automated MX-X narrow-aisle truck.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ 94269 , 97829 ], "thumbnailUrl": "*~hmac=bf7f17c2d039d1459786f33a854b7122a902383d7eb61f4df97", "duration": 821560, "downloadable": false, "creationDate": "09.01.2023" } , { "uid": "7AcVWUjNseDBjW7qMfZ3Li", "title": "Thesen am Tresen - The STILL Logistics Talk - Globalization", "description": "STILL will turn the gourmet restaurant \"Hugos\" at the Berlin Hotel \"InterContinental\" into a recording studio during the 38th edition of the congress of the German Logistics Association (BVL). For 40 minutes each in a total of five talks, logistics experts from industry, trade, logistics services and science will discuss provoking theses that are of concern to them today and in the future. The discussions at the bar will revolve around the topics of globalisation, digitalisation, the environment, automation and security, and will be hosted by the logistics journalists Anita Würmser and Thilo Jörgl.<br><br>Corona has shown how vulnerable modern economies have become due to the internationalisation of supply chains and the outsourcing of production. The fact is: 94% of all companies had to deal with impairments in their value chains, some of them severe, as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic. Is the Corona crisis the beginning of the end of globalisation? Does it make sense to question the basic strategy of sourcing primary products worldwide? Can the German economy afford de-globalisation at all? Or were global value chains already far too prone to disruption before Corona? Is globalisation perhaps not the problem, but the solution? Experts report from the field on how purchasing, supplier structure, inventories and warehouse locations have already changed and provide answers to the question of how supply chains can be made more resilient.<br>", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ 96994 , 94269 ], "thumbnailUrl": "*~hmac=f2663a6f91115b7a0d933431943d76cee2e15ec64d7a7290fa0", "duration": 2543400, "downloadable": false, "creationDate": "27.12.2022" } , { "uid": "5TjyyMycki8ZCHX324Ds-T", "title": "Thesen am Tresen - The STILL Logistics Talk - Safety and research", "description": "STILL will turn the gourmet restaurant \"Hugos\" at the Berlin Hotel \"InterContinental\" into a recording studio during the 38th edition of the congress of the German Logistics Association (BVL). For 40 minutes each in a total of five talks, logistics experts from industry, trade, logistics services and science will discuss provoking theses that are of concern to them today and in the future. The discussions at the bar will revolve around the topics of globalisation, digitalisation, the environment, automation and security, and will be hosted by the logistics journalists Anita Würmser and Thilo Jörgl.<br><br>Intralogistics experts know that safety is not possible without technology. Sensors and smart solutions already prevent many accidents in the warehouse. Nevertheless, there are still thousands of accidents in internal logistics every year - even in the high-tech country of Germany. A research project at RWTH Aachen University exemplifies how algorithms can make warehouses safer. The central questions for the talk are: What are the benefits of existing systems? What role do cloud applications play? How important is 5G? Is the accident-free warehouse within reach? The latest results from research and industry.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ 96994 , 94269 ], "thumbnailUrl": "*~hmac=3aabf482a5100d1c61055a1d27e15967f1f9336276f06fffa4d", "duration": 2479800, "downloadable": false, "creationDate": "27.12.2022" } , { "uid": "5wXYK7Q9Hz_DqoGpyyidir", "title": "Full Service Leasing at STILL pays off! ", "description": "Leasing pays off!<br><br>Why intralogistics leasing solutions pay off many times.<br><br>More and more intralogistics’ managers count on the benefits of full-service leasing. What makes this solution so attractive?<br><br>Aging trucks, unexpected repair costs, a heterogeneous fleet - anyone responsible for a company's intralogistics knows these challenges. Even without them it is demanding enough to keep internal logistics lean, reliable and efficient. This is just why more and more companies turn to leasing solutions for their warehouse fleet. With such a solution, there are fewer things to worry about and more benefits that pay off long term. How? Watch our video and find out.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 194920, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.12.2022" } , { "uid": "5Gdwqf1BD2e6aBvizpx1w9", "title": "RX 60-35/50 - Digital Product Launch (EN)", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 4411880, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.12.2022" } , { "uid": "BTkL6QrKBAWLvxFZxsZ3Xw", "title": "OPX iGo neo - A key factor in the success of the IIL research project", "description": "A key factor in the success of the IIL research project was the autonomous horizontal order picker OPX iGo neo contributed by STILL. \"With the sensors already installed in the OPX iGo neo in series production, the integrated vehicle robotics system is already capable of answering all the questions that an automated vehicle has to answer,\" describes Tino Krüger-Basjmeleh. It was these advantages that the vehicle brought to the research project. However, STILL and their customers can also derive important benefits from this circumstance. \"In the course of the project, we developed many new capabilities for the OPX iGo neo and thus significantly increased its autonomy once again. This resulted in a new prototype of the vehicle, which we can use in future to demonstrate numerous automation approaches to our customers very clearly and without much effort,\" says Krüger-Basjmeleh.<br><br>For instance, during the research project, the autonomous vehicle demonstrated for the first time that it can switch very smoothly and almost unnoticed by the operator between manual, fully automatic and autonomous assistance mode. In practice, these processes work like this: The vehicle reaches the picker in automatic mode with a previously picked up pallet and then switches to assistance mode. In this mode, it assists the operator in the picking process, so that the operator can individually assemble goods and the vehicle, as an \"extended arm\", continuously follows the operator. At the end of the picking process, the vehicle automatically brings the order to the transfer point. \"This is indeed a novelty for the entire intralogistics industry. The fact that this process runs so smoothly is something we were able to demonstrate for the first time in the course of the research project. The operating personnel are optimally supported by this COBOT (Collaborative Robot) functionality,\" says the robotics expert with satisfaction.<br>", "keywords": "IIL, research, Forschungsprojekt, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 201440, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.12.2022" } , { "uid": "CrSi7QiGgirp691XxBh55X", "title": "Autonomous low level order picker OPX iGo neo - activating the autonomous mode", "description": "With the iGo neo technology STILL is the first company to turn series-produced trucks into independently acting assistants to their operators. This enables an order picking truck like the OPX iGo neo to follow its operator at every turn.<br>", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 52640, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.12.2022" } , { "uid": "9THBC_N7gzgxKdgY5jRKKt", "title": "Diesel and LPG forklift truck RX 70 20-35 - Highest safety", "description": "Full speed ahead: the industrial engine with over 20 percent more<br>power means that the RX 70-20/35 can move more goods to their<br>destination even faster – and yet it remains impressively efficient!<br>This is made possible by the STILL Performance System: perfectly<br>coordinated components combine a powerful and efficient drive with<br>precise and sensitive control. Every RX 70-20/35 is built to impress<br>for years: durable material and compact design meet unmatched<br>performance dynamics. The top performer has a multitude of strengths<br>that are effectively adapted to every situation thanks to the intuitive<br>operating elements. What’s more, every detail of the comfortable<br>driver’s cab has been carefully considered, from the large footwell<br>through to the thermoformed dashboard for maximum visibility. The<br>STILL Easy Control is the cockpit’s smart centrepiece. The smart<br>on-board computer provides direct access to performance functions<br>and displays relevant truck information at a glance. Reversing in tight<br>spaces, frequent driving up and down ramps, changing operating<br>conditions – the RX 70-20/35 ensures that you are always in control<br>when handling loads, even in tough and challenging situations.<br>Experience the pinnacle of intelligent performance!", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 42720, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.12.2022" } , { "uid": "8B9Eh737Zq27ZGV3CjDCAS", "title": "RX 60-25 HP Test - Logistics Inside (EN)", "description": "With the new RX 60 Still brings a first in the forklift truck test. For the first time in 31 years of testing, an electric truck scores a higher productivity than a truck with an internal combustion engine, but without the noise and emissions.<br>", "keywords": " Theo, RX60, theo egberts, Test, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 162880, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.12.2022" } , { "uid": "3fe-VihHPBCEiYiV39UJ14", "title": "Autonomous low level order picker OPX iGo neo - multiple stop positions", "description": "With the iGo neo technology STILL is the first company to turn series-produced trucks into independently acting assistants to their operators. This enables an order picking truck like the OPX iGo neo to follow its operator at every turn.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 42720, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.12.2022" } , { "uid": "7R4FceTp1jWPyqg_v53YB3", "title": "Autonomous low level order picker OPX iGo neo - congestions", "description": "With the iGo neo technology STILL is the first company to turn series-produced trucks into independently acting assistants to their operators. This enables an order picking truck like the OPX iGo neo to follow its operator at every turn.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 23160, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.12.2022" } , { "uid": "1jwb7oasLNk7A6J8VBMHK9", "title": "Driver assistance system - Breathalyser", "description": "", "keywords": "Alkoholtester, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 14480, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.12.2022" } , { "uid": "-KB3tLwBmxBWuKijSdrfv2", "title": "Diesel and LPG forklift truck RX 70 20-35 - Driver`s cab and ergonomy", "description": "Full speed ahead: the industrial engine with over 20 percent more<br>power means that the RX 70-20/35 can move more goods to their<br>destination even faster – and yet it remains impressively efficient!<br>This is made possible by the STILL Performance System: perfectly<br>coordinated components combine a powerful and efficient drive with<br>precise and sensitive control. Every RX 70-20/35 is built to impress<br>for years: durable material and compact design meet unmatched<br>performance dynamics. The top performer has a multitude of strengths<br>that are effectively adapted to every situation thanks to the intuitive<br>operating elements. What’s more, every detail of the comfortable<br>driver’s cab has been carefully considered, from the large footwell<br>through to the thermoformed dashboard for maximum visibility. The<br>STILL Easy Control is the cockpit’s smart centrepiece. The smart<br>on-board computer provides direct access to performance functions<br>and displays relevant truck information at a glance. Reversing in tight<br>spaces, frequent driving up and down ramps, changing operating<br>conditions – the RX 70-20/35 ensures that you are always in control<br>when handling loads, even in tough and challenging situations.<br>Experience the pinnacle of intelligent performance!", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 52640, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.12.2022" } , { "uid": "2J6Fi7s6Xt1LVWbATycqWN", "title": "Tutorial EASY sharing with MS TEAMS", "description": "Guide your interlocutor live, during a Microsoft Teams Meeting, through the EASY App or a PowerPoint presentation.<br>Watch this tutorial now and learn how to use these features in just 1:30 minutes.<br>", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 92160, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.12.2022" } , { "uid": "7ow1Ve3ZpoGdcq3KkTCzYH", "title": "Tutorial Fahrerassistenzsysteme - EN", "description": "STILL driver assistance systems is a term referring to additional equipment on warehouse trucks to support the driver in certain <br>situations. They elevate the degree of automating by assuming individual tasks freeing the operator respectively. <br><br>Often safety aspects are at the focus here, but also improving the performance of the truck <br>transporting material or to improve performance of the operators. <br>Depending on the driver assistance system used, different types of sensors are deployed. ", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 98080, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.12.2022" } , { "uid": "A9kW9upV2Rqg4MdLmau2ct", "title": "V1000 takes twenty STILL lithium-ion devices into operation", "description": "V1000 from Roeselare, West Flanders recently took twenty new STILL EXU electric pallet trucks into use. With the expansion and rejuvenation of its internal transport fleet, the transport company confirms its choice for clean and maintenance-free lithium-ion technology from STILL. The future-proof energy source also underlines V1000's ambition: to be the transporter of the future.<br>", "keywords": " Li-Ion, Lithium-Ion, Lithium, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 138080, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.12.2022" } , { "uid": "65PyTUWMmHiADa2xSHxu3u", "title": "Meet the Experts - Safe and efficient on every ramp: The new STILL tow tractors and platform trucks", "description": "You have got something to haul? We have the solution. Efficient, powerful, agile and emission-free - the electric STILL tow tractors and platform trucks ensure the smooth transport of goods at airports, on car-free islands, in the automotive or logistics industry and much more. Get in and experience for yourself their power and maneuverability, the wide range of equipment options and a global innovation! The latest STILL LXT and STILL LXW models are equipped with the unique \"Descent Speed Regulation\" (DSR) assistance system, which regulates the speed depending on the load and tilt angle. This means they always travel automatically at exactly the speed permitted by the load and the ground, for maximum performance and handling. ", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ 94269 , 97829 ], "thumbnailUrl": "*~hmac=0a0617f06fb71ecc3e63f19cc38b65be6eb9dcc76ed24f92a04", "duration": 918760, "downloadable": false, "creationDate": "12.12.2022" } , { "uid": "8E75SMXpobuMDzvuQ9K3qv", "title": "Meet the Experts - Even more intelligent thanks to new features: Autonomous order picking with the STILL OPX iGo neo", "description": "You want (even) more efficiency in order picking? We have the solution: The autonomous order picker STILL OPX iGo neo is now even more intelligent, powerful and convenient thanks to new features. With this vehicle at your side, picking goods is like working with the most reliable colleague you could wish for. The autonomous order picker is always at your side, acts with foresight and takes the (heavy) work off your hands. For you, this means: Increased performance due to fewer errors. Better ergonomics thanks to less frequent climbing on and off. More efficiency in the warehouse thanks to forward-looking solutions.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ 94269 , 97829 ], "thumbnailUrl": "*~hmac=c998c0d60138942829be5b0a6a186ed3ba31c761b60d79e03ae", "duration": 1028359, "downloadable": false, "creationDate": "12.12.2022" } , { "uid": "9AGrPn4MttxyjuskDYPjcz", "title": "Thesen am Tresen - The STILL Logistics Talk - Climate and Environment", "description": "STILL will turn the gourmet restaurant \"Hugos\" at the Berlin Hotel \"InterContinental\" into a recording studio during the 38th edition of the congress of the German Logistics Association (BVL). For 40 minutes each in a total of five talks, logistics experts from industry, trade, logistics services and science will discuss provoking theses that are of concern to them today and in the future. The discussions at the bar will revolve around the topics of globalisation, digitalisation, the environment, automation and security, and will be hosted by the logistics journalists Anita Würmser and Thilo Jörgl.<br><br>Europe wants to be climate-neutral by 2050 at the latest. The course is being set today. More and more companies are opting for electrically powered industrial trucks. It is a fact, however, that currently one third of all new trucks sold on the world market are powered by internal combustion engines. Companies are asking themselves crucial questions: Is the IC-type truck dead? Which drive technologies will prevail in the long term? What is the difference between different electric forklift trucks? What role can hydrogen play in logistics? Experts discuss ways in which intralogistics can contribute to preventing climate change.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ 96994 , 94269 ], "thumbnailUrl": "*~hmac=bb5eaea294027e78d3097f129cd2a1cc3cfbcc5c201a4e92eeb", "duration": 2443440, "downloadable": false, "creationDate": "12.12.2022" } , { "uid": "3GQxwVk_h-tDNq6MgHCALy", "title": "Thesen am Tresen - The STILL Logistics Talk - Digitalisation and A.I.", "description": "STILL will turn the gourmet restaurant \"Hugos\" at the Berlin Hotel \"InterContinental\" into a recording studio during the 38th edition of the congress of the German Logistics Association (BVL). For 40 minutes each in a total of five talks, logistics experts from industry, trade, logistics services and science will discuss provoking theses that are of concern to them today and in the future. The discussions at the bar will revolve around the topics of globalisation, digitalisation, the environment, automation and security, and will be hosted by the logistics journalists Anita Würmser and Thilo Jörgl.<br><br>Digitalisation is the topic of the day. The question in logistics is no longer whether we digitise processes with the help of artificial intelligence, but only how quickly we develop successful business models and competitive advantages from them. \"Advantage through assets\" was yesterday, data is the new gold. The central questions are: How can we mine the data gold in the warehouse and what are the benefits of artificial intelligence here? What is the dream and what is reality on the way to the warehouse of the future? And where does that leave the people? What is the truth of the saying \"If you don't digitise, you lose\"? Or does digitalisation perhaps not make anything better, but only more expensive? Top-class experts from research and industry discuss provocative theses and show how companies can act and invest correctly.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ 96994 , 94269 ], "thumbnailUrl": "*~hmac=90dcf01bfc145ccf7fb866e8403aca644ca2e4a23c08d7a1676", "duration": 2597040, "downloadable": false, "creationDate": "12.12.2022" } , { "uid": "-Y37D4eEp3D_kFzcc-6Cqd", "title": "Thesen am Tresen - The STILL Logistics Talk - Automation", "description": "STILL will turn the gourmet restaurant \"Hugos\" at the Berlin Hotel \"InterContinental\" into a recording studio during the 38th edition of the congress of the German Logistics Association (BVL). For 40 minutes each in a total of five talks, logistics experts from industry, trade, logistics services and science will discuss provoking theses that are of concern to them today and in the future. The discussions at the bar will revolve around the topics of globalisation, digitalisation, the environment, automation and security, and will be hosted by the logistics journalists Anita Würmser and Thilo Jörgl.<br><br>Aimless actionism in automation will backfire. To do nothing as well, though. For in a high-wage country, the question is not whether in-house logistics should be automated, but how and to what degree. Important questions are: How to prepare for automation? How has Corona driven new projects? Will the warehouse of the future be devoid of people? What about standards for mixed fleets? Is hardware becoming a commodity? And just how has the power position of users changed? These are just a few of the many topics that experts will discuss. Hands-on.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ 96994 , 94269 ], "thumbnailUrl": "*~hmac=174e33f6d88184fc14488ef36862bcaac26d2ba318438d5ad4b", "duration": 2615400, "downloadable": false, "creationDate": "12.12.2022" } , { "uid": "67bAgJppTdg2U7HHiqZ4x1", "title": "STILL neXXt fleet - Fleet management", "description": "STILL neXXt fleet is the most innovative and most powerful web portal to optimize fleets of industrial trucks.<br><br>The system sets new standards in terms of accessibility, availability, transparency, user friendliness and means of visualisation.