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Letter from company<br /> 2. Trade licence photocopy&nbsp;<br /> 3. Plate’s insurance document&nbsp;<br /> 4. Approval of NOC authority</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Roads and Safety" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Roads and Safety" style="display:none">Roads and Safety</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the documents required to apply for Traffic counts permit?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">1. Covering letter directed to Traffic Services Manager&nbsp;<br /> 2. Design Plan&nbsp;<br /> 3. Copy of Trade License.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Commercial Services" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Commercial Services" style="display:none">Commercial Services</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the reason for the decision to raise prices for tickets to Abra?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">A rise in the price of diesel from 3.92 to 8.92<br /> what are the required documents to apply for renewal of safari learning permit?<br /> 1. Clearance case certificate&nbsp;<br /> 2. Original passport and copy&nbsp;<br /> 3. letter from sponsor&nbsp;<br /> 4. letter from Tourist company&nbsp;<br /> 5. Eye test</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Parking" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Parking" style="display:none">Parking</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">When did the new tariff became applicable?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">This new tariff became applicable in the 28th of&nbsp;May 2016. &nbsp;</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Roads and Safety" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Roads and Safety" style="display:none">Roads and Safety</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the services available to me to request for road signs and marking?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">This service enables the customer to obtain new erection of Signs (temporary / permanent), shifting or removal of signs, and new road marking.<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="General" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="General" style="display:none">General</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the documents required to request certificates for taxi plate number owners?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">1. Request letter&nbsp;<br /> 2. Submission of an application&nbsp;<br /> 3. Owner's passport copy in order to change its accounts no.&nbsp;<br /> 4. Notarized assignment and passport copy and accounts no. of assignee in the case of assignment of the fund of the plat no&nbsp;<br /> 5. Descending declaration and heirs pass</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Roads and Safety" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Roads and Safety" style="display:none">Roads and Safety</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Can I request for public traffic services, give me examples of these services?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Yes you can and this service enable the customer to request a study for some required works on the roads, complaints, suggestions such as (hatching, reserving parking space, fixing a sign, closing a road for a social event…etc)</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Roads and Safety" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Roads and Safety" style="display:none">Roads and Safety</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the documents required to Request Directional Sign boards?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">1. Application form&nbsp;<br /> 2. Trade license certificate (hotels: certificate from tourism department) (emergency hospitals: ambulance registrations from police and health authority)&nbsp;<br /> 3. Drawing for location of signs&nbsp;<br /> 4. Photos of location&nbsp;<br /> 5. Design of sign boards&nbsp;<br /> 6. Other: details depends on their work nature</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the contact details of Emirates Driving Center?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Emirates Driving Center<br /> Tel. No.: 042631100<br /> Fax No.: 042631268<br /> P.O.Box: Dubai 20948<br/> Website: <a href="" ></a> <br/> Email: <a href="" ></a>&nbsp;/&nbsp;<a href="" ></a></p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Public Transport" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Public Transport" style="display:none">Public Transport</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is taxi booking service for people of determination?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Customer calls the section of booking &amp; distributing on 04 2080808, providing the location's details. Booking officer will enter the details in to the system &amp; direct the nearest available taxi to the customer's location.<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Public Transport" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Public Transport" style="display:none">Public Transport</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Where can I buy a Tram ticket or card?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">nol Cards are available at Dubai Metro stations and retail outlets at petrol stations.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="General" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="General" style="display:none">General</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the documents required to apply for receipt numbers of new taxi owners?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">1. Application Request letter&nbsp;<br /> 2. Owners' passport copy&nbsp;<br /> 3. UAE registration copy&nbsp;<br /> 4. Retention certification of the plate number.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Public Transport" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Public Transport" style="display:none">Public Transport</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Is it possible to use mobile on the underground sections of the Dubai Metro?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The Metro has.underground mobile coverage; therefore mobile phones can be used in underground stations and inside the trains.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the contact details of Galadary Driving Center?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Galadary Driving Center<br /> Tel. No.: 042676266<br /> P.O.Box Dubai: 80771<br /> Email:&nbsp;<a href="" ></a><br /> Website:&nbsp;<a href="" ></a></p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the documents required for changing the plate number?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">1. Emirates ID for locals and residents.<br /> 2. In case of companies, NOC for change of a plate number is a must and followed by number plates submitting and the vehicle registration<br /> 3. Submit number plate if available, or Letter from police in case the plates are lost/stolen<br /> 4. Vehicle Registration documents</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Parking" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Parking" style="display:none">Parking</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Do I need to register in the new apps again?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">No, you do not need to register again. You can use your current username and password to login.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Roads and Safety" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Roads and Safety" style="display:none">Roads and Safety</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the documents required to request NOC for Earth Works Grading ?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">1. E-NOC application form.&nbsp;<br /> 2. Cover/submittal letter addressed to Roads Department/NOC Section&nbsp;<br /> 3. Key plan clarifying the project location.&nbsp;<br /> 4. Scope of work drawing (General layout plan showing project boundary and scope of work).<br /> 5. Detailed layout drawing of the proposed works.<br /> 6. Program of work.<br /> 7. DM/Drainage and irrigation Department approval.<br /> 8. Traffic services section approval for humps (if required).<br /> 9. Site information about the availability of the spare ducts and the ownership along with the photographs.<br /> 10. Trial pits information if required. - Cost Sharing Agreements (if the proposed works inside developers’ projects)<br /> 11. Soft copy of the above in microstation version 7 or 8 format.<br /> 12. Other RTA internal departments approval if required.<br /> 13. Other concern parties/authorities approval if required.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Roads and Safety" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Roads and Safety" style="display:none">Roads and Safety</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the Documents required to apply for temporary gravel roads?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Application form<br /> Photocopy of applicant’s passport<br /> Site plan of area from Municipality</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Commercial Services" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Commercial Services" style="display:none">Commercial Services</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the required documents to obtain a Luxury car license?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr"><br /> 1. Fill the license application form and signed by the authorized person.&nbsp;<br /> 2. Copy of passport + family book of citizens.&nbsp;<br /> 3. No objection letter from the sponsor to exercise activity is required for the children of the GCC.&nbsp;<br /> 4. Letter from the employer or retirement benefits or not to approve the work.&nbsp;<br /> 5. To sign the pledge commitment to annex to the conditions and requirements to practice the business car rental.&nbsp;<br /> 6. To sign the pledge commitment to annex to the conditions and requirements for the practice of rental motorcycles</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Commercial Services" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Commercial Services" style="display:none">Commercial Services</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the procedure/documents required for issuing a permit to operate a new abra on Dubai Creek within the stations designated for abras belonging to the Marine Agency and within the navigation lines specified by the Agency?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr"><br /> Documents required are:&nbsp;<br /> - Valid passport copy of the owner&nbsp;<br /> - Copy of nationality book&nbsp;<br /> - Certificate of the ownership&nbsp;<br /> - Application endorsed by the CEO of the Marine&nbsp;<br /> - Agency to operate the abra&nbsp;<br /> - Sales contract from the factory (in the event of a new abra)&nbsp;<br /> - Sales contract attested by the notary public (in the event of a used abra)&nbsp;<br /> - Statement of not using the abra until workers affairs are settled<br /> Fees:&nbsp;<br /> - AED5000 as annual fees of issuing a new abra operation permit&nbsp;<br /> - AED500 as annual insurance premiums of the abra.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the documents required to apply for a Practical test for new Instructors?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">1. Copy of the theoretical exam results.<br /> 2. Payment receipt</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the Drivers Handbook?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The handbook provides road rules information, including safe driving&nbsp;and crash prevention tips,&nbsp;and information on traffic offences&nbsp;and black points. It provides information about road signs&nbsp;and road markings that are used in Dubai&nbsp;and the UAE. This is the only Dubai Government approved publication of road rules.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Parking" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Parking" style="display:none">Parking</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Can the seasonal parking cards “A” &amp;“B” be used in the areas “C” &amp; “D”?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Currently &nbsp;A category valid seasonal parking card holders can use their cards in all zones A, B, C and D , while B category valid seasonal parking card holders can use their cards in zones B and D.