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If it becomes possible to use mw.loadData, then these should be moved there. s["de-Latn-sortkey"] = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.circ .. c.diaer .. c.ringabove, from = {"æ", "œ", "ß"}, to = {"ae", "oe", "ss"} } s["de-Latn-standardchars"] = "AaÄäBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoÖöPpQqRrSsẞßTtUuÜüVvWwXxYyZz" s["ka-entryname"] = {remove_diacritics = c.circ} s["no-sortkey"] = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.circ .. c.tilde .. c.macron .. c.dacute .. c.caron .. c.cedilla, remove_exceptions = {"å"}, from = {"æ", "ø", "å"}, to = {"z" .. p[1], "z" .. p[2], "z" .. p[3]} } s["no-standardchars"] = "AaBbDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpRrSsTtUuVvYyÆæØøÅå" .. c.punc s["tg-entryname"] = {remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute} s["tk-entryname"] = {remove_diacritics = c.macron} local m = {} m["aa"] = { "Afar", 27811, "cus-eas", "Latn, Ethi", entry_name = { Latn = {remove_diacritics = c.acute}, }, } m["ab"] = { "Abkhaz", 5111, "cau-abz", "Cyrl, Geor, Latn", translit = { Cyrl = "ab-translit", Geor = "Geor-translit", }, override_translit = true, display_text = { Cyrl = s["cau-Cyrl-displaytext"] }, entry_name = { Cyrl = { remove_diacritics = c.acute, from = {"^а%-"}, to = {"а"}, }, Latn = s["cau-Latn-entryname"], }, sort_key = { Cyrl = { from = { "х'ә", -- 3 chars "гь", "гә", "ӷь", "ҕь", "ӷә", "ҕә", "дә", "ё", "жь", "жә", "ҙә", "ӡә", "ӡ'", "кь", "кә", "қь", "қә", "ҟь", "ҟә", "ҫә", "тә", "ҭә", "ф'", "хь", "хә", "х'", "ҳә", "ць", "цә", "ц'", "ҵә", "ҵ'", "шь", "шә", "џь", -- 2 chars "ӷ", "ҕ", "ҙ", "ӡ", "қ", "ҟ", "ԥ", "ҧ", "ҫ", "ҭ", "ҳ", "ҵ", "ҷ", "ҽ", "ҿ", "ҩ", "џ", "ә", -- 1 char "^а", }, to = { "х" .. p[4], "г" .. p[1], "г" .. p[2], "г" .. p[5], "г" .. p[6], "г" .. p[7], "г" .. p[8], "д" .. p[1], "е" .. p[1], "ж" .. p[1], "ж" .. p[2], "з" .. p[2], "з" .. p[4], "з" .. p[5], "к" .. p[1], "к" .. p[2], "к" .. p[4], "к" .. p[5], "к" .. p[7], "к" .. p[8], "с" .. p[2], "т" .. p[1], "т" .. p[3], "ф" .. p[1], "х" .. p[1], "х" .. p[2], "х" .. p[3], "х" .. p[6], "ц" .. p[1], "ц" .. p[2], "ц" .. p[3], "ц" .. p[5], "ц" .. p[6], "ш" .. p[1], "ш" .. p[2], "ы" .. p[3], "г" .. p[3], "г" .. p[4], "з" .. p[1], "з" .. p[3], "к" .. p[3], "к" .. p[6], "п" .. p[1], "п" .. p[2], "с" .. p[1], "т" .. p[2], "х" .. p[5], "ц" .. p[4], "ч" .. p[1], "ч" .. p[2], "ч" .. p[3], "ы" .. p[1], "ы" .. p[2], "ь" .. p[1], "", } }, }, } m["ae"] = { "Avestan", 29572, "ira-cen", "Avst, Gujr", translit = { Avst = "Avst-translit" }, } m["af"] = { "Afrikaans", 14196, "gmw-frk", "Latn, Arab", ancestors = "nl", sort_key = { Latn = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.circ .. c.tilde .. c.diaer .. c.ringabove .. c.cedilla .. "'", from = {"['ʼ]n"}, to = {"n" .. p[1]} } }, } m["ak"] = { "Akan", 28026, "alv-ctn", "Latn", } m["am"] = { "Amharic", 28244, "sem-eth", "Ethi", translit = "Ethi-translit", } m["an"] = { "Aragonese", 8765, "roa-nar", "Latn", } m["ar"] = { "Arabic", 13955, "sem-arb", "Arab, Hebr, Syrc, Brai", translit = { Arab = "ar-translit" }, display_text = { Hebr = "Hebr-common", }, entry_name = { Arab = "ar-entryname", Hebr = "Hebr-common", }, sort_key = { Hebr = "Hebr-common", }, } m["as"] = { "Assamese", 29401, "inc-bas", "as-Beng", ancestors = "inc-mas", translit = "as-translit", } m["av"] = { "Avar", 29561, "cau-ava", "Cyrl, Latn, Arab", ancestors = "oav", translit = { Cyrl = "cau-nec-translit", Arab = "ar-translit", }, override_translit = true, display_text = { Cyrl = s["cau-Cyrl-displaytext"], }, entry_name = { Cyrl = s["cau-Cyrl-entryname"], Latn = s["cau-Latn-entryname"], }, sort_key = { Cyrl = { from = {"гъ", "гь", "гӏ", "ё", "кк", "къ", "кь", "кӏ", "лъ", "лӏ", "тӏ", "хх", "хъ", "хь", "хӏ", "цӏ", "чӏ"}, to = {"г" .. p[1], "г" .. p[2], "г" .. p[3], "е" .. p[1], "к" .. p[1], "к" .. p[2], "к" .. p[3], "к" .. p[4], "л" .. p[1], "л" .. p[2], "т" .. p[1], "х" .. p[1], "х" .. p[2], "х" .. p[3], "х" .. p[4], "ц" .. p[1], "ч" .. p[1]} }, }, } m["ay"] = { "Aymara", 4627, "sai-aym", "Latn", } m["az"] = { "Azerbaijani", 9292, "trk-ogz", "Latn, Cyrl, fa-Arab", ancestors = "trk-oat", dotted_dotless_i = true, entry_name = { Latn = { from = {"ʼ"}, to = {"'"}, }, ["fa-Arab"] = { module = "ar-entryname", ["from"] = { "ۆ", "ۇ", "وْ", "ڲ", "ؽ", }, ["to"] = { "و", "و", "و", "گ", "ی", }, }, }, display_text = { Latn = { from = {"'"}, to = {"ʼ"} } }, sort_key = { Latn = { from = { "i", -- Ensure "i" comes after "ı". "ç", "ə", "ğ", "x", "ı", "q", "ö", "ş", "ü", "w" }, to = { "i" .. p[1], "c" .. p[1], "e" .. p[1], "g" .. p[1], "h" .. p[1], "i", "k" .. p[1], "o" .. p[1], "s" .. p[1], "u" .. p[1], "z" .. p[1] } }, Cyrl = { from = {"ғ", "ә", "ы", "ј", "ҝ", "ө", "ү", "һ", "ҹ"}, to = {"г" .. p[1], "е" .. p[1], "и" .. p[1], "и" .. p[2], "к" .. p[1], "о" .. p[1], "у" .. p[1], "х" .. p[1], "ч" .. p[1]} }, }, } m["ba"] = { "Bashkir", 13389, "trk-kbu", "Cyrl", translit = "ba-translit", override_translit = true, sort_key = { from = {"ғ", "ҙ", "ё", "ҡ", "ң", "ө", "ҫ", "ү", "һ", "ә"}, to = {"г" .. p[1], "д" .. p[1], "е" .. p[1], "к" .. p[1], "н" .. p[1], "о" .. p[1], "с" .. p[1], "у" .. p[1], "х" .. p[1], "э" .. p[1]} }, } m["be"] = { "Belarusian", 9091, "zle", "Cyrl, Latn", ancestors = "zle-obe", translit = { Cyrl = "be-translit", }, entry_name = { Cyrl = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute, }, Latn = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute, remove_exceptions = {"Ć", "ć", "Ń", "ń", "Ś", "ś", "Ź", "ź"}, }, }, sort_key = { Cyrl = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute, from = {"ґ", "ё", "і", "ў"}, to = {"г" .. p[1], "е" .. p[1], "и" .. p[1], "у" .. p[1]} }, Latn = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute, remove_exceptions = {"Ć", "ć", "Ń", "ń", "Ś", "ś", "Ź", "ź"}, from = {"ć", "č", "dz", "dź", "dž", "ch", "ł", "ń", "ś", "š", "ŭ", "ź", "ž"}, to = {"c" .. p[1], "c" .. p[2], "d" .. p[1], "d" .. p[2], "d" .. p[3], "h" .. p[1], "l" .. p[1], "n" .. p[1], "s" .. p[1], "s" .. p[2], "u" .. p[1], "z" .. p[1], "z" .. p[2]} }, }, standardChars = { Cyrl = "АаБбВвГгДдЕеЁёЖжЗзІіЙйКкЛлМмНнОоПпРрСсТтУуЎўФфХхЦцЧчШшЫыЬьЭэЮюЯя", Latn = "AaBbCcĆćČčDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlŁłMmNnŃńOoPpRrSsŚśŠšTtUuŬŭVvYyZzŹźŽž", (c.punc:gsub("'", "")) -- Exclude apostrophe. }, } m["bg"] = { "Bulgarian", 7918, "zls", "Cyrl", ancestors = "cu-bgm", translit = "bg-translit", entry_name = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute, remove_exceptions = {"%f[^%z%s]ѝ%f[%z%s]"}, }, sort_key = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute, remove_exceptions = {"%f[^%z%s]ѝ%f[%z%s]"}, }, standardChars = "АаБбВвГгДдЕеЖжЗзИиЙйКкЛлМмНнОоПпРрСсТтУуФфХхЦцЧчШшЩщЪъЬьЮюЯя" .. c.punc, } m["bh"] = { "Bihari", 135305, "inc-eas", "Deva", } m["bi"] = { "Bislama", 35452, "crp", "Latn", ancestors = "en", } m["bm"] = { "Bambara", 33243, "dmn-emn", "Latn, Nkoo", sort_key = { Latn = { from = {"ɛ", "ɲ", "ŋ", "ɔ"}, to = {"e" .. p[1], "n" .. p[1], "n" .. p[2], "o" .. p[1]} }, }, } m["bn"] = { "Bengali", 9610, "inc-bas", "Beng, Newa", ancestors = "inc-mbn", translit = { Beng = "bn-translit" }, } m["bo"] = { "Tibetan", 34271, "sit-tib", "Tibt", -- sometimes Deva? ancestors = "xct", translit = "Tibt-translit", override_translit = true, display_text = s["Tibt-displaytext"], entry_name = s["Tibt-entryname"], sort_key = "Tibt-sortkey", } m["br"] = { "Breton", 12107, "cel-brs", "Latn", ancestors = "xbm", sort_key = { from = {"ch", "c['ʼ’]h"}, to = {"c" .. p[1], "c" .. p[2]} }, } m["ca"] = { "Catalan", 7026, "roa-ocr", "Latn", ancestors = "roa-oca", sort_key = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.diaer .. c.cedilla, from = {"l·l"}, to = {"ll"} }, standardChars = "AaÀàBbCcÇçDdEeÉéÈèFfGgHhIiÍíÏïJjLlMmNnOoÓóÒòPpQqRrSsTtUuÚúÜüVvXxYyZz·" .. c.punc, } m["ce"] = { "Chechen", 33350, "cau-vay", "Cyrl, Latn, Arab", translit = { Cyrl = "cau-nec-translit", Arab = "ar-translit", }, override_translit = true, display_text = { Cyrl = s["cau-Cyrl-displaytext"] }, entry_name = { Cyrl = s["cau-Cyrl-entryname"], Latn = s["cau-Latn-entryname"], }, sort_key = { Cyrl = { from = {"аь", "гӏ", "ё", "кх", "къ", "кӏ", "оь", "пӏ", "тӏ", "уь", "хь", "хӏ", "цӏ", "чӏ", "юь", "яь"}, to = {"а" .. p[1], "г" .. p[1], "е" .. p[1], "к" .. p[1], "к" .. p[2], "к" .. p[3], "о" .. p[1], "п" .. p[1], "т" .. p[1], "у" .. p[1], "х" .. p[1], "х" .. p[2], "ц" .. p[1], "ч" .. p[1], "ю" .. p[1], "я" .. p[1]} }, }, } m["ch"] = { "Chamorro", 33262, "poz", "Latn", sort_key = { remove_diacritics = "'", from = {"å", "ch", "ñ", "ng"}, to = {"a" .. p[1], "c" .. p[1], "n" .. p[1], "n" .. p[2]} }, } m["co"] = { "Corsican", 33111, "roa-itd", "Latn", sort_key = { from = {"chj", "ghj", "sc", "sg"}, to = {"c" .. p[1], "g" .. p[1], "s" .. p[1], "s" .. p[2]} }, standardChars = "AaÀàBbCcDdEeÈèFfGgHhIiÌìÏïJjLlMmNnOoÒòPpQqRrSsTtUuÙùÜüVvZz" .. c.punc, } m["cr"] = { "Cree", 33390, "alg", "Latn, Cans", translit = { Cans = "cr-translit" }, } m["cs"] = { "Czech", 9056, "zlw", "Latn", ancestors = "cs-ear", sort_key = { from = {"á", "č", "ď", "é", "ě", "ch", "í", "ň", "ó", "ř", "š", "ť", "ú", "ů", "ý", "ž"}, to = {"a" .. p[1], "c" .. p[1], "d" .. p[1], "e" .. p[1], "e" .. p[2], "h" .. p[1], "i" .. p[1], "n" .. p[1], "o" .. p[1], "r" .. p[1], "s" .. p[1], "t" .. p[1], "u" .. p[1], "u" .. p[2], "y" .. p[1], "z" .. p[1]} }, standardChars = "AaÁáBbCcČčDdĎďEeÉéĚěFfGgHhIiÍíJjKkLlMmNnŇňOoÓóPpRrŘřSsŠšTtŤťUuÚúŮůVvYyÝýZzŽž" .. c.punc, } m["cu"] = { "Old Church Slavonic", 35499, "zls", "Cyrs, Glag", translit = { Cyrs = "Cyrs-translit", Glag = "Glag-translit" }, entry_name = { Cyrs = s["Cyrs-entryname"] }, sort_key = { Cyrs = s["Cyrs-sortkey"] }, } m["cv"] = { "Chuvash", 33348, "trk-ogr", "Cyrl", ancestors = "cv-mid", translit = "cv-translit", override_translit = true, sort_key = { from = {"ӑ", "ё", "ӗ", "ҫ", "ӳ"}, to = {"а" .. p[1], "е" .. p[1], "е" .. p[2], "с" .. p[1], "у" .. p[1]} }, } m["cy"] = { "Welsh", 9309, "cel-brw", "Latn", ancestors = "wlm", sort_key = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.circ .. c.diaer .. "'", from = {"ch", "dd", "ff", "ng", "ll", "ph", "rh", "th"}, to = {"c" .. p[1], "d" .. p[1], "f" .. p[1], "g" .. p[1], "l" .. p[1], "p" .. p[1], "r" .. p[1], "t" .. p[1]} }, standardChars = "ÂâAaBbCcDdEeÊêFfGgHhIiÎîLlMmNnOoÔôPpRrSsTtUuÛûWwŴŵYyŶŷ" .. c.punc, } m["da"] = { "Danish", 9035, "gmq-eas", "Latn", ancestors = "gmq-oda", sort_key = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.circ .. c.tilde .. c.macron .. c.dacute .. c.caron .. c.cedilla, remove_exceptions = {"å"}, from = {"æ", "ø", "å"}, to = {"z" .. p[1], "z" .. p[2], "z" .. p[3]} }, standardChars = "AaBbDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpRrSsTtUuVvYyÆæØøÅå" .. c.punc, } m["de"] = { "German", 188, "gmw-hgm", "Latn, Latf, Brai", ancestors = "gmh", sort_key = { Latn = s["de-Latn-sortkey"], Latf = s["de-Latn-sortkey"], }, standardChars = { Latn = s["de-Latn-standardchars"], Latf = s["de-Latn-standardchars"], Brai = c.braille, c.punc } } m["dv"] = { "Dhivehi", 32656, "inc-ins", "Thaa, Diak", translit = { Thaa = "dv-translit", Diak = "Diak-translit", }, override_translit = true, } m["dz"] = { "Dzongkha", 33081, "sit-tib", "Tibt", ancestors = "xct", translit = "Tibt-translit", override_translit = true, display_text = s["Tibt-displaytext"], entry_name = s["Tibt-entryname"], sort_key = "Tibt-sortkey", } m["ee"] = { "Ewe", 30005, "alv-gbe", "Latn", sort_key = { remove_diacritics = c.tilde, from = {"ɖ", "dz", "ɛ", "ƒ", "gb", "ɣ", "kp", "ny", "ŋ", "ɔ", "ts", "ʋ"}, to = {"d" .. p[1], "d" .. p[2], "e" .. p[1], "f" .. p[1], "g" .. p[1], "g" .. p[2], "k" .. p[1], "n" .. p[1], "n" .. p[2], "o" .. p[1], "t" .. p[1], "v" .. p[1]} }, } m["el"] = { "Greek", 9129, "grk", "Grek, Polyt, Brai", ancestors = "el-kth", translit = { Grek = "el-translit", Polyt = "grc-translit", }, override_translit = true, display_text = { Grek = s["Grek-displaytext"], Polyt = s["Polyt-displaytext"], }, entry_name = { Grek = s["Grek-entryname"], Polyt = s["Polyt-entryname"], }, sort_key = { Grek = s["Grek-sortkey"], Polyt = s["Polyt-sortkey"], }, standardChars = { Grek = "΅·ͺ΄ΑαΆάΒβΓγΔδΕεέΈΖζΗηΉήΘθΙιΊίΪϊΐΚκΛλΜμΝνΞξΟοΌόΠπΡρΣσςΤτΥυΎύΫϋΰΦφΧχΨψΩωΏώ", Brai = c.braille, c.punc }, } m["en"] = { "English", 1860, "gmw-ang", "Latn, Brai, Shaw, Dsrt", -- entries in Shaw or Dsrt might require prior discussion wikimedia_codes = "en, simple", ancestors = "en-ear", sort_key = { Latn = { -- Many of these are needed for sorting language names. remove_diacritics = "'\"%-%.,%s·ʻʼ" .. c.diacritics, -- These are found in entry names. from = {"[ɒæ🅱¢©ᴄðđəǝɜɡħʜıɨłŋɲøɔœꝑꝓꝕßʋ]"}, to = {{ ["ɒ"] = "a", ["æ"] = "ae", ["🅱"] = "b", ["¢"] = "c", ["©"] = "c", ["ᴄ"] = "c", ["ð"] = "d", ["đ"] = "d", ["ə"] = "e", ["ǝ"] = "e", ["ɜ"] = "e", ["ɡ"] = "g", ["ħ"] = "h", ["ʜ"] = "h", ["ı"] = "i", ["ɨ"] = "i", ["ł"] = "l", ["ŋ"] = "n", ["ɲ"] = "n", ["ø"] = "o", ["ɔ"] = "o", ["œ"] = "oe", ["ꝑ"] = "p", ["ꝓ"] = "p", ["ꝕ"] = "p", ["ß"] = "ss", ["ʋ"] = "v", }}, }, }, standardChars = { Latn = "AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz", Brai = c.braille, c.punc }, } m["eo"] = { "Esperanto", 143, "art", "Latn", sort_key = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute, from = {"ĉ", "ĝ", "ĥ", "ĵ", "ŝ", "ŭ"}, to = {"c" .. p[1], "g" .. p[1], "h" .. p[1], "j" .. p[1], "s" .. p[1], "u" .. p[1]} }, standardChars = "AaBbCcĈĉDdEeFfGgĜĝHhĤĥIiJjĴĵKkLlMmNnOoPpRrSsŜŝTtUuŬŭVvZz" .. c.punc, } m["es"] = { "Spanish", 1321, "roa-cas", "Latn, Brai", ancestors = "es-ear", sort_key = { Latn = { remove_exceptions = {"ñ"}, remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.circ .. c.tilde .. c.macron .. c.diaer .. c.cedilla, from = {"ª", "æ", "ñ", "º", "œ"}, to = {"a", "ae", "n" .. p[1], "o", "oe"} }, }, standardChars = { Latn = "AaÁáBbCcDdEeÉéFfGgHhIiÍíJjLlMmNnÑñOoÓóPpQqRrSsTtUuÚúÜüVvXxYyZz", Brai = c.braille, c.punc }, } m["et"] = { "Estonian", 9072, "urj-fin", "Latn", sort_key = { from = { "š", "ž", "õ", "ä", "ö", "ü", -- 2 chars "z" -- 1 char }, to = { "s" .. p[1], "s" .. p[3], "w" .. p[1], "w" .. p[2], "w" .. p[3], "w" .. p[4], "s" .. p[2] } }, standardChars = "AaBbDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpRrSsTtUuVvÕõÄäÖöÜü" .. c.punc, } m["eu"] = { "Basque", 8752, "euq", "Latn", sort_key = { from = {"ç", "ñ"}, to = {"c" .. p[1], "n" .. p[1]} }, standardChars = "AaBbDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnÑñOoPpRrSsTtUuXxZz" .. c.punc, } m["fa"] = { "Persian", 9168, "ira-swi", "fa-Arab, Hebr", ancestors = "fa-cls", display_text = { Hebr = "Hebr-common", }, entry_name = { ["fa-Arab"] = { -- character "ۂ" code U+06C2 to "ه" and "هٔ"‎ (U+0647 + U+0654) to "ه"; hamzatu l-waṣli to a regular alif from = {"هٔ", "ٱ"}, -- character "ۂ" code U+06C2 to "ه"; hamzatu l-waṣli to a regular alif to = {"ه", "ا"}, remove_diacritics = c.fathatan .. c.dammatan .. c.kasratan .. c.fatha .. c.damma .. c.kasra .. c.shadda .. c.sukun .. c.superalef, }, Hebr = "Hebr-common", }, sort_key = { Hebr = "Hebr-common", }, } m["ff"] = { "Fula", 33454, "alv-fwo", "Latn, Adlm", } m["fi"] = { "Finnish", 1412, "urj-fin", "Latn", display_text = { from = {"'"}, to = {"’"} }, entry_name = { -- used to indicate gemination of the next consonant remove_diacritics = "ˣ", from = {"’"}, to = {"'"}, }, sort_key = { -- [[Appendix:Finnish alphabet#Collation]] + "aͤ" and "oͤ" as historical variants of "ä" and "ö". remove_diacritics = "':" .. c.diacritics, remove_exceptions = { "a[" .. c.ringabove .. c.diaer .. c.small_e .. "]", -- åäaͤ "o[" .. c.diaer .. c.tilde .. c.dacute .. c.small_e .. "]", -- öõőoͤ "u[" .. c.diaer .. c.dacute .. "]" -- üű }, from = {"æ", "[ðđ]", "ł", "ŋ", "œ", "ß", "þ", "u[" .. c.diaer .. c.dacute .. "]", "å", "aͤ", "o[" .. c.tilde .. c.dacute .. c.small_e .. "]", "ø", "(.)['%-]"}, to = {"ae", "d", "l", "n", "oe", "ss", "th", "y", "z" .. p[1], "ä", "ö", "ö", "%1"} }, standardChars = "AaBbDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpRrSsTtUuVvYyÄäÖö" .. c.punc, } m["fj"] = { "Fijian", 33295, "poz-pcc", "Latn", } m["fo"] = { "Faroese", 25258, "gmq-ins", "Latn", sort_key = { from = {"á", "ð", "í", "ó", "ú", "ý", "æ", "ø"}, to = {"a" .. p[1], "d" .. p[1], "i" .. p[1], "o" .. p[1], "u" .. p[1], "y" .. p[1], "z" .. p[1], "z" .. p[2]} }, standardChars = "AaÁáBbDdÐðEeFfGgHhIiÍíJjKkLlMmNnOoÓóPpRrSsTtUuÚúVvYyÝýÆæØø" .. c.punc, } m["fr"] = { "French", 150, "roa-oil", "Latn, Brai", display_text = { Latn = { from = {"'"}, to = {"’"} }, }, entry_name = { Latn = { from = {"’"}, to = {"'"}, }, }, ancestors = "frm", sort_key = { Latn = s["roa-oil-sortkey"] }, standardChars = { Latn = "AaÀàÂâBbCcÇçDdEeÉéÈèÊêËëFfGgHhIiÎîÏïJjLlMmNnOoÔôŒœPpQqRrSsTtUuÙùÛûÜüVvXxYyZz", Brai = c.braille, c.punc }, } m["fy"] = { "West Frisian", 27175, "gmw-fri", "Latn", sort_key = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.circ .. c.diaer, from = {"y"}, to = {"i"} }, standardChars = "AaâäàÆæBbCcDdEeéêëèFfGgHhIiïìYyỳJjKkLlMmNnOoôöòPpRrSsTtUuúûüùVvWwZz" .. c.punc, } m["ga"] = { "Irish", 9142, "cel-gae", "Latn, Latg", ancestors = "mga", sort_key = { remove_diacritics = c.acute, from = {"ḃ", "ċ", "ḋ", "ḟ", "ġ", "ṁ", "ṗ", "ṡ", "ṫ"}, to = {"bh", "ch", "dh", "fh", "gh", "mh", "ph", "sh", "th"} }, standardChars = "AaÁáBbCcDdEeÉéFfGgHhIiÍíLlMmNnOoÓóPpRrSsTtUuÚúVv" .. c.punc, } m["gd"] = { "Scottish Gaelic", 9314, "cel-gae", "Latn, Latg", ancestors = "mga", sort_key = {remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute}, standardChars = "AaÀàBbCcDdEeÈèFfGgHhIiÌìLlMmNnOoÒòPpRrSsTtUuÙù" .. c.punc, } m["gl"] = { "Galician", 9307, "roa-gap", "Latn", sort_key = { remove_diacritics = c.acute, from = {"ñ"}, to = {"n" .. p[1]} }, standardChars = "AaÁáBbCcDdEeÉéFfGgHhIiÍíÏïLlMmNnÑñOoÓóPpQqRrSsTtUuÚúÜüVvXxZz" .. c.punc, } m["gn"] = { "Guaraní", 35876, "tup-gua", "Latn", } m["gu"] = { "Gujarati", 5137, "inc-wes", "Arab, Gujr", ancestors = "inc-mgu", translit = { Gujr = "gu-translit", }, entry_name = { Arab = {remove_diacritics = c.fathatan .. c.dammatan .. c.kasratan .. c.fatha .. c.damma .. c.kasra .. c.kasra .. c.shadda .. c.sukun}, Gujr = {remove_diacritics = "઼"}, }, } m["gv"] = { "Manx", 12175, "cel-gae", "Latn", ancestors = "mga", sort_key = {remove_diacritics = c.cedilla .. "-"}, standardChars = "AaBbCcÇçDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwYy" .. c.punc, } m["ha"] = { "Hausa", 56475, "cdc-wst", "Latn, Arab", entry_name = { Latn = {remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.circ .. c.tilde .. c.macron} }, sort_key = { Latn = { from = {"ɓ", "b'", "ɗ", "d'", "ƙ", "k'", "sh", "ƴ", "'y"}, to = {"b" .. p[1], "b" .. p[2], "d" .. p[1], "d" .. p[2], "k" .. p[1], "k" .. p[2], "s" .. p[1], "y" .. p[1], "y" .. p[2]} }, }, } m["he"] = { "Hebrew", 9288, "sem-can", "Hebr, Phnx, Brai, Samr", ancestors = "he-med", display_text = { Hebr = "Hebr-common", }, entry_name = { Hebr = "Hebr-common", Samr = s["Samr-entryname"], }, sort_key = { Hebr = "Hebr-common", Samr = s["Samr-sortkey"], }, } m["hi"] = { "Hindi", 1568, "inc-hnd", "Deva, Kthi, Newa", translit = { Deva = "hi-translit" }, standardChars = { Deva = "अआइईउऊएऐओऔकखगघङचछजझञटठडढणतथदधनपफबभमयरलवशषसहत्रज्ञक्षक़ख़ग़ज़झ़ड़ढ़फ़काखागाघाङाचाछाजाझाञाटाठाडाढाणाताथादाधानापाफाबाभामायारालावाशाषासाहात्राज्ञाक्षाक़ाख़ाग़ाज़ाझ़ाड़ाढ़ाफ़ाकिखिगिघिङिचिछिजिझिञिटिठिडिढिणितिथिदिधिनिपिफिबिभिमियिरिलिविशिषिसिहित्रिज्ञिक्षिक़िख़िग़िज़िझ़िड़िढ़िफ़िकीखीगीघीङीचीछीजीझीञीटीठीडीढीणीतीथीदीधीनीपीफीबीभीमीयीरीलीवीशीषीसीहीत्रीज्ञीक्षीक़ीख़ीग़ीज़ीझ़ीड़ीढ़ीफ़ीकुखुगुघुङुचुछुजुझुञुटुठुडुढुणुतुथुदुधुनुपुफुबुभुमुयुरुलुवुशुषुसुहुत्रुज्ञुक्षुक़ुख़ुग़ुज़ुझ़ुड़ुढ़ुफ़ुकूखूगूघूङूचूछूजूझूञूटूठूडूढूणूतूथूदूधूनूपूफूबूभूमूयूरूलूवूशूषूसूहूत्रूज्ञूक्षूक़ूख़ूग़ूज़ूझ़ूड़ूढ़ूफ़ूकेखेगेघेङेचेछेजेझेञेटेठेडेढेणेतेथेदेधेनेपेफेबेभेमेयेरेलेवेशेषेसेहेत्रेज्ञेक्षेक़ेख़ेग़ेज़ेझ़ेड़ेढ़ेफ़ेकैखैगैघैङैचैछैजैझैञैटैठैडैढैणैतैथैदैधैनैपैफैबैभैमैयैरैलैवैशैषैसैहैत्रैज्ञैक्षैक़ैख़ैग़ैज़ैझ़ैड़ैढ़ैफ़ैकोखोगोघोङोचोछोजोझोञोटोठोडोढोणोतोथोदोधोनोपोफोबोभोमोयोरोलोवोशोषोसोहोत्रोज्ञोक्षोक़ोख़ोग़ोज़ोझ़ोड़ोढ़ोफ़ोकौखौगौघौङौचौछौजौझौञौटौठौडौढौणौतौथौदौधौनौपौफौबौभौमौयौरौलौवौशौषौसौहौत्रौज्ञौक्षौक़ौख़ौग़ौज़ौझ़ौड़ौढ़ौफ़ौक्ख्ग्घ्ङ्च्छ्ज्झ्ञ्ट्ठ्ड्ढ्ण्त्थ्द्ध्न्प्फ्ब्भ्म्य्र्ल्व्श्ष्स्ह्त्र्ज्ञ्क्ष्क़्ख़्ग़्ज़्झ़्ड़्ढ़्फ़्।॥