<br><br>STILL neXXt fleet bundles all the relevant information for the user in a single tool. This is the end of individually combining different kinds of data. neXXt fleet joins up all data for fast analysis and optimisation action.", "keywords": " neXXt fleet, nexxtfleet, Fleetmanager, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 122440, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.12.2022" } , { "uid": "1pnLaR8JFfJoQStwDm5RP6", "title": "Day of automation at STILL", "description": "", "keywords": " automation, Fürth, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 154520, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.12.2022" } , { "uid": "Eeb6sP48NWtWUsDJ1v2oa2", "title": "The new STILL RX 60 25/35 at Lünewell GmbH (Subtitle)", "description": "Get comfortable in the new STILL RX 60 and prepare to feel your heart racing with excitement as soon as the clock starts ticking. With the intralogistics of processes now being dealt with in terms of seconds, you need our acceleration champion to help you claw back your precious time. From the very first moment, you are sure to find the perfect balance of power, ergonomics, manoeuvrability and energy efficiency electrifying. The RX 60-25/35 is not just a high performer – it’s one of the very best in its class: move 258 tonnes in just 3600 seconds using this electric forklift truck. Enjoy the freedom afforded by the top range per battery charge as you load pallets for 32,400 seconds without having to stop for the battery to be recharged. Get comfy in the best workstation you can imagine, including perfectly arranged control elements, maximum leg room, an impressive all-round view and the unique STILL Easy Control on-board computer. With this piece of equipment, you are only ever one click away from your favourite performance functions and you can always see all of the relevant performance data at a glance. It’s time to set new standards: experience your RX 60 seconds now!", "keywords": " RX 60, Gabelstapler, Stapler , Elektrostapler, RX60, Beschleuniger, Accelerator, Sekunden, seconds, lünewell, luenewell, Wellpappe, Kunde, Anwenderbericht, user story, Referenz, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 150200, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "30.09.2019" } , { "uid": "1sE_TP6KyWkmeNGYDSK9C9", "title": "STILL product launch - the new forklift truck RX 60-25/35 (UT)", "description": "", "keywords": " RX 60, Gabelstapler, Stapler , RX60, Beschleuniger, Accelerator, Sekunden, seconds, presse, pressetrailer, pressevent, Presseveranstaltung, press, Produkteinführung, Product launch, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 112480, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "25.09.2019" } , { "uid": "4iaeSJDKqeRv9SW4GRJRKu", "title": "Experience YOUR RX 60 seconds. The new STILL RX 60-25/35.", "description": "Get comfortable in the new STILL RX 60 and prepare to feel your heart racing with excitement as soon as the clock starts ticking. With intralogistics processeses now being dealt with in a matter of seconds, you need our acceleration champion to help claw back your precious time. From the first moment, you'll find the perfect balance of power, ergonomics, manoeuvrability and energy efficiency which is truly electrifying. The RX 60-25/35 is not just a high performer – it’s one of the very best in its class. Experience moving 258 tonnes in just 3600 seconds using this new powerhouse. Enjoy the freedom demonstrated by the top range per battery charge as you load pallets for 32,400 seconds without having to stop for the battery to be recharged. Get comfy in the best workstation imaginable, including perfectly arranged control elements, maximum leg room, an impressive all-round view and the unique STILL Easy Control on-board computer. With this piece of equipment, you are only ever one click away from your favourite performance functions and you can always see the relevant performance data at a glance. It’s time to set new standards: experience your RX 60 seconds now!", "keywords": " RX60, Gabelstapler, Stapler , Elektrostapler, RX60, Beschleuniger, Accelerator, Sekunden, seconds, reichweite, Trailer, teaser, Leistung, performance, your, Produkttrailer, kampagnentrailer, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 43640, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "18.09.2019" } , { "uid": "7agqrkbyD4g11w7ZKnhupr", "title": "Electric Forklift Truck STILL RX 60-25/35 - Best Availability", "description": " Power is mass multiplied by acceleration. We add endurance on top of that! After all, what use is handling power if you can’t rely on it for your whole shift? Make yourself comfortable in the new RX 60 and power through for eight hours without having to recharge thanks to the longest range per battery charge in this class. Plus, the forklift truck starts up in quick-start mode whilst you’re still getting settled so you can get to work right away.<br>", "keywords": " RX 60, RX60, Verfügbarkeit, Sekunden, seconds, Batteriewechsel, reichweite, Li-Ion, Lithium-Ion, Ionen , Englisch, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 29680, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.09.2019" } , { "uid": "DZ8bZDzP9uJUMFWxr4Z6Ca", "title": "Electric forklift truck STILL RX 60-25/35 - The accelerator", "description": " Get comfortable in the new STILL RX 60 and prepare to feel your heart racing with excitement as soon as the clock starts ticking. With the intralogistics of processes now being dealt with in terms of seconds, you need our acceleration champion to help you claw back your precious time. From the very first moment, you are sure to find the perfect balance of power, ergonomics, manoeuvrability and energy efficiency electrifying. The RX 60-25/35 is not just a high performer – it’s one of the very best in its class: move 258 tonnes in just 3600 seconds using this electric forklift truck. Enjoy the freedom afforded by the top range per battery charge as you load pallets for 32,400 seconds without having to stop for the battery to be recharged. Get comfy in the best workstation you can imagine, including perfectly arranged control elements, maximum leg room, an impressive all-round view and the unique STILL Easy Control on-board computer. With this piece of equipment, you are only ever one click away from your favourite performance functions and you can always see all of the relevant performance data at a glance. It’s time to set new standards: experience your RX 60 seconds now!<br>", "keywords": " RX 60, Gabelstapler, Stapler , Elektrostapler, RX60, Beschleuniger, Accelerator, Sekunden, seconds, reichweite, Trailer, teaser, Leistung, performance, your, Produkttrailer, Englisch, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 40000, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.09.2019" } , { "uid": "5Y3urUjfCi-9Wwyd77PAAa", "title": "Electric Forklift Truck STILL RX 60-25/35 - Performance", "description": " Got a lot on your plate? It’s time to stop wasting your time! No other forklift truck will allow you to move more goods in less time. The new RX 60 is the forklift truck with the highest handling performance in its class. Whether you need it to move high or wide or both, our acceleration champion will help you save precious seconds every time you transport a pallet. You can control the power with precision to guarantee that you can get goods to where they need to be in record time. Developed and designed for applications that require you to think big. <br>", "keywords": " RX 60, RX60, performance, Umschlag , Kraft, seconds, Gabelstapler, Forklift , Stapler , Elektrostapler, boost, Sprint, Englisch, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 89680, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.09.2019" } , { "uid": "96APotZG9BAsvRzgUV3w-n", "title": "Electric forklift truck STILL RX 60-25/35 - best workstation – no question.", "description": " The heading says it all really but trust us when we say that you’ve got to experience it for yourself to believe it. With generous leg room, perfectly arranged control elements and an all-round view that is second to none, it doesn’t get better than the driver workstation in the new RX 60. Not to mention that you always have the STILL Easy Control by your side as a smart on-board computer that you soon won’t be able to do without.<br>", "keywords": "workstation, workplace, Arbeitsplatz, RX60, RX 60, seconds, Beschleuniger, Accelerator, still easy control, ergonomic, Sicht, Kabine, Fahrerkabine, Englisch, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 89680, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.09.2019" } , { "uid": "F8rLB3qJKpzw9NdNnee1wJ", "title": "New Wave - The perfect logistics outfit for Swedish sportswear", "description": "Business is booming for lifestyle clothing and sportswear. To speed up delivery times, New Wave GmbH has opened a modern logistics centre in Germany, exclusively for the distribution of the traditional Swedish brand CRAFT. The distribution centre is located in the town of Geiselwind in Lower Franconia, just off the A3 and not far from the A7. Providing delivery within 24 hours, it’s a real milestone for the company. STILL – the experts in customised internal logistics solutions – was commissioned with the planning and installation of the intralogistics. A particular highlight is the innovative assistance system Active Floor Compensation (AFC) for the MX-X Very Narrow Aisle Truck. Thanks to the intelligent AFC system from STILL, the truck is able to achieve its maximum driving speed without the costly procedure of renovating the warehouse floor.<br>", "keywords": "AFC, RX 20, RX20, Active floor compensation, EK-X, Lager, Regale, storage, newwave, geiselwind, projekt , Anwenderbericht, user story, use case, STILL, forklift truck, Gabelstapler, Logistik, intralogistic, MXX, MX-X, Schmalgangstapler, FMX, FM-X, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 184560, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "01.08.2019" } , { "uid": "CV13vErjm476zWGGpy3F8Z", "title": "MD decides to use Li-Ion technology from STILL", "description": "MD Spa, one of the leading players in the Italian wholesale industry, has tested STILL's Li-Ion technology in challenging and intensive operating conditions in its distribution centre in Gricignano di Aversa: In temperature-controlled environments for fresh and frozen products.<br>The STILL forklifts equipped with Li-Ion technology proved to be the right choice: The completely emission-free batteries are perfect to transport food. In addition, they are flexible and can be recharged anywhere, eliminating the need for dedicated charging stations.", "keywords": "Lilon, Lithium-Ion, Lithium, Ionen , battery ECH12, ECH 12, FM-X, FMX, intralogistic, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 189600, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "29.07.2019" } , { "uid": "C73_NzCijDznd-uWJqfWSA", "title": "Tractive power with a future - The history of the tugger train ", "description": "Since when have electric tractors with trailers been used? How did STILL shape today's tugger train concept with the LiftRunners? And what do all tugger trains solutions have in common? See the answers in the video and join us on a journey through \"The history of the Tugger Train\".", "keywords": "Berghammer, history, technology, tugger, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 158280, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "17.07.2019" } , { "uid": "5_cg6pd4HQNeDKhQtu_Q48", "title": "EcorNaturaSì uses forklift trucks from STILL in its logistics centre in Bologna", "description": "EcorNaturaSì is an Italian company specialising in the production, distribution and retail of organic and biodynamic products. The company has extended its existing fleet of STILL trucks for its new distribution centre in Bologna by another 41 forklift trucks now totalling to 100 trucks to manage all internal transport and transhipment.<br>", "keywords": " RX20, RX 20, Li-Ion, Lithium, Li , OPX, FMX, FM-X, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 228680, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "05.07.2019" } , { "uid": "1Z2fC2PBzVbfDpAiGJcykg", "title": "Jägermeister and STILL - The 'Perfect Premium Match'", "description": "Jägermeister shows what a holistic premium spirit is capable of. For over 80 years, the globally most successful herbal liquor is made here.<br><br>For Jägermeister, the best is just good enough. Experienced master distillers, 56 high-quality botanicals and a sophisticated extraction process are only a few aspects that Jägermeister sets the standards with.<br><br>To make products with such extraordinary quality, a premium production setup is indispensable. This is why Jägermeister counts on partners who share Jägermeister's values. Partners who dare innovations and who strive to enthuse their customers with outstanding quality.", "keywords": "Jägermeister, STILL GmbH, EXV, high lift pallet truck, RX 20, forklift truck, fork lift, truck, manifest, premium match, intralogistic, partnership, storage, rack system, electronic, electric, RX20, pallet truck, lift truck , low lift, elevating truck, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 96080, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.06.2019" } , { "uid": "4GHnhNUY2H2vDabUb-ZKHy", "title": "Hollander Barendrecht switches to Li-Ion technology", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 124640, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "06.06.2019" } , { "uid": "338hsigCjRwimuiMKir6uX", "title": "Low Lift and Double Stacker Trucks with Driver’s Stand-On Platform EXH-SF and EXD-SF - Swift and Compact", "description": "EXH-SF: <br>Speed, ergonomics, compact design – the EXH-SF pallet truck<br>with hinged stand-on platform is the perfect combination of all<br>these qualities. With a maximum lifting capacity of 2,500 kg and<br>an impressive top speed of 14 km/h, the EXH-SF demonstrates<br>superior handling power.<br><br>EXD-SF:<br>Are you looking for an ideal option for horizontal transport over<br>medium and long distances with double the performance? Look no<br>further than the EXD-SF! With the double deck functionality, you can<br>transport two pallets up to 1,000 kg each – the perfect solution for the<br>fast handling of pressure-sensitive goods such as fruit or vegetables.<br>Alternatively, you can transport a single pallet weighing up to 2,000 kg.<br>", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 113720, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "29.03.2019" } , { "uid": "36kNDDChB7Sc9ebCQrBkpo", "title": "Low Lift and Double Stacker Trucks with Driver’s Stand-On Platform EXH-SF and EXD-SF - handling capacity", "description": "EXH-SF: <br>Speed, ergonomics, compact design. The EXH-SF pallet truck<br>with hinged stand-on platform is the perfect combination of all<br>these qualities. With a maximum lifting capacity of 2,500 kg and<br>an impressive top speed of 14 km/h, the EXH-SF demonstrates<br>superior handling power.<br><br>EXD-SF:<br>Are you looking for an ideal option for horizontal transport over<br>medium and long distances with double the performance? Look no<br>further than the EXD-SF! With the double deck functionality, you can<br>transport two pallets up to 1,000 kg each the perfect solution for the<br>fast handling of pressure-sensitive goods such as fruit or vegetables.<br>Alternatively, you can transport a single pallet weighing up to 2,000 kg.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 66120, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "29.03.2019" } , { "uid": "EQuRQ4ENa7_TGqArXJiJWx", "title": "Low Lift and Double Stacker Trucks with Driver’s Stand-On Platform EXH-SF and EXD-SF - Curve Speed Control", "description": "EXH-SF: <br>Speed, ergonomics, compact design – the EXH-SF pallet truck<br> with hinged stand-on platform is the perfect combination of all these qualities. With a maximum lifting capacity of 2,500 kg and an impressive top speed of 14 km/h, the EXH-SF demonstrates superior handling power. <br><br>EXD-SF: <br>Are you looking for an ideal option for horizontal transport over medium and long distances with double the performance? Look no further than the EXD-SF! With the double deck functionality, you can transport two pallets up to 1,000 kg each – the perfect solution for the fast handling of pressure-sensitive goods such as fruit or vegetables. Alternatively, you can transport a single pallet weighing up to 2,000 kg.\"<br>", "keywords": " Curvespeed, Curvespeedcontrol, curve, Fahrerassistenzsysteme, Fahrerassistenz, Assistenzsystem, exh-sf, exd-sf, low lift, double stacker, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 16200, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "29.03.2019" } , { "uid": "8fczGdcpS8C2Radri6NRVG", "title": "DENSO: A new fleet for San Salvo: Optimum efficiency and safety", "description": " In order to make the logistics in its plant in San Salvo (Chieti province, Italy) more efficient and above all safer, Denso opted for an industrial truck fleet from STILL. With 170,000 employees at 220 sites worldwide, Denso is an internationally active Japanese corporation and one of the leading providers in the areas of production, advanced technologies, systems and components for renowned automotive manufacturers.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 175760, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "27.03.2019" } , { "uid": "-AKLsAU5iZaeNbB-cYsJfK", "title": "Low Lift and Double Stacker Trucks EXH-SF and EXD-SF - Highlights", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 58400, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "20.03.2019" } , { "uid": "B28Udee5yV1rx7w234KqJY", "title": "High Lift Pallet Truck EXV 14-20 - Highlights", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 61880, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "20.03.2019" } , { "uid": "9nEg4FxTrdJF_UGW7rZGf7", "title": " STILL tugger trains – Efficient production supply", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 90000, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "11.03.2019" } , { "uid": "9NbAtCA2oZgtRQEppgpLvX", "title": "STILL tugger train – B-Frame with additional trolley safeguard", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 13840, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "11.03.2019" } , { "uid": "-CkASnbSq1f3c65SaotsUo", "title": "STILL tugger trains – BaseRunner and RackRunner", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 44520, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "11.03.2019" } , { "uid": "8K7rwt_xZaN4MKc4jkvZDV", "title": " STILL tugger trains – Automation levels", "description": "", "keywords": " Automatisierung, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 139280, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "11.03.2019" } , { "uid": "6Mtt5dX_omhEZ7yEyn6use", "title": "STILL Service technician Recruiting Video BE", "description": "STILL Service technician Recruiting Video BE", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 93440, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "26.02.2019" } , { "uid": "16PCGaPoG3Uvxzc5uGjbw6", "title": "Electric Forklift Truck RX 20 - Highlights", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 79560, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.02.2019" } , { "uid": "C1MCy3Y3sgDnm6o69-SAVB", "title": "Order Picker (man-up) MX-X - Highlights", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 76880, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.02.2019" } , { "uid": "AC4CYpGVn6XN1PaMPEeRRt", "title": "Electric Tractor LTX 50 - Highlights", "description": "Electric Tractor LTX 50 - Highlights", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 60920, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.02.2019" } , { "uid": "88x5SbnZS4tYvDKBR4r7yP", "title": "Reach truck FM-X - Highlights", "description": "Reach truck FM-X - Highlights", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 67520, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.02.2019" } , { "uid": "FG-te5ZqjM_dhBdtKwC4-q", "title": "STILL Driver Assistance Systems and Functions", "description": "STILL Driver Assistance Systems and Functions", "keywords": " functions, Funktionen, Assistenz, Assistenzsysteme, Fahrerassistenzsysteme, Fahrerassistenz, assistenzfunktionen, assistancesystems, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 90551, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.02.2019" } , { "uid": "Covyx1qcuRUp_1mihFYc3o", "title": "Low Lift Pallet Truck EXH-SF - Highlights", "description": "Speed, ergonomics, compact design – the EXH-SF pallet truck with hinged stand-on platform is the perfect combination of all these qualities. With a maximum lifting capacity of 2,500 kg and an impressive top speed of 14 km/h, the EXH-SF demonstrates superior handling power. The air-cushioned stand-on platform with integrated compressor keeps work back-friendly at all times. Due to its sprung support wheels the smart warehouse organiser crosses ramps comfortably, safely and with optimum traction. Furthermore, the EXH-SF helps save valuable warehouse space: with a total width of just 720 mm, the pallet truck is narrower than a Europallet and can be manoeuvred precisely through the narrowest of aisles. Do you need a truck that is operational 24 hours a day? With the STILL Li-ion technology, even the shortest breaks are sufficient to charge the EXH-SF. As different battery sizes are available depending on your individual needs, any customer requirement as well as multi-shift operations can be realised.