/*************************************************************************************************************************//* Program Name: Path: .\ Ancestor: Project: National Financial Well-Being Survey (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) Programmer: Abt Associates Inputs: .\NFWBS_PUF_2016_data.csv Outputs: .\NFWBS_PUF_2016_data.sas7bdat Purpose: This SAS program reads in the National Financial Well-Being Survey Public Use File. Note: Created On: 07-28-17 Edit History: *//************************************************************************************************************************/ OPTIONS NOFMTERR ERRORS=3 NOCENTER PAGESIZE=MAX; %LET filepath = /*INSERT FILE DIRECTORY LOCATION HERE*/; LIBNAME outdata "&filepath"; /* Read in NFWBS_PUF_2016_data.csv */ DATA NFWBS_PUF ; %LET _EFIERR_ = 0; /* set the ERROR detection macro variable */ INFILE "&filepath\NFWBS_PUF_2016_data.csv" DELIMITER = ',' MISSOVER DSD LRECL=32767 FIRSTOBS=2 ; INPUT PUF_ID sample fpl SWB_1 SWB_2 SWB_3 FWBscore FWB1_1 FWB1_2 FWB1_3 FWB1_4 FWB1_5 FWB1_6 FWB2_1 FWB2_2 FWB2_3 FWB2_4 FSscore FS1_1 FS1_2 FS1_3 FS1_4 FS1_5 FS1_6 FS1_7 FS2_1 FS2_2 FS2_3 SUBKNOWL1 ACT1_1 ACT1_2 FINGOALS PROPPLAN_1 PROPPLAN_2 PROPPLAN_3 PROPPLAN_4 MANAGE1_1 MANAGE1_2 MANAGE1_3 MANAGE1_4 SAVEHABIT FRUGALITY AUTOMATED_1 AUTOMATED_2 ASK1_1 ASK1_2 SUBNUMERACY2 SUBNUMERACY1 CHANGEABLE GOALCONF LMscore FINKNOWL1 FINKNOWL2 FINKNOWL3 FK1correct FK2correct FK3correct KHscore KHKNOWL1 KHKNOWL2 KHKNOWL3 KHKNOWL4 KHKNOWL5 KHKNOWL6 KHKNOWL7 KHKNOWL8 KHKNOWL9 KH1correct KH2correct KH3correct KH4correct KH5correct KH6correct KH7correct KH8correct KH9correct ENDSMEET HOUSING LIVINGARRANGEMENT HOUSERANGES IMPUTATION_FLAG VALUERANGES MORTGAGE SAVINGSRANGES PRODHAVE_1 PRODHAVE_2 PRODHAVE_3 PRODHAVE_4 PRODHAVE_5 PRODHAVE_6 PRODHAVE_7 PRODHAVE_8 PRODHAVE_9 PRODUSE_1 PRODUSE_2 PRODUSE_3 PRODUSE_4 PRODUSE_5 PRODUSE_6 CONSPROTECT1 CONSPROTECT2 CONSPROTECT3 EARNERS VOLATILITY SNAP MATHARDSHIP_1 MATHARDSHIP_2 MATHARDSHIP_3 MATHARDSHIP_4 MATHARDSHIP_5 MATHARDSHIP_6 COLLECT REJECTED_1 REJECTED_2 ABSORBSHOCK BENEFITS_1 BENEFITS_2 BENEFITS_3 BENEFITS_4 BENEFITS_5 FRAUD2 COVERCOSTS BORROW_1 BORROW_2 SHOCKS_1 SHOCKS_2 SHOCKS_3 SHOCKS_4 SHOCKS_5 SHOCKS_6 SHOCKS_7 SHOCKS_8 SHOCKS_9 SHOCKS_10 SHOCKS_11 SHOCKS_12 MANAGE2 PAIDHELP HSLOC PAREDUC FINSOC2_1 FINSOC2_2 FINSOC2_3 FINSOC2_4 FINSOC2_5 FINSOC2_6 FINSOC2_7 OBJNUMERACY1 ON2correct ON1correct MATERIALISM_1 MATERIALISM_2 MATERIALISM_3 CONNECT HEALTH SCFHORIZON DISCOUNT MEMLOSS DISTRESS SELFCONTROL_1 SELFCONTROL_2 SELFCONTROL_3 OUTLOOK_1 OUTLOOK_2 INTERCONNECTIONS_1 INTERCONNECTIONS_2 INTERCONNECTIONS_3 INTERCONNECTIONS_4 INTERCONNECTIONS_5 INTERCONNECTIONS_6 INTERCONNECTIONS_7 INTERCONNECTIONS_8 INTERCONNECTIONS_9 INTERCONNECTIONS_10 PEM HOUSESAT SOCSEC1 SOCSEC2 SOCSEC3 LIFEEXPECT HHEDUC KIDS_NoChildren KIDS_1 KIDS_2 KIDS_3 KIDS_4 EMPLOY EMPLOY1_1 EMPLOY1_2 EMPLOY1_3 EMPLOY1_4 EMPLOY1_5 EMPLOY1_6 EMPLOY1_7 EMPLOY1_8 EMPLOY1_9 RETIRE MILITARY Military_Status agecat generation PPEDUC PPETHM PPGENDER PPHHSIZE PPINCIMP PPMARIT PPMSACAT PPREG4 PPREG9 PPT01 PPT25 PPT612 PPT1317 PPT18OV PCTLT200FPL finalwt ; if _ERROR_ then call symputx('_EFIERR_',1); /* set ERROR detection macro variable */ run; PROC FORMAT; VALUE sample_f 1="General population" 2="Age 62+ oversample" 3="Race/ethnicity and poverty oversample" ; VALUE fpl_f 1="<100% FPL" 2="100%-199% FPL" 3="200%+ FPL" ; VALUE SWB_1_f -4="Response not written to database" -1="Refused" 1="1 Strongly disagree" 2="2" 3="3" 4="4" 5="5" 6="6" 7="7 Strongly agree" ; VALUE SWB_2_f -4="Response not written to database" -1="Refused" 1="1 Strongly disagree" 2="2" 3="3" 4="4" 5="5" 6="6" 7="7 Strongly agree" ; VALUE SWB_3_f -4="Response not written to database" -1="Refused" 1="1 Strongly disagree" 2="2" 3="3" 4="4" 5="5" 6="6" 7="7 Strongly agree" ; VALUE FWBscore_f -4="Response not written to database" -1="Refused" ; VALUE FWB1_1_f -4="Response not written to database" -1="Refused" 1="Not at all" 2="Very little" 3="Somewhat" 4="Very well" 5="Completely" ; VALUE FWB1_2_f -4="Response not written to database" -1="Refused" 1="Not at all" 2="Very little" 3="Somewhat" 4="Very well" 5="Completely" ; VALUE FWB1_3_f -4="Response not written to database" -1="Refused" 1="Not at all" 2="Very little" 3="Somewhat" 4="Very well" 5="Completely" ; VALUE FWB1_4_f -4="Response not written to database" -1="Refused" 1="Not at all" 2="Very little" 3="Somewhat" 4="Very well" 5="Completely" ; VALUE FWB1_5_f -4="Response not written to database" -1="Refused" 1="Not at all" 2="Very little" 3="Somewhat" 4="Very well" 5="Completely" ; VALUE FWB1_6_f -4="Response not written to database" -1="Refused" 1="Not at all" 2="Very little" 3="Somewhat" 4="Very well" 5="Completely" ; VALUE FWB2_1_f -4="Response not written to database" -1="Refused" 1="Never" 2="Rarely" 3="Sometimes" 4="Often" 5="Always" ; VALUE FWB2_2_f -4="Response not written to database" -1="Refused" 1="Never" 2="Rarely" 3="Sometimes" 4="Often" 5="Always" ; VALUE FWB2_3_f -4="Response not written to database" -1="Refused" 1="Never" 2="Rarely" 3="Sometimes" 4="Often" 5="Always" ; VALUE FWB2_4_f -4="Response not written to database" -1="Refused" 