How to build a Direct Air Capture (DAC) plant

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As the only player currently building and operating Direct Air Capture facilities, Climeworks has successfully transitioned from research and development to large-scale operational success. Here, we share valuable insights on what it takes to build a successful Direct Air Capture plant. </strong></p><p>With over seven years and 120,000 hours of operational experience, Climeworks is the leader in the Direct Air Capture industry. The company has removed more CO₂ than anyone else combined in the industry. Moving beyond theory, lab and pilot projects, Climeworks already operates two Direct Air Capture plants in Iceland: Orca and Mammoth. Orca was just awarded the first ever AAA rating from BeZero Carbon for its commitment to high quality, durable and measurable carbon removal. </p><p>Climeworks’ journey continues with a megaton removal Direct Air Capture hub in Louisiana, U.S., expanding Climeworks’ global presence and commitment to large-scale Direct Air Capture deployment. </p><h2>Step-by-step guide to building a Direct Air Capture plant</h2><p>Building a Direct Air Capture plant is a complex, multi-stage process that Climeworks has mastered through years of experience. Here is a detailed look at the key stages:</p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class=" py-14 md:py-16 lg:py-20 first:-mt-14 md:first:-mt-16 lg:first:-mt-20 !pt-0 "> <div class="page-container "> <div class="col-start-[content-l] col-end-[content-r]"> <div class="grid-container "> <div class="col-start-1 col-end-13 md:col-end-13 max-w-body-text"><figure> <picture> <source media="(max-width: 767px)" srcset="" /> <source media="(min-width: 768px)" srcset="/uploads/infographics/infographics-keys-to-realizing-a-direct-air-capture-facility-1729165412.svg" /> <img loading="lazy" src="/uploads/infographics/infographics-keys-to-realizing-a-direct-air-capture-facility-1729165412.svg" alt="" /> </picture> </figure></div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class=" py-14 md:py-16 lg:py-20 first:-mt-14 md:first:-mt-16 lg:first:-mt-20 !pt-0 "> <div class="page-container "> <div class="col-start-[content-l] col-end-[content-r]"> <div class="prose"> <h2>1. Preparation: R&amp;D, opportunity identification, and FEED study (4-5 years) </h2><p>Before construction begins, extensive preparatory work is essential: </p><ul><li><p><strong>Research and Development (R&amp;D):</strong> Significant R&amp;D goes into the Direct Air Capture technology and the design of the plant itself. Climeworks’ Mammoth plant in Iceland benefits from the advancements and learnings of its predecessor Orca. </p></li><li><p><strong>Location and feasibility:</strong> Identifying a suitable location is critical. Climeworks assesses technical factors such as availability of low-carbon energy, and geological suitability for CO₂ storage. Non-technical factors are key to a successful project including political and economic support, permitting and stakeholder engagement. </p></li><li><p><strong>Front-End Engineering and Design (FEED) study:</strong> This study ensures that all project details are meticulously planned, including designing the plant based on its forecasted CO₂ capture capacity. Detailed cost estimates, schedules and project plans are developed to allow an accurate cost model to be built and business case constructed. </p></li><li><p><strong>Final Investment Decision: </strong>The preparation works above lead to a well-informed Final Investment Decision (FID). For Mammoth, the FEED study began in April 2021, leading to a Final Investment Decision within a year. </p></li></ul><h2>2. Design and construction (2-3 years) </h2><p>After the FID, detailed design and construction plans are crafted. Once the design is finalized and prerequisites are met, construction begins: </p><ul><li><p><strong>Site preparation and construction:</strong> Depending on the plant size, construction takes between two and five years. For Mammoth, Climeworks broke ground in June 2022 and inaugurated the plant in May 2024 with twelve out of 72 CO₂ collector containers installed, starting initial CO₂ removal operations. </p></li><li><p><strong>Modular buildout:</strong> Climeworks Direct Air Capture technology features modular CO₂ collector containers, allowing construction and