City of Orlando - 3440 updates — Nextdoor — Nextdoor
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If you have concerns in your neighborhood, please contact us directly.. Phone Number: 407.246.2121. 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id="page-about-view"></div> <form id="report_issue_view" class="modal hide"></form> </div> <div class="bottom-container"> <div class="section"> <h4 class="section-heading">Activity</h4> <div id="nf_stories"> <div class="media js-media-post" id="s_383702637" data-class="whole-story" data-story-id="383702637" data-nearby-post="false" data-topic-ids='[18492]' > <div class="media-object js-profile-menu-init"> <a data-class="linked-name" data-id="5311609" href="/profile/5311609/"> <img width="80" class="avatar circular" src="" alt="Picture of Neighborhood Resource Specialist Jennifer Chapin" /> </a> </div> <span hidden class="post-share-id">6CDT2PD_Jknx"</span><div class="media-body" id="b_383702637"> <div class="js-post-main-content-area"> <div id="edit_383702637" data-attachments='{"0": {"resource_id": "us1*post_photos/36/cd/36cd6f409b2c9fb69a64982ea3ba0b3f.jpg", "url": ""}}'> <h4 class="media-heading" id="a_383702637"> <span id="subject_383702637" data-subject="There will be a full road closure on Anderson Street between Woods Avenue and Boston Avenue on Saturday, February 15, 2025 from 8:30 a." class="subject"> <a href="/city/post/383702637/">There will be a full road closure on Anderson Street between Woods Avenue and Boston Avenue on Saturday, February 15, 2025 from 8:30 a.</a> </span> </h4> <h5 class="media-author"> <span class="user-name js-profile-menu-init"><a data-class="linked-name" data-id="5311609" href="/profile/5311609/">Neighborhood Resource Specialist Jennifer Chapin</a></span> from <a href="/agency/686053/"> City of Orlando </a> <span class="timestamp"> <span class="timestamp_bookmark" data-utc="2025-02-12T20:12:53">· 4 days ago</span> <span id="bm_icon_383702637" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <div data-url="" data-photo-viewer-group="gallery-383702637" data-contentid="383702637" data-contenttype="post" class="js-photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-data media-thumbnail "> <img src="" alt="Photo from Neighborhood Resource Specialist Jennifer C."/> </div> <p id="message_383702637" data-class="post-content" data-story="m. until 3 p.m. for sanitary sewer repair work." data-links="{}"> m. until 3 p.m. for sanitary sewer repair work. <div class="metadata"> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">4 days ago</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">·</span> Subscribers of City of Orlando in <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-post" data-id="383702637">1 neighborhood</a> <span id="topic_list_383702637"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_383702637"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="media js-media-post" id="s_383644224" data-class="whole-story" data-story-id="383644224" data-nearby-post="false" data-topic-ids='[18492]' > <div class="media-object js-profile-menu-init"> <a data-class="linked-name" data-id="5311609" href="/profile/5311609/"> <img width="80" class="avatar circular" src="" alt="Picture of Neighborhood Resource Specialist Jennifer Chapin" /> </a> </div> <span hidden class="post-share-id">xKQc6FpBtXBG"</span><div class="media-body" id="b_383644224"> <div class="js-post-main-content-area"> <div id="edit_383644224" data-attachments='{"0": {"resource_id": "us1*post_photos/02/5a/025abf9c84426a8e1a2e938d33e29513.jpg", "url": ""}}'> <h4 class="media-heading" id="a_383644224"> <span id="subject_383644224" data-subject="The intersection of Universal Boulevard and Carrier Drive will be closed for installation of a new storm system." class="subject"> <a href="/city/post/383644224/">The intersection of Universal Boulevard and Carrier Drive will be closed for installation of a new storm system.</a> </span> </h4> <h5 class="media-author"> <span class="user-name js-profile-menu-init"><a data-class="linked-name" data-id="5311609" href="/profile/5311609/">Neighborhood Resource Specialist Jennifer Chapin</a></span> from <a href="/agency/686053/"> City of Orlando </a> <span class="timestamp"> <span class="timestamp_bookmark" data-utc="2025-02-12T14:42:17">· 4 days ago</span> <span id="bm_icon_383644224" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <div data-url="" data-photo-viewer-group="gallery-383644224" data-contentid="383644224" data-contenttype="post" class="js-photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-data media-thumbnail "> <img src="" alt="Photo from Neighborhood Resource Specialist Jennifer C."