1="Never" 2="Rarely" 3="Sometimes" 4="Often" 5="Always" ; VALUE FSscore_f -1="Refused" ; VALUE FS1_1_f -1="Refused" 1="Not at all" 2="Very little" 3="Somewhat" 4="Very well" 5="Completely" ; VALUE FS1_2_f -1="Refused" 1="Not at all" 2="Very little" 3="Somewhat" 4="Very well" 5="Completely" ; VALUE FS1_3_f -1="Refused" 1="Not at all" 2="Very little" 3="Somewhat" 4="Very well" 5="Completely" ; VALUE FS1_4_f -1="Refused" 1="Not at all" 2="Very little" 3="Somewhat" 4="Very well" 5="Completely" ; VALUE FS1_5_f -1="Refused" 1="Not at all" 2="Very little" 3="Somewhat" 4="Very well" 5="Completely" ; VALUE FS1_6_f -1="Refused" 1="Not at all" 2="Very little" 3="Somewhat" 4="Very well" 5="Completely" ; VALUE FS1_7_f -1="Refused" 1="Not at all" 2="Very little" 3="Somewhat" 4="Very well" 5="Completely" ; VALUE FS2_1_f -1="Refused" 1="Never" 2="Rarely" 3="Sometimes" 4="Often" 5="Always" ; VALUE FS2_2_f -1="Refused" 1="Never" 2="Rarely" 3="Sometimes" 4="Often" 5="Always" ; VALUE FS2_3_f -1="Refused" 1="Never" 2="Rarely" 3="Sometimes" 4="Often" 5="Always" ; VALUE SUBKNOWL1_f -1="Refused" 1="1 - Very low" 2="2" 3="3" 4="4" 5="5" 6="6" 7="7 - Very high" ; VALUE ACT1_1_f -1="Refused" 1="Not at all" 2="Very little" 3="Somewhat" 4="Very well" 5="Completely" ; VALUE ACT1_2_f -1="Refused" 1="Not at all" 2="Very little" 3="Somewhat" 4="Very well" 5="Completely" ; VALUE FINGOALS_f -1="Refused" 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE PROPPLAN_1_f -1="Refused" 1="Strongly disagree" 2="Disagree" 3="Neither agree nor disagree" 4="Agree" 5="Strongly agree" ; VALUE PROPPLAN_2_f -1="Refused" 1="Strongly disagree" 2="Disagree" 3="Neither agree nor disagree" 4="Agree" 5="Strongly agree" ; VALUE PROPPLAN_3_f -1="Refused" 1="Strongly disagree" 2="Disagree" 3="Neither agree nor disagree" 4="Agree" 5="Strongly agree" ; VALUE PROPPLAN_4_f -1="Refused" 1="Strongly disagree" 2="Disagree" 3="Neither agree nor disagree" 4="Agree" 5="Strongly agree" ; VALUE MANAGE1_1_f -1="Refused" 1="Not applicable or never" 2="Seldom" 3="Sometimes" 4="Often" 5="Always" ; VALUE MANAGE1_2_f -1="Refused" 1="Not applicable or never" 2="Seldom" 3="Sometimes" 4="Often" 5="Always" ; VALUE MANAGE1_3_f -1="Refused" 1="Not applicable or never" 2="Seldom" 3="Sometimes" 4="Often" 5="Always" ; VALUE MANAGE1_4_f -1="Refused" 1="Not applicable or never" 2="Seldom" 3="Sometimes" 4="Often" 5="Always" ; VALUE SAVEHABIT_f -1="Refused" 1="Strongly disagree" 2="Disagree" 3="Disagree slightly" 4="Agree slightly" 5="Agree" 6="Strongly agree" ; VALUE FRUGALITY_f -1="Refused" 1="Strongly disagree" 2="Disagree" 3="Disagree slightly" 4="Agree slightly" 5="Agree" 6="Strongly agree" ; VALUE AUTOMATED_1_f -1="Refused" 0="No" 1="Yes" 7="I do not have this type of account" ; VALUE AUTOMATED_2_f -1="Refused" 0="No" 1="Yes" 7="I do not have this type of account" ; VALUE ASK1_1_f -1="Refused" 1="Never" 2="Seldom" 3="Sometimes" 4="Often" 5="Always" ; VALUE ASK1_2_f -1="Refused" 1="Never" 2="Seldom" 3="Sometimes" 4="Often" 5="Always" ; VALUE SUBNUMERACY2_f -1="Refused" 1="1 - Always prefer words" 2="2" 3="3" 4="4" 5="5" 6="6 - Always prefer numbers" ; VALUE SUBNUMERACY1_f -1="Refused" 1="1 - Not good at all" 2="2" 3="3" 4="4" 5="5" 6="6 - Extremely good" ; VALUE CHANGEABLE_f -1="Refused" 1="Strongly disagree" 2="Disagree" 3="Somewhat disagree" 4="Neither agree nor disagree" 5="Somewhat agree" 6="Agree" 7="Strongly agree" ; VALUE GOALCONF_f -1="Refused" 1="Not at all confident" 2="Not very confident" 3="Somewhat confident" 4="Very confident" ; VALUE FINKNOWL1_f -1="Refused" 1="More than $102" 2="Exactly $102" 3="Less than $102" ; VALUE FINKNOWL2_f -1="Refused" 1="More than today" 2="Exactly the same" 3="Less than today" ; VALUE FINKNOWL3_f -1="Refused" 1="True" 2="False" ; VALUE FK1correct_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE FK2correct_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE FK3correct_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE KHKNOWL1_f -1="Refused" 1="Savings accounts" 2="Bonds" 3="Stocks" ; VALUE KHKNOWL2_f -1="Refused" 1="Savings accounts" 2="Bonds" 3="Stocks" ; VALUE KHKNOWL3_f -1="Refused" 1="Increase" 2="Decrease" 3="Stay the same" ; VALUE KHKNOWL4_f -1="Refused" 1="True" 2="False" ; VALUE KHKNOWL5_f -1="Refused" 1="True" 2="False" ; VALUE KHKNOWL6_f -1="Refused" 1="True" 2="False" ; VALUE KHKNOWL7_f -1="Refused" 1="Less than 5 years" 2="Between 5 and 10 years" 3="Between 10 and 15 years" 4="Never, you will continue to be in debt" ; VALUE KHKNOWL8_f -1="Refused" 1="They will rise" 2="They will fall" 3="They will stay the same" 4="There is no relationship between bond prices and the interest rate" ; VALUE KHKNOWL9_f -1="Refused" 1="True" 2="False" ; VALUE KH1correct_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE KH2correct_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE KH3correct_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE KH4correct_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE KH5correct_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE KH6correct_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE KH7correct_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE KH8correct_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE KH9correct_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE ENDSMEET_f -1="Refused" 1="Not at all difficult" 2="Somewhat difficult" 3="Very difficult" ; VALUE HOUSING_f -1="Refused" 1="I own my home" 2="I rent" 3="I do not currently own or rent" ; VALUE LIVINGARRANGEMENT_f -1="Refused" 1="I am the only adult in the household" 2="I live with my spouse/partner/significant other" 3="I live in my parents' home" 4="I live with other family, friends, or roommates" 5="Some other arrangement" ; VALUE HOUSERANGES_f -2="Question not asked because respondent not in item base" -1="Refused" 1="Less than $300" 2="$300-499" 3="$500-749" 4="$750-999" 5="$1,000-1,499" 6="$1,500-1,999" 7="$2,000 or more" 98="I don't know" 99="Prefer not to say" ; VALUE IMPUTATION_FLAG_f 0="Not imputed" 1="Imputed" ; VALUE VALUERANGES_f -2="Question not asked because respondent not in item base" -1="Refused" 1="Less than $150,000" 2="$150,000-249,999" 3="$250,000-399,999" 4="$400,000 or more" 98="I don't know" 99="Prefer not to say" ; VALUE MORTGAGE_f -2="Question not asked because respondent not in item base" -1="Refused" 1="Less than $50,000" 2="$50,000-199,999" 3="$200,000 or more" 98="I don't know" 99="Prefer not to say" ; VALUE SAVINGSRANGES_f -1="Refused" 1="0" 2="$1-99" 3="$100-999" 4="$1,000-4,999" 5="$5,000-19,999" 6="$20,000-74,999" 7="$75,000 or more" 98="I don't know" 99="Prefer not to say" ; VALUE PRODHAVE_1_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE PRODHAVE_2_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE PRODHAVE_3_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE PRODHAVE_4_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE PRODHAVE_5_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE PRODHAVE_6_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE PRODHAVE_7_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE PRODHAVE_8_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE PRODHAVE_9_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE PRODUSE_1_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE PRODUSE_2_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE PRODUSE_3_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE PRODUSE_4_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE PRODUSE_5_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE PRODUSE_6_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE CONSPROTECT1_f -1="Refused" 1="Never" 2="Rarely" 3="Sometimes" 4="Often" ; VALUE CONSPROTECT2_f -1="Refused" 1="Not at all familiar" 2="Somewhat familiar" 3="Very familiar" ; VALUE CONSPROTECT3_f -1="Refused" 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE EARNERS_f -1="Refused" 1="One" 2="Two" 3="More than two" ; VALUE VOLATILITY_f -1="Refused" 1="Roughly the same each month" 2="Roughly the same most months, but some unusually high or low months during the year" 3="Often varies quite a bit from one month to the next" ; VALUE SNAP_f -1="Refused" 0="No" 1="Yes" 8="Not sure" ; VALUE MATHARDSHIP_1_f -1="Refused" 1="Never" 2="Sometimes" 3="Often" ; VALUE MATHARDSHIP_2_f -1="Refused" 1="Never" 2="Sometimes" 3="Often" ; VALUE MATHARDSHIP_3_f -1="Refused" 1="Never" 2="Sometimes" 3="Often" ; VALUE MATHARDSHIP_4_f -1="Refused" 1="Never" 2="Sometimes" 3="Often" ; VALUE MATHARDSHIP_5_f -1="Refused" 1="Never" 2="Sometimes" 3="Often" ; VALUE MATHARDSHIP_6_f -1="Refused" 1="Never" 2="Sometimes" 3="Often" ; VALUE COLLECT_f -1="Refused" 0="No" 1="Yes" 8="Not sure" ; VALUE REJECTED_1_f -1="Refused" 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE REJECTED_2_f -1="Refused" 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE ABSORBSHOCK_f -1="Refused" 1="I am certain I could not come up with $2,000" 2="I could probably not come up with $2,000" 3="I could probably come up with $2,000" 4="I am certain I could come up with the full $2,000" 8="I don't know" ; VALUE BENEFITS_1_f -1="Refused" 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE BENEFITS_2_f -1="Refused" 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE BENEFITS_3_f -1="Refused" 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE BENEFITS_4_f -1="Refused" 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE BENEFITS_5_f -1="Refused" 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE FRAUD2_f -1="Refused" 0="No" 1="Yes" 8="Not sure" ; VALUE COVERCOSTS_f -1="Refused" 1="Use savings or sell something you own" 2="Cut back or do without" 3="Earn more money" 4="Borrow money" ; VALUE BORROW_1_f -1="Refused" 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE BORROW_2_f -1="Refused" 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE SHOCKS_1_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE SHOCKS_2_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE SHOCKS_3_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE SHOCKS_4_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE SHOCKS_5_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE SHOCKS_6_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE SHOCKS_7_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE SHOCKS_8_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE SHOCKS_9_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE SHOCKS_10_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE SHOCKS_11_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE SHOCKS_12_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE MANAGE2_f -1="Refused" 1="Someone else takes care of all or most money matters in my household." 