०१२३४५६७८९॰", c.punc }, } m["ho"] = { "Hiri Motu", 33617, "crp", "Latn", ancestors = "meu", } m["ht"] = { "Haitian Creole", 33491, "crp", "Latn", ancestors = "ht-sdm", sort_key = { from = { "oun", -- 3 chars "an", "ch", "è", "en", "ng", "ò", "on", "ou", "ui" -- 2 chars }, to = { "o" .. p[4], "a" .. p[1], "c" .. p[1], "e" .. p[1], "e" .. p[2], "n" .. p[1], "o" .. p[1], "o" .. p[2], "o" .. p[3], "u" .. p[1] } }, } m["hu"] = { "Hungarian", 9067, "urj-ugr", "Latn, Hung", ancestors = "ohu", sort_key = { Latn = { from = { "dzs", -- 3 chars "á", "cs", "dz", "é", "gy", "í", "ly", "ny", "ó", "ö", "ő", "sz", "ty", "ú", "ü", "ű", "zs", -- 2 chars }, to = { "d" .. p[2], "a" .. p[1], "c" .. p[1], "d" .. p[1], "e" .. p[1], "g" .. p[1], "i" .. p[1], "l" .. p[1], "n" .. p[1], "o" .. p[1], "o" .. p[2], "o" .. p[3], "s" .. p[1], "t" .. p[1], "u" .. p[1], "u" .. p[2], "u" .. p[3], "z" .. p[1], } }, }, standardChars = { Latn = "AaÁáBbCcDdEeÉéFfGgHhIiÍíJjKkLlMmNnOoÓóÖöŐőPpQqRrSsTtUuÚúÜüŰűVvWwXxYyZz", c.punc }, } m["hy"] = { "Armenian", 8785, "hyx", "Armn, Brai", ancestors = "axm", translit = { Armn = "Armn-translit" }, override_translit = true, entry_name = { Armn = { remove_diacritics = "՛՜՞՟", from = {"եւ", "&lt;sup>յ&lt;/sup>", "&lt;sup>ի&lt;/sup>", "&lt;sup>է&lt;/sup>", "յ̵", "ՙ", "՚"}, to = {"և", "յ", "ի", "է", "ֈ", "ʻ", "’"} }, }, sort_key = { Armn = { from = { "ու", "եւ", -- 2 chars "և" -- 1 char }, to = { "ւ", "եվ", "եվ" } }, }, } m["hz"] = { "Herero", 33315, "bnt-swb", "Latn", } m["ia"] = { "Interlingua", 35934, "art", "Latn", } m["id"] = { "Indonesian", 9240, "poz-mly", "Latn", ancestors = "ms", standardChars = "AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz" .. c.punc, } m["ie"] = { "Interlingue", 35850, "art", "Latn", type = "appendix-constructed", entry_name = {remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.circ}, } m["ig"] = { "Igbo", 33578, "alv-igb", "Latn", entry_name = {remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.macron}, sort_key = { from = {"gb", "gh", "gw", "ị", "kp", "kw", "ṅ", "nw", "ny", "ọ", "sh", "ụ"}, to = {"g" .. p[1], "g" .. p[2], "g" .. p[3], "i" .. p[1], "k" .. p[1], "k" .. p[2], "n" .. p[1], "n" .. p[2], "n" .. p[3], "o" .. p[1], "s" .. p[1], "u" .. p[1]} }, } m["ii"] = { "Nuosu", 34235, "tbq-nlo", "Yiii", translit = "ii-translit", } m["ik"] = { "Inupiaq", 27183, "esx-inu", "Latn", sort_key = { from = { "ch", "ġ", "dj", "ḷ", "ł̣", "ñ", "ng", "r̂", "sr", "zr", -- 2 chars "ł", "ŋ", "ʼ" -- 1 char }, to = { "c" .. p[1], "g" .. p[1], "h" .. p[1], "l" .. p[1], "l" .. p[3], "n" .. p[1], "n" .. p[2], "r" .. p[1], "s" .. p[1], "z" .. p[1], "l" .. p[2], "n" .. p[2], "z" .. p[2] } }, } m["io"] = { "Ido", 35224, "art", "Latn", } m["is"] = { "Icelandic", 294, "gmq-ins", "Latn", sort_key = { from = {"á", "ð", "é", "í", "ó", "ú", "ý", "þ", "æ", "ö"}, to = {"a" .. p[1], "d" .. p[1], "e" .. p[1], "i" .. p[1], "o" .. p[1], "u" .. p[1], "y" .. p[1], "z" .. p[1], "z" .. p[2], "z" .. p[3]} }, standardChars = "AaÁáBbDdÐðEeÉéFfGgHhIiÍíJjKkLlMmNnOoÓóPpRrSsTtUuÚúVvXxYyÝýÞþÆæÖö" .. c.punc, } m["it"] = { "Italian", 652, "roa-itd", "Latn", ancestors = "roa-oit", sort_key = {remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.circ .. c.diaer .. c.ringabove}, standardChars = "AaÀàBbCcDdEeÈèÉéFfGgHhIiÌìLlMmNnOoÒòPpQqRrSsTtUuÙùVvZz" .. c.punc, } m["iu"] = { "Inuktitut", 29921, "esx-inu", "Cans, Latn", translit = { Cans = "cr-translit" }, override_translit = true, } m["ja"] = { "Japanese", 5287, "jpx", "Jpan, Latn, Brai", ancestors = "ja-ear", translit = s["jpx-translit"], link_tr = true, display_text = s["jpx-displaytext"], entry_name = s["jpx-entryname"], sort_key = s["jpx-sortkey"], } m["jv"] = { "Javanese", 33549, "poz", "Latn, Java", ancestors = "kaw", translit = { Java = "jv-translit" }, link_tr = true, entry_name = { Latn = {remove_diacritics = c.circ} -- Modern jv don't use ê }, sort_key = { Latn = { from = {"å", "dh", "é", "è", "ng", "ny", "th"}, to = {"a" .. p[1], "d" .. p[1], "e" .. p[1], "e" .. p[2], "n" .. p[1], "n" .. p[2], "t" .. p[1]} }, }, } m["ka"] = { "Georgian", 8108, "ccs-gzn", "Geor, Geok, Hebr", -- Hebr is used to write Judeo-Georgian ancestors = "ka-mid", translit = { Geor = "Geor-translit", Geok = "Geok-translit", }, override_translit = true, display_text = { Hebr = "Hebr-common", }, entry_name = { Geor = s["ka-entryname"], Geok = s["ka-entryname"], Hebr = "Hebr-common", }, sort_key = { Hebr = "Hebr-common", } } m["kg"] = { "Kongo", 33702, "bnt-kng", "Latn", } m["ki"] = { "Kikuyu", 33587, "bnt-kka", "Latn", } m["kj"] = { "Kwanyama", 1405077, "bnt-ova", "Latn", } m["kk"] = { "Kazakh", 9252, "trk-kno", "Cyrl, Latn, kk-Arab", translit = { Cyrl = { from = { "Ё", "ё", "Й", "й", "Нг", "нг", "Ӯ", "ӯ", -- 2 chars; are "Ӯ" and "ӯ" actually used? "А", "а", "Ә", "ә", "Б", "б", "В", "в", "Г", "г", "Ғ", "ғ", "Д", "д", "Е", "е", "Ж", "ж", "З", "з", "И", "и", "К", "к", "Қ", "қ", "Л", "л", "М", "м", "Н", "н", "Ң", "ң", "О", "о", "Ө", "ө", "П", "п", "Р", "р", "С", "с", "Т", "т", "У", "у", "Ұ", "ұ", "Ү", "ү", "Ф", "ф", "Х", "х", "Һ", "һ", "Ц", "ц", "Ч", "ч", "Ш", "ш", "Щ", "щ", "Ъ", "ъ", "Ы", "ы", "І", "і", "Ь", "ь", "Э", "э", "Ю", "ю", "Я", "я", -- 1 char }, to = { "E", "e", "İ", "i", "Ñ", "ñ", "U", "u", "A", "a", "Ä", "ä", "B", "b", "V", "v", "G", "g", "Ğ", "ğ", "D", "d", "E", "e", "J", "j", "Z", "z", "İ", "i", "K", "k", "Q", "q", "L", "l", "M", "m", "N", "n", "Ñ", "ñ", "O", "o", "Ö", "ö", "P", "p", "R", "r", "S", "s", "T", "t", "U", "u", "Ū", "ū", "Ü", "ü", "F", "f", "X", "x", "H", "h", "S", "s", "Ç", "ç", "Ş", "ş", "Ş", "ş", "", "", "Y", "y", "I", "ı", "", "", "É", "é", "Ü", "ü", "Ä", "ä", } } }, -- override_translit = true, sort_key = { Cyrl = { from = {"ә", "ғ", "ё", "қ", "ң", "ө", "ұ", "ү", "һ", "і"}, to = {"а" .. p[1], "г" .. p[1], "е" .. p[1], "к" .. p[1], "н" .. p[1], "о" .. p[1], "у" .. p[1], "у" .. p[2], "х" .. p[1], "ы" .. p[1]} }, }, standardChars = { Cyrl = "АаӘәБбВвГгҒғДдЕеЁёЖжЗзИиЙйКкҚқЛлМмНнҢңОоӨөПпРрСсТтУуҰұҮүФфХхҺһЦцЧчШшЩщЪъЫыІіЬьЭэЮюЯя", c.punc }, } m["kl"] = { "Greenlandic", 25355, "esx-inu", "Latn", sort_key = { from = {"æ", "ø", "å"}, to = {"z" .. p[1], "z" .. p[2], "z" .. p[3]} } } m["km"] = { "Khmer", 9205, "mkh-kmr", "Khmr", ancestors = "xhm", translit = "km-translit", } m["kn"] = { "Kannada", 33673, "dra-kan", "Knda, Tutg", ancestors = "dra-mkn", translit = { Knda = "kn-translit", }, } m["ko"] = { "Korean", 9176, "qfa-kor", "Kore, Brai", ancestors = "ko-ear", translit = { Kore = "ko-translit", }, entry_name = { Kore = s["Kore-entryname"], }, } m["kr"] = { "Kanuri", 36094, "ssa-sah", "Latn, Arab", -- the sortkey and entry_name are only for standard Kanuri; when dialectal entries get added, someone will have to work out how the dialects should be represented orthographically entry_name = { Latn = {remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.circ .. c.breve} }, sort_key = { Latn = { from = {"ǝ", "ny", "ɍ", "sh"}, to = {"e" .. p[1], "n" .. p[1], "r" .. p[1], "s" .. p[1]} }, }, } m["ks"] = { "Kashmiri", 33552, "inc-kas", "ks-Arab, Deva, Shrd, Latn", translit = { ["ks-Arab"] = "ks-Arab-translit", Deva = "ks-Deva-translit", Shrd = "Shrd-translit", }, } -- "kv" IS TREATED AS "koi", "kpv", SEE WT:LT m["kw"] = { "Cornish", 25289, "cel-brs", "Latn", ancestors = "cnx", sort_key = { from = {"ch"}, to = {"c" .. p[1]} }, } m["ky"] = { "Kyrgyz", 9255, "trk-kkp", "Cyrl, Latn, Arab", translit = { Cyrl = "ky-translit" }, override_translit = true, sort_key = { Cyrl = { from = {"ё", "ң", "ө", "ү"}, to = {"е" .. p[1], "н" .. p[1], "о" .. p[1], "у" .. p[1]} }, }, } m["la"] = { "Latin", 397, "itc-laf", "Latn", ancestors = "itc-ola", display_text = { Latn = s["itc-Latn-displaytext"] }, entry_name = { Latn = s["itc-Latn-entryname"] }, sort_key = { Latn = s["itc-Latn-sortkey"] }, standardChars = { Latn = "AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvXx", c.punc }, } m["lb"] = { "Luxembourgish", 