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Review the information below for assistance if you do not believe that you have done anything wrong.<div class="paragraphbreak" style="margin-top:0.5em"></div><div class="paragraphbreak" style="margin-top:0.5em"></div> <p>This block affects editing on all Wikimedia wikis. </p><p>The IP address or range has been globally <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Blocking_policy" title="Wikipedia:Blocking policy">blocked</a> by <a href="/wiki/User:Jon_Kolbert" title="User:Jon Kolbert">Jon Kolbert</a> for the following reason(s): </p> <div style="padding:10px; background:var(--background-color-base, white); color:inherit; border:1px #666 solid;"> <p><a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Special:MyLanguage/NOP">Open proxy/Webhost</a>: See the <a href="" class="extiw" title="m:WM:OP/H">help page</a> if you are affected </p> </div> <p>This block will expire on 15:12, 27 August 2028. 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|list1 = * [[Highveld]] {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Geology |list1 = * [[Kaapvaal Craton]] * [[Transvaal Supergroup]] ** [[Transvaal Basin]] * [[Witwatersrand Supergroup]] ** [[Witwatersrand Basin]] *** [[Banket (mining term)|Banket]] |group2 = [[Johannesburg#Topography|Topography]] |list2 = * [[Witwatersrand]] ** [[Observatory Ridge, Johannesburg|Observatory Ridge]] * [[Magaliesberg]] (partially) * [[Vredefort impact structure]] (partially) |group3 = Rivers and</br>wetlands |list3 = {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = [[Vaal River|Vaal]]-[[Orange River|Orange]] basin |list1 = * [[Blesbokspruit]] * [[Braamfontein Spruit]] * [[Hennops River]] * [[Jukskei River]] * [[Klip River]] * [[Wonderfonteinspruit]] |group2 = [[Limpopo River|Limpopo]] basin |list2 = * [[Crocodile River (Limpopo)|Crocodile River]] * [[Wilge River (Olifants)|Wilge River]] }} |group4 = [[Johannesburg#Climate|Climate]] |list4 = * [[2016 Johannesburg flood|2016 flooding]] * [[2018–2021 Southern African drought|2018–2021 drought]] |group5 = [[Cradle of Humankind|Cradle of</br>Humankind]] |list5 = * [[Taung Child]] * [[Mrs. Ples|Mrs Ples]] * [[Little Foot]] * [[Rising Star Expedition]] ** [[Underground Astronauts]] {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Fossil sites |list1 = * [[Bolt's Farm]] * [[Cooper's Cave]] * [[Drimolen]] * [[Gladysvale Cave|Gladysvale]] * [[Haasgat]] * [[Kromdraai fossil site|Kromdraai]] * [[Malapa Fossil Site, Cradle of Humankind|Malapa]] * [[Minnaar's Cave]] * [[Motsetsi]] * [[Plovers Lake]] * [[Rising Star Cave]] * [[Sterkfontein]] * [[Swartkrans]] * [[Wonder Cave (Kromdraai, Gauteng)|Wonder Cave]] }} |group6 = Biodiversity |list6 = * [[Highveld grasslands]] ([[ecoregion]]) * [[Montane grasslands and shrublands]] ([[biome]]) * [[Afrotropical realm]] ([[biogeographic realm]]) * [[Paleotropical Kingdom|Palaeotropical kingdom]] ([[Phytochorion|floristic kingdom]]) * [[Northern Provinces]] ([[World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions#Levels 3 and 4: areas and basic recording units|WGSRPD area]]) * [[Timber trees of Gauteng|Timber trees]] {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = [[List of vegetation types of South Africa|Vegetation types]] |list1 = * [[Andesite Mountain Bushveld]] * [[Carletonville Dolomite Grassland]] * [[Eastern Highveld Grassland]] * [[Eastern Temperate Freshwater Wetlands]] * [[Egoli Granite Grassland]] * [[Gauteng Shale Mountain Bushveld]] * [[Gold Reef Mountain Bushveld]] * [[Highveld Alluvial Vegetation]] * [[Moot Plains Bushveld]] * [[Rand Highveld Grassland]] * [[Soweto Highveld Grassland]] * [[Tsakane Clay Grassland]] * [[Urban forest|Urban woodland]] |group2 = [[Johannesburg#Parks and gardens|Parks and gardens]] |list2 = * [[Brenthurst Gardens]] * [[Delta Park (Johannesburg)|Delta Park]] * [[Donald Mackay Park]] * [[Emmarentia Dam]] * [[Huddle Park (Johannesburg)|Huddle Park]] * [[Johannesburg Botanical Garden]] * [[Johannesburg Zoo]] * [[Pullinger Kop|Pullinger Kop Park]] * [[Walter Sisulu National Botanical Garden]] * [[Wemmer Pan]] * [[Zoo Lake]] |group3 = Nature reserves |list3 = * [[Abe Bailey Nature Reserve]] * [[Aloe Ridge Game Reserve]] * [[Klipriviersberg Nature Reserve]] * [[Kloofendal Nature Reserve]] * [[Kromdraai Conservancy]] * [[Krugersdorp Game Reserve]] * [[Magaliesberg Biosphere Reserve]] * [[Marievale Bird Sanctuary]] * [[Melville Koppies]] * [[Olifantsvlei Nature Reserve]] * [[Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve]] * [[The Wilds (Johannesburg)|The Wilds Municipal Nature Reserve]] }} |group7 = Human impact |list7 = * [[Acid mine drainage]] * [[Tailings|Mine dumps]] * [[Urbanisation]] ** [[Urban sprawl|Sprawl]] }} |abbr2 = communities |group2 = Communities |list2 = {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = [[Inner City, Johannesburg|Inner City]] |list1 = * '''[[Johannesburg CBD]]''' * [[Albertville, Gauteng|Albertville]] * [[Aldara Park]] * [[Amalgam, Gauteng|Amalgam]] * [[Auckland Park]] * [[Belgravia, Gauteng|Belgravia]] * [[Bellevue, Gauteng|Bellevue]] * [[Bellevue East]] * [[Benrose]] * [[Berea, Gauteng|Berea]] * [[Bertrams, Gauteng|Bertrams]] * [[Braamfontein]] * [[Braamfontein Werf]] * [[Brixton, Johannesburg|Brixton]] * [[City Deep, Gauteng|City Deep]] * [[City and Suburban, Gauteng|City and Suburban]] * [[City and Suburban Industrial, Gauteng|City and Suburban Industrial]] * [[Cottesloe, Johannesburg|Cottesloe]] * [[Crosby, Gauteng|Crosby]] * [[Crown, Gauteng|Crown]] * [[Crown North]] * [[Doornfontein]] * [[Droste Park]] * [[Emmarentia]] * [[Fairview, Gauteng|Fairview]] * [[Ferreirasdorp]] * [[Fordsburg]] * [[Forest Town, Gauteng|Forest Town]] * [[Highlands, Johannesburg|Highlands]] * [[Hillbrow]] * [[Homestead Park, Gauteng|Homestead Park]] * [[Jan Hofmeyer]] * [[Jeppestown]] * [[Jeppestown South]] * [[Joubert Park]] * [[Judith's Paarl]] * [[Killarney, Johannesburg|Killarney]] * [[Lake View Estate]] * [[Langlaagte North]] * [[Lorentzville]] * [[Marshalltown, Johannesburg|Marshalltown]] * [[Mayfair, Johannesburg|Mayfair]] * [[Mayfair West]] * [[Melville, Johannesburg|Melville]] * [[Milpark]] * [[New Centre, Gauteng|New Centre]] * [[New Doornfontein]] * [[Newtown, Johannesburg|Newtown]] * [[North Doornfontein]] * [[Observatory, Johannesburg|Observatory]] * [[Paarlshoop]] * [[Pageview, Johannesburg|Pageview]] * [[Park Central, Gauteng|Park Central]] * [[Parktown]] * [[Randview]] * [[Riepen