QR Code Generator: Free QR Code Maker & QR Creator
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alt="Cartoon graphics banner for free small business tools by Shopify"/> </div></div></div></div> <section class="section section--border section--padding-top-only" id="ToolContent"> <div class="grid"> <div class="form-section"> <div class="section-heading"> <h2 class="section-heading__heading heading--1">One-click QR codes</h2> </div> <div class="marketing-markdown"><p>If QR codes aren’t a part of your current marketing strategy, you might be missing out. Use QR codes to generate customer interest, drive traffic, and increase sales via print, online, or email.</p> <p>Shopify’s QR code generator lets you enter any web URL, phone number, SMS or plain text. With a single click, our tool creates a QR code that you can use anywhere you’d like. Think coupons, reviews, social media awareness and contest entries!</p> </div> </div> <div class="grid-container grid-container--halves"> <form id="QrCodeGeneratorForm" class="grid-item grid-5 qr-form js-submit-async" data-validation-event="QR code" data-tool="QR code" action="/web/20210815184402/" accept-charset="UTF-8" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="authenticity_token" value="mriJQLRfdU0y5tEnwdydcu0gvc6rVlSOql5dMAG9QT2S2kZXXldzoFi7GdeEInVdVfbH2PTmSdorwv9k0v+1PQ=="/> <div class="form-section"> <div class="form-header"> <h3 class="form-header__heading">Enter email</h3> <div class="form-header__status step-counter"> <span class="step-counter__label heading--5"> Step 1 of 3 </span> <span class="step-counter__dots dots-container"> <span class="dots-container__dot dots-container__dot--active"></span> <span class="dots-container__dot "></span> <span class="dots-container__dot "></span> </span> </div> </div> <div class="grid-container"> <label class="marketing-input-wrapper"><span class="marketing-label marketing-label--in-field marketing-label--floating">Email</span><input type="email" name="email" id="email" autocomplete="email" placeholder="Email address" aria-describedby="MessageId_a73b" required="required" class="marketing-input marketing-input--floating"/></label><span class="marketing-form__messages" id="MessageId_a73b"></span> <p class="text-minor">By entering your email, you agree to receive marketing emails from Shopify.</p> </div> </div> <div class="form-section"> <div class="form-header"> <h3 class="form-header__heading">Select data type</h3> <div class="form-header__status step-counter"> <span class="step-counter__label heading--5"> Step 2 of 3 </span> <span class="step-counter__dots dots-container"> <span class="dots-container__dot dots-container__dot--active"></span> <span class="dots-container__dot dots-container__dot--active"></span> <span class="dots-container__dot "></span> </span> </div> </div> <div class="grid-container grid-container--quarters"> <div class="qr-option-wrapper marketing-radio-label--inline"> <input type="radio" name="qr_code_type" id="qr_code_type_url" value="url" class="marketing-radio" checked="checked"/><label class="marketing-radio-label" for="qr_code_type_url">Website URL</label> </div> <div class="qr-option-wrapper marketing-radio-label--inline"> <input type="radio" name="qr_code_type" id="qr_code_type_tel" value="tel" class="marketing-radio"/><label class="marketing-radio-label" for="qr_code_type_tel">Phone #</label> </div> <div class="qr-option-wrapper marketing-radio-label--inline"> <input type="radio" name="qr_code_type" id="qr_code_type_sms" value="sms" class="marketing-radio"/><label class="marketing-radio-label" for="qr_code_type_sms">SMS</label> </div> <div class="qr-option-wrapper marketing-radio-label--inline"> <input type="radio" name="qr_code_type" id="qr_code_type_text" value="text" class="marketing-radio"/><label class="marketing-radio-label" for="qr_code_type_text">Plain text</label> </div> </div> </div> <div class="form-section"> <div class="form-header"> <h3 class="form-header__heading">Enter content</h3> <div class="form-header__status step-counter"> <span class="step-counter__label heading--5"> Step 3 of 3 </span> <span class="step-counter__dots dots-container"> <span class="dots-container__dot dots-container__dot--active"></span> <span class="dots-container__dot dots-container__dot--active"></span> <span class="dots-container__dot dots-container__dot--active"></span> </span> </div> </div> <div class="qr-content-type" data-type="url"> <label class="marketing-input-wrapper"><span class="marketing-label marketing-label--in-field marketing-label--floating">Website URL</span><input type="url" name="url" id="url" autocomplete="url" placeholder="" aria-describedby="MessageId_b874" required="required" class="marketing-input marketing-input--floating"/></label><span class="marketing-form__messages" id="MessageId_b874"></span> </div> <div class="qr-content-type" data-type="tel"> <label class="marketing-input-wrapper"><span class="marketing-label marketing-label--in-field