Become an Authorized Insulflex® Distributor Today
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Insulflex<sup>®</sup> distributor has undergone training in the use of our products and can solve high-temperature problems before they start to affect your bottom line.<br/><br/>All authorized Insulflex<sup>®</sup> distributors maintain a stocking inventory of our products. In addition, they can utilize our quickship program which enables them to access our inventory and receive most orders within 24–96 hours, at extremely competitive rates.<br/></p></div><img src="" loading="lazy" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 100vw, 38vw" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 2000w, 2171w" alt="" class="image-37"/><p class="paragraph-12"><strong>Interested in becoming an Insulflex<sup>®</sup> distributor? <br/><br/></strong>You will need to be the best in your field and ready to promote our products. You will require extensive technical knowledge and a commitment to business integrity and customer service. <a href="/contact-us" class="link-2">Contact us</a> for details.</p></div></div></section><section id="Testing-and-Certification" class="section-13"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer container-3 w-container"><div class="div-block-23"><div class="div-block-24"><h2 class="section_title team_title"><span class="section_title_span">GLOBAL LEADER </span>IN TESTING & CERTIFICATIONS</h2><p class="paragraph-12">In critical applications, OEM and institutional users get the confidence they need by using certified Insulflex<sup>®</sup> products.<br/><br/>Leading the industry in globally recognized testing and certifications, Insulflex<sup>®</sup> products offer proven performance in demanding environments. <br/><br/>Insulflex<sup>®</sup> is committed to testing and certifying solutions for all industries, including aerospace, rail, marine, oil and gas, automotive, and architectural industries.</p></div><div class="div-block-25"><h4 class="heading-17">A proven track record of testing and certifications, including:</h4><ul role="list" class="list-2 w-list-unstyled"><li class="list-item-3"><p class="paragraph-13"><strong class="bold-text-5">ISO 15540/1 </strong><br/>800°C Fire Test for 30 Minutes</p></li><li class="list-item-3"><p class="paragraph-13"><strong class="bold-text-5">SAE AS1072<br/></strong>Aerospace Fire Resistance</p></li><li class="list-item-3"><p class="paragraph-13"><strong class="bold-text-5">DIN EN45545</strong><br/>Smoke Toxicity</p></li><li class="list-item-3"><p class="paragraph-13"><strong class="bold-text-5">UL 1441</strong><br/>Electrical and Fire Test</p></li><li class="list-item-3"><p class="paragraph-13"><strong class="bold-text-5">NFPA701 </strong><br/>Fire Protection of Textiles</p></li><li class="list-item-3"><p class="paragraph-13"><strong class="bold-text-5">DIN EN5659</strong><br/>Low-Toxicity Combustion</p></li><li class="list-item-3"><p class="paragraph-13"><strong class="bold-text-5">MSHA</strong><br/>Fire Resistance Underground Mines </p></li><li class="list-item-3"><p class="paragraph-13"><strong class="bold-text-5">ASTM E84</strong><br/>Fire Resistance Flame Spread</p></li><li class="list-item-3"><p class="paragraph-13"><strong class="bold-text-5">ASTM E162</strong><br/>Flammability</p></li></ul></div></div></div></section><section id="Liability-Statement" class="section-12"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer container-3 w-container"><h2 class="section_title team_title"><span class="section_title_span">LIABILITY </span>STATEMENT</h2><p class="paragraph-12">The information and illustrations shown herein are believed to be reliable. ADL Insulflex, Inc. makes no warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of this information and disclaims any liability in connection with its use.<br/><br/>ADL Insulflex, Inc.’s only obligations are those in the standard terms of sale for these products. ADL Insulflex, Inc. will not be liable for any consequential or other damages arising from the use or misuse of these products.