2="Someone else and I take care of money matters in my household about the same." 3="I take care of all or most money matters in my household." ; VALUE PAIDHELP_f -2="Question not asked because respondent not in item base" -1="Refused" 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE HSLOC_f -1="Refused" 1="U.S. and territories" 2="Outside the U.S." 8="I can't recall" ; VALUE PAREDUC_f -1="Refused" 1="Less than high school" 2="High school degree/GED" 3="Some college/Associate" 4="Bachelor's degree" 5="Graduate/professional degree" ; VALUE FINSOC2_1_f -1="Refused" 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE FINSOC2_2_f -1="Refused" 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE FINSOC2_3_f -1="Refused" 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE FINSOC2_4_f -1="Refused" 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE FINSOC2_5_f -1="Refused" 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE FINSOC2_6_f -1="Refused" 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE FINSOC2_7_f -1="Refused" 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE OBJNUMERACY1_f -1="Refused" 1="1%" 2="10%" 3="5%" ; VALUE ON2correct_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE ON1correct_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE MATERIALISM_1_f -1="Refused" 1="Strongly disagree" 2="Disagree" 3="Neither agree nor disagree" 4="Agree" 5="Strongly agree" ; VALUE MATERIALISM_2_f -1="Refused" 1="Strongly disagree" 2="Disagree" 3="Neither agree nor disagree" 4="Agree" 5="Strongly agree" ; VALUE MATERIALISM_3_f -1="Refused" 1="Strongly disagree" 2="Disagree" 3="Neither agree nor disagree" 4="Agree" 5="Strongly agree" ; VALUE CONNECT_f -1="Refused" ; VALUE HEALTH_f -1="Refused" 1="Poor" 2="Fair" 3="Good" 4="Very good" 5="Excellent" ; VALUE SCFHORIZON_f -1="Refused" 1="The next few months" 2="The next year" 3="The next few years" 4="The next 5 to 10 years" 5="Longer than 10 years" ; VALUE DISCOUNT_f -1="Refused" 1="$816 now" 2="$860 in three months" ; VALUE MEMLOSS_f -1="Refused" 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE DISTRESS_f -1="Refused" 1="Strongly disagree" 2="Disagree" 3="Neither agree nor disagree" 4="Agree" 5="Strongly agree" ; VALUE SELFCONTROL_1_f -1="Refused" 1="Not at all" 2="Not very well" 3="Very well" 4="Completely well" ; VALUE SELFCONTROL_2_f -1="Refused" 1="Not at all" 2="Not very well" 3="Very well" 4="Completely well" ; VALUE SELFCONTROL_3_f -1="Refused" 1="Not at all" 2="Not very well" 3="Very well" 4="Completely well" ; VALUE OUTLOOK_1_f -1="Refused" 1="Strongly disagree" 2="Somewhat disagree" 3="Neither agree nor disagree" 4="Somewhat agree" 5="Strongly agree" ; VALUE OUTLOOK_2_f -1="Refused" 1="Strongly disagree" 2="Somewhat disagree" 3="Neither agree nor disagree" 4="Somewhat agree" 5="Strongly agree" ; VALUE INTERCONNECTIONS_1_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE INTERCONNECTIONS_2_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE INTERCONNECTIONS_3_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE INTERCONNECTIONS_4_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE INTERCONNECTIONS_5_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE INTERCONNECTIONS_6_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE INTERCONNECTIONS_7_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE INTERCONNECTIONS_8_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE INTERCONNECTIONS_9_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE INTERCONNECTIONS_10_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE PEM_f -1="Refused" 1="Strongly disagree" 2="Disagree" 3="Somewhat disagree" 4="Neither agree nor disagree" 5="Somewhat agree" 6="Agree" 7="Strongly agree" ; VALUE HOUSESAT_f -1="Refused" 1="Not at all satisfied" 2="Not very satisfied" 3="Somewhat satisfied" 4="Very satisfied" ; VALUE SOCSEC1_f -2="Question not asked because respondent not in item base" -1="Refused" 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE SOCSEC2_f -3="Invalid Response" -2="Question not asked because respondent not in item base" -1="Refused" 62="62" 63="63" 64="64" 65="65" 66="66" 67="67" 68="68" 69="69" 70="70 and above" ; VALUE SOCSEC3_f -3="Invalid Response" -2="Question not asked because respondent not in item base" -1="Refused" 61="61 and below" 62="62" 63="63" 64="64" 65="65" 66="66" 67="67" 68="68" 69="69" 70="70" 71="71 and above" ; VALUE LIFEEXPECT_f -2="Question not asked because respondent not in item base" -1="Refused" 0="0" 1="1" 2="2" 3="3" 4="4" 5="5" 6="6" 7="7" 8="8" 9="9" 10="10" 11="11" 12="12" 15="15" 20="20" 22="22" 24="24" 25="25" 26="26" 28="28" 29="29" 30="30" 33="33" 35="35" 36="36" 37="37" 40="40" 41="41" 42="42" 43="43" 44="44" 45="45" 47="47" 50="50" 52="52" 54="54" 55="55" 56="56" 57="57" 59="59" 