Gas, LNG & The Future of Energy Conference 2025 | Wood Mackenzie
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All tickets are £595 GBP + 20% UK VAT per person (saving £1200 GBP off the £1795 GBP standard rate) Book by December 31 to get this discount. </h2> <div class="editor " data-io-type="fade" data-io-direction="bottom-top" > <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>2024 Sponsors included:</strong></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><img src="/siteassets/events/2024-events/gas-lng-sponsor-logos.png" alt="" width="1080" height="608" /></p> <p> </p> <p>Demand for Gas and LNG is predicted increase by 50% through the mid-2030s. Gas and LNG will be crucial as transition fuels in replacing coal in the power sector, while hype for low carbon disruptors such as hydrogen has cooled in recent months. Yet challenges remain for the sector, including the need to effectively communicate gas and LNG’s role in the energy transition to stakeholders, regulatory and political headwinds, and the difficulty and expense of decarbonisng gas and LNG.</p> <p>Join us at the third annual Wood Mackenzie Gas, LNG & The Future of Energy Conference in the City of London from 10-11 June 2025 for industry expert insights and debates to gain a global perspective on these challenges.</p> <p>Be a part of the discussions that bring together senior leaders from European gas aggregators and utilities, Asian LNG buyers and traders, international energy companies, investment bankers and project financiers as well as, North American E&P, LNG players and shippers, commodity traders, and law firms.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col small-12 large-3 push--bottom statistics"> <ul> <li class="" data-io-type="fade" data-io-direction="bottom-top"> <h3>30+ Speakers </h3> <p>From across the gas and LNG value chain.</p> </li> <li class="" data-io-type="fade" data-io-direction="bottom-top"> <h3>300+ Attendees</h3> <p>Gathered in 2024. </p> </li> <li class="" data-io-type="fade" data-io-direction="bottom-top"> <h3>30+ countries</h3> <p>Represented across the globe.</p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div><div> <h2 class="giga title-underline soft--bottom push--bottom">Speaking and branding opportunities are now available for 2025 </h2><div class="editor"> <p>Be part of the agenda and get your brand in front of the audience through a panel discussion or a fireside chat with a senior Wood Mackenzie Analyst.</p> <p><strong>To arrange an exploratory discussion:</strong></p> <p><strong><a class="btn btn--primary" title="Contact Ro Pleasant, Head of Event & Creative Sponsorships on" href="">Contact Ro Pleasant, Head of Event & Creative Sponsorships on </a></strong></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p></div> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- HIGHLIGHTED SPEAKERS--> <div class="module module--bg"> <div 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push-half--bottom"> <picture> <source data-srcset="" srcset="" sizes="(min-width: 600px) 500x500, 400x400"> <img class="img-overlay__image push-half--bottom ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src=""> </picture> </figure> <h3 class="beta push-quarter--bottom">GAIL (India)</h3> <p class="gamma">Sandeep Kumar Gupta</p> <p class="gamma push-quarter--bottom">Chairman and Managing Director</p> </div> </div> <div class="col small-6 small-medium-3 medium-4 large-4 xlarge-3 push--bottom push--bottom slider-trigger"> <div role="button" aria-label="Open profile panel for Charlotte Raggett" class="js-toggle__profile img-overlay" aria-controls=profile-s5a5e573a-8a67-4c03-bae0-7b4ede6f04a4 aria-expanded="false" data-target=#profile-s5a5e573a-8a67-4c03-bae0-7b4ede6f04a4> <figure class="img-overlay__wrap push-half--bottom"> <picture> <source data-srcset="" srcset="" sizes="(min-width: 600px) 500x500, 400x400"> <img class="img-overlay__image push-half--bottom ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src=""> </picture> </figure> <h3 class="beta push-quarter--bottom">Rockies LNG</h3> <p class="gamma">Charlotte Raggett</p> <p class="gamma push-quarter--bottom">President</p> </div> </div> <div class="col small-6 small-medium-3 medium-4 large-4 xlarge-3 push--bottom push--bottom slider-trigger"> <div role="button" aria-label="Open profile panel for De la Rey Venter" class="js-toggle__profile img-overlay" aria-controls=profile-s6c4d568a-0467-4b86-b71d-f93a17bf3a01 aria-expanded="false" data-target=#profile-s6c4d568a-0467-4b86-b71d-f93a17bf3a01> <figure class="img-overlay__wrap push-half--bottom"> <picture> <source data-srcset="" srcset="" sizes="(min-width: 600px) 500x500, 400x400"> <img class="img-overlay__image push-half--bottom ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src=""> </picture> </figure> <h3 class="beta push-quarter--bottom">MidOcean Energy</h3> <p class="gamma">De la Rey Venter</p> <p class="gamma 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role="button" aria-label="Open profile panel for James MacTaggart" class="js-toggle__profile img-overlay" aria-controls=profile-s20ce8660-7f81-4db5-9fcf-af3698529b26 aria-expanded="false" data-target=#profile-s20ce8660-7f81-4db5-9fcf-af3698529b26> <figure class="img-overlay__wrap push-half--bottom"> <picture> <source data-srcset="" srcset="" sizes="(min-width: 600px) 500x500, 400x400"> <img class="img-overlay__image push-half--bottom ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src=""> </picture> </figure> <h3 class="beta push-quarter--bottom">NextDecade</h3> <p class="gamma">James MacTaggart</p> <p class="gamma push-quarter--bottom">Chief Marketing Officer</p> </div> </div> <div class="col small-6 small-medium-3 medium-4 large-4 xlarge-3 push--bottom push--bottom slider-trigger"> <div role="button" aria-label="Open profile panel for Mark Abbotsford" class="js-toggle__profile img-overlay" aria-controls=profile-sf38ba0e0-c012-4b29-a193-cff5d0de54f9 aria-expanded="false" data-target=#profile-sf38ba0e0-c012-4b29-a193-cff5d0de54f9> <figure class="img-overlay__wrap push-half--bottom"> <picture> <source data-srcset="" srcset="" sizes="(min-width: 600px) 500x500, 400x400"> <img class="img-overlay__image push-half--bottom ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src=""> </picture> </figure> <h3 class="beta push-quarter--bottom">Woodside</h3> <p class="gamma">Mark Abbotsford</p> <p class="gamma push-quarter--bottom">Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer</p> </div> </div> <div class="col small-6 small-medium-3 medium-4 large-4 xlarge-3 push--bottom push--bottom slider-trigger"> <div role="button" aria-label="Open profile panel for Neil McMahon" class="js-toggle__profile img-overlay" aria-controls=profile-s51aee77d-9e93-4518-8909-caf9b46984fd aria-expanded="false" data-target=#profile-s51aee77d-9e93-4518-8909-caf9b46984fd> <figure class="img-overlay__wrap push-half--bottom"> <picture> <source data-srcset="" srcset="" sizes="(min-width: 600px) 500x500, 400x400"> <img class="img-overlay__image push-half--bottom ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src=""> </picture> </figure> <h3 class="beta push-quarter--bottom">Kimmeridge</h3> <p class="gamma">Neil McMahon</p> <p class="gamma push-quarter--bottom">Managing Partner</p> </div> </div> <div class="col small-6 small-medium-3 medium-4 large-4 xlarge-3 push--bottom push--bottom slider-trigger"> <div role="button" aria-label="Open profile panel for Jaclyn Presnal" class="js-toggle__profile img-overlay" aria-controls=profile-s40dd5c30-d701-4df1-b9c2-3e8832c8b4ba aria-expanded="false" data-target=#profile-s40dd5c30-d701-4df1-b9c2-3e8832c8b4ba> <figure class="img-overlay__wrap push-half--bottom"> <picture> <source data-srcset="" srcset="" sizes="(min-width: 600px) 500x500, 400x400"> <img class="img-overlay__image push-half--bottom ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src=""> </picture> </figure> <h3 class="beta push-quarter--bottom">The Williams Companies</h3> <p class="gamma">Jaclyn Presnal</p> <p class="gamma push-quarter--bottom">Vice President, New Energy Ventures</p> </div> </div> <div class="col small-6 small-medium-3 medium-4 large-4 xlarge-3 push--bottom push--bottom slider-trigger"> <div role="button" aria-label="Open profile panel for Ilaria Azzimonti" class="js-toggle__profile img-overlay" aria-controls=profile-s6c2fba17-265b-4c3e-927d-b7865bca2f72 aria-expanded="false" data-target=#profile-s6c2fba17-265b-4c3e-927d-b7865bca2f72> <figure class="img-overlay__wrap push-half--bottom"> <picture> <source data-srcset="" srcset="" sizes="(min-width: 600px) 500x500, 400x400"> <img class="img-overlay__image push-half--bottom ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src=""> </picture> </figure> <h3 class="beta push-quarter--bottom">Eni S.p.A</h3> <p class="gamma">Ilaria Azzimonti</p> <p class="gamma push-quarter--bottom">Head of LNG Portfolio</p> </div> </div> <div class="col small-6 small-medium-3 medium-4 large-4 xlarge-3 push--bottom push--bottom slider-trigger"> <div role="button" aria-label="Open profile panel for Neil Somma" class="js-toggle__profile img-overlay" aria-controls=profile-sd1079694-f8d6-4129-a609-6e664aef8901 aria-expanded="false" data-target=#profile-sd1079694-f8d6-4129-a609-6e664aef8901> <figure class="img-overlay__wrap push-half--bottom"> <picture> <source data-srcset="" srcset="" sizes="(min-width: 600px) 500x500, 400x400"> <img class="img-overlay__image push-half--bottom ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src=""> </picture> </figure> <h3 class="beta push-quarter--bottom">CME Group</h3> <p class="gamma">Neil Somma</p> <p class="gamma push-quarter--bottom">Global Head of Natural Gas</p> </div> </div> <div class="col small-6 small-medium-3 medium-4 large-4 xlarge-3 push--bottom push--bottom slider-trigger"> <div role="button" aria-label="Open profile panel for Nicola Duffin" class="js-toggle__profile img-overlay" aria-controls=profile-sa3c45c91-d3df-444e-8db6-186189b420e7 aria-expanded="false" data-target=#profile-sa3c45c91-d3df-444e-8db6-186189b420e7> <figure class="img-overlay__wrap push-half--bottom"> <picture> <source data-srcset="" srcset="" sizes="(min-width: 600px) 500x500, 400x400"> <img class="img-overlay__image push-half--bottom ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src=""> </picture> </figure> <h3 class="beta push-quarter--bottom">INEOS Energy Trading</h3> <p class="gamma">Nicola Duffin</p> <p class="gamma push-quarter--bottom">Head of LNG</p> </div> </div> <div class="col small-6 small-medium-3 medium-4 large-4 xlarge-3 push--bottom push--bottom slider-trigger"> <div role="button" aria-label="Open profile panel for Akhil Mehrotra" class="js-toggle__profile img-overlay" aria-controls=profile-seec381c4-10b8-478e-be11-d72b016e19b0 aria-expanded="false" data-target=#profile-seec381c4-10b8-478e-be11-d72b016e19b0> <figure class="img-overlay__wrap push-half--bottom"> <picture> <source data-srcset="" srcset="" sizes="(min-width: 600px) 500x500, 400x400"> <img class="img-overlay__image push-half--bottom ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src=""> </picture> </figure> <h3 class="beta push-quarter--bottom">Pipeline Infrastructure Limited</h3> <p class="gamma">Akhil Mehrotra</p> <p class="gamma push-quarter--bottom">Managing Director</p> </div> </div> <div class="col small-6 small-medium-3 medium-4 large-4 xlarge-3 push--bottom push--bottom slider-trigger"> <div role="button" aria-label="Open profile panel for Simon Flowers" class="js-toggle__profile img-overlay" aria-controls=profile-sb6c58422-86cd-45fe-8626-ad41472e2ad9 aria-expanded="false" data-target=#profile-sb6c58422-86cd-45fe-8626-ad41472e2ad9> <figure class="img-overlay__wrap push-half--bottom"> <picture> <source data-srcset="" srcset="" sizes="(min-width: 600px) 500x500, 400x400"> <img class="img-overlay__image push-half--bottom ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src=""> </picture> </figure> <h3 class="beta push-quarter--bottom">Wood Mackenzie</h3> <p class="gamma">Simon Flowers</p> <p class="gamma push-quarter--bottom">Chairman and Chief Analyst</p> </div> </div> <div class="col small-6 small-medium-3 medium-4 large-4 xlarge-3 push--bottom push--bottom slider-trigger"> <div role="button" aria-label="Open profile panel for Ixchel Castro" class="js-toggle__profile img-overlay" aria-controls=profile-s826a6a90-11ee-45b8-9edb-7a8dd3b613ad aria-expanded="false" data-target=#profile-s826a6a90-11ee-45b8-9edb-7a8dd3b613ad> <figure class="img-overlay__wrap push-half--bottom"> <picture> <source data-srcset="" srcset="" sizes="(min-width: 600px) 500x500, 400x400"> <img class="img-overlay__image push-half--bottom ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src=""> </picture> </figure> <h3 class="beta push-quarter--bottom">Wood Mackenzie</h3> <p class="gamma">Ixchel Castro</p> <p class="gamma push-quarter--bottom">Vice President, Head of Gas and LNG Markets</p> </div> </div> <div class="col small-6 small-medium-3 medium-4 large-4 xlarge-3 push--bottom push--bottom slider-trigger"> <div role="button" aria-label="Open profile panel for Kristy Kramer" class="js-toggle__profile img-overlay" aria-controls=profile-s2f5e68f5-b9ae-43bc-8d33-b6e5f4473317 aria-expanded="false" data-target=#profile-s2f5e68f5-b9ae-43bc-8d33-b6e5f4473317> <figure class="img-overlay__wrap push-half--bottom"> <picture> <source data-srcset="" srcset="" sizes="(min-width: 600px) 500x500, 400x400"> <img class="img-overlay__image push-half--bottom ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src=""> </picture> </figure> <h3 class="beta push-quarter--bottom">Wood Mackenzie</h3> <p class="gamma">Kristy Kramer</p> <p class="gamma push-quarter--bottom">Vice President, Head of Gas and LNG Consulting</p> </div> </div> <div class="col small-6 small-medium-3 medium-4 large-4 xlarge-3 push--bottom push--bottom slider-trigger"> <div role="button" aria-label="Open profile panel for Gavin Thompson" class="js-toggle__profile img-overlay" aria-controls=profile-s621fdbfb-67e5-4abe-8b8c-8ddb6da2cecf aria-expanded="false" data-target=#profile-s621fdbfb-67e5-4abe-8b8c-8ddb6da2cecf> <figure class="img-overlay__wrap push-half--bottom"> <picture> <source data-srcset="" srcset="" sizes="(min-width: 600px) 500x500, 400x400"> <img class="img-overlay__image push-half--bottom ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src=""> </picture> </figure> <h3 class="beta push-quarter--bottom">Wood Mackenzie</h3> <p class="gamma">Gavin Thompson</p> <p class="gamma push-quarter--bottom">Vice Chairman for Europe, Middle East and Africa.