Rory Luddy | UMass Lowell

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Luddy helped Education Ranger Frank Clark and Kristin Gallas, the center’s project manager for education development, create a virtual tour of the weaving room that focused on the technology in Lowell’s textile mills and the lives of the mill workers.</p><p>Luddy also reapplied and was accepted for the summer internship at <a href="" title="Old Sturbridge Village" target="_blank">Old Sturbridge Village</a>, which started right after he graduated in May 2022. Dressed in historically accurate costume, he worked with school groups during May and June and then helped to run the museum’s summer camp programs.</p><p>He finished by spending two weeks working exclusively on a research project that he’d pursued throughout the internship: He chose to add three locations to the museum’s abolition tour for school groups, with information about three important historical figures. </p><p>One was the famed Black speaker and writer Frederick Douglass. The other two were David Ruggles, a free Black man who ran a bookstore and newspaper in New York City and helped enslaved people escape via the Underground Railroad, and Maria Weston Chapman, a wealthy, white Boston woman who worked tirelessly with the American Anti-Slavery Society.</p><p>“I’d never heard of them before the internship,” Luddy says. “I thought it was important to talk about underrepresented populations, such as Black people and women, who were active participants in abolition.”</p><p>Now Luddy plans to work full time while researching and applying for master’s degree programs in history.</p><p>“The dream is to have a job as a museum curator where I would be doing research on objects and putting together exhibits,” he says. “But practically speaking, any work in a museum would be great – whether it’s marketing, museum education or helping to put together programs.</p><p>“I would love to work with people who are just as passionate as I am about history.”</p> </div> </div> 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