Programme finder | Royal College of Art

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6-10 12-10s10 4 11 10h-23zm-38-13c-6-5-10-7-15-7-13 0-22 10-22 25s9 25 21 25c10 0 14-5 16-7v8c0 6-5 9-12 9-6 1-10-1-12-6h-12c1 6 3 8 6 11 4 4 10 5 18 5 16 0 25-7 25-19v-40h5v-10h-18v6zm-12 33c-7 0-11-6-11-15s5-14 12-14 11 6 11 14c0 9-5 15-12 15m256-55h-17l-20 56h-5v11h16l5-14h24l5 15h16v-12h-5l-19-56zm-18 42l9-30 9 30h-18zM184 210c0-3 2-5 4-6l1-1 4 1c4 0 8 3 10 7l2 4-2 4-4 4h-2l-5 1c-4-3-7-6-8-10v-4zm4 12l5 4h5l2-1c4-1 6-4 7-8v-3l-1-2c-1-4-4-7-8-8-2-2-5-4-8-3h-2c-3 1-5 4-6 7v3l1 2c0 4 2 7 5 9m-2-5h1l1 2 5 4-2-2-1-1h2l2 2 2 1v-1l-2-2 1-1 3 3 1-1-2-2h1l3 2 1-1-2-2-1-1v-1l3 2 1-1-3-2v-1l3 1c0-2-2-3-3-3v-1l1 1 1-1-3-2v-1c-3-2-7-4-11-3v1l5 3 3 1c1 1 2 2 1 4v1c-1 2-3 2-5 2-2-1-3-3-2-5l-4-4h-1v6l1 3m19 15l15 3 8 1v-1l-9-1c-7-1-13-2-19-5l-3-2h-1c3 3 6 4 9 5m6-18v-3-1h-2l-2-1v1l4 4m-19 0l-1-2-1 1 1 2h3l2-2v-2l-2-2-1 1h1l1 2v1l-3 1m15 8h1l4 2h3l-7-4-1 2m-20-15l5 5h1c-1-3-3-4-6-5 0-1 0-1 0 0m37 46v9l1-1 4-4v-1-11l-1 1h-1v4h-3v-1-2l-1-1-1-1-1 1-1 1v4h-3l-1-3 1-1-1-1h-1v2l1 7 2 3 1 1 2 2-1-8h1l1 10 1-1-1-9h2m4-20v-1l1-1v-1l2 1v1l-3 1m3 0l1-2-3-2-1 1-1 1 1 3 3-1m12-5l-3-1c-7-1-15-2-21-6l-10-4-1 2 12 5 6 2 9 2 8 1v-1m-14 3l1 1v-1h-1m-1 14l-1-8v9l1-1m-8-8v9h1v-9h-1m5 8v-8l-1 1v8l1-1m-8 1v-9h-1v8l1 1m-8-98l-4-1-2 1-1 1h7v-1m-26 5h-1v1h6l-1-1-1-1-4-2v1l1 1h-2v1h2m23 2h-1v2l-2 1-2 1h1v1l1-1v1h1l3-2h1l-1-3h-1m-17-5h3v2h-1l-1-1-1-1m2 5h-1v-1h2l-1 1m-2 1l-3 1h-4 2l-2 1-1 1 3-1-1 2 2-1h4l1-1v1l1-1h1l3-3 4 1 3-1 5-1 7 2v1l-2 1v1l2-1-1 1v1l2-1-1 1 1-1h1v-1-1l-1-3h-1l-3-2h-16l-2 2v-6h-1-2-2v1l1 5v2m56 71l-18-4-8-3-9-5h-1l1 2 9 4 8 3 18 3c1 0 0 0 0 0m-47-106h3l-1 1v1h-1l-1-1v-1zm1 5h-1l1-1h1l-1 1m-8 5v1l1-1v1l1-1c0-1 0 0 0 0l2-1h2l5-3h3l2-1c1-1 2-2 4-1h1c0 1 1 2 3 2v1h1v1l-2 3 2-2-1 2h1l1-1v-4l-2-2v-2h-11l-2 3-1 1 1-4-1-3h-1-2l-1 1 1 5-1 1-3 2-2 1h-1l-1 1h1m15 10h-1v2h-3-1v1h-1 2l-1 2 1-1 5-1 1-3h-2m-16-2l-4-2-1-1v2l-1-1 1 1h-1v1h1l4 2 1-2m12 86v1l9 3h1l-1-2-5-1-3-1h-1m15 5l1 1h2l6 1v-1l-1-1-6-1h-2v1m9-1l-7-2h-1l1 1h1l6 2v-1m-122 20h-1l-1 1v1l3 4v1l3 4 2-1c2-1 2-3 1-6s-4-5-7-4m110-23v1h1v-1h-1m-33-76v-1l6 3v-4l1-1h6l1 4h3a74 74 0 0 0 15-1l1-1h-4l-2 1-6-1h-1l1-2 5-1h3l2-1-2 2v1l2-1 4 2c-1 2-2 3-4 3l2 1c1 0 2 1 2 3l1 2v1h-1v1c0 1 0 1 0 0h-1v1h-2v-1l-1 1v-2h-1v-2h1l-4-2s-1 0 0 0l1 3-7 4 1-2-2 1v-1h-2c0-2 2-3 3-3h2v-2l-4 1h-6l-3 3-2 1h-6l-1 1-1-1h-1l1-2v-1h-1l4-1 4-1h-6l-2-1 1-1h-1l1-2v-1m12-10l-1 1-1-1h2m-1-4v0h-1 1l1-1v1h-1zm-10 8l1-1 3-1 3-1h-1l-6-2 1-1-1-2h3l-1-3 3 3 2 2v-2l-1-2v-1h7l1 4a99 99 0 0 1 15 0l3-1v-1h-1a132 132 0 0 1-10 0c-1-1 0-2 1-3 2 0 5 0 8-2h1l-3 2 1 2-5-1h-2v1h11v3l-1 1 4 2-1 1 1 1h-1l1 2h-1v3h-1l-1-1v1l-1-1h-1l1-3v-2l-6-1-1 4h-1l-3 1-2 1h-2l1-1h-1l-1-1 1-2h4v-1-1l-4 2-4-1-6 4h-2l-1 1v-1c-2 0-2 1-3 2l-1-1h2l3-2 1-1 1 1 1-1h1l4-3 3 1 3-1 2-1h2c2-1 3 0 5 1h4l1 3h-1l-1 2 1-1v2h1l1-2v1l1-3-1-2v-1c-2 0-3 0-4-2h-10l-6 1-3 2 2-3-1-2-1-1c-1-1-2 0-3 1v6l-5 1h-2v1s1 0 0 0l-1 1h3l-2 1-2 1v-2h1m7-14l5-2v-1l-2-1-2-1v-1h1v-1-1l2 1 3 2 1 1-1-5-1-2 3-1h2l2-1 1 4 1 1h10l1-1-3-2-6 1-1-1v-3l2-1h8l2-2s1 0 0 0v2l-3 2h-1l-3-1-2-1-2 2 1 1h7c1 0 3 2 2 3v2l1 2 1 1v7h-1v-1l-2 1c1 0 0 1 0 0v-1h-1v1l1-4-1-1-2-2h-1l-1 4-7 2h-1l1-1h-2l1-1-1-1 2-1h3l1-1-6 1-7 4h-4v-1h-1v-1zm-10 31l2 2h12l26-1v-1l1-6-2-46v-1h-1l-16 5-9 8c-5 4-8 9-10 14-3 8-5 16-5 25h1l1 1m36 67h-1l-1-1 1-2h1l1 1-1 2m0-3l-1-1v1l-1 3v1l4-1v-1c0-1 0-2-2-2m-15 2c-1 0 0 0 0 0v1a79 79 0 0 0 20 5l6 1v-1l-7-1a200 200 0 0 1-19-5m12-2l-2-1-4-1-1 1 6 2 1-1M49 257v-3h-1l-1 2v5l2-2v-2m-15-21l3-2-1-1h-5-1l-1-2v-2l-1 5 3 3v-1l-1-2s1 0 0 0l4 2m-5-14v3c-1-1-2-2-1-4l2-1h1l2 3-1 2h-1v-2-1h-2m2 4h1c2-1 2-4 1-5-1-2-2-3-4-2-1 1-3 2-3 4 1 2 3 4 5 3m11 21v-1l6-4v-1l-4 1c-2 0-3 2-4 3l-2 2v-1l2-3c2-2 4-2 7-3-1-3-5-3-7-3v2c-3 1-5 3-6 5l1 2v1l-1 4v2h1c1-1 1-3 7-6zm-18-11v1l-1 7v7l2-2v-1h1v-2h2l-2-11-2 1zm22 20l2-9 2-3v-2l-4 4h-1l-2 3-2 1v2l2-1 4-4v1l-3 4-1 1-2 1-1 1 1 1-1 6v2h1l5-8zM316 64h1l-1-1v1M54 251l-3-8v2 4l1 2v1l1 3 1-1v-3m-35-46v-1l-1-3-1-2-1 1-1 1-6-1 1 1 9 4M5 220h2l2 1h1c-6-3-9-3-10-3v1l1 1c0-1 0-1 0 0l1 1 3-1zm9 1l-5-4v-1l-1 1H5 4l3 1 7 3m35 28v4l1 2 1 3h1v-3l-2-6h-1m-25-13v-2l-7 6-1 3v7h1v1l1 3 1 2h1v-1l2-7c0-4 0-8 2-12M5 225h5l4-2v-1H5 4 3l2 3m269-45l3-3-1-1h-4c0 1 0 3 2 4M13 227l4-4h-1l-6 3H8l-4-1v2h2l4 2s2 0 3-2m6-3l-1-1-1 2-3 2v1l-4 2h3l6-4v-2M352 70l-1 1 4 5 2 2c-1-4-3-6-5-8m-16 113h1l-1 1v1c1 0 2-1 2-3v-1s-1 0 0 0l-1 1-2-1-2 1v1l2 1 1-1m-11 45l2-2 1-1v-3l-1-2h-1-1l1 1 1 2v1l-1 2-4 1c-2-1-3-3-2-4v-1l2-3c-2 0-3 1-4 3l1 3c0 2 3 3 6 3m5-33v-2l-1-2h-1l1 1v4l-3 2h2l2-3m-84 28l-2-1 2-1 2-1-1-2v-1l-2 2c1 0 0 0 0 0l-2-3v-1h2l-1-3-3 2-1-1-1-1 8-4v1c-1 2 0 4 1 6l2 4h2v1a154 154 0 0 1-6 3m4-17l4-2 1 1 2 2-4-1-1 2v1l1 1h7v3l-4 3h-1l-2-2 4-1h1l-1-1h-1c-3 1-6 0-7-2l1-4m5-5l10-1-1-1c-2-1-4-2-6-1l3-4 3 4 5 2v1l-9 2 1 2 5 1-2 3h-1c0-2-2-3-4-4l-4-3v-1m9-16l1-2v-1l3 4 2 1h3l3-1-1 4-2 5h-1l-2-1s0-1 0 0l3-3v-2-1h-4l1 2-1 1-3-2c0 1 0 0 0 0h1l1-2h-3l-1 2 1 2h-2l-1-1 2-5zm2-10v-3-1-1c1 2 4 3 6 3h6l2-1-1 6-2 4-3 1c-2-1-3-3-3-5v-2h-4l-1 1v-2m6-12l2-1h1l1 1-1 3-2-1-1-2m-15 55a82 82 0 0 0 18-25l1-2 4-11c2-11 2-21 1-32v-3c-5 1-9 3-11 8-1 0 0 0 0 0h3c2-1 5-3 6-6l1-1v5h-1l-4 2 1 2 3 1h1v3h-1l-5-4h-6v8l-1 4-1 1-1 1-1 4 1 4v1c-2 5-3 11-6 15l-1 3c-4 5-7 9-12 12l-8 3-1 1-2 6v4l11 3 11-7m19-11h2l3-4c1 0 0 0 0 0l1-3 1-1-2 1-5 7s0 1 0 0M45 259l-1 3 1-1 1-1v-1-1l-1 1m275-76l-2-3v-1l-5-11h-1l5 11 2 4h1m29-116l1 1 6 5 1-1-2-3c-1-2-4-3-6-2m-12-15c2 0 4-2 5-3l-2-1-3 2c-3 0-5 3-5 6l2-1 3-3M159 226l-1-4 1-1v-1c0-1 0 0 0 0v6m-2 0h-1v-6-1l1 2v5m-2-2v2l-1-1v-4-1h1v4m-20 16l-6 6h-1c0-3-2-4-3-6l-4-5-3-1v-1l7-5 2-2h1l3 4h-4l-3 1 2 4 2-2h1l1 3-2 1 2 4h2l1-3 1-3 3 3-2 2m-10 9l-4 3v-2l-7-8-2-1h-2v-1l5-5 1 1c-1 1 0 3 1 5l7 7 1 1m-11 9c-1 2-3 4-5 4l-6 3 2-3-2-3-4-5-4-1s0-1 0 0l8-6 2-1 3 1c5 2 7 7 6 11m-27 4v1l-1-1 1-7h2l-2 7m-2 1l-2 1 2-9c0-1 0-1 0 0l1 1-1 7m-4 2v-2l1-2v-7h1v2l-1 8-1 1m-2 0l-1 1 1-7 1-3v-2h1l-1 10-1 1m-2-1v2h-1l1-6v-6-1l2 1-1 8-1 2zm-3 2l-1-1v-2l1-10h2l-2 13m-3 0l-1-1 2-12v-1l2 1-2 12-1 1m-2 0l-2-1a52 52 0 0 0 3-14l1 1-2 12v2m-5-1s1 0 0 0l3-8 1-5v-1l1-1v1c-1 5-1 10-3 14h-2zm-1 0h-1l1-2 2-15 1 1-2 14-1 2m98-46v-1h1v9h-1v-3l-1-1 1-4zm2 0v-1h1l-1 5 1 5h-1v-3-6m3-2l1-1-1 7v2l-1 