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 46600, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.02.2019" } , { "uid": "79wHDoKCS79Rh3h-rxLvU1", "title": "Used STILL forklifts - Guarantee of the highest quality", "description": "", "keywords": "Mrowino, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 227800, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "14.01.2019" } , { "uid": "51tvinvo39-sfKScbBVzuY", "title": "STILL and Carrefour - The Largest Fuel Cell Fleet in Europe", "description": "", "keywords": " warehouse, STILL, FM-X, EXU-S, EXD-S, FMX, Fuel Cell, Fuelcell, H2, EU, European Commission, Energy Europe, Carrefour Supply Chain, Air Liquide, CX-S, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 180040, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "20.11.2018" } , { "uid": "3MxKTWUg3Qdmb87WZK6BBR", "title": "Assistance System Dynamic Load Control 3 (DLC)", "description": "Knowing the weight: Dynamic Load Control indicates the weight of the load and the associated lift heigh", "keywords": " EXV, DLC, Dynamic Load Control, DLC3, FXV, EXP, assistance system, assistancesystem, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 68080, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "20.09.2018" } , { "uid": "3yaxP_kNk5yZE5iUMEuwDf", "title": "Electric forklift trucks. The STILL RX 20 - Safety Lights", "description": "", "keywords": " RX20, STILL, visibility, safety, safety zone lights, blue light spot, 4plus, 4+, red, Fahrerassistenzsysteme, Fahrerassistenz, Assistenz, Warnzonenlicht, SafetyLight 4PLUS, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 65400, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "19.09.2018" } , { "uid": "1JS5dvsZkBR-1Y3cdN2tK-", "title": "STILL Electric Forklift Truck RX 20 - Positioning Laserlight", "description": "A green laser line projects the fork height on the loading equipment. This optimises the handling performance and safety. The laser is not dangerous to the human eye. ", "keywords": "assistance system, green, laser, optional, Positioning Laserlight, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 27760, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "19.09.2018" } , { "uid": "74Cz_xnfSvA7SEMBLeWeGZ", "title": "ECF offers training to qualified employees to educate them on the safety of industrial trucks from STILL", "description": "ECF is one of the biggest providers for professional learning and development in the sectors of transport, logistics and transport safety in France. There are over one hundred institutions for this kind of training. ECF in Roissy near Paris is utilising STILL products as the core of their training programmes. ", "keywords": " EXV, Dynamic Load Control, ECF, DLC, success story, Paris, EXV 16, user story, france, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 130720, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "19.09.2018" } , { "uid": "5d7WXgqsRN1B1Re3xFcaa3", "title": "Electric Tractor LTX 50 - Intelligence at work", "description": "Reliable on time delivery sequences are one of the LTX 50’s specialities. Deployed as a tugger train, the future-proof electric tractor can tow trailers with overall weights of up to 5,000 kg down narrow aisles with absolute precision at your production facilities. Thanks to the top speed of up to 14 km/h even long trips can be covered in the shortest possible time. This makes for an efficient and lean production, reduces internal traffic volumes and saves money. Drivers are happy to use the unique STILL EASY Drive steering wheel with an integrated display.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 63600, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "07.08.2018" } , { "uid": "BsXgRm_vwmLKVPEcasnVgZ", "title": "Electric truck RX 20 – individual configuration", "description": "The STILL RX 20 offers more of everything: more power, more dynamism and more availability. The latest generation of STILL’s top-selling electric forklift truck is the best RX 20 that STILL ever developed. There is the new safety and communication centre for safety and handling performance (STILL Easy Control): The driver can activate performance functions depending on the application and receives all important safety information at a glance. With the safest and quickest battery change and the largest Li-Ion battery capacity of its class, the RX 20 can be used around the clock. Dynamic acceleration, 20 km/h maximum speed, precise manoeuvrability – with these trademark features, the RX 20 achieves the highest ever handling performance in the load range from 1.4 to 2 tonnes.<br><br>More information at:", "keywords": " forklift, RX 20, RX20, electric, E-truck, CGI, Animation, Rendering, 3D, forkliftruck, electronic, configurator, options, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 86280, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "02.08.2018" } , { "uid": "DqSASsTaxLQzSjR1exgFVt", "title": "FleetManager 4.x from STILL", "description": "FleetManager 4.x is the next stage of evolution for modern fleet management. STILL UK have installed FleetManager for Rittal CSM Ltd in Plymouth. The manufacturing and engineering giant have seen huge benefits of this innovative software across their fleet of trucks.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 202101, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "06.07.2018" } , { "uid": "3wggZaJJyLYRmyzRkU9Hnu", "title": "The new order picker STILL OPX in the PLUS Retail distribution centre", "description": "The new order picker STILL OPX in the PLUS Retail distribution centre", "keywords": " picking, orderpicker, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 88040, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "05.07.2018" } , { "uid": "5MVgGMUUXGfyxrsXLLkTWW", "title": "Order Picker (man-up) MX-X - Active Floor Compensation (Animation)", "description": "Reduced vibrations – higher handling performance<br>Preventing mast vibrations protects the load, the warehouse and the driver and, last but not least, facilitates a significant increase in handling capacity with the help of AFC.", "keywords": " MXX, System, VNA, AFC, ActiveFloorCompensation, assistance, ground, floor, assistance system, Fahrerassistenzsysteme, Fahrerassistenz, Assistenzsysteme, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 46360, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "21.06.2018" } , { "uid": "AX8i_anPw8rSqGWCmQ5LPn", "title": "Automated interaction with high-lift pallet truck, electric tractor and E-Frame", "description": "Reliability plays a decisive role in logistics. Using an automated tugger train at the CeMAT trade fair, STILL shows how an accurately cycle-synchronised supply to production lines can be designed in an even cleverer, more reliable way.<br><br>This impressive work cycle between an EXV high lift pallet truck, a electric tractor and an E-Frame could be seen several times a day at STILL's stand at the CeMAT 2018 trade fair. What's so special: all of this takes place entirely automated and without any drivers.<br>Herbert Fischer, Head of the Tugger Train Business Segment at STILL, says \"Our automated tugger train is unique in the entire market. We implement an absolutely accurately cycle-synchronised flow of goods right up to the production line in which all the tugger train trailers can be loaded and unloaded simultaneously.\"", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 109920, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "13.06.2018" } , { "uid": "6ZKMkq6Rsa3SoEFjxzDFmu", "title": "Automation of FM-X reach trucks at AUDI distribution center by STILL and Dematic", "description": "With the advent of smart factories, efficient autonomous processes are becoming increasingly important. But they are also highly complex. STILL has joined forces with KION’s newest brand company, Dematic, to take on this challenge at Audi’s logistics center in Ingolstadt. Initial results a few months into the automation project are positive.", "keywords": "FMX, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 187800, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "07.05.2018" } , { "uid": "Acq2ACL-x93-DqEi9B7JBh", "title": "STILL at CeMAT 2018 – Highlights and world premieres", "description": "From April 23 to 27, STILL delighted guests from all over the world at CeMAT. Numerous innovative solutions, smart assistance systems and new products attracted many specialist visitors and prominent trade fair guests into STILL’s world.", "keywords": "CeMAT, Event, fair, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 124160, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "04.05.2018" } , { "uid": "2AajiUUt_i8GzC5sUBr-g7", "title": "Fleet management with STILL neXXt fleet - Thomas A. Fischer at CeMAT 2018", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 52760, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "27.04.2018" } , { "uid": "7S-qZQ5DnM39XacPCxsY9m", "title": "Reliability and STILL - Dr. Henry Puhl at CeMAT 2018", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 45320, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "27.04.2018" } , { "uid": "5JP8Ug_ZwkqtMyCJHEu4-m", "title": "CeMAT Interview: Intralogistics Consultancy", "description": "Intralogistics consultancy straight to the point: intralogistics consultancy continues to play an increasingly important role. Our experienced team supports customers with goal-oriented advice all the way through to implementation! Marina Hein, Head of Intralogistics Consulting, tells you what that looks like in this interview at the CeMAT!", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 165200, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "26.04.2018" } , { "uid": "Cga5XjPihyyUHLakA8x_Yn", "title": "Truck performance | RX 20 - Dr. Henry Puhl at CeMAT 2018", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 51440, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.04.2018" } , { "uid": "F9ywyATmeCTJ-6V_YjkDac", "title": "IFOY 2018 Winner: STILL RX 20 (EN)", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 97360, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.04.2018" } , { "uid": "4cHVmZGiVxRrNMVW-jQonW", "title": "Safety and assistance systems from STILL - Thomas A. Fischer at CeMAT 2018", "description": " ", "keywords": "AFC, Active floor compensation, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 62640, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.04.2018" } , { "uid": "A-RcxFVhXCHpbL4ssQc62y", "title": "STILL Service Performance (EN)", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 193120, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "23.04.2018" } , { "uid": "EJs7_y-UNX8UN4Wn43hnHK", "title": "Order Picker (man-up) MX-X - Active Floor Compensation (AFC)", "description": "Reduced vibrations – higher handling performance<br>Preventing mast vibrations protects the load, the warehouse and the driver and, last but not least, facilitates a significant increase in handling capacity with the help of AFC.", "keywords": " MXX, System, VNA, AFC, ActiveFloorCompensation, assistance, ground, floor, assistance system, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 26680, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "23.04.2018" } , { "uid": "5YBcAPrGsabSAb-Y2BNMJT", "title": "Automated solution by STILL and DEMATIC at CASA in Belgium (subtitles)", "description": "The new distribution centre of CASA International is located in Olen, occupying an area of 50,000 m² with room for 65,000 pallets. STILL and Dematic implemented an fully automated solution with STILL VNA-trucks (MX-X) and reach trucks (FM-X). ", "keywords": " MXX, MX-X, FMX, KION, Automation, automating, Cooperation, FM-X , Anwenderbericht, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 233160, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "16.04.2018" } , { "uid": "2XVnBwm3vrtsq3ZBuJAQ3m", "title": "High Lift Pallet Truck ECV 10 C - Lifting made easy", "description": " Are you looking for a starter truck in the world of pallet stackers? Allow us to introduce the ECV 10 C. With a mono mast and a maximum lifting capacity of up to 1,000 kg it can be used for a wide range of applications. Whether being used for stacking applications up to 1,867 mm or to provide ergonomic support as a mobile workbench, the ECV 10 C is an all-rounder. The easy-grip tiller for left- and right-handed operators enables precise operation of all of the driving and lifting functions.", "keywords": " high lift pallet truck, ECV 10 C, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 82960, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "05.04.2018" } , { "uid": "D6geYN2GaxTWLiwuW9Ajp6", "title": "High Lift Pallet Truck ECV 10 - Lifting made easy", "description": " Reaching new heights: With the ECV 10 you can reach a lift height<br>of up to 3,227 mm. Paired with a maximum lifting capacity of up<br>to 1,000 kg, the ECV 10 high lift pallet truck provides ideal support<br>for light and sporadic stacking applications. The compact truck<br>dimensions enable transporting and stacking even in tight working<br>areas and narrow aisles. Easy charging? No problem – thanks to the<br>built-in charger the ECV 10 can be recharged at any standard socket.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 60080, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "05.04.2018" } , { "uid": "3ZZT7P8JqVJDAFjD2vjsaB", "title": "Automation at STILL", "description": "Individual automation solutions according to your requirements<br>iGo systems implement the automated interaction of one or multiple different industrial trucks in order to perform transport tasks in the warehouse without a driver.<br>Different warehouse situations require individual solutions. iGo systems offers you a perfectly coordinated combination of different automated STILL series-production trucks and corresponding technology, including the installation of all components.<br><br>Analysis, planning, implementation – put your trust in automation that meets your needs and delivers maximum efficiency by selecting the best technologies for your requirements. Various types of navigation allow the trucks to move independently through the warehouse. In this way, you can always stay flexible because all automated series-produced trucks can also be operated manually in the worst-case scenario.<br><br>The quality of the iGo systems series devices has been proven in numerous automation projects. Once the tailor-made automation solution has been implemented, a professional service model guarantees that your system is available at all times.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 210000, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "29.03.2018" } , { "uid": "9xmxxqM-xr1fiKLuM9KSyS", "title": "STILL Digitalization", "description": "", "keywords": " future, iPad, neXXt fleet, nexxt, technology, Digitalisierung, Digitalization, digital, tools, data, Daten, wireless, comic, nexxtfleet, ecosystem, technologies, virtual reality, connection, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 229000, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "13.03.2018" } , { "uid": "9zuh6g78ULQpF8YmB-rUV-", "title": "Automated tugger train - iGo Systems", "description": "Targeting to make logistics processes more efficient by automation, STILL deploys automated LiftRunner Tugger Train solutions with the LTX 50 tractor. These solutions allow to fully automate the flow of materials right up to the production line and make clocked supply to production facilities even smarter and more economic.", "keywords": " iGo, Routenzug, tugger train, 3D, b-Rahmen, CGI, Animation, LTX50, LTX 50, Automation, igosystems, B-frame, B, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 122000, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "07.03.2018" } , { "uid": "CUeRENLcwjqfAZyDUyp4dA", "title": "Product launch show of the new electric forklift truck STILL RX 20 - ELECTRIFYING", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 65120, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "07.02.2018" } , { "uid": "3kz3JvKcUTruQN8Av7-zqP", "title": "Electric truck RX 20 - In use at POLYTEC PLASTICS (English subtitles)", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 111120, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.01.2018" } , { "uid": "8fYdM2iw6w1ZkwGHTTk32G", "title": "Electric truck RX 20 - Get ready for the new Powerhouse", "description": "Get ready for the milestone of electrical performance! The new RX 20 series is here and better than ever. With more handling capacity, higher range, incredible all-round visibility, and a spacious workplace, it convinces in all situations!<br><br>The new RX 20: Electrifyingly strong, electrifyingly fast, electrifyingly STILL.", "keywords": " truck, RX20, electric, RX 20, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 68000, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.01.2018" } , { "uid": "Ehe8c1CT2Xwgg6PGYTgoXJ", "title": "RX 20 electric forklift truck - perfect circumferential view", "description": "<br> Perfect circumferential view: Slim mast and large windows on all sides.<br> Perfect view when reversing through swivel seat and handle.<br><br><br>More information at:", "keywords": " intralogistics, RX20, STILL, intralogistic, E-truck, forklift-truck, electronic forklift truck, electrifying, STILL GmbH, STILL Hamburg, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 44560, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "02.01.2018" } , { "uid": "1cHst3shCRP1kxBzyjpdk7", "title": "RX 20 electric forklift truck - safety", "description": "<br>Safety through intelligence: STILL Easy Control monitors and controls all safety and performance functions.<br>Increased safety in the plant through the optional STILL SafetyLight.<br>Superior driving stability: Automatic speed adjustment in curves with the curve speed control assistant function.<br>Increased safety through optional restraint system.<br><br>More information at:", "keywords": " intralogistics, RX20, STILL, intralogistic, E-truck, forklift-truck, electronic forklift truck, electrifying, STILL GmbH, STILL Hamburg, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 48560, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "02.01.2018" } , { "uid": "2qw5J4uLxx6GCz3TNvCSe3", "title": "RX 20 electric forklift truck - compact and manoeuvrable", "description": "<br> High performance in the tightest of spaces: compact truck dimensions and enormous agility.<br> Superior manoeuvrability: Combination axle for four-wheel trucks enables smallest turning radius in its class.<br><br><br>More information at:", "keywords": " intralogistics, RX20, STILL, intralogistic, E-truck, forklift-truck, electronic forklift truck, electrifying, STILL GmbH, STILL Hamburg, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 63160, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "02.01.2018" } , { "uid": "4LeuxD66SFFHEeTEz_aqJs", "title": "RX 20 electric forklift truck - individual driving dynamics", "description": "<br> Customisable driving characteristics: individually configurable driving programs.<br> Effective goods handling: Driving speeds of up to 20 km/h, dynamic driving characteristics and high lift speeds.<br> Performance boost at the press of a button: Sprint mode for highest handling performance.<br> Superior driving stability: Automatic speed adjustment in curves with the curve speed control assistant function.<br><br><br>More information at:", "keywords": " intralogistics, RX20, STILL, intralogistic, E-truck, forklift-truck, electronic forklift truck, electrifying, STILL GmbH, STILL Hamburg, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 60560, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "02.01.2018" } , { "uid": "6267eM5YF9fDrVHYEY4gTE", "title": "RX 20 electric forklift truck - truck in operation", "description": ">A suitable truck for every application: RX 20 with different frame lengths.<br>Increased handling performance when stacking in high racks: Tilt assistant at the press of a button.<br>Excellent visibility through the roof.<br> Stable powerhouse: lifts up to 2 tons with a load centre of gravity of 500 mm.<br> Perfect circumferential view: Slim mast and large windows on all sides.<br>Optional low cabins for clearance heights under 2 metres.<br>Precise load handling: sensitive control through state-of-the-art hydraulic operation.<br>Comfortable reversing thanks to swivel seat and handle at rear tie bar.<br>Ideal protection from weather and cold: Cabin versions for every application.<br><br>More information at:", "keywords": " intralogistics, RX20, STILL, intralogistic, E-truck, forklift-truck, electronic forklift truck, electrifying, STILL GmbH, STILL Hamburg, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 130479, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "02.01.2018" } , { "uid": "FHZKzVCStNguR5KpFms_RZ", "title": "RX 20 electric forklift truck - ergonomics in the workplace", "description": "Comfortable sense of space: Spacious driver's cab with large foot well and numerous storage options.<br>Comfortable workplace environment with plenty of individual adjustment options.<br>STILL Easy Control monitors and controls all safety and performance functions.<br>Individually selectable options: Multi-lever, mini-lever or Joystick 4Plus.<br>Mechanic parking brake. Optional electric parking brake.<br>More information at:", "keywords": " intralogistics, RX20, STILL, intralogistic, E-truck, forklift-truck, electronic forklift truck, electrifying, STILL GmbH, STILL Hamburg, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 92520, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "02.01.2018" } , { "uid": "8oUKAX1rWCfcq7iucCEMA_", "title": "RX 20 electric forklift truck - best availability ", "description": "Continuous high performance: largest Li-ion battery capacity and quick side battery change.<br>Maximum flexibility: Standard truck is compatible with different battery types.<br>Energy saving at the press of a button: Blue-Q efficiency mode saves up to 20% energy.<br>Highest range with one battery charge.<br><br><br>More information at:", "keywords": ", intralogistics, RX20, STILL, intralogistic, E-truck, forklift-truck, electronic forklift truck, electrifying, STILL GmbH, STILL Hamburg, battery change, battery, Change, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 36600, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "02.01.2018" } , { "uid": "2bVVRUm6K9CrNUE2o4Exw8", "title": "Electric truck RX 20 – Electrifying (short)", "description": "The STILL RX 20 offers more of everything: more power, more dynamism and more availability. The latest generation of STILL’s top-selling electric forklift truck is the best RX 20 that STILL ever developed. There is the new safety and communication centre for safety and handling performance (STILL Easy Control): The driver can activate performance functions depending on the application and receives all important safety information at a glance. With the safest and quickest battery change and the largest Li-Ion battery capacity of its class, the RX 20 can be used around the clock. Dynamic acceleration, 20 km/h maximum speed, precise manoeuvrability – with these trademark features, the RX 20 achieves the highest ever handling performance in the load range from 1.4 to 2 tonnes.