News and events - Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

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(O = s, Q = 0) : O = o > 1 && Q > 1 && P < 6 ? r : N), q !== m && (y = innerWidth + m * t, D = innerHeight + m, n = -1 * m, q = m), h = u[f].getBoundingClientRect(), (I = h.bottom) >= n && (F = <= D && (H = h.right) >= n * t && (G = h.left) <= y && (I || H || G || F) && (d.loadHidden || S(u[f])) && (l && P < 3 && !p && (o < 3 || Q < 4) || T(u[f], m))) { if (aa(u[f]), k = !0, P > 9) break } else !k && l && !j && P < 4 && Q < 4 && o > 2 && (g[0] || d.preloadAfterLoad) && (g[0] || !p && (I || H || G || F || "auto" != u[f][i](d.sizesAttr))) && (j = g[0] || u[f]); j && !k && aa(j) } }, V = B(U), W = function (a) { var b =; if (b._lazyCache) return void delete b._lazyCache; R(a), s(b, d.loadedClass), t(b, d.loadingClass), u(b, Y), v(b, "lazyloaded") }, X = A(W), Y = function (a) { X({ target: }) }, Z = function (a, b) { try { a.contentWindow.location.replace(b) } catch (c) { a.src = b } }, $ = function (a) { var b, c = a[i](d.srcsetAttr); (b = d.customMedia[a[i]("data-media") || a[i]("media")]) && a.setAttribute("media", b), c && a.setAttribute("srcset", c) }, _ = A(function (a, b, c, e, f) { var g, h, j, l, o, p; (o = v(a, "lazybeforeunveil", b)).defaultPrevented || (e && (c ? s(a, d.autosizesClass) : a.setAttribute("sizes", e)), h = a[i](d.srcsetAttr), g = a[i](d.srcAttr), f && (j = a.parentNode, l = j && n.test(j.nodeName || "")), p = b.firesLoad || "src" in a && (h || g || l), o = { target: a }, s(a, d.loadingClass), p && (clearTimeout(m), m = k(R, 2500), u(a, Y, !0)), l &&"source"), $), h ? a.setAttribute("srcset", h) : g && !l && (L.test(a.nodeName) ? Z(a, g) : a.src = g), f && (h || l) && w(a, { src: g })), a._lazyRace && delete a._lazyRace, t(a, d.lazyClass), z(function () { var b = a.complete && a.naturalWidth > 1; p && !b || (b && s(a, "ls-is-cached"), W(o), a._lazyCache = !0, k(function () { "_lazyCache" in a && delete a._lazyCache }, 9)), "lazy" == a.loading && P-- }, !0) }), aa = function (a) { if (!a._lazyRace) { var b, c = K.test(a.nodeName), e = c && (a[i](d.sizesAttr) || a[i]("sizes")), f = "auto" == e; (!f && l || !c || !a[i]("src") && !a.srcset || a.complete || r(a, d.errorClass) || !r(a, d.lazyClass)) && (b = v(a, "lazyunveilread").detail, f && E.updateElem(a, !0, a.offsetWidth), a._lazyRace = !0, P++, _(a, b, f, e, c)) } }, ba = C(function () { d.loadMode = 3, V() }), ca = function () { 3 == d.loadMode && (d.loadMode = 2), ba() }, da = function () { if (!l) { if ( - p < 999) return void k(da, 999); l = !0, d.loadMode = 3, V(), j("scroll", ca, !0) } }; return { _: function () { p =, c.elements = b.getElementsByClassName(d.lazyClass), g = b.getElementsByClassName(d.lazyClass + " " + d.preloadClass), j("scroll", V, !0), j("resize", V, !0), a.MutationObserver ? new MutationObserver(V).observe(e, { childList: !0, subtree: !0, attributes: !0 }) : (e[h]("DOMNodeInserted", V, !0), e[h]("DOMAttrModified", V, !0), setInterval(V, 999)), j("hashchange", V, !0), ["focus", "mouseover", "click", "load", "transitionend", "animationend"].forEach(function (a) { b[h](a, V, !0) }), /d$|^c/.test(b.readyState) ? da() : (j("load", da), b[h]("DOMContentLoaded", V), k(da, 2e4)), c.elements.length ? 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As robotic technology continues to revolutionise the operating room, this new guide sets the standard for governance, empowering hospitals and surgeons to embrace the future of surgery with confidence while prioritising patient safety. </p> <a href="/dublin/news-and-events/news/news-article/2025/02/rcsi-publishes-framework-for-safe-robotic-assisted-surgery" class="read-more"> Continue reading </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-5 col-sm-offset-1"> <h2>Featured events</h2> <a href="/dublin/news-and-events/events/event/2025/higher-degree-conferring-2025" class="event-spot spotlight spotlight-horizontal horizontal fixed-lines"> <div class="spot-tbl"> <div class="spot-tbl-row"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img src="" data-src="/dublin/-/media/feature/events/dublin/generic-rcsi/postgrad-conferring.jpg" alt="Postgrad conferring" class="lazyload img-responsive" /> </div> <div class="spot-content"> <span class="spot-title">Higher Degree Conferring 2025</span> <ul class="list-unstyled"> <li class="wrapped"> 27 May 2025 </li> <li class="wrapped">RCSI Dublin</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="/dublin/news-and-events/events/event/2025/school-of-medicine-conferring-2025" class="event-spot spotlight spotlight-horizontal horizontal fixed-lines"> <div class="spot-tbl"> <div