marketing-label--floating">Phone #</span><input type="tel" name="tel" id="tel" autocomplete="tel" placeholder="Example: 1-888-746-7439" aria-describedby="MessageId_9377" class="marketing-input marketing-input--floating"/></label><span class="marketing-form__messages" id="MessageId_9377"></span> </div> <div class="qr-content-type" data-type="sms"> <label class="marketing-input-wrapper"><span class="marketing-label marketing-label--in-field marketing-label--floating">Mobile #</span><input type="tel" name="sms_tel" id="sms_tel" autocomplete="tel" placeholder="Example: 1-888-746-7439" aria-describedby="MessageId_56ef" class="marketing-input marketing-input--floating"/></label><span class="marketing-form__messages" id="MessageId_56ef"></span> <label class="marketing-input-wrapper"><span class="marketing-label marketing-label--in-field marketing-label--floating">Message</span><input type="text" name="sms_msg" id="sms_msg" placeholder="Enter message to send" aria-describedby="MessageId_4758" class="marketing-input marketing-input--floating"/></label><span class="marketing-form__messages" id="MessageId_4758"></span> </div> <div class="qr-content-type" data-type="text"> <label class="marketing-input-wrapper"><span class="marketing-label marketing-label--in-field marketing-label--floating">Plain text</span><input type="text" name="text" id="text" placeholder="Enter text here" aria-describedby="MessageId_4393" class="marketing-input marketing-input--floating"/></label><span class="marketing-form__messages" id="MessageId_4393"></span> </div> </div> <input type="hidden" name="value" id="value"/> <input type="submit" name="commit" value="Create QR code" class="marketing-button form-section-submit" data-ga-event="qr code" data-ga-action="form" data-ga-label="submit" data-disable-with="Create QR code"/> </form> <div class="grid-item grid-3"> <div class="form-header"> <h3 class="form-header__heading">QR code preview</h3> </div> <div class="qr-preview"> <img src=""/> </div> </div> </div> </div></section> <div class="page-width faq__module"> <section class="section section--tight"> <div class="grid"> <div id="Accordion" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="grid__item grid__item--tablet-up-full"> <div class="section-heading section-heading--mobile-up-align-center gutter-bottom"> <h2 class="section-heading__heading heading--2">FAQs</h2> </div> <div class="faq__answers"> <div class="accordion-item faq-item" itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype=""> <div class="accordion-link grid--equal-height"> <div class="text-left faq-toggle-text"> <h4 itemprop="name"> What’s a QR code? </h4> </div> <div class="faq-toggle--collapsed"> <svg class="icon faq-toggle--button " aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <use xlink:href="/web/20210815184402im_/"/> </svg> </div> <div class="faq-toggle--button faq-toggle--expanded"> <svg class="icon faq-toggle--button" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <use xlink:href="/web/20210815184402im_/"/> </svg> </div> </div> <hr class="faq-item__divider "> <div class="accordion-content faq-answer" itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""> <div itemprop="text"> <div class="marketing-markdown"><p>A QR code is like a barcode. It holds information that can be read by a QR code scanner, most often a smartphone app. Generally, scanning the barcode will send a user to a specific URL selected by the maker of the QR code. They can also be used to track inventory, product IDs, and documents.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-item faq-item" itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype=""> <div class="accordion-link grid--equal-height"> <div class="text-left faq-toggle-text"> <h4 itemprop="name"> How much does it cost to use your QR code maker? </h4> </div> <div class="faq-toggle--collapsed"> <svg class="icon faq-toggle--button " aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <use xlink:href="/web/20210815184402im_/"/> </svg> </div> <div class="faq-toggle--button faq-toggle--expanded"> <svg class="icon faq-toggle--button" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <use xlink:href="/web/20210815184402im_/"/> </svg> </div> </div> <hr class="faq-item__divider "> <div class="accordion-content faq-answer" itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""> <div itemprop="text"> <div class="marketing-markdown"><p>Our QR code maker was created as a free service for anyone to use. Feel free to use it as much as you want, share it with your friends, or email it to a colleague.