How pharmaceutical manufacturers can respond to change in the new world

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In line with this, companies are setting specific goals to meet their internal objectives for improved customer service, profitability and growth, focusing especially on enhanced innovation, agility and speed.</p> <p>The pandemic has also revealed the vulnerability of long, complicated and siloed supply chains. When a single country or site went dark, the lack of critical materials and reduced transport capacity forced companies to close down production.</p> <p>Supply chain leaders and managers will expect the lessons learned to be used to create a resilient and agile supply chain that can withstand any disruptions and quickly respond to the crisis.</p> <p>They will also need to understand and quantify risk exposure and develop contingency plans for each disruption scenario. Moreover, when potential future disruptions are identified, manufacturers need to quickly analyse a range of scenarios, assess impact and make rapid and informed decisions to minimise the impact.</p> <h3>Be prepared: make smart use of technology</h3> <p>What the pharmaceutical industry needs above all is the ability to reach across the silos that exist in each business to mitigate the impact.</p> <p>Using concurrent supply chain planning, companies can simulate supply chain failures and prepare risk mitigation scenarios in both predictive and preventive ways.</p> <p>The primary goal is to reduce supply chain risk by providing full visibility and transparency through the extended supply chain. Companies need access to real-time information on status of demand, supply and inventory … wherever they are.</p> <p>This is a hugely valuable capability that gives leaders the confidence to make difficult choices during very demanding periods. Decision makers no longer feel as if they are plunging into darkness as soon as a crisis begins. They have the information they need to do their jobs.</p> <p>COVID-19 spread around the globe in a matter of weeks; but, events such as ransomware attacks can overwhelm organisations in minutes, demanding fast but informed responses from senior management. Being able to respond effectively requires similar capabilities in each case.</p> <p>In the event of a ransomware attack, the ability to implement end-to-end planning using an advanced cloud-based planning platform can be key to both mitigating the impact of an attack and helping to recover supply chain resilience as quickly as possible.</p> <p>This and many other incidents prove that having digital and integrated planning capabilities amplifies a large organisation’s ability to pinpoint where changes are happening in the supply chain.</p> <p>They understand why they are happening and take positive action with much greater clarity and confidence. These are the digital platform capabilities on which the recovery of the industry will depend for future resilience.</p> <p>This is the main lesson of the pandemic so far. In just 12 months, the virus is bringing forward years of change in the way organisations conduct business. Many have been studying how their supply chains work and increasing the digitisation of their customer and supply chain interactions by 3–4 years.</p> <p>As we emerge from the pandemic, companies will need help to lay the right foundation for such a rapid digitisation journey. The development of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and data analytics are major advances in this field, enabling companies to learn more about, audit and connect with their entire value chains.</p> <p>It is inevitable that future disruptions will occur, whether through natural calamity, another virus outbreak or a highly penetrative cyberattack. Nobody can entirely predict the future, nor should they try to plan in minute detail for every eventuality.</p> <blockquote><p>Organisations must become far more agile, relying on accurate, current data from the entire length of their supply chains.</p></blockquote> <p>Whatever the months and years to come bring, using the right approach and technology will inject far greater agility and resilience into pharmaceutical companies, enabling them to detect the unexpected early and respond rapidly to counteract the impact.</p> <p>Eventually, companies with agility and resilience will be a step ahead of the competition and will be able to sustain and grow their business in the unknown future.</p> <p>As Charles Darwin stated in On the Origin of Species about his scientific theory of natural selection: “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”</p> <section class="article-footer"> <div class="social-share-nav"> <ul> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Share on X"> <i aria-hidden="true" class="twitter-share-button circle-icon large x-icon"> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <path d="M8 2H1L9.26086 13.0145L1.44995 21.9999H4.09998L10.4883 14.651L16 22H23L14.3917 10.5223L21.8001 2H19.1501L13.1643 8.88578L8 2ZM17 20L5 4H7L19 20H17Z"></path> </svg> </i> <span class="visually-hidden">Share on X</span> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Share on LinkedIn"> <i aria-hidden="true" class="circle-icon large ri-linkedin-fill"></i> <span class="visually-hidden">Share on LinkedIn</span> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Share on Facebook"> <i aria-hidden="true" class="circle-icon large ri-facebook-fill"></i> <span class="visually-hidden">Share on Facebook</span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="block block-companies large"> <div class="block-inner"> <div class="block-grid"> </div> <div class="seeAlso"> <ul> <li>Companies:</li> <li> Kinaxis </li> </ul> </div> <a title="Directory" href="/directory"><span class="read-more arrow-link">See more</span></a> </div> </div> </section> </article> <sidebar class="sidebar"> <div class="block tip-trigger"> <h3 class="has-icon block-header"><i class=" ri-heart-line" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"></i>You may also like</h3> <div class="block-inner"> <a href="/tag/distribution" class="category-label">Distribution</a> <a href="/cardinal-health-chooses-kinaxis-supply-chain-software-198774"> <div class="featured-image"> <div class="featured-image-inner" data-bg="/article-image-alias/cardinal-health-chooses-kinaxis-supply-chain.jpg"></div> </div> <h3>Cardinal Health chooses Kinaxis supply chain software</h3> <span class="read-more arrow-link">Read more</span> <div class="tooltip">Cardinal will focus on initial implementation efforts of the software within its at-Home Solutions business, with an expected completion date of Summer 2022 </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="block block-top-five"> <h3 class="has-icon block-header"><i class=" ri-arrow-right-up-line" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"></i>Trending Articles</h3> <div class="block-inner"> <ol> <li> <div class="tip-trigger"> <a href="/get-ahead-in-the-pharmaceutical-industry-with-a"> Get ahead in the pharmaceutical industry with a Manufacturing Chemist subscription <span class="tooltip">With a Manufacturing Chemist subscription you receive exclusive access to the latest news, technical insights, regulatory updates, and market intelligence </span> </a> </div> </li> <li> <div class="tip-trigger"> <a href="/takeda-china-international-trading-begins-operations-83142"> Takeda (China) International Trading begins operations <span class="tooltip">Will serve as a central hub for importing Takeda products into China </span> </a> </div> </li> <li> <div class="tip-trigger"> <a href="/phastar-clinical-intelligence-platform-best-of-show-scope-us-2025"> Phastar&#039;s Clinical Intelligence Platform voted &#039;Best of Show&#039; 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