Watch Not For Ourselves Alone | Ken Burns | PBS

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Anthony side-by-side."> </div> <div class="c-Hero-Info""> <img class="c-Hero-Precontent" src="" alt="The logo for the film &quot;The Story Of Elizabeth Cady Stanton And Susan B. Anthony: Not For Ourselves Alone | A Film By Ken Burns And Paul Barnes&quot;"> <div class="c-Hero-Caption">Recount the trials, tribulations and triumphs of two pioneers of the women’s movement. Now streaming.</div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="o-Grid-Wrapper js-pageBuilderRow r-1 relative u-Customize " > <div class="o-Grid-Container w-full"> <div id="watch" class="o-Grid-Container --comp-headingColor-247386"> <div class="o-Grid-Row u-Spacer_2 "> <div id="" class="o-Grid-Col_12 u-Spacer_1" style=""> <div class="o-Text_bodyText"> <h1>Watch Not For Ourselves Alone</h1><h2>A Documentary about Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. 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Anthony introduced the Declaration of Sentiments at the first convention on women's rights, she prompted a passionate response from the audience. </div> <div class="o-Text_bodyMedium c-Player_Meta"> <span data-ref="mediaType">Clip</span> <span data-ref="duration">6m 56s</span> </div> </div> <div class="c-Player_actions"> <a href="" class="c-Button c-Player_Watch" title="Add To Your Watchlist" > <span> Add To Your Watchlist </span> <svg class="c-Button-Icon" width="13px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 13 32" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""> <polyline stroke="#979797" stroke-width="3" points="2 25 10 16.5 2 8" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"></polyline> </svg> </a> </div> </div> <div class="o-Grid-Col_7 css-Order-update-first"> <div class="c-Player_Iframe" data-ref="playerFrame"> <iframe id='partnerPlayer' frameborder='0' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0' scrolling='no' width='100%' height='100%' src='//' allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="u-paginated-container videoBlock_247388"> <div class="o-Grid-Row c-Player_list u-Spacer_2 js-is-loadable" data-ref="paginatedRow" data-row="1"> <div class="o-Grid-Col_3 js-is-loadable" data-ref="swapVideo" data-id="8426" data-tags="[&quot;Not For Ourselves Alone&quot;,&quot;Not For Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony&quot;]"> <div class="c-Media"> <img src="" class="c-Media_Img" alt="Seneca Falls Convention"> <div class="c-Media_Txt"> <div class="o-Text_bodySmall c-Media_Type">Clip</div> <div class="o-Text_bodyLead c-Media_Title">Seneca Falls Convention</div> <div class="o-Text_bodySmall c-Media_Duration">6m 56s</div> <div class="c-Media_Snippet"> <span class="js-excerpt">When Susan B. Anthony introduced the Declaration of Sentiments at the first convention on women's rights, she prompted a p</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="o-Grid-Col_3 js-is-loadable" data-ref="swapVideo" data-id="26168" data-tags="[&quot;Not For Ourselves Alone&quot;,&quot;Not For Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony&quot;]"> <div class="c-Media"> <svg xmlns="" width="30" height="30" viewBox="0 0 30 30" class="passport-icon"> <g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"> <path fill="#FFFFFF" d="M24.8786371,2.29584862 L5.0178216,2.29584862 C3.46391859,2.29584862 2.20418325,3.55558396 2.20418325,5.10956518 L2.20418325,24.9701461 C2.20418325,26.5241273 3.46391859,27.7837844 5.0178216,27.7837844 L24.8786371,27.7837844 C26.4325401,27.7837844 27.6922755,26.5241273 27.6922755,24.9701461 L27.6922755,5.10956518 C27.6922755,3.55558396 26.4325401,2.29584862 24.8786371,2.29584862"/> <path fill="#00AAEB" d="M26.5961651,0.0916972477 L3.30029358,0.0916972477 C1.47763303,0.0916972477 1.83486245e-05,1.56931193 1.83486245e-05,3.39206422 L1.83486245e-05,26.6876606 C1.83486245e-05,28.5104128 