Privacy Policy
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Correct the line height in all browsers. 2. Prevent adjustments of font size after orientation changes in iOS. */ html { line-height: 1.15; /* 1 */ -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */ } /* Sections ======== */ /** Remove the margin in all browsers. */ body { margin: 0; } /** Improve consistency of default fonts in all browsers. ( */ body { font-family: system-ui, -apple-system, /* Firefox supports this but not yet `system-ui` */ 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, 'Apple Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji'; } /* Grouping content ================ */ /** 1. Add the correct height in Firefox. 2. Correct the inheritance of border color in Firefox. ( */ hr { height: 0; /* 1 */ color: inherit; /* 2 */ } /* Text-level semantics ==================== */ /** Add the correct text decoration in Chrome, Edge, and Safari. */ abbr[title] { -webkit-text-decoration: underline dotted; text-decoration: underline dotted; } /** Add the correct font weight in Edge and Safari. */ b, strong { font-weight: bolder; } /** 1. Improve consistency of default fonts in all browsers. ( 2. Correct the odd 'em' font sizing in all browsers. */ code, kbd, samp, pre { font-family: ui-monospace, SFMono-Regular, Consolas, 'Liberation Mono', Menlo, monospace; /* 1 */ font-size: 1em; /* 2 */ } /** Add the correct font size in all browsers. */ small { font-size: 80%; } /** Prevent 'sub' and 'sup' elements from affecting the line height in all browsers. */ sub, sup { font-size: 75%; line-height: 0; position: relative; vertical-align: baseline; } sub { bottom: -0.25em; } sup { top: -0.5em; } /* Tabular data ============ */ /** 1. Remove text indentation from table contents in Chrome and Safari. (, 2. Correct table border color inheritance in all Chrome and Safari. (, */ table { text-indent: 0; /* 1 */ border-color: inherit; /* 2 */ } /* Forms ===== */ /** 1. Change the font styles in all browsers. 2. Remove the margin in Firefox and Safari. */ button, input, optgroup, select, textarea { font-family: inherit; /* 1 */ font-size: 100%; /* 1 */ line-height: 1.15; /* 1 */ margin: 0; /* 2 */ } /** Remove the inheritance of text transform in Edge and Firefox. 1. Remove the inheritance of text transform in Firefox. */ button, select { /* 1 */ text-transform: none; } /** Correct the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari. */ button, [type='button'], [type='reset'], [type='submit'] { -webkit-appearance: button; } /** Remove the inner border and padding in Firefox. */ ::-moz-focus-inner { border-style: none; padding: 0; } /** Restore the focus styles unset by the previous rule. */ /** Remove the additional ':invalid' styles in Firefox. See: */ /** Remove the padding so developers are not caught out when they zero out 'fieldset' elements in all browsers. */ legend { padding: 0; } /** Add the correct vertical alignment in Chrome and Firefox. */ progress { vertical-align: baseline; } /** Correct the cursor style of increment and decrement buttons in Safari. */ ::-webkit-inner-spin-button, ::-webkit-outer-spin-button { height: auto; } /** 1. Correct the odd appearance in Chrome and Safari. 2. Correct the outline style in Safari. */ [type='search'] { -webkit-appearance: textfield; /* 1 */ outline-offset: -2px; /* 2 */ } /** Remove the inner padding in Chrome and Safari on macOS. */ ::-webkit-search-decoration { -webkit-appearance: none; } /** 1. Correct the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari. 2. Change font properties to 'inherit' in Safari. */ ::-webkit-file-upload-button { -webkit-appearance: button; /* 1 */ font: inherit; /* 2 */ } /* Interactive =========== */ /* Add the correct display in Chrome and Safari. */ summary { display: list-item; } /** * Manually forked from SUIT CSS Base: * A thin layer on top of normalize.css that provides a starting point more * suitable for web applications. */ /** * Removes the default spacing and border for appropriate elements. */ blockquote, dl, dd, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hr, figure, p, pre { margin: 0; } button { background-color: transparent; background-image: none; } fieldset { margin: 0; padding: 0; } ol, ul { list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; } /** * Tailwind custom reset styles */ /** * 1. Use the user's configured `sans` font-family (with Tailwind's default * sans-serif font stack as a fallback) as a sane default. * 2. Use Tailwind's default "normal" line-height so the user isn't forced * to override it to ensure consistency even when using the default theme. */ html { font-family: ui-sans-serif, system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, "Noto Sans", sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"; /* 1 */ line-height: 1.5; /* 2 */ } /** * Inherit font-family and line-height from `html` so users can set them as * a class directly on the `html` element. */ body { font-family: inherit; line-height: inherit; } /** * 1. Prevent padding and border from affecting element width. * * We used to set this in the html element and inherit from * the parent element for everything else. This caused issues * in shadow-dom-enhanced elements like <details> where the content * is wrapped by a div with box-sizing set to `content-box`. * * * * * 2. Allow adding a border to an element by just adding a border-width. * * By default, the way the browser specifies that an element should have no * border is by setting it's border-style to `none` in the user-agent * stylesheet. * * In order to easily add borders to elements by just setting the `border-width` * property, we change the default border-style for all elements to `solid`, and * use border-width to hide them instead. This way our `border` utilities only * need to set the `border-width` property instead of the entire `border` * shorthand, making our border utilities much more straightforward to compose. * * */ *, ::before, ::after { -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */ border-width: 0; /* 2 */ border-style: solid; /* 2 */ border-color: currentColor; /* 2 */ } /* * Ensure horizontal rules are visible by default */ hr { border-top-width: 1px; } /** * Undo the `border-style: none` reset that Normalize applies to images so that * our `border-{width}` utilities have the expected effect. * * The Normalize reset is unnecessary for us since we default the border-width * to 0 on all elements. * * */ img { border-style: solid; } textarea { resize: vertical; } input::-webkit-input-placeholder, textarea::-webkit-input-placeholder { opacity: 1; color: #a1a1aa; } input::-moz-placeholder, textarea::-moz-placeholder { opacity: 1; color: #a1a1aa; } input:-ms-input-placeholder, textarea:-ms-input-placeholder { opacity: 1; color: #a1a1aa; } input::-ms-input-placeholder, textarea::-ms-input-placeholder { opacity: 1; color: #a1a1aa; } input::placeholder, textarea::placeholder { opacity: 1; color: #a1a1aa; } button, [role="button"] { cursor: pointer; } /** * Override legacy focus reset from Normalize with modern Firefox focus styles. * * This is actually an improvement over the new defaults in Firefox in our testing, * as it triggers the better focus styles even for links, which still use a dotted * outline in Firefox by default. */ table { border-collapse: collapse; } h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-size: inherit; font-weight: inherit; } /** * Reset links to optimize for opt-in styling instead of * opt-out. */ a { color: inherit; text-decoration: inherit; } /** * Reset form element properties that are easy to forget to * style explicitly so you don't inadvertently introduce * styles that deviate from your design system. These styles * supplement a partial reset that is already applied by * normalize.css. */ button, input, optgroup, select, textarea { padding: 0; line-height: inherit; color: inherit; } /** * Use the configured 'mono' font family for elements that * are expected to be rendered with a monospace font, falling * back to the system monospace stack if there is no configured * 'mono' font family. */ pre, code, kbd, samp { font-family: ui-monospace, SFMono-Regular, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Liberation Mono", "Courier New", monospace; } /** * 1. Make replaced elements `display: block` by default as that's * the behavior you want almost all of the time. Inspired by * CSS Remedy, with `svg` added as well. * * * * 2. Add `vertical-align: middle` to align replaced elements more * sensibly by default when overriding `display` by adding a * utility like `inline`. * * This can trigger a poorly considered linting error in some * tools but is included by design. * * */ img, svg, video, canvas, audio, iframe, embed, object { display: block; /* 1 */ vertical-align: middle; /* 2 */ } /** * Constrain images and videos to the parent width and preserve * their intrinsic aspect ratio. * * */ img, video { max-width: 100%; height: auto; } /** * Ensure the default browser behavior of the `hidden` attribute. */ [hidden] { display: none; } *, ::before, ::after{ --tw-border-opacity:1; border-color:rgba(228, 228, 231, var(--tw-border-opacity)); } .container{ width:100%; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto; } @media (min-width: 768px){ .container{ max-width:768px; } } @media (min-width: 1024px){ .container{ max-width:1024px; } } @media (min-width: 1220px){ .container{ max-width:1220px; } } .sr-only{ position:absolute; width:1px; height:1px; padding:0; margin:-1px; overflow:hidden; clip:rect(0, 0, 0, 0); white-space:nowrap; border-width:0; } .pointer-events-none{ pointer-events:none; } .pointer-events-auto{ pointer-events:auto; } .visible{ visibility:visible; } .invisible{ visibility:hidden; } .static{ position:static; } .fixed{ position:fixed; } .absolute{ position:absolute; } .relative{ position:relative; } .sticky{ position:-webkit-sticky; position:sticky; } .inset-0{ top:0; right:0; bottom:0; left:0; } .inset-1{ top:0.25rem; right:0.25rem; bottom:0.25rem; left:0.25rem; } .top-0{ top:0; } .top-2{ top:0.5rem; } .top-4{ top:1rem; } .top-9{ top:2.25rem; } .top-28{ top:7rem; } .top-0\.25{ top:0.0625rem; } .top-2\.5{ top:0.625rem; } .-top-12{ top:-3rem; } .top-full{ top:100%; } .top-27\.5{ top:6.875rem; } .right-0{ right:0; } .right-4{ right:1rem; } .right-5{ right:1.25rem; } .-right-20{ right:-5rem; } .-right-0\.5{ right:-0.125rem; } .bottom-0{ bottom:0; } .-bottom-1{ bottom:-0.25rem; } .-bottom-2{ 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class="content-grid" data-v-4b4304ea><div data-v-41925d20><nav aria-label="breadcrumbs" hid="the-breadcrumbs" class="ui-breadcrumbs-wrapper hidden sm:block container mx-auto xl:px-0 max-w-6.5xl mt-3" data-v-1055a09e data-v-4bb4afbc data-v-41925d20><ol class="ui-breadcrumbs hidden sm:block mt-2.5 text-xs text-gray leading-2" style="--ui-breadcrumb-separator:' » ';" data-v-1055a09e><li class="ui-breadcrumbs__item inline last:text-black" data-v-1055a09e><a href="" class="ui-breadcrumbs__link hover:text-ydr-blue-ribbon focus:text-ydr-blue-ribbon active:text-blue-900" data-v-1055a09e>Home</a></li><li class="ui-breadcrumbs__item inline last:text-black" data-v-1055a09e> Privacy Policy </li></ol></nav> <div><div><!