/> </div> <p id="message_383644224" data-class="post-content" data-story="This work is scheduled starting Monday, February 17 until Wednesday, April 30, 2025." data-links="{}"> This work is scheduled starting Monday, February 17 until Wednesday, April 30, 2025. <div class="metadata"> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">4 days ago</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">·</span> Subscribers of City of Orlando in <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-post" data-id="383644224">1 neighborhood</a> <span id="topic_list_383644224"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_383644224"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="media js-media-post" id="s_383510280" data-class="whole-story" data-story-id="383510280" data-nearby-post="false" data-topic-ids='[18492]' > <div class="media-object js-profile-menu-init"> <a data-class="linked-name" data-id="5311609" href="/profile/5311609/"> <img width="80" class="avatar circular" src="" alt="Picture of Neighborhood Resource Specialist Jennifer Chapin" /> </a> </div> <span hidden class="post-share-id">MHxwzQtPbf3f"</span><div class="media-body" id="b_383510280"> <div class="js-post-main-content-area"> <div id="edit_383510280" data-attachments='{"0": {"resource_id": "us1*post_photos/b3/b2/b3b2f070da9ce17a7ca7f8c029a9a35b.jpg", "url": ""}}'> <h4 class="media-heading" id="a_383510280"> <span id="subject_383510280" data-subject="There will be a full sidewalk and road closure on Upper Park Road between Oak Street and Wardell Place in the Baldwin Park area for a roofing project." class="subject"> <a href="/city/post/383510280/">There will be a full sidewalk and road closure on Upper Park Road between Oak Street and Wardell Place in the Baldwin Park area for a roofing project.</a> </span> </h4> <h5 class="media-author"> <span class="user-name js-profile-menu-init"><a data-class="linked-name" data-id="5311609" href="/profile/5311609/">Neighborhood Resource Specialist Jennifer Chapin</a></span> from <a href="/agency/686053/"> City of Orlando </a> <span class="timestamp"> <span class="timestamp_bookmark" data-utc="2025-02-11T18:19:06">· 5 days ago</span> <span id="bm_icon_383510280" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <div data-url="" data-photo-viewer-group="gallery-383510280" data-contentid="383510280" data-contenttype="post" class="js-photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-data media-thumbnail "> <img src="" alt="Photo from Neighborhood Resource Specialist Jennifer C."/> </div> <p id="message_383510280" data-class="post-content" data-story="This work is scheduled starting, Wednesday, February 12 through Friday, March 7, 2025 from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. daily." data-links="{}"> This work is scheduled starting, Wednesday, February 12 through Friday, March 7, 2025 from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. daily. <div class="metadata"> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">Edited 4 days ago 路 Posted Feb 11, 2025</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">·</span> Subscribers of City of Orlando in <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-post" data-id="383510280">1 neighborhood</a> <span id="topic_list_383510280"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_383510280"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="media js-media-post" id="s_383508188" data-class="whole-story" data-story-id="383508188" data-nearby-post="false" data-topic-ids='[18492]' > <div class="media-object js-profile-menu-init"> <a data-class="linked-name" data-id="5073365" href="/profile/5073365/"> <img width="80" class="avatar circular" src="" alt="Picture of Neighborhood Relations Supervisor Cindy Light" /> </a> </div> <span hidden class="post-share-id">mckzPYBHmD9z"</span><div class="media-body" id="b_383508188"> <div class="js-post-main-content-area"> <div id="edit_383508188" data-attachments='{"0": {"resource_id": "us1*post_photos/af/3f/af3f78d1aa4dedfc2fbb9d9074ead069.jpg", "url": ""}}'> <h4 class="media-heading" id="a_383508188"> <span id="subject_383508188" data-subject="150th Anniversary of the City of Orlando" class="subject"> <a href="/city/post/383508188/">150th Anniversary of the City of Orlando</a> </span> </h4> <h5 class="media-author"> <span class="user-name js-profile-menu-init"><a data-class="linked-name" data-id="5073365" href="/profile/5073365/">Neighborhood Relations Supervisor Cindy Light</a></span> from <a href="/agency/686053/"> City of Orlando </a> <span class="timestamp"> <span class="timestamp_bookmark" data-utc="2025-02-11T18:07:00">· 5 days ago</span> <span id="bm_icon_383508188" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <div data-url="" data-photo-viewer-group="gallery-383508188" data-contentid="383508188" data-contenttype="post" class="js-photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-data media-thumbnail "> <img src="" alt="Photo from Neighborhood Relations Supervisor Cindy L."