Advanced Manufacturing and Factory Automation White Papers | ManufacturingTomorrow

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Please let us know if there is a white paper you would like to see that's not on the list. Just send us an <a href="">email</a> containing details about the white paper including Name, Publication Date, Contact Telephone, Email and URL if available.</p> <div class="aligncenter"><!-- BEGIN ADVERTSERVE CODE BLOCK --> <!-- Zone #117: MT 728x90 Events Banner Size #19: Jumbo Banner [728x90] --> <script type="text/javascript"> document.write('<scr'+'ipt src="//'+screen.width+'x'+screen.height+'&random='+Math.floor(89999999*Math.random()+10000000)+'&millis='+new Date().getTime()+'&referrer='+encodeURIComponent((window!=top&&window.location.ancestorOrigins)?window.location.ancestorOrigins[window.location.ancestorOrigins.length-1]:document.location)+'" type="text/javascript"></scr'+'ipt>'); </script> <!-- END ADVERTSERVE CODE BLOCK --></div> <div class="box_info"> <h5 class="aligncenter">White Paper Topics </h5> <hr /> <div class="one-fourth first aligncenter"><a href="?category=0#paperlist">All White Papers</a></div> <div class="one-fourth aligncenter"><a href="?category=23#paperlist">Automation & Networking</a></div><div class="one-fourth aligncenter"><a href="?category=24#paperlist">Additive & 3D Printing</a></div><div class="one-fourth aligncenter"><a href="?category=25#paperlist">Materials & Processes</a></div><div class="one-fourth aligncenter"><a href="?category=26#paperlist">Design & Development</a></div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <hr /> <a id="paperlist"></a> <section> <h2>Featured White Papers</h2> <section class="entry"> <h5 class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank">OPTIMIZING SPACE AND SUPPORTING AUTOMATION WITH ELEVATED FLOORING AND MEZZANINES </a></h5> <div class="entry-content">Published by <a href="/company_directory/resindek--cornerstone-specialty-wood-products/11855">ResinDek / Cornerstone Specialty Wood Products</a></div> </section><section class="entry"> <h5 class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank">MASTERING DECARBONIZATION: A GUIDE </a></h5> <div class="entry-content">Published by <a href="/company_directory/zeigo-by-schneider-electric/13419">Zeigo, by Schneider Electric</a></div> </section><section class="entry"> <h5 class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank">WAITING TO DECARBONIZE IS COSTING YOUR BUSINESS. HERE’S WHY:</a></h5> <div class="entry-content">Published by <a href="/company_directory/zeigo-by-schneider-electric/13419">Zeigo, by Schneider Electric</a></div> </section><section class="entry"> <h5 class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank">ACTUAL COSTING GUIDE FOR MANUFACTURERS</a></h5> <div class="entry-content">Published by <a href="/company_directory/mrpeasy/12676">MRPeasy</a></div> </section><section class="entry"> <h5 class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank">INDUSTRIAL COMPUTERS AND EXPERTISE FOR YOUR NEXT PRODUCT INNOVATION</a></h5> <div class="entry-content">Published by <a href="/company_directory/onlogic/12225">OnLogic</a></div> </section><section class="entry"> <h5 class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank">PROTECTING YOUR EDGE DEVICES WITH A CUSTOM SECURE BOOT POLICY</a></h5> <div class="entry-content">Published by <a href="/company_directory/onlogic/12225">OnLogic</a></div> </section><section class="entry"> <h5 class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank">CONFIGURABLE BOM (CBOM) – SIMPLIFYING THE PRODUCTION OF CUSTOMIZABLE ITEMS</a></h5> <div class="entry-content">Published by <a href="/company_directory/mrpeasy/12676">MRPeasy</a></div> </section><section class="entry"> <h5 class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank">FORWARD SCHEDULING VS. BACKWARD SCHEDULING IN PRODUCTION PLANNING</a></h5> <div class="entry-content">Published by <a href="/company_directory/mrpeasy/12676">MRPeasy</a></div> </section><section class="entry"> <h5 class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank">WHITEPAPER: HIDDEN HEROES OF CLIMATE ACTION</a></h5> <div class="entry-content">Published by <a href="/company_directory/zeigo-by-schneider-electric/13419">Zeigo, by Schneider Electric</a></div> </section><section class="entry"> <h5 class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank">THE RUGGED EDGE WEBINAR SERIES: 5 EPISODE </a></h5> <div class="entry-content">Published by <a href="/company_directory/premio-inc/13328">Premio Inc</a></div> </section><section class="entry"> <h5 class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank">A NEW APPROACH TO INTERPOLATED HIGH RESOLUTION ENCODERS</a></h5> <div class="entry-content">Published by <a href="/company_directory/encoder-products-company/11307">Encoder Products Company</a></div> </section><section class="entry"> <h5 class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank">OCCUPATIONAL EXOSKELETONS AND THE HIERARCHY OF CONTROLS RESEARCH PAPER</a></h5> <div class="entry-content">Published by <a href="/company_directory/briotix-health/13304">Briotix Health</a></div> </section><section class="entry"> <h5 class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank">THE FUTURE OF MSK HEALTH MANAGEMENT</a></h5> <div class="entry-content">Published by <a href="/company_directory/briotix-health/13304">Briotix Health</a></div> </section><section class="entry"> <h5 class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank">WHAT ARE STOCKOUTS AND HOW TO PREVENT THEM?