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Public Transport" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Public Transport" style="display:none">Public Transport</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the procedure of Renew a school bus driving permit?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">1. The renewal should be within one month after the expiry of his previous driving permit.<br /> 2. To submit a disease-free and not taking drugs and alcohol certificate.<br /> 3. To pass the theoretical test to be conducted by the Agency, which are related to the training 4. course materials.<br /> 5. The driver should submit the traffic black points report from Dubai police.<br /> 6. To register in and attend the basic (School Bus Driving) training course.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Commercial Services" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Commercial Services" style="display:none">Commercial Services</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the documents required to apply for driving permit within special locations?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">1. Clearance case certificate&nbsp;<br /> 2. age: more than 25 Years old Holding a driving license for 3 years minimum&nbsp;<br /> 3. Original passport and copy&nbsp;<br /> 4. letter from sponsor&nbsp;<br /> 5. letter from Tourist company&nbsp;<br /> 6. Eye test&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Parking" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Parking" style="display:none">Parking</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">How much will I be charged for using the mParking service?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The charges for using the mParking service would depend on the zones. Different zones have different charges. There is an additional transaction fee of 30 fils per SMS for using the mParking service.<br /> Example: If a one-hour ticket from the Parking machine costs Dhs 4.00 then the end user will be charged Dhs 4.30 for 1hr if they use mParking service.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="General" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="General" style="display:none">General</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">where should the owners of the taxi plate numbers need to go for changing the bank account number?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The owners need to go to the Main customer services at Umm Al Roumool for this service.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Parking" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Parking" style="display:none">Parking</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the features of the other Smart Apps?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">All the features available in Smart Parking App such as "Pay Parking Fees, View Public Parking availability, View Multistory Parking availability and Dubai Mall Parking availability" are available in RTA Dubai Smart App.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Commercial Services" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Commercial Services" style="display:none">Commercial Services</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Who can apply for safari learning permit?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Any person who is more than 25 Years old Holding a driving license for 3 years minimum.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Parking" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Parking" style="display:none">Parking</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Which apps can I use to pay my parking fares?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">You can download and install RTA Dubai App or Drivers and Vehicles App to pay your parking fares.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the contact details of Dubai Driving Center?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Dubai Driving Center<br /> Tel. No.: 043455855<br /> Fax No.: 043455844<br /> P.O.Box: Dubai 24443<br /> Email :&nbsp;<a href="" ></a><br /> <!-- Website:&nbsp;<a href="" ></a></p> --></p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the categories of parking fines?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Category 1: &nbsp; &nbsp; Nonpayment of fees or failure to place the ticket.<br /> Category 2: &nbsp; &nbsp; Parking longer than the period specified in the ticket.<br /> Category 3: &nbsp; &nbsp; Exceeded the maximum parking for more than three hours (some positions are not allowed to park in for more than two hours).<br /> Category 4: &nbsp; &nbsp; Parking in the wrong way or illegal parking</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the contact details of Bel Hasa Driving center?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Bel Hasa Driving center<br /> Tel. No.: 043243535<br /> Fax No.: 043245408<br /> P.O.Box: Dubai 71707<br /> website:&nbsp;<a href="" ></a><br /> Email:&nbsp;<a href="" ></a></p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Commercial Services" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Commercial Services" style="display:none">Commercial Services</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the documents required for Subscription in the information system for Rent A Car offices/ renewing the subscription, and training for using the system?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr"><br /> 1. Application of licensing &amp; registration procedures<br /> 2. Passport copies of trainees&nbsp;<br /> 3. Licenses file from the department of Economic Development in Dubai, indicating that licenses are valid, &amp; there are no licenses of the same activity&nbsp;<br /> 4. Passport copy &amp; family record for Emirati nationals&nbsp;<br /> 5. NOC&nbsp; from the sponsor for starting the activities for (expatriates)</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Parking" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Parking" style="display:none">Parking</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Will the tariff be restored during non-peak hours on Saturdays or after 04:00 pm?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The fee will be fixed from 8 am to 10 pm during weekdays. Dubai is a vibrant metropolis with traffic movement continuing into late night hours</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the documents required for Renewing of Drivers License?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">1. Passport photocopy with valid residence visa.<br /> 2. Photos(2)-passport size<br /> 3. Eye Test result from approved opticians<br /> 4. Original Expired Driving License<br /> 5. Emirates ID (for UAE Citizen &amp; people working in Government and semi-Government)</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the types of certificates that I can request related to my vehicle?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">1. Vehicle Ownership Certificate<br /> 2. Certificate of non ownership of a vehicle or Vehicle Clearance</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Commercial Services" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Commercial Services" style="display:none">Commercial Services</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the documents required to run a Car Rent Office?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">1. Application filling&nbsp;<br /> 2. Passport copy&nbsp;<br /> 3. Family record copy ( Khulaset Al Qayd)&nbsp;<br /> 4. NOC issued by the company ( in case the sponsor works)&nbsp;<br /> 5. File of number of Trade Licenses<br /> Note:<br /> Applicant should refer to the RTA counter at the Economic Department</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Roads and Safety" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Roads and Safety" style="display:none">Roads and Safety</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the documents required to request NOC for Discharge Lines of Dewatering Works?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">1. E-NOC application form.&nbsp;<br /> 2. Cover/submittal letter addressed to Roads Department/NOC Section&nbsp;<br /> 3. Key plan clarifying the project location.&nbsp;<br /> 4. Scope of work drawing (General layout plan showing project boundary and scope of work).<br /> 5. Detailed layout drawing of the proposed works.<br /> 6. Program of work.<br /> 7. DM/Drainage and irrigation Department approval.<br /> 8. Traffic services section approval for humps (if required).<br /> 9. Site information about the availability of the spare ducts and the ownership along with the photographs.<br /> 10. Trial pits information if required. - Cost Sharing Agreements (if the proposed works inside developers’ projects)<br /> 11. Soft copy of the above in microstation version 7 or 8 format.<br /> 12. Other RTA internal departments approval if required.<br /> 13. Other concern parties/authorities approval if required.<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the Categories of Drivers License?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">1. Motorcycle<br /> 2<strong>. </strong>People of determination Carriage<br /> 3. Light Vehicle (Weight should not be more than the 2.5 Ton) or any salon car<br /> 4. Heavy Vehicle (Weight should be more than 2.5 Ton)<br /> 5. Light Bus (The Capacity is less than 26 passengers except the driver)<br /> 6. Heavy Bus (The Capacity is more than 26 passengers except the driver)<br /> 7. Tractor or light mechanical Equipment (Weight is less than 7 Ton)<br /> 8. Tractor or Mechanical Equipment (Weight is more than 7.5 Ton)</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Roads and Safety" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Roads and Safety" style="display:none">Roads and Safety</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the documents required to apply for Permit for temporary access to construction sites?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">1. Covering letter directed to Traffic Services Manager.&nbsp;<br /> 2. DM Affection plan and building (s) Design and License.&nbsp;<br /> 3. Traffic and road Engineering Design Plan showing Temporary access Geometric Design and surrounding Area.&nbsp;<br /> 4. RTA Maintenance Department&nbsp;<br /> 5. Dubai Municipality land plan&nbsp;<br /> 6. NOC in case of utilizing part of road for construction purposes.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Public Transport" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Public Transport" style="display:none">Public Transport</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Where are the stations of Dubai Ferry?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">1. Ghubaiba station next to HSBC Bank<br /> 2. Station Marina Dubai (Dubai Marina)</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Can I change my vehicle color and what is the procedure to that?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">1. Filled application&nbsp;<br /> 2. Present Vehicle registration&nbsp;<br /> 3. Approved Technical examination in case changing color or engine number&nbsp;<br /> 4. Insurance policy in case of changing insurance<br /> 5. Official and stamped letter from the company<br /> 6. Presence of concerned person or his legal representative&nbsp;<br /> 7. Obtaining NOC from the CID of Dubai Police</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Commercial Services" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Commercial Services" style="display:none">Commercial Services</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the required documents for renewing a Commercial Plate Number?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">1. Letter from company<br /> 2. Plate’s insurance document</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the contact details of AL-Ahli Driving Center ?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">AL-Ahli Driving Center<br /> Tel. No.: 043411500<br /> Fax No.: 043411511<br /> P.O.Box: Dubai 282426<br /> Email:&nbsp;<a href="" ></a><br /> Website:&nbsp;<a href="" ></a></p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Fines and payment" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Fines and payment" style="display:none">Fines and payment</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the categories of parking fines?<br /> <br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Category 1: &nbsp; &nbsp; Nonpayment of fees or failure to present the ticket (AED 150).<br /> Category 2: &nbsp; &nbsp; Parking longer than specified period in the ticket (AED 100 ).<br /> Category 3: &nbsp; &nbsp; Exceeded the maximum parking for more than three hours (some positions are not allowed to park in for more than two hours) (AED 100).