/> </div> <p id="message_383508188" data-class="post-content" data-story="As part of our year long celebration of the city's 150th anniversary we want you to share your Orlando history with us. Whether it's beautiful architecture of your family's old Florida home, the legacy of a local business, a cherished memory from an Orlando event or experience, or a glimpse into the city's vibrant cultural community, we want to hear from you. Share your written narratives, photographs, articles, newspaper clippings, and any other materials that tell the story of your Orlando. Your contributions will be featured on our community history board throughout the year." data-links="{}"> As part of our year long celebration of the city's 150th anniversary we want you to share your Orlando history with us. <br/> <br/> Whether it's beautiful architecture of your family's old Florida home, the legacy of a local business, a cherished memory from an Orlando event or experience, or a glimpse into the city's vibrant cultural community, we want to hear from you.<br/> <br/> Share your written narratives, photographs, articles, newspaper clippings, and any other materials that tell the story of your Orlando. Your contributions will be featured on our community history board throughout the year.<br/> <br/> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a> <div class="metadata"> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">5 days ago</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">·</span> Subscribers of <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-agency-post" data-id="383508188">City of Orlando</a> <span id="topic_list_383508188"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_383508188"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="media js-media-post" id="s_383484059" data-class="whole-story" data-story-id="383484059" data-nearby-post="false" data-topic-ids='[18492]' > <div class="media-object js-profile-menu-init"> <a data-class="linked-name" data-id="5073365" href="/profile/5073365/"> <img width="80" class="avatar circular" src="" alt="Picture of Neighborhood Relations Supervisor Cindy Light" /> </a> </div> <span hidden class="post-share-id">LPYCJcJzyZzD"</span><div class="media-body" id="b_383484059"> <div class="js-post-main-content-area"> <div id="edit_383484059" data-attachments='{"0": {"resource_id": "us1*post_photos/0f/3c/0f3cf7f02893aa57cfa97ea1d8ce8e98.jpg", "url": ""}}'> <h4 class="media-heading" id="a_383484059"> <span id="subject_383484059" data-subject="Tonight!" class="subject"> <a href="/city/post/383484059/">Tonight!</a> </span> </h4> <h5 class="media-author"> <span class="user-name js-profile-menu-init"><a data-class="linked-name" data-id="5073365" href="/profile/5073365/">Neighborhood Relations Supervisor Cindy Light</a></span> from <a href="/agency/686053/"> City of Orlando </a> <span class="timestamp"> <span class="timestamp_bookmark" data-utc="2025-02-11T15:50:02">· 5 days ago</span> <span id="bm_icon_383484059" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <div data-url="" data-photo-viewer-group="gallery-383484059" data-contentid="383484059" data-contenttype="post" class="js-photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-data media-thumbnail "> <img src="" alt="Photo from Neighborhood Relations Supervisor Cindy L."/> </div> <p id="message_383484059" data-class="post-content" data-story="Celebrate Black History Month with us at the City of Orlando's annual Community Celebration Event. Join Mayor Dyer and City Commissioners for a screening of the GOSPEL docuseries and to enjoy live entertainment, delicious food, and a special performance by City Beautiful Voices, a choir featuring city employees. Tuesday, February 11 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. New Covenant Baptist Church of Orlando 2210 South Rio Grande Ave This free event honors the lasting contributions and positive influence of African Americans in our Central Florida community." data-links="{}"> Celebrate Black History Month with us at the City of Orlando's annual Community Celebration Event. <br/> <br/> Join Mayor Dyer and City Commissioners for a screening of the GOSPEL docuseries and to enjoy live entertainment, delicious food, and a special performance by City Beautiful Voices, a choir featuring city employees.<br/> <br/> Tuesday, February 11<br/> 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.