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d="M102.463 34.4131L102.781 32.7769H103.781L102.44 39.39H101.622L101.667 38.7537H101.644C101.213 39.2082 100.644 39.5037 100.122 39.5037C99.3037 39.5037 98.8037 38.9128 98.8037 37.822C98.8037 36.0493 100.008 34.6631 101.281 34.6631C101.735 34.6631 102.099 34.9131 102.303 35.2767H102.326L102.463 34.3904V34.4131ZM101.758 37.9129L102.144 36.0721C101.94 35.6857 101.644 35.5039 101.372 35.5039C100.599 35.5039 99.8718 36.5039 99.8718 37.6856C99.8718 38.3674 100.145 38.6855 100.554 38.6855C100.94 38.6855 101.372 38.4583 101.758 37.9129Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_5" d="M107.053 34.6863C107.508 34.6863 107.917 34.9363 108.121 35.3226L108.326 34.7772H109.121L108.212 39.3905H107.394L107.44 38.7542H107.417C106.985 39.2087 106.417 39.5042 105.894 39.5042C105.099 39.5042 104.576 38.9133 104.576 37.8224C104.576 36.0498 105.781 34.6636 107.053 34.6636M107.508 37.8906L107.894 36.0498C107.69 35.6635 107.394 35.4817 107.121 35.4817C106.349 35.4817 105.622 36.4816 105.622 37.6634C105.622 38.3451 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80.3195 150.118 80.4559 149.504 80.4559H148.141V82.5921H146.891V76.9106V76.9334ZM149.345 79.5241C149.981 79.5241 150.299 79.2514 150.299 78.706C150.299 78.4333 150.209 78.2287 150.072 78.0924C149.913 77.956 149.686 77.8879 149.368 77.8879H148.186V79.5241H149.368H149.345Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_38" d="M160.027 82.6145L159.482 81.3646H156.845L156.3 82.6145H155.027L157.641 76.9331H158.641L161.254 82.6145H160.004H160.027ZM157.254 80.4102H159.073L158.164 78.2739L157.254 80.4102Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_39" d="M170.481 79.4782V82.2507C170.208 82.3871 169.89 82.5007 169.526 82.5689C169.163 82.6371 168.776 82.6825 168.39 82.6825C167.799 82.6825 167.276 82.5689 166.822 82.3417C166.39 82.1144 166.049 81.7735 165.799 81.3417C165.572 80.9099 165.436 80.3872 165.436 79.7736C165.436 79.16 165.549 78.6601 165.776 78.2283C166.004 77.7965 166.345 77.4556 166.776 77.2284C167.208 77.0011 167.708 76.8647 168.299 76.8647C168.708 76.8647 169.094 76.9102 169.435 77.0238C169.776 77.1375 170.072 77.2965 170.322 77.5011L169.935 78.3874C169.663 78.2056 169.413 78.0692 169.163 77.9783C168.913 77.8874 168.64 77.842 168.344 77.842C167.254 77.842 166.708 78.4783 166.708 79.7509C166.708 80.41 166.845 80.8872 167.14 81.2281C167.413 81.5463 167.844 81.7053 168.435 81.7053C168.754 81.7053 169.049 81.6599 169.367 81.5917V80.3418H168.254V79.4782H170.481Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_40" d="M176.707 82.3192C176.298 82.0919 175.958 81.751 175.753 81.2965C175.526 80.8647 175.412 80.342 175.412 79.7512C175.412 79.1603 175.526 78.6376 175.753 78.2058C175.98 77.774 176.298 77.4331 176.707 77.2059C177.117 76.9786 177.617 76.8423 178.185 76.8423C178.753 76.8423 179.23 76.9559 179.662 77.2059C180.071 77.4331 180.389 77.774 180.616 78.2058C180.844 78.6376 180.957 79.1603 180.957 79.7512C180.957 80.342 180.844 80.8647 180.616 81.2965C180.389 81.7283 180.071 82.0692 179.662 82.3192C179.253 82.5464 178.753 82.6828 178.185 82.6828C177.617 82.6828 177.139 82.5692 176.707 82.3192ZM179.298 81.2056C179.571 80.8647 179.707 80.3875 179.707 79.7739C179.707 79.1603 179.571 78.6603 179.298 78.3422C179.026 78.0013 178.662 77.8422 178.185 77.8422C177.707 77.8422 177.344 78.0013 177.071 78.3422C176.798 78.6831 176.662 79.1603 176.662 79.7739C176.662 80.3875 176.798 80.8875 177.071 81.2056C177.344 81.5465 177.707 81.7056 178.185 81.7056C178.662 81.7056 179.026 81.5465 179.298 81.2056Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_41" d="M186.684 82.501C186.297 82.3874 185.956 82.2283 185.684 82.0237L186.093 81.1374C186.638 81.5238 187.252 81.7056 187.933 81.7056C188.274 81.7056 188.547 81.6601 188.752 81.5238C188.933 81.4102 189.047 81.2511 189.047 81.0465C189.047 80.8647 188.956 80.7284 188.797 80.6147C188.615 80.5011 188.32 80.4102 187.865 80.3193C187.365 80.2284 