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- OUR SPONSORS --> <!--REGISTRATION --> <div id="registrationPanel" class="module module--bg"> <div class="wrap"> <div class="col small-12"> <h2 class="giga title-underline soft--bottom push--bottom"> Registration </h2> <div class="row"> <div class="col small-12"> <a href="" class="btn btn--primary full-width" target="_blank">Register now</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module"> <div class="wrap"> <div class="col small-12"> <div class="row"> <div class="col small-12 push--bottom push-half--top"> <div><div> <h2 class="giga title-underline soft--bottom push--bottom">Plan ahead and make substantial savings. All tickets are £595 GBP + 20% UK VAT per person (saving £1200 GBP off the £1795 GBP standard rate) Book by December 31 to get this discount.</h2><div class="editor"> <p>Special rates for bookings of two or more people from one company are available. Contact Laurence Allen, Marketing Manager on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong></strong></a> with your details and the number of people you are looking to send.</p></div> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!------------------------------ AGENDA --------------------------------> <!------------------------------ SPEAKERS --------------------------------> <!------------------------------ SPONSORS --------------------------------> <div id="eventSponsors" class="event-tab__container "> <div class="module"> <div class="wrap"> <div class="col small-12 push-double--bottom"> <h2 class="giga title-underline soft--bottom push--bottom">Sponsors</h2> <div class="row"> <div class="col small-12 push--bottom push-half--top"> <div><div> <div class="body-copy-image__section bg-light-100 " id="bodycopyimage" data-io-animation-chain="true"> <div class="wrap"> <div class="body-copy-image__content-container flexbox align-start bg-light-100 reverse"> <div class="image-left body-copy-image__text-container small-12 large-6"> <h3 class="body-copy-image__section-title h300 ">Silver Sponsor - Minimax Labs </h3> <div class="" data-io-type="fade" data-io-direction="bottom-top"> <div class="editor body-copy-image__description"> <p>Minimax Labs’ proprietary, cutting-edge optimisation AI technology creates massive, transformative business value. Our world-leading product, LiNGO, is relied on by billion-dollar businesses every day, providing a comprehensive suite of tools for fast analysis and optimisation for trading and chartering, schedule management, emissions and ADP. A companion Data Hub product offers data sharing and systems integration. LiNGO has evolved over 14 years and, beginning with the largest and most complex portfolios, now serves LNG businesses of all kinds worldwide.<br /><br /></p></div> </div> <div class="body-copy-image__buttons-container"> <a class="body-copy-image__button btn btn--primary " data-io-type="fade" data-io-direction="bottom-top" href="">Find out more </a> </div> </div> <div class="body-copy-image__image-container small-12 large-6"> <picture> <source data-srcset=",0.5" media="(min-width: 960px)"> <img class=" lazyload" data-src=",0.5"> </picture> <p class="body-copy-image__image-caption"></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><div> <div class="body-copy-image__section bg-light-100 " id="bodycopyimage" data-io-animation-chain="true"> <div class="wrap"> <div class="body-copy-image__content-container flexbox align-start bg-light-100 reverse"> <div class="image-left body-copy-image__text-container small-12 large-6"> <h3 class="body-copy-image__section-title h300 ">Bronze Sponsor - CME Group</h3> <div class="" data-io-type="fade" data-io-direction="bottom-top"> <div class="editor body-copy-image__description"> <p>As the world's leading derivatives marketplace, CME Group (<a href=""></a>) enables clients to trade futures, options, cash and OTC markets, optimize portfolios, and analyze data – empowering market participants worldwide to efficiently manage risk and capture opportunities. CME Group exchanges offer the widest range of global benchmark products across all major asset classes based on <a href="">interest rates</a>, <a href="">equity indexes</a>, <a href="">foreign exchange</a>, <a href="">energy</a>, <a href="">agricultural products</a> and <a href="">metals</a>. The company offers futures and options on futures trading through the <a href="">CME Globex</a><sup>®</sup> platform, fixed income trading via BrokerTec and foreign exchange trading on the EBS platform. In addition, it operates one of the world's leading central counterparty clearing providers, CME Clearing. </p></div> </div> <div class="body-copy-image__buttons-container"> <a class="body-copy-image__button btn btn--primary " data-io-type="fade" data-io-direction="bottom-top" href="">Find out more about CME Group</a> </div> </div> <div class="body-copy-image__image-container small-12 large-6"> <picture> <source data-srcset=",0.5" media="(min-width: 960px)"> <img class=" lazyload" data-src=",0.5"> </picture> <p class="body-copy-image__image-caption"></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><div> <div class="body-copy-image__section bg-light-100 " id="bodycopyimage" data-io-animation-chain="true"> <div class="wrap"> <div class="body-copy-image__content-container flexbox align-start bg-light-100 reverse"> <div class="image-left body-copy-image__text-container small-12 large-6"> <h3 class="body-copy-image__section-title h300 ">Associate Sponsor - Lloyd's Register </h3> <div class="" data-io-type="fade" data-io-direction="bottom-top"> <div class="editor body-copy-image__description"> <p>Lloyd’s Register provides independent assurance and expert advice to companies operating high-risk, capital-intensive assets in the marine, energy and transportation sectors.The Lloyd’s Register Group has many years of experience successfully delivering safety, risk and reliability projects for clients, often tailoring them to meet their bespoke corporate and commercial needs. Lloyd’s Register offers services aligned with client’s business and project specific goals and objectives to ensure the most suitable solution is identified. Lloyd’s Register can access their global experts to complement any project team.</p></div> </div> <div class="body-copy-image__buttons-container"> <a class="body-copy-image__button btn btn--primary " data-io-type="fade" data-io-direction="bottom-top" href="">Find out more </a> </div> </div> <div class="body-copy-image__image-container small-12 large-6"> <picture> <source data-srcset=",0.5" media="(min-width: 960px)"> <img class=" lazyload" data-src=",0.5"> </picture> <p class="body-copy-image__image-caption"></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><div> <h2 class="giga title-underline soft--bottom push--bottom">Speaking and branding opportunities are available. Contact Ro Pleasant on to set up an exploratory call.</h2><div class="editor"> <p>The third annual Wood Mackenzie Gas, LNG and The Future of Energy conference 2025 is expected to be one of the most significant industry gatherings. Your organisation will be mixing with industry decision-makers and influencers seeking investment, partnerships, and the latest business enhancing-technologies. </p> <p>Be part of the forward thinking discussion at an event not to be missed. All speaking slots are in one main auditorium meaning exclusive engagement with 300+ attendees. Options include:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Panel discussions</strong> on topical conversations with Wood Mackenzie and industry experts</li> <li><strong>Fireside chats</strong> which give you an exclusive one to one conversation on the stage with a senior Wood Mackenzie analyst</li> </ul> <p><strong>You can also utilise your branding presence by hosting one of our networking functions with a hospitality sponsorship package.</strong></p> <p>Participation as Wood Mackenzie event sponsor also means a comprehensive digital marketing strategy to reach a wider audience beyond the physical event. Your company will receive dedicated exposure on our event website, email marketing campaigns, social media platforms to ensure maximum visibility and engagement.</p> <p><strong>To find out how you can get involved:</strong></p> <p><strong><a class="btn btn--primary" title="Contact Ro Pleasant, Head of Event & Creative Sponsorships on" href="">Contact Ro Pleasant, Head of Event & Creative Sponsorships on </a></strong></p> <p> </p> <p> </p></div> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!------------------------------ VENUE --------------------------------> <!------------------------------ WHY ATTEND --------------------------------> <div id="eventWhyAttend" class="event-tab__container "> <div class="module"> <div class="wrap"> <div class="col small-12"> <div><div> <div class="module " data-io-animation-chain="true" id="statisticsside"> <div class=wrap> <div class="col small-12 large-8 push-1--large push--bottom"> <h2 class="giga title-underline soft--bottom push--bottom " data-io-type="::before-expand" > Why attend the 3rd annual Gas, LNG & The Future of Energy conference? </h2> <div class="editor " data-io-type="fade" data-io-direction="bottom-top" > <p>Demand for Gas and LNG is predicted increase by 50% through the mid-2030s. Gas and LNG will be crucial as transition fuels in replacing coal in the power sector, while hype for low carbon disruptors such as hydrogen has cooled in recent months. Yet challenges remain for the sector, including the need to effectively communicate gas and LNG’s role in the energy transition to stakeholders, regulatory and political headwinds, and the difficulty and expense of decarbonisng gas and LNG.</p> <p>Join us at the third annual Wood Mackenzie Gas, LNG & The Future of Energy Conference in the City of London from 10-11 June 2025 for industry expert insights and debates to gain a global perspective on these challenges. Be a part of the discussions that bring together senior leaders from European gas aggregators and utilities, Asian LNG buyers and traders, international energy companies, investment bankers and project financiers as well as, North American E&P, LNG players and shippers, commodity traders, and law firms.</p> <p>A ticket to attend includes:</p> <p>• Exclusive and inspiring insights from the Wood Mackenzie team of subject matter experts and industry leaders</p> <p>• Peer to peer networking opportunities where you can make essential connections and have crucial conversations</p> <p>• Access to the event app: Prepare for the event and gain the most from the programme and venue on the day</p> <p>• Refreshments and lunches on both days</p> <p>• Re-cap on the essential information with speaker presentation downloads (where permission has been given) post-conference</p> <p>Discounted rates for Wood Mackenzie clients / subscribers and group bookings for two or more people from one company are available.</p> <p><a class="btn btn--primary" title="Contact Laurence Allen on" href="">Contact Laurence Allen on</a></p> <p> </p> </div> </div> <div class="col small-12 large-3 push--bottom statistics"> <ul> <li class="" data-io-type="fade" data-io-direction="bottom-top"> <h3>30+ Speakers</h3> <p>From across the gas and LNG value chain.