----> <h1 class="ui-title text-3xl font-bold mb-4 sm:mb-7 sm:text-5xl font-helvetica"> YourDictionary Privacy Policy </h1><nav class="ui-toc mt-6 mb-8 sm:my-15"><ul class="ui-toc-list list-none uppercase text-sm font-helvetica leading-5 tracking-wide text-black block"><li class="ui-toc-list-item inline-block mr-8 mb-5"><a href="#quickly-manage-your-preferences" class="ui-toc-link hover:text-primary hover:no-underline underline">Quickly Manage Your Preferences</a></li><li class="ui-toc-list-item inline-block mr-8 mb-5"><a href="#information-we-collect" class="ui-toc-link hover:text-primary hover:no-underline underline">Information we collect</a></li><li class="ui-toc-list-item inline-block mr-8 mb-5"><a href="#how-do-we-share-or-disclose-information" class="ui-toc-link hover:text-primary hover:no-underline underline">How Do We Share or Disclose Information</a></li><li class="ui-toc-list-item inline-block mr-8 mb-5"><a href="#how-we-use-information-we-collect" class="ui-toc-link hover:text-primary hover:no-underline underline">How We Use Information We Collect</a></li><li class="ui-toc-list-item inline-block mr-8 mb-5"><a href="#our-relationship-with-other-parties" class="ui-toc-link hover:text-primary hover:no-underline underline">Our Relationship with Other Parties</a></li><li class="ui-toc-list-item inline-block mr-8 mb-5"><a href="#managing-your-preferences-and-choices" class="ui-toc-link hover:text-primary hover:no-underline underline">Managing Your Preferences and Choices</a></li><li class="ui-toc-list-item inline-block mr-8 mb-5"><a href="#protection-and-security-of-information" class="ui-toc-link hover:text-primary hover:no-underline underline">Protection and Security of Information</a></li><li class="ui-toc-list-item inline-block mr-8 mb-5"><a href="#childrens-information-policy" class="ui-toc-link hover:text-primary hover:no-underline underline">Children’s Information Policy</a></li><li class="ui-toc-list-item inline-block mr-8 mb-5"><a href="#international-information-transfer" class="ui-toc-link hover:text-primary hover:no-underline underline">International Information Transfer</a></li><li class="ui-toc-list-item inline-block mr-8 mb-5"><a href="#changes-to-this-policy" class="ui-toc-link hover:text-primary hover:no-underline underline">Changes to This Policy</a></li><li class="ui-toc-list-item inline-block mr-8 mb-5"><a href="#california-privacy-notice" class="ui-toc-link hover:text-primary hover:no-underline underline">California Privacy Notice</a></li><li class="ui-toc-list-item inline-block mr-8 mb-5"><a href="#virginia-privacy-notice" class="ui-toc-link hover:text-primary hover:no-underline underline">Virginia Privacy Notice</a></li><li class="ui-toc-list-item inline-block mr-8 mb-5"><a href="#notice-for-residents-of-nevada" class="ui-toc-link hover:text-primary hover:no-underline underline">Notice for Residents of Nevada</a></li><li class="ui-toc-list-item inline-block mr-8 mb-5"><a href="#notice-for-residents-in-the-european-economic-area-eea-and-united-kingdom-uk" class="ui-toc-link hover:text-primary hover:no-underline underline">Notice for Residents in the European Economic Area (EEA) and United Kingdom (UK)</a></li><li class="ui-toc-list-item inline-block mr-8 mb-5"><a href="#contact-us" class="ui-toc-link hover:text-primary hover:no-underline underline">Contact Us</a></li></ul></nav><div class="ui-article-body content" data-v-34a5e1d2><div data-v-34a5e1d2><p>Your privacy is very important to us, and we take the privacy concerns of our audience seriously. It is YourDictionary’s policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect, either directly or automatically, from you across our websites, other sites within the LoveToKnow Media Family, Mobile Apps, and emails. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of information we collect, how we use it, and how we keep that information secure.</p></div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h2 id="quickly-manage-your-preferences">Quickly Manage Your Preferences</h2><p><strong>Cookie and Tracking Preferences</strong>: To adjust your cookie and tracking preferences you can manage your preferences <u>here</u>. </p> <p><strong>Delete And Manage Your Data (where applicable)</strong>: To submit a request for LoveToKnow Media to delete all data collected please click <a href=""><u>here</u></a>. </p></div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h2 id="information-we-collect">Information we collect</h2></div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h3><strong>Personal Information; Information You Provide</strong><strong> </strong></h3> <p>Any Personal Information we have would be available to us because of data you provide to LoveToKnow Media through various uses of our website, app, or email services. This is declared information that you as a website visitor directly input through various means; these would include:</p> <ul> <li>Contact Information: This could include your name, email address, and communication preferences for the purposes of email and newsletter communications. </li> <li>Survey/Questionnaire Data: This could include basic demographic and psychographic information such as gender, age range, race, income bracket, marital status, household size, interests, hobbies, etc. This is information that you would submit to YourDictionary directly through website or email communication. </li> <li>Contest and Sweepstakes Data: This could include name, home address, email address, phone number, and any declared responses to survey questions or forms for the purposes of entering a contest or sweepstakes for a given and posted prize/reward. </li> </ul> </div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h3><strong>Automatically Collected Information</strong></h3> <p>When you visit our websites, mobile applications, or view an email, LoveToKnow Media or a third-party service may collect non-personal information from your browser or device. This data is typically considered not personally identifiable information and does not personally identify you on its own. Examples of this information are:</p> <ul> <li>Usage Analytics Data: This would include how much time is spent interacting with our services, any clicks on links within our services, general website usage and navigation, and referral paths. </li> <li>Device-Level Data/Log Files: This would include browser information, operating system, device type, internet protocol (IP) address, location, browser type/version, browser id, internet service provider, entrance/exit pages, time stamps, or any other user agent information. </li> <li>Advertising Measurement Data: This data centers around advertisements seen on our website, mobile applications, or emails. This would include advertisement views (impressions), clicks, or interactions.</li> </ul> </div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h3><strong>Cookies and Tracking Technologies</strong></h3> <p>Cookies help to track data. A cookie is a small data tracker transferred to your device when it is used to access our web properties. Cookies can be used for several purposes, including to enable aspects or features on our properties or to remember your preferences, to better understand how you use our properties, and to provide you with more personalized advertising messages on and off our properties. You can instruct your browser to stop accepting third party cookies or to prompt you before accepting a cookie from websites that you visit. </p> <p>YourDictionary and our Third-Party Partners/Affiliates may use cookies or other tracking technologies/beacons to collect usage information and personalize content and advertising. Visitors may choose to disable cookies through their browser settings, but this may limit access to certain features of our website.</p></div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h2 id="how-do-we-share-or-disclose-information">How Do We Share or Disclose Information</h2></div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h2 id="how-we-use-information-we-collect">How We Use Information We Collect</h2><p>YourDictionary may share or disclose information provided to other third party companies as defined below: </p> <ul> <li>Service Providers and Affiliates: We may provide access to anonymized information to outside parties that perform services on our behalf, including subscription processing, managing email lists and sending email messages on our behalf, payment processing and order fulfillment, analytics, and performing other administrative services, in order to carry out such services.</li> <li>Clients, Contest and Promotion Providers: If you enter a contest or sweepstakes promotion that is sponsored by a third party or client and have agreed to opt-in to marketing and promotions, the information you provide via the contest or sweepstakes may be disclosed to that third party for their use subject to their own policies.</li> <li>Third-Party Advertising Partners: LoveToKnow Media is supported and monetized by third-party advertising partners. These partners may employ technologies which allow for the delivery of personalized advertising on Our Properties. These technologies may collect specific and anonymized information to deliver more relevant advertising and marketing messages. These third parties include advertising and supply side partners, data management platforms and exchanges, advertising servers, web analytics providers, and other advertising technologies. We may also sometimes provide specific and anonymized information to service providers, who may attempt to match our data with their own, this would come in the form of hashed unidentifiable email addresses, mobile ad IDs, and other proprietary and anonymous IDs which we may assign, in order to provide you with a more personalized ad experience.</li> <li>Law Enforcement/Legal Reasons: Information may be disclosed legal parties, if required by law or subpoena, or if such an action is necessary to (1) comply the reasonable requests of law enforcement, (2) to to protect the security or integrity of our properties and data, or (3) to protect the rights, property, or personal safety and security of our organization.</li> </ul><p>YourDictionary may use the information we collect, either directly or automatically for various reasons, which include:</p> <ul> <li>Responding to inquiries, feedback requests, comments, or any other requests submitted by our visitors directly.</li> <li>Personalizing your experience on our web and app properties, which may provide you with content recommendations similar to what you have interacted with previously on our properties. </li> <li>Creating a more personalized advertising experience based on your interests, including email communication. </li> <li>To help authenticate any account created on our websites or mobile applications. </li> <li>For analytical and monitoring purposes. This includes analyzing website usage information to help create new experiences, detection of website bugs or suboptimal functionality, to optimize our website services, or creation of new services. We may also use this data to monitor our website traffic and visitor behavior on our properties. </li> <li>To fulfill submissions to any website sweepstakes or promotions. </li> <li>To comply with legal obligations or requirements, as directed by Law. </li> </ul></div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h2 id="our-relationship-with-other-parties">Our Relationship with Other Parties</h2></div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h3><strong>Third Parties and Advertising Technologies:</strong> </h3> <p>Our websites and products contain links out to or content from outside websites or third party products/services. These links, content snippets, or advertisements is not necessarily an endorsement, or representation of our affiliation with any of those other parties, nor is it an endorsement of their privacy policies.</p> <p>We can not control third party websites, products or services, these products and services may place their own cookies or tracking technologies on your device to collect data or solicit information from you while using those services and we encourage you to learn about the privacy practices of those parties.</p> </div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h3><strong>Social Media Providers </strong></h3> <p>Our products include social media features from providers such as; Facebook’s “Like” button, Twitter’s sharing capability, Pinterest Pins, Instagram follow, or other third party social services. These social media companies may recognize your device or login information on their platform and collect information, or they may set a cookie or use other tracking technologies. Your interactions with those features are governed by the privacy policies of those third party social media companies.