Hungarian meat recipes
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Fatanyeros (fat醤y閞os) is a mixed grill. <br> 2. It consists of different kinds of meat slices-filets of beef and veal, tender pork cutlets, a slice of goose liver and a slice of bacon - grilled or roasted on a spit. <br> 3. Make a high heap of fried potatoes in the middle of a wooden platter and arrange the meat on it. <br> 4. Garnish with mixed salad. In olden times the wooden platter was simply a piece of wood cut from the trunk of a tree to serve as a plate. <br> <br><br> <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <!-- 300 Eng --> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-1352262029333492" data-ad-slot="2620385955" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> <br><br> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="" WIDTH="36" HEIGHT="36" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a> <a href="">previous recipe</a> <a href="">next recipe</a> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="" WIDTH="36" HEIGHT="36" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a> <br><br> </TD> <TD ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=top WIDTH="30"> </TD> <TD ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=top WIDTH="500"> <font size="6"> <H2>Others</H2> <script async src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <!-- 300 Eng --> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-1352262029333492" data-ad-slot="2620385955" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> <br> <br> <H3>Note</H3> Tipical Transylvanian dish.<br> <br> <H4>More BBQ and grill recipes</H4> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a><a href="">Florentine Chicken Breast Steak</a><br> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a><a href="">Roast duck breast</a><br> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a><a href="">Roast goose breast</a><br> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a><a href="">Spanish chicken legs</a><br> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a><a href="">Marinated chicken breast</a><br> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a><a href="">Jubilee platter (Jubileumi b鮯間t醠)</a><br> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a><a href="">Mixed grill</a><br> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a><a href="">Roasted tenderloin</a><br> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a> <a href="">Gilled apple rings</a><br> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a><a href="">Grilled Banana</a><br> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a><a href="">Grillsausage with paprika</a><br> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a> <a href="">Tomato lamp</a><br> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a><a href="">Flaming hot pepper</a><br> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a><a href="">Basil marinade</a><br> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a><a href="">Garlic marinade (for all meat types)</a><br> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a><a href="">J鋑ermeister marinade</a><br> <br> <H4>More Hungarian Recipes</H4> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a><a href="">Barbecue recipes</a><br> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a><a href="">Cauldron recipes</a><br> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a><a href="">Fish recipes</a><br> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a><a href="">Hot appetizers</a><br> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a><a href="">Hungarian recipes</a><br> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a><a href="">Jewish recipes</a><br> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a><a href="">Pigkilling recipes</a><br> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a><a href="">Sausage recipes</a><br> <br> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a><a href="">Basic recipes</a><br> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a> <a href="">Decoration</a><br> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a> <a href="">Salad recipes</a><br> <br> Next:<br> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a><a href="">Main site (index)</a><br> <a href=""><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="55" ALT="home" BORDER=0> </a><a href="">All recipes in ABC order</a><br> <br><br> We wish You Good Cooking and enjoy the tasty result! 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