<br/> New Covenant Baptist Church of Orlando<br/> 2210 South Rio Grande Ave<br/> <br/> This free event honors the lasting contributions and positive influence of African Americans in our Central Florida community. <div class="metadata"> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">5 days ago</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">·</span> Subscribers of City of Orlando in <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-area-post" data-id="383484059">2 areas</a> <span id="topic_list_383484059"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_383484059"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="media js-media-post" id="s_383463999" data-class="whole-story" data-story-id="383463999" data-nearby-post="false" data-topic-ids='[18492]' > <div class="media-object js-profile-menu-init"> <a data-class="linked-name" data-id="5311609" href="/profile/5311609/"> <img width="80" class="avatar circular" src="" alt="Picture of Neighborhood Resource Specialist Jennifer Chapin" /> </a> </div> <span hidden class="post-share-id">w4NQMpS-ZycJ"</span><div class="media-body" id="b_383463999"> <div class="js-post-main-content-area"> <div id="edit_383463999" data-attachments='{"0": {"resource_id": "us1*post_photos/cf/e0/cfe0d90e62d7cbcf742df4f43693a3cb.jpg", "url": ""}}'> <h4 class="media-heading" id="a_383463999"> <span id="subject_383463999" data-subject="Milk Mart event" class="subject"> <a href="/city/post/383463999/">Milk Mart event</a> </span> </h4> <h5 class="media-author"> <span class="user-name js-profile-menu-init"><a data-class="linked-name" data-id="5311609" href="/profile/5311609/">Neighborhood Resource Specialist Jennifer Chapin</a></span> from <a href="/agency/686053/"> City of Orlando </a> <span class="timestamp"> <span class="timestamp_bookmark" data-utc="2025-02-11T13:29:35">· 5 days ago</span> <span id="bm_icon_383463999" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <div data-url="" data-photo-viewer-group="gallery-383463999" data-contentid="383463999" data-contenttype="post" class="js-photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-data media-thumbnail "> <img src="" alt="Photo from Neighborhood Resource Specialist Jennifer C."/> </div> <p id="message_383463999" data-class="post-content" data-story="Sunday, February 16, 2025 To safely host the Milk Mart event, the following roads will be closed from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m: Bumby Avenue between Robinson Street and Whiskey Lou鈥檚 (excluding two access lanes for Mosaic Hair Studio) Jefferson Street from Bumby Avenue to the end of Milkhouse. All street closures and listed times are subject to change based upon prevailing or unexpected conditions. Please follow posted detours while traveling in the area. Orlando Police Department will be along the route to assist with traffic." data-links="{}"> Sunday, February 16, 2025<br/> <br/> To safely host the Milk Mart event, the following roads will be closed from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m:<br/> Bumby Avenue between Robinson Street and Whiskey Lou鈥檚 (excluding two access lanes for Mosaic Hair Studio) Jefferson Street from Bumby Avenue to the end of Milkhouse.<br/> <br/> All street closures and listed times are subject to change based upon prevailing or unexpected conditions. Please follow posted detours while traveling in the area. Orlando Police Department will be along the route to assist with traffic. <div class="metadata"> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">Edited 5 days ago 路 Posted Feb 11, 2025</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">·</span> Subscribers of City of Orlando in <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-post" data-id="383463999">2 neighborhoods</a> <span id="topic_list_383463999"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_383463999"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="media js-media-post" id="s_383463026" data-class="whole-story" data-story-id="383463026" data-nearby-post="false" data-topic-ids='[18492]' > <div class="media-object js-profile-menu-init"> <a data-class="linked-name" data-id="5311609" href="/profile/5311609/"> <img width="80" class="avatar circular" src="" alt="Picture of Neighborhood Resource Specialist Jennifer Chapin" /> </a> </div> <span hidden class="post-share-id">dPG3qpGqtNjF"</span><div class="media-body" id="b_383463026"> <div class="js-post-main-content-area"> <div id="edit_383463026" data-attachments='{"0": {"resource_id": "us1*post_photos/58/09/5809f7ca646b8d75fe7183155c77c816.jpg", "url": ""}}'> <h4 class="media-heading" id="a_383463026"> <span id="subject_383463026" data-subject="Wells Street closed between Hage Way and Mable Butler Avenue" class="subject"> <a href="/city/post/383463026/">Wells Street closed between Hage Way and Mable Butler Avenue</a> </span> </h4> <h5 class="media-author"> <span class="user-name js-profile-menu-init"><a data-class="linked-name" data-id="5311609" href="/profile/5311609/">Neighborhood Resource Specialist Jennifer Chapin</a></span> from <a href="/agency/686053/"> City of Orlando </a> <span class="timestamp"> <span class="timestamp_bookmark" data-utc="2025-02-11T13:20:34">· 5 days ago</span> <span id="bm_icon_383463026" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <div data-url="" data-photo-viewer-group="gallery-383463026" data-contentid="383463026" data-contenttype="post" class="js-photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-data media-thumbnail "> <img src="" alt="Photo from Neighborhood Resource Specialist Jennifer C."