</p></div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h2 id="managing-your-preferences-and-choices">Managing Your Preferences and Choices</h2><p>There are any ways that you can control the information that you provide to us directly and indirectly</p> </div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h3><strong>Cookies, Analytics, and Digital Advertising </strong></h3> <p>Most commercial browsers allow you to manage your own cookie preferences in the browser settings to either (1) notify you when you receive a cookie, so you may choose if you want to accept it, (2) disable existing cookies, or (3) reject all cookies by default (or specific types of cookies, third party vs first party for example). </p> <p>However you should know that restricting the use of these trackers such as cookies might negatively impact your experience using our properties, since some features could be less personalized to your behaviors or may not work as intended since some tracking and analytical functionality will not be present. </p> <p>To learn more about personalized and interest-based online advertising and how you may be able to opt-out of some of these practices you can visit the Digital Advertising Alliance’s (DAA) resources at (or or for the EEA and Canada, respectively) or the Network Advertising Initiative’s (NAI) online resources at You can also opt-out of receiving some interest-based advertisements on mobile apps by visiting</p> <p>Please know that if you choose to opt-out of receiving more personalized or interest-based online advertisements, this does not mean you will no longer see advertisements on our properties. Opting-out simply means that the advertisements that you will see are either non-personalized or follow the NAI self-regulatory program and should not be based on your interests or tailored to your browsing behaviors. LoveToKnow Media is not responsible for the effectiveness of, or third-party compliance with any opt-out programs. In addition, third parties may still use cookies or other tracking technologies to collect information about your use of our online services, including for analytics and fraud prevention as well as any other purpose permitted under those self-regulatory programs.</p> </div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h3><strong>Email and Marketing Communications</strong></h3> <p>If you would prefer to to stop receiving emails from any of our properties, you will need to click on the “unsubscribe” link in any email from us. This will ensure you are no longer opted-in to receiving emails from that particular Product or Sender. Please note that once we receive your request, it may take an additional period of time for your opt-out to become effective in our email communications software. Alternatively, you may also unsubscribe from email communications by using the “Contact Us” address found at the bottom of this Policy. </p> </div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h3><strong>Other Rights Specific to Your Location</strong></h3> <p>Residents of certain locations, including Nevada, California, Virginia, the European Union or EEA, and the United Kingdom, have specific rights with respect to the collection, use, and sharing of personal information. You can see specific rights per location below in this Policy.</p></div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h2 id="protection-and-security-of-information">Protection and Security of Information</h2><p>YourDictionary employs all appropriate administrative, technical and security measures to help prevent unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of the information that has been collected. However, no systems can be completely secure. Therefore, while YourDictionary will use every reasonable effort to protect your information we cannot guarantee its absolute security, and your use of our Digital Products indicates your agreement to assume any risk.</p></div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h2 id="childrens-information-policy">Children’s Information Policy</h2><p>LoveToKnow Media’s properties are not designed for, or intended for the use by Children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect any information about children under the age of 13 on any of our Properties. If we discover that information on any visitor under the age of 13 has been collected, we will ensure the deletion of that information immediately. If you are a Parent or Guardian and believe that we have collected information from a child under the age of 13 please contact us through the “Contact Us” address at the bottom of this policy.</p></div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h2 id="international-information-transfer">International Information Transfer</h2><p>The information that you provide to us either directly or indirectly may be stored and processed in the United States, Spain, or any other country where LoveToKnow Media or its Affiliates operate. The data protection laws in these countries may have differing standards of protection for your information than the country that you are located, or your country of residence. If you have any questions about this policy please feel free to find the Contact Us link below. Also note that any International Information transfer would be anonymized information, not identifiable. </p> <p>If you are using our products and services in the European Union or EEA, United Kingdom, or a United States State that has specific protection laws, please review the sections below for more information regarding privacy rights associated in those locations.</p></div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h2 id="changes-to-this-policy">Changes to This Policy</h2><p>We reserve the right to change this Policy at any time without prior notice to adhere to any Industry or Legal Policy updates. Any changes will be effective immediately upon the posting of the revised Privacy Policy, we will make an effort to highlight material changes to this policy at the top of this page and indicate a revision date on the Policy itself. Your continued use of our Products and Services your acceptance to any revised Privacy Policy. </p></div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h2 id="california-privacy-notice">California Privacy Notice</h2><p>This California Privacy Notice applies only to individual residents of California and serves an addendum to the information contained in our Privacy Policy specifically for those residents. The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, including as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (“CCPA”) provides additional rights to know, delete, correct, limit, and opt out, and requires businesses collecting or disclosing personal information to provide notices and means to exercise rights. For the purposes of the California Privacy Notice all Personal Information shall mean any information which can specifically identify or be linked to a specific resident or household and is not defined as publicly available information. </p> <p>In the past 12 Months, YourDictionary has collected the below information as it relates to CCPA </p> <ul> <li>Personal Identifiers: Email Address, Name, Address, Account Names/Passwords, or other similar identifiers </li> <li>California Customer Records (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e)), such as birth date, contact information, and payment information</li> <li>Characteristics protected under California or federal law, such as age/gender, or other information you may provide us directly</li> <li>Commercial Information, such as payment and purchase history</li> <li>Internet/Electronic Network Activity Information, such as device information, data logs, and analytics information</li> <li>Geolocation Data, such as precise geo-location information from your device GPS or generated based on IP address from Wi-Fi</li> <li>Other Personal Information, such as information you post on our social media pages or otherwise provide to us</li> <li>Inferences, including information about your interests, preferences and favorites</li> </ul> </div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h3><strong>Disclosure of Information</strong></h3> <p>We may disclose specific categories of personal information or identifiers to the service providers, third-party advertising and analytics companies, and additional affiliates/providers outlined in this policy as described in the “How Do We Share or Disclose Information” section of this policy.</p> <p>This includes disclosure of your information to service providers/affiliates for specific business purposes. When we disclose information for such purposes, we enter into a contract that outlines specific data security and confidentiality of that information, and limits its use to specific purposes outlined in that contract. In the preceding 12 months, we have disclosed each category of personal information listed above.</p> <p>YourDictionary “sells/shares” information outlined in the CCPA to the extent that we engage third-party companies to use tracking technologies within their services, including personalization and contextualization of advertising messages. Third-party partners may use specific tracking technologies, like Cookies as defined above, to collect specific information about your use on our properties, or other platforms/sites, to deliver more personalized advertising messages to you. </p> <p>Depending on what products and services of ours that you use, we may “sell/share” information to third-parties for more personalized contextual and behavioral advertising the following categories of personal information to third-parties: Contact information, device level information, connection data, demographic data, inferred interest information, user-generated content, contact information, geolocation, and social media data.</p> </div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h3><strong>Your California Privacy Rights</strong></h3> <p>If you are a California resident you are able to exercise your rights as they relate to your information under the following categories of information collected (subject to certain limitations under the CCPA, and the ability to verify your identity):</p> <ul> <li>Right To Access/Right To Know: You have the right to request or access all of the Personal Information that we have collected and disclosed in the past 12 months. Please note that you may access this information twice in a 12-month period.</li> <li>Right To Request Deletion: Under California law you have the right to request that we delete all Personal Information we have about you, under certain circumstances.</li> <li>The Right to Opt-Out of Sales/Sharing: Under California law you have the right to opt-out of the “sale” or “sharing” of your Personal Information that we have collected about you to third-parties now or in the future for the purposes of contextual advertising or analytics. </li> <li>Right to Limit Sensitive Personal Information Use: Under California Law you have the right to limit the use and disclosure of your Personal Information to only that necessary for us to provide specific Products or Services to you. We will not use or disclose your Personal Information after you have requested its limitation, unless you subsequently provide consent for the use of such Personal Information for other purposes.</li> <li>Right to Non Discrimination: Under California Law you have the right not to receive discriminatory treatment for exercising your rights. Please note that if the exercise of these rights limits our ability to process specific Personal Information, we may no longer be able to provide you our products and services in their full capacity.</li> </ul> </div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h3><strong>How To Submit a Request to Exercise Your Rights</strong></h3> <p>To submit a request for the access of or deletion of your information, please submit a request by filling out <a href=""><u>this form</u></a>.</p> <p>Before we can process your request, we will need to verify your identity and confirm you are a resident of California. In order to verify your identity, we need you to provide us specific information via email to ensure your identity and verify your location. This process may require us to request additional personal information from you, including, but not limited to, your email address, phone number, or last communication with our products or services. </p> <p>If we are unable to verify your identity and residence in the State of California we may decline your request for deletion or access to personal information. </p> <p>If you would like to Opt Out of “Sales” as defined by the CCPA you may submit your request by clicking <a href=""><u>here</u></a> or finding the “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” link on the footer of all of our properties. As listed above we may need to verify your identity and location. </p> <p>You may also designate an authorized agent, in writing or through a power of attorney, to request to exercise the rights on your behalf as directed by California Law. If you choose to use an authorized agent to exercise your rights under the CCPA, we require that you provide us with written permission to exercise your rights and to verify your own identity with us.