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Dates","hebrewDates":"Hide Hebrew Dates","showHebrewDates":"Show Hebrew Dates","afterSunset":"After Sunset","leapMonth":"Leap Month","select-a-religion":"Select a Religion","selectReligionPrompt":"Please only select a religion if it is obvious from the headstone which religion this person was.","religion":"Religion","transcription":"Transcription","branch":"Branch","rank":"Rank","conflict":"Conflict","unit":"Unit","awards":"Awards","plot":"Plots","notes":"Notes / Additional Sources","epitaph":"Epitaph","relationship":"Relationship","born":"Born","died":"Died","show":"Show","hide":"Hide","records":"Records","addPerson":"Add Person","savePerson":"Save Person","nextPerson":"Next Person","transcribingInstructions":"Transcribing Instructions","brightness":"Brightness","saturation":"Saturation","contrast":"Contrast","reset":"Reset","more":"More","ratingImage":"Rating Image","ratingNeedsThirdPass":"Bad Transcription: This record needs to be transcribed again.","ratingTitles":{"1":"This photo is good (readable or partially readable)","2":"This photo contains inappropriate items.","10":"This photo is blurry and unreadable.","11":"The headstone in this photo is worn and unreadable.","12":"The objects in this photo do not contain any transcribable information. (car, person, grass, etc.)","14":"Other","15":"No names, dates, or other information to transcribe are visible in this photo.","16":"This is a photo of the cemetery gate, sign, or property (not a gravestone)","17":"The headstone is not in frame, and there is no information to transcribe.","18":"The headstone in this photo is obscured or covered."},"simpleModePrompt":"Choose which input items appear in the simple mode form.","dateOrder":"Date Order","dateOrderPrompt":"Choose the default order for dates.","dateOrderCountryDefault":"Country Default","dateOrderMonthFirst":"Month - Day - Year","dateOrderDayFirst":"Day - Month - Year","transcriptionFilters":"Transcribe Filters","transcriptionFiltersCount":"There are {{count}} images that match your current filters.","location":"Location","locationPrompt":"We have volunteers uploading images from all over the world. Choose where you would like to transcribe.","language":"Language","cemeteryLocation":"Cemetery Location","photographer":"Photographer","cemetery":"Cemetery","changeCemetery":"Change Cemetery","changeCemeteryPrompt":"Sometimes images get associated with the wrong cemetery. Select the correct cemetery below.","chooseACemetery":"Choose a Cemetery","selectLanguagePlaceholder":"Select a language","languagePrompt":"Choose which language you would like to transcribe in.","type":"Type","transcriptionType":"Transcription Type","passPrompt":"Which types of transcriptions would you like to do?","selectPassPrompt":"Choose transcription type","types":{"first_pass":"First Pass","second_pass":"Second Pass","both":"Any","video":"Video Only"},"linkImages":"Link Images","linkImagesPrompt":"Sometimes headstones have information about a person on multiple sides of the stone or on multiple stones. Select an image below to link together images that contain information about the same people.","linkMoreImages":"Link More Images","takenBefore":"Taken Before","takenAfter":"Taken After","linkImage":"Link Image","unLinkImage":"Unlink Image","nearbyImages":"Nearby Images","linkedImages":"Linked Images","linkImagesNone":"All of the images near this one have been transcribed. If you need to link this image to a record that has been transcribed, complete this transcription, then merge the two records.","deleteImage":"Delete Image","deleteImageAreYouSure":"Are you sure you want to delete this image?","chooseReligion":"Choose Religion","addMilitaryInfo":"Add Military Info","othersNotBuriedHere":"Others Not Buried Here","internationalCharacters":"International Characters","next":"Next","skip":"Skip","skipTranscription":"Skip Transcription","save":"Save","back":"Back","loadingTranscription":"Loading Transcription","loadingNextTranscription":"Loading Next Transcription","loadingImage":"Loading Image","noImagesFound":"No Images Found","noImagesFoundPrompt":"Sorry, but there are no more images in Brasil. Images recently uploaded may not be available for 2 weeks. Please adjust your filters.","tryAgain":"Try Again","clearFilters":"Clear Filters","resetFilters":"Reset Filters","dismiss":"Dismiss","mergeDuplicates":"Merge Duplicates","mergeRecord":"Merge Record","removeMergeRecord":"Remove Merge Record","military":"Military","saveChanges":"Save Changes","acceptSecondPass":"Accept","acceptingSecondPass":"Accepting Second Pass","edit":"Edit","reject":"Reject","secondPass":"Second Pass","secondPassRating":{"badTranscription":"Incorrect Transcription: This record has fields that are transcribed incorrectly.","missingData":"Missing Data: This record is missing data and needs to be transcribed again.","other":"Other Problems: This record has problems that need to be fixed on a computer.","duplicates":"Duplicate Information: This is a duplicate record that needs to be merged.","edit":"Edit {{field}}"},"secondPassRejectTitle":"Reject Second Pass","secondPassRejectPrompt":"Tap on an option below to reject this transcription, or click `Edit {{field}}` to correct it.","secondPassRejectPromptDone":"Tap on an option below to reject this transcription.","notAvailable":"Not Available","remove":"Remove","addMoreInformation":"Add More Information","names":"Names","dates":"Dates","filter":"Filter","shortcuts":"Shortcuts","enableKeyboardShortcuts":"Enable Keyboard Shortcuts","defaultFields":"Default Fields","defaultFieldsPrompt":"Choose which fields appear in the transcription form by default.","transcribeTitles":{"firstPass":"Transcribe","secondPass":"Verify","secondPassMobile":""},"transcribePrompts":{"firstPass":"Type the information that you see on the headstone for each person.","secondPass":"Verify each field by clicking the green checkmark.","secondPassMobile":""},"resetTranscription":"Reset Transcription","resetTranscriptionAreYouSure":"Are you sure you want to reset this transcription?","resettingTranscription":"Resetting Transcription","firstPassTitle":{"1":"Transcribe","undefined":"Transcribe"},"secondPassTitle":{"1":"Verify","undefined":"Verify"},"firstPassSubtitle":{"1":"Type the information that you see on the headstone for each person.","undefined":"Type the information that you see for each person."