1.47763303,29.9879358 3.30029358,29.9879358 L26.5961651,29.9879358 C28.4188257,29.9879358 29.8964404,28.5104128 29.8964404,26.6876606 L29.8964404,3.39206422 C29.8964404,1.56931193 28.4188257,0.0916972477 26.5961651,0.0916972477 M14.9069908,25.6549083 C9.05387156,25.6549083 4.29194495,20.8930734 4.29194495,15.0399541 C4.29194495,9.18674312 9.05387156,4.42481651 14.9069908,4.42481651 C20.7601101,4.42481651 25.5220367,9.18674312 25.5220367,15.0399541 C25.5220367,20.8930734 20.7601101,25.6549083 14.9069908,25.6549083 M5.94316514,14.9989817 L12.8396789,12.9725596 L14.8661009,6.07595413 C9.95536697,6.09824771 5.96527523,10.0882477 5.94316514,14.9989817 L5.94316514,14.9989817 Z M14.947789,24.0037798 C19.8586147,23.981578 23.8487064,19.9914862 23.8708165,15.0807523 L16.974211,17.1071743 L14.947789,24.0037798 Z M5.94311927,15.0806881 C5.96522936,19.9915138 9.9553211,23.9816055 14.8661468,24.0038073 L12.839633,17.1072018 L5.94311927,15.0806881 Z M14.9478073,6.07599083 L16.9742294,12.9725963 L23.8708349,14.9990183 C23.848633,10.0881927 19.858633,6.09819266 14.9478073,6.07599083 L14.9478073,6.07599083 Z"/> <path fill="#FFFFFF" d="M18.9112936,12.3378257 L17.9047798,12.0419541 L17.609,11.0356239 L20.4760642,9.47085321 L18.9112936,12.3378257 Z M9.33788991,20.608945 L10.9026606,17.7419725 L11.9091743,18.0377523 L12.2048624,19.0441743 L9.33788991,20.608945 Z M17.9047615,18.0377248 L18.9112752,17.741945 L20.4760459,20.6089174 L17.6089817,19.0442385 L17.9047615,18.0377248 Z M12.2049083,11.0355872 L11.9091284,12.0420092 L10.9027064,12.337789 L9.33793578,9.47081651 L12.2049083,11.0355872 Z"/> </g> </svg> <img src="" class="c-Media_Img" alt="Part 1: Revolution"> <div class="c-Media_Txt"> <div class="o-Text_bodySmall c-Media_Type">Full Length</div> <div class="o-Text_bodyLead c-Media_Title">Part 1: Revolution</div> <div class="o-Text_bodySmall c-Media_Duration">93m 59s</div> <div class="c-Media_Snippet"> <span class="js-excerpt">Two women, one allegiance. Together Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony fought for women everywhere, and their str</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="o-Grid-Col_3 js-is-loadable" data-ref="swapVideo" data-id="26166" data-tags="[&quot;Not For Ourselves Alone&quot;,&quot;Not For Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony&quot;]"> <div class="c-Media"> <svg xmlns="" width="30" height="30" viewBox="0 0 30 30" class="passport-icon"> <g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"> <path fill="#FFFFFF" d="M24.8786371,2.29584862 L5.0178216,2.29584862 C3.46391859,2.29584862 2.20418325,3.55558396 2.20418325,5.10956518 L2.20418325,24.9701461 C2.20418325,26.5241273 3.46391859,27.7837844 5.0178216,27.7837844 L24.8786371,27.7837844 C26.4325401,27.7837844 27.6922755,26.5241273 27.6922755,24.9701461 L27.6922755,5.10956518 C27.6922755,3.55558396 26.4325401,2.29584862 24.8786371,2.29584862"/> <path fill="#00AAEB" d="M26.5961651,0.0916972477 L3.30029358,0.0916972477 C1.47763303,0.0916972477 1.83486245e-05,1.56931193 1.83486245e-05,3.39206422 L1.83486245e-05,26.6876606 C1.83486245e-05,28.5104128 1.47763303,29.9879358 3.30029358,29.9879358 L26.5961651,29.9879358 C28.4188257,29.9879358 29.8964404,28.5104128 29.8964404,26.6876606 L29.8964404,3.39206422 C29.8964404,1.56931193 28.4188257,0.0916972477 26.5961651,0.0916972477 M14.9069908,25.6549083 C9.05387156,25.6549083 4.29194495,20.8930734 4.29194495,15.0399541 C4.29194495,9.18674312 9.05387156,4.42481651 14.9069908,4.42481651 C20.7601101,4.42481651 25.5220367,9.18674312 25.5220367,15.0399541 C25.5220367,20.8930734 20.7601101,25.6549083 14.9069908,25.6549083 M5.94316514,14.9989817 L12.8396789,12.9725596 L14.8661009,6.07595413 C9.95536697,6.09824771 5.96527523,10.0882477 5.94316514,14.9989817 L5.94316514,14.9989817 Z M14.947789,24.0037798 C19.8586147,23.981578 23.8487064,19.9914862 23.8708165,15.0807523 L16.974211,17.1071743 L14.947789,24.0037798 Z M5.94311927,15.0806881 