/> </div> <p id="message_383463026" data-class="post-content" data-story="Traffic Impacts: There will be a full road closure on Wells Street between Hage Way and Mable Butler Avenue on Thursday, February 13, 2025 from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. for sanitary sewer repair work." data-links="{}"> Traffic Impacts:<br/> There will be a full road closure on Wells Street between Hage Way and Mable Butler Avenue on Thursday, February 13, 2025 from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. for sanitary sewer repair work. <div class="metadata"> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">5 days ago</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">·</span> Subscribers of City of Orlando in <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-post" data-id="383463026">1 neighborhood</a> <span id="topic_list_383463026"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_383463026"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="media js-media-post" id="s_383355345" data-class="whole-story" data-story-id="383355345" data-nearby-post="false" data-topic-ids='[18492]' > <div class="media-object js-profile-menu-init"> <a data-class="linked-name" data-id="86982975" href="/profile/86982975/"> <img class="avatar circular" src="" alt="Public Outreach Coordinator - Streets and Stormwater Hannah Yucht has no photo" /> </a> </div> <span hidden class="post-share-id">M86MnChDMx5Z"</span><div class="media-body" id="b_383355345"> <div class="js-post-main-content-area"> <div id="edit_383355345" data-attachments='{}'> <h4 class="media-heading" id="a_383355345"> <span id="subject_383355345" data-subject="February 10, 2025" class="subject"> <a href="/city/post/383355345/">February 10, 2025</a> </span> </h4> <h5 class="media-author"> <span class="user-name js-profile-menu-init"><a data-class="linked-name" data-id="86982975" href="/profile/86982975/">Public Outreach Coordinator - Streets and Stormwater Hannah Yucht</a></span> from <a href="/agency/686053/"> City of Orlando </a> <span class="timestamp"> <span class="timestamp_bookmark" data-utc="2025-02-10T20:08:51">· 6 days ago</span> <span id="bm_icon_383355345" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <p id="message_383355345" data-class="post-content" data-story="CITY OF ORLANDO - LAKE ADVISORY for Lake Formosa To address citizen concerns related to water quality, the City of Orlando's Streets and Stormwater Division has developed a Lake Alert public information system to provide seasonal and localized warnings for City of Orlando lakes. An announcement has been provided below regarding the lake(s) where water quality has been a concern. The City of Orlando is issuing a Lake Advisory for Lake Formosa due to a harmful algal bloom. LOCATION: Lake Formosa On February 5, 2025, The Florida Department of Environmental Protection retrieved water samples from Lake Highland and detected the presence of toxins deemed potentially unsafe per standards set by the Florida Department of Health. As a health precaution, the Florida Department of Health advises that water contact activities, including irrigation, associated with Lake Formosa cease until further notice. Harmful algal blooms are the result of rapid growth of algae. There are many contributing factors that fuel algal blooms, but you can help prevent them by reducing fertilizer use on your lawn, picking up pet waste, and planting native plants. You can learn more about harmful algal blooms here: The official toxin determination is obtained from Florida Department of Environmental Protection鈥檚 (FDEP) data, and until the levels are deemed safe by state standards, the Lake Advisory will remain in effect as per the Florida Department of Health. You can learn more on FDEP's Algal Bloom Dashboard here: To report a bloom to FDEP online you can visit or call the toll-free hotline at 855.305.3903 For water quality questions, please contact Lisa Lotti, Stormwater Compliance Program Manager, at" data-links="{"description": "Learn more about harmful algal blooms.", "display_url": "", "image_key": "", "image_url": "", "original_url": "", "title": "Harmful Algal Bloom FAQs", "url": ""}"> CITY OF ORLANDO - LAKE ADVISORY for Lake Formosa<br/> <br/> To address citizen concerns related to water quality, the City of Orlando's Streets and Stormwater Division has developed a Lake Alert public information system to provide seasonal and localized warnings for City of Orlando lakes. An announcement has been provided below regarding the lake(s) where water quality has been a concern.<br/> <br/> The City of Orlando is issuing a Lake Advisory for Lake Formosa due to a harmful algal bloom.