</p> </li> <li class="" data-io-type="fade" data-io-direction="bottom-top"> <h3>300+ Attendees </h3> <p>Gathered in 2024.</p> </li> <li class="" data-io-type="fade" data-io-direction="bottom-top"> <h3>30+ Countries </h3> <p>Represented across the globe.</p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div><div><div class="wrap divider--grey"></div></div><div> <div class="editor"> <p><strong>The audience</strong> will comprise representation from across the gas and LNG supply chain including: </p> <ul> <li>European gas aggregators and utilities</li> <li>Infrastructure investors and private equity</li> <li>Asian LNG buyers and traders</li> <li>International energy companies</li> <li>Investment banking and project finance</li> <li>North American E&P, infrastructure, and LNG players</li> <li>Commodity traders</li> <li>LNG Shippers</li> <li>EPC and construction companies</li> <li>Law Firms</li> </ul></div> </div><div><div class="wrap divider--grey"></div></div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!------------------------------ USER PROFILES --------------------------------> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s44ccc6fe-bb89-4498-a67e-0c3db48ce820 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s44ccc6fe-bb89-4498-a67e-0c3db48ce820 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s44ccc6fe-bb89-4498-a67e-0c3db48ce820 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Dulles Wang</h2> <p class="alpha white">Director, Americas Gas and LNG Research </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Wood Mackenzie </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">As a director on our Americas Gas and LNG Research team, Dulles delivers analysis of all aspects of the natural gas value chain, and explores how changing market dynamics affect gas prices and market opportunities. Dulles’ industry experience spans private and public sectors, starting with natural gas consulting at The Brattle Group, and fuels fundamental analysis and physical gas scheduling at NRG Energy. Prior to joining Wood Mackenzie, he was an energy markets regulator at the Alberta Securities Commission, providing primary regulatory oversight of what is now ICE NGX.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-sa3c45c91-d3df-444e-8db6-186189b420e7 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-sa3c45c91-d3df-444e-8db6-186189b420e7 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-sa3c45c91-d3df-444e-8db6-186189b420e7 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Nicola Duffin</h2> <p class="alpha white">Head of LNG </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">INEOS Energy Trading </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Nicola Duffin is Head of LNG at INEOS Energy Trading with responsibility for developing, monetising, and managing all aspects of INEOS’s LNG portfolio. Nicola joined INEOS in 2022 and has over 20 years of experience in the energy industry specialising in business development and commercial management. In her prior role as Commercial Director for Grain LNG (part of National Grid Ventures), she led the team which secured a 25-year capacity contract resulting in an expansion of the Grain terminal. Previous roles include Senior Commercial Executive at South Hook Gas (a joint venture between Qatar Petroleum and ExxonMobil) where she was responsible for developing and negotiating LNG and gas sales agreements with global market participants. Nicola was part of the ‘start up’ team that developed the South Hook terminal operating rules and capacity contracts. She was also the principal lead on regulatory matters.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-sb61e7b67-f9d1-4334-9adc-207ed8ebb48b class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-sb61e7b67-f9d1-4334-9adc-207ed8ebb48b aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-sb61e7b67-f9d1-4334-9adc-207ed8ebb48b aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Gavin Law</h2> <p class="alpha white">Head of Gas and Power Consulting </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Wood Mackenzie </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Gavin’s expertise lies in assisting diverse energy companies to identify risks and opportunities in their business, and supporting them in building strategies to exploit changing market opportunities. Most recently, he has been directing our landmark upstream carbon emissions study, working with the world's leading oil and gas companies to evaluate upstream emissions and impact on future value. In his 24 years at Wood Mackenzie, Gavin has built trusted relationships within the leading gas and LNG companies worldwide. His research background enables him to blend a seasoned operational perspective with insight into the latest market trends and issues. He has played a key role in a wide range of high profile consulting projects and industry events related to the global gas and LNG market. Prior to his current role, Gavin was Head of Global LNG, responsible for both research and consulting. He developed a holistic strategy for LNG business and built relationships with the leading global LNG importers. Gavin began his career at BG Plc and has worked as an independent consultant.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s4c55929e-10e7-4d43-b69f-24fb939d0df6 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s4c55929e-10e7-4d43-b69f-24fb939d0df6 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s4c55929e-10e7-4d43-b69f-24fb939d0df6 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Rogier Beaumont</h2> <p class="alpha white">Senior Originator Europe & Med </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Vitol </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">In the industry for 15 years in various capacities. Initially with ConocoPhillips in London in the Gas & Power trading team but moving swiftly to the LNG side working on the active interests of Conoco in Qatar and the start-up of the APLNG project. Thereafter moved to Gazprom Marketing and Trading both in London and Singapore (now SEFE) where the focus was on mid-to-long term agreements including the first third party FLNG project in Cameroon. Spent over 5 year in Pavilion Energy as head of global origination helping the company through its organic and inorganic growth with the highlights the acquisition of the gas/LNG portfolio of Iberdrola in 2019 and the carbon-neutral ready SPAs in Asia with BP, Qatar and Chevron. Currently in Vitol building out the strong and diversified LNG book in Europe, Mediterranean and Africa.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s681a4b63-b9e6-4ef6-aed9-31032e4c9e1f class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s681a4b63-b9e6-4ef6-aed9-31032e4c9e1f aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s681a4b63-b9e6-4ef6-aed9-31032e4c9e1f aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Toshiyuki Takahashi</h2> <p class="alpha white">Head of LNG Chartering </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">JERA </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s22f2e601-780d-4a6f-baba-31b360fffd3f class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s22f2e601-780d-4a6f-baba-31b360fffd3f aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s22f2e601-780d-4a6f-baba-31b360fffd3f aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Chris Wright</h2> <p class="alpha white">Director - Advisory (Maritime Industries) </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Societe Generale Corporate and Investment Banking </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Chris is a Director in the Maritime Strategic and Capital Advisory at Société Générale joining in 2018. Chris’ past companies include ExxonMobil , Qatar Energy LNG, EDF Trading and NewAge. He describes himself as Advisory Banker in the relentless pursuit of getting the best results for his clients! Specialising in the Shipping, Maritime, floating infrastructure, CCUS and Energy Transition Sectors. Fanatical about LNG, Ammonia, Methanol, CO2, Bio and Synthetic fuels, production/transportation/storage thereof! He also occasionally executes some M&A and ECM deals too! In his past he has led projects, ran businesses and generated material P&L across the maritime, energy and commodities sectors. Chris’s recent experiences include: • Financial advisor for world’s largest LNG shipping project (ongoing) • Advisor to Bluestreak CO2, world’s first Mid-stream CO2 company • Core member of the JBR team for the ADNOC L&S IPO, >120x subscribed listing and the CMB acquisition of Euronav (Marine Money Award of 2023 – Wildcard of the Year) • Advisor to the EMU Fund with Eurazeo for the decarbonisation of Shipping (ongoing) • Multiple confidential M&A deals in the Shipping, Floating Infra and Ports space (ongoing) Chris holds a 1st Class Honours of Masters in Chemical Engineering from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, and is an alumni of London Business School and INSEAD, Paris.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-sc863885e-1301-45c6-b979-3590d9dd4779 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-sc863885e-1301-45c6-b979-3590d9dd4779 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-sc863885e-1301-45c6-b979-3590d9dd4779 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Lucy Cullen</h2> <p class="alpha white">Research Director, EMEA Gas & LNG Research </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Wood Mackenzie </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Lucy is a principal analyst in Wood Mackenzie’s Asia Pacific Gas & LNG team, primarily focused on supply, demand, contract and price analysis for the Northeast Asian markets. Lucy joined the team in Singapore in 2019, having spent over six years with Wood Mackenzie research in the UK. Lucy was part of the global gas research team in the UK with responsibility for developing European gas supply analysis. Lucy joined Wood Mackenzie in 2012 as an intern in the Energy Markets research team, producing long-term energy balances by looking at inter-fuel competition and energy demand drivers. Lucy has also worked on a number of consulting projects in the areas of gas monetisation, market entry and opportunity screenings and cost analysis in Europe, North Africa and the Caspian.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-sd64466af-f95a-4820-97df-35dd577a037c class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-sd64466af-f95a-4820-97df-35dd577a037c aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-sd64466af-f95a-4820-97df-35dd577a037c aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Miaoru Huang</h2> <p class="alpha white">Research Director, Asia Pacific Gas and LNG </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Wood Mackenzie </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Miaoru Huang leads our Northeast Asia gas research. With around 15 years of experience in energy markets, she provides commercial insight into the short- and long-term gas and LNG markets, analysing price drivers and fundamental supply-demand trends, as well as how market participants navigate through market development. Miaoru joined Wood Mackenzie in 2016. Previously, she spent seven years with Rio Tinto, where she was responsible for energy and climate strategy advisory. She also supported investment assessment, power procurement negotiation and metal products marketing.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-sb0b1b38c-40f1-462b-8cb8-3abc862c6449 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-sb0b1b38c-40f1-462b-8cb8-3abc862c6449 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-sb0b1b38c-40f1-462b-8cb8-3abc862c6449 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Tamás Taligás</h2> <p class="alpha white">Head of Financial LNG Trading </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">MET Group </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Tamas Taligas is based in Switzerland and has over 10 years experience in the energy industry. He has been Head of Financial LNG Trading since the beginning of the year. In this role he is responsible for monetising flexibility in the LNG portfolio. Previously he held position as Physical LNG Trader. Between 2017 and 2021 he was part of the Central Easter European Trading Desk, where gained extensive experience on regional origination and cross-border portfolio management. Before 2017 he was based in London with MET Group, where he held various positions in middle office, where he gained deep understanding of the trading operation.