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Alex shows you how to trim them to length.</p> </div> <div class="feature-text"> <div class="category-line None modding"></div> <a href="/guides/modding/video-how-to-paint-your-motherboard-and-graphics-card/1/"> <div class="category-dot None modding"></div> <p class="title">Video: How To Paint Your Motherboard and Graphics Card</p> </a> <p class="description" >We take you through a quick and simple way to spruce up your hardware with a matching colour scheme.</p> </div> <div class="feature-text"> <div class="category-line None modding"></div> <a href="/guides/modding/how-to-jump-a-psu/1/"> <div class="category-dot None modding"></div> <p class="title">How to Jump a PSU</p> </a> <p class="description" >A quick guide on how to power up and test specific components (like a pump) without turning on your whole system.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="articles_list" class="clearfix articles_list top_list"> <div id="article_80578" class="article modding guides cooling tech modding hide-on-desktop "> <div class="articleinfo"> <a href="/guides/modding/video-cable-management-mod-for-fans/1/"> <img src="/media/image/2019/5/aea41766-69c1-481c-8aa6-66eeb603d0da.jpeg" alt="Video: Cable Management Mod for Fans"> <div class="article_info"> <div class="category-dot None modding"></div> <h4 class="article_heading" > Video: Cable Management Mod for Fans </h4> <div class="summery clearfix"> <p>Fan cables can quickly build up, especially when water-cooling. Alex shows you how to trim them to length.</p> <span class="published" >March 23, 2018 | 15:00</span> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="rightseparator"></div> <div class="bottomseparator"></div> </div> <div id="article_80451" class="article modding guides modding tech motherboards graphics hide-on-desktop "> <div class="articleinfo"> <a href="/guides/modding/video-how-to-paint-your-motherboard-and-graphics-card/1/"> <img src="/media/image/2019/5/7690f576-e414-4be2-916f-df49938ac704.jpeg" alt="Video: How To Paint Your Motherboard and Graphics Card"> <div class="article_info"> <div class="category-dot None modding"></div> <h4 class="article_heading" > Video: How To Paint Your Motherboard and Graphics Card </h4> <div class="summery clearfix"> <p>We take you through a quick and simple way to spruce up your hardware with a matching colour scheme.</p> <span class="published" >February 16, 2018 | 15:00</span> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="rightseparator"></div> <div 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We show how to set up shares for a media streamer.</p> <span class="published" >November 13, 2010 | 09:39</span> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="rightseparator"></div> <div class="bottomseparator"></div> </div> <div id="article_70841" class="article None guides pc gaming tech graphics "> <div class="articleinfo"> <a href="/guides/pc-hardware-buyer-s-guide-november-2010/1/"> <img src="//" alt="PC Hardware Buyer&#39;s Guide November 2010"> <div class="article_info"> <div class="category-dot None None"></div> <h4 class="article_heading" > PC Hardware Buyer&#39;s Guide November 2010 </h4> <div class="summery clearfix"> <p>Our monthly PC building guide to getting the best components for your PC, whatever your budget.</p> <span class="published" >November 3, 2010 | 12:13</span> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="rightseparator"></div> <div class="bottomseparator"></div> </div> <div id="article_70650" class="article None guides pc gaming tech graphics "> <div class="articleinfo"> <a href="/guides/pc-hardware-buyer-s-guide-october-2010/1/"> <img src="//" alt="PC Hardware Buyer&#39;s Guide October 2010"> <div class="article_info"> <div class="category-dot None None"></div> <h4 class="article_heading" > PC Hardware Buyer&#39;s Guide October 2010 </h4> <div class="summery clearfix"> <p>Our monthly PC building guide to getting the best components for your PC, whatever your budget.