University of Maryland
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<umd-element-section-intro class="umd-lock-extra-small" theme="dark"> <div slot="text"> <p>A nexus for discovery and a launchpad for innovation, the University of Maryland is home to one of the world’s largest cohorts of quantum scientists and engineers, and has generated a vibrant quantum business ecosystem.</p> </div> </umd-element-section-intro> </div> <video slot="video" autoplay loop muted playsinline poster="" preload> <source type="video/mp4" src="" /> </video> </umd-element-hero-expand> </div> </div> <div id="umd-main-home-feature" class="umd-layout-vertical-landing"> <section id="section-15551" class="umd-layout-background-color-dark" > <umd-element-pathway theme="dark" image-position="left" image-scaled="true"> <img src="" alt="a "Q" with dot and line patterns overlaid on a colorful photo" slot="image" style="object-position: 50% 50%;" /> <p slot="headline"> Gov. Moore Launches $1 Billion “Capital of Quantum” Initiative Anchored by UMD </p> <div slot="text"> <p>A new landmark public-private partnership between the State of Maryland, the University of Maryland and private and federal partners, aims to unlock more than $1 billion in investments —a combination of state funds, matching federal grants, private-sector investments and philanthropic contributions—over the next five years to cement Maryland as a global leader in quantum information science and technology. </p> </div> <div slot="actions"> <umd-element-call-to-action type="secondary" size="standard" theme="dark"> <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" aria-label="Read the full article: Gov. Moore Launches $1 Billion “Capital of Quantum” Initiative Anchored by UMD"> <span aria-hidden="true">Read more</span> </a> </umd-element-call-to-action> </div> </umd-element-pathway> <div class="umd-main-campaign-decoration"> <umd-element-brand-logo-animation></umd-element-brand-logo-animation> </div> </section> </div> <section id="section-14927" class="umd-layout-vertical-landing" > <umd-element-section-intro class="umd-lock-extra-small" theme="light" include-separator> <div slot="text"> <p>Surrounded by a host of government labs and science agencies, as well as major technology firms, innovative startups and a highly skilled workforce, UMD leverages its location in the heart of the National Capital Region to charge its quantum powerhouse. </p> </div> </umd-element-section-intro> </section> <section id="section-14779" class="umd-layout-vertical-landing" > <umd-layout-image-expand > <img src="" alt="Governor Wes Moore at a podium speaking to an audience" slot="image" style="object-position: 67.04% 1.87%;" /> <div slot="content" class="grid content-center justify-items-start"> <umd-element-quote type="feature" theme="dark" textOnly transparent="true"> <div slot="quote"> <p>Quantum information science has the potential to transform every sector, from national security to healthcare. With our wealth of talent, federal partners and world-class research universities here in Maryland, we have both the opportunity and the responsibility to seize this moment and become the world’s leading hub for quantum innovation.</p> </div> <p slot="attribution"> Wes Moore </p> <p slot="attribution-sub-text"> Governor, State of Maryland </p> </umd-element-quote> </div> </umd-layout-image-expand> </section> <section id="section-14939" class="umd-layout-vertical-landing" > <umd-element-section-intro class="umd-layout-vertical-landing-child umd-lock-extra-small" theme="light"> <h2 slot="headline"> A Quantum Powerhouse </h2> </umd-element-section-intro> <div class="umd-lock"> <div class="umd-grid-gap-three umd-grid-animation"> <umd-element-stat size="large" theme="light" has-line> <h2 slot="stat"> 1 </h2> <div slot="text"> <p>Publicly traded UMD spinoff, the quantum computing firm IonQ</p> </div> </umd-element-stat> <umd-element-stat size="large" theme="light" has-line> <h2 slot="stat"> 10 </h2> <div slot="text"> <p>Startup offices opened at UMD in Quantum Startup Foundry's first three years</p> </div> </umd-element-stat> <umd-element-stat size="large" theme="light" has-line> <h2 slot="stat"> 200+ </h2> <div slot="text"> <p>Quantum researchers, one of the greatest concentrations in the world</p> </div> </umd-element-stat> <umd-element-stat size="large" theme="light" has-line> <h2 slot="stat"> 250+ </h2> <div slot="text"> <p>Quantum graduates placed in academic, government and industry jobs</p> </div> </umd-element-stat> <umd-element-stat size="large" theme="light" has-line> <h2 slot="stat"> 1 </h2> <div slot="text"> <p>Faculty Nobel laureate in quantum physics, William Phillips</p> </div> </umd-element-stat> <umd-element-stat size="large" theme="light" has-line> <h2 slot="stat"> 2 </h2> <div slot="text"> <p>Rank among public institutions in quantum physics</p> </div> <div slot="sub-text"> <p><i>U.S. News & World Report</i>'s Best Graduate Schools</p> </div> </umd-element-stat> </div> </div> </section> <section id="section-14768" class="umd-layout-vertical-landing" > <umd-element-section-intro class="umd-layout-vertical-landing-child umd-lock-extra-small" theme="light"> <h2 slot="headline"> A NEW QUANTUM REVOLUTION </h2> <div slot="text"> <p>The University of Maryland is enabling a new quantum revolution that will spur sweeping advances in computing, networks, navigation, and timing, cybersecurity and sensing—turbocharging the global economy and advancing U.S. national security.