FEG AC-45 - Hungarian Weapons - FegArmy Pistols
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>FEG AC-45 - Hungarian Weapons - FegArmy Pistols</TITLE> <meta name="description" content="Hungarian Weapons FegArmy FEG Pistols"> <meta name="keywords" content="Hungarian, Weapons, Femaru, FegArmy, FEG, Pistols"> </HEAD><BODY><body bgcolor="#000000" text="#ffff00" link="#00ff00" alink="#ff0000" vlink="#ffa500"> <script type='text/javascript' src='menu.js'></script><script type='text/javascript' src='menu_com.js'></script><br> <table><tr><td><img src="gif/Kadar.gif"> <img src="gif/Istvan.gif"></td> <td><hr><h1>Hungarian Weapons - FegArmy FEG Pistols</h1><hr></td></tr></table> <hr><h2>F蒅 Model AC-45 Pistol</h2> <table><tr><td><img src="feg/FegP9R.jpg"></td> <td>Type: recoil operated steel frame automatic pistol<BR> Manufactured by F蒅 and FegArmy Kft, Budapest, cca 1980-2005<br> Chambering: .45acp<BR> Length overall: 210mm [8.27"]<BR> Barrel: 118mm [4.65"] 6-rifle rh<BR> Weight: unloaded: 1120g, loaded: 1290g<BR> Magazine: 8-round double-row detachable box</td></tr></table> <P> The Model AC-45 is the same as the <a href="FegAC.htm">F蒅 AC</a> except for a different model designation for export. <p> Double-action lockwork and a slide-mounted safety catch represent significant improvements. The safety catch lowers the hammer when applied, locks the firing pin, and places a solid block between the hammer and firing pin. The firing mechanism, flying firing pin and the rotating safety latch are incorporated in the slide. The double action firing mechanism allows the cocked hammer to be released, whith round in the chamber. The safety mechanism allows safe loading of the latched pistol. <p> <hr><a href="index.htm">Home</a> </BODY></HTML>