3 1-11m3-1l1-1v1l-2 13h-1l2-13m3 0l-1 8-1 7-1-1a46 46 0 0 1 3-14m3 1l-3 15v-1l-1-1 1-8 3-5m2 2h1v2l-3 5-1 8-1-1v-5l1-4c0-2 2-3 3-5m2 1v1l-1 3-1 4-1 7-1-1v-4c0-4 2-7 4-9v-1m2 3h1l-1 1-4 9v3c0-4 0-8 3-11l1-2zm2 2h1l-4 6-1 6h-1a18 18 0 0 1 5-12m1 3l1-1-3 5-2 7v-4l4-7m-18 3c6 1 11 6 14 11l5-14v-3c-3-4-6-7-11-9l-1-1-12-3-2 2a121 121 0 0 1-1 4l-4 1-1 2h-1l-1 1-6-1h-2c3 1 4 5 4 8l-2 3-2 1h-4l-1-1-7-7v-1l4-3v4l3 4 4 2 1-1 1-3c-1-3-4-6-7-8h-1l-1-1-3 1h-1l-3 2-16 11-6 5c0 2-1 2-2 3l-3 4-2 2c-3 2-7 4-12 4l-1 1-7-1-8-2-2-1-3-2h-1v1l-1 6c0 4-1 8-3 11v1l9 5c11 3 22 2 32-1l12-6c6-3 10-8 15-13l9-9c5-5 11-9 17-11l4 1 7 1M63 247v-3-11h-2v9l-6-11-8-9v4l9 10-12-6-1 2 13 6 2 3-9-2 4 3c5 0 7 2 7 3 0 5-1 10-3 14l-1 3c-2 3-5 5-8 6v3h1l1-1 2-1c3-1 6-4 7-7 2-4 3-4 4-11v-4M351 64l-3 1 3 1 5 2v-1c0-2-3-3-5-3m-16-6l-1 1h1l7-1c3-1 6-2 9-1v-1l-2-1-10 2 6-3 4-1h0a15 15 0 0 0-5 0l-6 3-3 2m6-6h-2c-1 1-3 1-3 3l1 1 4-3 2-3-1 1-1 1m6 6l-3 1-1 1 1-1 6 4h5l-1-1-7-3h-1l6 1h1l-3-2h-3m-66 54l-1-1v1l-2 1-1 2 1 2c-1 3 0 6 1 8 0 1 1 0 0 0a44 44 0 0 1 2-13m39 103l-1 3h1v-2-1m2 0v-1l-2-3 2-3v-1l-1 1h-1c-1 3-1 5 1 7h1m4-40l1 2 2 4 1 1v-1l-3-6h-1m4 3l-1-1 1 1m-166 55h-2l-2 7-5 8h1c3-2 6-1 9 0 4 1 9 1 13-1l1-1v-2h-1v1l-1 1v-2l1-1v-1h-1l-2 4-1 1 3-6-1-1-3 6v1l-1-1 3-7-1-1-3 8h-2 1l4-8-1-1-5 9h-1l4-9 1-1h-1l-5 10h-1l5-9v-2h-1l-6 10h-1c3-3 5-7 6-10l-1-1-6 11h-1a37 37 0 0 0 6-11h-1l-6 11-1 1v-1l6-12m163-31v-3l-1 3h1m1-6v-2h-2v-1h-1v2h1l1 1h1m-14-27l4 8 4 7 1-1-8-14h-1m8 52c2 0 3-2 3-3l-1-5h-1v1l1 2v2l-2 2v1m4-12h-1l-1 4h1l1-4m-6-2l1-3v-1l-1 3v1m0-35l4 7 3 4-5-10-2-1m4 2h-1l1 1 4 8h1v-1l-4-6-1-2m7-67l-1 1-1-1-1 1 1 2-2 3h1l3-5v-1m-13 64h-1l5 8 3 4v-1l-6-10-1-1m13-60h-1l-1 3c-1 3 0 5 2 7h1l-2-4 1-6m12 43v-1l-1 1h1m1-1l-1-1-1-3 1-1v-1l-1 1c-1 2 0 4 1 5h1m-2 9l1 1v-2h-1v1m-1-2l2 1c-2-2-1-4 0-6h1l-1-1v1c-2 1-2 3-2 5m1-13v-1-1l-1 1 1 1m2 7l1 1v-1h-1zm-1-9v-1h-1l-1-1-1-1v-1l-1 2 4 2m11-49c0-3-1-7-3-9l-2-2h-1l3 6 3 5c0 1 0 0 0 0m-3 5l1 1v-5l-1-2-1-2-3-5v1l3 8 1 4m-11 60v1h1v-1h-1m-16 40v6l-1 1-2 1v1l2-1 3-4v-3l-1-1h-1m23-88l-3-5 1 4 1 1h1m-8 52c-1 1 0 3 1 4v-1l-1-2 2-2 1-1h-1l-2 1v1m3 1h-1s-1 0 0 0l1 1v-1m4-15h-1v1l1 2c0 1-1 3-3 3h2c2-2 2-4 1-6m-1 8v0m-18-44l-1 3v4c0 2 1 3 3 4l-2-8v-3-1 1m-99 30h1v1h1v2h1v-2h1l1-3h1v-2h1v1l1-2v-1 2h1v-2s0-1 0 0l1 2 4 2c1 1 2 2 1 4l2 1 4 1 1 2-3 1v1l1-1v1h1l1-1v1l2-1v-1-1-1l-4-2v-1l2-3v-3l-4-3 4 4c0 2-2 3-3 3l-1-2-8-7h-2-1v1l-1-1-1 1-2 5-3 4m1-15v1l3 4v-4l-2-3h-1l1 1h-1v1m31 24l-1 1h-12l-20 1h-2v-26-17h1c6 1 12 3 17 8s10 11 13 18l4 15m-13-30c-5-7-14-12-22-12h-1l1 45h1l35-1v-1c-1-7-3-13-6-19l-8-12m-19 2l3 2 1 1 1-2-2-1v-1h-2l1-1v-3l5 1v1l-2-1-2-1 1 3 2 2-1 7 1 1c0 1 0 0 0 0l1-1 1 1v-3l1 2 1-1 1 2v-1c1-2 2-5 1-8 0-1-2-3-4-3l-1-1h1l4 1 1 1 1 3v3l-2 5c0 2 2 4 4 5l3 2 2 1h1c0-2-1-3-2-3l-5-3c-2-2-1-5 0-7 0-1 1-2 2-1l2 2h-1l-1 2 1 1-1-1-1-1h-1l1-1c-2 1-1 3 0 4l5 4 3 2v3l-3 2v1l3 1h2v1l-1 1 1 1 1 2h-1l-2 2-2-1-1 1h-2v-1h-1l1-2h2v-1l-6-3-2 1v2h-1v-3l2-1v-1-1h-2l-3 1v2l1 3h-1l-5 1v1l-1 1 2-1h1l-1 1 2-1h3l2-1h1v1l-2 2h-1v-1l-2 1v-1 1h-2c1 0 0-1 0 0h-2l1-1h-1l-3 1 1-2 3-2h4v-1l-1-2v-3l3-1v-1l-2-1-2 3h-1c0-1 0 0 0 0l-1 3h-1v1l-2 1v-1 1l-2-1 1-2-1 1v-4l2-1 2-6-2-2v-1l-1-1-2-2v-1h1l-1-2 2 1-1-2m-2-12v20h1v-1l1 1 1 1-1 1-1 2v-1-1 3h-1v16l12-1h3l1-2h1v1l1 1h0v1l3-1h12v-3l-2-6-4-11h-1l1 2-2-1v-2l-2 1 1-2-1-1-1-2 2 2v-1l-2-3c-5-7-13-12-22-14v1m-9 95l-2-1-2 1v3 3l2 1 2-5 1-2h-1m10 12h1a158 158 0 0 0 1-10l-2 7-1 1v-1l2-7h-1l-1 1-2 5c0 1 0 1 0 0l1-6h-1l-1 4-1 1 1-5h-1l-2 5v-1l2-4h-1l-2 4v0l1-4-1-1c1 0 1 0 0 0v1l-1 6h2l7 4m35-68l1-5c-1-7-3-13-6-19-3-5-7-10-13-15-7-4-15-6-24-6v35l1 15v3h20l19-1v-1l1-2h-16l1 2h-1l-1-1-1 1v1l-1-2-1 1h-1l-1-1h1-15v1h-1l-2 2v-1-2-1h2l-1-2v-18-1 1-2h-1l-1-1h2l-1-2h1v-9-10h-1v-1l-1-1h2l1-1v1h3l5 1c4 1 8 3 11 6a53 53 0 0 1 10 11l1 1-1-3c0 1 0 0 0 0l2 2h2l-1 1 1 2-1-1h-1l2 6a64 64 0 0 1 5 16m-31-28l1 1v-1h-1m49-26v1l-1 2c-2 1-4 1-5-1v1c1 1 2 2 4 1h1l2-4-1-1v1m-84 28v-1l-3-3h-1v1h-1l1 1v1l3 1h1m70-18l-1 1v1l1-2m-55 17h-3l-1 3h-4-1 1l1 1h-1v1l5-1h1l2-4m116 70h-2c-3 1-4 3-3 6l1 1-1-2 1-3 4-1v-1zm-60-84l4 7 8 15 1-1v-2c-2-5-5-11-5-16l-1-2-7-1m3-9v2l-4 2-1-1v1h3c2-1 3-2 2-4m2 2l2-1c1 0 0 0 0 0h-2v1M19 202l1 2 2 5v-5-3l-1-2-1 1h-2l1 1v1m220-28v2l-1 1h-3l1 1h-1 1v1l5-2 1-4h-1l-2 1m52-25l4-8v-1h-1l-4 8 1 1m4 4l2-6 2-5 3-4h-1l-5 8-2 7h1m-2-2c1-4 2-8 6-11l-1-1v1c-4 2-5 7-6 11h1m37 37h1l-2-1-1 2-2 3 2 2-1-3 3-3m-41-41l3-6h-1l-2 5v1m-56 62l-1 1-2 11 2 1h1l3-12v-2l-3 1m56-67l-1 1v1l1-2s0-1 0 0m-49 59l-2-1v3h-4l-1 1h2l-2 1h2l-1 1h1l3-1 2-1 1-3h-1m-12 0v-1h1l-1 1m-1-2v-2h1v2h-1m17 2a275 275 0 0 1 2 1l-2 1c-1 0 0 0 0 0v2l1-2v1h1v-1h1v-1h1v-2h-1l-1-1v-2h-16v1l-1 1v-4h-1l-3 1 2 4v2l-1 2h-3v1h2-1v1h0v1l1-1h3l1-1c-1 0 0 0 0 0v1l1-1c0-1 0 0 0 0l1-4h4l5-2 4 2m-18-27v-1l-2-3-2-1h1v1h-1v1l1 1 3 2c0 1 0 1 0 0m8 33v-1l-2 1v-2h1l-1-1 1-1h4v-1-1l-3 1h-1l-1 1v-1l-1 3-4 2h-1l-1 1h-1l-1-1-1 1v-1l1-1v-1l-1-1h4v-1l-4-4v-1l1-1-1-1 3 2v-3h1l3-1h1l1 1v1a268 268 0 0 1 17-1l-7-1h-1v-1l9 1 2 3-3 1 1 1v4l-4 2h-2v-1-1l1-1h1-3v3l-6 2h-2m-4-21l-1 1h-1v-1h2m-2-3l-2-1h4l-1 1v2h-2l1-1v-1m21 9h-9l1-1 5-1 3-1-1 2 1 1m-23-3l-2-2-2-2v-3l3 1-1-2h1l3-1h2l1 1h19l-6-1-1-1c-1-1 0-2 1-2l2-1h4l-2 1v1h-4l1 1h6c1 1 2 2 1 3l-1 1 3 1 2 2 1 1-1 1v2h-1l-1 1-1 1-2 1 1-2-2 1v-3l2-1v-1l-3-1h-3-1v4h-4l-1 2h-2l-1-1v-3h4l1 1h-1l-3-1v1l-1 1h1v1l1-1h2l2-1v-3l-2-1v2h-1v-2h-1l-6 3-1 1-5 4-2 1-1 1-1-1h-1l1-1h2v-1 1l2-1 1-1h1l3-4s0-1 0 0l4-1 4-3 4 1 7 1 3 2-1 2-2 1h2l-1 1 1-1 1 1v-2h1v-2c0 1 1 0 0 0l-1-2-3-1h-1l-2-2h-15l-2 2v-2l-1-1-4 1 1 3v5l-4 1s-1 0 0 0h1l-1 1h-1v-2c2 0 3 0 5-2l-1 1m-4-12l3-1v-1l-2-2-2-1v-3h1l-1-1 2 1 1-1-1-2h2l3-1h3v4l2-1 16 1 1-1h-5l-5-1-1-2 1-1h5l3-1h1c0-1 0 0 0 0l-3 2-1 1c-2-1-3-2-5-1v1l7 1c1-1 4 0 4 2v2h4l1 2-1 3v1l-1 1-1 1-1-2h-1l2-2v-1h-6l-4-1v1h-1v4l-5 2h-3l1-1h-1v-1h-1l1-1 4-1v-1l-1-1-5 1-2 2-3 2-2 1-1 1h-1v-1h-1v-2h-1l1-1m16 32l2-1a35 35 0 0 0 19-17l3-7-2 2-2 2-1-4-1-7 1-5 1-6 1-4h-11l-27 1v46h8l3-1h5l1 1m-11-39l-1-2h3l-1 1v1h-1zm2 2l-1 1-1-2h2v1m-6 7h1v1l3-2h1v-1h1v-1h1l1-1v-1h1v-1l4 1 5-2h4l2 1h7v1l-2 2 1 1 2-5-5-1v-1l-17-1-1 1-1 1h-1l1-1-1-2-1-2h-3l-2 1v2l2 2 1 4-2 2h-2v1h1l-1 1m3 8c0-1 0-3-2-4h-1c0 1 0 1 0 0h-1v1c1 0 0 0 0 0l4 3m16 75h-1l-2 3v4l2 3c1 2 4 3 6 1v-8c-1-2-3-3-5-3m-15-59l-1-4-3-2v2l1 1 2 