186.956 80.0921 186.661 79.9557C186.365 79.8193 186.138 79.6375 186.002 79.4103C185.865 79.2058 185.797 78.933 185.797 78.6149C185.797 78.274 185.888 77.9558 186.093 77.7059C186.274 77.4331 186.547 77.2286 186.888 77.0695C187.229 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82.3871 169.89 82.5007 169.526 82.5689C169.163 82.6371 168.776 82.6825 168.39 82.6825C167.799 82.6825 167.276 82.5689 166.822 82.3417C166.39 82.1144 166.049 81.7735 165.799 81.3417C165.572 80.9099 165.436 80.3872 165.436 79.7736C165.436 79.16 165.549 78.6601 165.776 78.2283C166.004 77.7965 166.345 77.4556 166.776 77.2284C167.208 77.0011 167.708 76.8647 168.299 76.8647C168.708 76.8647 169.094 76.9102 169.435 77.0238C169.776 77.1375 170.072 77.2965 170.322 77.5011L169.935 78.3874C169.663 78.2056 169.413 78.0692 169.163 77.9783C168.913 77.8874 168.64 77.842 168.344 77.842C167.254 77.842 166.708 78.4783 166.708 79.7509C166.708 80.41 166.845 80.8872 167.14 81.2281C167.413 81.5463 167.844 81.7053 168.435 81.7053C168.754 81.7053 169.049 81.6599 169.367 81.5917V80.3418H168.254V79.4782H170.481Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_40" d="M176.707 82.3192C176.298 82.0919 175.958 81.751 175.753 81.2965C175.526 80.8647 175.412 80.342 175.412 79.7512C175.412 79.1603 175.526 78.6376 175.753 78.2058C175.98 77.774 176.298 77.4331 176.707 77.2059C177.117 76.9786 177.617 76.8423 178.185 76.8423C178.753 76.8423 179.23 76.9559 179.662 77.2059C180.071 77.4331 180.389 77.774 180.616 78.2058C180.844 78.6376 180.957 79.1603 180.957 79.7512C180.957 80.342 180.844 80.8647 180.616 81.2965C180.389 81.7283 180.071 82.0692 179.662 82.3192C179.253 82.5464 178.753 82.6828 178.185 82.6828C177.617 82.6828 177.139 82.5692 176.707 82.3192ZM179.298 81.2056C179.571 80.8647 179.707 80.3875 179.707 79.7739C179.707 79.1603 179.571 78.6603 179.298 78.3422C179.026 78.0013 178.662 77.8422 178.185 77.8422C177.707 77.8422 177.344 78.0013 177.071 78.3422C176.798 78.6831 176.662 79.1603 176.662 79.7739C176.662 80.3875 176.798 80.8875 177.071 81.2056C177.344 81.5465 177.707 81.7056 178.185 81.7056C178.662 81.7056 179.026 81.5465 179.298 81.2056Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_41" d="M186.684 82.501C186.297 82.3874 185.956 82.2283 185.684 82.0237L186.093 81.1374C186.638 81.5238 187.252 81.7056 187.933 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52.0031C61.8517 48.3442 61.4199 47.2761 61.4881 45.6626C61.6472 41.6856 58.6929 39.7085 57.6475 38.5949C56.9884 37.8904 56.6021 36.4132 57.8292 37.2313C58.6246 37.754 60.42 39.2539 62.7608 41.7083C68.3513 47.5715 70.7375 56.0482 73.01 57.2754C75.2826 58.5254 75.8962 60.0253 75.4644 62.3206C75.0326 64.6158 74.4191 66.4793 74.1918 67.2975C73.9645 68.1156 73.2373 70.2518 71.2602 70.07C71.2602 70.07 69.2603 69.3655 69.2149 70.7291C69.1694 71.8199 70.2148 72.1381 70.1239 74.7288C70.033 77.2968 70.1239 79.4557 68.5558 80.4557C66.9877 81.4556 63.3062 82.7282 62.2608 82.8646C61.2154 83.0009 59.261 83.0464 58.9883 81.9101C58.6701 80.5011 57.6475 80.4102 56.9657 81.1147C56.0112 82.1147 54.9885 81.4556 54.5795 81.0693C54.1022 80.6148 54.3522 79.3421 53.3523 79.3421C52.3523 79.3421 52.6023 81.1375 51.1706 80.6375C49.9434 80.2057 51.1706 71.229 54.3522 70.4791C56.0566 70.07 58.511 69.0019 58.4428 66.7293C58.2838 62.5932 56.1476 54.8665 53.7386 52.6167C51.3524 50.3668 48.4663 49.7532 45.0574 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69.1155C17.9002 66.8657 18.9001 66.093 20.6954 64.8658C25.4224 61.6388 28.8312 62.2524 31.0129 57.0936C32.6719 53.1621 31.581 48.5033 28.5358 48.0033C25.4678 47.5034 20.7863 50.7986 19.7182 50.5032C18.6501 50.2077 20.2182 47.367 21.7862 45.0035C24.5588 40.822 27.8995 38.0495 29.3767 34.3452C29.9448 32.9135 29.6721 29.8228 29.3312 27.6638C29.1267 26.4139 29.6039 24.0731 32.081 22.4369C35.5581 20.1189 42.4212 20.0734 45.1937 22.3005C47.9663 24.5049 45.3301 29.9137 43.4666 32.3453C41.6031 34.777 35.7853 35.7769 34.0354 