NIES collection MICROBIAL CULTURE COLLECTION | National Institute for Environmental Studies

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Vibrio lunula O.F.Müller; Echinella radiosa Acharius 1810; Closterium lunula var. coloratum G.A.Klebs 1879; Arthrodia linearis Rafinesque 1891; Closterium lunula f. minus West & G.S.West 1904; Closterium lanceolatum var. coloratum (G.A.Klebs) Playfair 1908; Closterium lunula f. coloratum (G.A.Klebs) Kossinskaja 1951 &nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <th width="150" nowrap="nowrap" scope="row" colspan="2"> Former name</th> <td colspan="3"> &nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <th nowrap="nowrap" scope="row" colspan="2"> Common name </th> <td colspan="3"> <a href="./"> Desmid </a> &nbsp; </td> </tr> <tr> <th width="150" nowrap="nowrap" scope="row" colspan="2"> Locality (Date of collection)</th> <td colspan="3"> Kamiubeo-cho, Matsue, Shimane, Japan (2018-10-16) &nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <th width="150" nowrap="nowrap" scope="row" colspan="2"> Latitude / Longitude</th> <td colspan="3">35.48606 / 133.12565&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <th width="150" nowrap="nowrap" scope="row" colspan="2"> Habitat (Isolation source)</th> <td colspan="3">Freshwater (Water) &nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <th width="150" nowrap="nowrap" scope="row" colspan="2"> History</th> <td colspan="3"> < Takeda, Taishi; Ohtani, Shuji &nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <th width="150" nowrap="nowrap" scope="row" colspan="2"> Isolator (Date of isolation)</th> <td colspan="3">Takeda, Taishi (2018-10-17) &nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <th width="150" nowrap="nowrap" scope="row" colspan="2"> Identified by</th> <td colspan="3">Ohtani, Shuji &nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <th width="150" nowrap="nowrap" scope="row" colspan="2">State of strain</th> <td colspan="3"> Subculture; Unialgal; Clonal; Non-axenic &nbsp; </td> </tr> <tr> <th width="150" nowrap="nowrap" scope="row" colspan="2"> Culture condition<br/> (Preculture condition) </th> <td colspan="3"><span class="lineHeight120"> Medium:&nbsp; <a href="/medium/en/mg.pdf" target="_blank">MG</a> &nbsp; <br /> Temperature:&nbsp; 20 C <br /> Light intensity:&nbsp; 8-11 &micro;mol photons/m<sup>2</sup>/sec, L/D cycle:&nbsp; 10L:14D <br /> Duration:&nbsp; 1 M &nbsp; </span></td> </tr> <tr> <th width="150" nowrap="nowrap" scope="row" colspan="2">Gene information</th> <td colspan="3"> <!-- 20160921 FUJII START Gene infomation links Improvement --> &nbsp; </td> </tr> <tr> <th width="150" nowrap="nowrap" scope="row" colspan="2">Cell size (min - max)</th> <td> 94 - 620 &mu;m &nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <th width="150" nowrap="nowrap" scope="row" colspan="2">Organization</th> <td colspan="3">Unicellular&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <th width="150" nowrap="nowrap" scope="row" colspan="2"> Characteristics </th> <td colspan="3"> <a href="./"> Heterothallic </a> ; <a href="./"> Isogamous </a> ; <a href="./"> Mating type (−) </a> &nbsp; </td> </tr> <tr> <th width="150" nowrap="nowrap" scope="row" colspan="2">Other strain no.</th> <td colspan="3" nowrap> Other strain no. : TK3 &nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <th width="150" nowrap="nowrap" scope="row" colspan="2"> Remarks</th> <td colspan="3">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <th width="150" nowrap="nowrap" scope="row" colspan="2">Movie </th> <td colspan="3">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <!-- 20160923 FUJII ADD private版のみ 寄託情報追加による改修 --> <!-- 20160923 FUJII END --> </table> </section> <section id="section02"> </section> </section> <!-- for preview --> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var m_Array ="&"); 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