operation in stages. This means that parts of the plant can become operational while others are still under construction. </p></li></ul><h2>3. Commissioning (6-12 months) </h2><p>Commissioning is a critical phase where all systems are inspected and tested: </p><ul><li><p><strong>System integration and testing: </strong>This phase involves thorough inspection and testing of the installed systems, such as CO₂ collectors and processing equipment. </p></li><li><p><strong>Phased commissioning:</strong> Climeworks’ modular design allows early commissioning of parts of the plant. At Mammoth, the first twelve containers were commissioned in late 2023, providing valuable operational data while continuing construction. </p></li></ul><p>During this phase, Climeworks also refines its capacity estimates, forecasting the run rate based on performance. Climeworks expects Mammoth to have a net CO₂ removal of 20,000-22,000 tons per year. </p><h2>4. Ramp-up (2-3 years) </h2><p>After commissioning, the plant enters a ramp-up phase lasting two to three years: </p><ul><li><p><strong>Gradual increase in operations:</strong> The plant starts capturing CO₂ in lower volumes, gradually increasing to test system integration and performance. </p></li><li><p><strong>Identifying and addressing issues:</strong> This stage helps identify and resolve early-stage defects or operational inefficiencies, optimizing the plant for steady-state operations. </p></li></ul><h2>5. Steady-state operations and continuous improvement (&gt;20 years) </h2><p>Once ramp-up is complete, the plant moves into steady-state operations: </p><ul><li><p><strong>Ongoing CO₂ removal:</strong> The plant operates at a stable capacity, removing CO₂ from the atmosphere. </p></li><li><p><strong>Operational monitoring and maintenance:</strong> Minimal on-site personnel are required, but regular monitoring and maintenance continue to ensure optimal performance. </p></li><li><p><strong>Continuous improvement:</strong> Plant and technology upgrades to improve CO₂ removal capacity are justified based on return on investment to increase capacity and reduce CDR costs on an ongoing basis. </p></li></ul><p>Mammoth is expected to reach steady-state operations by 2026. </p><h2>6. Technology upgrades (every 3-4 years) </h2><p>The beauty of Climeworks’ modular technology enables ongoing R&amp;D breakthroughs to be dropped into the collector containers through the life of the facility. The core of the Direct Air Capture technology is the CO₂ filter which can be upgraded throughout the plant’s 25-year operational lifespan. </p><ul><li><p><strong>Filter replacement: </strong>The filter material used to capture CO₂, known as the sorbent, needs periodic replacements. At these times, innovations can be incorporated which are a result of Climeworks’ continuous R&amp;D activities, increasing capacity and efficiency, </p></li></ul><p>Direct Air Capture technology is continually evolving, and significant advancements are likely to be integrated into a plant&#039;s systems over its lifetime, improving the average-over-lifetime capacity. The team of over 150 employees, including more than thirty chemists and material scientists, constantly work on improving the technology, keeping each plant at the forefront of Direct Air Capture innovation. </p><h2>7. End of lifetime (25 years) </h2><p>At the end of its operational life, the plant undergoes decommissioning: </p><ul><li><p><strong>Decommissioning and recycling:</strong> Systems are safely dismantled, and materials are recycled or disposed of responsibly. Climeworks aims to maximize the recyclability of its plant components, contributing to a sustainable lifecycle. </p></li></ul><h2>Trusted and recognized </h2><p>Climeworks is not just a technology provider; its commitment to high-quality carbon removal solutions has earned the trust of world-class customers and significant support from governmental bodies, including up to USD 600 million in funding from the U.S. Department of Energy for its upcoming “Project Cypress” in Louisiana. </p><p>In summary, Climeworks combines innovative technology with proven operational expertise to lead the Direct Air Capture industry. The journey from the lab to full-scale operational plants in Iceland and the upcoming expansion to the U.S. showcases Climeworks’ ability to turn pioneering ideas into practical, impactful