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-item faq-item" itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype=""> <div class="accordion-link grid--equal-height"> <div class="text-left faq-toggle-text"> <h4 itemprop="name"> Do I need to sign up for Shopify to use it? </h4> </div> <div class="faq-toggle--collapsed"> <svg class="icon faq-toggle--button " aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <use xlink:href="/web/20210815184402im_/"/> </svg> </div> <div class="faq-toggle--button faq-toggle--expanded"> <svg class="icon faq-toggle--button" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <use xlink:href="/web/20210815184402im_/"/> </svg> </div> </div> <hr class="faq-item__divider "> <div class="accordion-content faq-answer" itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""> <div itemprop="text"> <div class="marketing-markdown"><p>Nope. The QR code maker is free to use for anyone, not just Shopify merchants.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-item faq-item" itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype=""> <div class="accordion-link grid--equal-height"> <div class="text-left faq-toggle-text"> <h4 itemprop="name"> What are some ways I can use a QR code for marketing? </h4> </div> <div class="faq-toggle--collapsed"> <svg class="icon faq-toggle--button " aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <use xlink:href="/web/20210815184402im_/"/> </svg> </div> <div class="faq-toggle--button faq-toggle--expanded"> <svg class="icon faq-toggle--button" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <use xlink:href="/web/20210815184402im_/"/> </svg> </div> </div> <hr class="faq-item__divider "> <div class="accordion-content faq-answer" itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""> <div itemprop="text"> <div class="marketing-markdown"><p>You can put a QR code on your businesses flyers, business cards, car decals, billboards, and more.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-item faq-item" itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype=""> <div class="accordion-link grid--equal-height"> <div class="text-left faq-toggle-text"> <h4 itemprop="name"> Do you have any other tools I can use for free? </h4> </div> <div class="faq-toggle--collapsed"> <svg class="icon faq-toggle--button " aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <use xlink:href="/web/20210815184402im_/"/> </svg> </div> <div class="faq-toggle--button faq-toggle--expanded"> <svg class="icon faq-toggle--button" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"> <use xlink:href="/web/20210815184402im_/"/> </svg> </div> </div> <hr class="faq-item__divider "> <div class="accordion-content faq-answer" itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""> <div itemprop="text"> <div class="marketing-markdown"><p>Of course! Go to our <a href="/web/20210815184402/" target="_blank" class="body-link">tools page</a> to find more free tools, including: a <a href="/web/20210815184402/" target="_blank" class="body-link">barcode generator</a>, <a href="/web/20210815184402/" target="_blank" class="body-link">image resizer</a>, and <a href="/web/20210815184402/" target="_blank" class="body-link">cpm calculator</a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></section> </div> <section class="section background-light color-gray-90 section--tight section--border share-block-wrapper"> <div class="grid grid--equal-height social-share"> <div class="grid__item grid__item--tablet-up-half" tablet_down="full"> <section class="section section--tight"> <p class="share-block__heading hide--mobile heading--5"> Share on </p> <div class="share-block__links-container"> <a class="share-block__link icon icon-modules-social-facebook-blue_fb" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""> <span class="visuallyhidden"> Share on Facebook </span> </a> <a class="share-block__link icon icon-modules-social-twitter-blue_twitter" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=" QR Code Generator - Online QR Code"> <span class="visuallyhidden"> Share on Twitter </span> </a> <a class="share-block__link icon icon-modules-social-linkedin-blue_linkedin" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=" QR Code Generator - Online QR Code Maker"> <span class="visuallyhidden"> Share on LinkedIn </span> </a> </div> </section></div> <div class="grid__item grid__item--tablet-up-half bookmark-item"> <section class="section section--tight hide--mobile"> <p class="share-block__heading hide--mobile heading--5 js-bookmark-text"> Press cmd + d to bookmark </p> <div class="share-block__links-container"> <span class="share-block__link icon icon-bookmark-black"> <span class="visuallyhidden js-bookmark-text"> Press cmd + d to bookmark </span> </span> </div> </section></div></div></section> <section class="section section--border subfooter-cta"> <div class="grid"> <div class="section-heading"> <h2 class="section-heading__heading heading--1">Just starting out?</h2> <p class="section-heading__subhead heading--2">Get the help you need to start your business with Oberlo, Compass, Exchange, Burst, and Hatchful</p> </div></div> <div class="grid"> <div class="grid__item grid__item--tablet-up-align-center"> <div class="grid grid--equal-height"> <div class="grid__item grid__item--tablet-up-half grid__item--desktop-up-third"> <div class="block"> <span class="image lazyload-image gutter-bottom cta-image" style="max-width: 444px; 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No design experience necessary.