60="60" 62="62" 63="63" 64="64" 65="65" 66="66" 67="67" 68="68" 69="69" 70="70" 71="71" 72="72" 73="73" 75="75" 76="76" 77="77" 78="78" 79="79" 80="80" 81="81" 82="82" 83="83" 84="84" 85="85" 86="86" 87="87" 88="88" 89="89" 90="90" 91="91" 92="92" 93="93" 94="94" 95="95" 96="96" 97="97" 98="98" 99="99" 100="100" ; VALUE HHEDUC_f -1="Refused" 1="Less than high school" 2="High school degree/GED" 3="Some college/Associate" 4="Bachelor's degree" 5="Graduate/professional degree" ; VALUE KIDS_NoChildren_f -1="Refused" 0="Respondent financially supports children" 1="I have no children that I financially support" ; VALUE KIDS_1_f -1="Refused" 0="0" 1="1" 2="2+" ; VALUE KIDS_2_f -3="Invalid Response" -1="Refused" 0="0" 1="1" 2="2+" ; VALUE KIDS_3_f -1="Refused" 0="0" 1="1" 2="2+" ; VALUE KIDS_4_f -1="Refused" 0="0" 1="1" 2="2+" ; VALUE EMPLOY_f 1="Self-employed" 2="Work full-time for an employer or the military" 3="Work part-time for an employer or the military" 4="Homemaker" 5="Full-time student" 6="Permanently sick, disabled or unable to work" 7="Unemployed or temporarily laid off" 8="Retired" 97="Multiple statuses selected, no primary status selected" 99="Refused" ; VALUE EMPLOY1_1_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE EMPLOY1_2_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE EMPLOY1_3_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE EMPLOY1_4_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE EMPLOY1_5_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE EMPLOY1_6_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE EMPLOY1_7_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE EMPLOY1_8_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE EMPLOY1_9_f 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE RETIRE_f -2="Question not asked because respondent not in item base" -1="Refused" 1="Earlier than planned" 2="About when planned" 3="Later than planned" ; VALUE MILITARY_f -1="Refused" 0="No" 1="Yes" ; VALUE Military_Status_f -1="Refused" 1="Active military (active, reserve, natl guard)" 2="Veteran (veteran or retired)" 3="Spouse/dependent Active" 4="Spouse/dependent Veteran" 5="Neither Active nor Veteran" ; VALUE agecat_f 1="18-24" 2="25-34" 3="35-44" 4="45-54" 5="55-61" 6="62-69" 7="70-74" 8="75+" ; VALUE generation_f 1="Pre-Boomer" 2="Boomer" 3="Gen X" 4="Millennial" ; VALUE PPEDUC_f 1="Less than high school" 2="High school degree/GED" 3="Some college/Associate" 4="Bachelor's degree" 5="Graduate/professional degree" ; VALUE PPETHM_f 1="White, Non-Hispanic" 2="Black, Non-Hispanic" 3="Other, Non-Hispanic" 4="Hispanic" ; VALUE PPGENDER_f 1="Male" 2="Female" ; VALUE PPHHSIZE_f 1="1" 2="2" 3="3" 4="4" 5="5+" ; VALUE PPINCIMP_f 1="Less than $20,000" 2="$20,000 to $29,999" 3="$30,000 to $39,999" 4="$40,000 to $49,999" 5="$50,000 to $59,999" 6="$60,000 to $74,999" 7="$75,000 to $99,999" 8="$100,000 to $149,999" 9="$150,000 or more" ; VALUE PPMARIT_f 1="Married" 2="Widowed" 3="Divorced/Separated" 4="Never married" 5="Living with partner" ; VALUE PPMSACAT_f 0="Non-Metro" 1="Metro" ; VALUE PPREG4_f 1="Northeast" 2="Midwest" 3="South" 4="West" ; VALUE PPREG9_f 1="New England" 2="Mid-Atlantic" 3="East-North Central" 4="West-North Central" 5="South Atlantic" 6="East-South Central" 7="West-South Central" 8="Mountain" 9="Pacific" ; VALUE PPT01_f 0="0" 1="1+" ; VALUE PPT25_f 0="0" 1="1+" ; VALUE PPT612_f 0="0" 1="1+" ; VALUE PPT1317_f 0="0" 1="1+" ; VALUE PPT18OV_f 1="1" 2="2" 3="3" 4="4+" ; VALUE PCTLT200FPL_f -5="County is not known" 0="Less than 40% of county population below 200% of poverty level" 1="40% or more of county population below 200% of poverty level" ; RUN; /* Apply labels and formats */ DATA NFWBS_PUF ; SET NFWBS_PUF ; LABEL PUF_ID="Public Use File ID" sample="Sample" fpl="Poverty status" SWB_1="I am satisfied with my life" SWB_2="I am optimistic about my future" SWB_3="If I work hard today, I will be more successful in the future" FWBscore="Financial well-being scale score" FWB1_1="I could handle a major unexpected expense" FWB1_2="I am securing my financial future" FWB1_3="Because of my money situation...I will never have the things I want in life" FWB1_4="I can enjoy life because of the way I抦 managing my money" FWB1_5="I am just getting by financially" FWB1_6="I am concerned that the money I have or will save won抰 last" FWB2_1="Giving a gift...would put a strain on my finances for the month" FWB2_2="I have money left over at the end of the month" FWB2_3="I am behind with my finances" FWB2_4="My finances control my life" FSscore="Financial skill scale score" FS1_1="I know how to get myself to follow through on my financial intentions" FS1_2="I know where to find the advice I need to make decisions involving money" FS1_3="I know how to make complex financial decisions" FS1_4="I am able to make good financial decisions that are new to me" FS1_5="I am able to recognize a good financial investment" FS1_6="I know how to keep myself from spending too much" FS1_7="I know how to make myself save" FS2_1="I know when I do not have enough info to make a good decision involving my money" FS2_2="I know when I need advice about my money" FS2_3="I struggle to