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class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span>Check back here regularly to view employment opportunities at Unless otherwise indicated, all positions are located in the Seattle, WA area. </p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span>To apply for positions on our team, respond by email to <script>document.write("<a href='mailto:"+"jobs"+"@"+"'>");</script><script>document.write("jobs"+"@"+"");</script><script>document.write('</a>');</script>. Please include the name of the position you are applying for in the subject line. Send mail to: </p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span><b><strong><strong><br></strong></strong></b><b><strong><strong>Attn. Human Resources</strong></strong></b><b><strong><br><strong><strong>One Microsoft Way</strong></strong><strong><strong>, Bldg. 25N</strong></strong><br><strong><strong>Redmond</strong></strong><strong><strong>, WA 98052 </strong></strong><br><strong><strong>USA</strong></strong></strong></b></p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span><b><strong>Job Openings</strong></b></p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span><b><strong>Editor (Cable)<br></strong></b>Manage daily production of’s sections and maximize the online impact of cable-related content, including text, video and interactives. Edit and write copy, including creating compelling and accurate headlines, captions and teases; organize and maintain user experience on cable related pages and notify cover editors of material that rises to front-page status. Must demonstrate excellent editorial sense and news judgment, show skill at collaboration and managing interpersonal relationships and make smart decisions in a fast-paced environment. Must work well as a team with TV managers and talent, video producers, writers, photo editors and others. Stand-out candidates will come armed with innovative ideas for how to increase viewer engagement with online content and build loyalty to TV properties, and understand how to follow up to execute on the best opportunities. </p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span>Requires BA/BS degree, or equivalent experience in journalism; 3-5 years experience with major media operations. Experience with on-line publishing and television production strongly preferred. Must be team-oriented yet self-sufficient, working with others in the newsroom but also able to manage situations independently. Keen news judgment and awareness of what stories appeal to online users and TV viewers. Outstanding organization and time-management skills, editing, writing and content-presentation skills, a knack for project management, idea-generation and follow up, facility with desktop computer applications (such as WORD), reliability, punctuality, attention to detail, flexibility and multitasking. Prefer online publishing tools experience, understanding of the capabilities of the internet, and understanding of multimedia; may desire knowledge of television production process.</p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span><b><strong>Regional Product Specialist (3 openings – Los Angeles, Chicago and New York City)<br></strong></b>The Regional Product Specialist position is focused on developing sales opportunities for specific to the assigned geographic region. The Regional Product Specialist will report to the Regional Sales Manager and will work closely with the Regional Sales Manager to respond to client RFP’s and provide account management. Key responsibilities include developing compelling marketing solutions and providing top-notch customer service to clients. Will function as a product expert within the region. </p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span>The Regional Product Specialist will develop key relationships with Account Executives, Account Managers and internal MSN sales contacts and work with MSNBC Sales Product Managers to manage sales communications regarding product and sales operations issues and opportunities. Though this position is primarily inward facing, this position does require presentation skills and will have some direct client or agency interaction as appropriate. This position will also be responsible for market competitive information and day to day servicing of existing accounts. Must be able to provide strong customer support and will be a key part of sales team decisions. </p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span>The Regional Product Specialist will also work with various internal partners including sales product management, marketing, editorial, and technology to help drive product strategy, monetization plans, and be the advocate for advertising clients internally.</p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span>A minimum 4 years experience in media sales or marketing. Candidates must have strong sales presentation skills as well as project management and sales packaging/pricing skills. The ideal candidates will be action oriented, results driven individuals able to function cooperatively within a complex sales organizational structure. Candidates must also demonstrate exceptional customer-focus and be confident communicators in phone, written and face-to-face settings. Ideal candidates must have the ability to identify new sales opportunities, define the products to meet the account's needs, and execute media packages to meet their revenue goals. It is crucial that candidates be able to represent MSNBC with integrity and trustworthiness. Candidates must have excellent relationship and time management skills in order to successfully manage accounts and revenue opportunities.