<br>More information at:", "keywords": " intralogistics, RX20, intralogistic, E-truck, forklift-truck, electronic forklift truck, electrifying, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 49200, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "02.01.2018" } , { "uid": "1cRa23TqmjMu4cK8WyY5wV", "title": "Electric truck RX 20 – Electrifying (long)", "description": "The STILL RX 20 offers more of everything: more power, more dynamism and more availability. The latest generation of STILL’s top-selling electric forklift truck is the best RX 20 that STILL ever developed. There is the new safety and communication centre for safety and handling performance (STILL Easy Control): The driver can activate performance functions depending on the application and receives all important safety information at a glance. With the safest and quickest battery change and the largest Li-Ion battery capacity of its class, the RX 20 can be used around the clock. Dynamic acceleration, 20 km/h maximum speed, precise manoeuvrability – with these trademark features, the RX 20 achieves the highest ever handling performance in the load range from 1.4 to 2 tonnes.<br>More information at:", "keywords": " intralogistics, RX20, intralogistic, E-truck, forklift-truck, electronic forklift truck, electrifying, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 276000, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "02.01.2018" } , { "uid": "Btb_Wcd5Hx54fqBeX2KbQF", "title": "Electric truck RX 20 - Electrifying", "description": "", "keywords": " Animation, CGI, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 37800, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "04.12.2017" } , { "uid": "BTaWtfVE-MLmz1UiY_WYZt", "title": "Electric truck RX 50-13 - A forklift truck in the Vatican", "description": "Tasks: responsible for all measures and the preservation of St. Peter’s Basilica.<br><br>Challenge: The lowest possible floor load on historic marble floors, low noise emissions and narrow doorways and winding locations.<br><br>Solution: STILL RX 50-13 electric forklift: Capacity 1.300 kg, extremely agile and quiet forklift. The most compact truck in its class.<br><br>Silently, the STILL RX 50 forklift truck enters St Peter’s Basilica through a side entrance – it almost seems to glide across the opulent marble floors. On its way, it passes works of art and tombs, including that of Pope Alexander VII, which dates back to the 17th century. The sight of a STILL forklift truck in one of the world’s most famous churches still comes as a surprise to many. After all, the heavy, bright orange truck does stand out from all the splendor around it. But recently, this has become a more familiar sight, as the truck’s driver, Giovanni, works for the Reverendae Fabrica Sancti Petri, the Fabbrica di San Pietro, also known as the Fabric of St Peter’s. Founded in 1908, it is responsible for the preservation and decoration of the world’s most important Catholic church.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 153360, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "23.11.2017" } , { "uid": "3-sE6sR6PdWAxWCfZWLvvH", "title": "STILL Warka (EN subtitles)", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 164400, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "22.11.2017" } , { "uid": "4fWuhNzf2ArbXSxcNtbqXq", "title": "Order Picker (man-up) MX-X – safety equipment", "description": "Innovative technologies and smart modularity: The STILL MX-X VNA order picker (man-up) sets standards in performance and userfriendliness. Developed to optimally handle any challenge, the MX-X scores with performance packages for every application profile. Thus truck precisely adapted to your individual requirements - from its dimensions to its technical features. The focus is on the operator: A spacious and flexibly adaptable driver's cabin, intuitive controls and smart assistance systems promise safe, comfortable and efficient work throughout a whole shift. <br>Driving speeds of up to 14 km/h, a lift height of up to 18 metres and the highest residual load capacity on the market make the MX-X a turnover champion in highly compacted warehouse worlds. Whilst the active load stabilisation (ALS) notably shortens storage and retrieval processes by up to 5 %, the mechanism of the turret head promises even shorter picking distances. Thanks to the fully welded auxiliary lift, the MX-X scores with maximum stability throughout its service life. The STILL MX-X high bay order pickers can be individually configured according to your requirements and will thrill you with their excellent functionality.<br><br>More information at", "keywords": " Optispeed, trailer, ALS, 3D, MX-X, 2017, MXX, VNA, VNA-truck, load stabilisation, 4.0, CGI, Optisafe, Animation, very narrow aisles, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 112560, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "30.09.2017" } , { "uid": "CspTWH8qRJERGCKZ_T1aTz", "title": "Order Picker (man-up) MX-X – Tiltable side barriers", "description": "Innovative technologies and smart modularity: The STILL MX-X VNA order picker (man-up) sets standards in performance and userfriendliness. Developed to optimally handle any challenge, the MX-X scores with performance packages for every application profile. Thus truck precisely adapted to your individual requirements - from its dimensions to its technical features. The focus is on the operator: A spacious and flexibly adaptable driver's cabin, intuitive controls and smart assistance systems promise safe, comfortable and efficient work throughout a whole shift.<br>Driving speeds of up to 14 km/h, a lift height of up to 18 metres and the highest residual load capacity on the market make the MX-X a turnover champion in highly compacted warehouse worlds. Whilst the active load stabilisation (ALS) notably shortens storage and retrieval processes by up to 5 %, the mechanism of the turret head promises even shorter picking distances. Thanks to the fully welded auxiliary lift, the MX-X scores with maximum stability throughout its service life. The STILL MX-X high bay order pickers can be individually configured according to your requirements and will thrill you with their excellent functionality.<br>More information at", "keywords": " Optispeed, trailer, ALS, 3D, MX-X, 2017, MXX, VNA, VNA-truck, load stabilisation, 4.0, CGI, Optisafe, Animation, very narrow aisles, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 16160, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "30.09.2017" } , { "uid": "7nEs8BLtm7hcrpt2C8U4tu", "title": "Order Picker (man-up) MX-X – Active load stabilisation", "description": "Fast storage and removal: Active load stabilisation (ALS) reduces mast vibrations. <br><br>More information at", "keywords": " Optispeed, trailer, ALS, 3D, MX-X, 2017, MXX, VNA, VNA-truck, load stabilisation, 4.0, Active load stabilisation , ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 25160, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "22.09.2017" } , { "uid": "5sjz1LhXgWN1MiCthieftJ", "title": "Order Picker (man-up) MX-X – iGo pilot (EN)", "description": " Increased performance and process reliability: Semi-automatic approach to shelf with iGo pilot<br><br>More information at", "keywords": " Optispeed, trailer, ALS, 3D, MX-X, 2017, MXX, VNA, VNA-truck, load stabilisation, 4.0, CGI, Optisafe, Animation, very narrow aisles, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 47320, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "22.09.2017" } , { "uid": "ESc5pcLyXcgf9qCwX9W2UF", "title": "Order Picker (man-up) MX-X – Height limit", "description": "Avoidance of collisions: automatic height limit. <br><br>More information at", "keywords": " Optispeed, trailer, ALS, 3D, MX-X, 2017, MXX, VNA, VNA-truck, load stabilisation, 4.0, CGI, Optisafe, Animation, very narrow aisles, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 25680, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "22.09.2017" } , { "uid": "8LbcLXdzwfAiK2twUnSa_E", "title": "Order Picker (man-up) MX-X – dynamic aisle end braking", "description": "Increased performance: dynamic aisle end braking.<br><br>More information at", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 17680, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "22.09.2017" } , { "uid": "9x4KYdhmyWVZzkxLbUfgSY", "title": "Order Picker (man-up) MX-X – automatic speed adjustment", "description": "Automatic speed adjustment in defined zones. <br><br>More information at", "keywords": " Optispeed, trailer, ALS, 3D, MX-X, 2017, MXX, VNA, VNA-truck, load stabilisation, 4.0, CGI, Optisafe, Animation, very narrow aisles, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 13560, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "22.09.2017" } , { "uid": "EnY9ZRmCGbH4v9dcGv-ijB", "title": "Order Picker (man-up) MX-X – side shift lock", "description": "Increased safety: automatic side shift lock.<br><br>More information at", "keywords": " Optispeed, trailer, ALS, 3D, MX-X, 2017, MXX, VNA, VNA-truck, load stabilisation, 4.0, CGI, Optisafe, Animation, very narrow aisles, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 20040, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "22.09.2017" } , { "uid": "CozyCQUn-kAzUGMMEfT18h", "title": "Order Picker (man-up) MX-X – Safe exit from the aisle", "description": "Safe exit from the aisle with OPTISAFE. <br><br>More information at", "keywords": " Optispeed, trailer, ALS, 3D, MX-X, 2017, MXX, VNA, VNA-truck, load stabilisation, 4.0, CGI, Optisafe, Animation, very narrow aisles, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 25080, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "22.09.2017" } , { "uid": "-7ho3rbfyRXT5DsmGjPdh5", "title": "Order Picker (man-up) MX-X – Mast (EN)", "description": "Innovative technologies and smart modularity: The STILL MX-X VNA order picker (man-up) sets standards in performance and userfriendliness. Developed to optimally handle any challenge, the MX-X scores with performance packages for every application profile. Thus truck precisely adapted to your individual requirements - from its dimensions to its technical features. The focus is on the operator: A spacious and flexibly adaptable driver's cabin, intuitive controls and smart assistance systems promise safe, comfortable and efficient work throughout a whole shift. <br>Driving speeds of up to 14 km/h, a lift height of up to 18 metres and the highest residual load capacity on the market make the MX-X a turnover champion in highly compacted warehouse worlds. Whilst the active load stabilisation (ALS) notably shortens storage and retrieval processes by up to 5 %, the mechanism of the turret head promises even shorter picking distances. Thanks to the fully welded auxiliary lift, the MX-X scores with maximum stability throughout its service life. The STILL MX-X high bay order pickers can be individually configured according to your requirements and will thrill you with their excellent functionality.<br><br>More information at", "keywords": " Optispeed, trailer, ALS, 3D, MX-X, 2017, MXX, VNA, VNA-truck, load stabilisation, 4.0, CGI, Optisafe, Animation, very narrow aisles, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 62760, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "22.09.2017" } , { "uid": "AGEqsckm-JNX5FPoBoMqWJ", "title": "Order Picker (man-up) MX-X – Largest driver's cab", "description": "Innovative technologies and smart modularity: The STILL MX-X VNA order picker (man-up) sets standards in performance and userfriendliness. Developed to optimally handle any challenge, the MX-X scores with performance packages for every application profile. Thus truck precisely adapted to your individual requirements - from its dimensions to its technical features. The focus is on the operator: A spacious and flexibly adaptable driver's cabin, intuitive controls and smart assistance systems promise safe, comfortable and efficient work throughout a whole shift. <br>Driving speeds of up to 14 km/h, a lift height of up to 18 metres and the highest residual load capacity on the market make the MX-X a turnover champion in highly compacted warehouse worlds. Whilst the active load stabilisation (ALS) notably shortens storage and retrieval processes by up to 5 %, the mechanism of the turret head promises even shorter picking distances. Thanks to the fully welded auxiliary lift, the MX-X scores with maximum stability throughout its service life. The STILL MX-X high bay order pickers can be individually configured according to your requirements and will thrill you with their excellent functionality.<br><br>More information at", "keywords": " Optispeed, trailer, ALS, 3D, MX-X, 2017, MXX, VNA, VNA-truck, load stabilisation, 4.0, CGI, Optisafe, Animation, very narrow aisles, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 31640, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "22.09.2017" } , { "uid": "CNVWHsXEQDtZy-nMFkCdgM", "title": "Order Picker (man-up) MX-X – lift height", "description": "Innovative technologies and smart modularity: The STILL MX-X VNA order picker (man-up) sets standards in performance and userfriendliness. Developed to optimally handle any challenge, the MX-X scores with performance packages for every application profile. Thus truck precisely adapted to your individual requirements - from its dimensions to its technical features. The focus is on the operator: A spacious and flexibly adaptable driver's cabin, intuitive controls and smart assistance systems promise safe, comfortable and efficient work throughout a whole shift. <br>Driving speeds of up to 14 km/h, a lift height of up to 18 metres and the highest residual load capacity on the market make the MX-X a turnover champion in highly compacted warehouse worlds. Whilst the active load stabilisation (ALS) notably shortens storage and retrieval processes by up to 5 %, the mechanism of the turret head promises even shorter picking distances. Thanks to the fully welded auxiliary lift, the MX-X scores with maximum stability throughout its service life. The STILL MX-X high bay order pickers can be individually configured according to your requirements and will thrill you with their excellent functionality.<br><br>More information at", "keywords": " Optispeed, trailer, ALS, 3D, MX-X, 2017, MXX, VNA, VNA-truck, load stabilisation, 4.0, CGI, Optisafe, Animation, very narrow aisles, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 27640, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "22.09.2017" } , { "uid": "DDHUHJPzna_o3tHk1yTdaV", "title": "Order Picker (man-up) MX-X – Mechanical guidance", "description": "Innovative technologies and smart modularity: The STILL MX-X VNA order picker (man-up) sets standards in performance and userfriendliness. Developed to optimally handle any challenge, the MX-X scores with performance packages for every application profile. Thus truck precisely adapted to your individual requirements - from its dimensions to its technical features. The focus is on the operator: A spacious and flexibly adaptable driver's cabin, intuitive controls and smart assistance systems promise safe, comfortable and efficient work throughout a whole shift. <br>Driving speeds of up to 14 km/h, a lift height of up to 18 metres and the highest residual load capacity on the market make the MX-X a turnover champion in highly compacted warehouse worlds. Whilst the active load stabilisation (ALS) notably shortens storage and retrieval processes by up to 5 %, the mechanism of the turret head promises even shorter picking distances. Thanks to the fully welded auxiliary lift, the MX-X scores with maximum stability throughout its service life. The STILL MX-X high bay order pickers can be individually configured according to your requirements and will thrill you with their excellent functionality.<br><br>More information at", "keywords": " Optispeed, trailer, ALS, 3D, MX-X, 2017, MXX, VNA, VNA-truck, load stabilisation, 4.0, CGI, Optisafe, Animation, very narrow aisles, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 50680, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "22.09.2017" } , { "uid": "Bzbe82LAs4NDRBxhwVaCai", "title": "Order Picker (man-up) MX-X – Inductive guidance", "description": "Innovative technologies and smart modularity: The STILL MX-X VNA order picker (man-up) sets standards in performance and userfriendliness. Developed to optimally handle any challenge, the MX-X scores with performance packages for every application profile. Thus truck precisely adapted to your individual requirements - from its dimensions to its technical features. The focus is on the operator: A spacious and flexibly adaptable driver's cabin, intuitive controls and smart assistance systems promise safe, comfortable and efficient work throughout a whole shift. <br>Driving speeds of up to 14 km/h, a lift height of up to 18 metres and the highest residual load capacity on the market make the MX-X a turnover champion in highly compacted warehouse worlds. Whilst the active load stabilisation (ALS) notably shortens storage and retrieval processes by up to 5 %, the mechanism of the turret head promises even shorter picking distances. Thanks to the fully welded auxiliary lift, the MX-X scores with maximum stability throughout its service life. The STILL MX-X high bay order pickers can be individually configured according to your requirements and will thrill you with their excellent functionality.<br><br>More information at", "keywords": " Optispeed, trailer, ALS, 3D, MX-X, 2017, MXX, VNA, VNA-truck, load stabilisation, 4.0, CGI, Optisafe, Animation, very narrow aisles, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 31720, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "22.09.2017" } , { "uid": "6gWWtGmKssDztxagmhGr9p", "title": "Order Picker (man-up) MX-X – ergonomics", "description": " Innovative technologies and smart modularity: The STILL MX-X VNA order picker (man-up) sets standards in performance and userfriendliness. Developed to optimally handle any challenge, the MX-X scores with performance packages for every application profile. Thus truck precisely adapted to your individual requirements - from its dimensions to its technical features. The focus is on the operator: A spacious and flexibly adaptable driver's cabin, intuitive controls and smart assistance systems promise safe, comfortable and efficient work throughout a whole shift. <br>Driving speeds of up to 14 km/h, a lift height of up to 18 metres and the highest residual load capacity on the market make the MX-X a turnover champion in highly compacted warehouse worlds. Whilst the active load stabilisation (ALS) notably shortens storage and retrieval processes by up to 5 %, the mechanism of the turret head promises even shorter picking distances. Thanks to the fully welded auxiliary lift, the MX-X scores with maximum stability throughout its service life. The STILL MX-X high bay order pickers can be individually configured according to your requirements and will thrill you with their excellent functionality.<br><br>More information at", "keywords": " Optispeed, trailer, ALS, 3D, MX-X, 2017, MXX, VNA, VNA-truck, load stabilisation, 4.0, CGI, Optisafe, Animation, very narrow aisles, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 78920, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "22.09.2017" } , { "uid": "4wxwL9qMQXr_PyifNttomh", "title": "Order Picker (man-up) MX-X – Perfection in performance and comfort", "description": "Innovative technologies and smart modularity: The STILL MX-X VNA order picker (man-up) sets standards in performance and userfriendliness. Developed to optimally handle any challenge, the MX-X scores with performance packages for every application profile. Thus truck precisely adapted to your individual requirements - from its dimensions to its technical features. The focus is on the operator: A spacious and flexibly adaptable driver's cabin, intuitive controls and smart assistance systems promise safe, comfortable and efficient work throughout a whole shift. <br>Driving speeds of up to 14 km/h, a lift height of up to 18 metres and the highest residual load capacity on the market make the MX-X a turnover champion in highly compacted warehouse worlds. Whilst the active load stabilisation (ALS) notably shortens storage and retrieval processes by up to 5 %, the mechanism of the turret head promises even shorter picking distances. Thanks to the fully welded auxiliary lift, the MX-X scores with maximum stability throughout its service life. The STILL MX-X high bay order pickers can be individually configured according to your requirements and will thrill you with their excellent functionality.<br><br>More information at", "keywords": " Optispeed, trailer, ALS, 3D, MX-X, 2017, MXX, VNA, VNA-truck, load stabilisation, 4.0, CGI, Optisafe, Animation, very narrow aisles, Rendering, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 264440, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "18.09.2017" } , { "uid": "FE7E6e1yAJ6j13xthnQGtC", "title": "Order Picker (man-up) MX-X – Assistance systems ", "description": "Innovative technologies and smart modularity: The STILL MX-X VNA order picker (man-up) sets standards in performance and userfriendliness. Developed to optimally handle any challenge, the MX-X scores with performance packages for every application profile. Thus truck precisely adapted to your individual requirements - from its dimensions to its technical features. The focus is on the operator: A spacious and flexibly adaptable driver's cabin, intuitive controls and smart assistance systems promise safe, comfortable and efficient work throughout a whole shift. <br>Driving speeds of up to 14 km/h, a lift height of up to 18 metres and the highest residual load capacity on the market make the MX-X a turnover champion in highly compacted warehouse worlds. Whilst the active load stabilisation (ALS) notably shortens storage and retrieval processes by up to 5 %, the mechanism of the turret head promises even shorter picking distances. Thanks to the fully welded auxiliary lift, the MX-X scores with maximum stability throughout its service life. The STILL MX-X high bay order pickers can be individually configured according to your requirements and will thrill you with their excellent functionality.