<br/> <br/> LOCATION: Lake Formosa<br/> <br/> On February 5, 2025, The Florida Department of Environmental Protection retrieved water samples from Lake Highland and detected the presence of toxins deemed potentially unsafe per standards set by the Florida Department of Health. As a health precaution, the Florida Department of Health advises that water contact activities, including irrigation, associated with Lake Formosa cease until further notice.<br/> <br/> Harmful algal blooms are the result of rapid growth of algae. There are many contributing factors that fuel algal blooms, but you can help prevent them by reducing fertilizer use on your lawn, picking up pet waste, and planting native plants. You can learn more about harmful algal blooms here: <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a>.<br/> <br/> The official toxin determination is obtained from Florida Department of Environmental Protection鈥檚 (FDEP) data, and until the levels are deemed safe by state standards, the Lake Advisory will remain in effect as per the Florida Department of Health. You can learn more on FDEP's Algal Bloom Dashboard here: <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a><br/> <br/> To report a bloom to FDEP online you can visit <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a> or call the toll-free hotline at 855.305.3903<br/> <br/> For water quality questions, please contact Lisa Lotti, Stormwater Compliance Program Manager, at <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a>. <div class="metadata"> <div class="linkbox-container"> <a href="" class="linkbox-link" data-story-id=383355345 target="_blank"> <div class="linkbox-content with-description"> <div class="linkbox-content-title">Harmful Algal Bloom FAQs</div> <div class="linkbox-content-description">Learn more about harmful algal blooms.</div> <div class="linkbox-content-url"></div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">6 days ago</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">·</span> Subscribers of City of Orlando in <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-post" data-id="383355345">1 neighborhood</a> <span id="topic_list_383355345"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_383355345"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="media js-media-post" id="s_383354007" data-class="whole-story" data-story-id="383354007" data-nearby-post="false" data-topic-ids='[18492]' > <div class="media-object js-profile-menu-init"> <a data-class="linked-name" data-id="86982975" href="/profile/86982975/"> <img class="avatar circular" src="" alt="Public Outreach Coordinator - Streets and Stormwater Hannah Yucht has no photo" /> </a> </div> <span hidden class="post-share-id">9gYxbc6MfrH2"</span><div class="media-body" id="b_383354007"> <div class="js-post-main-content-area"> <div id="edit_383354007" data-attachments='{}'> <h4 class="media-heading" id="a_383354007"> <span id="subject_383354007" data-subject="CITY OF ORLANDO - LAKE ADVISORY for Lake Highland" class="subject"> <a href="/city/post/383354007/">CITY OF ORLANDO - LAKE ADVISORY for Lake Highland</a> </span> </h4> <h5 class="media-author"> <span class="user-name js-profile-menu-init"><a data-class="linked-name" data-id="86982975" href="/profile/86982975/">Public Outreach Coordinator - Streets and Stormwater Hannah Yucht</a></span> from <a href="/agency/686053/"> City of Orlando </a> <span class="timestamp"> <span class="timestamp_bookmark" data-utc="2025-02-10T20:01:31">· 6 days ago</span> <span id="bm_icon_383354007" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <p id="message_383354007" data-class="post-content" data-story="To address citizen concerns related to water quality, the City of Orlando's Streets and Stormwater Division has developed a Lake Alert public information system to provide seasonal and localized warnings for City of Orlando lakes. An announcement has been provided below regarding the lake(s) where water quality has been a concern. The City of Orlando is issuing a Lake Advisory for Lake Highland due to a harmful algal bloom. LOCATION: Lake Highland On February 5, 2025, The Florida Department of Environmental Protection retrieved water samples from Lake Highland and detected the presence of toxins deemed potentially unsafe per standards set by the Florida Department of Health. As a health precaution, the Florida Department of Health advises that water contact activities, including irrigation, associated with Lake Highland cease until further notice. Harmful algal blooms are the result of rapid growth of algae. There are many contributing factors that fuel algal blooms, but you can help prevent them by reducing fertilizer use on your lawn, picking up pet waste, and planting native plants. You can learn more about harmful algal blooms here: The official toxin determination is obtained from Florida Department of Environmental Protection鈥檚 (FDEP) data, and until the levels are deemed safe by state standards, the Lake Advisory will remain in effect as per the Florida Department of Health. You