},"secondPassSubtitle":{"1":"Verify each field by clicking the green checkmark.","undefined":"Verify each field by clicking the green checkmark."},"resetTranscriptionPrompt":"This record was transcribed using machine learning. Sometimes machine learning algorithms make mistakes. You can correct small mistakes by clicking on the pencil icon for each field. If the algorithm misread the records completely, click the button below to reset the transcription and start over.","autoCapitalize":"Auto Capitalize","autoCapitalizeNames":"Automatically Capitalize Names","transcriptionSettings":"Form Settings","nextTranscription":"Next Transcription","moveToCemeteryMedia":"Move this image to cemetery media?","movingImageToCemeteryMedia":"Moving this image to cemetery media","reportPhotoQuality":"Report Photo Quality","reportPhotoQualityPrompt":"Report the quality of the photo by selecting one of the options below.","isThisHeadstoneInLanguage":"Is this headstone in {{language}}?","selectALanguage":"Select a Language","selectALanguagePrompt":"If this gravestone is not in {{language}}, choose the correct language below.","unknownLanguagePrompt":"This headstone it is not in {{language}}, but I don`t know which language it is in","unknown":"Unknown","projectDescription":"Project Description","projectInstructions":"Project Instructions","generalTranscriptionGuidelines":"General Transcription Guidelines","frequentlyAskedQuestions":"Frequently Asked Questions","deleteRecord":"Delete Record","deleteRecordPrompt":"Are you sure you want to delete this record?","deleteRecordReasonDuplicate":"This record is a duplicate.","deleteRecordReasonError":"This record was a transcription error.","deleteRecordReasonFamily":"This is a record of a family member and I don't want it to be publicly available.","deleteRecordReasonOther":"This record needs to be deleted for some other reason.","mergeRecordPrompt":"Select from the records below.","deleteRelationship":"Delete Relationship","deleteRelationshipPrompt":"Are you sure you want to delete this relationship?","deletingRelationship":"Deleting Relationship","merge":"Merge","match":"Match","mergingRecords":"Merging Records","deletingRecord":"Deleting Record","restore":"Restore","restoringRecord":"Restoring Record","clear":"Clear Form","pleaseViewAllImages":"Please view all images before completing this transcription.","headstoneHelp":{"descriptionPrompt1":"This collection contains photos of gravestones taken with the BillionGraves app.","descriptionPrompt2":"The name of the cemetery and the location of the cemetery are listed on the bottom left corner of the screen.","descriptionPrompt3":"As you transcribe the names, dates, and other information on the gravestones they will become searchable.","descriptionPrompt4":"Each gravestone photo has been tagged with GPS coordinates and plotted on a cemetery map.","descriptionPrompt5":"The searchable record will be available to the public as soon as the 1st Pass (initial transcription) is done.","topicsTitle":"Select from the topics below to learn more.","selectLanguage":"Selecting the Language on the Gravestone","guidelinesPrompt1":"Type the information that you see on the headstone for each person.","guidelinesPrompt2":"When you start to enter information into any field, a blue question mark icon will appear. Click on the question mark for instructions that are specific to that field.","addMoreInfoTitle":"“Add More Information” Button:","addMoreInfoPrompt1":"Select the “add more information” button.","addMoreInfoPrompt2":"Select the checkbox next to the field you would like to add to the transcription form. This will add that field only for the gravestone you are currently transcribing. That field will not appear when you advance to the next image.","addMoreInfoPrompt3":"If you would like the field to remain on the transcription form for additional images then go to the bottom of the transcription form and select the box labeled “Form Settings”. Then select the checkbox next to the field of your choice.","addMoreInfoPrompt4":"The button labeled “add more information” will allow you to add the following fields to the transcription form:","additionalResearchTitle":"Adding Information from Additional Research","additionalResearchPrompt1":"If you have done additional research to find more information about the deceased than what is recorded on the gravestone, enter in the correct fields on the transcription form and then add your source(s) of information to the “Notes” field.","additionalResearchPrompt2":"If you have a large amount of information about the individual (such as obituaries or newspaper articles), add it on the “Life Information Page” rather than in the “Notes” section. Go HERE to learn more about how to add information to the “Life Information Page”."