</p> <p class="block__cta hatchful_cta"><a href="">Create your logo</a></p> </div></div> <div class="grid__item grid__item--tablet-up-half grid__item--desktop-up-third"> <div class="block"> <span class="image lazyload-image gutter-bottom cta-image" style="max-width: 444px; max-height: 222px;"><span class="lazyload-image__placeholder" style="padding-bottom: 50.0%"><img alt="Wholesale marketplace - Shopify Handshake brand logo" data-sizes="100vw" data-srcset=" 1x, 2x" class="lazyload"/><noscript><img sizes="100vw" srcset=" 1x, 2x" alt="Wholesale marketplace - Shopify Handshake brand logo"/></noscript></span></span> <h3 class="block__heading heading--4">Find your next best seller on Handshake</h3> <p class="block__content">Handshake is a wholesale marketplace by Shopify. 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is great for entrepreneurs with no previous video marketing experience.\nWith four quick steps you will have a great marketing video for your product.\n"},"closing_note":{"heading":"What Are You Waiting For?","content_markdown":"Our free video creator is your best option if you are looking to create a video with no prior video making experience.\nWhether you want to promote your business or your product, you can create an engaging promotional video in seconds with Shopify.\n"}},"capabilities":{"heading":"Our Online Video Maker Templates Are Great as a:","content":"* • Facebook Video Maker\n* • Youtube Video Maker\n* • Ecommerce Ads\n* • Social Media Video Maker\n* • Commercial Maker"}}},"invoice_toggle":{"edit":"Edit","close":"Close"},"share":{"text":"Share on","bookmark_text":"Press cmd + d to bookmark","bookmark_alt":"Press ctrl + d to bookmark"},"dropzone_uploader":{"error":"There was an error while processing your images. Try again.","remove":"Remove file","start_over":"Start over","no_images":"Add some images.","fallback_text":"Add your images by browsing from your device.","loading":"Loading...","upload_cta":"Upload Now"},"funnel":{"heading":"A link to your %{tool} is being emailed.","shopify_intro":"While you wait, set up a Shopify store and start selling online or in person. It's free for %{trial_length}-days — no risk.","business_name":{"heading":"Step 1 of 3: Reserve your brand name on Shopify","cta":"Next","help_modal":{"title":"Your Store URL"}},"domain_name":{"heading":"Sign up for Shopify to buy your domain"},"generic":{"heading":"Sign up for Shopify","edit_button":"Edit","learn_button":"Learn more","existing_admin_error":"A store with that URL already exists. If you are the owner you can \u003ca href=\\\"https://${shop_name}\\\"\u003elog in here\u003c/a\u003e","help_text":"This is the URL that customers will use to visit your store. You can also buy a custom domain like %{query}.com and connect it to this store.","help_modal":{"domain":{"question":"\u003ch4\u003eWhat is a domain?\u003c/h4\u003e","answer":"\u003cp\u003eA domain is a website address used to access your store. When you create a store, we create a domain at for you.\u003c/p\u003e"},"shopify_domain":{"question":"\u003ch4\u003eWhat is a domain?\u003c/h4\u003e","answer":"\u003cp\u003eYour domain will look like this:\u003c/p\u003e \u003ccode\\u003c/code\u003e \u003cp\u003eYour is used:\u003c/p\u003e\n \u003cul\u003e\n \u003cli\u003eso you and your customers can access your store\u003c/li\u003e\n \u003cli\u003eas a unique way to identify your store when contacting support\u003c/li\u003e\n \u003c/ul\u003e\n\u003cp\u003e\u003cstrong\u003eYour domain cannot be changed,\u003c/strong\u003e but you can always purchase a custom domain instead.\u003c/p\u003e"},"custom_domain":{"question":"\u003ch4\u003eWhat is a custom domain?\u003c/h4\u003e","answer":"\u003cp\u003eYou can also buy a custom domain that better reflects your brand:\u003c/p\u003e \u003ccode\\u003c/code\u003e \u003cp\u003eYou can buy a custom domain from Shopify or any 3rd party, and connect it to your store at any time.\u003c/p\u003e"}}}},"errors":{"messages":{"carrierwave_processing_error":"failed to be processed","carrierwave_integrity_error":"is not of an allowed file type","carrierwave_download_error":"could not be downloaded","extension_allowlist_error":"You are not allowed to upload %{extension} files, allowed types: %{allowed_types}","extension_denylist_error":"You are not allowed to upload %{extension} files, prohibited types: %{prohibited_types}","content_type_allowlist_error":"You are not allowed to upload %{content_type} files, allowed types: %{allowed_types}","content_type_denylist_error":"You are not allowed to upload %{content_type} files","rmagick_processing_error":"Failed to manipulate with rmagick, maybe it is not an image?","mini_magick_processing_error":"Failed to manipulate with MiniMagick, maybe it is not an image? 