</a></h5> <div class="entry-content">Published by <a href="/company_directory/mrpeasy/12676">MRPeasy</a></div> </section><section class="entry"> <h5 class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank">DRIVE SOLUTIONS IN END-OF-LINE PACKAGING</a></h5> <div class="entry-content">Published by <a href="/company_directory/nord-drivesystems/11958">NORD DRIVESYSTEMS</a></div> </section><section class="entry"> <h5 class="entry-title"><a href=" " target="_blank">THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO 3D PRINTING: THE PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE</a></h5> <div class="entry-content">Published by <a href="/company_directory/bigrep/13117">BigRep</a></div> </section><section class="entry"> <h5 class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank">DECENTRALIZED DRIVE SOLUTIONS FOR END-OF-LINE PACKAGING</a></h5> <div class="entry-content">Published by <a href="/company_directory/nord-drivesystems/11958">NORD DRIVESYSTEMS</a></div> </section><section class="entry"> <h5 class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank">ONLOGIC PANEL PC BUYER'S GUIDE & CHECKLIST</a></h5> <div class="entry-content">Published by <a href="/company_directory/onlogic/12225">OnLogic</a></div> </section><section class="entry"> <h5 class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank">THE 4 TYPES OF INVENTORY AND TIPS ON MANAGING THEM</a></h5> <div class="entry-content">Published by <a href="/company_directory/mrpeasy/12676">MRPeasy</a></div> </section><section class="entry"> <h5 class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank">OVERCOMING ESG HURDLES IN 2024 AND BEYOND</a></h5> <div class="entry-content">Published by <a href="/company_directory/quickbase/13045">Quickbase</a></div> </section><section class="entry"> <h5 class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank">DESIGN GUIDE: COLOR 3D PRINTING</a></h5> <div class="entry-content">Published by <a href="/company_directory/xometry/11411">Xometry</a></div> </section><section class="entry"> <h5 class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank">DESIGN GUIDE: LASER AND SHEET CUTTING</a></h5> <div class="entry-content">Published by <a href="/company_directory/xometry/11411">Xometry</a></div> </section><section class="entry"> <h5 class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank">COMPARISON OF CAPACITIVE VS. INDUCTIVE ENCODERS</a></h5> <div class="entry-content">Published by <a href="/company_directory/electromate/10196">Electromate</a></div> </section><section class="entry"> <h5 class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank">WHAT IS TRACEABILITY AND HOW TO ACHIEVE IT?</a></h5> <div class="entry-content">Published by <a href="/company_directory/mrpeasy/12676">MRPeasy</a></div> </section> </section> <hr /> <section> <h2>All White Papers</h2> <section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>ARE ERRORS EATING YOUR PROFITS? UNLOCKING LOST MANUFACTURING CAPACITY AND PROFITS </strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="">RAPTA</a></strong><br /> Published Date: DEC 19, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>Over the past two decades, we have had the unique opportunity to work with hundreds of factories producing high-tech products in industries ranging from defense, aerospace and medical devices to industrial electronics, heavy machines and precision laboratory instruments. A consistent theme has emerged: factory managers and executives are struggling to eliminate human errors in their manufacturing processes, while training has become a significant burden on their organizations. </em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TO IMPROVE SUPPLY CHAIN RESILIENCE THROUGHOUT AMERICAN MANUFACTURING</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="">NCMS</a></strong><br /> Published Date: DEC 18, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>Featuring the most up-to-date research on the secure and effective implementation of AI throughout the manufacturing sector, the white paper focuses on recent federal AI initiatives, including advancements in the Department of Commerce’s Supply Chain Center, as well as AI standards from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Specifically, the white paper details how two NCMS initiatives have contributed to solutions for three issues impeding more widespread adoption of AI in the manufacturing sector: (1) preserving data privacy, (2) creating a standard and secure way to selectively share data in useful forms to different organizations, and (3) helping SMMs see the benefits of using their manufacturing operational and product data to fuel AI models, and sharing this data with public-private partnerships that can contribute demonstrations of scalable AI solutions for a wide range of manufacturing problems. </em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>OPTIMIZING SPACE AND SUPPORTING AUTOMATION WITH ELEVATED FLOORING AND MEZZANINES </strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="/company_directory/resindek--cornerstone-specialty-wood-products/11855">ResinDek / Cornerstone Specialty Wood Products</a></strong><br /> Published Date: DEC 03, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>New survey reveals the role that elevated flooring and mezzanines are playing in today’s warehouses and DCs and highlights the value of composite engineered wood flooring as a surface of choice for these structures. </em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>THE 2024 STATE OF INDUSTRIAL NETWORKING REPORT FOR MANUFACTURING</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="">CISCO</a></strong><br /> Published Date: DEC 03, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>Introducing the 2024 State of Industrial Networking Report for Manufacturing, offering key insights into how global manufacturing firms are enhancing security, boosting efficiency, and driving innovation with their industrial networking strategy. Look at what 700+ manufacturing professionals, from management to C-suite, across 17 countries have to say.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>MASTERING DECARBONIZATION: A GUIDE </strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="/company_directory/zeigo-by-schneider-electric/13419">Zeigo, by Schneider Electric</a></strong><br /> Published Date: NOV 19, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>This comprehensive guide aims to break down important sustainability concepts and equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to reduce carbon emissions in your business. </em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>WAITING TO DECARBONIZE IS COSTING YOUR BUSINESS. HERE’S WHY:</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="/company_directory/zeigo-by-schneider-electric/13419">Zeigo, by Schneider Electric</a></strong><br /> Published Date: NOV 19, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>If you’re a business wondering whether to begin your decarbonization efforts, the answer is a resounding “yes.” Not just because it’s a current global trend, or beneficial to brand reputation, or the “right thing to do,” but because it costs you NOT to decarbonize. In more ways than you might think.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>ACTUAL COSTING GUIDE FOR MANUFACTURERS</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="/company_directory/mrpeasy/12676">MRPeasy</a></strong><br /> Published Date: NOV 19, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>Actual costing, or keeping track of your actual costs, is vital for ensuring profitability, especially in industries where production costs fluctuate. Here is how and why to implement actual costing in your company.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>INDUSTRIAL COMPUTERS AND EXPERTISE FOR YOUR NEXT PRODUCT INNOVATION</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="/company_directory/onlogic/12225">OnLogic</a></strong><br /> Published Date: NOV 05, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>Prototype quickly, integrate easily, and scale effectively with industrial computers you can depend on. Our embedded computers can be easily and quickly customized, putting the right product in your hands in days. Our systems have been certified to meet a wide range of industry-specific regulatory requirements, making it easier for you to gain full system certification for your products. And when you're ready to scale, we can help you simplify integration through our imaging and BIOS customization services to create a plug and play solution.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>PROTECTING YOUR EDGE DEVICES WITH A CUSTOM SECURE BOOT POLICY</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="/company_directory/onlogic/12225">OnLogic</a></strong><br /> Published Date: NOV 05, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>The benefits of Secure Boot and the ways to enable it. Enabling UEFI Secure Boot ensures that each element loaded during the boot process is digitally authenticated. This document breaks down how Secure Boot prevents the loading of unauthorized applications and provides details about how to customize the Secure Boot policy.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>7 PRODUCTIVITY ENHANCEMENTS WITH FUSION MANUFACTURING EXTENSION</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="">BakerBaynes</a></strong><br /> Published Date: OCT 30, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>Discover how Autodesk Fusion extensions enhance your design and manufacturing processes with advanced CAM capabilities, including 4-axis and 5-axis machining, automation, and strategies for increased efficiency and growth.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>CONFIGURABLE BOM (CBOM) – SIMPLIFYING THE PRODUCTION OF CUSTOMIZABLE ITEMS</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="/company_directory/mrpeasy/12676">MRPeasy</a></strong><br /> Published Date: OCT 22, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>Configurable BOMs enable companies to easily plan the manufacture of products with variations. Here is how they work and how they help.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="*su5ueq*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE3MjYyMzY0ODEuQ2p3S0NBand4WS0zQmhBdUVpd0F1N1k2c3lvdF80d0FvTGo2U1R2TVVpWGNRc1JNd29BdEFHMHBoWlYzMXZlRWh5TUVXSGNmbndWOUd4b0MzdElRQXZEX0J3RQ..