NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Charting and Geodesy
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Waterborne cargo alone contributes more than $742 billion to the U.S. Gross Domestic Product and is responsible for more than 13 million jobs. Ensuring that the <a href="">maritime commerce system</a> is able to operate requires detailed, accurate and up-to-date maps and charts of U.S. waterways.</p> <p>President Thomas Jefferson understood the value of safe, efficient marine transportation when he created the nation鈥檚 first scientific agency, the <a href="">Survey of the Coast</a> in 1807. The Survey, now known as the <a href="">Office of Coast Survey</a>聽 is an integral part of NOAA鈥檚 overall mission to support the nation's commerce with information for safe, efficient and environmentally sound transportation. The Office of Coast Survey works closely with NOAA鈥檚 <a href="">Office of Marine and Aviation Operations</a> to chart the 3.4 million square nautical miles in the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone.</p> <p>In creating the nation's nautical charts, NOAA hydrographic survey ships <a href="">scan the seafloor</a> to identify navigational hazards and obstructions while also acquiring water depth data. Often, NOAA shore-based survey teams are among the first to respond after land-falling hurricanes to help survey and re-open port areas vital to recovery.</p> <p>Now a separate program, NOAA's <a href="">National Geodetic Survey</a> also traces its roots to President Jefferson's 1807 Survey of the Coast聽which established for the United States a national system of coordinates using longitude and latitude that today is know as the National Spatial Reference System. 聽This grid provides the foundation for all air, land and sea transportation and communications; mapping and charting; and a multitude of scientific and engineering applications.</p> <p>Among well known examples of this NOAA data are the nation's air traffic transportation management system, coastal levees and building elevations.聽 This science of geodesy is the basis of all land surveys. These surveys were originally recorded through brass markers that are now being computerized through NOAA's <a href="">Continuously Operating Reference Station Network</a>,聽which is based on the rapidly expanding use of the global positioning system (GPS).聽聽 </p> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> </div> <!-- END CONTENT CONTAINER //--> </div> <!-- END VIEW CONTAINER //--> <!-- BEGIN FOOTER //--> <!-- BEGIN FOOTER //--> <div id="footer"> <a href="">Privacy Policy</a> | <a href="">FOIA</a> | <a href="">Information Quality</a> | <a href="/web/20090825000621/">Disclaimer</a> | <a href=""></a> | <a href=""></a> | <a href="/web/20090825000621/">Site Map</a> | <a href=" Website">Contact Webmaster</a> </div> <!-- END FOOTER //--><!-- FOOTER //--> <!-- END FOOTER //--> </body> <!-- InstanceEnd --></html> <!-- FILE ARCHIVED ON 00:06:21 Aug 25, 2009 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 16:47:41 Jan 07, 2025. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. 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