C5.96522936,19.9915138 9.9553211,23.9816055 14.8661468,24.0038073 L12.839633,17.1072018 L5.94311927,15.0806881 Z M14.9478073,6.07599083 L16.9742294,12.9725963 L23.8708349,14.9990183 C23.848633,10.0881927 19.858633,6.09819266 14.9478073,6.07599083 L14.9478073,6.07599083 Z"/> <path fill="#FFFFFF" d="M18.9112936,12.3378257 L17.9047798,12.0419541 L17.609,11.0356239 L20.4760642,9.47085321 L18.9112936,12.3378257 Z M9.33788991,20.608945 L10.9026606,17.7419725 L11.9091743,18.0377523 L12.2048624,19.0441743 L9.33788991,20.608945 Z M17.9047615,18.0377248 L18.9112752,17.741945 L20.4760459,20.6089174 L17.6089817,19.0442385 L17.9047615,18.0377248 Z M12.2049083,11.0355872 L11.9091284,12.0420092 L10.9027064,12.337789 L9.33793578,9.47081651 L12.2049083,11.0355872 Z"/> </g> </svg> <img src="" class="c-Media_Img" alt="Part 2: Failure is Impossible"> <div class="c-Media_Txt"> <div class="o-Text_bodySmall c-Media_Type">Full Length</div> <div class="o-Text_bodyLead c-Media_Title">Part 2: Failure is Impossible</div> <div class="o-Text_bodySmall c-Media_Duration">89m 21s</div> <div class="c-Media_Snippet"> <span class="js-excerpt">Two women, one allegiance. Together Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony fought for women everywhere, and their str</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="o-Grid-Col_3 js-is-loadable" data-ref="swapVideo" data-id="8428" data-tags="[&quot;Not For Ourselves Alone&quot;,&quot;Not For Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony&quot;]"> <div class="c-Media"> <img src="" class="c-Media_Img" alt="A Great Partnership"> <div class="c-Media_Txt"> <div class="o-Text_bodySmall c-Media_Type">Clip</div> <div class="o-Text_bodyLead c-Media_Title">A Great Partnership</div> <div class="o-Text_bodySmall c-Media_Duration">2m 51s</div> <div class="c-Media_Snippet"> <span class="js-excerpt">Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton may have been very different people, but together they formed a great – and co</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="o-Grid-Row c-Player_list u-Spacer_2 js-is-loadable js-is-hidden" data-ref="paginatedRow" data-row="2"> <div class="o-Grid-Col_3 js-is-loadable" data-ref="swapVideo" data-id="8426" data-tags="[&quot;Not For Ourselves Alone&quot;,&quot;Not For Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony&quot;]"> <div class="c-Media"> <img src="" class="c-Media_Img" alt="Seneca Falls Convention"> <div class="c-Media_Txt"> <div class="o-Text_bodySmall c-Media_Type">Clip</div> <div class="o-Text_bodyLead c-Media_Title">Seneca Falls Convention</div> <div class="o-Text_bodySmall c-Media_Duration">6m 56s</div> <div class="c-Media_Snippet"> <span class="js-excerpt">When Susan B. Anthony introduced the Declaration of Sentiments at the first convention on women's rights, she prompted a p</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="o-Grid-Col_3 js-is-loadable" data-ref="swapVideo" data-id="8430" data-tags="[&quot;Not For Ourselves Alone&quot;,&quot;Not For Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony&quot;]"> <div class="c-Media"> <img src="" class="c-Media_Img" alt="Women&#039;s Suffrage"> <div class="c-Media_Txt"> <div class="o-Text_bodySmall c-Media_Type">Clip</div> <div class="o-Text_bodyLead c-Media_Title">Women&#039;s Suffrage</div> <div class="o-Text_bodySmall c-Media_Duration">3m 2s</div> <div class="c-Media_Snippet"> <span class="js-excerpt">Suffragettes fought for voting rights for American women, but some people struggled with the social changes that this brou</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="o-Grid-Col_3 js-is-loadable" data-ref="swapVideo" data-id="8432" data-tags="[&quot;Not For Ourselves Alone&quot;,&quot;Not For Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony&quot;]"> <div class="c-Media"> <img src="" class="c-Media_Img" alt="Winter Wheat"> <div class="c-Media_Txt"> <div class="o-Text_bodySmall c-Media_Type">Clip</div> <div class="o-Text_bodyLead c-Media_Title">Winter Wheat</div> <div class="o-Text_bodySmall c-Media_Duration">6m 9s</div> <div class="c-Media_Snippet"> <span class="js-excerpt">Suffragettes fought tirelessly for a woman's right to vote, but it was a difficult endeavor. Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <ul class="c-Pagination js-Pagination videoBlock_247388"> <li class="c-Pagination-Item" data-link="prev"> <span class="o-Text_bodyLead c-Pagination-Link c-Pagination_prevLink c-Pagination_prevNext js-gray-out" data-group="0" data-ref="swapPage" data-link="prev" data-videoBlock="247388">Prev</span> </li> <li class="c-Pagination-Item is-active js-grpup-member group_1 " data-group="group_1" data-link="1" data-videoBlock="247388"> <span class="o-Text_bodyLead c-Pagination-Link c-Pagination_numericLink" data-ref="swapPage" data-link="1" data-videoBlock="247388">1</span> </li> <li class="c-Pagination-Item js-grpup-member group_1 " data-group="group_1" data-link="2" data-videoBlock="247388"> <span class="o-Text_bodyLead c-Pagination-Link c-Pagination_numericLink" data-ref="swapPage" data-link="2" data-videoBlock="247388">2</span> </li> <li class="c-Pagination-Item" data-link="next"> <span class="o-Text_bodyLead c-Pagination-Link c-Pagination_nextLink c-Pagination_prevNext" data-group="0" data-ref="swapPage" data-link="next" data-videoBlock="247388">Next</span> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="o-Grid-Wrapper js-pageBuilderRow r-2 relative u-Customize " > <div class="o-Grid-Container w-full"> <div id="" class="o-Grid-Container --comp-headingColor-247389"> <div class="o-Grid-Row u-Spacer_2 "> <div id="" class="o-Grid-Col_7 u-Spacer_1" style=""> <h2 class="c-TextUnderline u-Spacer_2" style=text-align:> <span>About the Film</span> </h2> <div class="o-Text_bodyText"> <p>Two women. One allegiance. Together they fought for women everywhere, and their strong willpower and sheer determination still ripples through contemporary society. </p> <p>Recount the trials, tribulations and triumphs of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony as they strive to give birth to the women’s movement. Not until their deaths was their shared vision of women’s suffrage realized.</p> <a href="/kenburns/not-for-ourselves-alone/video/" class="c-Button " title="Watch Clips from the Film &gt;" > <span> Watch Clips from the Film </span> <svg class="c-Button-Icon" width="13px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 13 32" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""> <polyline stroke="#979797" stroke-width="3" points="2 25 10 16.5 2 8" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"></polyline> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="o-Grid-Wrapper js-pageBuilderRow r-3 relative u-Customize " > <div class="o-Grid-Container w-full"> <div id="" class="o-Grid-Container --comp-headingColor-247392"> <h1 class="block-title lg_font-28 skin-text-st2">Explore More</h1> <div class="o-Grid-Row u-Spacer_2 "> <div id="" class="o-Grid-Col_4 u-Spacer_1"> <a href="/kenburns/not-for-ourselves-alone/women-remember-suffrage" class="c-Card c-Card_promo has-border"> <div class="o-ImageBox c-Card-Img"> <img class="o-ImageBox-Img" src="" alt="A black-and-white photo of three women looking at the camera as they carry open umbrellas. Each umbrella has one word on it which spells out &quot;Votes For Women.&quot; | Women Remember Suffrage"> </div> <div class="c-Card-Content"> <div class="c-Card-Content_text"> <div class="o-Text_titleCaption c-Card-Title">Women Remember Suffrage</div> <p class="c-Card-Text"><p>Read first-hand accounts from surviving members of the suffragette movement.