*_ga*MTE0NjU4MzY3Mi4xNjcyNzYyMzQz*_ga_K653" target="_blank"><strong> UNLOCKING THE POWER OF AI IN MANUFACTURING</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="">Vultr</a></strong><br /> Published Date: OCT 16, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>Leading insights to achieve AI excellence in the manufacturing sector. Tap our latest research to discover how manufacturing organizations are overcoming industry challenges and harnessing AI to drive improved operational and business outcomes.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>FORWARD SCHEDULING VS. BACKWARD SCHEDULING IN PRODUCTION PLANNING</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="/company_directory/mrpeasy/12676">MRPeasy</a></strong><br /> Published Date: OCT 15, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>Do you need your products ready as soon as possible or just in time for the promised delivery date? Forward and backward scheduling are key concepts in production planning that allow production to be set up according to this fundamental question.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>SECURING MQTT: BEST PRACTICES FOR A ROBUST IOT ECOSYSTEM</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="/company_directory/cirrus-link-solutions/11801">Cirrus Link Solutions</a></strong><br /> Published Date: OCT 08, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>MQTT is a widely used protocol for connecting IIoT industrial devices, enabling efficient and real-time data exchange. However, it often gets misunderstood for security vulnerabilities, leading to misconceptions about its safety. In this paper, we will discuss essential steps to ensure MQTT security, from edge devices to cloud servers, and how to address denial of service (DoS) attacks effectively.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>WHITEPAPER: HIDDEN HEROES OF CLIMATE ACTION</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="/company_directory/zeigo-by-schneider-electric/13419">Zeigo, by Schneider Electric</a></strong><br /> Published Date: OCT 04, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>How Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) Can Lead Global Decarbonization. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are critical for global decarbonization. Download this whitepaper and discover why it’s important to take action, the steps you can take to decarbonize your business, and how Zeigo Activate makes it easier than ever to estimate, track, and reduce your carbon emissions. Get your copy of the whitepaper outlining the role that small and medium-sized enterprises can take climate action now.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>THE RUGGED EDGE WEBINAR SERIES: 5 EPISODE </strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="/company_directory/premio-inc/13328">Premio Inc</a></strong><br /> Published Date: SEP 30, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>Premio’s Rugged Edge Computing Solutions and the Edge Continuum Matrix. Join us as we explore and define the edge continuum and how Premio aligns itself with its robust ruggedized product portfolio with this 5-episodes series. Hear from our product marketing experts as they break down Premio’s product line and more including: Technology catalysts, industry growth and projections, and key market trends shaping the Edge Continuum; Key distinctions on the User Edge from the Industrial Edge, Rugged Edge, and Specialized Edge and how they align within the space; Comprehensive overview and breakdown of Premio’s flagship computing products from product specialists.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>THREE ADVANTAGES OF MEMS TIMING TECHNOLOGY IN INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION APPLICATIONS</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="">SiTime</a></strong><br /> Published Date: SEP 23, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>The demand for precision and speed in modern industrial equipment has exposed the limitations of traditional quartz oscillators. MEMS timing solutions provide a superior alternative, offering better resistance to environmental stressors, improved stability across temperatures, and enhanced power supply and EMI noise rejection. SiTime’s MEMS products deliver reliable performance in challenging conditions, making them a valuable choice for industrial automation in the age of Industry 4.0. Their programmability, durability and quality ensure manufacturers meet stringent timing requirements while managing inventory and compliance more effectively.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>ELEVATING PRECISION WITH NEXT GENERATION EDGE FINISHING TECHNOLOGY</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="/company_directory/texturejet-ltd/13399">TextureJet Ltd</a></strong><br /> Published Date: SEP 19, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>TextureJet’s Stat® technology is now proven to achieve higher quality edge finishing through increased repeatability and precision than the current methods utilised in edge finishing of aerospace components. In recent testing, detailed in a TextureJet White Paper published this week, TextureJet demonstrated how its electrochemical jet machining technology offers distinct advantages in terms of safety, sustainability and repeatability compared to current methods in edge finishing. The results showed an increase in repeatability and overall tighter tolerances with an increase of more than 110% in repeatability in comparison to robot automated brush deburring and an increase of over 350% compared to manual brush deburring.