38.2994" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_44" d="M23.1269 36.5721C23.5133 35.9358 23.3769 35.5722 22.6724 35.7995C21.4225 36.1858 20.1271 36.7994 17.7636 38.4357C13.5821 41.2764 9.40058 46.8214 8.24156 51.8893C7.10528 56.9344 4.44636 59.7069 2.4465 60.0705C0.446632 60.4569 -0.39422 63.5021 0.173923 67.1155C0.742066 70.7289 5.28722 77.2057 7.67342 76.2513C7.96885 76.0467 8.44608 75.3422 8.71878 74.6832C11.2868 68.2291 13.9457 64.0021 10.6278 62.5249C8.37792 62.1159 5.87808 61.8659 10.1505 57.0935C14.423 52.3211 18.1727 49.7303 16.3774 49.3667C14.582 49.0031 11.5368 50.8893 12.3095 48.2986C13.0594 45.7306 14.8548 42.6854 18.65 40.1174C21.377 38.2766 22.6042 37.413 23.1496 36.5494" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_45" d="M52.6928 6.00614C52.6928 6.00614 54.1927 7.43787 57.1016 6.86973C60.0105 6.30159 62.1922 5.61981 60.5787 4.86986C58.7152 3.98355 58.147 1.30192 56.1017 1.73371C54.0337 2.1655 51.2157 4.11991 52.6928 6.02887" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_46" d="M63.6244 0.756489C63.2835 0.824667 62.9426 0.824667 62.6017 0.756489C61.5109 0.483781 59.4656 0.733759 59.4656 1.3019C59.4656 1.3019 59.1929 1.98369 60.8746 3.1427C61.6245 3.66539 62.1245 4.46079 62.2381 4.66532C62.8063 5.84705 64.1244 5.16529 65.0107 5.16529C66.556 5.16529 68.0559 5.36982 68.8513 6.55156C68.9422 6.68791 69.1013 6.71063 69.2149 6.597C69.7149 6.07431 70.8739 4.50623 69.8512 1.71097C69.8512 1.71097 68.9877 -0.675231 65.4424 0.188346L63.6471 0.733759L63.6244 0.756489Z" fill="white"/> 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55.071 142.346 55.071C142.778 55.071 143.119 55.0028 143.369 54.8437C143.619 54.7073 143.732 54.5028 143.732 54.2528C143.732 54.0256 143.641 53.8438 143.482 53.7301C143.323 53.5938 143.005 53.4802 142.528 53.3893L141.028 53.0484C140.142 52.8438 139.483 52.5257 139.074 52.1166C138.665 51.6848 138.437 51.1167 138.437 50.3667C138.437 49.7759 138.596 49.2759 138.937 48.8214C139.278 48.3896 139.733 48.026 140.346 47.776C140.96 47.526 141.642 47.3896 142.414 47.3896C143.073 47.3896 143.732 47.4806 144.346 47.6851C144.96 47.8896 145.528 48.1851 146.028 48.5487L145.278 50.4576C144.301 49.7759 143.346 49.435 142.392 49.435C141.96 49.435 141.619 49.5031 141.369 49.6622C141.119 49.8213 141.005 50.0258 141.005 50.2986C141.005 50.5031 141.074 50.6622 141.233 50.7758C141.392 50.8894 141.642 51.0031 142.028 51.094L143.573 51.4576C144.505 51.6848 145.187 52.003 145.619 52.4348C146.05 52.8666 146.255 53.4574 146.255 54.2074C146.255 55.1164 145.914 55.8209 145.187 56.3209C144.482 56.8436 143.505 57.0935 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73.5698C27.8086 74.0016 26.8086 74.956 28.4676 78.8194C30.1266 82.6828 27.604 83.0237 24.2179 82.9782C20.8545 82.9328 22.3317 80.9784 21.059 80.7966C20.4227 80.7057 20.0818 82.001 19.6728 82.5464C19.2637 83.0919 18.4683 82.9782 16.8093 82.9782C15.1504 82.9782 15.7639 80.7738 14.4458 80.7738C14.4458 80.7738 13.7413 80.6602 13.2641 82.7055C13.1959 83.0464 11.9233 82.9782 10.2416 82.9782C9.55983 82.9782 9.46891 82.8873 9.37801 82.8192C8.1281 81.8192 10.037 79.1149 11.3097 78.0922C12.9232 76.7514 14.9458 77.5922 15.9685 74.9788C16.7639 72.9335 15.9685 71.1609 16.9002 69.1155C17.9002 66.8657 18.9001 66.093 20.6954 64.8658C25.4224 61.6388 28.8312 62.2524 31.0129 57.0936C32.6719 53.1621 31.581 48.5033 28.5358 48.0033C25.4678 47.5034 20.7863 50.7986 19.7182 50.5032C18.6501 50.2077 20.2182 47.367 21.7862 45.0035C24.5588 40.822 27.8995 38.0495 29.3767 34.3452C29.9448 32.9135 29.6721 29.8228 29.3312 27.6638C29.1267 26.4139 29.6039 24.0731 32.081 22.4369C35.5581 20.1189 42.4212 20.0734 45.1937 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Our fundraising heroes do amazing things to raise funds for the Charles Darwin Foundation and in this way create a lasting positive impact on Galapagos conservation.