Publisher of streaming video, audio, and text library databases that promote research, teaching, and learning across disciplines, including music, counseling, history, business and more| Alexander Street

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class="v-center-inner"> <h1 class="no-margin lead-title"><p style="color:white;font-weight:900;width:105%">Black Freedom Struggle in the<br /> United States:</p> <p style="font-size:28px;color:white;width:102%;">Challenges and Triumphs in the Pursuit of Equality</p> </h1> <a class="btn btn-primary" href="">Explore the Free Resource</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="wrap-group section full-height is-fixed hero-home hero-home-slide-1" style="background-image:url('');"> <div class="container full-height"> <div class="content-position v-helper full-height text-center"> <div class="v-center"> <div class="v-center-inner"> <h1 class="no-margin lead-title"><p style="color:white;"><b>Drive research excellence<br /> and student success</b></p> <p style="font-size:28px;color:white;width:102%;">Alexander Street is proud to be part<br /> of Clarivate, home to leading<br /> research and education solutions</p> </h1> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div 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style="font-size:28px;color:white;width:102%;">Bring the stage to life through access to high definition streaming video and unique archival material</p> </h1> <a class="btn btn-primary" href="">Learn more</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div id="wrap" class="wrap wrap-group full-height clearfix"> <div class="wrap-inner full-height"> <div class="section"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-3"> <a href="" class="home-content-item"> <img alt="" src="" class="img-responsive"> <p class="copy"> <span class="title"> PBS Video Collection: 5th Edition – 1,600 Streaming Videos </span> </p> </a> </div> <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-3"> <a href="" class="home-content-item"> <img alt="" src="" class="img-responsive"> <p class="copy"> <span class="title"> New Collections in Global Issues Library! </span> </p> </a> </div> <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-3"> <a href="" class="home-content-item"> <img alt="new- Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume VI - The Boosey & Hawkes Collection " src="" class="img-responsive"> <p class="copy"> <span class="title"> New! Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume VI - The Boosey & Hawkes Collection! </span> </p> </a> </div> <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-3"> <a href="" class="home-content-item"> <img alt="New! Qwest TV EDU" src="" class="img-responsive"> <p class="copy"> <span class="title"> New! Qwest TV EDU </span> </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section section-gray"> <div class="container text-center"> <h1 class="text-center mb-60"> <!-- <i class="icon icon-64 icon-collections-64 op-3"></i> --> Powerful, Enhanced Learning Platform<small class="subheading op-4">Transforming the way people research, teach, and learn</small> </h1> </div> <div class="container carousel-platform"> <div id="allinone_carousel_powerful_common"> <div class="myloader"> <span class="loader-bg"></span> <span class="pulse b"></span> <span class="pulse c"></span> </div> <!-- CONTENT --> <ul class="allinone_carousel_list"> <li data-title="<div class='left'><h4> Jaws Compatible </h4> <p>JAWS is the most widely-used screen reader software in the world. It provides speech and Braille outputs of website content to help those with visual impairments navigate.</p><h4> ADVANCED SEARCH </h4> <p>Advanced functionality offers multiple ways to discover great content. Search by keyword. Filter by media type. Search within any search to refine and deep dive.</p><h4> MULTI-LANGUAGE INTERFACE </h4> <p>Translate content into 65 languages with fully-integrated Google Translate.</p><h4> SCROLLING TRANSCRIPTS </h4> <p>Transcripts are synchronous and searchable. Scan or keyword-search the full text of any video</p></div><div class='right'><h4> HIGH QUALITY VIDEO </h4> <p>Variable bit rate streaming automatically selects the best quality based on your bandwidth, all the way up to HD (when available).</p><h4> CLIP-MAKER </h4> <p>Make a video clip with a single click. Drag the red and green time flags to set the start and end points of your clip.</p><h4> SHAREABLE PLAYLISTS </h4> <p>Add all of your favorite films and clips to an online playlist. Then share the link, or embed it seamlessly into a syllabus or LMS.</p><h4> PERMALINKS & LTI </h4> <p>Use a permanent link to provide direct access to a particular video and slide it right into a syllabus or LMS. Now supports Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI)!