</p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span><b><strong>Research Analyst<br></strong></b>, the widely recognized No. 1 online news site, is looking for an experienced Research Analyst. We are seeking an individual to drive quantitative and qualitative research projects to support’s consumer focus, technological innovation, branding, and market share growth. Manage all phases of primary research studies, with a heavy focus on delivering high quality, in-depth analyses, and drawing actionable business recommendations from survey data, web analytics tools, competitive analysis, and other primary and secondary data sources. Support both regularly scheduled and ad hoc research and needs across all departments. Accountable for individual research projects under direction of the Marketing Research Manager and the VP of Marketing. A strong analytical bent and intellectual curiosity, passion for understanding consumer needs and online news media, excellent written and verbal communication skills, the ability to present data and tailor recommendations to a wide variety of audiences, and strong project management and prioritization skills are required. This position demands keen insight into online user behavior as well as knowledge of web analytics measurement and online survey methodology.</p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span>A Bachelor’s degree is required in Marketing Research, Business, Marketing, Journalism, English, Psychology, Sociology, and/or other field with emphasis in information synthesis and analysis. Strong candidates with equivalent experience may be considered. 2-4 years experience working in a research environment with a diverse group of analysts and complex organizational needs, 2-4 years direct experience with web metrics and keen understanding of online media and 2 years of service in marketing or media research is required. Experience with’s SiteCatalyst reporting system desired. Direct experience in online news industry a plus.</p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span>Must have strong communication, interpersonal, analytical and writing skills, be able to articulate precise, clear research findings and produce actionable business recommendations. Must be able to work in a fast-paced, high-pressured, hectic environment. Must be able to be flexible and meet deadlines while managing multiple projects. Must be self-motivated while maintaining a collaborative team orientation. Respect for different work styles and communication styles is essential, as is the ability to present information persuasively to co-workers and executives whose communication style may differ from the candidate’s.</p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span><b><strong>Investigative Reporter<br></strong></b> is looking for an experienced investigative reporter who can immediately contribute original, groundbreaking journalism as a member of the Web site’s projects team. If you are interested in combining hard-hitting journalism with new forms of storytelling, we want to talk to you. <br><br></p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span>The position requires a BA/BS degree or equivalent experience and a minimum of five years of journalism experience. The ideal candidate will be an experienced, goal-oriented self-starter with a proven track record as an investigative reporter, computer-assisted-reporting skills and the ability to write about complex subjects in a clear and compelling way. Online journalism experience is strongly preferred, but a candidate must in any case demonstrate a familiarity with Internet storytelling techniques and an ability to creatively employ those tools for maximum impact. <br><br></p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span>A candidate also should be familiar with standard journalism policies and practices, well-versed in the rules of grammar and AP style, possess excellent organization and time management skills, able to excel in a collaborative role and fluent with desktop computer applications (such as WORD and EXCEL). Position is located in Redmond, WA or on the East Coast.