3h1m64-175h-1c-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 3 1l3 1-1-1-3-2-1 1M182 54h1l1-3-1-1-2 1v2l1 1m-14 33l-9-3h-1 1l9 4 11 4v-1l-2-1-9-3m22-71l2-4c1 0 0 0 0 0l-3 4v1l1-1m-7 51l-1 1 1 1h1l1-1-2-2v1m7-44v-3l3-3-1-1-1 1-2 6h1m-2 27v-1c1-1 0-2-1-2h-1v3h2m3 20l2-2v4l1-2v-3l2 3 4 7h-3v1l1 1h3l2-2v-1-3h-2l-1 2-1-2-1-3-2-3c-1-2-3-3-2-5l2-3c4-2 9-2 13-1v-1h-6l-1-2h1l5 1v-2h-7v-1h5v-2l-5 1h-8l-6 4-2 5c0 4 2 6 4 9h2m-10-11v-2l-1-1c-1 1-2 2-1 3h2m-35 0h-3v1l1 2 3 2-1-4v-1m-3-3h-1c-2 1-3 4-2 6l8 9c3 2 6 4 9 4v-1l-5-2-3-6-7-4v-3h4l1 2 1-2v-1c-1-2-3-3-5-2m7 21l1-1h4c4 1 7 1 10 4l4 2h4v-1l-9-4-11-2h-1l-5-4c1 2 3 3 3 6m12 6l2 1c3 2 6 3 9 2h1l-2-1c-3-1-6-3-10-3v1m-13-23v1l6 1 3 2h1l-5-5-5-1 1 1-1 1m0 4h-1l1 1c1 2 4 3 7 4 1 2 3 4 6 3h1c-1-2-3-4-6-5-3 0-6-1-8-3m5 6h-1c2 3 5 5 8 5s6 1 8 3l4 2-2-2c-3-2-5-4-9-5l-5-1-3-2m50-43h-1v2l1 2 3 2-3-6m3-6l4 3c-1-2-2-4-4-4v1m4 5l-4-4-1 1 2 1 3 4v-2zm1-4l2 4c0-3 0-5-2-7l-5-1v1c2 0 4 1 5 3m-3 5l-3-4v1l3 3zm-1 4l-2-4h-1v1l3 4v-1m-14-12l-3 4-1 3v1l2-3v-2l2-3v-1 1m-1-13l2-2h2l1 1v2h-1V6l-1-1h-1v1l-1 1h1l-1 1-1-1V6m5 2l3-1 4 1-1-2-1-1-1 1-1 1c1 0 0 0 0 0l-1-1 2-2h1c2 0 3 0 3 2l-1 2h3V5l-1-2-5-1h-1V0h-2l-2 1v1l-3 1-2 2c-1 1-1 3 1 5l5-2zm12 22l-4-5v1l3 5 1-1m-2-13l6 2-1-1-4-2h-1v1M46 104l-1-1v1c-2 1-4 3-4 6a74 74 0 0 0-2 12l1-2 4-13 2-3zm-3 21l-3 4h2l3-4a188 188 0 0 1 1-11l-3 11m148-76l2-1v-1l-1-1h-1-1v2l1 1m3-25h-1l-1 6h1l1-5v-1m16-12l3 2h1l-2-2-3-1s-1 0 0 0l1 1m2 4l2 1c-1-3-3-4-5-5l-1 1 1 1 3 2m-17 5l-1-1-1 2-1 1v2l3-3v-1m-47 42h1l4 2 4 1 4 3-2-4c-3-2-7-3-11-3v1m-11 134l-1 1-3 3v-1l4-4v1m0 6l-2 1-1-1 2-1v-1h1v2m-1 2h-1v0l1-1v1m0 3l-1-1h1v1m-3-6l1-1 2-2h1l-1 1-2 2h-1m0 12l-4-1-2-2v-2l1-1 1 2 4 4m-6-19l2-3 4-5v1l-4 7h-2m-1-1l5-8v-1 1l-4 8h-1m-2 0l5-9v-1l1-1v2l-2 5-3 4h-1m-2 0l2-4 3-7v-1h1l-2 7-3 5h-1zm12-5h1v1l-5 6-1-1 5-6m2 1v1l-5 7h-1v-1l6-7m1 3c0-1 0 0 0 0v1l-5 5 1-2 4-4m14 17l3-1h2l3 2c0 1 0 1 0 0v-1c-1-2-3-3-6-2h-1l-1 1 2-3h-2l-5 2-3 1h-2l-2-3v-4l2-7c1-2 3-4 3-7l-2 4h-1v-1c1-2 3-4 3-7l-3 5s0 1 0 0v-1-1l3-6h-1l-3 6 3-7v-1h-1l-3 7v-1h-1l2-4 2-4h-1l-3 6-1 1v-1l3-5v-1h-1l-3 5v0l3-6h-1l-3 5-1 1 1-2 2-5h-1l-3 6v-1-1l2-4h-1l-2 4h-1l2-3-1-2v1l-2 4h-1l-2 2-1 4-4 9-3 1h1c2 0 5 1 7 4l1 1v7l-1 4 2 2c5 3 10 4 15 5l8 2v-1l1-1-2-4h-3l-2 1v-1l1-2 3-1 2 2 2 4h4v-1-1l-1-3-1-1h-6v-1h1m-32-16l2-4 1-3 1-3-1 1-1 2-3 7h1m1-127v-1l3 3v2h-1l-1-2-1-2m4-4s0-1 0 0l2 3 2 4h-2l-2-2v-5m4-2l3 5-2 1-1-2-1-3 1-1m3 1l1 3v1l-1-1-1-3h1m1 0h1l1 3h-1l-1-2v-1m2-1h1l1 4h-1l-1-3v-1m10 26l1 1v3-1l-1-2v-1m2 1h1v1l-2 3 1-3v-1m2 2h1v1l-2 1v-1l1-1m-17 6h-4v-1h1l3 1m-2 4h-2 2m-2-3l3 1-1 1h-2v-2m-1 0l-3 1h-3l-1-1 1-2v-2-1l-2-2 1-1 1 2h3v1l-3 1 1 1 3-1h1l-1 1-4 2v1h1l1-1 4 1c1 0 0 0 0 0m-23-22l3-3c2-3 6-3 9-1l2 2h-4c3 1 5 4 6 6l1 1 1-2 1-1 3-1v-2-2l5 10-1 5v5l-1 1v-8l-1-2h-1l-2 1h-2l-3-2c0 2 0 3 2 4l4 3v1l-2-1-5-1-1 2 1 5v6l5-1 3 1h-5l-2 1v1l1 1 2-2 6 1 1 1 4 3-3-5-1-1 5 1c2 1 3 0 5-2l-1-1v-2l-9-2v-1l7-3 7-4-2 5-1 4 1 1c2 2 4 1 5-1l2-3 1-1 2 5v1-3l1-2 2-1 3 1h2l7 11 3 6 1 1v-1l-1-5-2-7-1-1c-4-4-10-6-16-8v-1l5-2v-1l-1-1-4 3-1-1 3-2 6-2c-4-2-7 0-9 3v-1l5-4h1l-3-1-4 4-1-1 4-3 1-1h-1l-4 3v-1l1-1v-5l-8-10-1-1 1 5v1l6 6v2l-1 4 1 2 2 3-4-2-1-2 1-3 1-4-3-3h-1c1 3-1 5-3 5v4l4 4v1h-1l-3-2-4-6-4-8c-1 0 0 0 0 0l2 1c3 0 6-1 7-4l-2-7c0-2 2-5 4-6l6-3 2-1-2-1h-2l-6 2-4 6s-1 0 0 0c0-3 2-5 3-6l1-1-3 1-4 4-1 4-1-3h-1v4h-1-1l-1-2c-1 0-2 0-1 1v4l-2-4h-1v1l1 3h-1l-2-1h-2l2 1v2l-3-1c-3-2-7-1-9 2h2l5-1c3 3 5 6 5 9l-1-3-1-1c-1-2-4-3-6-3-5 0-9 3-9 8m17 111l-3 8v1l4-9h-1m10-10v-2l-1 2v1l1-1m4-102v1l3 1h1l2-3v-1l-1-2h-1v4h-2l-1-1-1 1m-14 120l5-11-1 1-4 10m1-114l2 2c1 1 2 0 2-1v-3l-1 2v1h-1l-1-2-1 1m-8 55l-1 1v3h1v-4m-11-29v-1c-2-2-2-5-1-8l-2-5s0-1 0 0v9c0 2 1 4 3 5m35-33v-1h-1v1h1M81 182v-2h1v1l-1 4v1l-1-1 1-3m2 1l-2 6v-2l1-4h1m1 3l-2 6v-2l2-4c0-1 0 0 0 0m1 2v2l-1 5-1-1v-1l2-4v-1m1 3v2l-1 4h-1l1-3 1-2v-1m2 4l-1 2-1 4-1-1v-1l2-5 1 1m1 2l-1 3-1 4h-1v-2l2-5h1m2 1l-3 8-1 1v-1l3-8h1m1-29v1l-1 1 1-2m0 29l-5 16-1-1 1-1v-2l3-7 2-5s1 0 0 0m1-28v-1h1v2l-1 1v-1-1m3-1v1l-1 3-1-1 1-3h1m2 1l-2 4v-1l1-3h1m2-1v1l-2 6h-1v-1l2-5 1-1m1 0h1l-3 10-1-1 1-2 2-6v-1m2 5c0 4-2 8-3 11h-1l4-11c0-1 0 0 0 0m3-4h1l-3 11-1 1 3-12m3 1l-3 9h-1l4-9c0-1 0 0 0 0m2 1l-3 8h-1l1-1 2-8 1 1m1 0l1-1-3 10h-1l2-6 1-3m2-1l1 1-4 11 3-12m2 0v2l-2 7-1 4v1h-1l1-4 3-10m1-17v0m1 17h1l-4 13-1 1 4-14m1-16v-1 3h-1l1-2zm-10 45l-2 5-2 2 3-7v-1h1v1m-7 9v-1l4-7v-2h1l-3 9-2 1m-3 2l5-12h1v2l-5 9-1 1m-1 0l-2 1 4-9 2-2v-2h1l-2 4-3 8m-3 1h-1l6-14h1l-3 9-3 4v1m3-27l3-11h1l-1 3-3 9v-1m-5 27l5-14v-1l1 1-6 14m-2 0l1-2 5-13-3 9-2 6h-1m-2 1l-1 1 6-16v-1h1l-6 16m31-43h1v1l-1 3v-4zm1-16v5l-1-1 1-4zm1 0h1l-1 4-1 1 1-5zm2-1v1l-1 5 1-6m2-1v1l-1 8c0 1-1 0 0 0l-1-1 2-8m2-1c0-1 0 0 0 0l-1 8-1 4 2-12m0-24h1l-1 12-1 1 1-13m2 1c0-1 1 0 0 0v8l-1 1a89 89 0 0 0 1-9m1 2v-2h1l-1 6v1l-1 1 1-6m2-1h1l-1 5h-1l1-5m2 1v-1 4l-1 1 1-4m1 4l1-4v1l-1 3c0 1 0 0 0 0m3-3v1l-1 3h-1l2-3v-1m1 2v1l-1 2 1-3m1 1h1l-1 2h-1l1-2m2 1v1l-1 1v-1l1-2v1m-15 23v-1l1-7v1l-1 7m0 5h-1l1-4v-1 5m-6 8l1-2v-1 1l-1 2m-38 47l-2 1c-2 1-2 2-2 4l-1 6-1-2v-8l1-1 4-1h2l-1 1M45 111l4-7 8-3 3 1c4 2 7 6 9 11 1 6-1 13-4 19l-8 13c-3 7-5 14-4 21l3 8 3 4 2 1 2 1h1l2 1h13v8l4 10 2 9-1 3-5 4c-2 0-3 1-3 3l-2 14-1 5 1 1c0-3 1-5 4-6-3 2-3 5-2 8v2h1v-3c0-1 0-3 2-4-1 3-1 6 1 9v-7l2-1-1 6v1l2 1v-5c1 2 1 5 3 7 3 3 8 2 11-1l1-1v-1l-3-2-4 2v-1-1l3-1h2l4 2h1l1-1-1-1c-1-2-3-2-5-2l-3 1v-1c1-2 4-2 6-1h1l3 2v-1l-4-4c-3-1-5 0-7 3l-3 1-1-2-1-7 2-5 5-6 15-14 6-11 2-10v-2l1-3 1-2c2-2 5-5 9-5h1l-3 2h-1l-2 3c-3 2-4 5-4 7h1l7-5v-1l-1-2 3-2 10-4 9-5v-1c-2-1-2-2-2-4h-1l-1 2-5 6-1-1 6-8-3-3v1l-1 7h-1l1-9v-1h-1l-1 9 1-11h-1l-1 11h-1a86 86 0 0 1 1-13h-1l-1 13h-1l1-14v-1l-1 1v4l-1 10h-1l2-16-1-1v1a502 502 0 0 0-3 16l1-1 1-17v-1 1l-2 18h-1v-1l2-18v-2l-1-3h1l7 10 11 13 11 8 9 5 8 3 4-1v-1-1h-3l-2-1h6v-1c0-2-1-3-2-3h-5v-2l1 1 3-1 1-1v-2l-2-2-7 1-8-3c-4-4-7-8-9-13l-3-11-4-6 3 2h1l-3-3h-1l-1-3 3 1-2-1c-3-1-5-4-8-4l1 2-5-2-8 2-4-1-2 1 6 2-1 16h-1l1-4 1-11h-1l-2 15v1h-1l2-16h-1l-1 10v1l-1 3v2h-1l1-9v-1l1-6-1 1-2 15h-1l2-15-2 12-1 4v-5h-1a119 119 0 0 1-2 9l1-4 1-6v-2l-3-7-4-3-2-4 1 5h1c0 3 2 5 4 7l3 3-2 9-1 1 1-9c0-1 0-1 0 0l-2 8-1-1 2-9v-1l-2 10c-2 4-5 8-9 11l-13 10c-3 4-8 8-13 9h-8c-5 0-9-4-11-9v-6l1-6 4-12 4-7c3-4 4-8 5-12v-8c0-6-2-12-7-15l-8-2c-3 0-6 0-8 2l-1 1-5 11 