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s5af08007-bafc-4f58-8d51-3c57412e03bc class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s5af08007-bafc-4f58-8d51-3c57412e03bc aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s5af08007-bafc-4f58-8d51-3c57412e03bc aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Massimo Di Odoardo</h2> <p class="alpha white">Vice President, Gas and LNG Research </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Wood Mackenzie </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Massimo brings extensive knowledge of the entire gas industry value chain to his current position as Vice President of Gas and LNG Research. Massimo joined Wood Mackenzie in 2007 as a consultant, where he advised NOCs, IOCs and European utilities on global gas and pricing dynamics. He later transitioned to the research division, where he soon became the content lead for European gas and then for global gas and LNG, responsible for articulating our view on market fundamentals, pricing dynamics and corporate developments. Before joining Wood Mackenzie, Massimo worked in the strategy department at Eni SpA, where he was responsible for developing global gas scenario analyses to support strategic investments. Massimo speaks regularly at conferences and with media, and remains deeply engaged with the industry. Travelling to see and discuss market dynamics with customers is at the heart of his job, enabling him to constantly challenge and evolve his own view of the global gas and LNG market.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s40dd5c30-d701-4df1-b9c2-3e8832c8b4ba class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s40dd5c30-d701-4df1-b9c2-3e8832c8b4ba aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s40dd5c30-d701-4df1-b9c2-3e8832c8b4ba aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Jaclyn Presnal</h2> <p class="alpha white">Vice President, New Energy Ventures </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">The Williams Companies </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Jaclyn leads the Williams New Energy Ventures team focused on commercializing innovative technologies, markets and business models, while also collaborating across Williams to evaluate and implement projects to grow our clean energy business. Jaclyn joined Williams in December of 2004, most recently serving as Director of Strategic Development, where she successfully led the recent acquisitions of MountainWest, Rocky Mountain Midstream and Cureton Midstream. She has proven herself to be a strong leader of complex functions, serving in roles in market intelligence, strategic planning, project analysis, FP&A, and continuous improvement. Jaclyn was a member of the inaugural Diversity & Inclusion Council from 2019 until 2022. Jaclyn earned a bachelor’s degree in finance from the University of Tulsa and later earned a Master’s in Business Administration from University of Tulsa. Jaclyn is also a certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s68b691f6-006b-4a88-a107-3ebb23eae607 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s68b691f6-006b-4a88-a107-3ebb23eae607 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s68b691f6-006b-4a88-a107-3ebb23eae607 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Rosaline Hulse</h2> <p class="alpha white">Senior Research Analyst, Europe Gas & LNG </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Wood Mackenzie </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Rosaline is the Europe content lead for our new Biomethane service she joined Wood Mackenzie in April 2021 as a gas and energy demand analyst ,developing our short and long-term European gas demand outlooks. She delivers cross-fuel demand analysis particularly in the residential and industrial sectors and supporting the alignment or our demand view across our commodity teams. Previous professional experience includes the UK trade association for biomethane where she led on R&D liaison, developed an industry strategy for R&D and supported collaboration between industry and academia to innovate and solve problems in the biomethane sector.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s36f6acdc-5190-4050-85c0-486cfb1a77c1 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s36f6acdc-5190-4050-85c0-486cfb1a77c1 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s36f6acdc-5190-4050-85c0-486cfb1a77c1 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Neal Kalita</h2> <p class="alpha white">Senior Director, Power & Energy </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">NTT Global Data Centers </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Neal Kalita is Senior Director for Power & Energy at NTT Global Datacenters and is also Global Lead for Renewable Energy. He has a background in real estate and renewable energy encompassing investment and development in both sectors. In his current role he is responsible for securing over 1TWh of energy and for delivering the NTT GDC corporate target of 100% renewable supply by 2030. His aim is to ensure the decarbonisation of digital infrastructure is aligned to the triple bottom line of people-planet-prosper.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-sb890fe69-5667-4340-be5a-5208cc41c71b class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-sb890fe69-5667-4340-be5a-5208cc41c71b aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-sb890fe69-5667-4340-be5a-5208cc41c71b aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Valentina Kretzschmar</h2> <p class="alpha white">Vice President Consulting, Climate Risk and Strategy </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Wood Mackenzie </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Dr Valentina Kretzschmar has over 25 years of experience in the energy sector. She is a senior expert, with a focus on corporate energy transition strategies and climate reporting. She joined Wood Mackenzie’s Consulting team in June 2023 from Capricorn Energy, where she served as Energy Transition Director, responsible for the company’s climate change and energy transition strategy and reporting. Before Capricorn, Valentina spent 18 years at Wood Mackenzie across Corporate, Upstream Russia and Caspian and Coal Research teams. As Vice President of Corporate Research, she led the development of Corporate New Energy Research. She is an Advisory Board Member at CausewayGT – a geothermal company. She also held a non-executive director role on the board of NHST Global Media (Norway).</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-sc1dd3586-3386-4590-93c4-58f117dcfe77 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-sc1dd3586-3386-4590-93c4-58f117dcfe77 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-sc1dd3586-3386-4590-93c4-58f117dcfe77 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Ashwin Punde</h2> <p class="alpha white">Managing Director Energy and Energy Transition </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Standard Chartered Bank </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Ashwin is Managing Director and heads the Energy and Chemicals coverage for Europe and Americas, at Standard Chartered Bank. He also leads the energy transition coverage for energy clients in these regions and is closely involved in the transactions in this emerging sector. He has over 25 years of experience in energy investment banking, having worked in London, Hong Kong, Houston and Mumbai during this time. Ashwin joined SCB in 2018 and previously worked for BAML and Citigroup. He has led a range of advisory, capital markets and financing transactions for IOCs, NOCs, and independent E&P companies, and has advised on over $70bn of completed M&A and $50bn of financings with these clients.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s8d5d2aea-b2d0-4d1f-b4d2-59993b9596a8 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s8d5d2aea-b2d0-4d1f-b4d2-59993b9596a8 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s8d5d2aea-b2d0-4d1f-b4d2-59993b9596a8 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Andrew Pearson</h2> <p class="alpha white">Senior Vice President, Head of Gas & LNG </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Wood Mackenzie </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Andrew is the Head of our Gas & LNG business and is responsible for its strategic direction and operational success. He has lived and worked in Europe and the US operating in various leadership roles across the gas, power and renewables, coal and oil markets. He first joined Wood Mackenzie in 2001 and was initially in our Middle East Upstream Research team, before moving into the Commodities business in 2005 to establish our LNG research offerings. Prior to joining Wood Mackenzie, Andrew worked as a geologist in the North Sea. Andrew holds a MSc from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne and a BSc (Hons) from the University of Aberdeen.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s3b88ed8d-86d1-49cb-aa36-5cc2d5a9b524 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s3b88ed8d-86d1-49cb-aa36-5cc2d5a9b524 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s3b88ed8d-86d1-49cb-aa36-5cc2d5a9b524 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Cecile Ballantyne-Jovene</h2> <p class="alpha white">Head of Strategy Department - Gas, Power & Renewables </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">TotalEnergies </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-sd32be1a0-4bd2-443a-a4d3-5cfffa9a6822 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-sd32be1a0-4bd2-443a-a4d3-5cfffa9a6822 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-sd32be1a0-4bd2-443a-a4d3-5cfffa9a6822 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Valerie Purvis</h2> <p class="alpha white">Executive Vice President, Head of Commodities </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Wood Mackenzie </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Valerie Purvis leads the Chemicals, Metals and Mining, Oils, Gas and LNG divisions at Wood Mackenzie. Val’s teams provide customers with unique data and insight that drives smarter, more strategic decision-making. She builds and strengthens customer relationships, enhancing Wood Mackenzie’s reputation as a leader and trusted partner in the natural resources industry. Val joined the Chemicals division in 2016 to lead the integration of Wood Mackenzie’s acquisition of PCI – a consortium of five specialist chemicals companies. Under her leadership, the combined division has begun generating profits and shown a compounded annual growth rate of 15% over four years. Since then, Val has expanded her leadership remit to other commodity divisions of the business. Her first position with Wood Mackenzie was leading a team of Upstream energy analysts, focusing on exploration and production in the Gulf of Mexico. She went on to lead multiple teams at the company in Russia and the Caspian Sea. Prior to joining Wood Mackenzie, Val was a geophysicist in the upstream oil and gas industry. She gained experience working in numerous offshore locations, with a focus on Nigeria and the South China Sea. In addition to her primary roles, Val is the executive sponsor of the sustainability initiative at Wood Mackenzie. Val holds a BSc with Honours in Geoscience from the University of St. Andrews.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s52011bdc-63f8-4efd-bad3-654fa2e86e89 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s52011bdc-63f8-4efd-bad3-654fa2e86e89 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s52011bdc-63f8-4efd-bad3-654fa2e86e89 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Sandeep Kumar Gupta</h2> <p class="alpha white">Chairman and Managing Director </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">GAIL (India) </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Mr. Sandeep Kumar Gupta is CMD of GAIL (India) Limited, India’s leading natural gas company with diversified interests across the natural gas value chain of trading, transmission, LPG production & transmission, LNG re-gasification, petrochemicals, city gas, E&P, etc. He has wide experience of over 35 years in the Oil & Gas Industry. Before joining GAIL in October 2022, Mr. Gupta held the position of Director (Finance) since August 2019 on the Board of Indian Oil Corporation Limited. As Director (Finance), he was in charge of F&A, Treasury, Pricing, International Trade, Optimization, Information Systems, Corporate Affairs, Legal, Risk Management, etc. Mr. Sandeep Kumar Gupta is also the Chairman of Mahanagar Gas Limited, Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited (BCPL), GAIL Gas Limited and also on the Board of Petronet LNG Limited. Mr. Gupta is also Chairman of Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE), an apex professional organization representing the Central Government Public Enterprises. Mr. Gupta is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and has received prestigious individual recognition such as “CA CFO – Large Corporate – Manufacturing and Infrastructure Category” in January 2021 by ICAI, adjudged among Top 30 CFOs in India by in May 2022, Best CEO – Oil & Gas Sector 2022-23 by India Today in April 2023 and “CEO with HR Orientation” Award by World HRD Congress in February 2024.