<br/><br/>Insulflex<sup>®</sup> products are used by those with technical competence in the fields of engineering and high-temperature technology. Users should make their own evaluation to determine the suitability of Insulflex<sup>®</sup> products for each specific application. <br/><br/>Samples for testing are available at no charge. <br/></p></div></section><article id="Pricing-and-Return-Policy" class="section-13"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer container-3 w-container"><h2 class="section_title team_title"><span class="section_title_span">PRICE & RETURN</span> POLICY</h2><p class="paragraph-12">Standard items in original packaging and condition may be returned within 90 days. A 20% restocking charge will apply. Custom-made, private, branded, and specially fabricated products are non-refundable. Products with manufacturing defects may be returned within 1 year for a full refund. <br/><br/>All prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. All business is conducted with the understanding that documentation will be provided in English only.<br/></p></div></article><section class="section-4 footer1"><div class="w-layout-blockcontainer footer_container w-container"><div class="div-block-8"><a href="/" class="link-block-3 w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="insuflex" class="image-3"/></a></div><div class="div-block-9"><div><div class="div-block social-row"><div class="toll-free-icon icon-01"><a href="tel: +1 905 377 1488" class="footerl-link-button w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="toll-img call-icon"/></a><div class="text-block">International:<br/><a href="tel: +1 905 377 1488" class="details-link"><strong class="bold-text">+1 (905) 377-1488</strong></a></div></div><div class="toll-free-icon icon-01"><a href="tel: +1 800 461 9323" class="footerl-link-button w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="toll-img call-icon"/></a><div class="text-block">Toll-Free North America:<br/><a href="tel: +1 800 461 9323" class="details-link"><strong class="bold-text">+1 (800) 461-9323</strong></a></div></div><div class="toll-free-icon icon-01"><a href="tel: +1 905 377 1484" class="footerl-link-button w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="toll-img call-icon"/></a><div class="text-block">Fax:<br/><a href="tel: +1 905 377 1484" class="link-13"><strong class="details-link">+1 (905) 377-1484</strong></a></div></div><div class="toll-free-icon icon-01"><a href="mailto:" class="footerl-link-button w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="toll-img call-icon"/></a><div class="text-block">Mail:<br/><a href="mailto:" class="link-10"><strong class="details-link"></strong></a></div></div><div class="toll-free-icon icon-01"><a href="" target="_blank" class="footerl-link-button w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="toll-img call-icon"/></a><div class="text-block">Address:<br/><a href="" target="_blank" class="link-12"><strong class="details-link">94 Willmott Street, Cobourg, ON K9A 0E9</strong></a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="footer-nav"><h4 class="heading-4 footerlinks"><a href="/" class="nav-link">Home</a></h4><h4 class="heading-5"><a href="/product-categories" class="nav-link">Products</a></h4><h4 class="heading-6"><a href="/industries-served" class="nav-link">Industries Served</a></h4><h4 class="heading-7"><a href="/custom-services" class="nav-link">Custom Services</a></h4><h4 class="heading-8"><a href="/contact-us" class="nav-link">Contact Us</a></h4></div><div class="div-block-26"><h4 class="heading-5"><a href="" class="nav-link">Authorized Distributor</a></h4><h4 class="heading-6"><a href="" class="nav-link">Testing and Certification</a></h4><h4 class="heading-7"><a href="" class="nav-link">Liability Statement</a></h4><h4 class="heading-8"><a href="" class="nav-link">Pricing and Return Policy</a></h4><h4 class="heading-8"><a href="/blog" class="nav-link">Blog</a></h4></div><div class="reserved-heading"><h4 class="heading-6 reserved-heading">© 2000-2024, All Rights Reserved</h4></div></div></section><form action="/search" class="search-box w-form"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="search-image"/><input class="search-input w-input" maxlength="256" name="query" placeholder="Search…" type="search" id="search" required=""/><input type="submit" class="search-btn w-button" value="Search"/></form><script src="" type="text/javascript" integrity="sha256-9/aliU8dGd2tb6OSsuzixeV4y/faTqgFtohetphbbj0=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><!-- Overlay div --> <div id="darken-overlay" class="modal-overlay"> <div id="popup" class="modal-container"> <p id="modal-message">Some functionality has been disable to prevent images from being saved</p> <button onclick="closePopup()">Okay</button> </div> </div> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function(){ $('p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6').each(function() { // Store the original HTML const originalHTML = $(this).html(); 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