2-1m24 104l1-4h-1-1l-1 3-1 2-1-1h1v-2l1-3-2-4h-1v1l1 3v4l-2 6-1 8v4l5-4 1-1v-2l1-2-2 1-4 3v-1l4-3 1-2 1-2-3 1-1 1-1 1 1-3 2-1 2-3m35-117l-1-7-2-10s0-1 0 0l-1 9 4 8zm20-18v-1h-1l1 1m-78 31v1l-4 4-1 3c-1 3-1 6-3 8v1l3-2 3-11 3-3-1-1m86-59l-9 4-8 4v1a233 233 0 0 0 17-8v-1m10 3h1c2-1 5-2 8-1l5 2c-1-2-3-4-5-4h-3c-2 0-5 1-6 3m-27 0l3 1 2-3-1-1v2l-1 1-2-5 3 1h-1l-5-2v1c-2 1-3 3-2 5l2 2v-1l1-1-2 1c-1-1 0-2 1-3v-2h1v2l3 1-2 1m56 28l4 3 3 1-1-1-1-2-5-1c-1 0 0 0 0 0m-24-28v1h1l1 1h3l5 3c2 1 3 4 4 6l3 2h1l-2-3c-2-3-4-6-7-7l-9-3M52 224l7 7-3-5-1-3h-1l-2-4h-1l2 4-1 1M162 68l3 4 8 6-2-3-9-7m-34-19l1 1 1-1v-1l-1-2c0-1-1-2-3-2h-1c-2 1-3 3-3 5v1l1-2 2 4-2-1v1h3l1-2h-1l-1 1v-1l1-4v-1l2 2 1 1 1 1h-2M30 232h6v-2h-1l-1-3h-1-1l-2 1v4m90-177v2l4-2v-1h-2l-2 1M45 194l-1 1-1-1v-1l-5-4 3 7v15l4-1 2-4 1-5c0-3-2-5-3-7m-6 36l1-3v-1l-5-2-1 2c1 1 3 3 3 5l2-1m-4-109l-1 1 4-4 1-8v-1l-3 4h-1c-1 2-2 4-1 6l1-2 2-4v4l-2 4m83-76l-1 1 2 1 1-2h-2m-6 14h2l3-2h1-3l-1 1c-3 0-5-2-5-5l1-3 3-2 5 1 3-2c2-3 4-4 8-4 2 2 3 4 2 7l-4 1-1 2v1l2-1 4-3v-2c0-3-2-4-3-6l-4 1-4 2c0 1 0 2-2 3l-2-1h-2l-4 1-1 2-1 1v1c-1 3 0 6 3 7m43 19l5 3h4v-1l-4-1-6-2 1 1m51-43l-3-4-1-4h-1c-1 3 1 6 4 7l1 1m103 19c-2 1-3 3-3 5l1-1c1-2 4-3 6-2l1-1-4-1h-1m-8 34h-1 1m2 0h1l-1-1v1m7 5h-1v1h1v-1M31 208v1h4l2 3h1v-2c-1-2-3-3-6-3v1h-1m296-101l-1-3v3h1m2-45v1l-1 7c-1 0 0 0 0 0v-7l1-1m1 4v-2-2h1v3l-2 4 1-3zm2-2v-2 5l-1-1 1-2m1 2v-3h1l1 2-2 4v-2-1m3 0v1l-2 3-1 1v-1l1-1 1-3h1m0 2h1l-4 5v-1-1c2 0 2-2 3-3 0 0 0-1 0 0m1 2v1l-4 4v-1l3-3 1-1m1 2l-4 4v-1a9 9 0 0 0 3-3h1m0 2c0 2-2 3-4 4v-1l4-3c0-1 0 0 0 0m1 1l-1 2-3 2v-1l3-2v-1h1m0 3l-3 3-1-1h1l2-2h1m-1 3l-2 1v-1l2-1h1l-1 1m-1 3h-1v-1l2-1h1l-2 2m1 1l-2 1v-1l2-1v1m0 1l-2 2v-2h2m-1 3l-1 1 1-2h1l-1 1m-1 3v-2l1 1-1 1m0 1v-1 1m-10-21v-1-2l1-4v-1c1 3 0 5-1 8m-2 1v-4l1-2v-1h1l-1 4-1 3zm-1 1l-1-1 1-5 1-1v1l-1 6m-2 0h-1l1-4 1-1v1l-1 4m-2 0l1-3h1l-1 3h-1m0 0h-2l2-2v2m-3-4l1-1-2 2 1-1m-2 0v-1h1l-1 1m-2 0l1-2h1v1l-2 1m-3 6l-1 1-2 1-1-1 2-2h6l-4 1m-5-4l-1 1v-1l-1-1 7-4-5 5m-2 2l-1 1-1-3 1-1 1 2v1m-3 2c-1 1-3 0-3-1 0 0-1 0 0 0v-3l1 1c-1 0 0 0 0 0v-1l-1-2h1l3 2-1 4m11-13l3-2h1l-3 3h-1v-1m5-2h1l-5 4v1h-1l1-2 4-3m6 3l-1 1-2 1h-2l-3-1 3-3 5 2m0-5l2 6s-1 0 0 0l-2-5v-1m1-1h1v1l1 2v3l-2-5v-1m7 15l-10 7v-1l10-6m-1 2c-2 3-5 5-9 6l9-6s1 0 0 0m0 3l-5 4h-3-1l5-2 3-2h1m-8 6v-1l3-1 2-1h1l-6 3m4 1h-4l3-1h1v1m-1 1l-4 1 1-1h3m-1 2h-3v-1h3v1m-1 1h-2 2m-1 2h-1-1l1-1 1 1c1 0 1 0 0 0m0 2l-2-1h2v1m-2 7v1l-1-1h-1v-1l1 1v-1l-1-1 1-1h-1-1v-1 1l1-1h1l1 1-1 1 1 1h2l-2 1zm0-5c0 1 0 0 0 0s1 0 0 0m-1-2h2v1h-2v-1m10-35c-2 0-3-1-4-3l-2 2c-2 1-4 1-6-1l-1 1h-2l-3 1c-2 1-2 3-3 5-3 4-8 6-13 7l-1 1 1 6 6 1 3-2 2 2v1h-10l2 2 1 1c-1 2 0 4 1 6 0-1 1 0 0 0h1l-1-4 1-1v3l2 1 1 1-1-4v-1l1-1v3l1 2v-1l1-5 5-2 8-1 6-3c3-1 5-3 6-6v2l-11 8-1 1v3c-1 3-4 5-8 6h-8l-1 1s-1 0 0 0l-1 1h2v1l-1 3c0-1-1-2-3-1l-1 1h4c2 1 3 1 4-1v-1l-1-1-1-1h1l2 1 1-1 1-1 1 2h1l2 2v1h-2-1v1l1 1 4 3 1-1v-1h-3l2-3 1 1-1 1 2 1-1 1 1 2h1l2 1c0 2 2 2 3 2v-1-1l-1-1h2l2 1 3-1-1 1h-1v1l1-1v1l1 2v2l-1 2-1-3-1 1v2l1 3h1l2-2-1-1 1-3 1 1 1-1 1 1h1v-1l1-2v-1l5-10 3-18v-2-1l3 3 2 1v-1c-1 0-2-1-2-3l1 1 1-1-5-3 4 1 1-1-5-2h-1l3-1-4-2h-1l3-1-4-2h-1 3l2-2h-1l-7 1v-1l1-2c1 0 0 0 0 0h-3l-2 1 1-8-2-5-1-2-1 4-1 5c-1 2 0 4 2 6l-1-4v-2l1 1 1 1-1-3 1-2v-1l1 7-1 2-1 1m-18-10h-1l-2 2h4l7 2 1-1-3-1-6-2M34 219l1 1 3-3-1 2-1 1-1 2v1l7-1 3-3v-1l-2-2-1-2c-1-1-2-2-3-1h-1c-2 1-3 3-4 6M305 46v1h1l7 1v-1l-2-1h-6zm14 11l4-4 1-2h-1-1l-4 2h-5l1 1 5 3m-17-15h-1l2 2 6 1h2l2 1-3-3c-2-2-5-2-8-1m9 10l-5-1-1 1c-2 1-3 3-3 6l6-5h3v-1m9-4h3v-1l-2-4h-1-1v4l1 1m-2 2c2 2 4 1 6-1h-7l1 1M61 232l2-13-1-4-1-3-1 2-1 3a335 335 0 0 0-1 2v4l1 3v1l-1-2v2l3 5M29 132l1 1 1-4 1-1 5-6h-1l-4 4c-2 0-3 2-3 3v3m-3 81l1 5h3c-1-2 0-3 1-4v2l-1 2h3l2-5v-2l-2-1h-3l-2-1h-1l-1 2v2m0 20l2-4-1-1h-2l1-2v-1h-1l-3 3 3 5h1m-2-11h-3l-1 1v1l1 1h1l4-1v-1-3l-3-2-2-1h-1v3l4 2m-7-14h2l-4-4h-2l2 2v1h-1l2 4h-1l1 3 1 1 2 1 1-1c0-2 1-3 2-3l1-1-2-1c-1 0-3 0-4-2m7 3l1-1 1-2c-1-2-1-5-3-6v6l1 3m1 4v-2l-1-1-2 1-1 2v1h1l4 3v-1l-1-3m21 10l-2-3-3 1v1c2 0 4 1 4 4l1-3M33 111c1-2 2-4 5-5l-3 4-2 4v1l2-4 7-7c0 1 0 0 0 0l3-2 1-1h-2l-7 3-2 1c-1 2-3 4-3 7v1l1-2m10 119l1-2-2-3h-1l1 3-2 1-1 4 2-1 2-2m8-110h1v-2l-2-9v-1h-1v3l1 4 1 5m-3-7l-1 2-1 5v5l-1 3c3-2 4-4 5-7l-2-8m15 104l1-4v-3-2l-1 1-1 2v4l1 1v1M299 38v1l1 1h-1l7 1h2l-1-1-6-2h-2M52 212v3l-1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2v-3l-3-8-1-2-1 1m6-1l-3-4v1l-1 1 1 3 2 6h1l-1-3 1 1v-1-4M259 57l-2 2 1 1h2v-2l-1-1m-65-46l2 1 1-1h-3m4 0V9h-1l-1 1 2 1M33 129l-2 5 1 1v4h1v-4c-1-1-1-3 1-4l4-7v-1h-1v2l-4 4m5 71l-2-3h-1l1 5 1 1 1 5h2l-2-7v-1M197 25v-1h-2v1l-1 7h1c-1-2 0-4 1-6l1-1m11 12l1 7-2 2c-2 0-3 1-3 2v1h1l1-2 1-1-1 2h1l4-2 2-10h6l9-3h2l6 5h4l2 2 1 4-1 1h-3l-1 1v1h1l1-1h1l-1 1h3c1 1 2 0 2-1v-9l-1-1c-1 0-3-1-3-3l-1-4 1-2c3 0 6-1 8-4l1-2c0-3-2-5-4-5l-9-1h-2l-1-1-1-2 1-3V6l-2 1h-4c-1 1-3 2-3 4 1 4 3 5 6 5h1l1 1h10l3 1 1 2v3c-3 2-6 3-9 2l-3-1-3-1h-3l-6 1h-4-1l-2-1-1 1v2l-6 9-1 2m-10 12h2l3-2 1-4 2-6-5-1v6l-2 3c-2 1-4 2-4 4h1l1-2h1v2c-1 0 0 0 0 0m5-14c-2-3-3-5-3-8h-1v3l1 3 3 2m46 10v3h1l2-1-1-2h-2m-52-19c-1 2-2 5 0 7l1-6-1-1m7-1v-1h-2-3l1 2 2-1h2m0-17h-1-1v2h1l1-2m93 26h-1v1c1 2 3 2 4 1h3l-5-2h-1m-97 0l-2-4v-1 5h2m-2-19l1 1v2l1 1h-1l-2-2v-1l1-1m7 1l-2 1v2h-1v-4l3 1m-10 0v1l2 6v-1l1-1 1 1-1 1 1 1 1-1v-1-1l-2-1h6l-2 2h3a21 21 0 0 1 1-7l1-2-1-1h-6l-4 1-1-1-1 1v2l1 1m11-7h-1l-1 1v1l2-2m-6 1h1l-1-1v1s0 1 0 0m83 11h4l-2-2h-2v2m-38 29h-2l-9 2v1l3-1h2l-1 1-5 2v1l5-1-1 2-6 1 1 1 5-1c4 0 8 0 10 3v4l-1 1-1 3-2 3-2 3-1-3h-1v2l2 4h2l2-2-2 1h-1l3-7 2-3 1 4c-1 0 0 1 0 0v-5h1l2 2 1-1 3-8v-3l-1-2c-1-2-3-3-5-3l-4-1zm40-28l1 2h4v-1l-5-1m3 3h-1l1 1 5 1v-1c-2-1-3-2-5-1m5 6l-1 1 2 1h5l-1-1-1-1h-4m-11-14h-2 2m62 133v1c-1 0 0 0 0 0h1l-1-1M281 19h2l1-1h-3v1m-2 79l2-2h3l1 2h1l-2-3h-1-1l-2 1-1 2c-1 0 0 0 0 0m-22-46v2l2 1 1-2v-1h-3m-2-2h2v-1-1h-2l-1 1 1 1M16 215h-4l-1 1 1 1 1 2 6 4v-2-4l-3-2M276 99l1-1s1 0 0 0v-1l-2 1v1h1m-8 5l1-4h5l1 1-1-1-4-1-1 2c-1 0-2 1-1 3m-2 0l1-1h-1v1m-4 3c1-1 2-2 4-1v-1l-3-1-2 1v1l1 1m77 62v1l1 1v-1c1 0 1 0 0 0v-1h-1m-190-64v1c3 1 5 3 6 6l3 7h1l-1-6c0-4-4-8-8-8h-1m-36-34h-3l-4 2-3 5 1 10v1l1-3 1-6c1-3 1-5 3-7l4-1v-1m0 4l-3-1h-1l-1 3c0 2 1 3 3 3l-1-1-1-2 3-2c3 2 5 7 4 10l-4 5-2 4v1l3-3 1-1-1 2 1 2v-1l2-5c2-3 3-8 0-12l-3-2m3 16v7l1 