9051, "gmw-hgm", "Latn, Brai", ancestors = "gmw-cfr", sort_key = { Latn = { from = {"ä", "ë", "é"}, to = {"z" .. p[1], "z" .. p[2], "z" .. p[3]} }, }, } m["lg"] = { "Luganda", 33368, "bnt-nyg", "Latn", entry_name = {remove_diacritics = c.acute .. c.circ}, sort_key = { from = {"ŋ"}, to = {"n" .. p[1]} }, } m["li"] = { "Limburgish", 102172, "gmw-frk", "Latn", ancestors = "dum", } m["ln"] = { "Lingala", 36217, "bnt-bmo", "Latn", sort_key = { remove_diacritics = c.acute .. c.circ .. c.caron, from = {"ɛ", "gb", "mb", "mp", "nd", "ng", "nk", "ns", "nt", "ny", "nz", "ɔ"}, to = {"e" .. p[1], "g" .. p[1], "m" .. p[1], "m" .. p[2], "n" .. p[1], "n" .. p[2], "n" .. p[3], "n" .. p[4], "n" .. p[5], "n" .. p[6], "n" .. p[7], "o" .. p[1]} }, } m["lo"] = { "Lao", 9211, "tai-swe", "Laoo", translit = "lo-translit", sort_key = "Laoo-sortkey", standardChars = "0-9ກຂຄງຈຊຍດຕຖທນບປຜຝພຟມຢຣລວສຫອຮຯ-ໝ" .. c.punc, } m["lt"] = { "Lithuanian", 9083, "bat-eas", "Latn", ancestors = "olt", entry_name = {remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.tilde}, sort_key = { from = {"ą", "č", "ę", "ė", "į", "y", "š", "ų", "ū", "ž"}, to = {"a" .. p[1], "c" .. p[1], "e" .. p[1], "e" .. p[2], "i" .. p[1], "i" .. p[2], "s" .. p[1], "u" .. p[1], "u" .. p[2], "z" .. p[1]} }, standardChars = "AaĄąBbCcČčDdEeĘęĖėFfGgHhIiĮįYyJjKkLlMmNnOoPpRrSsŠšTtUuŲųŪūVvZzŽž" .. c.punc, } m["lu"] = { "Luba-Katanga", 36157, "bnt-lub", "Latn", } m["lv"] = { "Latvian", 9078, "bat-eas", "Latn", entry_name = { -- This attempts to convert vowels with tone marks to vowels either with or without macrons. Specifically, there should be no macrons if the vowel is part of a diphthong (including resonant diphthongs such pìrksts -> pirksts not #pīrksts). What we do is first convert the vowel + tone mark to a vowel + tilde in a decomposed fashion, then remove the tilde in diphthongs, then convert the remaining vowel + tilde sequences to macroned vowels, then delete any other tilde. We leave already-macroned vowels alone: Both e.g. ar and ār occur before consonants. FIXME: This still might not be sufficient. from = {"([Ee])" .. c.cedilla, "[" .. c.grave .. c.circ .. c.tilde .."]", "([aAeEiIoOuU])" .. c.tilde .."?([lrnmuiLRNMUI])" .. c.tilde .. "?([^aAeEiIoOuU])", "([aAeEiIoOuU])" .. c.tilde .."?([lrnmuiLRNMUI])" .. c.tilde .."?$", "([iI])" .. c.tilde .. "?([eE])" .. c.tilde .. "?", "([aAeEiIuU])" .. c.tilde, c.tilde}, to = {"%1", c.tilde, "%1%2%3", "%1%2", "%1%2", "%1" .. c.macron} }, sort_key = { from = {"ā", "č", "ē", "ģ", "ī", "ķ", "ļ", "ņ", "š", "ū", "ž"}, to = {"a" .. p[1], "c" .. p[1], "e" .. p[1], "g" .. p[1], "i" .. p[1], "k" .. p[1], "l" .. p[1], "n" .. p[1], "s" .. p[1], "u" .. p[1], "z" .. p[1]} }, standardChars = "AaĀāBbCcČčDdEeĒēFfGgĢģHhIiĪīJjKkĶķLlĻļMmNnŅņOoPpRrSsŠšTtUuŪūVvZzŽž" .. c.punc, } m["mg"] = { "Malagasy", 7930, "poz-bre", "Latn, Arab", } m["mh"] = { "Marshallese", 36280, "poz-mic", "Latn", sort_key = { from = {"ā", "ļ", "m̧", "ņ", "n̄", "o̧", "ō", "ū"}, to = {"a" .. p[1], "l" .. p[1], "m" .. p[1], "n" .. p[1], "n" .. p[2], "o" .. p[1], "o" .. p[2], "u" .. p[1]} }, } m["mi"] = { "Maori", 36451, "poz-pep", "Latn", sort_key = { remove_diacritics = c.macron, from = {"ng", "wh"}, to = {"z" .. p[1], "z" .. p[2]} }, } m["mk"] = { "Macedonian", 9296, "zls", "Cyrl, Polyt", ancestors = "cu", translit = { Cyrl = "mk-translit" }, display_text = { Polyt = s["Polyt-displaytext"] }, entry_name = { Cyrl = { remove_diacritics = c.acute, remove_exceptions = {"Ѓ", "ѓ", "Ќ", "ќ"} }, Polyt = s["Polyt-entryname"], }, sort_key = { Cyrl = { remove_diacritics = c.grave, remove_exceptions = {"ѓ", "ќ"}, from = {"ѓ", "ѕ", "ј", "љ", "њ", "ќ", "џ"}, to = {"д" .. p[1], "з" .. p[1], "и" .. p[1], "л" .. p[1], "н" .. p[1], "т" .. p[1], "ч" .. p[1]} }, Polyt = s["Polyt-sortkey"], }, standardChars = { Cyrl = "АаБбВвГгДдЃѓЕеЖжЗзЅѕИиЈјКкЛлЉљМмНнЊњОоПпРрСсТтЌќУуФфХхЦцЧчЏџШш", c.punc }, } m["ml"] = { "Malayalam", 36236, "dra-mal", "Mlym", translit = "ml-translit", override_translit = true, } m["mn"] = { "Mongolian", 9246, "xgn-cen", "Cyrl, Mong, Latn, Brai", ancestors = "cmg", translit = { Cyrl = "mn-translit", Mong = "Mong-translit", }, override_translit = true, display_text = { Mong = s["Mong-displaytext"] }, entry_name = { Cyrl = {remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute}, Mong = s["Mong-entryname"], }, sort_key = { Cyrl = { remove_diacritics = c.grave, from = {"ё", "ө", "ү"}, to = {"е" .. p[1], "о" .. p[1], "у" .. p[1]} }, }, standardChars = { Cyrl = "АаБбВвГгДдЕеЁёЖжЗзИиЙйЛлМмНнОоӨөРрСсТтУуҮүХхЦцЧчШшЫыЬьЭэЮюЯя—", Brai = c.braille, c.punc }, } -- "mo" IS TREATED AS "ro", SEE WT:LT m["mr"] = { "Marathi", 1571, "inc-sou", "Deva, Modi", ancestors = "omr", translit = { Deva = "mr-translit", Modi = "mr-Modi-translit", }, entry_name = { Deva = { from = {"च़", "ज़", "झ़"}, to = {"च", "ज", "झ"} }, }, } m["ms"] = { "Malay", 9237, "poz-mly", "Latn, ms-Arab", ancestors = "ms-cla", standardChars = { Latn = "AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz", c.punc }, } m["mt"] = { "Maltese", 9166, "sem-arb", "Latn", display_text = { from = {"'"}, to = {"’"} }, entry_name = { from = {"’"}, to = {"'"}, }, ancestors = "sqr", sort_key = { from = { "ċ", "ġ", "ż", -- Convert into PUA so that decomposed form does not get caught by the next step. "([cgz])", -- Ensure "c" comes after "ċ", "g" comes after "ġ" and "z" comes after "ż". "g" .. p[1] .. "ħ", -- "għ" after initial conversion of "g". p[3], p[4], "ħ", "ie", p[5] -- Convert "ċ", "ġ", "ħ", "ie", "ż" into final output. }, to = { p[3], p[4], p[5], "%1" .. p[1], "g" .. p[2], "c", "g", "h" .. p[1], "i" .. p[1], "z" } }, } m["my"] = { "Burmese", 9228, "tbq-brm", "Mymr", ancestors = "obr", translit = "my-translit", override_translit = true, sort_key = { from = {"ျ", "ြ", "ွ", "ှ", "ဿ"}, to = {"္ယ", "္ရ", "္ဝ", "္ဟ", "သ္သ"} }, } m["na"] = { "Nauruan", 13307, "poz-mic", "Latn", } m["nb"] = { "Norwegian Bokmål", 25167, "gmq", "Latn", wikimedia_codes = "no", ancestors = "gmq-mno, da", -- da as an (but not the) ancestor of nb was agreed on - do not change without discussion sort_key = s["no-sortkey"], standardChars = s["no-standardchars"], } m["nd"] = { "Northern Ndebele", 35613, "bnt-ngu", "Latn", entry_name = {remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.circ .. c.macron .. c.caron}, } m["ne"] = { "Nepali", 33823, "inc-pah", "Deva, Newa", translit = { Deva = "ne-translit" }, } m["ng"] = { "Ndonga", 33900, "bnt-ova", "Latn", } m["nl"] = { "Dutch", 7411, "gmw-frk", "Latn, Brai", ancestors = "dum", sort_key = { Latn = {remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.circ .. c.tilde .. c.diaer .. c.ringabove .. c.cedilla .. "'"}, }, standardChars = { Latn = "AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz", Brai = c.braille, c.punc }, } m["nn"] = { "Norwegian Nynorsk", 25164, "gmq-wes", "Latn", ancestors = "gmq-mno", entry_name = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute, }, sort_key = s["no-sortkey"], standardChars = s["no-standardchars"], } m["no"] = { "Norwegian", 