</div></div></p> </div> </div> <div class="column column-three"> <div class="block rich-text"> <p data-block-key="qpffk"><div class="text-center"><div class="text-left">From donating for their birthday, to exhibiting and selling their photographs, or designing and selling socks! There’s no limit to how you can get involved. What is more, all donations are tax-deductible in the United States.</div></div></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="background-blue"> <div class="container--align__centre"> <div class="container--full_width padding-top-xxs padding-bottom-0 padding-left-medium padding-right-medium"> <div class="container--block"> <div class="block-text"> <div class="block rich-text"> <h3 data-block-key="ztx6p"><div class="text-center">WHAT CAN YOUR FUNDRAISER HELP US ACHIEVE</div></h3> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="background-white"> <div class="container--align__centre"> <div class="container--large padding-top-medium padding-bottom-medium padding-left-medium padding-right-medium"> <div class="container--block"> <div class="block-three_column"> <div class="block grid grid--three grid--gap-1-5 block background-transparent"> <div class="column column-one"> <div class="block image-block image-block__wide"> <figure> <div class="image-block__image relative image-block__ratio--wide"> <img alt="" decoding="async" height="600" loading="lazy" src="/media/images/DSC09823.max-1300x600.jpg" width="900"> <div class="image-block__credit font-size-xs"> Carlos Espinosa-CDF </div> </div> </figure> </div> <div class="block rich-text"> <h3 data-block-key="lm7w7"></h3><h3 data-block-key="n5cv"><div class="text-center">$700</div></h3><p data-block-key="4pmih"><div class="text-center">Provides a one-month stipend for a field assistant who tracks and monitors giant tortoises and assists with data collection and analysis.</div></p> </div> </div> <div class="column column-two"> <div class="block image-block image-block__wide"> <figure> <div class="image-block__image relative image-block__ratio--wide"> <img alt="" decoding="async" height="600" loading="lazy" src="/media/images/ECO-PROGRAM_CarlosEspinosa_FCD_18.max-1300x600.jpg" width="900"> <div class="image-block__credit font-size-xs"> Carlos Espinosa-CDF </div> </div> </figure> </div> <div class="block rich-text"> <h3 data-block-key="um51f"></h3><h3 data-block-key="enpqq"><div class="text-center">$1,500</div></h3><p data-block-key="aa00k"><div class="text-center">Covers one month of our Science Club activities with local students on the islands of Santa Cruz and Isabela.</div></p> </div> </div> <div class="column column-three"> <div class="block image-block image-block__wide"> <figure> <div class="image-block__image relative image-block__ratio--wide"> <img alt="" decoding="async" height="600" loading="lazy" src="/media/images/0-24.max-1300x600.jpg" width="900"> <div class="image-block__credit font-size-xs"> Juan Manuel Garcia-CDF </div> </div> </figure> </div> <div class="block rich-text"> <h3 data-block-key="3p9lf"></h3><h3 data-block-key="2sp1v"><div class="text-center">$4,000</div></h3><p data-block-key="6g9hm"><div class="text-center">Enables us to acquire a scanner to digitize unique herbarium specimens, contributing to our Natural History Collections.</div></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="block-text"> <div class="block rich-text"> <h6 data-block-key="sjbha"><div class="text-center">These are just a few examples. We encourage you to download our Fundraising Kit which contains more ideas and descriptions of the projects that take place at the Charles Darwin Research Station.</div></h6> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="background-white"> <div class="container--align__centre"> <div class="container--full_width padding-top-0 padding-bottom-0 padding-left-0 padding-right-0"> <div class="container--block"> <div class="block-cta"> <div class="block media-text-block media-text-block__layout--background_image_full media-text-block__background--blue media-text-block__overlay"> <div class="media-text-block__background-image "> <img alt="Galapagos Iverson-1043" decoding="async" height="600" loading="lazy" src="/media/images/Galapagos_Iverson-1043.original.jpg" width="900"> <div class="image-block__credit"> Carlyn Iverson </div> </div> <div class="media-text-block__body"> <h4></h4> <h3 data-block-key="txt1u">Download our fundraising kit</h3><p data-block-key="8r5da">Getting started, fundraising ideas, and helpful tips.