1v-9h-1v1m47 44l1-1-1-2-2-4-7-6h-1l4 6 6 7m0-10l-1-4-2-8h-1v1l1 5c0 2 1 5 3 6m2 6l1-2v-2l-1-3-2-4v1l2 9v1m-1-1l-2-4c-2-3-5-5-6-9v1c0 3 1 6 4 8l4 4m-55-13h-1l1 2c0 2 1 5 4 7 1 1 3 3 3 5h1l-1-3c0-3-2-4-4-6l-3-5m27 4l-6-3c-2-1-3-3-5-3l-9-2 7 4 7 4h6s1 0 0 0m6 0c1 1 3 3 5 3v-1a59 59 0 0 0-12-6c3-1 5 0 8 1h1l-6-3a110 110 0 0 0-10 0c3 2 5 4 9 5l5 1m-37-1l3 4v-2c0-4-2-8-6-10v1l3 7m-5-14s-1 0 0 0v1l1 2 6 6h1l-3-5-3-3-2-1m11 31h1l-4-10-5-8-1 1c1 3 2 7 5 11l4 6m-10-41l1 3c-1 3 0 6 2 8l2 1-1-5c0-3-2-5-4-8v1m54-3h-1l-1 1c-1 0-1 0 0 0v1c3 0 5 0 7 2l4 5-2-4c-1-3-4-5-7-5m3 7c1 1 3 3 6 3l-4-4-3-3-4-1-1 2 6 3m-47 7l1 1 5 2h1l-2-2c-3-2-5-4-6-8l-1-4s-1 0 0 0c-3 4-1 8 1 10l1 1m30 4l1 1 4 3 4 5 2 2-2-5c-2-4-5-7-9-6zm11-12l-1 1 8 5c-1-3-4-6-7-7v1m13 16l1 1 1 9 2-3c0-2-1-5-3-7h-1m-16 7c-3-2-5-4-9-4 0 0-1 0 0 0l9 5v-1m19-12c-1-2-3-5-5-5l-2-1-1-1h-1v1l4 4 6 6v-1l-1-3m-17-8l6 5 5 9 1 1 3 6-1-5-4-8c-2-4-5-7-9-8h-1m-16 12h3l-2-1-17-1-4-2h-2l5 3 17 1m11 4l8 9h1v-1l-11-11-8-5h-1c1 1 2 3 4 3l7 5m-1-9h-2l3 2 6 4c0 3 2 5 4 7l-2-7v-2c-1-3-3-5-7-6 0-1 0 0 0 0 2 2 5 4 5 7-1-2-4-4-7-5m-38-25h-1l-1 8 1 6v1c1-5 2-10 1-15m12 34h5c-5-1-9-4-11-7l-2-2 2 3c1 3 4 4 6 6m-9-29v1l2-2c2-2 3-5 3-8l-1-1-2-2h-1v1l1 2 1 1c-1 3-3 5-3 8m0-7l-2-2v3l1 8v-1l1-6 1-2h-1m1 12v7c2 4 6 7 10 9l9 1 4 1-3-2-5-2c-4 0-8-1-11-3-3-4-3-7-3-11h-1m297 113v-2h-1v2h1m-256-79l5 4-2-4-2-1-5-4v2l4 3m253 79v-2h-1l1 2c0 1 0 1 0 0m-1 1v-1l-1 1 1 2v-2m-231-93l1-2-1-1-3-6v2c0 3 1 5 3 7m236 97l-1-2v-1l-1 1 1 3 1-1zm-1-12l-1-2h-1l1 2h1m-239-84l-1-2-6-5c0-1-1 0 0 0v1l1 2 1 1 3 3 2 2v-2m29-40v-1l-3-6-1 5-1-1v-3l-3 2 1 2c2 0 3 2 3 3v3l1 1 4-1-3-2v-2h2m35-29h2v-1h-1l-1 1m-3-13l-1 1h-2l-1 1 2 3 2 3v2h-1l-3 2 2 1 3-1 3-5-1-3-3-4m-60 79l1 5 1-1v-1l-2-3m66-50h-1v8h1l1-4-1-3v-1m-48 9v-1h-2l-1 1 2 1 1-1m26-33v7l1-1 3-1v2l-1 1h2v-1h1l2 1v-3h4l-1-4v-2l-1 2-1 1h-2l2-3h-2-4s-1 0 0 0l1 4-4-3m196 161s-1 0 0 0l1 2 1-1-1-1h-1m7 44l-4 2 2-2c2-2 2-4 2-6h1l-1 6m-3-8h1v3l-1 1v-1-3m1 5v-2l1-2h1l-1 5h-1v-1m-2-4v1h-1v-3-1l1 1v2m12-3l-5-2-1-3c0-1 1-2 3-2-2 0-4 0-6-2l-1-2-1-1-2 1 2 3h1l1 1h-1-2l1 1c0-1 0 0 0 0l2 2 1 2 1 3v1l-4-5-5-4h-2l1 2-1 1-1-2-1-2 2 8-1-1a109 109 0 0 0-4-10v2l3 8v2h1l2 4v3l2-1 2-1 1 1h1c-1 3-3 5-5 6v1h5c2 0 4-2 5-4l1-1h4l-1-2-2-4 1-2h3v-1m-263-95v-4l-5-6v2l1 3 4 4v1m12-38l5 6h1v-1l-5-6c-4 0-7-4-8-8l-3-4-7-3 1 1 6 6c1 2 2 5 5 7l5 2m-14-12c-2-1-4-2-6-1h-2v1l10 3 2 2-4-5m-12 39h1c4 4 7 10 9 15h1l-1-7c-2-4-5-7-9-8h-1m265 80v-3h-1v-2h-1l1 3v2h1m-263-74l2 2 5 11 3 4-5-13-5-5v1m24-42l-3-1h-1l3 4 4 1 2 2 3 3-1-4c-1-3-4-5-7-5m172 57v1c0 1 0 0 0 0v-1M182 64l1-2h-3v2l1 1 1-1m226 138l1 3h1v-1-2h-2m2 7l1-2-2-1v2l1 1c0 1 0 1 0 0m1-11l1-9v-3l-1 1v11M168 89l-1 1 3 4 2 4 6 3 2 4 1-1-2-4-3-2-4-3-4-6m10 19v-1c-2-2-4-5-8-6 0-1 0 0 0 0l2 2 5 6 1-1m-7-5h-1v1l1 1c0 3 2 6 4 7l1-1v-1l-2-3-3-4m241 108v-2h-1l-1 3 2-1m-15-108l-3 1c3 0 6 2 8 5l1 4h1v-5c-1-3-4-5-7-5M287 204v1h1v-1h-1m115-89l2 5c2 2 4 2 6 1l1-1v-1h-1c-1 2-2 2-4 1s-3-4-4-6v1M233 257v-20l-1-1h-2a247 247 0 0 1 1 21l-5 6-4 3-3-4-5-7v-18h-2v19l5 7 2 3 3 3 11-12m1-24l2-1h-2v1m5-2l-1-1h-5v1h6m2-2l-21-4-4-2v1l2 2h2l8 2h1l3 1 9 1v-1m-72-41c2 0 5-1 6-4l-1-1-1-1h-1-1l-3 3v2l1 1m58 77l-2 2-2 4 1 2h1l1-4 1-4m181-140l1-1 1-1h-4l-3-3h-1l1 1c0 3 3 4 5 4m-207 44l9 13v-1-1l-9-11c1 0 0 0 0 0m-4 0s-1 0 0 0v1a294 294 0 0 1 12 14l-12-15m3 0h-1l2 2 8 12h1v-1l-10-13m-34 16c0-2 2-4 4-5l6 1 1 2v3l-2 2-2 2h-5l-1-2-1-1v-2zm13 5l1-2 1 1 2 3h-2l-4 2v1l2 2c2 0 4-1 5-3 0-1 0-1 0 0l2 2-1 1-3 1-4 3-1 1-1 2-4-4 5-1v-1l-1-3c-2 1-4 2-4 4h-1l-2-5h2l8-4m-14-15v-1l-3-1-1-1v2l1 3a78 78 0 0 0 19 35v-6c0-2 1-4 3-5l6-2-2-3-1-1c-4-5-7-10-9-16-2 0-5-1-6-3l-8 3-1-2 2-2zm42 23c-4-1-7-4-10-8-4-3-7-7-8-12v-8h-2v8c2 6 5 11 10 15 4 4 9 6 12 11l1-1v-4l-3-1zm-38-22l-2-1-1 2 3-1m233 56l-2-6v1l2 10 1 1 1-1-2-5m-4-2v-1h-1v1l1 4h1l-1-4zm-41-20l2 2v-1l1-1v-1l2 2v16l-1-2-1-9-3-5v-1m-7-7v0m-1 0l-1-1h2l-1 1m-2-1v-1h2l-2 1m-2-3h2s1 0 0 0l-1 1-1-1m-2-2h3v1h-2l-1-1m-1-2h4l-1 1h-2l-1-1m-1-1v-1l2 1 1-1h2l-1 1h-4m3-2h1l-2 1 1-1m13-30l-1 4a41 41 0 0 1-2 6l-2 7-1-1 1-5c2-4 4-9 3-14v1l-2 7-3 8-1 1 1-5c2-4 4-9 4-14l-1-1v-1l-1 2v1l-1 2-2 6 2-12-1-1v1l-1 5-1 3-4 8 1-2 4-16-1-1h-1v5l-1 1v4l-1 4-2 4v2c-2 2-3 4-3 7l-2 6-2 2v1l-1 1 3 7c4 5 8 8 13 11 3 4 5 9 5 14 2 6 1 12-3 17l1 2h5l2-1h1l-1-3 1-1 1 1c0 1 0 0 0 0v-3 1l1 1-1-10v-13-1l-1-1c-5-4-7-10-6-16l1-5a31 31 0 0 0 3-13l-1 2-2 9h-1l1-4 3-12h-1l-1 3-1 6-1 5-1-1 1-4 3-12v-2 1l1 1 4 4 6 1h7l4-1c6-1 11-6 11-12a29 29 0 0 0-1-9l-2-6-10-13c-4-4-6-9-6-15l2-5c1-1 1-2 3-2l5-3h4v-1h-6c-6 0-10 5-11 10v5c2 7 6 13 10 18l8 11v5l-2 8c-4 6-11 8-18 6l-5-2-4-4-1 1-1 10-3 8h-1c2-6 4-12 4-19v-1 1m-6 84l3-2c2 0 3-2 4-3v-1h-4-1l-3 5 1 1m-44-60l-2-4 2 4m-2 0l-1-1-2-5v-1l1 2 2 5c1 0 0 0 0 0m-2-1h-1l-1-4 2 4s0 1 0 0m-2 0l-1-1-1-4s0-1 0 0l2 4v1m-3-2l-2-4h1l2 4h-1m-4-5s0-1 0 0h1l2 4-3-4m16-8l6 12 1 1v-1l-7-15-5-3h-3l-6 2c-3 0-5 2-5 5l1 6 5 8c1 2 3 5 2 7l-1 1-12 4-3 3v1l3 1 1-1h1l-1 1-4 1-3 4-1 2 3-1 1-1h1l3-3 1-2 1 2 1-4v2l1 1v-3l1-2v3h1c0-2 2-3 3-4l11-3 2-1-1-3v-3l-1-5-1-1 1 1 2 3v-1l-1-4-1-1 3 5 1-1c-2-2-2-4-3-7l4 7h1l-4-10 5 10h1v-1l-2-4-3-7v-1m41 69h-1l-4 4h1l3-1 1-2v-1m-156-70v1l13 17 1 1v-1l-13-17-1-1m187-66l6-2 4 1h6l2 1h3l-2-1c-3-3-8-3-12-3l-4 1-5 3v1l1-1h1m49 114l-1-1-3-4h-3l-2-2-1-1-2 3-2-1-3 3h2c3 0 6 2 8 3l1 1h-2c-2-1-5-3-8-3-2-1-3 2-3 2l1 1c2 1 2 4 3 5h1v-3l1-1c3 0 3 3 2 5h1l2-3h1l1 4 1-2h2l1 4 1 2v-1-6l1-5zm-51 40h-1l-2-16 1-1c0-1 0-1 0 0l1 7 1 10m-3 1v-3l-1-13v-1h1v7l1 2 1 8h-2m-1 0l-1 1v-1l-1-9v-3-3l1-1v5l1 11m-2 1h-1l-1-11v-1-3-1l1 3v2l1 10v1m-3 0v-1l-1-10h1l1 11h-1m-2 0v-11l1 10-1 1m-2-1l-1-8h1l1 8h-1m-3 1v-7h1v7h-1zm0-1h-1v-5l1 1v4zm-2 0h-1v-1l1-1v2m-3-5l-1-2h-2-1-1v10l2 2v1h-6l-2-1 3-3 1-8v-1h-5l-2 1v-1l1-3v-1l7 1h6v5zm-15-6h-1l-2 4-3 5 1 3v2l-6-3v-1c2 0 3-1 4-3l2-7-1-3v-1l6 3v1m-15 5h-1l-1 1c-2 0-5-1-6-3l-1-2-1-4 1-3 4-4h3l3 1c4 2 5 6 3 10 0 2-2 3-4 4m-15-6l-1-7v-3l-3-2-2 3 1 5-7-5v-1l4-2 2-3 3-4v-4l9 8 1 2c0 2-2 4-4 4h-1-1v2l1 6 2 4-4-3m-16-13l-8-5h-1v-1c2 0 3-2 4-3l4-8-1-2v-1l8 5c2 2 3 5 3 7l-2 5-1 1-5 2h-1m-9-13l-1-2v-1h1v5h-1l1-2m-2 3l-1 1v-7-1h1v7m-2-1l-1 3-1-1 1-4v-1l-1-4h1v2l1 4v1m-3 3v-3l-1-4v-3c0-1 0-1 0 0l1 3 1 7h-1m-2 1l-1 1v-8l-1-5h1l2 10-1 2zm-2 2h-1v-5-2a23 23 0 0 0-2-8h1l2 4v11m-2-1l-1 1v-3-7l-1-1v-3-1l2 4v10m-2-4l-1-1-2-8h1l1 