Park]] * [[Riviera, Gauteng|Riviera]] * [[Rossmore, Johannesburg|Rossmore]] * [[Trojan, Gauteng|Trojan]] * [[Troyeville]] * [[Village Deep, Johannesburg|Village Deep]] * [[Village Main, Gauteng|Village Main]] * [[Vrededorp, Gauteng|Vrededorp]] * [[Wemmer]] * [[Westbury, Johannesburg|Westbury]] * [[Westcliff, Gauteng|Westcliff]] * [[Yeoville]] |group2 = Northern</br>suburbs and</br>environs |list2 = * [[Abbotsford, Johannesburg|Abbotsford]] * [[Airdlin]] * [[Albertskroon]] * [[Alexandra, South Africa|Alexandra]] * [[Atholhurst]] * [[Atholl, Gauteng|Atholl]] * [[Atholl Gardens]] * [[Bagleyston]] * [[Barbeque Downs]] * [[Barbeque Downs Business Park]] * [[Benmore Gardens]] * [[Berario]] * [[Beverley Gardens]] * [[Birdhaven, Gauteng|Birdhaven]] * [[Birnam, Gauteng|Birnam]] * [[Blackheath, Gauteng|Blackheath]] * [[Blairgowrie, Gauteng|Blairgowrie]] * [[Bloubosrand]] * [[Blue Hills, Gauteng|Blue Hills]] * [[Bordeaux, Gauteng|Bordeaux]] * [[Bramley, Gauteng|Bramley]] * [[Bramley North]] * [[Bramley Park]] * [[Bridle Park]] * [[Broadacres, Gauteng|Broadacres]] * [[Bromhof]] * [[Bryanbrink]] * [[Bryanston, Gauteng|Bryanston]] * [[Bryanston East, Gauteng|Bryanston East]] * [[Bryanston West, Gauteng|Bryanston West]] * [[Buccleuch, Gauteng|Buccleuch]] * [[Bultfontein, Johannesburg|Bultfontein]] * [[Bush Hill, Gauteng|Bush Hill]] * [[Carlswald]] * [[Chartwell, Gauteng|Chartwell]] * [[Cheltondale]] * [[Chislehurston]] * [[Country Life Park]] * [[Country View]] * [[Cowdray Park, Gauteng|Cowdray Park]] * [[Craighall]] * [[Craighall Park]] * [[Cramerview]] * [[Cresta, Gauteng|Cresta]] * [[Crowthorne, Gauteng|Crowthorne]] * [[Dainfern]] * [[Daniel Brink Park]] * [[Darrenwood]] * [[Dennehof, Gauteng|Dennehof]] * [[Diepsloot]] * [[Douglasdale, Gauteng|Douglasdale]] * [[Dunhill, Gauteng|Dunhill]] * [[Dunkeld, Gauteng|Dunkeld]] * [[Dunkeld West]] * [[Ebony Park]] * [[Edenburg, Gauteng|Edenburg]] * [[Elton Hill]] * [[Epsom Downs, Gauteng|Epsom Downs]] * [[Erand]] * [[Fairland, Gauteng|Fairland]] * [[Fairway, Gauteng|Fairway]] * [[Fairwood, Gauteng|Fairwood]] * [[Farmall, Gauteng|Farmall]] * [[Fellside, Gauteng|Fellside]] * [[Ferndale, Gauteng|Ferndale]] * [[Fontainebleau, Gauteng|Fontainebleau]] * [[Forbesdale]] * [[Fourways]] * [[Franklin Roosevelt Park]] * [[Gallo Manor]] * [[The Gardens, Johannesburg|The Gardens]] * [[Glen Austin]] * [[Glenadrienne]] * [[Greenside, Gauteng|Greenside]] * [[Gresswold]] * [[Greymont]] * [[Halfway Gardens]] * [[Halfway House Estate]] * [[Hawkins Estate]] * [[Headway Hill]] * [[Highlands North, Gauteng|Highlands North]] * [[Houghton Estate]] * [[Houtkoppen]] * [[Hurl Park]] * [[Hurlingham, Gauteng|Hurlingham]] * [[Hurlingham Gardens]] * [[Hyde Park, Gauteng|Hyde Park]] * [[Illovo, Gauteng|Illovo]] * [[Inadan (city)|Inadan]] * [[Inanda, Gauteng|Inanda]] * [[Ivory Park]] * [[Johannesburg North]] * [[Jukskei Park]] * [[Kaalfontein]] * [[Kensington B]] * [[Kentview, Johannesburg|Kentview]] * [[Kew, Gauteng|Kew]] * [[Khyber Rock]] * [[Klevehill Park]] * [[Kya Sand]] * [[Kya Sands, Johannesburg|Kya Sands]] * [[Kyalami Agricultural Holdings|Kyalami AH]] * [[Kyalami Business Park]] * [[Kyalami Estates]] * [[Linden, Gauteng|Linden]] * [[Linksfield, Johannesburg|Linksfield]] * [[Littlefillan]] * [[Lone Hill]] * [[Lyme Park, Gauteng|Lyme Park]] * [[Magaliessig]] * [[Malanshof]] * [[Marlboro, Gauteng|Marlboro]] * [[Marlboro Gardens]] * [[Maroeladal]] * [[Maryvale, Gauteng|Maryvale]] * [[Melrose, Johannesburg|Melrose]] * [[Melrose Estate]] * [[Melrose North]] * [[Midrand]] * [[Midridge Park]] * [[Mill Hill, Gauteng|Mill Hill]] * [[Millgate Farm]] * [[Moodie Hill]] * [[Morningside, Gauteng|Morningside]] * [[Morningside Manor]] * [[New Brighton, Johannesburg|New Brighton]] * [[Newlands, Johannesburg|Newlands]] * [[Nietgedacht]] * [[Noordwyk]] * [[Norscot]] * [[North Champagne Estates]] * [[Northcliff]] * [[Northern Acres, Gauteng|Northern Acres]] * [[Northgate, Gauteng|Northgate]] * [[Northriding]] * [[Norwood, Gauteng|Norwood]] * [[Oerder Park]] * [[Olivedale, Gauteng|Olivedale]] * [[Orange Grove, Gauteng|Orange Grove]] * [[Osummit]] * [[Parkhurst, Gauteng|Parkhurst]] * [[Parkmore]] * [[Parktown North]] * [[Parkview, Gauteng|Parkview]] * [[Parkwood, Johannesburg|Parkwood]] * [[Paulshof]] * [[Petervale]] * [[Plooysville]] * [[President Ridge]] * [[Rabie Ridge]] * [[Randburg]] * [[Randjesfontein Agricultural Holdings|Randjesfontein AH]] * [[Randjespark]] * [[Randpark]] * [[Randpark Ridge]] * [[Raumarais Park]] * [[River Club, Gauteng|River Club]] * [[Riverbend, Gauteng|Riverbend]] * [[Rivonia]] * [[Rosebank, Gauteng|Rosebank]] * [[Rouxville, Johannesburg|Rouxville]] * [[Ruiterhof]] * [[Salfred]] * [[Sandhurst, Gauteng|Sandhurst]] * [[Sandown, Gauteng|Sandown]] * [[Sandton]] * [[Savoy Estate]] * [[Saxonwold]] * [[Simba, Gauteng|Simba]] * [[Solridge]] * [[Strathavon]] * [[Strijdompark]] * [[Sunninghill, Gauteng|Sunninghill]] * [[Sunrella]] * [[Sunset Acres]] * [[Vandia Grove]] * [[Victoria, Johannesburg|Victoria]] * [[Victory Park, Johannesburg|Victory Park]] * [[Vorna Valley]] * [[Waterval Estate, Randburg|Waterval Estate]] * [[Waverley, Johannesburg|Waverley]] * [[Wierda Valley]] * [[Willaway]] * [[Willowild]] * [[Witkoppen]] * [[Witpoort]] * [[Woodlands, Johannesburg|Woodlands]] * [[Woodmead]] * [[Wynberg, Gauteng|Wynberg]] * [[Zandspruit]] |group3 = Southern</br>suburbs and</br>environs |list3 = * [[Aeroton]] * [[Alan Manor]] * [[Alberton, South Africa|Alberton]] * [[Aspen Hills, Gauteng|Aspen Hills]] * [[Bassonia]] * [[Booysens (Johannesburg)|Booysens]] * [[Chrisville]] * [[Crown Gardens]] * [[Diepkloof]] * [[Dobsonville]] * [[Doornkop]] * [[Drieziek]] * [[Eastcliff, Johannesburg|Eastcliff]] * [[Elandspark]] * [[Eldorado Park, Gauteng|Eldorado Park]] * [[Electron, Gauteng|Electron]] * [[Elladoone]] * [[Ennerdale, South Africa|Ennerdale]] * [[Evans Park]] * [[Forest Hill, Gauteng|Forest Hill]] * [[Framton]] * [[Gillview]] * [[Glenanda]] * [[Glenesk]] * [[Glenvista]] * [[Haddon, Gauteng|Haddon]] * [[The Hill, Gauteng|The Hill]] * [[Johannesburg South]] * [[Kanana Park]] * [[Kenilworth, Johannesburg|Kenilworth]] * [[Kibler Park]] * [[Klipriviersberg]] * [[Klipriviersberg Estate]] * [[Kliptown]] * [[La Rochelle, Johannesburg|La Rochelle]] * [[Lawley, South Africa|Lawley]] * [[Lenasia]] * [[Liefde en Vrede]] * [[Lindberg Park]] * [[Linmeyer]] * [[Mayfield Park, Gauteng|Mayfield Park]] * [[Meadowlands, Gauteng|Meadowlands]] * [[Meredale]] * [[Moffat View]] * [[Mondeor]] * [[Mulbarton, Johannesburg|Mulbarton]] * [[Nasrec]] * [[Noordgesig]] * [[Oakdene, Johannesburg|Oakdene]] * [[Ophirton]] * [[Orange