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong> SARBANES-OXLEY (SOX) COMPLIANCY WHITE PAPER</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="">VIMAAN</a></strong><br /> Published Date: SEP 18, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>The Sarbanes-Oxley Act mandates company leaders certify the accuracy of warehouse inventory reporting. Poor inventory tracking practices place leaders at risk of certifying and sharing inaccurate inventory data. This white paper explores these risks that are magnified by outdated and highly manual inventory handling practices. Download this paper to learn how other companies are reducing inventory reporting risks with automated computer vision solutions that improve the veracity of reported data while reducing need for expensive warehouse labor requirements. </em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>A NEW APPROACH TO INTERPOLATED HIGH RESOLUTION ENCODERS</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="/company_directory/encoder-products-company/11307">Encoder Products Company</a></strong><br /> Published Date: SEP 16, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>Encoder digital signals start as sine waves and can be interpolated to produce higher resolutions. Sine waves have to be clean and free of noise for effective interpolation.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>NEW GENERATION OF ROBOTS CONNECTS AMRS AND COBOTS – WIFERION POWER KIT</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="">Wiferion</a></strong><br /> Published Date: SEP 13, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>The growing shortage of skilled workers is increasing the pressure on industrial companies to automate their processes. Flexible, cost-effective and easy-to-implement robotics solutions such as autonomous mobile robots and collaborative robots are therefore in demand. Mobile manipulators connect both robot systems, but often cannot be used economically due to insufficient battery power. The solution: the Wireless Power Kit from Wiferion, which enables wireless charging for both systems simultaneously.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>EBOOK: MAPPING OUT THE PATHWAY TO RENEWABLE ENERGY</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="">Schneider Electric</a></strong><br /> Published Date: SEP 09, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>Step-by-Step Process for Emission Reduction Targets: Transitioning to 100% renewables may appear challenging, but various clean energy solutions in today’s market can help businesses reach this goal. Selecting the right renewable energy solution depends on factors like energy demand, location, budget, and sustainability goals. In this eBook, we outline a step-by-step process for achieving your emission reduction targets through renewable energy.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>THE RIGHT AUTOMATION IS FREE </strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="">Numina Group</a></strong><br /> Published Date: AUG 22, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>Need automation but concerned about the cost? Our latest e-book, "The Right Automation is Free," explores cost-effective strategies that streamline operations, boost productivity, and give your business a competitive edge. Download now to discover how the right automation pays for itself. </em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION: A MADE SMARTER ROADMAP FOR SME MANUFACTURERS</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="">Made Smarter</a></strong><br /> Published Date: AUG 20, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>Are you running a UK manufacturing business and looking to embark on a digital transformation journey? If so, this free whitepaper is the perfect place to start. Aimed at ambitious SMEs it acts as a guide, explaining the concepts of digitisation, digitalisation, digital transformation, and continuous improvement. Made Smarter help manufacturers better understand and navigate current and future trends and make the case for how industrial digital technologies can solve problems and create growth opportunities. This whitepaper explains the process of how we support SME manufacturers with digital transformation through grant funding and skills and leadership training programmes. It also showcases some of the hundreds of businesses who have benefitted from our intervention across the country. Finally, hear from some of our partner organisations such as Make UK, the Centre for People-Led Digitalisation (PLD) and InterAct on how they are working with Made Smarter towards a common goal and find links to the best resources available to get you started with digital transformation today. </em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>PIEZOELECTRIC SENSORS: THE SUPERIOR CHOICE FOR EARLY FAULT DETECTION IN MACHINE HEALTH MONITORING</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="">PCB Piezotronics</a></strong><br /> Published Date: AUG 12, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>In this