LISTSERV - Help for Logging In - LISTS.PSU.EDU
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Your account identification is always your email address, and your password merely confirms that you are the owner of that email address.</p> <p>Privileges associated with each account are tied to the email address. Site administrators can assign certain privileges, such as list ownership, to certain addresses. List owners can assign list-specific privileges to certain addresses. For example, a list owner may decide that the list archives are to be accessible only by list subscribers. Anyone trying to view the archives is required to log in and if the email address used for logging in is not subscribed to the list, access will be denied. Thus, registering an account does not grant you any special privileges on the LISTSERV server. It merely allows you to use the LISTSERV web interface to perform the tasks that have been granted to your email address by the site administrator or the list owner.</p> <h3>Logging In</h3> <p>To log in, please enter your email address and your LISTSERV password (<b>not</b> the password you use to log in to your computer or read your mail), and click on the "<b>Log In</b>" button.</p> <p>If this is the first time you see this prompt, or if you have forgotten your password, you will need to get a new LISTSERV password first.</p> <p>For your convenience, logging in defines a cookie in your browser, which is removed when you log off. If you are working from a public computer, you <b>must</b> remember to log off when you are done, or someone else will be able to use your account. On a private computer, you can set the cookie once and never need to log off. Although not recommended, it is still possible to log in with cookies disabled in the browser. In such a case, a temporary ticket, which will expire after a short time, will be issued, after which you will need to log in again.</p> <h3>Registering LISTSERV Password</h3> <p>To register a LISTSERV password, please enter your email address and the desired password, then click on the "<b>Register Password</b>" button. If you already had a LISTSERV password but cannot remember what it was, this procedure will automatically replace your existing password with the new one. The password must be at least 6 characters long.</p> <p>For your protection, when registering a password, the password is not immediately activated. To activate your password, simply follow the instructions in the confirmation email sent to you. Please wait until you receive a message from LISTSERV saying <i>"Your new password was registered successfully"</i> before trying to use it with the web interface.</p> <h3>Changing LISTSERV Password</h3> <p>To change your LISTSERV password, please enter your email address, your current LISTSERV password, the password you would like to change it to, and then click on the "<b>Change Password</b>" button. The password must be at least 6 characters long.</p> <hr /> <p><a href="" target="_blank">LISTSERV</a> is L-Soft's industry-standard email list management software, originally developed by <a href="" target="_blank">Eric Thomas</a> in 1986. See the <a href="" target="_blank">LISTSERV Manuals</a> for complete documentation.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">LISTSERV® is a registered trademark</a>. The trademark identifies LISTSERV® as a brand of email list management software developed by <span class="nowrap">L-Soft</span>.</p> <div class="right"><input type="button" value="Close" onclick="window.close()" /></div> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </body> </html>