</p></div>" ><img src="" alt="" height="500" width="500" /></li> <li data-title="<div class='left'><h4> JAWS COMPATIBLE </h4> <p>JAWS is the most widely-used screen reader software in the world. It provides speech and Braille outputs of website content to help those with visual impairments navigate.</p><h4> ADVANCED SEARCH </h4> <p>Advanced functionality offers multiple ways to discover great content. Search by keyword. Filter by media type. Search within any search to refine and deep dive.</p><h4> MULTI-LANGUAGE INTERFACE </h4> <p>Translate content into 65 languages with fully-integrated Google Translate.</p><h4> BOOKMARK </h4> <p>Click the bookmark button to save your spot. Return to listen to the rest later.</p></div><div class='right'><h4> HIGH DEFINITION AUDIO </h4> <p>Stream tracks at CD quality (320kbps), so you don't miss a note.</p><h4> WAVEFORM VIEW </h4> <p>Views allows you to create precise audio clips, and then share them with colleagues, classmates, or the world.</p><h4> FULLY-INTEGRATED ANCILLARY CONTENT </h4> <p>Explore searchable liner notes, study guides, and other related material.</p><h4> EASY CITATION EXPORT </h4> <p>Export, download, and email full, accurate citations in APA, Chicago, and MLA formats.</p></div>" ><img src="" alt="" height="500" width="500" /></li> <li data-title="<div class='left'><h4> EDITORIALLY-CURATED </h4> <p>Curated collection pages highlight editor's picks, new content, and discipline-specific tools.</p><h4> ADVANCED SEARCH </h4> <p>Advanced functionality offers multiple ways to discover great content. Search by keyword. Filter by media type. Search within any search to refine.</p><h4> MULTI-LANGUAGE INTERFACE </h4> <p>Translate content into 65 languages with fully-integrated Google Translate.</p><h4> EASY CITATION EXPORT </h4> <p>Export, download, and email full, accurate citations in APA, Chicago, and MLA formats.</p></div><div class='right'><h4> CONTENTS </h4> <p>Use the Contents section to navigate through longer texts, Click any spot to jump to that part of the text.</p><h4> TEXT CLIP / ANNOTATION </h4> <p>Annotation tools allow you to bookmark and make notes on text documents. View or share your annotations by adjusting visibility settings.</p><h4> MULTI-PAGE VIEW </h4> <p>View text documents or scores on a single page, or on multiple pages.</p></div>" ><img src="" alt="" height="500" width="500" /></li> <li data-title="<div class='left'><h4> EDITORIALLY-CURATED </h4> <p>Curated collection pages highlight editor's picks, new content, and discipline-specific tools.</p><h4> ADVANCED SEARCH </h4> <p>Advanced functionality offers multiple ways to discover great content. Search by keyword. Filter by media type. Search within any search to refine.</p><h4> MULTI-LANGUAGE INTERFACE </h4> <p>Translate content into 65 languages with fully-integrated Google Translate.</p><h4> EASY CITATION EXPORT </h4> <p>Export, download, and email full, accurate citations in APA, Chicago, and MLA formats.</p></div><div class='right'><h4> CONTENTS </h4> <p>Use the Contents section to navigate through longer texts, Click any spot to jump to that part of the text.</p><h4> TEXT CLIP / ANNOTATION </h4> <p>Annotation tools allow you to bookmark and make notes on text documents. View or share your annotations by adjusting visibility settings.</p><h4> MULTI-PAGE VIEW </h4> <p>View text documents or scores on a single page, or on multiple pages.</p></div>" ><img src="" alt="" height="500" width="500" /></li> <li data-title="<div class='left'><h4> Enhanced Admin Portal </h4> <p>Understand the impact video has on your users with our new admin portal. We now provide single sign-on access to statistics, a new visually enhanced dashboard, and new impact metrics to identify why users watch the content and what value they place on it.</p><h4> ADVANCED SEARCH </h4> <p>Advanced functionality offers multiple ways to discover great content. Search by keyword. Filter by media type. Search within any search to refine and deep dive.</p><h4> MULTI-LANGUAGE INTERFACE </h4> <p>Translate content into 65 languages with fully-integrated Google Translate.</p><h4> SCROLLING TRANSCRIPTS </h4> <p>Transcripts are synchronous and searchable. Scan or keyword-search the full text of any video.</p></div><div class='right'><h4> HIGH QUALITY VIDEO </h4> <p>Variable bit rate streaming automatically selects the best quality based on your bandwidth, all the way up to HD (when available).</p><h4> CLIP-MAKER </h4> <p>Make a video clip with a single click. Drag the red and green time flags to set the start and end points of your clip.</p><h4> SHAREABLE PLAYLISTS </h4> <p>Add all of your favorite films and clips to an online playlist. Then share the link, or embed it seamlessly into a syllabus or LMS.</p><h4> PERMALINKS & LTI </h4> <p>Use a permanent link to provide direct access to a particular video and slide it right into a syllabus or LMS. Now supports Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI)!