</p> <span class="published" >October 7, 2010 | 07:29</span> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="rightseparator"></div> <div class="bottomseparator"></div> </div> <div id="article_70425" class="article None guides pc gaming tech graphics "> <div class="articleinfo"> <a href="/guides/pc-hardware-buyer-s-guide-september-2010/1/"> <img src="//" alt="PC Hardware Buyer&#39;s Guide September 2010"> <div class="article_info"> <div class="category-dot None None"></div> <h4 class="article_heading" > PC Hardware Buyer&#39;s Guide September 2010 </h4> <div class="summery clearfix"> <p>Our monthly PC building guide to getting the best components for your PC, whatever your budget.</p> <span class="published" >September 7, 2010 | 08:48</span> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="rightseparator"></div> <div class="bottomseparator"></div> </div> <div id="article_70197" class="article None guides pc gaming tech graphics "> <div class="articleinfo"> <a href="/guides/pc-hardware-buyer-s-guide-august-2010/1/"> <img src="//" alt="PC Hardware Buyer&#39;s Guide August 2010"> <div class="article_info"> <div class="category-dot None None"></div> <h4 class="article_heading" > PC Hardware Buyer&#39;s Guide August 2010 </h4> <div class="summery clearfix"> <p>Our monthly PC building guide to getting the best components for your PC, whatever your budget.</p> <span class="published" >August 9, 2010 | 09:26</span> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="rightseparator"></div> <div class="bottomseparator"></div> </div> </div> <div id="articles_list_feature" class="articles_list"> <div id="article_70018" class="article tech guides tech "> <div class="articleinfo"> <a href="/guides/tech/can-we-build-a-real-high-tech-hero/1/"> <img src="//" alt="Can we build a real high-tech hero?"> <div class="article_info"> <div class="category-dot None tech"></div> <h4 class="article_heading" > Can we build a real high-tech hero? </h4> <div class="summery clearfix"> <p>Superheroes use high-tech gadgets to save the world. Could a billionaire do the same with real tech? </p> <span class="published" >July 16, 2010 | 07:55</span> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="rightseparator"></div> <div class="bottomseparator"></div> </div> <div id="article_69993" class="article None guides pc gaming tech graphics "> <div class="articleinfo"> <a href="/guides/pc-hardware-buyer-s-guide-july-2010/1/"> <img src="//" alt="PC Hardware Buyer&#39;s Guide July 2010"> <div class="article_info"> <div class="category-dot None None"></div> <h4 class="article_heading" > PC Hardware Buyer&#39;s Guide July 2010 </h4> <div class="summery clearfix"> <p>Our monthly PC building guide to getting the best components for your PC, whatever your budget.</p> <span class="published" >July 13, 2010 | 08:47</span> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="rightseparator"></div> <div class="bottomseparator"></div> </div> <div id="article_69379" class="article None guides pc gaming tech graphics "> <div class="articleinfo"> <a href="/guides/pc-hardware-buyers-guide-may-2010/1/"> <img src="//" alt="PC Hardware Buyer&#39;s Guide May 2010"> <div class="article_info"> <div class="category-dot None None"></div> <h4 class="article_heading" > PC Hardware Buyer&#39;s Guide May 2010 </h4> <div class="summery clearfix"> <p>Our monthly PC building guide to getting the best components for your PC, whatever your budget.</p> <span class="published" >May 7, 2010 | 09:18</span> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="rightseparator"></div> <div class="bottomseparator"></div> </div> </div> <div id="articles_list" class="clearfix articles_list bottom_list"> <div id="article_69130" class="article None guides pc gaming tech graphics "> <div class="articleinfo"> <a href="/guides/pc-hardware-buyer-s-guide-april-2010/1/"> <img src="//" alt="PC Hardware Buyer&#39;s Guide - April 2010"> <div class="article_info"> <div class="category-dot None None"></div> <h4 class="article_heading" > PC Hardware Buyer&#39;s Guide - April 2010 </h4> <div class="summery clearfix"> <p>Our monthly PC building advice shows you how to spec up a PC that&#39;ll give you the best performance for whatever budget you have. Read on to see how Nvidia&#39;s GTX 470 and GTX 480 has changed things, and what&#39;s the best hardware to buy at the moment.