understand financial information" SUBKNOWL1="How would you assess your overall financial knowledge?" ACT1_1="I follow-through on my financial commitments to others" ACT1_2="I follow-through on financial goals I set for myself" FINGOALS="Do you have a current or recent financial goal?" PROPPLAN_1="I consult my budget to see how much money I have left" PROPPLAN_2="I actively consider the steps I need to take to stick to my budget" PROPPLAN_3="I set financial goals for what I want to achieve with my money" PROPPLAN_4="I prepare a clear plan of action w/ detailed steps to achieve my financial goals" MANAGE1_1="Paid all your bills on time" MANAGE1_2="Stayed within your budget or spending plan" MANAGE1_3="Paid off credit card balance in full each month" MANAGE1_4="Checked your statements, bills and receipts to make sure there were no errors" SAVEHABIT="Putting money into savings is a habit for me" FRUGALITY="If I can re-use an item I already have, there抯 no sense in buying something new" AUTOMATED_1="A Retirement Savings Account" AUTOMATED_2="A Non-Retirement Savings Account" ASK1_1="I do my own research before making decisions involving money" ASK1_2="I ask other people their opinions before making decisions involving money" SUBNUMERACY2="Prefers words for expressions of probabilities" SUBNUMERACY1="How good are you at working with percentages?" CHANGEABLE="Belief that ability to manage money is NOT changeable" GOALCONF="Confidence in own ability to achieve financial goals" LMscore="Lusardi and Mitchell financial knowledge scale score" FINKNOWL1="Understanding of compound interest" FINKNOWL2="Understanding of inflation and return on savings" FINKNOWL3="Understanding of stock vs mutual fund volatility" FK1correct="FINKNOWL1 answered correctly" FK2correct="FINKNOWL2 answered correctly" FK3correct="FINKNOWL3 answered correctly" KHscore="Knoll and Houts financial knowledge scale score" KHKNOWL1="Understanding of long-term returns on investment" KHKNOWL2="Understanding of stocks vs bond vs savings volatility" KHKNOWL3="Understanding of benefits of diversification" KHKNOWL4="Understanding of possibility of stock market losses" KHKNOWL5="Understanding of life insurance" KHKNOWL6="Understanding of possibility of housing market losses" KHKNOWL7="Understanding of credit card minimum payments" KHKNOWL8="Understanding of relationship of bonds and interest rates" KHKNOWL9="Understanding of mortgage term length on total interest paid" KH1correct="KHKNOWL1 answered correctly" KH2correct="KHKNOWL2 answered correctly" KH3correct="KHKNOWL3 answered correctly" KH4correct="KHKNOWL4 answered correctly" KH5correct="KHKNOWL5 answered correctly" KH6correct="KHKNOWL6 answered correctly" KH7correct="KHKNOWL7 answered correctly" KH8correct="KHKNOWL8 answered correctly" KH9correct="KHKNOWL9 answered correctly" ENDSMEET="Difficulty of covering monthly expenses and bills" HOUSING="Which one of the following best describes your housing situation?" LIVINGARRANGEMENT="Current living arrangements" HOUSERANGES="About how much do you pay for your home each month?" IMPUTATION_FLAG="Value for HOUSERANGES was imputed" VALUERANGES="If you were to sell your home today, what do you think it would be worth?" MORTGAGE="What do you owe on your home today?" SAVINGSRANGES="How much money do you have in savings today...?" PRODHAVE_1="Checking or Savings Account at a bank or credit union" PRODHAVE_2="Life Insurance" PRODHAVE_3="Health Insurance" PRODHAVE_4="Retirement Account (such as a 401k or IRA)" PRODHAVE_5="Pension" PRODHAVE_6="Non-Retirement Investments (such as stocks, bonds or mutual funds)" PRODHAVE_7="Education Savings Account (such as 529 or Coverdale)" PRODHAVE_8="Student/Education Loan (for yourself or someone else)" PRODHAVE_9="Respondent did not select any item in PRODHAVE bank" PRODUSE_1="Used payday loan or cash advance loan" PRODUSE_2="Used pawn loan or auto title loan" PRODUSE_3="Used reloadable card not linked with checking or savings account" PRODUSE_4="Used nonbank service for international money transfers" PRODUSE_5="Used nonbank service for check cashing or purchasing a money order" PRODUSE_6="Respondent did not select any item in PRODUSE bank" CONSPROTECT1="Frequency felt not respected or mistreated w/ financial services" CONSPROTECT2="Familiarity w/ agencies and orgs to resolve problems w/ financial services" CONSPROTECT3="Reported problem to one of these agencies or orgs" EARNERS="Household members currently contributing to paying household bills" VOLATILITY="Household income volatility" SNAP="Any household member received SNAP benefits" MATHARDSHIP_1="Worried whether food would run out before got money to buy more" MATHARDSHIP_2="Food didn't last and didn't have money to get more" MATHARDSHIP_3="Couldn't afford a place to live" MATHARDSHIP_4="Any household member couldn't afford to see doctor or go to hospital" MATHARDSHIP_5="Any household member stopped taking medication or took less due to costs" MATHARDSHIP_6="Utilities shut off due to non-payment" COLLECT="Contacted by debt collector in past 12 months" REJECTED_1="I applied for credit and was turned down" REJECTED_2="I did not apply for credit because I thought would