</p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span><b><strong>Editorial Manager, Co-Productions<br></strong></b>The Manager for News Co-Productions leads the editorial team that works directly with the NBC News and MSNBC TV programs and personnel, develops online content for those programs and manages the integration and cross-promotion of MSNBC and NBC brands. She/he works with producers to find editorial and promotional opportunities, add value to TV content, enhance viewer engagement and community and generally enrich the editorial integrity of </p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span>Successful candidates must demonstrate excellent news judgment, exceptional management skills and editorial instincts, poise, maturity, business sense and interpersonal skills. At least 5 years of experience with a major media operation, including mastery of Internet publishing techniques and priorities, and thorough knowledge of Television news programming and operations. Demonstrated skills as a manager and excellent references are required. The manager must have good copy-editing skills, including the ability to write compelling headlines and abstracts, a thorough knowledge of AP style, and a sound grasp of NBC News and legal and standards policies. </p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span>Performance will be measured in part by the productivity and creativity of the co-production team, Website page views and video streams, as well as the quality of leadership, vision and collaboration with everyone from production personnel to senior management and TV talent. Position is located in Secaucus, NJ and NYC. </p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span><b><strong><strong>Editorial Manager, Business</strong></strong></b><b><strong><br></strong></b>, the widely recognized No. 1 online news site, is looking for an experienced manager to lead our Business section. We are seeking a team-oriented leader with strong collaboration and communication skills who enjoys working in a dynamic environment. This manager will lead a team of journalists toward the goal of producing high-quality, timely and innovative online content that delivers against editorial goals and wins at breaking news. Responsible for planning day-to-day and long-range business coverage and developing strategy for the business section. Responsible for assigning analysis pieces for news stories, editing subsection fronts, promoting video, developing and promoting relevant interactives. </p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span>Requires BA/BS degree, or equivalent experience. Eight+ years journalism experience and five years as a manager. Must have at least five years experience in Business journalism. Experience with on-line publishing strongly preferred. Must display smart news judgment and awareness of what stories appeal to casual, Internet readers. Outstanding leadership, editing and writing, project management, organization and time management, budgeting, initiative, computer applications (such as WORD), reliability, attention to detail, flexibility and multitasking. Online publishing tools, understanding of the capabilities of the internet, and understanding of multimedia is required. Knowledge of television production process helpful. Position is located in Redmond, WA.</p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span><b><strong>Software Development Engineer, Editorial Development <br></strong></b>, the award-winning news site widely recognized as the best on the Internet, is the exclusive online channel for the NBC Universal News family.’s driving force is to provide the optimal consumer experience, presenting a diverse range of original content and the best from our partners in a rich multi-media environment that includes interactive features and free streaming video, allowing users to access the news and information they want, when and how they want it, 24 hours a day</p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span> is seeking a highly motivated Software Development Engineer responsible for the management of multiple short-term projects from conception to release. Primary responsibilities include working with Project Manager, designers, testers, editors and other members of the development team members to implement solutions for small to medium projects in a web environment, creating code design specs, interpreting XML Schema and coding XSLT to render web pages according to specs. This position makes efficient use of CSS and DHTML and verifies that pages render correctly in specified browsers, applies client-side scripting for interactive elements, optimizes XSLT and scripting for maximum performance, makes calls to Web Services, debugs source code, troubleshoots and resolves coding issues related to production system running on Windows Server 2003 (.NET SERVER), IIS, IE, and SQL Server.</p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span>Candidates should have 3 plus years web development experience, 2 plus years in Windows client/server environment required. Must have the ability to read and write scripting languages (ASP,VBScript/Javascript). Requires solid HTML/DHTML/CSS knowledge and 3 plus years of XML/XSL/XSLT experience. Should be very familiar with browser differences. Must have solid knowledge of general software development practices. Minimum of one year experience with C#, ASP.NET, Web Services, and Internet tools. Thorough understanding of Windows Server 2003 (.NET SERVER), and IIS 6. </p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span>Additional qualifications include creativity, experience working in a cross-discipline team model, passion for the customer, ability to make trade-off decisions, and proven ability to manage multiple simultaneous projects to completion is required. High levels of energy and drive combined with ability to make quick decisions is highly desired. Candidate must possess a firm understanding user interface design, a desire for quality work, and attention to detail. Being a great team player with strong written and verbal communication skills is essential. A BA/BS degree in Computer Science or related field is recommended.