</p></p> </div> <button class="c-Button "> <span>Explore</span> <svg class="c-Button-Icon" width="13px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 13 32" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""> <polyline stroke="#979797" stroke-width="3" points="2 25 10 16.5 2 8" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"></polyline> </svg> </button> </div> </a> </div> <div id="" class="o-Grid-Col_4 u-Spacer_1"> <a href="/kenburns/not-for-ourselves-alone/video" class="c-Card c-Card_promo has-border"> <div class="o-ImageBox c-Card-Img"> <img class="o-ImageBox-Img" src="" alt="A black-and-white photo of women casting a vote by placing a slip of paper in a ballot box. It is clear from the antiquated dress that the photo is from the early twentieth century. | Video"> </div> <div class="c-Card-Content"> <div class="c-Card-Content_text"> <div class="o-Text_titleCaption c-Card-Title">Video</div> <p class="c-Card-Text"><p>Watch clips from the film.</p></p> </div> <button class="c-Button "> <span>Watch</span> <svg class="c-Button-Icon" width="13px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 13 32" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""> <polyline stroke="#979797" stroke-width="3" points="2 25 10 16.5 2 8" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"></polyline> </svg> </button> </div> </a> </div> <div id="" class="o-Grid-Col_4 u-Spacer_1"> <a href="" class="c-Card c-Card_promo has-border"> <div class="o-ImageBox c-Card-Img"> <div class="c-Card-Badge"> <p>Available on <strong>UNUM</strong><br /></p> </div> <img class="o-ImageBox-Img" src="" alt="A promotional composite image for Ken Burns&#039; UNUM. It shows a map of the United States of America made up of small circles, and in each of those circles is an image from one of Ken Burns&#039; films. Many of these images are faces of interviewees or historical photos. In the background is a geometric gray, blue and white pattern. | Unum"> </div> <div class="c-Card-Content"> <div class="c-Card-Content_text"> <div class="o-Text_titleCaption c-Card-Title">Unum</div> <p class="c-Card-Text"><p>Ken Burns curates a new way to explore US history by theme and era.</p></p> </div> <button class="c-Button "> <span>Explore on UNUM</span> <svg class="c-Button-Icon" width="13px" height="32px" viewBox="0 0 13 32" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""> <polyline stroke="#979797" stroke-width="3" points="2 25 10 16.5 2 8" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"></polyline> </svg> </button> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="o-Grid-Wrapper js-pageBuilderRow r-4 relative u-Customize " > <div class="o-Grid-Container w-full"> <div id="" class="o-Grid-Container --comp-headingColor-247396"> <h1 class="block-title lg_font-28 skin-text-st2">Explore Related Films</h1> <div class="o-Grid-Row u-Spacer_2 "> <div id="" class=" u-Spacer_1"> <div class="c-ImageGrid js-ImageGrid"> <div class="o-Grid-Row"> <a href="/kenburns/jackie-robinson" target="_blank" class="c-ImageGrid-Item js-is-loadable js-ignore" data-tags="" title="The story of an American icon whose battle for first class citizenship for African Americans transcends sports."> <img class="c-ImageGrid-Thumb" src="" alt="A color poster for the film Jackie Robinson: A Film By Ken Burns, Sarah Burns and David McMahon. It shows Jackie smiling at the camera, wearing his baseball uniform."> <div class="c-ImageGrid-Modal"> <div class="o-Text_titleSmall c-ImageGrid-Title">Jackie Robinson [2016]</div> <div class="c-ImageGrid-Text"> The story of an American icon whose battle for first class citizenship for African Americans transcends sports. </div> </div> </a> <a href="/kenburns/unforgivable-blackness" target="_blank" class="c-ImageGrid-Item js-is-loadable js-ignore" data-tags="" title="The first African American Heavyweight Champion whose dominance challenged previous stigmas."> <img class="c-ImageGrid-Thumb" src="" alt="The poster for &#039;Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise And Fall Of Jack Johnson.&#039; It shows a sepia-toned photo of Jack Johnson posing in a boxing stance."