paper, we examine these two leading sensor types and evaluate their performances at frequencies associated with common faults. We find that piezoelectric sensors outperform MEMS accelerometers in terms of frequency range for early detection, making them the preferred option for machine health monitoring applications. </em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>OCCUPATIONAL EXOSKELETONS AND THE HIERARCHY OF CONTROLS RESEARCH PAPER</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="/company_directory/briotix-health/13304">Briotix Health</a></strong><br /> Published Date: JUL 25, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>Occupational exoskeletons are designed to augment, enable, assist, and/or enhance physical activity through mechanical interaction with the body with the goal to reduce fatigue and prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders. In this paper, our expert will discuss how occupational exoskeletons fit within the Hierarchy of Controls (NIOSH, 2015), and provide an alternative framework for estimating their effectiveness compared to other types of solutions for reducing ergonomic risk for the prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>THE FUTURE OF MSK HEALTH MANAGEMENT</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="/company_directory/briotix-health/13304">Briotix Health</a></strong><br /> Published Date: JUL 25, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>Download this research paper to learn how forward-thinking organizations are linking employee well-being and productivity through musculoskeletal professional disciplines and technology. In this paper, we will look at the new paradigm of worker health and discuss: Disability Preventio; Improved Methods of Health Data Collection; Creating an Environment for Successful Return-to-work and Stay-at-Work Outcomes</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>WHAT ARE STOCKOUTS AND HOW TO PREVENT THEM?</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="/company_directory/mrpeasy/12676">MRPeasy</a></strong><br /> Published Date: MAY 21, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>While stockouts may suggest that a product is popular, they are typically costly mistakes in inventory management that are far better avoided than managed after the fact. In this article, we look at what stockouts are, how they are caused, and what businesses can do to prevent them.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>DRIVE SOLUTIONS IN END-OF-LINE PACKAGING</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="/company_directory/nord-drivesystems/11958">NORD DRIVESYSTEMS</a></strong><br /> Published Date: MAY 14, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>End-of-line packaging is the last state of the packaging process. This requires individual and powerful drive systems to move heavy loads over long travel distances. Read our white paper to find out more about the use of decentralized drive solutions with asynchronous motors in end-of-line packaging.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href=" " target="_blank"><strong>THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO 3D PRINTING: THE PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="/company_directory/bigrep/13117">BigRep</a></strong><br /> Published Date: MAY 13, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>From its humble beginnings as a niche technology for rapid prototyping to its current spectrum of capabilities to create forms that are virtually impossible to build any other way, 3D printing has spawned a brand-new generation of manufacturing. In this article, we’ll take a look at the origins of 3D printing, its big moments in history, applications, and explore the future it holds.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>DECENTRALIZED DRIVE SOLUTIONS FOR END-OF-LINE PACKAGING</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="/company_directory/nord-drivesystems/11958">NORD DRIVESYSTEMS</a></strong><br /> Published Date: MAY 13, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>NORD asynchronous technology with its increased inertia has decisive advantages in end-of-line packaging. When moving heavy loads, it ensures better control than conventional servo solutions. It also provides stability and reduces vibrations and the risk of damaging the load or packaging machine. Find out more in our white paper: Decentralized Drive Solutions with Controlled Frequency Inverters in End-of-Line Packaging”.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>ROBOTS TO THE RESCUE: HOW MATERIAL HANDLING BATTLES PERSISTENT LABOR SHORTAGES</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="/company_directory/vecna/10959">Vecna</a></strong><br /> Published Date: MAY 10, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>In a tight labor market, companies are under pressure to figure out how to do more with less—less headcount, less overhead, and in less time. Our white paper, “Robots to the Rescue: How Material Handling Automation Battles Persistent Labor Shortages,” shares solutions to these challenges and more. </em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>PRECISION MOTION COMPONENTS DRIVE AUTOMATED ELECTRIC VEHICLE MANUFACTURING ADVANCES</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="">IKO International</a></strong><br /> Published Date: MAY 01, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>Our new white paper, Precision Motion Components Drive Automated Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Advances, describes the features and attributes to look for in motion components for automated EV production, with a special emphasis on how to solve pain points related to lithium-ion battery manufacturing — including contamination prevention and maintenance. It will also describe how the right motion component supplier can address these difficulties.