<br><br>More information at", "keywords": " Schmalgangstapler, Kommissionierstapler, Optispeed, ALS, Aktive Laststabilisierung, 3D, MX-X, 2017, MXX, VNA, VNA-truck, 4.0, CGI, Optisafe, Animation, Assistenzsystem, Rendering, Kombistapler, Active last stabilization, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 259839, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "18.09.2017" } , { "uid": "6iwpYgKP9LWhE5y6XhaXnJ", "title": "Low Level Order Picker OPX – Thrillingly dynamic (trailer)", "description": "Be it retail trade, automotive or food industry: the STILL OPX Horizontal Order Picker with a load capacity of up to 2.5 tonnes is an innovative all-rounder. Its versatility makes it the optimal vehicle for every application profile. Ever efficient, reliable and inspiring in its dynamic virtues. The operating concept represents the biggest evolutionary steps since the invention of the wheel: Try the height-adjustable STILL EASY Drive steering wheel with an integrated display. You will have never driven a vehicle more intuitively or manoeuvred a 12 km/h fast Horizontal Order Picker more comfortably as well as precisely - all of this without changing grip. <br>If desired, the OPX can literally propel you, too - with the optionally avaible raisable driver's station. This not only raises the cabin to a picking height of 2.80 m, but the EASY Drive steering wheel rising as well. This means you can manoeuvre the vehicle at this level and directly move to the next picking station, saving valuable time. Battery capacities of up to 620 Ah allow for an extensive range. All models are also available with Li-Ion drive: this means that short interim charging breaks allow for 24-hour operational readiness.<br><br>More information at", "keywords": " trailer, electro, OPX, Easy Drive, Low Level Order Picker, pick, picking, steering wheel, 2017, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 214800, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "23.08.2017" } , { "uid": "-M1VsJQ3M37TSWPJ1ByNhV", "title": "Low Level Order Picker OPX-L 16 – Palette pick up", "description": "The short support arms combined with the swiveling forks add up to a further advantage: You can even stack pallets! This can be done lengthwise and crosswise up to a height of 790 mm.<br><br>More information at", "keywords": " trailer, electro, OPX, Easy Drive, Low Level Order Picker, pick, picking, steering wheel, 2017, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 38240, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "23.08.2017" } , { "uid": "DrLS9PyeyCUaZTSmcGM3cT", "title": "Low Level Order Picker OPX-L 20 S – Truck in use", "description": "The OPX-L 20 S also raises job motivation - thanks to the scissor lift the best ergonomic working height can be set to match the drivers’ size and loading status up to a height of 785 mm. Back-friendly working is just one aspect of this intelligent order picking vehicle: With a fork length of 2,390 mm, the OPX-L 20 S can easily handle two Europallets concurrently. At the same time it is strong enough to lift a total load of up to 2,000 kg. The long forks in combination with the STILL EASY Drive steering wheel make the innovative horizontal order picker perfect for the transportation of long goods, for example in the furniture industry. Apropos long: Its working hours are also long thanks to extra large battery capacities and the optional Li-Ion technology. The OPX-L 20 S can do long for longer.<br>", "keywords": " trailer, electro, OPX, Easy Drive, Low Level Order Picker, pick, picking, steering wheel, 2017, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 58800, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "23.08.2017" } , { "uid": "ADBAjURvYp1RUB7L29vZ3e", "title": "Low Level Order Picker OPX-L 16 – Truck in use", "description": "The OPX-L 16 is capable of transporting two pallets simultaneously with a minimum turning circle. An ideal prerequisite for the effective use of all available storage space and highly efficient picking of goods. In combination with the innovative STILL EASY Drive steering wheel you gain better control over the full range of precise manoeuvrability to quickly deliver two fully laden pallets to their destination. The short support arms combined with the swiveling forks add up to a further advantage: You can even stack pallets! This can be done lengthwise and crosswise up to a height of 790 mm. The OPX-L 16 is definitely a true all-rounder.<br>More information at", "keywords": " trailer, electro, OPX, Easy Drive, Low Level Order Picker, pick, picking, steering wheel, 2017, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 27840, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "23.08.2017" } , { "uid": "5DpCrf4EvXQTE1-FyLWca9", "title": "Low Level Order Picker OPX – Foldable step", "description": "Optional foldable step for sporadic picking at first level.<br>More information at", "keywords": " trailer, electro, OPX, Easy Drive, Low Level Order Picker, pick, picking, steering wheel, 2017, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 25680, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "23.08.2017" } , { "uid": "EmaR1Dx7THPaupecdpZqk4", "title": "Low Level Order Picker OPX – Pedestrian mode", "description": "Double-sided pedestrian mode for improved handling even during high picking densities. <br><br>More information at", "keywords": " trailer, electro, OPX, Easy Drive, Low Level Order Picker, pick, picking, steering wheel, 2017, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 32159, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "23.08.2017" } , { "uid": "3pWWNUew3PLhVkwqvvVczd", "title": "Low Level Order Picker OPX – LED daytime running light", "description": "Intelligent LED daytime running lights increase visibility of the vehicle and also signal low battery status.<br><br>More information at", "keywords": " trailer, electro, OPX, Easy Drive, Low Level Order Picker, pick, picking, steering wheel, 2017, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 13360, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "23.08.2017" } , { "uid": "3i4x2qsj8hQbgd-bBJ6JqQ", "title": "Low Level Order Picker OPX – Driving dynamics", "description": "Are you looking for a particularly fast Horizontal Order Picker boasting the best driving dynamics available in the market? The STILL OPX 20/25 Plus means you have found exactly that. <br>Move loads of up to 2.5 tonnes at top speeds of up to 14 km/h through your storage aisles with absolute precision. The exceptional suspension with five wheels makes for an unrivalled driving experience. Smooth and safe cornering is guaranteed by the Curve Speed Control assistance system: depending upon steering angle the system automatically reduces speed to maximise cornering with guaranteed safety!<br><br>More information at", "keywords": " trailer, electro, OPX, Easy Drive, Low Level Order Picker, pick, picking, steering wheel, 2017, Fahrerassistenzsysteme, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 32000, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "23.08.2017" } , { "uid": "-bcyDfUZVcWNqnmRPraGiL", "title": "Low Level Order Picker OPX – Ergonomics", "description": "Outstanding ergonomics thanks to optional pneumatically-damped driver’s station and adjustable EASY Drive steering wheel.<br><br>More information at", "keywords": " trailer, electro, OPX, Easy Drive, Low Level Order Picker, pick, picking, steering wheel, 2017, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 49560, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "23.08.2017" } , { "uid": "BYQ9GW-SuCC9BoAoo6K3jK", "title": "Low Level Order Picker OPX – Raisable driver's station", "description": "If desired, the OPX can literally propel you, too - with the optionally avaible raisable driver's station. This not only raises the cabin to a picking height of 2.80 m, but the EASY Drive steering wheel rising as well. This means you can manoeuvre the vehicle at this level and directly move to the next picking station, saving valuable time. <br>More information at", "keywords": " trailer, electro, OPX, Easy Drive, Low Level Order Picker, pick, picking, steering wheel, 2017, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 32080, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "23.08.2017" } , { "uid": "6sMW94p8NirWVH73Gnsy3R", "title": "Low Level Order Picker OPX-L 20 – Shorter picking routes to pallets", "description": "What do you do when the first pallet is fully loaded? With the OPX-L 20 you simply switch round to the second pallet on board and carry on picking, always on the shortest route to the next pallet. This is how it works: You load the picker with two empty pallets. One pallet is folded vertically upwards on the back of the fork and then the second is placed next to it. You can now start loading the horizontal pallet. After that work is done, the fully loaded pallet is simply lowered and the vehicle moved forward until the pallet reaches the fork tips. The pallet on the back of the fork is now folded down onto the free part of the fork and work continues.<br>More information at", "keywords": " trailer, electro, OPX, Easy Drive, Low Level Order Picker, pick, picking, steering wheel, 2017, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 68400, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "23.08.2017" } , { "uid": "-HQoaP8GyCunihwWEKNEZc", "title": "Low Level Order Picker OPX-D 20 – Truck in use", "description": "Twice as efficient: The OPX-D 20 integrates all the benefits offered by the OPX series - plus an extra pallet. The compact double-decker vehicle can transport two separately forked pallets at the same time. This is ideal for pressure-sensitive goods such as yogurt or fruit. None theless, the vehicle offers unimpeded views to the front and a minimal turning circle: The OPX-D 20 carries two pallets of up to 1,000 kg above instead of behind one another.<br>More information at", "keywords": " trailer, electro, OPX, Easy Drive, Low Level Order Picker, pick, picking, steering wheel, 2017, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 38200, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "23.08.2017" } , { "uid": "5c4h3sP_npi8XuBrEFnX66", "title": "Innovative Safety Lights from STILL", "description": "These cost effective lights help to avoid collisions and increase safety for pedestrians and traffic operating in the same area. <br>STILL’s Red Safety Lights are a useful visual warning system which ensures a safer design to your workflow, especially in areas with restricted visibility. <br>The system creates a safety zone on either side of your truck to provide a visible warning for pedestrians in close proximity.", "keywords": "STILL, forklift, safety, Safety light, injury, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 84560, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "29.06.2017" } , { "uid": "Drf1-XV1JTHRqq8su2-BuS", "title": "STILL and Heineken - Partnership 18 Months on...", "description": "Their Mission was Zero Emissions. <br>Taking a look at the partnership between STILL and Heineken 18 months on. <br>Heineken have converted to electric trucks and the company are now seeing the true benefits with reduced noise levels and freedom from exhaust pollution in their warehouse facilities. <br>", "keywords": " STILL, RX 60, RX 20, brewery, Emission, mission zero, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 212960, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "22.06.2017" } , { "uid": "1kjfSuBhhJnMJhBzNNqw4D", "title": "The STILL forklift advisor | How to find the ideal forklift truck", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 32031, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "19.06.2017" } , { "uid": "88Qv9q_FRDxQD2nCbdMzrR", "title": "Reach truck FM-X - Load protection with electronic mast transition", "description": "", "keywords": " mast, Reach truck, FMX, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 29400, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "13.06.2017" } , { "uid": "ERJDrnWYo59pEQmDUwWyYo", "title": "Reach Truck FM-X – Lift height sensor + Easy Target Plus", "description": "The FM-X is always more than just a fork ahead of the rest. Thanks to active load stabilisation (ALS) you can deal with the next goods transport while others would still be waiting for the mast to stop vibrating.An automatic equalising pulse provides a fast and effective way of stopping the vibrations from occurring at great heights, reducing the waiting time at the shelf by up to 80 per cent. The result is a significant increase in turnaround speed.<br><br>More information at:", "keywords": " ALS, FM-X, FMX, Easy Target Plus, Fahrerassistenzsysteme, Fahrerassistenz, Assistenzsystem, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 100840, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "13.06.2017" } , { "uid": "4MmVK9i-7GKwKT57xb_q8T", "title": "Reach Truck FM-X – Active Load Stabilisation", "description": "The FM-X is always more than just a fork ahead of the rest. Thanks to active load stabilisation (ALS) you can deal with the next goods transport while others would still be waiting for the mast to stop vibrating.An automatic equalising pulse provides a fast and effective way of stopping the vibrations from occurring at great heights, reducing the waiting time at the shelf by up to 80 per cent. The result is a significant increase in turnaround speed.<br><br>More information at:", "keywords": " ALS, FM-X, FMX, Easy Target Plus, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 43960, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "13.06.2017" } , { "uid": "724-Yhx9qoMAQTZXz6NwdG", "title": "Reach truck FM-X - Lateral battery change", "description": "", "keywords": ", lateral, battery, FM-X, FMX, Change, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 54200, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.02.2017" } , { "uid": "BSQ6cCkGymti-HodjmrbgS", "title": "Havi Logistics - FM-X im Einsatz im Kühlhaus / FM-X in use at cold storage", "description": "", "keywords": " Kabine, FM-X, Havi, cold, storage, Kühlhaus, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 167540, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "13.01.2017" } , { "uid": "76aPCQFvYm7sufU1RmrmYZ", "title": "STILL Trucks in use at the MTU Maintenance", "description": "In the case of the internal transport of our customer MTU Maintenance the appropriate STILL vehicle is used for every application.<br><br>Especially our fast and competent service makes us a reliable partner.", "keywords": " RX 60, EXV, RX 60-80, R07, MTU, SXD, Einsatz, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 228360, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "11.10.2016" } , { "uid": "Be33aR_qXYfCpzekoTrGjt", "title": "STILL industry solutions - You know your business. We know your intralogistics challanges.", "description": "Every company has different requirements for its intralogistics, must adapt himself to a changed order behavior or wish to improve their environmental performance .<br><br>No matter how which requirements, STILL developed an individual solution together with the company.", "keywords": "STILL, forklift, Systeme, warehouse, Automation, Counter balance, industry solutions, electro, high lift, automotiv, food industry, chemical industry, plastic and rubber, logistic, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 226920, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "05.07.2016" } , { "uid": "FBQBBcQDENmdgkCQx4awgq", "title": "STILL intralogistics systems - Smart intralogistics system solutions", "description": "Systematic working for optimum flow of goods together we can implement the structures and systems necessary to make your intra-company logistics more efficient than ever. From comprehensive intralogistics consultancy through to intelligent logistics software solutions, custom-made rack systems and innovative driver assistance systems, as well as ;modern automation solutions for individual processes or your entire storage environment we are committed to working<br>with you to systematically organise your warehouse.<br><br>What sets our service apart is that all components involved in the warehouse processes fit perfectly into your particular area of work and are compatible with one another enabling smooth interaction. All systems have impressively high levels of performance in themselves. And thanks to their flexibility and open interface architecture, individual solutions can be integrated seamlessly into existing system ", "keywords": "STILL, narrow aisle, Automation, tugger train, ILS, consultance, eletric truck, rack system, Intralogistik-Systeme, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 245280, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "23.06.2016" } , { "uid": "1tdrQ26c3hrbppLJbCPkEX", "title": "STILL Li-Ion Technology - Reality is now", "description": " CUT YOUR OPERATING COSTS WITH LI-ION<br><br>Li-Ion Technology: Full performance during several shifts thanks to effective interim charging<br>Virtually all of us make use of this technology every day, without really being aware of it. We are talking about Lithium Ion batteries (Li-Ion). No modern cell phone can do without it. Now this technology is conquering new fi elds of application and it is moving into the fi eld of industrial trucks. What exactly makes this new type of accumulator so attractive?<br><br>More Informations:<br>", "keywords": "STILL, truck, electric, E-truck, Li-Ion, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 224160, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "28.05.2016" } , { "uid": "6fCrsvBMyMTquYmh3u7epR", "title": "Tugger train Trolley - Different types of brakes", "description": "", "keywords": " Trolley, Tugger train, brakes, types, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 49480, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.05.2016" } , { "uid": "DH1zZaRRTinPkR8Hsc1Mvk", "title": "Tugger train E- Frame - Good handling and directional stability guarantee high security", "description": " ", "keywords": " unloading, electric, loading, tugger train, Liftrunner, automated, E-frame, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 26000, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.05.2016" } , { "uid": "5cNFvepKRR5vJGKpF54pGG", "title": "Tugger train E- Frame - Optional electric lowering", "description": "", "keywords": " electric, Tugger train, Liftrunner, e-frame, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 47720, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.05.2016" } , { "uid": "DMdomrjpgmtmAjKpGoT1WU", "title": "Tugger train E- Frame - Flexible trolley usage", "description": " ", "keywords": " electric, tugger train, Liftrunner, e-frame, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 120160, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.05.2016" } , { "uid": "7Een146eTqbAHUWFUncsbj", "title": "Tugger train C- Frame - Easy optional fork arm adjustment", "description": "", "keywords": "Tugger train, c-frame, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 23560, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.05.2016" } , { "uid": "59NBsenrNaUT9MfA7jhDbC", "title": "Tugger train C- Frame - Optional automated load and unloading", "description": "", "keywords": " unloading, electric, loading, tugger train, Liftrunner, automated, c-frame, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 83160, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.05.2016" } , { "uid": "6C7wQzzxV86szRGYU5bTu1", "title": "Tugger train B-Frame - flexible trolley usage", "description": " ", "keywords": " unloading, electric, loading, tugger train, Liftrunner, b-frame, automated, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 119000, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.05.2016" } , { "uid": "6v6pGccwLUrf3HKNZDfiPt", "title": "STILL neXXt fleet - The fleet optimizer", "description": "STILL neXXt fleet is the most innovative and most powerful web portal to optimise fleets of industrial trucks. The system sets new standards in terms of accessibility, availability, transparency, user friendliness and means of visualisation. <br>STILL neXXt fleet bundles all the relevant information for the user in a single tool. This is the end of individually combining different kinds of data. neXXt fleet joins up all data for fast analysis and optimisation action.<br><br>STILL neXXt fleet consists of a great number of web applications, that can be easily and comfortably used from everywhere. The only thing needed to do that is an internet access and a web browser. <br>This allows to access STILL neXXt fleet from any device that can access the internet, e.g. laptops, tablets or smartphones. Unique about the system is that it automatically adapts the display format to the device used.<br><br>Want to know more:<br>", "keywords": "STILL, , fleet, nexxt, Fleet management, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 92040, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "23.05.2016" } , { "uid": "7gJ4QTUjTshz4YH8mXLDyx", "title": "Optimizing the material- and informationflow - STILL trucks in use at the HELLA distribution", "description": "HELLA - Technology with vision.<br><br>Have a look how STILL helps by using his indivudual logistic solutions to improve the logistics of a leading automotive supplier.<br>Through the active fleet management solution using STILL OptiTruck, the intercompany logistician of the automotive supplier Hella was able to reduce its original fleet in Erwitte of 160 trucks by around 20% with an unchanged or rather increasing workload, thus saving significant costs. „Beside the investment we could especially decrease our costs of maintenance and operation through the active truck allocation and the steady usage rate of the fleet “, said Markus Brunnen, Head of the internal logistics at Hella Distribution GmbH.<br><br>Visit us at:<br><br>", "keywords": "STILL, customer, RX 50, EK-X, FM-X, forklift truck, Optitruck, FV-X, Test, Testemonial, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 189680, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.03.2016" } , { "uid": "4o-hd-AC1gA1vDAY--dgtA", "title": "Electric forklift truck RX 50 - Lateral battery change", "description": " Optimum availability due to convenient and safe lateral battery<br>change", "keywords": " forklift, STILL, battery change, RX 50, E-truck, electric truck, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 56800, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "04.03.2016" } , { "uid": "Ch1VyoTFQavi2gfw6px6vi", "title": "Electric forklift truck RX 50 - Perfect all-round view", "description": " Perfect all-round view: large viewing window allows vision on all sides, including the overhead guard.", "keywords": "STILL, electric forklift truck, RX 50, E-truck, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 46480, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "04.03.2016" } , { "uid": "B7GSc33Skt-2hnJJjBhSc5", "title": "Electric forklift truck RX 50 - Ergonomic driver's cab and ideal in use in narrow places", "description": "Spacious, comfortable driver’s cab that can be individually set up and offers numerous storage compartments.