},"faq":{"editTitle":"How do I edit a record?","editText":"Select the pencil icon next to the field you would like to edit. Then enter the correct information and select the button labeled “done”.","cantReadTitle":"What should I do if I can’t read any of the information on the gravestone?","cantReadPrompt1":"If you can’t read any of the information on the gravestone, select the flag icon at the top of the screen. Then report the quality of the photo by selecting one of the options below:","cantReadPrompt2":"If you are not sure which option to choose, select the question mark icon for additional instructions.","cantReadPrompt3":"After you have reported the quality of the photo, skip to the next image by selecting the arrow in the upper right corner of the transcription form.","canReadSomeTitle":"What if I can only read some of the information on the gravestone?","canReadSomePrompt1":"If you can only read some of the information on the gravestone, do the best you can to fill in the transcription form with the legible information. Then click the button labeled “Done” and advance to the next image.","canReadSomePrompt2":"If there are illegible characters, replace them with an asterisk *. Here are some examples:","canReadSomePrompt3":"If the image is partially legible, you do not need to report the quality of the photo or mark it with a red flag. If any information is readable, it is considered a “good photo” and should have a green flag.","canReadSomeExample1":"Eli**beth","canReadSomeExample2":"McD*****","oneDateTitle":"What if only one date is listed?","oneDatePrompt1":"If only one date is listed and it specifies whether it is the birth date or death date, enter the solitary date in the corresponding field and leave the other field blank.","oneDatePrompt2":"If the individual with only one date is on a headstone with another person that has two dates listed, it is likely that the individual with the solitary dates is still living. Record the solitary date as a birth date and leave the death date blank.","oneDatePrompt3":"Sometimes newborn babies who do not survive their first day will only have one date listed on their gravestone because they only had one day in this life. If you believe the gravestone marks a newborn death, record the single date as both the birth and death dates.","additionalInfoTitle":"How do I add additional information when there is not a field for it?","additionalInfoPrompt1":"If there is information on the gravestone and you do not see a matching field on the transcription form, select the button labeled “add more information”. Then choose the field you would like to add to the transcription form for that individual.","additionalInfoPrompt2":"If you would like the additional fields to remain on the transcription form for all your transcriptions, go to the bottom of the transcription form and select “form settings”. Then choose the field you would like to add to the transcription form.","additionalInfoEpitaphTitle":"Epitaphs","additionalInfoEpitaphPrompt":"An epitaph is a short text on a gravestone to honor a deceased person. If an epitaph appears on the gravestone, select the button labeled “Add More Information”. Then choose the epitaph field to add it to the transcription form. Enter the epitaph in the epitaph field. If an epitaph does not appear on the gravestone, leave this field blank.","additionalInfoEpitaphListTitle":"Epitaph Examples:","additionalInfoEpitaphList1":"Rest in Peace","additionalInfoEpitaphList2":"Gone but Not Forgotten","additionalInfoEpitaphList3":"John 3:16","additionalInfoEpitaphNotesTitle":"Notes/Additional Sources","additionalInfoEpitaphNotesPrompt1":"If you have done additional research to find more information about the deceased than what is recorded on the gravestone, enter it in the appropriate fields on the transcription form and then add your source(s) of information to the “Notes/Additional Sources” field.","additionalInfoEpitaphNotesPrompt2":"If there is not an appropriate field for your researched information, enter it into the “Notes/Additional Sources” field.","additionalInfoEpitaphNotesPrompt3":"To add the “Notes/Additional Sources” field to the transcription form, select the button labeled “add more information”.","additionalInfoEpitaphNotesPrompt4":"If you do not have additional information about this individual then leave this field blank.","additionalInfoEpitaphNotesPrompt5":"Be sure to include your sources of information such as the website URL, book title \u0026 author, oral interviews, or personal knowledge.","additionalInfoEpitaphNotesPrompt6":"If you have a large amount of information about the individual (such as obituaries or newspaper articles), add it on the “Life Information Page” rather than in the “Notes/Additional Sources” section. Go \u003cHERE\u003e to learn more about how to add information to the “Life Information Page”.","othersListedTitle":"Where do I record children‘s names or other people listed on the gravestone that are not buried there?","othersListedPrompt1":"Some headstones list the children of the deceased or other people who are not buried there. To add them, select the button labeled “add more information”. Then choose “Others Not Buried Here” to make fields for their information appear on the transcription form (including given name, family name, and relationship to the deceased).","othersListedPrompt2":"If you would like the “Others Not Buried Here” field to remain on the transcription form for all your transcriptions, go to the bottom of the transcription form and select “form settings”. Then choose the “Others