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<I>zemski shkoly</I>]. <a href="">Elementary schools</a> and, later, <a href="">secondary schools</a> and <a href="">vocational schools</a> in the <a href="">Russian Empire</a>, established and financed by zemstvo authorities. <!--19330L-->Zemstvo <!--19330L-->schools were established in 1864 in the wake of the agrarian reform and existed until the <a href="">Revolution of 1917</a>. They played a significant role in democratizing and improving the quality of public education, particularly in the <a href="">villages</a>. In general, reactionary forces in the tsarist government and the <a href="">Holy Synod</a> disapproved of the work done by zemstvos in the sphere of <a href="">public education</a>. Zemstvo schools compared favorably both with schools run by the Ministry of Education and with <a href="">parochial schools</a>. The <a href="">literacy</a> rate was 19.9 percent in 1897 in zemstvo gubernias, and 16.9 percent in non-zemstvo gubernias. Though the zemstvo authorities had the sole responsibility for the organizing and funding of zemstvo schools, the administration of the schools was entirely in the hands of the central government. The zemstvos had no direct jurisdiction over curriculum, teaching methods, or hiring practices. <a href="">Zemstvo</a> representatives were outnumbered on the district and <a href="">gubernia</a> school councils created by the state to supervise the zemstvo schools. In 1874 the zemstvos were granted the right to nominate candidates for teaching positions in zemstvo schools. District zemstvos were responsible for the founding of elementary zemstvo schools, and gubernia zemstvos did the organized training courses for teachers, founded <a href="">museums</a>, libraries, and bookstores to serve zemstvo teachers, and established professional zemstvo schools. In 1898 there were 3,117 zemstvo schools in Ukraine. The figure increased in the period 1900–10 to 4,700 schools, with 460,000 pupils and 8,458 teachers. In 1914, in <a href="">Tavriia gubernia</a> there were 827 zemstvo schools, in <a href="">Kherson gubernia</a>, 1,087, in <a href="">Kharkiv gubernia</a>, 1,248, and in <a href="">Katerynoslav gubernia</a>, 945. In <a href="">Right-Bank Ukraine</a>, where the zemstvo structure was not introduced until 1911, the numbers were much lower. By 1912, in <a href="">Kyiv gubernia</a> there were 149 zemstvo schools, and in <a href="">Podilia gubernia</a> and <a href="">Volhynia gubernia</a>, only a few isolated schools. Because their formation depended on local initiative, zemstvo schools were often unevenly distributed.</P> <P class="padingHistoryLand">Initially <!--19330L-->zemstvo <!--19330L-->schools had a three-year program. In the 1890s a fourth year was added, and by the time zemstvo schools were abolished in 1917, some <a href="">seven-year schools</a> had been established. The curriculum consisted of religion, reading, writing, arithmetic, and sometimes singing. Texts used at the zemstvo schools were superior to those used at their Ministry of Education and parochial school counterparts and included the primer <I>Rodnoe slovo</I> ([Our] Native Language) by <a href="">Konstantin Ushinsky</a>, the primer <I>Azbuka</I> (Alphabet) and simple readers by <a href="">Leo Tolstoy</a>, and <I>Nash drug</I> (Our Friend) by <a href="">Nikolai Korf</a>. Both Ushinsky, a well-known teacher, and Korf, a <a href="">landowner</a> in <a href="">Oleksandriia</a> <a href="">county</a>, <a href="">Kherson gubernia</a>, were instrumental in the establishment of zemstvo schools. Korf pioneered the economical one-room school system in which a single teacher taught pupils of all ages in a single classroom. Between 1867 and 1872 Korf founded 80 new zemstvo schools in his <a href="">gubernia</a>.</P> <P class="padingHistoryLand">Although most <!--19330L-->zemstvo <!--19330L-->schools were <a href="">elementary schools</a>, zemstvos at the <a href="">gubernia</a> level also founded some professional schools. Among them were the Industrial Arts and Ceramics School in <a href="">Myrhorod</a> and <a href="">vocational schools</a> in <a href="">Novomoskovsk</a> and <a href="">Poltava</a>. In the 1870s a <a href="">zemstvo</a> seminary to train teachers (see <a href="">Teachers' seminaries</a>) was founded in <a href="">Chernihiv</a>, but it was closed in 1878 at the insistence of the Ministry of Education. Some zemstvos also established <a href="">gymnasiums</a>. The first was the <a href="">Hlukhiv</a> <a href="">county</a> zemstvo progymnasium, founded in the 1860s, which became a gymnasium in 1876.</P> <P class="padingHistoryLand">County and <a href="">gubernia</a> zemstvos often came into conflict with the government over the use of Ukrainian in zemstvo schools. In 1870 <a href="">zemstvo</a> activist M. Konstantynovych raised the language issue at a meeting of the <a href="">Chernihiv</a> district zemstvo. It was broached again in 1881, at a session of the <a href="">Chernihiv gubernia</a> zemstvo, by <a href="">Nikolai Korf</a>. In 1895 the <a href="">Yelysavethrad</a> zemstvo discussed the use of Ukrainian. In 1904–5, zemstvos passed resolutions concerning the <a href="">Ukrainian language</a>, but these were rejected by the government. Teachers who used Ukrainian as a teaching aid in <!