</p></div>" ><img src="" alt="" height="500" width="500" /></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section section-testimonials pb-0"> <div class="container"> <h1 class="fw-500 fs-lg mt-0 mb-40"><i class="icon icon-32 icon-providers mr-15"></i>What People Are Saying</h1> <div class="row"> <div class="testimonial-item col-md-3"> <blockquote> <p> Academic Video Online—with its massive library of more than 62,446 titles running nearly 30,000 hours—matches well with the conventional liberal arts curriculum....The case for acquiring Academic Video Online is compelling.</p> <cite class="cite small img-in"> <a>Library Journal</a> <span class="small text-muted"></span> </cite> </blockquote> </div> <div class="testimonial-item col-md-3"> <blockquote> <p> A remarkable site... In all, this rich and versatile site repays the time spent to explore it in depth.</p> <cite class="cite small img-in"> <a>The Journal of American History</a> <span class="small text-muted"></span> </cite> </blockquote> </div> <div class="testimonial-item col-md-3"> <blockquote> <p> Between its people and its content, it feels like Alexander Street is just walking off the shelves.</p> <cite class="cite small img-in"> <a>Diane Costello</a> <span class="small text-muted">Council of Australian University Librarians</span> </cite> </blockquote> </div> <div class="testimonial-item col-md-3"> <blockquote> <p> If Alexander Street’s positive feedback from its customers and its grand ambitions to expand its video offerings are any indication, the academic publishing industry may well be in the midst of a paradigm shift that even librarians can get excited about.</p> <cite class="cite small img-in"> <a>EContent</a> <span class="small text-muted"></span> </cite> </blockquote> </div> <div class="testimonial-item col-md-3"> <blockquote> <p> Stunning in quantity and in quality...a tour de force</p> <cite class="cite small img-in"> <a>Library Journal</a> <span class="small text-muted"></span> </cite> </blockquote> </div> <div class="testimonial-item col-md-3"> <blockquote> <p> Academic Video Online provides a vast database of film and video clips from documentary, newsreel, entertainment, and television sources. The range of material is broad and deep... The thematic range and temporal span make the collection relevant to many disciplines, courses, and student levels.</p> <cite class="cite small img-in"> <a>Joseph E. Taylor, III, Dept. of History, Simon Fraser University</a> <span class="small text-muted">American Reference Books Annual (ARBA)</span> </cite> </blockquote> </div> <div class="testimonial-item col-md-3"> <blockquote> <p> [Alexander Street does] excellent work on behalf of libraries, and more importantly, on behalf of scholars around the world.</p> <cite class="cite small img-in"> <a>Larry Alford, Dean of Libraries</a> <span class="small text-muted">University of Toronto</span> </cite> </blockquote> </div> <div class="testimonial-item col-md-3"> <blockquote> <p> Alexander Street has the cleanest, most responsive search apparatus in the business.</p> <cite class="cite small img-in"> <a>CHOICE</a> <span class="small text-muted"></span> </cite> </blockquote> </div> <div class="testimonial-item col-md-3"> <blockquote> <p> Very easy-to-use and comprehensive... Highly recommended.</p> <cite class="cite small img-in"> <a>Booklist Online</a> <span class="small text-muted"></span> </cite> </blockquote> </div> <div class="testimonial-item col-md-3"> <blockquote> <p> Academic Video Online’s content is used throughout the university – in the arts, the sciences, and in historical research, to name a few. Its academic-focused tools and features, including clip-making and scrolling transcripts, are useful in all disciplines. Key distributors, like Sony Picture Classics, and FILM PLATFORM, bring rich film and documentary content to the subscription.</p> <cite class="cite small img-in"> <a>Lorraine Wochna</a> <span class="small text-muted"> Subject Librarian for the Performing Arts, Ohio University</span> </cite> </blockquote> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section section-providers"> <div class="container"> <h1 class="fw-500 fs-lg mb-30"><i class="icon icon-32 icon-providers mr-15"></i>Featured Content Providers</h1> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="rel-block pager-rt"> <ul id="content-providers" class="carousel"> <li> <a class="img-container" > <img title="" alt="" src=""> </a> </li> <li> <a class="img-container" > <img title="" alt="" src=""> </a> </li> <li> <a class="img-container" > <img title="" alt="" src=""> </a> </li> <li> <a class="img-container" > <img title="" alt="BBC Learning" src=""> </a> </li> <li> <a class="img-container" > <img title="" alt="" src=""> </a> </li> <li> <a 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