Not Buried Here” field.","othersListedPrompt3":"Enter the names in the appropriate fields and select the relationship (such as mother, father, son, daughter).","titleOnlyTitle":"What if the gravestone only has a title such as “Father”, “Mother”, or “Daughter”? Or what if it only has a nickname such as “Buddy” or “Sweetie”?","titleOnlyPrompt":"If the gravestone only has a relationship or nickname on it, enter it in the given name field.","multiplePhotosTitle":"I see multiple photos for one transcription sometimes. What does this mean?","multiplePhotosPrompt":"Images that have been linked together (a multi-sided stone, for example) appear together on the transcription page. After you transcribe all the information on one image, click the next thumbnail and continue to transcribe the information on that image. All of the information associated with that headstone is now included in one transcription.","slowLoadingTitle":"Why is the transcription queue running slow? Is there anything I can do about it?","slowLoadingPrompt1":"If you have adequate internet connections but the transcription queue is running slow, try selecting a specific location for your transcriptions. When the location is set for a large geographic area (such as the United States), it will take longer for the transcriptions to load. Try selecting a specific state or country to speed things up.","slowLoadingPrompt2":"To change the location, go to the bottom of the transcription form and select “Transcription Filters”. Then choose “Location” and fill in the fields with a location of your choice.","sameHeadstoneTitle":"Why do I keep getting the same gravestones over and over in the transcription queue? Is there anything I can do about it?","sameHeadstonePrompt1":"If you are transcribing in a specific cemetery or specific geographic location, you may have already finished all the gravestones there that are marked legible. Try choosing a different location to get a new batch of gravestones.","sameHeadstonePrompt2":"To change the location, go to the bottom of the transcription form and select “Transcription Filters”. Then choose “Location” and fill in the fields with a location of your choice.","uppercaseTitle":"Should I transcribe in upper, lower, or mixed-case text?","uppercasePrompt1":"Transcribe in mixed case text. Capitalize the first letter of a name and use lowercase letters for the rest of the name. For example, (“John” or “Smith”).","uppercasePrompt2":"However, if someone else has already transcribed a name in all CAPS, you do not need to change it. The record will still be searchable.","uppercasePrompt3":"Some names may have an uppercase letter in the middle such as “McDonald”. Transcribe names like this with mixed case text as they appear on the gravestone.","familySearchTitle":"How can I link records to FamilySearch?","familtSearchPrompt1":"You don’t need to do it. BillionGraves records are automatically linked to FamilySearch.","memorialTitle":"How do I transcribe a memorial with multiple names?","memorialPrompt1":"Transcribe the first person. Then select the button labeled “Next Person”. This will cause another transcription form to appear. Transcribe the next person. Repeat. When you are finished, select the button labeled, “Done”.","":""},"learnMoreHere":"Learn more HERE.","multipleHeadstoneImages":"Multiple Headstone Images","formSettings":"Form Settings","transcrptionFilters":"Transcription Filters","editingRecords":"Editing Records","adjustingImages":"Adjusting Images: Position, Rotation, and Size","hebrew_dates":"Hebrew Dates","instructions":{"prefixPrompt1":"A prefix is an individual’s title and it appears before their full name.","prefixPrompt2":"If no prefix is listed, leave the field blank.","prefixPrompt3":"Examples: Mr., Mrs., Miss, Dr., General, Captain, Reverend","givenNamesPrompt1":"Given names include first names and middle names.","givenNamesPrompt2":"Enter given names as they appear. Do not correct misspellings.","givenNamesPrompt3":"If no given name is listed, leave the given name field blank. Do not enter words such as “null” or “none”.","givenNamesPrompt4":"If you cannot read portions of the given name, just enter what you see and leave the rest blank. Do not add question marks “?” or dots “. . . “.","givenNamesSomePrompt1":"If you can only read some of the information on the gravestone, do the best you can to fill in the transcription form with the legible information. Then click the button labeled “Done” and advance to the next image.","givenNamesSomeExampleTitle":"If there are illegible characters, replace them with an asterisk . Here are some examples:","givenNamesSomeExample1":"Eli**beth","givenNamesSomeExample2":"Will**","givenNamesSomePrompt2":"If the image is partially legible, you do not need to report the quality of the photo or mark it with a red flag. If any information is readable, it is considered a “good photo” and should have a green flag.","givenNamesPrompt5":"If there is no given name listed, you may enter terms listed on the gravestone such as “mother”, “father”, “baby”, “infant”, “unknown”, “unidentified”, “daughter of” in the given name field.","givenNamesPrompt6":"Do not include prefixes (such as Dr., Mr., or Mrs.) in the given name field. To add a prefix, select the button labeled “add more information” and then add the prefix field.","givenNamesPrompt7":"If there is a nickname, enter it inside quotation marks, such as “Buddy”.","givenNamesPrompt8":"If the given names are entered as initials, enter them as they appear. For example, “John M.” or “S. L.” or “CW”","givenNamesPrompt9":"If you