</p> </div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h3><strong>California “Shine The Light”</strong></h3> <p>Site Visitors who are residents of California may request a list of the categories of personal information disclosed by us to third-parties during the preceding calendar year for those third parties’ own direct marketing purposes, and a list of the categories of third parties to whom we disclosed this information. To make this request please refer to the Contact Us section of this Privacy Policy and specify that you are making a “California Shine the Light Request.” As with all above requests related to the CCPA we will need to verify your identity and residence in the State of California, and you may only request this once per calendar year.</p> </div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h3><strong>Financial Incentives</strong></h3> <p>At times our Products may offer opportunities to receive certain benefits such as a discount or free service, that may require your personal information. These opportunities could be considered a financial incentive under applicable law. When you participate in a financial incentive, you agree to the terms of that incentive, and may revoke your participation depending on the incentive for example by opting out of emails or exercising a data deletion event.</p></div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h2 id="virginia-privacy-notice">Virginia Privacy Notice</h2><p>The Virginia Privacy Notice only applies to individuals who are Virginia residents. The Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (“VCDPA”) provides additional rights and requires businesses collecting or disclosing Personal Information to provide notices and ways to exercise your rights.</p> <p>Personal Information is defined as any information that is linked to or reasonably linkable to an identified person. Personal information does not include anonymized data or publicly available information.</p> <p>We may collect Personal Information from you provided to us Directly, or Automatically as defined in the “Information We Collect” section of this policy. As defined under Virginia law, Precise Geolocation data is defined as Sensitive Personal Information.</p> <p>We may share this Personal Information identified above with our service providers receiving information to perform services for us on our behalf. </p> <p>We do not “sell” your Personal Information as defined under Virginia law, which is limited to the exchange or sale of Personal Information to a third party for monetary benefit.</p> <p>As stated and defined in the “How Do We Share or Disclose Information” Section of this Policy, YourDictionary does share personal information that is gathered when you visit our Products, such as cookies and tracking beacons with third-parties for more personalized and customized advertising purposes. You may opt-out of sharing by following the instructions provided below.</p> <p>If you are a resident of Virginia you have the following rights under Virginia law regarding your Personal Information:</p> <p>Right to Access: You have the right to request any Personal Information we collect, which may include requests to obtain a copy of such information.</p> <p>Right to Delete: You have the right to request the deletion of your Personal Information that is collected by us.</p> <p>Right to Opt-Out: You have the right to opt-out of utilization of your Personal Information for purposes of targeted advertising messages, or the sale of personal data. </p> <p>Right to Non-Discrimination: Under Virginia Law you have the right not to receive discriminatory treatment for exercising your rights. Please note that if the exercise of these rights limits our ability to process specific Personal Information, we may no longer be able to provide you our products and services in their full capacity.</p> <p>For the above rights to be valid we must be able to verify your identity and your authority to make these requests. These rights are also subject to various exclusions and exceptions under applicable laws. We will verify your identity by using information that you provide, such as first name, last name, and email address. </p> <p>If you are a Virginia resident and wish to exercise these rights, please reach us in one of the following ways: You May fill out this form to request access to, or deletion of your data; You may also Contact Us using the information in the “Contact Us” section below.</p></div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h2 id="notice-for-residents-of-nevada">Notice for Residents of Nevada</h2><p>This Specific Privacy Notice is intended for residents of the State of Nevada. Chapter 603A of the Nevada Revised Statutes permits a Nevada resident to opt-out of future sales of certain covered information that a website operator has collected or will collect about that resident. You can opt-out of sales by <a href=""><u>clicking here</u></a> or contacting us at the email address in the “Contact Us” section of this Privacy Policy.</p></div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h2 id="notice-for-residents-in-the-european-economic-area-eea-and-united-kingdom-uk">Notice for Residents in the European Economic Area (EEA) and United Kingdom (UK)</h2><p>This Specific Privacy Notice serves as an addition to the information contained in this Privacy Policy above and applies only to those individuals located in the EEA, UK, or Switzerland.</p> <p>This Notice is written to comply with applicable privacy laws, specifically the General Data Protection Act (“GDPR”), and guidance from the European Union (EU). For the purposes of this Notice, Personal Information is defined as any information that is linked to or reasonably linkable to an identified person.</p> <p>The EU and UK data protection laws make a clear distinction between companies that process personal data for their own purposes also known as Data Controllers, and organizations that process personal data on behalf of other companies also known as Data Processors. Depending on your use of our Products, YourDictionary may act as either a Data Controller or a Data Processor in respect to your personal data. We generally act as a Data Controller from the information you provide directly to us through the use of our Products. We can also operate as a Data Processor on behalf of another company acting as the Data Controller. </p> </div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h3><strong>Legal Basis for Processing Personal Data</strong></h3> <p>YourDictionary will only process your Personal Data or Information if we have a Legal Basis to do so. These situations include: For our Legitimate Interests (as defined below) or those interests of a Third-Party; To Comply with Legal and Regulatory Obligations; To perform any contractual obligations to you; Where You have given us specific consent, including to send you email messages. </p> <p>Legitimate Interests: YourDictionary may collect or process Personal Information to pursue the legitimate business interests defined in the Purposes section below. For us to determine these legitimate interests, we balance our legitimate interests against the legitimate interests and rights of you and others and only process Personal Information aligned with those interests where they are not overridden by your data protection rights.</p> </div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h3><strong>Purposes For Processing Personal Information and Legal Basis Processing</strong></h3> <p>Below we have outlined our Legitimate Interests and Legal Bases for Processing any Personal Information that you have provided to us. This is in addition to the “How We Use Information We Collect” section above in this Policy.</p> <ul> <li>To Provide Products or Services that you request: We Need To process your Personal Information in order to deliver specific services you may request of us according to any applicable contract between us.</li> <li>To Respond to inquiries, or provide other types of reader support: It is necessary for us to use your Personal Information to respond to any requests or inquiries you make to us or provide other types of reader support made at your request.</li> <li>To Provide, Personalize, Measure, and Improve Marketing Communications: This includes sending you promotional emails or communications or any other information that could be of interest to you specifically with your consent. We may also use specific analytics and Personal Information to better understand You, our readers, and how our Marketing Communications may perform. This processing is done with the basis of legitimate interest in undertaking marketing activities to offer products or services that may be of interest to you. These Marketing Communications may also include Events, Programs, Contests, Sweepstakes, or other Promotions. </li> <li>To Run, Evaluate, or Improve our Products/Services: This may include creating and testing new features for our Properties, using data to analyze or upgrade your user experience, optimizing and assessing the effectiveness of advertising messages or placements, and managing the effectiveness of our communications. It is in our legitimate interests to process Personal Information to carry out these activities.</li> <li>To Create a More Personalized Experience: This may include advertising messages, customized content recommendations, and specific offers or promotions to you based on your interests or digital behaviors, from us or third-parties. We will serve You this more personalized and customized experience only if you have consented to this Processing.</li> <li>To Enable Service Providers and Third-Parties to perform specific activities on our behalf: It is necessary for us to Process your Personal Information in order to deliver our Products and Services in their intended fashion. It is also in our legitimate interest to enable our Service Providers and Third-Parties to perform specific activities on our behalf. </li> <li>To Protect You and Create A Trusted Digital Environment: This may include compliance with our legal obligations, to ensure compliance through our agreements with you and other third-parties, to ensure safe, secure, and reliable Services, and to detect and prevent crime, assure compliance with our policies, and protect and defend our rights, interests, and property. In connection with the activities above, we may conduct internal research and profiling based on your interactions on various Sites, content you submit to the Sites, and information obtained from third parties.</li> </ul> </div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h3><strong>Your Privacy Rights</strong></h3> <p>If you are a resident of the EU, UK, or Switzerland, you have the right to access, rectify, or delete any and all Personal Information that we may have collected about you. You also have the right to restrict or object to our Processing of Personal Information that we have collected about you. In addition, you have the right to ask YourDictionary not to Process your Personal Information, or provide such information to third-parties. You may withdraw your consent at any time for any data Processing we do based on consent you have provided to us. We have listed out the Specific Privacy Rights available to you here:</p> <ul> <li>Right To Access: You have the right to ask us for confirmation on whether we are Processing your Personal Information, and access to that information.</li> <li>Right To Deletion/Erasure: You have the right to ask us to delete your personal data, as permitted under the GDPR.</li> <li>Right To Withdraw Consent: You have the right to withdraw consent that you have provided to us.</li> <li>Right To Lodge a Complaint: You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in the EU member state of your residence.</li> <li>Right To Restriction of Processing: You have the right to request the limiting of our processing and to Third-Party Processing.</li> <li>Right To Data Portability: You have the right to receive any Personal Information that you have provided to us, in a readable format.</li> <li>Right to Object: You have the right to object to our processing of Personal Information, as permitted by the GDPR.</li> </ul> <p>To exercise any of these rights or manage your preferences please click <a href=""><u>here</u></a> and follow the instructions, you may Contact Us at the email address below in the “Contact Us” section, please specify which right you intend to exercise in your correspondence.