> <div class="c-ImageGrid-Modal"> <div class="o-Text_titleSmall c-ImageGrid-Title">Unforgivable Blackness [2005]</div> <div class="c-ImageGrid-Text"> The first African American Heavyweight Champion whose dominance challenged previous stigmas. </div> </div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="c-ImageGrid-Item js-is-loadable js-ignore" data-tags="" title="Prohibition tells the story of the rise, rule, and fall of the 18th Amendment and the era it encompassed."> <img class="c-ImageGrid-Thumb" src="" alt="A color poster for the film &quot;Prohibition: A Film By Ken Burns &amp; Lynn Novick&quot;"> <div class="c-ImageGrid-Modal"> <div class="o-Text_titleSmall c-ImageGrid-Title">Prohibition [2011]</div> <div class="c-ImageGrid-Text"> Prohibition tells the story of the rise, rule, and fall of the 18th Amendment and the era it encompassed. </div> </div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="c-ImageGrid-Item js-is-loadable js-ignore" data-tags="" title="A story about five black and Latino teenagers whose lives were upended by a miscarriage of justice."> <img class="c-ImageGrid-Thumb" src="" alt="A black-and-white poster for &quot;The Central Park Five: A Film By Ken Burns &amp; David McMahon &amp; Sarah Burns&quot;"> <div class="c-ImageGrid-Modal"> <div class="o-Text_titleSmall c-ImageGrid-Title">Central Park Five [2013]</div> <div class="c-ImageGrid-Text"> A story about five black and Latino teenagers whose lives were upended by a miscarriage of justice. </div> </div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" class="c-ImageGrid-Item js-is-loadable js-ignore" data-tags="" title=""> <img class="c-ImageGrid-Thumb" src="" alt="A composite image showing various film posters from the catalogue of Ken Burns films."> <div class="c-ImageGrid-Modal"> <div class="o-Text_titleSmall c-ImageGrid-Title">See All Films</div> <div class="c-ImageGrid-Text"> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main> <div class="c-ContactBar"> <div class="o-Grid-Container"> <div class="c-ContactBar-Left"> <div class="c-ContactBar-Label is-centered">Sign up to get updates about the film and future projects from Ken Burns and Florentine Films.</div> <form action=";id=3f2b0ab2a2" 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Anthony: Not For Ourselves Alone is a co-production of Florentine Films and WETA.</p> <p>Corporate underwriting provided by General Motors, The Pew Charitable Trusts, The Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Helen and Peter Bing, New York State Department of Economic Development, and The Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES District.</p> </div> <div class="c-Footer-LockedLogos u-Spacer_1"> <div class="logos-container inline-flex justify-center"> <div class="grid-item"> <a class="ratio sixteen-nine" href="" target="_blank"> <img class="logo lazy" src="" alt="The General Motors Logo"> </a> </div> <div class="grid-item"> <a class="ratio sixteen-nine" href="" target="_blank"> <img class="logo lazy" src="" alt="The Pew Charitable Trusts logo."> </a> </div> <div class="grid-item"> <a class="ratio sixteen-nine" href="" target="_blank"> <img class="logo lazy" src="" alt="Cpb Logo"> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <nav class="c-Footer-Nav"> <div class="c-Footer-NavInner"> <a href="" class="o-Text_bodySmall c-Footer-NavLink">About PBS</a> <a href="" class="o-Text_bodySmall c-Footer-NavLink">Donate</a> <a href="" class="o-Text_bodySmall c-Footer-NavLink">PBS Foundation</a> <a href="" class="o-Text_bodySmall c-Footer-NavLink">TV Schedules</a> <a href="" class="o-Text_bodySmall c-Footer-NavLink">Careers</a> <a href="" class="o-Text_bodySmall c-Footer-NavLink">Privacy Policy</a> <a href="" class="o-Text_bodySmall c-Footer-NavLink">Terms Of Use</a> </div> </nav> <div class="o-Text_bodyMicro c-Footer-Copy">&copy; 2024 Public Broadcasting Service (PBS). 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