have done additional research to find the full given name, enter it in the given name field and then add your source(s) of information to the “Notes/Additional Sources” field.","familyNamesPrompt1":"Family names are also known as “last names” or “surnames”. It is the name shared by the entire family.","familyNamesPrompt2":"Enter family names as they appear. Do not correct misspellings.","familyNamesPrompt3":"If no family name is listed, leave the family name field blank. Do not enter words such as “null” or “none”.","familyNamesPrompt4":"If you cannot read portions of the family name, just enter what you see and leave the rest blank. Do not add questions marks “?” or dots “. . . “.","familyNamesSomePrompt1":"If you can only read some of the information on the gravestone, do the best you can to fill in the transcription form with the legible information. Then click the button labeled “Done” and advance to the next image.","familyNamesSomeExampleTitle":"If there are illegible characters, replace them with an asterisk . Here are some examples:","familyNamesSomeExample1":"Mar**n","familyNamesSomeExample2":"McD****","familyNamesSomePrompt2":"If the image is partially legible, you do not need to report the quality of the photo or mark it with a red flag. If any information is readable, it is considered a “good photo” and should have a green flag.","familyNamesPrompt5":"Do not include suffixes (such as Jr. or Sr.) in the surname field. To add a suffix, select the button labeled “add more information” and then add the suffix field.","maidenNamesPrompt1":"A maiden name is the family name that a married woman used from birth, prior to its being legally changed at marriage.","maidenNamesPrompt2":"Enter maiden names as they appear. Do not correct misspellings.","maidenNamesPrompt3":"If you cannot read portions of the maiden name, just enter what you see and leave the rest blank. Do not add questions marks “?” or dots “. . . “.","maidenNamesPrompt4":"If no maiden name is listed, leave the maiden name field blank. Do not enter words such as “null” or “none”.","suffixPrompt1":"A suffix comes after an individual’s full name and provides additional information about them.","suffixPrompt2":"If no suffix is listed, leave the field blank.","suffixPrompt3":"Suffix examples: Jr., Sr., III, M.D.","selectLanguage":"Select Language","selectLanguagePrompt1":"Only transcribe in languages in which you are proficient.","selectLanguagePrompt2":"If the image is not in a language that you are proficient in, do not transcribe it. Just mark the language and then skip to the next image.","selectLanguagePrompt3":"To mark the language, select the down arrow to open a dropdown menu with a list of languages.","selectLanguagePrompt4":"If you recognize the characters in the language, select the appropriate language from the dropdown menu. For example, “Spanish” or “Chinese”.","selectLanguagePrompt5":"If you do not recognize the language, or are unsure, select “I do not know what language this is” from the dropdown menu.","selectLanguagePrompt6":"Do not enter phrases in the transcription fields such as “This gravestone is in Spanish.” or “I cannot read this.” or “This is in a foreign language.”","selectLanguagePrompt7":"FInally, select the arrow in the top right corner of the transcription form to skip transcribing this image and advance to the next image.","dates":"Dates","dateDayPrompt1":"Select the arrow to see a dropdown menu. Select the day listed.","dateDayPrompt2":"Or type the day in the field.","dateDayPrompt3":"If no day is listed, leave the field blank.","dateDayPrompt4":"To change the order of the dates, go to the bottom of the form and select “form settings”. In the “date order” section, select the dropdown arrow to choose from “Month-Day-Year” or “Day-Month-Year”.","dateMonthPrompt1":"Select the arrow to see a dropdown menu. Select the month listed.","dateMonthPrompt2":"Or type the name of the month in the field.","dateMonthPrompt3":"Or type the number of the month:","dateMonthPrompt4":"If no month is listed, leave the field blank.","dateMonthPrompt5":"To change the order of the dates, go to the bottom of the form and select “form settings”. In the “date order” section, select the dropdown arrow to choose from “Month-Day-Year” or “Day-Month-Year”.","dateMonthList1":"1 = January","dateMonthList2":"2 = February","dateMonthList3":"3 = March","dateMonthList4":"4 = April","dateMonthList5":"5 = May","dateMonthList6":"6 = June","dateMonthList7":"7 = July","dateMonthList8":"8 = August","dateMonthList9":"9 = September","dateMonthList10":"10 = October","dateMonthList11":"11 = November","dateMonthList12":"12 = December","dateYearPrompt1":"Enter the year in the field.","dateYearPrompt2":"If no year is listed, leave the field blank.","dateYearPrompt3":"If you can read some but not all of the numbers in the year, enter your best guess.","hebrewDateDayPrompt1":"Select the arrow to see a dropdown menu. Select the day listed.","hebrewDateDayPrompt2":"Or type the day in the field.","hebrewDateDayPrompt3":"If no day is listed, leave the field blank.","hebrewDateDayPrompt4":"To change the order of the dates, go to the bottom of the form and select “form settings”. In the “date order” section, select the dropdown arrow to choose from “Month-Day-Year” or “Day-Month-Year”.","hebrewDateMonthPrompt1":"Select the arrow to see a dropdown menu. Select the month listed.","hebrewDateMonthPrompt2":"Or type the name of the month in the field.","hebrewDateMonthPrompt3":"If no month is listed, leave the field blank.","hebrewDateMonthPrompt4":"To change the order of the