</p> <div class="media-text-block__button"> <div class="block-ButtonRowBlock"> <div class="block button-row row row--justify-center"> <a href="/en/documents/2/Fundraising_Kit_English.pdf" class="button button--large button--colour__light_blue button--primary"> <span>Download</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="background-white"> <div class="container--align__centre"> <div class="container--large padding-top-medium padding-bottom-medium padding-left-medium padding-right-medium"> <div class="container--block"> <div class="block-text"> <div class="block rich-text"> <h3 data-block-key="ztx6p"><div class="text-center">FUNDRAISING IDEAS</div></h3><p data-block-key="dms85"><div class="text-center">There are plenty of fun ways to get involved and help raise funds for the Charles Darwin Foundation. Here are a few ideas to get you started:</div></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container--block"> <div class="block-two_column"> <div class="block grid grid--two grid--gap-1-5 block grid--even background-transparent"> <div class="column column-one"> <div class="block image-block image-block__wide"> <figure> <div class="image-block__image relative image-block__ratio--wide"> <img alt="" decoding="async" height="600" loading="lazy" src="/media/images/marathon-runner-in-city-2023-11-27-05-08-54.max-1300x600.jpg" width="900"> </div> </figure> </div> <div class="block rich-text"> <h6 data-block-key="fm7f1"><b>Propose a Sports Challenge</b></h6><p data-block-key="egua9">Organize a sporting event such as a local 5k run and ask your friends and family to sponsor you. You could also consider participating in multiple events throughout a set time period to gain more sponsors and raise more funds.</p><ul><li data-block-key="6o0ff">Runs/walks</li><li data-block-key="fh5ho">Swims/cycling</li><li data-block-key="cdmes">Marathons/triathlons</li></ul> </div> </div> <div class="column column-two"> <div class="block image-block image-block__wide"> <figure> <div class="image-block__image relative image-block__ratio--wide"> <img alt="" decoding="async" height="600" loading="lazy" src="/media/images/Expo_R.Ochoa_RashidCruz_FCD_2.max-1300x600.jpg" width="900"> <div class="image-block__credit font-size-xs"> Carlos Espinosa-CDF </div> </div> </figure> </div> <div class="block rich-text"> <h6 data-block-key="ofm1v"><b>Organize an Event</b></h6><p data-block-key="dloib">Organizing an event is a great way to fundraise as it raises money and also brings people together so that you can spread awareness regarding the importance of the work you are doing!</p><ul><li data-block-key="ibm">Birthday party – ask people to donate instead of giving you a gift</li><li data-block-key="deeg3">Garage sale</li><li data-block-key="18uk1">Bake sale/lemonade stand</li><li data-block-key="85iqc">Movie night</li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="background-white"> <div class="container--align__centre"> <div class="container--large padding-top-0 padding-bottom-medium padding-left-medium padding-right-medium"> <div class="container--block"> <div class="block-button"> <div class="block button-row row row--justify-center"> <a href="" class="button button--large button--colour__yellow button--primary"> <span>Start your own fundraiser now!