</p> </div> </umd-element-section-intro> <div id="masonry-grid-14769" class="umd-grid-four"> <umd-element-card-overlay type="image" class="size-large" theme="dark" linkType="cta"> <img src="" alt="scientific illustration: light waves rotating affecting electrons in wires" slot="image" style="object-position: 50% 50%;" /> <p slot="headline"> <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" aria-label="Learn more about the Joint Quantum Institute"> <span aria-hidden="true">Joint Quantum Institute</span> </a> </p> <div slot="actions"> <umd-element-call-to-action type="secondary" size="standard" theme="dark"> <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" aria-label="Learn more about the Joint Quantum Institute"> <span aria-hidden="true">Learn more</span> </a> </umd-element-call-to-action> </div> </umd-element-card-overlay> <umd-element-card-overlay type="image" class="size-large" theme="dark" linkType="cta"> <img src="" alt="Ion trap" slot="image" style="object-position: 50% 50%;" /> <p slot="headline"> <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" aria-label="Learn more about Qlab"> <span aria-hidden="true">Quantum Technology Center</span> </a> </p> <div slot="actions"> <umd-element-call-to-action type="secondary" size="standard" theme="dark"> <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" aria-label="Learn more about Qlab"> <span aria-hidden="true">Learn more</span> </a> </umd-element-call-to-action> </div> </umd-element-card-overlay> <umd-element-card-overlay type="image" class="size-large" theme="dark" linkType="cta"> <img src="" alt="Montage of people demonstrating technical things, walking down a hallway, large quantum" slot="image" style="object-position: 50% 50%;" /> <p slot="headline"> <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" aria-label="Learn more about Institute for Robust Quantum Simulation"> <span aria-hidden="true">National Quantum Laboratory</span> </a> </p> <div slot="actions"> <umd-element-call-to-action type="secondary" size="standard" theme="dark"> <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" aria-label="Learn more about Institute for Robust Quantum Simulation"> <span aria-hidden="true">Learn more</span> </a> </umd-element-call-to-action> </div> </umd-element-card-overlay> <umd-element-card-overlay type="image" class="size-large" theme="dark" linkType="cta"> <img src="" alt="macro view of quantum" slot="image" style="object-position: 50% 50%;" /> <p slot="headline"> <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" aria-label="Learn more about Quantum Startup Foundry"> <span aria-hidden="true">Quantum Startup Foundry</span> </a> </p> <div slot="actions"> <umd-element-call-to-action type="secondary" size="standard" theme="dark"> <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" aria-label="Learn more about Quantum Startup Foundry"> <span aria-hidden="true">Learn more</span> </a> </umd-element-call-to-action> </div> </umd-element-card-overlay> </div> </section> <section id="section-15555" class="umd-layout-vertical-landing" > <umd-element-section-intro class="umd-layout-vertical-landing-child umd-lock-extra-small" include-separator> <h2 slot="headline"> Quantum News </h2> </umd-element-section-intro> <div class="umd-lock-smaller"> <div class="umd-grid-gap-masonry umd-grid-animation"> <div> <umd-element-card-overlay type="image" theme="dark" linkType="icon"> <img src="" alt="Brain illustration with nodes" slot="image" style="object-position: 50% 50%;" /> <p slot="eyebrow"> Research </p> <p slot="headline"> <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"> <span>$2M USAF Award Aims to Bridge Gap Between Brain, AI</span> </a> </p> <div slot="text"> <p>UMD Researchers to Develop and Test Quantum Systems That Use Neuro-Inspired Computing, Sensing</p> </div> <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" slot="cta-icon" target="_blank"> <span>Read more</span> </a> </umd-element-card-overlay> </div> <div> <umd-element-card-overlay type="image" theme="dark" linkType="icon"> <img src="" alt="Aerial - Hornbank Plaza at night" slot="image" style="object-position: 50% 50%;" /> <p slot="headline"> <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"> <span>UMD-led Proposal Advances in NSF Innovation Engines Competition</span> </a> </p> <div slot="text"> <p>UMD Researchers to Develop and Test Quantum Systems That Use Neuro-Inspired Computing, Sensing</p> </div> <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" slot="cta-icon" 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