Farm]] * [[Orlando, Soweto|Orlando]] * [[Ormonde, Gauteng|Ormonde]] * [[Phiri, Soweto|Phiri]] * [[Protea Glen]] * [[Regents Park, Gauteng|Regents Park]] * [[Regents Park Estate]] * [[Reuven, Gauteng|Reuven]] * [[Rewlatch]] * [[Reynolds View]] * [[Ridgeway, Johannesburg|Ridgeway]] * [[Risana]] * [[Rispark]] * [[Robertsham]] * [[Roseacre, Gauteng|Roseacre]] * [[Rosettenville]] * [[Salisbury Claims]] * [[Selby, Johannesburg|Selby]] * [[South Hills, Gauteng|South Hills]] * [[Southdale, Johannesburg|Southdale]] * [[Southfork, Gauteng|Southfork]] * [[Southgate, Gauteng|Southgate]] * [[Soweto]] * [[Springfield, Gauteng|Springfield]] * [[Stafford, Gauteng|Stafford]] * [[Steeledale]] * [[Suideroord]] * [[Theta, Gauteng|Theta]] * [[Towerby]] * [[Townsview]] * [[Tulisa Park]] * [[Turf Club, Gauteng|Turf Club]] * [[Turffontein]] * [[Unigray]] * [[Winchester Hills]] * [[Zola, South Africa|Zola]] |group4 = [[East Rand]] |list4 = * [[Bapsfontein]] * [[Bedfordview]] * [[Benoni, South Africa|Benoni]] * [[Bezuidenhout Valley]] * [[Boksburg]] * [[Brakpan]] * [[Bruma, Gauteng|Bruma]] * [[Cyrildene]] * [[Daveyton]] * [[Dawn Park]] * [[Dewetshof]] * [[Duduza]] * [[Edenvale, South Africa|Edenvale]] * [[Elcedes]] * [[Elsburg]] * [[Etwatwa]] * [[Fairmount, Gauteng|Fairmount]] * [[The Gables, Gauteng|The Gables]] * [[Germiston]] * [[Glenhazel]] * [[Greenstone Hill]] * [[Heriotdale]] * [[Isando]] * [[Katlehong]] * [[Kempton Park, South Africa|Kempton Park]] ** [[Allen Grove, Gauteng|Allen Grove]] ** [[Aston Manor, Kempton Park|Aston Manor]] ** [[Birch Acres]] ** [[Birchleigh]] ** [[Birchleigh North]] ** [[Bonaero Park]] ** [[Bredell, Kempton Park|Bredell]] ** [[Cresslawn]] ** [[Croydon, Kempton Park|Croydon]] ** [[Edleen]] ** [[Esther Park]] ** [[Glen Marais]] ** [[Kempton Park West]] ** [[Nimrod Park]] ** [[Norkem Park]] ** [[Pomona, Kempton Park|Pomona]] ** [[Rhodesfield]] ** [[Spartan, Kempton Park|Spartan]] ** [[Terenure, Kempton Park|Terenure]] ** [[Van Riebeeck Park]] * [[Kensington, Gauteng|Kensington]] * [[KwaThema]] * [[Lakeside, Johannesburg|Lakeside]] * [[Langaville]] * [[Lombardy East]] * [[Malvern, Gauteng|Malvern]] * [[Modderfontein (East Rand)|Modderfontein]] * [[Mountain View, Johannesburg|Mountain View]] * [[Nigel, Gauteng|Nigel]] * [[Oaklands, Gauteng|Oaklands]] * [[Olifantsfontein]] * [[Percelia Estate]] * [[Primrose, South Africa|Primrose]] * [[Prolecon]] * [[Raedene Estate]] * [[Reiger Park]] * [[Sandringham, Gauteng|Sandringham]] * [[Spes Bona]] * [[Springs, South Africa|Springs]] * [[Sunningdale, Gauteng|Sunningdale]] * [[Sunningdale Ridge]] * [[Sydenham, Johannesburg|Sydenham]] * [[Talboton]] * [[Thembisa]] * [[Thokoza]] * [[Tsakane]] * [[Vosloorus]] * [[Wanderers View]] * [[Wattville]] |group5 = [[West Rand]] |list5 = * [[Azaadville]] * [[Bekkersdal]] * [[Blyvooruitzicht]] * [[Boikarabelo]] * [[Bosmont]] * [[Carletonville]] * [[Claremont, Johannesburg|Claremont]] * [[Constantia Kloof]] * [[Coronationville, Gauteng|Coronationville]] * [[Denver, Johannesburg|Denver]] * [[Driefontein, Gauteng|Driefontein]] * [[East Driefontein]] * [[Elandsrand]] * [[Florida, Gauteng|Florida]] * [[Florida Glen]] * [[Florida Hills]] * [[Fochville]] * [[Hekpoort]] * [[Kagiso]] * [[Khutsong]] * [[Krugersdorp]] * [[Lindley, Gauteng|Lindley]] * [[Magaliesburg]] * [[Mohlakeng]] * [[Muldersdrift]] * [[Munsieville]] * [[Oberholzer]] * [[Randfontein]] * [[Rietvallei, Gauteng|Rietvallei]] * [[Roodepoort]] * [[Sophiatown]] * [[Venterspos]] * [[Weltevredenpark]] * [[Welverdiend, Gauteng|Welverdiend]] * [[West Driefontein]] * [[Westdene, Johannesburg|Westdene]] * [[Westonaria]] * [[Zuurbekom]] }} |abbr3 = city |group3 = Cityscape |list3 = * [[Constitution Hill, Johannesburg|Constitution Hill]] * [[Beyers Naudé Square]] * [[Fordsburg Square]] * [[Gandhi Square]] * [[Mary Fitzgerald Square]] * [[Walter Sisulu Square]] * [[7th Street (Johannesburg)|7th Street]] * [[Commissioner Street (Johannesburg)|Commissioner Street]] * [[Munro Drive]] * [[Beyers Naudé Drive]] * [[Jan Smuts Avenue]] * [[Louis Botha Avenue]] * [[Malibongwe Drive]] * [[Metropolitan Routes in Johannesburg|Metropolitan routes]] ** [[M1 (Johannesburg)|M1]] ** [[M2 (Johannesburg)|M2]] * Provincial routes ** [[R21 (South Africa)|R21]] ** [[R24 (South Africa)|R24]] ** [[R25 (South Africa)|R25]] ** [[R29 (South Africa)|R29]] ** [[R41 (South Africa)|R41]] ** [[R55 (South Africa)|R55]] ** [[R82 (South Africa)|R82]] ** [[R101 (South Africa)|R101]] ** [[R511 (South Africa)|R511]] ** [[R512 (South Africa)|R512]] ** [[R553 (South Africa)|R553]] ** [[R562 (South Africa)|R562]] ** [[R564 (South Africa)|R564]] * [[Johannesburg Ring Road]] ** [[N1 (South Africa)|N1]] *** [[N1 Western Bypass (Johannesburg)|Western Bypass]] ** [[N3 (South Africa)|N3]] *** [[N3 Eastern Bypass (Johannesburg)|Eastern Bypass]] ** [[N12 (South Africa)|N12]] *** [[N12 Southern Bypass (Johannesburg)|Southern Bypass]] * [[N17 (South Africa)|N17]] {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Landmarks |list1 = * [[List of tallest buildings in Johannesburg|Tallest buildings]] {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Public art |list1 = * [[Fire Walker]] * [[Constitution Hill, Johannesburg#Flame of Democracy|Flame of Democracy]] * [[Nelson Mandela Mural by Shepard Fairey|Nelson Mandela Mural]] * [[Orlando Power Station|Orlando Power Station cooling towers]] {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Statues |list1 = * [[Statue of Mahatma Gandhi, Johannesburg|Mahatma Gandhi]] * [[Statue of Nelson Mandela, Johannesburg|Nelson Mandela]] }} |group2 = Civic</br>buildings |list2 = * [[Johannesburg City Hall]] * [[Johannesburg Central Police Station]] |group3 = Office</br>buildings |list3 = * [[11 Diagonal Street]] * [[Chamber of Mines Building]] * [[Chancellor House (building)|Chancellor House]] * [[Consolidated Building]] * [[Corner House (Johannesburg)|Corner House]] * [[Corona Lodge]] * [[Cuthberts Building]] * [[Eskom Centre]] * [[Johannesburg Trades Hall]] * [[Kimberley House]] * [[Logistics House]] * [[London House (Johannesburg)|London House]] * [[Luthuli House]] * [[Markham Building]] * [[Megawatt Park]] * [[Natal Bank Building]] * [[National Bank Building]] * [[Shell House (Johannesburg)|Shell House]] * [[Standard Bank Building]] * [[Victory House]] {{navbox|subgroup |group1 = Skyscrapers |list1 = * [[Absa Tower]] * [[Carlton Centre]] * [[Carlton Hotel (Johannesburg)|Carlton Hotel]] * [[Exchange