dates, go to the bottom of the form and select “form settings”. In the “date order” section, select the dropdown arrow to choose from “Month-Day-Year” or “Day-Month-Year”.","hebrewDateYearPrompt1":"Enter the year in the field.","hebrewDateYearPrompt2":"If no year is listed, leave the field blank.","hebrewDateYearPrompt3":"If you can read some but not all of the numbers in the year, enter your best guess.","religionPrompt1":"Adding the religion is optional.","religionPrompt2":"If you do choose to add the religion, select the religious icon from the dropdown menu that matches the religious icon on the gravestone.","religionPrompt3":"If no religious icon appears on the gravestone, leave this field blank.","militaryPrompt1":"Enter the information as it appears on the gravestone.","militaryPrompt2":"Edit as needed.","othersPrompt1":"Some gravestones list the names of the deceased’s family members even though the family members are not buried there.","othersPrompt2":"Examples of others not buried here:","othersPrompt3":"Given names include first names and middle names.","othersPrompt4":"Enter names as they appear. Do not correct misspellings.","othersPrompt5":"If the given names are entered as initials, enter them as they appear. For example, “John M.” or “S. L.” or “CW”","othersPrompt6":"If there is more than one person listed that is not buried there, select the box labeled “add person”.","othersExample1":"“John, son of Henry and Mary Smith”","othersExample2":"“Susan, wife of Samuel Jones”.","othersRelationship1":"Select the arrow to see a dropdown menu.","othersRelationship2":"Select from the provided options such as husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter.","notesPrompt1":"If you have done additional research to find more information about the deceased than what is recorded on the gravestone, enter it in the appropriate fields on the transcription form and then add your source(s) of information to the “Notes/Additional Sources” field.","notesPrompt2":"If there is not an appropriate field on the transcription form for your researched information, enter it into the “Notes/Additional Sources” field.","notesPrompt3":"If you do not have additional information about this individual then leave the “Notes/Additional Sources” field blank.","notesPrompt4":"Be sure to include your sources of information such as the website URL, book title \u0026 author, oral interviews, or personal knowledge.","notesPrompt5":"If you have a large amount of information about the individual (such as obituaries or newspaper articles), add it on the “Life Information Page” rather than in the “Notes/Additional Sources” section. Go \u003cHERE\u003e to learn more about how to add information to the “Life Information Page”.","epitaphPrompt1":"An epitaph is a short text on a gravestone to honor a deceased person.","epitaphPrompt2":"If an epitaph appears on the gravestone, enter it in the epitaph field.","epitaphPrompt3":"If an epitaph does not appear on the gravestone, leave this field blank.","epitaphPrompt4":"Epitaph Examples:","epitaphPrompt5":"The keyboard shortcut for the epitaph field is alt E.","epitaphExample1":"Rest in Peace","epitaphExample2":"Gone but Not Forgotten","epitaphExample3":"John 3:16","multipleHeadstoneImagesPrompt1":"Some transcription pages have multiple images. These are photos that the photographer linked together.","multipleHeadstoneImagesPrompt2":"Transcribe the information on each image.","multipleHeadstoneImagesPrompt3":"If there are additional individuals on the images, select the “next person” button to add their information to the transcription form.","multipleHeadstoneImagesPrompt4":"You must click on all the images before you will be able to advance to the next page.","multipleHeadstoneImagesPrompt5":"Sometimes headstones have information about a person on multiple sides of a gravestone or on multiple gravestones. If there appears to be missing information about the person, select the “link more images” button, on the lower right side of the screen. This will allow you to view photos that were taken before and after the image you are transcribing and link them together, if appropriate.","linkImagesPrompt1":"Sometimes headstones have information about a person on multiple sides of the gravestone or on multiple gravestones.","linkImagesPrompt2":"Select the “link more images” button to view photos that were taken before and after the image you are transcribing.","linkImagesPrompt3":"Select the appropriate photos to link images together that contain information about the same person.","mergeDuplicatesPrompt1":"If a matching gravestone pops up next to the transcription form as you are transcribing, it may be a duplicate photo of the same gravestone.","mergeDuplicatesPrompt2":"Click on the image to view it in a larger format.","mergeDuplicatesPrompt3":"If it appears to match the gravestone you are transcribing, click on the arrow to the right of the duplicate photo. This will cause the information that has already been transcribed to appear on the transcription form.","mergeDuplicatesPrompt4":"Edit the information, if needed.","mergeDuplicatesPrompt5":"Select “save”.","filtersLocationPrompt1":"If you would like to do transcriptions in a specific location, enter the country, state, county, city, and/or cemetery name.","filtersLocationPrompt2":"Then select the “done” button.","filtersLocationPrompt3":"Here are some ideas for selecting transcription locations:","filtersLocationPrompt4":"When you are considering transcription locations, be sure to only transcribe in languages in which you are