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Try the \u003ca href=\"%{home}\"\u003ehome page\u003c/a\u003e.","page_title":"500 Internal Server Error — Shopify","page_heading":"500 Internal Server Error","meta_description":"500 Internal Server Error - Something has gone wrong and we cannot display the page"},"bad_gateway":{"message_html":"Oops! Something has gone wrong and the page could not be displayed. Try the \u003ca href=\"%{home}\"\u003ehome page\u003c/a\u003e.","page_title":"502 Bad Gateway — Shopify","page_heading":"502 Bad Gateway","meta_description":"502 Bad Gateway - Something has gone wrong and we cannot display the page"},"service_unavailable":{"page_title":"503 Service Unavailable — Shopify","page_heading":"503 Service Unavailable","meta_description":"503 Service Unavailable - The page is unavailable due to scheduled maintenance","message_html":"The page you were looking for is currently unavailable due to scheduled maintenance. Please check back soon."},"unprocessable_entity":{"message_html":"Oops! 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Try the \u003ca href=\"%{home}\"\u003ehome page\u003c/a\u003e.","page_title":"429 Too Many Requests — Shopify","page_heading":"429 Too Many Requests","meta_description":"429 Too Many Requests - Something has gone wrong and we cannot display the page"}},"logos":{"show":{"page_title":"Free Logo Generator - Online Logo Maker","meta_description":"Need a logo for your business? With Shopify's logo maker you don't need to hire a designer to create an amazing logo. Give it a try – it’s free!","heading":"Free online logo generator","subhead":"Download your free logo below"}},"whois":{"index":{"page_title":"WHOIS Domain Lookup by Shopify | WHOIS Lookup","meta_description":"This free tool gives you the ability to look up the registration data for any domain name. Simply input the domain name and click search. Give it a try today!","kicker":"Free tools","heading":"WHOIS domain lookup","subhead":"Search the WHOIS database to find key information about a domain","form":{"find_domain_heading":"Start your domain search with Shopify’s WHOIS lookup","query":"Query","search_button":"Search","labels":{"query":"Enter domain name here (e.g.","query_secondary":"Type here to search"},"error":{"valid_query":"Enter a valid domain name e.g."}},"features":{"heading":"Find website data and domain availability with a single search","search":{"heading":"Search","icon":"seo","content":"Use Shopify's WHOIS tool to see who owns a domain and access registration data. "},"choose":{"heading":"Choose","icon":"ideas","content":"Explore available domains for your business and secure it in seconds."},"sell":{"heading":"Sell","icon":"payment","content":"Register your domain with Shopify and receive a 14-day free trial for your store."}},"faq":{"heading":"FAQs","how_to":{"heading":"How does the WHOIS lookup tool work?","content":"It’s easy to find your perfect domain with the WHOIS domain lookup tool. Start by entering the domain name of your choice into the search field on the WHOIS domain lookup page above. If the exact domain name that you searched for is taken, you can view the WHOIS record for that domain by following the prompt to see who it is currently registered to. The WHOIS domain record will include domain owner lookup, creation date and expiration details. If it turns out your desired domain is taken, the tool will also recommend other great options to consider."},"whatis":{"heading":"What is a WHOIS database?","content":"The WHOIS domain database is a master list of all registered domains on the internet. For legal reasons, the WHOIS records are updated frequently and well maintained, so it’s the best source of information on who owns a domain and how the domain owner can be reached. WHOIS verification can be used to identify trademark infringement, combat spam or fraud and in some cases negotiate for a domain purchase from one party to another. WHOIS records are managed by ICANN (International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) and annual updates are requested by the domain name registrar that the owner purchased the domain from."},"functionality":{"heading":"How do I make a WHOIS domain search?","content":"If you want to look up the WHOIS domain records, you’re in the right place. Simply search the domain name using the tool above. If the domain name is available, that means no one currently owns it and it’s ready to purchase and register. If it is currently registered, you will see the prompt for “view WHOIS record for this domain,” which will allow you to see the full WHOIS domain details."