Square (Johannesburg)|Exchange Square]] * [[Hekro Towers]] * [[Johannesburg Sun Hotel]] * [[Kine Centre]] * [[The Leonardo (Sandton)|The Leonardo]] * [[Marble Towers]] * [[Mariston Hotel]] * [[Michelangelo Towers]] * [[Radiopark]] * [[Schlesinger Building]] * [[Southern Life Centre]] * [[Standard Bank Centre]] * [[Trust Bank Building]] * [[UCS Building]] }} |group4 = Residential</br>buildings |list4 = * [[Ansteys Building]] * [[Arop House]] * [[Astor Mansions]] * [[Beacon Royal]] * [[Circle Court, Johannesburg|Circle Court]] * [[Dorkay House]] * [[Houghton Heights]] * [[Kingsway Mansions, Johannesburg|Kingsway Mansions]] * [[Lauriston Court]] * [[Manners Mansions]] * [[Radoma Court]] {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Skyscrapers |list1 = * [[120 End Street]] * [[Highpoint Hillbrow]] * [[Ponte City]] * [[Tygerberg building|Tygerberg Building]] }} |group5 = Industrial</br>buildings |list5 * [[Johannesburg Gas Works]] |group6 = Structures |list6 = * [[Brixton Tower]] * [[Hillbrow Tower]] * [[Nelson Mandela Bridge]] * [[Grayston Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge]] }} |group2 = Urban planning |list2 = * [[Alexandra Renewal Project]] |group3 = Heritage conservation |list3 = * [[Johannesburg Heritage Foundation]] }} |abbr4 = govt |group4 = Government |list4 = {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = National government |list1 = {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = [[Courts of South Africa|Courts]] |list1 = * [[Constitutional Court of South Africa]] * [[Gauteng Division|South Gauteng High Court]] * [[Labour Court of South Africa|Labour Court]] * [[Labour Appeal Court of South Africa|Labour Appeal Court]] |group2 = [[Chapter nine institutions]] |list2 = * [[Commission for Gender Equality]] * [[Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities|CRL Rights Commission]] * [[South African Human Rights Commission|Human Rights Commission]] }} |group2 = Provincial government |list2 = * [[Gauteng Provincial Legislature]] * [[Executive Council of Gauteng]] |group3 = [[Municipalities of South Africa|Municipalities]] |list3 = * [[City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality|City of Johannesburg]] ** Seat: '''[[Johannesburg]]''' ** [[Mayor of Johannesburg|Mayor]]: [[Dada Morero]] ** [[City of Johannesburg elections|Elections]] ** [[Flag of Johannesburg|Flag]] ** [[Coat of arms of Johannesburg|Coat of arms]] * [[City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality|City of Ekurhuleni]] ** Seat: '''[[Germiston]]''' ** [[Mayor of Ekurhuleni|Mayor]]: [[Nkosindiphile Xhakaza]] ** [[City of Ekurhuleni elections|Elections]] * [[West Rand District Municipality|West Rand]] ** [[Merafong City Local Municipality|Merafong]] *** Seat: '''[[Carletonville]]''' ** [[Mogale City Local Municipality|Mogale]] *** Seat: '''[[Krugersdorp]]''' ** [[Rand West City Local Municipality|Rand West]] *** Seat: '''[[Randfontein]]''' |group4 = [[African Union]] |list4 = * [[Pan-African Parliament]] ** [[Bureau of the Pan-African Parliament|Bureau]] ** [[Secretariat of the Pan-African Parliament|Secretariat]] * [[New Partnership for Africa's Development#Structure|NEPAD Secretariat]] }} |abbr5 = pol |group5 = Politics |list5 = {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Governing parties |list1 = * [[City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality|Johannesburg]]: '''[[African National Congress|ANC]]''' * [[City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality|Ekurhuleni]]: '''[[African National Congress|ANC]]''' * [[West Rand District Municipality|West Rand]]: '''[[African National Congress|ANC]]''' ** [[Merafong City Local Municipality|Merafong]]: '''[[African National Congress|ANC]]''' ** [[Mogale City Local Municipality|Mogale]]: '''[[African Transformation Movement|ATM]]''' ** [[Rand West City Local Municipality|Rand West]]: '''[[African National Congress|ANC]]''' |group2 = Political organisations</br>and parties based in</br>Greater Johannesburg |list2 = {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Political parties |list1 = * [[ActionSA]] * [[African Christian Democratic Party]] * [[African National Congress]] ** [[African National Congress Veterans' League|Veteran's League]] ** [[African National Congress Women's League|Women's League]] ** [[African National Congress Youth League|Youth League]] * [[African People's Convention]] * [[Agang South Africa|Agang]] * [[Azanian People's Organisation]] * [[Capitalist Party of South Africa|Capitalist Party]] * [[Congress of the People (South African political party)|Congress of the People]] * [[Dagga Party]] * [[Economic Freedom Fighters]] * [[Pan Africanist Congress of Azania|Pan Africanist Congress]] * [[South African Communist Party]] * [[Socialist Revolutionary Workers Party (South Africa)|Socialist Revolutionary Workers Party]] * [[Workers and Socialist Party]] |group2 = Trade unions |list2 = * [[Congress of South African Trade Unions|COSATU]] ** [[Agricultural Food and Allied Democratic Workers Union|AFADWU]] ** [[Chemical, Energy, Paper, Printing, Wood and Allied Workers' Union|CEPPWAWU]] ** [[Communication Workers Union (South Africa)|CWU]] ** [[National Education, Health and Allied Workers' Union|NEHAWU]] ** [[National Union of Mineworkers (South Africa)|NUM]] ** [[Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union|POPCRU]] ** [[South African Agricultural Plantation and Allied Workers Union|SAAPAWU]] ** [[South African Commercial, Catering and Allied Workers Union|SACCAWU]] ** [[South African Democratic Nurses' Union|SADNU]] ** [[South African Democratic Teachers Union|SADTU]] ** [[South African Football Players Union|SAFPU]] ** [[South African Municipal Workers' Union|SAMWU]] ** [[South African State and Allied Workers' Union|SASAWU]] ** [[SASBO – The Finance Union|SASBO]] ** [[South African Transport and Allied Workers Union|SATAWU]] * [[Federation of Unions of South Africa|FEDUSA]] ** [[UASA]] * [[National Council of Trade Unions|NACTU]] * [[South African Federation of Trade Unions|SAFTU]] ** [[National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa|NUMSA]] |group3 = Other political</br>organisations |list3 = * [[Afrikanerbond]] * [[Ahmed Kathrada Foundation]] * [[Civicus]] * [[Congress of South African Students|COSAS]] * [[Dagga Couple]] * [[Earthlife Africa]] * [[Free Market Foundation]] * [[Helen Suzman Foundation]] * [[Jacob Zuma Foundation]] * [[Keep Left (South Africa)|Keep Left]] * [[Landless People's