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4.417969 17.453125 3.625 17.101562 3.625 17.101562 C 2.535156 16.378906 3.703125 16.378906 3.703125 16.378906 C 4.914062 16.457031 5.546875 17.589844 5.546875 17.589844 C 6.617188 19.386719 8.339844 18.878906 9.03125 18.566406 C 9.132812 17.804688 9.449219 17.277344 9.785156 16.984375 C 7.132812 16.710938 4.339844 15.695312 4.339844 11.167969 C 4.339844 9.878906 4.8125 8.824219 5.566406 8.003906 C 5.445312 7.710938 5.03125 6.5 5.683594 4.878906 C 5.683594 4.878906 6.695312 4.566406 8.972656 6.089844 C 9.949219 5.832031 10.953125 5.703125 11.964844 5.699219 C 12.972656 5.699219 14.003906 5.835938 14.957031 6.089844 C 17.234375 4.566406 18.242188 4.878906 18.242188 4.878906 C 18.898438 6.5 18.480469 7.710938 18.363281 8.003906 C 19.136719 8.824219 19.589844 9.878906 19.589844 11.167969 C 19.589844 15.695312 16.796875 16.691406 14.125 16.984375 C 14.558594 17.355469 14.933594 18.058594 14.933594 19.171875 C 14.933594 20.753906 14.914062 22.019531 14.914062 22.410156 C 14.914062 22.722656 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journal on photogrammetry.</li> <li>Offers full-color for all illustrations in its print and electronic version without charge to authors.</li> <li>It is the official journal of the German Society for Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation (DGPF). </li> <li>Welcomes the submission of English and German language articles.</li> </ul> </p> </div> </div> <dl class="app-journal-overview__editor" data-test="journal-editor-links"> <dt>Editor-in-Chief</dt> <dd> <ul class="u-list-reset"> <li class="u-display-inline">Markus Gerke</li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <div class="app-journal-overview__metrics"> <div class="app-journal-overview__metric"> <span class="app-journal-overview__metric-icon-container"> <svg class="app-journal-overview__metric-icon" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <use xlink:href="#icon-eds-i-impact-factor-medium"></use> </svg> </span> <dl> <dt data-test="impact-factor-label" class="app-journal-overview__metric-label">Journal Impact Factor</dt> <dd 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Founded in 1926 as Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen, it is the oldest journal on photogrammetry. Offers full-color for all illustrations in its print and electronic version without charge to authors. It is the official journal of the German Society for Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation (DGPF). Welcomes the submission of English and German language articles.", "hasPart" : [ { "@type" : "ScholarlyArticle", "author" : [ { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Mojgan Madadikhaljan" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Michael Schmitt" } ], "headline" : "Geolocation-Aware Deep Coding", "datePublished" : "2025-01-07", "pageStart" : "1", "pageEnd" : "16" }, { "@type" : "ScholarlyArticle", "author" : [ { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Shashikant Deepak" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Dipti Patra" } ], "headline" : "Edge and Texture Enhanced Reference based Super-Resolution Network for Remote Sensing Images", "datePublished" : "2024-12-18", "pageStart" : "1", "pageEnd" : "19" }, { "@type" : "ScholarlyArticle", "author" : [ { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Khalil Misbah" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Ahmed Laamrani" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Raffaele Casa" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Paul Voroney" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Driss Dhiba" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Jamal Ezzahar" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Abdelghani Chehbouni" } ], "headline" : "Spatial Prediction of Soil Attributes from PRISMA Hyperspectral Imagery Using Wrapper Feature Selection and Ensemble Modeling", "datePublished" : "2024-12-02", "pageStart" : "1", "pageEnd" : "19" }, { "@type" : "ScholarlyArticle", "author" : [ ], "headline" : "Reports", "datePublished" : "2024-11-26", "pageStart" : "779", "pageEnd" : "794" }, { "@type" : "ScholarlyArticle", "author" : [ { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Yajin Xu" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Philipp Schuegraf" }, { "@type" : "Person", "name" : "Ksenia Bittner" } ], "headline" : "Multi-branch convolutional neural network in building polygonization using remote sensing images", "datePublished" : "2024-11-25", "pageStart" : "1", "pageEnd" : "22" } ] }</script> </body> </html>

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