<br /> Category 4: &nbsp; &nbsp; Parking in the wrong way or illegal parking AED 200/-</p> <p dir="ltr">Note:</p> <p dir="ltr">The fine if the customers use the parking space for the people of determination without &nbsp;permits 500 AED from RTA and 1000 AED from Dubai police<br /> Customer who's Displaying vehicle for sale in banned area or Dubai public area, they will get a fine of AED 500 from the parking inspector<br /> This type of fine is already implemented exactly from 2001<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the required documents to modify some of the driving license data/information?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">1. Applicants' passport<br /> 2. Original Driving license issued from Dubai<br /> 3. Filling the application<br /> 4. Emirates ID (for UAE Citizen &amp; people working in Government and semi-Government)</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the difference between (A) parking and (B) parking?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The (A) parking card can be used for all regions and around the clock (with the exception of Dubai<br /> Internet City , Dubai Media City ,gold souq and Deira fish market parking.<br /> The (B) parking card allows the customer to park his vehicle in Parking spaces (Parking outside the main roads)</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Tendering" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Tendering" style="display:none">Tendering</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the documents required to register a Supplier in Purchasing System?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">1. Scanned and stamped copy of Business License<br /> 2. Scanned copy of the passport of the Company Administrator&nbsp;<br /> 3. Business card of the Administrator User with the Name, Title and Company’s logo<br /> How can I view tendering procedures?<br /> By log in to the RTA's main website, and follow-up updates and tendering procedures.<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Public Transport" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Public Transport" style="display:none">Public Transport</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the procedure of getting a school bus driver License?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">1. He should be a holder of a heavy bus driving license.&nbsp;<br /> 2. He should be at least 25 years old.&nbsp;<br /> 3. He should be of a good conduct and has no criminal records.&nbsp;<br /> 4. The driver should submit the traffic black points report from Dubai police.&nbsp;<br /> 5. To submit a disease-free and not taking drugs and alcohol certificate.&nbsp;<br /> 6. He should be familiar with Arabic &amp; English Language.&nbsp;<br /> 7. To register in and attend the basic (School Bus Driving) training course.&nbsp;<br /> 8. To pass the theoretical test to be conducted by the Agency, this is related to the training course materials.<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Public Transport" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Public Transport" style="display:none">Public Transport</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Which Tram stations are integrated with Metro?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The Dubai Tram provides connectivity to Jumeirah Lakes Towers and DAMAC Properties Metro stations. Footbridges provide a direct link between the two adjacent Tram and Metro stations for a smooth and seamless interchange for passengers.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Roads and Safety" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Roads and Safety" style="display:none">Roads and Safety</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the documents required to issue a Permit for road closure for public event ?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">1. Covering Letter.&nbsp;<br /> 2. Copy of valid Trade License.&nbsp;<br /> 3. Engineering plan for roads to be closed and alternative routes and traffic diversions to be performed during the appropriate.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the documents required to apply for a Test of instructors for adding a new training category?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">1. Letter issued by the driving school<br /> 2. Copy of the passport and residence visa<br /> 3. Discharge letter of the traffic penalties<br /> 4. Copy of the driving license<br /> 5. Original copy of the training permit<br /> 6. The applicant shall pass the interview related to the required type</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the Documents required for applying to Motorcycle drivers&nbsp;license ?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">1. Original Passport with visa page.<br /> 2. Emirates ID ( for UAE Citizen &amp; people working in Government and semi-Government ) + a photocopy of the same.<br /> 3. 2 photos ( passport size)<br /> 4. No Objection Letter issued by the Guardian or sponsor.<br /> 5. File the application form<br /> 6. Eye Test</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Tendering" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Tendering" style="display:none">Tendering</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the applications for Permit to Advertise on Moving Vehicles?<br /> Permit application&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">1. AD design &amp; layout&nbsp;<br /> 2. Copy of commercial license&nbsp;<br /> 3. Copy of Vehicle Registration<br /> Notes:&nbsp;<br /> 1. Expenses: AED 50&nbsp;<br /> 2. Ad design should be 50% in Arabic &amp; 50% in English&nbsp;<br /> 3. If color occupies more than 30% of Ad's design, it will be transferred to CID for approval&nbsp;<br /> 4. Provide certificate of Land &amp; Property Department, If Ad includes any real estate brokerage&nbsp;<br /> 5. Provide Vehicle rental contract if vehicle belongs to Car Rental Office&nbsp;<br /> 6. Provide Tenancy Contract or Registered Trade mark provided by Ministry of Economy.<br /> 7. Apply Online&nbsp;<br /> 8. Identical Commercial Name, Vehicle Registration Card &amp; Ad's Stickers.....note:&nbsp; Subject to approvals, Permits are issued at the counter after a minimum period of 2 weeks</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Smart Applications" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Smart Applications" style="display:none">Smart Applications</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Does the Smart Drive need Internet?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The app works without Internet connection to search and navigate.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Roads and Safety" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Roads and Safety" style="display:none">Roads and Safety</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the Documents Required to apply for supplying of sand for filling and levelling land?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Application form<br /> Photocopy of applicant’s passport<br /> Site plan of area from Municipality</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Fines and payment" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Fines and payment" style="display:none">Fines and payment</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the branches to pay the fines in Dubai?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">1. Registration Qusais should be transaction&nbsp;<br /> 2. Al Barsha Registration should be transaction&nbsp;<br /> 3. Aweer Registration should be transaction&nbsp;<br /> 4. Hatta Registration should be transaction&nbsp;<br /> 5. Jebel Ali Registration should be transaction&nbsp;<br /> 6. Warsan Registration should be transaction&nbsp;<br /> 7. Shamel Nad Al Hamar should be transaction&nbsp;<br /> 8. Shamel Al Added should be transaction&nbsp;<br /> 9. Shamel Muhaisna should be transaction&nbsp;<br /> 10. Licensing Department Deira&nbsp;<br /> 11. Licensing Department Barsha&nbsp;<br /> 12. The unified Al Tawar Center<br /> for the parking fines only: &nbsp;Karama Municipality Center<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Commercial Services" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Commercial Services" style="display:none">Commercial Services</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the Rowing Abra?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr"><br /> * The number of stations (2) as follows: (Dubai Creek Park - Public Library)<br /> * Standard rate of AED 1 per passenger per trip in cash without tickets.&nbsp;<br /> * Rates: AED 30 tourist tourism per hour.&nbsp;<br /> * Working hours of rowing abra Public Library (05:30 - 10:00) - (09:30 - 12:00 (Creek Park (10:00 - 13:00) - (16:00 - 18:00)</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Roads and Safety" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Roads and Safety" style="display:none">Roads and Safety</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the documents required to apply for utilizing part of the right of way permit?<br /> &nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">1. Covering letter directed to traffic services manager&nbsp;<br /> 2. Dubai Municipality affection plan&nbsp;<br /> 3. Engineer design plan&nbsp;<br /> 4. Dubai Economic Department Trade License&nbsp;<br /> 5. Traffic Engineering Design Plan (Suggested Design Plan showing traffic detour, signs and marking ). RTA Maintenance Department NOC in case of utilizing part of road for construction purposes.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="All Guides" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="All Guides" style="display:none">All Guides</h2> <br/> </div><div data-question="Roads and Safety" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Roads and Safety" style="display:none">Roads and Safety</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">If the customer is taking driving lessons in Dubai and then changes the visa to another emirates, who will issue the license after the customer passes the road test knowing that the visa is not from Dubai anymore?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Knowing that the file is opened in Dubai, the license will be issued in Dubai after the customer passes the road test.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Roads and Safety" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Roads and Safety" style="display:none">Roads and Safety</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the required number of driving lessons if the customer wants to change the driving license from automatic to manual?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;If the customer has a light automatic driving license and wants to apply for a light manual driving license, the driving lessons will be reduced to 10 lessons.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Roads and Safety" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Roads and Safety" style="display:none">Roads and Safety</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">When is the handbook's information updated?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">A review of the handbook will be conducted every 6 months, and an updated version will be issued if necessary. When significant changes occur, a leaflet with the updated information may be provided with the handbook.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Roads and Safety" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Roads and Safety" style="display:none">Roads and Safety</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What do I do if I think the information in the handbook is incorrect?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;In this case, you can contact RTA call center 8009090.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Roads and Safety" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Roads and Safety" style="display:none">Roads and Safety</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Where can I purchase the handbook?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;The handbook is available at all RTA outlets. The handbooks are expected to be available at other outlets. The customer can also purchase it through the SDDI system. An application to purchase 1 book only may be filled online. There is a handbook for each level of the license (5 available handbooks). They are issued in Arabic, English and Urdu.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Roads and Safety" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Roads and Safety" style="display:none">Roads and Safety</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Is purchasing the handbook compulsory with overseas license transfer?