</p> <p>If you have any issues with our compliance or you believe that we have not complied with our obligations under this Privacy Policy or EEA, UK, or Switzerland Law you have the right to make a complaint to an EU Data Protection Authority, you can find more information on your local authority <a href=""><u>here</u></a>. </p> </div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h3><strong>Retention of Personal Data</strong></h3> <p>We may retain your Personal Information for as long as deemed necessary for the purposes that specific information was retained, for example: giving you the ability to use our Products as intended. In some instances, we may retain data for longer periods in order to comply with applicable laws, resolve disputes with any parties, and otherwise as necessary to allow us to conduct our business.</p> </div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h3><strong>International Transfers</strong></h3> <p>Some of our processing could involve transferring your Personal Information outside the EEA, UK, or Switzerland. Several of our external third-party providers are also based outside of Europe and their processing of your Personal Information may involve a transfer of such information outside of the EEA. This could include the Country of The United States, where many of our third-party providers are based. When a transfer to a third-party located in a Country not recognized by the EU Commission as ensuring an adequate level of protection, YourDictionary will take appropriate steps to transfer the Personal Information, subject to adequate safeguards, such as standard contractual clauses as well as other appropriate measures and safeguards to ensure Data Security approved by the European Commission.</p></div><div data-v-34a5e1d2><h2 id="contact-us">Contact Us</h2><p>YourDictionary is owned by LoveToKnow Media which is headquartered at 1275 US Highway 1 Unit 2 - 6084 Vero Beach, FL 32960-4706.</p> <p>If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, or to exercise a right outlined by the specific Privacy Notices for California, Virginia, Nevada, or from the EEA please contact us at <a href=""><u></u></a> and we will reply to your inquiry within 7-10 business days. <br /> </p> <p>Updated Jun 2, 2023</p></div></div></div></div></div> <!----></div> <footer id="footer" 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Transfer",url:"#international-information-transfer"},{label:"Changes to This Policy",url:"#changes-to-this-policy"},{label:"California Privacy Notice",url:"#california-privacy-notice"},{label:"Virginia Privacy Notice",url:"#virginia-privacy-notice"},{label:"Notice for Residents of Nevada",url:"#notice-for-residents-of-nevada"},{label:"Notice for Residents in the European Economic Area (EEA) and United Kingdom (UK)",url:"#notice-for-residents-in-the-european-economic-area-eea-and-united-kingdom-uk"},{label:"Contact Us",url:"#contact-us"}]},attrs:{class:"mt-6 mb-8 sm:my-15"},children:[]},{component:"UiArticleBody",variant:c,props:{article:["\u003Cp\u003EYour privacy is very important to us, and we take the privacy concerns of our audience seriously. It is YourDictionary’s policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect, either directly or automatically, from you across our websites, other sites within the LoveToKnow Media Family, Mobile Apps, and emails. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of information we collect, how we use it, and how we keep that information secure.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E","\u003Ch2 id=\"quickly-manage-your-preferences\"\u003EQuickly Manage Your Preferences\u003C\u002Fh2\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003ECookie and Tracking Preferences\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003E: To adjust your cookie and tracking preferences you can manage your preferences \u003Cu\u003Ehere\u003C\u002Fu\u003E. \u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EDelete And Manage Your Data (where applicable)\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003E: To submit a request for LoveToKnow Media to delete all data collected please click \u003Ca href=\"https:\u002F\\u002Fwebform\u002F48e006e6-e02c-4bd4-a8ea-1f20b08c40ee\u002Fddd666be-6e99-4ea6-8ba7-6d20bf6465cf\"\u003E\u003Cu\u003Ehere\u003C\u002Fu\u003E\u003C\u002Fa\u003E. \u003C\u002Fp\u003E","\u003Ch2 id=\"information-we-collect\"\u003EInformation we collect\u003C\u002Fh2\u003E","\u003Ch3\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EPersonal Information; Information You Provide\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003E \u003C\u002Fstrong\u003E\u003C\u002Fh3\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EAny Personal Information we have would be available to us because of data you provide to LoveToKnow Media through various uses of our website, app, or email services. This is declared information that you as a website visitor directly input through various means; these would include:\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cul\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003EContact Information: This could include your name, email address, and communication preferences for the purposes of email and newsletter communications. \u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003ESurvey\u002FQuestionnaire Data: This could include basic demographic and psychographic information such as gender, age range, race, income bracket, marital status, household size, interests, hobbies, etc. This is information that you would submit to YourDictionary directly through website or email communication. \u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003EContest and Sweepstakes Data: This could include name, home address, email address, phone number, and any declared responses to survey questions or forms for the purposes of entering a contest or sweepstakes for a given and posted prize\u002Freward. \u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\u003C\u002Ful\u003E\n","\u003Ch3\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EAutomatically Collected Information\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003E\u003C\u002Fh3\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EWhen you visit our websites, mobile applications, or view an email, LoveToKnow Media or a third-party service may collect non-personal information from your browser or device. This data is typically considered not personally identifiable information and does not personally identify you on its own. Examples of this information are:\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cul\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003EUsage Analytics Data: This would include how much time is spent interacting with our services, any clicks on links within our services, general website usage and navigation, and referral paths. \u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003EDevice-Level Data\u002FLog Files: This would include browser information, operating system, device type, internet protocol (IP) address, location, browser type\u002Fversion, browser id, internet service provider, entrance\u002Fexit pages, time stamps, or any other user agent information. \u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003EAdvertising Measurement Data: This data centers around advertisements seen on our website, mobile applications, or emails. This would include advertisement views (impressions), clicks, or interactions.\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\u003C\u002Ful\u003E\n","\u003Ch3\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003ECookies and Tracking Technologies\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003E\u003C\u002Fh3\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003ECookies help to track data. A cookie is a small data tracker transferred to your device when it is used to access our web properties. Cookies can be used for several purposes, including to enable aspects or features on our properties or to remember your preferences, to better understand how you use our properties, and to provide you with more personalized advertising messages on and off our properties. You can instruct your browser to stop accepting third party cookies or to prompt you before accepting a cookie from websites that you visit. \u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EYourDictionary and our Third-Party Partners\u002FAffiliates may use cookies or other tracking technologies\u002Fbeacons to collect usage information and personalize content and advertising. Visitors may choose to disable cookies through their browser settings, but this may limit access to certain features of our website.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E","\u003Ch2 id=\"how-do-we-share-or-disclose-information\"\u003EHow Do We Share or Disclose Information\u003C\u002Fh2\u003E","\u003Ch2 id=\"how-we-use-information-we-collect\"\u003EHow We Use Information We Collect\u003C\u002Fh2\u003E\u003Cp\u003EYourDictionary may share or disclose information provided to other third party companies as defined below: \u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cul\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003EService Providers and Affiliates: We may provide access to anonymized information to outside parties that perform services on our behalf, including subscription processing, managing email lists and sending email messages on our behalf, payment processing and order fulfillment, analytics, and performing other administrative services, in order to carry out such services.\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003EClients, Contest and Promotion Providers: If you enter a contest or sweepstakes promotion that is sponsored by a third party or client and have agreed to opt-in to marketing and promotions, the information you provide via the contest or sweepstakes may be disclosed to that third party for their use subject to their own policies.\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003EThird-Party Advertising Partners: LoveToKnow Media is supported and monetized by third-party advertising partners. These partners may employ technologies which allow for the delivery of personalized advertising on Our Properties. These technologies may collect specific and anonymized information to deliver more relevant advertising and marketing messages. These third parties include advertising and supply side partners, data management platforms and exchanges, advertising servers, web analytics providers, and other advertising technologies. We may also sometimes provide specific and anonymized information to service providers, who may attempt to match our data with their own, this would come in the form of hashed unidentifiable email addresses, mobile ad IDs, and other proprietary and anonymous IDs which we may assign, in order to provide you with a more personalized ad experience.\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003ELaw Enforcement\u002FLegal Reasons: Information may be disclosed legal parties, if required by law or subpoena, or if such an action is necessary to (1) comply the reasonable requests of law enforcement, (2) to to protect the security or integrity of our properties and data, or (3) to protect the rights, property, or personal safety and security of our organization.\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\u003C\u002Ful\u003E\u003Cp\u003EYourDictionary may use the information we collect, either directly or automatically for various reasons, which include:\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cul\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003EResponding to inquiries, feedback requests, comments, or any other requests submitted by our visitors directly.\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003EPersonalizing your experience on our web and app properties, which may provide you with content recommendations similar to what you have interacted with previously on our properties. \u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003ECreating a more personalized advertising experience based on your interests, including email communication. \u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003ETo help authenticate any account created on our websites or mobile applications. \u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003EFor analytical and monitoring purposes. This includes analyzing website usage information to help create new experiences, detection of website bugs or suboptimal functionality, to optimize our website services, or creation of new services. We may also use this data to monitor our website traffic and visitor behavior on our properties. \u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003ETo fulfill submissions to any website sweepstakes or promotions. \u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003ETo comply with legal obligations or requirements, as directed by Law. \u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\u003C\u002Ful\u003E","\u003Ch2 id=\"our-relationship-with-other-parties\"\u003EOur Relationship with Other Parties\u003C\u002Fh2\u003E","\u003Ch3\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EThird Parties and Advertising Technologies:\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003E \u003C\u002Fh3\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EOur websites and products contain links out to or content from outside websites or third party products\u002Fservices. These links, content snippets, or advertisements is not necessarily an endorsement, or representation of our affiliation with any of those other parties, nor is it an endorsement of their privacy policies.