</p> <span class="published" >April 13, 2010 | 08:40</span> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="rightseparator"></div> <div class="bottomseparator"></div> </div> <div id="article_68818" class="article None guides pc gaming tech graphics "> <div class="articleinfo"> <a href="/guides/pc-hardware-buyers-guide-march-2010/1/"> <img src="//" alt="PC Hardware Buyer&#39;s Guide - March 2010"> <div class="article_info"> <div class="category-dot None None"></div> <h4 class="article_heading" > PC Hardware Buyer&#39;s Guide - March 2010 </h4> <div class="summery clearfix"> <p>For our March 2010 PC Hardware Buyers Guide we&#39;ve seen a few subtle changes in among our recommendations, but most notably we&#39;ve had to accommodate price fluctuations in places. How has this changed our five PCs? Check in to find out.</p> <span class="published" >March 9, 2010 | 11:27</span> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="rightseparator"></div> <div class="bottomseparator"></div> </div> <div id="article_68180" class="article project-log guides gaming pcs modding tech project-log linux software "> <div class="articleinfo"> <a href="/guides/modding/project-log/how-to-build-a-dvd-server/1/"> <img src="//" alt="How to Build a DVD Server"> <div class="article_info"> <div class="category-dot modding project-log"></div> <h4 class="article_heading" > How to Build a DVD Server </h4> <div class="summery clearfix"> <p>Andy decided that forking out tens of thousands for an expensive &#39;Kaleidoscape&#39; server was simply crackers. So, like any good modder, he built one himself, for less. In this article, he guides us through how you can make your own: from hardware to software.</p> <span class="published" >December 30, 2009 | 10:25</span> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="rightseparator"></div> <div class="bottomseparator"></div> </div> <div id="article_66635" class="article None guides cooling tech watercooling modding "> <div class="articleinfo"> <a href="/guides/how-to-reuse-an-old-waterblock/1/"> <img src="//" alt="How to reuse an old waterblock"> <div class="article_info"> <div class="category-dot None None"></div> <h4 class="article_heading" > How to reuse an old waterblock </h4> <div class="summery clearfix"> <p>Waterblocks don&#39;t date as quickly as other components, but if you upgrade your motherboard or graphics card you may find your trusty old block isn&#39;t compatible with your new kit. In this guide we show you how to make a new clamp for an old waterblock so you can use it with new components.</p> <span class="published" >July 11, 2009 | 11:01</span> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="rightseparator"></div> <div class="bottomseparator"></div> </div> <div id="article_65404" class="article None guides gaming tech monitors pc "> <div class="articleinfo"> <a href="/guides/what-hardware-should-i-buy-march-2009/1/"> <img src="//" alt="What Hardware Should I Buy? - March 2009"> <div class="article_info"> <div class="category-dot None None"></div> <h4 class="article_heading" > What Hardware Should I Buy? - March 2009 </h4> <div class="summery clearfix"> <p>What changed for March? Take a look at our recommendations for building a budget, premium and ultimate system if you&#39;re in the market for a new PC. We provide a breakdown of first choice and alternatives to help balance and sift out the best products at your fingertips.</p> <span class="published" >March 3, 2009 | 11:16</span> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="rightseparator"></div> <div class="bottomseparator"></div> </div> <div id="article_64818" class="article tech guides pc tech gaming "> <div class="articleinfo"> <a href="/guides/tech/what-hardware-should-i-buy-jan-2009/1/"> <img src="//" alt="What Hardware Should I Buy? - Jan 2009"> <div class="article_info"> <div class="category-dot None tech"></div> <h4 class="article_heading" > What Hardware Should I Buy? - Jan 2009 </h4> <div class="summery clearfix"> <p>Welcome to 2009! Thinking of starting off the year with an upgrade to bring your PC up to speed? Then look no further than our monthly buyers guide. Once again we&#39;ve brought together a list of components we recommend to help take the stress out of upgrading to suit any budget.