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s69f79bb0-76a3-431d-901f-6bf89924593c class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s69f79bb0-76a3-431d-901f-6bf89924593c aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s69f79bb0-76a3-431d-901f-6bf89924593c aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Jostein Ueland</h2> <p class="alpha white">Group CFO </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Deutsche Regas </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-sd1079694-f8d6-4129-a609-6e664aef8901 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-sd1079694-f8d6-4129-a609-6e664aef8901 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-sd1079694-f8d6-4129-a609-6e664aef8901 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Neil Somma</h2> <p class="alpha white">Global Head of Natural Gas </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">CME Group </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Neil Somma is an Executive Director and the Global Head of Natural Gas Products at CME Group, with over two decades of experience in financial markets. Neil has spent 11 years at CME Group, following a successful ten-year tenure at Goldman Sachs servicing a broad array of institutional clients. Neil has spent the majority of his time at CME Group building out the Henry Hub franchise with a particular interest in the LNG markets. He frequently participates in panels covering a range of energy topics and holds a Bachelor's degree in Accounting and a Bachelor's degree in Finance from Villanova University.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s95d9058b-f5dd-4c68-a9c6-7045c0787f66 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s95d9058b-f5dd-4c68-a9c6-7045c0787f66 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s95d9058b-f5dd-4c68-a9c6-7045c0787f66 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Murray Douglas</h2> <p class="alpha white">Vice President, Hydrogen and Ammonia Research </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Wood Mackenzie </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Murray is responsible for Wood Mackenzie’s Global coverage across the hydrogen value chain. Murray brings more than 17 years of experience working in a variety of roles across the energy industry. Prior to his current role, Murray led Gas and LNG Research for the EMEA region at Wood Mackenzie. In this role he was regularly sought out to speak at industry-leading events for his expertise in European gas markets. Murray has also held positions leading Wood Mackenzie’s Global Supply and Modelling Research team and the Energy Markets Research team. These teams were responsible for developing the company’s long-term oil and gas supply outlooks, and global inter-fuel analysis. Prior to joining the Energy Markets team, Murray spent over five years covering the LNG industry where he relocated to Houston to establish Wood Mackenzie’s LNG practice in North America. Across his roles at Wood Mackenzie, Murray has provided expertise to a variety of consultancy projects advising on corporate strategy, resource monetisation, market fundamentals, project financing, asset valuations, opportunity screening and competitor intelligence.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s73afe226-8142-4527-8b07-74c1ba5df37c class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s73afe226-8142-4527-8b07-74c1ba5df37c aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s73afe226-8142-4527-8b07-74c1ba5df37c aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Constantinos Chaelis</h2> <p class="alpha white">Global Gas Markets & Technology Lead </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Lloyd's Register </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Constantinos Chaelis has been with LR for 10 years and currently holds the position of Global Gas Markets & Technology Lead, based in Athens Greece. His primary focus is echoing the strategic direction in maritime gas supply chains towards the sustainable growth of the gas segment, engaging with technological developments in gas commodity markets and steering the enhancement of LR service portfolio to the shipping community. In the past he held the position of Project Manager & Marine Surveyor for new construction and existing ships in operation for LR, acquiring robust technical expertise in various global placements including UK, Spain, Italy, Poland, South Korea. Prior experience further enhanced working in the technical management of a tanker fleet for a Greek shipping company. Constantinos represents LR in gas associations including the Global Gas Centre and World LPG Association and is a member of the Investment Board at SEA-LNG. Since 2012 he has represented LR in several projects, conferences and LR Ship & Naval Technical Committees. Constantinos holds an MEng in Naval Architecture from the University of Southampton, UK and a Chartered Engineer (CEng) status by the British Council. He is a member of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (MICS) and a member of the RINA & IMarEST.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s9287ed10-f8cb-4b94-8ae3-771411fb6b25 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s9287ed10-f8cb-4b94-8ae3-771411fb6b25 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s9287ed10-f8cb-4b94-8ae3-771411fb6b25 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Brett Humphreys</h2> <p class="alpha white">LNG Specialist </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom"> </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s826a6a90-11ee-45b8-9edb-7a8dd3b613ad class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s826a6a90-11ee-45b8-9edb-7a8dd3b613ad aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s826a6a90-11ee-45b8-9edb-7a8dd3b613ad aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Ixchel Castro</h2> <p class="alpha white">Vice President, Head of Gas and LNG Markets </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Wood Mackenzie </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Ixchel leads our research on downstream markets in North and Latin America. She is responsible for engaging with clients in the region with a specific focus on refined product markets, balances and prices. She also develops the exports and pricing forecast for Latin American crude. Ixchel joined Wood Mackenzie in 2012, covering Latin America for the Energy Markets team in our Houston office. She also worked in Paris, covering Southern European markets as part of the Gas & Power team. In 2016, she joined the Oils team to lead the research practice in Mexico City, with a focus on downstream and midstream analysis for Latin America. Before joining Wood Mackenzie, Ixchel worked at PMI, International Trading (Pemex) in crude trading and refined product analysis. Earlier in her career she also worked in the energy division of the World Bank, undertaking research on power interconnections in South America.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s5a5e573a-8a67-4c03-bae0-7b4ede6f04a4 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s5a5e573a-8a67-4c03-bae0-7b4ede6f04a4 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s5a5e573a-8a67-4c03-bae0-7b4ede6f04a4 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Charlotte Raggett</h2> <p class="alpha white">President </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Rockies LNG </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Ms. Raggett is the President & CEO of Rockies LNG Partners and has been working with Rockies since 2018, initially as the Chief Commercial Officer and now as President & CEO. Rockies LNG is a partnership of Canadian natural gas producers working together to develop LNG export opportunities for Canadian natural gas. Prior to joining Rockies LNG, Ms. Raggett worked at various upstream and midstream companies including 5 years at Seven Generations Energy as Vice President of Market Development and 10 years at Aux Sable as the Vice President, Supply & Marketing and Chief Commercial Officer. Her career assignments have included business development, marketing, logistics, economic analysis, commercial operations and commodity trading. She has over 30 years of energy industry experience at companies including Williams Energy Canada, Inter Pipeline, TransCanada Midstream, Dow Chemical Canada, and the Canadian Energy Research Institute. Ms. Raggett earned a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Mathematics from Queen’s University and a Master of Arts in Economics from the University of Calgary. She is currently the Registrar for the Calgary Highland Dancing Association and has served as the president of the Economics Society of Calgary and on the board of the Industrial Gas Consumers Association of Alberta, in addition to various not-for-profit boards.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s755909f1-be74-4d8f-a9b2-7da4400da489 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s755909f1-be74-4d8f-a9b2-7da4400da489 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s755909f1-be74-4d8f-a9b2-7da4400da489 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Philippa McCue</h2> <p class="alpha white">Head of European Gas Security </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Department for Energy Security and Net Zero </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-sdaacba80-2c16-4563-baa9-7ed9aa93c834 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-sdaacba80-2c16-4563-baa9-7ed9aa93c834 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-sdaacba80-2c16-4563-baa9-7ed9aa93c834 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Stuart Milne</h2> <p class="alpha white">Corporate Executive, Product Sustainability & Lifecycle Assessments </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">ExxonMobil </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Stuart educates and influences on the importance of Sustainability, both inside and outside of the company. Developing strategies that help meet society’s demand for sustainable products and solutions, with a focus on advancing Life Cycle Assessments in the energy transition. His role covers Crude, LNG products in the upstream to Chemicals, Fuels & Lubricants in the downstream. Stuart is currently based in Texas and has lived and worked in Asia, Europe, US and the Middle East over his 38 year career.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s504468f2-e187-450a-b546-8410283168d2 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s504468f2-e187-450a-b546-8410283168d2 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s504468f2-e187-450a-b546-8410283168d2 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Mujeeb Qazi</h2> <p class="alpha white">Head of Energy, Infrastructure Department </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Abu Dhabi Investment Authority </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Mujeeb Qazi is the Sector Head of Energy Infrastructure for the Infrastructure Department. He is responsible, in collaboration with senior management, for developing and implementing investment strategy for the Energy Infrastructure business globally. This includes managing ADIA’s existing portfolio of energy infrastructure investments, as well as working with team members to originate and execute new transactions. The energy portfolio has several investments in renewables, power generation as well as oil and gas infrastructure such as pipelines. With over 20 years of experience in the infrastructure sector, Mujeeb joined ADIA from Spectra Energy Corp. (Acquired by Enbridge - NYSE:ENB) where he was Vice President of Mergers & Acquisitions and led the Company’s acquisition efforts in the natural gas, oil and liquids midstream sectors. Prior to Spectra, he was a Director at Deutsche Bank’s Mergers & Acquisitions Group where he headed up M&A for the North American Power & Utilities sector. Prior to Deutsche Bank, Mujeeb was a Director in Credit Suisse’s Energy M&A group. Mujeeb also spent 3 years at KPMG where he had various roles in the accounting and tax groups. Mujeeb has an MBA in Finance (with Distinction) from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where he graduated as a Palmer Scholar. He also has a BSC in Accounting from the University of Virginia and has passed the CPA Examination in the State of Virginia.