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EWe can not control third party websites, products or services, these products and services may place their own cookies or tracking technologies on your device to collect data or solicit information from you while using those services and we encourage you to learn about the privacy practices of those parties.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n","\u003Ch3\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003ESocial Media Providers \u003C\u002Fstrong\u003E\u003C\u002Fh3\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EOur products include social media features from providers such as; Facebook’s “Like” button, Twitter’s sharing capability, Pinterest Pins, Instagram follow, or other third party social services. These social media companies may recognize your device or login information on their platform and collect information, or they may set a cookie or use other tracking technologies. Your interactions with those features are governed by the privacy policies of those third party social media companies.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E","\u003Ch2 id=\"managing-your-preferences-and-choices\"\u003EManaging Your Preferences and Choices\u003C\u002Fh2\u003E\u003Cp\u003EThere are any ways that you can control the information that you provide to us directly and indirectly\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n","\u003Ch3\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003ECookies, Analytics, and Digital Advertising \u003C\u002Fstrong\u003E\u003C\u002Fh3\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EMost commercial browsers allow you to manage your own cookie preferences in the browser settings to either (1) notify you when you receive a cookie, so you may choose if you want to accept it, (2) disable existing cookies, or (3) reject all cookies by default (or specific types of cookies, third party vs first party for example). \u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EHowever you should know that restricting the use of these trackers such as cookies might negatively impact your experience using our properties, since some features could be less personalized to your behaviors or may not work as intended since some tracking and analytical functionality will not be present. \u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003ETo learn more about personalized and interest-based online advertising and how you may be able to opt-out of some of these practices you can visit the Digital Advertising Alliance’s (DAA) resources at https:\u002F\\u002Fchoices (or https:\u002F\\u002F or https:\u002F\\u002Fen\u002Ftools for the EEA and Canada, respectively) or the Network Advertising Initiative’s (NAI) online resources at https:\u002F\\u002Fchoices\u002F. You can also opt-out of receiving some interest-based advertisements on mobile apps by visiting https:\u002F\\u002Fappchoices.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EPlease know that if you choose to opt-out of receiving more personalized or interest-based online advertisements, this does not mean you will no longer see advertisements on our properties. Opting-out simply means that the advertisements that you will see are either non-personalized or follow the NAI self-regulatory program and should not be based on your interests or tailored to your browsing behaviors. LoveToKnow Media is not responsible for the effectiveness of, or third-party compliance with any opt-out programs. In addition, third parties may still use cookies or other tracking technologies to collect information about your use of our online services, including for analytics and fraud prevention as well as any other purpose permitted under those self-regulatory programs.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n","\u003Ch3\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EEmail and Marketing Communications\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003E\u003C\u002Fh3\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EIf you would prefer to to stop receiving emails from any of our properties, you will need to click on the “unsubscribe” link in any email from us. This will ensure you are no longer opted-in to receiving emails from that particular Product or Sender. Please note that once we receive your request, it may take an additional period of time for your opt-out to become effective in our email communications software. Alternatively, you may also unsubscribe from email communications by using the “Contact Us” address found at the bottom of this Policy. \u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n","\u003Ch3\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EOther Rights Specific to Your Location\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003E\u003C\u002Fh3\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EResidents of certain locations, including Nevada, California, Virginia, the European Union or EEA, and the United Kingdom, have specific rights with respect to the collection, use, and sharing of personal information. You can see specific rights per location below in this Policy.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E","\u003Ch2 id=\"protection-and-security-of-information\"\u003EProtection and Security of Information\u003C\u002Fh2\u003E\u003Cp\u003EYourDictionary employs all appropriate administrative, technical and security measures to help prevent unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of the information that has been collected. However, no systems can be completely secure. Therefore, while YourDictionary will use every reasonable effort to protect your information we cannot guarantee its absolute security, and your use of our Digital Products indicates your agreement to assume any risk.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E","\u003Ch2 id=\"childrens-information-policy\"\u003EChildren’s Information Policy\u003C\u002Fh2\u003E\u003Cp\u003ELoveToKnow Media’s properties are not designed for, or intended for the use by Children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect any information about children under the age of 13 on any of our Properties. If we discover that information on any visitor under the age of 13 has been collected, we will ensure the deletion of that information immediately. If you are a Parent or Guardian and believe that we have collected information from a child under the age of 13 please contact us through the “Contact Us” address at the bottom of this policy.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E","\u003Ch2 id=\"international-information-transfer\"\u003EInternational Information Transfer\u003C\u002Fh2\u003E\u003Cp\u003EThe information that you provide to us either directly or indirectly may be stored and processed in the United States, Spain, or any other country where LoveToKnow Media or its Affiliates operate. The data protection laws in these countries may have differing standards of protection for your information than the country that you are located, or your country of residence. If you have any questions about this policy please feel free to find the Contact Us link below. Also note that any International Information transfer would be anonymized information, not identifiable. \u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EIf you are using our products and services in the European Union or EEA, United Kingdom, or a United States State that has specific protection laws, please review the sections below for more information regarding privacy rights associated in those locations.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E","\u003Ch2 id=\"changes-to-this-policy\"\u003EChanges to This Policy\u003C\u002Fh2\u003E\u003Cp\u003EWe reserve the right to change this Policy at any time without prior notice to adhere to any Industry or Legal Policy updates. Any changes will be effective immediately upon the posting of the revised Privacy Policy, we will make an effort to highlight material changes to this policy at the top of this page and indicate a revision date on the Policy itself. Your continued use of our Products and Services your acceptance to any revised Privacy Policy. \u003C\u002Fp\u003E","\u003Ch2 id=\"california-privacy-notice\"\u003ECalifornia Privacy Notice\u003C\u002Fh2\u003E\u003Cp\u003EThis California Privacy Notice applies only to individual residents of California and serves an addendum to the information contained in our Privacy Policy specifically for those residents. The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, including as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (“CCPA”) provides additional rights to know, delete, correct, limit, and opt out, and requires businesses collecting or disclosing personal information to provide notices and means to exercise rights. For the purposes of the California Privacy Notice all Personal Information shall mean any information which can specifically identify or be linked to a specific resident or household and is not defined as publicly available information. \u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EIn the past 12 Months, YourDictionary has collected the below information as it relates to CCPA \u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cul\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003EPersonal Identifiers: Email Address, Name, Address, Account Names\u002FPasswords, or other similar identifiers \u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003ECalifornia Customer Records (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e)), such as birth date, contact information, and payment information\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003ECharacteristics protected under California or federal law, such as age\u002Fgender, or other information you may provide us directly\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003ECommercial Information, such as payment and purchase history\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003EInternet\u002FElectronic Network Activity Information, such as device information, data logs, and analytics information\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003EGeolocation Data, such as precise geo-location information from your device GPS or generated based on IP address from Wi-Fi\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003EOther Personal Information, such as information you post on our social media pages or otherwise provide to us\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003EInferences, including information about your interests, preferences and favorites\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\u003C\u002Ful\u003E\n","\u003Ch3\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EDisclosure of Information\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003E\u003C\u002Fh3\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EWe may disclose specific categories of personal information or identifiers to the service providers, third-party advertising and analytics companies, and additional affiliates\u002Fproviders outlined in this policy as described in the “How Do We Share or Disclose Information” section of this policy.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EThis includes disclosure of your information to service providers\u002Faffiliates for specific business purposes. When we disclose information for such purposes, we enter into a contract that outlines specific data security and confidentiality of that information, and limits its use to specific purposes outlined in that contract. In the preceding 12 months, we have disclosed each category of personal information listed above.