Movement]] * [[Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse|OUTA]] * [[Pan Africanist Student Movement of Azania|PASMA]] * [[South African Students Congress|SASCO]] * [[South African Institute of Race Relations]] * [[South African Zionist Federation]] * [[Tripartite Alliance]] * [[Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front]] }} }} |abbr6 = hist |group6 = [[History of Johannesburg|History]] |list6 = * [[Timeline of Johannesburg|Timeline]] * [[Kweneng' Ruins]] * [[Tlokwe Ruins]] * [[Witwatersrand Gold Rush]] ** [[Mineral Revolution]] ** [[Transvaal gold fields]] ** [[Randlord]]s ** [[Uitlander]]s * [[Ferreirasdorp#History|Ferreira's Camp]] * [[Second Boer War]] {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Fortifications |list1 = * [[Constitution Hill, Johannesburg#Old Fort prison buildings|Johannesburg Fort]] * [[Blockhouses of the Second Anglo-Boer War|Blockhouses]] |group2 = Monuments</br>and memorials |list2 = * [[Anglo-Boer War Memorial (Johannesburg)|Anglo-Boer War Memorial]] * [[Chris Hani Memorial]] * [[Constitution Hill, Johannesburg|Constitution Hill]] * [[Hector Pieterson Museum|Hector Pieterson Memorial]] * [[Observatory Ridge, Johannesburg|Indian Army Memorial]] * [[Scottish Horse War Memorial]] * [[Walter Sisulu Square]] |group3 = Cemeteries |list3 = * [[Avalon Cemetery]] * [[Juliwe Cemetery]] * [[Westpark Cemetery]] |group4 = Historical</br>sites |list4 = * [[Bantu Men's Social Centre]] * [[Kirchoff's Building]] * [[Langlaagte Stamp Mill]] * [[OK Bazaars]] * [[Rand Water Board Building]] * [[Red Square (Oriental Plaza)|Red Square]] * [[Rissik Street Post Office]] * [[Shlom Native Eating House]] * [[Union Observatory]] {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Houses |list1 = * [[36 Houghton Drive]] * [[David Webster House]] * [[Dr Xuma house|Dr Xuma House]] * [[Endstead]] * [[House Brunton]] * [[House Hains]] * [[James Mpanza House]] * [[Kholvad House]] * [[Lindfield House]] * [[Mandela House]] * [[Parktown mansions]] ** [[Villa Arcadia, Parktown|Villa Arcadia]] * [[Pullinger Kop]] * [[Rahima Moosa House]] * [[Satyagraha House]] * [[Tutu House]] * [[Villa d'Este (Johannesburg)|Villa d'Este]] }} |group5 = Historical</br>companies and</br>organisations |list5 = {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Companies |list1 = * [[Bosasa]] * [[Deneys Reitz]] * [[Edcon]] * [[Lema (company)|Lema]] * [[Mandela and Tambo]] * [[Simmer and Jack]] * [[VBS Mutual Bank]] |group2 = Political</br>organisations |list2 = * [[Anti-Privatisation Forum]] * [[Black Sash]] * [[Democratic Left Front]] * [[Gay and Lesbian Organization of Witwatersrand]] * [[Industrial Workers of the World (South Africa)|Industrial Workers of the World]] * [[uMkhonto we Sizwe Military Veterans' Association|MK Military Veterans' Association]] * [[Johannesburg Reform Committee|Reform Committee]] * [[Socialist Party of Azania]] |group3 = Other organisations |list3 = * [[Witwatersrand Native Labour Association]] }} |group6 = Events |list6 = * [[Jameson Raid]] * [[Braamfontein Explosion|Braamfontein explosion]] * [[Battle of Doornkop]] * [[Battle of Witpoort]] * [[Rand Rebellion]] * [[Empire Exhibition, South Africa|Empire Exhibition]] ** [[The Schlesinger African Air Race|Schlesinger African Air Race]] * [[1946 African Mine Workers' Union strike]] * [[Sophiatown#Forced removals|Sophiatown forced removals]] * [[Congress of the People (1955)|Congress of the People]] ** [[Freedom Charter]] * [[1956 Treason Trial|Treason Trial]] * [[1957 Alexandra bus boycott]] * [[Soweto uprising]] * [[Concert in the Park (South Africa)|Concert in the Park]] * [[Westdene dam disaster]] * [[Eerste Alternatiewe Afrikaanse Rockkonsert]] * [[Storming of the Kempton Park World Trade Centre]] * [[Shell House massacre]] * [[Ellis Park Stadium disaster]] * [[Bredell land occupation]] * [[Earth Summit 2002|World Summit on Sustainable Development]] ** [[Johannesburg Declaration]] * [[2002 Soweto bombings]] * [[Jacob Zuma rape trial]] * [[Live 8 concert, Johannesburg|Live 8 concert]] * [[Live Earth concert, Johannesburg|Live Earth concert]] * [[Miss World 2008]] * [[Miss World 2009]] * [[Occupy South Africa#Occupy Johannesburg|Occupy Johannesburg]] * [[Murder of Mido Macia]] * [[Death and state funeral of Nelson Mandela|Death and state memorial service of Nelson Mandela]] * [[Johannesburg train crash|2015 train crash]] * [[FeesMustFall|#FeesMustFall]] * [[Life Esidimeni scandal]] * [[10th BRICS summit]] * [[Zondo Commission]] * [[2019 Johannesburg riots|2019 riots]] * [[Shooting of Nathaniel Julies]] * [[2021 South African unrest|Zuma riots]] * [[Murder of Babita Deokaran]] * [[2022 Soweto shooting]] * [[Boksburg explosion]] * [[2023 Boksburg gas leak]] * [[15th BRICS summit]] * [[2023 Johannesburg building fire|2023 building fire]] }} |abbr7 = culture |group7 = [[Johannesburg#Culture|Culture]] |list7 = {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Cultural heritage |list1 = * [[Architecture of Johannesburg|Architecture]] * [[Gumboot dance|Gumboot dancing]] * [[Spatlo|amaKota]] * [[Kwaito]] |group2 = Performance art |list2 = * [[Joburg Ballet]] {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Musical ensembles |list1 = * [[Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestra]] * [[Johannesburg Youth Orchestra]] * [[Soweto Gospel Choir]] * [[Soweto String Quartet]] |group2 = Theatres |list2 = * [[Alexander Theatre (Johannesburg)|Alexander Theatre]] * [[Alhambra Theatre (Johannesburg)|Alhambra Theatre]] * [[Joburg Theatre|Johannesburg Civic Theatre]] * [[Market Theatre (Johannesburg)|Market Theatre]] * [[Wits Theatre Complex|Wits Theatre]] }} |group3 = [[:Category:Events in Johannesburg|Events and festivals]] |list3 = * [[Book fairs in South Africa#Abantu Book Festival|Abantu Book Festival]] * [[Encounters Festival South Africa|Encounters South African International Documentary Festival]] * [[Joburg Art Fair]] * [[In the City (South African festival)|In the City]] * [[Johannesburg International Motor Show]] * [[Pride parades in South Africa#Johannesburg|Johannesburg Pride]] * [[Book fairs in South Africa#Jozi Book Fair|Jozi Book Fair]] * [[Naledi Theatre Awards]] * [[Out In Africa South African Gay and Lesbian Film Festival]] * [[RAMFest]] * [[Rand Show]] * [[Book fairs in South Africa#South Africa’s Children’s Book Fair|South Africa’s Children’s Book Fair]] * [[Transforming Stories International Christian Film Festival]] * [[Ultra South Africa]] |group4 = Museums and art</br>galleries |list4 = * [[Apartheid Museum]] * [[Constitution Hill, Johannesburg#Museum|Constitution Hill Museum]] * [[Fietas Museum]] * [[Gold Reef City]] * [[Goodman Gallery]] * [[Hector Pieterson Museum]] * [[James Hall Transport Museum]] * [[Joburg Contemporary Art Foundation]] * [[Johannesburg Art Gallery]] * [[Johannesburg Holocaust and Genocide Centre]] * [[South African Airways Museum Society|South African Airways Museum]] * [[Mandela House]] * [[Market Photo Workshop]] * [[Cradle of Humankind#Visitor centres|Maropeng]] * [[South African National Museum of Military History|Military History Museum]] * [[MuseuMAfricA|Museum Africa]] * [[Photo:]] * [[Satyagraha House]] * [[Workers' Library and Museum|Workers' Museum]] {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Defunct |list1 = * [[SAB World of Beer]] * [[South African National Railway And Steam Museum]] }} |group6 = Clubs and societies |list6 = * [[ATKV|Afrikaanse Taal- en Kultuurvereniging]] * [[Automobile Association of South Africa|Automobile Association]] * [[Nippon Club (Johannesburg)|Nippon Club]] * [[Rand Club]] * [[South African Airways Museum Society|SAA Museum Society]] * [[South African Radio League]] * [[Southern African Vexillological Association]] }} |abbr8 = religion |group8 = [[:Category:Religion in Johannesburg|Religion]] |list8 = * [[South African Council of Churches|SACC]] * Anglican ** [[Anglican Diocese of Johannesburg|Diocese of Johannesburg]] ** [[Diocese of the Highveld]] ** [[Diocese of Christ the King]] * Catholic ** [[Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Johannesburg|Archdiocese of Johannesburg]] ** [[Knights of Da Gama]] * Protestant ** [[Baptist Union of Southern Africa|Baptist Union]] ** [[Presbytery of Egoli]] * Jewish ** [[Union of Orthodox Synagogues]] *** [[Johannesburg Beth Din]] ** [[Ohr Somayach, South Africa|Ohr Somayach]] ** [[South African Union for Progressive Judaism|SAUPJ]] * Islamic ** [[Jamiatul Ulama South Africa|Jamiatul Ulama]] {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Places of</br>worship |list1 = {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Churches |list1 = {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = [[Anglican Church of Southern Africa|Anglican]] |list1 = * '''[[St Mary's Cathedral, Johannesburg|Cathedral Church of Saint Mary the Virgin]]''' * '''[[St Dunstan's Cathedral, Benoni|Cathedral Church of Saint Dunstan]]''' * [[St Aidan's Anglican Church, Johannesburg|St Aidan's Anglican Church]] * [[St Boniface Church, Germiston|St Boniface Church]] * [[St. Mary's Anglican Church, Rosettenville|St Mary's Anglican Church]] * [[St. Michael and All Angels' Anglican Church, Weltevreden Park|St Michael and All Angels' Anglican Church]] |group2 = [[Baptists|Baptist]] |list2 = * [[Baptist Church, Troyeville|Troyeville Baptist Church]] |group3 = [[Calvinism|Calvinist]] |list3 = * [[Brixton Reformed Church]] * [[Congregational Church, Turffontein]] * [[Fordsburg Reformed Church]] * [[Johannesburg East Reformed Church (NGK)|Johanesburg East Reformed Church]] * [[Johannesburg North Reformed Church (NGK)|Johannesburg North Reformed Church]] * [[Johannesburg Reformed Church (NGK)|Johannesburg Reformed Church]] * [[Johannesburg Reformed Church (GKSA)]] * [[Langlaagte Reformed Church]] * [[Linden Reformed Church]] * [[Parkhurst Reformed Church]] * [[Turffontein Reformed Church]] |group4 = [[Catholic Church|Catholic]] |list4 = * '''[[Cathedral of Christ The King, Johannesburg|Cathedral of Christ the King]]''' * [[Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Braamfontein|Holy Trinity Catholic Church]] * [[Regina Mundi Catholic Church (Soweto)|Regina Mundi Catholic Church]] {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = [[Maronite Church|Maronite]] |list1 = * [[Shrine of Our Lady of the Cedars]] }} |group5 = [[Greek Orthodox Church|Greek</br>Orthodox]] |list5 = * '''[[Cathedral of Sts. Constantine and Helen|Cathedral of Saints Constantine and Helen]]''' |group6 = [[The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints|Latter-day</br>Saints]] |list6 = * '''[[Johannesburg South Africa Temple]]''' |group7 = [[Lutheranism|Lutheran]] |list7 = * [[Friedenskirche (Hillbrow)|Friedenskirche]] }} |group2 = Synagogues |list2 = {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = [[Orthodox Judaism|Orthodox]] |list1 = * [[Chassidim Shul]] * [[Doornfontein Synagogue]] * [[Great Synagogue (Johannesburg)|Great Synagogue]] * [[Oxford Shul]] {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Historical |list1 = * [[President Street Synagogue]] }} |group2 = [[Reform Judaism|Progressive]] |list2 = * [[Beit Emanuel Progressive Synagogue]] * [[Temple Israel (Johannesburg)|Temple Israel]] }} |group3 = Mosques |list3 = * [[Kerk Street Mosque|Jumah Mosque]] * [[Nizamiye Mosque]] |group4 = Hindu temples |list4 = * [[Madhya Kailash Temple, Midrand|Madhya Kailash Shiva Temple]] |group5 = Scientology centres |list5 = * [[Castle Kyalami]] }} }} |abbr9 = media |group9 = [[:Category:Mass media in Johannesburg|Media]] |list9 = * [[South African National Editors' Forum]] * [[Southern African Music Rights Organisation]] * [[AmaBhungane]] {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Mass media |list1 = {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Magazines |list1 = * ''[[African Communist]]'' * ''[[Drum (South African magazine)|Drum]]'' * ''[[Financial Mail]]'' * ''[[Mining Weekly]]'' * ''[[Music Industry Online]]'' * ''[[Nomad Africa Magazine]]'' * ''[[SA Flyer]]'' {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Defunct |list1 = * ''[[Die Arbeider en arm boer|Die Arbeider en Arm Boer]]'' * ''[[Style (magazine)|Style]]'' * ''[[Top 40 Music Magazine]]'' }} |group2 = Newspapers |list2 = * [[Caxton and CTP Publishers and Printers#Newspapers|Caxton local newspapers]] (various) * ''[[Beeld]]'' * ''[[Business Day (South Africa)|Business Day]]'' * ''[[The Citizen (South African newspaper)|The Citizen]]'' * ''[[City Press (South Africa)|City Press]]'' * ''[[Daily Maverick]]'' * ''[[Daily Sun (South Africa)|Daily Sun]]'' * ''[[Jewish Report]]'' * ''[[Mail & Guardian]]'' * ''[[Mayihlome News]]'' * ''[[Rapport (newspaper)|Rapport]]'' * ''[[The South African]]'' * ''[[The Sowetan]]'' * ''[[The Star (South Africa)|The Star]]'' * ''[[The Sunday Independent (South Africa)|The Sunday Independent]]'' * ''[[Sunday Times (South Africa)|Sunday Times]]'' * ''[[TimesLIVE]]'' * ''[[Wits Vuvuzela]]'' {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Defunct |list1 = * ''[[New Age (South African newspaper)|New Age]]'' * ''[[The New Age (South African newspaper)|The New Age]]'' * ''[[The World (South African newspaper)|The World]]'' }} |group3 = Radio stations |list3 = * [[5FM]] * [[Radio 702|702]] * [[947 (radio station)|947]] * [[ArrowLine Chinese Radio]] * [[Boervolk Radio]] * [[ChaiFM]] * [[Channel Africa]] * [[Ekurhuleni FM]] * [[Hot 1027]] * [[Jozi FM]] * [[Kasie FM 97.1|Kasie FM]] * [[Kaya FM]] * [[Metro FM]] * [[Munghana Lonene FM]] * [[Power FM (South Africa)|Power FM]] * [[Radio 2000]] * [[Radio Sonder Grense]] * [[Rock FM 91.9]] * [[SAfm]] * [[UJFM]] * [[YFM]] |group4 = Television channels |list4 = * [[CNBC Africa]] * [[eNCA]] * [[M-Net]] * [[Me (South African TV channel)|Me]] * [[SABC 1]] * [[SABC 2]] * [[SABC 3]] * [[SABC Children]] * [[SABC Education]] * [[SABC News]] * [[SABC Sport]] * [[Soweto TV]] {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Defunct |list1 = * [[M-Net Series]] }} |group5 = Film studios |list5 = * [[Film Resource Unit]] * [[Quizzical Pictures]] {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Defunct |list1 = * [[Killarney Film Studios]] }} |group6 = Record labels |list6 = * [[Ambitiouz Entertainment]] * [[CCP Records]] * [[Family Tree Records]] * [[Gallo Record Company|Gallo Records]] * [[Kalawa Jazmee Records]] |group7 = Game studios |list7 = * [[Celestial Games]] }} |group2 = Cultural references |list2 = * ''[[District 9]]'' * ''[[Egoli: Place of Gold]]'' * "[[Gimme Hope Jo'anna]]" * ''[[Johannesburg Festival Overture]]'' * ''[[The Real Housewives of Johannesburg]]'' * ''[[Sarafina! (film)|Sarafina!]]'' * "[[Soweto Blues]]" * ''[[Welcome to Our Hillbrow]]'' * ''[[Zoo City]]'' }} |abbr10 = econ |group10 = [[Johannesburg#Economy|Economy]] |list10 = * [[JSE Limited|Johannesburg Stock Exchange]] ** [[AltX]] ** [[South African Futures Exchange|Safex]] ** [[List of companies traded on the JSE|companies traded]] * [[A2X Markets]] * [[Brenthurst Foundation]] {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Companies |list1 = {{Witwatersrand companies}} |group2 = Professional</br>associations |list2 = * [[Gauteng Institute for Architecture]] * [[South African Institute of Chartered Accountants]] * [[South African Institute of Electrical Engineers]] * [[South African Institute of Professional Accountants]] |group3 = Mining |list3 = * [[Minerals Council South Africa]] * [[Rand Refinery]] {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Mines |list1 = * [[Blyvooruitzicht mine|Blyvooruitzicht]] * [[Driefontein mine|Driefontein]] * [[East Rand Mine|ERPM]] * [[KDC mine|KDC]] * [[Kopanang mine|Kopanang]] * [[Kusasalethu mine|Kusasalethu]] * [[Mintails mine|Mintails]] * [[Mponeng Gold Mine|Mponeng]] * [[Old Randfontein mine|Old Randfontein]] * [[Randfontein mine|Randfontein]] * [[South Deep mine|South Deep]] * [[TauTona Mine|TauTona]] * [[West Wits mine|West Wits]] }} |group4 = Shopping centres |list4 = * [[Carlton Centre]] * [[Cresta Shopping Centre|Cresta Mall]] * [[Dobsonville Shopping Centre|Dobsonville Mall]] * [[Eastgate Shopping Centre, Johannesburg|Eastgate]] * [[Fourways Mall]] * [[Hyde Park Corner (shopping centre)|Hyde Park Corner]] * [[Mall of Africa]] * [[Maponya Mall]] * [[Nelson Mandela Square]] * [[Northgate Shopping Centre, Johannesburg|Northgate]] * [[Northmead Square]] * [[Rivonia Square|Oriental City]] * [[Oriental Plaza]] * [[Protea Glen Mall]] * [[Sandton City]] * [[Southgate Shopping Centre|Southgate]] |group5 = Hotels and resorts |list5 = * [[The Leonardo (Sandton)|The Leonardo]] * [[Michelangelo Towers]] * [[Montecasino]] |group6 = Venues |list6 = * [[The Bassline (club)|The Bassline]] * [[Ellis Park Arena]] * [[Gallagher Convention Centre]] |group7 = Restaurants,</br>bars and cafés |list7 = * [[The Radium Beerhall|The Radium]] |group8 = Tourism |list8 = * [[Gold Reef City]] {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Cultural villages |list1 = * [[Ke-Ditselana Tourism and Multi-Cultural Village|Ke-Ditselana Cultural Village]] * [[Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa#Kwa-Khaya Lendaba cultural village|Kwa-Khaya Lendaba Cultural Village]] * [[Lesedi Cultural Village]] }} }} |abbr11 = transport |group11 = [[Transport in Johannesburg|Transport]] |list11 = {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Civil aviation |list1 = * [[South African Civil Aviation Authority]] {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = [[Johannesburg#Airports|Airports]] |list1 = * [[Grand Central Airport]] * [[Lanseria International Airport]] * [[O. R. Tambo International Airport]] * [[Rand Airport]] {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Defunct |list1 = * [[Palmietfontein Airport]] }} }} |group2 = [[Johannesburg#Roads|Road transport]] |list2 = * [[Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport]] * [[Johannesburg Roads Agency]] * [[Metropolitan Routes in Johannesburg|Roads]] * [[Johannesburg freeways|Freeways]] ** [[e-toll (South Africa)|e-tolling]] * [[Johannesburg#Bus and taxi transit|Buses and taxis]] ** [[PUTCO]] * [[Trolleybuses in Johannesburg|Trolleybuses]] |group3 = [[Johannesburg#Rail|Rail transport]] |list3 = * [[Gautrain]] * [[Metrorail Gauteng]] * [[Johannesburg-Durban High Speed Rail|Johannesburg–Durban high speed rail]] (proposed) * [[Trams in Johannesburg|Trams]] {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Train stations |list1 = * [[Johannesburg Park station|Johannesburg Park Station]] * [[Marlboro (Gautrain station)|Marlboro Station]] * [[Midrand (Gautrain station)|Midrand Station]] * [[Rhodesfield (Gautrain station)|Rhodesfield Station]] * [[Rosebank (Gautrain station)|Rosebank Station]] * [[Sandton (Gautrain station)|Sandton Station]] }} }} |abbr12 = sports |group12 = [[Johannesburg#Sports|Sports]] |list12 = {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Sports governing</br>bodies based in</br>Greater Johannesburg |list1 = * [[South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee|SASCOC]] * [[Athletics South Africa]] * [[Basketball South Africa]] * [[Bowls South Africa]] * [[Cricket South Africa]] * [[Mind Sports South Africa]] * [[South African Baseball Union]] * [[South African Confederation of Cue Sport]] * [[South African Equestrian Federation]] * [[South African Football Association]] * [[South African Handball Federation]] * [[South African Hockey Association]] * [[South African National Climbing Federation]] * [[South African Sailing]] * [[Squash South Africa]] * [[Volleyball South Africa]] |group2 = Teams |list2 = {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Soccer |list1 = * [[Atlie F.C.