<br>Even more comfortable: premium driver’s seat option provides perfect seat ergonomics.<br>Ideal for use in small spaces: compact truck dimensions and extreme manoeuvrability allow for operation in narrow aisles.<br>Narrow truck frames enable efficient block forklifting.", "keywords": " seat, RX 50, E-truck, narrow, driver cab, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 83360, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "04.03.2016" } , { "uid": "3GS9AifhQn-rutPH_WiY8p", "title": "BSH Home Applications Group - “Leader in safe warehouse work practices 2014” supported by STILL’s fleet", "description": "“Leader in safe warehouse work practices 2014” supported by STILL’s fleet.<br><br>One of the biggest household goods producers in the world – BSH Home Appliances Group, has treated safety development as its priority for years. The optimization of intralogistics processes in this company is guaranteed by STILL Poland.<br><br>BSH Home Appliances products are made manufactured in 41 factories on four continents, equipped with the newest technological solutions, which make production processes and transport much easier. STILL Poland supports 4 factories located in Poland with fleet, rack systems and intuitive technologies improving work safety. The implementation of solutions minimalizing collision risk and undesirable incidents is only an example of numerous actions that let BSH Home Appliances gain the “Leader of safe warehouse work practices 2014” title.<br><br>Currently the company fleet includes several dozen electric forklift trucks used for loading and unloading processes and also for the transport of production materials and manufactured goods. The manufacture line area is operated by tractors with tugger trains type STILL CX. A great amount of machines ordered by BSH is equipped with systems that minimalize collision risk, e.g. full road lights, including STILL Blue Safety Light, reverse sensor, turn speed control, mast autoblock and automatic fork balance system. <br><br>Caring about high safety level determines intralogistic technologies, as well as the conduct of trainings and workshops for factory’s employees as a part of STILL Safety Academy. During these workshops, employees were getting familiar with the rules of safe exploitation of STILL trucks. They also took part in practical workshops of accident-free drive.<br>", "keywords": "STILL, MXX, RX 20, customer, RX 60, EK-X, Bosch, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 195840, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "16.07.2015" } , { "uid": "3FGS_o7mVT9Fbxq-29RP53", "title": "Electric forklift truck: RX 60-80: Forklift truck test Logistiek Totaal", "description": "Our STILL RX 60-80 Together tested from the independent magazines Logistiek Totaal.<br><br>The Tester Theo Egbers said:<br>The eight ton RX60-80 from Still is powerful and sturdy, yet can<br>be operated as easily as the average four to five ton machine. With this power pack,Still has demonstrated how easy driving in electric mode can be<br>even in the heavy-duty segment. The application is pretty straightforward.<br><br>More Informations at:<br><br><br><br><br>", "keywords": "STILL, forklift, RX60, Test, Totaal, Egbers, Theo, RX 60-80, Logistiek, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 174760, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "04.05.2015" } , { "uid": "1WYCje5NEu_Fa24S_nv3E7", "title": "STILL & SAP make the cubeXX an intelligent communicator", "description": "<br>from SAP processes huge amounts of data in real time and makes order data available online. By doing this, it helps the cubeXX to become independent and provides a transparent fleet overview to logistics managers. <br><br>The STILL cubeXX does not only decide with which function to approach its destination, but it can also react on suddenly emerging obstacles. In addition, it is going to be able to contact other machines and trucks autonomously and to co-operate with them soon. This is made possible by the integration of the concept truck into the HANA Cloud Platform developed by SAP, an innovative IT application that can process and display huge amounts of data in real time. <br>Logistics managers also profit from this: they can monitor sensor and process data of whole fleets and derive corrective measures from any location now – of course in real time. <br><br>", "keywords": "STILL, forklift, , industry, cubeXX, HANA, SAP, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 147080, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.04.2015" } , { "uid": "61ZfiXJUi_8XUC6xxeRMWQ", "title": "STILL one-stop-shop system solutions at Heuchemer Packaging", "description": "Single Source for Efficient System Solutions<br><br>STILL installed a nearly 16-m high VNA shuttle warehouse at Heuchemer Verpackung GmbH & Co KG.<br><br>Despatch from production at Heuchemer will be a cakewalk in the future with the iGo Easy from STILL.<br><br>Since August 2014 the modernised logistics centre is in regular service: on an average day the MX-X VNA trucks retrieve some 200 pallets with materials arriving from production from a buffer storage. To handle the pallets, a conveyor system with 12 chain conveyors was integrated into the lowest levels of the existing rack with a STILL shuttle system. From there the pallets are moved on to the high bay rack. <br><br>To be precise: they are moved on to the semi-automatic STILLPalletShuttles. The shuttles are capable of automatically detecting the different hangovers of the pallets and automatically store them at equal distances in the channels of the 46-meter wide and 42-meter long high bay rack. Altogether the rack system provide", "keywords": " iGo, MXX, STILL, Automation, Heuchemer, iGo Easy, MX-X, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 264440, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "11.02.2015" } , { "uid": "8TRnLqJQf67juXwQnx5X6K", "title": "Ten little Jägermeisters - A strong trademark for a strong brand", "description": "A strong trademark for a strong brand: STILL GmbH, a leading supplier of customized intralogistics solutions worldwide, delivered ten electric forklift trucks, seven high lift pallet trucks and four low lift pallet trucks to the Mast-Jägermeister SE Company at the end of December. A special touch: exclusive Jägermeister paintwork for the RX 20 electric trucks.<br><br>More Informations at<br>", "keywords": " warehouse, RX 20, STILL, EXV, Jägermeister, fork lift, brand, use, Forklifttruck, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 184480, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "11.02.2015" } , { "uid": "F7mHjfabZ7KRS-o7d_FjQp", "title": "Seitlicher Batteriewechsel / Lateral battery change Toyota FBET-16", "description": "ONLY INTERNAL USE", "keywords": " seitlicher Batterywechsel, Wettbewerber, Toyota FBET-16, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 43120, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "03.02.2015" } , { "uid": "7SdAXa1ctHjnPBBwjpXCWV", "title": "Seitlicher Batteriewechsel / Lateral battery change Linde E16", "description": "ONLY INTERNAL USE", "keywords": "Linde E16, seitlicher Batterywechsel, Wettbewerber, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 31320, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "03.02.2015" } , { "uid": "1JfSDaUKLPuSJSToS4_EBg", "title": "Electric forklift truck RX 60-80 - In use at Volker Wessels buliding materials", "description": "STILL RX 60-80 in use at Volker Wessels buliding materials", "keywords": "STILL, RX 60, RX60-80, RX 60-80, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 107240, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "03.02.2015" } , { "uid": "Ab_tPxHdLd2y2E_iEtvXcv", "title": "High lift pallet truck EXV / EXV-SF - Power meets innovation", "description": " The EXV‑SF high lift pallet truck is unbelievably fast, extremely strong and highly intelligent. With an extended stand-on platform and lateral protective arms, it accelerates to a top speed of 10 km/h, and moves<br>up to 2,000 kg of pallets in record time. Thanks to its huge residual load capacity, it can also store a great deal at a great height – depending on the mast, storage heights of well over five metres are not a problem. This smart warehouse organiser is also the only high lift pallet truck to date with an informative colour display. As well as displaying basic information, such as the battery's state of charge, numerous language-independent symbols facilitate the optimal operation of this strong high lift pallet truck.<br><br>Find out more at:<br><br>", "keywords": " forklift, truck, STILL, EXV-SF, EXV, EXVSF, EXV SF, high lift pallet truck, pallet truck, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 205320, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "26.01.2015" } , { "uid": "AWYUCMzF2553BKH9rk42iE", "title": "High lift pallet truck EXV / EXV-SF - High handling rate", "description": " With an extended stand-on platform and lateral protective arms, it accelerates to a top speed of 10 km/h, and moves<br>up to 2,000 kg of pallets in record time.", "keywords": " forklift, truck, STILL, EXV-SF, EXV, EXVSF, EXV SF, high lift pallet truck, pallet truck, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 71960, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "26.01.2015" } , { "uid": "7apJsJG1mRAoCyX8_K3hcs", "title": "High lift pallet truck EXV / EXV-SF - Safety in mind / load capacity display", "description": "Safety in mind: optional load capacity display shows the operator the current mast height and associated residual load capacity at all times.", "keywords": " forklift, truck, STILL, EXV-SF, EXV, EXVSF, EXV SF, high lift pallet truck, pallet truck, load capacity display, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 28000, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "26.01.2015" } , { "uid": "AB5Y4pGdoZpCHbk3NH65Jd", "title": "High lift pallet truck EXV / EXV-SF - Optimal use of space", "description": " Optimal use of space: copes with very narrow aisles thanks<br>to its compact size, optional creep speed function and high<br>manoeuvrability.", "keywords": " forklift, truck, STILL, EXV-SF, EXV, EXVSF, EXV SF, high lift pallet truck, pallet truck, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 72000, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "26.01.2015" } , { "uid": "EPs9BfGpEnv9mZX-YRs363", "title": "High lift pallet truck EXV / EXV-SF - Compact and mobile", "description": " Compact and mobile: gets to work effortlessly in confined spaces and narrow aisles.<br>Two drive programs for extreme accuracy – ECO and BOOST.<br>Protection of the transported goods due to lower damping and precise lifting and lowering steering.", "keywords": " forklift, truck, STILL, EXV-SF, EXV, EXVSF, EXV SF, high lift pallet truck, pallet truck, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 112120, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "26.01.2015" } , { "uid": "4ycNo94HeVGF3ycpdHKXrr", "title": "High lift pallet truck EXV / EXV-SF - Additional storage space for goods", "description": " Additional storage space for goods: copes with narrow aisles thanks to its compact dimensions and high manoeuvrability.", "keywords": " forklift, truck, STILL, EXV-SF, EXV, EXVSF, EXV SF, high lift pallet truck, pallet truck, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 82000, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "26.01.2015" } , { "uid": "EG7WTWkvqQFPSQpuYzWDvD", "title": "High lift pallet truck EXV / EXV-SF - Optimal utilisation of storage space", "description": " Optimal utilisation of storage space: high storage compaction due to<br>very high residual load capacity.<br>Strong and fast: up to 2,000 kg lifting capacity and maximum speed<br>of 10 km/h.", "keywords": " forklift, truck, STILL, EXV-SF, EXV, EXVSF, EXV SF, high lift pallet truck, pallet truck, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 63920, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "26.01.2015" } , { "uid": "4nqs-__z5So4BywF-bYUno", "title": "High lift pallet truck EXV / EXV-SF - Fast and strong", "description": " With an extended stand-on platform and lateral protective arms, it accelerates to a top speed of 10 km/h, and moves<br>up to 2,000 kg of pallets in record time. Thanks to its huge residual load capacity, it can also store a great deal at a great height – depending on the mast, storage heights of well over five metres are not a problem.", "keywords": " forklift, truck, STILL, EXV-SF, EXV, EXVSF, EXV SF, high lift pallet truck, pallet truck, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 95720, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "26.01.2015" } , { "uid": "438Fn49ALs9pSb1gwt1gU2", "title": "High lift pallet truck EXV / EXV-SF - High palette turn over", "description": " Extremely mobile due to short and narrow design", "keywords": " forklift, truck, STILL, EXV-SF, EXV, EXVSF, EXV SF, high lift pallet truck, pallet truck, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 64800, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "26.01.2015" } , { "uid": "AafTErghxx3biLBnTMooDt", "title": "High lift pallet truck EXV / EXV-SF - Curve Speed Control", "description": "Safe around corners: Curve Speed Control automatically adapts the speed when cornering to the steering angle.", "keywords": " forklift, truck, STILL, EXV-SF, EXV, EXVSF, EXV SF, high lift pallet truck, pallet truck, Curve Speed, curve, Fahrerassistenzsysteme, Fahrerassistenz, Assistenzsystem, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 19040, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "26.01.2015" } , { "uid": "3ZGiCNhA_J2YB4T8cxARUR", "title": "High lift pallet truck EXV / EXV-SF - Initial lift", "description": " 2-tonne load capacity with initial lift when mast is not used. Extended ground clearance by initial lift.", "keywords": " forklift, truck, STILL, EXV-SF, EXV, EXVSF, EXV SF, high lift pallet truck, pallet truck, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 24000, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "26.01.2015" } , { "uid": "Ek4HVJHkprJVB56_K6qnf6", "title": "High lift pallet truck EXV / EXV-SF - Lateral battery change", "description": "Battery changing made easy: optional lateral battery change for even greater availability", "keywords": " forklift, truck, STILL, battery change, EXV-SF, EXV, EXVSF, EXV SF, high lift pallet truck, pallet truck, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 44760, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "26.01.2015" } , { "uid": "6hGMLNhqs-VzuZ3deFXXef", "title": "High lift pallet truck EXV / EXV-SF - Non-fatiguing operation", "description": " Non-fatiguing operation thanks to ergonomically optimised control<br>elements, which are suitable for both left and right-handed<br>operators.", "keywords": " forklift, truck, STILL, EXV-SF, EXV, EXVSF, EXV SF, high lift pallet truck, pallet truck, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 50000, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "26.01.2015" } , { "uid": "3fu-3MHHehdk-5XMT_sq7v", "title": "STILL Service - Efficiency redefined", "description": "We have clearly defined our company’s commitment – STILL<br>wants all its customers to enjoy not just a good service, but<br>the very best. A service that goes one step further, meets the<br>highest expectations and significantly improves your<br>efficiency. Our objective is to ensure you are completely<br>satisfied. We make sure we achieve this aim by conducting<br>regular and representative customer surveys. The results of<br>our most recent survey, conducted in 2013, showed that 93<br>percent of our customers across the world are satisfied with<br>the service at STILL. A tightly knit service network of 2,000<br>service technicians across the whole of Europe, unsurpassed<br>availability of spare parts, and fast personal support through<br>excellently trained employees are just some of the ways this<br>level of satisfaction is ensured. STILL is your strong service<br>partner.<br><br>More information at:<br><br>", "keywords": "STILL, forklift, truck, service, Original parts, Service technician, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 181840, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "28.10.2014" } , { "uid": "61u4sp3S8c438twxRyJQwC", "title": "STILL forklifts - Lifting Sahara Force India to success", "description": " As ‘Official Supplier’ to Sahara Force India Formula One™ Team, STILL are proud to supply various forklift trucks throughout the factory and wind tunnel facility.<br>STILL trucks continue to improve operations at the wind tunnel, especially with the movement of large patterns. We also have our counterbalance trucks supporting the airfreight logistics to make sure that the team can move their equipment around the world with ease.<br><br>Otmar Szafnauer (Chief Operating Officer – Sahara Force India F1 Team) commented: “We are delighted to continue working with STILL and to benefit from their ever-improving product range. The most recent addition of the high lift pallet truck is already making a big difference at the wind tunnel. It’s easy to operate and very manoeuvrable, which is ideal for the confined areas of a Formula One facility. Using these vehicles has helped us save time and improve efficiency.”<br><br>More informations at:<br>", "keywords": "STILL, forklift, formula, formula one, formula 1, Sahara Force India, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 147526, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "13.10.2014" } , { "uid": "Eyp3yxSyspus7amyFqrN2N", "title": "Diesel forklift truck - RX 70-40/50 in use", "description": " Diesel forklift truck - RX 70 from 4.0 to 5.0 t in use in the harbour", "keywords": " forklift, warehouse, diesel, RX70-50, truck Usage , harbour, RX70-40, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 98200, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "29.07.2014" } , { "uid": "9PC86KuzCVTD319yPXZ_Ti", "title": "Diesel forklift truck - RX 70-60/80 in use", "description": " Diesel forklift truck - RX 70 from 6.0 to 8.0 t in use in the harbour", "keywords": " forklift, warehouse, RX70-60, RX70-80 Diesel, truck Usage , harbour, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 207240, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "29.07.2014" } , { "uid": "1-q7uwdyaYaXWqcCjjxpKk", "title": "Diesel Forklift truck STILL RX 70-50: Forklift truck test Totaal", "description": "STILL RX 70-50 - It can do anything<br>Our STILL RX 70-50. Together tested from the independent magazines Logistiek Totaal and<br><br>More Informations at:<br><br>", "keywords": " truck, diesel, RX70, STILL, Hybrid, RX70-50, Totaal, Egbers, Theo, fork lift, Test, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 157160, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.07.2014" } , { "uid": "4TMCcBfQ7Hf6cgV7ets-PW", "title": "STILL intralogistics consulting - Expect more from your warehouse", "description": "", "keywords": "STILL, intralogistics, warehouse, systems, beratung, ILS, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 302720, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.07.2014" } , { "uid": "A_ihNx5wtV1S4qtQoqjdsT", "title": "STILL warehouse solution at Kuraray - Palletshuttle in use", "description": "Nine weeks was all it took for STILL to set up this raw materials warehouse, including all the necessary automated components, for Kuraray Trosifol in Troisdorf near Cologne. The warehouse is the first to feature a sophisticated material flow concept, which sees semi-automated shuttles communicating with automated reach trucks as part of a channel storage system.<br>", "keywords": "STILL, iGo, Palletshuttle, RX20, RX 20, systems, Automation, usage, FM-X, Kuraray, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 138520, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "03.07.2014" } , { "uid": "AY5MZX_iWdBkHqrg4XFdQv", "title": "FM-X reach truck- Active load stabilisation live demonstration", "description": "", "keywords": "FM-X, Live, ALS; active load, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 70560, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "05.06.2014" } , { "uid": "DMUiYyUxFKjCU7c1Y4c1G2", "title": "STILL cubeXX - Six in One in action - on the CeMAT", "description": "At CeMAT 2014 STILL presented to the public for the first time a functional prototype of intralogistical concept car STILL cubeXX in live action. <br><br>See for yourself! <br>More information at:", "keywords": " forklift, intralogistics, CeMAT, systems, concept, STILL, Automation, flexible, hub2move, cubeXX, low lift trucks, cube, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 141840, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "18.05.2014" } , { "uid": "ACWxjXif9rUfy3yQ1qjjeS", "title": "Joystick4plus", "description": "Relaxed, comfortable and safe working throughout the shift guaranteed by the comprehensive ergonomics concept. Footplate, steering wheel, seat - all these elements can be adjusted to the work situation, the stature and the preferences of the driver. Simple operation of all functions without changing the grip are guaranteed by joystick or fingertip.", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 48960, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "14.05.2014" } , { "uid": "5RH8zEy1oyFBwZjyzV7tDu", "title": "Electric forklift RX 60-80 - use in manufacturing industries", "description": "Whether at forwarding agencies or in manufacturing industries: With high performance, precise hydraulics and thoughtful vehicle ergonomics the strongest RX-60 models are representing unbeatable warehouse helpers.", "keywords": " forklift, in use, warehouse, truck, product, navigation, RX, Electric Forklift Trucks , factory, visiblity, RX60-80, 6 tons, 8 tons, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 98000, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "14.05.2014" } , { "uid": "3emA8jEBedhrSKmbV4QBb8", "title": "Tow tractor LTX - Intelligent pulling", "description": " Three letters stand for the next stage of evolution in electric tractors and transport vehicles: LTX. This forward-looking forklift truck pulls up to eight tonnes quickly and reliably to wherever you want – whether indoors or outdoors.