</p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span><b><strong>Manager, Business Development<br></strong></b> is seeking a Business Development Manager focused on managing all aspects of existing business partnerships. Responsibilities will include managing partner communications; implementing content, distribution, services and other business development deals, and; managing select products driven by business partnerships. The Business Development Manager will also recommend new partnership opportunities and contribute to business development strategy.</p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span>Reporting to the Director of Business Strategy and Development, the Business Development Manager will work closely with partners to ensure that and partner organizations are achieving desired business and editorial objectives and meeting contractual obligations. Will collaborate with editorial, technical, sales and marketing to implement and optimize partnerships, and in certain cases manage the development and growth of products. This position will work with department leadership to identify new partnership opportunities and prioritize business development efforts.</p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span>3-5 years of account management experience required, preferably in the media or technology industries. Product management experience is a plus. Candidate should have strong project management, problem-solving and communication skills with experience working with cross functional teams. Strong candidates will be results-driven, have excellent relationship building skills for both internal and external stakeholders, and will be able to manage and prioritize multiple projects. Bachelors degree required, MBA preferred.</p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span><b><strong>Product Manager, Cross-Media/Video<br></strong></b> is seeking a Product Manager to work from our Redmond, WA facility. This position is focused on developing sales products and packages for specific to cross-media sales opportunities with NBC On-Air TV sales and video streaming sales product management. Responsibilities include developing compelling marketing solutions and providing top-notch customer service to clients by effectively managing and directing a small team. Will function as the key product expert for NBC Sales and the X-Media Sales Director. </p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span>The X-Media & Video Product Manager will develop key relationships with Account Executives and internal MSN sales contacts and manage sales communications regarding product and sales operations issues and opportunities as it relates to video and x-media packages. This position will also be responsible for product marketing and leading sales market research. He/she will provide leadership and product development vision and will be a key part of sales management decisions. The X-Media/Video Product Manager will work with various internal partners and key management to help drive product strategy, monetization plans, and be the advocate for advertising clients internally.</p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span>Requires a minimum 4 years proven direct media sales or business development experience. Candidates must have extremely strong skills in project management and sales packaging/pricing. Candidates with experience managing people are strongly preferred. </p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span>The ideal candidates will be action oriented, results driven individuals able to function cooperatively within a complex sales organizational structure. Candidates must also demonstrate exceptional customer-focus and be confident communicators in phone, written and face-to-face settings. Ideal candidates must have the ability to identify new sales opportunities, define the products to meet the account's needs, and execute media packages to meet their revenue goals. It is crucial that candidates be able to represent MSNBC with integrity and trustworthiness. Candidates must have excellent relationship and time management skills in order to successfully manage product managers and ad operations personnel.</p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span><b><strong>Interactive Editor<br></strong></b>Are you skilled in telling stories through innovation with user interface design, expert-level Flash capabilities, sophisticated graphic design, and photo/video/audio editing expertise? Work directly with the Web's most experienced writers, editors, media producers and designers to create engaging, interactive and information-packed applications for all sections of the site. </p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span>Requires 2+ years experience with a top-tier online news organization and 2+ years of hands-on experience with Flash, Photoshop, HTML, XML, CSS and other web technologies. Experience in broadcast or print a plus. Require an advanced knowledge of web technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Flash ActionScript; usability and user interface design; expert-level Flash and Photoshop user; experience with content management systems; demonstrated news judgment; multi-tasking; teamwork. May be required to work weekends or extended shifts. Position is located in our Redmond, Washington facility.