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>ONLOGIC PANEL PC BUYER'S GUIDE & CHECKLIST</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="/company_directory/onlogic/12225">OnLogic</a></strong><br /> Published Date: APR 30, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>Select The Perfect Panel PC With Our Buyer's Guide And Checklist This guide will help you: Identify the exact panel PC requirements of your project, Understand the variables that could impact the performance and longevity of your panel PC, Establish how your application, software, and configuration needs may influence your choice of system</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>DEVELOPMENT OF REAL-TIME BATTERY MODELS FOR HIL TESTING OF BATTERY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (BMS)</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="">MapleSoft</a></strong><br /> Published Date: APR 18, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>In this paper, we will focus on one area of development in the context of a project recently carried out by Maplesoft and its partner, ControlWorks Inc, of South Korea. Specifically, we will cover the development of a Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) testing system for the Battery Management Systems (BMS) used in one of our client's larger electrical energy storage products, targeting the Smart Grid and UPS markets.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>THE 4 TYPES OF INVENTORY AND TIPS ON MANAGING THEM</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="/company_directory/mrpeasy/12676">MRPeasy</a></strong><br /> Published Date: MAR 12, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>Inventory is any finite asset that a company uses for producing and selling its goods. In this article, we zoom in on the four basic types of inventory and how to manage them.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>UNDERSTANDING THE EXTENSIVE BENEFITS OF PURCHASING TOTAL LINEAR POSITIONING SYSTEMS</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="">Schneeberger Linear Technology</a></strong><br /> Published Date: MAR 06, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>When a group of components work together and create the most cost-effective solution for machine movement, that’s a linear positioning system. And linear motion technology designed as a system best enables OEMs to accelerate design and manufacturing speed, reduce assembly time and labor — and achieve a lower total cost of ownership. Explore the key issues that OEM engineers and purchasers must know when specifying and procuring linear motion systems. Then review an OEM case study illustrating the benefits. It’s all in our new technical brief.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>OVERCOMING ESG HURDLES IN 2024 AND BEYOND</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="/company_directory/quickbase/13045">Quickbase</a></strong><br /> Published Date: MAR 04, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>Businesses like yours around the world are taking a renewed approach towards their environmental, social and governance (ESG) priorities. As regulatory pressure around ESG goals grows, you know it’s important to have clear insight on progress and keep track of what work still needs to be done. Meeting your ESG goals can be challenging. This eBook can give you the knowledge you need to stay in line with strict regulations.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>DESIGN GUIDE: COLOR 3D PRINTING</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="/company_directory/xometry/11411">Xometry</a></strong><br /> Published Date: MAR 01, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>In this guide, you'll learn about the different aspects of 3D printing colorful parts, how to create and add color to your models, as well as the best practices and considerations to keep in mind when printing in full color.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>DESIGN GUIDE: LASER AND SHEET CUTTING</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="/company_directory/xometry/11411">Xometry</a></strong><br /> Published Date: MAR 01, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>We've compiled our best tips into this guide to help you understand laser and sheet cutting processes, how to prepare your files, important design considerations for optimizing your parts for manufacturing, and information about Xometry's sheet cutting services.