},"pricing":{"heading":"Is the WHOIS domain lookup tool free?","content":"Yes, the WHOIS domain lookup tool is a free tool created by Shopify. The WHOIS domain lookup tool is here to provide all the information you need to select the best domain for your business, so if it turns out your desired domain isn’t available, it suggests great alternatives to consider. You can also use the search field above to find out relevant information on the domain of your choice. You’ll know when it expires, so you can be ready to register it if it does. You can use the free WHOIS domain lookup tool to run as many searches as you like."},"information":{"heading":"What information does a WHOIS search provide?","content":"The WHOIS search will provide the records for the domain name which contain key information like when the domain was registered, who it is registered to, and when it expires."},"who":{"heading":"Can I find out who owns a domain with Shopify's domain lookup tool?","content":"Yes, you can find the registered owner for any domain by using the tool. Start by searching for a domain name, and if it’s registered to another party, you’ll be able to select the prompt for “view WHOIS record for this domain” which will provide the current records. "},"similarity":{"heading":"Is a WHOIS lookup the same thing as a domain registration lookup?","content":"Yes, the WHOIS lookup and domain registration lookup are just different names for the same function. The WHOIS is the technical name for the domain registration database, and it stands for “Who is responsible for this domain name,” for short, rather than it being an acronym."}},"buy_domain":{"heading":"Buying a domain with Shopify is simple and straightforward.\u003cbr /\u003e\nExplore the latest features to help you grow your business.","comparison":{"key_features":"Key features","shopify":"Shopify","others":"Others","features":{"setup":{"item":"Automated registration setup","shopify":"whois-check","others":"whois-dash"},"custom":{"item":"Custom domain name tool","shopify":"whois-check","others":"whois-check"},"privacy":{"item":"WHOIS privacy","shopify":"whois-check","others":"whois-dash"},"mobile":{"item":"Designed for mobile","shopify":"whois-check","others":"whois-check"},"seo":{"item":"Search engine optimization","shopify":"whois-check","others":"whois-dash"}}}},"right_domain":{"heading":"Choose the right domain for your online business","content_markdown":"#### Take the first step towards bringing your business online \n\nIt's important to choose a domain name or URL, that's easy to remember and spell so customers can find you easily. You can customize your domain name to your store name, and it can end in .com, .org, .gov, and even more creative things like .co or .io. \n\nSearch the availability of a domain name that reflects your business with Shopify’s free WHOIS lookup. This search tool is designed to help you find information about a domain name, who might own it, and when it expires.\n\nIf the domain name you searched for is unavailable, use the WHOIS search to find out when it expires before you move into other ideas. If you have an exisiting website, the WHOIS tool can help you check domain information when transferring ownership to a new website.\n\n#### How to come up with the right domain for your business\n\nThe WHOIS lookup tool lets you search an unlimited amount of domain names for your business. If your business name has already been registered by someone else, you can explore available domains based on your search. \n\nShopify’s WHOIS search tool will provide you a list of recommended domains, but finding the right one that works for your brand is up to you. Knowing what makes the best domain isn’t always easy, but when you register a website name, here are some factors to keep in mind:\n\nAvailability: Make sure your brand name isn’t already taken by someone else to avoid legal risks. If another brand has reserved your website name (or something similar), it can be confusing for customers and misrepresent your online reputation and search availability.\n\nClarity: Choose a domain that is simple, clear, and makes your business memorable for customers returning to your website. If customers don’t understand your website or brand initially, they will be less likely to remember it in the future. A good domain name shouldn’t need to be explained.\n\nSearchability: It’s important to choose a domain name that doesn’t look to close to any major competitors or brands online. This way, your audience will have no trouble finding your business or keywords assoicated with it. Your domain name should be as memorable as your brand name and easy to associate with your business. Once you’ve found the right domain, make sure to reserve it as soon as possible.\n\n#### Fast and easy domain names from Shopify’s business name generator\n\nIf you don’t already have a business name, try Shopify’s business name generator to explore original and available domain names, auto-generated in seconds. When you register a domain name with Shopify, you’ll recieve a 14-day free trial to start your online store."