9043, "gmq-wes", "Latn", ancestors = "gmq-mno", sort_key = s["no-sortkey"], standardChars = s["no-standardchars"], } m["nr"] = { "Southern Ndebele", 36785, "bnt-ngu", "Latn", entry_name = {remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.circ .. c.macron .. c.caron}, } m["nv"] = { "Navajo", 13310, "apa", "Latn, Brai", sort_key = { remove_diacritics = c.acute .. c.ogonek, from = { "chʼ", "tłʼ", "tsʼ", -- 3 chars "ch", "dl", "dz", "gh", "hw", "kʼ", "kw", "sh", "tł", "ts", "zh", -- 2 chars "ł", "ʼ" -- 1 char }, to = { "c" .. p[2], "t" .. p[2], "t" .. p[4], "c" .. p[1], "d" .. p[1], "d" .. p[2], "g" .. p[1], "h" .. p[1], "k" .. p[1], "k" .. p[2], "s" .. p[1], "t" .. p[1], "t" .. p[3], "z" .. p[1], "l" .. p[1], "z" .. p[2] } }, } m["ny"] = { "Chichewa", 33273, "bnt-nys", "Latn", entry_name = {remove_diacritics = c.acute .. c.circ}, sort_key = { from = {"ng'"}, to = {"ng"} }, } m["oc"] = { "Occitan", 14185, "roa-ocr", "Latn, Hebr", ancestors = "pro", display_text = { Hebr = "Hebr-common", }, entry_name = { Hebr = "Hebr-common", }, sort_key = { Latn = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.diaer .. c.cedilla, from = {"([lns])·h"}, to = {"%1h"} }, Hebr = "Hebr-common", }, } m["oj"] = { "Ojibwe", 33875, "alg", "Cans, Latn", sort_key = { Latn = { from = {"aa", "ʼ", "ii", "oo", "sh", "zh"}, to = {"a" .. p[1], "h" .. p[1], "i" .. p[1], "o" .. p[1], "s" .. p[1], "z" .. p[1]} }, }, } m["om"] = { "Oromo", 33864, "cus-eas", "Latn, Ethi", } m["or"] = { "Odia", 33810, "inc-eas", "Orya", ancestors = "inc-mor", translit = "or-translit", } m["os"] = { "Ossetian", 33968, "xsc-sar", "Cyrl, Geor, Latn", ancestors = "oos", translit = { Cyrl = "os-translit", Geor = "Geor-translit", }, override_translit = true, display_text = { Cyrl = { from = {"æ"}, to = {"ӕ"} }, Latn = { from = {"ӕ"}, to = {"æ"} }, }, entry_name = { Cyrl = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute, from = {"æ"}, to = {"ӕ"} }, Latn = { from = {"ӕ"}, to = {"æ"} }, }, sort_key = { Cyrl = { from = {"ӕ", "гъ", "дж", "дз", "ё", "къ", "пъ", "тъ", "хъ", "цъ", "чъ"}, to = {"а" .. p[1], "г" .. p[1], "д" .. p[1], "д" .. p[2], "е" .. p[1], "к" .. p[1], "п" .. p[1], "т" .. p[1], "х" .. p[1], "ц" .. p[1], "ч" .. p[1]} }, }, } m["pa"] = { "Punjabi", 58635, "inc-pan", "Guru, pa-Arab", ancestors = "inc-opa", translit = { Guru = "Guru-translit", ["pa-Arab"] = "pa-Arab-translit", }, entry_name = { ["pa-Arab"] = { remove_diacritics = c.fathatan .. c.dammatan .. c.kasratan .. c.fatha .. c.damma .. c.kasra .. c.shadda .. c.sukun .. c.nunghunna, from = {"ݨ", "ࣇ"}, to = {"ن", "ل"} }, }, } m["pi"] = { "Pali", 36727, "inc-mid", "Latn, Brah, Deva, Beng, Sinh, Mymr, Thai, Lana, Laoo, Khmr, Cakm", --and also Khom ancestors = "sa", translit = { Brah = "Brah-translit", Deva = "sa-translit", Beng = "pi-translit", Sinh = "si-translit", Mymr = "pi-translit", Thai = "pi-translit", Lana = "pi-translit", Laoo = "pi-translit", Khmr = "pi-translit", Cakm = "Cakm-translit", }, entry_name = { Thai = { from = {"ึ", u(0xF700), u(0xF70F)}, -- FIXME: Not clear what's going on with the PUA characters here. to = {"ิํ", "ฐ", "ญ"} }, remove_diacritics = c.VS01 }, sort_key = { -- FIXME: This needs to be converted into the current standardized format. from = {"ā", "ī", "ū", "ḍ", "ḷ", "m[" .. c.dotabove .. c.dotbelow .. "]", "ṅ", "ñ", "ṇ", "ṭ", "([เโ])([ก-ฮ])", "([ເໂ])([ກ-ຮ])", "ᩔ", "ᩕ", "ᩖ", "ᩘ", "([ᨭ-ᨱ])ᩛ", "([ᨷ-ᨾ])ᩛ", "ᩤ", u(0xFE00), u(0x200D)}, to = {"a~", "i~", "u~", "d~", "l~", "m~", "n~", "n~~", "n~~~", "t~", "%2%1", "%2%1", "ᩈ᩠ᩈ", "᩠ᩁ", "᩠ᩃ", "ᨦ᩠", "%1᩠ᨮ", "%1᩠ᨻ", "ᩣ"} }, } m["pl"] = { "Polish", 809, "zlw-lch", "Latn", ancestors = "zlw-mpl", sort_key = { from = {"ą", "ć", "ę", "ł", "ń", "ó", "ś", "ź", "ż"}, to = {"a" .. p[1], "c" .. p[1], "e" .. p[1], "l" .. p[1], "n" .. p[1], "o" .. p[1], "s" .. p[1], "z" .. p[1], "z" .. p[2]} }, standardChars = "AaĄąBbCcĆćDdEeĘęFfGgHhIiJjKkLlŁłMmNnŃńOoÓóPpRrSsŚśTtUuWwYyZzŹźŻż" .. c.punc, } m["ps"] = { "Pashto", 58680, "ira-pat", "ps-Arab", entry_name = {remove_diacritics = c.fathatan .. c.dammatan .. c.kasratan .. c.fatha .. c.damma .. c.kasra .. c.shadda .. c.sukun .. c.zwarakay .. c.superalef}, } m["pt"] = { "Portuguese", 5146, "roa-gap", "Latn, Brai", sort_key = { Latn = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.circ .. c.tilde .. c.macron .. c.diaer .. c.cedilla, from = {"ª", "æ", "º", "œ"}, to = {"a", "ae", "o", "oe"} }, }, standardChars = { Latn = "AaÁáÂâÃãBbCcÇçDdEeÉéÊêFfGgHhIiÍíJjLlMmNnOoÓóÔôÕõPpQqRrSsTtUuÚúVvXxZz", Brai = c.braille, c.punc }, } m["qu"] = { "Quechua", 5218, "qwe", "Latn", } m["rm"] = { "Romansch", 13199, "roa-rhe", "Latn", sort_key = {remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.circ .. c.diaer .. c.small_e}, } m["ro"] = { "Romanian", 7913, "roa-eas", "Latn, Cyrl, Cyrs", translit = { Cyrl = "ro-translit" }, sort_key = { Latn = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute, from = {"ă", "â", "î", "ș", "ț"}, to = {"a" .. p[1], "a" .. p[2], "i" .. p[1], "s" .. p[1], "t" .. p[1]} }, Cyrl = { from = {"ӂ"}, to = {"ж" .. p[1]} }, }, standardChars = { Latn = "AaĂăÂâBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiÎîJjLlMmNnOoPpRrSsȘșTtȚțUuVvXxZz", Cyrl = "АаБбВвГгДдЕеЖжӁӂЗзИиЙйКкЛлМмНнОоПпРрСсТтУуФфХхЦцЧчШшЫыЬьЭэЮюЯя", c.punc }, } m["ru"] = { "Russian", 7737, "zle", "Cyrl, Brai", ancestors = "zle-mru", translit = { Cyrl = "ru-translit" }, display_text = { Cyrl = { from = {"'"}, to = {"’"} }, }, entry_name = { Cyrl = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.diaer, remove_exceptions = {"Ё", "ё", "Ѣ̈", "ѣ̈", "Я̈", "я̈"}, from = {"’"}, to = {"'"}, }, }, sort_key = { Cyrl = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.diaer, remove_exceptions = {"ё", "ѣ̈", "я̈"}, from = { "ё", "ѣ̈", "я̈", -- 2 chars "і", "ѣ", "ѳ", "ѵ" -- 1 char }, to = { "е" .. p[1], "ь" .. p[2], "я" .. p[1], "и" .. p[1], "ь" .. p[1], "я" .. p[2], "я" .. p[3] } }, }, standardChars = { Cyrl = "АаБбВвГгДдЕеЁёЖжЗзИиЙйКкЛлМмНнОоПпРрСсТтУуФфХхЦцЧчШшЩщЪъЫыЬьЭэЮюЯя—", Brai = c.braille, (c.punc:gsub("'", "")) -- Exclude apostrophe. }, } m["rw"] = { "Rwanda-Rundi", 3217514, "bnt-glb", "Latn", entry_name = {remove_diacritics = c.acute .. c.circ .. c.macron .. c.caron}, } m["sa"] = { "Sanskrit", 11059, "inc", "as-Beng, Bali, Beng, Bhks, Brah, Mymr, xwo-Mong, Deva, Gujr, Guru, Gran, Hani, Java, Kthi, Knda, Kawi, Khar, Khmr, Laoo, Mlym, mnc-Mong, Marc, Modi, Mong, Nand, Newa, Orya, Phag, Ranj, Saur, Shrd, Sidd, Sinh, Soyo, Lana, Takr, Taml, Tang, Telu, Thai, Tibt, Tutg, Tirh, Zanb", --and also Khom; script codes sorted by canonical name rather than code for [[MOD:sa-convert]] translit = { Beng = "sa-Beng-translit", ["as-Beng"] = "sa-Beng-translit", Brah = "Brah-translit", Deva = "sa-translit", Gujr = "sa-Gujr-translit", Guru = "sa-Guru-translit", Java = "sa-Java-translit", Kthi = "sa-Kthi-translit", Khmr = "pi-translit", Knda = "sa-Knda-translit", Lana = "pi-translit", Laoo = "pi-translit", Mlym = "sa-Mlym-translit", Modi = "sa-Modi-translit", Mong = "Mong-translit", ["mnc-Mong"] = "mnc-translit", ["xwo-Mong"] = "xal-translit", Mymr = "pi-translit", Orya = "sa-Orya-translit", Shrd = "Shrd-translit", Sidd = "Sidd-translit", Sinh = "si-translit", Taml = "sa-Taml-translit", Telu = "sa-Telu-translit", Thai = "pi-translit", Tibt = "Tibt-translit", }, display_text = { Mong = s["Mong-displaytext"], Tibt = s["Tibt-displaytext"], }, entry_name = { Mong = s["Mong-entryname"], Tibt = s["Tibt-entryname"], Thai = { from = {"ึ", u(0xF700), u(0xF70F)}, -- FIXME: Not clear what's going on with the PUA characters here. to = {"ิํ", "ฐ", "ญ"} }, remove_diacritics = c.VS01 .. c.udatta .. c.anudatta }, sort_key = { Tibt = "Tibt-sortkey", { -- FIXME: This needs to be converted into the current standardized format. from = {"ā", "ī", "ū", "ḍ", "ḷ", "ḹ", "m[" .. c.dotabove .. c.dotbelow .. "]", "ṅ", "ñ", "ṇ", "ṛ", "ṝ", "ś", "ṣ", "ṭ", "([เโไ])([ก-ฮ])", "([ເໂໄ])([ກ-ຮ])", "ᩔ", "ᩕ", "ᩖ", "ᩘ", "([ᨭ-ᨱ])ᩛ", "([ᨷ-ᨾ])ᩛ", "ᩤ", u(0xFE00), u(0x200D)}, to = {"a~", "i~", "u~", "d~", "l~", "l~~", "m~", "n~", "n~~", "n~~~", "r~", "r~~", "s~", "s~~", "t~", "%2%1", "%2%1", "ᩈ᩠ᩈ", "᩠ᩁ", "᩠ᩃ", "ᨦ᩠", "%1᩠ᨮ", "%1᩠ᨻ", "ᩣ"}, }, }, } m["sc"] = { "Sardinian", 33976, "roa-sou", "Latn", } m["sd"] = { "Sindhi", 33997, "inc-snd", "sd-Arab, Deva, Sind, Khoj", translit = { Sind = "Sind-translit" }, entry_name = { ["sd-Arab"] = { remove_diacritics = c.kashida .. c.fathatan .. c.dammatan .. c.kasratan .. c.fatha .. c.damma .. c.kasra .. c.shadda .. c.sukun .. c.superalef, from = {"ٱ"}, to = {"ا"} }, }, } m["se"] = { "Northern Sami", 33947, "smi", "Latn", display_text = { from = {"'"}, to = {"ˈ"} }, entry_name = {remove_diacritics = c.macron .. c.dotbelow .. "'ˈ"}, sort_key = { from = {"á", "č", "đ", "ŋ", "š", "ŧ", "ž"}, to = {"a" .. p[1], "c" .. p[1], "d" .. p[1], "n" .. p[1], "s" .. p[1], "t" .. p[1], "z" .. p[1]} }, standardChars = "AaÁáBbCcČčDdĐđEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnŊŋOoPpRrSsŠšTtŦŧUuVvZzŽž" .. c.punc, } m["sg"] = { "Sango", 33954, "crp", "Latn", ancestors = "ngb", } m["sh"] = { "Serbo-Croatian", 9301, "zls", "Latn, Cyrl, Glag", ietf_subtag = "hbs", -- ISO 639-3 code, since "sh" is deprecated from ISO 639-1 wikimedia_codes = "sh, bs, hr, sr", entry_name = { Latn = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.tilde .. c.macron .. c.dgrave .. c.invbreve, remove_exceptions = {"Ć", "ć", "Ś", "ś", "Ź", "ź"} }, Cyrl = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.tilde .. c.macron .. c.dgrave .. c.invbreve, remove_exceptions = {"З́", "з́", "С́", "с́"} }, }, sort_key = { Latn = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.tilde .. c.macron .. c.dgrave .. c.invbreve, remove_exceptions = {"ć", "ś", "ź"}, from = {"č", "ć", "dž", "đ", "lj", "nj", "š", "ś", "ž", "ź"}, to = {"c" .. p[1], "c" .. p[2], "d" .. p[1], "d" .. p[2], "l" .. p[1], "n" .. p[1], "s" .. p[1], "s" .. p[2], "z" .. p[1], "z" .. p[2]} }, Cyrl = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.tilde .. c.macron .. c.dgrave .. c.invbreve, remove_exceptions = {"з́", "с́"}, from = {"ђ", "з́", "ј", "љ", "њ", "с́", "ћ", "џ"}, to = {"д" .. p[1], "з" .. p[1], "и" .. p[1], "л" .. p[1], "н" .. p[1], "с" .. p[1], "т" .. p[1], "ч" .. p[1]} }, }, standardChars = { Latn = "AaBbCcČčĆćDdĐđEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpRrSsŠšTtUuVvZzŽž", Cyrl = "АаБбВвГгДдЂђЕеЖжЗзИиЈјКкЛлЉљМмНнЊњОоПпРрСсТтЋћУуФфХхЦцЧчЏџШш", c.punc }, } m["si"] = { "Sinhalese", 13267, "inc-ins", "Sinh", translit = "si-translit", override_translit = true, } m["sk"] = { "Slovak", 9058, "zlw", "Latn", ancestors = "zlw-osk", sort_key = {remove_diacritics = c.acute .. c.circ .. c.diaer .. c.caron}, standardChars = "AaÁáÄäBbCcČčDdĎďEeÉéFfGgHhIiÍíJjKkLlĹ弾MmNnŇňOoÓóÔôPpRrŔŕSsŠšTtŤťUuÚúVvYyÝýZzŽž" .. c.punc, } m["sl"] = { "Slovene", 9063, "zls", "Latn", entry_name = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.circ .. c.macron .. c.dgrave .. c.invbreve .. c.dotbelow, remove_exceptions = {"Ć", "ć", "Ǵ", "ǵ", "Ś", "ś", "Ź", "ź"}, from = {"Ə", "ə", "Ł", "ł"}, to = {"E", "e", "L", "l"}, }, sort_key = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.circ .. c.tilde .. c.macron .. c.dotabove .. c.ringabove .. c.dgrave .. c.invbreve .. c.dotbelow .. c.ringbelow .. c.ogonek, remove_exceptions = {"ć", "ǵ", "ś", "ź"}, from = {"ä", "č", "ć", "đ", "ə", "ë", "ǧ", "ǵ", "ï", "ł", "ö", "š", "ś", "ü", "ž", "ź"}, to = {"a" .. p[1], "c" .. p[1], "c" .. p[2], "d" .. p[1], "e", "e" .. p[1], "g" .. p[1], "g" .. p[2], "i" .. p[1], "l", "o" .. p[1], "s" .. p[1], "s" .. p[2], "u" .. p[1], "z" .. p[1], "z" .. p[2]}, }, standardChars = "AaBbCcČčDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpRrSsŠšTtUuVvZzŽž" .. c.punc, } m["sm"] = { "Samoan", 34011, "poz-pnp", "Latn", } m["sn"] = { "Shona", 34004, "bnt-sho", "Latn", entry_name = {remove_diacritics = c.acute}, } m["so"] = { "Somali", 13275, "cus-som", "Latn, Arab, Osma", entry_name = { Latn = {remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.circ} }, } m["sq"] = { "Albanian", 8748, "sqj", "Latn, Grek, ota-Arab, Elba, Todr, Vith", translit = { Elba = "Elba-translit", }, display_text = { Grek = s["Grek-displaytext"], }, entry_name = { Latn = { remove_diacritics = c.acute, from = {'^[ie] (%w)', '^të (%w)'}, to = {'%1', '%1'}, }, Grek = { -- Diacritic removal from Grek-entryname excluded. from = s["Grek-entryname"].from, to = s["Grek-entryname"].to, }, }, sort_key = { Latn = { remove_diacritics = c.acute .. c.circ .. c.tilde .. c.breve .. c.caron, from = {'^[ie] (%w)', '^të (%w)', 'ç', 'dh', 'ë', 'gj', 'll', 'nj', 'rr', 'sh', 'th', 'xh', 'zh'}, to = {'%1', '%1', 'c'..p[1], 'd'..p[1], 'e'..p[1], 'g'..p[1], 'l'..p[1], 'n'..p[1], 'r'..p[1], 's'..p[1], 't'..p[1], 'x'..p[1], 'z'..p[1]}, } -- TODO: Grek }, standardChars = { Latn = "AaBbCcÇçDdEeËëFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvXxYyZz", c.punc }, } m["ss"] = { "Swazi", 34014, "bnt-ngu", "Latn", entry_name = {remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.circ .. c.macron .. c.caron}, } m["st"] = { "Sotho", 34340, "bnt-sts", "Latn", entry_name = {remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.circ .. c.macron .. c.caron}, } m["su"] = { "Sundanese", 34002, "poz-msa", "Latn, Sund, Arab", ancestors = "osn", translit = { Sund = "su-translit" }, } m["sv"] = { "Swedish", 9027, "gmq-eas", "Latn", ancestors = "gmq-osw-lat", sort_key = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.circ .. c.tilde .. c.macron .. c.dacute .. c.caron .. c.cedilla .. "':", remove_exceptions = {"å"}, from = {"ø", "æ", "œ", "ß", "å", "aͤ", "oͤ"}, to = {"o", "ae", "oe", "ss", "z" .. p[1], "ä", "ö"} }, standardChars = "AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpRrSsTtUuVvXxYyÅåÄäÖö" .. c.punc, } m["sw"] = { "Swahili", 7838, "bnt-swh", "Latn, Arab", sort_key = { Latn = { from = {"ng'"}, to = {"ng" .. p[1]} }, }, } m["ta"] = { "Tamil", 5885, "dra-tam", "Taml", ancestors = "ta-mid", translit = "ta-translit", override_translit = true, } m["te"] = { "Telugu", 8097, "dra-tel", "Telu", translit = "te-translit", override_translit = true, } m["tg"] = { "Tajik", 9260, "ira-swi", "Cyrl, fa-Arab, Latn", ancestors = "fa-cls", translit = { Cyrl = "tg-translit" }, override_translit = true, entry_name = { Cyrl = s["tg-entryname"], Latn = s["tg-entryname"], }, sort_key = { Cyrl = { from = {"ғ", "ё", "ӣ", "қ", "ӯ", "ҳ", "ҷ"}, to = {"г" .. p[1], "е" .. p[1], "и" .. p[1], "к" .. p[1], "у" .. p[1], "х" .. p[1], "ч" .. p[1]} }, }, } m["th"] = { "Thai", 9217, "tai-swe", "Thai, Khomt, Brai", translit = { Thai = "th-translit" }, sort_key = { Thai = "Thai-sortkey" }, } m["ti"] = { "Tigrinya", 34124, "sem-eth", "Ethi", translit = "Ethi-translit", } m["tk"] = { "Turkmen", 9267, "trk-ogz", "Latn, Cyrl, Arab", entry_name = { Latn = s["tk-entryname"], Cyrl = s["tk-entryname"], }, sort_key = { Latn = { from = {"ç", "ä", "ž", "ň", "ö", "ş", "ü", "ý"}, to = {"c" .. p[1], "e" .. p[1], "j" .. p[1], "n" .. p[1], "o" .. p[1], "s" .. p[1], "u" .. p[1], "y" .. p[1]} }, Cyrl = { from = {"ё", "җ", "ң", "ө", "ү", "ә"}, to = {"е" .. p[1], "ж" .. p[1], "н" .. p[1], "о" .. p[1], "у" .. p[1], "э" .. p[1]} }, }, } m["tl"] = { "Tagalog", 34057, "phi", "Latn, Tglg", translit = { Tglg = "tl-translit" }, override_translit = true, entry_name = { Latn = {remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.circ} }, standardChars = { Latn = "AaBbKkDdEeGgHhIiLlMmNnOoPpRrSsTtUuWwYy", c.punc }, sort_key = { Latn = "tl-sortkey", }, } m["tn"] = { "Tswana", 34137, "bnt-sts", "Latn", } m["to"] = { "Tongan", 34094, "poz-ton", "Latn", entry_name = {remove_diacritics = c.acute}, sort_key = {remove_diacritics = c.macron}, } m["tr"] = { "Turkish", 256, "trk-ogz", "Latn", ancestors = "ota", dotted_dotless_i = true, sort_key = { from = { -- Ignore circumflex, but account for capital Î wrongly becoming ı + circ due to dotted dotless I logic. "ı" .. c.circ, c.circ, "i", -- Ensure "i" comes after "ı". "ç", "ğ", "ı", "ö", "ş", "ü" }, to = { "i", "", "i" .. p[1], "c" .. p[1], "g" .. p[1], "i", "o" .. p[1], "s" .. p[1], "u" .. p[1] } }, standardChars = "AaÂâBbCcÇçDdEeFfGgĞğHhIıİiÎîJjKkLlMmNnOoÖöPpRrSsŞşTtUuÛûÜüVvYyZz" .. c.punc, } m["ts"] = { "Tsonga", 34327, "bnt-tsr", "Latn", } m["tt"] = { "Tatar", 25285, "trk-kbu", "Cyrl, Latn, tt-Arab", translit = { Cyrl = "tt-translit" }, override_translit = true, dotted_dotless_i = true, sort_key = { Cyrl = { from = {"ә", "ў", "ғ", "ё", "җ", "қ", "ң", "ө", "ү", "һ"}, to = {"а" .. p[1], "в" .. p[1], "г" .. p[1], "е" .. p[1], "ж" .. p[1], "к" .. p[1], "н" .. p[1], "о" .. p[1], "у" .. p[1], "х" .. p[1]} }, Latn = { from = { "i", -- Ensure "i" comes after "ı". "ä", "ə", "ç", "ğ", "ı", "ñ", "ŋ", "ö", "ɵ", "ş", "ü" }, to = { "i" .. p[1], "a" .. p[1], "a" .. p[2], "c" .. p[1], "g" .. p[1], "i", "n" .. p[1], "n" .. p[2], "o" .. p[1], "o" .. p[2], "s" .. p[1], "u" .. p[1] } }, }, } -- "tw" IS TREATED AS "ak", SEE WT:LT m["ty"] = { "Tahitian", 34128, "poz-pep", "Latn", } m["ug"] = { "Uyghur", 13263, "trk-kar", "ug-Arab, Latn, Cyrl", ancestors = "chg", translit = { ["ug-Arab"] = "ug-translit", Cyrl = "ug-translit", }, override_translit = true, } m["uk"] = { "Ukrainian", 8798, "zle", "Cyrl", ancestors = "zle-ouk", translit = "uk-translit", entry_name = {remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute}, sort_key = { remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute, from = { "ї", -- 2 chars "ґ", "є", "і" -- 1 char }, to = { "и" .. p[2], "г" .. p[1], "е" .. p[1], "и" .. p[1] } }, standardChars = "АаБбВвГгДдЕеЄєЖжЗзИиІіЇїЙйКкЛлМмНнОоПпРрСсТтУуФфХхЦцЧчШшЩщЬьЮюЯя" .. c.punc:gsub("'", ""), -- Exclude apostrophe. } m["ur"] = { "Urdu", 1617, "inc-hnd", "ur-Arab, Hebr", translit = { ["ur-Arab"] = "ur-translit" }, display_text = { Hebr = "Hebr-common", }, entry_name = { ["ur-Arab"] = { -- character "ۂ" code U+06C2 to "ه" and "هٔ"‎ (U+0647 + U+0654) to "ه"; hamzatu l-waṣli to a regular alif from = {"هٔ", "ۂ", "ٱ"}, to = {"ہ", "ہ", "ا"}, remove_diacritics = c.fathatan .. c.dammatan .. c.kasratan .. c.fatha .. c.damma .. c.kasra .. c.shadda .. c.sukun .. c.nunghunna .. c.superalef }, Hebr = "Hebr-common", }, sort_key = { Hebr = "Hebr-common", }, standardChars = { ["ur-Arab"] = "ایببپتثجچحخدذرزژسشصضطظعغفقکگلࣇڷمنݨوؤہھئٹڈڑآے", c.punc, }, } m["uz"] = { "Uzbek", 9264, "trk-kar", "Latn, Cyrl, fa-Arab", ancestors = "chg", translit = { Cyrl = "uz-translit" }, sort_key = { Latn = { from = {"oʻ", "gʻ", "sh", "ch", "ng"}, to = {"z" .. p[1], "z" .. p[2], "z" .. p[3], "z" .. p[4], "z" .. p[5]} }, Cyrl = { from = {"ё", "ў", "қ", "ғ", "ҳ"}, to = {"е" .. p[1], "я" .. p[1], "я" .. p[2], "я" .. p[3], "я" .. p[4]} }, }, } m["ve"] = { "Venda", 32704, "bnt-bso", "Latn", } m["vi"] = { "Vietnamese", 9199, "mkh-vie", "Latn, Hani", ancestors = "mkh-mvi", sort_key = { Latn = "vi-sortkey", Hani = "Hani-sortkey", }, } m["vo"] = { "Volapük", 36986, "art", "Latn", } m["wa"] = { "Walloon", 34219, "roa-oil", "Latn", sort_key = s["roa-oil-sortkey"], } m["wo"] = { "Wolof", 34257, "alv-fwo", "Latn, Arab, Gara", } m["xh"] = { "Xhosa", 13218, "bnt-ngu", "Latn", entry_name = {remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.circ .. c.macron .. c.caron}, } m["yi"] = { "Yiddish", 8641, "gmw-hgm", "Hebr, Latn", ancestors = "gmh", translit = { Hebr = "yi-translit", }, display_text = { Hebr = "Hebr-common", }, entry_name = { Hebr = "Hebr-common", }, sort_key = { Hebr = "Hebr-common", }, } m["yo"] = { "Yoruba", 34311, "alv-yor", "Latn, Arab", entry_name = { Latn = {remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.macron} }, sort_key = { Latn = { from = {"ẹ", "ɛ", "gb", "ị", "kp", "ọ", "ɔ", "ṣ", "sh", "ụ"}, to = {"e" .. p[1], "e" .. p[1], "g" .. p[1], "i" .. p[1], "k" .. p[1], "o" .. p[1], "o" .. p[1], "s" .. p[1], "s" .. p[1], "u" .. p[1]} }, }, } m["za"] = { "Zhuang", 13216, "tai", "Latn, Hani", sort_key = { Latn = "za-sortkey", Hani = "Hani-sortkey", }, } m["zh"] = { "Chinese", 7850, "zhx", "Hants, Latn, Bopo, Nshu, Brai", ancestors = "ltc", generate_forms = "zh-generateforms", translit = { Hani = "zh-translit", Bopo = "zh-translit", }, sort_key = { Hani = "Hani-sortkey" }, } m["zu"] = { "Zulu", 10179, "bnt-ngu", "Latn", entry_name = {remove_diacritics = c.grave .. c.acute .. c.circ .. c.macron .. c.caron}, } return require("Module:languages").finalizeData(m, "language") </textarea><div id="mw-scribunto-console"></div><div class="templatesUsed"><div class="mw-templatesUsedExplanation"><p>Templates used on this page: </p></div><ul> <li><a href="/w/index.php?title=Wiktionary:Tracking/array/isArray&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Wiktionary:Tracking/array/isArray (page does not exist)">Wiktionary:Tracking/array/isArray</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Wiktionary:Tracking/array/isArray&amp;action=edit" class="new" title="Wiktionary:Tracking/array/isArray (page does not exist)">edit</a>) </li><li><a href="/w/index.php?title=Wiktionary:Tracking/languages/EL.&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Wiktionary:Tracking/languages/EL. 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