Search Tips
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" > <head id="Head1"><meta name="description" content=""></meta><meta name="keywords" content=""></meta><title> Search Tips </title><meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" /><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="../Resources/CSS/main.css" /></head> <body> <form id="Form1" runat="server" class="PageForm"> <div> <div style="padding: 5px;"> <p align="left">In addition to being faster, our enhanced search function offers more control. The Product Search feature includes the following matching options:</P> <br /> <H4 align="left">Wild Cards</H4> <P align="left">The search function defaults to an <EM>exact match</EM>. Using wild cards, you can control when to use <EM>partial matching</EM> to optimize your search. A wild card includes any letter or number. Use "?" for a single character wild card and "*" for multiple character wild card. Hyphens do not affect search results. For example:</P> <TABLE class=border cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 width="90%" align=center border=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width="30%" align="left" vAlign=top class=blue_high>Search Term</TD> <TD width="73%" align="left" vAlign=top class=blue_high>Results</TD></TR> <TR> <TD width="30%" align="left" vAlign=top>CELL-DYN 1800</TD> <TD align="left" vAlign=top>all CELL-DYN 1800 products</TD></TR> <TR> <TD width="30%" align="left" vAlign=top class=lt_gray>CELL-DYN 3?</TD> <TD align="left" vAlign=top class=lt_gray>all products for CELL-DYN 3200, CELL-DYN 3500, CELL-DYN 3700, etc., but <EM>not</EM> CELL-DYN 1800</TD></TR> <TR> <TD width="30%" align="left" vAlign=top>CELL-DYN*</TD> <TD align="left" vAlign=top>all products for CELL-DYN 1700, CELL-DYN 1800, CELL-DY 3200, etc. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <p align="left">Note: Beginning search terms with a wild card (e.g. "*cd") can cause slow search times and is not supported. </p> <H4 align="left">Boolean Operators</H4> <P align="left">Allows you to use AND, OR, and NOT to further specify your search. Boolean searches can be further refined by grouping terms using (). For example:</P> <TABLE class=border cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 width="90%" align=center> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width="30%" align="left" vAlign=top class=blue_high>Search Term</TD> <TD align="left" vAlign=top class=blue_high>Results</TD></TR> <TR> <TD width="30%" align="left" vAlign=top>CBC-3K</TD> <TD align="left" vAlign=top>all CBC-3K products</TD></TR> <TR> <TD width="30%" align="left" vAlign=top class=lt_gray>CBC-3K AND CBC-4K</TD> <TD align="left" vAlign=top class=lt_gray>only products for CBC-3K AND CBC-4K</TD></TR> <TR> <TD width="30%" align="left" vAlign=top class=lt_gray>CBC-3K OR CBC-4K</TD> <TD align="left" vAlign=top class=lt_gray>both CBC-3k <EM>and</EM> CBC-4K products</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR><BR> <H4 align="left">Narrow Your Search Results</H4><P align="left">Search results can be narrowed further by using the filters on the left of the results page.</P> </div> </div> </form> </body> </html>