</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="background-light_blue"> <div class="container--align__centre"> <div class="container--full_width padding-top-xxs padding-bottom-0 padding-left-medium padding-right-medium"> <div class="container--block"> <div class="block-text"> <div class="block rich-text"> <h3 data-block-key="d913b"><div class="text-center">MEET OUR FUNDRAISING HEROES</div></h3> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="background-white"> <div class="container--align__centre"> <div class="container--large padding-top-0 padding-bottom-medium padding-left-medium padding-right-medium"> <div class="container--block"> <div class="block-text"> <div class="block rich-text"> <h3 data-block-key="ztx6p"></h3><h6 data-block-key="9jbmj"><div class="text-center">Need further inspiration or ideas?<br/> Meet two of our fundraising heroes and learn about their stories and their impact.</div></h6> </div> </div> <div class="block-two_column"> <div class="block grid grid--two grid--gap-1-5 block grid--even background-transparent"> <div class="column column-one"> <div class="block image-block image-block__wide"> <figure> <div class="image-block__image relative image-block__ratio--wide"> <img alt="" decoding="async" height="578" loading="lazy" src="/media/images/Will_and_Matty_0032.max-1300x600.jpg" width="1000"> </div> </figure> </div> <div class="block rich-text"> <h4 data-block-key="vk3yi"></h4><h4 data-block-key="cs788"><div class="text-center">Will & Matty Gladstone</div></h4><p data-block-key="51jg9"><div class="text-center"><div class="text-left">Since 2016 two brothers from Arlington, Massachusetts, Will and Matty, have been selling bright blue socks to raise money for scientific research on blue-footed boobies and their habitat in Galapagos. Since 2019 they have donated more than $80,000 to the Charles Darwin Foundation. Their most recent donation is supporting research related to the avian flu.</div></div></p> </div> </div> <div class="column column-two"> <div class="block image-block image-block__wide"> <figure> <div class="image-block__image relative image-block__ratio--wide"> <img alt="" decoding="async" height="600" loading="lazy" src="/media/images/Arjun_003.max-1300x600.jpg" width="451"> </div> </figure> </div> <div class="block rich-text"> <h4 data-block-key="yot2r"></h4><h4 data-block-key="cco25"><div class="text-center">Arjun Jenigiri</div></h4><p data-block-key="bg6ja">Arjun is an aspiring ornithologist and a budding wildlife photographer. In 2022, he sold his photos at the Children's Business Fair to raise money for the Charles Darwin Foundation. He was also the winner of the 2022 Bird Photographer of the Year and the 2023 Wildlife Photographer of the Year contests. His fundraiser raised more than $600 in support of our research.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="background-white"> <div class="container--align__centre"> <div class="container--large padding-top-xxxs padding-bottom-0 padding-left-medium padding-right-medium"> <div class="container--block"> <div class="block-card"> <div class="tile-block tile-block--centre background-white tile-block--text-align__center tile-block--border-bottom__light_blue"> <div class="tile-block--content"> <div class="tile-block__img"> </div> <div class="tile-block__body"> <h4 class="l-heading">Get in touch</h4> Want to speak with us to help you with your fundraising efforts? Get in touch with us! </div> </div> <form method="POST" action="/en/revealemail/"> <input type="hidden" name="csrfmiddlewaretoken" value="49Ve8ltl0LsqWxKu2ipaJbrGPrDc4FvpCbnPqTpbGYS8aeuQqmP2OkXUOX8MB9vn"> <div class="field-wrapper "> <div id="field_id_signed_content" class="field field--text"> <label for="id_signed_content" class="field-label required-field"> Signed content<span class="asterisk-span">*</span> </label> <input type="text" name="signed_content" value="eyJlbWFpbCI6ImZ1bmRyYWlzaW5nQGZjZGFyd2luLm9yZy5lYyJ9:cAHhQMa8t8ThZ2u6PAu0iCTnP3ZTjuYSLzOz1Tagk18" class="textinput textInput" required id="id_signed_content"> </div> </div> <div class="field-wrapper "> <div id="field_id_recaptcha" class="field"> <!