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Yes, all clients who transfer their overseas license to a Dubai license must purchase a copy of the Light Vehicle handbook. The handbook purchase is automatically calculated by E-Traffic and added to the payment receipt.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Roads and Safety" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Roads and Safety" style="display:none">Roads and Safety</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What if the customer already has a handbook?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The customer must purchase a copy of the handbook to make sure that everyone has his own updated copy.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Roads and Safety" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Roads and Safety" style="display:none">Roads and Safety</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What if the customer does not want to purchase a handbook as part of the license transfer process?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">In this case, the customer will not be allowed to transfer the overseas license.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Roads and Safety" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Roads and Safety" style="display:none">Roads and Safety</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">If the customer learning permit expires and he had already passed the parking test, is he required to repeat the parking test or he must renew the learning permit first?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">If the learning permit has expired more than 6 months previously, then the customer should repeat the parking test. But, if the learning permit is renewed within 6 months, then the customer does not have to repeat the parking test.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Roads and Safety" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Roads and Safety" style="display:none">Roads and Safety</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Are there any specific classes that the customer should take when amending the license from manual to automatic?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">There are not any classes. The customer must visit the driving institute with the required document (learning application form) and change the information on the personal e-traffic file.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Roads and Safety" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Roads and Safety" style="display:none">Roads and Safety</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;What are the details pertaining to driving violations in the desert?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">For details about driving violations in the desert without a permit, the customer must check with the Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing or Dubai Police (Department of Tourism Security).</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Roads and Safety" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Roads and Safety" style="display:none">Roads and Safety</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the reasons for applying for this test?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">There are various examples:</p> <ul dir="ltr"> <li>The trainee does not deserve to fail</li> <li>The trainee did not have any mistakes</li> <li>The time was not enough</li> <li>The time was too long</li> <li>The trainee is not satisfied with the road test result</li> <li>There is no valid reason for failure.</li> </ul> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;Is there a procedure to cancel a driving license?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">There is no procedure for driving license cancellation. The customer cannot cancel his/her driving license. However, the customer can submit his driving license to Deira main licensing office or to the RTA main customer service by presenting an official letter and a passport copy.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">In case of failing the driving test, can the customer apply for another appointment?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">yes, the appointment will be after 3 days.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;Is it possible for the customer to get his driving license after one year from passing the exam?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">No, the customer must take another assessment test (internal road test, road test and road signs test).</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;If the customer is taking driving classes in Dubai then he changes his visa to another emirate. After passing the road test, which emirate will issue the license now that the visa is not in Dubai anymore?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">If the traffic file number is issued in Dubai, then, the license will be issued in Dubai after passing the road test.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the reasons behind not issuing the driving license after finishing the training?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The expiration of the passport : the valid national ID will be adopted</p> <p dir="ltr">The expiration of the residence visa: it must be renewed</p> <p dir="ltr">Changing the residence emirate: transfer the file to the new emirate. In this case, the following documents are required:<br /> The original file for the requester<br /> An email from the institute.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the conditions if the customer works in a company based in another emirate?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">For residents with visa issued in other emirates additional documents are required:</p> <p dir="ltr">The company must have a branch in Dubai and the customer must work in Dubai branch to open a traffic file. To apply, the customer must submit the required documents and a letter from the company stating that he works for the Dubai branch<br /> The trade license of the original company.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">How many courses must the customer attend if he wants to change his license from automatic to manual?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The customer must attend 10 training courses if he has a light vehicle automatic license and wants to change it to light vehicle manual license.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">If the customer is on visit visa and has an expired Dubai driving license, can he renew the driving license?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;No, the customer must have a valid residence visa. In this case, the customer can only apply for a replacement of a lost or damaged license.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Is it possible to renew the driving license from other emirates in Dubai?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">No, it is not.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">If the customer is renewing a driving license from other emirates, does he have to undergo an eye test even if the results are uploaded on the system?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Yes, the customer must undergo an eye test in one of the optical shops mentioned above.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;If the driving license is issued in Dubai and the visa is from another emirate, can the customer renew the driving license online?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;Yes, the customer can renew the license online after making sure that all the details of the traffic file are updated on the traffic system according to the new residence visa.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">If the customer submits the photo to the optician and does the renewal online, which photo will appear on the new driving license?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">As per the policy, only the Emirates ID photo will be used. However, if the said photo was not extracted for a certain reason, the customer can use the immigration photo or a picture from the camera or can even scan any other photo depending on the supervisor in the centre.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the procedure in case there are missing information when applying for the license?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The back office team sends&nbsp;SMS to customers who have missing details so that the transaction can be completed. If the customer calls asking about the SMS, the back office team asks the customer to send a scanned copy of the passport and a valid visa to provide the details.</p> <p dir="ltr">If the SMS does not include an email, the back office provides the customer with the content of the SMS stressing on the transaction number.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the procedure in case the police cancels a driving license after reaching 24 black points?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The customer goes to Dubai Police to request a letter so that RTA can open a new traffic file for the customer to be able to take the test again.</p> <p dir="ltr">In case the customer damages RTA property on roads, he must wait for estimating the damages. Once estimated, the customer or the insurance company is required to pay the fees, and then the customer goes to the customer service to get the clearance letter. The customer must present this letter to the police station holding the license.</p> <p dir="ltr">In case the customer is drunk while driving, the police station will wait for the judge to take the final decision in the case. In case the license is confiscated, Dubai Police keeps it. In case the license is frozen or suspended, the police station sends it to Barsha Licensing Centre or Deira Licensing Centre.</p> <p dir="ltr">&nbsp;</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Can the customer exchange his driving license in Dubai if he has a visa from other emirates and a tenancy agreement in Dubai?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The customer can exchange his driving license even if his visa is from other emirates . He must be living and working in Dubai and the company must have a branch in Dubai.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">If the customer is from GCC countries and has a driving license, does he need to exchange it or can he use it to drive in Dubai?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">A GCC national is allowed to drive with his own driving license as long as he is on a visit trip but if he is working and living in UAE, then he must exchange the driving license.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;If the customer is on a visit visa with a driving license from GCC countries, but his nationality is not from GCC countries nor from the exception countries, can he drive in Dubai or does he need an international license? What are the vehicles that he can drive using his GCC license?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Yes, the customer can drive light vehicles and motorcycles only as long as he is on visit visa with an international driving license.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">The customer is a USA national with an investment visa, and a US driving license, and he comes in and out of the country. Does he have to exchange his driving license in Dubai or can he use his US license in Dubai?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">No, the customer is not allowed to drive with the US driving license.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">The customer has a mission visa, service visa or multiple visa, can he drive in the UAE using a driving license issued in a country which is from the exception countries list? What is the procedure?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">No, he cannot.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">The customer has a UK driving license (exception countries) and he is on a visit visa, can he drive a vehicle registered under KSA plate number in the UAE?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The customer cannot drive even if he is holding a UK driving license and a UK passport. He can only drive it in UAE in case he crosses the border while driving it.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">The customer wants to apply for issuing a new driving license based on exchanging license. Are heavy truck driving license and equipment license exchangeable?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">For issuing a new driver license based on exchanging license the branch will only accept light vehicle and motorcycle.