proficient.","filtersLocationIdea1":"an area where your ancestors lived","filtersLocationIdea2":"an area where you used to live","filtersLocationIdea3":"an area where your friends or extended family live","filtersLocationIdea4":"an area where you have traveled or would like to travel","filtersLocationIdea5":"all 50 US states","filtersLocationIdea6":"all 6 of the inhabited continents","filtersLocationIdea7":"each of the European nations","filtersLocationIdea8":"historic cemeteries","filtersLocationIdea9":"cemeteries where famous people are buried","filtersLanguagePrompt1":"Only transcribe in languages in which you are proficient.","filtersLanguagePrompt2":"Select the language you would like to transcribe in at this time.","filtersLanguagePrompt3":"If you are proficient in more than one language, you may switch to another language whenever you like.","filtersTypeDescription":"Select the type of transcriptions you would like to do. There are 3 options:","filtersTypePrompt1":"Any: both first and second pass transcriptions","filtersTypePrompt2":"First Pass: the headstone has not been transcribed yet so you will enter the names, dates, and other information into the appropriate fields","filtersTypePrompt3":"Second Pass: someone else has already completed the transcription and you will do a “quality-control” check","filtersReplace":"Select the “reset filters” button to clear the forms of your previous choices.","formSettingsDateOrderPrompt1":"To change the order of the dates, select the dropdown arrow to choose from “Month-Day-Year” or “Day-Month-Year”.","formSettingsDateOrderPrompt2":"“Country Default” means that the date order will automatically be set to the most common way gravestone dates appear in the country where that gravestone is located. You can still change the date order, if you like.","formSettingsAutoCapitalizePrompt1":"Select this box to automatically capitalize names when you are transcribing.","formSettingsShortcutsPrompt1":"Go to the bottom of the transcription form to “form settings”.","formSettingsShortcutsPrompt2":"Select the checkbox next to the word “keyboard shortcuts” to enable the keyboard shortcuts.","formSettingsShortcutsPrompt3":"Keyboard shortcuts are a combination of keys that provide quick access to a particular function without using your mouse.","formSettingsShortcut1":"alt A = Age","formSettingsShortcut2":"alt E = Epitaph","formSettingsShortcut3":"alt H = Show Hebrew Dates","formSettingsShortcut4":"alt M = Military","formSettingsShortcut5":"alt N = Notes","formSettingsShortcut6":"alt O = Others not Buried Here","formSettingsShortcut7":"alt R = Religion","formSettingsShortcut8":"alt S = Save Person","formSettingsShortcut9":"alt + = Zoom In","formSettingsShortcut10":"alt - = Zoom Out","formSettingsShortcut11":"alt \u003c = Go Back","formSettingsShortcut12":"alt \u003e = Go Forward","formSettingsShortcut13":"alt 1-9 = Show linked image # ","imageControls":"Image Controls","rotatingImages":"Rotating Images","rotatingImagesPrompt1":"Selecting the rotation icon will turn the image clockwise 90 degrees.","rotatingImagesPrompt2":"Continue to select the rotation icon to rotate the image until it is upright.","zoomingImages":"Zoom in on the image","zoomingImagesPrompt1":"Select the magnifying glass icons to enlarge or reduce the size of the image.","zoomingImagesPrompt2":"The magnifying glass icon with the plus sign on it will enlarge the image.","zoomingImagesPrompt3":"The magnifying glass icon with the minus sign on it will reduce the size of the image.","zoomingImagesPrompt4":"Alternatively, you may use the wheel on your computer mouse to zoom in or out.","zoomingImagesPrompt5":"Left-click with your mouse and drag to move the image around the screen.","zoomingKeyboardShortcuts":"Keyboard Shortcuts:","zoomingKeyboardShortcuts1":"Zoom In on Image: CTRL + + (you can zoom in multiple times)","zoomingKeyboardShortcuts2":"Zoom Out from Image: CTRL + - (you can zoom out multiple times)","multiframeImages":"Burst Image Controls","multiframeImagesPrompt1":"Select the arrows as needed to adjust the image in the frame.","multiframeImagesPrompt2":"Arrows on the right and left will move the image in those directions.","multiframeImagesPrompt3":"The center icon will return the image to the center of the screen.","reportPhotoQualityPrompt1":"Green and red flags are a way to report image quality.","greenFlag":"Green Flag","greenFlagPrompt1":"If the names and dates are legible, transcribe the information and leave the flag green.","greenFlagPrompt2":"If you can only read part of the name(s) or date(s), transcribe what you can read, and leave the flag green.","greenFlagPrompt3":"If the image is in a language you are not proficient in, leave the flag green but do not transcribe the information. Click on the language icon, select the appropriate language, and skip to the next image.","greenFlagPrompt4":"If the image is not a gravestone but is some other type of genealogical record (such as an obituary, cemetery record, family Bible, birth certificate, etc.), transcribe the record and leave the flag green.","redFlag":"Red Flag","redFlagPrompt1":"If the names and dates are completely unreadable due to poor image quality (too blurry), select “blurry and unreadable” and the flag will turn red.","redFlagPrompt2":"If the gravestone is so worn that it is entirely unreadable, select “worn and unreadable” and the flag will turn red.","redFlagPrompt3":"If the image is of a car, person, or other inappropriate object, select “inappropriate object” and the flag will turn red.","redFlagPrompt4":"If the image is out of frame and