class="spot-tbl-row"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img src="" data-src="/dublin/-/media/feature/events/dublin/generic-rcsi/conferring-2.jpg" alt="Conferring" class="lazyload img-responsive" /> </div> <div class="spot-content"> <span class="spot-title">School of Medicine Conferring 2025</span> <ul class="list-unstyled"> <li class="wrapped"> 02 June 2025 </li> <li class="wrapped">The Convention Centre Dublin (CCD)</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="/dublin/news-and-events/events/event/2025/alumni-gathering-2025" class="event-spot spotlight spotlight-horizontal horizontal fixed-lines"> <div class="spot-tbl"> <div class="spot-tbl-row"> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img src="" data-src="/dublin/-/media/feature/events/dublin/generic-rcsi/alumni-gathering-spotlight.jpg" alt="Alumni Gathering 2022" class="lazyload img-responsive" /> </div> <div class="spot-content"> <span class="spot-title">Alumni Gathering 2025</span> <ul class="list-unstyled"> <li class="wrapped"> 14 August 2025 </li> <li class="wrapped">RCSI Dublin</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="/dublin/news-and-events/events" class="btn btn-default align-center"> View all events </a> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div class="strapline "> <div class="container"> <div class="strapline-wrapper"> <span class="title">Sign up to our newsletters</span> <p> Learn more about how RCSI is at the global forefront of pioneering developments in medical education and research. </p> <a class="btn btn-primary" href="/dublin/news-and-events/newsletters"> Sign up <span class="sr-only">Sign up</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <section class="bg-color"> <div class="container"> <!-- Single Column Layout (left aligned) --> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <h2>Latest news</h2> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-4 news-col"> <a href="/dublin/news-and-events/news/news-article/2025/02/research-identifies-key-role-of-t-cells-in-blood-clot-risk-for-inflammatory-bowel-disease-patients" class="spotlight spotlight-vertical fixed-lines card" > <div class="image-wrapper"> <img src="" data-src="/dublin/-/media/feature/news/dublin/rcsi-people/roger-preston.jpg" alt="Roger Preston" class="lazyload" /> </div> <div class="spot-content "> <span class="spot-title">New RCSI research identifies key role of T cells in blood clot risk for inflammatory bowel disease patients </span> <p> 21 February 2025 </p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="col-sm-4 news-col"> <a href="/dublin/news-and-events/news/news-article/2025/02/rcsi-supports-updated-green-theatre-checklist-to-advance-sustainable-surgery" class="spotlight spotlight-vertical fixed-lines card" > <div class="image-wrapper"> <img src="" data-src="/dublin/-/media/feature/news/dublin/stock-images/surgical-instruments.jpg" alt="Surgical instruments" class="lazyload" /> </div> <div class="spot-content "> <span class="spot-title">RCSI supports updated Green Theatre Checklist to advance sustainable surgery</span> <p> 20 February 2025 </p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="col-sm-4 news-col"> <a href="/dublin/news-and-events/news/news-article/2025/02/rcsi-school-of-dentistry-strengthens-faculty-with-key-appointments" class="spotlight spotlight-vertical fixed-lines card" > <div class="image-wrapper"> <img src="" data-src="/dublin/-/media/feature/news/dublin/2025/new-school-of-dentistry-hires.jpg" alt="L-R: Prof. Albert Leung, Dr Niamh Coffey, Prof. Peter Cowan, Mary Joy Soliman, Dr Cathy Richards, Galina Meshcherskaya, Harry Brazier, Nicole Merriman, Dr Genecy Calado, Dr Isabel Olegari&#243;. " class="lazyload" /> </div> <div class="spot-content "> <span class="spot-title">RCSI School of Dentistry strengthens faculty with key appointments</span> <p> 19 February 2025 </p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="col-sm-4 news-col"> <a href="/dublin/news-and-events/news/news-article/2025/02/inaugural-high-potential-innovation-awards-launched-to-support-new-healthcare-initiatives" class="spotlight spotlight-vertical fixed-lines card" > <div class="image-wrapper"> <img src="" data-src="/dublin/-/media/feature/news/dublin/2025/gsm-and-hse-bursury.jpg" alt="L-R: Caitriona Heffernan, National Clinical Innovation Lead, HSE Spark Innovation Programme; Dr Gloria Kirwan, Senior Lecturer, RCSI School of Graduate Healthcare Management; Dr Colm Foster, Director of Academic Programmes, RCSI Graduate School of Management; Sara McDonnell, Executive Director, RCSI Graduate School of Management and RCSI Online. 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