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EYourDictionary “sells\u002Fshares” information outlined in the CCPA to the extent that we engage third-party companies to use tracking technologies within their services, including personalization and contextualization of advertising messages. Third-party partners may use specific tracking technologies, like Cookies as defined above, to collect specific information about your use on our properties, or other platforms\u002Fsites, to deliver more personalized advertising messages to you. \u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EDepending on what products and services of ours that you use, we may “sell\u002Fshare” information to third-parties for more personalized contextual and behavioral advertising the following categories of personal information to third-parties: Contact information, device level information, connection data, demographic data, inferred interest information, user-generated content, contact information, geolocation, and social media data.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n","\u003Ch3\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EYour California Privacy Rights\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003E\u003C\u002Fh3\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EIf you are a California resident you are able to exercise your rights as they relate to your information under the following categories of information collected (subject to certain limitations under the CCPA, and the ability to verify your identity):\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cul\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003ERight To Access\u002FRight To Know: You have the right to request or access all of the Personal Information that we have collected and disclosed in the past 12 months. Please note that you may access this information twice in a 12-month period.\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003ERight To Request Deletion: Under California law you have the right to request that we delete all Personal Information we have about you, under certain circumstances.\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003EThe Right to Opt-Out of Sales\u002FSharing: Under California law you have the right to opt-out of the “sale” or “sharing” of your Personal Information that we have collected about you to third-parties now or in the future for the purposes of contextual advertising or analytics. \u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003ERight to Limit Sensitive Personal Information Use: Under California Law you have the right to limit the use and disclosure of your Personal Information to only that necessary for us to provide specific Products or Services to you. We will not use or disclose your Personal Information after you have requested its limitation, unless you subsequently provide consent for the use of such Personal Information for other purposes.\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003ERight to Non Discrimination: Under California Law you have the right not to receive discriminatory treatment for exercising your rights. Please note that if the exercise of these rights limits our ability to process specific Personal Information, we may no longer be able to provide you our products and services in their full capacity.\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\u003C\u002Ful\u003E\n","\u003Ch3\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EHow To Submit a Request to Exercise Your Rights\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003E\u003C\u002Fh3\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003ETo submit a request for the access of or deletion of your information, please submit a request by filling out \u003Ca href=\"https:\u002F\\u002Fwebform\u002F48e006e6-e02c-4bd4-a8ea-1f20b08c40ee\u002Fddd666be-6e99-4ea6-8ba7-6d20bf6465cf\"\u003E\u003Cu\u003Ethis form\u003C\u002Fu\u003E\u003C\u002Fa\u003E.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EBefore we can process your request, we will need to verify your identity and confirm you are a resident of California. In order to verify your identity, we need you to provide us specific information via email to ensure your identity and verify your location. This process may require us to request additional personal information from you, including, but not limited to, your email address, phone number, or last communication with our products or services. \u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EIf we are unable to verify your identity and residence in the State of California we may decline your request for deletion or access to personal information. \u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EIf you would like to Opt Out of “Sales” as defined by the CCPA you may submit your request by clicking \u003Ca href=\"https:\u002F\\u002Fwebform\u002F48e006e6-e02c-4bd4-a8ea-1f20b08c40ee\u002Fddd666be-6e99-4ea6-8ba7-6d20bf6465cf\"\u003E\u003Cu\u003Ehere\u003C\u002Fu\u003E\u003C\u002Fa\u003E or finding the “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” link on the footer of all of our properties. As listed above we may need to verify your identity and location. \u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EYou may also designate an authorized agent, in writing or through a power of attorney, to request to exercise the rights on your behalf as directed by California Law. If you choose to use an authorized agent to exercise your rights under the CCPA, we require that you provide us with written permission to exercise your rights and to verify your own identity with us.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n","\u003Ch3\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003ECalifornia “Shine The Light”\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003E\u003C\u002Fh3\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003ESite Visitors who are residents of California may request a list of the categories of personal information disclosed by us to third-parties during the preceding calendar year for those third parties’ own direct marketing purposes, and a list of the categories of third parties to whom we disclosed this information. To make this request please refer to the Contact Us section of this Privacy Policy and specify that you are making a “California Shine the Light Request.” As with all above requests related to the CCPA we will need to verify your identity and residence in the State of California, and you may only request this once per calendar year.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n","\u003Ch3\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EFinancial Incentives\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003E\u003C\u002Fh3\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EAt times our Products may offer opportunities to receive certain benefits such as a discount or free service, that may require your personal information. These opportunities could be considered a financial incentive under applicable law. When you participate in a financial incentive, you agree to the terms of that incentive, and may revoke your participation depending on the incentive for example by opting out of emails or exercising a data deletion event.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E","\u003Ch2 id=\"virginia-privacy-notice\"\u003EVirginia Privacy Notice\u003C\u002Fh2\u003E\u003Cp\u003EThe Virginia Privacy Notice only applies to individuals who are Virginia residents. The Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (“VCDPA”) provides additional rights and requires businesses collecting or disclosing Personal Information to provide notices and ways to exercise your rights.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EPersonal Information is defined as any information that is linked to or reasonably linkable to an identified person. Personal information does not include anonymized data or publicly available information.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EWe may collect Personal Information from you provided to us Directly, or Automatically as defined in the “Information We Collect” section of this policy. As defined under Virginia law, Precise Geolocation data is defined as Sensitive Personal Information.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EWe may share this Personal Information identified above with our service providers receiving information to perform services for us on our behalf. \u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EWe do not “sell” your Personal Information as defined under Virginia law, which is limited to the exchange or sale of Personal Information to a third party for monetary benefit.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EAs stated and defined in the “How Do We Share or Disclose Information” Section of this Policy, YourDictionary does share personal information that is gathered when you visit our Products, such as cookies and tracking beacons with third-parties for more personalized and customized advertising purposes. You may opt-out of sharing by following the instructions provided below.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EIf you are a resident of Virginia you have the following rights under Virginia law regarding your Personal Information:\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003ERight to Access: You have the right to request any Personal Information we collect, which may include requests to obtain a copy of such information.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003ERight to Delete: You have the right to request the deletion of your Personal Information that is collected by us.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003ERight to Opt-Out: You have the right to opt-out of utilization of your Personal Information for purposes of targeted advertising messages, or the sale of personal data. \u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003ERight to Non-Discrimination: Under Virginia Law you have the right not to receive discriminatory treatment for exercising your rights. Please note that if the exercise of these rights limits our ability to process specific Personal Information, we may no longer be able to provide you our products and services in their full capacity.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EFor the above rights to be valid we must be able to verify your identity and your authority to make these requests. These rights are also subject to various exclusions and exceptions under applicable laws. We will verify your identity by using information that you provide, such as first name, last name, and email address. \u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EIf you are a Virginia resident and wish to exercise these rights, please reach us in one of the following ways: You May fill out this form to request access to, or deletion of your data; You may also Contact Us using the information in the “Contact Us” section below.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E","\u003Ch2 id=\"notice-for-residents-of-nevada\"\u003ENotice for Residents of Nevada\u003C\u002Fh2\u003E\u003Cp\u003EThis Specific Privacy Notice is intended for residents of the State of Nevada. Chapter 603A of the Nevada Revised Statutes permits a Nevada resident to opt-out of future sales of certain covered information that a website operator has collected or will collect about that resident. You can opt-out of sales by \u003Ca href=\"https:\u002F\\u002Fwebform\u002F48e006e6-e02c-4bd4-a8ea-1f20b08c40ee\u002Fddd666be-6e99-4ea6-8ba7-6d20bf6465cf\"\u003E\u003Cu\u003Eclicking here\u003C\u002Fu\u003E\u003C\u002Fa\u003E or contacting us at the email address in the “Contact Us” section of this Privacy Policy.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E","\u003Ch2 id=\"notice-for-residents-in-the-european-economic-area-eea-and-united-kingdom-uk\"\u003ENotice for Residents in the European Economic Area (EEA) and United Kingdom (UK)\u003C\u002Fh2\u003E\u003Cp\u003EThis Specific Privacy Notice serves as an addition to the information contained in this Privacy Policy above and applies only to those individuals located in the EEA, UK, or Switzerland.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EThis Notice is written to comply with applicable privacy laws, specifically the General Data Protection Act (“GDPR”), and guidance from the European Union (EU). For the purposes of this Notice, Personal Information is defined as any information that is linked to or reasonably linkable to an identified person.