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s79f05351-c491-400b-93ae-8be4170c8721 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s79f05351-c491-400b-93ae-8be4170c8721 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s79f05351-c491-400b-93ae-8be4170c8721 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Proshun Sinha-Ray</h2> <p class="alpha white">Founder and CEO </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Minimax Labs </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Proshun is founder and CEO of Minimax Labs. With a PhD and industrial research background in novel algorithms for complex systems and logistics, he and his team have been pioneering optimisation in LNG trading ever since delivering the first definitive LNG fleet scheduling optimiser for a major pre-2010.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s621fdbfb-67e5-4abe-8b8c-8ddb6da2cecf class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s621fdbfb-67e5-4abe-8b8c-8ddb6da2cecf aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s621fdbfb-67e5-4abe-8b8c-8ddb6da2cecf aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Gavin Thompson</h2> <p class="alpha white">Vice Chairman for Europe, Middle East and Africa. </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Wood Mackenzie </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Gavin works as Vice Chairman for Europe, Middle East and Africa. Gavin joined Wood Mackenzie in 1997, managing the company's Asia Pacific Energy Markets team from 2000 - 2003. Between 2003-2014 Gavin was based in Beijing managing Wood Mackenzie's China Business and leading the company's energy research on China. Gavin relocated to Wood Mackenzie's Tokyo office in 2014 to head the Northeast research business. In January 2017 he took up the position of Head of Asia Pacific Research, based in Singapore with a team of over 100 analysts. In early 2019 he was appointed vice chairman for Wood Mackenzie's Asia Pacific business in 2003 before relocating to London for his current role.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s5ca4fbf3-636b-488d-aa82-8fa75a45c940 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s5ca4fbf3-636b-488d-aa82-8fa75a45c940 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s5ca4fbf3-636b-488d-aa82-8fa75a45c940 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Justin Jackson</h2> <p class="alpha white">Managing Director </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">ExxonMobil Gas Marketing Europe Limited </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Justin Jackson is currently the Managing Director of ExxonMobil Gas Marketing Europe Limited where his organisation has responsibility for an extensive European Gas and Power portfolio including Gas and Power Sales, Purchases and Trading and managing ExxonMobil’s Transportation, Storage and LNG Regas portfolio. He has been in this position since 2019. Justin joined ExxonMobil in the UK in 2001 in the Upstream where he spent the first four years of his career in various analytical, operations and commercial roles. In 2005, Justin moved to Qatar where he was involved in the Al Khaleej Gas domestic gas projects and performed key commercial and analytical activities for ExxonMobil’s interests in the Qatargas and RasGas Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Joint Ventures. In 2009, Justin moved back to the UK where he had roles as the manager for the Europe LNG organisation responsible for the marketing of LNG imports into the South Hook Terminal in Wales before moving roles to lead the company’s Europe New Business Development activities in ExxonMobil Gas and Power Marketing. In 2012, Justin moved to Houston where he held assignments in Gas and Power Marketing Strategic Planning and Upstream Ventures organisations. In 2015, Justin moved back to the UK and became the International Gas Business and Market Analysis Manager. In 2018, Justin became the Upstream Commercial International Manager in the ExxonMobil Gas and Power Marketing Company with responsibility for all new business development activities for Gas and Power Marketing’s International Gas division covering parts of Europe/Caspian, Africa and the Middle East. Justin was born in Hong Kong but is a UK national and has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business from Cardiff University in Wales.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s672a67bc-9e1c-4881-aa23-96ae73972d1b class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s672a67bc-9e1c-4881-aa23-96ae73972d1b aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s672a67bc-9e1c-4881-aa23-96ae73972d1b aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Mangesh Patankar</h2> <p class="alpha white">VP. Gas and LNG Consulting </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Wood Mackenzie </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Mangesh has 18 years of experience in the gas/LNG industry, with a mix of Consulting and Industry background. Mangesh rejoined Wood Mackenzie in Nov 2017, having previously worked with the company for 7 years during 2009-15. During his tenure with Wood Mackenzie, he has been involved in due diligence on gas/LNG & power assets, LNG procurement engagements for Asian buyers, Lenders’ Market Advisory for LNG liquefaction and regas projects, economic modelling & financial feasibility studies for gas/LNG assets, gas monetisation strategies in Asia and Middle East regions. During 2016-17, he worked in another consulting firm and was involved in conceptualising small scale Floating Regas terminal projects in India and Philippines. Prior to joining Wood Mackenzie in 2009, he was with Shell’s LNG team in India for ~3 years as business analyst covering the Indian gas market. Prior to that, he worked for CRISIL Infrastructure Advisory (A Standard & Poor’s company) in India as Manager – Fuels Practice. Mangesh holds an MBA in Oil and Gas from University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, India and is a certified Energy Risk Professional (ERP) from Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP). He is an Associate Chartered Accountant from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and has also cleared the examination conducted by the Institute of Costs & Works Accountants of India.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s78473a8f-8e75-4180-bf1f-96cc9483ce84 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s78473a8f-8e75-4180-bf1f-96cc9483ce84 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s78473a8f-8e75-4180-bf1f-96cc9483ce84 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Kateryna Filippenko</h2> <p class="alpha white">Research Director, Global Gas Markets </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Wood Mackenzie </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Kateryna joined Wood Mackenzie's upstream research team in 2012 and moved to the global gas and LNG team in 2019. Her focus is on the European gas market and the development of alternative scenarios. Kateryna has considerable research and consulting experience in European gas. She regularly meets with oil and gas producers, service companies, banks and other actors to discuss industry developments. Kateryna frequently takes part in client briefings on key topics.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s367382fb-565d-4cfc-952c-9895d1307bb3 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s367382fb-565d-4cfc-952c-9895d1307bb3 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s367382fb-565d-4cfc-952c-9895d1307bb3 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Edouard Sauvage</h2> <p class="alpha white">Executive Vice President </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Engie </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Edouard Sauvage, is since 2023, Executive Vice President, Special Advisor to the CEO at Engie. Edouard Sauvage began his career within the French government, first in the regions and then at the Interministerial Delegation for Regional Planning and Regional Attractiveness (DATAR), before joining the Prime Minister's Office as technical advisor in charge of cities, regional planning and local authorities. He joined EDF-GDF Services in 1997, where he held managerial responsibilities, before being appointed in 2002 as Head of Strategy and European Affairs at Gaz de France headquarters and as Deputy Director of the International Division. He was then promoted as Director of Gas Supply for the Group from 2005 to 2012. As Chief Strategy Officer of ENGIE from 2013 to 2015, he contributed to the Group's strategic shift towards renewables and energy transition. Chief Executive Officer of GRDF since 2016, he has led the successful deployment of smart meters, introduced a positive client dynamic and accelerated the number of methanisation projects connected to the network, thus setting the company's ambition to deliver 100% renewable gas by 2050. In February 2021, he was appointed Executive Vice President, in charge of Networks activities (gas transport, distribution and storage and power transmission). Edouard Sauvage is a graduate of Ecole Polytechnique, Ecole Nationale des Ponts-et-chaussées and Collège des Ingénieurs.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s30083640-4246-4737-9f68-9fe2777b236c class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s30083640-4246-4737-9f68-9fe2777b236c aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s30083640-4246-4737-9f68-9fe2777b236c aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Lucas Schmitt</h2> <p class="alpha white">Director, Short-Term LNG </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Wood Mackenzie </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Lucas leads Wood Mackenzie’s short-term LNG offering. He provides expert and timely insight and data on short-term gas and LNG market dynamics to our clients. Lucas was a key contributor to the design and launch of our LNG short-term suite. He developed the company’s LNG ship tracking dataset and capabilities using our proprietary AIS data. He worked on adding satellite analytics to our proprietary real-time camera and sensor capabilities. He regularly presents Wood Mackenzie’s short-term LNG forecast view to global clients and to industry conference audiences. Prior to this, Lucas covered a broad range of topics, including LNG contracting trends, LNG corporate strategies, European gas markets and energy fundamentals in the Middle East, Africa and East Mediterranean. Lucas joined Wood Mackenzie in 2013. Earlier in his career, he worked at Engie on the development of quantitative and analytical forecasting models.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-sdbeb44db-7c0f-4b6c-8080-9fe743a96f60 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-sdbeb44db-7c0f-4b6c-8080-9fe743a96f60 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-sdbeb44db-7c0f-4b6c-8080-9fe743a96f60 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Fraser Carson</h2> <p class="alpha white">Principal Analyst, Global LNG </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Wood Mackenzie </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Fraser has extensive research and project management experience across the LNG value chain. He leads Wood Mackenzie’s research of LNG shipping assets, leveraging our unrivalled global LNG data to produce considered and independent analysis of LNG shipping markets, costs and trade. He is also a specialist in LNG asset valuations and project economics for the EMEA region and has participated in a wide range of consulting projects, including new business development, market advisory, opportunity screenings and cost benchmarking. In addition to his LNG asset responsibilities, Fraser is heavily involved in modelling Wood Mackenzie’s bi-annual, long-term global gas forecasts, taking primary ownerships of the global LNG view within each outlook. Fraser joined Wood Mackenzie in October 2018 and is based in Spain. He previously worked in corporate finance and restructuring for the Royal Bank of Scotland (now NatWest Group), based in Edinburgh.