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>5 WAYS YOUR MANUFACTURING COMPANY CAN WIN WITH THE HELP OF AI</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="">TMG Talent</a></strong><br /> Published Date: FEB 19, 2024</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>We are beginning to approach a world in which artificial intelligence, or AI, is a regular part of all industries as machines become increasingly capable of taking over both mundane and complex tasks. But manufacturing companies have known for decades what many other industries are only learning now: that humans and machines working together can unlock a wealth of potential and take productivity to entirely new levels. Since the late 90s, manufacturing companies have been well aware of the increased efficiency, productivity, and ultimate profitability that can be offered by integrating AI into everyday processes. We can see evidence of this in the rapid growth of the Global Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing Market, which is predicted to reach a value of $9.89 billion by the year 2027. Here are five ways in which your manufacturing company can benefit from this new-age technology.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>FIVE SIMPLE RULES TO FOLLOW WHEN AUTOMATING YOUR WAREHOUSE</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="">Westfalia</a></strong><br /> Published Date: OCT 04, 2023</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>One indisputable fact exists for most manufacturers and distributors: Warehouse automation stands as one of the last areas where long-term costs can be significantly reduced.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>COMPARISON OF CAPACITIVE VS. INDUCTIVE ENCODERS</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="/company_directory/electromate/10196">Electromate</a></strong><br /> Published Date: SEP 01, 2023</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>In the realm of motion control and position feedback, encoders are pivotal. Two prominent types in today's industry are the capacitive and inductive encoders. This paper takes a closer look at each of these, providing insights for those seeking to choose between them for specific applications.</em><br /></p> </div> </section><section class="entry"> <p class="entry-title"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>WHAT IS TRACEABILITY AND HOW TO ACHIEVE IT?</strong></a></p> <div class="entry-meta"> <strong>Published by <a href="/company_directory/mrpeasy/12676">MRPeasy</a></strong><br /> Published Date: JUN 23, 2023</div> <div class="entry-content"> <p><em>Traceability is the ability to track a product or item throughout its entire supply chain, from its origin to the end consumer. Traceability enhances product safety and consumer trust by enabling companies to identify contamination or defect sources, perform targeted interventions and efficient product recalls, and increase transparency regarding the origins and handling of products.</em><br /></p> </div> </section> </section> </div> <!--***************************************************************--> <!--END EDITABLE CONTENT - DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE --> <!--***************************************************************--> </article> </main> <aside class="sidebar sidebar-primary" itemtype="//" itemscope="itemscope" role="complementary"> <!-- Product Showcase Index --> <section class="sidebar-section sidebar-panel"> <div class="panel-wrap"> <h4 class="panel-title" itemprop="headline">Product Showcase</h4> <div class="panel-content"> </div> <div class="panel-footer"><a href="/site_services.php">List Your Product</a></div> </div> </section> <!-- Product Index --> <section class="sidebar-section sidebar-panel"> <div class="panel-wrap"> <h4 class="panel-title" itemprop="headline">Advanced Manufacturing and Factory Automation Products</h4> <div class="panel-content"> <div class="aligncenter"><strong>Select a category to view:</strong></div> <ul class="links"> <li><a href="/products/manufacturing-products/new"><strong>Last 10 Products Added</strong></a></li> <li><a href="/products/design-services--tools/204">Design Services & Tools</a></li> <li><a href="/products/hardware--components/202">Hardware & Components</a></li> <li><a href="/products/sensors--circuits/203">Sensors & Circuits</a></li> <li><a href="/products/motion-control/205">Motion Control</a></li> <li><a href="/products/automation--process-control/207">Automation & Process Control</a></li> <li><a href="/products/additive-systems--equipment/201">Additive Systems & Equipment</a></li> </ul> <p class="aligncenter"><strong><a href="/site_services.php">List Your Product Here</a></strong></p> </div> <div class="panel-footer"><a href="/site_services.php">List Your Product</a></div> </div> </section> <!-- Section with Ads --> <section class="sidebar-section sidebar-panel"> <div class="panel-wrap"> <h4 class="panel-title" itemprop="headline">Sponsors</h4> <div class="panel-content"> <div class="bannerad"><!-- BEGIN ADVERTSERVE CODE BLOCK --> <!-- Publisher #5: ManufacturingTomorrow Zone #107: MT 300x250 Sponsor Size #8: Medium Rectangle [300x250] --> <script type="text/javascript"> document.write('<scr'+'ipt src="//'+Math.floor(89999999*Math.random()+10000000)+'&millis='+new Date().getTime()+'&referrer='+encodeURIComponent((window!=top&&window.location.ancestorOrigins)?window.location.ancestorOrigins[window.location.ancestorOrigins.length-1]:document.location)+'" type="text/javascript"></scr'+'ipt>'); 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