</p> <span class="published" >January 5, 2009 | 14:19</span> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="rightseparator"></div> <div class="bottomseparator"></div> </div> <div id="article_64535" class="article tech guides pc tech gaming "> <div class="articleinfo"> <a href="/guides/tech/what-hardware-should-i-buy-dec-2008/1/"> <img src="//" alt="What Hardware Should I Buy? - Dec 2008"> <div class="article_info"> <div class="category-dot None tech"></div> <h4 class="article_heading" > What Hardware Should I Buy? - Dec 2008 </h4> <div class="summery clearfix"> <p>Want to upgrade your system or build a PC this month and don&#39;t know what parts to get? Once again, we&#39;ve put together a range of components which the bit-tech staff personally recommend to take the stress out of upgrading or system building to suit any budget.</p> <span class="published" >December 1, 2008 | 11:22</span> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="rightseparator"></div> <div class="bottomseparator"></div> </div> <div id="article_64270" class="article tech guides pc tech gaming "> <div class="articleinfo"> <a href="/guides/tech/what-hardware-should-i-buy-nov-2008/1/"> <img src="//" alt="What Hardware Should I Buy? - Nov 2008"> <div class="article_info"> <div class="category-dot None tech"></div> <h4 class="article_heading" > What Hardware Should I Buy? - Nov 2008 </h4> <div class="summery clearfix"> <p>Want to upgrade your system or build a PC this month and don&#39;t know what parts to get? Once again, we&#39;ve put together a range of components which the bit-tech staff personally recommend to take the stress out of upgrading or system building to suit any budget.</p> <span class="published" >November 4, 2008 | 08:58</span> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="rightseparator"></div> <div class="bottomseparator"></div> </div> <div id="article_63945" class="article tech guides pc tech gaming "> <div class="articleinfo"> <a href="/guides/tech/what-hardware-should-i-buy-october-2008/1/"> <img src="//" alt="What Hardware Should I Buy? - Oct 2008"> <div class="article_info"> <div class="category-dot None tech"></div> <h4 class="article_heading" > What Hardware Should I Buy? - Oct 2008 </h4> <div class="summery clearfix"> <p>Want to upgrade your system or build a PC this month and don&#39;t know what parts to get? We&#39;ve put together a range of components which the bit-tech staff personally recommend to take the stress out of upgrading or system building that should suit any budget.</p> <span class="published" >October 2, 2008 | 09:40</span> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="rightseparator"></div> <div class="bottomseparator"></div> </div> <div id="article_63049" class="article software guides gaming linux tech software "> <div class="articleinfo"> <a href="/guides/tech/software/build-your-own-router/1/"> <img src="//" alt="Build your own Router"> <div class="article_info"> <div class="category-dot tech software"></div> <h4 class="article_heading" > Build your own Router </h4> <div class="summery clearfix"> <p>It seems like lots of people have been picking up Linux love since our Build Your Own Server article. So this time, Ken&#39;s back to bring it one step further - making your own home network router. Buckle up and get ready to dive into the world of iptables!</p> <span class="published" >June 27, 2008 | 10:58</span> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="rightseparator"></div> <div class="bottomseparator"></div> </div> </div> <div class="bottom_bar clearfix"> <div class="pagination-line"></div> <div id="bottom_border" class="clearfix col-1-1"> <div id="page_navigation" > <a href="?page=1"> <button class="nav_button" >First</button> </a> <button class="nav_button active" >1</button> <a href="?page=2"> <button class="nav_button" >2</button> </a> <a href="?page=2"> <button class="nav_button" >Next <img id="right_arrow" class="arrow" src="/static/public/image/nav_bar_arrow_white_right.png" alt=""></button> </a> <a href="?page=2"> <button class="nav_button" >Last</button> </a> </div> </div> <div class="pagination-line"></div> </div> </div> <div id="side_column" class="grid_6"> <div id="banners"> <div class="side_bar_banners" > <a href="//"> <img 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