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s728ff566-2673-4ba5-8ba7-accdb3706af2 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s728ff566-2673-4ba5-8ba7-accdb3706af2 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s728ff566-2673-4ba5-8ba7-accdb3706af2 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Jason Liu</h2> <p class="alpha white">Chief Executive Officer </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Wood Mackenzie </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Jason is a veteran CEO with over 25 years experience in leading high-growth software, data, and services companies. He has extensive experience in guiding both public and private companies through major transitions, including IPOs. Before joining Wood Mackenzie, Jason was CEO of Zywave, a prominent provider of software, data, and analytics in the insurance technology space. His strategic vision and operational execution doubled the size of the company and substantially enhanced its market position. Prior to that, Jason held CEO roles at SAVO Group, Allegro Development Corporation, UC4 (Automic Software) and Univa UD. With his strategic approach to both organic growth and acquisitions, Jason has consistently focused his companies on enhancing product offerings and customer engagement. Jason holds a bachelor’s degree in Business from Washington University in St. Louis and an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-sb6c58422-86cd-45fe-8626-ad41472e2ad9 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-sb6c58422-86cd-45fe-8626-ad41472e2ad9 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-sb6c58422-86cd-45fe-8626-ad41472e2ad9 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Simon Flowers</h2> <p class="alpha white">Chairman and Chief Analyst </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Wood Mackenzie </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Simon has a long history with Wood Mackenzie. He first joined the company in 1983, as a North-West Europe upstream analyst, later moving to Sydney to become an equity analyst covering the Australian oil, gas and mining sectors. On returning to the UK in 1992, Simon was a No.1 ranked oil analyst with NatWest Markets after which he took on the role of MD and Head of Pan European Utilities Research with Bank of America Merrill Lynch. There he worked with the boards of many utility companies and was involved in most of the major European privatisations, including Enel, EdF and GdF. Simon re-joined Wood Mackenzie in 2010, bringing with him more than 20 years of experience across a breadth of commodities and sectors including oil and gas, utilities and mining. His experience makes him uniquely qualified to occupy the role of Chief Analyst and Chairman, which sees him produce high-value content and thematic research. Simon’s views on the issues shaping the energy world are regularly sought by industry leaders as well as international media.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s20ce8660-7f81-4db5-9fcf-af3698529b26 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s20ce8660-7f81-4db5-9fcf-af3698529b26 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s20ce8660-7f81-4db5-9fcf-af3698529b26 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">James MacTaggart</h2> <p class="alpha white">Chief Marketing Officer </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">NextDecade </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">James MacTaggart is based in Singapore and has over 25 years of experience delivering large and complex deals in the LNG and natural gas industry, working across Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and the United States. He has executed long-term LNG sale and purchase agreements supporting positive final investment decisions on five greenfield LNG projects. Before joining NextDecade, MacTaggart served more than 20 years with Shell in various marketing and trading positions, with his last role as General Manager of Shell’s Gas and LNG Markets business in Asia, India, and the Middle East. During his tenure, he also set up Shell’s gas trading business in India. MacTaggart completed his undergraduate studies in classical and modern Chinese at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London and holds an M.B.A. with distinction from Bayes Business School.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s88cfaeb3-ae9f-4328-b6ab-b00728403b83 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s88cfaeb3-ae9f-4328-b6ab-b00728403b83 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s88cfaeb3-ae9f-4328-b6ab-b00728403b83 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Andrew Walker</h2> <p class="alpha white">Vice President for LNG Strategy and Communication </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Cheniere </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Dr. Andrew Walker is the Vice President for LNG Strategy and Communication for Cheniere. He is located in London and is responsible for the LNG strategy and market outlook of Cheniere, reporting into the Chief Commercial Officer. Until October 2015 he was Vice President for Global LNG - and prior to that Head of LNG Strategy - at BG Group where he worked for over 20 years before joining Cheniere. During his career in LNG, he has been located in Singapore, Egypt, the USA and UK and has worked on numerous LNG projects including Atlantic LNG in Trinidad and Tobago, Egyptian LNG, and Dragon LNG in the UK. Dr. Walker has a Doctorate in Geology from Imperial College, University of London.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s192c57b2-731a-47c2-a3ed-b101d20c7734 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s192c57b2-731a-47c2-a3ed-b101d20c7734 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s192c57b2-731a-47c2-a3ed-b101d20c7734 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Tejas Voralia</h2> <p class="alpha white">Principal Analyst, Europe Gas & LNG markets </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Wood Mackenzie </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Tejas joined Wood Mackenzie in September 2023 as a member of the Europe gas & LNG team. With over ten years of international experience, he has held commercial and shipping roles in gas and LNG marketing and trading businesses in the UK, Germany and Switzerland, as well as LNG projects in Russia. Tejas has a strong understanding of gas and LNG contracts, cargo and shipping deal economics and infrastructure with a focus on LNG regasification within Europe.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s2f5e68f5-b9ae-43bc-8d33-b6e5f4473317 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s2f5e68f5-b9ae-43bc-8d33-b6e5f4473317 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s2f5e68f5-b9ae-43bc-8d33-b6e5f4473317 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Kristy Kramer</h2> <p class="alpha white">Vice President, Head of Gas and LNG Consulting </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Wood Mackenzie </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Kristy brings over fifteen years of gas and energy industry experience to her current role leading Wood Mackenzie’s Gas and LNG Consulting Practice. Kristy joined our consulting practice in 2016, working with clients to evaluate investment opportunities, design portfolio strategies and support project financing. She later transitioned to lead a global gas and LNG research team, delivering fundamental supply, demand and pricing analysis across global and regional gas markets, before returning to consulting. In her time at Wood Mackenzie, Kristy has worked with a wide range of clients through the gas and LNG value chain and across the globe. Earlier in her career, Kristy spent eight years at ExxonMobil, where she held a number of roles with responsibilities including leading deal evaluation and developing portfolio strategies for both proprietary gas and joint venture LNG assets.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s6c2fba17-265b-4c3e-927d-b7865bca2f72 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s6c2fba17-265b-4c3e-927d-b7865bca2f72 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s6c2fba17-265b-4c3e-927d-b7865bca2f72 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Ilaria Azzimonti</h2> <p class="alpha white">Head of LNG Portfolio </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Eni S.p.A </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Executive with over 25 years of increasingly senior roles at Eni and a track record of portfolio growth and value contribution to the Gas & LNG portfolio of the company. Seasoned negotiator and deal orchestrator with significant achievement in developing new markets, trading, shipping & operations and price risks for Eni’s LNG business. Leader of a team of more than fifty multiculturally diverse professionals. She has been appointed Head of LNG Portfolio in 2020.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s51aee77d-9e93-4518-8909-caf9b46984fd class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s51aee77d-9e93-4518-8909-caf9b46984fd aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s51aee77d-9e93-4518-8909-caf9b46984fd aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Neil McMahon</h2> <p class="alpha white">Managing Partner </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Kimmeridge </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Dr McMahon is a Managing Partner at Kimmeridge and is responsible for investments and for developing Kimmeridge’s screening capabilities. Prior to this role, Dr McMahon was a Senior Equity Research Analyst for the Global Integrated Oils at Sanford C. Bernstein, where he was ranked first three times in the Institutional Investor Research Survey. Dr McMahon covered 18 of the largest integrated oils and refiners. He joined Sanford C. Bernstein in 2002. Before joining Sanford C. Bernstein, Dr McMahon was an Engagement Manager at McKinsey, based in both Houston and London, where he had been since 1999. At McKinsey he mainly advised petroleum and electric power and natural gas clients and undertook proprietary research within McKinsey’s industry practices. Prior to McKinsey, Dr McMahon worked in the oil industry as a geoscientist with British Petroleum (BP) and British Gas (BG) before moving into consulting with Arthur D. Little where he became a manager in its Global Energy Practice. Dr McMahon is an advisor and Board observer to Common Energy, a community solar subscription platform and project manager. Dr McMahon received an honors degree from The University of Edinburgh in Geology and Geophysics where he later undertook further research to complete a BP-sponsored Ph.D. in 1995. Dr McMahon has published a number of technical and management-oriented papers in leading oil and gas industry journals.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-sd9dca207-4271-4422-88ca-ce564b880f3a class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-sd9dca207-4271-4422-88ca-ce564b880f3a aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-sd9dca207-4271-4422-88ca-ce564b880f3a aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Sharif Islam</h2> <p class="alpha white">LNG Origination Manager </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">SEFE Marketing & Trading Limited </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Sharif Islam, LNG Origination Manager at SEFE Marketing & Trading Limited, has extensive experience in the energy industry. Since joining SEFE's LNG Structured Trading & Origination group in early 2023, Sharif has originated and led negotiations to secure mid and long-term SPA volumes primarily from the Middle East. With over 25 years of experience, including 16 years based in Doha, Qatar, Sharif has gained extensive business development and LNG marketing expertise. In his prior role as Division Manager, LNG Marketing & Business Development at Qatargas, he held commercial responsibility for close to a third of Qatargas' long-term portfolio volumes. In this position, Sharif oversaw and led SPA negotiations with numerous buyers for deliveries into multiple European destinations. Sharif holds an Executive MBA from HEC Paris and a Masters in Economics from Birkbeck College, University of London.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-sf38ba0e0-c012-4b29-a193-cff5d0de54f9 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-sf38ba0e0-c012-4b29-a193-cff5d0de54f9 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-sf38ba0e0-c012-4b29-a193-cff5d0de54f9 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Mark Abbotsford</h2> <p class="alpha white">Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Woodside </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Mark was appointed Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer of Woodside Energy in August 2024. In this role Mark leads Woodside’s Commercial and Marketing and Trading teams and is responsible for developing the company’s growth opportunities through mergers and acquisitions, new energy business development, exploration and new ventures. He has been a member of the company’s Executive Committee since 2021. Following the completion of Woodside’s merger with BHP Petroleum in 2022, Mark was appointed Executive Vice President of Marketing and Trading. Mark has more than 20 years of commercial, marketing, trading, finance, and Mergers and Acquisitions experience across roles based in Australia, Singapore, Japan and United Kingdom. Mark has held several senior positions at Woodside, including Executive Adviser to the Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, and Vice President and Group Financial Controller. Prior experience includes roles at the Western Australian Department of Treasury and BHP Iron Ore. Mark holds a Master of Philosophy in Finance from the University of Cambridge, and a Bachelor of Economics (1.Hons) and MBA from the University of Western Australia. Mark is also a graduate from the Advanced Management Programme at Harvard Business School. Mark is a Board member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (WA), GLX Digital and Asia Natural Gas & Energy Association (ANGEA). He is also a director of numerous Woodside subsidiaries.