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padding-top: 8px;"> </center> <p> <hr> <p style="font-size: 160%; text-align: center;"> <b>command line tool and library</b> <br>for transferring data with URLs <br>(since 1998)</p> <div style="float: right; max-width: 10em; margin-left: 40px;"> <div class="sponsors"> <b>Top Sponsors</b> <a href="sponsors.html"> <img class="logo" src="pix/haxx.svg" alt="Haxx"> <img class="logo" src="pix/wolfssl.svg" alt="wolfSSL"> <img class="logo" src="pix/fastly.svg" alt="Fastly"> <img class="logo" src="pix/top/github.svg" alt="GitHub"> <img class="logo" src="pix/top/ibb.svg" alt="IBB"> <img class="logo" src="pix/teamviewer.svg" alt="Teamviewer"> </a> </div> <div class="sidebar-box"> <img style="filter: grayscale(100%); float: right;" src="pix/user.svg" width="30%"> <a href="/support.html"> Commercial support available</a> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </div> <div class="sidebar-box"> <a href="">Everything curl</a> is a free ebook about curl and libcurl <p align="center"> <a href=""><img src="pix/everything-curl.jpg" alt="Everything curl" width="80%"></a> </div> <div class="sidebar-box"> <img style="filter: grayscale(100%); float: right;" src="pix/cash.svg" width="40%"> <a href="/donation.html"> Sponsor curl financially</a> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </div> <div class="sidebar-box"> Video: <a href="">mastering the curl command line tool</a> <p align="center"> <a href=""><img src="pix/mastering.jpg" width="80%"></a> </div> </div> <h2> What is curl used for? </h2> <p> curl is used in command lines or scripts to transfer data. curl is also <b>libcurl</b>, used in cars, television sets, routers, printers, audio equipment, mobile phones, tablets, medical devices, settop boxes, computer games, media players and is the Internet transfer engine for countless software applications in over <i>twenty billion installations</i>. <p> curl is used daily by virtually every Internet-using human on the globe. <h2> curl supports </h2> <table class="supports" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr class="l"><td class="left">Protocols</td> <td class="right"> DICT, FILE, FTP, FTPS, GOPHER, GOPHERS, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP, IMAPS, LDAP, LDAPS, MQTT, POP3, POP3S, RTMP, RTMPS, RTSP, SCP, SFTP, SMB, SMBS, SMTP, SMTPS, TELNET, TFTP, WS, WSS </td></tr> <tr class="r"><td class="left">Proxies</td> <td class="right"> SOCKS4, SOCKS5, HTTP, HTTPS (HTTP/1 and HTTP/2), tunneling, via unix domain sockets, haproxy, SOCKS+HTTP proxy chain</td></tr> <tr class="l"><td class="left">HTTP</td> <td class="right">GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, multipart formpost, HTTP/0.9, HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2 (h2c, h2, prior knowledge), HTTP/3 (dual connect h1/h2 + h3 or h3-only), HSTS, Alt-Svc, cookies, PSL, etags, transfer compression, ranges, custom headers, custom method, follow redirects</td></tr> <tr class="r"><td class="left">FTP</td> <td class="right">IPv6 (EPRT, EPSV), STLS, upload/download, append, range, passive/active, kerberos, directory listing, custom commands</td></tr> <tr class="l"><td class="left">SCP + SFTP</td> <td class="right">known hosts, md5/sha256 fingerprint, compression, upload/download, directory listing</td></tr> <tr class="r"><td class="left">TLS</td> <td class="right"> 1.0 - 1.3, mutual authentication, STARTTLS, OCSP stapling, ECH, False Start, key pinning, PQC ready, session resumption, early data</td></tr> <tr class="l"><td class="left">Auth</td> <td class="right">Basic, Plain, Digest, CRAM-MD5, SCRAM-SHA, NTLM, Negotiate, Kerberos, Bearer tokens, AWS Sigv4, SASL, .netrc</td></tr> <tr class="r"><td class="left">HTTP Compression</td> <td class="right">gzip, brotli and zstd</td></tr> <tr class="l"><td class="left">Name resolving</td> <td class="right">DNS-over-HTTPS, custom address for host, name+port redirect, custom DNS servers, DNS caching</td></tr> <tr class="r"><td class="left">Connection</td> <td class="right">connection reuse, Interface binding, Happy Eyeballs, IPv4/IPv6-only, unix domain sockets, TCP keepalive, TCP Fast Open, TCP Nodelay, MPTCP, VLAN priority, IP Type Of Service</td></tr> <tr class="l"><td class="left">Transfers</td> <td class="right">transfer rate limiting, request rate limiting, stall detection, retries, timeouts</td></tr> <tr class="r"><td class="left">URLs</td> <td class="right">Unlimited amount, parallel and serial transfers, globbing</td></tr> <tr class="l"><td class="left">Output</td> <td class="right">IDN hostnames, custom info from transfer, metadata as JSON, per content-disposition, libcurl source code, bold headers</td></tr> </table> <h2> Who makes curl? </h2> <p> curl is free and <a href="docs/copyright.html" title="curl and libcurl are licensed under a MIT/X derivate license">open source</a> software and exists thanks to <a href="docs/thanks.html" title="over 3,000 named contributors">thousands of contributors</a> and our awesome <a href="/sponsors.html">sponsors</a>. The curl project <a title="Adheres to the Core Intrastructure Initiative's listed best practices at Gold level" href="">follows well established open source best practices</a>. You too can <a href="docs/help-us.html">help us</a> improve! <h2> What is the latest curl? </h2> <p> The most recent stable version is <b>8.12.1</b>, released on 2025-02-13. Currently, 96 of the listed <a href="download.html" title="Binary download packages for your platform!">downloads</a> are of the latest version. <h2> Where is the code? </h2> <p> Check out the latest <a href="" title="git clone the curl code">source code from GitHub</a>. </div> </div> </body> </html>