solutions. </p><h3>Glossary </h3><ul><li><p><strong>Design capacity:</strong> the initial capacity a Direct Air Capture plant is designed to achieve based on its planned specifications before construction. It reflects the theoretical maximum CO₂ the plant can capture under ideal conditions, setting a benchmark for the engineering and construction teams. </p></li><li><p><strong>Estimated capacity:</strong> the capacity estimated during commissioning and ramp-up after all systems have been inspected and tested. This capacity may differ from the design capacity due to real-world operational insights and initial performance assessments, especially for a first-of-a-kind plant. </p></li><li><p><strong>Start-Of-Production (SOP) capacity:</strong> the actual CO₂ a Direct Air Capture plant captures once it achieves steady-state operations. SOP capacity reflects the plant’s reliable performance measures, its operational success and efficiency. </p></li><li><p><strong>End-of-lifetime capacity:</strong> over the plant’s life, improvements—such as better sorbents or upgrades—can enhance its capacity. This metric often exceeds the initial SOP capacity. </p></li><li><p><strong>Average-Over-Lifetime (AOL) capacity:</strong> the average CO₂ capture capacity of a Direct Air Capture plant over its entire operational lifespan, considering ramp-up, steady-state operations, and any capacity increases due to technological upgrades. It offers a comprehensive view of the plant&#039;s efficiency and effectiveness in capturing CO₂ over its lifetime. </p></li></ul><h4>Learn more about Climeworks’ technology leadership</h4> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class=" py-14 md:py-16 lg:py-20 first:-mt-14 md:first:-mt-16 lg:first:-mt-20 !pt-0 "> <div class="page-container "> <div class="col-start-[content-l] col-end-[content-r]"> <div class="grid gap-x-grid-gap gap-y-14 md:grid-cols-2 md:gap-y-grid-gap lg:grid-cols-3"> <article class="group space-y-4"> <a href="/news/the-carbon-removal-production-waterfall" aria-label="Climeworks publicly releases its carbon removal production model" tabindex="-1" class="block overflow-hidden"> <div class="aspect-video bg-gray-light"> <picture> <source srcset=" /glide/containers/images/infographics/cdr-production-waterfall_larger-font_with-title-1700813612.png/c0e584be71e9c14c596780ca1f0bd6ae.webp 375w, 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equipment effectiveness (OEE) used across industries applies to capturing then reaching net removal of CO₂. </p> </div> </div> </article> <article class="group space-y-4"> <a href="/press-release/climeworks-switches-on-worlds-largest-direct-air-capture-plant-mammoth" aria-label="Climeworks switches on world’s largest direct air capture plant" tabindex="-1" class="block overflow-hidden"> <div class="aspect-video bg-gray-light"> <picture> <source srcset=" /glide/containers/images/mammoth/05_24_mammoth_unveil_oli_0032.jpg/ed9286a7e4b4178af424f7a9deb26d7e.webp 375w, /glide/containers/images/mammoth/05_24_mammoth_unveil_oli_0032.jpg/2447cb0ac04a5026d82ad06345c5ef13.webp 640w, /glide/containers/images/mammoth/05_24_mammoth_unveil_oli_0032.jpg/6919c1f40a23e1dfb33e57a1f98a09fb.webp 1280w " sizes="(min-width: 1280px) 368px, (min-width: 768px) 447px, 95vw" type="image/webp" > <img width="2500" height="1872" src="/glide/containers/images/mammoth/05_24_mammoth_unveil_oli_0032.jpg/be81c076622f66d638fec399fcf27b33.jpg" alt="Climeworks switches on world’s largest direct air capture plant" class="transition-transform duration-500 group-hover:scale-105" loading="lazy" > </picture> </div> </a> <div> <h3 class="heading-h5 transition-opacity hover:opacity-60"> <a href="/press-release/climeworks-switches-on-worlds-largest-direct-air-capture-plant-mammoth">Climeworks switches on world’s largest direct air capture plant</a> </h3> <div class="prose"> <p class="line-clamp-6"> Climeworks starts operations of its to-date largest direct air capture and storage plant, Mammoth, in Iceland </p> </div> </div> </article> <article class="group space-y-4"> <a href="/news/climeworks-receives-first-ever-aaa-rating-from-bezero-carbon" aria-label="Climeworks receives first ever AAA rating from BeZero Carbon" tabindex="-1" class="block overflow-hidden"> <div class="aspect-video bg-gray-light"> <picture> <source 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