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the procedure if the customer has a driving license from Dubai and he has exchanged it for an Omani license (GCC)? If the customer wants to come back to Dubai on a residence visa, how can he get the Dubai license back?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">For any nationality, if the original driving license is from UAE, the customer can bring his documents to Deira licensing so that they can check his records and provide him with a driving license.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Can the customer convert a license from New Mexico?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Yes.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Can the customer convert a license from Puerto Rico?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;No.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Can the customer exchange G1 and G2 Canadian licenses?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">No.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Will the issuance date of the transferred license change?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The issuance date of the transferred driving license remains the same as the original date specified by the other emirate.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Can customers with international driving license drive in Dubai?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Yes, they can drive light vehicle and motorcycle.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Can customers who hold International driving license while they are on visit visa in Dubai drive a vehicle registered in Dubai to go to Oman or any other GCC countries?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The customer should check with the authorities in Oman.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Can Transit visa holders drive vehicle registered in Dubai?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;Transit visa holders can drive the vehicle registered in Dubai but they should have a valid international driving license.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Does the customer have to sign up for an account on the Roads and Transport Authority's (RTA) website to apply for this service through the e-channels?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The customer can easily use RTA e-channels without creating an account.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Licensing" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Licensing" style="display:none">Licensing</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the process in case the customer is in a country that does not accept e-certificates?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The customer can get the certificate approved from Ministry of Foreign Affairs&nbsp; and International Cooperation office in Dubai. Moreover, the e-certificate can be validated through the below link from RTA portal:<br /> <a href=";switchLanguage=en&amp;noCache=1551260362356&amp;CSRFaqemyx=z1k8bzj3q2bu" >;switchLanguage=en&amp;noCache=1551260362356&amp;CSRFaqemyx=z1k8bzj3q2bu</a></p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Is it possible to register a vehicle if the possession certificate is issued in another emirate?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Yes, it is possible to register the vehicle in Dubai on condition that the certificate includes the customer's name. However, the possession certificate issued for a company in another emirate cannot be used to register the vehicle in Dubai.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the specifications to register a heavy vehicle (3 tonnes)?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Height: 4.2 m<br /> Width: 2.6 m<br /> Length: depending on the vehicle.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Can citizens enrolled in the army register a vehicle in Dubai? Are residents allowed to register vehicles?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Citizens are allowed to register vehicles in Dubai even if they are enrolled in the army. Residents are allowed to register the vehicle should they meet the Dubai conditions for registering a vehicle.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What type of vehicles are citizens and residents allowed to register?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Residents: Only light vehicles and motorcycles</p> <p dir="ltr">Citizens: Light vehicles and motorcycles. The customer can register a light bus if the family is comprised of at least 10 members. The customer must present a proof (a family book for special reasons or a birth certificate). The customer can also register a 4-door pick up or a heavy vehicle if he owns a farm and upon providing a proof.</p> <p dir="ltr">&nbsp;</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">How many vehicles are customers allowed to register?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Customers are allowed to register an unlimited number of vehicles.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;For how long will the registration be valid in accordance with the insurance provided by the customer?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;If the customer provides an insurance for more than 1 year, the registration can be valid for more than 1 year. The maximum validity is 3 years. This is only applicable for new vehicles.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Is the customer with an investment visa allowed to register a vehicle?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Yes, but the visa must be valid for at least 6 months.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Are customers allowed to register light pick-ups?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Customers are allowed to register 4-door light transport vehicles and 2-door vehicles (for citizens only). They will receive private plates and they are allowed to register fancy 4-door vehicles if they have residence visa from Dubai or from another emirate on condition that the vehicles meet the registration conditions.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;What are the cases applicable for technical inspection?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">If the vehicles are purchased from a private enterprise other than the authorised dealers and also if the vehicles are imported or previously owned.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the procedure if the customer loses the plate sticker?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">If a customer loses for some reason the plate sticker, he can head to any Vehicles Renewal Services centers and pay 10 AED to receive a new sticker.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;Are customers allowed to register a vehicle without holding a driving license?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">It is possible to register a vehicle without holding a driving license on condition that the customer has a Dubai residence visa.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;Can the customer register a vehicle on the condition of providing property documents?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;This is possible if the property is owned by the customer. He must present the Emirates ID and the original passport.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">In which cases is the technical test undertaken in other emirates accepted?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;It is accepted in the cases of registration, renewal transactions and transfer certificates of light vehicles from Dubai to other emirates.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Can the customer upload the results of the technical test online?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">RTA electronically uploads the result of the test.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Are customers allowed to register vehicles if they have 2 traffic files?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Yes, customers can register the vehicle after requesting from RTA to merge the 2 traffic files into 1. After having 1 traffic file, the customer can register the vehicle.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Is it required to periodically inspect vehicles of governmental and semi-governmental bodies and companies?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Yes, vehicles must undergo the technical test yearly.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;If the customer owns more than 1 vehicle, renewing the registration of which one is considered a priority?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">If the customer owns 2 or more vehicles, he must always start by renewing the ownership or removing the ownership of vehicles listed on his traffic file with an expired registration.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">If the vehicle is registered in another emirate and the customer has a residence visa from the same emirate, is he allowed to renew the ownership in Dubai?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Yes, the service is only available for individuals and it can be only performed at federal branches.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Can the customer renew the ownership in Dubai if he is from another emirate and the vehicle is registered in another emirate?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Yes, the customer must be an individual and must provide all the required documents to renew the ownership including the residence visa if he is not from Dubai. Any person can represent the customer to renew the ownership.</p> <p dir="ltr">Example: If the vehicle is registered in Sharjah and the customer’s residence visa is issued in Abu Dhabi, the customer can renew the ownership at a vehicle registration centre in Dubai.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Can the customer renew the ownership of a vehicle registered in Dubai in another emirate?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Yes, individual customers are eligible to renew the ownership of a vehicle registered in Dubai in another emirate.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Can the customer renew the ownership of a vehicle registered outside Dubai if he has a residence visa from the mentioned emirate?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Yes, the customer can renew the ownership of a vehicle registered outside Dubai if he has a residence visa from the mentioned emirate.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;What is the validity of the technical test?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The technical test remains valid for 30 days from the date of its issuance.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;What is the procedure if the vehicle is new but the traffic system requests its inspection?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">If the vehicle is brand new, bought with 0 miles and the customer is the first owner but the system requests its inspection, then the customer must check with the Customer Happiness Centre in Deira or Al Barsha.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the validity of the tyres when renewing the ownership?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The validity of the tyres is 3 years if they are new (2012-2013-2014). If the tyres are damaged, the customer must change them to pass the inspection test.</p> <p dir="ltr">Note: The customer must present a registration card to inspect the vehicle.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;Is the customer required to perform the inspection test if the vehicle is new and its ownership was not renewed for 6 months?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;A technical test is not required.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Is the customer required to update any information when applying for this service through the online channels?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">When applying for this service through the online channels, the customer must update the insurance details on the traffic system (through the insurance company) and must update the details of the vehicle if necessary (through the inspection centre).</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">When is the customer required to inspect the vehicles registered under the company’s traffic file?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Vehicles registered under the company’s traffic file must be inspected yearly after the registration. The company can renew the ownership certificate of the vehicle 149 days before its expiry.