-- templates/recaptcha/widget_v3.html --> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function updateRecaptcha() { grecaptcha.execute('6LcQqbwpAAAAADzRrDSk5tAw3qZ9ti9Bm876uu4W', {action: 'form'}) .then(function(token) { console.log("reCAPTCHA validated for 'data-widget-uuid=\"3a03b1408c174f68a8be37ad57ba081d\"'. 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Join us on our mission to safeguard one of our planet’s most important natural treasures through science and conservation action by making a donation today. Thank you for making an impact with us.</p> <div class="media-text-block__button"> <div class="block-ButtonRowBlock"> <div class="block button-row row row--justify-left"> <a href="" class="button button--normal button--colour__white button--primary"> <span>Donate today</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main> <footer class="footer"> <div class="footer--top"></div> <div class="footer--content"> <div class="row container--large footer--crab"> <div class="footer__org-details"> <div class="footer--logo"> <svg width="216" height="83" viewBox="0 0 216 83" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g id="Group 1261152228"> <path id="Vector" d="M83.3724 33.2539H86.8949L86.7358 34.1175H84.2133L83.8497 35.9128H85.9859L85.8268 36.7764H83.6906L83.1679 39.3898H82.168L83.3724 33.2539Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_2" d="M90.8947 39.3904H90.0766L90.1221 38.7313H90.0766C89.6221 39.1404 89.0994 39.504 88.5313 39.504C87.7586 39.504 87.4404 39.0722 87.4404 38.345C87.4404 38.1178 87.4632 37.936 87.5086 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34.9131 102.303 35.2767H102.326L102.463 34.3904V34.4131ZM101.758 37.9129L102.144 36.0721C101.94 35.6857 101.644 35.5039 101.372 35.5039C100.599 35.5039 99.8718 36.5039 99.8718 37.6856C99.8718 38.3674 100.145 38.6855 100.554 38.6855C100.94 38.6855 101.372 38.4583 101.758 37.9129Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_5" d="M107.053 34.6863C107.508 34.6863 107.917 34.9363 108.121 35.3226L108.326 34.7772H109.121L108.212 39.3905H107.394L107.44 38.7542H107.417C106.985 39.2087 106.417 39.5042 105.894 39.5042C105.099 39.5042 104.576 38.9133 104.576 37.8224C104.576 36.0498 105.781 34.6636 107.053 34.6636M107.508 37.8906L107.894 36.0498C107.69 35.6635 107.394 35.4817 107.121 35.4817C106.349 35.4817 105.622 36.4816 105.622 37.6634C105.622 38.3451 105.894 38.6633 106.303 38.6633C106.69 38.6633 107.144 38.4361 107.508 37.8906Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_6" d="M113.007 34.686C113.575 34.686 113.962 34.936 114.212 35.2542L113.644 35.8678C113.416 35.6178 113.235 35.5042 112.939 35.5042C112.121 35.5042 111.394 36.4586 111.394 37.5949C111.394 38.2994 111.712 38.6858 112.326 38.6858C112.689 38.6858 112.962 38.5267 113.189 38.3221L113.621 38.9585C113.28 39.2084 112.803 39.5039 112.121 39.5039C111.098 39.5039 110.371 38.8221 110.371 37.6404C110.371 35.9814 111.576 34.686 113.007 34.686Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_7" d="M116.007 34.7997H117.007L116.098 39.413H115.098L116.029 34.7997H116.007ZM116.166 33.4589C116.166 33.0952 116.461 32.7998 116.848 32.7998C117.143 32.7998 117.416 32.9816 117.416 33.3225C117.416 33.7088 117.12 33.9816 116.734 33.9816C116.438 33.9816 116.166 33.7997 116.166 33.4589Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_8" d="M118.234 37.6403C118.234 35.8677 119.506 34.6859 120.756 34.6859C121.802 34.6859 122.483 35.4132 122.483 36.5495C122.483 38.2993 121.211 39.5038 119.938 39.5038C118.915 39.5038 118.211 38.7766 118.211 37.6403M119.234 37.5948C119.234 38.2993 119.506 38.6857 120.052 38.6857C120.779 38.6857 121.461 37.7539 121.461 36.5722C121.461 35.8677 121.188 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214.909 64.6385C214.909 64.2522 214.728 64.0477 214.318 64.0477C214 64.0477 213.637 64.2522 213.159 64.7522L212.546 67.8883H211.546L212.455 63.275L212.432 63.2977Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_33" d="M113.12 79.4782V82.2507C112.848 82.3871 