can learn more on FDEP's Algal Bloom Dashboard here: To report a bloom to FDEP online you can visit or call the toll-free hotline at 855.305.3903 For water quality questions, please contact Lisa Lotti, Stormwater Compliance Program Manager, at" data-links="{"description": "Learn more about harmful algal blooms.", "display_url": "", "image_key": "", "image_url": "", "original_url": "", "title": "Harmful Algal Bloom FAQs", "url": ""}"> To address citizen concerns related to water quality, the City of Orlando's Streets and Stormwater Division has developed a Lake Alert public information system to provide seasonal and localized warnings for City of Orlando lakes. An announcement has been provided below regarding the lake(s) where water quality has been a concern.<br/> <br/> The City of Orlando is issuing a Lake Advisory for Lake Highland due to a harmful algal bloom.<br/> <br/> LOCATION: Lake Highland<br/> <br/> On February 5, 2025, The Florida Department of Environmental Protection retrieved water samples from Lake Highland and detected the presence of toxins deemed potentially unsafe per standards set by the Florida Department of Health. As a health precaution, the Florida Department of Health advises that water contact activities, including irrigation, associated with Lake Highland cease until further notice. <br/> <br/> Harmful algal blooms are the result of rapid growth of algae. There are many contributing factors that fuel algal blooms, but you can help prevent them by reducing fertilizer use on your lawn, picking up pet waste, and planting native plants. You can learn more about harmful algal blooms here: <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a>. <br/> <br/> The official toxin determination is obtained from Florida Department of Environmental Protection鈥檚 (FDEP) data, and until the levels are deemed safe by state standards, the Lake Advisory will remain in effect as per the Florida Department of Health. You can learn more on FDEP's Algal Bloom Dashboard here: <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a> <br/> <br/> To report a bloom to FDEP online you can visit <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a> or call the toll-free hotline at 855.305.3903 <br/> <br/> For water quality questions, please contact Lisa Lotti, Stormwater Compliance Program Manager, at <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""></a>. <div class="metadata"> <div class="linkbox-container"> <a href="" class="linkbox-link" data-story-id=383354007 target="_blank"> <div class="linkbox-content with-description"> <div class="linkbox-content-title">Harmful Algal Bloom FAQs</div> <div class="linkbox-content-description">Learn more about harmful algal blooms.</div> <div class="linkbox-content-url"></div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">6 days ago</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">·</span> Subscribers of City of Orlando in <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-post" data-id="383354007">3 neighborhoods</a> <span id="topic_list_383354007"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_383354007"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="media js-media-post" id="s_383339542" data-class="whole-story" data-story-id="383339542" data-nearby-post="false" data-topic-ids='[18492]' > <div class="media-object js-profile-menu-init"> <a data-class="linked-name" data-id="5311609" href="/profile/5311609/"> <img width="80" class="avatar circular" src="" alt="Picture of Neighborhood Resource Specialist Jennifer Chapin" /> </a> </div> <span hidden class="post-share-id">RT7-Ggm42j7f"</span><div class="media-body" id="b_383339542"> <div class="js-post-main-content-area"> <div id="edit_383339542" data-attachments='{"0": {"resource_id": "us1*post_photos/59/d7/59d7f082d7ec9c78d20254a33bbbd25d.jpg", "url": ""}}'> <h4 class="media-heading" id="a_383339542"> <span id="subject_383339542" data-subject="Fern Creek Avenue closed between Robinson Street and Jefferson Street" class="subject"> <a href="/city/post/383339542/">Fern Creek Avenue closed between Robinson Street and Jefferson Street</a> </span> </h4> <h5 class="media-author"> <span class="user-name js-profile-menu-init"><a data-class="linked-name" data-id="5311609" href="/profile/5311609/">Neighborhood Resource Specialist Jennifer Chapin</a></span> from <a href="/agency/686053/"> City of Orlando </a> <span class="timestamp"> <span class="timestamp_bookmark" data-utc="2025-02-10T18:40:48">· 6 days ago</span> <span id="bm_icon_383339542" class="hide ss-bookmark bookmark_icon bookmark_old"></span> </span> </h5> <div data-url="" data-photo-viewer-group="gallery-383339542" data-contentid="383339542" data-contenttype="post" class="js-photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-thumbnail photo-viewer-data media-thumbnail "> <img src="" alt="Photo from Neighborhood Resource Specialist Jennifer C."