4 1 2v3zm-2 6l-1 3-1-1v-10l-1-5h1l2 5v8m-2-3l-1 3v-1-3l-2-7h1l1 3 1 5m-3 7l-1 1 1-8-1-3-1-2v-1h1l2 4-1 9m-2 2l-1 2v-11l-1-4h1l1 3v10m115-2l-3 2-13 8h-6l-3 2-6 2v-2-1l-4-1s-1 0 0 0l1-1-5-2-16-10h-1c-3-1-6-3-7-6l-1-1-5-5c-4-5-10-8-16-10l-5-1-1-1-3 1-4 2h-1l-3 1v-1l-1-1-2 1h-2l-8 8-3 4 1 4v13l1 1 1-1c4-4 9-7 14-8h5l3 1 4 1 19 15 15 10c5 2 9 5 14 6a48 48 0 0 0 27 3l5-2 11-5-3-17 1-9m16-134h1v-1c-2-2-5-2-8-2l-4 2-2 2h1c4-2 8-3 12-1M235 72l1 1h2l-1-1h-2m161 158l-1-1c-5 2-8 8-8 8l3-3 4 1 2 3v-1l2-3-2-4zm-65-38l1-1v-1l-1 2m62 70h-2l-1 2 2 4 2-2v-2l-1-2m-59-78h-1l1 2c-1 2-3 3-5 3l1 1 2-1c2-1 3-3 2-5m56 74l-5-8c-1-6 0-13 3-18l4-3c4-4 9-6 13-9 3-1 6-4 7-7h-1l-3 3-13 7c-3 1-6 3-8 6-4 5-6 11-7 17v1c0 6 2 12 6 17h1l1-1c-4-5-7-12-6-18l1-4v4c-1 6 1 12 5 16l2-2v-1m3-50l2-1-2-1-2-1-1-1 1-3h-2-1l-3-2-1-2v-3-1l-3 3h-2c-2 0-4-2-4-3l-1-1-3 6h-1-1l-2-2-2 6v7h1l1-5 3-3h6v1h-5l-1 1-1 1h-1v1l1 2 2 2v3l3-3h1l1 1v3l-2 4 1-1 2-1c1 0 3-1 6 1l2 1 1 2-4-2-2-1v2h2l2 1 2 2v1l-1 2v-2l-5-2-1 1-1 1 2 1c2 1 3 2 3 4l1 2-1 2s4-5 4-8l-1-11-2-4-2-4 3 3 3 5 1 5v3c-1 2 1 3 2 3v-1c0-2 1-3 3-4l1-1-4-5 2-4m-219-64h-3v-1l4-2v-1l-1-1-1 1-4 2-3-2v-2a4 4 0 0 1 3-3l3 1h-1l-2 1v2h2l3-3 2 1 2 3-2 3-2 1m-3 6h-3l-1-1 1-2h1l2 1v2m0-23l1-2 2-1 4 1c2 1 4 4 3 6l-3 3-3-1-2-1c-2 0-3-2-3-3l1-2m8-12s0-1 0 0l3 4 3 2h3l-3 4h-1c0-2-2-3-4-4l-3-2h-1l3-4m8-10h1l2 3h-3v3l4 4h2l-2 3-1 1v-1l-2-2-3-4h-1l-1 1v2l-3-2 7-8m7 2v-1l1-1h1l1 1c1 2 0 3-1 3v1c-2-1-3-2-2-3m10-11h1c3 0 5 2 5 5l1 3h1l1-2v4l-1 1-2-1-3 2c-3 0-6-2-6-4v-2c-1-3 1-5 3-6m15-1h1v6l2 3 2-2 1-6-1-1h3v1l-1 4c0 3-2 5-4 6l-2-1-2-1h1l-1-2v-6-2l1 1zm10 11l2-1 1-7-1-2h4v1l-1 3-1 5 1 3-2-1-3-1m11-5h1l3 1-1 3h-3v-4m11 4v-2l2 1v8l7-2 2 2-3 1-2 2-1 1-1 2-1 2-3-3h2l5-5h-1l-2 1-4 1v-7c-2 2-3 3-3 6v1l-4-3-1-1h4l4-5m14 15h3l-1 2-1 1-4 6v3l-3-5 3-2-1-2h-3l-1 2-2-3v-1h4l6-1m-90 40h1l1-1 1-13v-2l3-9 2-6c3-5 8-8 11-12 7-6 16-9 24-10h7l8 2 5 1c5 2 9 5 13 9s7 9 10 15l3 10 1-4-3-7h4l4-2 2-2v-1l2 4h-2l-5 3-2 1 1 2 1 1 3-2 7-3-2-4-6-11-6-8c-3-3-9-9-15-12-7-3-15-5-23-5l-6-1h-2l-2 1h-8l-9 3c-6 2-12 5-16 10a102 102 0 0 0-17 31l-2 10-1 8v2l1-1v-3l4 2h5l3-2v6zm-4-2h-5l-1 1h1l5 2h3v-1l-3-2m242 46h1l1-2-2-1v3m-97 30l2-2-4-4-2 4 1 1 2 1h1M174 130c1 1 3 2 5 1l1-1c-1-2-3-4-6-4l-2 1c0 1 0 3 2 3m240 67v-10l-1-1v12l1-1m-254-60l-1-2v1l1 4v9h1v-3c1-3 1-6-1-9m168 103h-2l-2 1-1 3v4l1 2h3l1-2c3-2 3-5 2-8h-2M118 103c-2-2-4-5-4-8 0-1 0 0 0 0l-1 1c0 3 1 7 4 9l5 1 5 1h2l4 3h1c-2-2-3-4-5-4l-5-1h-4l-2-2m12 2h-1c-2-2-4-2-6-2l-2 1h-1l6 1h4m10-16l-8 5h-1 5l2 2v-3l3-4h-1m-19 31h2l5 2h2c-3-2-7-3-11-3l-2-1-3-3v1c1 3 3 4 5 5 2 2 5 2 7 2h1l-6-2v-1m2 6l-5-3-5-6c-1-4-3-9-6-13l-1 1 1 2 2 8 6 7c2 3 5 5 8 4m-4 10l1-8h-1v1l-1 7h1m0-8h-1l-1 2h1v-1l1-1m280-12l1 1c0-3-2-5-5-5h-6v1c3 2 6 3 10 3m-214 50v-1c4 2 9 3 14 1l8-1 2-1 3 1c2 0 3 2 3 4l-1 27v3h-1l-1 4-1 3-2 1c-2-4-5-6-9-8l-6-6-1-1v-1h-1l-4-6-3-9v-10m4 29l3 3 2 1 12 8c2 1 4 2 7 1v-1h5l2 2v-1-1-1-13-6-3-21h-4l-16 1h-18l-1 1 1 2 1 1c1 1 2 3 1 5l-1 1 1 2-4 2c2 6 5 12 9 17m4-25l16 20v-1l-14-18-1-2h-1zm20 0l-2 27v1h2v-3l1-26h-1v1m201 35v2h1s0 1 0 0l-1-3v1m-223-35l4 5 11 14 3 4v-2l-14-18-3-4-1 1m20-2l-5-1-4 1 1 1 6 9h1v-1l-7-9h1l6 8c0 1 0 1 0 0l1-4v-4m-21 2v1c0 3 0 6 2 9l6 9c2 3 6 5 9 7 1-1 2-2 1-3l-2-2-14-19-2-2m-3-2l8 1 12-3h2c2 0 3 1 3 3l2-1-1-2-5-1-6 1c-3 1-6 3-10 2l-6-2v2h1m77-47h-1l-1 1 1 1 1-2m136 65l-1 1c-2 1-4 2-5 5h1l4-1 5-2 2-1v1l2 7v1l1 3v-1-1l-2-9v-1l3-2h1l3-2v-1h-1l-5 1c-3 0-6 0-8 2m14 25l1-2-1-1h-1v2l1 1M203 103v1l3 2 1 1 1-2c1-2 0-5-2-7h-1-1-1v3 2m184 11l5 4-3-4-5-3 3 3m-3-5l3 1h4c4-2 8 0 9 3h1l-2-3c-1-2-2-3-4-3h-2l-6 1-4 1h1m-251-6l2 3c2 2 4 3 6 2l6-4 2-3v-6h-1l-1 2c-1 2-4 3-6 3-1 1-2 3-4 3h-4m261 3v-1l-5-1-3-1-3 1 4 1 3 1h4zm11 105l1-1-1-1h-1l1 2zm-82-94v1l2-2v-1h-2v2m-3-8l-1 1v2l1 2h2s1 0 0 0v-3l-2-2m3-7l-1-1h-1l1 1h1m-3 3l3 3 1-2-2-2h-2v1m-4 0l-1 2 2 1 1-2-2-1m9-1v1c0-2-1-2-2-2l2 1m12-4l-3 6-1 2-1 4v6l1 2v-1l1-7 1-5v4l1 6 1 1-1-3v-1c1-4 2-7 1-11h1l1 4-1 5v3l3-9-1-6 3 3v-1l-1-5 1-4h1l-1-3v-2l1 2 2 2v-1l-1-6 3 4-1-7 3 3 1 1-1-2-7-9-1-1v1l1 1-1 8-5 16m-47 2h1l8 1c4 0 7 1 10 3 6 2 9 7 12 13l1-1c-3-5-6-9-10-12-5-3-9-4-14-4l-8-1v1m17-11c0-1 0 0 0 0l-1 1h1v-1m1 11l3 2 2 1v-2l-4-2-1 1m-5-2v1h3l-1-1-1-1-1 1m-5-2h-2v1c1 2 3 2 4 1h1l-1-2h-2m-4 1l-1-2h-1l1 1-1 2 2-1m-12 133h-1l2 14v1l-1-4-2-10-1-1 2 12-2-1-1-11-1 1 2 10h-1l-2-9v-1h-1l1 8v2-1l-1-8-1-1v7l1 2h-2l-1-8v7l1 1h-1l-1-7-1 1 1 6h-2v-6l-1 1 1 5h-1l-1-5v4h-1v-2c-1 0-2 1-1 2v2l4 2 2 1h4l3 1 6 4 1-1-3-13v-5m59-168l4 2 3 1v-1l-4-2h-3zm-65 193l-2-2-4-6v-1l6 8v1m-2 1l-5-7v-1h1l3 5 2 2-1 1m-2 0h-1l-1-1-3-5v-1l1 1 4 6m-2 1v-1l-2-1c0-2-1-3-2-3l1-1 3 5v1m-2 0l-2-3v-1-1l3 5h-1m-1 7l-12-5h-1l2 3 1 4 4 2v1l-5 2-1-1c1-3 0-6-2-8l-2-4v-1h-1l-3-1h1l5-2 9 4-2-5-3-2 1-1 4-2v-1 4l5 12v1m-20 10c-5 1-9-1-11-5l-1-3 2-5 3-2 2-1h2c3 0 7 3 7 7v1c0 4-1 7-4 8m-35-10h-1c-1-2-2-3-4-3l-2 9v1l2 3v1l-9-1 1-1 2-1 2-2h-1l2-8v-1h-1l-3-1-3 2 1-5 15 2-1 5m-18-1v-1l-1-4-5-2s-1 0 0 0l-2 4 2 1 2-1-2 5-1 1v-3l-2-1-1 4 5 1h2l1-1-1 5h-1l-13-5v-1h2l3-3 3-7-1-4 13 5-3 7m-15-8v-1 1l-1 4h-2l3-4m-5 4l4-7v1l-3 6h-1m-2-1v-1l4-6v-1h1v1l-4 7h-1m-2 0v-1l5-8v-1l1 1-1 2-4 6-1 1m113-8l-4-3h-1l4 4-5-4-1-1 3 3 2 3h-1l-4-5v-1h-2l2 2v1l4 4h-1l-6-7h-2l6 7 1 1h-1l-6-8v-1h-2l-5-4c0-1 0 0 0 0l-2 3-10 6c-4 3-8 4-13 6l-6 1-3 3h3l-1 2-1 5v6l3 3h-8l1-2 1-6h-1l-3 7v-1l-4-6h-1l1 1v4l2 3h-2-6l3-4v-7l-5-8h-2l-8-2-20-8c0-1-2-2-3-1l-3 2-2 1v1l-4 7h-1l-1-1 4-6h1v-2h-1l-1 2-3 5h-1l4-6-1-1-4 6h-1l1-2 2-3v-1l-4 5h-1l2-3 1-2v-1l-4 5v-1l3-4h-1l-3 4-1-1 3-3h-1l-3 3v-1l2-2-1-1-1 3-1-1-1-1-2 2c0 2 2 4 3 5l10 10 10 6 19 7 23 2c12 1 24-1 36-4 8-3 15-7 21-13l8-9-2-3m132-46h1v-2h-1v2zM305 93l3 1h-1l-2-1m-74-15l5 1 4 1-1-1-1-4-1-1-1 1h-1l-4 3m51 48l2-6 2-1s0-1 0 0a20 20 0 0 0-4 10v-3m2-8l1 1-3 4 2-5m7-5l2-2 4-1h3l12 1-2 1h-4l-6-1h-3l-6 2m23 7v-1c0-1 0 0 0 0l-1 10-1 3h-1l1-6 2-6zm-4 13h-1l2-10v-1l1 1-2 10zm-11-21c-3 1-5 1-7 3v-1l1-1 4-1h2m-3 3l-4 1 4-2h1l-1 1m-1 2l-3 1 1-2h3l-1 1m1 2l-1 1h-2l2-1v-1l-2 1h-1l3-2 1 2m-25 28v-1h1l-1 1m-1 2v-2c0-1 0 0 0 0v2m-1 1h-1l1-3v-1 4m12-21v3h1l1-4 4-9 1 1c-3 3-4 7-5 12l1-1 1-5 4-5-4 9 1-1 2-5 2-2-3 6h1l3-5-3 6c-2 3-5 5-9 6l-6 4-5 2-2 2-1 5c-1 7-4 13-6 20v3l-2 4v4l1 2 1 4 2-2-2-5 1-1 2 4v-1l2-3-2-7 2-1 1-3h1v-3 1h1l-1-2v-2h1v-2l-1-2 3-5 4-4c6-4 13-7 