|Atlie]] * [[Bidvest Wits F.C.|Bidvest Wits]] * [[Jomo Cosmos F.C.|Jomo Cosmos]] * [[JVW F.C.|JVW]] * [[Kaizer Chiefs F.C.|Kaizer Chiefs]] * [[Lusitano F.C. (South Africa)|Lusitano]] * [[M Tigers F.C.|Mahlangu Tigers]] * [[Moroka Swallows F.C.|Moroka Swallows]] * [[Orlando Pirates F.C.|Orlando Pirates]] * [[University of Johannesburg women's football|UJ Ladies]] * [[Wits University F.C.|Wits University]] * [[Yebo Yes United F.C.|Yebo Yes United]] {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Former |list1 = * [[Germiston Callies F.C.|Germiston Callies]] * [[Giant Blackpool]] }} |group2 = Rugby |list2 = * [[Golden Lions]] * [[Lions (United Rugby Championship)|Lions]] * [[Falcons (rugby union)|Falcons]] * [[Jozi Cats]] |group3= Cricket |list3 = * [[Central Gauteng women's cricket team|Central Gauteng Lions]] * [[Easterns (cricket team)|Easterns]] * [[Easterns women's cricket team|Easterns Women]] * [[Gauteng (cricket team)|Highveld Lions]] * [[Imperial Lions]] * [[Joburg Super Kings]] * [[Titans (cricket team)|Titans]] |group4 = Basketball |list4 = * [[Egoli Magic]] * [[Jozi Nuggets]] * [[Soweto Panthers]] * [[University of Johannesburg men's basketball|UJ men's basketball team]] }} |group3 = Equestrian sports |list3 = * [[National Horseracing Authority]] * [[South African Lipizzaners]] |group4 = Sports events |list4 = * [[1992 South Africa vs New Zealand rugby union match|1992 Return Test]] * [[1995 Rugby World Cup]] ** [[1995 Rugby World Cup final|Final]] * [[2003 Cricket World Cup]] ** [[2003 Cricket World Cup final|Final]] * [[2010 FIFA World Cup]] ** [[2010 FIFA World Cup final|Final]] * [[Joburg Open]] * [[Joburg Ladies Open]] * [[South African Derby]] * [[South African PGA Championship]] * [[Soweto derby|Soweto Derby]] |group5 = Sports venues |list5 = {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Stadia and</br>arenas |list1 = * [[Alexandra Stadium (South Africa)|Alexandra Stadium]] * [[Arthur Block Park|Arthur Block Park Stadium]] * [[Barnard Stadium]] * [[Bidvest Stadium]] * [[Bosman Stadium]] * [[Cecil Payne Stadium]] * [[Dobsonville Stadium]] * [[Ellis Park Arena]] * [[Ellis Park Stadium]] * [[Germiston Stadium]] * [[Huntersfield Stadium]] * [[Johannesburg Stadium]] * [[KwaThema Stadium]] * [[Lenasia Stadium]] * [[Makhulong Stadium]] * [[Mehlareng Stadium]] * [[Modderfontein Stadium]] * [[Mohlakeng Stadium]] * [[Orlando Stadium]] * [[Potgietersrus Rugby Stadium]] * [[Rabie Ridge Stadium]] * [[Rand Stadium]] * [[Randburg Hockey Stadium]] * [[Ruimsig Stadium]] * [[Sinaba Stadium]] * [[FNB Stadium|Soccer City]] * [[Soweto Cricket Oval]] * [[UJ Stadium]] * [[Union Stadium]] * [[Wanderers Stadium]] * [[Willowmoore Park|Willowmoore Park Stadium]] {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Defunct |list1 = * [[Old Wanderers]] * [[PAM Brink Stadium]] * [[WeBuyCars Dome]] }} |group2 = Golf courses |list2 = * [[Glendower Golf Club]] * [[Randpark Golf Club]] * [[Royal Johannesburg & Kensington Golf Club]] |group3 = Equestrian</br>venues |list3 = * [[Turffontein Racecourse]] |group4 = Motorsports</br>venues |list4 = * [[Kyalami|Kyalami Grand Prix Circuit]] {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Defunct |list1 = }} }} }} |abbr13 = edu |group13 = [[Johannesburg#Education|Education and research]] |list13 = * [[Gauteng Department of Education|GDE]] * [[Community & Individual Development Association|CIDA]] * [[Foundation of Tertiary Institutions of the Northern Metropolis|FOTIM]] * [[Geological Society of South Africa]] * [[Mandela Institute for Development Studies]] * [[South African Audience Research Foundation|SAARF]] * [[South African Institute for Heritage Science and Conservation]] * [[Student Sponsorship Programme South Africa]] {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Libraries |list1 = * [[Alexandra Childrens Library]] * [[Brenthurst Library]] * [[Rand Club#Library|Buckland Library]] * [[Johannesburg City Library|Johannesburg Public Library]] * [[Orlando East Public Library]] * [[Randburg Library]] * [[University of Johannesburg#Libraries, collections and museums|UJ Libraries]] * [[University of the Witwatersrand#Libraries|University of the Witwatersrand Libraries]] |group2 = Universities |list2 = {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = [[University of Johannesburg]] |list1 = * [[Johannesburg Institute for Advanced Study]] * [[UJFM]] {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Campuses |list1 = * [[Bunting Road Campus Auckland Park|APB Campus]] * [[Kingsway Campus Auckland Park|APK Campus]] * [[University of Johannesburg#Doornfontein|Doornfontein Campus]] * [[University of Johannesburg#Soweto|Soweto Campus]] |group2 = Faculties |list2 = * [[University of Johannesburg#Art, Design and Architecture|Art, Design and Architecture]] * [[University of Johannesburg#College of Business and Economics|Business and Economics]] * [[University of Johannesburg#Education|Education]] * [[University of Johannesburg#Engineering and the Built Environment|Engineering and the Built Environment]] * [[University of Johannesburg#Health Sciences|Health Sciences]] * [[University of Johannesburg#Humanities|Humanities]] * [[University of Johannesburg#Law|Law]] * [[University of Johannesburg#Science|Science]] }} |group2 = [[University of the Witwatersrand]] |list2 = * [[Campuses of the University of the Witwatersrand|Campuses]] * [[Evolutionary Studies Institute]] * [[Global Change Institute]] * [[Industrial and Mining Water Research Unit]] * [[Johannesburg Planetarium]] * ''[[Philosophical Papers]]'' * [[Wits Theatre Complex]] * ''[[Wits Vuvuzela]]'' {{Navbox|subgroup |group1 = Faculties |list1 = * [[University of the Witwatersrand#Commerce, Law, and Management|Commerce, Law and Management]] * [[University of the Witwatersrand#Engineering and the Built Environment|Engineering and the Built Environment]] ** [[University of the Witwatersrand School of Architecture & Planning|School of Architecture and Planning]] ** [[University of the Witwatersrand School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering|School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering]] ** [[University of the Witwatersrand School of Civil and Environmental Engineering|School of Civil and Environmental Engineering]] * [[University of the Witwatersrand#Health Sciences|Health Sciences]] * 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