<br><br>Like to know more:<br>", "keywords": " STILL, LTX, LTX-T, Transporter, tugger train, tow tractor, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 203000, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "13.05.2014" } , { "uid": "EFagzZtcEwWJqU_vVhndfU", "title": "Tow tractor LTX - Small vehicle, high gradeability", "description": " Fast transport of goods thanks to top speed of up to 20 km/h and<br>gradeability up to 20 %.", "keywords": " STILL, LTX, LTX-T, Transporter, tugger train, tow tractor, airport, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 27320, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "13.05.2014" } , { "uid": "EvausA8mFNNqXmU_UT-2ua", "title": "Tow tractor LTX - Optimal driver's workplace", "description": " The driver’s seat that is also used in the forklift<br>sector impresses with its excellent springing and cushioning. Generous storage facilities in the truck offer space, e.g. for<br>documents, drinking bottles and mobile devices.", "keywords": " STILL, LTX, LTX-T, Transporter, tugger train, tow tractor, Optimal drivers workplace, workspace, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 48240, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "13.05.2014" } , { "uid": "4wbzGDSpYRRSy8VDmTudpB", "title": "Transporter LTX - Use in shopping centers", "description": " Transporter LTX-T - Use in shopping centers and. Ergonomical workspace.", "keywords": " STILL, cabine, LTX, LTX-T, Transporter, tugger train, tow tractor, shopping center, Ergonomical workspace, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 43120, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "13.05.2014" } , { "uid": "BH4n6zD-rogUA2qFea3Vae", "title": "Tow tractor - LTX - Use in luggage loading", "description": " LTX - Use in luggage loading", "keywords": ", STILL, LTX, LTX-T, Transporter, tugger train, tow tractor, luggage loading, tow strenght, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 55000, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "13.05.2014" } , { "uid": "Bxym9Q2YnjMy5My4ZfkY5U", "title": "Tow tractor - LTX - Aigle and strong", "description": " The LTX is used everywhere, where it depends on a zero-emission drive and high efficiency, e.g. in two-or three-shift operation.", "keywords": " STILL, LTX, LTX-T, Transporter, tugger train, tow tractor, airport, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 43040, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "13.05.2014" } , { "uid": "7Lv5xoRq67q9UMgkzn_ptZ", "title": "Transporter LTX-T 08 - Use at the airport", "description": "Transporter LTX-T 08 - Use at the airport", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 44280, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "13.05.2014" } , { "uid": "5vH6WhUYdR9mKBdX8UHMsT", "title": "STILL Gabelstapler im Einsatz bei Liebherr / STILL industrial trucks in use at Liebherr", "description": "STILL industrial trucks in use at Liebherr.<br><br>Watch the video to find out which series and how they are used by Liebherr. Liebherr is not only one of the world's largest yellow goods manufacturers, but is also renowned as a provider of technically sophisticated, user-oriented products and services in many other areas. Meanwhile the company has grown to become a company group with approximately 38 000 employees in over 130 associated companies on all continents. This is intralogistics interaction! <br>", "keywords": "STILL, forklift, , RX20, RX60, RX 20, RX 70, RX 60, warehouse handling equipment, CX-T, Liebherr, R07, electric forklift, RX 70-50, diesel and LGP, tugger trains, frames, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 306680, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "07.05.2014" } , { "uid": "4z7hcCSYwZv6jb34V4kg_Y", "title": "Diesel forklift truck STILL RX 70-50 in use at Liebherr", "description": "Diesel forklift truck STILL RX 70-50 in use at Liebherr.", "keywords": " forklift, in use, truck, product, Diesel and LPG, RX70, engine, diesel, LPG, hydraulic, performance, Liebherr, materials, RX 70-50, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 72160, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "07.05.2014" } , { "uid": "5hnt1q75yCc6AWXY-5Q_9W", "title": "Electric forklift truck STILL RX 60 in use at Liebherr", "description": "Electric forklift truck STILL RX 60 in use at Liebherr.", "keywords": " in use, warehouse, navigation, RX60, RX 60, loading, Liebherr, electric forklift, RX 60-50, productvideo, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 50400, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "07.05.2014" } , { "uid": "6qzqUCq2RvPvZKmmRQ2VUn", "title": "STILL tugger train in use at Liebherr", "description": "STILL tugger train in use at Liebherr.", "keywords": " in use, warehouse, narrow aisle, Tugger Trains, E-type frame, racks, CX-T, compact, Liebherr, bavigation, simple, slim, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 28400, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "07.05.2014" } , { "uid": "6fezLrhqPXhYDprKy3cFEq", "title": "Tractor R07 STILL in use at Liebherr", "description": "Tractor R07 STILL in use at Liebherr.", "keywords": " Liebherr, tractor, transport, frame, R07, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 27200, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "07.05.2014" } , { "uid": "3_acAGECd6mTKBLwQR9iuQ", "title": "Order picking stacker truck MX-X STILL in use at Liebherr", "description": "Order picking stacker truck MX-X STILL in use at Liebherr.", "keywords": " forklift, MX-X, RFID, in use, intralogistics, racking systems, warehouse, narrow aisle, order picker, stacker truck, truck, product, MXX, use case, order picking, possibilities, Liebherr, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 25400, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "07.05.2014" } , { "uid": "8UZaT__5YRpsNFQFzy_hbf", "title": "High lift pallet truck EXV in use at Liebher", "description": "High lift pallet truck EXV in use at Liebher.", "keywords": " unloading, loading, high lift pallet truck, EXV, Liebherr, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 38960, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "07.05.2014" } , { "uid": "5hT6VrNffrViGW_cJM7MnW", "title": "STILL reach truck FM-X - Precision at the highest level", "description": "The FM-X is always more than just a fork ahead of the rest. Thanks<br>to active load stabilisation (ALS) you can deal with the next goods<br>transport while others would still be waiting for the mast to stop<br>vibrating.An automatic equalising pulse provides a fast and effective<br>way of stopping the vibrations from occurring at great heights,<br>reducing the waiting time at the shelf by up to 80 per cent.<br><br>More information:<br>", "keywords": " STILL, FM-X, Reach truck, Active load control, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 148600, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.03.2014" } , { "uid": "EpfBrvPyBZHdKG3EUQ9xxP", "title": "FM-X - Joystick4Plus", "description": "The holistic ergonomics concept ensures relaxed, comfortable and safe work throughout each shift. Foot plates, steering wheel, seat – all these elements can be adapted in various ways according to the working situation, build and preferences of the driver. Easy to operate all functions without grasping, thanks to joystick or fingertip operation", "keywords": " forklift, in use, warehouse, product, mast, FM-X, workplace, driver cabin, ergonomic, warehouse handling equipment, reach trucks, joystick, fingertip, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 22008, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.03.2014" } , { "uid": "3TJuwYWNR77ajPHoiTE1UF", "title": "FM-X - Curvespeed", "description": "The FM-X is always more than just a tip of the fork length ahead. Thanks to Active Load Stabilization (ALS), you are already doing the next transport of goods, while others are still waiting for a decay of mast vibrations.", "keywords": " forklift, in use, warehouse, product, FM-X, reach truck, warehouse handling equipment, ALS, Curvespeed, Curvespeedcontrol, Fahrerassistenzsysteme, Fahrerassistenz, Assistenzsystem, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 19080, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.03.2014" } , { "uid": "94B_dxfpkXVdn3_Dc4Bt23", "title": "FM-X - Lifting high", "description": "The FM-X is always more than just a fork ahead of the rest. 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Thanks to active load stabilisation (ALS) you can deal with the next goods transport while others would still be waiting for the mast to stop vibrating. OPTISPEED reduces mast vibrations to a minimum for medium lifting heights and enables quick goods handling.", "keywords": " forklift, in use, warehouse, product, mast, FM-X, Optispeed, warehouse handling equipment, reach trucks, ALS, stabilization, Fahrerassistenzsysteme, Fahrerassistenz, Optispeed, Animation, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 20806, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "20.03.2014" } , { "uid": "FS7Y9sBbZaxarfo5G78wDP", "title": "FM-X - cushioned driver seat", "description": "The holistic ergonomics concept ensures relaxed, comfortable and safe work throughout each shift. Foot plates, steering wheel, seat – all these elements can be adapted in various ways according to the working situation, build and preferences of the driver.", "keywords": " forklift, in use, warehouse, product, mast, FM-X, workplace, driver cabin, ergonomic, warehouse handling equipment, reach trucks, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 11806, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "20.03.2014" } , { "uid": "E9hx3J8rVnArtP4P5iZAbC", "title": "FM-X - Active load stabilisation", "description": "The FM-X is always more than just a fork ahead of the rest. Thanks to active load stabilisation (ALS) you can deal with the next goods transport while others would still be waiting for the mast to stop vibrating. An automatic equalising pulse provides a fast and effective way of stopping the vibrations from occurring at great heights, reducing the waiting time at the shelf by up to 80 per cent. The result is a significant increase in turnaround speed.", "keywords": " forklift, in use, warehouse, product, mast, FM-X, warehouse handling equipment, reach trucks, ALS, stabilization, Fahrerassistenzsysteme, Fahrerassistenz, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 27606, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "20.03.2014" } , { "uid": "FGGKg6pbi8xGmA56SDZ9RE", "title": "FM-X - Ergonomics", "description": " The holistic ergonomics concept ensures relaxed, comfortable and safe work throughout each shift. Foot plates, steering wheel, seat – all these elements can be adapted in various ways according to the working situation, build and preferences of the driver.", "keywords": " forklift, in use, warehouse, product, mast, FM-X, workplace, driver cabin, ergonomic, warehouse handling equipment, reach trucks, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 43584, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "20.03.2014" } , { "uid": "1VfER59AgoJK_WMotEycRz", "title": "FM-X - Usage in the productive industry", "description": "The FM-X is always more than just a fork ahead of the rest. Thanks to active load stabilisation (ALS) you can deal with the next goods transport while others would still be waiting for the mast to stop vibrating.An automatic equalising pulse provides a fast and effective way of stopping the vibrations from occurring at great heights, reducing the waiting time at the shelf by up to 80 per cent. The result is a significant increase in turnaround speed.", "keywords": " production, forklift, in use, warehouse, product, mast, FM-X, warehouse handling equipment, reach trucks, industry, manufacturing, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 95928, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "20.03.2014" } , { "uid": "11VTdi69Ka18vMS7KakgBg", "title": "FM-X - Usage in the warehouse", "description": "The FM-X is always more than just a fork ahead of the rest. Thanks to active load stabilisation (ALS) you can deal with the next goods transport while others would still be waiting for the mast to stop vibrating.An automatic equalising pulse provides a fast and effective way of stopping the vibrations from occurring at great heights, reducing the waiting time at the shelf by up to 80 per cent. The result is a significant increase in turnaround speed.", "keywords": " forklift, in use, warehouse, product, mast, FM-X, warehouse handling equipment, reach trucks, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 111024, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "20.03.2014" } , { "uid": "4NjzDW8dNK7oLy4FRt7_de", "title": "FM-X - High handling performance", "description": " The FM-X is always more than just a fork ahead of the rest. Thanks to active load stabilisation (ALS) you can deal with the next goods transport while others would still be waiting for the mast to stop vibrating.An automatic equalising pulse provides a fast and effective way of stopping the vibrations from occurring at great heights, reducing the waiting time at the shelf by up to 80 per cent. The result is a significant increase in turnaround speed.", "keywords": " forklift, in use, product, mast, FM-X, warehouse handling equipment, reach trucks, warehouse, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 39096, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "20.03.2014" } , { "uid": "FLz7PGvy9KDCypyHmT74AV", "title": "Electric truck RX 60-60/80 - Taking heavy loads light", "description": " Clean and compact power packs for optimized handling capacity<br><br>The electric counter balance trucks of the RX 60-60/80 series are exhaust gas free power packs. They are especially powerful and at the same time extremely compact and agile. These emission free electric trucks are highly efficient for indoor and outdoor transports. <br><br>Compared to diesel and LPG trucks, they are also very economic, because the energy, maintenance and service costs are substantially lower. <br><br>Besides the sensitive controls the maximum driving speed of 17 km/h ensures fast turnover of loads weighing from six to eight tons. <br><br>High performance, accurate hydraulic movements and the well-thought ergonomics of the truck make the strongest RX 60 models unbeatable helpers in the warehouse.<br><br>More information at: <br>", "keywords": " truck, electric, RX 60-80, RX 60, Forklifttruck, RX 60 80, RX 60-60/80, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 130160, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.02.2014" } , { "uid": "8UcgeE7jqckgJhSMu18v71", "title": "Electric truck RX60-60/80: ergonomic workspace", "description": "Ergonomics of STILL RX60: Spacious comfortable and individually equipable cab, easily accessible controls, power steering with small steering wheel.", "keywords": " warehouse, use case, navigation, RX60, Electric Forklift Trucks , workplace, driver cabin, opération, product video, 60/80, ergonomics, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 59064, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "12.02.2014" } , { "uid": "BcQARQpfp3mmxWS4GCzjDK", "title": "Electric truck RX 60-60/80: Truck loading and unloading", "description": " The electric forklift truck RX 60-60/-80 series are particularly powerful and yet extremely compact and agile. The flagship - the RX 60-80/900 - lifts in aisle widths of 4999mm up to eight tons at a load center of 900 mm.", "keywords": " warehouse, use case, navigation, unloading, RX60, Electric Forklift Trucks , opération, loading, product video, 60/80, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 33744, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "07.02.2014" } , { "uid": "2eKgSJLufFxYCXvuG6A-jo", "title": "Electric truck RX 60-60/80: Production with narrow aisle", "description": "The electric forklift truck RX 60-60/-80 series are particularly powerful and yet extremely compact and agile. The flagship - the RX 60-80/900 - lifts in aisle widths of 4999mm up to eight tons at a load center of 900 mm.", "keywords": " warehouse, narrow aisle, use case, navigation, RX60, Electric Forklift Trucks , opération, product video, 60/80, narrow passages, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 39144, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "07.02.2014" } , { "uid": "CZe9ANd5e-VGmNcqGjmBkU", "title": "Electric truck RX 60-60/80: Loading in the warehouse", "description": "Whether at forwarding agencies or in manufacturing industries: With high performance, precise hydraulics and thoughtful vehicle ergonomics the strongest RX-60 models are representing unbeatable warehouse helpers.", "keywords": " warehouse, use case, navigation, RX60, Electric Forklift Trucks , opération, product video, 60/80, loading of goods, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 51096, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "07.02.2014" } , { "uid": "3JZJCjzKnDLijbgr6vMaPo", "title": "Electric truck RX 60-60/80: battery change", "description": "Whether at forwarding agencies or in manufacturing industries: With high performance, precise hydraulics and thoughtful vehicle ergonomics the strongest RX-60 models are representing unbeatable warehouse helpers.", "keywords": " functions, RX60, Electric Forklift Trucks , battery change, battery, product video, 60/80, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 67008, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "07.02.2014" } , { "uid": "1_oK5FNKbXB5d5M4wBP3oP", "title": "STILL order picker EK-X - The new dimension of order picking", "description": "STILL order picker EK-X - The new dimension of order picking<br> the Prince of Pickers and Nobility in any Narrow-aisle warehouse: the EK-X vertical order picker sets the benchmark in terms of performance, picking height, residual load capacity, functionality and ergonomics. The EK-X forges ahead into new dimensions of efficient goods handling with driving speeds up to 13 km/h and lifting speeds up to 0.4 m/s.", "keywords": " in use, warehouse, order picker, functions, handling, presentation, equipment, EK-X, EKX, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 111200, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "27.11.2013" } , { "uid": "39oFHkrMJvSLg56fETmp4W", "title": "Kommissionierer EK-X -Neigeschranke / High level order picker EK-X: tilt sensor", "description": "Thanks to the tilt sensor the EK-X is an effective and user-friendly order picker and provides unprecedented freedom of movement.", "keywords": " forklift, in use, truck, product, use case, workplace, order picker, EK-X, high level, EK, tilt sensor, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 28248, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.11.2013" } , { "uid": "A3a1TXqp8pDmxKsfPezSx5", "title": "Kommissionierer EK-X - Sicht / High level order picker EK-X: visibility", "description": " EK-X offers excellent visibility during use.", "keywords": " racking systems, warehouse, driver cabin, visibility, order picker, EK-X, high level, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 18384, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.11.2013" } , { "uid": "Eq_2oM8NrGxB4jDeU9nw7v", "title": "Kommissionierer EK-X im Einsatz / High level order picker EK-X in use", "description": "EK-X in action - The new dimension of order picking. ", "keywords": " forklift, in use, truck, product, navigation, functions, handling, order picker, EK-X, high level, EK, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 25128, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.11.2013" } , { "uid": "DpdDSNjpRo_qRen-HvaCbs", "title": "Kommissionierer EK-X im Einsatz 2 /High level order picker EK-X in use 2", "description": " EK-X in action - The new dimension of order picking.", "keywords": " forklift, in use, truck, product, navigation, functions, handling, order picker, EK-X, high level, EK, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 28104, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.11.2013" } , { "uid": "-yYaqefPxQDf_qEyegioqP", "title": "Kommissionierer EK-X - Schmalgang / High level order picker EK-X: narrow aisle", "description": " Use in high warehouse: Safe handling with mechanical or inductive guidance.", "keywords": " forklift, in use, narrow aisle, truck, product, navigation, handling, order picker, EK-X, high level, EK, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 57744, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.11.2013" } , { "uid": "8g3irKzvWQr67bhAZeaSQm", "title": "Kommissionierer EK-X - Breitgang / High level order picker EK-X: use in wide aisle", "description": "Use in wide-aisle warehouse: Safe operation by sensor-controlled two-hand operation.", "keywords": " forklift, trucks, in use, product, navigation, handling, EK-X, high level, EK, oder picker, wide aisle, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 45768, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.11.2013" } , { "uid": "95WRJC55JHtqURmkTtKi3D", "title": "Kommissionierer EK-X - Breitgang 2 /High level order picker EK-X: use in wide aisle 2", "description": " Use in wide-aisle warehouse: Safe operation by sensor-controlled two-hand operation.", "keywords": " forklift, trucks, in use, product, navigation, handling, EK-X, high level, EK, oder picker, wide aisle, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 57744, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.11.2013" } , { "uid": "69wPJx9kn_L11aN37BJzUc", "title": "Kommissionierer EK-X - Arbeitsplatz / High level order picker EK-X: workplace", "description": "High freedom of movement due to a roomy cab and an intuitive and a individually positionable control panel makes the EK-X to an ergonomic workplace.", "keywords": " forklift, trucks, warehouse, product, handling, workplace, driver cabin, order picker, EK-X, visiblity, high level, EK, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 25128, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.11.2013" } , { "uid": "E9BWvZZEbaZ1Wgazsq5SQY", "title": "STILL in partnership with Heinz - Kitt Green Factory", "description": "Heinz UK and Ireland's main food manufacturing facility is based in Kitt Green, near Wigan in the North West of England. Producing 500,000+ cans of baked beans in just 6 hours. Kitt Green is the largest processing factory in Europe.