20-8l6-2 6-5v1l-3 5-4 8-2 8 1 1c0-4 2-8 3-11l4-7 3-7 1-3 1-1-1 3-1 4-2 4-3 6c-3 4-3 9-3 14h1v-2l4-14h1c-2 6-4 11-4 17h1v-1l2-10 1-1a44 44 0 0 0-2 13v1l1-1 1-8h1l-1 11 1-1v-6h1v7l1 1v-1-1-2h1v5l1-1 1 1v1l1 1h1l11 6 3 1 2 2 1-1-3-4v-1s0-1 0 0h1c2 2 4 5 4 8l-1 2 2-1 1-3c0-2 1-4 3-5v-1-1l1-4 1-2 1-1v-4l2-3-1-5v-3-1l-1 1-1 12-1 4v-2-2-7-7l-1-1c0-1 0 0 0 0v16h-1l-1-10 1-6-1-2h-1l1 18h-1l-1-18-1-1v15c-1-5-2-10-1-15l-1-1v-2h-1v11h-1v-13l-1-1v5h-1v-7l-1 1 1 9-1 1-1-2v-11h-1v6l-1-5v-5l-1 3v5h-1v-4l1-11v-1l-1 2v7l-1 6-1-1 1-3-1-1 1-9v-4l-2 17h-1l1-11 1-3v-3h-1l-2 16h-1l1-7v-3l1-5 1-2-1-2-2-3h-1l-4 1-10-2-8 2 1-1 2-1 3-1h3l7 2h5v-1l-2-1-3 1-7-2h-3l-6 3 1-2 6-1 11 1v-1h-7c-3-1-7-1-11 1v-1l4-1h10l-4-1-10 1v-1h6v-1h-8l-2 1c-3 2-4 5-5 8v3l2-2c-2 2-2 5-3 8v8m-24-63l2-1-2-2-1 1 1 2m50 31v-2l-2-1-1 2 3 1m-3-6l-1 1 2 1v-1l-1-1m-16 9c-2 0-3 0-3-2v2c1 2 4 1 5 0s2-3 1-4-2-2-4-1h-1v1h1c1-1 3-1 3 1 1 2-1 3-2 3m4-4h1l8 1c6 1 11 3 15 6l1 1 8 10v-1c-4-7-10-13-17-15l-15-3-1 1m-9 4v-1 1h-1 1m16-10h-1l-2 3v1l3-1 1-1h-1l-1-1 1-1m39 84v-1l-1 1h1l1 1-1-1M254 68l-1 2 1 1h1v-3h-1m83 55h-4l-3-1-2-4v2l2 4c2 2 5 1 7-1m11-59h1l-4-3h-5l3 1 2 1 3 1m-10 106v-1l-1-1v2h1m-1 11l1-1c1-1 2-3 1-5h-1v4l-2 2h1m0-2v-1c1 0 0 0 0 0l-1-1v2h1m1-37v-1 1m5 1l2 3v1l-2 2h1c2-1 2-3 1-4v-2l-1-1h-1v1m2-39v4l1 2 1-3-1-7-1-3-2-3v1a69 69 0 0 0 2 9m-5 35l1 2h1l-1-3-3-1-1 1-1 1 3-1 1 1m0-26l1 2v-2l2-3c1-3 1-6-2-8v7l-1 4m-3 64v-1-1-2l1-2h-1l-2 4 1 1 1 1m0-36l1-1h-1-1l-1 1 1 1 1-1m-4-3l-1 1h3l-1-1h-1m13-65l3 3 2 3h1l-3-5-3-1m0 4l5 6 4 8h1l-1-5-2-4-6-5h-1m3 22l-3-6-2-2v1l4 9v6h1v-3-5m2-27l-1-2c-1-2-3-3-6-4v1l6 4 1 1m-6-2l4 3v-2l-3-1h-1m-10 108v-2h-1v1l1 1m16-103l2 3 3 6 1-1c0-4-2-7-6-9v1m-20 111v1s0 1 0 0l1-1h-1m3-5l2-2h-2l-1 1c-2 1-3 3-1 5v-2l2-2m8-9c1-2 0-3-1-4v3c0 1-2 2-3 1v1c1 1 3 0 4-1m-2 3c0 1 0 0 0 0l1-1h-1v1m4-9l-1 2 1-2m0-7h-1l1 2v3h-2v1l3-1c1-1 0-3-1-5m72 48v0M210 49h-1v3l6 15 3 3-1-3-6-18h-1m1 21l1 1v-1c0-1-1-2-3-2l-2 2 1 2v-1l3-1m-2-10l-4-1-5 1c-2 0-3 1-4 3v1l3 5 1-1h2v-1l3-6h1l2 6h3l2 2v4l-2-1-2 1v2l2 2h3l3-2s0-1 0 0l-3 2v-1l-2-14-3-1v-1m205 139v1l2 2v-1l-1-1-1-1M220 71v1l1 1v-2h-1m10-22l-2 5-3 9 1 1-2 4v1l3-3v-2l3-7 3-8h-3m-16-1h-1v2l1-1v-1m87 170l-6 10v1l1 1c2 1 5 0 7-2 2-3 1-7-2-10M219 68l1 2h2c0-2 2-3 3-5h-5l-2-1v1l1 3m-19 22v-1l2 1 2 1h-3l2 1v1l-3-1-4 2c1-2 2-4 4-4m6 2l2-2 2-2 5 1h-3l1 1h1v1h-1l-1-1h-2l-2 1-2 1m13-2v-1l3-1h4v1h-2l3 2h-2l-5-1h-1l-1 1 1-1m10 1h1l4-2 4 2-2-1h-1l3 2-1 1c-2-2-5-2-8-2m12 1h2l4 1 1 1-2-1 1 2v0l-3-2h-1-4l2-1m-47 4l12-3 9-2h5l14 2 10 2 1 1 3 1c1-1 2-3 1-4l-2-2-9-3-19-2h-1 2c9 0 18 1 26 3l2 1-3-2-8-2-18-1c-8 0-17 0-25 2l11-1a91 91 0 0 1 11 0l-18 2c-2 0-5 0-6 2v1l2 5m10-22h3v-1h-2-1v1m37 6h1l4 1h1l1-1 1-2-1-2v-1l1-1h1l1-3-2-3v1l-1 3v1l-1-2v-1h-1l-2 5 2-1 1 1c-1 3-3 5-6 5m-47 3l7-2c6-1 12-2 18-1h1c9 0 19 1 28 3-10-3-20-4-30-4l-24 3v1m12-12l1-2-2-6v1l-1 4 1 3h1m-7 2l2-1h3v-1l-1-2h-2l-2 3v1m-6 4l-1-2h-1-1l2 3 1-1m15 2h3l-2-1-2-3h-1l-1 1-1 1-1 2h5m187 115l4 5h1l-2-3-2-3-1 1m8 9l1 1v-1-2l-5-9 3 6v1l-4-7-1 1c2 4 5 7 6 11v-1m2-9v2h1v-2l-1-3h-1v2l1 1M241 73l1-1c0-2 0-3-2-4h-2v3h2l1 2m-28-22v1l4 10v1h1l-4-12h-1m37 25v-1h-1l-1 2 2-1m-19-7c-1 1-2 2-1 3 0 0 0 1 0 0l1-1h3v-2h-3m11-1l3-6-1-1-6-1c-3 0-6 0-8 2-2 1-3 2-2 4l-1 7 1 4-4-3v1c1 2 3 3 6 3l1-1 2-2v-1-2h-2l-2 2v-5l3-2h1v-2l2-4 2 2 1 4 4 1m160 124v1l2 4 1 4 1 1v-3l-1-1-3-6c0-1 0 0 0 0M220 60h2v-2l-1-1h-1-1v2l1 1m2-6l-2-1-1 1-1 1 1 1h3v-2m0 9v-1l-1-1h-1-1v2h3m184 143v2h1l-1-2m0-3v1 1c0 1 0 0 0 0l1-2h-1M223 64l1-1 2-3 2-9-2-1v1l-2 10-1 3m5-15v-1h-2v1h2m-7-1l-2-1-2 1-1 2 2 2h2l2-1c1 0 2-1 1-2l-2-1m-5 30h9c-1-1-3-3-2-4v-1l3 2v-1-5l-3 2v2l-2 1h-1l-1-1v-2l-4-3h-1v7l4-2 1 1v1l-3 3m-2 6v-2l-2-1-1 1v1l1 1h2m7 0h2v-3h-4-1v2l1 1h2zm-13 0v-2l-3-1-1 1v1c1 2 3 1 4 1m39 1v-1h-1l-1 1v1l2 1v-2m-48 0l2-1v-1l-2-1v1 2m34-1h4c1-1 0-2-1-2h-3l-1 1v1h1m-4-1v-1l-1-1-1 1v2c1 1 2 0 2-1m14 3l1-1-1-1-2-1v1l1 2h1m-47-1l-1-1h-1l1 2 1-1m-83-41l2-1 1 2c1-2 4-2 4-2l-1-1v-1h1l-1-3-1 2h-1l-1-2-2 1v2h-2v1l1 2"></path> </symbol> <symbol id="reset" width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14"> <path d="M13.141 7.558A.557.557 0 0112.584 7 5.59 5.59 0 007 1.416 5.59 5.59 0 001.416 7 5.59 5.59 0 007 12.584c1.682 0 3.24-.741 4.296-2.016H9.368a.557.557 0 110-1.115h3.134c.308 0 .557.249.557.558v3.13a.557.557 0 11-1.115 0v-1.613A6.679 6.679 0 017 13.7 6.707 6.707 0 01.3 7C.3 3.306 3.307.3 7 .3c3.694 0 6.7 3.006 6.7 6.7a.557.557 0 01-.559.558z" /> </symbol> <symbol id="qaa-logo" viewBox="0 0 87 97"> <title>QAA Membership Badge</title> <g clip-path="url(#qaa-logo-clippath-a)"><path fill="currentColor" d="M22.026 76.285V75.14l3.363-2.993c.262-.231.443-.452.545-.66.103-.208.154-.409.154-.6 0-.261-.058-.493-.17-.7a1.284 1.284 0 0 0-.468-.487 1.304 1.304 0 0 0-.685-.18 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type="application/json">[{"id": "subjects", "title": "Subject", "items": [{"title": "Applied arts", "id": 18, "description": "Hone your craft, technique and material thinking across the fields of ceramics, glass, metalwork and jewellery.", "slug": "applied-arts"}, {"title": "Architecture", "id": 16, "description": "Taught and research degrees in the spatial disciplines, from RIBA-validated part II architecture to urban, environmental and interior design practices.", "slug": "architecture"}, {"title": "Business", "id": 19, "description": "Address your professional and personal development goals and gain skills in creative leadership, entrepreneurship and design innovation.", "slug": "business"}, {"title": "Communication", "id": 15, "description": "The expanded field of communication spans visual disciplines of animation, graphic design and illustration as well as experimental sound, code, text, space, event and experience design.", "slug": "communication"}, {"title": "Contemporary art", "id": 14, "description": "Postgraduate degrees and short courses that develop your practice as artists, theorists, writers and curators working in and across performance, moving image and new media.", "slug": "contemporary-art"}, {"title": "Curating \u0026 culture", "id": 13, "description": "Explore curation, history and critical writing within the contemporary art and design