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the steps that the customer must follow if the customer owns more than 1 vehicle and desires to renew ownership or cancel it after its expiry?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">If the vehicle is new and the customer delays the renewal of its ownership for more than 6 months from the date of the first renewal, the vehicle must undergo a technical inspection test even if it is new before proceeding with the registration.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Does RTA accept universal inspection tests to renew the ownership of a vehicle?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">No, RTA does not accept these tests.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is a vehicle cancellation?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The cancellation of a vehicle is crossing it out from the traffic system either by issuing an ownership certificate or a transfer certificate or an export certificate.</p> <p dir="ltr">To cancel the vehicle, the customer must present the original Emirates ID + copy of ID.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Where can the customer apply for a clearance certificate indicating that the vehicle does not have any pending traffic fines in Dubai if the vehicle is registered in another emirate?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The customer must check the source of the plate numbers in other emirates.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Should the customer bring a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the bank to change the plate number if the vehicle is under mortgage?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">No, the customer does not need an NOC from the bank.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Can the customer change the vehicle plate number if the residence visa is issued in another emirate?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;Yes, if the residence visa or the Emirates ID is valid.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Can the customer renew the reservation of the plate number 2 weeks in advance?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Yes, the customer can renew the reservation 2 weeks in advance.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">If the customer loses the plates in another country (Saudi Arabia), what is the procedure to replace them?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">In case of losing 1 plate, the customer can drive back to UAE and must present a police report.</p> <p dir="ltr">In case of losing 2 plates, RTA forbids the customer from driving the vehicle back to UAE. The customer must present a police report.</p> <p dir="ltr">&nbsp;</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Do I have to own plates if I want to apply for Dubai Brand logo?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">No, when registering the vehicle, you can apply for having the Dubai Brand logo without having the plates.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the procedure in case of losing the plates? Is it the same procedure as replacing regular plates?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;Yes, you must follow the same process of replacing regular plates. The only difference is that the fee of every plate becomes 200 AED.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Can I change the colours of the logo?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">No, there is only 1 design for the logo.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Are there yearly fees for owning these plates?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">No, there aren’t any yearly fees.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What happens to the Dubai Brand logo if the customer sells the vehicle or transfers its ownership?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">In case of any of the above mentioned transactions, the Dubai Brand logo will be cancelled from the customer’s traffic file.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Can the customer avail from the discount on the 3-digit plates that was launched by the end of 2015?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The discount on the 3-digit plate number which was launched by the end of 2015 ended on 28 July 2016.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Is the customer eligible to own plate numbers if she is a Syrian resident sponsored by her husband who is a citizen and if they are both from Abu Dhabi?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;No she cannot buy or allocate plate numbers unless she has a traffic file.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;Can the customer purchase a distinguished number if he has a traffic file in Dubai but the residence visa is issued in another emirate?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Yes, the customer can purchase a distinguished number as long as he has a traffic file in Dubai.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the conditions of registering a vehicle in Dubai?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">1 of the below conditions must be met to register a vehicle in Dubai:</p> <p dir="ltr">The customer must have a tenancy agreement stamped by the official authorities and valid for at least 6 months<br /> The customer must present a bill from the Dubai Electricity &amp; Water Authority (DEWA) or a phone bill issued in Dubai<br /> The customer must be an employee in Dubai or the company’s trade name where he works must be the same on the residence visa or the passport<br /> The customer must be employed at a governmental or a semi-governmental agency<br /> The customer must be an investor in Dubai.</p> <p dir="ltr">Note: The service is also available on SDDI. The Emirates ID is not required for the service delivery and collection.</p> <p dir="ltr">&nbsp;</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the traders auction?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">It is the same as the open auction but is specialised for traders.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Can the customer keep the security fees to use them during the next auction?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">No, the next auction requires another security fees and this is applicable for customers who settled the fees in cash, by cheque or by credit card.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the procedure to pay using a manager cheque?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">If the customer wants to pay by a manager cheque, it must be addressed to the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) with the payment date on it.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Where can customers pay using a manager cheque?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">At the following centres:</p> <p dir="ltr">Customer Happiness Centre – Deira</p> <p dir="ltr">Customer Happiness Centre – Umm Ramool</p> <p dir="ltr">Customer Happiness Centre – Al Barsha.</p> <p dir="ltr">&nbsp;</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Can the customer pay the manager cheque as security fees?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The security fees cannot be settled by manager cheque. The customer is required to settle them in cash.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the maximum number of plates the customer can have during an auction?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;There is no maximum number.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the minimum amount of money that the customer can bid to start the auction?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The minimum amount is 1,000 AED.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">When does the auction end?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The auction starts on Tuesday and ends on Friday. On Friday at 2 p.m., the auction closes on the first number and other numbers follow consecutively. The customer can check the remaining time on the counter of the numbers.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">How does the customer know that he won the number?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Once the auction ends, the customer will receive an SMS.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Can the customer participate in the auction after it begins?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;Yes.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Can the customer settle the price of the plate and receive the ownership certificate in case of having pending fines on his traffic file?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Yes.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Can the customer settle the security fees if the manager cheque is not issued in his name?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">No, the manager cheque should be issued in the customer’s name and should have a payment date.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the maximum amount of money that the customer can settle using a credit card?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">In regular cases, the amount cannot exceed 50,000 AED. However, in case of a 3-digit plate, the maximum amount may reach 150,000 AED.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Can the customer use the travel ticket twice if he has previously used it once and it is still valid?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The travel ticket is valid for 1 year; however, the customer must check with the Automobile Touring Club after using it more than 2 times.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">If the customer wants to take the vehicle to Oman, but it is owned by another person, does he have to get a tourism certificate?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">No, the customer does not have to get a tourism certificate. The vehicle must be roadworthy and residents must have a valid residence visa. If the vehicle is owned by another person, its owner and its driver must present an NOC at the Deira Licensing Department stating that the owner allows the other person to drive his vehicle. Both the owner and the driver must sign at the centre. As for residents, they have to check with the Automobile Touring Club.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the required documents and the conditions to issue a tourism certificate and a travel ticket if the driver of the vehicle is not the owner?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The required documents and the conditions are:</p> <p dir="ltr">1. A form relevant to the request to fill in<br /> 2. Copy of the driver’s driving license<br /> 3. Legal ratification from the court or an NOC from the owner ratified by the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA)<br /> 4. If the customer does not have a travel ticket, he must visit the Automobile Touring Club to issue the ticket and the tourism certificate<br /> 5. If the vehicle is owned by a company, the customer must present an official letter in Arabic from the company and a copy of the trade license.</p> <p dir="ltr">To issue a tourism license:</p> <p dir="ltr">1. Copy of the passport<br /> 2. Copy of the ID<br /> 3. Copy of the driving license<br /> 4. NOC from the bank if the vehicle is under mortgage<br /> 5. 800 AED fees (including insurance fees and tourism certificate fees)<br /> 6. For residents: a travel ticket as an additional document.</p> <p dir="ltr">&nbsp;</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Where does the customer apply for a travel ticket?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;The Automobile Touring Club from Saturday to Thursday between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the requirements if the customer wants to drive his vehicle to KSA to perform Umrah?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The customer must contact the Saudi Consulate to ask about the required documents other than the tourism certificate.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the requirements if the customer wants to visit Lebanon or Jordan or any non-GCC country?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Citizens and GCC citizens must request a tourism license and a travel ticket. The Automobile Touring Club must specify the required fees. As for residents, they must request a tourism license and a travel ticket.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">If the vehicle is registered in Dubai and is in Qatar, and the owner wants to transfer its ownership to a person living in Dubai, can the new owner leave the vehicle in Qatar?