be turned down" ABSORBSHOCK="Confidence in ability to raise $2,000 in 30 days" BENEFITS_1="Health Insurance" BENEFITS_2="401(k) or Other Employer-Sponsored Retirement Savings Account" BENEFITS_3="Defined-Benefit Pension" BENEFITS_4="Tuition Reimbursement and/or Student Debt Repayment" BENEFITS_5="Work/Life Benefits" FRAUD2="Victim of financial fraud or attempted financial fraud in past 5 years" COVERCOSTS="Course of action if income did not cover living costs" BORROW_1="My friends or family would lend me the money and expect me to repay them" BORROW_2="My friends or family would give me the money with no expectation of repayment" SHOCKS_1="Lost a job" SHOCKS_2="Work hours/pay reduced or business owned by self/HH mem had financial difficulty" SHOCKS_3="Received a foreclosure notice" SHOCKS_4="Had a major car or home repair" SHOCKS_5="Had a health emergency" SHOCKS_6="Got a divorce or separation" SHOCKS_7="Added a child to the household" SHOCKS_8="Experienced the death of primary breadwinner" SHOCKS_9="Received a large sum of money beyond normal income" SHOCKS_10="Had a child start daycare or college" SHOCKS_11="Provided unexpected financial support to a family member or friend" SHOCKS_12="Respondent did not select any item in SHOCKS bank" MANAGE2="Who in household makes financial decisions" PAIDHELP="Do you pay the person who helps take care of money matters in your household?" HSLOC="Where did you live at age 17?" PAREDUC="Highest level of education by person/people who raised respondent" FINSOC2_1="Discussed family financial matters with me" FINSOC2_2="Spoke to me about the importance of saving" FINSOC2_3="Discussed how to establish a good credit rating" FINSOC2_4="Taught me how to be a smart shopper" FINSOC2_5="Taught me that my actions determine my success in life" FINSOC2_6="Provided me with a regular allowance" FINSOC2_7="Provided me with a savings account" OBJNUMERACY1="Which of the following represents the biggest risk of getting a disease?" ON2correct="OBJNUMERACY2 answered correctly" ON1correct="OBJNUMERACY1 answered correctly" MATERIALISM_1="I admire people who own expensive homes, cars and clothes" MATERIALISM_2="The things I own say a lot about how well I抦 doing in life" MATERIALISM_3="I like to own things that impress people" CONNECT="Psychological connectedness" HEALTH="In general, would you say your health is . . ." SCFHORIZON="Financial planning time horizon" DISCOUNT="If you had a choice, would you rather receive . . .?" MEMLOSS="Experienced memory loss or confusion in past 12 months" DISTRESS="Lot of stress in respondent's life" SELFCONTROL_1="I often act without thinking through all the alternatives" SELFCONTROL_2="I am good at resisting temptation" SELFCONTROL_3="I am able to work diligently toward long-term goals" OUTLOOK_1="There are services in this area to help me" OUTLOOK_2="There are good work opportunities for me, if I choose to take them" INTERCONNECTIONS_1="Parent" INTERCONNECTIONS_2="Spouse/Partner" INTERCONNECTIONS_3="Extended family (e.g., uncle, aunt, cousins, grandparents)" INTERCONNECTIONS_4="Employer" INTERCONNECTIONS_5="Friends/Co-workers" INTERCONNECTIONS_6="Community or faith-based organizations" INTERCONNECTIONS_7="Financial institution" INTERCONNECTIONS_8="Professional advisor, planner or counselor/coach" INTERCONNECTIONS_9="Government" INTERCONNECTIONS_10="Respondent did not select any item in INTERCONNECTIONS bank" PEM="Everyone has a fair chance at moving up the economic ladder" HOUSESAT="How satisfied are you with the place you live currently?" SOCSEC1="Have you started receiving social security retirement benefits?" SOCSEC2="At what age did you begin receiving benefits?" SOCSEC3="Age likely to start receiving Social Security retirement benefits" LIFEEXPECT="How likely do you believe it is that you will live beyond age 75?" HHEDUC="Highest level of education of all household members" KIDS_NoChildren="I have no children that I support financially" KIDS_1="Less than 7 years old" KIDS_2="7 to 12 years old" KIDS_3="13 to 17 years old" KIDS_4="More than 18 years old" EMPLOY="Primary or only employment status" EMPLOY1_1="Self-employed" EMPLOY1_2="Work full-time for an employer or the military" EMPLOY1_3="Work part-time for an employer or the military" EMPLOY1_4="Homemaker" EMPLOY1_5="Full-time student" EMPLOY1_6="Permanently sick, disabled or unable to work" EMPLOY1_7="Unemployed or temporarily laid off" EMPLOY1_8="Retired" EMPLOY1_9="Respondent did not select any item in EMPLOY1 bank" RETIRE="Actual date of retirement vs date planned" MILITARY="Current/former member of US Armed Forces or spouse/dependent of service member" Military_Status="Military status" agecat="Age" generation="Generation" PPEDUC="Education (Highest Degree Received)" PPETHM="Race / Ethnicity" PPGENDER="Gender" PPHHSIZE="Household Size" PPINCIMP="Household Income" PPMARIT="Marital Status" PPMSACAT="MSA Status" PPREG4="Census Region" PPREG9="Census Division" PPT01="Presence of Household Members - Children 0-1" PPT25="Presence of Household Members - Children 2-5" PPT612="Presence of Household Members - Children 6-12" PPT1317="Presence of Household Members - Children 13-17" PPT18OV="Presence