}},"search":{"page_title":"WHOIS Domain Lookup by Shopify | WHOIS Lookup","meta_description":"This free tool gives you the ability to look up the registration data for any domain name. Simply input the domain name and click search. Give it a try today!","kicker":"Free tools","heading":"WHOIS domain lookup","subhead":"Search the WHOIS database to find key information about a domain","form":{"find_domain_heading":"Start your domain search with Shopify’s WHOIS lookup","query":"Query","search_button":"Search","labels":{"query":"Enter domain name here (e.g.","query_secondary":"Type here to search"},"error":{"valid_query":"Enter a valid domain name e.g."}},"results_heading":{"domain_available":"This domain is available. Register it today!","domain_unavailable":"is registered","record_not_found":"A WHOIS record for \u003cspan class='domain-heading'\u003e%{query}\u003c/span\u003e was not found"},"record":{"unavailable":"UNAVAILABLE","view_more_information":"View more information","view_less_information":"View less information"},"results":{"price_html":"$%{price} USD/year","subhead":"Choose a domain and follow the steps to create your store","search_result_heading":"Search Result","search_result_heading_partial":"Search result starting with ‘%{letter}’","search_result_heading_popular":"Most popular domain name","extension_result_heading":"Top Available Domains","related_result_heading":"Alternative domain names","show_next_related":"Show next 10 suggestions","show_next_extension":"Show next 10 domain names","loading_results_html":"Loading results\u0026hellip;","loading_related_html":"Loading suggestions\u0026hellip;","loading_extension_html":"Loading domain names\u0026hellip;","none_related":"No suggested results available.","none_extension":"No results available."},"faq":{"heading":"FAQs","how_to":{"heading":"How does the WHOIS lookup tool work?","content":"It’s easy to find your perfect domain with the WHOIS domain lookup tool. Start by entering the domain name of your choice into the search field on the WHOIS domain lookup page above. If the exact domain name that you searched for is taken, you can view the WHOIS record for that domain by following the prompt to see who it is currently registered to. The WHOIS domain record will include domain owner lookup, creation date and expiration details. If it turns out your desired domain is taken, the tool will also recommend other great options to consider."},"whatis":{"heading":"What is a WHOIS database?","content":"The WHOIS domain database is a master list of all registered domains on the internet. For legal reasons, the WHOIS records are updated frequently and well maintained, so it’s the best source of information on who owns a domain and how the domain owner can be reached. WHOIS verification can be used to identify trademark infringement, combat spam or fraud and in some cases negotiate for a domain purchase from one party to another. WHOIS records are managed by ICANN (International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) and annual updates are requested by the domain name registrar that the owner purchased the domain from."},"functionality":{"heading":"How do I make a WHOIS domain search?","content":"If you want to look up the WHOIS domain records, you’re in the right place. Simply search the domain name using the tool above. If the domain name is available, that means no one currently owns it and it’s ready to purchase and register. If it is currently registered, you will see the prompt for “view WHOIS record for this domain,” which will allow you to see the full WHOIS domain details."},"pricing":{"heading":"Is the WHOIS domain lookup tool free?","content":"Yes, the WHOIS domain lookup tool is a free tool created by Shopify. The WHOIS domain lookup tool is here to provide all the information you need to select the best domain for your business, so if it turns out your desired domain isn’t available, it suggests great alternatives to consider. You can also use the search field above to find out relevant information on the domain of your choice. You’ll know when it expires, so you can be ready to register it if it does. You can use the free WHOIS domain lookup tool to run as many searches as you like."},"information":{"heading":"What information does a WHOIS search provide?","content":"The WHOIS search will provide the records for the domain name which contain key information like when the domain was registered, who it is registered to, and when it expires."},"who":{"heading":"Can I find out who owns a domain with Shopify's domain lookup tool?","content":"Yes, you can find the registered owner for any domain by using the tool. Start by searching for a domain name, and if it’s registered to another party, you’ll be able to select the prompt for “view WHOIS record for this domain” which will provide the current records. "},"similarity":{"heading":"Is a WHOIS lookup the same thing as a domain registration lookup?","content":"Yes, the WHOIS lookup and domain registration lookup are just different names for the same function. The WHOIS is the technical name for the domain registration database, and it stands for “Who is responsible for this domain name,” for short, rather than it being an acronym."