sectors.", "slug": "curating-culture"}, {"title": "Design", "id": 12, "description": "Design courses and degrees specialising in the design of specific objects and products, to interactions, systems and policies.", "slug": "design"}, {"title": "Education", "id": 20, "description": "Develop strategies for working across diverse international learning environments", "slug": "education"}, {"title": "Environment", "id": 10, "description": "Tackle real world problems with a range of programmes spanning urban and future challenges.", "slug": "environment"}, {"title": "Experience design", "id": 9, "description": "Spanning usability, accessibility and desirability, put the user first with our range of programmes that focus on how customers interact with products.", "slug": "experience-design"}, {"title": "Fashion", "id": 8, "description": "Disrupt the fashion industry by forging new aesthetic, critical and cultural approaches.", "slug": "fashion"}, {"title": "Fine arts", "id": 7, "description": "Hone your creative skills in the areas of painting, print, sculpture, photography, performance and moving image.", "slug": "fine-arts"}, {"title": "Graphic design", "id": 6, "description": "Explore a range of visual communication techniques, including typography, photography, and illustration.", "slug": "graphic-design"}, {"title": "Humanities", "id": 5, "description": "Develop your own practice and career as an artist, maker, historian, theorist, writer and curator.", "slug": "humanities"}, {"title": "Illustration", "id": 4, "description": "Realise your own critical approach to image making through a range of techniques and technologies, medium and material.", "slug": "illustration"}, {"title": "Industrial design", "id": 11, "description": "Discover the processes and techniques to apply design to a wide range of products and services for manufacture and industry.", "slug": "industrial-design"}, {"title": "Moving image", "id": 3, "description": "Degrees in narrative and documentary animation, fine art films, sound design, and exciting frontiers of VR and AR media.", "slug": "moving-image"}, {"title": "Product design", "id": 2, "description": "Generate innovative new designs for manufacture, vehicles, homewares, accessories, footwear and appliances that address the challenges of the future.", "slug": "product-design"}, {"title": "Textiles", "id": 1, "description": "Push the boundaries of textile design for fashion, interior and industrial applications, with options to specialise in print, weave, knit, mixed media and new smart, wearable technology.", "slug": "textiles"}]}, {"id": "programme_types", "title": "Type", "items": [{"title": "Pre-Master's", "id": 38, "description": "Our Graduate Diploma prepares you for Master\u2019s study in art and design, and develops proficiency in independent learning methods and practices.", "slug": "pre-masters"}, {"title": "Taught Master's", "id": 36, "description": "Our MA degrees build expertise in your discipline through specialist teaching that supports your intellectual, technical and professional development. Our MArch, MDes, MEd, MFA and MRes degrees focus on developing professional practice and research with an emphasis on interdisciplinarity and collaboration.", "slug": "taught-masters"}, {"title": "Postgraduate research", "id": 37, "description": "Our MPhil or PhD research degrees challenge you to complete an independent in-depth research project to produce new ideas, arguments and solutions.", "slug": "postgraduate-research"}, {"title": "Short course", "id": 45, "description": "Our short courses give you the chance to get a taster of studying at the RCA as well as helping businesses sharpen their skills.", "slug": "short-course"}]}, {"id": "related_schools_and_research_pages", "title": "Schools \u0026 centres", "items": [{"title": "School of Design", "id": 45, "description": "The School engages with design on multiple levels, from the highly conceptual to the deeply practical, with a strong culture of innovation, experimentation and debate.", "slug": "school-design"}, {"title": "School of Communication", "id": 44, "description": "Interrogate how communication shapes our lives and explore how to develop new ways of experiencing, interacting and connecting with the world.", "slug": "school-communication"}, {"title": "School of Architecture", "id": 47, "description": "Located in Kensington, the School of Architecture provides a stimulating and vibrant cultural context for study in one of the world\u2019s leading cities.", "slug": "school-architecture"}, {"title": "School of Arts \u0026 Humanities", "id": 46, "description": "The School of Arts \u0026 Humanities bridges research and study in the fine and applied arts together with curating, writing and the history of design.", "slug": "school-arts-humanities"}, {"title": "Intelligent Mobility Design Centre", "id": 529, "description": "Research at the intersection of people, mobility and technology within a complex and changing urban and global environment.", "slug": "intelligent-mobility-design-centre"}, {"title": "Computer Science Research Centre", "id": 530, "description": "", "slug": "computer-science-research-centre"}, {"title": "Materials Science Research Centre", "id": 531, "description": "Research into the invention and the experience of materials to address real world challenges.", "slug": "materials-science-research-centre"}, {"title": "The Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design", "id": 532, "description": "A global leader in inclusive design, design thinking and creative leadership, working with government, business, academia and the third sector.", "slug": "helen-hamlyn-centre"}, {"title": "RCA Robotics Laboratory", "id": 534, "description": "Developing new robotic technologies enhancing access, safety and performance in a wide range of industrial applications.", "slug": "rca-robotics-laboratory"}]}]</script> <script src="/static2/js/programmes.7dee9a0fb5cd.js"></script> </body> </html>

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