</p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span><b><strong>Concepts Producer<br></strong></b>Do you have a vision of what online news <em>could</em> be? Can you take what’s in your head and express it pixel by pixel in Photoshop? Or better yet, build it in Flash? The #1 news website is looking for an innovative journalist/designer who can help us evolve the online medium.</p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span>We are seeking a highly motivated and innovative visual concepts producer to work under limited supervision and with a wide degree of creativity and latitude. Will contribute creative ideas for improving the usability and editorial content of Concepts may take several forms, including mock-ups, published experiments or working demos. Work directly with stakeholders from various departments, including editorial, marketing, technology and sales. Translate ideas into design concepts. Evaluate and advocate the use of new technologies. Keep current on web trends, particularly those with application to journalism. May provide coaching and training to other employees.</p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span>BA/BS degree or equivalent experience in journalism or graphic communication is required, with a Master’s degree in journalism or graphic communication preferred. Requires 5+ years in online editorial with an emphasis in editorial content, design and production. The most successful candidates will have 5+ years experience with a top-tier online news organization; 5+ years of hands-on experience with Flash, Photoshop, HTML, XML, CSS and other web technologies; 2+ years experience in broadcast or print; comprehensive portfolio demonstrating innovative uses of technology and content. Require an advanced knowledge of web technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Flash ActionScript; usability and user interface design; expert-level Flash and Photoshop user; experience with content management systems; demonstrated news judgment; multi-tasking; teamwork; verbal communication and collaboration. Demonstrated writing, reporting, photography, video/audio editing abilities; experience gathering and interpreting usability data. May be required to work weekends or extended shifts.</p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span><b><strong>Deputy Editor, Visuals</strong></b><b><strong> <br></strong></b>The No. 1 news site on the Web is seeking an experienced visual journalist to lead our multimedia, graphics, design and interactive departments. Reporting directly to the managing editor, this top-level editor will manage our industry-leading visual journalists in a fast-paced environment that values innovative storytelling and original and field reporting. Working as part of the editorial executive leadership team, this editor will be a key voice in strategy and implementation. </p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span>Candidates should have at least seven years of visual journalism experience and at least two years of online journalism experience in design and/or multimedia. Proven management and practical and applicable creative skills are necessary for success. Bachelor's degree or equivalent experience required.</p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span><b><strong>Editorial Manager, Today Show<br></strong></b> is seeking an experienced editor to lead our Today Show team. This creative editor will manage a team of three Web editors and work directly with producers of NBC's Today Show to maximize the show's content online as well as create complementary Web content for the site. This editor will work across departments, in close alignment with the other NBC show sites as well as with design, media and interactive departments, and with editors in topical sections. </p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span>Qualifications include a minimum of seven years relevant Internet publishing and editorial experience with hands on experience assigning and editing stories and developing Web packages, and at least two years experience in Web content production involving daily updates. Strong, proven managerial experience required. Candidate must have strong editing, writing and communication skills, demonstrated ability to multitask, and a strong interest in and understanding of interactive media. Understanding of the TV production process and broadcast experience a plus. BA/BS degree, or equivalent experience. </p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span><b><strong>Software Development Engineer In Test<br></strong></b>Are you interested in solving hard problems and utilizing your creative nature in a fast paced environment? If the answer is yes, is looking for a great SDET who will work with a team of developers, program managers and testers to deliver new and exciting projects within our Site Development team. Strategically, this team is forward facing and focused on breaking new ground on a regular basis by delivering and implementing innovative technology solutions on the top rated internet news site in the world.