PLEASE DO NOT ALTER THIS APPLICATION IN ANY WAY. To register in CO.TZ, OR.TZ, or NE.TZ, send the completed form to Bill Sangiwa <>. To register in AC.TZ or GO.TZ send the completed form to <>. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c u t h e r e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0. TZ DOMAIN TEMPLATE....: 2.32 2004.12.01 1. REGISTRATION TYPE * (N)ew (M)odify (D)elete..: 2. * FULLY-QUALIFIED DOMAIN NAME: 3. ORGANIZATION INFORMATION 3a.* Organization Name.....: 3b.* Address Line 1........: 3b.* Address Line 2........: 3c.* City..................: 3d.* Postal Address........: 3e.* Country...............: 4. * DESCRIPTION OF ORG/DOMAIN: 5. Date Operational......: 6. ADMINISTRATIVE CONTACT OF ORG/DOMAIN 6a. NIChandle (if known)..: 6b.* Whole Name............: 6c. Organization Name.....: 6d.* Address Line 1........: 6d. Address Line 2........: 6e.* City..................: 6f.* Postal Address........: 6g.* Country...............: 6h.* Voice Phone...........: 6i.* Electronic Mailbox....: 7. TECHNICAL AND ZONE CONTACT 7a. NIChandle (if known)..: 7b.* Whole Name............: 7c. Organization Name.....: 7d.* Address Line 1........: 7d. Address Line 2........: 7e.* City..................: 7f.* Postal Code...........: 7g.* Country...............: 7h.* Voice Phone...........: 7i.* Electronic Mailbox....: 7j.* Registration Mailbox..: 7k. Fax Number............: FILL OUT QUESTION 8 AND 9 FOR DELEGATIONS ONLY (i.e those organizations running nameservers for a branch of the TZ Domain namespace, 8. PRIMARY SERVER: HOSTNAME, NETADDRESS 8a.* Hostname..............: 8b.* IP Address............: 9. SECONDARY SERVER: HOSTNAME, NETADDRESS 9a.* Hostname..............: 9b.* IP Address............: FILL OUT QUESTION 10 FOR DIRECT REGISTRATIONS IP HOSTS (if you answered 8 & 9, do not answer 10, 11, and 12) 10. RESOURCE RECORDS (RRs) FOR IP INTERNET HOSTS 10a.* IP ADDRESS (required).: 10b. HARDWARE .............: 10c. OPERATING SYS ........: 10d.* MX ...................: It is your responsibility to see that an IN-ADDR pointer record is entered in the DNS database. Contact the administrator of the IP network your host is on to have this done. FILL OUT QUESTIONS 11 AND 12 FOR NON-IP HOSTS (such as UUCP) 11. FORWARDING HOST INFORMATION 11a.* Forwarding Host.......: 11b.* Contact Name (req)....: 11c.* Contact Email (req)...: 12. RESOURCE RECORDS (RRs) FOR NON-IP HOSTS (UUCP) 12a. DOMAIN NAME ..........: 12b. HARDWARE .............: 12c. OPERATING SYS ........: 12d.* MX (required).........: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c u t h e r e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DISCLAIMER By the registration of your name on the Internet, the registrars (, the IANA, the and the National Science Foundation are accepting in good faith that you have the right to the use the name. Our function in registering names on the Internet is to assure that the name does not conflict with any other name in the name space requested. The user by your registration and use of the name and/or your continued use of an existing name, agrees, as part of your request for name registration, to indemnify and hold harmless from any and all costs, fees, expenses arising from litigation involving trademark, trade name, service mark, and any other name infringements, or other reasons, the registrar, the IANA, and the National Science Foundation. The party requesting registration of this name certifies that to her/his knowledge, the use of this name does not violate trademark or other statutes. Registering a domain name does not confer any legal rights to that name and any disputes between parties over the rights to use a particular name are to be settled between the contending parties using normal legal methods (See RFC 1591). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE TZ DOMAIN TEMPLATE The TZ Domain Template must be sent by email to the TZ Domain Registrar ( or the contact of a delegated zone. For CO.TZ, OR.TZ, or NE.TZ, the delegated registrar is Bill Sangiwa <>. For AC.TZ or GO.TZ the delegated registrar is <>. If you are requesting delegation of a zone, do not send in the application until you have verified that the nameservers for that zone are fully functional and serving correct data. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - REGISTERING A NEW TZ DOMAIN NAME Note that all starred (*) fields are mandatory, except please fill out only one of 8-9, 10, or 11-12. 1. REGISTRATION TYPE: NEW, MODIFICATION, or DELETION 2. THE NAME OF THE DOMAIN. This is the name that will be used in tables and lists associating the domain with the domain server addresses. See Naming Structure Table below. The following formats are accepted as a TZ Domain name. Domain Name Example: MAGNANIMOUS.OR.TZ TZ DOMAIN NAMING STRUCTURE Commercial <name> Schools granting baccalaureate degrees <name> Governmental entities <name> Not for profit organizations <name> Network infrastructure (i.e.routers) only <name> 3. THE NAME OF THE ENTITY REPRESENTED, (i.e., ORGANIZATION, LOCALITY, SCHOOL, etc., being named. The name that describes the Fully Qualified Domain Namee. For example: The Networthy Corporation, not the name of the Network Service Provider or organization submitting the request. The organization must be in Tanzania and be the end user of the domain. 