/> </div> <p id="message_383339542" data-class="post-content" data-story="Traffic Impacts: There will be a full road and sidewalk closure on N. Fern Creek Avenue between E. Robinson Street and E. Jefferson Street on Saturday, February 15, 2025 from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. for installation of a new utility pole." data-links="{}"> Traffic Impacts:<br/> There will be a full road and sidewalk closure on N. Fern Creek Avenue between E. Robinson Street and E. Jefferson Street on Saturday, February 15, 2025 from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. for installation of a new utility pole. <div class="metadata"> </div> </p> <div class="media-scope"> <span class="content-scope-line-date">Edited 6 days ago 路 Posted Feb 10, 2025</span> <span class="content-scope-line-middot" aria-hidden="true">·</span> Subscribers of City of Orlando in <a href="javascript:void(0);" data-toggle="map-modal" data-target="#nearby-neighborhoods-map-modal" data-type="city-post" data-id="383339542">1 neighborhood</a> <span id="topic_list_383339542"> <span data-class="topics-label"> in General</span> </span> </div> <div class="media-actions" id="bl_383339542"> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/neighborhood/choose_address/"> <span data-class="label">Thank</span> </a> </span> <span> <a class="btn btn-mini" href="/" > <span data-class="label">Reply</span> </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="feed-invite-prompt hide"> <div class="feed-invite-shadow"></div> <div class="feed-invite-container"> <div class="feed-invite-headline"> Want to see more? 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If you have concerns in your neighborhood, please contact us directly.", "background_photo_url": "", "info_bar_photo_url": null, "avatar_photo_url": "", "category": 3, "page_status": 1, "url_slug": "city-of-orlando-office-of-communications-neighborhood-relations", "feature_set": {"is_recommendable": false, "is_private_messageable": true, "is_subscribable": true, "is_advertiser": null}, "public_inbox_id": null, "private_inbox_id": null, "google_place_id": "", "html_attributions": [], "partnership_name": "", "license_id": "", "department": "", "progress_status": 0, "city": "Orlando", "state": "FL", "display_state": 1, "is_test": false, "limit_message": false, "announced": 1, "creation_source": 0, "is_municipal_page": true, "phone_number": "407.246.2121", "display_email": "", "public_url": "", "location": {"full_address": "400 S Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32801", "short_address": "400 S Orange Ave", "street_number": "400", "route": "S Orange Ave", "zipcode": "32801", "city": "Orlando", "state": "FL", "centroid": {"latitude": 28.53750539528673, "longitude": -81.37931528779808}}, "agency_type": 5, "can_support_or_follow_page": null, "can_add_content": null, "show_message_button": false, "invite_url": "", "page_role": 0, "supporter_count": 0, "follower_count": 0, "supporter_avatars": [], "supporter_avatars_and_ids": [], "claimed": false, "address_parts": {"full_address": "400 S Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32801", "part_1": "400 S Orange Ave", "part_2": "Orlando, FL 32801"}, "display_contact": "400 S Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32801", "current_user_support": null, "current_user_membership": null, "is_following_municipality": false, "is_agency": true, "first_topic": null, "logged_out": true, "report": {"reasons": [[1, "Abusive page"], [2, "Fake page name"], [3, "Page has moved"], [4, "Page is at the incorrect address"], [5, "Inappropriate page profile photo"], [6, "Page is actually a user"], [7, "Duplicate page"]], "prompts": {"1": "\n Nextdoor takes violations of our\n <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">\n Guidelines for Neighborly Behavior</a> very seriously.\n Please provide examples of this page's abusive messages or behavior:\n ", "2": "If you know it, please provide this page's real name:", "3": "Any information you can provide about the page's address is appreciated:", "4": "Any information you can provide about the page's address is appreciated:"}}, "is_recommendation_feed": false, "is_single_story": false, "followers": {}, "is_page_owner": false, "signup_cta_url": "", "designated_recipient": null, "outside_service_area": false}]</script> <style> .deprecated-client-banner { display: none; } .web-client-deprecated .deprecated-client-banner { background-color: #F4E186; position: fixed; right: 0; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 1030; min-height: 40px; padding: 0 4px; display: block; display: flex; text-align: center; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } body.web-client-deprecated { padding-top: 40px; } </style> <div class="deprecated-client-banner"> You're using an old browser that Nextdoor no longer supports. 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