</p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span>Primary responsibility is to assure quality projects and processes in an n-tier environment designed and developed by peer Program Management and Development teams. This includes reviewing functional and design specifications, creating test strategy documentation, articulating and implementing test cases, identifying and managing defects, working closely with developers to analyze and debug assorted code (C#, Jscript, ASP.NET, XML/XSL, etc.), driving broad testing efforts such as performance or security testing, developing automated tools / test code where needed and managing signoff criteria and product development process improvements. </p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span>The successful candidates must show strong aptitude for testing / familiarity with web product development, good communications and technical skills, and collaboration. Position requires working knowledge of web and XML technologies such as HTML/DHTML/CSS, C#, SQL, IIS, multiple browser types and configurations, XML/XSL/XSLT, scripting languages (ASP, VBScript, Jscript) with fluency in one programming language. A minimum of a BS degree in computer science or related program and two years experience in a software development related field required.</p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span><em>MSNBC values diversity in its work place and is committed to equal opportunity.</em></p><p class="textBodyBlack"><span id="byLine"></span><b><strong>MSNBC Internships </strong></b></p><ul><li class="textBodyBlack"><b><strong>West Coast: <a href="/web/20060615213549/"></a></strong></b></li><li class="textBodyBlack"><b><strong>East Coast: <a href="/web/20060615213549/">MSNBC Cable</a></strong></b></li><li class="textBodyBlack"><b><strong>East Coast: </strong></b><a href="/web/20060615213549/"><strong></strong></a><b><strong> </strong></b></li></ul><br><div class="textMedBlack doThis" style="text-align:center"><span class="dSp"><a href="javascript:printThis('3303596')"><img border="0" class="dIc" src="/web/20060615213549im_/"></a> <a href="javascript:printThis('3303596')">Print this</a></span><span class="dSp"><a href="javascript:emThis('3303596')"><img border="0" class="dIc" src="/web/20060615213549im_/"></a> <a href="javascript:emThis('3303596')">Email this</a></span><span class="dSp" id="blogThis" style="display:none"> <a href="javascript:blogThis('3303596')" title="Add to your blog on MSN Spaces"><img border="0" class="dIc" src="/web/20060615213549im_/"></a> <a href="javascript:blogThis('3303596')" title="Add to your blog on MSN Spaces">Blog this</a></span><span class="dSp" id="imThis"> <a href="javascript:IMThis('3303596')" title="Send this story with MSN Messenger"><img border="0" class="dIc" src="/web/20060615213549im_/"></a> <a href="javascript:IMThis('3303596')" title="Send this story with MSN Messenger">IM this</a></span></div><script>blogCheck();</script><img width="100%" height="0"><div class="w460 clr"></div></div></div></div></div><div id="banbot" class="w779 p5 aC clr"><div style="padding-bottom:20;"><hr id="foothr" width="758" color="#000000" noshade="true" size="1"/><div class="bb" style="padding: 10 0 8 0;"><a href="/web/20060615213549/">Cover</a> | <a href="/web/20060615213549/">U.S. News</a> | <a href="/web/20060615213549/">World News</a> | <a href="/web/20060615213549/">Business</a> | <a href="/web/20060615213549/">Sports</a> | <a href="/web/20060615213549/">Tech/Science</a> | <a href="/web/20060615213549/">Entertainment</a> | <a href="/web/20060615213549/">Travel</a> | <a href="/web/20060615213549/">Health</a> | <a href="/web/20060615213549/">Blogs Etc.</a> | <a href="">Weather</a> | <a href="">Local News</a></div><div class="bb"><a href="/web/20060615213549/">Newsweek</a> | <a href="/web/20060615213549/">Today Show</a> | <a href="/web/20060615213549/">Nightly News</a> | <a href="/web/20060615213549/">Dateline NBC</a> | <a href="/web/20060615213549/">Meet the Press</a> | <a href="/web/20060615213549/">MSNBC TV</a></div><div class="bb" style="padding: 22 0 8 0;"><a href="/web/20060615213549/">About </a> | <a href="/web/20060615213549/">Newsletters</a> | <a href="/web/20060615213549/">RSS</a> | <a href="/web/20060615213549/">Podcasts</a> | <a href="/web/20060615213549/">Help</a> | <a href="/web/20060615213549/">News Tools</a> | <a href="/web/20060615213549/">Jobs at</a> | <a href="/web/20060615213549/">Contact Us</a> | <a href="/web/20060615213549/">Terms & Conditions</a> | <a href="">Privacy</a></div><div class="bb" style="padding=0 0 8 0;"><a href="/web/20060615213549/">© 2006</a></div></div></div><div class="container" id="foot"><ul id="legal"><li>© 2006 Microsoft</li><li><a href="" rel="nofollow">MSN Privacy</a></li><li><a href="" rel="nofollow">Legal</a></li><li class="last"><a href="" rel="nofollow">Advertise</a></li></ul><ul id="support"><li><script language="javascript" src=""></script><a href="javascript:O_LC();">Feedback</a></li><li class="last"><span class="bar">|</span>    <a href="">Help</a></li></ul></div></div><div id="DCol" class="DCol"><script>msnSideBar();</script></div><div id="AdOverThePageDiv"></div></div></body></html><!-- FILE ARCHIVED ON 21:35:49 Jun 15, 2006 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 14:13:41 Feb 27, 2025. 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