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EThe EU and UK data protection laws make a clear distinction between companies that process personal data for their own purposes also known as Data Controllers, and organizations that process personal data on behalf of other companies also known as Data Processors. Depending on your use of our Products, YourDictionary may act as either a Data Controller or a Data Processor in respect to your personal data. We generally act as a Data Controller from the information you provide directly to us through the use of our Products. We can also operate as a Data Processor on behalf of another company acting as the Data Controller. \u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n","\u003Ch3\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003ELegal Basis for Processing Personal Data\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003E\u003C\u002Fh3\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EYourDictionary will only process your Personal Data or Information if we have a Legal Basis to do so. These situations include: For our Legitimate Interests (as defined below) or those interests of a Third-Party; To Comply with Legal and Regulatory Obligations; To perform any contractual obligations to you; Where You have given us specific consent, including to send you email messages. \u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003ELegitimate Interests: YourDictionary may collect or process Personal Information to pursue the legitimate business interests defined in the Purposes section below. For us to determine these legitimate interests, we balance our legitimate interests against the legitimate interests and rights of you and others and only process Personal Information aligned with those interests where they are not overridden by your data protection rights.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n","\u003Ch3\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EPurposes For Processing Personal Information and Legal Basis Processing\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003E\u003C\u002Fh3\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EBelow we have outlined our Legitimate Interests and Legal Bases for Processing any Personal Information that you have provided to us. This is in addition to the “How We Use Information We Collect” section above in this Policy.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cul\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003ETo Provide Products or Services that you request: We Need To process your Personal Information in order to deliver specific services you may request of us according to any applicable contract between us.\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003ETo Respond to inquiries, or provide other types of reader support: It is necessary for us to use your Personal Information to respond to any requests or inquiries you make to us or provide other types of reader support made at your request.\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003ETo Provide, Personalize, Measure, and Improve Marketing Communications: This includes sending you promotional emails or communications or any other information that could be of interest to you specifically with your consent. We may also use specific analytics and Personal Information to better understand You, our readers, and how our Marketing Communications may perform. This processing is done with the basis of legitimate interest in undertaking marketing activities to offer products or services that may be of interest to you. These Marketing Communications may also include Events, Programs, Contests, Sweepstakes, or other Promotions. \u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003ETo Run, Evaluate, or Improve our Products\u002FServices: This may include creating and testing new features for our Properties, using data to analyze or upgrade your user experience, optimizing and assessing the effectiveness of advertising messages or placements, and managing the effectiveness of our communications. It is in our legitimate interests to process Personal Information to carry out these activities.\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003ETo Create a More Personalized Experience: This may include advertising messages, customized content recommendations, and specific offers or promotions to you based on your interests or digital behaviors, from us or third-parties. We will serve You this more personalized and customized experience only if you have consented to this Processing.\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003ETo Enable Service Providers and Third-Parties to perform specific activities on our behalf: It is necessary for us to Process your Personal Information in order to deliver our Products and Services in their intended fashion. It is also in our legitimate interest to enable our Service Providers and Third-Parties to perform specific activities on our behalf. \u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003ETo Protect You and Create A Trusted Digital Environment: This may include compliance with our legal obligations, to ensure compliance through our agreements with you and other third-parties, to ensure safe, secure, and reliable Services, and to detect and prevent crime, assure compliance with our policies, and protect and defend our rights, interests, and property. In connection with the activities above, we may conduct internal research and profiling based on your interactions on various Sites, content you submit to the Sites, and information obtained from third parties.\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\u003C\u002Ful\u003E\n","\u003Ch3\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EYour Privacy Rights\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003E\u003C\u002Fh3\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EIf you are a resident of the EU, UK, or Switzerland, you have the right to access, rectify, or delete any and all Personal Information that we may have collected about you. You also have the right to restrict or object to our Processing of Personal Information that we have collected about you. In addition, you have the right to ask YourDictionary not to Process your Personal Information, or provide such information to third-parties. You may withdraw your consent at any time for any data Processing we do based on consent you have provided to us. We have listed out the Specific Privacy Rights available to you here:\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cul\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003ERight To Access: You have the right to ask us for confirmation on whether we are Processing your Personal Information, and access to that information.\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003ERight To Deletion\u002FErasure: You have the right to ask us to delete your personal data, as permitted under the GDPR.\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003ERight To Withdraw Consent: You have the right to withdraw consent that you have provided to us.\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003ERight To Lodge a Complaint: You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in the EU member state of your residence.\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003ERight To Restriction of Processing: You have the right to request the limiting of our processing and to Third-Party Processing.\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003ERight To Data Portability: You have the right to receive any Personal Information that you have provided to us, in a readable format.\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\t\u003Cli\u003ERight to Object: You have the right to object to our processing of Personal Information, as permitted by the GDPR.\u003C\u002Fli\u003E\n\u003C\u002Ful\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003ETo exercise any of these rights or manage your preferences please click \u003Ca href=\"https:\u002F\\u002F#\"\u003E\u003Cu\u003Ehere\u003C\u002Fu\u003E\u003C\u002Fa\u003E and follow the instructions, you may Contact Us at the email address below in the “Contact Us” section, please specify which right you intend to exercise in your correspondence.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EIf you have any issues with our compliance or you believe that we have not complied with our obligations under this Privacy Policy or EEA, UK, or Switzerland Law you have the right to make a complaint to an EU Data Protection Authority, you can find more information on your local authority \u003Ca href=\"https:\u002F\\u002Fnewsroom\u002Farticle29\u002Fitems\u002F612080\"\u003E\u003Cu\u003Ehere\u003C\u002Fu\u003E\u003C\u002Fa\u003E. \u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n","\u003Ch3\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003ERetention of Personal Data\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003E\u003C\u002Fh3\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EWe may retain your Personal Information for as long as deemed necessary for the purposes that specific information was retained, for example: giving you the ability to use our Products as intended. In some instances, we may retain data for longer periods in order to comply with applicable laws, resolve disputes with any parties, and otherwise as necessary to allow us to conduct our business.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n","\u003Ch3\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EInternational Transfers\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003E\u003C\u002Fh3\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003ESome of our processing could involve transferring your Personal Information outside the EEA, UK, or Switzerland. Several of our external third-party providers are also based outside of Europe and their processing of your Personal Information may involve a transfer of such information outside of the EEA. This could include the Country of The United States, where many of our third-party providers are based. When a transfer to a third-party located in a Country not recognized by the EU Commission as ensuring an adequate level of protection, YourDictionary will take appropriate steps to transfer the Personal Information, subject to adequate safeguards, such as standard contractual clauses as well as other appropriate measures and safeguards to ensure Data Security approved by the European Commission.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E","\u003Ch2 id=\"contact-us\"\u003EContact Us\u003C\u002Fh2\u003E\u003Cp\u003EYourDictionary is owned by LoveToKnow Media which is headquartered at 1275 US Highway 1 Unit 2 - 6084 Vero Beach, FL 32960-4706.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EIf you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, or to exercise a right outlined by the specific Privacy Notices for California, Virginia, Nevada, or from the EEA please contact us at \u003Ca href=\"\"\u003E\u003Cu\\u003C\u002Fu\u003E\u003C\u002Fa\u003E and we will reply to your inquiry within 7-10 business days. \u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\n \u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EUpdated Jun 2, 2023\u003C\u002Fp\u003E"]},attrs:{},children:[]}]},jsonld:{},info:{variant:c,template:"About"}},routeName:"PrivacyPolicy",translationKey:"privacyPolicy"}],fetch:{},error:b,state:{FeatureToggling:{bucketId:b,configId:d,toggles:[],overrides:{},featureToggleReady:a},Login:{user:{loggedIn:a,data:b,actions:b},error:b,processing:a,previouslyLoggedIn:a,newsletterStatus:d,showNewsletterConfirmationModal:a,showNewsletterModal:a,modalBoxHeight:450,location:d,anonymousCheckboxSubscribed:a,loginFromAnonymous:a},RelatedContent:{relatedArticles:[],relatedArticlesError:a},Search:{searchQuery:d},ServerSide:{subdomain:"www"},Advertising:{category:{}},i18n:{routeParams:{}}},serverRendered:true,routePath:"\u002Fabout\u002Fprivacy.html",config:{_app:{basePath:"\u002F",assetsPath:"\u002F_nuxt-art\u002F",cdnURL:b}}}}(false,null,1,""));</script><script src="/_nuxt-art/b45c4e8.js" defer></script><script src="/_nuxt-art/24d747b.js" defer></script><script src="/_nuxt-art/6fd333c.js" defer></script><script src="/_nuxt-art/d09ef89.js" defer></script><script src="/_nuxt-art/cd0b67a.js" defer></script><script src="/_nuxt-art/3b2e472.js" defer></script><script src="/_nuxt-art/a8d312d.js" defer></script><script src="/_nuxt-art/f118e16.js" defer></script><script src="/_nuxt-art/5f07f5d.js" defer></script> </body> </html>