<br><br>STILL Materials Handling Ltd aids Heinz with the mass intralogistics tasks on site starting in the factory's loading bay...<br><br>For more information please visit:", "keywords": "STILL, production, forklift, warehouse, truck, use case, RX 20, experience, customer, reference, electric, Heinz, UK, massproduction, factory, Kit Green Factory, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 312040, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "30.10.2013" } , { "uid": "BBFxpZA2MvzVKrnXSodBo7", "title": "High level order picker COP", "description": " High level order picker COP product video - High agility, high productivity.", "keywords": " in use, warehouse, order picker, features, Container, navigation, functions, COP, product video, trailer, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 118451, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "27.09.2013" } , { "uid": "8qJ_C85Wvn6Tt4gMJxYxVB", "title": "STILL Trolley ergonomic tilt function", "description": "STILL Trolley with ergonomic tilt function in use.", "keywords": " in use, Trolley, ergonomic, Tugger train, tilt function, manually, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 33624, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.04.2013" } , { "uid": "BfuTn4PdoeLJ-8EP3nYqMe", "title": "STILL Tugger trains", "description": "Tugger trains - Flexible material transport with effective concept.", "keywords": " in use, functions, Trolley, C-type frame, E-type frame, Tugger train, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 187608, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.04.2013" } , { "uid": "5wdj18SXzrE1hdgwX2DsXP", "title": "Tugger train pneumatical lifting system", "description": "STILL tugger train with pneumatic lifting system in use.", "keywords": " in use, Trolley, C-type frame, E-type frame, Tugger train, pneumatic, lifting system, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 26928, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.04.2013" } , { "uid": "7RiK8tkFdQQR6ze9Ngv6cW", "title": "E-Frame flexible arrangement", "description": "A tugger train can be operated with 2 to 5 e-frame (max. load 4 t over the whole train). Depending on the connection alignment they can be individually loaded from the left or right.", "keywords": " in use, functions, E-type frame, handling, Tugger train, flexible, combination, arrangement, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 35664, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.04.2013" } , { "uid": "BeafLU9wUCeqbvq2wBQBRT", "title": "E-Frame pneumatic: oil-free movement", "description": "STILL E-Frame pneumatic: oil-free movement.", "keywords": " in use, navigation, Tugger Trains, E-type frame, pneumatic, oil-free, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 24456, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.04.2013" } , { "uid": "AcuQq3WBZDnYtdiqFcwKnH", "title": "E-Frame: simple and slim", "description": "STILL E-type frame: simple and slim - example of use.", "keywords": " in use, warehouse, narrow aisle, navigation, Tugger Trains, E-type frame, racks, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 57984, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.04.2013" } , { "uid": "-osSMZzCX6kQ9dsHXLiTP4", "title": "E-Frame: high agility and directional stability", "description": "STILL E-type frame: optimal navigation through high agility and directional stability.", "keywords": " in use, warehouse, manoeuvrability, navigation, Tugger Trains, E-type frame, handling, high agility, directional stability, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 58896, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.04.2013" } , { "uid": "B7AAkpjmt_nfU2_KpRt5Eu", "title": "E-Frame: high agility and directional stability", "description": "E-Frame: optimal navigation through high agility and directional stability", "keywords": " in use, warehouse, manoeuvrability, navigation, Tugger Trains, E-type frame, handling, high agility, directional stability, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 98088, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.04.2013" } , { "uid": "-D64T4SnhrraUM_qwwRHLG", "title": "E-Frame: loading and unloading", "description": "STILL e-frame: loading and unloading - example of use", "keywords": " in use, warehouse, unloading, Tugger Trains, E-type frame, loading, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 44688, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.04.2013" } , { "uid": "6G4Moi9dRnEHqxmrd9c9Kh", "title": "C-Frame: ergonomically and flexible", "description": "The tugger train can pull up to 4 C-frames depending on the towing vehicle. The four wheel design allows working on ramps at simultaneously high directional stability by four-wheel steering.", "keywords": " navigation, Tugger train, C-type frame, ergonomically, flexible, worklplace, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 49176, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.04.2013" } , { "uid": "ErLPGcuBczVT4fg2mE1RLo", "title": "Diesel forklift truck RX 70 6,0 - 8,0 t visibility", "description": "The RX 70 provides excellent visibility in all directions through a laterally arranged offset cab and a high seating position.", "keywords": " forklift, truck, product, diesel, RX70-80 , workplace, driver cabin, seat, visibility, cabin, LP Gas, Diesel forklift truck, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 56736, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.04.2013" } , { "uid": "5FB63XrV1suAS9QqTMTERp", "title": "Diesel forklift truck RX 70 6,0 - 8,0 t lightning", "description": "The RX70 has working lights in halogen or LED version front and / <br>or rear of the overhead guard. In the front as a double lamp for <br>improved illumination of the working area.", "keywords": " forklift, truck, product, diesel, lights, darkness, night, RX70-80 , Halogen, LED, Diesel forklift truck, work in the dark, lamps, double lamps, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 31944, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.04.2013" } , { "uid": "-xwvzzS5qQtsQeeB1TL9PT", "title": "Diesel forklift truck RX 70 6,0 - 8,0 t workplace", "description": "Generously designed driver workstation with high driver and operator comfort through optimal arrangement of all controls and customization of the cabin interior.", "keywords": " forklift, truck, product, diesel, handling, RX70-80 , Dieseltruck, workplace, driver cabin, seat, visibility, controll elements, equipment, cabin, cabin equipment, comfort, ergonomic, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 52584, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "24.04.2013" } , { "uid": "CTZ25oTRgTNkcgqqtoRpS4", "title": "Diesel fork lift truck RX 70 used in the mine", "description": " The RX 70 used in the mine - Safety through optimal lighting.", "keywords": " forklift, in use, truck, product, use case, RX70, diesel, mine, lights, darkness, night, LP Gas, Diesel and LP Gas forklift truck, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 167000, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.03.2013" } , { "uid": "9eyUotTqsRppzbkH1QAW1u", "title": "Diesel fork lift truck RX 70 used in sawmills", "description": " RX 70 - use in sawmills - extreme agility with a compact design.", "keywords": " forklift, in use, truck, product, RX70, manoeuvrability, rough ground, navigation, steering, offroad, rain, sludge, sand, diesel, outdoor, LP Gas, Diesel and LP Gas forklift truck, sawmills, curves, motor functions, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 66080, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.03.2013" } , { "uid": "B429Zzh8cRMo5vdjTTEPSK", "title": "Diesel fork lift truck RX 70 use in a ferrous factory", "description": " RX 70 - use in a ferrous factory - wide-build, open masts in a telescope mount and triple variant.", "keywords": " forklift, in use, truck, product, heavy loads, RX70, diesel, ferrous factory, mast, lift, LP Gas, Diesel and LP Gas forklift truck, tele, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 60520, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.03.2013" } , { "uid": "2ERpdFjAZm8vzWcT4S_DXD", "title": "STILL - a success story", "description": "STILL is one of the leading suppliers of forklift trucks, cars and tractors and modern intralogistics systems.", "keywords": "STILL, company, intralogistics, Image, global, company presentation, history, success, worldwide, overview, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 90000, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.03.2013" } , { "uid": "7R2WEv1L5G5mPwHKdSv6zw", "title": "STILL PalletShuttle Danone", "description": "", "keywords": "STILL, Palletshuttle, in use, intralogistics, racking systems, warehouse, use case, customer, systems, STILL, Automation, reference, Danone, Racking System, warehouse handling, warehouse systems, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 118320, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "20.02.2013" } , { "uid": "7gvjnYJ7c6Dt1aKjKGvoWY", "title": "Diesel forklift truck RX 70 6,0 - 8,0 t lights", "description": "The RX70 has working lights in halogen or LED version front and / <br>or rear of the overhead guard. In the front as a double lamp for <br>improved illumination of the working area.", "keywords": " forklift, truck, product, diesel, lights, darkness, night, RX70-80 , Halogen, LED, Diesel forklift truck, work in the dark, lamps, double lamps, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 31880, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "23.01.2013" } , { "uid": "CEBqfucmrWKNPrks9QsQRy", "title": "Diesel forklift truck RX 70-50 in use", "description": "Diesel and LP Gas forklift truck RX 70 4,0 - 5,0 t in use.", "keywords": " in use, warehouse, functions, RX70-50, Diesel forklift truck, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 98200, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "18.01.2013" } , { "uid": "838DwNTT2wCZ8U_7B2qhEX", "title": "Diesel forklift truck RX 70 6,0 - 8,0 t visibility", "description": "The RX 70 provides excellent visibility in all directions through a laterally arranged offset cab and a high seating position.", "keywords": " forklift, truck, product, diesel, RX70-80 , workplace, driver cabin, seat, visibility, cabin, LP Gas, Diesel forklift truck, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 56680, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "18.01.2013" } , { "uid": "-abJ5Pk1vRpiULkAG8kh_k", "title": "Diesel forklift truck RX 70 6,0 - 8,0 t in use", "description": "Diesel and LP Gas forklift truck RX 70 6,0 - 8,0 t in use.", "keywords": " in use, warehouse, narrow aisle, navigation, unloading, functions, safety, RX70-80 , loading, wide aisle, harbour, diesel and lp gas, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 207240, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "18.01.2013" } , { "uid": "Aq_jYsdzySwzpJih42Aze_", "title": "Diesel forklift truck RX 70 6,0 - 8,0 t workplace", "description": "Generously designed driver workstation with high driver and operator comfort through optimal arrangement of all controls and customization of the cabin interior.", "keywords": " forklift, truck, product, diesel, handling, RX70-80 , Dieseltruck, workplace, driver cabin, seat, visibility, controll elements, equipment, cabin, cabin equipment, comfort, ergonomic, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 52520, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "18.01.2013" } , { "uid": "3qWf5yYWJVJ8RTJbo3ecXy", "title": "Diesel forklift truck RX70-50/80 - The benchmark for efficiency", "description": "The are the new stars within the popular RX 70 series of STILL and the beginnig of a great future: The STILL RX 70-40/50 and the STILL RX 70-60/80. With the compact heavyweights the handling performance is redefined based on a unique combination of power, precision, ergonomics, compactness and safety. ", "keywords": " forklift, diesel, RX70-50, RX70-80, , product video, trailer, RX70-50/80, RX70-60, RX70-40, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 148280, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "18.01.2013" } , { "uid": "5yq5NhAR-QTvvJp_NJGSiU", "title": "Electric Forklift Trucks RX60-25 Fuel Cell", "description": " Electric forklift truck RX60-25 Fuel Cell - Features and functions.", "keywords": " features, functions, RX60, Electric Forklift Trucks , Fuel, Cell, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 131400, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "19.10.2012" } , { "uid": "46cyLY3RTUAhofeTWxaSiX", "title": "STILL in 30 Seconds - Trailer", "description": " STILL is one of the leading suppliers of forklift trucks, cars and tractors and modern intralogistic systems.", "keywords": "STILL, company, intralogistics, Image, global, history, success, worldwide, overview, company prensentation, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 30000, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "26.09.2012" } , { "uid": "BZfdb-7s6ewqzA1Zn55_gb", "title": "Electric Forklift Trucks RX 50 1.0-1.6t - The greatest among the small", "description": "Electric forklift truck RX 50 1.0 to 1.6 t - product video - The greatest among the small.", "keywords": " in use, warehouse, narrow aisle, navigation, functions, RX, RX50, electric forklift truck, RX 50, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 240960, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "18.05.2012" } , { "uid": "DSb43tmbNtGEHpPf8NxDQm", "title": "Diesel forklift truck RX 70 3.5 t Hybrid - Saving energy has never been easier", "description": "STILL RX 70-35 in use at the port of Hamburg.", "keywords": " forklift, , in use, truck, product, diesel, RX70, RX, Hybrid, diesel forklift, presentation, RX 70, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 149880, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "16.05.2012" } , { "uid": "3DyuUFmRSo5uyAjhE1izo6", "title": "STILL - Imagevideo", "description": "STILL is the leading provider of in-house logistics solutions worldwide.", "keywords": "STILL, company, intralogistics, Image, global, company presentation, history, success, worldwide, overview, logistic solution, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 90000, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "14.05.2012" } , { "uid": "1t5zDsLnjZ2V83bPnM-f7Z", "title": "STILL used trucks - Always as good as new", "description": "Used equipment by STILL - that means reliable, proven technology at fair prices in a unique classification system. STILL sales offices and foreign companies take back used equipment throughout Europe. Then the vehicles are brought visually and technically up to date at a central processing center and will be offered as \"premium\" used vehicles to purchase. The units are assigned to the different classification levels of gold, silver or bronze, which allows a quick overview of the features of technique, warranty, paint, equipment age and condition of the battery.", "keywords": "STILL, service, used, used trucks, replacement parts, offers, forklift trucks, maintenance, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 171800, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "10.05.2012" } , { "uid": "4ZZbYSkhqGNeoK_3QMuKF5", "title": "Diesel and LPG forklift truck RX 70 1,6 - 2,0 t Product Video", "description": "Diesel and LPG forklift truck RX 70 1,6 - 2,0 t Product Video - Features and Functions.", "keywords": " features, diesel, LPG, Diesel and LPG, functions, RX70-20, RX, RX 70-20, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 140280, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "11.04.2012" } , { "uid": "EJSZPcaz5_ipBys-Vrojxy", "title": "STILL iGoSystems in use Heideblume", "description": "STILL automation at food manufacturers Heideblume in Sindelsdorf. Three automated FM-X in action.<br><br>", "keywords": " production, iGo, intralogistics, warehouse, narrow aisle, use case, customer, systems, FM-X, Heideblume, Automation, reference, racks, expirience, logistics centre, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 118120, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "11.04.2012" } , { "uid": "4nv3QUerSS3zbjEhVUMAE9", "title": "cubeXX - Six in one", "description": " The cubeXX is a concept vehicle and already provides an answer to the logistical challenges of the future.", "keywords": " intralogistics, CubeXX, App, concept, Remote, future, functions, ", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 210080, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "23.03.2012" } , { "uid": "5VfAyisGiKaueLVQGqYsRM", "title": "STILL Palletshuttle englisch", "description": "", "keywords": "", "language": 2, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 131416, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "15.02.2012" } , { "uid": "6hcVJeL9Y1nxgfuisMvh36", "title": "STILL Servicetechniker - 5 gute Gründe (CH)", "description": "Als Servicetechniker:in bei STILL erwartet Sie ein spannendes Tätigkeitsfeld, in dem Sie sich täglich weiterentwickeln. Dazu gehören auch attraktive Rahmenbedingungen: Attraktive Anstellungsbedingungen, Gute Sozialleistungen<br>Flexible Arbeitszeitzeiten, Regelmässige Trainings und Weiterbildungen, Moderne Servicefahrzeuge, Abwechslungsreicher und vielfältiger Tätigkeitsbereich, Direkt von Zuhause in den Arbeitstag starten", "keywords": "", "language": -1, "categories": [ 83355 ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 93440, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "14.02.2025" } , { "uid": "ESU9gnAxJ_sHqeypUkHjG_", "title": "Casa : Centre de distribution européen largement automatisé", "description": "Toutes nos activités logistiques seront fusionnées dans un nouveau centre de distribution européen largement automatisé.", "keywords": " automation, ", "language": -1, "categories": [ 85124 , 85126 , 85265 ], "thumbnailUrl": "*~hmac=0cb1b5f214dfc65b449498e47351d7f74eef9fa3bce2a8cc06e", "duration": 233160, "downloadable": false, "creationDate": "02.08.2023" } , { "uid": "EF4egJwD1RRG5jzb_ZmF7h", "title": "STILL Servicetechniker:in - 5 gute Gründe (AT)", "description": "Als Servicetechniker:in bei STILL erwartet Sie ein spannendes Tätigkeitsfeld, in dem Sie sich täglich weiterentwickeln. Dazu gehören auch attraktive Rahmenbedingungen: Freiheit als Techniker im Service-Außendienst, Flexible Arbeitszeiten & Leistungsgerechte Entlohnung zzgl. Diäten, Arbeiten in einem krisensicheren Umfeld, Mindestgehalt € 2.500,– brutto pro Monat zuzüglich Diäten, Überzahlung je nach Qualifikation und Erfahrung, attraktives Arbeitszeitmodell", "keywords": "", "language": -1, "categories": [ 83355 ], "thumbnailUrl": "*~hmac=90a2ff2919f064622a8c7db6c665006600bb5f402930608b30f", "duration": 93440, "downloadable": false, "creationDate": "08.05.2023" } , { "uid": "-jWH4LXXrfwTNSzgWD8ULE", "title": "STILL Service technician- 5 bonnes raisons (BE-fr)", "description": "En tant que technicien de service chez STILL, un domaine d'activité passionnant vous attend, dans lequel vous vous développerez chaque jour un peu plus. Cela inclut également des avantages et des conditions attrayants : Rémunération soumise à la convention collective, Régime de retraite de l'entreprise, Avantages en matière de retraite, 30 jours de congés payés en standard, Modèle de travail attrayant", "keywords": "", "language": -1, "categories": [ 83355 ], "thumbnailUrl": "*~hmac=10e94aaaf123f1468408271e3a0eee917c8920fc3398f48beb7", "duration": 93440, "downloadable": false, "creationDate": "08.05.2023" } , { "uid": "2bACMzLYRC8kKqLQL7FEBX", "title": "LiftRunner® tugger train for 5 x 1200x800 each C-Frame", "description": "", "keywords": " Routenzug, tuggertrain, STILL, ", "language": -1, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 110666, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "28.02.2023" } , { "uid": "Ba5ZvVRYq6oVNe-zwjwAh-", "title": "Production line of STILL OPX order pickers in Luzzara, Italy", "description": "When developing STILL’s new OPX series of order-pickers, the focus was on greater efficiency and fatigue-free working through cleverly devised ergonomic improvements. The total of nine new order pickers and a new tugger truck not only replace the existing series but also supplement it with additional models. With this unique range of variants on the market, and many new features, STILL intends in future to offer its customers a truck to match almost every application.", "keywords": "", "language": -1, "categories": [ ], "thumbnailUrl": "", "duration": 127720, "downloadable": true, "downloadUrl1080": "", "downloadUrl720": "", "downloadUrl360": "", "creationDate": "17.08.2017" } ] ; stillApp.mediaCenter.categories = [ { "uid": 94269, "name": "Messen, Events & Webinare" } , { "uid": 97081, "name": "Webinar 3 - Safety", "parentUid": 94269 } , { "uid": 97080, "name": "Webinar 2 - Automating Production logistics?", "parentUid": 94269 } , { "uid": 97829, "name": "Meet the experts", "parentUid": 94269 } , { "uid": 96994, "name": "Thesen am Tresen - DLK 2021", "parentUid": 94269 } , { "uid": 97079, "name": "Webinar 1 - Automation", "parentUid": 94269 } , { "uid": 85124, "name": "Estudos de Caso" } , { "uid": 85125, "name": "Empilhadeiras" } , { "uid": 85258, "name": "Selecionadoras de pedidos", "parentUid": 85125 } , { "uid": 85259, "name": "OPX", "parentUid": 85258 } , { "uid": 85126, "name": "Sistemas intralogísticos" } , { "uid": 85265, "name": "Sistemas de Automação", "parentUid": 85126 } , { "uid": 85129, "name": "Serviços" } , { "uid": 83355, "name": "Carreiras" } ] ; 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