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The customer cannot transfer the ownership of a vehicle if it is located abroad.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the requirements if the customer wants to sell a vehicle located abroad as junk?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The customer is required to settle all the traffic fines<br /> The customer must have a clearance certificate from the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA)<br /> Any person can represent the customer to apply for this service.</p> <p dir="ltr">&nbsp;</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the steps that the customer must follow when purchasing a vehicle from KSA and transporting it to another country?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The customer must check with the Traffic Department of the concerned country to know about the necessary measures.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;What are the requirements if the customer wants to sell a vehicle registered in Dubai but located outside the Emirate?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The customer is required to settle all the traffic fines.<br /> The customer must have a clearance certificate from the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA)<br /> Any person can represent the customer to apply for this service.</p> <p dir="ltr">&nbsp;</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the steps that the customer should follow to receive a tourism certificate and a travel ticket if the vehicle is registered outside Dubai?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The customer must apply for a travel ticket at the Automobile Touring Club. After receiving the ticket, the customer receives the tourism certificate from the emirate where the vehicle is registered.</p> <p dir="ltr">Note: If the customer decides to transport the vehicle through a shipping company, he must include the name of the company in the tourism certificate.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the procedure if the customer applies for the export certificate from Dubai and then changes his mind and decides to register the vehicle in another emirate?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The customer must check with the service centre to get a possession certificate to register the vehicle in another emirate.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the procedure if the customer loses the export certificate and the certificate is expired and the vehicle is outside the UAE?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The customer must apply for a new export certificate.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">How can the customer check the chassis number if he doesn’t have the original export certificate to bring the vehicle to the UAE?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The customer should communicate with the UAE embassy and submit a copy of the export certificate in order to receive a letter (from the embassy) allowing him to proceed with the service.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Is a chassis test needed to renew an expired export certificate?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Yes.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the inspection fees to export a heavy vehicle?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">If the vehicle is owned by an individual, a chassis test must be undertaken and the fee is 35 AED. If the vehicle is owned by a company, a technical test must be undertaken and the fee is 130 AED.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;The export certificate expires and the customer has not exported the vehicle yet. What are the fines to be paid if the customer registers the vehicle without renewing the certificate?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">There aren’t any fines, but the customer cannot renew the certificate. The customer must have a new insurance to export the vehicle via Dubai Customs.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Is the resident allowed to issue an export vehicle if the residence visa has expired?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">No, the resident must have a valid visa.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Is the personal presence of the export plates owner and the holder of the export certificate along with the person who will be driving the vehicle outside the country mandatory?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Yes, the personal presence is mandatory.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Is it possible to export a vehicle with window tinting films?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;The new law requires the removal of the window tinting films before exporting the vehicle.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the procedure if the customer imports a vehicle from abroad and decides to sell it before registering it or even decides to register it in another country?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">If the company imports a vehicle, it may transfer its ownership. If an individual imports a vehicle, he can request a Vehicle Clearance Certificate to register it in any emirate.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Plates and Registrations" style="display:none">Plates and Registrations</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the procedure if the customer has an export certificate which is valid for 15 days only and it expires?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">A chassis test is required.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Parking" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Parking" style="display:none">Parking</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the types of parking permits?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">There are 6 types of parking permits:</p> <p dir="ltr">1. Permanent&nbsp;Parking Permit for People of Determination this permit does not require a medical report if the customer has a special needs card<br /> 2. Temporary Parking Permit for People of Determination<br /> 3. Permit for elderly people: this permit does not require a medical report<br /> 4. Permit for people with chronic diseases: this permit is specialized for people who periodically visit a hospital. The customer must wait 5 days to receive the approval of the medical committee on the presented medical report. The customer must also have a registered vehicle in Dubai, or a proof of residence or work<br /> 5. Special permits for schools, companies and taxis (people with disabilities): there is no need for a medical report<br /> 6. Special permit for tourists valid for 3 months: the customer must present the special needs card issued in the country of origin in Arabic and English or must present a medical report.</p> <p dir="ltr">Note: Customers can apply to receive a lost or damaged permit for all types. All permits can be renewed except that of the tourists.</p> <p dir="ltr">&nbsp;</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Public Transport" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Public Transport" style="display:none">Public Transport</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the interchange stations between the metro and the tram?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The interchange stations are:</p> <p dir="ltr">Damac Properties Metro station (R36) - Dubai Marina Tram station (5)</p> <p dir="ltr">Jumeirah Lake Towers Metro station (R37) - Jumeirah Lake Towers Tram station (3).</p> <p dir="ltr">&nbsp;</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Public Transport" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Public Transport" style="display:none">Public Transport</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Can I plan my trip?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;Yes you can plan your trip by visiting Wojhati website or by downloading Wojhati application.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Commercial Services" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Commercial Services" style="display:none">Commercial Services</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Is it possible to get a commercial plate for a company if the trade license is issued in another emirate?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">No.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Commercial Services" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Commercial Services" style="display:none">Commercial Services</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the colour of the commercial plates?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Commercial plates are white with blue graphics.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Commercial Services" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Commercial Services" style="display:none">Commercial Services</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the fines associated with the plate trading permits?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Practicing the activity without a permit: 5,000 AED</p> <p dir="ltr">Practicing the activity with an expired permit: 3,000 AED</p> <p dir="ltr">Practicing activities other than the licensed activity by RTA: 3,000 AED</p> <p dir="ltr">Ceasing or stopping the practice of the activity for more than 6 months without notifying RTA: 1,000 AED</p> <p dir="ltr">Holding auctions on vehicle plate numbers without RTA's permission: 5,000 AED<br /> Failing to provide RTA with documents, data and necessary statistics related to the activity: 3,000 AED<br /> Enabling a third party to use the permit without RTA's prior consent: 3,000 AED<br /> Failing to act in accordance with the stipulations and requirements approved by RTA: 3,000 AED<br /> Interrupting or disrupting the work of employees: 5,000 AED<br /> Selling the same vehicle plate to more than 1 person: 10,000 AED<br /> Publicising the activity within RTA's service centers without the authority's consent: 3,000 AED.</p> <p dir="ltr">&nbsp;</p> <p dir="ltr">&nbsp;</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Commercial Services" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Commercial Services" style="display:none">Commercial Services</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">As a resident, why should I present my visa and passport instead of my Emirates ID?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The visa has the sponsor name. However, Emirates ID doesn’t – so visa and passport are both needed.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Commercial Services" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Commercial Services" style="display:none">Commercial Services</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">The customer has a company in Jebel Ali Free Zone (JAFZA) and doesn't have any traffic file in Dubai, does he need an NOC from RTA if he wants to cancel his JAFZA company?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Yes, for any company cancelling in JAFZA, the company must get a clearance NOC from RTA.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Commercial Services" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Commercial Services" style="display:none">Commercial Services</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the procedure if the company wants to change its name or the name on the trade license in the traffic file?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The company must have the approval to amend the name of the trade license and must update the company's traffic file at the Customer Happiness Centre in Deira or through the website.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Commercial Services" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Commercial Services" style="display:none">Commercial Services</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is an NOC?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The NOC is a certificate presented by the contractor to the concerned service authorities to get their approval.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Commercial Services" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Commercial Services" style="display:none">Commercial Services</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">How can I have more details about short term bus rental service?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">You must check the manual of renting a bus or Tajeer website or contact the call centre (8009090) or check RTA website.