U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs - Debt Management Center (If You Owe VA)

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It provides a quick and easy way to manage your VA benefit debt in one convenient location. Veterans can access the tool at <a href="">Manage your VA debt</a>.</li> <li><strong>ARE YOU PAYING THE BALANCE OF YOUR DEBT? IS IT PAST THE 15th OF THE MONTH?</strong><br /> If you are currently drawing VA benefits, it is possible that your debt has been offset from your next benefit check. To avoid overpaying your debt, you should contact the Debt Management Center at 800-827-0648 (TTY: 711) to confirm your balance before making a payment. If you make a payment and your debt balance is already cleared through offset, it can take up to 60 days to refund your payment. So please call before you make your payment.</li> <li><strong>WHAT HAPPENS IF WE RECEIVE MORE THAN YOU OWE ON A DEBT?</strong> <br /> If you have more than one VA benefit debt, we may apply any overcollection to the other debt. Otherwise, we will refund the excess to you. Refunds may take up to 60 days, depending on our ability to associate a collection to the proper person. </li> <li><strong>Post-9/11 G.I. Bill (chapter 33):</strong><br/>If you are paying more than one debt under chapter 33, please make sure you pay each debt, separately. This will avoid delays in applying payments to the proper accounts. </li> <li><strong>If you are a student who received a letter regarding a 75B tuition debt:</strong><br /> Please note that a 75B deduction code identifies a debt assigned to your educational institution. Please communicate with your educational institution prior to making payment on their behalf in order to avoid potential duplicate billing. </li> <li><strong>For your convenience and fast results, you have the following options to pay online:</strong> <br />&nbsp;<br /> <strong>Option 1: Pay Via Bank Account</strong> (ACH Direct Debit, also known as electronic check); or<br />&nbsp;<br> <strong>Option 2: Pay Via Plastic Card </strong>(any credit or debit card with Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover logos)<br />&nbsp;<br /> After you complete a form identifying your VA account, you will be given the two payment options, above. </li> <li><strong>IF YOU USE OPTION 1, ACH DIRECT DEBIT (ELECTRONIC CHECK), PLEASE BE AWARE OF THE FOLLOWING:</strong> <br> Financial institutions (we'll call them "banks" in this message) may block ACH direct debits from depositor accounts at the option of the depositor. You may have elected to block electronic withdrawals when you opened the depositor account. Some banks block ACH direct debits from savings accounts as a matter of banking policy. If you've elected to block ACH or your bank has a policy against ACH withdrawals from savings accounts, you cannot use Option 1. We suggest you check with your bank if you have not previously used ACH direct debit at that institution and, especially, if you intend to pay online from a savings account for the first time. Should the bank offer to remove an ACH block, you must give them the bank routing numbers for transactions initiated through this Web site. The routing numbers represent, the online system of the Department of the Treasury on which secure electronic payments are made to Federal Government Agencies. The two routing numbers are:<br /> <p align="center">041036046 and 042736141</p> <i><strong>Relatively few depositors have bank accounts which block ACH direct debit transactions.</strong></i> But if your account had been blocked and that block was removed for payments to the Department of Veterans Affairs, we ask that you monitor your account to ensure that your payments are being correctly debited from your account. </li> <li><strong>A NOTE ABOUT YOUR WEB BROWSER:</strong> <br /> You will need to use one of the following Internet Browsers in order to complete a transaction:&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2 </strong>or higher; <strong>Mozilla Firefox 1.5</strong> or greater; <strong>Mozilla 1.7</strong> or greater; <strong>Netscape 7.x</strong>; OR, <strong>Safari 1.2</strong> (for MAC users).</li> <li><strong>VA MEDICAL BILLING:</strong> <br /> Please do not pay your VA medical billing on this Web site. If you wish to pay a VA medical billing, please go to the Web site, <a href="" title="VA Medical Care Copayment web site">VA Medical Care Copayment</a>. Should you have questions how to complete the form or make online medical copayments, please call 866-400-1238, toll free.</li> </div> <br> <p>If you have any questions about how to pay VA, call Debt Management Center, at 800-827-0648 (TTY: 711). Our office hours are Monday to Friday, 6:30 am to 6:00 pm, Central Time.</p> <p>To help provide courteous responses and accurate information, supervisory personnel occasionally monitor telephone calls. The person monitoring keeps no record of your call. </p> <p><a href="index.cfm?action=step1" alt="Click here to go to Pay Online form" class="PayButton">Pay Online</a></p> <!-- END: PAGE CONTENT --> </div> <!-- END: CONTENT --> <hr id="content-footer-divider"> <!-- START: VA FOOTER --> <div id="footer-area"> <p id="footer-area-links"> <a href="" title="VA Home">VA Home</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href="" title="Privacy Policy">Privacy Policy</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href="" title="FOIA">FOIA</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href="" title="Web Policies">Web Policies</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href="" title="No FEAR Act Data">No FEAR Act Data</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href="" title="Site Index">Site Index</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href=";type=1" title=""></a>&nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href=";type=1" title="White House">White House</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href=";type=1" title="National Resource Directory">National Resource Directory</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href="" title="Inspector General">Inspector General</a> </p> <p id="footer-address">U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs - 810 Vermont Avenue, NW - Washington, DC 20420</p> </div> <!-- END: VA FOOTER --> <p id="footer-review">Reviewed/Updated Date: <!-- START: LAST MOD DATE -->January 8, 2021<!-- END: LAST MOD DATE --></p> </div> </div> <!-- END: OUTER CONTAINER --> </body> </html>

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