has no readable data, select “out of frame and unreadable” and the flag will turn red.","redFlagPrompt5":"If there are is not any information on the gravestone to transcribe, select “no names, dates, or other information to transcribe”.","redFlagPrompt6":"If the image is of a cemetery sign, entrance gate, or cemetery property (rather than a gravestone), select “cemetery sign, entrance gate, or property” and the flag will turn red.","redFlagPrompt7":"If you do not want to transcribe a gravestone, skip it by advancing to the next image but do not red flag it.","agePrompt1":"To add fields for the age at death for this individual to the transcription form, select the “Add More Information” button.","agePrompt2":"If the age does not appear on the gravestone, don’t worry about it. The age will be calculated automatically and will be displayed on the life information page. You do not need to calculate the age."},"secondPassHeadstoneHelp":{"title":"2nd Pass Transcriptions","prompt1":"2nd Pass or “quality-control checks” are transcriptions that someone else has already completed. Select the green checkmark icon if the information is correct. Select the red pencil icon if the information is incorrect and from there you will be able to edit it.","prompt2":"Continue to select the green or red icons in each field and then select the button labeled “save”.","prompt3":"If the 1st Pass transcriber missed information about an additional person on the gravestone, select the button labeled “add person” and another form will appear.","aiTitle":"Transcribed by Artificial Intelligence","aiPrompt1":"Many BillionGraves headstones are being transcribed using artificial intelligence, or “machine learning”. It is a new technology that is still being perfected so it comes with this disclaimer:","aiPrompt2":"If you select the button labeled “reset transcription”, all of the transcripton fields will become blank again. You may then enter the correct information in the appropriate fields and select the button labeled “done”."},"discard":"Discard","keepEditing":"Keep Editing","discardChanges":"Discard Changes","discardChangesPrompt":"You will lose your changes if you continue without saving.","secondPassHeadstoneFaq":{"whatIsTitle":"What is 2nd Pass?","whatIsPrompt":"2nd Pass or “quality-control checks” are transcriptions that someone else has already completed.","correctInfoTitle":"What Should I Do if the Information is Correct?","correctInfoPrompt":"Select the green checkmark icon if the information is correct.","incorrectInfoTitle":"What Should I Do if the Information is Incorrect?","incorrectInfoPrompt":"Select the red pencil icon if the information is incorrect and from there you will be able to edit it.","missingPersonTitle":"What if there is a missing person?","missingPersonPrompt":"If the 1st Pass transcriber missed information about an additional person on the gravestone, select the button labeled “add person” and another form will appear.","differenceTitle":"What is the difference between 1st \u0026 2nd Pass?","differenceFirstListTitle":"1st Pass","differenceFirstList1":"1st Pass is the initial transcription.","differenceFirstList2":"1st Pass is done by human volunteers.","differenceFirstList3":"1st Pass is also done by artificial intelligence.","differenceFirstList4":"1st Pass may only be done on computers or tablets (not on mobile phones).","differenceSecondListTitle":"2nd Pass","differenceSecondList1":"2nd Pass is the “quality control” check for 1st Pass.","differenceSecondList2":"2nd Pass transcriptions are only done by human volunteers.","differenceSecondList3":"2nd Pass transcriptions may be done on iOS or Android smartphones.","differenceSecondList4":"2nd Pass transcriptions may also be done on tablets.","aiWrongTitle":"What should I do if artificial intelligence or a human volunteer transcribed nearly all of the information incorrectly?","aiWrongPrompt1":"Many BillionGraves headstones are being transcribed using artificial intelligence, or “machine learning”. It is a new technology that is still being perfected so it comes with this disclaimer:","aiWrongPrompt2":"If you select the button labeled “reset transcription”, all of the transcripton fields will become blank again. You may then enter the correct information in the appropriate fields and select the button labeled “done”.","chooseSecondPassTitle":"Can I choose whether I want to do 1st Pass or 2nd Pass?","chooseSecondPassPrompt1":"Go to the bottom of the transcription form and select the button labeled “Transcription Filters”. Then select the type of transcriptions you would like to do. There are 3 options:","chooseSecondPassList1":"Any: both first and second pass transcriptions","chooseSecondPassList2":"First Pass: the headstone has not been transcribed yet so you will enter the names, dates, and other information into the appropriate fields","chooseSecondPassList3":"Second Pass: someone else has already completed the transcription and you will do a “quality-control” check","creditTitle":"Will I still get credit for community service or school service hours if I do 2nd Pass instead of 1st Pass?","creditPrompt":"Yes! You will get equal credit whether you do 1st Pass or 2nd Pass."}}},"__N_SSP":true},"page":"/transcribe","query":{},"buildId":"volunteer-5bb44d2aae9f5cf5a13c5ba94d6ba3c829272a0a","assetPrefix":"/_volunteer","runtimeConfig":{"env":"production","domain":"","apiClientLocation":"","apiServerLocation":"","filesLocation":""},"isFallback":false,"gssp":true,"appGip":true,"locale":"en","locales":["en"],"defaultLocale":"en","scriptLoader":[]}</script></body></html>