112.529 82.5007 112.166 82.5689C111.802 82.6371 111.416 82.6825 111.03 82.6825C110.439 82.6825 109.916 82.5689 109.461 82.3417C109.03 82.1144 108.689 81.7735 108.439 81.3417C108.212 80.9099 108.075 80.3872 108.075 79.7736C108.075 79.16 108.189 78.6601 108.416 78.2283C108.643 77.7965 108.984 77.4556 109.416 77.2284C109.848 77.0011 110.348 76.8647 110.939 76.8647C111.348 76.8647 111.734 76.9102 112.075 77.0238C112.416 77.1375 112.711 77.2965 112.961 77.5011L112.575 78.3874C112.325 78.2056 112.052 78.0692 111.802 77.9783C111.552 77.8874 111.28 77.842 110.984 77.842C109.893 77.842 109.348 78.4783 109.348 79.7509C109.348 80.41 109.484 80.8872 109.78 81.2281C110.052 81.5463 110.484 81.7053 111.075 81.7053C111.393 81.7053 111.689 81.6599 112.007 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78.3422C176.798 78.6831 176.662 79.1603 176.662 79.7739C176.662 80.3875 176.798 80.8875 177.071 81.2056C177.344 81.5465 177.707 81.7056 178.185 81.7056C178.662 81.7056 179.026 81.5465 179.298 81.2056Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_41" d="M186.684 82.501C186.297 82.3874 185.956 82.2283 185.684 82.0237L186.093 81.1374C186.638 81.5238 187.252 81.7056 187.933 81.7056C188.274 81.7056 188.547 81.6601 188.752 81.5238C188.933 81.4102 189.047 81.2511 189.047 81.0465C189.047 80.8647 188.956 80.7284 188.797 80.6147C188.615 80.5011 188.32 80.4102 187.865 80.3193C187.365 80.2284 186.956 80.0921 186.661 79.9557C186.365 79.8193 186.138 79.6375 186.002 79.4103C185.865 79.2058 185.797 78.933 185.797 78.6149C185.797 78.274 185.888 77.9558 186.093 77.7059C186.274 77.4331 186.547 77.2286 186.888 77.0695C187.229 76.9105 187.638 76.8423 188.07 76.8423C188.479 76.8423 188.865 76.9104 189.229 77.0241C189.615 77.1377 189.911 77.2968 190.115 77.5013L189.706 78.3876C189.183 78.0013 188.638 77.8195 188.07 77.8195C187.752 77.8195 187.479 77.8877 187.297 78.0013C187.115 78.1376 187.024 78.2967 187.024 78.524C187.024 78.6603 187.07 78.7512 187.138 78.8421C187.206 78.933 187.32 79.0012 187.502 79.0694C187.661 79.1376 187.911 79.2058 188.229 79.2739C188.956 79.433 189.479 79.6375 189.797 79.8875C190.115 80.1375 190.274 80.4784 190.274 80.9329C190.274 81.4783 190.07 81.8874 189.661 82.2056C189.252 82.5237 188.661 82.6601 187.933 82.6601C187.502 82.6601 187.093 82.5919 186.684 82.4783" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_42" d="M216 72.2065H81.8271V72.502H216V72.2065Z" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_43" d="M33.99 38.1631C32.2401 40.6856 32.3764 43.7764 34.3309 44.0263C39.2396 44.6627 46.08 34.9588 48.739 27.2548C52.9205 15.2556 49.6934 14.3011 49.3526 10.7559C49.1708 8.91509 50.0798 4.86991 51.6478 7.66517C51.6478 7.66517 52.5796 10.3014 53.7841 10.665C54.9885 11.0286 57.4656 10.5059 58.1247 9.09689C58.7837 7.66516 59.5337 7.0743 60.8063 6.93795C62.1926 6.77887 66.3514 6.07437 68.2604 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82.5464C19.2637 83.0919 18.4683 82.9782 16.8093 82.9782C15.1504 82.9782 15.7639 80.7738 14.4458 80.7738C14.4458 80.7738 13.7413 80.6602 13.2641 82.7055C13.1959 83.0464 11.9233 82.9782 10.2416 82.9782C9.55983 82.9782 9.46891 82.8873 9.37801 82.8192C8.1281 81.8192 10.037 79.1149 11.3097 78.0922C12.9232 76.7514 14.9458 77.5922 15.9685 74.9788C16.7639 72.9335 15.9685 71.1609 16.9002 69.1155C17.9002 66.8657 18.9001 66.093 20.6954 64.8658C25.4224 61.6388 28.8312 62.2524 31.0129 57.0936C32.6719 53.1621 31.581 48.5033 28.5358 48.0033C25.4678 47.5034 20.7863 50.7986 19.7182 50.5032C18.6501 50.2077 20.2182 47.367 21.7862 45.0035C24.5588 40.822 27.8995 38.0495 29.3767 34.3452C29.9448 32.9135 29.6721 29.8228 29.3312 27.6638C29.1267 26.4139 29.6039 24.0731 32.081 22.4369C35.5581 20.1189 42.4212 20.0734 45.1937 22.3005C47.9663 24.5049 45.3301 29.9137 43.4666 32.3453C41.6031 34.777 35.7853 35.7769 34.0354 38.2994" fill="white"/> <path id="Vector_44" d="M23.1269 36.5721C23.5133 35.9358 23.3769 35.5722 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