4. PLEASE DESCRIBE THE DOMAIN BRIEFLY. For example: The Networthy Corporation is a consulting organization of people working with UNIX and the C language in an electronic networking environment. It sponsors two technical conferences annually and distributes a bimonthly newsletter. Registrations must be from organizations with a real presence in Tanzania and with a demonstrable intent to use the domain name on a regular basis on the internet. I.e. brand, vanity, placemark, trademark, service mark, etc. name registration is not appropriate. I.e., one registration per organization. The Organization and the Adminintrative contact must be in Tanzania. 5. THE DATE YOU EXPECT THE DOMAIN TO BE FULLY OPERATIONAL. For every registration, we need both the administrative and the technical contacts of a domain (questions 6 & 7) and we MUST have a network mailbox for each. If you have a NIC handle (a unique NIC database identifier) please enter it. (If you don't know what a NIC handle is leave it blank). Also the title, mailing address, phone number, organization, and network mailbox. 6. THE NAME OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE HEAD OF THE "ORGANIZATION". The administrator is the contact point for administrative and policy questions about the domain. The Domain administrator should work closely with the personnel they have designated as the "technical contact" for the domain. In this example the Domain Administraror would be the Administrator of the Networty Corporation, not the Administrator of the organization running the nameserver (unless it is the same person). The Administrative contact must be in Tanzania and must be within the organization which is registering the domain. 7. THE NAME OF THE TECHNICAL AND ZONE CONTACT. The technical and zone contact handles the technical aspects of maintaining the domain's name server and resolver software, and database files. They keep the name server running. This person would be the technical contact running the primary nameserver. The REGISTRATION REQUEST MAILBOX (7j) is where domain name requests are mailed and processed for the delegated domain. Mailboxes names would be like: hostmaster, noc, etc). 8. PRIMARY SERVER. If this is a request to delegate the domain name, the complete host name of the primary server as well as the IP address. 9. SECONDARY SERVER. If this is a request to delegate the domain name, the complete host name of the secondary server as well as the IP address. Domains must provide at least two independent servers that provide the domain service for translating names to addresses for hosts in this domain. Establishing the servers in physically separate locations and on different PSNs and/or networks is required. See RFC2182 for the rationale. This means that the secondary server MUST be in a physical location quite separate from the primary, and that the two MUST be on completely separate international backbone providers. If you wish to have more than one secondary server, merely duplicate section 9. 10. INTERNET HOST. If you just wish to give a single host a domain name, then this option may be appropriate. It is your responsibility to see that an IN-ADDR pointer record is entered in the DNS database. (For internet hosts only). Contact the administrator of the IP network your host is on to have this done. The TZ Domain administration does not administer the network and cannot make these entries in the DNS database. 11. Many applicants have hosts in the UUCP world. Some are one hop away, some two and three hops away from their "Internet Forwarder", this is acceptable. What is important is getting an Internet host to be your forwarder. If you do not already have an Internet forwarder, there are several businesses that provide this service for a fee, (see RFC 1359 - Connecting to the Internet What Connecting Institutions Should Anticipate, ACM SIGUCCS, August 1992). Sometimes local colleges in your area are already on the Internet and may be willing to act as an Internet Forwarder. You would need to work this out with the systems administrator. We cannot make these arrangements for you. (11a) What is the name of your Internet forwarding host? For example: The host uses UUCP to connect to RELAY.ISI.EDU which is an Internet host. (i.e., RELAY.ISI.EDU is the forwarding host). (11b) What is the name of your contact person at fowarding host? The Administrator of RELAY.ISI.EDU must agree to be the forwarding host for, and the forwarding host must know a delivery method and route to Yacht Club. No double MXing. (11c) What is the mailbox of your contact? What is the mailbox of the administrator of the forwarding host. 12. What domain name system (dns) resource records (rr) and values are to be entered for your non-IP host. E.g. MX 10 MX 100 PLEASE ALLOW AT LEAST TEN WORKING DAYS FOR PROCESSING THIS APPLICATION. Remember, this is a volunteer service and the registrars and nameserver engineers have real lives too. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c u t h e r e - - - - - - - - - - - - - -