}},"buy_domain":{"heading":"Buying a domain with Shopify is simple and straightforward.\u003cbr /\u003e\nExplore the latest features to help you grow your business.","comparison":{"key_features":"Key features","shopify":"Shopify","others":"Others","features":{"setup":{"item":"Automated registration setup","shopify":"whois-check","others":"whois-dash"},"custom":{"item":"Custom domain name tool","shopify":"whois-check","others":"whois-check"},"privacy":{"item":"WHOIS privacy","shopify":"whois-check","others":"whois-dash"},"mobile":{"item":"Designed for mobile","shopify":"whois-check","others":"whois-check"},"seo":{"item":"Search engine optimization","shopify":"whois-check","others":"whois-dash"}}}},"right_domain":{"heading":"Choose the right domain for your online business","content_markdown":"#### Take the first step towards bringing your business online \nIt's important to choose a domain name or URL, that's easy to remember and spell so customers can find you easily. You can customize your domain name to your store name, and it can end in .com, .org, .gov, and even more creative things like .co or .io. \nSearch the availability of a domain name that reflects your business with Shopify’s free WHOIS lookup. This search tool is designed to help you find information about a domain name, who might own it, and when it expires.\n\nIf the domain name you searched for is unavailable, use the WHOIS search to find out when it expires before you move into other ideas. If you have an exisiting website, the WHOIS tool can help you check domain information when transferring ownership to a new website.\n\n#### How to come up with the right domain for your business\nThe WHOIS lookup tool lets you search an unlimited amount of domain names for your business. If your business name has already been registered by someone else, you can explore available domains based on your search. \nShopify’s WHOIS search tool will provide you a list of recommended domains, but finding the right one that works for your brand is up to you. Knowing what makes the best domain isn’t always easy, but when you register a website name, here are some factors to keep in mind:\n\nAvailability: Make sure your brand name isn’t already taken by someone else to avoid legal risks. If another brand has reserved your website name (or something similar), it can be confusing for customers and misrepresent your online reputation and search availability.\nClarity: Choose a domain that is simple, clear, and makes your business memorable for customers returning to your website. If customers don’t understand your website or brand initially, they will be less likely to remember it in the future. A good domain name shouldn’t need to be explained.\n\nSearchability: It’s important to choose a domain name that doesn’t look to close to any major competitors or brands online. This way, your audience will have no trouble finding your business or keywords assoicated with it. Your domain name should be as memorable as your brand name and easy to associate with your business. Once you’ve found the right domain, make sure to reserve it as soon as possible.\n\n#### Fast and easy domain names from Shopify’s business name generator\nIf you don’t already have a business name, try Shopify’s business name generator to explore original and available domain names, auto-generated in seconds. When you register a domain name with Shopify, you’ll recieve a 14-day free trial to start your online store."}}}}; window.I18n.globals = {"total_blog_subscribers":"446,005","trial_length":14}; //]]> </script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ var google_conversion_id = 1033599327; var google_conversion_language = "en"; var google_conversion_format = "3"; var google_conversion_color = "666666"; var google_conversion_label = "ISC2COOZmQIQ3_Lt7AM"; var google_conversion_value = 0; /* ]]> */ </script> <div style="display: none"> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> </div> <noscript> <img height="1" width="1" style="border-style:none;" src="//" alt=""/> </noscript> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(r) { var brandedKeyword = function(ref) { var match1 = new RegExp("((google|yahoo|bing)(.*)&?q=([^&]*)shopify)", "gi").test(ref); return (match1); } var match1 = new RegExp("[\\?&](source|r|ref)=([^&#]*)", "gi").exec(r); if(match1 && !brandedKeyword(document.referrer)) { var days = 30; var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+days*86400000); document.cookie = "source=" + match1[2] + ";expires=" + date.toUTCString() + ";;path=/"; } })(window.location.href); </script> </body> </html> <!-- FILE ARCHIVED ON 18:44:02 Aug 15, 2021 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 17:41:51 Mar 03, 2025. 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