The Poems of W. S. Landor
<HTML><HEAD> <TITLE> The Poems of W. S. Landor </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BACKGROUND="wmarb.jpg" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"> <BR> <FONT SIZE=5><FONT COLOR="8B0000"><CENTER>POEMS OF W.S. LANDOR</CENTER></FONT></FONT> <P> <HR><HR> <P> <CENTER><TABLE BORDER=6 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=6> <TR> <CENTER><TD><CENTER><FONT SIZE=4><A href="landor1795.html">Poems of 1795</A></FONT></CENTER> <TD><CENTER><FONT SIZE=4><A href="landor1806.html">Simonidea, 1806</A></FONT></CENTER> <TD><CENTER><FONT SIZE=4><A href="landor1810.html"> Ad Gustavum Regem, 1810</A></FONT></CENTER> <TD><CENTER><FONT SIZE=4><A href="landor.1858.html">Dry Sticks Fagoted, 1858</A></FONT></CENTER> </TABLE></CENTER> <P> <FONT SIZE="3"><CENTER>For more information about the Latin poety of W.S. Landor, visit the<A HREF=""> Electronic Archive of W.S. Landor</A> maintained by Titus Bicknell, who graciously contributed these texts to our Library.</CENTER></FONT> <P> <HR> <HR> <CENTER><TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=20 CELLPADDING=0 ALIGN=Center> <TR> <TD><A HREF="neo.html">Neo-Latin</A> <TD><a href="index.html">The Latin Library</A> <TD><a href="classics.html">The Classics Homepage</A> </TABLE></CENTER> </BODY> </HTML>