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Commercial Services" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Commercial Services" style="display:none">Commercial Services</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the expected rent price for commercial Spaces In Metro and Tram stations?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The price varies according to the metro and tram station. It also varies by location.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Commercial Services" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Commercial Services" style="display:none">Commercial Services</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the surface areas of the outlets, in Metro and Tram stations?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The area of the outlet varies between 8 square metres and 645 square metres.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Commercial Services" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Commercial Services" style="display:none">Commercial Services</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the type of the agreement for commercial Spaces in Metro and Tram?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">It is an investment agreement with RTA.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Commercial Services" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Commercial Services" style="display:none">Commercial Services</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What is the estimated period for processing and furnishing the outlet in metro and Tram Stations?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The period is up to 6 months maximum.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Commercial Services" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Commercial Services" style="display:none">Commercial Services</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What are the conditions pertaining to the agreement violation, for commercial Spaces In Metro and Tram stations? What are the terms and conditions of the agreement?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">RTA works in accordance with the investment agreement.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Commercial Services" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Commercial Services" style="display:none">Commercial Services</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;Are there any service fees, for commercial Spaces In Metro and Tram stations? What are the maintenance fees and are there any additional fees? Who does collect these fees?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">There is a fixed fee that the customer is required to settle (as part of the investment agreement).</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="mParking" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="mParking" style="display:none">mParking</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">How can I start using mParking service?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">If you own a private plate number, you do not require registration whereas if you own a non-private plate number you MUST register first to use the mParking service. Click here to Register.&nbsp;<a href="" ></a></p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="mParking" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="mParking" style="display:none">mParking</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">How do I register?&nbsp;</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">Registration is free. Follow the link “New User Registration”&nbsp;<a href="" ></a> It won’t take you more than 2 minutes to fill in the necessary data. You can also register by calling our Call Centre on 800 9090. Registration is free for all customers.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="mParking" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="mParking" style="display:none">mParking</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Why do I need to register</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;</p> <p dir="ltr">All non-private plate number owners MUST register in order to use the mParking service because of the complexity of different plate types and codes. Once you register you can add as many vehicles as you wish for which you would like to use the mParking service. Also when you register you can avail the various benefits such as viewing monthly transactions, create nicknames for your different registered vehicles, etc.​</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="mParking" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="mParking" style="display:none">mParking</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">Do I need to have a UAE (local) Mobile Number to use the mParking service?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;Yes, you need to have a UAE (local) Mobile Number from Etisalat, Du or Virgin Mobile for using the mParking service</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="mParking" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="mParking" style="display:none">mParking</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">How do I know how much I paid for parking?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;If you are a Post-paid customer the mParking service charges will be billed on your monthly mobile invoice.</p> <p dir="ltr">Whereas, if you are a Pre-paid customer the amount will be deducted from their balance.</p> <p dir="ltr">Note: Pre-paid mobile customers please make sure you have enough credits to use the mParking service, else without it your virtual permit will not be issued.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="mParking" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="mParking" style="display:none">mParking</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What if my ticket expires can I extend my mParking ticket?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">10 minutes before the ticket expires you will receive a Reminder message.</p> <p dir="ltr">If you wish to extend for another hour simply SMS ‘Y’ and send it to 7275.</p> <p dir="ltr">Note: You must send your extension message before your current parking expires.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="mParking" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="mParking" style="display:none">mParking</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">How do I know whether the system works or not?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">A confirmation message will be sent to you after each SMS command you send. This confirmation should normally arrive no later than 30 seconds after you send the request for mParking virtual permit.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="mParking" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="mParking" style="display:none">mParking</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What if I used mParking and still received a parking fine?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The Parking Officer employed by RTA will check our online database through the help of a connected mobile device. If your car is logged in our system for a valid parking session at the time of the parking fine or retribution, RTA will cancel the issued parking fine. You can also raise a fine dispute by calling our Call Centre on 800 9090.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="General" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="General" style="display:none">General</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">How would I know in case my item is found?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">In case the item is found the customer will be contacted regarding the same.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="General" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="General" style="display:none">General</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">From where can I collect my item in case it's found?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">In case the item is found, the customer can collect it from Rashidiya bus station lost and found office.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="General" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="General" style="display:none">General</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What should I do in case I have found an item inside RTA bus?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The customer needs to hand it over to the driver.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="General" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="General" style="display:none">General</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What should I do in case I have found an item inside metro/tram?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The customer needs to hand it over to any Police officer at any metro/tram station.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="General" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="General" style="display:none">General</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">How would I know in case my item is found?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The customer will be contacted to inform him/her about the search result.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="General" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="General" style="display:none">General</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">From where can I collect my item in case it's found?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The customer will be contacted from 8009090 and will be connected to the driver. In case the customer agreed so the driver will start the meter and will reach the customer, or else, the driver can hand it over to the nearest police station and the customer can collect it from the Police.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="General" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="General" style="display:none">General</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">What should I do in case I have found an item inside an RTA taxi?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The customer needs to hand it over to the taxi driver.</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div><div data-question="Commercial Services" style="display:none"> <h2 catTitle="Commercial Services" style="display:none">Commercial Services</h2> <h3><p dir="ltr">How to register as a supplier?</p> </h3> <ul> <li> <h4><p dir="ltr">The customer needs to register through the RTA website for a company account, then the customer needs to fill the EPQ profile.</p> <p dir="ltr">Steps to fill the EPQ system:</p> <p dir="ltr">Click on (profile) to fill the company details and to upload the company trade license and the Sponsor ID.<br /> Then click on (Structure and organization) to attach the company profile and organization chart then click save.&nbsp;<br /> Then click on (Financial information) to fill the details, attach 3 years audit report and the last 6 months bank statement<br /> Click (Experience) to attach Experience and supporting documents (Contract Summery, LPO,etc..) then click Save<br /> Click (personnel) to attach key staff CV and labor ministry statement then click save<br /> Click HSE to fill the section compliance and to attach HSE compliance documents (contractors only)<br /> Click on (Green procurement) to fill the section compliance and to attach green procurement compliance documents.<br /> Click (other resources) to attach the Equipment details and fabrication facilities then click Next (this is for contractors only)<br /> Click (additional data) more information will support your technical and financial information then click save</p> </h4> </li> </ul> <br/> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="grey-box gen-padding"> <div style="width: 100%" class="container site clearfix"> <div class=""> <div class="gen-padding"> <div class="container row"> <div class="col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12"> <h2 class="heading">Our Smart Services</h2> </div> </div> <div class="container row"> <div class="col-md-9 col-md-9-videos"> <div class="gen-padding"> <p >If you have questions about our online services, see our helpful videos that will guide you.</p> </div> </div> <div class="btn-see-all" style="display:inline-block;"> <div class="gen-padding"> <p> <a href="/wps/portal/rta/ae/home/about-rta/contactus/smart-videos">See All</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="our-smart-services med-padding"> <div class="row bg-color"> <style> .news-single .caption { margin: 20px 0px; 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