of Household Members - Adults 18+" PCTLT200FPL="County pct less than 200% of poverty level (ACS 2015 5-year SF)" finalwt="Final weight" ; *** Format Assignments; FORMAT sample sample_f. fpl fpl_f. SWB_1 SWB_1_f. SWB_2 SWB_2_f. SWB_3 SWB_3_f. FWBscore FWBscore_f. FWB1_1 FWB1_1_f. FWB1_2 FWB1_2_f. FWB1_3 FWB1_3_f. FWB1_4 FWB1_4_f. FWB1_5 FWB1_5_f. FWB1_6 FWB1_6_f. FWB2_1 FWB2_1_f. FWB2_2 FWB2_2_f. FWB2_3 FWB2_3_f. FWB2_4 FWB2_4_f. FSscore FSscore_f. FS1_1 FS1_1_f. FS1_2 FS1_2_f. FS1_3 FS1_3_f. FS1_4 FS1_4_f. FS1_5 FS1_5_f. FS1_6 FS1_6_f. FS1_7 FS1_7_f. FS2_1 FS2_1_f. FS2_2 FS2_2_f. FS2_3 FS2_3_f. SUBKNOWL1 SUBKNOWL1_f. ACT1_1 ACT1_1_f. ACT1_2 ACT1_2_f. FINGOALS FINGOALS_f. PROPPLAN_1 PROPPLAN_1_f. PROPPLAN_2 PROPPLAN_2_f. PROPPLAN_3 PROPPLAN_3_f. PROPPLAN_4 PROPPLAN_4_f. MANAGE1_1 MANAGE1_1_f. MANAGE1_2 MANAGE1_2_f. MANAGE1_3 MANAGE1_3_f. MANAGE1_4 MANAGE1_4_f. SAVEHABIT SAVEHABIT_f. FRUGALITY FRUGALITY_f. AUTOMATED_1 AUTOMATED_1_f. AUTOMATED_2 AUTOMATED_2_f. ASK1_1 ASK1_1_f. ASK1_2 ASK1_2_f. SUBNUMERACY2 SUBNUMERACY2_f. SUBNUMERACY1 SUBNUMERACY1_f. CHANGEABLE CHANGEABLE_f. GOALCONF GOALCONF_f. FINKNOWL1 FINKNOWL1_f. FINKNOWL2 FINKNOWL2_f. FINKNOWL3 FINKNOWL3_f. FK1correct FK1correct_f. FK2correct FK2correct_f. FK3correct FK3correct_f. KHKNOWL1 KHKNOWL1_f. KHKNOWL2 KHKNOWL2_f. KHKNOWL3 KHKNOWL3_f. KHKNOWL4 KHKNOWL4_f. KHKNOWL5 KHKNOWL5_f. KHKNOWL6 KHKNOWL6_f. KHKNOWL7 KHKNOWL7_f. KHKNOWL8 KHKNOWL8_f. KHKNOWL9 KHKNOWL9_f. KH1correct KH1correct_f. KH2correct KH2correct_f. KH3correct KH3correct_f. KH4correct KH4correct_f. KH5correct KH5correct_f. KH6correct KH6correct_f. KH7correct KH7correct_f. KH8correct KH8correct_f. KH9correct KH9correct_f. ENDSMEET ENDSMEET_f. HOUSING HOUSING_f. LIVINGARRANGEMENT LIVINGARRANGEMENT_f. HOUSERANGES HOUSERANGES_f. IMPUTATION_FLAG IMPUTATION_FLAG_f. VALUERANGES VALUERANGES_f. MORTGAGE MORTGAGE_f. SAVINGSRANGES SAVINGSRANGES_f. PRODHAVE_1 PRODHAVE_1_f. PRODHAVE_2 PRODHAVE_2_f. PRODHAVE_3 PRODHAVE_3_f. PRODHAVE_4 PRODHAVE_4_f. PRODHAVE_5 PRODHAVE_5_f. PRODHAVE_6 PRODHAVE_6_f. PRODHAVE_7 PRODHAVE_7_f. PRODHAVE_8 PRODHAVE_8_f. PRODHAVE_9 PRODHAVE_9_f. PRODUSE_1 PRODUSE_1_f. PRODUSE_2 PRODUSE_2_f. PRODUSE_3 PRODUSE_3_f. PRODUSE_4 PRODUSE_4_f. PRODUSE_5 PRODUSE_5_f. PRODUSE_6 PRODUSE_6_f. CONSPROTECT1 CONSPROTECT1_f. CONSPROTECT2 CONSPROTECT2_f. CONSPROTECT3 CONSPROTECT3_f. EARNERS EARNERS_f. VOLATILITY VOLATILITY_f. SNAP SNAP_f. MATHARDSHIP_1 MATHARDSHIP_1_f. MATHARDSHIP_2 MATHARDSHIP_2_f. MATHARDSHIP_3 MATHARDSHIP_3_f. MATHARDSHIP_4 MATHARDSHIP_4_f. MATHARDSHIP_5 MATHARDSHIP_5_f. MATHARDSHIP_6 MATHARDSHIP_6_f. COLLECT COLLECT_f. REJECTED_1 REJECTED_1_f. REJECTED_2 REJECTED_2_f. ABSORBSHOCK ABSORBSHOCK_f. BENEFITS_1 BENEFITS_1_f. BENEFITS_2 BENEFITS_2_f. BENEFITS_3 BENEFITS_3_f. BENEFITS_4 BENEFITS_4_f. BENEFITS_5 BENEFITS_5_f. FRAUD2 FRAUD2_f. COVERCOSTS COVERCOSTS_f. BORROW_1 BORROW_1_f. BORROW_2 BORROW_2_f. SHOCKS_1 SHOCKS_1_f. SHOCKS_2 SHOCKS_2_f. SHOCKS_3 SHOCKS_3_f. SHOCKS_4 SHOCKS_4_f. SHOCKS_5 SHOCKS_5_f. SHOCKS_6 SHOCKS_6_f. SHOCKS_7 SHOCKS_7_f. SHOCKS_8 SHOCKS_8_f. SHOCKS_9 SHOCKS_9_f. SHOCKS_10 SHOCKS_10_f. SHOCKS_11 SHOCKS_11_f. SHOCKS_12 SHOCKS_12_f. MANAGE2 MANAGE2_f. PAIDHELP PAIDHELP_f. HSLOC HSLOC_f. PAREDUC PAREDUC_f. FINSOC2_1 FINSOC2_1_f. FINSOC2_2 FINSOC2_2_f. FINSOC2_3 FINSOC2_3_f. FINSOC2_4 FINSOC2_4_f. FINSOC2_5 FINSOC2_5_f. FINSOC2_6 FINSOC2_6_f. FINSOC2_7 FINSOC2_7_f. OBJNUMERACY1 OBJNUMERACY1_f. ON2correct ON2correct_f. ON1correct ON1correct_f. MATERIALISM_1 MATERIALISM_1_f. MATERIALISM_2 MATERIALISM_2_f. MATERIALISM_3 MATERIALISM_3_f. CONNECT CONNECT_f. HEALTH HEALTH_f. SCFHORIZON SCFHORIZON_f. DISCOUNT DISCOUNT_f. MEMLOSS MEMLOSS_f. DISTRESS DISTRESS_f. SELFCONTROL_1 SELFCONTROL_1_f. SELFCONTROL_2 SELFCONTROL_2_f. SELFCONTROL_3 SELFCONTROL_3_f. OUTLOOK_1 OUTLOOK_1_f. OUTLOOK_2 OUTLOOK_2_f. INTERCONNECTIONS_1 INTERCONNECTIONS_1_f. INTERCONNECTIONS_2 INTERCONNECTIONS_2_f. INTERCONNECTIONS_3 INTERCONNECTIONS_3_f. INTERCONNECTIONS_4 INTERCONNECTIONS_4_f. INTERCONNECTIONS_5 INTERCONNECTIONS_5_f. INTERCONNECTIONS_6 INTERCONNECTIONS_6_f. INTERCONNECTIONS_7 INTERCONNECTIONS_7_f. INTERCONNECTIONS_8 INTERCONNECTIONS_8_f. INTERCONNECTIONS_9 INTERCONNECTIONS_9_f. INTERCONNECTIONS_10 INTERCONNECTIONS_10_f. PEM PEM_f. HOUSESAT HOUSESAT_f. SOCSEC1 SOCSEC1_f. SOCSEC2 SOCSEC2_f. SOCSEC3 SOCSEC3_f. LIFEEXPECT LIFEEXPECT_f. HHEDUC HHEDUC_f. KIDS_NoChildren KIDS_NoChildren_f. KIDS_1 KIDS_1_f. KIDS_2 KIDS_2_f. KIDS_3 KIDS_3_f. KIDS_4 KIDS_4_f. EMPLOY EMPLOY_f. EMPLOY1_1 EMPLOY1_1_f. EMPLOY1_2 EMPLOY1_2_f. EMPLOY1_3 EMPLOY1_3_f. EMPLOY1_4 EMPLOY1_4_f. EMPLOY1_5 EMPLOY1_5_f. EMPLOY1_6 EMPLOY1_6_f. EMPLOY1_7 EMPLOY1_7_f. EMPLOY1_8 EMPLOY1_8_f. EMPLOY1_9 EMPLOY1_9_f. RETIRE RETIRE_f. MILITARY MILITARY_f. Military_Status Military_Status_f. agecat agecat_f. generation generation_f. PPEDUC PPEDUC_f. PPETHM PPETHM_f. PPGENDER PPGENDER_f. PPHHSIZE PPHHSIZE_f. PPINCIMP PPINCIMP_f. PPMARIT PPMARIT_f. PPMSACAT PPMSACAT_f. PPREG4 PPREG4_f. PPREG9 PPREG9_f. PPT01 PPT01_f. PPT25 PPT25_f. PPT612 PPT612_f. PPT1317 PPT1317_f. PPT18OV PPT18OV_f. PCTLT200FPL PCTLT200FPL_f. ; RUN; /* Outputting permanent SAS dataset*/ DATA outdata.NFWBS_PUF_2016_data; SET NFWBS_PUF; RUN;