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-seec381c4-10b8-478e-be11-d72b016e19b0 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-seec381c4-10b8-478e-be11-d72b016e19b0 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-seec381c4-10b8-478e-be11-d72b016e19b0 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Akhil Mehrotra</h2> <p class="alpha white">Managing Director </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Pipeline Infrastructure Limited </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Mr Akhil Mehrotra, an eminent business leader in the Energy sector, brings an impressive 33 years of experience across oil & gas, power and telecom industries. Akhil is the Managing Director at Pipeline Infrastructure Limited, a 1400+ Km cross-country natural gas transmission pipeline owned by Brookfield. He has led P&L of multiple companies, M&A deals and has been instrumental in transforming business performance. He has spent 20+ years in leadership roles at Shell, BG (India), RIL and Gujarat Gas Limited. In his previous role, Akhil has been Chairman of Mahanagar Gas Limited, a Fortune 500 company and listed on Indian Stock Exchanges. He has also been on Boards of various companies including Shell Energy India and Hazira Ports Private Limited. Akhil is a thought leader in global gas market development, including green hydrogen blending, policy formulation, and Just Energy transition. With a BE in Mechanical Engineering, MBA in Finance, and a PhD in Gas Markets, he has also pursued courses at IIM Bangalore, Harvard Business School, Kellogg, and London Business School.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s89e93adb-62ef-45e5-b8de-d9547e5088cb class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s89e93adb-62ef-45e5-b8de-d9547e5088cb aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s89e93adb-62ef-45e5-b8de-d9547e5088cb aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Cormac Nevin</h2> <p class="alpha white">Head of Energy Systems </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Echelon Data Centres </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Cormac Nevin is Echelon’s Head of Energy Systems, responsible for the development and implementation of the company’s energy provision strategy. Cormac engages with all energy related external stakeholders to ensure power security for Echelon’s clients. Cormac is a mechanical energy engineer with over 15 years’ experience in energy generation and industrial utilities project development. Prior to joining Echelon he spent six years with Veolia Ireland in senior technical and energy roles. During his career, Cormac has advised large energy consumer industry clients throughout Ireland and UK and managed and grown demand side units in the single electricity market. Cormac has experience working with large blue-chip corporations and has helped them to manage energy demand, achieve decarbonisation and improve power security.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s4067d417-415d-443c-bb49-db96ea329cb0 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s4067d417-415d-443c-bb49-db96ea329cb0 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s4067d417-415d-443c-bb49-db96ea329cb0 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="/contentassets/43b089a24a144cfbbb806bbc29ebc465/no-photo.png?width=500&height=500&mode=crop&center=0.5,0.5" src="/contentassets/43b089a24a144cfbbb806bbc29ebc465/no-photo.png?width=500&height=500&mode=crop&center=0.5,0.5" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Zoe Blackmore</h2> <p class="alpha white">Speaking </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Wood Mackenzie Speaker </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s79b62162-f186-40a1-9d9f-ed3ceffcfa49 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s79b62162-f186-40a1-9d9f-ed3ceffcfa49 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s79b62162-f186-40a1-9d9f-ed3ceffcfa49 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Anita Odedra</h2> <p class="alpha white">Non-Executive Board Director </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom"> </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-sf4bed612-2529-4919-a64a-ee417b4df129 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-sf4bed612-2529-4919-a64a-ee417b4df129 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-sf4bed612-2529-4919-a64a-ee417b4df129 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Albrecht von Blumencron</h2> <p class="alpha white">Head of Energy Project Advisory EMEA </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">ING Bank N.V </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Albrecht has over 25 years of experience in the energy sector and in project finance in the EMEA and Asia Pacific regions. He has a proven track record in advising, structuring and raising of non/limited recourse financings in the oil & gas, petrochemical sectors as well as in energy transition solutions, e.g. carbon capture and storage, plastic recycling as well as hydrogen. Albrecht joined ING from BayernLB in April 2014, where he led the oil and gas project finance activities from London which included many successfully closed Mandated Lead Arranger positions. Prior to BayernLB, Albrecht worked for PwC in the PwC/Euler Hermes project finance team in Hamburg and advised at PwC in London on project finance and M&A transactions in the oil and gas sector. Albrecht commenced his professional career in the gas industry at Ruhrgas in 1995 which included a secondment to Gazprom within various regions of Russia.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s35af96c6-3d2f-4ddf-810a-ee4cccc8c2cc class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s35af96c6-3d2f-4ddf-810a-ee4cccc8c2cc aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s35af96c6-3d2f-4ddf-810a-ee4cccc8c2cc aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Arief Handoko</h2> <p class="alpha white">President Director </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">•Expert Adviser PT Medco Energi •Deputy for Finance and Monetization of SKKMIGAS •Secretary of SKKMIGAS •Vice President of Supply Chain Management & General Services at ConocoPhillips Ind. •Senior Manager Audit & Ethics •Manager Audit on ConocoPhillips Indonesia. •Petroleum Industry (upstream & downstream) Audit Manager (third echelon at BPK-RI) •Cost Recovery analyst together with former Chairman of SKKMIGAS •Non Performing Loan (NPL) Analyst in Banking Industry at BPK-RI •Airline Industry Consultant and Auditors at BPK-RI •Telecommunication Industry Auditors •IT Auditors and IT Audit Lecturer •Speaker of several seminars</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s1c58ff87-ef5d-41ef-b287-f0eba024f753 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s1c58ff87-ef5d-41ef-b287-f0eba024f753 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s1c58ff87-ef5d-41ef-b287-f0eba024f753 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Anton van Heesewijk</h2> <p class="alpha white">Head of Trading Strategy </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">JERA Global Markets </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s6dc6baa6-79f0-487a-8bbe-f32d4751dcbe class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s6dc6baa6-79f0-487a-8bbe-f32d4751dcbe aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s6dc6baa6-79f0-487a-8bbe-f32d4751dcbe aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Frank Harris</h2> <p class="alpha white">Head of Global LNG Consulting </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Wood Mackenzie </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Frank leads our LNG consulting practice worldwide; he brings almost 25 years of expertise in strategy development and market analysis together with profound knowledge and understanding of the global business. A recognised expert on the global LNG industry, Frank has worked with many leading utilities and midstream and downstream gas companies on market positioning, trends and forecasting as well as project development. He has also advised upstream clients on developing integrated gas strategies. For National Oil Companies, Frank has worked on gas monetisation strategies, with particular focus on LNG project development; he has supported multiple LNG facility financing projects. Frank has considerable knowledge of advising on the procurement and sale of LNG and is a founder of our LNG Service. Early in his career, he worked for Andersen Consulting’s utilities team on energy market liberalisation. He is familiar with gas markets across Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Australasia and the Americas.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s6c4d568a-0467-4b86-b71d-f93a17bf3a01 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s6c4d568a-0467-4b86-b71d-f93a17bf3a01 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s6c4d568a-0467-4b86-b71d-f93a17bf3a01 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">De la Rey Venter</h2> <p class="alpha white">Chief Executive Officer </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">MidOcean Energy </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Mr. Venter is the CEO of MidOcean Energy, EIG’s LNG focused investment vehicle. He joined EIG in 2022 after 20 years with Shell where he was, amongst other roles, the Global Head of LNG and a member of the leadership teams of Shell’s Upstream and Integrated Gas and New Energies directorates. He started his career in the mining industry with a variety of strategies, sales, marketing and distribution roles with Samancor and Billiton. Over the course of his career the Venter family has lived in South Africa, the Netherlands, the UK, Switzerland, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and the USA. Mr. Venter holds a Bachelor's degree in Finance and Accounting from the Northwest University in South Africa, an Honours Degree in Investment Management from the University of Johannesburg and an MBA from the Institute for Management Development (IMD) in Lausanne, Switzerland.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="profile-side-panel"> <div id=profile-s7271f8bd-0473-4cd3-a176-ffb02c46c7b4 class="off-canvas-right off-canvas-right--half"> <button class="js-toggle__profile off-canvas-right__close-btn" data-target=#profile-s7271f8bd-0473-4cd3-a176-ffb02c46c7b4 aria-label="Close profile panel" aria-controls=profile-s7271f8bd-0473-4cd3-a176-ffb02c46c7b4 aria-expanded="false" role="button"> <svg tabindex="-1" role="img" xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><title>Close</title><path tabindex="-1" fill="none" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M0 0l20 20M20 0L0 20"></path></svg> </button> <img class="ls-is-cached lazyloaded cvent-speaker__image" data-src="" src="" /> <div class="soft-double"> <h2 class="giga white">Eric McGuire</h2> <p class="alpha white">Director of Natural Gas and LNG Analytics </p> <p class="alpha white font-semibold push-half--bottom">Wood Mackenzie </p> <p class="beta white push--bottom">Eric is a Director of Research, overseeing Wood Mackenzie’s North America S&D team. He has 18 years of natural gas market experience with time spent working for both BP and PetroChina where he focused on analytics and trading across North American markets, global gas markets, and LNG. Before joining Wood Mackenzie, he served as the General Manager of Natural Gas and LNG trading for PetroChina International America.</p> </div> </div> </div> <!------------------------------ SPONSOR DESCRIPTIONS --------------------------------> </main> <script> sessionStorage.setItem('ingo_qs', JSON.stringify(Object.fromEntries(new URLSearchParams(; </script> <script src="/Content/js/jquery/jquery-3.5.1.min.js"></script> <footer class="site-footer"> <div class="site-footer__top bg-primary-color soft-double--ends"> <div class="wrap flexbox--medium"> <div class="col small-12 medium-5 large-5 push-1--large"> <p class="tera white font-regular push--bottom">Inspiring natural<br />resources decisions.</p> <h2 class="kilo white font-regular push--bottom">Get valuable updates from our team of experts right into your inbox.</h2> <a href="/nslp/the-inside-track/sign-up/" class="btn btn--primary push-half--top push-bottom--small">Sign up for weekly insights</a> </div> <!-- Three-column links 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