--19330L-->zemstvo <!--19330L-->schools were dismissed.</P> <P class="padingHistoryLand" style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">Chrystia Freeland, Stepan Siropolko</P> <P class="padingHistoryLand" style="TEXT-ALIGN: right">[This article originally appeared in the <I>Encyclopedia of Ukraine</I>, vol. 5 (1993).]</P> <BR> <CENTER> <P class="padingHistoryLand"></P> </CENTER> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <!--PICTURES BOTTOM START --> <div class="bg9 marginbottom tc"> <!--END_____Pictures Bottom___--> <!--Pictures Bottom End--> <!--Related links LLLL--> <div class="dr20 tc marginZero TotalWidth"> <A name="linksaddress"> </A> <BR> <HR class="marginZero"> <H2 class="tc mb b rozmiar50"><!--googleoff: index-->List of related links from Encyclopedia of Ukraine pointing to <span class="FontDarkBlue b "> Zemstvo schools</span> entry:<!--googleon: index--> <BR> </H2> <Div> <label for="groovybtn1" class="visuallyhidden">1 Education</label> <INPUT id="groovybtn1" name="groovybtn1" class="groovybutton" TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=" 1 Education " ONCLICK="document.location.href=''"> <label for="groovybtn2" class="visuallyhidden">2 Education of women</label> <INPUT id="groovybtn2" name="groovybtn2" class="groovybutton" TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=" 2 Education of women " ONCLICK="document.location.href=''"> <label for="groovybtn3" class="visuallyhidden">3 Elementary schools</label> <INPUT id="groovybtn3" name="groovybtn3" class="groovybutton" TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=" 3 Elementary schools " ONCLICK="document.location.href=''"> <label for="groovybtn4" class="visuallyhidden">4 Extramural education</label> <INPUT id="groovybtn4" name="groovybtn4" class="groovybutton" TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=" 4 Extramural education " ONCLICK="document.location.href=''"> <label for="groovybtn5" class="visuallyhidden">5 Korf, Nikolai</label> <INPUT id="groovybtn5" name="groovybtn5" class="groovybutton" TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=" 5 Korf, Nikolai " ONCLICK="document.location.href=''"> <label for="groovybtn6" class="visuallyhidden">6 Literacy</label> <INPUT id="groovybtn6" name="groovybtn6" class="groovybutton" TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=" 6 Literacy " ONCLICK="document.location.href=''"> <label for="groovybtn7" class="visuallyhidden">7 Parochial schools</label> <INPUT id="groovybtn7" name="groovybtn7" class="groovybutton" TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=" 7 Parochial schools " ONCLICK="document.location.href=''"> <label for="groovybtn8" class="visuallyhidden">8 Pedagogy</label> <INPUT id="groovybtn8" name="groovybtn8" class="groovybutton" TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=" 8 Pedagogy " ONCLICK="document.location.href=''"> <label for="groovybtn9" class="visuallyhidden">9 People's universities</label> <INPUT id="groovybtn9" name="groovybtn9" class="groovybutton" TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=" 9 People's universities " ONCLICK="document.location.href=''"> <label for="groovybtn10" class="visuallyhidden">10 Professional and vocational education</label> <INPUT id="groovybtn10" name="groovybtn10" class="groovybutton" TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=" 10 Professional and vocational education " ONCLICK="document.location.href=''"> <label for="groovybtn11" class="visuallyhidden">11 Zemstvo</label> <INPUT id="groovybtn11" name="groovybtn11" class="groovybutton" TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=" 11 Zemstvo " ONCLICK="document.location.href=''"> </Div> <BR> <P class="tc"> <form name="bbback" action="self"> <!--BR--> </form> <p class="tc b"><!--googleoff: index-->A referral to this page is found in 11 entries.<!--googleon: index--></p> <BR> </DIV> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class=" bg8 tc marginZero FontWhite FontVerdana" aria-label="local"> <br> Click Home to get to the IEU Home page; to contact the IEU editors click Contact.<br> To learn more about IEU click About IEU and to view the list of donors and to become an IEU supporter click Donors. &nbsp;<br> &nbsp;<br> <ul class="marginZero" role="navigaton"> <li class="queryFontInline"><a class="buttonZ" href="" title="IEU Home Web Page" target="_blank">Home</a></li> <li class="queryFontInline"><a class="buttonZ" href="" title="Contact IEU Staff" target="_blank">Contact</a></li> <li class="queryFontInline"><a class="buttonZ" href="" title="Information about IEU" target="_blank">About IEU</a></li> <li class="queryFontInline"><a class="buttonZ" href="" title="Donors web page" target="_blank">Donors</a></li> <li class="queryFontInline"><a class="buttonZ" href="" title="Donors Web page">Donate to IEU</a></li> </ul> &nbsp;<br> <span class="FontSizeSmall" > &#169;2001 All Rights Reserved. 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